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General contact details of provider: <A HREF="" target="_blank" style="word-break:break-all;"> <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></A>. <div id="viewemail"> <form id="emailForm" action="/cgi-bin/getemail.cgi" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="repec:nbr:nberwo:m"> <div id="captcha_container"></div> <input type="submit" value="View email address"> </form> <script src="" async defer></script> <div id="emailResponse"></div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="content" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="content-tab"> <h2>Content</H2> <h3>2025</h3><div class="panel-body"><UL class="list-group paperlist"> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33512 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33512.html">Dynamic Urban Economics</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Brian Greaney & Andrii Parkhomenko & Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33511 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33511.html">The U.S. Place-Based Policy Supply Chain</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Gordon H. Hanson & Dani Rodrik & Rohan Sandhu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33510 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33510.html">Making the Invisible Visible: The Impact of Revealing Indoor Air Pollution on Behavior and Welfare</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Robert D. Metcalfe & Sefi Roth <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33509 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33509.html">Artificial Intelligence and the Labor Market</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Menaka Hampole & Dimitris Papanikolaou & Lawrence D.W. Schmidt & Bryan Seegmiller <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33508 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33508.html">Measuring Work from Home</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Shelby R. Buckman & Jose Maria Barrero & Nicholas Bloom & Steven J. Davis <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33507 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33507.html">Knightian Uncertainty and Bayesian Entrepreneurship</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Joshua S. Gans <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33506 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33506.html">Long-Run Consequences of Sanctions on Russia</A></B><BR><I>by</I> David Baqaee & Hannes Malmberg <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33505 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33505.html">Firstborn Daughters and Family Structure in Sub-Saharan Africa</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Garance Genicot & Maria Hernandez-de-Benito <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33504 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33504.html">Long-Run Comparative Statics</A></B><BR><I>by</I> David Baqaee & Hannes Malmberg <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33503 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33503.html">Do Temporary Cash Transfers Stimulate the Macroeconomy? Evidence from Four Case Studies</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Valerie A. Ramey <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33502 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33502.html">The Social Construction of Race during Reconstruction</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Anjali Adukia & Richard Hornbeck & Daniel Keniston & Benjamin Lualdi <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33501 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33501.html">Wage Fixing</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Axel Gottfries & Gregor Jarosch <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33500 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33500.html">Inappropriate Technology: Evidence from Global Agriculture</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jacob Moscona & Karthik A. Sastry <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33499 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33499.html">Measuring the Average Period of Production</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Pol Antràs & Vitalii Tubdenov <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33498 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33498.html">The Benefits from Bundling Demand in K-12 Broadband Procurement</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Gaurab Aryal & Charles Murry & Pallavi Pal & Arnab Palit <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33497 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33497.html">A Family Affair: The Effects of College on Parent and Student Finances</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Palaash Bhargava & Sandra E. Black & Jeffrey T. Denning & Robert W. Fairlie & Oded Gurantz <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33496 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33496.html">Misperceptions of Nonlinear Budget Sets: Evidence from Administrative Tax Data</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Alexander M. Gelber & Damon Jones & Ithai Lurie & Daniel W. Sacks <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33495 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33495.html">Does Peer Review Penalize Scientific Risk Taking? Evidence from NIH Grant Renewals</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Pierre Azoulay & Wesley H. Greenblatt <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33494 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33494.html">Guaranteed Employment in Rural India: Intra-Household Labor and Resource Allocation Consequences</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jorge Luis García <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33493 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33493.html">Optimal Spatial Policies</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Pablo D. Fajgelbaum & Cecile Gaubert <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33492 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33492.html">The Effect of Application Fees on Entry into Patenting</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Gaétan de Rassenfosse & Adam B. Jaffe <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33491 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33491.html">Killer Congestion: Temperature, Healthcare Utilization and Patient Outcomes</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sandra Aguilar-Gomez & Joshua S. Graff Zivin & Matthew J. Neidell <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33490 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33490.html">Declining Life Satisfaction and Happiness Among Young Adults in Six English-speaking Countries</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jean Twenge & David G. Blanchflower <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33489 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33489.html">High-Speed Rail and China's Electric Vehicle Adoption Miracle</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Hanming Fang & Ming Li & Long Wang & Zoe Yang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33488 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33488.html">Monetary Policy Under Okun’s Hypothesis</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Felipe