The Pandora Directive (1996) - MobyGames

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In this city is also the office of Tex Murphy, a lonely private investigator, kind-..."> <meta property="og:description" content="Welcome to San Francisco of the future - a strange megalopolis with a post-apocalyptic feel, where ordinary humans co-exist with mutants - the result of radioactivity. 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Pandora Directive</h1> <div class="text-sm text-normal text-muted"> aka: <span data-tooltip="German title"><u>Pandora Akte, Die</u></span>, <span data-tooltip="Working title"><u>Pandora Device</u></span>, <span data-tooltip="Series title"><u>Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive</u></span> </div> <div class="text-sm text-muted"> Moby ID: 1454 </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-end"> <player-tools csrf-token="3f99419e-dd2f-48ce-98b6-6a6f157024e2" :authenticated="false" action-url="/contribute/game/1454/user-rating/post/" list-add-url="/user/list/add/" list-action-url="#" playlist-url="#" login-url="/user/login/" :platforms='[{"asin": null, "back_cover": {"height": 800, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 440, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 377, "width": 686}, "ebay_id": null, "id": 2, "main_cover": {"height": 800, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 440, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 378, "width": 688}, "name": "DOS", "release_date": "1996", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "US", "flag": ""}, {"country_code": "FR", "flag": ""}, {"country_code": "UK", "flag": ""}, {"country_code": "DE", "flag": ""}, {"country_code": "ES", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "1996"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 1, "main_cover": {"height": 215, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 215, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 460, "width": 460}, "name": "Linux", "release_date": "2014-06-12", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 74, "main_cover": {"height": 215, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 215, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 460, "width": 460}, "name": "Macintosh", "release_date": "2012", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "2012"}, {"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}]}, {"asin": null, "back_cover": null, "ebay_id": null, "id": 3, "main_cover": {"height": 215, "image_url": "", "thumbnail_height": 215, "thumbnail_url": "", "thumbnail_width": 460, "width": 460}, "name": "Windows", "release_date": "2009-06-30", "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 30, 2009"}, {"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}]}]' :game-id="1454" :user-id="0" :user-score="0" :user-platform="2" :user-reviews='[]' :user-lists='[]' cover-url=""> </player-tools> </div> </div> <ul class="nav-tabs mb"> <li> <a class="nav-link active" href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/">Overview</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/credits/">Credits</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/reviews/">Reviews</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/covers/">Covers</a> </li> <li> <a class="nav-link" 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class="info-box text-center"> <div> <a href="" id="cover"> <img src="" width="378" height="440" alt="box cover" class="img-box"> </a> <link rel="prefetch" href="" /> <br> <cover-swap-links :front-image="{'url': '', 'image': '' }" :back-image="{'url': '', 'image': '' }" :num-covers="64" more-url="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/covers/"> </cover-swap-links> </div> </div> <div class="info-release"> <dl class="metadata"> <dt>Released</dt> <dd> <a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/releases/#dos"> 1996 </a> on <a href="/platform/dos/"> DOS </a> </dd> <dt>Credits</dt> <dd> <a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/credits/dos/">76 people</a> </dd> <dt><a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/releases/">Releases</a> by Date <small class="text-muted text-normal hide-sm">(<a href="?s=platform">by platform</a>)</small></dt> <dd> <ul id="platformLinks" class="list-group toggle-long-text mb-0"> <li> <a id="tdos" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "US", "flag": ""}, {"country_code": "FR", "flag": ""}, {"country_code": "UK", "flag": ""}, {"country_code": "DE", "flag": ""}, {"country_code": "ES", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "1996"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/releases/#dos">1996</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/dos/">DOS</a>) </span> </li> <li> <a id="twindows" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 30, 2009"}, {"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/releases/#windows">2009</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/windows/">Windows</a>) </span> </li> <li> <a id="tmacintosh" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "2012"}, {"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/releases/#macintosh">2012</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/macintosh/">Macintosh</a>) </span> </li> <li> <a id="tlinux" data-popover='{ "releases": [{"countries": [{"country_code": "==", "flag": ""}], "release_date": "Jun 12, 2014"}], "position": "left" }' aria-describedby="tooltip" href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/releases/#linux">2014</a> <span class="text-muted"> (<a href="/platform/linux/">Linux</a>) </span> </li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="platformLinks" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> <dt>Publishers</dt> <dd> <ul id="publisherLinks" class="list-group toggle-long-text mb-0"> <li> <a href="" data-popover='{ "platforms": ["DOS"], "position": "left" }'>Access Software, Inc.</a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-popover='{ "platforms": ["Macintosh", "Windows"], "position": "left" }'>Wordplay, LLC</a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-popover='{ "platforms": ["Linux", "Macintosh", "Windows"], "position": "left" }'>Night Dive Studios, LLC</a> </li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="publisherLinks" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> <dt>Developers</dt> <dd> <ul id="developerLinks" class="list-group toggle-long-text mb-0"> <li> <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 73, "type": 2, "name": &#34;Access Software, Inc.&#34;, "position": "left" }'>Access Software, Inc.</a> </li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="developerLinks" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="info-score"> <dl class="metadata"> <dt><span data-tooltip="Overall score and rank compared to all games with rankings">Moby Score</span></dt> <dd> <div class="mobyscore" style="background: #31ffec;" data-tooltip="Based on a bayesian average of critic and player ratings"> 8.4 </div> <small class="text-muted">#477 of <span data-tooltip="Total number of ranked games">25.6K</a></small> </dd> <dt>Critics</dt> <dd> 85% <small class="text-muted" data-tooltip="19 ratings">(<a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/reviews/">19</a>)</small> </dd> <dt>Players</dt> <dd> <span class="stars stars-sm" style="--rating: 4.3" data-tooltip="4.3 stars"></span> <small class="text-muted" data-tooltip="66 ratings">(<a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/reviews/">66</a>)</small> </dd> <dt>Review Ranking</dt> <dd> <ul id="platformRankings" class="list-group toggle-long-text mb-0"> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#11 of 1,761 ranked DOS games">#11</span> on <a href="/platform/dos/">DOS</a></li> <li class="text-nowrap-desktop"><span data-tooltip="#902 of 8,667 ranked Windows