Terms and Conditions - Spaulding Rehabilitation
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intended to provide general educational information and to help users more easily arrange for health care services. The Spaulding Rehabilitation website is not an attempt to practice medicine or to provide specific medical advice and should not be used to make a diagnosis or to replace or overrule a qualified healthcare provider's judgment. Nor should users rely upon the Spaulding Rehabilitation website if they might need emergency medical treatment. We strongly encourage users to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for answers to personal questions.</p> <p>Use of programs on the Spaulding Rehabilitation site does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Should you electronically request a referral to SRHN, we will use the information you submit to arrange for care where appropriate. You assume full responsibility for using the information on this site, and you understand and agree that Partners and its affiliates, including SRHN, are not responsible or liable for any claim, loss, or damage resulting from its use by you or any user. While we try to keep the information on the site as accurate as possible, we disclaim any warranty concerning its accuracy, timeliness, and completeness, and any other warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This disclaimer applies to information not only in the English version but also in other languages translated by the site translator. Spaulding Rehabilitation also does not warrant that access to the site will be error- or virus-free.</p> <p>We provide access to other websites for your convenience. Spaulding Rehabilitation is not responsible for the availability, accuracy, or content of those external sites, nor does it endorse them.</p> <p>Material on the Spaulding Rehabilitation website is protected by copyright law. Unless otherwise stated, users may print or download information from this site for personal, non-commercial use only, provided they identify the source of the material and include a statement that the materials are protected by copyright law. Reprinting or otherwise reproducing any document in whole or in part is prohibited, unless prior written consent is obtained from the copyright owner.</p> <p>By choosing to use the Spaulding Rehabilitation website, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this disclaimer and our privacy policy. We encourage you to read them. We reserve the right to modify these terms and policies and recommend that you periodically review them, Use of the site will be taken as compliance with the terms set forth herein.</p> <h2>Web Privacy Policy</h2> <p>At Spaulding Rehabilitation (which includes Spaulding Hospital Cambridge, Inc., Spaulding Nursing and Therapy Center Brighton, Inc., The Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Corporation, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Cape Cod, and Spaulding Rehabilitation), we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of visitors to our website. This website privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) will tell you what information we collect, how it is used and your options as you interact with our website. By using this website, you agree to this policy. Please read the following carefully before using the website.</p> <p><strong>“Protected health information” as defined under the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act and related regulations (collectively referred to as “HIPAA”), including information you provide to a Mass General Brigham facility while being treated as a patient of that facility or within the Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway portal, is separate and subject to our </strong><a class="none" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Notice of Privacy Practices</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p> <h2>Your Consent</h2> <p>By using our website, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of information as described in this Privacy Policy. By providing us with an email address, you agree that we may use your email address to communicate with you about our services and select messages from our partners or affiliates.</p> <p>(NOTE: Opt-out options are discussed in the sections entitled “Cookies, Tracking and Internet-based Advertising”.)</p> <h2>Information That We Collect</h2> <p>You may use our website without providing any personal information. When you reply to any of our communications with a request, we may need to collect additional information. For example, you may be asked to provide personal information, such as name, email address, and demographic information if you choose to complete an online form or provide feedback.</p> <p>If you submit to Spaulding Rehabilitation any personal information relating to other people, you represent that you have the authority to do so and permit us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By submitting personal information, you grant Spaulding Rehabilitation the right to transmit, monitor, retrieve, store and use your information in connection with the operation of the website.</p> <p>Patients can opt to create a Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway account. Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway is a secure portal available for patients to manage their health. Features include reviewing test results, managing appointments, messaging your doctor, renewing your prescriptions and paying your bills. Before creating an account, please review the Terms and Conditions available on the Mass General Brigham <a class="none" title="link to patient gateway website" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Patient Gateway website</a>.