International Association For Integrated Oncology - IAIO
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animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a></p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i><strong>Virtual Conference on Oncopathology and Molecular Pathology </strong> was held on October 4th, 5th & 6th 2024 <a href="" target="_blank" style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a></p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>4th Oncology Updates</strong> scheduled on 25th & 26th October 2024, Virtual <a style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a> </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>Breast Cancer Conclave</strong> scheduled on 21st October 2024 <a href="" target="_blank" style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a> </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>Updates in Management of Lung Cancer</strong> scheduled on 16th October 2024 <a href="" target="_blank" style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a> </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>Recent advances in management of lung cancer </strong> scheduled on 01st October 2024 <a href="" target="_blank" style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a> </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>Updates in Breast Cancer </strong> scheduled on 20th September 2024, Physical | Savera <a style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a> </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>Webinar On Chemotherapy Induced Anemia </strong> scheduled on 17th September 2024 from 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM IST <a style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a> </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i><strong> Webinar On Recent Advances in the Management of Breast and Lung Cancer.</strong> was held on 08th September 2024 <a style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a></p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i><strong> Decoding Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Report: What Oncologists Need to Know </strong> was held on 30th August 2024 <a style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a></p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>4th Oncology Updates 2024</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" style=" color: #e11e75; animation: blink 1s linear infinite;"> Register Now </a></p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong> Pre-Analytical errors in precision oncology: A significant patient safety risk</strong> was held on 31st July 2024 </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>Breast Cancer Diagnostics</strong> was held on 25th July 2024 </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>Next generation sequencing report - what oncologists</strong> was held on 05th July 2024 </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>Renal Cell Cancer</strong> was held on 16th July 2024 </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>EGFR mutated advanced lung cancer</strong> was held on 18th June 2024 </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>What's New in Oncology</strong> was held on 1st June 2024 </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>Oncopathology and Molecular Pathology</strong> was held on 16th, 17th & 18th May 2024 </p> <p> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i> <strong>3rd Oncology Updates 2024</strong> was held on 29th & 30th March 2024 </p> </marquee> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--====== SLIDER PART ENDS ======--> <!--====== CATEGORY PART START ======--> <!-- <section id="category-part"> <div class="container pr-0"> <div class="category pt-4 pb-40"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4"> <div class="category-text pt-40"> <h2>Best Oncology & Life Science</h2> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 offset-lg-1 col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-sm-8 offset-sm-2 col-8 offset-2"> <div class="row category-slide mt-20"> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href=""> <span class="single-category text-center color-1"> <span class="icon"> <img src="imagess/all-icon/ctg-1.png" alt="Icon"> </span> <span class="cont"> <span>Upcoming <br> Conference</span> </span> </span> </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href="education-events.php#form"> <span class="single-category text-center color-2"> <span class="icon"> <img src="imagess/all-icon/ctg-2.png" alt="Icon"> </span> <span class="cont"> <span>Upcoming <br> Webinar</span> </span> </span> </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href="research-assistance.php"> <span class="single-category text-center color-3"> <span class="icon"> <img src="imagess/all-icon/ctg-3.png" alt="Icon"> </span> <span class="cont"> <span>Research <br> Assistance</span> </span> </span> </a> </div> <div class="col-lg-4"> <a href="precedent-events.php"> <span class="single-category text-center color-1"> <span class="icon"> <img src="imagess/all-icon/ctg-1.png" alt="Icon"> </span> <span class="cont"> <span>Past <br> Activities</span> </span> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> --> <section id="about-part pb-4" style=" padding: 30px 0 10px; "> <div