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id="content1527374673493"> {"sydneyRibbon":{"sydneyLogo":"SydLogo","appLink":";ctxa.launch.campaign.trackingcode=d6q3ydzq&amp;ctxa.ete=Promote+Sydney+Health+app+in+responsive+pages&amp;ctxa.launch.campaign.source=Sydney+ribbon&amp;ctxa.launch.campaign.medium=Sydney+ribbon+link","getAppText":"Get the Sydney Health App!","seeAccountText":"See your account information, grab","idCardText":"your ID card, find care and more.","sydneyBannerBack":"/dam/images/logo/syd_BG_1x.svg","sydneyBannerIcon":"/dam/images/logo/sydney_icon.svg","arrow":"Arrow","qrAppLink":""},"register2faComponentV2":{"default":{"title":"Online Registration","snapExperienceShowDate":"01/01/2021"},"labels":{"ajaxInd":"Just a moment..."}},"identityTypeSelectorComponent":{"default":{"labels":{"welcomeTitle":"Welcome!","ariaWelcomeTitle":"Welcome!","subTitle":"To register, please select your identification type.","wantToLogin":"Already registered?","loginNowLink":{"label":"Login Now","navigateTo":"/login/","ariaLabel":"Login Now","analyticTag":"selectIdLoginLinkRegister"},"rebrandingInformation":"On 1/1/24, the Empire name will become Anthem. This transition will not impact your coverage, access to care, or level of support. You may see both names until we fully transition to Anthem on 1/1. <a class=\"link\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Learn more</a>","identificationTypes":[{"name":"Member ID","description":"If we sent you a member ID card, enter that ID number so we can find you in our system.","illustration":"member-id-card.png","mode":"0","navLink":{"ariaLabel":"member ID","analyticTag":"selectIdMemIdRegister"}},{"name":"Activation Code","description":"Activation codes only apply to a very small percentage of our membership. If you have received one by email, use it to register.","illustration":"activation-code-card.png","mode":"1","navLink":{"ariaLabel":"Activation code","analyticTag":"selectIdActCodeRegister"}},{"name":"Student ID","description":"For students at participating colleges, enter your student ID number exactly as it appears on your school ID card.","illustration":"student-id-card.png","mode":"3","navLink":{"ariaLabel":"student ID","analyticTag":"selectIdStuIdRegister"}},{"name":"Employee ID","description":"Employee ID applies to a very small percentage of our membership. If your employer requires you to use your employee ID number to register, enter that number exactly as provided by your employer.","illustration":"employee-id-card.png","mode":"4","navLink":{"ariaLabel":"employee ID","analyticTag":"selectIdEmpIdRegister"}}]}},"abc":{"labels":{"loginNowLink":{"navigateTo":"ca/login/"}}},"healthblue":{"labels":{"loginNowLink":{"navigateTo":"healthybluela/login"}}},"hbmo":{"labels":{"loginNowLink":{"navigateTo":"healthybluemo/login"}}},"bluerx":{"labels":{"loginNowLink":{"navigateTo":"ny/login"}}},"hbnc":{"labels":{"loginNowLink":{"navigateTo":"nc/login"}}}},"registerStepOneComponent":{"default":{"chatMicroApp":{"enabled":true,"env":{"dev5":"sit1","test1":"uat1","test5":"uat1","perf1":"perf1","prod2":"prodgreen","prod3":"prodblue","dr":"drblue"},"src":{"local":"","dev1":"","dev5":"","ci1":"","test1":"","test5":"","perf1":"","prod2":"","prod3":"","dr":"","sit1":""}},"errors":{"ssnFmt":"Format should be ###-##-####.","reqFld":"Required field.","scanIdErrorHeader":"We were not able to scan your member ID card.","scanIdErrorDescription":" Make sure your phone is centered on the card and can clearly capture the card’s image.","errDateFmt":"Please enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.","errFutuDate":"Don't use a date in the future.","noSpecialCharacterforIdNo":"Don't use | ; @ $ % ( ) ^ - + , < > ' \" & * #","noSpecialCharacterforName":"Invalid special character. ` ! - _ { } : ' . are allowed.","alphaNumericRquired":"Please use at least 1 letter or number.","noSpecialCharacter":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed.","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","mustBeNine":"Use at least 9 characters.","errNO_DATA_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH_EMPI":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errBUSS_LAYER_ERR":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","serviceError":"Hmmm…That didn’t work for some reason. Please recheck your info and try again.","errVC_MEMBERID_LOCKOUT":"You’ve gone over the number of registration attempts you’re allowed. You can wait 60 minutes to restart or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_CS90_PRVONLY":"Sorry, we can’t show your plan info here. For questions about claims and benefits, please call Member Services at the number on your member ID card.","errVC_CS90_FEPONLY":"Wish we could help. We don’t show Federal Employees Plan benefits info here. Please log in to to view your plan info.","errVC_CS90_CT_HMO":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. Please contact your group administrator for help.","errREQ_FLD_MISSING":"Hmmm…Looks like some info we need from you is missing. Please check and try again.","errVC_NOCONTRACT":"You must be at least 18 years old to register.","errVC_NOCONTRACT_STUDENT":"You must be at least 16 years old to register.","errVC_INMATEONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_ITSHOSTONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_FEPONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_FEDERAL_EMPLOYEE_PROGRAM":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_ITS_HOST":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_INMATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_FEP":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_PRIVACY_RULE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_CT_HMO":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errNONANTHEMBRANDONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_SUBSCRIBER_NOT_ELIGIBLE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_INVALID_ADDRESS":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","err100":"Sorry, our system isn’t working the way it should. Please try again later or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errHardStop":"Hmmm… Looks like we can't complete your registration at this time. For help call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_GRPBLOCKED":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. Please contact your group administrator for help.","errUnknActCode":"Hmmm…That didn’t work for some reason. Please check your code and try again. Or use your member ID number to complete your registration.","errAlreadyUsedUname":"Sorry, our system isn’t working the way it should. Please try again later or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errGoogleMemberMsg":"We don’t show Google member benefits info here. Please log in to Google’s gHealthcare website to view your plan info.","errUnicareMember":"Wish we could help. We don’t show UniCare member benefits info here. Please log in to to view your plan info. Or wait a moment and we’ll send you there.","errDOB_INVALID_MAX":"Are you sure your date of birth is correct? If you're over 115, please call us 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","err3201":"Sorry, the activation code you entered has expired. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","err6001":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. For questions about claims and benefits, please call Member Services at 1-800-499-2793 (TTY 711).","err1008":"<div> <p>We can't find you in our system.</p> <ul> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> You have exceeded the number of allowed registration attempts.</li> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> You don't meet the minimum age requirement to register.</li> <li align=\\\"left\\\">Digital registration may not be enabled for your plan.</li> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> This is not the correct website for your plan. </li> </ul>Please try again, or contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET</div>","err1008_ACTCD":"<div> <p> Looks like we can't complete your registration. It could be due to one of the following reasons:</p> <ul> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> Your activation code has expired.</li> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> You don't meet the minimum age requirement to register.</li> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> Online registration is not enabled for your plan. </li> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> This is not the correct website for your plan. </li> </ul>For further assistance, please contact your group administrator, or call our Technical Support at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","err3011":"Sorry, we can't complete your request at this time. We are reviewing your plan and preparing your member details. Please return at a later time.","errCrossBrand":"Hold on a moment while we send you to the correct page for your plan.","errCrsBrndAlrdRegis":"Looks like you’re already registered, but your member benefits information isn't available here. Please hold while we redirect you to the correct plan website.","errCaMedicaid":"Looks like you're a Medi-Cal (Medicaid) Member. We have a website just for Anthem Medi-cal members. You can login or register there. Please hold while we redirect you.","errWvMedicaid":"Looks like you're a West Virginia Medicaid Member. We have a website just for Unicare Medicaid members. You can login or register there. Please hold while we redirect you.","errSysEmailCode":"Sorry, looks like something isn't working. Please give us some time to fix it. Then, try the link in your email again or contact <a href=\"/contact-us/\" target=\"_blank\">Technical Support.</a>"},"sourceType":[{"id":"default","welcomelbl":"Thanks for using your Code!<br>Enter your registration information</br>","expiredlbl":"Your link has expired. To register, you need your member ID number on your card. Don’t have your card? Please contact <a data-autofocus id=\"lnkMemberService\" href=\"/contact-us/\" target=\"_blank\"> Member Services.</a>"},{"id":"qr-idcard","welcomelbl":"Thanks for using your QR Code!<br>Enter your registration information</br>","expiredlbl":"Your QR Code has expired. To register, you need your member ID number on your card. Don’t have your card? Please contact <a data-autofocus id=\"lnkMemberService\" href=\"/contact-us/\" target=\"_blank\"> Member Services.</a>"},{"id":"eob-daily","welcomelbl":"Thanks for using your QR Code!<br>Enter your registration information</br>","expiredlbl":"Your QR Code has expired. To register, you need your member ID number on your card. Don’t have your card? Please contact <a data-autofocus id=\"lnkMemberService\" href=\"/contact-us/\" target=\"_blank\"> Member Services.</a>"},{"id":"qr-eob","welcomelbl":"Thanks for using your QR Code!<br>Enter your registration information</br>","expiredlbl":"Your QR Code has expired. To register, you need your member ID number on your card. Don’t have your card? Please contact <a data-autofocus id=\"lnkMemberService\" href=\"/contact-us/\" target=\"_blank\"> Member Services.</a>"}],"labels":{"fName":"First name","lName":"Last name","idNo":"Member ID","dob":"Date of birth","memIdTitle":"Have your member ID card handy? Use your member ID to register.","ssnTitle":"Use your Social Security number to register.","actTitle":"Use your activation code to register.","emailCdTitle":"Enter your registration information","ssn":"Social Security number","actTip":"If you received an activation code, you can find it in an email we sent with the subject “Your ID card is ready now.\"","act":"Activation code","ajaxInd":"Searching our records…","ajaxIndForgotUser":"You're already registered with our website. You'll be redirected to recover your account...","ajaxInd2Fa":"Retrieving your email and phone numbers…","ajaxIndUnicare":"You are redirecting to","ajaxIndGoogle":"You are redirecting to Google Healthcare Portal...","ajaxCrossBrand":"We're redirecting you to the correct plan website.","ajaxMedicaid":"You're redirecting to Anthem Medi-Cal site...","ajaxCaMedicaid":"We're gathering all your information. This should only take a moment. You're redirecting to the Medi-Cal Medicaid site...","ajaxWvMedicaid":"We're gathering all your information.This should only take a moment. You're redirecting to the Unicare Medicaid site....","lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class='formlink' href=\"/login/\">Log In</a></div>","lblExpiredEmailCode":"Your link has expired. To register, you need your member ID number on your card. Don’t have your card? Please contact <a data-autofocus id=\"lnkMemberService\" href=\"/contact-us/\" target=\"_blank\"> Member Services.</a>","studentID":"Student ID","stidTip":"Please enter your student ID number exactly as it appears on your student ID card.","stIDTitle":"Have your student ID card handy? Use your student ID number to register."