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didn't work for some reason. Please try again or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","reqFild":"Required field.","mustBeEightToTwenty":"Use 8-20 characters.","containLetterOrNumber":"Use 1 letter and 1 number.","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","noSpecialCharacter":"Don't use < > ' \" &","noSpecialCharacterPass":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed.","cannotContainUserName":"Don't use part of the username.","generalWidgetLevelError":"Please check the password.","validationError":"Hmmm... Something's not right. Please check your username and password.","noRepeatChar":"Don't use the same character three times in a row.","pfvalidationError":"Hmmm... Something's not right. Please check your identification number or alpha prefix.","invalidPrefixHCID":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your request. It could be due to one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn't find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The Member ID or alpha prefix was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> This is not the correct website for your plan.</li> <li align=\"left\"> You have more than one plan which requires you to log in to conduct a search.</li> </ul>Please check your member ID card to ensure you are using the correct information. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","errHardStop":"Hmmm' Looks like we can't complete your request at this time. For help call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","brandError":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your request. It could be due to one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn't find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The Member ID or alpha prefix was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> This is not the correct website for your plan.</li> <li align=\"left\"> You have more than one plan which requires you to log in to conduct a search.</li> </ul>Please check your member ID card to ensure you are using the correct information. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","multiPlan":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your request. It could be due to one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn't find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The Member ID or alpha prefix was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> This is not the correct website for your plan.</li> <li align=\"left\"> You have more than one plan which requires you to log in to conduct a search.</li> </ul>Please check your member ID card to ensure you are using the correct information. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","errCrossBrand":"Wish we could help, but your member benefit information is not available here. Please wait a moment and we'll send you there.","errCaMedicaid":"Looks like you're a Medi-Cal (Medicaid) Member. We have a website just for Anthem Medi-cal members. You can login or register there. Please hold while we redirect you."},"endpoints":{"loginendpoint":"","loginendpointsecure":"","loginendpointredirect":"","loginendpoint123":"http://localhost:9000/cns/test/views/legacyredirect.html?reimagineUserFlag=r","loginlocalendpoint":"","loginerrorendpoint":"http://localhost:9000/cns/test/views/home.html","loginEmpireEndpoint":"","loginBCBSGAEndpoint":"","loginCaEndpoint":""},"deeplinks":{"":"/idcard"},"links":{"register_link":"register","register_deeplink":"register?","forgetusername_link":"forgot-username-password","loginerrpoint":"login","empireDentalLink":"Empire Dental: Prime, Complete, XPO, Essential Care, or Enhanced Care<br> <a class=\"link\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log in here</a>"},"autherror":{"unknown":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login. Here are a few possible reasons:</b></p><ul><li align='left'>The username or password wasn't entered correctly <b><a class='underline' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot username or password?</a></b></li><li align='left'>No health plans are active. Not signed up? <b><a class='underline' href='/register/' data-analytics='memberLoginRegisterNowLink'>Register now</a></b></li><li align='left'>The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li></ul></div>","auth001":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login. Here are a few possible reasons:</b></p><ul><li align='left'>The username or password wasn't entered correctly <b><a class='underline' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot username or password?</a></b></li><li align='left'>No health plans are active. Not signed up? <b><a class='underline' href='/register/' data-analytics='memberLoginRegisterNowLink'>Register now</a></b></li><li align='left'>The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li></ul></div>","xauth002":"Hmmm... We couldnt find an account with that username and password. After 6 attempts to log in, we will lock your account to protect your information.","xauth003":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your log in. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn't find that account in our system. You may be looking for our <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='anthemMedicaidLink'>Anthem Medicaid</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='employerLink'>Employer</a>, <a target='_blank' href=''>Provider</a>, <br>or <a target='_blank' href=''>Producer</a> systems.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The username or password was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system is showing that no health plans are active or available for portal access or this account is currently locked.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn't working the way it should.</li> </ul>Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","xauth004":"We're sorry, but you can no longer log into your account. For help, please call us at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","auth005":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login.</b></p>Here are a few possible reasons.<br> <ul><li align=\"left\"> The username or password wasn't entered correctly. </li> <li align=\"left\"> No health plans are active.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn't working the way it should.</li> <li align=\"left\"> We couldn't find the account. Try one of these other self-service portals: <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='shopperLink'>Individual & Family Shopper</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='employerLink'>Employer</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='providerLink'>Provider</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='producerLink'>Producer</a> or <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='anthemMedicaidLink'>Medicaid</a>.