Reviews & Testimonials | Chrome River
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Chrome River Customers rave about our expense reporting and invoice management software. While you probably thought no one actually likes doing their expense reports or processing invoices, Chrome River customers say otherwise. Over 2 million users around the world happily snap, tap, and click their way through the automated process. (Be sure to read the <a href="">case studies</a>, too!)</p> </div> <div class="row quote-carousel fullquotes"> <h6 class="subtabs"><a class="active" data-cat="0">All</a> | <a data-cat="31">Construction / Real Estate</a> | <a data-cat="32">Finance</a> | <a data-cat="34">Healthcare</a> | <a data-cat="35">Law Firms / Professional Services Firms</a> | <a data-cat="36">Manufacturing</a> | <a data-cat="37">Non-profit</a> | <a data-cat="47">Transportation</a> | <a data-cat="39">Higher Education</a></h6> <div class="masonry" style="margin:0 auto;"> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We are impressed with Chrome River’s ease of use and flexibility, and we are looking forward to the efficiencies that will be gained by replacing manual processes. Turning the A/P function into more audit than input will provide more consistency and improve internal control over expense transactions. We have been impressed by the Chrome River team’s understanding of our needs and their ability to quickly and accurately program needed modifications. <span class="author">Dean Mannen <strong>CFO, <br />Cantey Hanger LLP </strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Right out the gate, our coolest configuration was the integration with our firm credit cards. Seeing them pop up in Chrome River without an action on our part is awesome. The benefits of not having to enter as much data for those transactions is great. Speeds up everyone's work involved. Gets the charges processed for client bills or internal budgets faster. <span class="author">Aaron Barbee <strong>Training & Development Specialist, <br />Husch Blackwell</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>After conducting a search that included industry leading vendors, we selected Chrome River because of their product strategy and proven law firm experience. They have over 25 years of law firm financial systems experience, which allows them to deliver the right functionality with a successful deployment model and professional service that delivers results. We believe that the easy-to-use interface will make this well-received among our lawyers and automation will improve operational efficiency in our firm. <span class="author">Lee Williams <strong>CFO, <br />Troutman Sanders</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat34 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River is going to allow our staff to spend less time sorting through paperwork and more time on the things that matter, like the well-being and care of our patients. <span class="author">Stefanie Maxwell <strong>Accountant, <br />CoxHealth</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Quinnipiac is excited to implement a tool that will virtually eliminate paper expense reports. The reporting tool also facilitates visibility into employee expenditures to ensure that policy compliance is followed. Receipt retention tools and searchability will be extremely helpful to manage our AP processes as well. <span class="author">Daniella Vizziello <strong>QU Project Manager, <br />Quinnipiac University</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat37 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Our favorite thing about Chrome River is the simplicity of the user interface - the mosaic is user friendly with easily understood graphics. And it is nice to be able to pull up the receipt right next to the entry. <span class="author"> <strong>Vancouver Airport Authority</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River has streamlined our process for expense reimbursements and accounts payable invoices considerably. Automated routing ensures that all approvals are obtained before employees and vendors are paid. The Chrome River team is constantly making improvements and the overall experience becomes friendlier on a regular basis. <span class="author">Karen Keegan <strong>Assistant Controller, <br />Nixon Peabody LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat33 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>During one of my training sessions for the Cafe Operations team, I got a standing ovation when I mentioned we are now going to start Direct Deposits! Everyone is very excited about Chrome River and the elimination of our wasteful paper process. <span class="author">Kim Perry <strong>Global Travel Manager, <br />Hard Rock</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The software is flexible, easy to use, provides easy tracking and reporting capabilities, and streamlines our input process. Thumbs up. <span class="author">Janyce Johnson <strong>Accounting & Billing Manager, <br />Sandberg Phoenix & von Gontard PC</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat37 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Our organization views this as being a very successful implementation, including buy-in from the CEO to staff-level employees. <span class="author">Diana Vuong <strong>Controller, <br />Vancouver Airport Authority</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Our company is finally able to go paperless in Accounting. Chrome River was our final step to complete the process of paperless. <span class="author">Victor Garcia <strong>Financial System Analyst/Billing Manager, <br />Rimkus Consulting Group</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat37 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Much of the Foundation’s work requires frequent international travel so we’re most excited to implement the per diem wizard and the built-in foreign exchange conversion. We are thrilled that Chrome River simplifies the travel