},"analytics":{"nextBtn":"","backBtn":"","memIdNextRegister":"enterInfoMemIdNextRegister","stdIdNextRegister":"enterInfoStudentIdNextRegister","actCdNextRegister":"enterInfoActCodeNextRegister","memIdRadioRegister":"enterInfoMemIdRadioRegister","stdIdRadioRegister":"enterInfoStudentIdRadioRegister","actCdRadioRegister":"enterInfoActCodeRadioRegister"},"buttons":{"btnNxt":"Next","btnBack":"Back","btnContinue":"Continue","lnkMemId":"Use your member ID instead","lnkSsn":"Use your Social Security Number instead"},"toggle":{"wvMedicaid":true,"disableStudentID":false},"disableSsn":true},"abc":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class='formlink' href=\"/ca/login/\">Log In</a></div>"}},"hbks":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class='formlink' href=\"/login/\">Log In</a></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"healthblue":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/healthybluela/login/\">Log In</a></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"ebcbs":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class='formlink' href=\"/login/\">Log In</a></div>"}},"simply":{"labels":{},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"amv":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/login/\">Log In</a> <br/> <span id=\"cnsRegFootMedCaidLink\"> Are you a Medicaid member? Visit our Medicaid page <a id='amerigrpMedicaidLink' class='link nowrap-mobile' href=' ' target=\"_blank\"></a></span></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"wlp":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/login/\">Log In</a> <br/> <span id=\"cnsRegFootMedCaidLink\"> Are you a Medicaid member? Visit our Medicaid page <a id='amerigrpMedicaidLink' class='link nowrap-mobile' href=' ' target=\"_blank\"></a></span></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":false}},"bcbsks":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/ks/login/\">Log In</a></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"bcbskc":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/kc/login/\">Log In</a></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"hbnc":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/nc/login/\">Log In</a></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"hbmo":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/healthybluemo/login/\">Log In</a></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"bluerx":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/nc/login/\">Log In</a></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"bluema":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div class=\"horizontal-center\">Already registered? <a data-analytics=\"enterInfoLoginLinkRegister\" class='formlink' href=\"/login/\">Log In</a></div>"},"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}},"unicare":{"toggle":{"disableStudentID":true}}},"registerStepOneSnapComponent":{"default":{"chatMicroApp":{"enabled":true,"env":{"dev5":"sit1","test1":"uat1","test5":"uat1","perf1":"perf1","prod2":"prodgreen","prod3":"prodblue","dr":"drblue"},"src":{"local":"","dev1":"","dev5":"","ci1":"","test1":"","test5":"","perf1":"","prod2":"","prod3":"","dr":"","sit1":""}},"errors":{"errZipCodeNumeric":"Please, enter the 5 digits of your ZIP/Postal code.","ssnFmt":"Format should be ###-##-####.","reqFld":"Required field.","reqFildEmpId":"You can only use your employee ID to register if you don't have Anthem insurance.","errDateFmt":"Please enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.","errFutuDate":"Don't use a date in the future.","noSpecialCharacterforIdNo":"Don't use | ; @ $ % ( ) ^ - + , < > ' \" & * #","noSpecialCharacterforName":"An invalid character was entered. Please try again using only letters (no numbers or special characters).","noSpecialCharacter":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed.","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","mustBeNine":"Use at least 9 characters.","errNO_DATA_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH_EMPI":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errBUSS_LAYER_ERR":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","serviceError":"Hmmm…That didn’t work for some reason. Please recheck your info and try again.","errVC_MEMBERID_LOCKOUT":"You’ve gone over the number of registration attempts you’re allowed. You can wait 60 minutes to restart or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_CS90_PRVONLY":"Sorry, we can’t show your plan info here. For questions about claims and benefits, please call Member Services at the number on your member ID card.","errVC_CS90_FEPONLY":"Wish we could help. We don’t show Federal Employees Plan benefits info here. Please log in to to view your plan info.","errVC_CS90_CT_HMO":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. Please contact your group administrator for help.","errREQ_FLD_MISSING":"Hmmm…Looks like some info we need from you is missing. Please check and try again.","errVC_NOCONTRACT":"You must be at least 18 years old to register.","errVC_NOCONTRACT_STUDENT":"You must be at least 16 years old to register.","errVC_INMATEONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_ITSHOSTONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_FEPONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_FEDERAL_EMPLOYEE_PROGRAM":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_ITS_HOST":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_INMATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_FEP":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_PRIVACY_RULE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_CT_HMO":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errNONANTHEMBRANDONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_SUBSCRIBER_NOT_ELIGIBLE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_INVALID_ADDRESS":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","err100":"Sorry, our system isn’t working the way it should. Please try again later or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_GRPBLOCKED":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. Please contact your group administrator for help.","errUnknActCode":"Hmmm…That didn’t work for some reason. Please check your code and try again. Or use your member ID number to complete your registration.","errAlreadyUsedUname":"Sorry, our system isn’t working the way it should. Please try again later or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errGoogleMemberMsg":"We don’t show Google member benefits info here. Please log in to Google’s gHealthcare website to view your plan info.","errUnicareMember":"Wish we could help. We don’t show UniCare member benefits info here. Please log in to to view your plan info. Or wait a moment and we’ll send you there.","errDOB_INVALID_MAX":"Are you sure your date of birth is correct? If you're over 115, please call us 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCrossBrand":"Hold on a moment while we send you to the correct page for your plan.","errCrsBrndAlrdRegis":"Looks like you’re already registered, but your member benefits information isn't available here. Please hold while we redirect you to the correct plan website.","errCaMedicaid":"Looks like you're a Medi-Cal (Medicaid) Member. We have a website just for Anthem Medi-cal members. You can login or register there. Please hold while we redirect you.","errWvMedicaid":"Looks like you're a West Virginia Medicaid Member. We have a website just for Unicare Medicaid members. You can login or register there. Please hold while we redirect you.","errSysEmailCode":"Sorry, looks like something isn't working. Please give us some time to fix it. Then, try the link in your email again or contact <a href=\"/contact-us/\" target=\"_blank\">Technical Support.</a>","err3201":"Sorry, the activation code you entered has expired. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","err6001":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. For questions about claims and benefits, please call Member Services at 1-800-499-2793 (TTY 711).","err1008_ACTCD":"<div><strong>We can't find you in our system.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Reasons could include:</div><ul><li>You exceeded the number of allowed registration attempts.</li><li>You don't meet the minimum age requirement to register.</li><li>Digital registration isn't enabled for your plan.</li><li>This isn't the correct website for your plan.</li></ul><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please try again or contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","err1008":"<div><strong>We can't find you in our system.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Reasons could include:</div><ul><li>You exceeded the number of allowed registration attempts.</li><li>You don't meet the minimum age requirement to register.</li><li>Digital registration isn't enabled for your plan.</li><li>This isn't the correct website for your plan.</li></ul><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please try again or contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","err5014":"<div><strong>We can't find you in our system.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Reasons could include:</div><ul><li>You exceeded the number of allowed registration attempts.</li><li>You don't meet the minimum age requirement to register.</li><li>Digital registration isn't enabled for your plan.</li><li>This isn't the correct website for your plan.</li></ul><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please try again or contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","err3001":"<div><strong>Your registration link has expired.</strong</div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>You can <a class='link' href='/register/'>register</a> by using the member number on your member ID card. Don't have your card? Please contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","err6005":"<div><strong>It looks like you're already registered.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please <a class='formlink' href='/login/'style=\"border-bottom:1px;\" >sign in</a>. If you forgot your username and/or password, <a class ='formlink' href='/forgot-username-password/' style=\"border-bottom:1px;\">reset them now.</a></div>","err1002":"<div><strong>There is a problem with this link.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Reasons could include:</div><ul><li>You exceeded the number of allowed registration attempts.</li><li>You don't meet the minimum age requirement to register.</li><li>Digital registration isn't enabled for your plan.</li><li>This isn't the correct website for your plan.</li></ul><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please try again or contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","errHardStop":"<div><strong>There might be a problem with your account.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Reasons could include:</div><ul><li>You exceeded the number of allowed registration attempts.</li><li>You don't meet the minimum age requirement to register.</li><li>Digital registration isn't enabled for your plan.</li><li>This isn't the correct website for your plan.</li></ul><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please try again or contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>"},"labels":{"regInfoModal":{"modalId":"reg-user-info-modal","title":"Understand which identification type to use when registering.","hcidHeading":"Member ID","hcidText":"Your member ID number is located on your health plan card.","idText":"Identification Number","studentIdHeading":"Student ID","studentIdText":"For students at participating colleges, enter your student ID number exactly as it appears on your school ID card.","activationIdHeading":"Activation code","activationIdText":"Activation codes only apply to a very small percentage of our membership. If you have received one by email, use it to register.","employeeIdHeading":"Employee ID","employeeIdText":"Activation codes only apply to a very small percentage of our membership. If your employer requires you to use your employee ID number to register, enter that number exactly as provided by your employer."},"sourceTypeLabels":[{"id":"default","expiredlbl":"<br/><strong>Your registration link has expired.</strong><br/><br/>You can register by using the member number on your member ID card. Don't have your card? Please contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET."},{"id":"qr-idcard","expiredlbl":"Your QR has expired. To register, you need your member ID number on your card. Don’t have your card? Please contact <a data-autofocus id=\"lnkMemberService\" href=\"/contact-us/\" target=\"_blank\"> Member Services.</a>"},{"id":"eob-daily","expiredlbl":"<br/><strong>Your registration link has expired.</strong><br/><br/>You can register by using the member number on your member ID card. Don't have your card? Please contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET."},{"id":"qr-eob","expiredlbl":"Your QR has expired. To register, you need your member ID number on your card. Don’t have your card? Please contact <a data-autofocus id=\"lnkMemberService\" href=\"/contact-us/\" target=\"_blank\"> Member Services.</a>"}],"fName":"First name","lName":"Last name","idNo":"Member ID","zipCode":"ZIP/Postal Code","dropdownIdNo":"HCID/Member ID","dob":"Date of birth","selectIdTypeTxt":"Select identification type","employeeAlert":"Employee ID applies to a very small percentage of our membership. If your employer requires you to use your employee ID number to register, enter that number exactly as provided by your employer.","welcomeTitle":"Welcome! Please enter your information.","scanMemberIdCardRegister":"scanMemberIdCardRegister","scanMemberIdScanYesRegister":"scanMemberIdScanYesRegister","scanMemberIdScanNoRegister":"scanMemberIdScanNoRegister","scanMemberIdScanCloseRegister":"scanMemberIdScanCloseRegister","scanMemberIdTakePhotoRegister":"scanMemberIdTakePhotoRegister","scanMemberIdErrorTryAgainRegister":"scanMemberIdErrorTryAgainRegister","scanMemberIdErrorManualRegister":"scanMemberIdErrorManualRegister","scanMemberIdCardFlag":true,"cancelIcon":"/dam/images/cancellogo.png","welcomeTitleFupUnRegistered":"Please enter your information so we can find your account and get you registered.","scanIdCardSuccessMessage":"Success! We were able to scan your member ID card.","scanIdCardHeading":"Upload a copy of your member ID card for simple, accurate and secure registration.","scanIdCardLinkText":"Upload a photo of my member ID card","manualEntryText":"Or, you can also manually enter your member ID information.","dobAlertMessage":"Please enter your date of birth to verify your member ID.","memberNotFoundError":"We are unable to process your card. Please try manually","scanIdCardDisclaimerHeading":"Use your device to take a photo of the front of your member ID card","cameraAccessNotAllowed":"Camera access was not allowed by user!","scanIdCardDisclaimerDescription":"To capture an image of the front of your member ID card, lay the card on a flat, well-lit surface and then open your device's camera. Take a photo of the front of the card. Make sure the card's details are clear and legible in the image.","scanIdCardMessage":"Center your phone's camera on your member ID card and take a photo.","scanYesButtonLabel":"Open Camera","captureButtonLabel":"Take Photo","closeButton":"Close","dontScanButtonLabel":"Cancel","scanIdCardErrorHeading":"We were not able to scan your member ID card.","scanIdCardErrorDescription":"Make sure your phone is centered on the card and can clearly capture the card’s image.","tryAgainButtonLabel":"Try Again","enterManuallyButtonLabel":"Enter Manually","retakePhoto":"Retake Photo","done":"Done","reviewPhotoHeader":"Review Your Photo","ssn":"Social Security number","act":"Activation code","ajaxInd":"Searching our records…","ajaxIndForgotUser":"You're already registered with our website. You'll be redirected to recover your account...","ajaxInd2Fa":"Retrieving your email and phone numbers…","ajaxIndUnicare":"You are redirecting to","ajaxIndGoogle":"You are redirecting to Google Healthcare Portal...","ajaxCrossBrand":"We're redirecting you to the correct plan website.","ajaxMedicaid":"You're redirecting to Anthem Medi-Cal site...","ajaxCaMedicaid":"We're gathering all your information. This should only take a moment. You're redirecting to the Medi-Cal Medicaid site...","ajaxWvMedicaid":"We're gathering all your information.This should only take a moment. You're redirecting to the Unicare Medicaid site....","test":"test","lblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class='formlink' href=\"/login/\">Login</a></div></div>","mobLblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"javascript:window.close()\">Login</a></div></div>","lblExpiredEmailCode":"<br/><strong>Your registration link has expired.