Sylvia Frances Chan - Poet Sylvia Frances Chan Poems
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She talks in several languages, her mother tongue is Dutch, then she speaks Indonesian, English, German, French, Malay, and the Jakarta Dialect. About her Languages: She understands almost all dialects in The Netherlands, and there are 11 or more dialects. Also the Liemers dialect and closest to the Liemers, the German border dialect is also called the Liemers, but with a German accent. That from the Dutch Liemers is with a Dutch accent. From all Dutch dialects, that of Friesland and Limburg, she knows as best. About her State of being: She is a lecturer for students through iPhone and an evangelist on Websites, and through iPhone, but never in ...", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"" }, "jobTitle":"poet, author", "name":"Sylvia Frances Chan", "url":"" }, { "@id": "", "@type": "Organization", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressCountry": "USA", "addressRegion": "San Francisco", "postalCode": "CA 94104", "streetAddress": "548 Market St. PMB 90333" }, "contactPoint": [{ "@type": "ContactPoint", "contactType": "customer support", "telephone": "+1 (650) 488-8186" }], "description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. 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<a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan">Sylvia Frances Chan</a> </div> <span class="phmmSub">Jakarta, Indonesia</span> </div> <div class="phmmRightButton phAjaxMessage"> </div> </div> <div class="phmmBottom"> <a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan"><span class="phmmButton">Poet's Page</span></a> <a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/poems/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan Poems"><span class="phmmButton">Poems</span></a> <span class="phmmButton phmmClickNav">More</span> <div class="phnmOpenBox"> <span class="phmmclose"><img alt="Close" src="/assets/img/menuyu_kapat.png" width="auto" height="15" /></span> <a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/activity/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan Activities"><span class="phmmlink">Activity</span></a> <a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/quotations/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan Quotations"><span class="phmmlink">Quotes</span></a> <a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/biography/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan Biography"><span 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class="phlNumber">1.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/the-breath-of-life/"><span>The Breath Of Life </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> The Breath Of Life <br/>To smell The Sun <br/>to feel The Wind <br/>to breathe the Fresh Air from within <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/the-breath-of-life/" title="The Breath Of Life">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">2.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/grow-old-with-you/"><span>Grow Old With You? </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Grow old with you? <br/>Come on, sit down on my knees <br/>I'll tell you about the butterflies and the bees <br/>Now I am still young forever <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/grow-old-with-you/" title="Grow Old With You?">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">3.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/silence-is-the-entrance/"><span>Silence Is The Entrance.... </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Below the water surface <br/>I put down my foundations <br/>to build a house <br/>with a tiny room <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/silence-is-the-entrance/" title="Silence Is The Entrance....">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">4.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/inspired-by-the-lord/"><span>Inspired By The Lord.... </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Inspired by The Lord <br/>(Psalm 133: 3) <br/> <br/>How pleasant to live in harmony <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/inspired-by-the-lord/" title="Inspired By The Lord....">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">5.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/a-poet-s-heart-3/"><span>A Poet´s Heart </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Last night so cold my dear, <br/>I'd been waitin' you came not to my ear <br/>where were you, my love <br/>gone I was shocked, prayed to God above <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/a-poet-s-heart-3/" title="A Poet´s Heart">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">6.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/dr-pintu-mahakul-heartiest-congratulations-to-you/"><span>Dr. Pintu Mahakul, Heartiest Congratulations To You! </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Dear Dr. Pintu Mahakul, <br/> <br/>Heartiest CongratulationsTo You! <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/dr-pintu-mahakul-heartiest-congratulations-to-you/" title="Dr. Pintu Mahakul, Heartiest Congratulations To You!">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">7.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/bumblebee-honey/"><span>Bumblebee Honey.... </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Your voice is like music to the ears <br/>your whisper is like the soften breeze <br/>you may wander daily anywhere, but never lose the way <br/>I'll remain still healthy even though I sleep outside in the hay <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/bumblebee-honey/" title="Bumblebee Honey....">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">8.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/for-peace-of-mind-2/"><span>For Peace Of Mind.... </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Good Morning, Good Noon, Good Afternoon and Good Evening, <br/> <br/>For Peace of Mind <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/for-peace-of-mind-2/" title="For Peace Of Mind....">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">9.