reimbursement process, so using these tools, our staff will no longer have to look up rates or do time consuming manual calculations! <span class="author">Dan Warco <strong>Vice President, <br />The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat31 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We clearly trusted the Chrome River solution as we selected them through our RFP process. But that trust was cemented when we met their CEO, Alan Rich, who took the time to meet with us to understand some of the issues we were having in implementation. It was so clear that he cared genuinely about helping us find a solution. The tone is set right at the top and we couldn't ask for a better partner. <span class="author"> <strong>Fortune 500 Construction Company</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat32 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>During the due diligence process, we looked at Chrome River and Concur. Concur didn’t meet our scope of requirements and was too expensive. Concur also didn’t have an invoice module at the time. <span class="author">Shawn Enz <strong>Accounts Payable Manager , <br />Janney</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat31 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>It’s the attention to detail in the implementation process which we anticipated would be the case, and it is the reason we chose Chrome River over competitors. I felt we could count on you guys to deliver in the implementation process. And you did. <span class="author"> <strong>CFO, <br />Oelrich Construction</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>It is the dawn of a new day for expense reporting with Chrome River. Your users will save valuable time with just one of Chrome River’s many benefits: Automatic Receipt Matching. The solution also has an intuitive app-like interface which makes it quick and easy to use from any device. <span class="author">Sean O’Hara <strong>CFO, <br />Metal Industries, Inc.</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Seeing all the great things on the horizon is so exciting! It is exciting to partner with an innovative organization that is so focused on their customers. <span class="author">Mary Hayat <strong>Accounting Director, <br />Dealer Tire</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River has helped us streamline our purchasing card process by allowing us to get rid of wasteful paper log sheets and taping receipts to then scan them. Now we have everything one-click away. <span class="author">Carolina <strong>Accounting Specialist, <br />Whitworth University</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I'm very happy with the compliance rules and warnings that can be added. I can't say how many times it has prevented duplicate or incorrect transactions being posted. <span class="author">Harry Wood-Greaves <strong>Financial Systems Admin, <br />Womble Bond Dickinson</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>What a great Insight Meeting yesterday, well worth the drive. I continue to be impressed by how personable and down to earth everyone at Chrome River is, and how well the customer-base is treated. It is refreshing. You all have set the bar for what a great customer/software vendor relationship can be. <span class="author">Jeff Fountain <strong>Data Systems Developer, <br />Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The introduction of Chrome River EXPENSE has been met enthusiastically by the firm. Users find it intuitive, and the finance team and expense approvers are very pleased to have receipt imaging. The Chrome River team did an excellent job guiding us throughout our implementation process. <span class="author">Mary Anne Pedroni <strong>Controller, <br />WSGR</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River simplifies our process a great deal and makes expensing charges a much quicker process. <span class="author">Leigh Ann Kerns <strong>Purchasing Agent, <br />Constellium</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Often the mention of the Finance department invokes images of paper pushing, policy enforcement, and procedural constraints resulting in process delays. However, the recent launch by the Finance department of Ellucian Travel & Expense Management powered by Chrome River flies in the face of that reputation! Ellucian Travel & Expense Management is LOVED by our users. Ease of use, upfront policy compliance, elimination of paper, and swift approvals are among the numerous efficiencies gained and touted by our users. One user said it best, "I just did my first report in Travel & Expense Management without any training and assistance, and it's stupidly easy! <span class="author">Joy Abel-Kraft, CPA <strong>Finance System Administrator, <br />Ivy Tech Community College</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River is so much more efficient and makes everything so much easier to track; I love the 'Snap & Send' feature, and I won't have to spend time tracking down receipts anymore. <span class="author">Kevin Walker <strong>Asst. to CFO, <br />Randolph Community College</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River blows Concur away, not just for legal, but it’s a better system overall. <span class="author">Industry Consultant <strong>Competitive Expense project implementation experience</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I've worked with both the INVOICE and the EXPENSE modules and have found it easy to use from day one. A very intuitive product. <span class="author">Julie Sussman <strong>Accounts Payable Systems Specialist, <br />Baker Hostetler LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat48 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The Chrome River support team is amazing! They consistently deliver quality customer care by taking ownership of the situation, speaking directly to the customer to clearly understand the need, and then delivering the best solution for all concerned! <span class="author">Lynnora Ruth <strong>Corporate Travel Manager, N. America, Global T&E Administrator, <br />Harman International</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River is a huge time savings for us and it's enabled us to refrain from hiring new people as we grow. Analytics reports are very helpful and we are identifying ways we can save money and where we might have been entitled to credits on corporate credit cards. <span class="author">AP Manager <strong>Consulting Firm, <br />2000 Professionals</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat34 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Compliance rules/routing can be customized in ways we couldn’t do in our old systems. <span class="author">Jordan Fraser <strong>Financial Analyst, <br />Novasyte</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat55 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We really like the routing and approval flow as well as the compliance rules, which will make life for accounting so much easier in every way. <span class="author"> Andrea Lamoth <strong>Accounting, <br />Babbel</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat31 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River was able to automate the entire workflow process start to finish, even allowing all expense report information to be exported out of Chrome River EXPENSE and into Vornado’s proprietary accounting system. Chrome River EXPENSE reduced data entry and scanning by 75%. <span class="author">Laura Sperber <strong>VP Financial Apps / Technical Contact, <br />Vornado Realty Trust</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat32 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>My favorite feature of Chrome River is the administrative capabilities that allow me to easily make changes to user records and make setup changes. Tracking reports is much easier and our AP support spends less time answering questions related to the status of an expense report. <span class="author">Banking <strong>1001-5000 employees</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I first developed trust right after we implemented Chrome River INVOICE. I was absolutely amazed on how this product worked. After years of file drawers filled with invoices and approvals, now not having to hang on to any paperwork has made our lives here more manageable. And, having the report route to the appropriate approver is even better! <span class="author"> <strong>Accountant, <br />AmLaw 100 Law Firm</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River is wonderful! The employees are great to work with from the initial sales person through implementation and help desk! <span class="author">Kristen Zimbelman <strong>Senior Accountant, Budget and Finance, <br />Whitworth University</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. <span class="author">Ben Zastrow <strong>Director of Finance and Operations, <br />Zelle</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The implementation was critical and the Chrome River team helped us get this process up and going before our old system was decommissioned. We had a dedicated assigned Chrome River implementation team that helped us set by set and the reception from the company was awesome. It was a new and better system. Easy to use and more bells and whistles than the old systems. We finally moved up with the best of technology. <span class="author">Connie Bateh <strong>Manager, AP Travel Expense, <br />Veritiv Corporation</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat32 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We are excited to see the potential of Chrome River and the customizability of the reports and information. It has been a great choice and we are looking forward to seeing where it takes us! <span class="author">Isaac Paige <strong>Payables Supervisor, <br />RSM US LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat47 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Received really great feedback; employees are excited! It will help our current process very much. <span class="author">Multiple award-winning Canadian transport company <strong></strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat31 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Our implementation consultants were flexible in tailring the system to meet our business needs and instrumental in helping us meet our go-live date goal. <span class="author">The leading investor in targeted, medical office buildings <strong></strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River EXPENSE has helped us streamline the entire reimbursement process. The whole paperless concept has changed our world tremendously. I also like the accountability the system places on the end user to comply with company policy, rather than leaving this burden completely with our AP staff. <span class="author">Dawn Moseley <strong>Controller, <br />FordHarrison</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I am ecstatic about Chrome River’s International Expense Report. Chrome River’s daily update of the FX rates and the automated currency conversion will greatly benefit the international travelers preparing Expense Reports. <span class="author">University AP Travel Supervisor <strong>1,000 Staff</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I am a big fan of the incredible robustness of the rules engine, it is one of the best parts of the product. Being able to come up with rules that can go as deep as we want is an excellent feature that other products didn’t offer at the time of our integration. We now see other vendors starting to revamp their software to mimic what Chrome has been doing for years. <span class="author">Jesse Rudolph <strong>Financial Analysis Manager, <br />GrayRobinson, P.A.