Pearson+ eTextbooks starting from $8.49/month
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For license information please see nr-loader-spa-1.246.1.min.js.LICENSE.txt */ (() => { 'use strict'; var e, t, r = { 234: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { P_: () => g, Mt: () => v, C5: () => s, DL: () => A, OP: () => D, lF: () => N, Yu: () => x, Dg: () => m, CX: () => c, GE: () => w, sU: () => j, }); var n = r(8632), i = r(9567); const o = { beacon: n.ce.beacon, errorBeacon: n.ce.errorBeacon, licenseKey: void 0, applicationID: void 0, sa: void 0, queueTime: void 0, applicationTime: void 0, ttGuid: void 0, user: void 0, account: void 0, product: void 0, extra: void 0, jsAttributes: {}, userAttributes: void 0, atts: void 0, transactionName: void 0, tNamePlain: void 0, }, a = {}; function s(e) { if (!e) throw new Error('All info objects require an agent identifier!'); if (!a[e]) throw new Error('Info for '.concat(e, ' was never set')); return a[e]; } function c(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error('All info objects require an agent identifier!'); (a[e] = (0, i.D)(t, o)), (0, n.Qy)(e, a[e], 'info'); } const u = e => { if (!e || 'string' != typeof e) return !1; try { document.createDocumentFragment().querySelector(e); } catch { return !1; } return !0; }; var d = r(7056), l = r(50); const f = () => { const e = { mask_selector: '*', block_selector: '[data-nr-block]', mask_input_options: { color: !1, date: !1, 'datetime-local': !1, email: !1, month: !1, number: !1, range: !1, search: !1, tel: !1, text: !1, time: !1, url: !1, week: !1, textarea: !1, select: !1, password: !0, }, }; return { feature_flags: [], proxy: { assets: void 0, beacon: void 0 }, privacy: { cookies_enabled: !0 }, ajax: { deny_list: void 0, block_internal: !0, enabled: !0, harvestTimeSeconds: 10, autoStart: !0 }, distributed_tracing: { enabled: void 0, exclude_newrelic_header: void 0, cors_use_newrelic_header: void 0, cors_use_tracecontext_headers: void 0, allowed_origins: void 0, }, session: { domain: void 0, expiresMs: d.oD, inactiveMs: d.Hb }, ssl: void 0, obfuscate: void 0, jserrors: { enabled: !0, harvestTimeSeconds: 10, autoStart: !0 }, metrics: { enabled: !0, autoStart: !0 }, page_action: { enabled: !0, harvestTimeSeconds: 30, autoStart: !0 }, page_view_event: { enabled: !0, autoStart: !0 }, page_view_timing: { enabled: !0, harvestTimeSeconds: 30, long_task: !1, autoStart: !0 }, session_trace: { enabled: !0, harvestTimeSeconds: 10, autoStart: !0 }, harvest: { tooManyRequestsDelay: 60 }, session_replay: { autoStart: !0, enabled: !1, harvestTimeSeconds: 60, sampling_rate: 50, error_sampling_rate: 50, collect_fonts: !1, inline_images: !1, inline_stylesheet: !0, mask_all_inputs: !0, get mask_text_selector() { return e.mask_selector; }, set mask_text_selector(t) { u(t) ? 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(e.mask_input_options = { ...t, password: !0 }) : (0, l.Z)('An invalid session_replay.mask_input_option was provided and will not be used', t); }, }, spa: { enabled: !0, harvestTimeSeconds: 10, autoStart: !0 }, }; }, h = {}, p = 'All configuration objects require an agent identifier!'; function g(e) { if (!e) throw new Error(p); if (!h[e]) throw new Error('Configuration for '.concat(e, ' was never set')); return h[e]; } function m(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(p); (h[e] = (0, i.D)(t, f())), (0, n.Qy)(e, h[e], 'config'); } function v(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error(p); var r = g(e); if (r) { for (var n = t.split('.'), i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++) if ('object' != typeof (r = r[n[i]])) return; r = r[n[n.length - 1]]; } return r; } const b = { accountID: void 0, trustKey: void 0, agentID: void 0, licenseKey: void 0, applicationID: void 0, xpid: void 0, }, y = {}; function A(e) { if (!e) throw new Error('All loader-config objects require an agent identifier!'); if (!y[e]) throw new Error('LoaderConfig for '.concat(e, ' was never set')); return y[e]; } function w(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error('All loader-config objects require an agent identifier!'); (y[e] = (0, i.D)(t, b)), (0, n.Qy)(e, y[e], 'loader_config'); } const x = (0, n.mF)().o; var E = r(385), _ = r(6818); const T = { buildEnv: _.Re, customTransaction: void 0, disabled: !1, distMethod: _.gF, isolatedBacklog: !1, loaderType: void 0, maxBytes: 3e4, offset: Math.floor( E._A?.performance?.timeOrigin || E._A?.performance?.timing?.navigationStart ||, ), onerror: void 0, origin: '' + E._A.location, ptid: void 0, releaseIds: {}, session: void 0, xhrWrappable: 'function' == typeof E._A.XMLHttpRequest?.prototype?.addEventListener, version: _.q4, denyList: void 0, }, S = {}; function D(e) { if (!e) throw new Error('All runtime objects require an agent identifier!'); if (!S[e]) throw new Error('Runtime for '.concat(e, ' was never set')); return S[e]; } function j(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error('All runtime objects require an agent identifier!'); (S[e] = (0, i.D)(t, T)), (0, n.Qy)(e, S[e], 'runtime'); } function N(e) { return (function (e) { try { const t = s(e); return !!t.licenseKey && !!t.errorBeacon && !!t.applicationID; } catch (e) { return !1; } })(e); } }, 9567: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { D: () => i }); var n = r(50); function i(e, t) { try { if (!e || 'object' != typeof e) return (0, n.Z)('Setting a Configurable requires an object as input'); if (!t || 'object' != typeof t) return (0, n.Z)('Setting a Configurable requires a model to set its initial properties'); const r = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(t), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)), o = 0 === Object.keys(r).length ? e : r; for (let a in o) if (void 0 !== e[a]) try { Array.isArray(e[a]) && Array.isArray(t[a]) ? (r[a] = Array.from(new Set([...e[a], ...t[a]]))) : 'object' == typeof e[a] && 'object' == typeof t[a] ? (r[a] = i(e[a], t[a])) : (r[a] = e[a]); } catch (e) { (0, n.Z)('An error occurred while setting a property of a Configurable', e); } return r; } catch (e) { (0, n.Z)('An error occured while setting a Configurable', e); } } }, 6818: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { Re: () => i, gF: () => o, lF: () => a, q4: () => n }); const n = '1.246.1', i = 'PROD', o = 'CDN', a = '2.0.0-alpha.11'; }, 385: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { FN: () => s, IF: () => d, Nk: () => f, Tt: () => c, _A: () => o, cv: () => h, iS: () => a, il: () => n, ux: () => u, v6: () => i, w1: () => l, }); const n = 'undefined' != typeof window && !!window.document, i = 'undefined' != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && (('undefined' != typeof self && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && self.navigator instanceof WorkerNavigator) || ('undefined' != typeof globalThis && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && globalThis.navigator instanceof WorkerNavigator)), o = n ? window : 'undefined' != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && (('undefined' != typeof self && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && self) || ('undefined' != typeof globalThis && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && globalThis)), a = Boolean('hidden' === o?.document?.visibilityState), s = '' + o?.location, c = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(o.navigator?.userAgent), u = c && 'undefined' == typeof SharedWorker, d = (() => { const e = o.navigator?.userAgent?.match(/Firefox[/\s](\d+\.\d+)/); return Array.isArray(e) && e.length >= 2 ? +e[1] : 0; })(), l = Boolean(n && window.document.documentMode), f = !!o.navigator?.sendBeacon, h = Math.floor(o?.performance?.timeOrigin || o?.performance?.timing?.navigationStart ||; }, 1117: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { w: () => o }); var n = r(50); const i = { agentIdentifier: '', ee: void 0 }; class o { constructor(e) { try { if ('object' != typeof e) return (0, n.Z)('shared context requires an object as input'); (this.sharedContext = {}), Object.assign(this.sharedContext, i), Object.entries(e).forEach(e => { let [t, r] = e; Object.keys(i).includes(t) && (this.sharedContext[t] = r); }); } catch (e) { (0, n.Z)('An error occured while setting SharedContext', e); } } } }, 8e3: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { L: () => d, R: () => c }); var n = r(8325), i = r(1284), o = r(4322), a = r(3325); const s = {}; function c(e, t) { const r = { staged: !1, priority: a.p[t] || 0 }; u(e), s[e].get(t) || s[e].set(t, r); } function u(e) { e && (s[e] || (s[e] = new Map())); } function d() { let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : '', t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 'feature'; if ((u(e), !e || !s[e].get(t))) return a(t); s[e].get(t).staged = !0; const r = [...s[e]]; function a(t) { const r = e ? :, a = o.X.handlers; if (r.backlog && a) { var s = r.backlog[t], c = a[t]; if (c) { for (var u = 0; s && u < s.length; ++u) l(s[u], c); (0, i.D)(c, function (e, t) { (0, i.D)(t, function (t, r) { r[0].on(e, r[1]); }); }); } delete a[t], (r.backlog[t] = null), r.emit('drain-' + t, []); } } r.every(e => { let [t, r] = e; return r.staged; }) && (r.sort((e, t) => e[1].priority - t[1].priority), r.forEach(t => { let [r] = t; s[e].delete(r), a(r); })); } function l(e, t) { var r = e[1]; (0, i.D)(t[r], function (t, r) { var n = e[0]; if (r[0] === n) { var i = r[1], o = e[3], a = e[2]; i.apply(o, a); } }); } }, 8325: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { A: () => c, ee: () => u }); var n = r(8632), i = r(2210), o = r(234); class a { constructor(e) { this.contextId = e; } } var s = r(3117); const c = 'nr@context:'.concat(s.a), u = (function e(t, r) { var n = {}, s = {}, d = {}, f = !1; try { f = 16 === r.length && (0, o.OP)(r).isolatedBacklog; } catch (e) {} var h = { on: g, addEventListener: g, removeEventListener: function (e, t) { var r = n[e]; if (!r) return; for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) r[i] === t && r.splice(i, 1); }, emit: function (e, r, n, i, o) { !1 !