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Members become our "registered members" by using the member registration page. <br><br> When one of our members registers, we only ask for Name, Surname, E-mail address and Country information. The password of the member is generated automatically by the system and sent to his/her e-mail address. The member, by entering the password sent to his/her e-mail in the Member Login box on the main page (and on certain other pages), enters the system. When the member enters the system for the first time, we require the information of City, Date of Birth and Sex. Once this information is entered, the process of "member registration" is completed. <br><br> In order to obtain a visitors' profile, some additional information can be asked for at certain times (such as level of education), but entering this information will never be made compulsory. </p> <h3>E-mail Lists</h3> <p>There are several e-mail lists (e-mail lists, newsletters) such as "Daily Poems" on our site. We ask for an e-mail address from the users who wish to subscribe to these e-mail lists. Then the e-mails are sent to these users according to the rules of the e-mail list. Under no circumstances are e-mails outside the topic sent or the e-mail address is given to others.</p> <h3>Other Forms</h3> <p>Our site also includes other forms such as Communication Form, Advertisement Information Form, Advertisement Registration Form. These forms are only and simply used for the purpose of communication. The content of these forms are not recorded in any database; only an e-mail is sent to the person concerned. The person concerned reads the contents of these forms and performs the necessary actions or writes an e-mail asking for more information from the visitor who filled the form. No e-mail will be sent later to the e-mail addresses of the persons who filled these forms and the information will be kept strictly confidential.</p> <h2>Usage of the Information</h2> <h3>Profile</h3> <p> The information taken directly from the visitor/member through the forms mentioned above and statistical information such as cookies, page visit records and log records, are generally used to develop a profile of the visitors. This information is also used to automatically present a page that suits the requests and inclinations of the user when he/she visits the site and therefore to ensure the satisfaction of the visitor. <br><br> The information given to us by the visitors is never published (except for a general demographic report) and is never shared with a third party through any means or methods. <br><br> We do not have any partner organizations or partner web sites with which we share the information collected. </p> <h3>Cookies</h3> <p> We use cookies in our site to enable the users to perform certain procedures (for example to form a MyFavoritePoems and to later view it). <br><br> A cookie is an information notice recorded on the visitor's computer. <br><br> Short-term cookies (also known as Session ID) are used for data transfer in the transition from one page to another during the visit. These short-term cookies are erased automatically when the visitor leaves our site or does not call for any page for 10 minutes. <br><br> Long-term cookies are recorded on the visitor's computer and allow us to identify him/her on a later visit. In general we keep only a number on the long-term cookie. We do not keep the name, surname and other information about the visitor on the cookie record. Therefore, a person who reads this cookie on the visitor's computer using a cookie reader program, will not find any meaningful information. <br><br> The cookie mechanism is not a secret one. The visitor may get more information by reading the help texts of the internet browser, (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer) and by looking at the settings section can see where in his/her computer the cookies are kept. (For more information, refer to the web site of the firm which produced your internet browser.) <br><br> On the other hand, the visitor may disable the cookie mechanism whenever she/he wishes. The usage of cookies may be prevented from the settings section of the internet browser. <br><br> When cookies are disabled, our site may still be visited, but it becomes impossible to register as a user, change information, use the forms or participate in the other online activities. </p> <h3>Third Party Advertising</h3> <p> We use ValueClick, EuroClick, AdConion, Google Adsense and other third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements on this site and other sites about goods and services that may be of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, please <a href="" target="_blank"> <em>click here</em> </a> for ValueClick and <a target="_blank" href=""><em>Click here</em></a> for Google ads. <br><br> We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you can visit <a target="_blank" href=""></a>. <br><br> We partner with ValueClick to serve ads and/or collect certain information when you visit our website. ValueClick may use cookies or web beacons to collect non-personally identifiable information during your visit to this website in order to help show advertisements on other websites likely to be more interesting to you. To learn more about this “behavioral advertising” practice or to opt-out of this use of your anonymous information, you can visit <a target="_blank" href=""></a> </p> <h3>Third Party Cookies</h3> <p>In the course of serving advertisements to this site, our third-party advertiser may place or recognize a unique "cookie" on your browser.</p> <h3>Log Files</h3> <p>Like most web sites, we also keep the visitor record files. In these files, standard information such as the pages visited, date and time of the visit, size of the files, the type of internet browser used, the version of the operating system, the IP number, the reference web site are kept. In order to ensure the security of our information, we record the IP numbers along with the private information of persons.</p> <h3>Legal Disclaimer</h3> <p>Although we do not share the member information with any person or institution, we would like to state that if authorized courts demand this information, will submit the requested information to the court.</p> <h3>Leaving membership or e-mail lists</h3> <p> In all the mechanisms included in our site, such as membership and e-mail lists, an option to "leave" is always included. When a visitor or a member informs us that he/she wishes to leave the e-mail list which he/she has subscribed, we carry out this demand without asking for a reason. Other than this, a form that allows the visitor to automatically leave our e-mails is always present on our main page. Any person using this form can leave the lists without having to inform us. <br><br> Our members are never supposed members of certain e-mail lists "automatically" or "by default". Our forms and our methods rest on the basis that a member must be aware when subscribing to a list. </p> <h3>Links</h3> <p> Our site includes a links section. Other than this, we publish links as advertisements and as recommendation. The links to outside of our site generally open in a new window. <br><br> As PoemHunter.Com we do not assert that the sites we give link to comply with the rules for keeping the visitor information confidential. The whole responsibility with this respect is on the web site concerned. We therefore recommend our visitors visiting these sites, not to give information without making sure that this information will be kept confidential. </p> <h3>Communication Information</h3> <p>All questions and problems with respect to the information presented herewith can be sent us using the <a href="/AboutUs/Contact/"> Contact Us</a> page.</p> <h4>PoemHunter.Com</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="phFooter"> <div class="phFtTop"> <div class="phContainer"> <div class="phftLogo phshLogo"> <a href="/" title=" Poems - Poets - Poetry"><img class="lazyload" src="" data-original="/assets/img/logo-footer.jpg" height="25" width="183" alt=" Poems - Poets - Poetry" /></a> </div> <div class="phftLogo phFtMenu phshLogo"> <div class="phFtMenuItem"> <a href="/poems/" title="Poems" style="color: #484848">POEMS</a> </div> <div class="phFtMenuItem"> <a href="/poets/" title="Poets" style="color: #484848">POETS</a> </div> </div> <div class="phftSearch"> <input type="search" 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