</p> <h2>Data Security</h2> <p>Spaulding Rehabilitation is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information you provide to us via this website so that we can make sure it remains as secure as possible. Accordingly, we use reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access. We use a secure firewall and a security infrastructure that protects the integrity and privacy of personal information submitted to us via this website. As an additional security measure, your personal information is also encrypted during transmission using appropriate technology including Transport Layer Security. This is an industry standard. (Encryption is a common method used to protect transmission of sensitive data across the Internet.)</p> <p>Although we work hard to protect your personal information, Spaulding Rehabilitation cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us through online applications, and you do so at your own risk. Depending on the nature of the inquiry, your communication could be discarded or archived. If you wish, you can contact us instead by telephone at the numbers provided throughout our websites.</p> <h2>Cookies, Tracking and Internet-based Advertising</h2> <p>This website works with third-party products or services (“Service Providers”). These include Google, Facebook, and other Service Providers who help us track and analyze visitor activity on the website, measure the effectiveness of our advertising efforts, and support the optimization of our digital marketing campaigns.</p> <p>The website uses “cookies,” tracking pixels and related technologies. These can be set by Spaulding Rehabilitation or by our Service Providers.</p> <p>Cookies are small data files that online services can store on, and retrieve from, a user’s computer or mobile device through the user’s web browser. The information is stored and retrievable either for the duration of a website visit (known as “session cookies”), or until some later point in time set by the website setting the cookie (known as “persistent cookies”).</p> <p>Examples of information we and our Service Providers collect include how often someone visits this website and what they do while on the website. We and our Service Providers use this information in the aggregate to understand how our visitors as a group use different resources and to help us improve our website. We and our Service Providers also collect information about the activity of individual website users. This information may be used to direct related Spaulding Rehabilitation advertisements and/or informational content to website users when they visit other websites.</p> <p>Most internet browsers accept cookies by default, but you can modify your browser preferences to block or restrict cookies if you do not want your web browsing activity tracked. There are a variety of tools publicly available to manage cookies and similar technologies that collect information related to your use of the website. Learn more from (i) the <a class="none" title="FTC website" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">FTC</a> or (ii) the <a class="none" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Digital Advertising Alliance opt-out page</a>, which allows users to opt out from receiving interest-based advertising.</p> <p>We are not responsible for the effectiveness or compliance of third party opt-out mechanisms or programs. Please note that if you delete your cookies or upgrade your browser after having opted out, you will need to opt out again. Further, if you use multiple browsers or devices you will need to opt out on each browser or device. You can access the information on this website without enabling cookies in your browser but disabling cookies may result in a diminished ability to take advantage of the services and related informational content on the website.</p> <p>We use web analytics and tag management services and tools provided by Google and other third parties to collect certain information relating to your use of this website. You can find out more about how Google uses data when you visit our website by visiting “<a class="none" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps</a>.”</p> <p>Spaulding Rehabilitation deploys the Facebook Pixel on this website. The Facebook Pixel may enable Facebook to match website visitors with their Facebook User Accounts. You can find out more about how Facebook uses data from our website by visiting “<a class="none" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">What kinds of information do we collect?</a>”</p> <p>Our Service Providers may acquire additional information about your activity on our website, including pages you visit, access times, visit duration, how you arrived at our website and your IP address. An IP address is a number that identifies a device connected to the Internet. For most devices, the IP address changes on at least a weekly basis. Our Service Providers may also acquire device identifiers and specific information about the browser you use. In some cases, this information may be unique to you.</p> <h2>How We Use This Information</h2> <p>Spaulding Rehabilitation uses the information you provide to fulfill online requests, process credit card information and respond to customer service inquiries, or in other ways as required by law.