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an [[1978 Tabas earthquake|earthquake]] in [[Tabas]] kills around 25,000 people; the [[1978 FIFA World Cup]] is held in [[Argentina]]; the [[Saur Revolution]] marks the end of power of the [[Barakzai dynasty]] after 152 years; [[Air India Flight 855]] crashes around 3 km (1.9 mi) off the coast of [[Bandra]], killing all passengers and crew aboard; [[Aldo Moro]] is [[Kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro|kidnapped and murdered]] by the [[Red Brigades]]; the [[Camp David Accords]] are signed.]] {{Year nav|1978}} {{C20 year in topic}} {{Year article header|1978}} {{TOC limit|2}} == Events == === January === {{Main|January 1978}} * [[January 1]] – [[Air India Flight 855]], a [[Boeing 747]] passenger jet, crashes off the coast of [[Bombay]], killing 213.<ref name="ASN">{{ASN accident|title=VT-EBD |id=19780101-1}}</ref> * [[January 5]] – [[Bülent Ecevit]], of [[Republican People's Party|CHP]], forms the new government of [[Turkey]] (42nd government).<ref>{{cite news |title=The World |newspaper=[[Los Angeles Times]] |date=January 6, 1978 |page=I-2}}</ref> * [[January 6]] – The [[Holy Crown of Hungary]] (also known as [[Stephen of Hungary]] Crown) is returned to Hungary from the United States, where it was held since [[World War II]].<ref>{{cite news |title=Vance Returns Ancient Crown in Solemn Rites |last=Seeger |first=Murray |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |date=January 7, 1978 |page=I-1}}</ref> * [[January 10]] – [[Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal]], a critic of the [[Nicaragua]]n government, is assassinated; riots erupt against [[Anastasio Somoza Debayle|Somoza]]'s government.<ref>{{cite news |title=Editor Opposed to Somoza Slain on Nicargua Street |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |date=January 11, 1978 |page=I-5}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Crowds of Nicaraguans Mourn Slain Newspaper Publisher |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |date=January 12, 1978 |page=I-17}}</ref> * [[January 13]] – Former American Vice President [[Hubert Humphrey]], a Democrat, dies of cancer in [[Waverly, Minnesota]], at the age of 66.<ref>{{cite news |title=Humphrey Dies of Cancer at His Home— Leading Proponent of 'Politics of Joy' Slipped Into Coma, 'Suffered No Pain' |last=Averill |first=John R. |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |date=January 14, 1978 |page=I-1}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=HUMPHREY, Hubert Horatio, Jr. 1911 – 1978 |work=[[Biographical Directory of the United States Congress]] |access-date=27 April 2024}}</ref> * [[January 18]] – The [[European Court of Human Rights]] finds the British government guilty of mistreating prisoners in [[Northern Ireland]], but not guilty of torture.<ref>{{cite news |title=Britain Ruled Guilty of Prisoner Abuse |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |date=January 19, 1978 |page=I-4}}</ref> * [[January 22]] – [[Ethiopia]] declares the ambassador of West Germany ''[[persona non grata]]''.<ref>{{cite news |title=The World |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |date=January 23, 1978 |page=I-2}}</ref> * [[January 24]] ** [[Soviet Union|Soviet]] satellite [[Kosmos 954]] burns up in Earth's atmosphere, scattering radioactive debris over Canada's [[Northwest Territories]].<ref>{{cite news |title=Russ Nuclear Satellite Loses Its Orbit, Burns— Disintegrates Over Northwest Canada; No Danger of Radioactive Fallout Seen |last=Toth |first=Robert C. |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |date=January 25, 1978 |page=I-14}}</ref> ** [[Rose Dugdale]] and Eddie Gallagher become the first convicted prisoners to marry in prison since the establishment of the [[Republic of Ireland]]. * [[January 25]] – [[January 27|27]] – The [[Great Blizzard of 1978]] strikes the [[Ohio Valley]] and [[Great Lakes]], killing 70.<ref>{{cite news |title=Troops Aid in Saving 1,400 on Ohio Roads; 15-Foot Drifts Strand Motorists in Blizzard; Death Toll Reaches 77 |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |date=January 28, 1978 |page=I-1}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Storm Lets Up; Death Toll at 90 |newspaper=Los Angeles Times |date=January 29, 1978 |page=I-1}}</ref> === February === {{Main|February 1978}} * [[February 1]] – Film director [[Roman Polanski]] skips [[bail]] in the United States and flees to France, after pleading guilty to charges of engaging in [[Statutory rape|sex]] with a 13-year-old girl.<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Polanski, Facing Court Sentence, Flies to Europe |date=February 2, 1978 |newspaper=[[The New York Times]] |agency=[[Associated Press|AP]] |at=Page B5, columns 1-2 |access-date=24 April 2024}}</ref> * [[February 5]]–[[February 7|7]] – The [[Northeastern United States blizzard of 1978]] hits the [[New England]] region and the [[New York metropolitan area]], killing about 100, and causing over US$520&nbsp;million in damage. * [[February 6]] – [[King Dragon operation in Arakan]]: Burmese General [[Ne Win]] targets Muslim minorities in the village of Sakkipara. * [[February 8]] – [[United States Senate]] proceedings are broadcast on [[radio]] for the first time.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Advice and Consent: The Panama Canal Treaties |publisher=[[]] |access-date=June 16, 2018}}</ref> * [[February 9]] – The [[Budd Company]] unveils its first [[Budd SPV-2000|SPV-2000]] self-propelled railcar in [[Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]], United States.<ref>{{cite book |last=Crouse |first=Chuck |title=Budd Car, the RDC Story |year=1990 |publisher=Weekend Chief Publishing |location=[[Mineola, New York]] |isbn=0-9612814-2-1 |page=141}}</ref> * [[February 11]] ** [[Pacific Western Airlines Flight 314]], a [[Boeing 737]]-200, crashes in [[Cranbrook, British Columbia]], killing 44 of the 50 people on board.<ref>[ Aviation Safety Database]</ref> ** [[Somalia]] mobilizes its troops to deal with an apparent [[Ethiopia]]n attack. ** The People's Republic of China lifts a ban on works by [[Aristotle]], [[William Shakespeare]] and [[Charles Dickens]].<ref>{{cite book |last=Gabay |first=Jonathan |title=Gabay's Copywriters' Compendium: The Definitive Professional Writer's Guide |year=2007 |publisher=[[Routledge]] |isbn=9780750683203 |page=612 |url= |access-date=January 18, 2019 |via=[[Google Books]] |language=en}}</ref> * [[February 13]] – [[Sydney Hilton Hotel bombing]]: A bomb explodes outside the [[Hilton Hotel]] in Sydney, Australia, killing a policeman and two civilians, and injuring several other people. * [[February 15]] – [[Rhodesia]], one of only two remaining white-ruled African nations (the other being South Africa), announces that it will accept [[multiracial democracy]] within 2 years. * [[February 19]] – [[Egyptian raid on Larnaca International Airport]]: [[Sa'ka Forces|Egyptian Special Forces]] attempt to rescue several hostages in Larnaca, Cyprus; 20 Egyptian commandos are injured or killed. * [[February 25]] – The [[1978 Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly election|first Legislative Assembly election]] is held in [[Arunachal Pradesh]], India. * [[February 27]] – The first [[global positioning satellite]], the [[Rockwell International]]-built [[GPS satellite blocks#Block I satellites|Navstar 1]], is launched by the United States.<ref>{{cite book |last=Aldridge |first=Robert C. |title=First Strike!: The Pentagon's Strategy for Nuclear War |url= |year=1983 |publisher=[[South End Press]] |location=[[Boston]] |isbn=978-0-89608-154-3 |page=122 |via=Google Books}}</ref> === March === {{Main|March 1978}} * [[March 1]] – [[Charlie Chaplin]]'s remains are stolen from Cosier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland.<ref name="ArafatBBC">{{cite web|url=|title=Yasser Arafat: 10 other people who have been exhumed|date=November 27, 2012|access-date=November 27, 2012|publisher=BBC}}</ref> * [[March 2]] – ''[[Soyuz 28]]'' ([[Aleksei Gubarev]], [[Vladimír Remek]]) is launched on a rendezvous with ''[[Salyut 6]]'', with the first cosmonaut from a country other than the US or USSR (Czechoslovakian Vladimír Remek). * [[March 3]] ** [[Ethiopia]] admits that its troops are fighting with the aid of [[Cuba]]n soldiers, against [[Somalia]]n troops in the [[Ogaden]]. ** [[Rhodesia]] attacks [[Zambia]]. ** The ''[[New York Post]]'' publishes an article about [[David Rorvik]]'s book ''The Cloning of Man'', about a supposed [[human cloning|cloning of a human being]]. * [[March 8]] – The first radio episode of ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (radio series)|The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]'', by [[Douglas Adams]], is transmitted on [[BBC Radio 4]]. * [[March 10]] – ''[[Soyuz 28]]'' lands. * [[March 11]] ** [[Coastal Road massacre]]: [[Palestinian people|Palestinian]] [[terrorism|terrorists]] kill 34 [[Israel]]is. ** [[Claude François]], French entertainer born 1939, dies by electrocution in his home in [[Paris]]. * [[March 14]] – [[Operation Litani]]: [[Israel]]i forces invade [[Lebanon]]. * [[March 15]] – [[Somalia]] and [[Ethiopia]] sign a truce to end the [[Ethio-Somali War]]. * [[March 16]] – Former Italian Premier [[Aldo Moro]] is kidnapped by the [[Red Brigades]]; 5 bodyguards are killed. * [[March 17]] – An oil tanker, ''[[Amoco Cadiz]]'', runs aground on the coast of [[Brittany]]. * [[March 18]] ** [[Zulfikar Ali Bhutto]], [[Prime Minister of Pakistan]], is sentenced to death by hanging, for ordering the assassination of a political opponent. ** [[California Jam II]] is held at the [[Ontario Motor Speedway]] in [[Ontario, California]], attracting more than 300,000 fans. * [[March 22]] – [[Karl Wallenda]] of [[The Flying Wallendas]] dies, after falling off a tight-rope between two hotels in [[San Juan, Puerto Rico]]. * [[March 26]] – The [[control tower]] and some other facilities of [[Narita International Airport|New Tokyo International Airport]], which were scheduled to open on March 31, are illegally occupied and damaged in a terrorist attack by [[New Left]] activists, forcing a rescheduling of its opening date to May 20. * [[March 28]] ** [[San Francisco]]'s City Council signs the United States's most comprehensive [[gay rights]] bill. ** ''[[Stump v. Sparkman]]'' (435 U.S. 349): The [[Supreme Court of the United States]] hands down a 5–3 decision, in a controversial case involving involuntary [[Human sterilization|sterilization]] and [[judicial immunity]]. === April === {{Main|April 1978}} * [[April 1]] ** [[New Zealand National Airways Corporation]] (the domestic airline of New Zealand) is merged with New Zealand's international airline, [[Air New Zealand]]. ** [[Dick Smith (entrepreneur)|Dick Smith]] of [[Dick Smith Foods]] tows a fake [[iceberg]] to [[Sydney Harbour]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |last=Boese |first=Alex |title=The Sydney Iceberg (April Fool's Day - 1978) |year=2015 |website=[[The Museum of Hoaxes]] |access-date=22 August 2021}}</ref> ** The Philippine College of Commerce, through a presidential decree, is converted to the [[Polytechnic University of the Philippines]].<ref>{{cite web |last=Marcos |first=Ferdinand E. |author-link=Ferdinand Marcos |title=Presidential Decree No. 1341 |work=PHILIPPINE LAWS, STATUTES and CODES |url= |date=1 April 1978 |publisher=Chan Robles Virtual Law Library |access-date=22 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 2]] – ''[[Dallas (1978 TV series)|Dallas]]'' debuts on [[CBS]], and gives birth to the modern day primetime soap opera.<ref>{{cite web |url= |last=Baker |first=Chris |title=Critique: 'Dallas' Episode 1 – 'Digger's Daughter' |date=2 April 2012 |website=Dallas Decoder |access-date=22 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 3]] – The [[50th Academy Awards]] are held at the [[Dorothy Chandler Pavilion]] in [[Los Angeles]], with ''[[Annie Hall]]'' winning [[Academy Award for Best Picture|Best Picture]].<ref>{{cite web |title=1978 |website=[[]] |date=5 October 2014 |url= |publisher=[[Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences]] |access-date=18 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 7]] – U.S. President [[Jimmy Carter]] decides to postpone production of the [[neutron bomb]], a weapon that kills people with radiation, but leaves buildings relatively intact.<ref>{{cite news |title=BBC ON THIS DAY <nowiki>|</nowiki> 7 April <nowiki>|</nowiki> 1978: Carter delays N-bomb production |url= |year=2008 |publisher=[[BBC]] |access-date=22 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 9]] – [[Somalia|Somali]] [[Military of Somalia|military officers]] stage an unsuccessful coup against the government of [[Siad Barre]]; security forces thwart the attempt within hours, and several conspirators are arrested.