</strong><br/><br/>You can register by using the member number on your member ID card. Don't have your card? Please contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","studentID":"Student ID","employeeId":"Employee ID","emailCodeMessage":"You’ll receive an email with your code from with the subject 'Your ID card is ready now.'"},"analytics":{"memIdNextRegister":"enterInfoMemIdNextRegister","memIdBackRegister":"enterInfoMemIdBackRegister","stdIdNextRegister":"enterInfoStudentIdNextRegister","stdIdBackRegister":"enterInfoStudentIdBackRegister","actCdNextRegister":"enterInfoActCodeNextRegister","actCdBackRegister":"enterInfoActCodeBackRegister","employeeIdNextRegister":"enterInfoEmpIdNextRegister","employeeIdBackRegister":"enterInfoEmpIdBackRegister","memIdRadioRegister":"enterInfoMemIdRadioRegister","stdIdRadioRegister":"enterInfoEmpIdBackRegister","actCdRadioRegister":"enterInfoActCodeRadioRegister","employerIdDropdownRegister":"enterInfoEmployerIdDropdownRegister","employerAuthCdDropdownRegister":"enterInfoAuthCdDropdownRegister","scanMemberIdCardRegister":"scanMemberIdCardRegister","scanMemberIdScanYesRegister":"scanMemberIdScanYesRegister","scanMemberIdScanNoRegister":"scanMemberIdScanNoRegister","scanMemberIdScanCloseRegister":"scanMemberIdScanCloseRegister","scanMemberIdTakePhotoRegister":"scanMemberIdTakePhotoRegister","scanMemberIdReviewRetakeRegister":"scanMemberIdReviewRetakeRegister","scanMemberIdReviewDoneRegister":"scanMemberIdReviewDoneRegister","scanMemberIdErrorTryAgainRegister":"scanMemberIdErrorTryAgainRegister","scanMemberIdErrorManualRegister":"scanMemberIdErrorManualRegister"},"toggle":{"wvMedicaid":true,"disableStudentID":false},"buttons":{"btnNxt":"Next","btnBack":"Back","btnContinue":"Continue","lnkMemId":"Use your member ID instead","lnkSsn":"Use your Social Security Number instead"},"disableSsn":true},"abc":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class='formlink' href=\"/ca/login/\">Login</a></div></div>","mobLblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"javascript:window.close()\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"healthblue":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/healthybluela/login/\">Login</a></div></div>","mobLblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"javascript:window.close()\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"hbnc":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/nc/login/\">Login</a></div></div>","mobLblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"javascript:window.close()\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"bluerx":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/ny/login/\">Login</a></div></div>","mobLblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"javascript:window.close()\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"hbmo":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/healthybluemo/login/\">Login</a></div></div>","mobLblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"javascript:window.close()\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"ebcbs":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class='formlink' href=\"/login/\">Login</a></div></div>","mobLblAlreadyReg":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"javascript:window.close()\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"simply":{"labels":{}},"amv":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div> <div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"> <span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span> <a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/login/\">Login</a> </div> <br/> <span id=\"cnsRegFootMedCaidLink\"> Are you a Medicaid member? Visit our Medicaid page <a id='amerigrpMedicaidLink' class='link nowrap-mobile' href=' ' target=\"_blank\"></a> </span> </div>","mobLblAlreadyReg":"<div> <div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"> <span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span> <a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"javascript:window.close()\">Login</a> </div> <br/> <span id=\"cnsRegFootMedCaidLink\"> Are you a Medicaid member? Visit our Medicaid page <a id='amerigrpMedicaidLink' class='link nowrap-mobile' href=' ' target=\"_blank\"></a> </span> </div>"}},"wlp":{"labels":{"lblAlreadyReg":"<div> <div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"> <span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span> <a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/login/\">Login</a> </div> </div> ","mobLblAlreadyReg":"<div> <div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Already registered?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"> <span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span> <a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"javascript:window.close()\">Login</a> </div></div>"}}},"registerStepTwoComponent":{"default":{"chatMicroApp":{"env":{"dev5":"sit1","test1":"uat1","test5":"uat1","perf1":"perf1","prod2":"prodgreen","prod3":"prodblue","dr":"drblue"},"src":{"local":"","dev1":"","dev5":"","ci1":"","test1":"","test5":"","perf1":"","prod2":"","prod3":"","dr":"","sit1":""}},"errors":{"reqFild":"Required field.","Email":"Please check the email address.","mustBeSixToNineteen":"Use 6-19 characters.","containLetterOrNumber":"Use 1 letter and 1 number.","mustBeEightToTwenty":"Use 8-20 characters.","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","cannotContainSpaceforuserName":"Don't use spaces.","cannotHaveConsecutiveChar":"Don't use the same character three times in a row.","noSpecialCharacterforuserName":"$ ! @ . also allowed.","noSpecialCharacter":"Don't use | ; $ % ( ) + , ~ < > ’ ” & * ? [ ] # \\","noSpecialCharacterforPassword":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed.","passwordMismatch":"Passwords don't match.","usernameExists":"<div><p>Looks like there’s a problem with the username you entered. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li>The username is not allowed by our system.</li> <li>The username is already registered.</li> <li>The username does not meet the required format.</li> <li>The username is too similar to your email address and/or password.</li> </ul></div>","similiarOptions":"Here are some alternative username suggestions:","formValErrs":"Hmmm…Looks like something was entered incorrectly. Please check your info and try again.","err100":"Sorry, our system isn’t working the way it should. Please try again later or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","userNameCheck":"Don't use part of the username.","characterRepeat":"Don't use the same character three times in a row.","phoneFmtErr":"Please enter in ###-###-#### format.","invalidPhoneErr":"Invalid phone number.","errInvalidARN":"<div><p>Looks like we can't save that number to your contact info. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\">This type of number is not supported by our system.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number already being used by another account.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number does not meet the required format.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number was issued too recently by your carrier.</li> </ul>You can add a new number or call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET for help.</div>","errUnknownARN":"Sorry, looks like we can't save a recovery number to your contact info. For help, call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET."},"labels":{"emailId":"Email","uName":"Username","password":"Password","confirmPwd":"Confirm password","ajaxInd":"Just a moment...","title":"A few last steps! Create or change your user info.","intro":"Choose a password that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.","lblArn":"Account recovery phone number","arnTooltip":"This phone number will be used to help you get back into your account if you ever forget your password.","defTxtArn":"Add new phone number","lblArnOpt":"Account recovery phone number (Optional)","lblArnSnap":"Phone Number","registrarionCompleted":"You are now registered to use our website!","fillOutSection":"You must fill out the following section:","addToRegistry":"Would you like to be added to the Donate Life Registry?","donarRegistryLink":""},"buttons":{"btnNxt":"Next","btnBck":"Back","yes":"YES","skipThisQuestion":"SKIP THIS QUESTION"},"analytics":{"yes":"yesBtnNowRegistered","skipThisQuestion":"skipQuestionBtnNowRegistered"}}},"touAndSecQuesComponent":{"default":{"errors":{"reqFild":"Required field.","reqFieldTOU":"In order to register, you must agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.","formValErrs":"Hmmm…Looks like there’s a problem. Please check your info and try again.","serviceError":"Hmmm…Looks like there’s a problem. Please check your info and try again.","err100":"That didn’t work for some reason. Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","noSpecialCharacterforSecretAnswer":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed in your answer.","noSpecialCharacterforIdNo":"Don't use | ;@ $ % ( ) ^ - + , < > ’ ” & * # '","noSpecialCharacterforuserName":"Don't use | ; $ % ( ) + , ~ < > ’ ” & * ? [ ] # \\","mustBeFourToTwenty":"Use 4-20 characters.","noSpaceforSecretAnswer":"Don’t use a space as the first or last character."},"labels":{"title":"Pick your security questions and provide the answers.","lblSecQues1":"Security question 1","lblSecQues2":"Security question 2","lblSecQues3":"Security question 3","lblSecAns1":"Enter answer 1","lblSecAns2":"Enter answer 2","lblSecAns3":"Enter answer 3","chkTou":"I agree to the <a href=\"/privacy/\" target=\"_blank\">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href=\"/legal/\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Use</a>","chkMedicarePaperlessPref":"By giving my email address, I agree to receive email about my benefits, health programs, and other plan services. I understand that I may change my email preferences at any time in my profile.","chkGAPaperlessPref":"BY CHECKING THIS BOX, I AGREE TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS, INCLUDING INFORMATION ABOUT NEW PRODUCTS, NEW SERVICES, CANCELLATIONS OR NONRENEWAL NOTICES, ELECTRONICALLY AT THE EMAIL ADDRESS I HAVE PROVIDED. I understand I can revoke this authorization or request paper copies free of charge by contacting Member Services at the number on my member ID card or online within my Profile located under Communication Preferences.","chkPaperlessPref":"I want to receive paperless communications, including my Explanation of Benefits (EOB), legally required service updates, and my monthly bill. These default settings can be changed at any time in your Account Profile once you have completed this registration.","lblQues":"Select question","ajaxInd":"Just a moment...","regSucc":"Done! You are now registered.","intro":"Your answers will be used to help identify you if you need to access your account or reset your password.","shareHistoricalPermission":"Permission to Share Health Information","shareHistoricalPermissionHeader":"Welcome back. It's been more than two years since your Anthem benefits ended so your historical health information is not currently available.","shareHistoricalPermissionInfo":"If you would like to share this information with your current insurer, please contact your current insurer and follow their instructions. You may need to provide this username and password in order to share this information.","payerEligibleCheck":true},"securityQuestions":{"ques1":{"value":"What school did you attend for the third grade?","desc":"What school did you attend for the third grade?"},"ques2":{"value":"What is your favorite food?","desc":"What is your favorite food?"},"ques3":{"value":"What was your favorite childhood toy?","desc":"What was your favorite childhood toy?"},"ques4":{"value":"What is the name of your favorite TV or movie character?","desc":"What is the name of your favorite TV or movie character?"},"ques5":{"value":"What is the first name of your favorite childhood friend?","desc":"What is the first name of your favorite childhood friend?"},"ques6":{"value":"What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?","desc":"What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?"},"ques7":{"value":"What was the name of your first pet?","desc":"What was the name of your first pet?"},"ques8":{"value":"Name a food you hate?","desc":"Name a food you hate?"},"ques9":{"value":"What is the name of the hospital in which you were born?","desc":"What is the name of the hospital in which you were born?"},"ques10":{"value":"What is your favorite city to visit?","desc":"What is your favorite city to visit?"},"ques11":{"value":"What do you collect as a hobby?","desc":"What do you collect as a hobby?"},"ques12":{"value":"What was your high school mascot?","desc":"What was your high school mascot?"},"ques13":{"value":"What was your favorite place to visit as a child?","desc":"What was your favorite place to visit as a child?"},"ques14":{"value":"What was your first car make and model?","desc":"What was your first car make and model?"},"ques15":{"value":"What is the last name of your favorite teacher?","desc":"What is the last name of your favorite teacher?"},"ques16":{"value":"Who is your favorite author first and last name?","desc":"Who is your favorite author first and last name?"},"ques17":{"value":"What was the first musical concert you attended?","desc":"What was the first musical concert you attended?"}},"buttons":{"btnBck":"Back","btnFin":"Finish","btnNext":"Complete registration"}}},"updatePreferencesComponent":{"default":{"errors":{"reqFild":"Required field","noEmailPaperless":"Hmmm...An email address is needed to receive paperless communications. Please enter your email address and continue.","updatePrefError":"Sorry, our system isn’t working the way it should and your preferences can’t be saved right now. Hit “Next” to complete registration, and you can update your preferences in your account Profile at any time.","err100":"That didn’t work for some reason. Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET."},"labels":{"title":"Choose your communication and language preferences.","titlePartDigAcct5":"Welcome back! Complete your registration below.","lblWrtLang":"Preferred Written Language","lblSpkLang":"Preferred Spoken Language","chkEob":"<b>Paperless EOB</b><br> Email me when I have a new medical Explanation of Benefits (EOB). I can switch to paper at any time.","chkEobGa":"<b>Paperless EOB</b><br>Email me when I have a new medical Explanation of Benefits (EOB). I can switch to paper at any time.","chkEobStar":"<b>Paperless EOB</b><br>Email me when I have a new medical Explanation of Benefits (EOB). I can switch to paper at any time.","chkBenGa":"<b>Paperless benefit updates</b><br>BY CHECKING THIS BOX, I AGREE TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS, INCLUDING INFORMATION ABOUT NEW PRODUCTS, NEW SERVICES, CANCELLATIONS OR NONRENEWAL NOTICES, ELECTRONICALLY AT THE EMAIL ADDRESS I HAVE PROVIDED. I understand I can revoke this authorization or request paper copies free of charge by contacting Members Services at the number on my member ID card or online within my Profile located under Communication Preferences.","chkBill":"<b>Paperless monthly bill</b><br>Email me my monthly bill. I can switch to paper at any time.","chkBen":"<b>Paperless benefit updates</b><br>Email me information about new products and services, benefit updates, and notices that I am required to get by law. I can switch to paper at any time.","chkBenMed":"<b>Paperless benefit information</b><br>By giving my email address, I agree to receive email about my benefits, health programs, and other plan services. I understand that I may change my email preferences at any time in my Profile.","langSel":"Select One","regSucc":"Done! You are now registered.","intro":"Tell us how you'd like to hear from us.","ajaxInd":"Just a moment..."},"languages":{"writtenLanguages":{"lang1":{"code":"100","desc":"English"},"lang2":{"code":"100215","desc":"Korean"},"lang3":{"code":"300","desc":"Spanish"},"lang4":{"code":"100387","desc":"Tagalog"},"lang5":{"code":"100424","desc":"Vietnamese"},"lang6":{"code":"100078","desc":"Mandarin"}},"spokenLanguages":{"lang1":{"code":"100","desc":"English"},"lang2":{"code":"100215","desc":"Korean"},"lang3":{"code":"300","desc":"Spanish"},"lang4":{"code":"100387","desc":"Tagalog"},"lang5":{"code":"100424","desc":"Vietnamese"},"lang6":{"code":"100078","desc":"Mandarin"}}},"buttons":{"btnBck":"Back","btnNxt":"Next"}}},"cnsAppSessionTrackerComponent":{"default":{"title":"Are you still there?","text1":"In two minutes we’ll have to send you back to the Login page. This helps protect your information. If you want to continue your registration, choose <strong>Stay Here</strong>.","buttons":{"ok":"Restart","cancel":"Stay Here"},"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/"}},"abc":{"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/"}},"healthblue":{"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/"}}},"twoFactorComponent":{"default":{"errors":{"reqFld":"Required field.","phoneFmtErr":"Please enter in ###-###-#### format.","invalidPhoneErr":"Invalid phone number.","otpErr":"One-time security code should be six digits.","secQuesMinLengthErr":"Use 4-20 characters.","noSecQuesMatch":"Your answer cannot be the same as the security question.","noSpecialCharSecAns":"Don't use | & ; $ % @ \\\" ' < > ( ) +","apiErrors":{"errVerifyDelieryValue":"Sorry, we weren’t able to process your security code. Please try again later.","invalidOtpDef":"Hmmm… Your security code was not entered correctly. Please try again. Or select <strong>Didn’t get a security code?</strong> to have a new one sent to you.","errSaveDfp":"We're having a problem in updating remember your device settings. Please try again or contact us.","errThrotChk":"We're having technical problems in validating one-time passcode settings. Please try again or contact customer support.","invalidOtpInt":"Hmmm... Your security code was not entered correctly. Please try again. After [[count]] more attempts you'll need a new security code. Or select Didn't get a security code? to have a new one sent to you now.","invalidOtpFin":"Hmmm... Your security code was not entered correctly. Please select Didn't get a security code? and have a new one sent to you now.","errUnknownGetSecQues":"For some reason we couldn't retrieve the security questions. Please try again or <a href='contact-us'>contact us</a> for help.","errVerifySecQues":"Sorry, something isn’t working the way it should. Please try again.","err3301":"Uh-oh! You’ve gone over the number of security code attempts you’re allowed. You need to wait until you have requested fewer than 5 security codes within the past 30 minutes. Then you can request a new one.","err5030":"Hmmm... Your security code has expired. Please select <b>Didn't get a security code?</b> to have a new one sent to you.","auth001":"Sorry, we're unable to complete your login using these answers. Please try again or select Back to request a security code to access your account. Note that your account will be locked after more than three incorrect attempts. If you continue to have issues logging in, please call the Member Services number on your ID card.","err5029":"<div align='left'><div><strong>We're unable to send a security code to this phone number.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Possible reasons could be:</div><ul><li>This type of phone number isn't supported by our system. </li><li>The phone number is not available.</li><li>The phone number is already being used.</li><li>The phone number was issued too recently by your carrier.</li></ul><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>You can enter another phone number. If you continue to have a problem, please contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div></div>","errVerifyOtp":"<div><strong>We're unable to process the code you entered.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Sorry, something isn’t working. To continue, please select <strong>Didn't get a security code?</strong> link below to request new security code.</div>","errSendOtp":"<div><strong>We're unable to send a security code to you.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Sorry, something isn’t working. To access your account, please request a new security code.</div>","errSendOtpNoSeqQ":"<div><strong>We're unable to send a security code to you.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Sorry, something isn’t working. To access your account, please request a new security code.</div>","err400":"<div align='left'><div><strong>We're unable to send a security code to this phone number.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Possible reasons could be:</div><ul><li>This type of phone number isn't supported by our system. </li><li>The phone number is not available.</li><li>The phone number is already being used.</li><li>The phone number was issued too recently by your carrier.</li></ul><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>You can enter another phone number. If you continue to have a problem, please contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div></div>","errOtpVerifyDef2":"<div><strong>Your security code was entered incorrectly.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please try again. After two more attempts, you will need a new security code or select <strong>Didn't get a security code?</strong> link below.</div>","errOtpVerifyDef1":"<div><strong>Your security code was entered incorrectly.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please try again. After one more attempt, you will need a new security code or select <strong>Didn't get a security code?</strong> link below.</div>","err3008":"<div><strong>You've reached the maximum number of incorrect security code attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please select <strong>Didn't get a security code?</strong> link below.</div>","auth4001":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4002":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4003":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4004":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4005":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4006":"<div><strong>You've reached the maximum number of incorrect answer attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>For security purposes, we locked or disabled your account. For assistance unlocking your account, please call the Technical Help Desk at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","authUSERDISABLED":"<div><strong>You've reached the maximum number of incorrect answer attempts.</div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>For security purposes, we locked or disabled your account. For assistance unlocking your account, please call the Technical Help Desk at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>"}},"labels":{"ajaxSendOtp":"Sending one-time security code...","ajaxVerifyOtp":"Verifying one-time security code...","ajaxChkThrot":"Just a moment...","ajaxRemDev":"Saving your device...","ajaxSecQues":"Checking your answers...","ajaxGetSecQues":"Getting security questions..."},"step1":{"title":"To be extra safe, you need a one-time security code to set up your account. Choose how to receive your code:","labels":{"lblIntro":"","lblEmail":"<div class=\"ver-align-label\"><span class=\"fa fa-paper-plane\"></span><h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Email</h3></div>","lblVoice":"<div class=\"ver-align-label\"><span class=\"fa fa-phone\"></span><h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Voice</h3></div>","lblText":"<div class=\"ver-align-label\"><span class=\"fa fa-mobile\"></span><h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Text</h3></div>","txtMsg":"You'll receive a one-time SMS message, so make sure your phone is able to receive texts. Standard data fees and text messaging rates may apply.","emailMsg":"You'll receive an email with your code from with the subject \"Your one-time security code.\" If you don't receive this email after several minutes, check your spam folder.","voiceMsg":"","lnkSecQues":"Use your security questions instead."},"titleOTPSent":"Didn’t get a security code? Choose how you want a new code sent:","buttons":{"lnkNewNbr":"Add a new number to use","lnkOTPScreen":"Already have a security code?","btnSnd":"Send","btnBck":"Back","lnkUnrecgNbr":"Don’t recognize these numbers?"},"alertUnrecgNbr":"We need a phone number that can be used to verify your identify with a text message or phone call. For help, call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET."},"step2":{"labels":{"lblSecDet":"Once you complete this added layer of security, your new phone number will be verified** in your profile.","title":"Please confirm your phone number to send security code"}},"step3":{"title":"Add a new phone number to use for your security code.","titleDef":"To be extra safe, you need a one-time security code to set up your account. Add a new phone number to use for your security code.","labels":{"txtMsg":"You'll receive a one-time SMS message, so make sure your phone is able to receive texts. Standard data fees and text messaging rates may apply.","lblSecDet":"Once you complete this added layer of security, your new phone number will be saved to your profile.","lblText":"<span class=\"fa fa-mobile\"></span> <h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Text</h3>","lblVoice":"<span class=\"fa fa-phone\"></span> <h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Voice</h3>","lblNbr":"Phone number","emailMsg":""},"buttons":{"btnSnd":"Send","btnBck":"Back"}},"step4":{"title":"Enter your security code to continue.","labels":{"lblConfTxt":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblConfVoc":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblConfEma":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong> from <strong></strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblRem":"<p>Remember my device. This way next time I log in from this device I won't have to enter a security code.</p>","lblNoRem":"<p>Don't remember my device. It's a public device or I don't use it regularly, so I'll need a security code next time I log in from this device.</p>","lblConf":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblConfOtpLnk":"Enter the six digits to continue."},"buttons":{"btnNxt":"Next","lnkNoCode":"Didn't get a security code?"}},"step5":{"title":"","labels":{"lblThrotMaxed":"Uh-oh! You've gone over the number of security code attempts you're allowed. You need to wait until you have requested fewer than 5 security codes within the past 30 minutes. Then you can request a new one."},"buttons":{"btnBck":"Back","btnRet":"Retry"}},"step6":{"title":"Let's make sure it's you. Answer your security questions.","labels":{"intro":"Don't forget, your answer has to match your original entry.","secAnswer1":"Enter Answer 1","secAnswer2":"Enter Answer 2","footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='login'>Log in.</a>"},"buttons":{"btnCan":"Back","btnNxt":"Next"}}}},"forgotUsernamePwdCmpV2":{"forgotUsernamePwdCmpV2":{"default":{"labels":{"ajaxInd":"One moment please…"},"snapExperienceShowDate":"01/01/2021"}},"cnsForgotUsernamePasswordFirstStepDir":{"default":{"errors":{"err100":"Sorry, our system isn’t working the way it should. Please try again later or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","err1006":"<div><p> Looks like we can’t complete your request. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Your information was entered incorrectly.</li> <li align=\"left\"> This account is not activated or is currently locked.</li> <li align=\"left\"> Our system isn’t working the way it should.