games">#902</span> on <a href="/platform/windows/">Windows</a></li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="platformRankings" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </dd> <dt>Collected By</dt> <dd>179 players</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="info-genres"> <dl class="metadata"><dt>Genre</dt> <dd><a href="">Adventure</a><br></dd><dt>Perspective</dt> <dd><a href="">1st-person</a><br></dd><dt>Gameplay</dt> <dd><a href="">Graphic adventure</a><br></dd><dt>Setting</dt> <dd><a href="">Post-apocalyptic</a><br></dd><dt>Narrative</dt> <dd><a href="">Detective / mystery</a><br></dd></dl> </div> <div class="info-specs"> DOS Specs <hr> <dl class="metadata"> <dt>ESRB Rating</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/92/">Teen</a> </dd></dl> <dl class="metadata"> <dt>Business Model</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/124/">Commercial</a> </dd> <dt>Media Type</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/518/">CD-ROM</a> </dd> <dt>Input Devices Supported/Optional</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/23/">Keyboard</a>, <a href="/attributes/attribute/24/">Mouse</a> </dd> <dt>Number of Offline Players</dt> <dd> <a href="/attributes/attribute/489/">1 Player</a> </dd> <span class="text-nowrap">[ <a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/specs/">view all 22 specs</a> ]</span> </dl> </div> </div> <random uri="game"></random> <div class="border border-1 mb" data-nosnippet> <div class="flex flex-wrap flex-gap"> <div> <b class="text-nowrap">Buy on Windows</b> <hr> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/26 7:24 AM"> $9.99 new on Steam</a><br> <a href=";cjsku=1207658768" rel="nofollow" class="text-nowrap-desktop link-external" target="_blank" title="Price last updated at 11/26 12:58 PM"> $1.99 new on</a><br> </div> </div> </div> <div class="border border-1 mb"> <b>Included in</b> <ul id="related1" class="list-group toggle-long-text toggle-max-3 mb-0"> <li> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="240" height="90" alt="box cover" class="img-thumbnail-box img-thumbnail-xs"> </a> <a href="">Tex Murphy: Classic Collection</a> <small class="text-muted">(2014)</small></li> </ul> <toggle-long-text element-id="related1" :small-text="true" :single-line-per-item="true"></toggle-long-text> </div> <section id="gameDescription"> <h2> Description <small> <a href="/game/1454/-/adblurbs/">official descriptions</a> </small> </h2> <div id="description-text" class="toggle-long-text" v-pre> <p>Welcome to San Francisco of the future - a strange megalopolis with a post-apocalyptic feel, where ordinary humans co-exist with mutants - the result of radioactivity. In this city is also the office of Tex Murphy, a lonely private investigator, kind-hearted, yet bitterly ironic. He is hired to investigate the disappearance of a scientist named Thomas Malloy. A series of murders occurs at that time, and before long Tex finds himself involved in a complex conspiracy of political intrigues and shocking scientific discoveries.</p> <p><em>The Pandora Directive</em> is a sequel to <a href="">Under A Killing Moon</a>, utilizing the same 3D engine, real actors, and gameplay system. The player can physically explore the game world, looking at objects from different angles, zooming in, etc. It is necessary to talk to many people about various topics, and also solve some complex puzzles. The game provides a built-in hint system for the puzzles, but the player does not get any points for solving them if he opts to use it. </p> <p>The game introduces a new gameplay element: Tex has three kinds of answers at his disposal during some important dialogues. Depending on what kind of approach the player chooses for Tex (especially in conversations with his sweetheart Chelsee), subsequent plot events will be influenced, eventually leading to one of the six different endings.</p> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="description-text"></toggle-long-text> </section> <section id="gameGroups"> <h2>Groups <a href="/contribute/game-group-game/game/1454/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">+</a></h2> <ul class="list-group flex flex-wrap gap-xxs"> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Gameplay feature: Multiple endings</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Games made into books</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Live action cut-scenes</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Protagonist: P.I. (Private Investigator)</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Setting: 2040s</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Setting: City - San Francisco</a> </li> <li class="badge text-ellipsis"> <a href="">Tex Murphy series</a> </li> </ul> </section><h2> <a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/screenshots/">Screenshots</a> <!-- a href="/contribute/game-shots/1454/" class="link-contributor">+</a--> </h2> <div id="gameShots" class="img-holder mb"> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="587" height="440" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="587" height="440" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="587" height="440" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="587" height="440" alt="screenshot"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="587" height="440" alt="screenshot"> </a> </div> <h2> <a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/promo/">Promos</a> <!--a href="/contribute/promo-images/1454/" class="link-contributor">+</a--> </h2> <div id="gamePromoImages" class="img-holder mb"> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="318" height="440" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="310" height="440" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="587" height="440" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="587" height="440" alt="promo image"> </a> <a href="" class="hide-sm"> <img loading="lazy" src="" class="img-thumbnail" width="587" height="440" alt="promo image"> </a> </div> <section id="gameVideos"> <h2> <a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/videos/">Videos</a> </h2> <div class="grid-overview-videos mb-0"> <div class="lazyframe" data-src="" data-vendor="youtube"></div> <div class="border flex flex-center"> <p class="mb-0"> <a href="/contribute/game-video/1454/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">Add Trailer or Gameplay Video</a> +1 point </p> </div> <div class="border flex flex-center"> <div> <p> See any errors or missing info for this game? </p> <p class="mb-0"> You can <a href="/contribute/game-correction/1454/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">submit a correction</a>, contribute <a href="/contribute/game-trivia/1454/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">trivia</a>, <a href="/contribute/game-group-game/game/1454/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">add to a game group</a>, <a href="/contribute/game-site/1454/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">add a related site</a> or <a href="/contribute/alternate-title/1454/" class="link-contributor" rel="nofollow">alternate title</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="gameCredits"> <h2>Credits (DOS version)</h2> <p class="text-sm text-muted"> 76 People (72 developers, 4 thanks) &middot; <a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/credits/dos/">View all</a> </p> <div class="overflow-x-scroll"> <table class="table table-credits"> <tr> <td valign="top">Starring</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 143676, "name": &#34;Barry Corbin&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Barry Corbin</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340767, "name": &#34;Kevin McCarthy&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Kevin