<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=SOMALI REGIME SAYS IT CRUSHED A REVOLT BY MILITARY OFFICERS |date=10 April 1978 |newspaper=[[The New York Times]] |access-date=18 August 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Military Coup Foiled, Somali Leader Reports |date=10 April 1978 |newspaper=[[The Washington Post]] |access-date=18 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 14]] – [[1978 Tbilisi Demonstrations]]: Thousands of Georgians demonstrate against an attempt by [[Soviet Union|Soviet]] authorities to change the constitutional status of the [[Georgian language]].<ref>{{cite book |url= |last=Cornell |first=Svante E. |author-link=Svante Cornell |title=Autonomy and Conflict: Ethnoterritoriality and Separatism in the South Caucasus – Cases in Georgia. Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Report No. 61 |page=150 |year=2002 |isbn=91-506-1600-5 |archive-url= |archive-date=30 June 2007 |publisher=[[Uppsala University]] |access-date=18 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 18]] – The U.S. Senate votes, 68–32, to turn the [[Panama Canal]] over to [[Panama]]nian control on December 31, [[1999]].<ref>{{cite web |title=Milestones: 1977–1980: The Panama Canal and the Torrijos-Carter Treaties |url= |publisher=[[Office of the Historian]], [[Foreign Service Institute]], [[United States Department of State]] |access-date=28 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 18]]– [[April 30|30]] – The [[Khmer Rouge]] massacres 3,157 civilians in [[Ba Chúc]], Vietnam.<ref>{{cite news |title=MEANWHILE: When the Khmer Rouge came to kill in Vietnam |url= |last=Pringle |first=James |author-link= |work=The New York Times |date=7 January 2004 |access-date=11 March 2024}}</ref> * [[April 20]] – A Soviet air defense plane shoots down [[Korean Air Lines Flight 902]]; the plane makes an emergency landing on a frozen lake.<ref>{{cite news |url= |last=Apple |first=R. W. Jr. |author-link=R. W. Apple Jr. |title=SOUTH KOREAN PLANE PLUNGED 30,000 FEET AFTER BEING FIRED ON |work=The New York Times |date=23 April 1978 |access-date=19 August 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=ASN Aircraft accident Boeing 707-321B HL7429 Korpijärvi Lake |publisher=[[Aviation Safety Network]] (ASN) |access-date=19 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 22]] ** Izhar Cohen & the Alphabeta win the [[Eurovision Song Contest 1978]] for [[Israel]] with their song ''A-Ba-Ni-Bi''.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Paris 1978 |website=[[Eurovision Song Contest]] |publisher=[[EBU]] |access-date=19 August 2021}}</ref> ** The [[One Love Peace Concert]] is held at National Heroes Stadium in [[Kingston, Jamaica]]. [[Bob Marley]] unites two opposing political leaders at this concert, bringing peace to the civil war-ridden streets of the city.<ref>{{cite news |url= |last=Griffith |first=Pat |title=Marley meets Manley as "One Love" triumphs |archive-url= |archive-date=8 September 2005 |journal=[[Echoes (magazine)|Black Echoes]] |date=May 1978 |page=12 |access-date=28 August 2021 |via=Dance Crasher}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |author=Professor Pi |url= |title=One Love Peace Concert (thing) |date=24 May 2002 |website=[[Everything2]] |access-date=28 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 25]] – [[St. Paul, Minnesota]] becomes the second U.S. city to repeal its gay rights ordinance, after [[Anita Bryant]]'s successful 1977 anti-gay campaign in [[Miami-Dade County, Florida]]. * [[April 27]] ** [[Saur Revolution]] – [[Republic of Afghanistan (1973-1978)|Afghanistan]]'s president [[Mohammad Daoud Khan]] and his family are murdered; [[Nur Muhammad Taraki]] succeeds him, beginning the [[Afghanistan conflict (1978–present)|Afghan war]] which has not ended yet.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=The Afghan Civil War (1978–Present) |}}</ref> ** [[Willow Island disaster]] – In the deadliest construction accident in United States history, 51 construction workers are killed when a [[cooling tower]] under construction collapses at the [[Pleasants Power Station]] in [[Willow Island, West Virginia]].<ref>{{cite news |url= |last=Peterson |first=Iver |title=51 Killed in Collapse of Scaffold At Power Plant in West Virginia |date=28 April 1978 |work=The New York Times |page=A1 |access-date=3 September 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=1 May 2008 |last=Ward |first=Ken Jr. |author-link=Ken Ward Jr. |title='It was gone': String of problems led to 51 deaths at Willow Island |date=27 April 2008 |journal=[[The Charleston Gazette]] |access-date=17 August 2021}}</ref> * [[April 30]] – The "[[Democratic Republic of Afghanistan]]" is proclaimed, under pro-communist leader [[Nur Muhammad Taraki]].<ref>{{cite encyclopedia |url= |last1=Johnson |first1=Thomas H. |author-link1=Thomas Howard Johnson |last2=Adamec |first2=Ludwig W. |author-link2=Ludwig W. Adamec |title=Chronology |dictionary=Historical Dictionary of Afghanistan |edition=Fifth |series=Historical dictionaries of Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East |location=[[Lanham, Maryland|Lanham]], [[Boulder, Colorado|Boulder]], [[New York City|New York]], [[London]] |publisher=[[Rowman & Littlefield]] |year=2021 |page=xlv |isbn=9781538149294 |access-date=25 August 2021}}</ref> === May === {{Main|May 1978}} * [[May 4]] ** The [[Battle of Cassinga]] occurs in southern [[Angola]]. ** [[Communist]] activist [[Henri Curiel]] is murdered in Paris. * [[May 8]] ** Norway opens a [[natural gas]] field, in the [[Arctic Ocean|Polar Sea]]. ** [[Reinhold Messner]] (Italy) and [[Peter Habeler]] (Austria) make the first ascent of Mount Everest, without supplemental oxygen. * [[May 9]] – In Rome, the corpse of former Italian prime minister [[Aldo Moro]], is found in a red [[Renault 4]]. * [[May 12]] – In [[Zaire]], rebels occupy the city of [[Kolwezi]], the mining centre of the province of [[Katanga Province|Shaba]]. The Zairean government asks the U.S., France and Belgium to restore order. * [[May 12]]–[[May 13|13]] – A group of [[mercenary|mercenaries]], led by [[Bob Denard]], oust [[Ali Soilih]] in the [[Comoros]]; ten local soldiers are killed. Denard forms a new government. * [[May 15]] ** Students of the [[University of Tehran]] riot in [[Tabriz]]; the army stops the riot. ** First [[Timezone (video arcades)|Timezone]] Opens in [[Perth, Western Australia]] * [[May 17]] – [[Charlie Chaplin]]'s coffin is found some {{convert|15|km|mi}} from the cemetery from which it was stolen, near Lake Geneva.<ref name="ArafatBBC"/> * [[May 18]] ** Soviet dissident [[Yuri Orlov]] is sentenced to 7 years' hard labor, for distributing 'counterrevolutionary material'. ** [[Sarajevo]] is selected to host the [[1984 Winter Olympics]], and Los Angeles is selected to host the [[1984 Summer Olympics]]. * [[May 18]]–[[May 19|19]] – Belgian and French paratroopers fly to Zaire, to aid the fight against the rebels. * [[May 19]]–[[May 20|20]] – [[French Foreign Legion]] [[paratrooper]]s land in [[Kolwezi]], [[Zaire]], to rescue Europeans in the middle of a civil war. * [[May 20]] – [[Mavis Hutchinson]], 53, becomes the first woman to run across the U.S.; her trek took 69 days. * [[May 22]] – Exiled leaders [[Ahmed Abdallah]] and [[Muhammad Ahmad]] return to the [[Comoros]]. * [[May 23]] – American basketball player center [[Bill Walton]] of the [[Portland Trail Blazers]] was named the [[National Basketball Association]] regular season MVP. * [[May 25]] ** First [[Unabomber]] attack: A bomb explodes in the security section of [[Northwestern University]], wounding a security guard. ** In a rematch of the previous season, the [[Montreal Canadiens]] again defeat the [[Boston Bruins]], this time four games to two, to win the [[Stanley Cup]]. * [[May 26]] – In [[Atlantic City, New Jersey]], Resorts International, the first legal [[casino]] in the eastern United States, opens. * [[May 28]] – [[Indianapolis 500]]: [[Al Unser]] wins his third race, and the first for car owner [[Jim Hall (racing driver)|Jim Hall]]. * [[May 29]] – [[Ali Soilih]] is found dead in the [[Comoros]], allegedly shot when trying to escape. === June === {{Main|June 1978}} * [[June 1]] – The [[1978 FIFA World Cup]] starts in [[Argentina]]. * [[June 2]] – [[Japan Air Lines Flight 123#1978 tailstrike incident|Japan Air Lines 115]] had its tail struck on the runway on the airport it landed in. The same aircraft would be involved in a 2nd accident 7 years later * [[June 10]] – [[Affirmed]] holds off [[Alydar]] to win the [[Belmont Stakes]] and becomes the last horse to win the U.S. Triple Crown of Horse Racing until [[2015]]. * [[June 15]] – King [[Hussein of Jordan]] marries 26-year-old Lisa Halaby, who takes the name [[Queen Noor of Jordan|Queen Noor]]. * [[June 19]] ** England cricketer [[Ian Botham]] becomes the first man in the history of the game to score a century and take eight wickets in one innings of a Test match. ** ''[[Garfield]]'s'' first [[comic strip]], originally published locally as ''Jon'' in 1976, goes into nationwide [[Print syndication|syndication]].<ref>{{Cite web |title=Garfield {{!}} comic strip by Davis {{!}} Britannica |url= |access-date=2022-06-17 | |language=en}}</ref> * [[June 20]] – The 6.2 {{M|w|link=y}} [[1978 Thessaloniki earthquake|Thessaloniki earthquake]] shakes [[Northern Greece]] with a maximum [[Mercalli intensity scale|Mercalli intensity]] of IX (''Violent''). Fifty people were killed. * [[June 21]] ** A shootout between [[Provisional IRA]] members and the British Army in Northern Ireland leaves one civilian and three IRA men dead. ** [[1978 Iranian Chinook shootdown]]: Iranian helicopters stray into Soviet airspace and are shot down. * [[June 22]] – [[Charon (moon)|Charon]], a satellite of [[Pluto]], is discovered. * [[June 24]] – The Gay & Lesbian Solidarity March is held in Sydney, Australia to mark the 9th Anniversary of the [[Stonewall riots]] (which later becomes the annual [[Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras]]; later incorporating a festival). * [[June 25]] ** [[Argentina national football team|Argentina]] defeats [[Netherlands national football team|the Netherlands]] 3–1 after [[extra time]] to win the [[1978 FIFA World Cup]]. ** The [[Rainbow flag (LGBT)|rainbow flag]] of the [[LGBT]] movement flies for the first time (in its original form) at the [[San Francisco Pride|San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade]]. * [[June 26]] – A bombing by [[Breton nationalist]]s causes destruction in the [[Palace of Versailles]]. * [[June 30]] – [[Ethiopia]] begins a massive offensive in [[Eritrea]]. === July === {{Main|July 1978}} * [[July 3]] – The [[Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization|Amazon Co-operation Treaty]] (ACT) is signed. * [[July 7]] – The [[Solomon Islands]] become independent from the United Kingdom. * [[July 11]] – At least 217 tourists die in an [[Los Alfaques disaster|explosion of a tanker-truck at a campsite]] in [[Costa Daurada]], Spain.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Chernov |first1=Dmitry |last2=Sornette |first2=Didier |title=Critical Risks of Different Economic Sectors: Based on the Analysis of More Than 500 Incidents, Accidents and Disasters |date=3 December 2019 |publisher=Springer Nature |isbn=978-3-030-25034-8 |page=170 |url= |language=en}}</ref> * [[July 24]] – In [[Acapulco]], [[Mexico]], [[Margaret Gardiner (beauty queen)|Margaret Gardiner]] of [[South Africa]] is crowned [[Miss Universe]]. * [[July 25]] - [[Louise Brown]], the world's first [[test tube baby]], is born in [[Oldham]], [[Greater Manchester]], UK.