Alves & Giovanni L. Violante <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33487 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33487.html">Economic Shocks and Healthcare Capital Investments</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Michael R. Richards & Maggie Shi & Christopher M. Whaley <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33486 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33486.html">The (Un)Intended Consequences of Oil Sanctions Through the Dark Shipping of Sanctioned Oil</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Xiwen Bai & Jesús Fernández-Villaverde & Yiliang Li & Le Xu & Francesco Zanetti <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33485 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33485.html">Policy Interventions and China’s Stock Market in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Steven J. Davis & Dingqian Liu & Xuguang Simon Sheng & Yan Wang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33484 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33484.html">The Welfare Benefits of Pay-As-You-Go Financing</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Paul Gertler & Brett Green & Renping Li & David Sraer <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33483 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33483.html">Venture Capital Start-up Selection</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Young Soo Jang & Steven N. Kaplan <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33482 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33482.html">The Price of Faith: Economic Costs and Religious Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Eduardo Montero & Dean Yang & Triana Yentzen <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33481 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33481.html">Firm Trade Exposure, Labor Market Competition, and the Worker Incidence of Trade Shocks</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jeronimo Carballo & Richard K. Mansfield <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33480 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33480.html">Cross-Gender Social Ties Around the World</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Michael Bailey & Drew M. Johnston & Theresa Kuchler & Ayush Kumar & Johannes Stroebel <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33479 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33479.html">The Minimum Wage, Turnover, and the Shape of the Wage Distribution</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Pierre R. Brochu & David A. Green & Thomas Lemieux & James H. Townsend <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33478 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33478.html">Micro and Macro Cost-Price Dynamics in Normal Times and During Inflation Surges</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Luca Gagliardone & Mark Gertler & Simone Lenzu & Joris Tielens <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33476 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33476.html">How Costly Are Business Cycle Volatility and Inflation? A Vox Populi Approach</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Dimitris Georgarakos & Kwang Hwan Kim & Olivier Coibion & Myungkyu Shim & Myunghwan Andrew Lee & Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Geoff Kenny & Seowoo Han & Michael Weber <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33475 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33475.html">The Mental Health of the Young in Asia and the Middle East: The Importance of Self-Reports</A></B><BR><I>by</I> David G. Blanchflower & Alex Bryson <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33474 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33474.html">Misspecification-Robust Shrinkage and Selection for VAR Forecasts and IRFs</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Oriol González-Casasús & Frank Schorfheide <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33473 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33473.html">Understanding the Role of Genetic Heterogeneity in Smoking Interventions: Experimental Evidence from the Lung Health Study</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Shubhashrita Basu & Jason Fletcher & Qiongshi Lu & Jiacheng Miao & Lauren L. Schmitz <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33472 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33472.html">Bank Debt, Mutual Fund Equity, and Swing Pricing in Liquidity Provision</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Yiming Ma & Kairong Xiao & Yao Zeng <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33471 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33471.html">The Evolution of Talent Allocation into Academia: Institution-Building and Graduates’ Choices during Japan’s Industrialization</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Takuya Hiraiwa & Serguey Braguinsky & Rajshree Agarwal <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33470 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33470.html">An Alpha in Affordable Housing?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sven Damen & Matthijs Korevaar & Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33469 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33469.html">The Labor Market Impact of Digital Technologies</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sangmin Aum & Yongseok Shin <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33468 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33468.html">Dodging Day Zero: Drought, Adaptation, and Inequality in Cape Town</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Alexander C. Abajian & Cassandra Cole & Kelsey Jack & Kyle C. Meng & Martine Visser <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33467 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33467.html">Labor Market Monopsony: Fundamentals and Frontiers</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Patrick M. Kline <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33466 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33466.html">A Cognitive Theory of Reasoning and Choice</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Pedro Bordalo & Nicola Gennaioli & Giacomo Lanzani & Andrei Shleifer <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33465 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33465.html">The Effect of US COVID-19 Excess Mortality on Social Security Outlays</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Hanke Heun-Johnson & Darius Lakdawalla & Julian Reif & Bryan Tysinger <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33464 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33464.html">Quick-Fixing: Near-Rationality in Consumption and Savings Behavior</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Peter Andre & Joel P. Flynn & Georgios Nikolakoudis & Karthik Sastry <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33463 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33463.html">Evidence on the Importance of Market Competition in Distress Propagation</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Winston Wei Dou & Shane A. Johnson & Wei Wu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33462 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33462.html">Student Loan Forgiveness</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Michael Dinerstein & Samuel Earnest & Dmitri K. Koustas & Constantine Yannelis <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33461 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33461.html">Sex-Based Wage Gaps in Nursing</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Pablo Estrada & Sara Markowitz & Alexia Witthaus <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33460 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33460.html">Vanguard: Black Veterans and Civil Rights after World War I</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Desmond Ang & Sahil Chinoy <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33459 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33459.html">Reconciling Macroeconomics and Finance for the U.S. Corporate Sector: 1929 to Present</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Andrew Atkeson & Jonathan Heathcote & Fabrizio Perri <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33458 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33458.html">Local GDP Estimates Around the World</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Esteban Rossi-Hansberg & Jialing Zhang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33457 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33457.html">The Therapeutic Consequences of the War: World War II and the 20th-Century Expansion of Biomedicine</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Daniel P. Gross & Bhaven N. Sampat <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33456 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33456.html">The Experimentalist Looks Within: Toward an Understanding of Within-Subject Experimental Designs</A></B><BR><I>by</I> John A. List <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33455 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33455.html">ESG Is The Most Polarizing Nonwage Amenity: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Brazil</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Emanuele Colonnelli & Timothy McQuade & Gabriel Ramos & Thomas Rauter & Olivia Xiong <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33454 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33454.html">A Test of Dominant Currency Hypothesis: Evidence From a Non-USD-non-Euro Country</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Yushi Yoshida & Takatoshi Ito & Junko Shimizu & Kiyotaka Sato & Taiyo Yoshimi & Uraku Yoshimoto <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33453 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33453.html">Spatial Economics for Low- and Middle-Income Countries</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Gharad T. Bryan & Kyra Frye & Melanie Morten <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33452 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33452.html">Rigidities in Transportation and Supply Chain Disruptions</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Giulia Brancaccio & Myrto Kalouptsidi & Theodore Papageorgiou <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33451 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33451.html">AI and Women's Employment in Europe</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Stefania Albanesi & António Dias da Silva & Juan F. Jimeno & Ana Lamo & Alena Wabitsch <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33450 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33450.html">Moral Hazard among the Employed: Evidence from Regression Discontinuity</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jonas Jessen & Robin Jessen & Andrew C. Johnston & Ewa Gałecka-Burdziak <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33449 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33449.html">Does Loan Securitization Expose Borrowers to Non-Bank Investor Shocks?—Evidence from Insurers</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Abhishek Bhardwaj & Shan Ge & Saptarshi Mukherjee <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33448 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33448.html">Childbirth and Firm Performance: Evidence from Norwegian Entrepreneurs</A></B><BR><I>by</I> John Bonney & Luigi Pistaferri & Alessandra Voena <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33447 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33447.html">The Hidden Toll of Airborne Lead: Infant Mortality Impacts of Industrial Lead Pollution</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Karen Clay & Edson R. Severnini & Xiao Wang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33446 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33446.html">Did the Modern Mortgage Set the Stage for the U.S. Baby Boom?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Lisa J. Dettling & Melissa Schettini Kearney <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33445 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33445.html">Firm Pay and Worker Search</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sydnee Caldwell & Ingrid Haegele & Jörg Heining <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33444 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33444.html">Income Equality in The Nordic Countries: Myths, Facts, and Lessons</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Magne Mogstad & Kjell G. Salvanes & Gaute Torsvik <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33443 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33443.html">Spatial Dynamics</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Klaus Desmet & Fernando Parro <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33442 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33442.html">Institutions, Technology and Prosperity</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Daron Acemoglu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33441 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33441.html">A Neoclassical Model of the World Financial Cycle</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Yan Bai & Patrick J. Kehoe & Pierlauro Lopez & Fabrizio Perri <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33440 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33440.html">Do Inflation Expectations Become More Anchored During a Disinflation Episode? Evidence for Euro Area Firms</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Ursel Baumann & Annalisa Ferrando & Dimitris Georgarakos & Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Timo Reinelt <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33439 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33439.html">The Role of Physician Altruism in the Physician-Industry Relationship: Evidence from Linking Experimental and Observational Data</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Shan Huang & Jing Li & Anirban Basu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33438 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33438.html">Families’ Career Investments and Firms’ Promotion Decisions</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Frederik Almar & Benjamin Friedrich & Ana Reynoso & Bastian Schulz & Rune M. Vejlin <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33437 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33437.html">Divergent Paths: Differential Impacts of Minimum Wage Increases on Individuals with Disabilities</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jeffrey Clemens & Melissa D. Gentry & Jonathan Meer <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33436 