McCarthy</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340765, "name": &#34;Tanya Roberts&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Tanya Roberts</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340766, "name": &#34;John Agar&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">John Agar</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 339001, "name": &#34;Nicole Tindall&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Nicole Tindall</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 8007, "name": &#34;Suzanne Barnes&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Suzanne Barnes</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1089, "name": &#34;Chris Jones&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Chris Jones</a> (as Tex Murphy)</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Co-Starring</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 60912, "name": &#34;Steven Barnes&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Steven Barnes</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340768, "name": &#34;William Bradshaw&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">William Bradshaw</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340769, "name": &#34;Wayne Brennan&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Wayne Brennan</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340770, "name": &#34;Sterling Brimley&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Sterling Brimley</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340771, "name": &#34;Ralph Celli&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Ralph Celli</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340772, "name": &#34;Chris Conners&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Chris Conners</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340773, "name": &#34;Marcia Dangerfield&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Marcia Dangerfield</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 8006, "name": &#34;Randall Edwards&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Randall Edwards</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340774, "name": &#34;Curly Green&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Curly Green</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340775, "name": &#34;Catherine Hammons&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Catherine Hammons</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1092, "name": &#34;Kevin L. Jones&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Kevin L. Jones</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340776, "name": &#34;Pearl Leidy&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Pearl Leidy</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 340777, "name": &#34;John Timmons&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">John Timmons</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 10374, "name": &#34;Douglas Vandegrift&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Douglas Vandegrift</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Movie Sequences Edited &amp; Directed by</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 21852, "name": &#34;Adrian Carr&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Adrian Carr</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Interactive Movie Produced by</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1089, "name": &#34;Chris Jones&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Chris Jones</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Designed by</td> <td> <ul class="commaList"> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 1089, "name": &#34;Chris Jones&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Chris Jones</a></li> <li><a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 8009, "name": &#34;Aaron Conners&#34;, "type": 1 }' class="text-nowrap">Aaron Conners</a></li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="text-muted">[ <a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/credits/dos/">full credits</a> ]</td> </tr> </table> </div> </section> <h2 id="reviews"><a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/reviews/">Reviews</a></h2> <div class="grid-split"> <section id="critic-reviews"> <h4>Critics</h4> <p> Average score: 85% <span class="text-muted">(based on 19 ratings)</span> </p> <critic-reviews :reviews='[{"citation": "In this sequel to the classic Under A Killing Moon, Access Software has succeeded in improving and expanding on a series that is once the crowd jewel of interactive movie games. This time around, the goofy, wisecracking private investigator Tex Murphy finds himself in the midst of the greatest secret of the twentieth century\u2014the UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico. Using an improved game engine first appeared in Under A Killing Moon, the player can fully explore the post apocalyptic San Francisco and beyond. Two levels of gameplay, three narrative paths, and seven different endings all spell out an adventure extravaganza that is awaiting to happen. As Tex says, \u201cDanger is like Jello. There\u2019s always room for more.\u201d", "date": "1996-09-03", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=43842969", "grade": null, "id": 4797, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 100.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 5.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "ca", "flag": "", "id": 5, "name": "Canada"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257896", "first_year": 1996, "id": 155, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Adventure Classic Gaming", "num_reviews": 524, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 55856, "internal_url": "", "name": "Scaryfun"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "I would recommend this game to absolutely anyone. If you\u0027re a veteran of adventure games, you owe it to yourself to play this classic. If you\u0027re new to them, this game will help make you an addict like me!", "date": "1997", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44865754", "grade": "A", "id": 116210, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 100.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 100.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259579", "first_year": 1994, "id": 74, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Just Adventure", "num_reviews": 1088, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 8375, "internal_url": "", "name": "Jeanne"}, "type": {"id": 4, "name": "Letter Grade"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Wer sich an dieses Spiel begibt, sollte sich aber bewusst sein, dass er eine Menge Zeit mitbringen sollte. In meiner ewigen Bestenliste, belegt die \u0027Die Pandora Akte\u0027 definitiv einen der vordersten Pl\u00e4tze und auch nach mehrmaligem spielen schafft das Spiel es, mich voll in seinen Bann zu ziehen und erst loszulassen nachdem der Abspann \u00fcber den Bildschirm gelaufen ist. Es sind Spiele wie dieses, die mich daran erinnern, warum ich Adventures so liebe. Danke f\u00fcr diesen Geniestreich, Access software!", "date": "2008-04-08", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44588288", "grade": null, "id": 86662, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 100.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 5.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257893", "first_year": 2002, "id": 514, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": null, "name": "Adventure Corner", "num_reviews": 256, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 59037, "internal_url": "", "name": "Wizo"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Denne interaktive dr\u00f8m af et spil er simpelthen for genial til at holde sig fra, og tro mig, det er afsindigt sv\u00e6rt at slippe igen, n\u00e5r man f\u00f8rst er fanget af den medrivende historie.", "date": "1996", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44037093", "grade": null, "id": 34817, "internal_url": "", "language": "da", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 93.