</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Part of the criteria for ensuring the ongoing success for our expense management was finding a solution that was agile and could easily be tweaked as our requirements evolved. We also needed to choose a solution which was easy to learn and remember to ensure ongoing success. <span class="author">Carolina León <strong>Business Analyst, Finance and Administration, <br />Whitworth University</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat37 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The employees really like the ‘Snap & Send’ feature, and we encourage them to use it, so they don’t have to worry about saving or losing their receipts while traveling. <span class="author">Diana Vuong <strong>Controller, <br />Vancouver Airport Authority</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat34 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Processing hundreds of travel expense reimbursements each month manually will be an un-missed process once everyone gets the feel of Chrome River. I can’t wait to be paper free! <span class="author">Linda Jones-Wood <strong>AP Specialist, <br />United Network for Organ Sharing </strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat48 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Snap & Send - no more keeping a wad of paper receipts and hoping nothing is lost once the business trip is completed. <span class="author">Estela Tang <strong>Business Systems Analyst, <br />Fujitsu</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We are so happy to stop wasting paper. Our employees like to be able to take a picture and go. Creating and processing PreApprovals and Expense Reports will be so much easier and more efficient. <span class="author">Daffie Garris <strong>CFO, <br />Randolph Community College</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat34 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We’re excited to get rid of all of this paper and finally enter the 21st century! Chrome River accurately represents who we are as leaders in innovation and efficiency in the healthcare market. Our antiquated travel and credit card systems and paper processes are now a thing of the past, and we are very excited about what our future holds with Chrome River. <span class="author">Healthcare <strong>56,000 Users</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I knew I could trust Chrome River the first time we actually sat down with them to fully look at the process and what could be offered and how it could be configured to meet our needs. <span class="author">Catherine Mallon <strong>UNC Asheville</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat32 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River EXPENSE took our firm into a new level of technological modernization. We have gotten much positive feedback from our EXPENSE users. <span class="author">Rich Mac <strong>Finance Manager, <br />Andersen Tax</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>What I love about Chrome River is the option to return an pending invoice back to draft form to resolve any errors and/or mistakes during the inital submission. this feature has saved me time and money on several occassions. <span class="author">Eva Franco <strong>Office Coordinator,, <br />Venable LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The Support Team is prompt and I really appreciate the consistent, clear contact in regard to the progress being made on the different stages they are working on. The development process of a project like this can be horrifying, but your team (at every level) has made this an exciting and enjoyable task. <span class="author">Stacey Richards <strong>Executive Assistant to the CFO, <br />ELY & Associates</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat31 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Recently I attended an Insight meeting and got to meet a bunch of nice folks, Frank, Jeff and Serge to name a few. I like that Chrome looks to the users for information on where to gear their product towards. Very innovative and inspirational to see! <span class="author">Marc Cicuto <strong>Financial Applications Analyst - Corp Trainer, <br />Vornado Realty Trust</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat31 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>This makes submitting expenses extremely easy, especially on the go. The most recent update has made it even easier to take pictures of expenses and immediately upload them <span class="author">Steve Drimones <strong>Vornado Realty Trust</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat31 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I love the fact that Chrome River is always evolving. The system is always improving and new, helpful items are being added. <span class="author">Elizabeth Thornburgh <strong>Sr. Payment Services Specialist, <br />Simon Property Group</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The thing we like most about Chrome River is the ability to build the system for our individual agency’s needs. It is also EASY to change the wording of the messages for the warning/violation rules that fire. We are excited to roll Chrome River out to our campus and enter the 21st century. <span class="author">Laura Temple <strong>Accounts Payable Specialist, <br />University of Mary Washington</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Users love the look and functionally of the software. It is a game changer for the business in terms of employee expenses. <span class="author">Paul Rook <strong>Financial Reporting and Systems Manager, <br />McMillian Williams Solicitors</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Our favorite thing about Chrome River is our complex Export. Separating out our expenses for the 3 Divisions and tracking our accruals used to be very manual and labor intensive. Our Export handles our accruals and elegantly separates the expenses into the correct database per Division. <span class="author">Certified disabled veteran owned business <strong></strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat47 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The UI is great and user friendly. Overall it's very good and easy to use. <span