<ref>{{cite news |url= |work=[[BBC News]] |first=Martin |last=Hutchinson |title=I helped deliver Louise |date=July 24, 2003}}</ref> === August === {{Main|August 1978}} * [[August 6]] – [[Pope Paul VI]] dies, at [[Castel Gandolfo]]. * [[August 12]] – The [[Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China]] is concluded. * [[August 17]] – ''[[Double Eagle II]]'' becomes the first balloon to successfully cross the Atlantic Ocean, flying from [[Presque Isle, Maine]], to [[Miserey]], France. * [[August 22]] **[[Sandinista]]s seize the Nicaraguan National Palace. ** Kenya's first president and founding father, [[Jomo Kenyatta]] dies aged 89 in [[Mombasa]]. * [[August 26]] – [[Pope John Paul I]] succeeds Pope Paul VI as the 263rd Pope. === September === {{Main|September 1978}} [[File:Sadat Carter Begin, Camp David 1978.gif|thumb|250px|[[September 6]]: [[Anwar Sadat]], [[Jimmy Carter]], and [[Menachem Begin]] meet on the Aspen Cabin patio at [[Camp David]].]] * [[September 5]] – [[Camp David Accords]]: Hosted by U.S. President [[Jimmy Carter]], Israel's Prime Minister [[Menachem Begin]] and Egypt's President [[Anwar Sadat]] met at [[Camp David]] in [[Maryland]] to discuss a peace agreement between the two nations. * [[September 7]] – In [[London]], UK, a poison-filled pellet, supposedly injected using an umbrella, fatally poisons [[Bulgaria]]n [[defector]] [[Georgi Markov]]; he dies four days later. * [[September 8]] – Iranian Army troops [[Black Friday (1978)|open fire]] on rioters in [[Tehran]], killing 122, wounding 4,000. * [[September 12]] – The Declaration of Alma Ata is signed and released in the Capital City of Kazakh, USSR. Known as the core document on Primary Health Care Practices and Equity in Healthcare, it paved the way for the modern-day State-sponsored Healthcare System. * [[September 16]] ** The 7.4 {{M|w|link=y}} [[1978 Tabas earthquake|Tabas earthquake]] killed at least 15,000 people in the city of [[Tabas]] in [[Iran]]. The quake was measured with a maximum [[Mercalli intensity scale|Mercalli intensity]] of IX (Violent). ** General [[Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq]] officially assumes the post of [[President of Pakistan]]. * [[September 17]] – The [[Camp David Accords]] are signed between Israel and Egypt. * [[September 19]] ** Police in the [[West Midlands (region)|West Midlands]] of England launch a massive murder hunt, when 13-year-old newspaper boy [[Carl Bridgewater]] is shot dead after disturbing a burglary. ** The [[Solomon Islands]] join the United Nations.<ref>{{cite book |author=United Nations Department of Public Information |title=Yearbook of the United Nations 2011 |url= |date=31 December 2015 |publisher=[[United Nations]] |isbn=978-92-1-057510-2 |pages=1462}}</ref> * [[September 20]] – General [[Rahimuddin Khan]] assumes the post of [[martial law]] Governor of [[Balochistan, Pakistan|Balochistan]]. * [[September 23]] – [[California Angels]] outfielder [[Lyman Bostock]] is shot to death at age 27 while visiting friends in [[Gary, Indiana]] during an Angels' road trip in [[Chicago, Illinois]]. * [[September 24]] – [[Giuseppe Verdi]]'s opera ''[[Otello]]'' makes its first appearance on ''[[Live from the Met]]'', in a complete production of the opera starring [[Jon Vickers]]. This is the first complete television broadcast of the opera in the U.S. since the historic 1948 one.{{citation needed|date=November 2023}} * [[September 25]] – [[PSA Flight 182]], a Boeing 727, collides with a small private airplane and crashes in [[San Diego]], [[California]]; 144 are killed. * [[September 27]] – The last [[Forest Brothers|Forest Brother]] [[Guerrilla warfare|guerrilla]] movement fighter is discovered and killed in [[Estonia]]. * [[September 28]] – [[Pope John Paul I]] dies after only 33 days after being installed as the Roman Catholic Pontiff. * [[September 30]] – [[Finnair Flight 405]] aircraft is hijacked by Aarno Lamminparras in [[Oulu]], [[Finland]].<ref>{{cite book |first=Lauri |last=Puintila |title=Kaappari Lamminparras: Suomen ensimmäisen konekaappauksen tarina |publisher=[[Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö|WSOY]] |year=2010 |isbn=978-951-0-35501-5 |language=fi}}</ref> * September – Attempted poisoning of 500 members of the [[African National Congress]] by South African government infiltrators.<ref>{{cite web |url= |author=[[African National Congress]] |title=The ANC's second submission to the TRC: Operations Report – 2.2. June 1976 |location=[[Kabwe]] |year=1985 |access-date=May 7, 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=October 7, 2014 |url-status=dead}}</ref> === October === {{Main|October 1978}} * [[October 1]] ** [[Vietnam]] attacks [[Cambodia]]. ** [[Tuvalu]] becomes independent from the United Kingdom. * [[October 2]] – ''[[Mommie Dearest]]'', written by [[Christina Crawford]] that discusses her adoptive mother [[Joan Crawford]]'s abusive nature, is published. It is the first celebrity tell-all [[memoir]]. * [[October 7]] – ''Wranslide'' in [[New South Wales]]: the [[Neville Wran|Wran]] government is re-elected with an increased majority. * [[October 8]] – Australia's [[Ken Warby]] sets the current world [[water speed record]] of 317.6&nbsp;mph (511.13&nbsp;km/h) at Blowering Dam, Australia. * [[October 9]] – [[P. W. Botha|P.W. Botha]] succeeds [[B. J. Vorster|John Vorster]] as [[Prime Minister of South Africa]].<ref name="RSA"/><ref name="Jeffery">{{Jeffery-People's War|page=53}}</ref> * [[October 10]] ** [[Daniel arap Moi]] becomes president of [[Kenya]]. ** [[B. J. Vorster|John Vorster]] becomes [[State President of South Africa]].<ref name="RSA">[ A Guide for Study of Historical Offices: South Africa: Heads of State: 1961–1994],; accessed April 14, 2017.</ref> ** A massive short circuit in [[Seasat]]'s electrical system ends the satellite's scientific mission. ** United States President [[Jimmy Carter]] signs a bill that authorizes the minting of the [[Susan B. Anthony dollar]]. * [[October 13]] – The [[Soviet Union]] launches a major [[Russification]] campaign throughout all union republics. * [[October 14]] – U.S. President [[Jimmy Carter]] signs a bill into law which allows [[homebrewing]] of [[beer in the United States]]. * [[October 16]] – [[Pope John Paul II]] succeeds [[Pope John Paul I]] as the 264th pope, resulting in the first [[Year of Three Popes]] since 1605. He is the first Polish pope in history, and the first non-Italian pope since [[Pope Adrian VI]] (1522–1523). * [[October 18]] – [[Thorbjörn Fälldin]] steps down as Prime Minister of Sweden, and is succeeded by [[Ola Ullsten]], the Leader of the liberal People's Party ("''Folkpartiet''"). * [[October 20]] – The first [[Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras]] is held as a protest march and commemoration of the [[Stonewall riots]]. * [[October 21]] – Australian civilian pilot [[Disappearance of Frederick Valentich|Frederick Valentich]] vanishes in a [[Cessna 182 Skylane]] over the [[Bass Strait]] south of [[Melbourne]], after reporting contact with an unidentified aircraft.<ref name=CSICOP>{{cite web |last=Nickell |first=Joe |title=The Valentich Disappearance: Another UFO Cold Case Solved|url= |work=Volume 37.6, November/December 2013 |date=November 2013 |publisher=Committee for Skeptical Inquiry|access-date=14 March 2014}}</ref> * [[October 27]] – Egyptian President [[Anwar Sadat]] and Israeli Prime Minister [[Menachem Begin]] win the [[Nobel Peace Prize]] for their progress toward achieving a Middle East accord. * [[October 31]] – The [[South African Railways]] sets a still unbeaten [[Land speed record for rail vehicles|world rail speed record]] on [[Cape gauge]].<ref name="Paxton-Bourne">{{Paxton-Bourne|pages=128–29}}</ref> === November === {{Main|November 1978}} * [[November 2]]: 8:00 pm – The [[Republic of Ireland]]'s second television channel [[RTÉ Two|RTÉ 2]] goes on air (renamed Network 2, [[1988]]; RTÉ Network Two, [[1995]]; N2, [[1997]]; and RTÉ Two in [[2004]]). * [[November 3]] – [[Dominica]] gains its independence from the United Kingdom. * [[November 5]] – [[Indira Gandhi]] is elected to the Indian parliament for the first time in 20 months after winning a by-election.<ref>{{cite news |title=Mrs. Gandhi, in Comeback, Wins Seat in Parliament |agency=AP |newspaper=[[Los Angeles Times]] |date=November 8, 1978 |page=I-5}}</ref> * [[November 18]] – In [[Guyana]], [[Jim Jones]] leads his [[Peoples Temple]] cult in a mass [[murder–suicide]] in his commune, [[Jonestown]], that claims 918 lives in all, 909 of them at [[Jonestown]] itself, including over 270 children. [[Leo Ryan|Representative Leo J. Ryan]] is assassinated by members of Peoples Temple shortly beforehand. * [[November 24]] – China starts an experimental "[[household responsibility system]]", in [[Anhui|Anhui Province]]. * [[November 26]] – Two British [[commercial diver]]s, Michael Ward and Tony Prangley, die of [[hypothermia]] and drowning in the [[East Shetland Basin]] after their [[diving bell]] [[Star Canopus diving accident|plunges to the seabed]] at a depth of over {{Convert|100|m}}.<ref name="Limbrick">{{cite book|title=North Sea Divers – a Requiem|last=Limbrick|first=Jim|pages=157–58|location=Hertford|publisher=Authors OnLine|year=2001|isbn=0-7552-0036-5|url=}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=Into the Lion's Mouth: The Story of the ''Wildrake'' Diving Accident|last=Smart|first=Michael|location=[[Medford, Oregon]]|publisher=Lion's Mouth Publishing|year=2011|pages=348–355|isbn=978-0-615-52838-0}}</ref> * [[November 27]] – [[Moscone-Milk assassinations]]: San Francisco Mayor [[George Moscone]] and Supervisor [[Harvey Milk]] are assassinated by disgruntled former Supervisor [[Dan White]]. === December === {{Main|December 1978}} * [[December 4]] – [[Dianne Feinstein]] succeeds the murdered [[George Moscone]], to become the first woman mayor of [[San Francisco]]; she will remain in office until January 8, 1988. * [[December 6]] – The [[Spanish Constitution of 1978|Spanish Constitution]] officially restores the country's democratic government.<ref>{{cite web |title=Spain starts a new post-Franco era - archive, 1978 |url= |website=The Guardian |access-date=8 March 2022 |language=en |date=1 June 2018}}</ref> * [[December 11]] ** [[Lufthansa heist]]: Six men rob a Lufthansa cargo facility in New York City's [[John F. Kennedy International Airport]]. ** Two million demonstrate against the Shah in [[Iran]]. * [[December 16]] ** Train 87 from [[Nanjing]] to [[Xining]] collides with train 368 from [[Xi'an]] to [[Xuzhou]] near Yangzhuang railway station in China, killing 106, injuring 218. ** ''[[The Mystery of Mamo]]'' is released in cinemas in Japan. * [[December 19]] – Former [[Prime Minister of India]] [[Indira Gandhi]] is arrested and jailed for a week for breach of privilege and contempt of parliament. * [[December 22]] ** The pivotal Third Plenum of the 11th National Congress of the [[Chinese Communist Party]] is held in Beijing, with Deng Xiaoping reversing Mao-era policies to pursue a program for [[Chinese economic reform]]. ** Chicago serial killer [[John Wayne Gacy]], who was subsequently convicted of the murder of 33 young men and boys committed between 1972 and 1978, is arrested. ** [[Argentina]] begins [[Operation Soberanía]] against [[Chile]], but Argentinian forces quickly withdraw. * [[December 25]] – [[Vietnam]] launches a major offensive against the [[Khmer Rouge]] of [[Cambodia]]. * [[December 27]] – The [[Spanish Constitution of 1978|Constitution of Spain]] is approved in a referendum, officially ending 40 years of military [[dictatorship]]. === Date unknown === * [[Myriodontium keratinophilum]] is first isolated in Italy during the screening of soil [[Microorganisms|microbes]].<ref name="samson1978">{{cite journal|last1=Samson|first1=Robert|last2=Polonelli|first2=Luciano|title=Myriodontium keratinophilum|journal=Persoonia|date=1978|volume=9|pages=505–509}}</ref> * Synthetic [[insulin]] is developed. * Romanian painter [[Doina Bumbea]] is abducted by the North Korean government.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=N. Korea kidnap victim's brother wants Pyongyang to come clean|newspaper=[[Bangkok Post]]|date=17 March 2014}}</ref> * [[Abortion]] is legalized in Italy for the first time. * In [[Seoul]], South Korea, construction begins on [[Seoul Subway Line 2]]. == Births == {{Main|Category:1978 births}} {{BD ToC|births|section=2}} [[File:Karina Smirnoff Get Smart premiere arrival.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Karina Smirnoff]]]] [[File:Mad Men at the 67th Annual Peabody Awards - January Jones.jpg|thumb|100px|[[January Jones]]]] [[File:AJ Malibu 003.jpg|thumb|100px|[[AJ McLean]]]] [[File:Vijay Sethupathi at Dharmadurai Audio launch.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Vijay Sethupathi]]]] [[File:Kristen Schaal by Gage Skidmore 3.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Kristen Schaal]]]] [[File:The world must officially recognize that Russia has become a terrorist state - address by the President of Ukraine. (51941720577) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Volodymyr Zelenskyy]]]] [[File:Sheamus April 2016 (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Sheamus]]]] [[File:Kelly Sullivan at the Oscars.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Kelly Sullivan (actress)|Kelly Sullivan]]]] [[File:Ashton Kutcher by David Shankbone.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Ashton Kutcher]]]] [[File:Omotola Jalade Ekeinde WEF 2015.png|thumb|100px|[[Omotola Jalade Ekeinde]]]] [[File:Don Omar - The Kingdom (Official Q & A).png|thumb|100px|[[Don Omar]]]] [[File:Danai_Gurira_by_Gage_Skidmore_3.