</li> </ul>If you continue to have a problem, call our help desk at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","xauth006":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account. Please try again later or call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","xauth007":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login.</b></p>Here are a few possible reasons.<br> <ul><li align=\"left\"> The username or password wasn't entered correctly. </li> <li align=\"left\"> No health plans are active.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn't working the way it should.</li> <li align=\"left\"> We couldn't find the account. Try one of these other self-service portals: <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='shopperLink'>Individual & Family Shopper</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='employerLink'>Employer</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='providerLink'>Provider</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='producerLink'>Producer</a> or <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='anthemMedicaidLink'>Medicaid</a>.</li> </ul>If you continue to have a problem, call our help desk at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","xauth008":"You are not eligible to use this website. For help, please contact Customer Support at the number on the back of your ID card.","xauth009":"The member for whom you are providing care is no longer an active member of our health plan.","xauth012":"You are no longer eligible to log in as a caregiver for this member.","xauth014":"Hmmm... This is not the correct site for your plan. Please check your member ID card for the correct website and try again.","xauth015":"You must allow 7 days from the time your caregiver account was created before logging in. Please try again at that time.","xauth016":"You are no longer eligible to log in as a caregiver for this member. Access is only allowed for 365 days after the original login for security purposes. For help, please reach out to the member who granted you access.","xauth017":"This is not the correct website for the member you are caring for. For help finding the right website, please contact the member for the correct UR, which should be listed on the member ID card.","xauth018":"Hey, where did you go? We logged you out to protect your information.","xauth019":"Hey, where did you go? We logged you out to protect your information.","xauth020":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account info. Please try again later or call call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","xauth021":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account info. Please try again later or call call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","xauth022":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account info. Please try again later or call call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","xauth023":"You're not eligible to access our website at this time. Please call the Customer Service phone number on your Member ID card identification card for help.","xauth0021":"User cannot be impersonated because of invalid account status","xauth0022":"User cannot be impersonated because the user was not found.","xauth200":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account info. Please try again later or call call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","xauth201":"Your user account has been migrated successfully. But we're experiencing technical difficulties at this time. Please try again later.","xauth888":"Anthem has a special site for Google members at Please log on at that site.","smauth01":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login. Here are a few possible reasons:</b></p><ul><li align='left'>The username or password wasn't entered correctly <b><a class='underline' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot username or password?</a></b></li><li align='left'>No health plans are active. Not signed up? <b><a class='underline' href='/register/' data-analytics='memberLoginRegisterNowLink'>Register now</a></b></li><li align='left'>The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li></ul></div>","xsmauth02":"Your account has been locked to protect your information. Please contact our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","xsmauth00":"Hmmm... We couldn't find an account with that username and password. After 6 attempts to log in, we will lock your account to protect your information.","xsmauth07":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login.</b></p>Here are a few possible reasons.<br> <ul><li align=\"left\"> The username or password wasn't entered correctly. </li> <li align=\"left\"> No health plans are active.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn't working the way it should.</li> <li align=\"left\"> We couldn't find the account. Try one of these other self-service portals: <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='shopperLink'>Individual & Family Shopper</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='employerLink'>Employer</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='providerLink'>Provider</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='producerLink'>Producer</a> or <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='anthemMedicaidLink'>Medicaid</a>.</li> </ul>If you continue to have a problem, call our help desk at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","xsmauth024":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login.</b></p>Here are a few possible reasons.<br> <ul><li align=\"left\"> The username or password wasn't entered correctly. </li> <li align=\"left\"> No health plans are active.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn't working the way it should.</li> <li align=\"left\"> We couldn't find the account. Try one of these other self-service portals: <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='shopperLink'>Individual & Family Shopper</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='employerLink'>Employer</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='providerLink'>Provider</a>, <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='producerLink'>Producer</a> or <a target='_blank' href='' data-analytics='anthemMedicaidLink'>Medicaid</a>.