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162.24C5.46 159.49 2.73 156.75 0 154C1.35 151 2.84 148.92 5.16 146.61C6.13 145.65 6.13 145.65 7.11 144.67C7.8 143.99 8.48 143.31 9.2 142.61C9.9 141.9 10.61 141.2 11.34 140.47C13.6 138.23 15.86 135.99 18.12 133.75C19.66 132.23 21.19 130.7 22.72 129.18C26.48 125.45 30.24 121.72 34 118C29.98 113.17 25.77 108.66 21.29 104.26C20.03 103.02 18.78 101.77 17.52 100.53C15.56 98.59 13.6 96.66 11.63 94.73C9.72 92.85 7.82 90.96 5.91 89.07C5.32 88.49 4.73 87.91 4.12 87.32C2.71 85.91 1.35 84.46 0 83C0 82.34 0 81.68 0 81C1.35 79.68 1.35 79.68 3.28 78.09C9 73.23 14.22 67.89 19.5 62.56C20.52 61.53 21.55 60.51 22.57 59.48C25.05 56.99 27.53 54.5 30 52Z" class="svg-elem-13"></path> <path id="Vector_14" d="M80 0C83.67 1.54 86.01 3.76 88.81 6.57C89.28 7.04 89.75 7.5 90.23 7.98C91.8 9.55 93.36 11.12 94.92 12.69C96.04 13.82 97.17 14.94 98.29 16.06C101.34 19.11 104.38 22.17 107.43 25.22C110.61 28.42 113.79 31.6 116.98 34.79C123.01 40.83 129.04 46.87 135.06 52.92C141.92 59.8 148.79 66.68 155.65 73.55C169.77 87.69 183.89 101.84 198 116C196.46 119.67 194.24 122.01 191.45 124.81C190.98 125.28 190.51 125.75 190.03 126.23C188.47 127.8 186.91 129.36 185.34 130.92C184.22 132.04 183.1 133.17 181.98 134.29C178.94 137.34 175.89 140.38 172.84 143.43C169.66 146.61 166.48 149.79 163.29 152.98C157.95 158.33 152.6 163.67 147.25 169.01C141.06 175.19 134.88 181.38 128.7 187.57C123.39 192.88 118.09 198.19 112.78 203.49C109.6 206.66 106.43 209.83 103.26 213.01C100.29 215.99 97.3 218.97 94.32 221.94C93.22 223.04 92.13 224.13 91.03 225.23C89.54 226.73 88.05 228.21 86.55 229.7C85.72 230.53 84.88 231.37 84.02 232.23C82 234 82 234 80 234C78.48 232.43 78.48 232.43 76.75 230.31C74.5 227.65 72.3 225.29 69.56 223.12C68.72 222.42 67.87 221.72 67 221C67 220.34 67 219.68 67 219C66.47 218.79 65.94 218.58 65.39 218.37C62 216.43 59.45 213.86 56.69 211.12C56.12 210.6 55.56 210.07 54.98 209.52C53.39 207.95 53.39 207.95 51 205C51.26 201.5 52.85 199.78 55.27 197.37C55.97 196.66 56.67 195.96 57.39 195.24C58.16 194.47 58.94 193.71 59.73 192.93C60.54 192.12 61.35 191.31 62.19 190.47C64.87 187.79 67.56 185.12 70.25 182.45C72.11 180.6 73.97 178.74 75.83 176.89C80.23 172.5 84.63 168.12 89.04 163.75C94.06 158.76 99.06 153.77 104.07 148.78C114.37 138.51 124.68 128.25 135 118C133.62 114.9 132.05 112.81 129.64 110.43C128.95 109.74 128.25 109.05 127.54 108.34C126.78 107.6 126.01 106.85 125.23 106.08C124.43 105.29 123.63 104.49 122.8 103.68C121.06 101.95 119.32 100.23 117.57 98.51C114.81 95.8 112.07 93.07 109.32 90.34C101.51 82.59 93.69 74.85 85.85 67.12C81.06 62.39 76.28 57.65 71.51 52.9C69.68 51.09 67.85 49.29 66.02 47.49C63.46 44.98 60.92 42.45 58.38 39.92C57.23 38.8 57.23 38.8 56.06 37.66C55.37 36.97 54.69 36.28 53.98 35.57C53.38 34.97 52.77 34.38 52.15 33.76C51 32 51 32 51.24 29.87C52.1 27.75 53.05 26.59 54.68 24.98C55.52 24.14 55.52 24.14 56.38 23.28C56.99 22.69 57.6 22.09 58.22 21.48C58.84 20.87 59.46 20.25 60.1 19.62C62.08 17.65 64.07 15.7 66.06 13.75C67.41 12.42 68.75 11.09 70.1 9.76C73.39 6.5 76.69 3.25 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We guarantee it. </p--> <p> We get it, spreadsheets are free, and for a while you made it work. But there is a point when your subscriber management needs a tool the was built for the task. </p> </div> <ul class="content-hero__list"> <li class="content-hero__item _icon-check">Eliminate manual data entry</li> <li class="content-hero__item _icon-check">Send renewal efforts like a pro</li> <li class="content-hero__item _icon-check">Let subscribers manage their own subscriptions</li> </ul> <div class="content-hero__row buttons-row"> <a href="/demo" type="button" class="buttons-row__button button button--blue link-tracking" link-tag="hero-DEMO">Schedule a Demo</a> <a href="/signup" type="button" class="buttons-row__button button button--blue-transparent link-tracking" link-tag="hero-TRY-IT-FREE">Try it FREE</a> </div> </div> <div class="secondary-image-wrapper"> <img src="/images/excel.png" alt="stop using spreadsheets to management your publication's subscribers" style="width:100%; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);" /> </div> </div> </section> <div style="width:400px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; margin-top:100px;"> <a type="button" href="/quiz/is-simplecirc-right-for-your-publication" class="buttons-row__button button button--blue-transparent link-tracking" link-tag="top-cta-QUIZ">Is SimpleCirc for Me?</a> <div class="action__text" style="text-align: center; margin-top:30px;"> <p>Not sure? 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