Agenda 2022 - Conversion Conference Las Vegas

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id="day-1" type="checkbox" value="day-1" /><label for="day-1">June 20, 2022</label></li><li><input id="day-2" type="checkbox" value="day-2" /><label for="day-2">June 21, 2022</label></li><li><input id="day-3" type="checkbox" value="day-3" /><label for="day-3">June 22, 2022</label></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="rm_cc_12 col_12 btn-container"> <button href="#" id="filter-btn" class="btn"> Filter </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- Filter bar --> <!-- Print button --> <div class="header rm_cc_6 col_6 print-agenda-buttons print-description"> <div class="inner"> <span>Print with description</span> <i class="fa fa-print"></i> </div> </div> <div class="header rm_cc_6 col_6 print-agenda-buttons"> <div class="inner"> <span>Print overview</span> <i class="fa fa-print"></i> </div> </div> <div id="events-container" class=" " data-columns="4" > <div id="no-results" class="col_12"> <p>Your filter settings don't show any results. <a class="open-overlay" href="#" 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Conversion</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1009" data-overlay-info="speaker-1009" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Jeff Loquist, <i>Director of Optimization</i>, <i>SiteTuners</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Conversion rate optimization does&nbsp;not&nbsp;just happen on the website. As marketers, we need to think about the entire customer journey &#8211; from the keywords we choose to drive traffic, to the copy we use for ads and meta information,&nbsp;through the landing page and into the follow-up messaging. In this workshop, attendees will learn how to set up and optimize each phase of the visitor journey to help the user take the action we need them to take. We will discuss common mistakes we make by not thinking about the end user, and how to qualify &#8211; and disqualify &#8211; users throughout their journey.</p> <p>Short lecture segments will alternate with practical hands-on work. Participants will complete exercises to apply key concepts to their specific situation</p> <p>Who Should Attend:</p> <ul> <li>CMO’s</li> <li>Marketing directors</li> <li>Online media buyers</li> <li>PPC specialists &#038; managers</li> </ul> <p>What you will learn:</p> <ul> <li>The importance of alignment &#038; user intent</li> <li>Finding the right keywords</li> <li>Developing the right message</li> <li>Aligning the landing page with user intent</li> <li>How to disqualify users throughout the process</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1239" data-date="day-1" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Monday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Mon</p> <p>1:00 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1239" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 20, 2022</span> <span class="time">1:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1239" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="WORKSHOP: A CRASH COURSE IN CONVERSION RATE OPTIMIZATION​" data-title="WORKSHOP: A CRASH COURSE IN CONVERSION RATE OPTIMIZATION​" >WORKSHOP: A CRASH COURSE IN CONVERSION RATE OPTIMIZATION​</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1043" data-overlay-info="speaker-1043" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Marty Greif, <i>President</i>, <i>SiteTuners</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>How much money are you losing with poorly performing websites and landing pages?</p> <p>Changes in website efficiency can dramatically improve the profitability of your online marketing programs. This fast-paced and practical hands-on training will provide you with a crash course in conversion rate optimization (CRO). Noted digital marketing expert and SiteTuners President, Martin Greif, will help you to improve conversions by applying “The Matrix” methodology to your website. The Matrix is a framework for understanding your audience from a user-centered design perspective, and ensures that you will consistently get more of the right people through the right activities in the right order.</p> <p>Short lecture segments will alternate with practical hands-on work. Participants will complete exercises to apply key concepts to their specific situation</p> <p>Who Should Attend:</p> <ul> <li>CMO’s</li> <li>Marketing directors</li> <li>Online media buyers</li> <li>Webmasters &#038; web designers</li> <li>SEO &#038; PPC specialists</li> </ul> <p>What You Will Learn:</p> <ul> <li>An overview of conversion rate optimization</li> <li>How to uncover the Seven Deadly Sins of Landing Pages</li> <li>How to segment your online audience into mission-critical roles</li> <li>Breaking down each role into specific tasks (“use cases”)</li> <li>Understanding key decision making steps (awareness, interest, desire, action)</li> <li>A process for creating user-centered websites</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <header id="day-header-2" class="day-header show tuesday"><p>June 21, 2022</p></header> <div id="event-1084" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>7:30 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1084" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">7:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1084" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Registration &#038; Networking Breakfast" data-title="Registration &#038; Networking Breakfast" >Registration &#038; Networking Breakfast</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1085" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>8:45 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1085" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:45 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1085" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Conference Chair Opening Remarks" data-title="Conference Chair Opening Remarks" >Conference Chair Opening Remarks</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1043" data-overlay-info="speaker-1043" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Marty Greif, <i>President</i>, <i>SiteTuners</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1086" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>8:50 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1086" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:50 