</li> </ul>If you continue to have a problem, call our help desk at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>"},"title":"Log in to your member account","titlePartDigAcct":"Welcome back! Please log in to complete your registration.","titleFcp":"Enter the temporary password we provided you to create a new password.","labels":{"uName":"Username","pass":"Password","forgetunameorpass":"Forgot username or password?","newuser":"Not signed up?","registernow":"Register now","ajaxInd":"One moment please...","ajaxLogin":"We're gathering all your information. This should only take a moment.","ajaxMedicaid":"You're redirecting to Anthem Medi-Cal site...","lblReg":"Not signed up? <a href='/register/' data-analytics='memberLoginRegisterNowLink'>Register now</a>","lblFoot":"<a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot Username or Password?</a><br/> <span>Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to log in to <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='' target=\"_blank\"></a></span>","lblFcp":"Choose a password that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.","lblSearchParam":"Identification Number or Alpha Prefix (first three values)","plans":"Log in to your member account.","forgotUserPass":"<a class='link' href='/forgot-username-password/' data-analytics='memberLoginForgotUsernamePasswordLink'>Forgot username or password?</a>","ajaxPartDigAcct4":"Welcome back! Complete your registration in just a few\nsteps.<br/> Pick your security questions and provide the answers.\nYour answers will be used to help identify you if you need to access your\naccount or reset your password.","ajaxPartDigAcct5":"Welcome back! Complete your registration below.<br/> Choose your communication and language preferences.","ajaxCrossBrand":"We're redirecting you to the correct plan website.","lblHelpDesk":"If you continue to have a problem, call our help desk Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET., at 1-866-755-2680.","lblShopForPlans":"Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to login at <a href='' data-analytics='memberLoginShopForPlansLink'></a>","lblMedicare":"Are you eligible for Medicare? Shop for Medicare plans today at <a href='' data-analytics='memberLoginShopForMedicareLink'></a>"},"buttons":{"btnLogin":"Log In","btnCancel":"Cancel","btnPFLogin":"Continue"},"modals":"","cnsAppSessionTrackerComponent":{"default":{"title":"Are you still there?","text1":"In 2 minutes we'll have to send you back to the home page. This helps protect your information. If you want to continue, choose <strong>Stay Here</strong>.","buttons":{"ok":"Restart","cancel":"Stay Here"},"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/"}},"abc":{"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/ca/"}}},"pfToolTip":{"iconTextValue":"Help","searchParamToolTipHeader":"Use Your Identification Number or Prefix (First Three Values) to Search","searchParamToolTipDiscl":"Note: If you are a member with Medicaid or other state-sponsored programs, search with the prefix (first three values) of your identification number or search by selecting a plan/network."},"pfDesc":"Log in or use your Member ID card to make sure you find a doctor or hospital in your network, which will help keep your cost down.","pfTitle":"Search as a Member","pfMember":"Member","pfIntro":"Find a doctor, hospital, dentist, pharmacy and more. You'll get the most from your insurance coverage (and save money), if you choose a doctor or hospital in your plan.","pfNote":"Note: If you are a member with Medicaid or other state-sponsored programs, search with the prefix (first three values) of your identification number or search by selecting a plan/network. If you are looking for a dental or vision provider,please log in or search by selecting your dental or vision plan/network.","titleWhitelistFcp":"Looks like your password needs to be updated to meet our security requirements.","titleWhitelistFcpSubHdr":"Choose a password that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess. Use at least 8 characters and 1 letter and 1 number. $ ! @ * ? | are also allowed. Don't use spaces or the same character three times in a row."},"abc":{"links":{"register_link":"ca/register","register_deeplink":"ca/register?","forgetusername_link":"ca/forgot-username-password"},"labels":{"lblReg":"Not signed up? <a href='/ca/register/' data-analytics='memberLoginRegisterNowLink'>Register now</a>","lblFoot":"<a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ca/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot Username or Password?</a><br/> <span>Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to log in to <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='' target=\"_blank\"></a></span>","forgotUserPass":"<a class='link nowrap-mobile underline' href='/ca/forgot-username-password/' data-analytics='memberLoginForgotUsernamePasswordLink'>Forgot username or password?</a>","lblShopForPlans":"Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to login at <a href='' data-analytics='memberLoginShopForPlansLink'></a>","lblMedicare":"Are you eligible for Medicare? Shop for Medicare plans today at <a href='' data-analytics='memberLoginShopForMedicareLink'></a>"},"autherror":{"unknown":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login. Here are a few possible reasons:</b></p><ul><li align='left'>The username or password wasn't entered correctly <b><a class='underline' href='/ca/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot username or password?</a></b></li><li align='left'>No health plans are active. Not signed up? <b><a class='underline' href='/ca/register/' data-analytics='memberLoginRegisterNowLink'>Register now</a></b></li><li align='left'>The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li></ul></div>","auth001":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login. Here are a few possible reasons:</b></p><ul><li align='left'>The username or password wasn't entered correctly <b><a class='underline' href='/ca/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot username or password?</a></b></li><li align='left'>No health plans are active. Not signed up? <b><a class='underline' href='/ca/register/' data-analytics='memberLoginRegisterNowLink'>Register now</a></b></li><li align='left'>The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li></ul></div>","smauth01":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login. Here are a few possible reasons:</b></p><ul><li align='left'>The username or password wasn't entered correctly <b><a class='underline' href='/ca/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot username or password?