</p> <p>We may use your information to:</p> <ul> <li>Help us improve the services we offer</li> <li>Personalize your experience and inform you about the treatments/services in which you have indicated an interest</li> <li>Tailor digital advertisements on third-party websites based on your interactions on our website</li> <li>Improve our website offerings and send you information and updates</li> <li>Respond to your questions and requests and improve customer service</li> <li>Administer a promotion, survey or other site feature</li> <li>Communicate changes to our Privacy Policy or terms of use</li> </ul> <p>In some cases, third parties contracted by Spaulding Rehabilitation may have access to your information to perform a specific task, for example, to send you an e-newsletter.</p> <h2>Users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland</h2> <p>EEA or Switzerland residents are entitled to the rights under Chapter III of the EU General Data Protection Regulation or Section 2 of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection with respect to the processing of personal data, which includes the right to access, rectify and request erasure of personal data. Please contact us with your request. In order to verify your identity, we may require you to provide us with personal information prior to accessing any records containing information about you.</p> <h2>Third-Party Vendors/Content Providers</h2> <p>Spaulding Rehabilitation shares information with third parties, including as required by law or in order to provide the services requested. Spaulding Rehabilitation engages reputable third-party vendors to help us manage this website, provide content and information, and interact better with our patients and visitors.</p> <h2>Transfer in the Event of Sale or Change of Control</h2> <p>If the ownership of our business changes or we need to transfer assets relating to this website to a third party, we may transfer your personal information to the new owner. Your information would remain subject to the promises made in the applicable Website Privacy Policy unless you specify otherwise.</p> <h2>Online Surveys</h2> <p>Occasionally we may request feedback on this website to better understand how we can improve what information we present and how we present it. These surveys do not ask questions that could personally identify you. We may ask for contact information to follow-up, but you can decline to provide that information. Information that you provide in a survey may be shared with employees or third parties to aggregate the data.</p> <h2>Email Information</h2> <p>Please do not provide personal information via email to us unless it is through a secure channel (these will be marked, as secure online forms, for example). Remember that email messages, unless encrypted while in transit, can be viewed by other Internet users. If you have personal information to communicate, please use the appropriate secure online form or contact the necessary party using traditional means such as phone or mail.</p> <p>If you receive an email that looks like it is from Spaulding Rehabilitation and asks for your personal information, do not respond. This may be a scam or “Phishing” email intended to steal your information. Spaulding Rehabilitation will never request your password, user name, credit card information or other personal information through email.</p> <h2>Links to External Websites</h2> <p>This online Privacy Policy applies only to this website. This website contains links to other websites, within and outside of Spaulding Rehabilitation. Please be aware that this Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy on any other websites before providing them with personal information.</p> <p>Certain interactive patient applications may be linked to this website as a convenience for you. If you choose to utilize a specific patient application, please be sure to read the privacy policy associated with that application. Mass General Brigham Patient Gateway, which offers patients secure electronic messaging to participating practices, is an example of such a patient application.</p> <h2>Changes to This Policy</h2> <p>Spaulding Rehabilitation has the right to change or update this Website Privacy Policy from time to time without notice, so please review it periodically to keep informed of any changes. If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or concerns about how we collect, use or protect your personal information, please contact us as listed below.</p> <h2>Contact Us</h2> <p>If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or concerns about how we collect, use or protect your personal information, <a class="none" title="link to webpage" href="mailto:" target="_blank" rel="noopener">please contact us</a>.</p> <p>Last Revised October 1, 2021</p> <h2>Information for Reporting Claims of Copyright Infringement</h2> <p>In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512 (the DCMA) Spaulding Rehabilitation is registered as a Service Provider with the United States Copyright Office. Notifications of copyright infringement claims occurring on Spaulding Rehabilitation's Network should be reported to our designated agent: Neil Buckley, Partners Healthcare System, Inc., One Constitution Center, 1st floor, Charlestown, MA 02129 (E-mail: <a class="none" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>)</p> <p>Any such notice must be in writing, and must include the following information as required by the DMCA:</p> <ul> <li>A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or the person authorized to act on its behalf;</li> <li>A description of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed;</li> <li>A description of the infringing material and information reasonably sufficient to permit Spaulding Rehabilitation to locate the material;</li> <li>Your contact information, including your address, telephone number, and email;</li> <li>A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the 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