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33436.html">Quantitative Regional Economics</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Treb Allen & Costas Arkolakis <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33435 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33435.html">Capital Structure & Firm Outcomes: Evidence from Dividend Recapitalizations in Private Equity</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Abhishek Bhardwaj & Abhinav Gupta & Sabrina T. Howell <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33434 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33434.html">Market Macrostructure: Institutions and Asset Prices</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Valentin Haddad & Tyler Muir <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33433 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33433.html">Minimum Wage Laws and Job Search</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Vitor C. Melo & Christopher Kaiser & David Neumark & Liya Palagashvili & Michael D. Farren <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33432 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33432.html">The Potential of Public Employment Reallocation as a Place-Based Policy</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Dimitria Freitas <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33431 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33431.html">What Do Managers Do? An Economist's Perspective</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Alan M. Benson & Kathryn L. Shaw <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33430 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33430.html">Education and Dementia Risk</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Silvia H. Barcellos & Leandro Carvalho & Kenneth Langa & Sneha Nimmagadda & Patrick Turley <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33429 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33429.html">Health Insurance as Economic Stimulus? Evidence from Long-Term Care Jobs</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Martin B. Hackmann & Jörg Heining & Roman Klimke & Maria Polyakova & Holger Seibert <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33428 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33428.html">A Bayesian Assessment of the Origins of COVID-19 using Spatiotemporal and Zoonotic Data</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Andrew T. Levin <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33427 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33427.html">The Long-Run Effects of America's Largest Residential Racial Desegregation Program: Gautreaux</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Eric Chyn & Robert Collinson & Danielle H. Sandler <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33426 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33426.html">Trade Policy, Exchange Rates, and the Globalization Surge of the 1990s</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Douglas A. Irwin <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33425 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33425.html">Dynamic Scoring: A Progress Report on Why, When, and How</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Douglas W. Elmendorf & R. Glenn Hubbard & Heidi L. Williams <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33424 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33424.html">Places versus People: The Ins and Outs of Labor Market Adjustment to Globalization</A></B><BR><I>by</I> David Autor & David Dorn & Gordon H. Hanson & Maggie R. Jones & Bradley Setzler <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33423 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33423.html">Monetary Policy Predicts Currency Movements</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Söhnke M. Bartram & Mark Grinblatt & Yan Xu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33422 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33422.html">Causes and Extent of Increasing Partisan Segregation in the U.S. – Evidence from Migration Patterns of 212 Million Voters</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jacob R. Brown & Enrico Cantoni & Ryan Enos & Vincent Pons & Emilie Sartre <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33421 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33421.html">Can Machines Learn Weak Signals?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Zhouyu Shen & Dacheng Xiu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33420 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33420.html">Dismantling the License Raj: The Long Road to India’s 1991 Trade Reforms</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Douglas A. Irwin <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33419 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33419.html">Wealth Tax Enforcement in Sweden: Filing Requirements and Pre-Populated Returns</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Emmanuel Saez & David G. Seim <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33418 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33418.html">Do Place-Based Industrial Interventions Help "Left-Behind" Workers? Lessons from WWII and Beyond</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Andrew Garin <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33417 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33417.html">Ancient Epics in the Television Age: Mass Media, Identity, and the Rise of Hindu Nationalism in India</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Resuf Ahmed & Paul Brimble & Akhila Kovvuri & Alessandro Saia & Dean Yang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33416 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33416.html">The Long and Short of Financial Development</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Douglas W. Diamond & Yunzhi Hu & Raghuram Rajan <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33415 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33415.html">Declining Youth Well-being in 167 UN Countries. Does Survey Mode, or Question Matter?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> David G. Blanchflower <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33414 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33414.html">The Targeting of Place-Based Policies: The New Markets Tax Credit Versus Opportunity Zones</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Kevin Corinth & David Coyne & Naomi E. Feldman & Craig Johnson <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33413 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33413.html">Climate Transition Risks and the Energy Sector</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Viral V. Acharya & Stefano Giglio & Stefano Pastore & Johannes Stroebel & Zhenhao Tan & Tiffany Yong <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33412 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33412.html">Geographic Resolution in Environmental Policy: EPA's Shift from Regions to Counties Under the Clean Air Act</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Maureen L. Cropper & Mengjia Hu & Yongjoon Park & Nicholas Z. Muller <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33411 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33411.html">Moral Hazard and the Sustainability of Income-Driven Repayment Plans</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Chao Fu & Xiaomeng Li & Basit