== o && (o = !0); if (u.aborted && !i) return; t && o && t.emit(e, r, n); for (var a = p(n), c = m(e), d = c.length, l = 0; l < d; l++) c[l].apply(a, r); var f = b()[s[e]]; f && f.push([h, e, r, a]); return a; }, get: v, listeners: m, context: p, buffer: function (e, t) { const r = b(); if (((t = t || 'feature'), h.aborted)) return; Object.entries(e || {}).forEach(e => { let [n, i] = e; (s[i] = t), t in r || (r[t] = []); }); }, abort: l, aborted: !1, isBuffering: function (e) { return !!b()[s[e]]; }, debugId: r, backlog: f ? {} : t && 'object' == typeof t.backlog ? t.backlog : {}, }; return h; function p(e) { return e && e instanceof a ? e : e ? (0, i.X)(e, c, () => new a(c)) : new a(c); } function g(e, t) { n[e] = m(e).concat(t); } function m(e) { return n[e] || []; } function v(t) { return (d[t] = d[t] || e(h, t)); } function b() { return h.backlog; } })(void 0, 'globalEE'), d = (0, n.fP)(); function l() { (u.aborted = !0), (u.backlog = {}); } || ( = u); }, 5546: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { E: () => n, p: () => i }); var n = r(8325).ee.get('handle'); function i(e, t, r, i, o) { o ? (o.buffer([e], i), o.emit(e, t, r)) : (n.buffer([e], i), n.emit(e, t, r)); } }, 4322: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { X: () => o }); var n = r(5546); o.on = a; var i = (o.handlers = {}); function o(e, t, r, o) { a(o || n.E, i, e, t, r); } function a(e, t, r, i, o) { o || (o = 'feature'), e || (e = n.E); var a = (t[o] = t[o] || {}); (a[r] = a[r] || []).push([e, i]); } }, 3239: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { bP: () => s, iz: () => c, m$: () => a }); var n = r(385); let i = !1, o = !1; try { const e = { get passive() { return (i = !0), !1; }, get signal() { return (o = !0), !1; }, }; n._A.addEventListener('test', null, e), n._A.removeEventListener('test', null, e); } catch (e) {} function a(e, t) { return i || o ? { capture: !!e, passive: i, signal: t } : !!e; } function s(e, t) { let r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], n = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0; window.addEventListener(e, t, a(r, n)); } function c(e, t) { let r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], n = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0; document.addEventListener(e, t, a(r, n)); } }, 3117: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { a: () => n }); const n = (0, r(4402).Rl)(); }, 4402: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { Ht: () => u, M: () => c, Rl: () => a, ky: () => s }); var n = r(385); const i = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'; function o(e, t) { return e ? 15 & e[t] : (16 * Math.random()) | 0; } function a() { const e = n._A?.crypto || n._A?.msCrypto; let t, r = 0; return ( e && e.getRandomValues && (t = e.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(31))), i .split('') .map(e => ('x' === e ? o(t, ++r).toString(16) : 'y' === e ? ((3 & o()) | 8).toString(16) : e)) .join('') ); } function s(e) { const t = n._A?.crypto || n._A?.msCrypto; let r, i = 0; t && t.getRandomValues && (r = t.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(31))); const a = []; for (var s = 0; s < e; s++) a.push(o(r, ++i).toString(16)); return a.join(''); } function c() { return s(16); } function u() { return s(32); } }, 7056: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { Bq: () => n, Hb: () => o, oD: () => i }); const n = 'NRBA', i = 144e5, o = 18e5; }, 7894: (e, t, r) => { function n() { return Math.round(; } r.d(t, { z: () => n }); }, 7243: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { e: () => i }); var n = r(385); function i(e) { if (0 === (e || '').indexOf('data:')) return { protocol: 'data' }; try { const t = new URL(e, location.href), r = { port: t.port, hostname: t.hostname, pathname: t.pathname, search:, protocol: t.protocol.slice(0, t.protocol.indexOf(':')), sameOrigin: t.protocol === n._A?.location?.protocol && === n._A?.location?.host, }; return ( (r.port && '' !== r.port) || ('http:' === t.protocol && (r.port = '80'), 'https:' === t.protocol && (r.port = '443')), r.pathname && '' !== r.pathname ? r.pathname.startsWith('/') || (r.pathname = '/'.concat(r.pathname)) : (r.pathname = '/'), r ); } catch (e) { return {}; } } }, 50: (e, t, r) => { function n(e, t) { 'function' == typeof console.warn && (console.warn('New Relic: '.concat(e)), t && console.warn(t)); } r.d(t, { Z: () => n }); }, 2587: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { N: () => c, T: () => u }); var n = r(8325), i = r(5546), o = r(3325); const a = { stn: [o.D.sessionTrace], err: [o.D.jserrors, o.D.metrics], ins: [o.D.pageAction], spa: [], sr: [o.D.sessionReplay, o.D.sessionTrace], }, s = new Set(); function c(e, t) { const r =; e && 'object' == typeof e && (s.has(t) || Object.entries(e).forEach(e => { let [t, n] = e; a[t] ? a[t].forEach(e => { n ? (0, i.p)('feat-' + t, [], void 0, e, r) : (0, i.p)('block-' + t, [], void 0, e, r), (0, i.p)('rumresp-' + t, [Boolean(n)], void 0, e, r); }) : n && (0, i.p)('feat-' + t, [], void 0, void 0, r), (u[t] = Boolean(n)); }), Object.keys(a).forEach(e => { void 0 === u[e] && (a[e]?.forEach(t => (0, i.p)('rumresp-' + e, [!1], void 0, t, r)), (u[e] = !1)); }), s.add(t)); } const u = {}; }, 2210: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { X: () => i }); var n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function i(e, t, r) { if (, t)) return e[t]; var i = r(); if (Object.defineProperty && Object.keys) try { return Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: i, writable: !0, enumerable: !1 }), i; } catch (e) {} return (e[t] = i), i; } }, 1284: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { D: () => n }); const n = (e, t) => Object.entries(e || {}).map(e => { let [r, n] = e; return t(r, n); }); }, 4351: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { P: () => o }); var n = r(8325); const i = () => { const e = new WeakSet(); return (t, r) => { if ('object' == typeof r && null !== r) { if (e.has(r)) return; e.add(r); } return r; }; }; function o(e) { try { return JSON.stringify(e, i()); } catch (e) { try {'internal-error', [e]); } catch (e) {} } } }, 3960: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { K: () => a, b: () => o }); var n = r(3239); function i() { return 'undefined' == typeof document || 'complete' === document.readyState; } function o(e, t) { if (i()) return e(); (0, n.bP)('load', e, t); } function a(e) { if (i()) return e(); (0, n.iz)('DOMContentLoaded', e); } }, 8632: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { EZ: () => u, Qy: () => c, ce: () => o, fP: () => a, gG: () => d, mF: () => s }); var n = r(7894), i = r(385); const o = { beacon: '', errorBeacon: '' }; function a() { return i._A.NREUM || (i._A.NREUM = {}), void 0 === i._A.newrelic && (i._A.newrelic = i._A.NREUM), i._A.NREUM; } function s() { let e = a(); return ( e.o || (e.o = { ST: i._A.setTimeout, SI: i._A.setImmediate, CT: i._A.clearTimeout, XHR: i._A.XMLHttpRequest, REQ: i._A.Request, EV: i._A.Event, PR: i._A.Promise, MO: i._A.MutationObserver, FETCH: i._A.fetch, }), e ); } function c(e, t, r) { let i = a(); const o = i.initializedAgents || {}, s = o[e] || {}; return ( Object.keys(s).length || (s.initializedAt = { ms: (0, n.z)(), date: new Date() }), (i.initializedAgents = { ...o, [e]: { ...s, [r]: t } }), i ); } function u(e, t) { a()[e] = t; } function d() { return ( (function () { let e = a(); const t = || {}; = { beacon: o.beacon, errorBeacon: o.errorBeacon, ...t }; })(), (function () { let e = a(); const t = e.init || {}; e.init = { ...t }; })(), s(), (function () { let e = a(); const t = e.loader_config || {}; e.loader_config = { ...t }; })(), a() ); } }, 7956: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { N: () => i }); var n = r(3239); function i(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], r = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, i = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0; (0, n.iz)( 'visibilitychange', function () { if (t) return void ('hidden' === document.visibilityState && e()); e(document.visibilityState); }, r, i, ); } }, 1214: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { em: () => b, u5: () => D, QU: () => C, _L: () => I, Gm: () => H, Lg: () => L, BV: () => G, Kf: () => K, }); var n = r(8325), i = r(3117); const o = 'nr@original:'.concat(i.a); var a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, s = !1; function c(e, t) { return ( e || (e =, (r.inPlace = function (e, t, n, i, o) { n || (n = ''); const a = '-' === n.charAt(0); for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { const c = t[s], u = e[c]; d(u) || (e[c] = r(u, a ? c + n : n, i, c, o)); } }), (r.flag = o), r ); function r(t, r, n, s, c) { return d(t) ? t : (r || (r = ''), (nrWrapper[o] = t), (function (e, t, r) { if (Object.defineProperty && Object.keys) try { return ( Object.keys(e).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(t, r, { get: function () { return e[r]; }, set: function (t) { return (e[r] = t), t; }, }); }), t ); } catch (e) { u([e], r); } for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); })(t, nrWrapper, e), nrWrapper); function nrWrapper() { var o, a, d, l; try { (a = this), (o = [...arguments]), (d = 'function' == typeof n ? n(o, a) : n || {}); } catch (t) { u([t, '', [o, a, s], d], e); } i(r + 'start', [o, a, s], d, c); try { return (l = t.apply(a, o)); } catch (e) { throw (i(r + 'err', [o, a, e], d, c), e); } finally { i(r + 'end', [o, a, l], d, c); } } } function i(r, n, i, o) { if (!s || t) { var a = s; s = !0; try { e.emit(r, n, i, t, o); } catch (t) { u([t, r, n, i], e); } s = a; } } } function u(e, t) { t || (t =; try { t.emit('internal-error', e); } catch (e) {} } function d(e) { return !(e && 'function' == typeof e && e.apply && !e[o]); } var l = r(2210), f = r(385); const h = {}, p = f._A.XMLHttpRequest, g = 'addEventListener', m = 'removeEventListener', v = 'nr@wrapped:'.concat(n.A); function b(e) { var t = (function (e) { return (e ||'events'); })(e); if (h[t.debugId]++) return t; h[t.debugId] = 1; var r = c(t, !0); function i(e) { r.inPlace(e, [g, m], '-', o); } function o(e, t) { return e[1]; } return ( 'getPrototypeOf' in Object && ( && y(document, i), y(f._A, i), y(p.prototype, i)), t.on(g + '-start', function (e, t) { var n = e[1]; if (null !