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/what-is-love-489/"><span>What Is Love? </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Love is love as we all understand <br/>as far as our mind and heart can comprehend <br/>it is the most caring heart at hand <br/>and the sweetest mind to understand <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/what-is-love-489/" title="What Is Love?">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">10.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/rose-marie/"><span>Rose Marie.... </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> THE PROLOGUE <br/>Rose Marie is her name Juan-Austin her surname. <br/>Rare Jewel is the title of honour given to her earlier <br/>I try to create an Acrostic for Poem Hunter's most elegant and beautiful poetess, <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/rose-marie/" title="Rose Marie....">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">11.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/back-from-beauteous-normandy/"><span>Back From Beauteous Normandy.... </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Back From Beauteous Normandy…. <br/> <br/>I still remember the light blue skies <br/>touches the bright seablue horizon <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/back-from-beauteous-normandy/" title="Back From Beauteous Normandy....">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">12.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/an-essay-poem-about-love/"><span>An Essay Poem About Love </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> I have heard this from a good friend <br/>and I regard that story as precious and very important <br/>so I have mine like this in an Essay Poem: <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/an-essay-poem-about-love/" title="An Essay Poem About Love">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">13.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/for-the-art-of-poetry/"><span>For The Art Of Poetry.... </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> I shall compose a Song for thee <br/>a loveliest Song of my Heart <br/>each day I will do the best part <br/>to feel the least suppressed me <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/for-the-art-of-poetry/" title="For The Art Of Poetry....">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">14.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/i-think-of-you-1/"><span>I Think Of You </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> I Think Of You<br/>(short words but thoroughly honest) <br/><br/>when I see dry leaves <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/i-think-of-you-1/" title="I Think Of You">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">15.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/plicht-en-schoonheid-in-poezie/"><span>Plicht En Schoonheid In Poezie.... </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Ik heb van alle drie jullie gedichten gelezen <br/>En ik heb ware emotie en vreugde gevonden, <br/>Jullie drie zijn geweldige dichteressen, <br/>Diepe toewijding en doorzettingsvermogen, <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/plicht-en-schoonheid-in-poezie/" title="Plicht En Schoonheid In Poezie....">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">16.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/closer-to-his-being/"><span>Closer To His Being </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Closer To His Being<br/><br/>In the great silence<br/>in the quiet hours with God <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/closer-to-his-being/" title="Closer To His Being">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">17.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/i-forgot-to-tell/"><span>I Forgot To Tell </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> I have heard that and I forgot to tell<br/>Second day of Easter Holiday is a hell: <br/>They told me through the phone: <br/>Huge queues at Manchester Airport, <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/i-forgot-to-tell/" title="I Forgot To Tell">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">18.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/the-creator-12/"><span>The Creator </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> The Creator, oh yes! <br/>I do this morning my opulent zest, <br/><br/>for He is Love <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/the-creator-12/" title="The Creator">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">19.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/ode-to-the-wildlife/"><span>Ode To The Wildlife </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> Finally, she has found her home, <br/><br/>a most beautiful, gigantic paradise-alike dome <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/ode-to-the-wildlife/" title="Ode To The Wildlife">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <span class="phlNumber">20.</span> <div class="phlText"> <a href="/poem/the-lens-of-faith/"><span>The Lens Of Faith </span></a> </div> </div> <p class="phContent phcText phTop500PoemsContent"> turn on 'Protection against infection'<br/><br/>After the spies returned and <br/>shared their bad report, <br/>... </p> <div class="phBoxBottom phbti pBottomZero"> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc purpleLink"><a href="/poem/the-lens-of-faith/" title="The Lens Of Faith">Read Poem <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/poems/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan Poems">See Full List <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <!-- MY BIOGRAPHY --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle page-template blue-purple"> <h3 class="phPageTitle"> Sylvia Frances Chan Biography </h3> <p class="phContent phcText"> About the Poetess SYLVIA FRANCES CHAN, Dutch Poetess HER BIOGRAPHY: Sylvia Frances Chan, born in Jakarta on 22 November, Indonesia studied the English Language-and-Literature at the Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia. She talks in several languages, her mother tongue is Dutch, then she speaks Indonesian, English, German, French, Malay, and the Jakarta Dialect. About her Languages: She understands almost all dialects in The Netherlands, and there are 11 or more dialects. Also the Liemers dialect and closest to the Liemers, the German border dialect is also called the Liemers, but with a German accent. That from the Dutch Liemers is with a Dutch accent. From all Dutch dialects, that of Friesland and Limburg, she knows as best. About her State of being: She is a lecturer for students through iPhone and an evangelist on Websites, and through iPhone, but never in churches. She loves her private time being alone with her Art, Work, and Study. For both, she has graduated. But she loves traveling too, all over the Globe. Everyone writes the word TRAVELLING with two l, but she prefers to write it with ONE letter l Some humorous stories from her experience in the USA: They say: you are a certified evangelist (one with a certificate) . She was surprised that the Americans put stress on the name 'certificated' or 'certified'. Just an observation, that´s all. The North Americans are very nice, they all greeted her every day with Have A Nice Day. Every time the same greetings when she left a restaurant, a shopping mall, or other department stores Being Grateful: She is still grateful to her late beloved Mum that her Mum was the one who pushed her in getting that certificate. Her Mum was an autodidact- evangelist, but one who truly believes in Jesus/God. Through her beloved Mum, she learned how to live closest to God. When her Mum died, she had no regrets, since every single wish her Mum had asked, she had done all, as a grateful daughter. They were quite busy times for her since her Mum resided in Indonesia and she herself in the Netherlands, a 13 or 14 hours flight one way to Indonesia When she came to settle in the NL, first in Leyden, Haarlem, and then she moved to the lovely town of D., where the sunshine and the sun rays are the longest in all four seasons throughout the year, and of all other provinces in the NL, but the winters are oftentimes the coldest, but dry weather, not as moist as in Leyden or Haarlem, two towns near the Noordzee (the North Sea) . Of course, they are moist because the North Sea (water) is their border. Her Other Activities: Besides poetry she also writes prose-poetry, story poems, narrations, and essays, she paints, draws, plays chess, does car-racing (Dallas, USA, and Zandvoort, Nederland) , Big balloons (San Diego) , walkings, plays tennis in Annual Competitions Mondially, skiing (Serfaus, Nauders, S.) , classical music, pop, R&B, reading. She had many painting exhibitions in and over the country. At the age of 15, she had her first group paintings-expositions and was the youngest exposed in the Balai Budaya of Jakarta, Indonesia. She won several first prizes at the age of 11 and 12 years. With her cartoons plus text-story and with her pen drawings, she was the headline of the JavaBode Youth Section and with her three essays in the Indonesian Observer Youth section too. In Chess-competitions too, there were no prizes for girls. The Org. knew that girls would never win, but she won and she accepted that first prize, though, for a boy, she thought she was the winner, the champion amongst boys and girls. Of course, she accepted that prize in fact for a boy. The Org. Committee announced that they had not a prize for a girl. Now this: she won the first prize too in a golf tournament, but this time she got the most beautiful and expensive prize. Different than with a tennis tournament, the golf tournament for amateurs was for both sexes together. She won from a male player, she got the trophy and he became the runner-up. She won a car racing for amateurs in Dallas, Texas (USA) . In tennis competitions, she won many first prizes in the lady's single and ladies' double. Her tennis team was constantly in the Top Ranking. Many champion cups filled her cupboard at her home. She won the mix too. A best friend said that IF she did not go to the university, she had won several Grand Slam tournaments like Wimbledon, Australian Open, or Roland Garros, and....she would have become a true professional and she would be traveling all over the world and her life would be entirely different. Now about her creating poetry. When she is creating, she does do that with a kind of humming a tune and that's why there is always a smooth flow in almost all her poems. TUESDAY 2-2-2022 On marketing are already Emeralds Green, a Poem Book by Xlibris. Press, UK. and Who's Who in Poetry International (Vol II) an Anthology by Judy Lynn, Cal. The USA. Lecturer, poetess, prose-poems, story-poems, narrations, essay writer, critic, paintress (impressionism) , designer of online cards, cartoonist, and quotations. Poems published on websites such as SpillWords, Kalaage, The Literary Yard, Facebook, Poemhunter, Hello Poetry, Allpoetry, Poetry.Com (editor Judy Lynn) , and MyPoeticSide. Sylvia Frances Chan has an Art Page on Annual Reunion Trisakti University in Jakarta, Indonesia, where she declamates her own poems. She graduated in the Engl. Language-and-Literature. Born In Jakarta, Indonesia, she resides now in the Netherlands, where she enjoys walking, breathing the free air, and creating poems under the deep blue sky as free as the flying gulls around her….She is oft to find in the two cities of JAKARTA, Indonesia, and AMSTERDAM, Nederland Dear Respected Master Poet Kumarmani Mahakul Sir conferred a title of honour to Sylvia Frances Chan as ' Wonder Jasmin'. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING A.D.TUESDAY 2-2-2022 A PALINDROME DATE and 221122 is also A PALINDROME DATE) </p> </div> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle page-template blue-purple"> <h3 class="phPageTitle"> The Best Poem Of Sylvia Frances Chan </h3> <p class="phContent phcText"> <strong>The Breath Of Life</strong> <br><br> The Breath Of Life <br/>To smell The Sun <br/>to feel The Wind <br/>to breathe the Fresh Air from within <br/>to experience The Stormy Weather <br/>to walk on Top Of The Ocean <br/>to talk with The Highest Emotion <br/>to live The Real Life <br/>to know The Real Love <br/>to say Good Morning to The Dove <br/>those are Steps in The Breath of Life <br/>those are Parts in The Breath of Our Life <br/>we'd care for it with Gentle Love, no knife <br/> <br/>© Sylvia Frances Chan - Sat Aug 13 - 2011 <br/>copyright - All Rights Reserved </p> </div> <!-- COMMENTS PAGE --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle page-template blue-purple"> <h3 class="phPageTitle"> Sylvia Frances Chan Comments </h3> <div class="phContent"> <div id="writeComment"> </div> <div class="phComments phScrollPosition"> <!--Comment--> <div id="commentList"> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2553614"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original="/assets/img/icon-user.jpg"></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/sylvia-frances-chan-2/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan">Sylvia Frances Chan</a> <span class="comment-published">09 May 2017</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> WOW! This exactly you wrote on FB too and MPS. I feel flattered AND honored.. God's Blessings in Abundance be upon you. Thank you so much, this means a very lot to me! </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2553614,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2553614">28</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2553614,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2553614">1</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2553614">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2553614"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2712477"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan">Sylvia Frances Chan</a> <span class="comment-published">11 February 2018</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> Thank you so much, Dr. Pintu Mahakul for your ardent approach. Sincerest, Sylvia Frances Chan, Dutch Poetess </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2712477,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2712477">24</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2712477,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2712477">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2712477">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2712477"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2998721"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/dillip-k-swain/" title="Dr Dillip K Swain">Dr Dillip K Swain</a> <span class="comment-published">12 April 2019</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> The most admirable poetess to me, my most favored poetess Sylvia Frances Chan. ‘Grow Old With You’ and ‘Silence is the Entrance’ are two of your invaluable creations which I read again and again! My hats off for thee, Dear friend. I give thee the most loving and precious care. Wish you a sparkling literary journey! Stay always happy and blessed! </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2998721,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2998721">22</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2998721,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2998721">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2998721">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2998721"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2855455"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/kumarmani-mahakul/" title="Kumarmani Mahakul">Kumarmani Mahakul</a> <span class="comment-published">12 September 2018</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> Sylvia Frances Chan - Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul Serenity she has with success of traveling the world, Yearns she before God for eternal and divine bliss, Love she has for God and for all creatures' Vastness of knowledge she has in service of mankind, Intelligence blossoms in her mind with morality, Attentive very she is towards her attitudes. (part-1) </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2855455,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2855455">21</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2855455,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2855455">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2855455">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2855455"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_2865746"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/kumarmani-mahakul/" title="Kumarmani Mahakul">Kumarmani Mahakul</a> <span class="comment-published">30 September 2018</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> This following poem is written as a tribute to our fellow poetess Sylvia Frances Chan. Along with this acrostic poem on behalf of all fellow poets and family in PH we offer a title of honour to Sylvia Frances Chan as, Wonder Jasmine (Vraag me af Jasmijn) From today on-wards she will be known as Wonder Jasmine Sylvia Frances Chan. In Dutch she will be known as Vraag me af Jasmijn Sylvia Frances Chan. </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(2865746,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_2865746">21</span> <span onclick="voteComment(2865746,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_2865746">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="2865746">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_2865746"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_3391502"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original="/assets/img/icon-user.jpg"></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Nduka Glory">Nduka Glory</a> <span class="comment-published">29 January 