Zafar <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33410 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33410.html">Sources of Market Power in Web Search: Evidence from a Field Experiment</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Hunt Allcott & Juan Camilo Castillo & Matthew Gentzkow & Leon Musolff & Tobias Salz <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33409 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33409.html">Environmental Migration and Race during the Great American Drought, 1935-1940</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Christopher Sichko & Ariell Zimran & Aparna Howlader <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33408 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33408.html">Housing Subsidies for Refugees: Experimental Evidence on Life Outcomes and Social Integration in Jordan</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Abdulrazzak Tamim & Emma C. Smith & Bailey Palmer & Edward Miguel & Samuel Leone & Sandra V. Rozo & Sarah Stillman <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33407 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33407.html">The Evolution of Unobserved Skill Returns in the U.S.: A New Approach Using Panel Data</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Lance Lochner & Youngmin Park & Youngki Shin <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33406 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33406.html">Financial Looting and Controls on Resident Outflows</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Bo Li & Alessandro Rebucci & Hui Tong <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33405 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33405.html">Does the Gender Wage Gap Actually Reflect Taste Discrimination Against Women?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Molly Maloney & David Neumark <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33404 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33404.html">The Granular Origins of Inflation</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Santiago Alvarez-Blaser & Raphael Auer & Sarah M. Lein & Andrei A. Levchenko <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33403 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33403.html">Understanding Racial Disparities in Criminal Court Outcomes</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Shawn Bushway & Andrew Jordan & Derek Neal & Steven Raphael <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33402 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33402.html">Estimating the Economic and Budgetary Effects of Research Investments</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Theresa Gullo & Benjamin Page & David Weiner & Heidi L. Williams <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33401 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33401.html">Information and the Welfare Benefits from Differentiated Products</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Imke Reimers & Christoph Riedl & Joel Waldfogel <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33400 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33400.html">Have We Got News For You: Firm-Level Evidence on the Optimal Choice of Expected Capacity Utilization</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Niklas Amberg & Richard Friberg & Chad Syverson <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33399 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33399.html">Pricing Inequality</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Simon Mongey & Michael E. Waugh <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33398 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33398.html">Human Capital Impacts of In Utero Exposure to War Conflict in Afghanistan</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Erkmen G. Aslim & Rafiuddin Najam & Erdal Tekin <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33397 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33397.html">Optimal Estimation of Discrete Choice Demand Models with Consumer and Product Data</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Paul L. E. Grieco & Charles Murry & Joris Pinkse & Stephan Sagl <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33396 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33396.html">Bargaining and Inequality in the Labor Market</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sydnee Caldwell & Ingrid Haegele & Jörg Heining <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33395 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33395.html">From Fiscal Deadlock to Financial Repression: Anatomy of a Fall</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Olivier Jeanne <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33394 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33394.html">Passing as White: Racial Identity and Old-Age Longevity</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Hamid Noghanibehambari & Jason Fletcher <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33393 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33393.html">Winning the Bread and Baking it Too: Gendered Frictions in the Allocation of Home Production</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Kyle Hancock & Jeanne Lafortune & Corinne Low <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33392 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33392.html">Crisis Bargaining with Collective Decision Making</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jeongbin Kim & Thomas R. Palfrey & Jeffrey Zeidel <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33391 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33391.html">Toward an Understanding of Discrimination When Multiple Channels Exist</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Majid Ahmadi & Gwen-Jirō Clochard & Jeff Lachman & John A. List <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33390 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33390.html">Currency Development Through Liquidity Provision</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Antonio Coppola & Arvind Krishnamurthy & Chenzi Xu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33389 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33389.html">How Test Optional Policies in College Admissions Disproportionately Harm High Achieving Applicants from Disadvantaged Backgrounds</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Bruce Sacerdote & Douglas O. Staiger & Michele Tine <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33388 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33388.html">Is There Intersectional Labor Market Discrimination?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Joanne S. McLaughlin & David Neumark <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33387 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33387.html">Do Behavioral Frictions Prevent Firms from Adopting Profitable Opportunities?