== n && ('function' == typeof n || 'object' == typeof n)) { var i = (0, l.X)(n, v, function () { var e = { object: function () { if ('function' != typeof n.handleEvent) return; return n.handleEvent.apply(n, arguments); }, function: n, }[typeof n]; return e ? r(e, 'fn-', null, || 'anonymous') : n; }); this.wrapped = e[1] = i; } }), t.on(m + '-start', function (e) { e[1] = this.wrapped || e[1]; }), t ); } function y(e, t) { let r = e; for (; 'object' == typeof r && !, g); ) r = Object.getPrototypeOf(r); for (var n = arguments.length, i = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0), o = 2; o < n; o++) i[o - 2] = arguments[o]; r && t(r, ...i); } var A = 'fetch-', w = A + 'body-', x = ['arrayBuffer', 'blob', 'json', 'text', 'formData'], E = f._A.Request, _ = f._A.Response, T = 'prototype'; const S = {}; function D(e) { const t = (function (e) { return (e ||'fetch'); })(e); if (!(E && _ && f._A.fetch)) return t; if (S[t.debugId]++) return t; function r(e, r, i) { var o = e[r]; 'function' == typeof o && (e[r] = function () { var e, r = [...arguments], a = {}; t.emit(i + 'before-start', [r], a), a[n.A] && a[n.A].dt && (e = a[n.A].dt); var s = o.apply(this, r); return ( t.emit(i + 'start', [r, e], s), s.then( function (e) { return t.emit(i + 'end', [null, e], s), e; }, function (e) { throw (t.emit(i + 'end', [e], s), e); }, ) ); }); } return ( (S[t.debugId] = 1), x.forEach(e => { r(E[T], e, w), r(_[T], e, w); }), r(f._A, 'fetch', A), t.on(A + 'end', function (e, r) { var n = this; if (r) { var i = r.headers.get('content-length'); null !== i && (n.rxSize = i), t.emit(A + 'done', [null, r], n); } else t.emit(A + 'done', [e], n); }), t ); } const j = {}, N = ['pushState', 'replaceState']; function C(e) { const t = (function (e) { return (e ||'history'); })(e); return ! || j[t.debugId]++ || ((j[t.debugId] = 1), c(t).inPlace(window.history, N, '-')), t; } var O = r(3239); const P = {}, R = ['appendChild', 'insertBefore', 'replaceChild']; function I(e) { const t = (function (e) { return (e ||'jsonp'); })(e); if (! || P[t.debugId]) return t; P[t.debugId] = !0; var r = c(t), i = /[?&](?:callback|cb)=([^&#]+)/, o = /(.*)\.([^.]+)/, a = /^(\w+)(\.|$)(.*)$/; function s(e, t) { if (!e) return t; const r = e.match(a), n = r[1]; return s(r[3], t[n]); } return ( r.inPlace(Node.prototype, R, 'dom-'), t.on('dom-start', function (e) { !(function (e) { if (!e || 'string' != typeof e.nodeName || 'script' !== e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) return; if ('function' != typeof e.addEventListener) return; var n = ((a = e.src), (c = a.match(i)), c ? c[1] : null); var a, c; if (!n) return; var u = (function (e) { var t = e.match(o); if (t && t.length >= 3) return { key: t[2], parent: s(t[1], window) }; return { key: e, parent: window }; })(n); if ('function' != typeof u.parent[u.key]) return; var d = {}; function l() { t.emit('jsonp-end', [], d), e.removeEventListener('load', l, (0, O.m$)(!1)), e.removeEventListener('error', f, (0, O.m$)(!1)); } function f() { t.emit('jsonp-error', [], d), t.emit('jsonp-end', [], d), e.removeEventListener('load', l, (0, O.m$)(!1)), e.removeEventListener('error', f, (0, O.m$)(!1)); } r.inPlace(u.parent, [u.key], 'cb-', d), e.addEventListener('load', l, (0, O.m$)(!1)), e.addEventListener('error', f, (0, O.m$)(!1)), t.emit('new-jsonp', [e.src], d); })(e[0]); }), t ); } const k = {}; function H(e) { const t = (function (e) { return (e ||'mutation'); })(e); if (! || k[t.debugId]) return t; k[t.debugId] = !0; var r = c(t), i = f._A.MutationObserver; return ( i && ((window.MutationObserver = function (e) { return this instanceof i ? new i(r(e, 'fn-')) : i.apply(this, arguments); }), (MutationObserver.prototype = i.prototype)), t ); } const z = {}; function L(e) { const t = (function (e) { return (e ||'promise'); })(e); if (z[t.debugId]) return t; z[t.debugId] = !0; var r = t.context, i = c(t), a = f._A.Promise; return ( a && (function () { function e(r) { var n = t.context(), o = i(r, 'executor-', n, null, !1); const s = Reflect.construct(a, [o], e); return ( (t.context(s).getCtx = function () { return n; }), s ); } (f._A.Promise = e), Object.defineProperty(e, 'name', { value: 'Promise' }), (e.toString = function () { return a.toString(); }), Object.setPrototypeOf(e, a), ['all', 'race'].forEach(function (r) { const n = a[r]; e[r] = function (e) { let i = !1; [...(e || [])].forEach(e => { this.resolve(e).then(a('all' === r), a(!1)); }); const o = n.apply(this, arguments); return o; function a(e) { return function () { t.emit('propagate', [null, !i], o, !1, !1), (i = i || !e); }; } }; }), ['resolve', 'reject'].forEach(function (r) { const n = a[r]; e[r] = function (e) { const r = n.apply(this, arguments); return e !== r && t.emit('propagate', [e, !0], r, !1, !1), r; }; }), (e.prototype = a.prototype); const n = a.prototype.then; (a.prototype.then = function () { var e = this, o = r(e); o.promise = e; for (var a = arguments.length, s = new Array(a), c = 0; c < a; c++) s[c] = arguments[c]; (s[0] = i(s[0], 'cb-', o, null, !1)), (s[1] = i(s[1], 'cb-', o, null, !1)); const u = n.apply(this, s); return (o.nextPromise = u), t.emit('propagate', [e, !0], u, !1, !1), u; }), (a.prototype.then[o] = n), t.on('executor-start', function (e) { (e[0] = i(e[0], 'resolve-', this, null, !1)), (e[1] = i(e[1], 'resolve-', this, null, !1)); }), t.on('executor-err', function (e, t, r) { e[1](r); }), t.on('cb-end', function (e, r, n) { t.emit('propagate', [n, !0], this.nextPromise, !1, !1); }), t.on('propagate', function (e, r, n) { (this.getCtx && !r) || (this.getCtx = function () { if (e instanceof Promise) var r = t.context(e); return r && r.getCtx ? r.getCtx() : this; }); }); })(), t ); } const M = {}, F = 'setTimeout', B = 'setInterval', U = 'clearTimeout', Z = '-start', V = '-', q = [F, 'setImmediate', B, U, 'clearImmediate']; function G(e) { const t = (function (e) { return (e ||'timer'); })(e); if (M[t.debugId]++) return t; M[t.debugId] = 1; var r = c(t); return ( r.inPlace(f._A, q.slice(0, 2), F + V), r.inPlace(f._A, q.slice(2, 3), B + V), r.inPlace(f._A, q.slice(3), U + V), t.on(B + Z, function (e, t, n) { e[0] = r(e[0], 'fn-', null, n); }), t.on(F + Z, function (e, t, n) { (this.method = n), (this.timerDuration = isNaN(e[1]) ? 0 : +e[1]), (e[0] = r(e[0], 'fn-', this, n)); }), t ); } var W = r(50); const X = {}, Q = ['open', 'send']; function K(e) { var t = e ||; const r = (function (e) { return (e ||'xhr'); })(t); if (X[r.debugId]++) return r; (X[r.debugId] = 1), b(t); var i = c(r), o = f._A.XMLHttpRequest, a = f._A.MutationObserver, s = f._A.Promise, u = f._A.setInterval, d = 'readystatechange', l = ['onload', 'onerror', 'onabort', 'onloadstart', 'onloadend', 'onprogress', 'ontimeout'], h = [], p = (f._A.XMLHttpRequest = function (e) { const t = new o(e), n = r.context(t); try { r.emit('new-xhr', [t], n), t.addEventListener( d, ((a = n), function () { var e = this; e.readyState > 3 && !a.resolved && ((a.resolved = !0), r.emit('xhr-resolved', [], e)), i.inPlace(e, l, 'fn-', w); }), (0, O.m$)(!1), ); } catch (e) { (0, W.Z)('An error occurred while intercepting XHR', e); try { r.emit('internal-error', [e]); } catch (e) {} } var a; return t; }); function g(e, t) { i.inPlace(t, ['onreadystatechange'], 'fn-', w); } if ( ((function (e, t) { for (var r in e) t[r] = e[r]; })(o, p), (p.prototype = o.prototype), i.inPlace(p.prototype, Q, '-xhr-', w), r.on('send-xhr-start', function (e, t) { g(e, t), (function (e) { h.push(e), a && (m ? m.then(A) : u ? u(A) : ((v = -v), ( = v))); })(t); }), r.on('open-xhr-start', g), a) ) { var m = s && s.resolve(); if (!u && !s) { var v = 1, y = document.createTextNode(v); new a(A).observe(y, { characterData: !0 }); } } else t.on('fn-end', function (e) { (e[0] && e[0].type === d) || A(); }); function A() { for (var e = 0; e < h.length; e++) g(0, h[e]); h.length && (h = []); } function w(e, t) { return t; } return r; } }, 7825: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.ajax; }, 6660: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.jserrors; }, 3081: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { gF: () => o, mY: () => i, t9: () => n, vz: () => s, xS: () => a }); const n = r(3325).D.metrics, i = 'sm', o = 'cm', a = 'storeSupportabilityMetrics', s = 'storeEventMetrics'; }, 4649: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.pageAction; }, 7633: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.pageViewEvent; }, 9251: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.pageViewTiming; }, 7144: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { t: () => n }); const n = r(3325).D.sessionReplay; }, 3614: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { BST_RESOURCE: () => i, END: () => s, FEATURE_NAME: () => n, FN_END: () => u, FN_START: () => c, PUSH_STATE: () => d, RESOURCE: () => o, START: () => a, }); const n = r(3325).D.sessionTrace, i = 'bstResource', o = 'resource', a = '-start', s = '-end', c = 'fn' + a, u = 'fn' + s, d = 'pushState'; }, 7836: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { BODY: () => x, CB_END: () => E, CB_START: () => u, END: () => w, FEATURE_NAME: () => i, FETCH: () => T, FETCH_BODY: () => v, FETCH_DONE: () => m, FETCH_START: () => g, FN_END: () => c, FN_START: () => s, INTERACTION: () => f, INTERACTION_API: () => d, INTERACTION_EVENTS: () => o, JSONP_END: () => b, JSONP_NODE: () => p, JS_TIME: () => _, MAX_TIMER_BUDGET: () => a, REMAINING: () => l, SPA_NODE: () => h, START: () => A, originalSetTimeout: () => y, }); var n = r(234); const i = r(3325), o = ['click', 'submit', 'keypress', 'keydown', 'keyup', 'change'], a = 999, s = 'fn-start', c = 'fn-end', u = 'cb-start', d = 'api-ixn-', l = 'remaining', f = 'interaction', h = 'spaNode', p = 'jsonpNode', g = 'fetch-start', m = 'fetch-done', v = 'fetch-body-', b = 'jsonp-end', y = n.Yu.ST, A = '-start', w = '-end', x = '-body', E = 'cb' + w, _ = 'jsTime', T = 'fetch'; }, 5938: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { W: () => i }); var n = r(8325); class i { constructor(e, t, r) { (this.agentIdentifier = e), (this.aggregator = t), ( =, (this.featureName = r), (this.blocked = !1); } } }, 7530: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { j: () => b }); var n = r(3325), i = r(234), o = r(5546), a = r(8325), s = r(7894), c = r(8e3), u = r(3960), d = r(385), l = r(50), f = r(3081), h = r(8632); function p() { const e = (0, h.gG)(); [ 'setErrorHandler', 'finished', 'addToTrace', 'addRelease', 'addPageAction', 'setCurrentRouteName', 'setPageViewName', 'setCustomAttribute', 'interaction', 'noticeError', 'setUserId', 'setApplicationVersion', 'start', ].forEach(t => { e[t] = function () { for (var r = arguments.length, n = new Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++) n[i] = arguments[i]; return (function (t) { for (var r = arguments.length, n = new Array(r > 1 ? r - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < r; i++) n[i - 1] = arguments[i]; let o = []; return ( Object.values(e.initializedAgents).forEach(e => { && e.api[t] && o.push(e.api[t](...n)); }), o.length > 1 ? o : o[0] ); })(t, ...n); }; }); } var g = r(2587); const m = e => { const t = e.startsWith('http'); (e += '/'), (r.p = t ? e : 'https://' + e); }; let v = !1; function b(e) { let t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, b = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, y = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0, { init: A, info: w, loader_config: x, runtime: E = { loaderType: b }, exposed: _ = !0 } = t; const T = (0, h.gG)(); w || ((A = T.init), (w =, (x = T.loader_config)), (0, i.Dg)(e, A || {}), (0, i.GE)(e, x || {}), (w.jsAttributes ??= {}), d.v6 && (w.jsAttributes.isWorker = !0), (0, i.CX)(e, w); const S = (0, i.P_)(e), D = [w.beacon, w.errorBeacon]; v || ((v = !0), S.proxy.assets && (m(S.proxy.assets), D.push(S.proxy.assets)), S.proxy.beacon && D.push(S.proxy.beacon)), (E.denyList = [...(S.ajax.deny_list || []), ...(S.ajax.block_internal ? D : [])]), (0, i.sU)(e, E), p(); const j = (function (e, t) { t || (0, c.R)(e, 'api'); const h = {}; var p =, g = p.get('tracer'), m = 'api-', v = m + 'ixn-'; function b(t, r, n, o) { const a = (0, i.C5)(e); return ( null === r ? delete a.jsAttributes[t] : (0, i.CX)(e, { ...a, jsAttributes: { ...a.jsAttributes, [t]: r } }), w(m, n, !0, o || null === r ? 'session' : void 0)(t, r) ); } function y() {} ['setErrorHandler', 'finished', 'addToTrace', 'addRelease'].forEach(e => { h[e] = w(m, e, !0, 'api'); }), (h.addPageAction = w(m, 'addPageAction', !0, n.D.pageAction)), (h.setCurrentRouteName = w(m, 'routeName', !0,, (h.setPageViewName = function (t, r) { if ('string' == typeof t) return ( '/' !== t.charAt(0) && (t = '/' + t), ((0, i.OP)(e).customTransaction = (r || 'http://custom.transaction') + t), w(m, 'setPageViewName', !0)() ); }), (h.setCustomAttribute = function (e, t) { let r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2]; if ('string' == typeof e) { if (['string', 'number', 'boolean'].includes(typeof t) || null === t) return b(e, t, 'setCustomAttribute', r); (0, l.Z)( 'Failed to execute setCustomAttribute.\nNon-null value must be a string, number or boolean type, but a type of <'.concat( typeof t, '> was provided.', ), ); } else (0, l.Z)( 'Failed to execute setCustomAttribute.\nName must be a string type, but a type of <'.concat( typeof e, '> was provided.', ), ); }), (h.setUserId = function (e) { if ('string' == typeof e || null === e) return b('', e, 'setUserId', !0); (0, l.Z)( 'Failed to execute setUserId.\nNon-null value must be a string type, but a type of <'.concat( typeof e, '> was provided.', ), ); }), (h.setApplicationVersion = function (e) { if ('string' == typeof e || null === e) return b('application.version', e, 'setApplicationVersion', !1); (0, l.Z)( 'Failed to execute setApplicationVersion. Expected <String | null>, but got <'.concat(typeof e, '>.'), ); }), (h.start = e => { try { const t = e ? 'defined' : 'undefined'; (0, o.p)(f.xS, ['API/start/'.concat(t, '/called')], void 0, n.D.metrics, p); const r = Object.values(n.D); if (void 0 === e) e = r; else { if ((e = Array.isArray(e) && e.length ? e : [e]).some(e => !r.includes(e))) return (0, l.Z)('Invalid feature name supplied. Acceptable feature names are: '.concat(r)); e.includes(n.D.pageViewEvent) || e.push(n.D.pageViewEvent); } e.forEach(e => { p.emit(''.concat(e, '-opt-in')); }); } catch (e) { (0, l.Z)('An unexpected issue occurred', e); } }), (h.interaction = function () { return new y().get(); }); var A = (y.prototype = { createTracer: function (e, t) { var r = {}, i = this, a = 'function' == typeof t; return ( (0, o.p)(v + 'tracer', [(0, s.z)(), e, r], i,, p), function () { if ((g.emit((a ? '' : 'no-') + 'fn-start', [(0, s.z)(), i, a], r), a)) try { return t.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { throw (g.emit('fn-err', [arguments, this, e], r), e); } finally { g.emit('fn-end', [(0, s.z)()], r); } } ); }, }); function w(e, t, r, i) { return function () { return ( (0, o.p)(f.xS, ['API/' + t + '/called'], void 0, n.D.metrics, p), i && (0, o.p)(e + t, [(0, s.z)(), ...arguments], r ? null : this, i, p), r ? void 0 : this ); }; } function x() { r.e(111) .then(r.bind(r, 7438)) .then(t => { let { setAPI: r } = t; r(e), (0, c.L)(e, 'api'); }) .catch(() => (0, l.Z)('Downloading runtime APIs failed...')); } return ( ['actionText', 'setName', 'setAttribute', 'save', 'ignore', 'onEnd', 'getContext', 'end', 'get'].forEach( e => { A[e] = w(v, e, void 0,; }, ), (h.noticeError = function (e, t) { 'string' == typeof e && (e = new Error(e)), (0, o.p)(f.xS, ['API/noticeError/called'], void 0, n.D.metrics, p), (0, o.p)('err', [e, (0, s.z)(), !1, t], void 0, n.D.jserrors, p); }), ? (0, u.b)(() => x(), !0) : x(), h ); })(e, y); return (0, h.Qy)(e, j, 'api'), (0, h.Qy)(e, _, 'exposed'), (0, h.EZ)('activatedFeatures', g.T), j; } }, 3325: (e, t, r) => { r.d(t, { D: () => n, p: () => i }); const n = { ajax: 'ajax', jserrors: 'jserrors', metrics: 'metrics', pageAction: 'page_action', pageViewEvent: 'page_view_event', pageViewTiming: 'page_view_timing', sessionReplay: 'session_replay', sessionTrace: 'session_trace', spa: 'spa', }, i = { [n.pageViewEvent]: 1, [n.pageViewTiming]: 2, [n.metrics]: 3, [n.jserrors]: 4, [n.ajax]: 5, [n.sessionTrace]: 6, [n.pageAction]: 7, []: 8, [n.sessionReplay]: 9, }; }, }, n = {}; function i(e) { var t = n[e]; if (void 0 !== t) return t.exports; var o = (n[e] = { exports: {} }); return r[e](o, o.exports, i), o.exports; } (i.m = r), (i.d = (e, t) => { for (var r in t) i.o(t, r) && !i.o(e, r) && Object.defineProperty(e, r, { enumerable: !0, get: t[r] }); }), (i.f = {}), (i.e = e => Promise.all(Object.keys(i.f).reduce((t, r) => (i.f[r](e, t), t), []))), (i.u = e => ({ 111: 'nr-spa', 164: 'nr-spa-compressor', 433: 'nr-spa-recorder' }[e] + '-1.246.1.min.js')), (i.o = (e, t) =>, t)), (e = {}), (t = 'NRBA-1.246.1.PROD:'), (i.l = (r, n, o, a) => { if (e[r]) e[r].push(n); else { var s, c; if (void 0 !== o) for (var u = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), d = 0; d < u.length; d++) { var l = u[d]; if (l.getAttribute('src') == r || l.getAttribute('data-webpack') == t + o) { s = l; break; } } s || ((c = !0), ((s = document.createElement('script')).charset = 'utf-8'), (s.timeout = 120), && s.setAttribute('nonce',, s.setAttribute('data-webpack', t + o), (s.src = r)), (e[r] = [n]); var f = (t, n) => { (s.onerror = s.onload = null), clearTimeout(h); var i = e[r]; if ((delete e[r], s.parentNode && s.parentNode.removeChild(s), i && i.forEach(e => e(n)), t)) return t(n); }, h = setTimeout(f.bind(null, void 0, { type: 'timeout', target: s }), 12e4); (s.onerror = f.bind(null, s.onerror)), (s.onload = f.bind(null, s.onload)), c && document.head.appendChild(s); } }), (i.r = e => { 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }), Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); }), (i.p = ''), (() => { var e = { 801: 0, 92: 0 }; i.f.j = (t, r) => { var n = i.o(e, t) ? e[t] : void 0; if (0 !== n) if (n) r.push(n[2]); else { var o = new Promise((r, i) => (n = e[t] = [r, i])); r.push((n[2] = o)); var a = i.p + i.u(t), s = new Error(); i.l( a, r => { if (i.o(e, t) && (0 !== (n = e[t]) && (e[t] = void 0), n)) { var o = r && ('load' === r.type ? 'missing' : r.type), a = r && &&; (s.message = 'Loading chunk ' + t + ' failed.\n(' + o + ': ' + a + ')'), ( = 'ChunkLoadError'), (s.type = o), (s.request = a), n[1](s); } }, 'chunk-' + t, t, ); } }; var t = (t, r) => { var n, o, [a, s, c] = r, u = 0; if (a.some(t => 0 !== e[t])) { for (n in s) i.o(s, n) && (i.m[n] = s[n]); if (c) c(i); } for (t && t(r); u < a.length; u++) (o = a[u]), i.o(e, o) && e[o] && e[o][0](), (e[o] = 0); }, r = (self['webpackChunk:NRBA-1.246.1.PROD'] = self['webpackChunk:NRBA-1.246.1.PROD'] || []); r.forEach(t.bind(null, 0)), (r.push = t.bind(null, r.push.bind(r))); })(), (() => { var e = i(50); class t { addPageAction(t, r) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api addPageAction failed. The page action feature is not currently initialized.'); } setPageViewName(t, r) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api setPageViewName failed. The page view feature is not currently initialized.'); } setCustomAttribute(t, r, n) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api setCustomAttribute failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.'); } noticeError(t, r) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api noticeError failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.'); } setUserId(t) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api setUserId failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.'); } setApplicationVersion(t) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api setApplicationVersion failed. The agent is not currently initialized.'); } setErrorHandler(t) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api setErrorHandler failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.'); } finished(t) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api finished failed. The page action feature is not currently initialized.'); } addRelease(t, r) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api addRelease failed. The js errors feature is not currently initialized.'); } start(t) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api addRelease failed. The agent is not currently initialized.'); } } var r = i(3325), n = i(234); const o = Object.values(r.D); function a(e) { const t = {}; return ( o.forEach(r => { t[r] = (function (e, t) { return !1 !