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1086" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="The Future of Customer Journeys According to Behavioral Science" data-title="The Future of Customer Journeys According to Behavioral Science" >The Future of Customer Journeys According to Behavioral Science</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1131" data-overlay-info="speaker-1131" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Michelle Hilscher, <i>Vice President, Strategy</i>, <i>BEworks</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1087" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>9:40 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1087" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">9:40 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1087" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="The Future is Frictionless" data-title="The Future is Frictionless" >The Future is Frictionless</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1268" data-overlay-info="speaker-1268" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">David Tal, <i>CEO</i>, <i>Verse</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1088" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>10:00 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1088" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:00 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1088" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break" data-title="Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break" >Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1089" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>10:30 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1089" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1089" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Using a/b testing to create video that converts" data-title="Using a/b testing to create video that converts" >Using a/b testing to create video that converts</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1365" data-overlay-info="speaker-1365" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Anthony Jonesco, <i>Owner</i>, <i>Wicked Clothes</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>A case study involving reading between the lines of customer intent to create testable hypotheses and using those results to create full-scale narrative video productions that convert.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1090" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1090" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1090" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Want to Really Increase Conversion? Become a Brand Marketer!" data-title="Want to Really Increase Conversion? Become a Brand Marketer!" >Want to Really Increase Conversion? Become a Brand Marketer!</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1038" data-overlay-info="speaker-1038" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Brian Lewis, <i>CEO</i>, <i>Wolfhound Interactive</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>With their different primary goals, brand marketing and conversion optimization have typically tended to collide, forcing many companies to lean more on one tactic at the expense of the other. Whereas brand marketing focuses on enhancing the brand by communicating the organization’s identity, values, personality and brand promise, conversion optimization is all about acquiring that conversion action. But it turns out that adopting a brand marketer’s mindset allows you to create digital experiences that really do boost conversion.</p> <p> In this session, you’ll learn:</p> <ul> <li>What is a conversion brand brief and how can it help transform you CRO efforts</li> <li>Why you’ll want to work with your client (or management team) to create a conversion brand brief</li> <li>Steps to creating a conversion brand brief that will boost conversion</li> <li>How to use takeaways from the conversion brand brief on landing pages, funnels and websites</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1091" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>11:20 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1091" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">11:20 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1091" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Jurassic CRO: How to Survive in a Cookieless World" data-title="Jurassic CRO: How to Survive in a Cookieless World" >Jurassic CRO: How to Survive in a Cookieless World</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1353" data-overlay-info="speaker-1353" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Josh Cuttill, <i>Director of Website Strategy & Optimization</i>, <i>(un)Common Logic</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>In the iconic movie, Jurassic Park, splicing dinosaur and frog DNA led to dinosaurs reproducing in modern times. The ensuing chaos and destruction demonstrate what can happen when you don’t properly manage for the gaps in your knowledge. The upcoming cookieless world will force similar gaps in our data and understanding of our users. Without data, CRO testing is just guessing. If not prepared in advance for these changes, marketers will be left to make assumptions about their users and traffic, resulting in potentially Jurassic-level consequences for their business.</p> <p> This presentation will answer: </p> <ul> <li>How will the impending cookieless world impact data collection?</li> <li> Is CRO even possible without cookies?</li> <li>What can we do now to prepare for the upcoming cookieless world?</li> <li>How does our user engagement strategy change in order to survive in this new era</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1092" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1092" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">11:20 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1092" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Integrating Search, Display and Email for the Trifecta CRO Win" data-title="Integrating Search, Display and Email for the Trifecta CRO Win" >Integrating Search, Display and Email for the Trifecta CRO Win</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1019" data-overlay-info="speaker-1019" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">William Leake, <i>CEO</i>, <i>Apogee Results</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Apart from relatively low-dollar DTC (direct to consumer) purchases, most conversion cycles involve multiple steps, and in many cases, multiple people.