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 93.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "dk", "flag": "", "id": 26, "name": "Denmark"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257754", "first_year": 1995, "id": 382, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "da", "id": 33, "name": "Danish", "ordering": 330}], "last_year": null, "name": "PC Player (Denmark)", "num_reviews": 385, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 10586, "internal_url": "", "name": "Apogee IV"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "The graphics, as you would expect, are absolutely gorgeous, and the gameplay is so addictive I\u0027ve had serious trouble dragging myself away from the game. The Pandora Directive triumphs because it contains \u0027real\u0027 puzzles and genuinely challenging gameplay, as well as all the usual interactive movie malarkey. The only problem I had with it was the fact that it comes on six cds (yes, six!), and you have to swap between them quite regularly (remember the Amiga, anyone?). But on no account let small details like that put you off, The Pandora Directive is without question the best adventure game of its type currently available. I loved it.", "date": "2001-08-13", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44673132", "grade": null, "id": 81028, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 92.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 9.2, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "uk", "flag": "", "id": 22, "name": "United Kingdom"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259452", "first_year": 1993, "id": 419, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": 2010, "name": "PC Zone (1993-2010)", "num_reviews": 727, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 55856, "internal_url": "", "name": "Scaryfun"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "\u05de\u05e9\u05d7\u05e7 \u05d0\u05d9\u05db\u05d5\u05ea\u05d9 \u05d5\u05de\u05d5\u05de\u05dc\u05e5 \u05dc\u05db\u05dc \u05d7\u05d5\u05d1\u05d1\u05d9 \u05d4\u05e1\u05d2\u05e0\u05d5\u05df \u05d4\u05d1\u05dc\u05e9\u05d9.", "date": "1996-04", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45396740", "grade": null, "id": 182141, "internal_url": "", "language": "he", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 91.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 91.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "il", "flag": "", "id": 11, "name": "Israel"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257956", "first_year": 1991, "id": 1280, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "he", "id": 52, "name": "Hebrew", "ordering": 520}], "last_year": 2001, "name": "Freak", "num_reviews": 155, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 66413, "internal_url": "", "name": "Crawly"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "This game doesn\u0027t offer any substantial improvements in graphics or sound from Under a Killing Moon, but that game was so far ahead of its time that it really doesn\u0027t need to; it\u0027s still a beautiful looking and sounding game. It\u0027s also longer than any other Tex Murphy adventure, and more challenging. This is truly an extraordinary detective game, toe to toe with Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes as the best of its kind. Though it doesn\u0027t offer anything radically original or different from UAKM as far as graphics, sound, or interface go, it still gets the nod over its predecessor because of its challenge level and its even more intricate story. Absolutely every adventure fan must have this game in their lineup.", "date": "2002-05-19", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44589306", "grade": null, "id": 87552, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 90.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 4.5, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "ie", "flag": "", "id": 37, "name": "Ireland"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49254204", "first_year": 1999, "id": 66, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Adventure Gamers", "num_reviews": 1109, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 104857, "internal_url": "", "name": "EonFear"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": ",57"}, {"citation": "Tex Murphy est un d\u00e9tective priv\u00e9 aux go\u00fbts vestimentaires douteux (chapeau d\u2019Indiana Jones, imperm\u00e9able \u00e0 la Columbo, cravate de ministre, et\u2026\u2026.baskets blanches !), mais au talent certain. Il vit dans un futur proche, dans les ann\u00e9es 2040, o\u00f9 tout ressemble \u00e0 notre monde actuel, mis \u00e0 part vid\u00e9ophones (encore que) et speeders volants en guise de voitures. L\u2019action se d\u00e9roule apr\u00e8s la 3\u00e8me guerre mondiale, qui a transform\u00e9 certains humains en mutants (ils sont tous l\u00e9g\u00e8rement d\u00e9form\u00e9s \u00e0 des parties diverses de leur corps). Tex Murphy tra\u00eene sa grande silhouette \u00e9lanc\u00e9e dans un h\u00f4tel miteux et a quelques soucis de compr\u00e9hension avec la gente f\u00e9minine. Une affaire de disparition de savant lui est alors propos\u00e9e. Mais ce cas banal va se transformer en sombre histoire d\u2019extra-terrestres, d\u2019agents de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 nationale v\u00e9reux et d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eats mercantiles.", "date": "2004-11-03", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=43958259", "grade": null, "id": 17210, "internal_url": "", "language": "fr", "max_score": 20.0, "normalized_score": 90.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 18.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "fr", "flag": "", "id": 8, "name": "France"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259483", "first_year": 2000, "id": 259, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "fr", "id": 42, "name": "French", "ordering": 420}], "last_year": null, "name": "", "num_reviews": 1131, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 77789, "internal_url": "", "name": "Emmanuel de Chezelles"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Es gibt zahllose Modi f\u00fcr Anf\u00e4nger und alte Hasen. Eine wirklich tolle Story. Supercoole Orte, die es zu erforschen gilt. Witzige R\u00e4tsel, die Du einfach \u00fcberspringen kannst, wenn Du keine Lust mehr zu kniffeln hast. Es ist nicht hundertprozentig perfekt, aber wenn sich diese Serie weiter so stark entwickelt, dann d\u00fcrfte der n\u00e4chste Tex-Murphy-Krimi ein Kn\u00fcller werden. UndThe Pandora Directive ist ein absolutes Mu\u00df f\u00fcr Fans von Abeneuerspielen.", "date": "1996", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45434140", "grade": null, "id": 195711, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 90.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 90.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259455", "first_year": 1996, "id": 800, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": null, "name": "", "num_reviews": 2941, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 136314, "internal_url": "", "name": "Patrick Bregger"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "What sets Pandora apart from such similar games as Ripper \u2014 with which it shares an array of challenging puzzles, freedom of movement through 3-D-rendered environments, and live-action interrogations of suspects, snitches, and saucy dames \u2014 is its sense of humor. And since the game advances according to Murphy\u0027s attitude \u2014 there are seven possible outcomes depending on whether the detective is \u0027\u0027thoughtful and kind,\u0027\u0027 \u0027\u0027neutral and naive,\u0027\u0027 or \u0027\u0027antagonistic and selfish\u0027\u0027 \u2014 its creators have had plenty of opportunity to goose up the dialogue.", "date": "1996-08-16", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45300866", "grade": "B+", "id": 164656, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 83.