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Danai Gurira]]]] [[File:170107 여교사 무대인사 김하늘 유인영 이원근 (3).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Kim Ha-neul]]]] [[File:Misha Collins & Jensen Ackles (48478258422)(c).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jensen Ackles]]]] [[File:Claudio Sanchez.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Claudio Sanchez]]]] [[File:Tony Margarito.JPG|thumb|100px|[[Antonio Margarito]]]] [[File:Rani Mukerji promoting Hichki in 2018 (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Rani Mukerji]]]] [[File:Lauren Ridloff by Gage Skidmore.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Lauren Ridloff]]]] [[File:Duncan James 2011 cropped.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Duncan James]]]] [[File:Paola Núñez la hermandad.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Paola Núñez]]]] [[File:James Franco 4, 2013.jpg|thumb|100px|[[James Franco]]]] [[File:LACI_Greentech_Global_Showcase_(21795050993)_(cropped)_-_Stana_Katic.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Stana Katic]]]] [[File:Kenan Thompson 2019.png|thumb|100px|[[Kenan Thompson]]]] [[File:Judy Ann Santos (2008).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Judy Ann Santos]]]] [[File:Jason Biggs at Paley Fest Orange Is The New Black.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jason Biggs]]]] <!--[[File:Ricardo Carvalho.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Ricardo Carvalho]]]]--> [[File:Jake Johnson by Gage Skidmore.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jake Johnson]]]] [[File:Antonietta Di Martino Berlin 2010.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Antonietta Di Martino]]]] [[File:Nikki Cox.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Nikki Cox]]]] [[File:Justin Long at Fantastic Fest (15096820818) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Justin Long]]]] [[File:Nick Kroll at TIFF16 (29601078356) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Nick Kroll]]]] [[File:Bill Hader (29419489470) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Bill Hader]]]] [[File:Shane West (16870759719) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Shane West]]]] [[File:Joshua Jackson by Gage Skidmore.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Joshua Jackson]]]] [[File:MJK 68238 Daniel Br%C3%BChl (Berlinale 2020).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Daniel Brühl]]]] [[File:Mia Maestro SDCC 2014 (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Mía Maestro]]]] [[File:Avatar The Way of Water Tokyo Press Conference Zoe Saldaña (52563431865) (cropped2).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Zoe Saldaña]]]] [[File:Frank Lampard 2019.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Frank Lampard]]]] [[File:Erica Durance 2010.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Erica Durance]]]] [[File:Nicole Scherzinger 2012.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Nicole Scherzinger]]]] [[File:Jüri Ratas 2017-05-25 (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jüri Ratas]]]] [[File:Tia Mowry on Sidewalks.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Tia Mowry]]]] [[File:Tamera Mowry-Housley.jpg |thumb|100px|[[Tamera Mowry]]]] [[File:Topher Grace 2019 by Glenn Francis.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Topher Grace]]]] [[File:Michelle Rodriguez Cannes 2018 cropped.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Michelle Rodriguez]]]] [[File:Pavel Datsyuk exercising, 2015 — Cropping.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Pavel Datsyuk]]]] [[File:Josh Hartnett SDCC 2014.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Josh Hartnett]]]] [[File:Kurt busch (51431103624) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Kurt Busch]]]] [[File:Andy Samberg by David Shankbone.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Andy Samberg]]]] [[File:Noah Bean 2013 (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Noah Bean]]]] [[File:James_Corden_at_2015_PaleyFest.jpg|thumb|100px|[[James Corden]]]] [[File:Kobe Bryant 2014.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Kobe Bryant]]]] [[File:Kel Mitchell 2019.png|thumb|100px|[[Kel Mitchell]]]] [[File:Amanda Schull 2015 TCA (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Amanda Schull]]]] [[File:Gina Gogean 2.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Gina Gogean]]]] [[File:2022 - Centre Stage SAM 2362 (52476698985) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Ben McKenzie]]]] [[File:Ron DeSantis-crop.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Ron DeSantis]]]] [[File:Sarit Hadad 13 cropped.JPG|thumb|100px|[[Sarit Hadad]]]] [[File:Anthony Mackie by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Anthony Mackie]]]] [[File:Ани Лорак (3) (Белые ночи Санкт-Петербурга — 2021. Григорий Лепс собирает друзей).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Ani Lorak]]]] [[File:Pizarro training FC Bayern (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Claudio Pizarro]]]] [[File:James valentine 2007.11.29.jpg|thumb|100px|[[James Valentine (musician)|James Valentine]]]] [[File:Usher Cannes 2016 retusche.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Usher (musician)|Usher]]]] [[File:CM Punk 2.jpg|thumb|100px|[[CM Punk]]]] [[File:Matthew Morrison Peabody 2010 (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Matthew Morrison]]]] [[File:Eve 2011 cropped.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Eve (rapper)|Eve]]]] [[File:Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy World Economic Forum 2013.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy]]]] [[File:Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden visits the USA and UNGA. (53206033761) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Santiago Peña]]]] [[File:Rachel McAdams 2016.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Rachel McAdams]]]] [[File:Robert Kirkman (48403751612) (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Robert Kirkman]]]] [[File:Stefan Kapicic by Gage Skidmore.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Stefan Kapičić]]]] [[File:Ian Somerhalder Cannes 2015.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Ian Somerhalder]]]] [[File:Pacquiao and Didal (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Manny Pacquiao]]]] [[File:Josh Dallas 2 SDCC 2014.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Josh Dallas]]]] [[File:Katie Holmes 2011 (6024619824).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Katie Holmes]]]] [[File:John Legend 2019 by Glenn Francis.jpg|thumb|100px|[[John Legend]]]] [[File:TyreseGibsonDec08.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Tyrese Gibson]]]] <!--[[File:Yulia Barsukova.JPG|thumb|100px|[[Yulia Barsukova]]]]--> === January === * [[January 1]] – [[Philip Mulryne]], Northern Irish footballer * [[January 2]] – [[Karina Smirnoff]], Ukrainian-American dancer * [[January 3]] ** [[Liya Kebede]], Ethiopian model, clothing designer and actress ** [[Park Sol-mi]], South Korean actress * [[January 4]] – [[Karine Ruby]], French snowboarder (d. [[2009]]) * [[January 5]] ** [[Franck Montagny]], French Formula One driver ** [[January Jones]], American actress * [[January 7]] – [[Emilio Palma]], Argentine citizen, first human born in Antarctica * [[January 9]] ** [[Chad Johnson]], American football player<ref>{{Cite web |title=Chad Johnson Stats, Height, Weight, Position, Draft, College |url= |access-date=2024-06-15 | |language=en}}</ref> ** [[AJ McLean]], American singer<ref>{{cite book|last=Netter|first=Matt|title=Backstreet Boys * Aaron Carter|publisher=Pocket Books|date=January 1999|location=New York|pages=[ 46–47]|isbn=978-0-671-03539-6|url=}}</ref> ** [[Gennaro Gattuso]], Italian football player * [[January 10]] – [[Kanako Mitsuhashi]], Japanese voice actress * [[January 11]] – [[Emile Heskey]], English footballer * [[January 12]] – [[Hannah Gadsby]], Australian comedian * [[January 13]] ** [[Ashmit Patel]], Indian actor ** [[Mohit Sharma (soldier)|Mohit Sharma]] Indian Army Officer<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Mohit Sharma, SM|access-date=22 March 2018|archive-url=|archive-date=2018-03-22|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Inspiring Story of Major Mohit Sharma - 1st PARA (Special Forces)|author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.-->|date=2018-03-26|work=SSBToSuccess|access-date=2018-03-26|language=en-US|archive-url=|archive-date=2018-08-18|url-status=dead}}</ref> * [[January 14]] – [[Shawn Crawford]], American sprinter * [[January 15]] ** [[Eddie Cahill]], American actor<ref>Trongo, Rachel (January 15, 2013). [ "Happy Birthday, Eddie Cahill!"]. CSI Files. Archived from [ the original] on February 4, 2013. Retrieved October 26, 2019.</ref> ** [[Franco Pellizotti]], Italian cyclist * [[January 16]] – [[Vijay Sethupathi]], Indian actor * [[January 17]] ** [[Susanne Schaper]], German politician ** [[Ricky Wilson (singer)|Ricky Wilson]], British vocalist ([[Kaiser Chiefs]]) * [[January 18]] ** [[Thor Hushovd]], Norwegian cyclist ** [[Katja Kipping]], German politician * [[January 20]] – [[Omar Sy]], French actor and comedian * [[January 24]] – [[Kristen Schaal]], American actress, comedian, and writer<ref>{{cite web|first=John|last=Patterson|url=|title=Kristen Schaal: The toast of American comedy|website=[[The Guardian]]|date=October 15, 2010|access-date=June 6, 2013|archive-date=August 22, 2015|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> * [[January 25]] – [[Volodymyr Zelenskyy]], Ukrainian politician and comedian, President of Ukraine<ref>{{cite book|author1=Andrew L. Urban|author2=Chris McLeod|title=Zelensky: The Unlikely Ukrainian Hero Who Defied Putin and United the World|publisher=Regnery Publishing|year=2022|isbn=9781684513789|page=94}}</ref> * [[January 28]] ** [[Gianluigi Buffon]], Italian footballer<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Convocazioni e presenze in campo|date=August 5, 2020|website=Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio}}</ref> ** [[Jamie Carragher]], English footballer<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Liverpool career stats for Jamie Carragher - LFChistory - Stats galore for Liverpool FC!|}}</ref> ** [[Papa Bouba Diop]], Senegalese footballer (d. [[2020]])<ref>{{NFT player|5826}}</ref> ** [[Sheamus]], Irish professional wrestler ** [[Vanessa Villela]], Mexican actress === February === * [[February 2]] ** [[Nelson Chamisa]], Zimbabwean politician<ref>{{cite web|url=|title= Nelson Chamisa|access-date= 1 April 2007|work= Movement for Democratic Change Online|publisher= Movement for Democratic Change|archive-url=|archive-date= 19 November 2005|url-status= dead}}</ref> ** [[Barry Ferguson]], Scottish footballer and coach<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Barry Ferguson|website=Scottish FA|access-date=24 October 2020}}</ref> * [[February 3]] ** [[Joan Capdevila]], Spanish footballer<ref>{{cite web |title=Capdevila |url= |}}</ref> ** [[Amal Clooney]], British-Lebanese barrister, activist and author<ref name="People-40thBday-2018">{{cite news|last1=Russian|first1=Ale|title=Amal's Big 40! George Clooney Celebrates Wife's Birthday on 24-Hour Getaway|url=|work=[[People (magazine)|People]]|date=5 February 2018|language=en}}</ref> * [[February 4]] – [[Danna García]], Colombian actress and model * [[February 5]] ** [[Brian Russell]], American football player ** [[Samuel Sánchez]], Spanish road bicycle racer * [[February 6]] ** [[Danny Buderus]], Australian rugby league player ** [[Olena Zelenska]], Ukrainian first lady and former model ** [[Yael Naim]], Israeli-French singer and songwriter * [[February 7]] ** [[Omotola Jalade Ekeinde]], Nigerian actress, singer, philanthropist and former model ** [[Ashton Kutcher]], American actor ** [[Ivan Leko]], Croatian football player and coach<ref>{{cite web |title=Leko, Ivan |url= |}}</ref> ** [[Daniel Van Buyten]], Belgian footballer<ref>{{cite web |title=Daniel van Buyten |url= |}}</ref> * [[February 10]] ** [[Isabella Eklöf]], Swedish screenwriter and film director ** [[Don Omar]] (stage name for William Omar Landrón Rivera), Puerto Rican American rapper known as the "King of [[Reggaeton]]";<ref>{{cite web |last1=Moser |first1=John J. |title=Don Omar, one of Latin music's biggest stars, to play Sands Bethlehem Event Center |url= |website=Chicago Tribune |access-date=24 August 2023 |date=22 June 2018}}</ref> in [[San Juan, Puerto Rico|San Juan]] * [[February 12]] ** [[Gethin Jones]], Welsh television presenter ** [[Silver Meikar]], Estonian politician * [[February 13]] – [[Niklas Bäckström]], Finnish hockey player * [[February 14]] ** [[Richard Hamilton (basketball)|Richard Hamilton]], American basketball player ** [[Danai Gurira]], American actress and playwright ** [[Darius Songaila]], Lithuanian basketball player * [[February 15]] – [[Rafał Romanowski]], Polish politician * [[February 16]] ** [[Tia Hellebaut]], Belgian athlete ** [[John Tartaglia]], American actor ** [[Yekaterina Volkova (runner)|Yekaterina Volkova]], Russian middle-distance runner * [[February 19]] ** [[Kenyatta Wright]], American football player ** [[Immortal Technique]], Peruvian-American rapper * [[February 20]] ** [[Julia Jentsch]], German actress ** [[Ken Takeuchi]], Japanese voice actor * [[February 21]] ** [[Kim Ha-neul]], South Korean actress<!