&nbsp; When dealing with a more complex customer journey with multiple touch points along the path, overly focusing on just one step of the funnel results in distortions and sub-optimality ripples up and down the chain. We&#8217;ll cover several examples of how to properly look at and conduct full-journey optimization, across multiple traffic sources and touch points, including email, display, paid search, seo, and even affiliates.&nbsp; Attendees will obtain several immediately actionable walk-aways, as well as a checklist / flowchart to help determine what&#8217;s immediately most important in terms of focus.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1093" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>12:05 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1093" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">12:05 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1093" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Lunch" data-title="Lunch" >Lunch</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1094" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>1:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1094" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">1:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1094" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Relationship Marketing in the Digital World" data-title="Relationship Marketing in the Digital World" >Relationship Marketing in the Digital World</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1043" data-overlay-info="speaker-1043" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Marty Greif, <i>President</i>, <i>SiteTuners</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Find out the three questions everyone asks when they meet someone for the first time or when they arrive on your website for the first time. The answers to those questions had better be the same regardless if you are meeting someone live or hiding behind your website. Learn how to apply successful in-person marketing techniques to convert more visitors into leads, subscriptions, and sales online.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1302" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>2:00 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1302" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1302" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Going Beyond A/B Testing &#8211; Ensure no ad spend is wasted by personalizing every web experience" data-title="Going Beyond A/B Testing &#8211; Ensure no ad spend is wasted by personalizing every web experience" >Going Beyond A/B Testing &#8211; Ensure no ad spend is wasted by personalizing every web experience</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1321" data-overlay-info="speaker-1321" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Guy Yalif, <i>CEO and Co-Founder</i>, <i>Intellimize</i></a> </p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>After investing so much time and money personalizing the experience in our ads, emails, and other acquisition efforts, too often we show all of our prospects the same experience on our website&hellip; the place where the prospect converts into a customer and revenue.</p> <p>A single strategy, no matter how refined and researched, cannot appeal to all of your website visitors. Performance marketers have historically turned to A/B testing to identify the single best page for all visitors. While A/B testing has helped marketers make data-driven decisions, trying to find the single “one size fits all” best page to show all of your visitors leaves money on the table and can waste time and effort.<br />Driving revenue and conversions by meeting every prospect where they are in their journey with you is possible with new approaches enabled by machine learning. We can and should deliver the right experiences for each unique visitor on our websites, just like we do in our ads today.</p> <p>In this presentation, Intellimize CEO Guy Yalif will reveal the differences between one-size-fits-all A/B testing approaches and personalizing for each unique visitor and how to practically apply them. He will also share practical examples of tests you can run back in the office on Monday morning to help accelerate your conversion rate optimization approach.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1095" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>2:20 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1095" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:20 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1095" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="&#8220;What&#8217;s in it for me?&#8221; Match Prospect Objective to Business Goals" data-title="&#8220;What&#8217;s in it for me?&#8221; Match Prospect Objective to Business Goals" >&#8220;What&#8217;s in it for me?&#8221; Match Prospect Objective to Business Goals</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1211" data-overlay-info="speaker-1211" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Alison Harris, <i>Chief Digital Strategist</i>, <i>Addison Marketing</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>QBRs focus on ROI, KPIs, and OKRs. Revenue goals are matched to ROAS and retention. Bouses and ESPP grants depend on how this alphabet soup plays out during earnings calls and annual reviews. Every year, quarter, month, and week marketing, sales, and customer success teams are held to growth goals that can appear insurmountable. Business objectives relentlessly chase the growth dragon and devour teams by demanding a constant stream of straw leads turned into golden deals. Over the past eight years, working with companies in the Fortune 100 and incubators, I&#8217;ve discovered you can tame the dragon and efficiently turn straw to gold without sacrificing your team. An annual discovery process, a few checklists, a couple of templates, and a meager bribe of pizza can revolutionize your lead to MQL, to SAL, to Won pipeline, and make QBRs much less stressful. Join me and I&#8217;ll share the process of achieving business objectives by taking care of your prospects.