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 83.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259368", "first_year": 1991, "id": 983, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Entertainment Weekly", "num_reviews": 291, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 55856, "internal_url": "", "name": "Scaryfun"}, "type": {"id": 4, "name": "Letter Grade"}, "url": ",,293733,00.html"}, {"citation": "Geen enkele Under a Killing Moon fan kan dit laten voorbijgaan, en voor wie nog nooit een Tex Murphy avontuur heeft gespeeld, is dit wel het moment om ermee te beginnen: het is het beste in de reeks tot nu toe en buiten de muziek en doms ietwat schokkerige filmpjes valt er niet veel op aan te merken.", "date": "1996-10", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44521916", "grade": null, "id": 63699, "internal_url": "", "language": "nl", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 82.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 82.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "be", "flag": "", "id": 4, "name": "Belgium"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258063", "first_year": 1994, "id": 44, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "nl", "id": 34, "name": "Dutch", "ordering": 340}], "last_year": null, "name": "Gameplay (Benelux)", "num_reviews": 15481, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 65110, "internal_url": "", "name": "Tim Janssen"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Apr\u00e8s \"Under a Killing Moon\", Tex Murphy reprend du service pour une aventure hors du commun. Il va encore rallier \u00e0 sa cause de nombreux adeptes. [...] Sans conteste la plus poignante et la plus surprenante aventure de Tex Murphy.", "date": "1997-06", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45486813", "grade": null, "id": 196742, "internal_url": "", "language": "fr", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 81.0, "platform": {"id": 3, "name": "Windows"}, "score": 81.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "fr", "flag": "", "id": 8, "name": "France"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259481", "first_year": 1997, "id": 1372, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "fr", "id": 42, "name": "French", "ordering": 420}], "last_year": 2012, "name": "PC Jeux", "num_reviews": 483, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 173516, "internal_url": "", "name": "garkham"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Apr\u00e8s \"Under a Killing Moon\", Tex Murphy reprend du service pour une aventure hors du commun. Il va encore rallier \u00e0 sa cause de nombreux adeptes. [...] Sans conteste la plus poignante et la plus surprenante aventure de Tex Murphy.", "date": "1997-06", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44839665", "grade": null, "id": 198210, "internal_url": "", "language": "fr", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 81.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 81.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "fr", "flag": "", "id": 8, "name": "France"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259481", "first_year": 1997, "id": 1372, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "fr", "id": 42, "name": "French", "ordering": 420}], "last_year": 2012, "name": "PC Jeux", "num_reviews": 483, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 173516, "internal_url": "", "name": "garkham"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "The Pandora Directive \u00e4r ett f\u00f6rbaskat trevligt detektivspel som passar oss som tycker om att motionera hj\u00e4rnan. Bra story, tillr\u00e4ckligt bra sk\u00e5despelarprestationer och l\u00e4tt att spela g\u00f6r The Pandora Directive till en av de absolut b\u00e4sta i sin genre.", "date": "1996-11", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=44977753", "grade": null, "id": 147431, "internal_url": "", "language": "sv", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 4.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "se", "flag": "", "id": 21, "name": "Sweden"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259498", "first_year": 1993, "id": 778, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "sv", "id": 137, "name": "Swedish", "ordering": 1370}], "last_year": 1997, "name": "High Score", "num_reviews": 974, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 59312, "internal_url": "", "name": "Parf"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Vuelve uno de nuestros personajes favoritos, el desastrado y gracioso protagonista del innovador, en su momento, \"Under a killing moon\" nos veremos enfrascados sin comerlo ni beberlo en una peligrosa trama de violencia, misterio, secretos y muerte que nos conducir\u00e1 a un inesperado desenlace.", "date": "2001-08-16", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45598441", "grade": null, "id": 207867, "internal_url": "", "language": "es", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 80.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 8.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "es", "flag": "", "id": 20, "name": "Spain"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49252540", "first_year": 1997, "id": 295, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "es", "id": 133, "name": "Spanish", "ordering": 1330}], "last_year": null, "name": "Meristation", "num_reviews": 1342, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 114024, "internal_url": "", "name": "marley0001"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": "\u0026idj=569\u0026pes=1\u0026id=216"}, {"citation": "Die \u00e4u\u00dferst spannende und angenehm schr\u00e4ge SciFi/Roswell-Story vermittelt die \u201ePrivate Eye\u201c-Atmosph\u00e4re authentisch bis zum letzten Komma. Man merkt der \u201eAkte Pandora\u201c deutlich an, da\u00df die Macher \u00dcberzeugungst\u00e4ter sind. Die Videos strotzen nur so vor kleinen Anspielungen, nehmen aber nichts ganz ernst, sondern setzen im zweifel auf Ironie. Trotzdem wird der Spielspa\u00df durch einige M\u00e4ngel getr\u00fcbt: Das f\u00e4ngt mit der verungl\u00fcckten Benutzerf\u00fchrung, Steuerung und den st\u00e4ndigen CD-Wechslereien an und h\u00f6rt bei den gr\u00f6\u00dftenteils faden R\u00e4tseln auf. In zwei Punkten hat Access fast ein bi\u00dfchen zuviel des guten getan: Einmal sind die meisten Dialoge deutlich zu lang, und da\u00df man die \u201eAkte Pandora\u201c gleich mehrmals durchspielen kann, ist zwar ein nettes Feature, aber letztlich \u00fcberfl\u00fcssig \u2013 so deutlich unterscheiden sich die L\u00f6sungswege nicht. Ein niveauvoller und intelligenter \u201eInteractive Movie\u201c f\u00fcr Freunde des Genres, aber nicht die Neuerfindung des Adventures.", "date": "1996-09", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45786186", "grade": null, "id": 235555, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 79.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 79.