Steel | Ceres: Sustainability is the bottom line

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The swift transformation of the U.S. steel industry underscores how big the benefits can be of the technology advances and smart policy Ceres is working with investors and companies to advance.</p> <!-- End: /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <!-- /components/_button.antlers.html --> <!-- End: /components/_button.antlers.html --> </div> </div> <div class="col-span-5 absolute min-h-[30dvh] lg:relative w-full h-full md:block"> <div class="absolute right-0 h-full"> <img src="" alt="Steel pipes" alt="Steel pipes" class="hidden lg:block w-full h-full object-cover opacity-20 lg:opacity-100" :style="{transform: 'translateX(' + translateX + 'px)'}"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- End: /page_builder/_hero_banner.antlers.html --> <!-- class="absolute bottom-0 -translate-y-[90%] translate-x-1 xl:-translate-y-[130%]" --> <!-- /page_builder/_wysiwyg.antlers.html --> <section class="bg-cw-green-50 text-black overflow-hidden"> <div id="" class="container "> <!-- /typography/_prose.antlers.html --> <article class=" prose prose-a:underline prose-a:decoration-primary prose-a:decoration-2 hover:prose-a:text-primary focus:prose-a:outline-none focus-visible:prose-a:ring focus-visible:prose-a:ring-primary focus-visible:prose-a:rounded-sm prose-figure:my-0 prose-pre:whitespace-pre-wrap max-w-none blockquote-import link-import contents bg-cw-green-50 text-black hover:[&_a]:text-cw-green-800 [&_a]:decoration-cw-green-800 text-xl prose [&_ul_li]:list-disc [&_ul_li]:list-outside " > <!-- /components/_text.antlers.html --> <div class="[&_blockquote]:not-italic [&_blockquote>p]:before:content-none [&_blockquote>p]:after:content-none"> <h1><br>Our approach</h1><p>The U.S. steel production industry is already the world鈥檚 most carbon efficient, due to its pioneering role in electric-arc steelmaking, which relies on recycled scrap. As automakers, construction companies, and consumers increasingly seek low-emissions materials to make their products, U.S. steelmakers can double down on their competitive advantage by investing more in industry leading solutions, such as advanced, scrap-based steelmaking, direct reduced iron, sourcing 100% clean power, and advancing green hydrogen and carbon capture and storage.</p><p>Globally, the steel industry is responsible for more than 7% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.聽Through our <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/climate/ambition-2030">Ambition 2030 initiative</a>, Ceres aims to decarbonize the six highest-emitting sectors of the economy, including the steel sector. We work sector-wide, calling on companies to set science-based climate goals, create robust transition action plans, and provide disclosure about how they are achieving interim targets by 2030.聽</p> </div> <!-- End: /components/_text.antlers.html --> </article> <!-- End: /typography/_prose.antlers.html --> </div> </section> <!-- End: /page_builder/_wysiwyg.antlers.html --> <!-- /page_builder/_link_blocks.antlers.html --> <section class="bg-cw-green-50 text-black "> <div class="container py-16 grid md:grid-cols-12 gap-8 "> <a class="hover:cursor-pointer bg-white flex flex-col justify-between items-start group p-6 border border-neutral/10 shadow-cards rounded hover:shadow-cards-darker transition-all md:col-span-8 md:col-start-3 lg:col-span-4 lg:col-start-0 "aria-labelledby="investor-engagement" draggable="false" href="/networks/investor" > <div class="mb-4"> <span id="investor-engagement"> <!-- /typography/_h3.antlers.html --> <h3 class="text-2xl font-bold leading-tight mb-2 text-neutral group-hover:text-cw-green-250 transition-colors">Investor engagement</h3> <!-- End: /typography/_h3.antlers.html --> </span> <!-- /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <p class="mt-0 last:mb-0 leading-relaxed mb-4 text-neutral">Through the Ceres Investor Network and the global investor engagement initiative, Climate Action 100+, we support and educate institutional investors to help them better understand and engage with companies on sustainability risks and opportunities in the steel sector.</p> <!-- End: /typography/_p.antlers.html --> </div> <!-- /components/_button.antlers.html --> <!-- End: /components/_button.antlers.html --> </a> <a class="hover:cursor-pointer bg-white flex flex-col justify-between items-start group p-6 border border-neutral/10 shadow-cards rounded hover:shadow-cards-darker transition-all md:col-span-8 md:col-start-3 lg:col-span-4 lg:col-start-0 "aria-labelledby="corporate-action" draggable="false" href="/networks/company" > <div class="mb-4"> <span id="corporate-action"> <!-- /typography/_h3.antlers.html --> <h3 class="text-2xl font-bold leading-tight mb-2 text-neutral group-hover:text-cw-green-250 transition-colors">Corporate action</h3> <!