Meet our Executive | Lifeline Western Melbourne

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</button> </form> </div> </div> </header> <div class="Layout-content"><header class="PageHeader is-default"><div class="PageHeader-wrap"><div class="PageHeader-meta"><a href="" class="PageHeader-section" > About us </a></div><h1 class="PageHeader-heading"> Meet our Executive </h1></div> </header><main class="Page"><div class="ContentBlocks"><div class="ContentBlock IntroBlock"> <div class="ContentBlock-wrap"><p class="IntroBlock-text"> The Lifeline Direct Executive Team are responsible for leading Lifeline Direct toward meeting the mission of an &#039;Australia free of suicide&#039;. </p> </div> </div> <div class="ContentBlock TextBlock Copy"> <div class="ContentBlock-wrap "> <div class="TextBlock-wrap "> <p>We are here to make sure that no-one has to face their darkest moments alone and we aim to do this by making sure we are available for people in a time, place and a way in which they seek our help.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ContentBlock TeamBlock"> <div class="TeamBlock-wrap"><div class="TeamCard is-small"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-158642" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Luke Lindsay" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Luke Lindsay</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</p> </div> </a> </div><div data-modal-close=".js-teamMember-158642" class="Modal js-teamMember-158642" > <div class="Modal-wrap"> <button type="button" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-158642" class="Modal-close" > <span class="Icon"> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M18 6L6 18M6 6l12 12"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="u-visuallyHidden">Close modal</span> </button> <div class="Modal-content"><div class="TeamMember"><div class="TeamCard is-large"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-158642" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Luke Lindsay" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Luke Lindsay</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</p> </div> </a> </div><div class="TeamMember-desc"> <div class="ContentBlock TextBlock Copy"> <div class="ContentBlock-wrap"> <div class="TextBlock-wrap"> <p>Luke role is to provide direction, purpose and vision that in turn makes sure that our efforts are focused on those who seek our help and that the services we provide make an impact.<em><br /></em></p> <p><strong>"As CEO of Lifeline, I'm inspired by the resilience of those we support. Their stories fuel our mission to create lasting change. Together, we can build a brighter future, one life at a time".</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="TeamCard is-small"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-13395" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Michael Were" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Michael Were</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Executive Director Fundraising, Marketing &amp; Stakeholder Relations</p> </div> </a> </div><div data-modal-close=".js-teamMember-13395" class="Modal js-teamMember-13395" > <div class="Modal-wrap"> <button type="button" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-13395" class="Modal-close" > <span class="Icon"> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M18 6L6 18M6 6l12 12"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="u-visuallyHidden">Close modal</span> </button> <div class="Modal-content"><div class="TeamMember"><div class="TeamCard is-large"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-13395" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Michael Were" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Michael Were</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Executive Director Fundraising, Marketing &amp; Stakeholder Relations</p> </div> </a> </div><div class="TeamMember-desc"> <div class="ContentBlock TextBlock Copy"> <div class="ContentBlock-wrap"> <div class="TextBlock-wrap"> <p>Michael Were is the Executive Director – Fundraising, Marketing &amp; Stakeholder Relations. Michael leads our teams that are devoted to ensuring that we have the resources needed so that we are able to deliver Crisis Support, Counselling, suicide prevention and community programs across the three states that Lifeline Direct operates.</p> <p><strong>“Lifeline plays a crucial role in keeping our community safe. It is incredibly rewarding to play a part in ensuring that no one faces their darkest moments alone”</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="TeamCard is-small"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-156097" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Alison Lowth" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Alison Lowth</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Executive Director People &amp; Risk</p> </div> </a> </div><div data-modal-close=".js-teamMember-156097" class="Modal js-teamMember-156097" > <div class="Modal-wrap"> <button type="button" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-156097" class="Modal-close" > <span class="Icon"> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M18 6L6 18M6 6l12 12"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="u-visuallyHidden">Close modal</span> </button> <div class="Modal-content"><div class="TeamMember"><div class="TeamCard is-large"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-156097" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Alison Lowth" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Alison Lowth</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Executive Director People &amp; Risk</p> </div> </a> </div><div class="TeamMember-desc"> <div class="ContentBlock TextBlock Copy"> <div class="ContentBlock-wrap"> <div class="TextBlock-wrap"> <p>Alison leads our Human Resources and Compliance, Governance &amp; Risk teams that are focused on enabling Lifeline Direct to deliver it’s services through our people.