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49252775", "first_year": 1987, "id": 109, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": 2000, "name": "Power Play", "num_reviews": 5841, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 136314, "internal_url": "", "name": "Patrick Bregger"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": "\u0026id=135"}, {"citation": "In Die Akte Pandora finden wir Tex Murphy, den Bogart-Verschnitt aus Under a Killing Moon, auf der Suche nach den Forschungsergebnissen eines ermordeten Wissenschaftlers. Wenn man \u00fcber die typischen Limitationen (zu viel Text, st\u00e4ndiges Gelaber, zu viel Video - zu wenig Action) des interaktiyen Films hinwegsehen kann, findet man unter all dem Multimedia-Hype ein kompetentes Abenteuerspiel, mit dem man sich einige schlaflose Sommern\u00e4chte verk\u00fcrzen kann. Als Genre hat es der interaktive Film immer noch nicht geschafft, auch nur ann\u00e4hernd an Produktionsstandard und Handlung von Kinofilmen oder selbst mittelm\u00e4\u00dfiger Literatur anzukn\u00fcpfen. Da man aber als Spieler speziell in diesem Bereich nicht mit Meisterwerken verw\u00f6hnt wird, geh\u00f6rt Die Akte Pandora zu den besseren Vertretern seiner Art.", "date": "1996-08", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=43775497", "grade": null, "id": 3807, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 77.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 77.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257669", "first_year": 1992, "id": 40, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": null, "name": "PC Games (Germany)", "num_reviews": 6352, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 59037, "internal_url": "", "name": "Wizo"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "The Pandora Directive is good, but it isn\u0027t perfect. If you simply move the mouse around the screen, options besides LOOK will light up over objects with which you can interact. Patience is rewarded as you simply act on any object that you can grasp. The game also divides the scenes into days of action. Trigger events are required to advance the plot from one day to the next. But these small problems aside, the game is pretty entertaining. Seven possible endings, a few Star Trek jokes, and a main character that seems like a cross between Inspector Clouseau and Frank Drebin (of Police Squad) make this worth a look.", "date": "1996-08-08", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=45075026", "grade": null, "id": 134764, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 10.0, "normalized_score": 73.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 7.3, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49258112", "first_year": 1995, "id": 1, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "GameSpot", "num_reviews": 11557, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 59037, "internal_url": "", "name": "Wizo"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": ""}, {"citation": "Spa\u00df macht das Sch\u00fcffeln in der Pandora-Akte allemal, was nicht zuletzt an der spannenden und sch\u00f6n in Szene gesetzten Story, den trockenen Kommentaren aus dem Off sowie den jazzigen Kl\u00e4ngen der Rocklegende Richie Havens liegt. Trotz eines eigenen Tutorials wird man sich mit dem diffizilen Handling aber erst mal anfreunden und mit nervigen Nachladezeiten leben m\u00fcssen.", "date": "1996-09", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=491251680", "grade": null, "id": 302432, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": 73.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 73.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257811", "first_year": 1991, "id": 397, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": 2001, "name": "PC Joker", "num_reviews": 2748, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 136314, "internal_url": "", "name": "Patrick Bregger"}, "type": {"id": 1, "name": "Numeric (Highest score is best)"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Wer den Vorg\u00e4nger mochte, darf unbesehen zugreifen, und auch Neulinge mit Angst vor dicken Brocken wie Zork Nemesis k\u00f6nnen sich hier ihre ersten Sporen verdienen.", "date": "1996-09", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=43906315", "grade": null, "id": 11735, "internal_url": "", "language": "de", "max_score": 5.0, "normalized_score": 60.0, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 3.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "de", "flag": "", "id": 9, "name": "Germany"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49259327", "first_year": 1992, "id": 73, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "de", "id": 47, "name": "German", "ordering": 470}], "last_year": 2001, "name": "PC Player (Germany)", "num_reviews": 3067, "url": null}, "submitter": {"id": 59037, "internal_url": "", "name": "Wizo"}, "type": {"id": 2, "name": "Star System"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "Despite these criticisms, THE PANDORA DIRECTIVE is still a superior entry in the adventure field. It is evident that Access took a great deal of care (most of the time) to provide a game that\u0027s enjoyable for both novice and experienced players. Complete captioning, dual-play mode, a detailed hint system, a simple interface, easy travel, a wide range of puzzles, an excellent save facility and an interesting story line all combine to make a pretty good game in themselves.\nBest of all is the multiple paths. The ability to develop the lead character\u0027s personality in certain ways - ways that have a definite, material effect on the conclusion, irrespective of puzzle-solving - is worth the price of admission by itself. (...) So don\u0027t let the \"interactive movie\" label put you off: THE PANDORA DIRECTIVE is worthy of your attention, whatever your level of gaming expertise.", "date": "1996-10", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=1981884889", "grade": null, "id": 359375, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": null, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 0.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257845", "first_year": 1981, "id": 35, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "Computer Gaming World (CGW)", "num_reviews": 4741, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 136314, "internal_url": "", "name": "Patrick Bregger"}, "type": {"id": 6, "name": "Unscored"}, "url": null}, {"citation": "[Verdict: Buy It] Of course, that\u0027s good news for gamers, as Pandora delivers an innovative and challenging new chapter to this popular interactive movie/adventure series.", "date": "1996", "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=47\u0026oid=4297338437", "grade": null, "id": 563775, "internal_url": "", "language": "en", "max_score": 100.0, "normalized_score": null, "platform": {"id": 2, "name": "DOS"}, "score": 0.0, "source": {"country": {"country_code": "us", "flag": "", "id": 1, "name": "United States"}, "description": null, "edit_object_url": "/approval/edit-object?type=46\u0026oid=49257704", "first_year": 1995, "id": 1582, "internal_url": "", "languages": [{"code": "en", "id": 36, "name": "English", "ordering": 360}], "last_year": null, "name": "CNET", "num_reviews": 378, "url": ""}, "submitter": {"id": 1022187, "internal_url": "", "name": "DSFC"}, "type": {"id": 6, "name": "Unscored"}, "url": ",50,447,00.html"}]'></critic-reviews> </section> <section id="player-reviews"> <h4>Players</h4> <p> Average score: 4.3 out of 5 <span class="text-muted">(based on 66 ratings with 6 reviews)</span> </p> <div class="border mb"> <p> <b><a href="">One of the strongest story lines ever featured in an adventure game!</a></b> <span class="stars stars-sm" style="--rating: 4.3" data-tooltip="4.3 stars"></span><br> </p> <div class="text-sm toggle-text-review toggle-long-text text-break-word" id="review-1"> <p><strong>The Good</strong><br>Pandora Directive (PD) picks up where Under a Killing Moon left off, and then adds to it with spades. It's bigger, the plot is even more tangled and intriguing, and the standard of acting has gone up a notch. You take on the role of Tex Murphy, a hard-boiled P.I. of the Raymond Chandler school, sort of film noir, but ported into the next century where it's always nighttime in a bleak, post-apocalyptic San Franscisco.