Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineers Forum | IEEEFORUM
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By searching out the issues, flagging them up to opinion leaders, and then working with our liaison partners, and you, to deal with them, we drive the development of the Electronics and Electrical Engineering world. The forum is a unit of PE Trust registered with Govt. </p>--> <p><strong>Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineers Forum(ieeeforum)</strong>聽is one of the world's largest research forum and Non-profitable professional associations operating under ITR Group meant for research and development in the field of聽<strong>Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering</strong>. ieeeforum is a paramount body that has brought technical revolution and sustainable development in the field of Engineering and technology.</p> <p><strong>ieeeforum</strong>聽is a forum where innovations & research interest could be supported and developed prioritizing our mutual interest. Our forums & Associates constitutes of Professional leaders, Universities, Organizations & Associations connecting each other with a mission to work as wizards of science for defending the earth.</p> <p><strong>ieeeforum聽</strong>connect engineers, exchange global innovation and act as a bridge between Researchers & Academicians by organizing. <a href="aboutus.php" style="background: burlywood; padding: 3px 6px;">Read More</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /left part --> <!-- right part --> <div class="col-md-4"> <div style="margin-top:80px;"> <img src="images/about-img.jpg" alt="About"></div> </div> <!-- /Home About --> <!-- left part --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="c128283" class="csc-default"> <div class="agenda-home"> <h2 align="center">Upcoming Conferences</h2> <!-- <a class="showAll" href="javascript:void(0)">Browse the agenda month by month</a>--> <div class="row confbody"> <div class="agenda-item col-md-4"> <img class="hidden-xs" src="list-img/Chittoor,India.jpg" 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Nagar,</div><div>Opp. Swimming Pool,</div><div>Ujjain (M.P.) -456001</div><div>Contact No.: 07354565754</div><div>Email:</div><div><br></div> </p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="mentors/RAVI-IRAJ-1399610037.jpeg" alt=""> <div class="name"> RAVI KUMAR R</div> <p><p>RAVI KUMAR R<br>M.Tech.(Product Design and Manufacturing Engg.)<br>BANGALORE TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE,India</p> </p> <p><br> </p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="testimonial"> <img src="mentors/Prof.-IRAJ-1382434248.png" alt=""> <div class="name"> Prof. Goodarz Ahmadi</div> <p><p><strong>Prof. Goodarz Ahmadi</strong><br /> Professor<br /> Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering<br /> Clarkson University,USA<br /> Fellow of ASME, ISME and ISCE聽<br /> His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, NASA, Corning, IBM, Xerox, Dura Pharmaceutical, NYSTAR and AFOSR.</p> </p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> 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