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1096" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1096" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:20 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1096" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Content for Conversion: Why you probably don&#8217;t need a new website" data-title="Content for Conversion: Why you probably don&#8217;t need a new website" >Content for Conversion: Why you probably don&#8217;t need a new website</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1315" data-overlay-info="speaker-1315" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Alejandro De Mosteyrin Muñoz, <i>Director of Opimization</i>, <i>Site Tuners</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>How can you align user intent with the right content on your website?</p> <p>Your website visitors have a very determined intent in mind. Making sure that you provide the right content at the right time is the key to increasing your conversion rates. Using the Core Model analysis will help you identify the vital information that your website visitors need in order to move to the next down-the-funnel page. With the right content structured around the user journey, conversion rates will exponentially increase.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1097" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>3:05 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1097" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:05 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1097" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Exhibits &#038; Afternoon Break" data-title="Exhibits &#038; Afternoon Break" >Exhibits &#038; Afternoon Break</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1098" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>3:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1098" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1098" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Storytelling in UX" data-title="Storytelling in UX" >Storytelling in UX</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1050" data-overlay-info="speaker-1050" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Donna Barkson, <i>Technology Manager - Content Experience Design</i>, <i>State Farm</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Attendees will learn to take their user experience designs to the next level with Storytelling. Storytelling creates empathy, helps stakeholders understand problems and solutions, and makes serving the user or customer even easier!&nbsp; In this session, attendees learn why stories resonate with people, why stories increase our feelings of compassion and empathy, and why stories help humans make sense out of chaos. Attendees will learn the essential elements common to all good stories.&nbsp; Think conflict and resolution, colorful characters and a detailed backdrop.&nbsp; &nbsp; Attendees will learn what to write about and when to tell your stories.&nbsp; Knowing when to tell your story helps create and deliver winning experience designs.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Plus:<br />• Storytellers have more fun!<br />• Everybody loves a good story!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1099" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1099" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1099" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="How to Engineer the Ideal Sales Conversation" data-title="How to Engineer the Ideal Sales Conversation" >How to Engineer the Ideal Sales Conversation</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1218" data-overlay-info="speaker-1218" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Craig Andrews, <i>Principal Ally</i>, <i>allies4me</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Use a Customer Value Journey like the stages of courtship. Add value at each and every stage. A First-Time Offer (FTO) is like a coffee date. It’s a low-commitment and low-risk way to test the relationship. When you do this well, your prospect starts asking you to “close the deal” (much like my wife asked me).</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1100" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>4:15 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1100" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">4:15 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1100" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Here Comes GA4​" data-title="Here Comes GA4​" >Here Comes GA4​</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1070" data-overlay-info="speaker-1070" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Natalie Henley, <i>Owner</i>, <i>Volume Nine</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Universal Analytics will officially stop collecting data in July of 2023, which means it’s critical that companies have GA4 setup and collecting data by July of 2022. Have you been putting the switch off *or* took a quick look at GA4 then started to back away slowly?In this session, Digital Marketing &#038; Analytics Expert Natalie Henley will help give you the lay of the land in GA4, in easy to understand language.</p> <p>She’ll cover:</p> <ul> <li>Why Google is doing this.</li> <li>How GA4 is fundamentally different than previous versions of Google Analytics.</li> <li>Why the setup is giving companies heartburn and an overview of the minimum steps you’ll need to complete to get GA4 up and running.</li> <li>Some of the cool new benefits of the platform.</li> <li>A few reports that will really help you drill down into optimizing engagement &#038; CRO on your website.