-- "Kim" is surname --> ** [[Kumail Nanjiani]], Pakistani-American actor and comedian ** [[Miki Sakai]], Japanese actress * [[February 22]] – [[Jenny Frost]], English singer * [[February 23]] – [[Dan Snyder (ice hockey)|Dan Snyder]], Canadian hockey player (d. [[2003]]) * [[February 24]] – [[Gary (rapper)|Gary]], South Korean musician, entertainer * [[February 25]] – [[Yuji Nakazawa]], Japanese footballer<ref>{{cite web |title=Nakazawa, Yūji |url= |}}</ref> * [[February 27]] – [[Kakha Kaladze]], Georgian footballer and politician, Mayor of Tbilisi * [[February 28]] ** [[Jeanne Cherhal]], French singer-songwriter ** [[Yasir Hameed]], Pakistani cricketer ** [[Benjamin Raich]], Austrian skier === March === * [[March 1]] ** [[Jensen Ackles]], American actor ** [[Liya Kebede]], Ethiopian model and fashion designer ** [[Sakura Nogawa]], Japanese voice actress * [[March 2]] ** [[Tomáš Kaberle]], Czech hockey player ** [[Sebastian Janikowski]], American football player * [[March 3]] – [[Tanishaa Mukerji]], Indian actress * [[March 4]] – [[Denis Dallan]], Italian rugby union footballer * [[March 6]] ** [[Sage Rosenfels]], American football player ** [[Mike Jackson (Oklahoma politician)|Mike Jackson]], American politician * [[March 11]] ** [[Didier Drogba]], Ivorian footballer ** [[Ha Jung-woo]], South Korean actor and director * [[March 12]] ** [[Neal Obermeyer]], American editorial cartoonist ** [[Claudio Sanchez]], American writer and musician * [[March 13]] ** [[Tom Danielson]], American cyclist ** [[Kenny Watson (American football)|Kenny Watson]], American football player * [[March 14]] ** [[Pieter van den Hoogenband]], Dutch swimmer ** [[Carl Johan Bergman]], Swedish biathlete ** [[Moon Hee-joon]], Korean singer * [[March 15]] – [[Flavio Furtado]], Cape Verdean boxer * [[March 16]] ** [[Matthew Montgomery (actor)|Matthew Montgomery]], American actor ** [[Brooke Burns]], American fashion model and actress * [[March 17]] ** [[Pilar Rubio]], Spanish reporter and TV presenter ** [[Patrick Seitz]], American voice actor * [[March 18]] ** [[Fernandão (footballer, born 1978)|Fernandão]], Brazilian footballer (d.[[2014]]) ** [[Antonio Margarito]], Mexican-American boxer ** [[Yoshie Takeshita]], Japanese volleyball player<ref>{{cite web |title=Yoshie Takeshita |url= |publisher=Olympedia}}</ref> * [[March 19]] – [[Lenka]], Australian singer and actress<ref>{{cite web |title=Lenka |url= |}}</ref> * [[March 21]] – [[Rani Mukerji]], Indian actress * [[March 22]] **[[Josh Heupel]], American football player and coach **[[Vanessa Senior]], Venezuelan comedian and actress.<ref>{{Cite web|last=Rodríguez|first=Nill|date=8 July 2016|title=Vanessa Senior: Las personas que me catalogan de vulgar son más groseras que yo|url=|access-date=11 September 2016||quote=|archive-date=12 September 2016|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> * [[March 23]] ** [[Nicholle Tom]], American actress ** [[Perez Hilton]], American actor and blogger * [[March 24]] – [[Tomáš Ujfaluši]], Czech footballer<ref>{{cite web |title=Ujfaluši |url= |}}</ref> * [[March 27]] – [[Romesh Ranganathan]], English-Pakistani comedian and actor * [[March 29]] – [[Igor Rakočević]], Serbian basketball player === April === * [[April 2]] – [[Nick Berg]], American businessman (d. [[2004]]) * [[April 3]] ** [[Matthew Goode]], English actor ** [[Tommy Haas]], German tennis player<ref>{{cite web |title=Tommy Haas |url= | |publisher=Association of Tennis Professionals}}</ref> ** [[John Smit]], South African rugby union player * [[April 4]] – [[Sam Moran]], Australian singer * [[April 5]] ** [[Franziska van Almsick]], German swimmer ** [[Arnaud Tournant]], French track cyclist<ref>{{cite web| title = Athlete Biography: Arnaud Tournant| url =| access-date = 2023-06-06| archive-date = 2008-09-02| archive-url =| url-status = bot: unknown}}</ref> * [[April 6]] ** [[Tim Hasselbeck]], American football player ** [[Myleene Klass]], British singer, pianist, and model ** [[Martín Méndez]], Uruguayan musician and songwriter ** [[Lauren Ridloff]], African-American actress * [[April 7]] ** [[Duncan James]], English singer ** [[Adrienne Haan]], German-Luxembourgish actress, singer, writer and producer * [[April 9]] ** [[Jorge Andrade]], Portuguese footballer ** [[Takashi Ohara]], Japanese voice actor ** [[Rachel Stevens]], English singer * [[April 10]] – [[Rokhaya Diallo]], French writer and filmmaker * [[April 12]] ** [[Guy Berryman]], Scottish musician ** [[Cheeming Boey]], Malaysian artist ** [[Riley Smith]], American actor * [[April 13]] ** [[Kyle Howard]], American television and movie actor ** [[Sylvie Meis]], Dutch model and television host<ref>{{cite web |title=Sylvie Meis: Mann, Hochzeit, Alter, Größe |url= |}}</ref> * [[April 15]] – [[Luis Fonsi]], Puerto Rican singer and songwriter * [[April 16]] ** [[Lara Dutta]], Indian actress and beauty queen ** [[Matthew Lloyd]], Australian rules footballer * [[April 17]] ** [[Juan Guillermo Castillo]], Uruguayan goalkeeper ** [[Jason White (rugby union)|Jason White]], Scottish rugby union player * [[April 19]] ** [[James Franco]], American actor ** [[Gabriel Heinze]], Argentine football player and coach<ref>{{cite web |title=Gabriel Heinze |url= |}}</ref> * [[April 20]] ** [[Matthew Wilkas]], American actor, playwright and reality television personality ** [[Matt Austin (actor)|Matt Austin]], Canadian actor ** [[Alessandro Rigotti]], Italian voice actor * [[April 21]] – [[Jukka Nevalainen]], Finnish drummer * [[April 23]] – [[Princess Tamara Czartoryski-Borbon|Tamara Czartoryski-Borbon]], Spanish athlete * [[April 25]] – [[Duncan Kibet]], Kenyan long-distance runner * [[April 26]] ** [[Stana Katic]], Canadian-American actress ** [[Shinnosuke Tachibana]], Japanese voice actor * [[April 29]] ** [[Bob and Mike Bryan]], American doubles tennis team ** [[Tyler Labine]], Canadian actor === May === * [[May 4]] – [[Daisuke Ono]], Japanese voice actor **[[Ognjen Jovanić]], Croatian chess grandmaster * [[May 6]] ** [[Tony Estanguet]], French slalom canoeist ** [[Aleksandr Fyodorov (bodybuilder)|Aleksandr Fyodorov]], Russian bodybuilder * [[May 8]] – [[Lúcio]], Brazilian footballer<ref>{{cite web |title=Lúcio |url= ||date=29 January 2020 }}</ref> * [[May 10]] – [[Kenan Thompson]], African-American actor and comedian<ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|title=Kenan Thompson|work=[[TV Guide]]|archive-date=July 27, 2016}}</ref> * [[May 11]] ** [[Laetitia Casta]], French supermodel and actress ** [[Judy Ann Santos]], Filipino actress * [[May 12]] ** [[Hossein Rezazadeh]], Iranian weightlifter ** [[Jason Biggs]], American actor<ref>{{cite news|title=Monitor|newspaper=[[Entertainment Weekly]]|date=May 18, 2012|issue=1207|page=29}}</ref> ** [[Aya Ishiguro]], Japanese singer, writer, and fashion designer ** [[Malin Åkerman]], Swedish-Canadian actress * [[May 13]] – [[Barry Zito]], American baseball player * [[May 14]] – [[Elisa Togut]], Italian volleyball player<ref>{{cite web |title=ITA / Italy - Player's biography |url= |}}</ref> * [[May 15]] ** [[Dwayne De Rosario]], Canadian soccer player ** [[Caroline Dhavernas]], French-Canadian actress ** [[Krzysztof Ignaczak]], Polish volleyball player * [[May 16]] – [[Lionel Scaloni]], Argentine football coach and former football player<ref>{{cite web |title=L. Scaloni |url= | |publisher=Soccer Way}}</ref> * [[May 18]] ** [[Ricardo Carvalho]], Portuguese footballer ** [[Cindy Parlow Cone]], American soccer player * [[May 19]] – [[Marcus Bent]], English footballer *** * [[May 22]] ** [[Katie Price]] (Jordan), English model and television personality<ref>{{Cite web|title=KATRINA AMY ALEXANDRA ALEXIS PRICE|url=|access-date=17 September 2020|}}</ref> ** [[Ginnifer Goodwin]], American actress<ref>{{cite magazine | url = | title= Ginnifer Goodwin | magazine= [[TV Guide]] | access-date= April 13, 2014| archive-date=September 5, 2015| archive-url= | url-status=live}}</ref> * [[May 25]] – [[Adam Gontier]], Canadian singer * [[May 28]] ** [[Jake Johnson]], American actor and comedian<ref>{{Cite web |title=Jake Johnson - Biography |url= |access-date=2024-03-25 |website=IMDb |language=en-US}}</ref> ** [[Tomohiko Ito (footballer)|Tomohiko Ito]], Japanese footballer * [[May 29]] ** [[Pelle Almqvist]], Swedish singer-songwriter ** [[Sébastien Grosjean]], French tennis player<ref>{{cite web |title=Sebastien Grosjean |url= |publisher=Association of Tennis Professionals}}</ref> * [[May 30]] – [[Lyoto Machida]], Brazilian mixed martial artist * [[May 31]] – [[Sara Duterte]], 15th Vice President of the Philippines === June === * [[June 1]] – [[Antonietta Di Martino]], Italian high-jumper * [[June 2]] ** [[Nikki Cox]], American actress<ref>{{Cite web |title=Cox, Nikki 1978– {{!}} |url= |access-date=2024-03-25 |}}</ref> ** [[Justin Long]], American actor<ref>{{Cite web |title=Long, Justin 1978– {{!}} |url= |access-date=2024-03-25 |}}</ref> * [[June 4]] – [[Simone Maludrottu]], Italian boxer * [[June 5]] – [[Nick Kroll]], American actor and comedian<ref>{{cite magazine|url=|title=Nick Kroll|magazine=[[TV Guide|]]|access-date=23 September 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=23 June 2013}}</ref> * [[June 6]] ** [[Konstantīns Konstantinovs]], Latvian powerlifter (d. [[2018]]) ** [[Mariana Popova]], Bulgarian singer ** [[Judith Barsi]], American child actress (d. [[1988]]) * [[June 7]] ** [[Mini Andén]], Swedish model ** [[Bill Hader]], American actor and comedian<ref>{{cite web| url=| work= [[]] | title=Bill Hader {{!}} Biography and Filmography {{!}} 1978| date= 23 June 2016 | access-date= May 5, 2017| archive-url=| archive-date=May 27, 2017}}</ref> * [[June 8]] ** [[Maria Menounos]], American actress, journalist, and television presenter<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Maria Menounos: Biography |publisher=[[TV Guide|]] |access-date=April 10, 2013}}</ref> ** [[Eun Ji-won]], South Korean rapper and singer<ref>{{in lang|ko}} [ 네이버 인물검색 - 은지원] Naver. December 22, 2016. Retrieved December 22, 2016.</ref> * [[June 9]] ** [[Michaela Conlin]], American actress ** [[Miroslav Klose]], German footballer ** [[Matt Bellamy]], British musician and singer * [[June 10]] ** [[Han Hee-won]], South Korean golfer<!-- "Han" is surname --> ** [[Subhash Khot]], Indian-American mathematician and computer scientist<ref>{{Cite web |title=Subhash Khot - Heidelberg Laureate Forum |url= |access-date=2024-07-03 |website=- Heidelberg Laureate Forum |language=en-EN}}</ref> ** [[DJ Qualls]], American actor, producer, and model<ref>{{Cite web |title=DJ Qualls - Biography |url= |access-date=2024-03-25 |website=IMDb |language=en-US}}</ref> ** [[Shane West]], American actor<ref>{{Cite web |title=West, Shane 1978- {{!}} |url= |access-date=2024-03-25 |}}</ref> * [[June 11]] – [[Joshua Jackson]], Canadian actor * [[June 13]] ** [[Faizal Yusof]], Malaysian actor (d. [[2011]]) ** [[Vishwananda]], Hindu guru<ref>{{Cite web |title=PARAMAHAMSA VISHWANANDA'S BIRTHDAY 2023 |url= |access-date=2024-03-24 |website=Bhakti Event |language=en}}</ref> * [[June 14]] – [[Nikola Vujčić]], Croatian basketball player and [[general manager (basketball)|team manager]] of [[Maccabi Tel Aviv B.C.