class="container"> <div class="sec-title text-center"> <h3 class="text-center" style=" margin: 8px 0 14px; text-transform: uppercase; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(304deg, #0060ce, #e91e63); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; display: inline-block !important; font-weight: 500; font-size: 25px; ">International Association for Integrated Oncology (IAIO)</h3> <div class="text" style="line-height: 32px;font-size: 17px;text-align: center;color: #000;margin-bottom: 20px;"> International Association for Integrated Oncology (IAIO) takes pride in its commitment to providing a platform to clinicians, practitioners, and cancer professionals for sharing their knowledge through continuous stream of medical education programs. IAIO serves as a collaborative hub for cancer science experts, practitioners, and influential professionals in the oncology field. Our primary objective has been the establishment of scientific communities and special interest groups, all in the pursuit of disseminating knowledge and facilitating education. <a href="about.php" style="color: #e12454;"><strong>Read More</strong></a> </div> </div> <!-- <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="img/Gups-banner.jpg"> <img src="img/shad.png" style="width: 100%;"> </a> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="section-title"> <h1> URO ONCOLOGY & PATHOLOGY</h1> </div> <div class="about-cont"> <p>It gives us immense pleasure to invite you all to the <b>“International Congress on Uro Oncology & Pathology”</b> an international conference that will take place in the temple city of <b>Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India, from 10th to 12th January, 2025,</b> jointly organized by the Genitourinary Pathology Society, Kalinga Institute of Medical sciences, International Association for Integrated Oncology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences- Bhubaneswar, Odisha Society of Oncology, Urological Society of India – Uro-oncology Division and Medical Education Unit with the mission to foster a global community of urologic researchers and professionals, providing a platform for intellectual growth, and creating opportunities for networking and collaboration.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 k-spk"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-3 col-6" data-cues="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-disabled="true"> <div class="card wow fadeIn animated animated animated" data-wow-delay="0.1s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 0ms; animation-name: slideInLeft; animation-duration: 1200ms; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-direction: normal; animation-fill-mode: both;" data-cue="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-show="true"> <img src=""> <h4>Prof. (Dr.) Achyuta Samanta</h4> <h6>Founder, KIIT and KISS</h6> </div></div> <div class="col-sm-3 col-6" data-cues="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-disabled="true"> <div class="card wow fadeIn animated animated animated" data-wow-delay="0.1s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 360ms; animation-name: slideInLeft; animation-duration: 1200ms; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-direction: normal; animation-fill-mode: both;" data-cue="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-show="true"> <img src=""> <h4>Prof. (Dr.) Achyuta Samanta</h4> <h6>Founder, KIIT and KISS</h6> </div></div> <div class="col-sm-3 col-6" data-cues="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-disabled="true"> <div class="card wow fadeIn animated animated animated" data-wow-delay="0.1s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 720ms; animation-name: slideInLeft; animation-duration: 1200ms; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-direction: normal; animation-fill-mode: both;" data-cue="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-show="true"> <img src=""> <h4>Prof. (Dr.) Achyuta Samanta</h4> <h6>Founder, KIIT and KISS</h6> </div></div> <div class="col-sm-3 col-6" data-cues="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-disabled="true"> <div class="card wow fadeIn animated animated animated" data-wow-delay="0.1s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 1080ms; animation-name: slideInLeft; animation-duration: 1200ms; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-direction: normal; animation-fill-mode: both;" data-cue="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-show="true"> <img src=""> <h4>Prof. (Dr.) Mahul B. Amin</h4> <h6>Professor of Urology and Pathology</h6> </div></div> <div class="col-sm-3 col-6" data-cues="slideInUp" data-duration="1200" data-disabled="true"> <div class="card"> <img src=""> <h4>Prof. (Dr.) Rajal B. Shah</h4> <h6>Professor of Pathology</h6> </div></div> <div class="col-sm-3 col-6" data-cues="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-disabled="true"> <div class="card wow fadeIn animated animated animated" data-wow-delay="0.1s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 0ms; animation-name: slideInLeft; animation-duration: 1200ms; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-direction: normal; animation-fill-mode: both;" data-cue="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-show="true"> <img src=""> <h4>Dr. Sambit