Refund Policy

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'' : item._id, packageId = isPackage ? item._id : ''; @> <a title="<@- item['spayee:resource']['spayee:title'] @>" href="<@ print(getCourseLandingPageUrl(item._id, item['spayee:resource']['spayee:courseUrl'])) @>" amplitude-event="buy_now_tapped_course_checkout" amplitude-payload='{"plan_name": "<@- planName @>", "price": <@- price @>, "currency": "USD", "course_id": "<@- courseId @>", "is_package": <@- isPackage @>, "package_id": "<@- packageId @>"}' style="text-decoration: none;"> <@ var curl = ""+ item._id +"/"+ item._id +"_scaled_cover.jpg?v=" + item['spayee:resource']['spayee:coverVersion']; if(isNaN(item['spayee:resource']['spayee:coverVersion'])) { curl = showCourseDefaultCover(null, item._id); } @> <img class="lazy" data-src="<@- curl @>" alt="<@- item['spayee:resource']['spayee:title'] @> cover" onerror="showCourseDefaultCover(this, '<@- item._id @>')"> <h4 class="size-21 text-ellipsis" style="text-wrap: balance;overflow: hidden;display: -webkit-box;-webkit-box-orient: vertical;-webkit-line-clamp: 2;"><@- item['spayee:resource']['spayee:title'] @></h4> <div class="size-16 text-ellipsis" style="max-height: 3rem;"><@ print(item['spayee:resource']['spayee:shortDescription']!==undefined?item['spayee:resource']['spayee:shortDescription']:"") @></div> <p class="size-16 text-ellipsis"><@ if(item['spayee:resource']['spayee:courseType'] === 'package') { @><@ print(item["courses-count"]!==undefined?item["courses-count"]:"0") @> Courses<@ }else { @> <@ print(item["spayee:resource"]["spayee:publisher"]!==undefined?item["spayee:resource"]["spayee:publisher"]:"&nbsp;") @><@ } @></p> <p class="size-18"><span style="color: rgb(21, 101, 192);"><@ print(getCourseDisplayPrice('$', sessionCountry, item, '0.0', '', true)) @></span><br></p> <div style="margin:1em 0"></div> </a> </div> </script> <script type="text/template" id="spcoursecard-4-template"> <div class="column third text-center" style="padding-left: 1rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin-bottom: 0px;"> <@ var curl = ""+ item._id +"/"+ item._id +"_scaled_cover.jpg?v=" + item['spayee:resource']['spayee:coverVersion']; if(isNaN(item['spayee:resource']['spayee:coverVersion'])) { curl = showCourseDefaultCover(null, item._id); } @> <@ var planName = getCoursePlanName(sessionCountry, item), price = getCoursePrice(sessionCountry, item, '0.0', ''), isPackage = item['spayee:resource']['spayee.courseType'] == 'package', courseId = isPackage ? 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', err); showToken('Error retrieving Instance ID token. ', err); setTokenSentToServer(false); }); // [END get_token] } function showToken(currentToken) { // Show token in console and UI. console.log(currentToken); } // Send the Instance ID token your application server, so that it can: // - send messages back to this app // - subscribe/unsubscribe the token from topics function sendTokenToServer(currentToken) { if (!isTokenSentToServer()) { console.log('Sending token to server...'); var packet = { url : "/public/v1/fcm/token", data: {token: currentToken}, success: function(data, params) { console.log("Token successfully sent") setTokenSentToServer(true); setTokenSentToServerUserId(window.userId); } }; postData(packet, {}); } else { console.log('Token already sent to server so won\'t send it again ' + 'unless it changes'); } } function isTokenSentToServer() { return window.localStorage.getItem('sentToServer') === '1' && isTokenSentToServerWithUser(window.userId); } function isTokenSentToServerWithUser(userId) { return window.localStorage.getItem('sentToServer-user') === userId; } function setTokenSentToServer(sent) { window.localStorage.setItem('sentToServer', sent ? '1' : '0'); } function setTokenSentToServerUserId(userId) { window.localStorage.setItem('sentToServer-user', userId); } function requestPermission() { console.log('Requesting permission...'); // [START request_permission] Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) { if (permission === 'granted') { console.log('Notification permission granted.'); resetUI(); } else { console.log('Unable to get permission to notify.'); } }); // [END request_permission] } function deleteToken() { // Delete Instance ID token. // [START delete_token] messaging.getToken().then(function(currentToken){ messaging.deleteToken(currentToken).then(function(){ console.log('Token deleted.'); setTokenSentToServer(false); // Once token is deleted update UI. resetUI(); })["catch"](function(err) { console.log('Unable to delete token. ', err); }); })["catch"](function(err) { console.log('Error retrieving Instance ID token. ', err); showToken('Error retrieving Instance ID token. ', err); }); } // Add a message to the messages element. function appendMessage(payload) { $("#ui-notification-container").notification("create", { title:, content:, customIcon:, customImage:, link: }, { sticky: true }); } // Clear the messages element of all children. function clearMessages() { const messagesElement = document.querySelector('#ui-notification-container'); while (messagesElement.hasChildNodes()) { messagesElement.removeChild(messagesElement.lastChild); } } function updateUIForPushEnabled(currentToken) { showToken("Token update ui: " + currentToken); } function updateUIForPushPermissionRequired() { console.warg("Push notification permission is requred") } window.userId = ""; resetUI(); </script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var lazyLoadInstance = new LazyLoad({ unobserve_entered: true, callback_enter: function(element) { resizeCdnImage(element); } }); </script> </body> </html>

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