|Maccabi Tel Aviv]]<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Nikola Vujcic International Stats|}}</ref> * [[June 15]] – [[Wilfred Bouma]], Dutch footballer * [[June 16]] – [[Daniel Brühl]], German actor * [[June 18]] – [[Tara Platt]], American actress and author * [[June 19]] ** [[Mía Maestro]], Argentine actress ** [[Dirk Nowitzki]], German basketball player ** [[Zoe Saldaña]], American actress * [[June 20]] – [[Frank Lampard]], English footballer * [[June 21]] ** [[Thomas Blondeau]], Belgian writer (d. [[2013]]) ** [[Ignacio Corleto]], Argentine rugby union player ** [[Erica Durance]], Canadian actress ** [[Jean-Pascal Lacoste]], French singer, actor and television host * [[June 22]] ** [[Diederik Boomsma]], Dutch politician ** [[Tim Driesen]], Belgian actor and singer-songwriter{{Citation needed|date=October 2023}} ** [[Dan Wheldon]], English racing driver (d. [[2011]])<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Dan Wheldon: One of the few British racing drivers to win the Indy 500|last=Maume|first=Chris|date=18 October 2011|work=[[The Independent]]|access-date=January 2, 2022|archive-url=|archive-date=21 October 2011|url-status=dead|df=dmy-all}}</ref> * [[June 23]] ** [[Gladys Reyes]], Filipino actress ** [[Frédéric Leclercq]], French musician * [[June 24]] ** [[Emppu Vuorinen]], Finnish musician ** [[Juan Román Riquelme]], Argentine footballer ** [[Shunsuke Nakamura]], Japanese footballer * [[June 25]] ** [[Aramis Ramírez]], Dominican baseball player ** [[Aftab Shivdasani]], Indian actor * [[June 26]] ** [[Daniel Constantin (politician)|Daniel Constantin]], Romanian politician ** [[Cristian Lucchetti]], Argentine footballer * [[June 28]] – [[Ha Ji-won]], South Korean actress and singer * [[June 29]] ** [[Luke Kirby]], Canadian actor ** [[Nicole Scherzinger]], American singer ** [[Steve Savidan]], French footballer === July === * [[July 1]] ** [[Aleki Lutui]], Tongan rugby player ** [[Liu Kwok Man]], Chinese footballer ** [[Mark Hunter (rower)|Mark Hunter]], British rower * [[July 2]] ** [[Ganesh (actor)|Ganesh]], Indian actor and television presenter ** [[Diana Gurtskaya]], Georgian singer ** [[Jüri Ratas]], Estonian politician and 18th [[Prime Minister of Estonia]] * [[July 3]] ** [[Ian Anthony Dale]], American actor ** [[Jesse Leach]], American vocalist ** [[Mizuki Noguchi]], Japanese long-distance runner * [[July 4]] – [[Becki Newton]], American actress * [[July 5]] ** [[Andreas Baum]], German politician ** [[Nandamuri Kalyan Ram]], Indian actor and film producer * [[July 6]] ** [[Danil Khalimov]], Kazakh Greco-Roman wrestler ** [[Tia Mowry|Tia]] and [[Tamera Mowry]], African-American actresses * [[July 7]] ** [[Chris Andersen]], American basketball player ** [[DJ Manian]], German music producer and DJ * [[July 8]] – [[Erin Morgenstern]], American artist and author * [[July 9]] ** [[Mark Medlock]], German singer ** [[Linda Park]], Korean-born actress ** [[Gulnara Samitova-Galkina]], Russian middle-distance runner<ref>{{cite web |title=Gulnara GALKINA |url= |}}</ref> * [[July 10]] ** [[Ray Kay]], Norwegian director and photographer ** [[Jesse Lacey]], American singer-songwriter * [[July 11]] ** [[Kim Kang-woo]], South Korean actor ** [[Mattias Gustafsson]], Swedish handball player * [[July 12]] ** [[Topher Grace]], American actor ** [[Michelle Rodriguez]], American actress * [[July 13]] – [[Gary David]], Filipino professional basketball player * [[July 14]] – [[Roger Clark (actor, born 1978)|Roger Clark]], American actor * [[July 15]] ** [[Matt Mitrione]], American mixed martial artist ** [[Greg Sestero]], French-American actor and model * [[July 16]] – [[Ahmede Hussain]], Bangladeshi writer * [[July 17]] ** [[Panda Bear (musician)|Panda Bear]], American musician ** [[Justine Triet]], French film director and screenwriter<ref>{{Cite web |title=Justine Triet |url= |access-date=1 June 2023 |website=[[Critics' Week|La Semaine de la Critique of Festival de Cannes]]}}</ref> * [[July 18]] ** [[Shane Horgan]], Irish rugby player ** [[Virginia Raggi]], Italian lawyer, politician ** [[Joo Sang-wook]], South Korean actor<!-- "Joo" is surname --> ** [[Vladimir Tintor (actor)|Vladimir Tintor]], Serbian film actor * [[July 20]] ** [[Pavel Datsyuk]], Russian ice hockey player ** [[Tamsyn Manou]], Australian athlete * [[July 21]] ** [[Josh Hartnett]], American actor ** [[Kyoko Iwasaki]], Japanese swimmer * [[July 22]] ** [[A. J. Cook]], Canadian actress ** [[Kyōko Hasegawa]], Japanese model and actress ** [[Dennis Rommedahl]], Danish footballer<ref>{{cite web |title=Dennis Rommedahl |url= |}}</ref> * [[July 23]] – [[Stefanie Sun]], Singapore singer * [[July 25]] ** [[Louise Brown]], British citizen, first human born through [[in vitro fertilisation]] ** [[Gerard Warren]], American football player * [[July 26]] ** [[Jehad Muntasser]], Libyan footballer ** [[Eve Myles]], Welsh actress * [[July 28]] ** [[Mine Tugay]], Turkish actress<ref>{{cite web |title=Mine Tugay |url= |website=November 12, 2021 |date=12 November 2021 |publisher=Turkish world}}</ref> ** [[Hitomi Yaida]], Japanese singer * [[July 29]] – [[Ayşe Hatun Önal]], Turkish singer, actress, model and beauty pageant<ref>{{cite web |title=Ayşe Hatun Önal |url= | |publisher=Music Brainz}}</ref> * [[July 31]] – [[Nick Sorensen]], American football player and sportscaster * July – [[Caucher Birkar]], born Fereydoun Derakhshani, Kurdish-born mathematician === August === * [[August 3]] – [[Mariusz Jop]], Polish football player and coach * [[August 4]] – [[Kurt Busch]], American race car driver * [[August 5]] ** [[Carolina Duer]], Argentine boxer ** [[Harel Levy]], Israeli tennis player<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Harel Levy &#124; Overview &#124; ATP Tour &#124; Tennis|website=ATP Tour}}</ref> * [[August 6]] ** [[Marisa Miller]], American supermodel ** [[Peng Cheng-min]], Taiwanese baseball player * [[August 7]] ** [[Alexandre Aja]], French director ** [[Vanness Wu]], Taiwanese singer * [[August 8]] ** [[Natsuko Kuwatani]], Japanese voice actress ** [[Louis Saha]], French footballer<ref>{{cite web |title=Louis Saha |url= |publisher=French Football Federation}}</ref> * [[August 10]] – [[Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono]], Indonesian politician and former military officer * [[August 15]] ** [[Jennie Eisenhower]], American actress ** [[Kerri Walsh Jennings]], American beach volleyball player * [[August 17]] ** [[Vibeke Stene]], Norwegian rock singer ** [[Jelena Karleuša]], Serbian pop singer * [[August 18]] – [[Andy Samberg]], American actor and comedian * [[August 20]] – [[Noah Bean]], American actor * [[August 21]] ** [[Reuben Droughns]], American football player ** [[Alan Lee (footballer)|Alan Lee]], Irish footballer * [[August 22]] ** [[Vitaliy Balytskyi]], Ukrainian football player and manager (d. [[2018]]) ** [[James Corden]], British comedian and television personality * [[August 23]] – [[Kobe Bryant]], American basketball player (d. [[2020]]) * [[August 25]] – [[Kel Mitchell]], American actor, stand-up comedian, musician, singer, and rapper * [[August 26]] – [[Amanda Schull]], American actress * [[August 27]] – [[Suranne Jones]], English actress * [[August 28]] ** [[Pablo Echenique]], Argentine born-Spanish politician ** [[Kelly Overton (actress)|Kelly Overton]], American actress ** [[Sam Wills]], New Zealand comic * [[August 29]] – [[Danielle Hampton]], Canadian actress * [[August 31]] ** [[Ido Pariente]], Israeli mixed martial artist ** [[Jennifer Ramírez Rivero]], Venezuelan model and businesswoman (d. [[2018]])<ref>{{Cite web |date=28 August 2018 |title=Lo que se sabe sobre el asesinato de modelo venezolana en Cúcuta |url= |access-date=14 May 2022 |website=El Tiempo}}</ref> === September === * [[September 1]] – [[Manju Warrier]], Indian actress * [[September 2]] – [[Tatiana Okupnik]], Polish singer and composer * [[September 3]] – [[Tinkara Kovač]], Slovenian singer and musician * [[September 4]] ** [[Wes Bentley]], American actor ** [[Frederik Veuchelen]], Belgian cyclist * [[September 5]] – [[Chris Hipkins]], New Zealand Prime Minister * [[September 6]] ** [[Mathew Horne]], English actor ** [[Homare Sawa]], Japanese footballer ** [[Peter van Huffel]], Canadian jazz musician * [[September 7]] – [[Devon Sawa]], Canadian actor * [[September 9]] – [[Gina Gogean]], Romania artistic gymnast * [[September 11]] ** [[Ed Reed]], American football player ** [[Ben Lee]], Australian singer ** [[Else-Marthe Sørlie Lybekk]], Norwegian handball player ** [[Dejan Stanković]], Serbian football player and coach<ref>{{cite web |title=D. Stanković |url= |}}</ref> * [[September 12]] ** [[Ruben Studdard]], American singer ** [[Ben McKenzie]], American actor * [[September 13]] – [[Megan Henning]], American actress * [[September 14]] ** [[Ben Cohen (rugby union)|Ben Cohen]], English rugby union player ** [[Ron DeSantis]], American politician, 46th [[Governor of Florida]] ** [[Carmen Kass]], Estonian supermodel * [[September 15]] – [[Eiður Guðjohnsen]], Icelandic football player * [[September 16]] – [[Stephanie Murphy]], American politician<ref>{{cite web |title=MURPHY, Stephanie |url= |}}</ref> * [[September 18]] – [[Billy Eichner]], American actor and comedian * [[September 19]] – [[Mariano Puerta]], Argentine tennis player<ref>{{cite web |title=Mariano Puerta |url= | |publisher=Association of Tennis Professionals}}</ref> * [[September 20]] ** [[Jason Bay]], Canadian baseball player ** [[Patrizio Buanne]], Italian singer ** [[Sarit Hadad]], Israeli pop singer * [[September 21]] ** [[Doug Howlett]], New Zealand rugby union player ** [[Josh Thomson]], American mixed martial artist * [[September 22]] – [[Harry Kewell]], Australian footballer * [[September 23]] ** [[Anthony Mackie]], American actor ** [[Worm Miller]], American screenwriter, director and actor ** [[Keri Lynn Pratt]], American actress * [[September 24]] – [[Wietse van Alten]], Dutch archer * [[September 25]] ** [[Jodie Kidd]], English model ** [[Rossif Sutherland]], Canadian actor * [[September 27]] – [[Ani Lorak]], Ukrainian singer * [[September 28]] **[[Dane Boedigheimer]], American Internet personality<ref> : 6 May 2014, Dane Willard Boedigheimer, 28 Sep 1978; from "Minnesota Birth Index, 1935-2002," database, Ancestry ( : 2004); citing Itasca, Minnesota, United States, Minnesota Department of Health, Minneapolis.</ref> **[[Pastora Soler]], Spanish singer * [[September 29]] – [[Kurt Nilsen]], Norwegian singer * [[September 30]] – [[Candice Michelle]], American professional wrestler and model **[[Daniel Grossberg]], American politician<ref>{{Cite web |title=Legislator-Profile - Legislative Research Commission |url= |access-date=2023-11-26 |}}</ref> === October === * [[October 1]] – [[Katie Aselton]], American actress * [[October 2]] – [[Ayumi Hamasaki]], Japanese singer * [[October 3]] ** [[Jake Shears]], American singer and songwriter ** [[Claudio Pizarro]], Peruvian footballer ** [[Gerald Asamoah]], German footballer ** [[Christian Coulson]], English actor ** [[Shannyn Sossamon]], American actress * [[October 4]] ** [[Dana Davis]], American actress ** [[Mark Day (actor)|Mark Day]], Canadian actor ** [[Phillip Glasser]], American actor and producer ** [[Kei Horie]], Japanese actor * [[October 5]] ** [[Shane Ryan (Dublin Gaelic footballer)|Shane Ryan]], Irish Gaelic footballer ** [[James Valentine (musician)|James Valentine]], American musician * [[October 9]] – [[Nicky Byrne]], Irish musician ([[Westlife]]) * [[October 10]] ** [[Caroline Evers-Swindell]], New Zealand sailor<ref>{{cite web |title=Caroline Evers-Swindell |url= |}}</ref> ** [[Georgina Evers-Swindell]], New Zealand sailor<ref>{{cite web |title=Georgina EVERS-SWINDELL |url= |}}</ref> * [[October 14]] ** [[Paul Hunter]], English snooker player (d. [[2006]]) ** [[Usher (musician)|Usher]], American singer and actor * [[October 15]] – [[Boško Balaban]], Croatian footballer * [[October 17]] ** [[Isabel Díaz Ayuso]], Spanish politician ** [[Pablo Iglesias Turrión]], Spanish politician * [[October 20]] ** [[Tomohiko Itō (director)|Tomohiko Ito]], Japanese anime director ** [[Michael Johns (singer)|Michael Johns]], Australian singer (d. [[2014]]) ** [[Kira (German singer)|Kira]], German singer ** [[Dionne Quan]], American voice actress ** [[Virender Sehwag]], Indian cricketer * [[October 21]] – [[Joey Harrington]], American football player * [[October 24]] – [[Carlos Edwards]], Trinidadian footballer * [[October 25]] ** [[Russell Anderson]], Scottish footballer ** [[Zachary Knighton]], American actor ** [[David T. Little]], American composer and drummer * [[October 26]] – [[CM Punk]], American professional wrestler * [[October 27]] ** [[David Walton (actor)|David Walton]], American actor ** [[Vanessa-Mae]], Singaporean violinist * [[October 28]] ** [[Byron Donalds]], American politician<ref>{{cite web |title=DONALDS, Byron |url= |}}</ref> ** [[Marta Etura]], Spanish actress<ref>{{cite web |title=Perfil: Rumbo al Goya |url= ||date=4 November 2009 }}</ref> ** [[Justin Guarini]], American singer * [[October 29]] – [[Travis Henry]], American football player * [[October 30]] – [[Matthew Morrison]], American actor and singer === November === * [[November 1]] ** [[Jessica Valenti]], American blogger and writer ** [[Mary Kate Schellhardt]], American actress * [[November 4]] – [[Shaun Berrigan]], Australian rugby league player * [[November 5]] ** [[Bubba Watson]], American golfer ** [[Xavier