K. Mohanty</h4> </div></div> <div class="col-sm-3 col-6" data-cues="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-disabled="true"> <div class="card wow fadeIn animated animated animated" data-wow-delay="0.1s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 360ms; animation-name: slideInLeft; animation-duration: 1200ms; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-direction: normal; animation-fill-mode: both;" data-cue="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-show="true"> <img src=""> <h4>Dr. Sourav K. Mishra</h4> </div></div> <div class="col-sm-3 col-6" data-cues="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-disabled="true"> <div class="card wow fadeIn animated animated animated" data-wow-delay="0.1s" style="visibility: visible; animation-delay: 720ms; animation-name: slideInLeft; animation-duration: 1200ms; animation-timing-function: ease; animation-direction: normal; animation-fill-mode: both;" data-cue="slideInLeft" data-duration="1200" data-show="true"> <img src=""> <h4>Dr. Ranjana Giri</h4> </div></div> </div></div> </div> <img src="img/Gups-spon.jpg"> <div class="col-sm-9 mx-auto text-center pt-4 d-flex"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-6"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/gups-register.png"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 col-6"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/gups-abstract.png"></a> </div> </div> </div> --> </div> </section> <section id="news-part" class="pb-5"> <div class="container"> <div class="section-title pb-3"> <h2 class="text-center mb-4 pt-0"> Case of the Month</h2> </div> <!-- section title --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6"> </div> </div> <!-- row --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="single-news"> <div class="news-thum pb-3"> <img src="img/cu1.jpg" alt="News"> </div> <div class="news-cont"> <a href="#"> <h3>Cancer Nanomedicine Technology</h3> </a> <p>Cancer nanomedicine technology is a field of medicine that utilizes nanoscale particles to diagnose and treat cancer. These nanoscale particles are engineered to target specific cells and tissues in order to deliver drugs and other therapies directly to the tumour site. </p> </div> </div> <!-- single news --> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 side-cnt"> <div class="single-news news-list"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="news-thum"> <img src="img/cc2.PNG" alt="News"> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="news-cont"> <a href="#"> <h3>Treatment For Advanced Cancer</h3> </a> <p>Advanced cancer that has spread beyond the initial tumour to other parts of the body. Treatment for advanced cancer depends on the type of cancer, the location of the cancer, and the patient's overall health. </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- row --> </div> <!-- single news --> <div class="single-news news-list"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="news-thum mt-30"> <img src="img/cc3.PNG" alt="News"> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="news-cont mt-30"> <a href="#"> <h3>Advanced Clinical Practitioner Oncology</h3> </a> <p>An Advanced Clinical Practitioner Oncology is an advanced practice nurse, physician assistant, certified registered nurse anaesthetist, or other healthcare provider who specializes in the care of cancer patients.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- row --> </div> <!-- single news --> <div class="single-news news-list"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="news-thum mt-30"> <img src="img/cc2.PNG" alt="News"> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="news-cont mt-30"> <a href="#"> <h3>Radiology Technology ...</h3> </a> <p>Radiology technology is the medical specialty of using imaging techniques such as X-rays, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine and ultrasound to diagnose and treat medical conditions.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- row --> </div> <!-- single news --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- container --> </section> <div class="container mb-5"> <h2 class="text-center mb-4"> Follow Us</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="text-center"><img src="img/FB.png" style=" width: 60%; margin-bottom: 6px; "></div> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script async="1" defer="1" crossorigin="anonymous" src="" nonce="PeRNgHF3"></script><div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-height="400" data-small-header="" data-adapt-container-width="1" data-hide-cover="" data-show-facepile="" data-show-posts="true" data-width="600"><blockquote cite="" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="">International Association for Integrated Oncology</a></blockquote></div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="text-center"><img src="img/linkedinn.png" style=" width: 40%; "></div> <iframe src="" height="400" width="100%" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Embedded post"></iframe> </div> <div class="col-sm-4" style=" height: 405px; overflow-y: scroll;"> <div class="text-center"><img src="img/twitterr.png" style=" width: 41%; "></div> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Unlock the Power of NGS Reports! 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