</li> </ul>Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","errHardStop":"Hmmm… Looks like we can't complete your request at this time. For help call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","ssnFmt":"Format should be ###-##-####.","reqFld":"Required field.","errDateFmt":"Please enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.","errFutuDate":"Don't use a date in the future.","noSpecialCharacterforIdNo":"Don't use |;@$%()^-+,<>'\"&*#'","noSpecialCharacterforName":"Invalid special character. ` ! - _ { } : ' . are allowed.","alphaNumericRquired":"Please use at least 1 letter or number.","noSpecialCharacter":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed.","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","mustBeNine":"Use at least 9 characters.","Email":"Please check the email address.","errSEARCHUSERPROFILE001":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errREQ_FLD_MISSING":"Hmmm…Looks like some info we need from you is missing. Please check and try again.","errVC_NOMATCH_EMPI":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_SUBSCRIBER_NOT_ELIGIBLE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_CT_HMO":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_FEP":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_PRIVACY_RULE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errDATA_PROVIDER_SERVICE_FAILURE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errINSUFFICIENT_INPUT_DATA":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errINVALID_FIELD_VALUE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errMEMBER_NOT_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errMULTIPLE_MEMBERS_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errNONANTHEMBRANDONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errNO_DATA_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATEMEMBERPROFILE001":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_CONTACT_FAILURE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_INVALID_CONTACTID":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_INVALID_LAST_SYNC_DATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_FEDERAL_EMPLOYEE_PROGRAM":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_INMATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_ITS_HOST":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_FEPONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_INMATEONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_INVALID_ADDRESS":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_ITSHOSTONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_MEMBERID_LOCKOUT":"You’ve gone over the number of attempts you’re allowed. You can wait 60 minutes to restart or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_CS90_PRVONLY":"Sorry, we can’t show your plan info here. For questions about claims and benefits, please call Member Services at the number on your member ID card.","errVC_CS90_CT_HMO":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. Please contact your group administrator for help.","errVC_NOCONTRACT":"You must be at least 18 years old to register.","errWSL_INTERNAL_ERROR":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errDOB_INVALID_MAX":"Are you sure the date of birth you entered is correct? If the date is correct (and you are over 115 years old), please call us toll free at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST.","err1008":"<div> <p> Looks like we can’t complete your request. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> We couldn’t find that account in our system.</li> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> Your information was entered incorrectly.</li> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> This account is not activated or is currently locked.</li> <li align=\\\"left\\\"> Our system isn’t working the way it should.</li> </ul>Please check your info and try again. Or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET. for help.</div>","err3011":"Sorry, we can't complete your request at this time. We are reviewing your plan and preparing your member details. Please return at a later time."},"labels":{"fName":"First name","lName":"Last name","idNo":"Member ID","dob":"Date of birth","memIdTitle":"Please enter your information so we can find your account.","ssnTitle":"Please enter your information so we can find your account.","ssn":"Social Security number","ajaxInd":"Searching our records…","emailId":"Email","emailTitle":"Please enter your information so we can find your account.","email":"Email"},"buttons":{"btnNxt":"Next"},"modals":{"pageExit":{"headerText":"Sure You Want to Leave?","bodyText":"If you leave this page, you’ll lose any changes made to the form.","buttons":{"no":"Stay","yes":"Leave"}}},"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"analytics":{"memIdNextRegister":"enterInfoMemIdNextRegister","stdIdNextRegister":"enterInfoStudentIdNextRegister","actCdNextRegister":"enterInfoActCodeNextRegister","memIdRadioRegister":"enterInfoMemIdRadioRegister","stdIdRadioRegister":"enterInfoStudentIdRadioRegister","actCdRadioRegister":"enterInfoActCodeRadioRegister","memIdNextFup":"forgotUserPwMemIdNextAcr","stdIdNextFup":"forgotUserPwStudentIdNextAcr","emailIdNextFup":"forgotUserPwEmailNextAcr","memIdRadioFup":"forgotUserPwMemIdRadioAcr","stdIdRadioFup":"forgotUserPwStudentIdRadioAcr","emailIdRadioFup":"forgotUserPwEmailRadioAcr"},"disableSsn":true},"abc":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ca/login/'>Log in.</a>"}},"hbks":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/login/'>Log in.</a>"}},"healthblue":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/healthybluela/login/'>Log in.</a>"}},"bcbsks":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ks/login/'>Log in.</a>"}},"bcbskc":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/kc/login/'>Log in.</a>"}},"hbnc":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/nc/login/'>Log in.</a>"}},"hbmo":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/healthybluemo/login/'>Log in.</a>"}},"bluerx":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ny/login/'>Log in.</a>"}},"bluema":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/login/'>Log in.</a>"}}},"cnsForgotUsernamePasswordFirstStepSnapDir":{"default":{"errors":{"recoveryTknInvalid":"Invalid","err100":"The information you entered doesn’t match our records. Please re-enter. If the problem continues, call our Help Desk at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 am – 8 pm ET.","errHardStop":"Hmmm… Looks like we can't complete your registration at this time. Please try again later or contact Member Services at the number on your member ID card for help.","ssnFmt":"Format should be xxx-xx-xxxx.","reqFld":"Required field","errDateFmt":"Invalid date","errFutuDate":"Future Date","noSpecialCharacterforIdNo":"Don't use |;@$%()^-+,<>'\"&*#'","noSpecialCharacterforName":"Don't use |;@$%()^+,~<>'\"&*?[]#\\\\","noSpecialCharacter":"Don't use |;$%()+,~<>'\"&*?[]#\\\\","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","mustBeNine":"Use at least 9 characters","Email":"Please check the email address.","errSEARCHUSERPROFILE001":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errREQ_FLD_MISSING":"Hmmm…Looks like some info we need from you is missing. Please check and try again.","errVC_NOMATCH_EMPI":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_SUBSCRIBER_NOT_ELIGIBLE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_CT_HMO":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_FEP":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_PRIVACY_RULE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errDATA_PROVIDER_SERVICE_FAILURE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errINSUFFICIENT_INPUT_DATA":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errINVALID_FIELD_VALUE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errMEMBER_NOT_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errMULTIPLE_MEMBERS_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errNONANTHEMBRANDONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errNO_DATA_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATEMEMBERPROFILE001":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_CONTACT_FAILURE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_INVALID_CONTACTID":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_INVALID_LAST_SYNC_DATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_FEDERAL_EMPLOYEE_PROGRAM":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_INMATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_ITS_HOST":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_FEPONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_INMATEONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_INVALID_ADDRESS":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_ITSHOSTONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_MEMBERID_LOCKOUT":"You’ve gone over the number of attempts you’re allowed. You can wait 60 minutes to restart or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_CS90_PRVONLY":"Sorry, we can’t show your plan info here. For questions about claims and benefits, please call Member Services at the number on your member ID card.","errVC_CS90_CT_HMO":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. Please contact your group administrator for help.","errVC_NOCONTRACT":"You must be at least 18 years old to register.","errWSL_INTERNAL_ERROR":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errDOB_INVALID_MAX":"Are you sure the date of birth you entered is correct? If the date is correct (and you are over 115 years old), please call us toll free at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST.","errCrossBrand":"Hold on a moment while we send you to the correct page for your plan.","errCaMedicaid":"Looks like you're a Medi-Cal (Medicaid) Member. We have a website just for Anthem Medi-cal members. You can login or register there. Please hold while we redirect you.","errWvMedicaid":"Looks like you're a West Virginia Medicaid Member. We have a website just for Unicare Medicaid members. You can login or register there. Please hold while we redirect you."},"labels":{"fName":"First name","lName":"Last name","idNo":"Member ID","dob":"Date of birth","ssn":"Social Security number","ajaxInd":"Searching our records…","ajaxCrossBrand":"We're redirecting you to the correct plan website.","ajaxCaMedicaid":"We're gathering all your information. This should only take a moment. You're redirecting to the Medi-Cal Medicaid site...","ajaxWvMedicaid":"We're gathering all your information.This should only take a moment. You're redirecting to the Unicare Medicaid site....","emailId":"Email","email":"Email","emailForgotUsernamePasswordHeading":"Select","studentID":"Student ID","employeeId":"Employee ID","formHeading":"Please enter your information so we can find your account.","selectIdTypeHeading":"Select Identification Type","infoModal":{"modalHeading":"What type of account do you have? Choose from the options below to register your online account.","id":"fup-user-info-modal","hcidHeading":"Member ID","hcidText":"Your member ID number is located on your health plan card.","idText":"Identification Number","studentIdHeading":"Student ID number","studentIdText":"For students at participating colleges, enter your student ID number exactly as it appears on your school ID card.","employeeIdHeading":"Employee ID","employeeIdText":"Enter the ID number you use at your job."}},"links":{"lblRemLogin":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Remember now?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/login/\">Login</a></div></div>"},"analytics":{"memIdNextFup":"forgotUserPwMemIdNextAcr","stdIdNextFup":"forgotUserPwStudentIdNextAcr","emailIdNextFup":"forgotUserPwEmailNextAcr","memIdRadioFup":"forgotUserPwMemIdRadioAcr","stdIdRadioFup":"forgotUserPwStudentIdRadioAcr","emailIdRadioFup":"forgotUserPwEmailRadioAcr","employerIdDropdownRegister":"forgotUserPwEmployeeIdDropdown","employerAuthCdDropdownRegister":"forgotUserPwAuthCdDropdown"},"buttons":{"btnNxt":"Next","ariaLabelBtnNext":"Next","btnBack":"Back","ariaLabelBtnBack":"Back","btnRecoverPWD":"Forgot Password","btnRecoverUNAME":"Forgot Username","continue":"Continue"},"toggle":{"wvMedicaid":true,"disableStudentID":false,"resetCredentialV2":true},"disableSsn":"true","modals":{"pageExit":{"headerText":"Sure You Want to Leave?","bodyText":"If you leave this page, you’ll lose any changes made to the form.","buttons":{"no":"Stay","yes":"Leave"}}}},"abc":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Remember now?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/ca/login/\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"healthblue":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Remember now?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/healthybluela/login/\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"hbmo":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Remember now?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/healthybluemo/login/\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"hbnc":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Remember now?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/nc/login/\">Login</a></div></div>"}},"bluerx":{"links":{"lblRemLogin":"<div><div class=\"alreadyRegText\">Remember now?</div> <div class=\"loginWithIcon\"><span class=\"fa fa-arrow-circle-right\"></span><a class=\"link ant-action-link\" href=\"/ny/login/\">Login</a></div></div>"}}},"cnsForgotUsernamePasswordSecondStepDir":{"default":{"errors":{"noSpecialCharSecAns":"Don't use | & ; $ % @ \" ' < > ( ) +","noSecQuesMatch":"Your answer cannot be the same as the security question.","secQuesMinLengthErr":"Use 4-20 characters.","reqFld":"Required field.","errUnknownGetSecQues":"For some reason we couldn't retrieve the security questions. Please try again or <a href='contact-us'>contact us</a> for help.","errUnknownValSecQues":"Sorry, something isn’t working the way it should. Please try again.","err100":"For some reason we couldn't retrieve the security questions. Please try again or <a href='contact-us'>contact us</a> for help.","serviceError":"Sorry, something isn’t working the way it should. Please try again.","formValErrs":"Hmmm…Looks like something was entered incorrectly. Please check your info and try again.","err1002":"Hmmm...We couldn’t find your security questions. Please try again or call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","secQuesErrors":{"err100":"For some reason we couldn't retrieve the security questions. Please try again or <a href='contact-us'>contact us</a> for help."},"noSpecialCharacterforSecretAnswer":"Don't use | ; @ $ % ( ) + , < > &","mustBeFourToTwenty":"Use 4-20 characters.","errNONANTHEMBRANDONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errREQ_FLD_MISSING":"Hmmm…Looks like some info we need from you is missing. Please check and try again.","errSEARCHUSERPROFILE001":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_INVALID_LAST_SYNC_DATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_CONTACT_FAILURE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOCONTRACT":"You must be at least 18 years old to register.","errVC_CS90_CT_HMO":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. Please contact your group administrator for help.","errVC_INMATEONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_CS90_PRVONLY":"Sorry, we can’t show your plan info here. For questions about claims and benefits, please call Member Services at the number on your member ID card.","errVC_MEMBERID_LOCKOUT":"You’ve gone over the number of attempts you’re allowed. You can wait 60 minutes to restart or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errWSL_INTERNAL_ERROR":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_ITSHOSTONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_INVALID_ADDRESS":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_FEPONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_ITS_HOST":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_INMATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_FEDERAL_EMPLOYEE_PROGRAM":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_INVALID_CONTACTID":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errMULTIPLE_MEMBERS_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATEMEMBERPROFILE001":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errNO_DATA_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errMEMBER_NOT_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errINVALID_FIELD_VALUE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH_EMPI":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errINSUFFICIENT_INPUT_DATA":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errDATA_PROVIDER_SERVICE_FAILURE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_PRIVACY_RULE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_FEP":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_CT_HMO":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_SUBSCRIBER_NOT_ELIGIBLE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET."},"title":"Let's make sure it's you. Answer your security questions.","labels":{"secAnswer":"Enter Answer","footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='login'>Log in.</a>","ajaxInd":"Checking your answers...","ajaxIndSecQues":"Getting security questions...","intro":"Don't forget, your answer has to match your original entry."},"buttons":{"btnNxt":"Next","btnBck":"Back"},"modals":{"pageExit":{"headerText":"Sure You Want to Leave?","bodyText":"If you leave this page, you’ll lose any changes made to the form.","buttons":{"no":"Stay","yes":"Leave"}}}},"abc":{"labels":{"footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='ca/login'>Log in.</a>"}},"hbks":{"labels":{"footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='login'>Log in.</a>"}},"healthblue":{"labels":{"footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='healthybluela/login'>Log in.</a>"}},"bcbsks":{"labels":{"footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='ks/login'>Log in.</a>"}},"bcbskc":{"labels":{"footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='kc/login'>Log in.</a>"}},"hbnc":{"labels":{"footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='nc/login'>Log in.</a>"}},"hbmo":{"labels":{"footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='healthybluemo/login'>Log in.</a>"}},"bluerx":{"labels":{"footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='ny/login'>Log in.</a>"}},"bluema":{"labels":{"footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='login'>Log in.</a>"}}},"cnsForgotUsernamePasswordThirdStepDir":{"default":{"errors":{"reqFld":"Required field.","mustBeSixToNineteen":"Use 6-19 characters.","containLetterOrNumber":"Use 1 letter and 1 number.","mustBeEightToTwenty":"Use 8-20 characters.","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","cannotContainSpaceforuserName":"Don't use spaces.","noSpecialCharacterforPassword":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed.","noSpecialCharacter":"Don't use < > ™ â € � &","cannotHaveConsecutiveChar":"Don't use the same character three times in a row.","passwordMismatch":"Passwords don't match.","err100RstPass":"Hmmm…That didn’t work for some reason. Please try again or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","err100":"For some reason we couldn't send the email. Please try again or <a href='contact-us'>contact us</a> for help.","errVC_NOCONTRACT":"You must be at least 18 years old to register.","errREQ_FLD_MISSING":"Hmmm…Looks like some info we need from you is missing. Please check and try again.","errVC_CS90_CT_HMO":"Sorry, online registration is not enabled for your group. Please contact your group administrator for help.","errVC_CS90_PRVONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_MEMBERID_LOCKOUT":"You’ve gone over the number of attempts you’re allowed. You can wait 60 minutes to restart or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errWSL_INTERNAL_ERROR":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_ITSHOSTONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_INVALID_ADDRESS":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_INMATEONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_FEPONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_ITS_HOST":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_INMATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVA_FEDERAL_EMPLOYEE_PROGRAM":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_INVALID_LAST_SYNC_DATE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_INVALID_CONTACTID":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATE_RN_CONTACT_FAILURE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errUPDATEMEMBERPROFILE001":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errNO_DATA_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errNONANTHEMBRANDONLY":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errMULTIPLE_MEMBERS_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errMEMBER_NOT_FOUND":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errINVALID_FIELD_VALUE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errINSUFFICIENT_INPUT_DATA":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errDATA_PROVIDER_SERVICE_FAILURE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_PRIVACY_RULE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_FEP":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errSEARCHUSERPROFILE001":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errCS90_CT_HMO":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_SUBSCRIBER_NOT_ELIGIBLE":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errVC_NOMATCH_EMPI":"Hmmm…We can’t find you in our system. Please recheck your info. For help, call us at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","errWRONGCURRPASSWORD":"Hmmm...Something’s not right. Please check your password and try again.","errPWDALREADYUSED":"Looks like the new password is the same as the current password. Please create a new password.","errUSERACCOUNTLOCKED":"You’ve gone over the number of attempts you’re allowed. You can wait 60 minutes to restart or call us for help at 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","userNameCheck":"Don't use part of the username."},"labels":{"ajaxIndEmail":"Trying to send...","ajaxIndRst":"One moment please...","conEmailTitle":"How can we help?","conEmailIntro":"Just need your username? We'll send it to [[email]]. Forgot your password? We’ll send you two emails. One with your username and one with a temporary password that’s good for 24 hours. Use the temporary password to log into your account and create a new password.","sentTitleUP":"Done! Email sent.","sentIntroUP":"We sent instructions on how to reset your password. Your temporary password is only good for 24 hours. Follow the link in our email or keep this page open while you check your inbox and select Reset Password when you're ready. If you don’t receive this email after several minutes, check your spam folder.","sentTitleU":"Done! Email sent.","sentIntroU":"Your username has been emailed to you. Please check your inbox. If you don’t receive this email after several minutes, check your spam folder.","footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/login/'>Log in.</a>","conDefTitle":"You're almost done! Create a new password to help protect your account.","conDefIntro":"Username: [[uname]]","lblNewPas":"New password","lblConNewPass":"New password (confirmed)","footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='login'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='login'>Log in.</a>","forPassTitle":"Enter the temporary password we provided you to create a new password.","forPassIntro":"Choose a password that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess."},"buttons":{"btnEmailUP":"Email username & password","btnEmailU":"Email username","btnResPass":"Reset Password","btnNewPass":"Save and Log in","btnLogin":"Login","btnResTempPass":"Resend","btnLoginFP":"Save and Log in","btnSendRes":"Send","btnCanRes":"Cancel","btnResCan":"Cancel"},"modals":{"pageExit":{"headerText":"Sure You Want to Leave?","bodyText":"If you leave this page, you’ll lose any changes made to the form.","buttons":{"no":"Stay","yes":"Leave"}}},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/login/","lnkCan":"/forgot-username-password/"}},"abc":{"labels":{"footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ca/login/'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ca/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/ca/login/","lnkCan":"/ca/forgot-username-password/"}},"hbks":{"labels":{"footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/login/'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/login/","lnkCan":"/forgot-username-password/"}},"healthblue":{"labels":{"footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/healthybluela/login/'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/healthybluela/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/healthybluela/login/","lnkCan":"/healthybluela/forgot-username-password/"}},"bcbsks":{"labels":{"footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ks/login/'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ks/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/ks/login/","lnkCan":"/ks/forgot-username-password/"}},"bcbskc":{"labels":{"footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/kc/login/'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/kc/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/kc/login/","lnkCan":"/kc/forgot-username-password/"}},"hbnc":{"labels":{"footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/nc/login/'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/nc/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/nc/login/","lnkCan":"/nc/forgot-username-password/"}},"hbmo":{"labels":{"footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/healthybluemo/login/'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/healthybluemo/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/healthybluemo/login/","lnkCan":"/healthybluemo/forgot-username-password/"}},"bluerx":{"labels":{"footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ny/login/'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ny/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/ny/login/","lnkCan":"/ny/forgot-username-password/"}},"bluema":{"labels":{"footerRst":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ks/login/'>Log in.</a>","footerEmail":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='/ks/login/'>Log in.</a>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"/login/","lnkCan":"/forgot-username-password/"}}},"cnsTermsOfUseDir":{"default":{"errors":{"err100":"We’re having a problem saving the data now. Please try again later."},"buttons":{"accept":"I Accept","decline":"I decline, log me out"},"header":"Updated Privacy Statement and Terms of Use","title":"Before we proceed...","labels":{"intro":"<div align=\"left\"> <div> We recently updated our <a href='/legal/' target='_new' id='link1439354605001' style=\"\">Terms of Use (Legal)</a> and <a href='/privacy/' target='_blank' id='link1439354607658' style=\"\">Privacy Statement</a> . Please read and accept these policies and then we'll get you on your way.</div> <div> </div> <div> Questions? We're here to help. Contact member services using the phone number on your ID Card.</div> </div> <div> </div>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"login"}},"abc":{"labels":{"intro":"<div align=\"left\"> <div> We recently updated our <a href='/ca/legal/' target='_new' id='link1439354606555' style=\"\">Terms of Use (Legal)</a> and <a href='/ca/privacy/' target='_new' id='link1439354608738' style=\"\">Privacy Statement</a> . Please read and accept these policies and then we'll get you on your way.</div> <div> </div> <div> Questions? We're here to help. Contact member services using the phone number on your ID Card.</div> </div> <div> </div>"},"links":{"lnkLogin":"ca/login"}},"hbks":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"login"}},"bcbsks":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"ks/login"}},"bcbskc":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"kc/login"}},"hbnc":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"nc/login"}},"hbmo":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"healthybluemo/login"}},"bluerx":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"ny/login"}},"bluema":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"login"}}},"cnsForceChangePasswordDir":{"default":{"errors":{"secQuesErrors":{"err100":"For some reason we couldn't retrieve the security questions. Please try again or <a href='contact-us'>contact us</a> for help."},"err100":"That didn’t work for some reason. Please try again or call us for help at (866) 755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.","formValErrs":"We can't reset your password due to above errors. Please fix and then try again.","reqFild":"Required field.","mustBeSixToNineteen":"Use 6-19 characters.","containLetterOrNumber":"Use 1 letter and 1 number.","mustBeEightToTwenty":"Use 8-20 characters.","cannotContainSpace":"Don't use spaces.","cannotContainSpaceforuserName":"Don't use spaces","noSpecialCharacterforPassword":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed.","noSpecialCharacter":"Don't use <>’â€�&","cannotHaveConsecutiveChar":"Don't use the same character three times in a row.","passwordMismatch":"Passwords do not match.","invalid_password":"Please check the temporary password.","noSpecialCharSecAns":"Please don't use |&;$%@\"'<>()+ in your answer.","noSecQuesMatch":"Your answer cannot be the same as the security question.","secQuesMinLengthErr":"Your answer should be more than 4 and less than 20 characters.","userNameCheck":"Don't use part of the username."},"headings":{"title":"Please Reset Your Password"},"securityQuestions":{"question1":"What school did you attend for the third grade?","question2":"what is your favorite food?","question3":"What was your favorite childhood toy?","question4":"What is the name of your favorite TV or movie character?","question5":"What is the first name of your favorite childhood friend?","question6":"What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?","question7":"What was the name of your first pet?","question8":"Name a food you hate?","question9":"What is the name of the hospital in which you were born?","question10":"What is your favorite city to visit?","question11":"What do you collect as a hobby?","question12":"What was your high school mascot?","question13":"What was your favorite place to visit as a child?","question14":"What was your first car make and model?","question15":"What is the last name of your favorite teacher?","question16":"Who is your favorite author first and last name?","question17":"What was the first musical concert you attended?"