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class="PageHeader-heading"> Get involved </h1><p class="PageHeader-desc"> There are a number of ways to can get involved with your Lifeline centre in Western Melbourne. By making a donation, attending an event or hosting your own fundraiser, you are helping to support Lifeline&#039;s local services. You can also volunteer or apply to work with us. For more information contact us on 1300 152 854. </p></div> </header><main class="Listing"><div class="ListingItems padding-bottom"><article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Work with us" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Work with us</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">Join a team of committed and passionate people working towards a vision of an Australia free of suicide.</p> <span class="ListingCard-more">Read more</span> </div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Volunteer with us" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Volunteer with us</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">There are a number of ways you can get involved with Lifeline by Volunteering. Use your skills and passion to help others, while being part of a community who is driven by working towards an &#039;Australia free of suicide&#039;.</p> <span class="ListingCard-more">Read more</span> </div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Become a Crisis Supporter" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Become a Crisis Supporter</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">Use your skills and passion to help others, while being part of a community who is driven by working towards an &#039;Australia free of suicide&#039;.</p> <span class="ListingCard-more">Read more</span> </div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Host a Fundraiser" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Host a Fundraiser</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">Hosting a community fundraiser is and effective way for you to make a big difference in the lives of others by making a financial contribution to the work Lifeline delivers in the community.</p> <span class="ListingCard-more">Read more</span> </div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Leave a gift in your will" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Leave a gift in your will</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">Consider nominating Lifeline Direct Ltd in your will as a meaningful way to honour your memory and make a difference in the lives of others.</p> <span class="ListingCard-more">Read more</span> </div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Buy our Lifeline Merch" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Buy our Lifeline Merch</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">Lifeline T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Bags &amp; Tea Towels. Every call we receive is a call for help. Buy a Lifeline T-Shirt or Hoodie and cover the cost it takes for us to answer a 13 11 14 crisis support phone call.</p> <span class="ListingCard-more">Read more</span> </div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Join the Op Shop Drop" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Join the Op Shop Drop</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">Join the Op Shop Drop at your workplace and donate your quality used goods</p> <span class="ListingCard-more">Read more</span> </div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Partner With us" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Partner With us</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">Partner with Lifeline Western Melbourne and be part of the difference.</p> <span class="ListingCard-more">Read more</span> </div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Make a Donation" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Make a Donation</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">Donations to Lifeline help support local services which we proudly deliver within the community.</p> <span class="ListingCard-more">Read more</span> </div> </div> </a> </article> <article class="ListingCard"> <a href="" class="ListingCard-wrap" > <div class="ListingCard-img"> <div class="ListingCard-imgwrap"> <img src="" alt="Regular Giving" > </div> </div> <div class="ListingCard-content"> <div class="ListingCard-text"> <h2 class="ListingCard-heading">Regular Giving</h2> <p class="ListingCard-blurb">Your decision to donate will increase our capacity to deliver crisis support and suicide prevention services in your local community. 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