class="author">Suraj Kumar <strong>IT Analyst, <br />Neovia Logistics</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat31 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I love Chrome River because I can see that it is a company that is always striving to stay relevant and up to date. From attending my first Cascade 2 years ago, hearing about the Chrome River Butler service of cutting receipts and their OCR, to now learning about CRAIG at this year’s Cascade, I truly appreciate the advances that Chrome River has to offer. <span class="author">Anna Chi <strong>Staff Accountant, <br />United Capital</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We really like the simplicity and clarity of the department/area INVOICE mosaic page. It's very easy to find the appropriate one to select. We also really like the Inquiry Dashboard that allows you to perform quick inquiries on all your lawyer’s activities by category. It's very handy and helpful when the lawyer wants a quick status update. <span class="author">Jennifer Pomerantz <strong>Project Manager, <br />Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>As a direct result of implementing Chrome River INVOICE and Chrome CAPTURE, we’ve been able to reduce our firm-wide AP staff 80% by eliminating the need for data entry clerks in remote offices. <span class="author">AP Manager <strong>1000+ Professionals</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River brings visibility to expense spend where we didn’t have it before. <span class="author">Lucius Jackson <strong>Accounts Payable Manager, <br />Venable LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat32 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I love that I can access it anywhere. I also love that our users can upload receipts, their delegates (who are located in another state) can prepare their reports...and it all integrates in our GL. It's saved our AP department hours of work; and definitely helped our admin team become more tech savvy. <span class="author">Lesly Mohr <strong>Fund Accounting Manager, <br />Ignition Partners</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>With as much as we ask of our attorneys’ assistants, it’s nice to provide them with a tool that makes expense reporting easier and more convenient, all the while providing powerful analytics tools to management. <span class="author">Greg Morrison <strong>Sr. Accountant, <br />Sound Publishing Inc.</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We were incredibly impressed with how easy it was to configure a new expense bar for our Paris users and new policy rules and Paris VAT. <span class="author">T&E Expense Supervisor <strong>1000+ Professionals</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Our favorite thing about Chrome River is the ability to pay everyone by ACH. <span class="author">Jordan Casaday <strong>Senior Accountant, <br />Burr Forman</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat55 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Chrome River EXPENSE is straight forward and user friendly. I’m very pleased with the system, and I particularly like that it is highly configurable and flexible to accommodate changes as our business evolves. <span class="author">Donna Szczechowicz <strong>AP Manager, <br />Wheelabrator Technologies</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat32 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The project plan was very well laid out and allowed us to put together a system in a very short period of time. The word impressive keeps coming to mind. I appreciate the configurability of the system and the willingness of the team to find solutions to our business needs. <span class="author">Dana C. Milwicz <strong>Sr. Business Analyst, <br />RSM US LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Our business is consistently changing, adding new services and new groups and Concur wasn’t open or able to keep up with all the customizations and changes I wanted to make; whereas Chrome River says, “Let’s enhance this process.” This is super important for us to have a partner in expense processing that can grow and evolve with us. <span class="author">Chelsy White <strong>Assistant Controller, <br />Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I love the great standard reports for Credit Card Reconciliation. Everything is tied together. This will be a lot easier than the manual paper PreApprovals and Expense reports that we are using now. <span class="author">Chris Hussey <strong>Purchasing Agent, <br />Randolph Community College</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat47 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Quicker approvals with automated routing of expenses, ability to track expense reports, time savings of posting expenses into accounting system. <span class="author">Early adopter in bringing new technology to critical care <strong></strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat37 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>As a national organization with hundreds of business units and thousands of users, we needed to get out of the business of tracking paper and writing checks. Historically we’ve operated as a group of individual companies. This is not only inefficient but requires higher staffing costs and prevents us from exploiting national buying opportunities with vendors. Chrome River is the perfect tool for helping us use technology to work smarter and control costs as we expand our business. <span class="author">Non-Profit Organization <strong>51-200 employees</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We like a number of different things about Chrome River. Google map integration, per diem functionality for meals and lodging, foreign currency conversions, ease of use for data exchange/transfer, ability to incorporate our GL Codes into the product and the ability to incorporate rules into the submission process. <span class="author">Highly ranked public school in the South <strong></strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I trusted that Chrome River was the right solution for us when we met our project manager. <span class="author">Isaac Salameh <strong>Finance Systems & Project Management Consultant, <br />Centennial College</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. (“TMS”), the sales, marketing, and customer service arm for Toyota and Lexus in the continental U.S., was using the IBM GERS expense reporting application that would no longer be supported by IBM. With our One Toyota announcement, TMS & its manufacturing affiliate Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing, North America, Inc. (“TEMA”) jointly developed a strategy to align systems and processes and migrate to a new system and a common expense reporting policy. Team members enjoy Chrome River’s automated process and the reduction in time spent on creating expense reports and submitting them so they can focus more on their sales, support, and customer service and use their mobile devices for receipts and approvals and most importantly, quick reimbursement. <span class="author"> <strong>Toyota</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>What I like most about Chrome River is the easy way of using the system from a traveler’s perspective. The training on how to use the system is not taking longer than 30 to 40 minutes! I also like the flexible way to set up several approval routings across different countries; the powerful analytics; self-learning through Chrome River University; and the competent, friendly and patient implementation team. <span class="author">Albert Kupfer <strong>Director Finance & Administration EMEA, <br />OKI Europe Ltd.</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat32 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I love the interfaces that Chrome River offers. Major difference between that and your competitors which is why we chose you over them! <span class="author">Todd Tedrow <strong>Controller, <br />Planet Home Lending</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>If you are still using paper, I can assure you Chrome River is going to change your life! <span class="author">Sylvester Smith <strong>Accounts Payable Manager, <br />Sidley Austin LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>No more saving receipts. I just snap a picture and throw them away. I can quickly approve my team's expense reports by replying to an email. Once I submit a report, I don't have to run around getting signatures on a piece of paper. <span class="author">Retail Organization <strong>1001-5000 employees</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Having successfully used Chrome River EXPENSE since 2012, the firm will start with a pilot group in the NY and DC offices before expanding to the rest of the firm. Chrome River INVOICE is a part of the firm’s continuing efforts to improve accuracy and efficiency in the Accounting arena, and we are looking forward to the improvements it will bring. <span class="author">Simon Wedgbury <strong>Director, Financial Controller, <br />Fried Frank</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The configuration of the compliance and submit warnings are the best. As we define new processes and needs for warnings, Chrome River is always there to help with the configuration. With warnings in advance, this has limited the back and forth we used to experience with approvals and denials. Users are receiving payments more quickly. <span class="author">Lorrie Black <strong>Project Manager, <br />University of New Mexico</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>I love the baked in policy compliance. <span class="author">Erika Newman <strong>Project Manager, <br />Wolters Kluwer</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat38 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>A user friendly program that makes a daunting task quick, easy and efficient. <span class="author">Stephanie Wildman <strong>Finance Coordinator, <br />Hockey Canada</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We were focused on finding an expense management system that our employees would love to use, while still giving us the control and analytics that we need. <span class="author">Kate Short <strong>Director, Global Travel and Professional Services, <br />Cargill</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat34 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>With the deployment of Chrome River’s expense and invoice automation solutions, we’re excited to move away from paper-based processing to a streamlined, efficient and intuitive system. Chrome River accurately represents who we are as leaders in innovation and efficiency in the health care market, and by streamlining costly, manual processes, we can devote even more resources to our primary goal of providing health care to our patients. <span class="author">Brendan Schepis <strong>AVP for Supply Chain, Expense Oversight & Analytics, <br />Northwell Health</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Working with the Chrome River team is great. Their response times are fast and the implementation was smooth. <span class="author">Robert Patterson <strong>Business Controller, <br />Winterthur Gas & Diesel </strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>A simple and clean solution to enter expenses in one place. <span class="author">Luke Schnoebelen <strong>Manager of Learning and Development, <br />Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat34 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Like the amount of customization around compliance rules and approval routing. With compliance rules, we are now able to catch many exceptions/errors at the time when end users enter/submit the reports. For approvals, we no longer need to track which exceptions need special approval routing. It makes the process much smoother. Also, convenience of emailing receipts with OCR, time saved for our busy staff being able to approve reports via email and the email contains all the details approvers need, integration of our credit card data for easier reconciliation by users and the visibility into unreconciled transactions. <span class="author">Josh Bergstrom <strong>Financial Information Systems Manager, <br />Salk Institute</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat31 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Up until we automated our expense report process with Chrome River, we were killing a lot of trees! The features offered by Chrome River enables us to approve, track, reimburse and report on expense reports in an efficient and timely manner. <span class="author">Cynthia Cheek <strong>T & E Manager, <br />HKS Inc.