</p> <p>Depending on how you handle your conversations with the many characters you encounter, and also how you manage your romantic interests, the game branches off onto 3 separate paths with a total of 8 different endings (don't believe everything you read on the box, which alluded to 7 endings. And only 6 of the 8 possible endings are unique). PD has a great 3D exploration interface that not many people realise can be run full-screen! You can look in drawers, underneath beds, even stand on tip-toe to look on top of things. This game has often been tagged with the derogatory misnomer 'interactive movie', but rest assured it's a solid detective-style adventure game though FMV is used during interrogation, and of course, to advance the story.</p> <p>PD also features 2 levels/modes of difficulty: Entertainment and Gamer. In Entertainment mode (1500 points max.), you don't lose points for not completing the timed puzzles within the time limit, and hints are available. In Gamer mode (4000 points max.), you lose points for not completing a puzzle quickly enough, and you can't get hints. But hey, what else are save and restore for?</p> <p>With deadpan P.I. humour, tricky interrogations, clever puzzles, and a deeply engrossing story line, PD has so much going for it that it's a shame to pass up. <br><br><strong>The Bad</strong><br>There's very little I didn't like. Probably the only thing is that there's an abrupt transition between the exploratory and examine modes (when you want to look at/take something, you have to exit full-screen into a windowed command interface). Some people will inevitably not like the timed puzzles, and there are also a few puzzles masquerading as arcade sequences. These were not too difficult once you figured out the trick to solving them.<br><br><strong>The Bottom Line</strong><br>What starts out as a seemingly innocent missing persons case turns into a sprawling, mind-blowing adventure involving conspiracy theories, government cover-ups, and well... just about everything you can think of that makes up a great detective yarn. Once you've played Pandora Directive, guaranteed it will be high on your all-time favourites list!</p> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="review-1" :small-text="true"></toggle-long-text> <rate-review csrf-token="3f99419e-dd2f-48ce-98b6-6a6f157024e2" :authenticated="false" action-url="/ajax/review-helpful/" login-url="/user/login/" :review-id="2600916" :initial-values="{ score: -1, num_helpful: 0, num_votes: 0 }"> </rate-review> <p class="text-sm mt mb-0"> DOS &middot; by <a href="">TheMetz</a> (2) &middot; <span title="Jan 3, 2003">2003</span> </p> </div><div class="border mb"> <p> <b><a href="">Three paths + seven endings = one amazing game</a></b> <span class="stars stars-sm" style="--rating: 4.7" data-tooltip="4.7 stars"></span><br> </p> <div class="text-sm toggle-text-review toggle-long-text text-break-word" id="review-2"> <p><strong>The Good</strong><br>In his last adventure, PI Tex Murphy (played by <a href="">Chris Jones</a>) stopped a cult's plans to release a deadly virus into Earth's atmosphere that would have wiped out mutants. After claiming victory, he decides to focus on dance lessons. One year later, on the night where Tex is a complete jerk to his girlfriend-to-be, Chelsee Bando (<a href="">Suzanne Barnes</a>), he is hired by Gordon Fitzpatrick (<a href="">Kevin McCarthy</a>) to find a missing friend by the name of Thomas Malloy, but Fitzpatrick isn't the only person looking for Malloy. Finding him puts Tex in grave danger, and as the game progresses, he will uncover the truth about the greatest government conspiracy.</p> <p><i>The Pandora Directive</i> is the sequel to <a href="">Under a Killing Moon</a>. Both games use the same engine, but <i>Pandora</i> seems to be a much longer game, consisting of six CD-ROMS instead of four. All of the usual characters from UAKM are in this game, including Chelsee, Rook Garner (<a href="">Doug Vandegrift</a>), and Louie LaMintz (<a href="">Randall Edwards</a>). The same Chandler Avenue is there, but new buildings have already been established. You can even walk all the way through the Ritz. You are living in a virtual world.</p> <p>That virtual world allows you to do the same things like you did in UAKM like looking under things, on top of things, crawl around, and other actions a true PI does. But <i>Pandora</i> allows you to do more. For instance, you can call people on VidPhones; look up information on a laptop, allowing you to get new leads; and decipher the Mayan calendar. To me, the VidPhones look good and they may be what we'll be using in the near future.</p> <p>What sets <i>Pandora</i> apart is the fact that you can play the game and stay on three different paths. Doing so allows you to watch different cut-scenes and take conversations at a different level. The path that you follow through the game depends on the way that you handle conversations with someone, but the three conversation responses should allow you to determine how positive, negative, or just neutral you want Tex to be. It would be hard for people to stay on the positive/negative path that they probably be playing the game on the neutral path. Also, your actions can lead to one of seven endings, some of them are good while some of them are bad. I used a strategy guide to make sure that I played the game several times on separate paths and made sure that I watched all seven endings. Because of the different paths and endings, the game can be played over and over again, in the hope that you would be able to view different footage.</p> <p>There are two game modes that you can play the game in. In the “Entertainment” level, you can solve puzzles instantly, which is useful if you don't feel like solving puzzles that can take you at least ten minutes to solve while going nowhere. Not so in the ”Game Player” level, where you cannot cheat your way out of the puzzles. As a bonus, you are treated to more points, hidden locations, and possibly hidden cut-scenes. You have to solve puzzles almost every day, and some of them can be quite hard, as you are expected to put a photo or message together. Even though I found some quite easy to solve, I still had to use a guide to help me with the later puzzles.</p> <p>Upon completing <i>Pandora</i>, I enjoyed listening to <i>Tex's Lament</i> while I watched the end credits go by. This song can also be heard several times if you happen to be traveling down the negative path. <br><br><strong>The Bad</strong><br><a href="">Access</a> has done a good job at not turning people into mannequins when they are listening to someone, but not so with the VidPhone conversations. When they finish being a mannequin, they often tend to be choppy. Choppy as meaning going from one position to the other quickly without some essential body movements.</p> <p>In UAKM, users had the ability to assign and use multiple CD-ROM drives through the game's installation program, so that they wouldn't have to change discs every day in the game. I did not see such an option that allows you to do this.<br><br><strong>The Bottom Line</strong><br><i>The Pandora Directive</i> features the same virtual world as <i>Under a Killing Moon</i>. You can do all the things in both games, but <i>Pandora</i> has you doing a little bit more. It is a much longer game, more than the double amount of days that UAKM has, and some of the days are quite long.</p> <p>The game is replayable due to the different paths and endings, but which path you are heading down on depends on how you handle conversations with most of the major characters. If you already completed <i>Pandora</i> using the neutral path, for example, you might want to play it again, this time trying to be on either the positive or negative path.