Tondo]], Spanish cyclist (d. [[2011]])<ref>{{cite web |title=Xavi Tondo: Anti-doping cyclist who died just as his career was |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=2022-05-01 |url-access=subscription |url-status=live |website=The Independent |access-date=8 March 2022 |language=en |date=26 May 2011}}{{cbignore}}</ref> * [[November 6]] ** [[Nicole Dubuc]], American actress and writer ** [[Taryn Manning]], American actress ** [[Sandrine Blancke]], Belgian actress * [[November 7]] ** [[Mohamed Aboutrika]], Egyptian footballer<ref>{{cite web |title=Mohamed Abo Trika |url= |}}</ref> ** [[Zaheer Khan]], Indian cricketer ** [[Mark Read (singer)|Mark Read]], English singer ([[A1 (band)|A1]]) * [[November 8]] ** [[Moses Michael Levi Barrow]] (born Jamal Michael Barrow), better known by his stage name Shyne, Belizean rapper and politician<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Moses Jamal 'Shyne' Barrow – Sworn In As New 'Leader of The Opposition'|work=Digital Belize Dot Live|date=25 June 2021|access-date=16 December 2022|archive-date=16 December 2022|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> ** [[Ali Karimi]], Iranian football player * [[November 9]] – [[Sisqó]], American actor and singer * [[November 10]] ** [[Nadine Angerer]], German footballer ** [[Kyla Cole]], Czech model ** [[Diplo]], American DJ and music producer ** [[Eve (rapper)|Eve]], African-American rapper * [[Destra Garcia]], female Trinidadian soca singer * [[November 12]] – [[Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy]], Pakistani journalist, activist and filmmaker * [[November 13]] – [[Hsu Wei Lun]], Taiwanese actress (d. [[2007]]) * [[November 14]] ** [[Bobby Allen (ice hockey)|Bobby Allen]], American ice hockey player ** [[Xavier Nady]], American baseball player * [[November 16]] – [[Santiago Peña]], [[President of Paraguay]] * [[November 17]] ** [[Rachel McAdams]], Canadian actress ** [[Reggie Wayne]], American football player * [[November 18]] ** [[Damien Johnson]], Northern Irish footballer ** [[Aldo Montano (fencer born 1978)|Aldo Montano]], Italian fencer ** [[Ebru Özkan]], Turkish actress<ref>{{cite web |title=Ebru Ozkan |url= ||date=30 December 2014 }}</ref> * [[November 19]] – [[Mahé Drysdale]], New Zealand rower<ref>{{cite web |title=Mahé Drysdale |url= |}}</ref> * [[November 22]] – [[Karen O]], American singer-songwriter and musician * [[November 23]] – [[Destin Daniel Cretton]], American film director * [[November 24]] – [[Katherine Heigl]], American actress * [[November 25]] – [[Shiina Ringo]], Japanese singer and musician * [[November 26]] – [[Jun Fukuyama]], Japanese voice actor * [[November 27]] ** [[Mike Skinner (musician)|Mike Skinner]], English musician ** [[Radek Štěpánek]], Czech tennis player<ref>{{cite web |title=Radek Stepanek |url= |}}</ref> * [[November 30]] ** [[Clay Aiken]], American singer-songwriter and author ** [[Gael García Bernal]], Mexican actor ** [[Robert Kirkman]], American comic book writer === December === * [[December 1]] ** [[Stefan Kapičić]], Serbian actor ** [[Jen Psaki]], American television political analyst and former government official * [[December 2]] ** [[Nelly Furtado]], Portuguese-Canadian singer and songwriter ** [[Alo Kõrve]], Estonian actor * [[December 4]] – [[Lars Bystøl]], Norwegian ski jumper * [[December 5]] ** [[Neil Druckmann]], Israeli-American video game writer and programmer, founder of Naughty Dog ** [[Olli Jokinen]], Finnish ice hockey player * [[December 7]] – [[Shiri Appleby]], American actress * [[December 8]] – [[Ian Somerhalder]], American actor<ref>{{cite magazine | url = | title = Ian Somerhalder Biography | magazine = [[TV Guide|]] | access-date = May 9, 2013}}</ref> ** [[Zainal Arifin Mochtar]], Indonesian lecturer, writer, and constitutional law expert * [[December 9]] – [[Gastón Gaudio]], Argentine tennis player * [[December 10]] – [[Summer Phoenix]], American actress * [[December 12]] – [[Monica Bîrlădeanu]], Romanian actress * [[December 14]] – [[Patty Schnyder]], Swiss tennis player<ref>{{cite web |title=Patty Schnyder |url= | |publisher=Women's Tennis Association}}</ref> * [[December 16]] – [[Veronica Schneider]], Venezuelan actress and model * [[December 17]] ** [[Riteish Deshmukh]], Indian actor, architect, producer and entrepreneur ** [[Manny Pacquiao]], Filipino boxer and politician * [[December 18]] ** [[Daniel Cleary]], Canadian ice hockey player ** [[Josh Dallas]], American actor ** [[Katie Holmes]], American actress<ref>{{cite book|title=Encyclopædia Britannica Almanac 2010|publisher=Encyclopaedia Britannica, Incorporated|year=2009|page=51}}</ref> * [[December 19]] – [[Patrick Casey (writer)|Patrick Casey]], American screenwriter and actor * [[December 20]] ** [[Geremi]], Cameroon footballer ** [[Jacqueline Saburido]], Venezuelan-American social activist (d. [[2019]]) * [[December 21]] – [[Shaun Morgan]], South African musician and singer-songwriter * [[December 22]] ** [[Edo Maajka]], Bosnian rapper ** [[Emmanuel Olisadebe]], Polish-Nigerian footballer ** [[Joanne Kelly]], Canadian actress * [[December 23]] ** [[Víctor Martínez (baseball)|Víctor Martínez]], Venezuelan baseball player ** [[Estella Warren]], Canadian swimmer, model, and actress * [[December 24]] – [[Yıldıray Baştürk]], Turkish footballer * [[December 25]] ** [[Paula Seling]], Romanian singer and radio DJ ** [[Jeremy Strong (actor)|Jeremy Strong]], American actor ** [[Miyuki Takahashi]], Japanese volleyball player<ref>{{cite web |title=Miyuki Takahashi (Shin) |url= |}}</ref> * [[December 26]] – [[Kaoru Sugayama]], Japanese volleyball player * [[December 28]] ** [[Feng Kun]], Chinese volleyball player<ref>{{cite web |title=- CN / China, People's Rep. of - Player's biography |url= |}}</ref> ** [[John Legend]], African-American singer-songwriter, pianist, and actor<ref>{{cite web|title=John Legend – Biography|url=|last=Southern|first=Nathan|work=[[Allmovie]]|access-date=2020-04-30}}</ref> * [[December 29]] ** [[Alexis Amore]], Peruvian actress, dancer, and model ** [[Angelo Taylor]], American athlete * [[December 30]] ** [[Tyrese Gibson]], African-American singer, songwriter, rapper, actor, model, and screenwriter ** [[Zbigniew Robert Promiński|Inferno]], Polish musician * [[December 31]] – [[Yulia Barsukova]], Russian rhythmic gymnast == Deaths == {{Further|:Category:1978 deaths}} {{BD ToC|deaths}} === January === [[File:Kurt gödel.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Kurt Gödel]]]] * [[January 2]] – [[Cyril King]], [[Governor of the United States Virgin Islands]] (b. [[1921]]) *[[January 6]] – [[Burt Munro]], New Zealand motorcycle racer (b. [[1899]]) * [[January 13]] – [[Hubert Humphrey]], 38th [[Vice President of the United States]] (b. [[1911]]) * [[January 14]] ** [[Harold Abrahams]], British athlete (b. [[1899]])<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Harold Abrahams |website=[[Olympedia]] |publisher=OlyMADMen |access-date=18 August 2024}}</ref> ** [[Kurt Gödel]], Austrian-American logician, mathematician, and philosopher (b. [[1906]]) * [[January 22]] – [[Herbert Sutcliffe]], English cricketer (b. [[1894]]) * [[January 23]] ** [[Terry Kath]], American rock musician ([[Chicago (band)|Chicago]]) (b. [[1946]]) ** [[Jack Oakie]], American actor (b. [[1903]]) * [[January 26]] – [[Leo Genn]], English actor and barrister (b. [[1905]]) * [[January 27]] – [[Oscar Homolka]], Austrian actor (b. [[1898]])<ref>[ Oscar Homolka Austrian actor]</ref> * [[January 29]] – [[Tim McCoy]], American actor (b. [[1891]]) * [[January 30]] – [[Marie-Louise Damien]], French actress (b. [[1889]]) === February === [[File:Phillip ahn as kan.JPG|thumb|100px|[[Philip Ahn]]]] * [[February 9]] – [[Warren King (cartoonist)|Warren King]], American cartoonist (b. [[1916]]) * [[February 10]] – [[Redento Maria Gauci]], Maltese [[Carmelite]] bishop (b. [[1920]]) * [[February 11]] – [[James B. Conant]], American chemist (b. [[1893]]) *[[February 15]] – [[Ilka Chase]], American actress (b. [[1905]])<ref>{{cite news | url= | title=Ilka Chase, Act'ress and Author, 72, is Dead in Mexico | newspaper=The New York Times | date=16 February 1978 }}</ref> * [[February 17]] – [[Artemiy Artsikhovsky]], Soviet archaeologist and historian (b. [[1902]]) * [[February 18]] – [[Maggie McNamara]], American actress (b. [[1928]]) * [[February 19]] – [[Pankaj Mullick]], Bengali composer and singer (b. [[1904]]) * [[February 24]] – [[Alma Thomas]], African-American painter (b. [[1891]]) * [[February 28]] – [[Philip Ahn]], Korean-born American actor (b. [[1905]]) === March === [[File:Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh, 1975 (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh]]]] * [[March 1]] – [[Paul Scott (novelist)|Paul Scott]], English writer (b. [[1920]]) * [[March 11]] – [[Claude François]], French entertainer (b. [[1939]]) * [[March 13]] – [[John Cazale]], American actor (b. [[1935]]) * [[March 17]] ** [[Eddie Aikau]], American lifeguard and surfer (b. [[1946]]) ** [[Giacomo Violardo]], Italian [[Roman Catholic]] cardinal (b. [[1898]]) * [[March 18]] – [[Peggy Wood]], American actress (b. [[1892]])<ref>[ Wood, Peggy (1892–1978)]</ref> * [[March 19]] – [[Gaston Julia]], French mathematician (b. [[1893]]) * [[March 21]] – [[Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh]], Irish barrister, judge and 5th [[President of Ireland]] (b. [[1911]]) * [[March 22]] – [[Isidro Ayora]], 22nd [[President of Ecuador]] (b. [[1879]]) * [[March 24]] – [[André Lallemand]], French astronomer (b. [[1904]]) * [[March 31]] ** [[Astrid Allwyn]], American actress (b. [[1905]]) ** [[Charles Best (medical scientist)|Charles Best]], Canadian medical scientist (b. [[1899]])<ref>[ Charles H. Best American physiologist]</ref> === April === [[File:Philibert Tsiranana 1962-08-29.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Philibert Tsiranana]]]] * [[April 8]] – [[Lon L. Fuller]], American legal philosopher (b. [[1902]]) * [[April 9]] – [[Vivian McGrath]], Australian tennis player (b. [[1916]]) * [[April 13]] – [[Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti]], Nigerian suffragist and women's rights activist (b. [[1900]]) * [[April 16]] ** [[Lucius D. Clay]], American military governor of Germany after [[World War II]] (b. [[1897]]) ** [[Philibert Tsiranana]], Malagasy leader and politician, 1st [[President of Madagascar]] (b. [[1912]]) * [[April 21]] – [[Sandy Denny]], British singer-songwriter (b. [[1947]]) * [[April 22]] – [[Will Geer]], American actor (b. [[1902]]) * [[April 27]] – [[John Doeg]], American tennis player (b. [[1908]]) === May === [[File:Aldo Moro 1968.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Aldo Moro]]]] [[File:Portrait Menzies 1950s.jpg|thumb|100px|Sir [[Robert Menzies]]]] * [[May 1]] – [[Aram Khachaturian]], Soviet-Armenian composer and conductor (b. [[1903]]) * [[May 6]] – [[Ethelda Bleibtrey]], American Olympic swimmer (b. [[1902]]) * [[May 8]] – [[Duncan Grant]], Scottish painter (b. [[1885]]) * [[May 9]] – [[Aldo Moro]], Italian Christian Democratic politician and statesman, 38th [[Prime Minister of Italy]] (assassinated) (b. [[1916]]) * [[May 13]] – [[Alby Roberts]], New Zealand cricketer (b. [[1909]]) * [[May 15]] – [[Robert Menzies|Sir Robert Menzies]], 12th [[Prime Minister of Australia]] (b. [[1894]]) * [[May 16]] – [[William Steinberg]], German-American conductor (b. [[1899]]) * [[May 17]] – [[Armin T. Wegner]], German human rights activist (b. [[1886]]) * [[May 18]] – [[Selwyn Lloyd, Baron Selwyn-Lloyd]], English politician (b. [[1904]]) * [[May 20]] ** [[Ernest Cadine]], French weightlifter, Olympic champion ([[1920 Summer Olympics|1920]]) (b. [[1893]])<ref>[ ERNEST CADINE]</ref> ** [[P. S. Subrahmanya Sastri]], Indian Sanskrit scholar (b. [[1890]])<ref>[ P.S. Subrahmanya Sastri, the man who first translated ancient Tamil text ‘Tolkapiyam’ to English]</ref> * [[May 22]] ** [[Joseph Colombo]], American gangster (b. [[1923]]) ** [[Aubrey Fitch]], American admiral (b. [[1883]])<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Aubrey Fitch (FFG-34)|website=NHHC}}</ref> * [[May 26]] **[[Tamara Karsavina]], Soviet ballerina (b. [[1885]]) ** [[Jorge Icaza Coronel]], Ecuadorean novelist (b. [[1906]]) * [[May 31]] ** [[József Bozsik]], Hungarian footballer (b. [[1925]]) ** [[José Gonzalvo]], Spanish footballer and manager (b. [[1920]]) === June === <!--[[File:Ahmad al-Ghashmi.