</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Seamless expense reporting in a high tech world. <span class="author">Roman Kheyfets <strong>Accounting Supervisor, <br />Fried Frank</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The routing capabilities are powerful. You can easily set up efficient rules if you approach the process creatively. The routing engine allows for several different types of variables. <span class="author">William Blandon <strong>Financial Reporting Manager, <br />Gibson Dunn</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat48 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. <span class="author">Sally Abella <strong>Director of Corporate Travel, <br />Harman</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Most people would say you had me at hello, but Chrome River had us at electronic receipt submission. That's when we knew Chrome River would be the best solution for us. With all of the built-in compliance and the ease of use, it was clear this had to be our choice. <span class="author"> <strong>Travel Booking Manager, <br />Large U.S. University</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat47 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>It’s highly customizable—we give the requirements & Chrome River designs around us. What I really appreciate is the fast turnaround between a request and the deliverable. Plus the ease of opening a ticket—it’s just an email-nothing complicated. And help is a phone call away—I like being able to speak with someone—when something is more than I want to put in an email. <span class="author">An industry-leading Fortune 500 company <strong></strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We selected Chrome River because of their commitment to our relationship. Our employees love Chrome River, and have found it easy to use with little or no training. <span class="author">Lorrie Black <strong>Project Manager, <br />University of New Mexico</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat36 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>The person feed from our HR feed to ChromeRiver works very well. Rich was our project leader and we came from a legacy IBM GERS system and Rich was very familiar with this tool. Having the knowledge of GERS greatly helped this start up. <span class="author">Ken Freedlund <strong>IT Manager, <br />Verso</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Good support, excellent product! Easy to use and easy to train users to use! <span class="author">Karen Gifford <strong>Controller, <br />Vedder Price P.C.</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat39 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>Our project manager was most helpful during our implementation because her experience introduced our team to options and ideas that we would never have thought of on our own. <span class="author">Ruby Page <strong>Travel & Payroll Finance Manager , <br />Oak Ridge Associated Universities</strong></span></blockquote> </div> <div class="col cat0 cat35 visible masonry-brick"> <blockquote>We are very excited to be rolling out Chrome River, which integrates with our American Express credit cards and Aderant. It will increase processing power and enhance internal controls. Client charges will be uploaded to Aderant within a few days of expenses being incurred, and attorneys and management will have the ability to create, submit and approve expenses on any mobile device. <span class="author">Nancy Caton <strong>Financial Systems Manager, <br />Nutter McClennen and Fish LLP</strong></span></blockquote> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row c pad-top-1"> <small class="pad-top-1" style="display:block;"><a title="Chrome River EXPENSE by Emburse is a leader in Expense Management on G2" href=""><img style="width: 125px;" alt="Chrome River EXPENSE by Emburse is a leader in Expense Management on G2" src="" /><br />Read more reviews</a></small> <small class="pad-top-1" style="display:block;"><a href="" target="_blank" class="na"><img src="" alt="Capterra" width="100" style="padding:0 1.2rem;" /><br />Read more reviews</a></small> </div> </div> </div></div> <img src="" alt="Chrome River customers" class="mosaic" /> <div class="reminder mj-reminder"> <div class="wrapper"> <h2>Isn't it time to make the switch?</h2> <ul> <li><a href="" class="button cta">Request a Demo</a></li> <li><a href="tel:+18887810088">+1 (888) 781.0088</a></li> <li><a href=""></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <footer id="footer"><div class="wrapper"> <div class="c"> <p class="footer-logo"><a href="/" class="na"><img src="" alt="Chrome River" /></a></p> <ul class="social"> <li><a href="" class="linkedin" target="_blank"><i>LinkedIn</i></a></li> <li><a href="" class="twitter" target="_blank"><i>Twitter</i></a></li> <li><a href="" class="facebook" target="_blank"><i>Facebook</i></a></li> <!--li><a href="" class="slideshare" target="_blank"><i>Slideshare</i></a></li--> <!--li><a href="" class="instagram" target="_blank"><i>Instagram</i></a></li--> </ul> </div> <div class="sitemap"> <ul class="links"> <li class="cell1"><a href="">Request a Demo</a></li> <li class="cell2"><a href="tel:+18887810088">+1 (888) 781.0088</a></li> <li class="cell3"><a href=""></a></li> <li 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