},"placeholders":{"secQuestion":"Select Question","Language":"Select Language","secAnswer":"Enter Answer"},"labels":{"newpwd":"New password","confirmnewpwd":"New password (confirmed)","temppwd":"Temporary password","securityQuestionOne":"Security Question 1","securityQuestionTwo":"Security Question 2","securityQuestionThree":"Security Question 3","securityAnswerOne":"Security Answer 1","securityAnswerTwo":"Security Answer 2","securityAnswerThree":"Security Answer 3","ajaxInd":"Validating..."},"links":{"forgotPwd":"Forgot Username or Password?","lnkLogin":"/login/"},"buttons":{"btnResetPwd":"Continue","btnCancel":"Cancel"}},"abc":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/ca/login/"}},"hbks":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/login/"}},"healthblue":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/healthybluela/login/"}},"bcbsks":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/ks/login/"}},"bcbskc":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/kc/login/"}},"hbnc":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/nc/login/"}},"hbmo":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/healthybluemo/login/"}},"bluerx":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/ny/login/"}},"bluema":{"links":{"lnkLogin":"/login/"}}},"cnsAppSessionTrackerComponent":{"default":{"title":"Are youstill there?","text1":"In 2 minutes we’ll have to send you back to the home page. This helps protect your information. If you want to continue, choose <strong>Stay Here</strong>.","buttons":{"ok":"Restart","cancel":"Stay Here"},"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/"}},"abc":{"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/ca/"}},"healthblue":{"links":{"lnkTimeoutUrl":"/healthybluela/"}}},"twoFactorComponent":{"default":{"errors":{"reqFld":"Required field.","phoneFmtErr":"Please enter in ###-###-#### format.","otpErr":"One-time security code should be six digits.","noSpecialCharSecAns":"Don't use | & ; $ % @ \\\" ' < > ( ) +","noSecQuesMatch":"Your answer cannot be the same as the security question.","secQuesMinLengthErr":"Use 4-20 characters.","apiErrors":{"errVerifyDelieryValue":"Sorry, we weren’t able to process your security code. Please try again later.","invalidOtpDef":"Hmmm… Your security code was not entered correctly. Please try again. Or select <strong>Didn’t get a security code?</strong> to have a new one sent to you.","errSaveDfp":"We're having a problem in updating remember your device settings. Please try again or contact us.","errThrotChk":"We're having technical problems in validating one-time passcode settings. Please try again or contact customer support.","invalidOtpInt":"Hmmm... Your security code was not entered correctly. Please try again. After [[count]] more attempts you'll need a new security code. Or select Didn't get a security code? to have a new one sent to you now.","invalidOtpFin":"Hmmm... Your security code was not entered correctly. Please select Didn't get a security code? and have a new one sent to you now.","errUnknownGetSecQues":"For some reason we couldn't retrieve the security questions. Please try again or <a href='contact-us'>contact us</a> for help.","errVerifySecQues":"Sorry, something isn’t working the way it should. Please try again.","err3301":"Uh-oh! You’ve gone over the number of security code attempts you’re allowed. You need to wait until you have requested fewer than 5 security codes within the past 30 minutes. Then you can request a new one.","err5030":"Hmmm... Your security code has expired. Please select <b>Didn't get a security code?</b> to have a new one sent to you.","auth001":"Sorry, we're unable to complete your login using these answers. Please try again or select Back to request a security code to access your account. Note that your account will be locked after more than three incorrect attempts. If you continue to have issues logging in, please call the Member Services number on your ID card.","errOtpVerifyDef2":"<div><strong>Your security code was entered incorrectly.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please try again. After two more attempts, you will need a new security code or select <strong>Didn't get a security code?</strong> link below.</div>","errOtpVerifyDef1":"<div><strong>Your security code was entered incorrectly.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please try again. After one more attempt, you will need a new security code or select <strong>Didn't get a security code?</strong> link below.</div>","err3008":"<div><strong>You've reached the maximum number of incorrect security code attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Please select <strong>Didn't get a security code?</strong> link below.</div>","errVerifyOtp":"<div><strong>We're unable to process the code you entered.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Sorry, something isn’t working. To continue, please select <strong>Didn't get a security code?</strong> link below to request new security code.</div>","err5029":"<div align='left'><div><strong>We're unable to send a security code to this phone number.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Possible reasons could be:</div><ul><li>This type of phone number isn't supported by our system. </li><li>The phone number is not available.</li><li>The phone number is already being used.</li><li>The phone number was issued too recently by your carrier.</li></ul><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>You can enter another phone number. If you continue to have a problem, please contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div></div>","err400":"<div align='left'><div><strong>We're unable to send a security code to this phone number.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Possible reasons could be:</div><ul><li>This type of phone number isn't supported by our system. </li><li>The phone number is not available.</li><li>The phone number is already being used.</li><li>The phone number was issued too recently by your carrier.</li></ul><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>You can enter another phone number. If you continue to have a problem, please contact the Technical Help Desk for assistance at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div></div>","auth4001":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4002":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4003":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4004":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4005":"<div><strong>You are approaching the maximum number of invalid attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>One or more of the answers you have entered is incorrect. You have a limited number of attempts remaining before your account will be locked. Please try again or select <strong>Back</strong> to request a security code.</div>","auth4006":"<div><strong>You've reached the maximum number of incorrect answer attempts.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>For security purposes, we locked or disabled your account. For assistance unlocking your account, please call the Technical Help Desk at 1-866-755-2680, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.</div>","errSendOtp":"<div><strong>We're unable to send a security code to you.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Sorry, something isn’t working. To access your account, please request a new security code.</div>","errSendOtpNoSeqQ":"<div><strong>We're unable to send a security code to you.</strong></div><div class='ant-margin-top-5'>Sorry, something isn’t working. To access your account, please request a new security code.</div>"},"invalidPhoneErr":"Invalid phone number."},"labels":{"ajaxSendOtp":"Sending one-time security code...","ajaxVerifyOtp":"Verifying one-time security code...","ajaxChkThrot":"Just a moment...","ajaxRemDev":"Saving your device...","ajaxSecQues":"Checking your answers...","ajaxGetSecQues":"Getting security questions...","footer":""},"step1":{"title":"To be extra safe, you need a one-time security code to protect your account. Choose how to receive your security code:","titleOTPSent":"Didn’t get a security code? Choose how you want a new code sent:","labels":{"lblIntro":"","lblEmail":"<div class=\"ver-align-label\"><span class=\"fa fa-paper-plane\"></span><h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Email</h3></div>","lblVoice":"<div class=\"ver-align-label\"><span class=\"fa fa-phone\"></span><h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Voice</h3></div>","lblText":"<div class=\"ver-align-label\"><span class=\"fa fa-mobile\"></span><h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Text</h3></div>","txtMsg":"You'll receive a one-time SMS message, so make sure your phone is able to receive texts. Standard data fees and text messaging rates may apply.","emailMsg":"You'll receive an email with your code from with the subject \"Your one-time security code.\" If you don't receive this email after several minutes, check your spam folder.","voiceMsg":"","lnkSecQues":"Use your Security Questions instead"},"buttons":{"lnkNewNbr":"Add a new number to use","lnkOTPScreen":"Already have a security code?","btnSnd":"Send","btnBck":"Back","lnkUnrecgNbr":"Don’t recognize these numbers?"},"alertUnrecgNbr":"We need a phone number that can be used to verify your identify with a text message or phone call. For help, call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET."},"step2":{"labels":{"lblSecDet":"Once you complete this added layer of security, your new phone number will be verified** in your profile.","title":"Please confirm your phone number to send security code"}},"step3":{"title":"Enter the new number to use for your security code.","titleDef":"To be extra safe, you need a one-time security code to set up your account. Choose how to receive your code:","labels":{"txtMsg":"You'll receive a one-time SMS message, so make sure your phone is able to receive texts. Standard data fees and text messaging rates may apply.","lblSecDet":"Once you complete this added layer of security, your new phone number will be saved to your profile.","lblText":"<span class=\"fa fa-mobile\"></span> <h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Text</h3>","lblVoice":"<span class=\"fa fa-phone\"></span> <h3 class=\"otpTitle\">Voice</h3>","lblNbr":"Phone number","emailMsg":""},"buttons":{"btnSnd":"Send","btnBck":"Back"}},"step4":{"title":"Enter your security code to continue.","labels":{"lblConfTxt":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblConfVoc":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblConfEma":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong> from <strong></strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblRem":"<p>Remember my device. This way next time I log in from this device I won't have to enter a security code.</p>","lblNoRem":"<p>Don't remember my device. It's a public device or I don't use it regularly, so I'll need a security code next time I log in from this device.</p>","lblConf":"Your one-time security code was sent to <strong>[[delivery]]</strong>. Enter the six digits to continue.","lblConfOtpLnk":"Enter the six digits to continue."},"buttons":{"btnNxt":"Next","lnkNoCode":"Didn't get a security code?"}},"step5":{"title":"","labels":{"lblThrotMaxed":"Uh-oh! You've gone over the number of security code attempts you're allowed. You need to wait until you have requested fewer than 5 security codes within the past 30 minutes. Then you can request a new one."},"buttons":{"buttons":"Back","btnRet":"Retry"}},"step6":{"title":"Let's make sure it's you. Answer your security questions.","labels":{"intro":"Don't forget, your answer has to match your original entry.","secAnswer1":"Enter Answer 1","secAnswer2":"Enter Answer 2","footer":"Remember now? <a class='link nowrap-mobile' href='login'>Log in.</a>","lblRem":"<p>Remember my device. This way next time I log in from this device I won't have to enter a security code.</p>","lblNoRem":"<p>Don't remember my device. It's a public device or I don't use it regularly, so I'll need a security code next time I log in from this device.</p>"},"buttons":{"btnCan":"Back","btnNxt":"Next"}}}},"cnsVivrDisclaimer":{"title":"Important Plan Details","message":"Verifications of benefits or coverage is not a guarantee of eligibility or payment. Actual payment is based on the terms and conditions of the plan. All claims are subjects to review upon submissions.","submit":"Got It"},"cnsLcuDir":{"default":{"labels":{"pageHeader":"Verify Your Information","pageSubHdr":"Take a minute to update your account details. If you forget your password, you'll need this information to recover your account.","pageSubHdrOneSecAns":"We’re making improvements to your online experience. This include security enhancements and protocols to protect your privacy and personal health information. Take a moment to update your account details. If you forget your password, you'll need this information to recover your account.","email":"Email Address","acctRecoNbrHdr":"Account Recovery Phone Number","acctRecoNbrTxt":"This phone number will be used to help you get back into your account if you ever forget your password. Once you add an account recovery phone number, it will also be set up for all the plans within your account and can only be used by you and your plan's dependents.","selectNbr":"Select a Number","selectArnNbr":"Use existing recovery number","acctRecNbrLbl":"Account Recovery Number","acctRecNbrWtrmrk":"Add a new phone number","secQsLbl1":"Security Question 1","secQsLbl2":"Security Question 2","secQsLbl3":"Security Question 3","secAnswr":"Answer","modalTitle":"Keep your account safe","modalMfaTitle":"Update your contact information","modalLine1":"To help protect your privacy and personal health information, please take a moment to review and update your contact information.","modalLine2":"You can dismiss this request <strong>[[deferMsg]]</strong> before you must complete your update in order to meet our account security requirements.","modalLine2Exhaust":"You’ve exceeded the number of times you can dismiss this request. Please complete your update in order to meet our account security requirements.","ajaxLogin":"We're gathering all your information. This should only take a moment."},"securityQuestions":{"ques1":{"value":"What school did you attend for the third grade?","desc":"What school did you attend for the third grade?"