== (0, n.Mt)(t, ''.concat(e, '.enabled')); })(r, e); }), t ); } var s = i(7530); var c = i(8e3), u = i(5938), d = i(3960), l = i(385); class f extends u.W { constructor(e, t, r) { let i = !(arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]) || arguments[3]; super(e, t, r), ( = i), (this.abortHandler = void 0), (this.featAggregate = void 0), (this.onAggregateImported = void 0), !1 === (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, ''.concat(this.featureName, '.autoStart')) && ( = !1), && (0, c.R)(e, r); } importAggregator() { let t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; if (this.featAggregate) return; if (! return void''.concat(this.featureName, '-opt-in'), () => { (0, c.R)(this.agentIdentifier, this.featureName), ( = !0), this.importAggregator(); }); const r = && !0 === (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, 'privacy.cookies_enabled'); let o; this.onAggregateImported = new Promise(e => { o = e; }); const a = async () => { let n; try { if (r) { const { setupAgentSession: e } = await i.e(111).then(i.bind(i, 3228)); n = e(this.agentIdentifier); } } catch (t) { (0, e.Z)( 'A problem occurred when starting up session manager. This page will not start or extend any session.', t, ); } try { if (!this.shouldImportAgg(this.featureName, n)) return (0, c.L)(this.agentIdentifier, this.featureName), void o(!1); const { lazyFeatureLoader: e } = await i.e(111).then(i.bind(i, 8582)), { Aggregate: r } = await e(this.featureName, 'aggregate'); (this.featAggregate = new r(this.agentIdentifier, this.aggregator, t)), o(!0); } catch (t) { (0, e.Z)('Downloading and initializing '.concat(this.featureName, ' failed...'), t), this.abortHandler?.(), (0, c.L)(this.agentIdentifier, this.featureName), o(!1); } }; ? (0, d.b)(() => a(), !0) : a(); } shouldImportAgg(e, t) { return ( e !== r.D.sessionReplay || (!!n.Yu.MO && !1 !== (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, 'session_trace.enabled') && (!!t?.isNew || !!t?.state.sessionReplayMode)) ); } } var h = i(7633); class p extends f { static featureName = h.t; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, h.t, r), this.importAggregator(); } } var g = i(1117), m = i(1284); class v extends g.w { constructor(e) { super(e), (this.aggregatedData = {}); } store(e, t, r, n, i) { var o = this.getBucket(e, t, r, i); return ( (o.metrics = (function (e, t) { t || (t = { count: 0 }); return ( (t.count += 1), (0, m.D)(e, function (e, r) { t[e] = b(r, t[e]); }), t ); })(n, o.metrics)), o ); } merge(e, t, r, n, i) { var o = this.getBucket(e, t, n, i); if (o.metrics) { var a = o.metrics; (a.count += r.count), (0, m.D)(r, function (e, t) { if ('count' !== e) { var n = a[e], i = r[e]; i && !i.c ? (a[e] = b(i.t, n)) : (a[e] = (function (e, t) { if (!t) return e; t.c || (t = y(t.t)); return ( (t.min = Math.min(e.min, t.min)), (t.max = Math.max(e.max, t.max)), (t.t += e.t), (t.sos += e.sos), (t.c += e.c), t ); })(i, a[e])); } }); } else o.metrics = r; } storeMetric(e, t, r, n) { var i = this.getBucket(e, t, r); return (i.stats = b(n, i.stats)), i; } getBucket(e, t, r, n) { this.aggregatedData[e] || (this.aggregatedData[e] = {}); var i = this.aggregatedData[e][t]; return i || ((i = this.aggregatedData[e][t] = { params: r || {} }), n && (i.custom = n)), i; } get(e, t) { return t ? this.aggregatedData[e] && this.aggregatedData[e][t] : this.aggregatedData[e]; } take(e) { for (var t = {}, r = '', n = !1, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) (t[(r = e[i])] = A(this.aggregatedData[r])), t[r].length && (n = !0), delete this.aggregatedData[r]; return n ? t : null; } } function b(e, t) { return null == e ? (function (e) { e ? e.c++ : (e = { c: 1 }); return e; })(t) : t ? (t.c || (t = y(t.t)), (t.c += 1), (t.t += e), (t.sos += e * e), e > t.max && (t.max = e), e < t.min && (t.min = e), t) : { t: e }; } function y(e) { return { t: e, min: e, max: e, sos: e * e, c: 1 }; } function A(e) { return 'object' != typeof e ? [] : (0, m.D)(e, w); } function w(e, t) { return t; } var x = i(8632), E = i(4402), _ = i(4351); var T = i(5546), S = i(7956), D = i(3239), j = i(7894), N = i(9251); class C extends f { static featureName = N.t; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, N.t, r), && ((0, S.N)(() => (0, T.p)('docHidden', [(0, j.z)()], void 0, N.t,, !0), (0, D.bP)('pagehide', () => (0, T.p)('winPagehide', [(0, j.z)()], void 0, N.t,, this.importAggregator()); } } var O = i(3081); class P extends f { static featureName = O.t9; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, O.t9, r), this.importAggregator(); } } var R = i(6660); class I { constructor(e, t, r, n) { ( = 'UncaughtError'), (this.message = e), (this.sourceURL = t), (this.line = r), (this.column = n); } } class k extends f { static featureName = R.t; #e = new Set(); constructor(e, t) { let n = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, R.t, n); try { this.removeOnAbort = new AbortController(); } catch (e) {}'fn-err', (e, t, n) => { this.abortHandler && !this.#e.has(n) && (this.#e.add(n), (0, T.p)('err', [this.#t(n), (0, j.z)()], void 0, r.D.jserrors,; }),'internal-error', e => { this.abortHandler && (0, T.p)('ierr', [this.#t(e), (0, j.z)(), !0], void 0, r.D.jserrors,; }), l._A.addEventListener( 'unhandledrejection', e => { this.abortHandler && (0, T.p)( 'err', [this.#r(e), (0, j.z)(), !1, { unhandledPromiseRejection: 1 }], void 0, r.D.jserrors,, ); }, (0, D.m$)(!1, this.removeOnAbort?.signal), ), l._A.addEventListener( 'error', e => { this.abortHandler && (this.#e.has(e.error) ? this.#e.delete(e.error) : (0, T.p)('err', [this.#n(e), (0, j.z)()], void 0, r.D.jserrors,; }, (0, D.m$)(!1, this.removeOnAbort?.signal), ), (this.abortHandler = this.#i), this.importAggregator(); } #i() { this.removeOnAbort?.abort(), this.#e.clear(), (this.abortHandler = void 0); } #t(e) { return e instanceof Error ? e : void 0 !== e?.message ? new I(e.message, e.filename || e.sourceURL, e.lineno || e.line, e.colno || e.col) : new I('string' == typeof e ? e : (0, _.P)(e)); } #r(e) { let t = 'Unhandled Promise Rejection: '; if (e?.reason instanceof Error) try { return (e.reason.message = t + e.reason.message), e.reason; } catch (t) { return e.reason; } if (void 0 === e.reason) return new I(t); const r = this.#t(e.reason); return (r.message = t + r.message), r; } #n(e) { return e.error instanceof Error ? e.error : new I(e.message, e.filename, e.lineno, e.colno); } } var H = i(2210); let z = 1; const L = 'nr@id'; function M(e) { const t = typeof e; return !e || ('object' !== t && 'function' !== t) ? -1 : e === l._A ? 0 : (0, H.X)(e, L, function () { return z++; }); } function F(e) { if ('string' == typeof e && e.length) return e.length; if ('object' == typeof e) { if ('undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && e instanceof ArrayBuffer && e.byteLength) return e.byteLength; if ('undefined' != typeof Blob && e instanceof Blob && e.size) return e.size; if (!('undefined' != typeof FormData && e instanceof FormData)) try { return (0, _.P)(e).length; } catch (e) { return; } } } var B = i(1214), U = i(7243); class Z { constructor(e) { this.agentIdentifier = e; } generateTracePayload(e) { if (!this.shouldGenerateTrace(e)) return null; var t = (0, n.DL)(this.agentIdentifier); if (!t) return null; var r = (t.accountID || '').toString() || null, i = (t.agentID || '').toString() || null, o = (t.trustKey || '').toString() || null; if (!r || !i) return null; var a = (0, E.M)(), s = (0, E.Ht)(), c =, u = { spanId: a, traceId: s, timestamp: c }; return ( (e.sameOrigin || (this.isAllowedOrigin(e) && this.useTraceContextHeadersForCors())) && ((u.traceContextParentHeader = this.generateTraceContextParentHeader(a, s)), (u.traceContextStateHeader = this.generateTraceContextStateHeader(a, c, r, i, o))), ((e.sameOrigin && !this.excludeNewrelicHeader()) || (!e.sameOrigin && this.isAllowedOrigin(e) && this.useNewrelicHeaderForCors())) && (u.newrelicHeader = this.generateTraceHeader(a, s, c, r, i, o)), u ); } generateTraceContextParentHeader(e, t) { return '00-' + t + '-' + e + '-01'; } generateTraceContextStateHeader(e, t, r, n, i) { return i + '@nr=0-1-' + r + '-' + n + '-' + e + '----' + t; } generateTraceHeader(e, t, r, n, i, o) { if (!('function' == typeof l._A?.btoa)) return null; var a = { v: [0, 1], d: { ty: 'Browser', ac: n, ap: i, id: e, tr: t, ti: r } }; return o && n !== o && ( = o), btoa((0, _.P)(a)); } shouldGenerateTrace(e) { return this.isDtEnabled() && this.isAllowedOrigin(e); } isAllowedOrigin(e) { var t = !1, r = {}; if ( ((0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, 'distributed_tracing') && (r = (0, n.P_)(this.agentIdentifier).distributed_tracing), e.sameOrigin) ) t = !0; else if (r.allowed_origins instanceof Array) for (var i = 0; i < r.allowed_origins.length; i++) { var o = (0, U.e)(r.allowed_origins[i]); if (e.hostname === o.hostname && e.protocol === o.protocol && e.port === o.port) { t = !0; break; } } return t; } isDtEnabled() { var e = (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, 'distributed_tracing'); return !!e && !!e.enabled; } excludeNewrelicHeader() { var e = (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, 'distributed_tracing'); return !!e && !!e.exclude_newrelic_header; } useNewrelicHeaderForCors() { var e = (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, 'distributed_tracing'); return !!e && !1 !