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Davis]] * [[Maureen McCormick]] * [[Eve Plumb]] * [[Susan Olsen]] * [[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]] * [[Christopher Knight (actor)|Christopher Knight]] * [[Mike Lookinland]] }} | theme_music_composer = {{Plainlist| * [[Frank De Vol]] * Sherwood Schwartz }} | opentheme = {{Plainlist| * "The Brady Bunch" performed by: * [[Peppermint Trolley Company]] {{small|(season 1)}} * The Brady Bunch Kids * {{small|(seasons 2–5)}} }} | composer = Frank De Vol | country = United States | language = English | num_seasons = 5 | num_episodes = 117 | list_episodes = List of The Brady Bunch episodes | executive_producer = [[Sherwood Schwartz]] | producer = {{Plainlist| * [[Howard Leeds]] * Sherwood Schwartz * [[Lloyd J. Schwartz]] }} | camera = [[Single-camera setup|Single-camera]] | runtime = 25–26 minutes | company = {{Plainlist| * Redwood Productions * [[Paramount Television]] }} | network = [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]]&lt;!-- This is the series' only original network of broadcast and there should be no others added to this list, per the template's instructions for this parameter (a.k.a. "network")-->&lt;ref>{{cite web |last=Berman, Marc |date=26 September 2016 |title=11 Things About 'The Brady Bunch' You May Not Know |url= |website=[[Today (American TV program)|Today]]}}&lt;/ref> | first_aired = {{Start date|1969|9|26}} | last_aired = {{End date|1974|3|8}}&lt;!-- The final season of The Brady Bunch was season 5 which ended on March 8, 1974. That makes the episode on March 8, 1974 the series final even if it that was not planned. This date should remain "{{End date|1974|3|8}}". The date was inexplicably changed in an edit on June 15, 2014, prior to which the date was as it is now.--> | related = {{Plainlist| * ''[[The Brady Kids]]'' * ''[[The Brady Bunch Hour]]'' }} }} '''''The Brady Bunch''''' is an American [[sitcom]] created by [[Sherwood Schwartz]] that aired from September 26, 1969, to March 8, 1974, on [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]]. The series revolves around a large [[Stepfamily|blended family]] of six children, with three boys and three girls. After its cancellation in 1974, the series debuted in [[Broadcast syndication|syndication]] in September 1975.&lt;ref>{{cite news |title=Remembering Ann B. Davis: So much more than just 'Alice' |date=June 3, 2014 |url= |access-date=2022-03-20 |newspaper=[[The Georgia Straight]] |agency=[[Associated Press]]}}&lt;/ref> Though it was never a ratings hit or a critical success during its original run, the program has since become a popular syndicated staple, especially among children and teenage viewers. ''The Brady Bunch''{{'}}s success in syndication led to several television reunion films and [[Spin-off (media)|spin-off]] series: ''[[The Brady Bunch Hour]]'' (1976–77), ''[[#The Brady Girls Get Married / The Brady Brides|The Brady Girls Get Married]]'' (1981), ''[[#The Brady Girls Get Married / The Brady Brides|The Brady Brides]]'' (1981), ''[[A Very Brady Christmas]]'' (1988), and ''[[The Bradys]]'' (1990). In 1995, the series was adapted into a satirical comedy theatrical film titled ''[[The Brady Bunch Movie]]'', followed by ''[[A Very Brady Sequel]]'' in 1996. A second sequel, ''[[The Brady Bunch in the White House]]'', aired on [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] in November 2002 as a [[television film|made-for-television film]]. In 1997, "Getting [[Davy Jones (musician)|Davy Jones]]" (season three, episode 12) was ranked number 37 on [[TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All-Time|''TV Guide''{{'}}s 100 Greatest Episodes of All-Time]].&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |year=1997 |title=Special Collectors' Issue: 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time |magazine=[[TV Guide]] |issue=June 28 July 4}}&lt;/ref> The show's enduring popularity has resulted in its widespread recognition as an American [[cultural icon]]. ==Premise== Mike Brady ([[Robert Reed]]), a widowed [[architect]] with three sons—Greg ([[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]]), Peter ([[Christopher Knight (actor)|Christopher Knight]]), and Bobby ([[Mike Lookinland]])—marries Carol Martin ([[Florence Henderson]]), who herself has three daughters: Marcia ([[Maureen McCormick]]), Jan ([[Eve Plumb]]), and Cindy ([[Susan Olsen]]). Mike and Carol adopt each other's children and Carol and her daughters take the Brady surname. Included in the blended family are Mike's live-in [[Housekeeper (domestic worker)|housekeeper]], Alice Nelson ([[Ann B. Davis]]), and the boys' dog, Tiger. (In the pilot episode, the girls also have a pet: a cat named Fluffy who never appears in any other episodes). The setting is a large two-story house designed by Mike, located in a Los Angeles suburb.&lt;ref name="BB">{{Cite web |title=Brady Bunch synopsis |url= |access-date=2014-06-01 |website=Sitcoms Online}}&lt;/ref> The show never addressed what happened to Carol's first husband.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Florence Henderson reveals what really happened to Carol Brady's first husband|website=ABC7 New York}}&lt;/ref> In the first season, awkward adjustments, accommodations, gender rivalries, and resentments inherent in blended families dominate the storylines. In an early episode, Carol tells Bobby that the only "steps" in their household lead to the second floor (in other words, that the Bradys are not a "stepfamily", only "a family"). Thereafter, episodes focus on typical teen and [[Preadolescence|preteen]] concerns such as [[sibling rivalry]], [[puppy love]], [[self-image]], character building, responsibility, [[dating]], [[School grades (US)|school grades]] and getting along in social company. Noticeably absent is any [[Political criticism|political commentary]], especially regarding the [[Vietnam War]], which was being waged at its largest extent during the height of the series.