-- End: /typography/_h3.antlers.html --> </span> <!-- /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <p class="mt-0 last:mb-0 leading-relaxed mb-4 text-neutral">We work directly with U.S. steel companies to disclose emissions, set robust climate goals, and advocate for policies and regulations that will help the steel sector reach those goals.</p> <!-- End: /typography/_p.antlers.html --> </div> <!-- /components/_button.antlers.html --> <!-- End: /components/_button.antlers.html --> </a> <a class="hover:cursor-pointer bg-white flex flex-col justify-between items-start group p-6 border border-neutral/10 shadow-cards rounded hover:shadow-cards-darker transition-all md:col-span-8 md:col-start-3 lg:col-span-4 lg:col-start-0 "aria-labelledby="policy-advocacy" draggable="false" href="/networks/policy" > <div class="mb-4"> <span id="policy-advocacy"> <!-- /typography/_h3.antlers.html --> <h3 class="text-2xl font-bold leading-tight mb-2 text-neutral group-hover:text-cw-green-250 transition-colors">Policy advocacy</h3> <!-- End: /typography/_h3.antlers.html --> </span> <!-- /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <p class="mt-0 last:mb-0 leading-relaxed mb-4 text-neutral">We work with U.S. steel companies to build support for innovative climate and energy policies and regulations at the state and federal levels.</p> <!-- End: /typography/_p.antlers.html --> </div> <!-- /components/_button.antlers.html --> <!-- End: /components/_button.antlers.html --> </a> </div> </section> <!-- End: /page_builder/_link_blocks.antlers.html --> <!-- /page_builder/_timeline.antlers.html --> <div class=" py-16 container " x-data="{ activeTab: 0 }" > <!-- /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold leading-tight">Our Progress</h2> <!-- End: /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <!-- /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <p class="mt-0 last:mb-0 leading-relaxed mt-2">We work with investors and companies in the steel sector to reduce their overall climate impacts and accelerate the just and sustainable transition to a low-carbon economy. In 2017, we began engaging with steel companies to address their climate emissions and other sustainability risks. At the time, no U.S. steel makers had set climate emissions reduction targets. Today, after years of successful engagements with investors, 80% of U.S. steel companies have set climate goals. Here are some recent highlights.</p> <!-- End: /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <div id="scrollContainer" class="flex flex-row justify-center align-middle relative overflow-x-hidden w-full"> <div id="scrollable-icon" class="flex z-40 bg-white"> <div class="flex items-center my-6 justify-center"> <button type="button" @click="scrollStart" title="Scroll to start" aria-label="Scroll to start" > <!-- /components/_logo.antlers.html --> <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 20 20" > <path d="M11.1071 10.0451C11.9056 9.28637 12.6792 8.54918 13.4529 7.81366C13.4429 7.80206 13.4346 7.79046 13.4247 7.77887C13.2508 7.89649 13.0752 8.01245 12.9029 8.13338C12.2038 8.62207 11.5047 9.11242 10.8056 9.59946C10.6864 9.68229 10.64 9.66241 10.5903 9.50835C10.4743 9.14556 10.3617 8.78276 10.2457 8.41997C10.0668 7.85838 9.88456 7.2968 9.704 6.73522C9.44225 5.91852 9.18383 5.10016 8.91546 4.28512C8.8641 4.12774 8.91877 4.08136 9.05792 4.06479C9.53668 4.00515 10.0154 3.97865 10.5008 4.02006C11.1336 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16.2925 19.2925L18.5863 17H11C10.7348 17 10.4804 16.8946 10.2929 16.7071C10.1054 16.5196 10 16.2652 10 16C10 15.7348 10.1054 15.4804 10.2929 15.2929C10.4804 15.1054 10.7348 15 11 15H18.5863L16.2925 12.7075C16.1049 12.5199 15.9994 12.2654 15.9994 12C15.9994 11.7346 16.1049 11.4801 16.2925 11.2925C16.4801 11.1049 16.7346 10.9994 17 10.9994C17.2654 10.9994 17.5199 11.1049 17.7075 11.2925L21.7075 15.2925Z" fill="#006812" /> </svg> </button> <button id="scrollRightBtn" class="w-8 h-8" title="Scroll Next" aria-label="Scroll Next" @click="activeTab < $refs.con.children.length - 1 ? activeTab++ : null;"> <svg width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" class="" > <path d="M16 3C13.4288 3 10.9154 3.76244 8.77759 5.1909C6.63975 6.61935 4.97351 8.64968 3.98957 11.0251C3.00563 13.4006 2.74819 16.0144 3.2498 18.5362C3.75141 21.0579 4.98953 23.3743 6.80762 25.1924C8.6257 27.0105 10.9421 28.2486 13.4638 28.7502C15.9856 29.2518 18.5995 28.9944 20.9749 28.0104C23.3503 27.0265 25.3807 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19.2925L18.5863 17H11C10.7348 17 10.4804 16.8946 10.2929 16.7071C10.1054 16.5196 10 16.2652 10 16C10 15.7348 10.1054 15.4804 10.2929 15.2929C10.4804 15.1054 10.7348 15 11 15H18.5863L16.2925 12.7075C16.1049 12.5199 15.9994 12.2654 15.9994 12C15.9994 11.7346 16.1049 11.4801 16.2925 11.2925C16.4801 11.1049 16.7346 10.9994 17 10.9994C17.2654 10.9994 17.5199 11.1049 17.7075 11.2925L21.7075 15.2925Z" fill="#006812" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <div x-cloak x-show="activeTab === 0" class="flex flex-col gap-5" > <!