</a></b></li><li align='left'>No health plans are active. Not signed up? <b><a class='underline' href='/ca/register/' data-analytics='memberLoginRegisterNowLink'>Register now</a></b></li><li align='left'>The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li></ul></div>"}},"ebcbs":{"labels":{"lblFoot":"<a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot Username or Password?</a><br/> <span>Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to log in to <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='' target=\"_blank\"></a></span><br/> <span>Empire Dental: Prime, Complete, XPO, Essential Care, or Enhanced Care<br> <a class=\"link\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log in here</a></span>","lblShopForPlans":"Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to login at <a href='' data-analytics='memberLoginShopForPlansLink'></a>","lblMedicare":"Are you eligible for Medicare? Shop for Medicare plans today at <a href='' data-analytics='memberLoginShopForMedicareLink'></a>"}},"bcbsga":{"labels":{"lblFoot":"<a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot Username or Password?</a><br/> <span>Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to log in to <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='' target=\"_blank\"></a></span>","lblShopForPlans":"Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to login at <a href='' data-analytics='memberLoginShopForPlansLink'></a>","lblMedicare":"Are you eligible for Medicare? Shop for Medicare plans today at <a href='' data-analytics='memberLoginShopForMedicareLink'></a>"}},"unicare":{"labels":{"lblFoot":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\"><a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot Username or Password?</a>"}}},"cnsPFLoginDir":{"default":{"errors":{"unknown":"That didn’t work for some reason. Please try again or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","reqFild":"Required field.","mustBeEightToTwenty":"Use 8-20 characters.","containLetterOrNumber":"Use 1 letter and 1 number.","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","noSpecialCharacter":"Don't use < > ' \" &","noSpecialCharacterPass":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed.","cannotContainUserName":"Don't use part of the username.","generalWidgetLevelError":"Please check the password.","validationError":"Hmmm... Something’s not right. Please check your username and password.","noRepeatChar":"Don't use the same character three times in a row.","pfvalidationError":"Hmmm... Something’s not right. Please check your identification number or alpha prefix.","invalidPrefixHCID":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your request. It could be due to one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The Member ID or alpha prefix was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> This is not the correct website for your plan.</li> <li align=\"left\"> You have more than one plan which requires you to log in to conduct a search.</li> </ul>Please check your member ID card to ensure you are using the correct information. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","errHardStop":"Hmmm… Looks like we can't complete your request at this time. For help call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","brandError":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your request. It could be due to one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The Member ID or alpha prefix was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> This is not the correct website for your plan.</li> <li align=\"left\"> You have more than one plan which requires you to log in to conduct a search.</li> </ul>Please check your member ID card to ensure you are using the correct information. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","multiPlan":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your request. It could be due to one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The Member ID or alpha prefix was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> This is not the correct website for your plan.</li> <li align=\"left\"> You have more than one plan which requires you to log in to conduct a search.</li> </ul>Please check your member ID card to ensure you are using the correct information. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>"},"endpoints":{"loginendpoint":"","loginendpointsecure":"","loginendpointredirect":"","loginendpoint123":"http://localhost:9000/cns/test/views/legacyredirect.html?reimagineUserFlag=r","loginlocalendpoint":"","loginerrorendpoint":"http://localhost:9000/cns/test/views/home.html","loginEmpireEndpoint":"","loginBCBSGAEndpoint":"","loginCaEndpoint":""},"deeplinks":{"":"/idcard"},"links":{"register_link":"register","register_deeplink":"register?","forgetusername_link":"forgot-username-password","loginerrpoint":"login","empireDentalLink":"Empire Dental: Prime, Complete, XPO, Essential Care, or Enhanced Care<br> <a class=\"link\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log in here</a>"},"autherror":{"unknown":"For some reason, we couldn’t get your information. Please try again or call our help line at 866-755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","auth001":"<div><p><b>Hmmm... Looks like we can't complete your login. Here are a few possible reasons:</b></p><ul><li align='left'>The username or password wasn't entered correctly <b><a class='underline' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot username or password?</a></b></li><li align='left'>No health plans are active. Not signed up? <b><a class='underline' href='/register/' data-analytics='memberLoginRegisterNowLink'>Register now</a></b></li><li align='left'>The account is locked or is unavailable for portal access.</li></ul></div>","auth002":"Hmmm… We couldn’t find an account with that username and password. After 6 attempts to log in, we will lock your account to protect your information.","auth003":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your log in. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The username or password was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system is showing that no health plans are active or available for portal access or this account is currently locked.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn’t working the way it should.