</li> </ul> <p>This session is great for businesses who are just getting started with GA4 or for marketers who are looking to validate their understanding of the tool and/or trying to build out the right reporting dashboards for t</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1101" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1101" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">4:15 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1101" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Conversion Optimization From the SEO Perspective" data-title="Conversion Optimization From the SEO Perspective" >Conversion Optimization From the SEO Perspective</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1017" data-overlay-info="speaker-1017" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Elmer Boutin, <i>VP of Operations</i>, <i>WrightIMC</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Have you considered that what&#8217;s good for SEO is often good for conversions? We all know that nothing happens in a vacuum, yet many marketers don&#8217;t consider starting their conversion optimization work where the customer often starts their journey: in search. In this session, Elmer will help you better understand the factors that positively affect ranking and traffic and help with conversions including earning attention through a human-centered, data-driven approach to content. Next, the focus is on eliminating those things that cause a sub-par user experience and friction once the visitor gets to the site &#8230; those things that the search engines also look at when evaluating a website for ranking in search. Once you have a better understanding of these things, your other on-site conversion optimization efforts will be more effective making for bigger wins overall for you and your business or clients.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1102" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>5:30 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1102" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">5:30 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1102" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Networking Reception" data-title="Networking Reception" >Networking Reception</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1103" data-date="day-2" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Tuesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Tue</p> <p>7:00 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1103" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 21, 2022</span> <span class="time">7:00 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1103" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Dinner With Friends" data-title="Dinner With Friends" >Dinner With Friends</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <header id="day-header-3" class="day-header show wednesday"><p>June 22, 2022</p></header> <div id="event-1104" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>8:00 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1104" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:00 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1104" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Registration &#038; Networking Breakfast" data-title="Registration &#038; Networking Breakfast" >Registration &#038; Networking Breakfast</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1105" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>8:45 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1105" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:45 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1105" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Conference Chair Opening Remarks" data-title="Conference Chair Opening Remarks" >Conference Chair Opening Remarks</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1043" data-overlay-info="speaker-1043" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Marty Greif, <i>President</i>, <i>SiteTuners</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1106" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>8:50 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1106" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">8:50 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1106" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="The Future of Conversion" data-title="The Future of Conversion" >The Future of Conversion</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1226" data-overlay-info="speaker-1226" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Kenneth &#8220;Shark&#8221; Kinney, <i>Speaker, Author, Strategist</i>, <i>A Shark's Perspective, LLC</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>What is the future of conversion and how will brands go beyond their websites and the entire customer experience? For many, CRO is still not a priority for most companies, but those that have optimization deeply embedded into their culture are understanding how to recognize real results by going beyond only clicks and data. Planning for the future of conversion has to start today.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1107" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>9:40 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1107" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">9:40 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1107" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="How Ad-to-Page Relevancy Accelerates Results" data-title="How Ad-to-Page Relevancy Accelerates Results" >How Ad-to-Page Relevancy Accelerates Results</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1312" data-overlay-info="speaker-1312" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Andrew Engdahl, <i>Account Executive</i>, <i>Postclick</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>These days, audiences expect hyper-relevant ad experiences, and if you’re not delivering them, your conversion rate can suffer – wasting your advertising dollars. This session will cover how Hellofresh and Lattice scaled up their ad-to-page relevancy efforts and saw incredible results. We’ll also speak to the tools they implemented that helped increase their conversion rate and return on ad spend.</p> <p>Takeaways:</p> <ul> <li>Personalization examples you can use in your campaigns</li> <li>Strategies for building ad-to-landing page experiences at scale</li> <li>Necessary tools for implementing conversion rate optimization</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1108" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>10:00 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1108" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:00 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1108" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break" data-title="Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break" >Exhibits &#038; Morning Coffee Break</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1109" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>10:30 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1109" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1109" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Top 3 Proven Strategies for Increasing Conversions" data-title="Top 3 Proven Strategies for Increasing Conversions" >Top 3 Proven Strategies for Increasing Conversions</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1056" data-overlay-info="speaker-1056" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Tali Hasanov, <i>Managing Partner</i>, <i>WSI Digital Path</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>A holistic approach to conversion rate optimization has the potential to seriously increase your bottom-line profits.