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Paul Gertler & Sean Higgins & Ulrike Malmendier & Waldo Ojeda <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33386 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33386.html">Demographic Preferences and Income Segregation</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Victor Couture & Jonathan I. Dingel & Allison E. Green & Jessie Handbury <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33385 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33385.html">Fiscal Progressivity of the U.S. Federal and State Governments</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Johannes Fleck & Jonathan Heathcote & Kjetil Storesletten & Giovanni L. Violante <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33384 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33384.html">Rationalizing Firm Forecasts</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Nicholas Bloom & Mihai A. Codreanu & Robert A. Fletcher <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33383 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33383.html">Home Sweet Home: How Much Do Employees Value Remote Work?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Zoe B. Cullen & Bobak Pakzad-Hurson & Ricardo Perez-Truglia <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33382 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33382.html">The Impact of World War II Army Service on Income and Mobility in the 1960s by Ethnoracial Group</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sergio E. Barrera & Andreas Ferrara & Price V. Fishback & Misty L. Heggeness <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33381 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33381.html">Does Old Age Social Security Help Children? The Impact of Social Security on Grandchild Resources</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Lucie Schmidt & Lara Shore-Sheppard & Tara Watson <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33380 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33380.html">Metacognitive Awareness and Academic Performance</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jarod T. Apperson & A. Nayena Blankson & Francesina Jackson & Angelino Viceisza & Bruce Wade & Jimmeka Guillory Wright <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33379 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33379.html">Empirically Distinguishing Health Impacts of Transboundary and Domestic Air Pollution in Mixture</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jaecheol Lee & Andrew J. Wilson & Solomon M. Hsiang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33378 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33378.html">Drive Down the Cost: Learning by Doing and Government Policies in the Global EV Battery Industry</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Panle Jia Barwick & Hyuk-Soo Kwon & Shanjun Li & Nahim B. Zahur <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33377 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33377.html">Spatial Environmental Economics</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Clare A. Balboni & Joseph S. Shapiro <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33376 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33376.html">What is the general Welfare? Welfare Economic Perspectives</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Charles F. Manski <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33375 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33375.html">The Growth Dividend and Excess Interest</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Danny Yagan <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33374 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33374.html">Robust Fiscal Stabilization</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Alan J. Auerbach & Danny Yagan <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33373 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33373.html">American Life Histories</A></B><BR><I>by</I> David Lagakos & Stelios Michalopoulos & Hans-Joachim Voth <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33372 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33372.html">Racial Inequality in the Labor Market</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Patrick Bayer & Kerwin Kofi Charles & Ellora Derenoncourt <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33371 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33371.html">Welfare Effects of Buyer and Seller Power</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Mert Demirer & Michael Rubens <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33370 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33370.html">The Role of Digital Platforms in Shaping Tech Venture Innovation</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Ginger Zhe Jin & Mario Leccese & Liad Wagman <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33369 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33369.html">Mean Reversion in Randomized Controlled Trials: Implications for Program Targeting and Heterogeneous Treatment Effects</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Marcella Alsan & John Cawley & Joseph J. Doyle Jr. & Nicholas Skelley <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33368 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33368.html">Valuing Solar Subsidies</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Bryan Bollinger & Kenneth Gillingham & A. Justin Kirkpatrick <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33367 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33367.html">Modernizing Access to Credit for Younger Entrepreneurs: From FICO to Cash Flow</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Christopher M. Hair & Sabrina T. Howell & Mark J. Johnson & Siena Matsumoto <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33366 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33366.html">We Are Not in a Gaussian World Anymore: Implications for the Composition of Official Foreign Assets</A></B><BR><I>by</I> José Andrée Camarena & Juan Pablo Medina & Daniel Riera-Crichton & Carlos A. Vegh & Guillermo Vuletin <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33365 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33365.html">A Different World: Enduring Effects of School Desegregation on Ideology and Attitudes</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Ethan Kaplan & Jorg L. Spenkuch & Cody Tuttle <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33364 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33364.html">Does Unilateral Decarbonization Pay For Itself?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Adrien Bilal & Diego R. Känzig <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33363 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33363.html">AI-Powered (Finance) Scholarship</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Robert Novy-Marx & Mihail Z. Velikov <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33362 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33362.html">Enclaves and Assimilation in the Age of Mass Migration: Evidence from Ethnic Catholic Churches</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Ran Abramitzky & Leah Platt Boustan & Osea Giuntella <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33361 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33361.html">Nature Loss and Climate Change: The Twin-Crises Multiplier</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Stefano Giglio & Theresa Kuchler & Johannes Stroebel & Olivier Wang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33360 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33360.html">Gun Policy and the Steel Paradox: Evidence from Oregunians</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Katie Bollman & Benjamin Hansen & Edward A. Rubin & Garrett O. Stanford <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33359 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33359.html">Survivors' Mental Health and the Protective Role of Income Stability</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Itzik Fadlon & Astrid Sophie Fugleholm & Torben Heien Nielsen <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33358 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33358.html">Technology Sophistication Across Establishments</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Diego A. Comin & Xavier Cirera & Marcio Cruz <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33357 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33357.html">The Hidden Health Care Crisis Behind Bars: A Randomized Trial to Accredit U.S. Jails</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Marcella Alsan & Crystal Yang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33356 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33356.html">The Mental Health of the Young in Ex-Soviet States</A></B><BR><I>by</I> David G. Blanchflower & Alex Bryson <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33355 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33355.html">The Gilded Age and Beyond: The Persistence of Elite Wealth in American History</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Priti Kalsi & Zachary Ward <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33354 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33354.html">Changes in Marital Sorting: Theory and Evidence from the US</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Pierre-André Chiappori & Monica Costa Dias & Costas Meghir & Hanzhe Zhang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33353 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33353.html">The Political Economy of Geoeconomic Power</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Christopher Clayton & Matteo Maggiori & Jesse Schreger <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33352 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33352.html">The Cost of Species Protection: The Land Market Impacts of the Endangered Species Act</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Eyal G. Frank & Maximilian Auffhammer & David McLaughlin & Elisheba Spiller & David L. Sunding <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33351 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33351.html">Artificial Intelligence Asset Pricing Models</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Bryan T. Kelly & Boris Kuznetsov & Semyon Malamud & Teng Andrea Xu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33350 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33350.html">Prediction with Differential Covariate Classification: Illustrated by Racial/Ethnic Classification in Medical Risk Assessment</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Charles F. Manski & John Mullahy & Atheendar Venkataramani <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33349 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33349.html">Accounting for Individual-Specific Heterogeneity in Intergenerational Income Mobility</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Yoosoon Chang & Steven N. Durlauf & Bo Hu & Joon Park <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33348 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33348.html">The Effects of Digital Surveillance and Managerial Clarity on Performance</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Namrata Kala & Elizabeth Lyons <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33347 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33347.html">Entrepreneurship and the Gig Economy: Evidence from U.S. Tax Returns</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Matthew R. Denes & Spyridon Lagaras & Margarita Tsoutsoura <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33346 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33346.html">Daughters as Safety Net? Family Responses to Parental Employment Shocks: Evidence from Alcohol Prohibition</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Anna Aizer & Gabrielle Grafton & Santiago Pérez <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33345 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33345.html">Externalities and the Taxation of Top Earners</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Henrik Kleven <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33344 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33344.html">Large Language Models: An Applied Econometric Framework</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Jens Ludwig & Sendhil Mullainathan & Ashesh Rambachan <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33343 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33343.html">The Economy, the Ghost in Your Gene, and the Escape from Premature Mortality</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Dora Costa & Lars Olov Bygren & Benedikt Graf & Martin Karlsson & Joseph Price <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33342 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33342.html">Charging Uncertainty: Real-Time Charging Data and Electric Vehicle Adoption</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Omar Isaac Asensio & Elaine Buckberg & Cassandra Cole & Luke Heeney & Christopher R. Knittel & James H. Stock <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33341 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33341.html">Can Early Intervention Reduce Future Child Maltreatment?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Anna Aizer & Emilia Brito Rebolledo <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33340 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33340.html">Corporate Resiliency and the Choice Between Financial and Operational Hedging</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Viral V. Acharya & Heitor Almeida & Yakov Amihud & Ping Liu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33339 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33339.html">The Comovement of Voter Preferences: Insights from U.S. Presidential Election Prediction Markets Beyond Polls</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Mikhail Chernov & Vadim Elenev & Dongho Song <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33338 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33338.html">Calling All Parents: Leveraging Behavioral Insights to Boost Early Childhood Outcomes in the Developing World</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Juanita Bloomfield & Ana I. Balsa & Alejandro Cid & Philip Oreopoulos <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33337 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33337.html">Distance to Degrees: How College Proximity Shapes Students’ Enrollment Choices and Attainment Across Race-Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Riley K. Acton & Kalena Cortes & Lois Miller & Camila Morales <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33336 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33336.html">Limited Risk Transfer Between Investors: A New Benchmark for Macro-Finance Models</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Xavier Gabaix & Ralph S. J. Koijen & Federico Mainardi & Sangmin Simon Oh & Motohiro Yogo <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33335 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33335.html">Strategic Commitments to Decarbonize: The Role of Large Firms, Common Ownership, and Governments</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Viral V. Acharya & Robert F. Engle III & Olivier Wang <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33334 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33334.html">Are Big Cities Important for Economic Growth?