</li> </ul>Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","auth004":"We're sorry, but you can no longer log into your account. For help, please call us at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","auth005":"<div><p>Looks like we can't complete your log in. Please clear your cache and cookies and try again. <ul><li align=\"left\">Chrome: Select the 3 dot menu on the upper right, select History, then “Clear Browsing Data”</li> <li align=\"left\">Firefox: Select the 3 line menu on the upper right, then “Clear Recent History”</li> <li align=\"left\">Safari: On the top Menu, select History, then “Clear History”</li> <li align=\"left\">MS Edge: Select the 3 dot menu on the upper right, then “Clear Browsing Data”</li> </ul> Or, it could be one of the following reasons: <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The username or password was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system is showing that no health plans are active or available for portal access or this account is currently locked.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn’t working the way it should.</li> </ul>Please check your info and try again. Or call Technical Support at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","auth006":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account. Please try again later or call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","auth007":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your log in. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The username or password was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system is showing that no health plans are active or available for portal access or this account is currently locked.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn’t working the way it should.</li> </ul>Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","auth008":"You are not eligible to use this website. For help, please contact Customer Support at the number on the back of your ID card.","auth009":"The member for whom you are providing care is no longer an active member of our health plan.","auth012":"You are no longer eligible to log in as a caregiver for this member.","auth014":"Hmmm... This is not the correct site for your plan. Please check your member ID card for the correct website and try again.","auth015":"You must allow 7 days from the time your caregiver account was created before logging in. Please try again at that time.","auth016":"You are no longer eligible to log in as a caregiver for this member. Access is only allowed for 365 days after the original login for security purposes. For help, please reach out to the member who granted you access.","auth017":"This is not the correct website for the member you are caring for. For help finding the right website, please contact the member for the correct UR, which should be listed on the member ID card.","auth018":"Hey, where did you go? We logged you out to protect your information.","auth019":"Hey, where did you go? We logged you out to protect your information.","auth020":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account info. Please try again later or call call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","auth021":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account info. Please try again later or call call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","auth022":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account info. Please try again later or call call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","auth023":"You're not eligible to access our website at this time. Please call the Customer Service phone number on your Member ID card identification card for help.","auth0021":"User cannot be impersonated because of invalid account status","auth0022":"User cannot be impersonated because the user was not found.","auth200":"Sorry, we're having a problem getting your account info. Please try again later or call call our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","auth201":"Your user account has been migrated successfully. But we're experiencing technical difficulties at this time. Please try again later.","auth888":"Anthem has a special site for Google members at Please log on at that site.","smauth01":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your log in. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The username or password was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system is showing that no health plans are active or available for portal access or this account is currently locked.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn’t working the way it should.</li> </ul>Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","smauth02":"Your account has been locked to protect your information. Please contact our help line at (866) 755-2680, M-F, 8am-8pm ET.","smauth00":"Hmmm… We couldn’t find an account with that username and password. After 6 attempts to log in, we will lock your account to protect your information.","smauth07":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your log in. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The username or password was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system is showing that no health plans are active or available for portal access or this account is currently locked.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn’t working the way it should.</li> </ul>Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","smauth024":"<div><p> Looks like we can't complete your log in. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> The username or password was not entered correctly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system is showing that no health plans are active or available for portal access or this account is currently locked.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn’t working the way it should.</li> </ul>Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>"},"title":"Log in to your member account","titleFcp":"Enter the temporary password we provided you to create a new password.","labels":{"uName":"Username","pass":"Password","forgetunameorpass":"Forgot Username or Password?","newuser":"Not signed up?","lblErr3":"Uh-oh! We can’t log you in. Please call us for help","lblPlan1":"Search as a Guest by Selecting a Plan","lblPlan2":"Search by Selecting a Plan or Network.","lblErr1":"Sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties at this time. Please try again later or contact Web Support.","lblErr2":"Please enter ID Number or Prefix","blSearchAlphaParam":"Search using your ID Number or Alpha Prefix","registernow":"Register now","ajaxInd":"One moment please…","ajaxLogin":"We're gathering all your information. This should only take a moment.","lblReg":"Not signed up? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/register/'>Register now</a>","lblFoot":"<a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot Username or Password?