&nbsp;</p> <p>Even though we have all the modern technologies and innovations, customers are looking for simplicity these days. This approach has influenced the way you should be optimizing your business, your marketing, and your websites. What is the psychology behind this new holistic approach of optimization? We will take a look at how your website plays a role in your overall business strategy as well as your other digital channels.</p> <ul> <li>Top 3 proven strategies for increasing conversions with a holistic approach</li> <li>Brand presence on different platforms and devices and how it might affect your conversions</li> <li>Immediate steps to take in order to increase your conversions&nbsp;</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1110" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1110" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">10:30 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1110" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="How to Write Digital Marketing Content to Drive Conversions" data-title="How to Write Digital Marketing Content to Drive Conversions" >How to Write Digital Marketing Content to Drive Conversions</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1182" data-overlay-info="speaker-1182" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Thomas Young, <i>CEO / Founder</i>, <i>Intuitive Websites</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>This presentation will provide guidance and tips on how to layout, write, and publish digital content that engages users where they are in their buying experience. The presentation focuses on how to write about benefits, how to use the elements of storytelling, connect with customers in their research, and how to use call-to-actions effectively.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1111" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>11:20 am</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1111" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">11:20 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1111" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="9x Your Conversions" data-title="9x Your Conversions" >9x Your Conversions</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1260" data-overlay-info="speaker-1260" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Duane Sprague, <i>Chief Marketing Officer</i>, <i>Shopper Approved</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>When you know how to answer the critical questions that your shoppers are asking, you can increase conversion rate up to 9x and organic traffic up to 4x.</p> <p>What you will learn:</p> <ul> <li>The 3 critical conversion questions every shopper has</li> <li>The 6 mental shortcuts shoppers use to make a purchase decision</li> <li>The 7 search modifiers you must optimize for</li> </ul> <p>Google has conducted extensive research to determine how people discover, research, and make purchase decisions online. We have combined these findings with our own research that explains and validates the best practices being used by Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Target, and the leading eCommerce brands, and made them available for any website, with proven results.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1112" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1112" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">11:20 am</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1112" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Inject “V-FACTOR” Into Your Marketing for Cost-Effective Growth" data-title="Inject “V-FACTOR” Into Your Marketing for Cost-Effective Growth" >Inject “V-FACTOR” Into Your Marketing for Cost-Effective Growth</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1151" data-overlay-info="speaker-1151" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Jennifer Apy, <i>Chief Marketing & Growth Officer</i>, <i>Chief Outsiders</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>A satisfied customer is the heart and soul of a business. Happy customers stick around, spend more, and often become fierce advocates for your company, its products, and services.&nbsp;</p> <p>What if we could quantify the impact of that customer advocacy and package it into a measurable resource that helps your business scale and grow rapidly? I call this the &#8220;V-Factor&#8221; &#8212; a means of using digital channels to catalyze and engage customers and then amplify their fervor in a way that is more impactful, and costs far less than other attention-getting methods.</p> <p>In this session, attendees will learn:</p> <ul> <li>How the V-Factor taps into natural goodness that can develop word of mouth fast and encourage sharing.</li> <li>How to identify the V-Factor that will generate engagement and social proof for your company&#8217;s products or services.&nbsp;</li> <li>The basic steps to encourage “viralness” that will help you stand out from the competition.</li> <li>Key considerations to keep in mind as you prioritize, test, and identify the best methods to get your customers to do the selling for you.