-- /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold leading-tight">Nucor</h2> <!-- End: /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <!-- /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <p class="mt-0 last:mb-0 leading-relaxed m-0 md:max-w-5xl">Nucor, the largest steelmaker in the U.S. and 15th largest in the world, committed to adopting its first 1.5掳C climate target inclusive of Scope 3 emissions.</p> <!-- End: /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <div class="flex items-center"> <div> </div> </div> </div> <div x-cloak x-show="activeTab === 1" class="flex flex-col gap-5" > <!-- /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold leading-tight">U.S. Steel</h2> <!-- End: /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <!-- /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <p class="mt-0 last:mb-0 leading-relaxed m-0 md:max-w-5xl">U.S. Steel announced a deal to supply General Motors with low emissions steel, which will help reduce climate emissions in the transportation sector as well. The steel is manufactured with up to 75% fewer emissions and made with up to 90% recycled content.</p> <!-- End: /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <div class="flex items-center"> <div> </div> </div> </div> <div x-cloak x-show="activeTab === 2" class="flex flex-col gap-5" > <!-- /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold leading-tight">Steel Dynamics</h2> <!-- End: /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <!-- /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <p class="mt-0 last:mb-0 leading-relaxed m-0 md:max-w-5xl">Steel Dynamics followed U.S. Steel鈥檚 lead by pledging to become carbon neutral by 2050. Additionally, the company plans to increase renewable energy to power its steel mills to 30% by 2030.</p> <!-- End: /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <div class="flex items-center"> <div> </div> </div> </div> <div x-cloak x-show="activeTab === 3" class="flex flex-col gap-5" > <!-- /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <h2 class="text-2xl font-bold leading-tight">U.S. Steel</h2> <!-- End: /typography/_h2.antlers.html --> <!-- /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <p class="mt-0 last:mb-0 leading-relaxed m-0 md:max-w-5xl">U.S. Steel unveiled its new sustainable steel line at our annual conference. The company also publicly pledged to be carbon neutral by 2050, becoming the first steel company to do so.</p> <!-- End: /typography/_p.antlers.html --> <div class="flex items-center"> <div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const container = document.getElementById('scrollContainer'); const items = container.querySelectorAll('.item'); const scrollLeftBtn = document.getElementById('scrollLeftBtn'); const scrollRightBtn = document.getElementById('scrollRightBtn'); let selectedIndex = [...items].findIndex(item => item.getAttribute('data-selected') === 'true'); const scrollToSelected = () => { const selectedItem = items[selectedIndex]; if (!selectedItem) return; selectedItem.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', inline: 'center' }); }; const updateSelection = (newIndex) => { if (selectedIndex !== -1) { items[selectedIndex].removeAttribute('data-selected'); } selectedIndex = newIndex; items[selectedIndex].setAttribute('data-selected', 'true'); scrollToSelected(); }; const scrollLeft = () => { if (selectedIndex <= 0) return; updateSelection(selectedIndex - 1); }; const scrollRight = () => { if (selectedIndex >= items.length - 1) return; updateSelection(selectedIndex + 1); }; items.forEach((item, index) => { item.addEventListener('click', () => updateSelection(index)); }); scrollRightBtn.addEventListener('click', scrollRight); scrollLeftBtn.addEventListener('click', scrollLeft); }); </script> <!-- End: /page_builder/_timeline.antlers.html --> <!-- /page_builder/_text_and_image_i.antlers.html --> <section class="bg-cw-green-50 text-black overflow-hidden"> <div class="container" x-data="{ translateX: 0, imagePosition: 'left' }" x-init="() => { function updateTranslate() { let containerWidth = $el.offsetWidth; let containerPaddingRight = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle($el).paddingRight, 10); let screenWidth = window.innerWidth; let calculatedTranslation = (screenWidth - containerWidth) / 2 + containerPaddingRight; // Flip the translation value based on image position translateX = imagePosition === 'left' ? -calculatedTranslation : calculatedTranslation; } updateTranslate(); window.addEventListener('resize', updateTranslate); return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', updateTranslate); }" > <!-- Grid component for layout of modules. 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