</a><br/> <span>Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to log in to <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='' target=\"_blank\"></a></span>","lblFcp":"Choose a password that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.","lblSearchParam":"Identification Number or Alpha Prefix (first three values)"},"buttons":{"btnLogin":"Log In","btnCancel":"Cancel","btnPFLogin":"Continue"},"modals":"","cnsAppSessionTrackerComponent":{"default":{"title":"Are youstill there?","text1":"In 2 minutes we’ll have to send you back to the home page. This helps protect your information. If you want to continue, choose <strong>Stay Here</strong>.","buttons":{"ok":"Restart","cancel":"Stay Here"},"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/"}},"abc":{"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/ca/"}}},"pfToolTip":{"iconTextValue":"Help","searchParamToolTipHeader":"Use Your Identification Number or Prefix (First Three Values) to Search","searchParamToolTipDiscl":"Note: If you are a member with Medicaid or other state-sponsored programs, search with the prefix (first three values) of your identification number or search by selecting a plan/network."},"pfDesc":"Log in or use your Member ID card to make sure you find a doctor or hospital in your network, which will help keep your cost down.","pfTitle":"Search as a Member","pfMember":"Member","pfIntro":"Find a doctor, hospital, dentist, pharmacy and more. You'll get the most from your insurance coverage (and save money), if you choose a doctor or hospital in your plan.","pfNote":"Note: If you are a member with Medicaid or other state-sponsored programs, search with the prefix (first three values) of your identification number or search by selecting a plan/network. If you are looking for a dental or vision provider,please log in or search by selecting your dental or vision plan/network.","titleWhitelistFcp":"Looks like your password needs to be updated to meet our security requirements.","titleWhitelistFcpSubHdr":"Choose a password that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess. Use at least 8 characters and 1 letter and 1 number. $ ! @ * ? | are also allowed. Don’t use spaces or the same character three times in a row.","orwith":"or with","english":"","spanish":"","chinese":""},"abc":{"links":{"register_link":"ca/register","register_deeplink":"ca/register?","forgetusername_link":"ca/forgot-username-password"},"labels":{"lblReg":"Not signed up? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ca/register/'>Register now</a>","lblFoot":"<a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ca/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot Username or Password?</a><br/> <span>Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to log in to <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='' target=\"_blank\"></a></span>"}},"ebcbs":{"title":"Log in to your member account","labels":{"lblFoot":"<a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot Username or Password?</a><br/> <span>Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to log in to <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='' target=\"_blank\"></a></span><br/> <span>Empire Dental: Prime, Complete, XPO, Essential Care, or Enhanced Care<br> <a class=\"link\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Log in here</a></span>"}},"bcbsga":{"title":"Log in to your member account","labels":{"lblFoot":"<a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/forgot-username-password/'>Forgot Username or Password?</a><br/> <span>Are you trying to shop for plans? You need to log in to <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='' target=\"_blank\"></a></span>"}}},"cnsForceChangePasswordDir":{"default":{"errors":{"secQuesErrors":{"err100":"For some reason we couldn't retrieve the security questions. Please try again or <a href='contact-us'>contact us</a> for help."},"err100":"That didn’t work for some reason. Please try again or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","err5101":"Sorry, you need to enter a new password. You can't reuse your current password. Please try again.","err5117":"Don't use part of the username.","err5119":"Oops! You entered the wrong password. Please try again.","err5109":"Sorry, the username or password you entered does not match our records or the account is locked. If you feel this is an error, please contact Member Services for help.","formValErrs":"We can't reset your password due to above errors. Please fix and then try again.","reqFild":"Required field.","mustBeSixToNineteen":"Use 6-19 characters.","containLetterOrNumber":"Use 1 letter and 1 number.","mustBeEightToTwenty":"Use 8-20 characters.","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","cannotContainSpaceforuserName":"Don't use spaces.","noSpecialCharacterforPassword":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed.","noSpecialCharacter":"Don't use < > ' \" &","cannotHaveConsecutiveChar":"Don't use the same character three times in a row.","passwordMismatch":"Passwords don't match.","invalid_password":"Please check the temporary password.","noSpecialCharSecAns":"Don't use |&;$%@\"'<>()+ in your answer.","noSecQuesMatch":"Your answer cannot be the same as the security question.","secQuesMinLengthErr":"Your answer should be more than 4 and less than 20 characters.","errWRONGCURRPASSWORD":"Hmmm… The current password was not entered correctly. Please try again. After 6 attempts, we will lock your account to protect your information.","errPWDALREADYUSED":"Looks like the new password is the same as the current password. Please create a new password.","errUSERACCOUNTLOCKED":"Because of six failed attempts, you will not be able to log in for the next hour (to protect your security). You can try again in an hour. For help, call us toll free at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST.","errINVALIDFIELDVALUE":"Oops! These passwords don’t match. Please try again.","userNameCheck":"Don't use part of the username."},"headings":{"title":"Please Reset Your Password"},"securityQuestions":{"question1":"What school did you attend for the third grade?","question2":"What is your maternal grandmother's maiden name?","question3":"In what city or town was your first job?","question4":"What street did you grow up on?","question5":"What is the first name of your favorite childhood friend?","question6":"What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?","question7":"What was the name of your first pet?","question8":"On your mother's side of the family, what is your grandfather's first name?","question9":"On your father's side of the family, what is your grandfather's first name?","question10":"What is the name of the hospital in which you were born?","question11":"In what city was your mother born?","question12":"In what city was your father born?","question13":"What was your high school mascot?","question14":"What was your favorite place to visit as a child?","question15":"What is the name of your first employer?","question16":"What is the last name of your favorite teacher?"