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1113" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>12:05 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1113" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">12:05 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1113" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Lunch" data-title="Lunch" >Lunch</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1114" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>1:35 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1114" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">1:35 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1114" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Keynote: The Hidden CRO Gem" data-title="Keynote: The Hidden CRO Gem" >Keynote: The Hidden CRO Gem</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1070" data-overlay-info="speaker-1070" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Natalie Henley, <i>Owner</i>, <i>Volume Nine</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>I’ll be honest. Conversion Rate Optimization isn’t main our focus as an agency. We’re Digital Marketers, so we’re trying to build a brand, drive traffic and make sales. We aren’t managing detailed A/B split tests to bump conversion rates regularly. We’re more like the crew will let you know you are doing something that will kill your conversion rates.</p> <p>But, a few years ago, we stumbled on something that has dramatically improved conversion rates for one of our clients. Now it’s a best practice at our agency &#8211; in retrospect, it feels so obvious, yet so few brands are thinking this way (mainly because CRO gets siloed from Digital Marketing at many organizations).</p> <p>Hear the story of how one small campaign completely taught us a way to dramatically improve conversion rates. Then, learn the technique that has both increased conversions rates &#038; average order values on a bunch of our clients.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1115" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>2:25 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1115" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:25 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1115" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Joining Forces at the Intersection of SEO and CRO" data-title="Joining Forces at the Intersection of SEO and CRO" >Joining Forces at the Intersection of SEO and CRO</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1076" data-overlay-info="speaker-1076" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Jake Bohall, <i>Co-Founder</i>, <i>Hive Digital, Inc.</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavias 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Join Jake Bohall, SEO veteran, as he shares the ways he leveraged the feedback from a team of conversion experts to &#8220;convince&#8221; a client to accomplish SEO tasks.&nbsp; In this session you will:</p> <p>1 &#8211; Learn how to use SEO as leverage to implement CRO (and vice-versa)<br />2 &#8211; Discover how to craft conversion winning headlines that also win you better rankings&nbsp;<br />3 &#8211; Develop strategies that blend conversion best practices and SEO best practices to ensure the organic traffic you attract generates the conversions you want</p> <p>&#8230; and raise your hand for a chance to get free chocolate!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1116" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1116" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">2:25 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1116" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Website Performance and Conversion" data-title="Website Performance and Conversion" >Website Performance and Conversion</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1375" data-overlay-info="speaker-1375" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Rich Bergland<i></i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavias 7/8</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1117" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 no-link untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>3:10 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1117" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:10 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay no-link" data-overlay-info="event-1117" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Exhibits &#038; Afternoon Break" data-title="Exhibits &#038; Afternoon Break" >Exhibits &#038; Afternoon Break</h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1118" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>3:45 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1118" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:45 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1118" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Brand + Authenticity = Conversions" data-title="Brand + Authenticity = Conversions" >Brand + Authenticity = Conversions</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1368" data-overlay-info="speaker-1368" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Donna Mostrom<i></i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>This session focuses on the connection between brand authenticity and consumer perception. We&#8217;ll walk through a simple framework that will help you build the right kind of brand identity at every customer touchpoint.After this session, you’ll be able to:* Increase the authenticity of your brand* Understand how to be more confident in your messaging* Establish a lasting connection with your audience.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1119" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_2 linked untrackable"> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1119" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero em-lazyload-bg" data-bg="" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; background-size: cover;" ></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">3:45 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1119" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="Building a Testing Program That Works​" data-title="Building a Testing Program That Works​" >Building a Testing Program That Works​</h2> </a> <p class="speakers"> <b>Speaker:</b> <a class="open-overlay" data-speaker-id="1009" data-overlay-info="speaker-1009" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022">Jeff Loquist, <i>Director of Optimization</i>, <i>SiteTuners</i></a> </p> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 7/8</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Every company understands the importance&nbsp;of improving the performance of their website. We also know that the&nbsp;way to get there is to Always Be Testing. Unfortunately, most companies do not know how to properly implement a testing&nbsp;environment that&nbsp;allows for real results and actionable data. In this session, attendees will learn about what makes a testing program successful, and how to build a culture of testing with the people, the process, and the technology that works.