2022</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> Wow! this are beautiful words </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(3391502,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_3391502">1</span> <span onclick="voteComment(3391502,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_3391502">1</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="3391502">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_3391502"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_3386090"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/rebecca-navarre/" title="Rebecca Navarre">Rebecca Navarre</a> <span class="comment-published">12 January 2022</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> Poems of such heart, beauty, nature and inspiration she shares! .. That touches the heart, inspires, and guides us toward Gods loving path! .. Thank you dear Sylvia for your poetry and beautiful heart here! .. Your friend becca </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(3386090,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_3386090">1</span> <span onclick="voteComment(3386090,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_3386090">1</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="3386090">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_3386090"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_3380215"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/dr-geeta-radhakrishna-menon/" title="Geeta Radhakrishna Menon">Geeta Radhakrishna Menon</a> <span class="comment-published">25 December 2021</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> Dearest Sylvia, You are a wonderful Poetess with so much of love in your heart. May your pen flow with more and more poems with devotion to God and warm affection to your family and friends. Stay blessed always! </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(3380215,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_3380215">1</span> <span onclick="voteComment(3380215,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_3380215">1</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="3380215">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_3380215"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_3369730"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/alexander-zingman/" title="Alexander Zingman">Alexander Zingman</a> <span class="comment-published">15 November 2021</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> Thanks for sharing.... </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(3369730,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_3369730">1</span> <span onclick="voteComment(3369730,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_3369730">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="3369730">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_3369730"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Comment--> <div class="comment-scope"> <div class="comment votethis" id="vote_3369729"> <div class="comment-img lazyload" data-original=""></div> <div class="comment-text"> <div class="comment-title"> <a href="/alexander-zingman/" title="Alexander Zingman">Alexander Zingman</a> <span class="comment-published">15 November 2021</span> </div> <p class="comment-desc"> Thank You for Sharing this.... Really i like it </p> </div> <div class="comment-settings"> <span onclick="voteComment(3369729,1)" class="commentst comment-like phCommentsCursor" id="like_3369729">1</span> <span onclick="voteComment(3369729,0)" class="commentst comment-dislike phCommentsCursor" id="dislike_3369729">0</span> <span class="commentst comment-reply phCommentsCursor" dataId="3369729">Reply</span> </div> <div class="phSubCommentContent" id="comment_reply_3369729"> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('#loadMoreBtn').hide(); }); $(document).on("keypress", ".inp", function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { var id = $(this).attr("id").replace('Comment_',''); $('#sendComment_' + id).trigger('click'); } }); $(document).on("click", ".comment-reply", function () { //TODO: İf ilke tekrar varsa eklemesin. var id = $(this).attr("dataId"); var frmComment = new FormData(); frmComment.append("Id", id); frmComment.append("Type", 'Comment'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/Ajax/AddComment/", data: frmComment, processData: false, contentType: false, success: function (data) { $('#comment_reply_' + id).append(data); } }); }); function voteComment(id, val) { if ($('#vote_' + id).hasClass("votethis")) { var frmVoteComment = new FormData(); frmVoteComment.append("Id", id); frmVoteComment.append("Vote", val); frmVoteComment.append("Type", 'Comment'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/Activity/LikeComment/", data: frmVoteComment, processData: false, contentType: false, success: function (result) { var res = "error"; if ( == true) { var res = "success"; if (val == 1) { var count = parseInt($("#like_" + id).html()) + 1; $("#like_" + id).html(count) } else { var count = parseInt($("#dislike_" + id).html()) + 1; $("#dislike_" + id).html(count) } } modalPopup(res, result.description); $('#vote_' + id).removeClass("votethis") } }); } else { modalPopup("error","You cannot vote right now because you have voted before.") } } </script> </div> </div> <div class="phButtonBottom center"> <a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/comments/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan Comments" class="phBtn">See All Comments</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- QUOTES --> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle page-template blue-purple"> <h3 class="phPageTitle"> Sylvia Frances Chan Quotes </h3> <div class="phContent"> <div class="phLists count-false lastRemove"> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> 'A Mother is the complete human being on earth, 
the caring and loving person, 
the only one to whom daughters write the greatest tribute, 
the safest place to come home...
a Mother is like Home....' (Sylvia Frances Chan) 