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Matthew Turner & David N. Weil <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33333 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33333.html">Time Consistent Infrastructure Investments: Optimal Flood Protection Policies in Spatial Equilibrium</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Amine Ouazad & Matthew E. Kahn <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33332 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33332.html">New Keynesian Economics through the Extensive Margin</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Saki Bigio & Akira Ishide <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33331 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33331.html">HANK's Response to Aggregate Uncertainty in an Estimated Business Cycle Model</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Cosmin L. Ilut & Ralph Luetticke & Martin Schneider <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33330 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33330.html">Intergenerational Mobility over Two Centuries</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Ran Abramitzky & Leah Platt Boustan & Tamar Matiashvili <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33329 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33329.html">Immigrant Age at Arrival and the Intergenerational Transmission of Ethnic Identification among Mexican Americans</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Brian Duncan & Stephen J. Trejo <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33328 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33328.html">Are People Fleeing States with Abortion Bans?</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Daniel L. Dench & Kelly Lifchez & Jason M. Lindo & Jancy Ling Liu <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33327 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33327.html">The Impact of Counterfeit Victims in the Victim Marketplace</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Mingyuan Ban & Yi Qian & Qiang Gong & Karl Aquino <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33326 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33326.html">E-Cigarette Taxation and Queer Youth</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Anthony Chuo & Chad D. Cotti & Charles J. Courtemanche & Johanna Catherine Maclean & Erik T. Nesson & Joseph J. Sabia <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33325 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33325.html">Fisher-Schultz Lecture: Linear Estimation of Structural and Causal Effects for Nonseparable Panel Data</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Victor Chernozhukov & Ben Deaner & Ying Gao & Jerry A. Hausman & Whitney Newey <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33324 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33324.html">CEO-Firm Matches and Productivity in 42 Countries</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Amanda Dahlstrand & Dávid László & Helena Schweiger & Oriana Bandiera & Andrea Prat & Raffaella Sadun <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33323 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33323.html">Technological Disruption in the Labor Market</A></B><BR><I>by</I> David J. Deming & Christopher Ong & Lawrence H. Summers <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33322 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33322.html">Community Targeting at Scale</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sudarno Sumarto & Elan Satriawan & Benjamin A. Olken & Abhijit Banerjee & Achmad Tohari & Vivi Alatas & Rema Hanna <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33294 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33294.html">Does Q&A Boost Engagement? Health Messaging Experiments in the U.S. and Ghana</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Erika Kirgios & Susan Athey & Angela L. Duckworth & Dean Karlan & Michael Luca & Katherine L. Milkman & Molly Offer-Westort </UL></div> <h3>2024</h3><div class="panel-body"><UL class="list-group paperlist"> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33321 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33321.html">Revenue-Sharing Teams with Remote Workers</A></B><BR><I>by</I> E. Glenn Dutcher & Krista J. Saral <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33320 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33320.html">Glass Box Machine Learning and Corporate Bond Returns</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Sebastian Bell & Ali Kakhbod & Martin Lettau & Abdolreza Nazemi <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33319 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33319.html">Linear Estimation of Global Average Treatment Effects</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Stefan Faridani & Paul Niehaus <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33318 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33318.html">Harmonization...What Else? The Role for International Regulatory Agreements</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Giovanni Maggi & Monika Mrázová <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33317 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33317.html">In-Person Schooling and Juvenile Violence</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Benjamin Hansen & Kyutaro Matsuzawa & Joseph J. Sabia <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33316 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33316.html">Coverage, Counter-cyclicality and Targeting of Work Requirement Waivers in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Richard V. Burkhauser & Kevin Corinth & Thomas O'Rourke & Angela K. Rachidi <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33315 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33315.html">From Crisis to Norm: Remote Work Trends and Employee Engagement Across Industries, Occupations, and Geography</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Christos A. Makridis & Jason Schloetzer <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> <B>33314 <A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/33314.html">The Contribution of Foreign Master's Students to US Start-Ups</A></B><BR><I>by</I> Michel Beine & Giovanni Peri & Morgan Raux </UL> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <nav> <ul class="pagination flex-wrap"> <li class="page-item inactive"><a class="page-link">«</a></li> <li class="page-item active"><a class="page-link" href="nberwo.html">1</a></li> <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="nberwo2.html">2</a></li> <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="nberwo3.html">3</a></li> <li class="page-item inactive"><a class="page-link">...</a></li> <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="nberwo168.html">168</a></li> <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="nberwo2.html">»</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer" class="row d-print-none"> <div class="col-sm-6 more-services"> <h3 style="border-bottom: 1px solid #111; 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