&nbsp;</p> <p>Who Should Attend:</p> <ul> <li>CMO’s</li> <li>Marketing directors</li> <li>Conversion specialists</li> <li>PPC specialists &#038; managers</li> </ul> <p>What you will learn:&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>The importance of testing</li> <li>How to develop a culture of testing</li> <li>What to test and when?!</li> <li>What testing tools to use</li> <li>Reporting for the C-Level</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="event-1120" data-date="day-3" class="event-tile rm_cc_1 linked untrackable"> <div class="left-tag"> <p class='day mob'>Wednesday</p> <p class='day dsktp'>Wed</p> <p>4:15 pm</p> </div> <div class="inner"> <a class="open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1120" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <div class="hero placeholder"></div> </a> <div class="content"> <p class="date-time"> <span class="date">June 22, 2022</span> <span class="time">4:15 pm</span> </p> <a class="title-link open-overlay" data-overlay-info="event-1120" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-year="2022"> <h2 class="truncate" data-truntitle="&#8220;How Ugly is Your Baby?&#8221; Live Rapid Fire Reviews of Your Websites from Your Speakers" data-title="&#8220;How Ugly is Your Baby?&#8221; Live Rapid Fire Reviews of Your Websites from Your Speakers" >&#8220;How Ugly is Your Baby?&#8221; Live Rapid Fire Reviews of Your Websites from Your Speakers</h2> </a> <p class="room"><b>Room:</b><span>Octavius 5/6</span></p> <div class="hidden em-txt txt"><p>Your landing page stinks – it&#8217;s just a question of degree. Bring your URL and Conversion Rate Optimization experts from our outstanding speakers will give you some quick and actionable tips to immediately improve performance. Guaranteed to be an educational and entertaining session!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section data-wpr-lazyrender="1" id="workshops"> <div class="wrapper-1400 padding-ver-100"> <header> <h2> Workshops </h2> </header> <div class="em-grid em-items row " data-columns="3" > <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-1 "> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-1419"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> June 5, 2024 </div> <div class="title"> A.I.-Powered PPC for Unstoppable Conversions: Master the Complete Customer Journey – 1/2 Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Jeff Loquist </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-2 "> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-320"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> June 5, 2024 </div> <div class="title"> A Crash Course in Conversion Rate Optimization – Hands On – 1/2 Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Martin A. Greif </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-3 last"> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-2263"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> June 5, 2024 </div> <div class="title"> Advanced Testing Techniques: What You Need To Know For Proper Testing &#8211; But Probably Don&#8217;t – 1/2 Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Deborah OMalley </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="col_4 em-grid-item item-4 "> <div class="em-workshop-tile "> <a href="#" class="open-overlay" data-overlay="conference-overlay" data-overlay-info="workshop-1659"> <div class="inner"> <figure class="photo"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" /> <img width="800" height="800" src="/" class="em-lazyload" alt="" srcset="/" data-src="" data-srcset=" 800w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 400w, 500w, 600w, 1080w" data-sizes="92vw" decoding="async" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="date"> June 5, 2024 </div> <div class="title"> Supercharge Your SEO and Conversions with A.I.-Powered Strategies – 1/2 Day </div> <div class="speaker"> Natalie Henley </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <!-- #main, opens in header.php --> <footer data-wpr-lazyrender="1" id="main-footer"> <div id="em-footer-custom"> <div class="wrapper-1400 padding-ver-50"> <div class="row"> <div class="col_2"> <strong> Links </strong> <nav> <ul id="menu-footer" class="menu"><li id="menu-item-76" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-76"><a href="/registration#infos">Cancellation Policy</a></li> <li id="menu-item-77" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-77"><a href="">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li id="menu-item-78" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-78"><a href="">Contact</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1989" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-ancestor current-menu-parent menu-item-has-children menu-item-1989"><a href="#main-footer">Previous Events</a> <ul class="sub-menu"> <li id="menu-item-1990" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1990"><a href="">2023</a></li> <li id="menu-item-1991" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item menu-item-1991"><a href="" aria-current="page">2022</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="col_1"> </div> <div class="col_4"> <strong> Hosts </strong> <div class="host-logos"> <div class="row"> <div class="col_6"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <figure> <img width="500" height="250" src="" class="attachment-img_500 size-img_500" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 500w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" /> </figure> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col_1"> </div> <div class="col_4"> <strong> Follow </strong> <div class="em-social-media-channels count-3"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><i class="fa fa-x-twitter"></i></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="copyright"> <div class="wrapper-1400 padding-ver-15"> © 2024 Rising Media, Inc. </div> </div> </div> </footer> <div id="em-promo-overlay-newsletter" class="em-promo-overlay overlay-full background-image newsletter-active" data-overlay-type="em-promo-overlay"> <div id="em-promo-overlay-newsletter-bg" class="box wrapper-800 em-lazyload-bg" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; 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