from her poem: 'My Tribute to MOTHER.....Day' </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Mediocrity Today....? 
It does not exist in my vocabulary
that's why I love Voltaire
he had such a faced air, really
it's all in mine vocabulary....

by © Sylvia France Chan. </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> It is the mind that speaks and never stops. </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> The most difficult deed
to conquer yourself
especially in times of need </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> The eyes of a photographer sees the scene, the camera does its working technically, but to have a painting photographed like this, you must have the Bliss, my dearest friend....and you HAVE and POSSESS that Bliss, I am sure since I have the evidence: This Poem Photography by your Golden Mind....the Mind sees the scene and commands the Eyes, your Eyes....and Please start reading above over again, and the circle is completed (Quotation by me, hihi) for the photography of dearest Janey </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> today she prefers to wear the pink glasses
though she knows the raw reality
of brutal mankind and of pure jealousy
till today she has only the darkest glasses.... </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> A Friend is one who'll always try
to lift your spirits high
A friend will know the tears are nigh
Before they reach your eye </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> My Friend! 
Though I may never meet you
And our paths may never cross
I know that what we have
Shal never ever be lost </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Time flies - snail wise </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> God nurtures with the greatest devotion
and greatest love His lost creatures
with the greatest patience and human emotions </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Words are Important, 
Powerful and Precious, 
they come through our mouth 
after having been examined in our Mind. </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Words are 
Powerful and Precious, 
they come through
our mouth 
after having been examined 
in our Mind. </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> GOD: 
We as earthly human beings must be happy and feel loved because we believe in God, the Only God of the Holy Scriptures, because God loves us very much. His love is non-comparable. </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> To have a generous heart
is so difficult
but to have a good heart
is easy, 
be just good to each other