</p> <p>There are two modes in which to play the game in, making it appeal to either die-hard adventure fan who absolutely loves puzzles, or those that can't cope with challenges.</p> <p>As mentioned in my UAKM review, <a href="">Aaron Conners</a> decided to produce a novel based on <i>Pandora</i>, but it isn't much good compared to the UAKM novel. It doesn't take a different twist and mostly all of the dialogue can also be found in the game. But it is a good read and you can get it, along with the UAKM novel, at Amazon.</p> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="review-2" :small-text="true"></toggle-long-text> <rate-review csrf-token="3f99419e-dd2f-48ce-98b6-6a6f157024e2" :authenticated="false" action-url="/ajax/review-helpful/" login-url="/user/login/" :review-id="2324942" :initial-values="{ score: -1, num_helpful: 1, num_votes: 2 }"> </rate-review> <p class="text-sm mt mb-0"> DOS &middot; by <a href="カタキス/">Katakis | カタキス</a> (43086) &middot; <span title="Jul 12, 2007">2007</span> </p> </div><div class="border mb"> <p> <b><a href="">The Tex Murphy series is hands down the best drama on PC</a></b> <span class="stars stars-sm" style="--rating: 5" data-tooltip="5 stars"></span><br> </p> <div class="text-sm toggle-text-review toggle-long-text text-break-word" id="review-3"> <p><strong>The Good</strong><br> Unlike many other adventure games the plot and script of the game are VERY polished. The Tex series of games if one of the few adventures that focus on storyline rather than graphics or something else. From and adults point of view this could easily be transported to book form (and it was) or TV or even feature film. The story is that strong. <br><br> While this game did not progress much in terms of method or interface the game did improve in many categories. <br><br> 1. &lt;u&gt;Longer more in-depth storyline.&lt;/u&gt; <br> I would have thought after playing Under a Killing Moon that this would not be possible but it is! Pandora just pulls you in and touches more on your heart and emotions than UAKM. <br><br> 2.&lt;u&gt;Multiple Paths&lt;/u&gt; <br>I think that there were 3 different paths that you could take resulting in 12 different endings! You could choose to be the "good" Tex and follow the straight and narrow. You could be the "bad" Tex and be totally self-centered and throw friendships and love to fire. Or you could just choose the middle path. Part bad Tex part good Tex. <br><br> 3.&lt;u&gt;Hint Files&lt;/u&gt; <br>I have said this time and time again. How unselfish and cool of Chris Jones and the foks at Access to not charge me for hints. But not just that, the game also keeps track of where and what I have done. So If I have completed all there is to know about a place or person it reflects that in the hint system. Thus I dont have to waste time looking for the right tip, and can limit my exposure to other info. <br><br> 4.&lt;u&gt;Excellent Acting&lt;/u&gt; <br> As with all Tex games the acting talent is first rate. No doubt about it NO ONE DOES IT BETTER! <br><br><strong>The Bad</strong><br>Part of the problem with multiple paths is that sometimes it can be hard to find where you went wrong. For instance if you want the really good ending you have to be careful in your dealings. (but I can handle that) Also the game engine didnt change between UAKM and Pandora. Overall though that really isnt that bad of a thing.<br><br><strong>The Bottom Line</strong><br>Please if you are looking for something of substance just give Tex a try. Its hands down the best drama you can find on a PC!</p> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="review-3" :small-text="true"></toggle-long-text> <rate-review csrf-token="3f99419e-dd2f-48ce-98b6-6a6f157024e2" :authenticated="false" action-url="/ajax/review-helpful/" login-url="/user/login/" :review-id="2362265" :initial-values="{ score: -1, num_helpful: 1, num_votes: 2 }"> </rate-review> <p class="text-sm mt mb-0"> DOS &middot; by <a href="">William Shawn McDonie</a> (1131) &middot; <span title="Aug 2, 2001">2001</span> </p> </div> <p> [ <a href="/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/reviews/">View all 6 player reviews</a> ] </p> </section> </div> <section id="discussion"> <h2><a href="/forum/game/1454/the-pandora-directive/">Discussion</a></h2> <table class="table table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th>Subject</th> <th>By</th> <th>Date</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href="">Entertainment or game players mode?</a></td> <td><a href="">Zovni</a> (10502)</td> <td>Feb 26, 2011</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section><section id="gameTrivia"> <h2>Trivia </h2> <div id="trivia-text" class="text-break-word shrink-headings toggle-long-text"> <h3>Novel</h3> <p>A novelization of the game (as with a later adaptation of the earlier game <a href="">Under A Killing Moon</a>) was published through the Proteus imprint of Prima Publishing. They were written by <a href="">Aaron Conners</a>; the <em>TPD</em> novel was first published in August of 1995.</p> <h3>Awards</h3> <ul> <li>Computer Gaming World<ul> <li>May 1997 (Issue #154) – Adventure Game of the Year</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <toggle-long-text element-id="trivia-text"></toggle-long-text> </section> <section id="analytics"> <h2>Analytics</h2><div class="position-relative border border-mobypro bg-mobypro pt-xxl mb" data-nosnippet> <a href="/mobypro/" class="mobypro">MobyPro <sup class="text-upper text-success">Early Access</sup></a> <p class="mb-0"> Upgrade to <a href="/mobypro/">MobyPro</a> to view research rankings and price history! 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Macintosh, Linux added by <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 30979, "name": &#34;Sciere&#34;}'>Sciere</a>. </p> <p> <small>Additional contributors: <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 4177, "name": &#34;William Shawn McDonie&#34; }'>William Shawn McDonie</a>, <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 5329, "name": &#34;Robin Lionheart&#34; }'>Robin Lionheart</a>, <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 6226, "name": &#34;Unicorn Lynx&#34; }'>Unicorn Lynx</a>, <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 8375, "name": &#34;Jeanne&#34; }'>Jeanne</a>, <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 49363, "name": &#34;Pseudo_Intellectual&#34; }'>Pseudo_Intellectual</a>, <a href="" data-popover='{ "id": 136314, "name": &#34;Patrick Bregger&#34; }'>Patrick Bregger</a>.</small> </p> <p> <span data-nosnippet><small class="text-muted">Game added May 22, 2000. Last modified November 1, 2024.</small></span> </p> </section> </main> <hr> <footer> <p> <a href="/info/about/">About</a> &middot; <a href="/info/faq/">FAQ</a> &middot; <a href="/mobypro/">MobyPro</a> &middot; <a href="/stats/">Stats</a> &middot; <a href="/info/standards/">Standards</a> &middot; <a href="/info/style-guide/">Style Guide</a> &middot; <a href="/info/api/">API</a> &middot; <a href="/info/contact/">Contact</a> &middot; <a href="/changelog/">Change Log</a> &middot; <a href="/info/privacy/">Privacy Policy</a> &middot; <a href="/info/terms/">Terms of Use</a> </p> <p> &copy; 1999&ndash;2024 MobyGames &trade; </p> <p> <small class="text-muted">v20241125</small> </p> </footer> <tooltip ref="tooltip"></tooltip> <popover ref="popover"></popover> </div> <script> document.body.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', (event) => { event.detail.headers['X-CSRF-Token'] = '3f99419e-dd2f-48ce-98b6-6a6f157024e2'; }) </script> <script type="module" src=""></script> <script type="module" src=""></script> </body> </html>

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