== e.cors_use_newrelic_header; } useTraceContextHeadersForCors() { var e = (0, n.Mt)(this.agentIdentifier, 'distributed_tracing'); return !!e && !!e.cors_use_tracecontext_headers; } } var V = i(7825), q = ['load', 'error', 'abort', 'timeout'], G = q.length, W = n.Yu.REQ, X = n.Yu.XHR; class Q extends f { static featureName = V.t; constructor(e, t) { let i = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; if ((super(e, t, V.t, i), (0, n.OP)(e).xhrWrappable)) { (this.dt = new Z(e)), (this.handler = (e, t, r, n) => (0, T.p)(e, t, r, n,; try { const e = { xmlhttprequest: 'xhr', fetch: 'fetch', beacon: 'beacon' }; l._A?.performance?.getEntriesByType('resource').forEach(t => { if (t.initiatorType in e && 0 !== t.responseStatus) { const n = { status: t.responseStatus }, i = { rxSize: t.transferSize, duration: Math.floor(t.duration), cbTime: 0 }; K(n,, this.handler('xhr', [n, i, t.startTime, t.responseEnd, e[t.initiatorType]], void 0, r.D.ajax); } }); } catch (e) {} (0, B.u5)(, (0, B.Kf)(, (function (e, t, i, o) { function a(e) { var t = this; (t.totalCbs = 0), (t.called = 0), (t.cbTime = 0), (t.end = x), (t.ended = !1), (t.xhrGuids = {}), (t.lastSize = null), (t.loadCaptureCalled = !1), (t.params = this.params || {}), (t.metrics = this.metrics || {}), e.addEventListener( 'load', function (r) { E(t, e); }, (0, D.m$)(!1), ), l.IF || e.addEventListener( 'progress', function (e) { t.lastSize = e.loaded; }, (0, D.m$)(!1), ); } function s(e) { (this.params = { method: e[0] }), K(this, e[1]), (this.metrics = {}); } function c(t, r) { var i = (0, n.DL)(e); i.xpid && this.sameOrigin && r.setRequestHeader('X-NewRelic-ID', i.xpid); var a = o.generateTracePayload(this.parsedOrigin); if (a) { var s = !1; a.newrelicHeader && (r.setRequestHeader('newrelic', a.newrelicHeader), (s = !0)), a.traceContextParentHeader && (r.setRequestHeader('traceparent', a.traceContextParentHeader), a.traceContextStateHeader && r.setRequestHeader('tracestate', a.traceContextStateHeader), (s = !0)), s && (this.dt = a); } } function u(e, r) { var n = this.metrics, i = e[0], o = this; if (n && i) { var a = F(i); a && (n.txSize = a); } (this.startTime = (0, j.z)()), (this.body = i), (this.listener = function (e) { try { 'abort' !== e.type || o.loadCaptureCalled || (o.params.aborted = !0), ('load' !== e.type || (o.called === o.totalCbs && (o.onloadCalled || 'function' != typeof r.onload) && 'function' == typeof o.end)) && o.end(r); } catch (e) { try { t.emit('internal-error', [e]); } catch (e) {} } }); for (var s = 0; s < G; s++) r.addEventListener(q[s], this.listener, (0, D.m$)(!1)); } function d(e, t, r) { (this.cbTime += e), t ? (this.onloadCalled = !0) : (this.called += 1), this.called !== this.totalCbs || (!this.onloadCalled && 'function' == typeof r.onload) || 'function' != typeof this.end || this.end(r); } function f(e, t) { var r = '' + M(e) + !!t; this.xhrGuids && !this.xhrGuids[r] && ((this.xhrGuids[r] = !0), (this.totalCbs += 1)); } function h(e, t) { var r = '' + M(e) + !!t; this.xhrGuids && this.xhrGuids[r] && (delete this.xhrGuids[r], (this.totalCbs -= 1)); } function p() { this.endTime = (0, j.z)(); } function g(e, r) { r instanceof X && 'load' === e[0] && t.emit('xhr-load-added', [e[1], e[2]], r); } function m(e, r) { r instanceof X && 'load' === e[0] && t.emit('xhr-load-removed', [e[1], e[2]], r); } function v(e, t, r) { t instanceof X && ('onload' === r && (this.onload = !0), ('load' === (e[0] && e[0].type) || this.onload) && (this.xhrCbStart = (0, j.z)())); } function b(e, r) { this.xhrCbStart && t.emit('xhr-cb-time', [(0, j.z)() - this.xhrCbStart, this.onload, r], r); } function y(e) { var t, r = e[1] || {}; if ( ('string' == typeof e[0] ? 0 === (t = e[0]).length && && (t = '' + l._A.location.href) : e[0] && e[0].url ? (t = e[0].url) : l._A?.URL && e[0] && e[0] instanceof URL ? (t = e[0].href) : 'function' == typeof e[0].toString && (t = e[0].toString()), 'string' == typeof t && 0 !== t.length) ) { t && ((this.parsedOrigin = (0, U.e)(t)), (this.sameOrigin = this.parsedOrigin.sameOrigin)); var n = o.generateTracePayload(this.parsedOrigin); if (n && (n.newrelicHeader || n.traceContextParentHeader)) if (e[0] && e[0].headers) s(e[0].headers, n) && (this.dt = n); else { var i = {}; for (var a in r) i[a] = r[a]; (i.headers = new Headers(r.headers || {})), s(i.headers, n) && (this.dt = n), e.length > 1 ? (e[1] = i) : e.push(i); } } function s(e, t) { var r = !1; return ( t.newrelicHeader && (e.set('newrelic', t.newrelicHeader), (r = !0)), t.traceContextParentHeader && (e.set('traceparent', t.traceContextParentHeader), t.traceContextStateHeader && e.set('tracestate', t.traceContextStateHeader), (r = !0)), r ); } } function A(e, t) { (this.params = {}), (this.metrics = {}), (this.startTime = (0, j.z)()), (this.dt = t), e.length >= 1 && ( = e[0]), e.length >= 2 && (this.opts = e[1]); var r, n = this.opts || {}, i =; 'string' == typeof i ? (r = i) : 'object' == typeof i && i instanceof W ? (r = i.url) : l._A?.URL && 'object' == typeof i && i instanceof URL && (r = i.href), K(this, r); var o = ('' + ((i && i instanceof W && i.method) || n.method || 'GET')).toUpperCase(); (this.params.method = o), (this.body = n.body), (this.txSize = F(n.body) || 0); } function w(e, t) { var n; (this.endTime = (0, j.z)()), this.params || (this.params = {}), (this.params.status = t ? t.status : 0), 'string' == typeof this.rxSize && this.rxSize.length > 0 && (n = +this.rxSize); var o = { txSize: this.txSize, rxSize: n, duration: (0, j.z)() - this.startTime }; i('xhr', [this.params, o, this.startTime, this.endTime, 'fetch'], this, r.D.ajax); } function x(e) { var t = this.params, n = this.metrics; if (!this.ended) { this.ended = !0; for (var o = 0; o < G; o++) e.removeEventListener(q[o], this.listener, !1); t.aborted || ((n.duration = (0, j.z)() - this.startTime), this.loadCaptureCalled || 4 !== e.readyState ? null == t.status && (t.status = 0) : E(this, e), (n.cbTime = this.cbTime), i('xhr', [t, n, this.startTime, this.endTime, 'xhr'], this, r.D.ajax)); } } function E(e, t) { e.params.status = t.status; var r = (function (e, t) { var r = e.responseType; return 'json' === r && null !== t ? t : 'arraybuffer' === r || 'blob' === r || 'json' === r ? F(e.response) : 'text' === r || '' === r || void 0 === r ? F(e.responseText) : void 0; })(t, e.lastSize); if ((r && (e.metrics.rxSize = r), e.sameOrigin)) { var n = t.getResponseHeader('X-NewRelic-App-Data'); n && ( = n.split(', ').pop()); } e.loadCaptureCalled = !0; } t.on('new-xhr', a), t.on('open-xhr-start', s), t.on('open-xhr-end', c), t.on('send-xhr-start', u), t.on('xhr-cb-time', d), t.on('xhr-load-added', f), t.on('xhr-load-removed', h), t.on('xhr-resolved', p), t.on('addEventListener-end', g), t.on('removeEventListener-end', m), t.on('fn-end', b), t.on('fetch-before-start', y), t.on('fetch-start', A), t.on('fn-start', v), t.on('fetch-done', w); })(e,, this.handler, this.dt), this.importAggregator(); } } } function K(e, t) { var r = (0, U.e)(t), n = e.params || e; (n.hostname = r.hostname), (n.port = r.port), (n.protocol = r.protocol), ( = r.hostname + ':' + r.port), (n.pathname = r.pathname), (e.parsedOrigin = r), (e.sameOrigin = r.sameOrigin); } var Y = i(3614); const { BST_RESOURCE: J, RESOURCE: ee, START: te, END: re, FEATURE_NAME: ne, FN_END: ie, FN_START: oe, PUSH_STATE: ae, } = Y; var se = i(7144); class ce extends f { static featureName = se.t; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, se.t, r), this.importAggregator(); } } var ue = i(7836); const { FEATURE_NAME: de, START: le, END: fe, BODY: he, CB_END: pe, JS_TIME: ge, FETCH: me, FN_START: ve, CB_START: be, FN_END: ye, } = ue; var Ae = i(4649); class we extends f { static featureName = Ae.t; constructor(e, t) { let r = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]; super(e, t, Ae.t, r), this.importAggregator(); } } new (class extends t { constructor(t) { let r = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : (0,; super(), l._A ? ((this.agentIdentifier = r), (this.sharedAggregator = new v({ agentIdentifier: this.agentIdentifier })), (this.features = {}), (this.desiredFeatures = new Set(t.features || [])), this.desiredFeatures.add(p), Object.assign(this, (0, s.j)(this.agentIdentifier, t, t.loaderType || 'agent')), : (0, e.Z)('Failed to initial the agent. Could not determine the runtime environment.'); } get config() { return { info: (0, n.C5)(this.agentIdentifier), init: (0, n.P_)(this.agentIdentifier), loader_config: (0, n.DL)(this.agentIdentifier), runtime: (0, n.OP)(this.agentIdentifier), }; } run() { const t = 'features'; try { const n = a(this.agentIdentifier), i = [...this.desiredFeatures]; i.sort((e, t) => r.p[e.featureName] - r.p[t.featureName]), i.forEach(t => { if (n[t.featureName] || t.featureName === r.D.pageViewEvent) { const i = (function (e) { switch (e) { case r.D.ajax: return [r.D.jserrors]; case r.D.sessionTrace: return [r.D.ajax, r.D.pageViewEvent]; case r.D.sessionReplay: return [r.D.sessionTrace]; case r.D.pageViewTiming: return [r.D.pageViewEvent]; default: return []; } })(t.featureName); i.every(e => n[e]) || (0, e.Z)( '' .concat(t.featureName, ' is enabled but one or more dependent features has been disabled (') .concat((0, _.P)(i), '). This may cause unintended consequences or missing data...'), ), (this.features[t.featureName] = new t(this.agentIdentifier, this.sharedAggregator)); } }), (0, x.Qy)(this.agentIdentifier, this.features, t); } catch (r) { (0, e.Z)('Failed to initialize all enabled instrument classes (agent aborted) -', r); for (const e in this.features) this.features[e].abortHandler?.(); const n = (0, x.fP)(); return ( delete n.initializedAgents[this.agentIdentifier]?.api, delete n.initializedAgents[this.agentIdentifier]?.[t], delete this.sharedAggregator,, delete, !1 ); } } addToTrace(t) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api addToTrace failed. The session trace feature is not currently initialized.'); } setCurrentRouteName(t) { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api setCurrentRouteName failed. The spa feature is not currently initialized.'); } interaction() { (0, e.Z)('Call to agent api interaction failed. The spa feature is not currently initialized.'); } })({ features: [ Q, p, C, class extends f { static featureName = ne; constructor(e, t) { if ((super(e, t, ne, !