Sylvia Frances Chan </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> To have a loving heart toward a person
Has not the obligation to love the person

Sylvia Frances Chan </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> To have a caring heart toward a person
In reality you have to really care for that person
Not just outwardly

Sylvia Frances Chan </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> We cannot be sure of a person´s love
oft we are disappointed
but one Love we can trust and be sure of
is the love of the Lord
He is to be trusted 
He will never disappoint us! 

Sylvia Frances Chan </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> The wise person in the world is my beloved Mother in heaven
and the wisest on earth is my beloved father in heaven
please never think that here is meant beloved father God

by Sylvia Frances Chan </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> the best and wisest person on earth is the person who talks with the heart </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> MY QUOTES: zaterdag 23 mei 2020
Love is the most complete thing we need
since the womb, during life and afterwards
in God's love we find everything we are looking for
spiritual, comfort, peace, tranquility, tranquility, full love, humble, selflessness, direct answer to all our questions...

Liefde is het meest complete wat we nodig hebben
sinds de baarmoeder, tijdens het leven en daarna
in Gods liefde vinden we alles wat we zoeken
spiritueel, troost, vrede, kalmte, rust, volle liefde, nederig, onbaatzuchtig-heid, rechtstreekse beantwoording van al onze vragen.... </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Genial And Genius
Brilliant people endlessly inspire each other

A genius person constantly inspires in solitude, 

you have to notice that with your great intelligence, 
there is the greatest tense, 

no prime nor pride
always hidden

with a wink to Mensa
from Sylvia

AD Weekend
26 June 2020. </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> What is Beauteous? 
Nothing to do with ugly
it's beauteous, grandious! 

from her haiku poem
© Sylvia Frances Chan - All Rights Reserved
Wednesday 9-9-2020 </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Ancient Chinese Proverb
So many roads to the Top of the mountain, 
but the view are constantly the same </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> If there IS action
that is working on now
not a myriad words about yesterday or tomorrow
DO it! action is NOW! 

© Tuesday 26 January 2021 </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Poetry is our passion, our love, our life
it is our lifeblood! 

Sylvia Frances Chan </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> As long as you remain the humble self, one day you will become special though, as sure as what! </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Let the world turn angry
let the world turn war
as long as there is in your mind honesty
peace be with you constantly </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Peace be with you
peace be with me
peace be with eternity
peace derived from the Holy Trinity
peace be with you till eternity </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> serenity was needed
in our heart's part
since it darts too oft
not loud but very soft </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Survival of the fittest? 
Better say Survival of the Mortals
(from the Survivals Of The Fittest) </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Love is blind but it is palpable </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> The loudest they shout, the fakest they are! 
(Fake humanists) </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Wars are caused by the myriads ego
not by the WE but by the sum of all the 'i' </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> cience is constantly revolutionizing
like unwilling horses in a destined competition </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> With faith, hope and love
our future is secured above </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Cooperation is The solid foundation

(newest quote by Sylvia Frances Chan) </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Samenwerking der talen: 
Zonder opwinding, is het leven niet interesting

Sylvia Frances Chan, Dutch Poetess </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> In Beauty resides Love </p> </div> </div> <div class="phList"> <div class="phlRow"> <p class="phlQuoteContent"> Happiness is not to be worded, it must be felt.
My Quote for today 
tomorrow is my genius Bro's Birthday. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="phBoxBottom"> <span class="phBoxBottomLine"></span> <div class="phBoxContinue txtc"><a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/quotations/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan Quotations">See Full List <span class="brdc"></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div id="phProfilePopularityDesktop"> </div> <div id="phProfilePopularityMobile"> </div> </div> <div class="phSideBar phLeft phProfileSideBar"> <div id="phProfileInfoDesktop"> <div class="phRow phBoxStyle phDesktopMember"> <div class="phBoxContent"> <div class="phProfileSummary"> <a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan"><img class="phpsImage lazyload" src="" alt="Sylvia Frances Chan" /></a> <h2 class="phpsTitle"><a href="/sylvia-frances-chan/" title="Sylvia Frances Chan">Sylvia Frances Chan</a></h2> <div class="phpsCity"><span>Jakarta, Indonesia</span></div> <div class="phpsFollowMessage phAjaxMessage phDynamicMemberInfo"> </div> <div class="phpsLine"></div> 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