},"placeholders":{"secQuestion":"Select Question","Language":"Select Language","secAnswer":"Enter Answer"},"labels":{"newpwd":"New password","confirmnewpwd":"New password (confirmed)","temppwd":"Temporary password","securityQuestionOne":"Security Question 1","securityQuestionTwo":"Security Question 2","securityQuestionThree":"Security Question 3","securityAnswerOne":"Security Answer 1","securityAnswerTwo":"Security Answer 2","securityAnswerThree":"Security Answer 3","ajaxInd":"Just a moment please...","curPwd":"Current password"},"links":{"forgotPwd":"Forgot Username or Password?","lnkLogin":"/login/"},"buttons":{"btnResetPwd":"Save and Log In","btnCancel":"Cancel"}},"abc":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/ca/login/"}}},"cnsTermsOfUseDir":{"default":{"errors":{"err100":"That didn’t work for some reason. Please try again or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET."},"buttons":{"accept":"I Accept","decline":"I decline, log me out"},"header":"Updated Privacy Statement and Terms of Use","title":"Before we proceed...","labels":{"intro":"<div align=\"left\"> <div> We recently updated our <a href='/legal/' target='_new' id='link1439354605001' style=\"\">Terms of Use (Legal)</a> and <a href='/privacy/' target='_blank' id='link1439354607658' style=\"\">Privacy Statement</a> . Please read and accept these policies and then we'll get you on your way.</div> <div> </div> <div> Questions? We're here to help. Contact member services using the phone number on your ID Card.</div> </div> <div> </div>","ajaxInd":"One moment please…"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/login/"}},"abc":{"labels":{"intro":"<div align=\"left\"> <div> We recently updated our <a href='/ca/legal/' target='_new' id='link1439354606555' style=\"\">Terms of Use (Legal)</a> and <a href='/ca/privacy/' target='_new' id='link1439354608738' style=\"\">Privacy Statement</a> . Please read and accept these policies and then we'll get you on your way.</div> <div> </div> <div> Questions? We're here to help. Contact member services using the phone number on your ID Card.</div> </div> <div> </div>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/ca/login/"}}},"twoFactorComponent":{"default":{"errors":{"reqFld":"Required field.","phoneFmtErr":"Please enter in ###-###-#### format.","invalidPhoneErr":"Invalid phone number.","otpErr":"One-time security code should be six digits.","secQuesMinLengthErr":"Use 4-20 characters.","noSecQuesMatch":"Your answer cannot be the same as the security question.","noSpecialCharSecAns":"Don't use | & ; $ % @ \\\" ' < > ( ) +","apiErrors":{"errVerifyDelieryValue":"Sorry, we weren’t able to process your security code. Please try again later.","errVerifyOtp":"Hmmm…That didn’t work for some reason. Please try again. Or select <strong>Didn’t get a security code?</strong> to have a new one sent to you.","errSendOtp":"Hmmm…That didn’t work for some reason. We couldn't send your code. Please try again.","invalidOtpDef":"Hmmm… Your security code was not entered correctly. Please try again. Or select <strong>Didn’t get a security code?</strong> to have a new one sent to you.","errSaveDfp":"We're having a problem in updating remember your device settings. Please try again or contact us.","errThrotChk":"We're having technical problems in validating one-time passcode settings. Please try again or contact customer support.","invalidOtpInt":"Hmmm... Your security code was not entered correctly. Please try again. After [[count]] more attempts you'll need a new security code. Or select Didn't get a security code? to have a new one sent to you now.","invalidOtpFin":"Hmmm... Your security code was not entered correctly. Please select Didn't get a security code? and have a new one sent to you now.","errUnknownGetSecQues":"For some reason we couldn't retrieve the security questions. Please try again or <a href='contact-us'>contact us</a> for help.","errVerifySecQues":"Sorry, something isn’t working the way it should. Please try again.","err3301":"Uh-oh! You’ve gone over the number of security code attempts you’re allowed. You need to wait until you have requested fewer than 5 security codes within the past 30 minutes. Then you can request a new one.","err3008":"Uh-oh! You’ve gone over the number of security code attempts you’re allowed. Please select <strong>Didn’t get a security code?</strong> to have a new one sent to you and try again.","err5029":"<div><p>Looks like we can't send your security code to that phone number. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\">This type of number is not supported by our system.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number already being used by another account.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number does not meet the required format.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number was issued too recently by your carrier.</li> </ul> You can add a new number or call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET for help.</div>","err5030":"Hmmm... Your security code has expired. Please select <b>Didn't get a security code?</b> to have a new one sent to you."}},"labels":{"ajaxSendOtp":"Sending one-time security code...","ajaxVerifyOtp":"Verifying one-time security code...","ajaxChkThrot":"Just a moment...","ajaxRemDev":"Saving your device...","ajaxSecQues":"Checking your answers...","ajaxGetSecQues":"Getting security questions...","footer":""},"step1":{"title":"To be extra safe, you need a one-time security code to protect your account. Choose how to receive your security code:","titleOTPSent":"Didn’t get a security code? Choose how you want a new code sent:","labels":{"lblIntro":"","lnkSecQues":"Use your Security Questions instead","lblEmail":"<div class=\"ver-align-label\"><span class=\"fa fa-paper-plane\"></span><h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Email</h3></div>","lblVoice":"<div class=\"ver-align-label\"><span class=\"fa fa-phone\"></span><h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Voice</h3></div>","voiceMsg":"","emailMsg":"You'll receive an email with your code from with the subject \"Your one-time security code.