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]), ! return; const n =; let i; (0, B.QU)(n), (this.eventsEE = (0, B.em)(n)), this.eventsEE.on(oe, function (e, t) { this.bstStart = (0, j.z)(); }), this.eventsEE.on(ie, function (e, t) { (0, T.p)('bst', [e[0], t, this.bstStart, (0, j.z)()], void 0, r.D.sessionTrace, n); }), n.on(ae + te, function (e) { (this.time = (0, j.z)()), (this.startPath = location.pathname + location.hash); }), n.on(ae + re, function (e) { (0, T.p)('bstHist', [location.pathname + location.hash, this.startPath, this.time], void 0, r.D.sessionTrace, n); }); try { (i = new PerformanceObserver(e => { const t = e.getEntries(); (0, T.p)(J, [t], void 0, r.D.sessionTrace, n); })), i.observe({ type: ee, buffered: !0 }); } catch (e) {} this.importAggregator({ resourceObserver: i }); } }, ce, P, we, k, class extends f { static featureName = de; constructor(e, t) { if ((super(e, t, de, !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2]), ! return; if (!(0, n.OP)(e).xhrWrappable) return; try { this.removeOnAbort = new AbortController(); } catch (e) {} let r, i = 0; const o ='tracer'), a = (0, B._L)(, s = (0, B.Lg)(, c = (0, B.BV)(, u = (0, B.Kf)(, d ='events'), f = (0, B.u5)(, h = (0, B.QU)(, p = (0, B.Gm)(; function g(e, t) { h.emit('newURL', ['' + window.location, t]); } function m() { i++, (r = window.location.hash), (this[ve] = (0, j.z)()); } function v() { i--, window.location.hash !== r && g(0, !0); var e = (0, j.z)(); (this[ge] = ~~this[ge] + e - this[ve]), (this[ye] = e); } function b(e, t) { e.on(t, function () { this[t] = (0, j.z)(); }); }, m), s.on(be, m), a.on(be, m),, v), s.on(pe, v), a.on(pe, v),[ve, ye, 'xhr-resolved'], this.featureName), d.buffer([ve], this.featureName), c.buffer(['setTimeout' + fe, 'clearTimeout' + le, ve], this.featureName), u.buffer([ve, 'new-xhr', 'send-xhr' + le], this.featureName), f.buffer([me + le, me + '-done', me + he + le, me + he + fe], this.featureName), h.buffer(['newURL'], this.featureName), p.buffer([ve], this.featureName), s.buffer(['propagate', be, pe, 'executor-err', 'resolve' + le], this.featureName), o.buffer([ve, 'no-' + ve], this.featureName), a.buffer(['new-jsonp', 'cb-start', 'jsonp-error', 'jsonp-end'], this.featureName), b(f, me + le), b(f, me + '-done'), b(a, 'new-jsonp'), b(a, 'jsonp-end'), b(a, 'cb-start'), h.on('pushState-end', g), h.on('replaceState-end', g), window.addEventListener('hashchange', g, (0, D.m$)(!0, this.removeOnAbort?.signal)), window.addEventListener('load', g, (0, D.m$)(!0, this.removeOnAbort?.signal)), window.addEventListener( 'popstate', function () { g(0, i > 1); }, (0, D.m$)(!0, this.removeOnAbort?.signal), ), (this.abortHandler = this.#i), this.importAggregator(); } #i() { this.removeOnAbort?.abort(), (this.abortHandler = void 0); } }, ], loaderType: 'spa', }); })(); })(); </script> <!-- NR Script End for --> <!-- OneTrust Cookies Consent Notice start for --> <script src="" data-document-language="true" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" data-domain-script="0d545d30-0e52-4bd4-bbe4-db2d55525649"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function OptanonWrapper() { var profile = blueConicClient.profile.getProfile(); if(!OnetrustActiveGroups.includes("C0004")){ profile.permission.setLevel(blueConicClient.permission.level.DO_NOT_TRACK); blueConicClient.profile.updateProfile(); } else { profile.permission.setLevel(blueConicClient.permission.level.PERSONAL); blueConicClient.profile.updateProfile(); } } </script> <!-- OneTrust Cookies Consent Notice end for --> <!-- Start VWO Async SmartCode --> <script> window._vwo_code = window._vwo_code || (function () { var account_id = 725134, version = 1.5, settings_tolerance = 2000, library_tolerance = 2500, use_existing_jquery = false, is_spa = 1, hide_element = "", hide_element_style = "opacity:0 !important;filter:alpha(opacity=0) !important;background:none !important", /* DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE */ f = false, d = document, vwoCodeEl = d.querySelector("#vwoCode"), filterToleranceTimer, code = { use_existing_jquery: function () { return use_existing_jquery; 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class="content-tile-text rte-container"><h2 style="text-align: center;">$8.49/mo<br /> </h2> <p style="text-align: center;"><span class="minor">6-month term, pay monthly or pay $50.94 upfront</span></p> <ul> <li style="text-align: left;"><b>Instant access to eTextbook</b></li> <li style="text-align: left;"><b>Search, highlight, notes and more</b></li> <li style="text-align: left;"><b>Audio with read-along</b></li> </ul> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="">Find your eTextbook</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div><div class="col-md-4 col-12"><div class="content-tile content-tile-panel-item-main bgcolor--indigo text-primary-link button-primary button-wide color--white-tinted section"> <div class="content-tile-container"> <figure> <figcaption> <h2 class="content-tile__title">Channels</h2> <div class="content-tile-text rte-container"><h2 style="text-align: center;">From $7.99/mo<br /> </h2> <p style="text-align: center;"><span class="minor">Pay monthly or pay upfront quarterly or annually</span></p> <ul> <li style="text-align: left;"><b>Thousands of curated study videos</b></li> <li style="text-align: left;"><b>Practice quizzes</b></li> <li style="text-align: left;"><b>AI-powered summaries</b></li> </ul> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="">Go to Channels</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div><div class="col-md-4 col-12"><div class="content-tile content-tile-panel-item-main bgcolor--indigo text-primary-link button-primary button-wide color--white-tinted section"> <div class="content-tile-container"> <figure> <figcaption> <h2 class="content-tile__title">Job Match</h2> <div class="content-tile-text rte-container"><h2 style="text-align: center;">Free<br /> </h2> <p style="text-align: center;"><span class="minor">No cost, simply sign up to get started</span></p> <ul> <li style="text-align: left;"><b>Internship and job recommendations</b></li> <li style="text-align: left;"><b>Work style insights</b></li> <li style="text-align: left;"><b>Skill-building courses</b></li> </ul> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="">Get started</a></p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </section> <!-- Getting class names set from developer configurations and combining it with the one configured in the style tab --> <section class="column-control has-padding-top--15 aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"><div class="col-12"></div></div> </div> </section> <!-- Getting class names set from developer configurations and combining it with the one configured in the style tab --> <div class="embed aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <section class="column-control layout-default bgcolor--white-tinted clipping-default gradients-default animated default-gutters has-padding-top--45 has-padding-bottom--30 default-padding-horizontal default-min-height default-rule default-corner-radius default-shadow section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"><div class="col-12"><div class="title bgcolor--default default-color text-align--center default-type-family default-padding-top default-padding-bottom default-padding-box section"> <h2 class="bgcolor--default default-color text-align--center default-type-family default-padding-top default-padding-bottom default-padding-box "> Learn whenever, wherever you go </h2></div> <div class="content-tile default-design-template behavior--none content-tile-portrait default-layout-alignment bgcolor--default default-links default-btn-type default-btn-size default-btn-width pad--default__figure pad-eq-vertical--default__caption pad-eq-horizontal--default__caption default-color default-title-typesize default-title-typefamily default-title-typeweight default-title-color default-subtitle-typefamily default-subtitle-typesize default-subtitle-typeweight default-subtitle-color default-content-tile-text--col-count default-corner-radius default-shadow section"> <div class="content-tile-container"> <figure> <figcaption> <div class="content-tile-text rte-container"><h4 style="text-align: center;">Get the Pearson+ app to access your eTextbooks and Channels anywhere</h4> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <section class="column-control layout-default bgcolor--default clipping-default gradients-default default-animation default-gutters has-padding-top--none has-padding-bottom--none default-padding-horizontal default-min-height default-rule default-corner-radius default-shadow section"> <div class="row"><div class="col-xl-2 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-12"></div><div class="col-xl-2 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-12"></div><div class="col-xl-2 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-12"><div class="content-tile content-tile-icon behavior--none content-tile-portrait default-layout-alignment bgcolor--default default-links default-btn-type default-btn-size default-btn-width pad--default__figure pad-eq-vertical--default__caption pad-eq-horizontal--default__caption default-color 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default-subtitle-typesize default-subtitle-typeweight default-subtitle-color default-content-tile-text--col-count default-corner-radius default-shadow section"> <div class="content-tile-container"> <figure> <a href=""> <picture> <img loading='lazy' src="/content/dam/global-store/global/pearplus/badges/badge--google-play.svg" alt="" role="presentation"/> </picture> </a> </figure> </div> </div> </div><div class="col-xl-2 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-12"></div><div class="col-xl-2 col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-12"></div></div> </section> </div></div> </div> </section> </div> <!-- Getting class names set from developer configurations and combining it with the one configured in the style tab --> <section class="column-control animated has-padding-top--45 default-padding-bottom aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"><div class="col-12"><div class="title default-color text-align--center section"> <h2 class=" "> Your questions answered </h2></div> <div class="accordion default-animation max-width--col-10 section"> <section class="accordion-panel"> <h3 class="accordion-panel-header"> <button aria-controls="1746689619-1" aria-expanded="false"> <span>What's Pearson+?