},"ques2":{"value":"What is your favorite food?","desc":"What is your favorite food?"},"ques3":{"value":"What was your favorite childhood toy?","desc":"What was your favorite childhood toy?"},"ques4":{"value":"What is the name of your favorite TV or movie character?","desc":"What is the name of your favorite TV or movie character?"},"ques5":{"value":"What is the first name of your favorite childhood friend?","desc":"What is the first name of your favorite childhood friend?"},"ques6":{"value":"What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?","desc":"What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?"},"ques7":{"value":"What was the name of your first pet?","desc":"What was the name of your first pet?"},"ques8":{"value":"Name a food you hate?","desc":"Name a food you hate?"},"ques9":{"value":"What is the name of the hospital in which you were born?","desc":"What is the name of the hospital in which you were born?"},"ques10":{"value":"What is your favorite city to visit?","desc":"What is your favorite city to visit?"},"ques11":{"value":"What do you collect as a hobby?","desc":"What do you collect as a hobby?"},"ques12":{"value":"What was your high school mascot?","desc":"What was your high school mascot?"},"ques13":{"value":"What was your favorite place to visit as a child?","desc":"What was your favorite place to visit as a child?"},"ques14":{"value":"What was your first car make and model?","desc":"What was your first car make and model?"},"ques15":{"value":"What is the last name of your favorite teacher?","desc":"What is the last name of your favorite teacher?"},"ques16":{"value":"Who is your favorite author first and last name?","desc":"Who is your favorite author first and last name?"},"ques17":{"value":"What was the first musical concert you attended?","desc":"What was the first musical concert you attended?"}},"buttons":{"update":"Update","defer":"Not now, I will update later.","modalUpdate":"Continue to update","modalDefer":"I will update later"},"alerts":{"excep1":"Please take a moment to review and update your contact information. Updating this information now will help ensure a smooth login process in the future.","excep2":"Please take a moment to review and update your contact information. Updating this information now will help ensure a smooth login process in the future.","excep3":"Please take a moment to review and update your contact information. Updating this information now will help ensure a smooth login process in the future.","secAnsExcp":"Security Answers exception"},"errors":{"reqFild":"Required field.","noSpecialCharacterforSecretAnswer":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed in your answer.","mustBeFourToTwenty":"Use 4-20 characters.","noSpaceforSecretAnswer":"Don’t use a space as the first or last character.","phoneFmtErr":"Please enter in ###-###-#### format.","invalidPhoneErr":"Invalid phone number.","Email":"Please check the email address."},"apiErrors":{"updateError":"One or more items failed to update. Please try again or defer to your next login.","errInvalidARN":"<div><p>Looks like we can't save that number to your contact info. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\">This type of number is not supported by our system.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number already being used by another account.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number does not meet the required format.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number was issued too recently by your carrier.</li> </ul>You can add a new number or call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET for help.</div>"}}}},"cnsVivrDisclaimer":{"title":"Important Plan Details","message":"Verifications of benefits or coverage is not a guarantee of eligibility or payment. Actual payment is based on the terms and conditions of the plan. All claims are subjects to review upon submissions.","submit":"Got It"},"cnsLcuDir":{"default":{"labels":{"pageHeader":"Verify Your Information","pageSubHdr":"Take a minute to update your account details. If you forget your password, you'll need this information to recover your account.","pageSubHdrOneSecAns":"We’re making improvements to your online experience. This include security enhancements and protocols to protect your privacy and personal health information. Take a moment to update your account details. If you forget your password, you'll need this information to recover your account.","email":"Email Address","acctRecoNbrHdr":"Account Recovery Phone Number","acctRecoNbrTxt":"This phone number will be used to help you get back into your account if you ever forget your password. Once you add an account recovery phone number, it will also be set up for all the plans within your account and can only be used by you and your plan's dependents.","selectNbr":"Select a Number","selectArnNbr":"Use existing recovery number","acctRecNbrLbl":"Account Recovery Number","acctRecNbrWtrmrk":"Add a new phone number","secQsLbl1":"Security Question 1","secQsLbl2":"Security Question 2","secQsLbl3":"Security Question 3","secAnswr":"Answer","modalTitle":"Keep your account safe","modalMfaTitle":"Update your contact information","modalLine1":"To help protect your privacy and personal health information, please take a moment to review and update your contact information.","modalLine2":"You can dismiss this request <strong>[[deferMsg]]</strong> before you must complete your update in order to meet our account security requirements.","modalLine2Exhaust":"You’ve exceeded the number of times you can dismiss this request. Please complete your update in order to meet our account security requirements.","ajaxLogin":"We're gathering all your information. This should only take a moment."},"securityQuestions":{"ques1":{"value":"What school did you attend for the third grade?","desc":"What school did you attend for the third grade?"},"ques2":{"value":"What is your favorite food?","desc":"What is your favorite food?"},"ques3":{"value":"What was your favorite childhood toy?","desc":"What was your favorite childhood toy?"},"ques4":{"value":"What is the name of your favorite TV or movie character?","desc":"What is the name of your favorite TV or movie character?"},"ques5":{"value":"What is the first name of your favorite childhood friend?","desc":"What is the first name of your favorite childhood friend?"},"ques6":{"value":"What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?","desc":"What is the name of the place your wedding reception was held?"},"ques7":{"value":"What was the name of your first pet?","desc":"What was the name of your first pet?"},"ques8":{"value":"Name a food you hate?","desc":"Name a food you hate?"},"ques9":{"value":"What is the name of the hospital in which you were born?","desc":"What is the name of the hospital in which you were born?"},"ques10":{"value":"What is your favorite city to visit?","desc":"What is your favorite city to visit?"},"ques11":{"value":"What do you collect as a hobby?","desc":"What do you collect as a hobby?"},"ques12":{"value":"What was your high school mascot?","desc":"What was your high school mascot?"},"ques13":{"value":"What was your favorite place to visit as a child?","desc":"What was your favorite place to visit as a child?"},"ques14":{"value":"What was your first car make and model?","desc":"What was your first car make and model?"},"ques15":{"value":"What is the last name of your favorite teacher?","desc":"What is the last name of your favorite teacher?"},"ques16":{"value":"Who is your favorite author first and last name?","desc":"Who is your favorite author first and last name?"},"ques17":{"value":"What was the first musical concert you attended?","desc":"What was the first musical concert you attended?"}},"buttons":{"update":"Update","defer":"Not now, I will update later.","modalUpdate":"Continue to update","modalDefer":"I will update later"},"alerts":{"excep1":"Please take a moment to review and update your contact information. Updating this information now will help ensure a smooth login process in the future.","excep2":"Please take a moment to review and update your contact information. Updating this information now will help ensure a smooth login process in the future.","excep3":"Please take a moment to review and update your contact information. Updating this information now will help ensure a smooth login process in the future.","secAnsExcp":"Security Answers exception"},"errors":{"reqFild":"Required field.","noSpecialCharacterforSecretAnswer":"$ ! @ * ? | also allowed in your answer.","mustBeFourToTwenty":"Use 4-20 characters.","noSpaceforSecretAnswer":"Don’t use a space as the first or last character.","phoneFmtErr":"Please enter in ###-###-#### format.","invalidPhoneErr":"Invalid phone number.","Email":"Please check the email address."},"apiErrors":{"updateError":"One or more items failed to update. Please try again or defer to your next login.","errInvalidARN":"<div><p>Looks like we can't save that number to your contact info. It could be one of the following reasons:</p> <ul><li align=\"left\">This type of number is not supported by our system.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number already being used by another account.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number does not meet the required format.</li> <li align=\"left\">The number was issued too recently by your carrier.</li> </ul>You can add a new number or call 1-866-755-2680, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET for help.</div>"}}}} </script> </div> <style> .sydneyhealth-wrap-hp .store-button{ width: 120px; margin-top: 15px; display: inline-block; } .sydneyhealth-wrap-hp .bg-ios{ height: 40px; background-position: 0 0; } .sydneyhealth-wrap-hp .bg-android{ height: 40px; background-position: 0px 120px; } .sydneyhealth-wrap-hp{ color: #ffffff; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; } .sydneyhealth-wrap-hp .content-container{ padding-top:0px; } .sydneyhealth-background-banner{ background: linear-gradient(90deg, #1b50ab, #007bff); padding: 30px; overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: 30px;} .sydneyhealth-content-wrap{ position: relative; } .sydneyhealth{ width: 60%; font-size: 40px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .sydneyhealth-sub-text{ width: 60%; font-size: 21px; line-height: 1.83; color: #ffffff; } .sydneyhealth-image{ position: absolute; top: -60px; right: 30px; line-height: 60px; } .sydneyhealth-icons-wrap{ margin-top: 46px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .sydneyhealth-icon img{ width: 80px; margin-right: 5px; } .syd-bottom-text { font-size: small; margin: 20px 0; width: 60%; } .sydneyhealth-icons-wrap .sydneyhealth-icon-link a { color: #ffffff; border-bottom: none; font-weight: 600; } .sydneyhealth-icons-wrap .sydneyhealth-icon-link a:hover { color: #ffffff; } @media screen and (max-width: 1200px){ .sydneyhealth-image{ right: -50px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1024px){ .sydneyhealth-image{ top: 0px; right: -80px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { .sydneyhealth-background-banner { padding: 34px 20px 0; } .sydneyhealth{ width: 100%; } .sydneyhealth-sub-text{ width: 100%; } .sydneyhealth-icons-wrap{ margin-top: 130px; } .sydneyhealth-icon-cont{ margin-bottom:15px; } .sydneyhealth-icon img { width: 60px; } .store-button { width: 120px; margin-top: 15px; } .syd-bottom-text{ width: 100%; margin-top: 200px; } .sydneyhealth-image{ top: 160px; right: -50px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 600px){ .sydneyhealth-image{ top: 200px; right: -180px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { .sydneyhealth-background-banner{ padding: 34px 10px 0; } .sydneyhealth-icons-wrap{ margin-top: 92px; } .sydneyhealth-image{ top: 410px; right: -70px; } .syd-bottom-text{ margin-top: 360px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 400px){ .sydneyhealth-image{ top: 470px; right: -140px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 330px){ .sydneyhealth-image{ top: 500px; right: -160px; } } .twofa {min-height: 0px;}.ant-coverage-banner (background-color: #ffffff;} </style> <!-- mp_trans_remove_start --> <div class="wide-container"> <div class="container"> <div class="sydneyhealth-wrap-hp"> <div class="sydneyhealth-background-banner"> <div class="container"> <div class="sydneyhealth-content-wrap"> <div class="sydneyhealth-content"> <h2 class="sydneyhealth">Save Time With Live Chat</h2> <h3 class="sydneyhealth-sub-text">Find the information you need about your health care benefits by chatting with an Anthem representative in real-time. 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</div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12"> <div class="ant-copyright"> <div style="font-size:13px;">In addition to using a telehealth service, you can receive in-person or virtual care from your own doctor or another&nbsp;healthcare provider&nbsp;in your plan&rsquo;s network. If you receive care from a doctor or&nbsp;healthcare provider not in your plan&rsquo;s network, your share of the costs may be higher. You may also receive a bill for any charges not covered by your health plan.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>&reg; Anthem is a registered trademark. &reg; The Blue Cross name and symbol are registered marks of the Blue Cross Association &copy; 2022 Anthem Blue Cross. Serving California.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Sydney Health is offered through an arrangement with Carelon Digital Platforms, a separate company offering mobile application services on behalf of your health plan. &copy;2020-2022 The Virtual Primary Care experience is offered through an arrangement with Hydrogen Health.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- content end --> <!-- this scripts helps you to identify how many scope watchers are currently running on the angular application. and allow us to improve the performance--> <script type="text/javascript"> function getWatchers(root) { root = angular.element(root || document.documentElement); var watcherCount = 0; function getElemWatchers(element) { var isolateWatchers = getWatchersFromScope($isolateScope); var scopeWatchers = getWatchersFromScope($scope); var watchers = scopeWatchers.concat(isolateWatchers); angular.forEach(element.children(), function (childElement) { watchers = watchers.concat(getElemWatchers(angular.element(childElement))); }); return watchers; } function getWatchersFromScope(scope) { if (scope) { return scope.$$watchers || []; } else { return []; } } return getElemWatchers(root); } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebPage", "name": "Register for Your Online Anthem Account |", "url": "", "description": "New to Anthem Blue Cross? 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