</p> <p><strong>“Everything we do at Lifeline plays a part in providing crucial services to our communities and I am privileged to lead a team that supports organisational needs, develops capability and enhances performance”</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="ContentBlock TeamBlock"> <div class="TeamBlock-wrap"><div class="TeamCard is-small"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-156149" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Louise Geoghegan" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Louise Geoghegan</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Executive Director, Strategy, Change, and Organisational Development</p> </div> </a> </div><div data-modal-close=".js-teamMember-156149" class="Modal js-teamMember-156149" > <div class="Modal-wrap"> <button type="button" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-156149" class="Modal-close" > <span class="Icon"> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M18 6L6 18M6 6l12 12"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="u-visuallyHidden">Close modal</span> </button> <div class="Modal-content"><div class="TeamMember"><div class="TeamCard is-large"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-156149" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Louise Geoghegan" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Louise Geoghegan</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Executive Director, Strategy, Change, and Organisational Development</p> </div> </a> </div><div class="TeamMember-desc"> <div class="ContentBlock TextBlock Copy"> <div class="ContentBlock-wrap"> <div class="TextBlock-wrap"> <p><span dir="ltr">Louise plays a critical strategic role in ensuring the success of key organisational initiatives at LLD. She aligns projects with broader business goals, ensuring they are delivered on time and within budget while driving sustained employee adoption and engagement. Louise’s expertise in change management focuses on the people side of transformation—strategically preparing, supporting, and equipping teams to embrace change and ensuring that everyone is aligned with the organisation’s long-term vision and strategy.</span><strong><span dir="ltr"></span> </strong></p> <p><strong>“I feel passionate about the ability to empower people through change. Seeing employees feel informed, supported, and engaged as we move forward together is incredibly rewarding. I’m inspired by the impact we can make when we bring people along on the journey.”</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="TeamCard is-small"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-158766" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Frances Wade" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Frances Wade</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Chief Finance Officer (CFO)</p> </div> </a> </div><div data-modal-close=".js-teamMember-158766" class="Modal js-teamMember-158766" > <div class="Modal-wrap"> <button type="button" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-158766" class="Modal-close" > <span class="Icon"> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M18 6L6 18M6 6l12 12"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="u-visuallyHidden">Close modal</span> </button> <div class="Modal-content"><div class="TeamMember"><div class="TeamCard is-large"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-158766" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Frances Wade" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Frances Wade</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Chief Finance Officer (CFO)</p> </div> </a> </div><div class="TeamMember-desc"> <div class="ContentBlock TextBlock Copy"> <div class="ContentBlock-wrap"> <div class="TextBlock-wrap"> <p>Frances is the CFO for Lifeline Direct, along with her team she managing budgets, forecasts and financial affairs, develops and implements long-term financial models and manages comprehensive financial systems and processes. In leading finance teams her focus is on fostering a culture of continuous improvement and quality.</p> <p><strong>"With a deep passion for making a positive impact, I am driven by a strong commitment to supporting Lifeline Direct's mission of helping those in need."</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="TeamCard is-small"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-164426" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Geoffrey Norman" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Geoffrey Norman</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Executive Director, Service Delivery</p> </div> </a> </div><div data-modal-close=".js-teamMember-164426" class="Modal js-teamMember-164426" > <div class="Modal-wrap"> <button type="button" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-164426" class="Modal-close" > <span class="Icon"> <svg xmlns="" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M18 6L6 18M6 6l12 12"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="u-visuallyHidden">Close modal</span> </button> <div class="Modal-content"><div class="TeamMember"><div class="TeamCard is-large"> <a href="" data-modal-toggle=".js-teamMember-164426" class="TeamCard-wrap" > <div class="TeamCard-img"> <img src="" alt="Geoffrey Norman" > </div> <div class="TeamCard-text"> <p class="TeamCard-name">Geoffrey Norman</p> <p class="TeamCard-role">Executive Director, Service Delivery</p> </div> </a> </div><div class="TeamMember-desc"> <div class="ContentBlock TextBlock Copy"> <div class="ContentBlock-wrap"> <div class="TextBlock-wrap"> <p>Geoffrey Norman is the Executive Director- Service Delivery. Geoffrey leads the teams delivering crisis support and specialist counselling along with the teams that ensure Lifeline delivers timely and high quality services.</p> <p><strong>“Having seen the positive impact Lifeline Services have on individuals and communities it drives me to be part of an organisation that contributes so much across Australia”</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </main></div><div class="FooterSubscribe"> <div class="FooterSubscribe-wrap"> <form id="footer_subscribe" accept-charset="UTF-8" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" novalidate="novalidate" data-ajax-form="" data-ajax-target="#footer_subscribe" data-ajax-errormsg="Error. 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