</span> <span class="pull-right fa fa-plus"></span> </button> </h3> <div class="accordion-panel-content accordion-panel-hide" id="1746689619-1"> <div class="text section"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="new-window" aria-label="Pearson+. Opens new tab.">Pearson+</a> is a one-stop shop for eTextbooks and Study & Exam Prep (also referred to as Channels), both designed to help students get better grades in college. eTextbooks and Study & Exam Prep can be purchased separately or together.</p> <p>eTextbooks have built-in tools that simplify studying, like flashcards, audiobook and search. Study & Exam Prep includes video lessons, practice problems, study guides, Q&A with experts and more, to help you understand tricky topics and get you prepared for test time — all in one place.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="accordion-panel"> <h3 class="accordion-panel-header"> <button aria-controls="1746689619-2" aria-expanded="false"> <span>What's an eTextbook?</span> <span class="pull-right fa fa-plus"></span> </button> </h3> <div class="accordion-panel-content accordion-panel-hide" id="1746689619-2"> <div class="text section"> <p>A Pearson eTextbook is an easy‑to‑use digital version of your assigned textbook. eTextbooks, available in Pearson+, give you access to upgraded study tools, including enhanced search, highlights and notes, customizable flashcards, and audio options for hand-free studying. Plus, you can learn on the go with the Pearson+ app.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="accordion-panel"> <h3 class="accordion-panel-header"> <button aria-controls="1746689619-3" aria-expanded="false"> <span>Does Pearson+ offer an eTextbook rental? </span> <span class="pull-right fa fa-plus"></span> </button> </h3> <div class="accordion-panel-content accordion-panel-hide" id="1746689619-3"> <div class="text section"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="new-window" aria-label="Pearson+. Opens new tab.">Pearson+</a> offers an eTextbook rental, billed as a 6-month subscription. A subscription includes instant access to your eTextbook, including study tools such as the ability to create custom flash cards, take notes, and the option to search and highlight important info in your eTextbook. You can also bundle your eTextbook with Study & Exam Prep.</p> <p>When you check out, you can make a one-time, up-front payment for your eTextbook, or you can choose to pay monthly. If you opt for monthly payments, we will charge your payment method each month until your 6-month subscription ends. If something happens and you need your eTextbook for longer than 6 months, select <b>Extend subscription</b> on the <b>Manage subscription</b> page in <a href="" target="_blank" class="new-window" aria-label="My account. Opens new tab.">My account</a> at any time to continue your subscription before it ends.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="accordion-panel"> <h3 class="accordion-panel-header"> <button aria-controls="1746689619-4" aria-expanded="false"> <span>How does the 6-month eTextbook subscription term work?</span> <span class="pull-right fa fa-plus"></span> </button> </h3> <div class="accordion-panel-content accordion-panel-hide" id="1746689619-4"> <div class="text section"> <p>eTextbooks are available for 180 days (6 months). You can make an up-front payment for your subscription or pay monthly. If you opt for monthly payments, we will charge your payment method each month until your subscription ends. You can select <b>Extend subscription</b> on the <b>Manage subscription</b> page in <a href="" target="_blank" class="new-window" aria-label="My account. Opens new tab.">My account</a> at any time to continue your subscription before it ends.</p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="accordion-panel"> <h3 class="accordion-panel-header"> <button aria-controls="1746689619-5" aria-expanded="false"> <span>How does auto-renewal work for eTextbooks? </span> <span class="pull-right fa fa-plus"></span> </button> </h3> <div class="accordion-panel-content accordion-panel-hide" id="1746689619-5"> <div class="content-tile section"> <div class="content-tile-container"> <figure> <figcaption> <div class="content-tile-text rte-container"><p>When you purchase an eTextbook subscription, it will last 6 months. </p> <p>You can renew your subscription by selecting <b>Extend subscription</b> on the<b> Manage subscription</b> page in <a href="" target="_blank" class="new-window" aria-label="My account. Opens new tab.">My account</a> before your initial term ends.</p> <p>If you extend your subscription, we’ll automatically charge you every month. If you made a one-time payment for your initial 6-month term, you’ll now pay monthly. To make sure your learning is uninterrupted, please check your card details.</p> <p>To avoid the next payment charge, select <b>Cancel subscription</b> on the <b>Manage subscription</b> page in <a href="" target="_blank" class="new-window" aria-label="My account. Opens new tab.">My account</a> before the renewal date. You can subscribe again in the future by purchasing another eTextbook subscription. </p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="accordion-panel"> <h3 class="accordion-panel-header"> <button aria-controls="1746689619-6" aria-expanded="false"> <span>What’s Channels/Study & Exam Prep? </span> <span class="pull-right fa fa-plus"></span> </button> </h3> <div class="accordion-panel-content accordion-panel-hide" id="1746689619-6"> <div class="content-tile section"> <div class="content-tile-container"> <figure> <figcaption> <div class="content-tile-text rte-container"><p><a href="" target="_blank" class="new-window" aria-label="Channels. Opens new tab.">Channels</a>, also referred to as Study & Exam Prep, is a video platform with thousands of explanations, solutions, and practice problems in 19 subjects to help you do homework and prep for exams. Videos are personalized to your course, and tutors walk you through solutions. Plus, interactive AI‑powered summaries and a social community help you understand lessons from your class.</p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="accordion-panel"> <h3 class="accordion-panel-header"> <button aria-controls="1746689619-7" aria-expanded="false"> <span>Does Channels/Study & Exam Prep replace my textbook? </span> <span class="pull-right fa fa-plus"></span> </button> </h3> <div class="accordion-panel-content accordion-panel-hide" id="1746689619-7"> <div class="content-tile section"> <div class="content-tile-container"> <figure> <figcaption> <div class="content-tile-text rte-container"><p>Channels doesn’t replace traditional textbooks or eTextbooks. It’s an additional tool to help you with your studies, and it can be used with Pearson textbooks or non-Pearson textbooks. </p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="accordion-panel"> <h3 class="accordion-panel-header"> <button aria-controls="1746689619-8" aria-expanded="false"> <span>How does the Channels/Study & Exam Prep subscription work? </span> <span class="pull-right fa fa-plus"></span> </button> </h3> <div class="accordion-panel-content accordion-panel-hide" id="1746689619-8"> <div class="content-tile section"> <div class="content-tile-container"> <figure> <figcaption> <div class="content-tile-text rte-container"><p>When you choose a Channels subscription, you're signing up for a 1‑month, 3‑month or 12‑month term and you make an upfront payment for your subscription. By default, these subscriptions auto‑renew at the frequency you select during checkout. You’ll have access to the full video library across all 19 subjects once you’ve subscribed.</p> <p>You can bundle Channels (also referred to as Study & Exam Prep) with your eTextbook at the time of purchase. Bundle subscription terms vary. You can choose your subscription term and payment frequency at checkout.</p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="accordion-panel"> <h3 class="accordion-panel-header"> <button aria-controls="1746689619-9" aria-expanded="false"> <span>How does auto-renewal work with Channels/Study & Exam Prep? </span> <span class="pull-right fa fa-plus"></span> </button> </h3> <div class="accordion-panel-content accordion-panel-hide" id="1746689619-9"> <div class="content-tile section"> <div class="content-tile-container"> <figure> <figcaption> <div class="content-tile-text rte-container"><p>When you purchase a Channels subscription, it will last 1 month, 3 months or 12 months, depending on the plan you chose. Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of your term unless you cancel it. </p> <p>We use your credit card to renew your subscription automatically. To make sure your learning is uninterrupted, please check your card details. If your payment method fails, we’ll send you an email with instructions for how to update it.</p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div></div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </main> <footer> <div class="footer-underlay"></div> <div> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <!-- Getting class names set from developer configurations and combining it with the one configured in the style tab --> <div class="iparsys parsys aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><section class="column-control layout-default bgcolor--default default-gutters has-padding-top--45 has-padding-bottom--45 default-padding-horizontal default-min-height default-rule section mojo-footer__wrapper"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"><div class="col-12"><section class="column-control layout-default bgcolor--default default-gutters has-padding-top--none has-padding-bottom--none default-padding-horizontal default-min-height default-rule section"> <div 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