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Ahmad al-Ghashmi]]]]--> [[File:Bob Crane Colonel Hogan 1969.JPG|thumb|100px|[[Bob Crane]]]] * [[June 2]] – [[Santiago Bernabéu Yeste]], Spanish footballer, player and president of [[Real Madrid C.F.]] (b. [[1906]]) * [[June 4]] – [[Jorge de Sena]], Portuguese novelist and poet (b. [[1919]]) * [[June 7]] – [[Ronald George Wreyford Norrish]], British chemist, [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Nobel Prize]] laureate (b. [[1897]]) * [[June 12]] – [[Guo Moruo]], Chinese archaeologist, historian, poet, politician, and writer (b. [[1892]]) * [[June 17]] – [[Robert B. Williams (actor)|Robert B. Williams]], American actor (b. [[1904]]) * [[June 20]] – [[Mark Robson (film director)|Mark Robson]], Canadian film director (b. [[1913]]) * [[June 21]] – [[Luther Youngdahl|Luther W. Youngdahl]], American politician, [[Governor of Minnesota]] from 1947 to 1951, and a United States district judge from 1951 to 1978 (b. [[1896]]) * [[June 24]] – [[Ahmad al-Ghashmi]], 4th [[President of the Yemen Arab Republic]] (b. [[1935]]) * [[June 27]] – [[Josette Day]], French actress (b. [[1914]]) * [[June 28]] – [[Clifford Dupont]], 1st [[President of Rhodesia]] (b. [[1905]]) * [[June 29]] – [[Bob Crane]], American actor, drummer, radio host, and disc jockey (b. [[1928]]) === July === [[File:ChicoMendes.tiff|thumb|100px|[[Francisco Mendes]]]] <!--[[File:Prince Rostislav of Russia.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich of Russia]]]]--> * [[July 1]] – [[Kurt Student]], Luftwaffe general and commander of the German airborne forces during World War II. (b. [[1890]]) * [[July 3]] – [[James Daly (actor)|James Daly]], American actor (b. [[1918]]) * [[July 6]] – [[Pietro Montana]], Italian-American sculptor, painter and teacher (b. [[1890]])<ref>[ Pietro Montana, at 88, A Painter and Sculptor]</ref> * [[July 7]] – [[Francisco Mendes]], Guinea-Bissau politician, 1st [[Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau]] (b. [[1939]]) * [[July 10]] – [[Abd ar-Razzaq an-Naif]], 31st [[Prime Minister of Iraq]] (b. [[1934]]) * [[July 14]] – [[Gaston Ragueneau]], French athlete (b. [[1881]]) * [[July 16]] – [[Howard Estabrook]], American actor (b. [[1884]]) * [[July 17]] – [[Thayer David]], American actor (b. [[1927]]) * [[July 27]] – [[Willem van Otterloo]], Dutch conductor, cellist and composer (b. [[1907]]) * [[July 30]] – [[Umberto Nobile]], Italian aviator and explorer (b. [[1885]])<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Umberto Nobile &#124; Italian explorer &#124; Britannica||access-date=11 March 2023}}</ref> * [[July 31]] – [[Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich of Russia]] (b. [[1902]]) === August === [[File:Paulus VI, by Fotografia Felici, 1969.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Pope Paul VI]]]] [[File:Jomo Kenyatta 1966-06-15.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jomo Kenyatta]]]] * [[August 2]] &ndash; [[Carlos Chávez]], Mexican composer (b. [[1899]])<ref>[ Carlos Chávez Mexican composer and conductor]</ref> * [[August 6]] ** [[Pope Paul VI]] (b. [[1897]]) ** [[Edward Durell Stone]], American architect (b. [[1902]]) * [[August 19]] – [[Emilio Núñez Portuondo]], Cuban diplomat and politician, 13th [[Prime Minister of Cuba]] (b. [[1898]]) * [[August 22]] ** [[Jomo Kenyatta]], Kenyan activist, politician and statesman, 1st [[Prime Minister of Kenya]] and 1st [[President of Kenya]] (b. c.[[1897]]) ** [[Ignazio Silone]], Italian writer and politician (b. [[1900]])<ref>[ Ignazio Silone Italian author]</ref> * [[August 24]] – [[Louis Prima]], Italian-born American singer and actor (b. [[1910]]) * [[August 25]] ** [[Olivier Hussenot]], French actor (b. [[1913]]) ** [[George E. Jonas]], American philanthropist (b. [[1897]]) * [[August 26]] ** [[Charles Boyer]], French actor (b. [[1899]]) ** [[José Manuel Moreno]], Argentine football player (b. [[1916]]) * [[August 28]] ** [[Kofi Abrefa Busia]], Ghanese nationalist leader, 2nd [[Prime Minister of Ghana]] (b. [[1913]]) ** [[Bruce Catton]], American Civil War historian, Pulitzer Prize winner (b. [[1899]])<ref>[ Bruce Catton American historian and journalist]</ref> ** [[Robert Shaw (actor)|Robert Shaw]], British actor (b. [[1927]])<ref>{{cite book|title=British Dramatists Since World War II: M-Z|publisher=Gale Research Company|year=1982|page=470}}</ref> * [[August 30]] – [[Geertruida Wijsmuller-Meijer]], Dutch war hero, resistance fighter and humanitarian (b. [[1896]])<ref>[ Wijsmuller-Meijer, Geertruida]</ref> === September === [[File:Keith Moon 4 - The Who - 1975-2.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Keith Moon]]]] <!--[[File:Jack Warner portrait copy.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jack L. Warner]]]]--> [[File:Ioannes Paulus I, by Fotografia Felici, 1978 (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Pope John Paul I]]]] * [[September 3]] – [[Karin Molander]], Swedish actress (b. [[1889]]) * [[September 4]] – [[Leonora Cohen]], British suffragette and trade unionist (b. [[1873]]) * [[September 6]] – [[Adolf Dassler]], German founder of Adidas (b. [[1900]]) * [[September 7]] – [[Keith Moon]], English rock drummer ([[The Who]]) (b. [[1946]]) * [[September 8]] – [[Ricardo Zamora]], Spanish footballer (b. [[1901]]) * [[September 9]] ** [[Hugh MacDiarmid]], Scottish poet (b. [[1892]]) ** [[Jack L. Warner]], Canadian-American film producer (b. [[1892]]) * [[September 11]] ** [[Valerian Gracias]], Indian [[Roman Catholic]] archbishop and cardinal (b. [[1900]]) ** [[Georgi Markov]], Bulgarian playwright and writer (b. [[1929]]) ** [[Ronnie Peterson]], Swedish Formula One driver (b. [[1944]]) ** [[Curtis Shake]], American jurist (b. [[1887]])<ref>[ Curtis Grover Shake]</ref> * [[September 12]] – [[Frank Ferguson]], American actor (b. [[1899]]) * [[September 15]] – [[Willy Messerschmitt]], German aircraft designer and manufacturer (b. [[1898]]) * [[September 21]] – [[Peter Vogel (actor)|Peter Vogel]], German film actor (b. [[1937]]) * [[September 24]] ** [[Lyman Bostock]], American baseball player (b. [[1950]]) ** [[Hasso von Manteuffel]], German army general (b. [[1897]]) * [[September 26]] – [[Manne Siegbahn]], Swedish physicist, [[Nobel Prize in Physics|Nobel Prize]] laureate (b. [[1886]])<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=The Nobel Prize in Physics 1924||access-date=11 March 2023}}</ref> * [[September 27]] ** [[Sergei Aslamazyan]], Soviet composer (b. [[1897]]) ** [[Dumitru Dămăceanu]], Romanian general and politician (b. [[1896]])<ref>[ămăceanu/I._Dumitru/Romania.html Dămăceanu, I. Dumitru]</ref> * [[September 28]] – [[Pope John Paul I]] (b. [[1912]]) * [[September 30]] – [[Edgar Bergen]], American actor and ventriloquist (b. [[1903]]) === October === [[File:Jacques Brel (1962).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jacques Brel]]]] [[File:RalphHMetcalfe1977.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Ralph Metcalfe]]]] * [[October 1]] – [[Alfredo Obviar]], Filipino Roman Catholic bishop and Servant of God (b. [[1889]])<ref>[ Lipa’s Future Saint: Bishop Alfredo Ma. Aranda Obviar]</ref> * [[October 4]] – [[Roy L. Dennis]], American teenager who had [[craniodiaphyseal dysplasia]] (b. [[1961]]) * [[October 8]] – **[[Karl Swenson]], American actor (b. [[1908]]) **[[Jim Gilliam]], American baseball player (b. [[1928]]) * [[October 9]] – [[Jacques Brel]], Belgian singer (b. [[1929]]) * [[October 10]] ** [[Ralph Metcalfe]], American Olympic athlete (b. [[1910]]) ** [[Hermes Lima]], prime minister and foreign minister of Brazil (b. [[1902]]) * [[October 11]] – [[Ruthven Todd]], Scottish poet, artist, and novelist (b. [[1914]]) * [[October 12]] – [[Nancy Spungen]], American groupie and girlfriend of [[Sid Vicious]] (b. [[1958]]) * [[October 15]] – [[W. Eugene Smith]], American photojournalist (b. [[1918]]) * [[October 16]] – [[Dan Dailey]], American actor (b. [[1915]]) * [[October 17]] – [[Giovanni Gronchi]], 3rd president of Italy (b. [[1887]])<ref>[ Giovanni Gronchi president of Italy]</ref> * [[October 19]] – [[Gig Young]], American actor (b. [[1913]]) * [[October 21]] – [[Anastas Mikoyan]], Russian revolutionary and Soviet statesman (b. [[1895]]) * [[October 28]] – [[Geoffrey Unsworth]], British cinematographer (b. [[1914]]) === November === [[File:Margaret Mead (1901-1978).jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[Margaret Mead]]]] <!--[[File:Rev._Jim_Jones,_1977_(cropped)2.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Jim Jones]]]]--> <!--[[File:Harvey Milk at Gay Pride San Jose, June 1978 (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|right|[[Harvey Milk]]]]--> * [[November 4]] – [[Arshad al-Umari]], 15th [[Prime Minister of Iraq]] (b. [[1888]]) * [[November 8]] – [[Norman Rockwell]], American artist (b. [[1894]]) * [[November 10]] – [[Theo Lingen]], German actor (b. [[1903]]) * [[November 15]] – [[Margaret Mead]], American anthropologist (b. [[1901]]) * [[November 18]] ** [[Leo Ryan]], American politician (b. [[1925]]) ** [[Jim Jones]], American cult leader (b. [[1931]]) * [[November 20]] – [[Giorgio de Chirico]], Italian painter (b. [[1888]]) * [[November 24]] – [[Warren Weaver]], American scientist and mathematician (b. [[1894]]) * [[November 27]] – [[George Moscone]], American politician and then-mayor of [[San Francisco]] * [[November 27]] – [[Harvey Milk]], American politician and activist (b. [[1930]]) === December === [[File:Golda Meir 03265u.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Golda Meir]]]] <!--[[File:Emilio Portes, portrait (cropped).jpg|thumb|100px|[[Emilio Portes Gil]]]]--> <!--[[File:Houari Boumediene's Portrait.jpg|thumb|100px|[[Houari Boumédiène]]]]--> * [[December 3]] – [[William Grant Still]], American composer (b. [[1895]]) * [[December 4]] - [[Goodie Reeve]], British born Australian radio host and musician (b. [[1897]]) * [[December 7]] – [[Alexander Wetmore]], American ornithologist and avian palaeontologist (b. [[1886]]) * [[December 8]] – [[Golda Meir]], Israeli teacher, politician and stateswoman, 4th [[Prime Minister of Israel]] (b. [[1898]])<ref>{{cite web |title=Golda Meir |url= |website=Britannica Presents 100 Women Trailblazers |access-date=29 July 2021 |language=en |date=16 February 2019}}</ref> * [[December 10]] ** [[Emilio Portes Gil]], Acting president of Mexico, (1928–1930) (b. [[1890]])<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=EMILIO PORTES GIL|publisher=residencia de la Republica de Mexico|language=es|access-date=May 29, 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=May 30, 2019|url-status=dead}}</ref> ** [[Ed Wood]], American filmmaker, actor and author (b. [[1924]]) * [[December 11]] – [[Vincent du Vigneaud]], American biochemist (b. [[1901]]) * [[December 12]] – [[Fay Compton]], English actress (b. [[1894]]) * [[December 14]] – [[Salvador de Madariaga]], Spanish diplomat, writer, historian, and pacifist (b. [[1886]]) * [[December 15]] – [[Chill Wills]], American actor (b. [[1902]]) * [[December 17]] ** [[Don Ellis]], American jazz trumpeter, drummer, composer, and bandleader (b. [[1934]]) ** [[Josef Frings]], German cardinal, Archbishop of Cologne (b. [[1887]])<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=German Resistance Memorial Center - Biographie||access-date=11 March 2023}}</ref> * [[December 27]] – [[Houari Boumédiènne]], 2nd [[President of Algeria]] (b. [[1932]]) * [[December 31]] – [[Nicolau dos Reis Lobato]], East Timorese politician, acting [[President of East Timor]] (b. [[1946]]) == Nobel Prizes == [[File:Nobel medal.png|right|100px]] * [[Nobel Prize in Physics|Physics]] – [[Pyotr Kapitsa]], [[Arno Allan Penzias]], [[Robert Woodrow Wilson]] * [[Nobel Prize in Chemistry|Chemistry]] – [[Peter D. Mitchell]] * [[Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine|Medicine]] – [[Werner Arber]], [[Daniel Nathans]], [[Hamilton O. Smith]] * [[Nobel Prize in Literature|Literature]] – [[Isaac Bashevis Singer]] * [[Nobel Peace Prize|Peace]] – [[Anwar Sadat]] and [[Menachem Begin]] * [[Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences|Economics]] – [[Herbert A. Simon]] == References == {{Portal|1970s}} {{reflist}} {{Authority control}} {{DEFAULTSORT:1978}} [[Category:1978| ]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" title="Help:Transclusion">help</a>)</span>:</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Template:ASN_accident" title="Template:ASN accident">Template:ASN accident</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:ASN_accident&action=edit" title="Template:ASN accident">view source</a>) (semi-protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:About_year" title="Template:About year">Template:About year</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:About_year&action=edit" title="Template:About year">view source</a>) (semi-protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:Ambox" title="Template:Ambox">Template:Ambox</a> (<a 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