\" If you don't receive this email after several minutes, check your spam folder.","txtMsg":"You'll receive a one-time SMS message, so make sure your phone is able to receive texts. Standard data fees and text messaging rates may apply.","lblText":"<div class=\"ver-align-label\"><span class=\"fa fa-mobile\"></span><h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Text</h3></div>"},"buttons":{"lnkNewNbr":"Add a new number to use","lnkUnrecgNbr":"Don’t recognize these numbers?","lnkOTPScreen":"Already have a security code?","btnSnd":"Send","btnBck":"Back"},"alertUnrecgNbr":"We need a phone number that can be used to verify your identify with a text message or phone call. For help, call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET."},"step2":{"labels":{"lblSecDet":"Once you complete this added layer of security, your new phone number will be verified** in your profile.","title":"Please confirm your phone number to send security code"}},"step3":{"title":"Enter the new number you want us to send your security code to.","titleDef":"To be extra safe, you need a one-time security code to set up your account. Choose how to receive your code:","labels":{"lblSecDet":"Once you complete this added layer of security, your new phone number will be saved to your profile.","txtMsg":"You'll receive a one-time SMS message, so make sure your phone is able to receive texts. Standard data fees and text messaging rates may apply.","lblVoice":"<span class=\"fa fa-phone\"></span> <h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Voice</h3>","emailMsg":"","lblNbr":"Phone number","lblText":"<span class=\"fa fa-mobile\"></span> <h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Text</h3>"},"buttons":{"btnSnd":"Send","btnBck":"Back"}},"step4":{"title":"Enter your security code to continue.","labels":{"lblConfTxt":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblConfVoc":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblConfEma":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong> from <strong></strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblRem":"<p>Remember my device. This way next time I log in from this device I won't have to enter a security code.</p>","lblNoRem":"<p>Don't remember my device. It's a public device or I don't use it regularly, so I'll need a security code next time I log in from this device.</p>","lblConf":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblConfOtpLnk":"Enter the six digits to continue."},"buttons":{"btnNxt":"Next","lnkNoCode":"Didn't get a security code?"}},"step5":{"labels":{"lblThrotMaxed":"Uh-oh! You've gone over the number of security code attempts you're allowed. You need to wait until you have requested fewer than 5 security codes within the past 30 minutes. Then you can request a new one."},"title":"","buttons":{"btnBck":"Back","btnRet":"Retry"}},"step6":{"title":"Let's make sure it's you. Answer your security questions.","labels":{"intro":"Don't forget, your answer has to match your original entry.","secAnswer1":"Enter Answer 1","secAnswer2":"Enter Answer 2","footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='login'>Log in.</a>","lblRem":"<p>Remember my device. This way next time I log in from this device I won't have to enter a security code.</p>","lblNoRem":"<p>Don't remember my device. It's a public device or I don't use it regularly, so I'll need a security code next time I log in from this device.</p>"},"buttons":{"btnCan":"Back","btnNxt":"Next"}},"modals":""}},"cnsAppSessionTrackerComponent":{"default":{"title":"Are you still there?","text1":"In 2 minutes we’ll have to send you back to the home page. This helps protect your information. If you want to continue, choose <strong>Stay Here</strong>.","buttons":{"ok":"Restart","cancel":"Stay Here"},"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/"}},"abc":{"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/ca/"}}},"cnsVivrDisclaimer":{"title":"Important Plan Details","message":"Verifications of benefits or coverage is not a guarantee of eligibility or payment. Actual payment is based on the terms and conditions of the plan. All claims are subjects to review upon submissions.","submit":"Got It"}} </script> </div> <div class="" data-cns-login-cmp data-widget-name="ProviderFinderMedicareComponent" data-lazy-module-path="lazy-modules/secure/secureModule#SecureModule"> <script type="application/json" id="content1527374657376"> {"cnsPfMedicare":{"default":{"pfMedicareTitle":"Medicare Assignment","pfMedicareInformation":"Medicare Information","pfMedicareLink":"To find providers that accept Medicare Assignment, please visit: ","pfMedicareUrl":"","pfMedicareUrlTxt":"","pfMedicareContent":"Important information for Medicare Supplement insurance customers: doctors or other providers that accept Medicare Assignment will accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full on all Medicare claims, and only bill for any deductible, copay or coinsurance amount."}}} </script> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="col-xxs-12 col-md-12 col-md-offset-0"> <div class="row footer-links"> <div class="col-xxs-12 col-xs-6"> 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If you receive care from a doctor or&nbsp;healthcare provider not in your plan&rsquo;s network, your share of the costs may be higher. You may also receive a bill for any charges not covered by your health plan.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>&reg; Anthem is a registered trademark. &reg; The Blue Cross name and symbol are registered marks of the Blue Cross Association &copy; 2022 Anthem Blue Cross. Serving California.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Sydney Health is offered through an arrangement with Carelon Digital Platforms, a separate company offering mobile application services on behalf of your health plan. &copy;2020-2022 The Virtual Primary Care experience is offered through an arrangement with Hydrogen Health.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- content end --> <!-- this scripts helps you to identify how many scope watchers are currently running on the angular application. and allow us to improve the performance--> <script type="text/javascript"> function getWatchers(root) { root = angular.element(root || document.documentElement); var watcherCount = 0; function getElemWatchers(element) { var isolateWatchers = getWatchersFromScope($isolateScope); var scopeWatchers = getWatchersFromScope($scope); var watchers = scopeWatchers.concat(isolateWatchers); angular.forEach(element.children(), function (childElement) { watchers = watchers.concat(getElemWatchers(angular.element(childElement))); }); return watchers; } function getWatchersFromScope(scope) { if (scope) { return scope.$$watchers || []; } else { return []; } } return getElemWatchers(root); } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Find Care & Estimate Costs for Doctors Near You |", "url": "", "description": "Find care near you from an in-network Anthem Blue Cross provider. 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