&lt;ref>History Channel, "The Social History of Television" (Aug 2013){{full citation needed|date=March 2022}}&lt;/ref> ==Episodes== {{Main|List of The Brady Bunch episodes}} {{:List of The Brady Bunch episodes}} ==Cast and characters== {{Main|List of The Brady Bunch characters}} ===Main=== The regular cast appears in an opening title sequence in which video "headshots" are arranged in a three-by-three grid, with cast members appearing to look around at one another. The sequence used the then-new "[[multi-dynamic image technique]]" created by Canadian filmmaker [[Christopher Chapman]]; as a result of the popular attention it garnered in this sequence, it was referred to in the press as "the Brady Bunch effect".&lt;ref name="">{{cite news| url=| newspaper=[[The Globe and Mail]]| location=[[Toronto]]| title=Obituary: "Christopher Chapman, Oscar Winner who invented 'Brady Bunch' effect| date=October 30, 2015| access-date=March 20, 2022}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=etan>{{cite news| url=| newspaper=[[The Hollywood Reporter]]| title=Oscar-Winning Creator of 'The Brady Bunch' Effect Dies at 88| first=Etan| last=Vlessing| date=October 27, 2015| access-date=March 20, 2022}}&lt;/ref> In a 2010 issue of ''[[TV Guide]]'', the show's opening title sequence ranked number eight on a list of TV's top-10 credits sequences, as selected by readers.&lt;ref name="TVGuide">Tomashoff, Craig. "Credits Check". ''TV Guide''. October 18, 2010. Pages&amp;nbsp;16–17.&lt;/ref> &lt;imagemap> Image:Brady Bunch.jpg|320px|right|thumb|alt=A 3&amp;nbsp;×&amp;nbsp;3 grid of squares with face shots of all nine starring characters of the television series: three blond girls in the left three squares, three brown-haired boys in the right three squares, and the middle three squares feature a blond, motherly woman, a dark-haired woman, and a brown-haired man; all the faces are on blue backgrounds.|Cast of ''The Brady Bunch'' in the signature three-by-three grid featured in the show open. Click on a character for the actor's biography. default [[Image:The Brady Bunch.jpg]] desc bottom-left rect 0 0 106 79 [[Maureen McCormick|Marcia Brady (Maureen McCormick)]] rect 0 80 106 159 [[Eve Plumb|Jan Brady (Eve Plumb)]] rect 0 160 106 239 [[Susan Olsen|Cindy Brady (Susan Olsen)]] rect 107 0 213 79 [[Florence Henderson|Carol Brady (Florence Henderson)]] rect 107 80 213 159 [[Ann B. Davis|Alice Nelson (Ann B. Davis)]] rect 214 0 319 79 [[Barry Williams (actor)|Greg Brady (Barry Williams)]] rect 214 80 319 159 [[Christopher Knight (actor)|Peter Brady (Christopher Knight)]] rect 214 160 319 239 [[Mike Lookinland|Bobby Brady (Mike Lookinland)]] rect 107 160 213 239 [[Robert Reed|Mike Brady (Robert Reed)]] # for details on image maps. &lt;/imagemap> * [[Robert Reed]] as Mike Brady * [[Florence Henderson]] as Carol Brady * [[Ann B. Davis]] as Alice Nelson * [[Maureen McCormick]] as Marcia Brady * [[Eve Plumb]] as Jan Brady * [[Susan Olsen]] as Cindy Brady * [[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]] as Greg Brady * [[Christopher Knight (actor)|Christopher Knight]] as Peter Brady * [[Mike Lookinland]] as Bobby Brady ===Recurring characters=== * Sam Franklin ([[Allan Melvin]]) is Alice's boyfriend. He is the owner of a local [[butcher]] shop. Sam appears in only eight episodes, but they span all five seasons. He is also frequently mentioned in dialogue, and Alice occasionally goes on dates with him off-screen. By the time of the 1981 made-for-TV film ''The Brady Girls Get Married'', Alice and Sam are married. * Tiger the dog&amp;nbsp;— [[List of The Brady Bunch characters#The Bradys' pets|the original dog]] that played Tiger died early in the first season.&lt;ref>{{cite book| title=Growing up Brady: I was a teenage Greg| first1=Barry| last1=Williams| first2=Chris| last2=Kreski| page=175| url=| publisher=HarperPerennial| year=1992| isbn=978-0-0609-6588-4| access-date=March 20, 2022| url-access=registration}}&lt;/ref> A replacement dog proved problematic, so the producers decided the dog would appear only when essential to the plot. Tiger appeared in about half the episodes in the first season and about half a dozen episodes in the second season. Tiger seemingly vanished without an explanation and was not shown again after "The Impractical Joker" (last episode shown with Tiger) and "What Goes Up" (last episode made with Tiger); however, his doghouse remained in the back yard for the entire run of the series. * Mr. Phillips ([[Jack Collins (actor)|Jack Collins]]) is Mike's boss at the architectural firm. He appears only in season two, in three episodes, but is often mentioned in other episodes when work-related issues occur. * Cousin Oliver ([[Robbie Rist]])&amp;nbsp;— in the middle of season five, producers added a new character named Oliver, Carol Brady's young nephew, who is sent to live with the Bradys while his parents are living in South America. The character was added in an attempt to fill the age gap left by the maturing Brady children&amp;nbsp;— the youngest (Susan Olsen) was 12 years old during the show's final season. Lloyd Schwartz, son of creator and executive producer Sherwood Schwartz, later admitted that the character threw off the balance of the show. Fans disliked the character of Oliver, regarding him as an interloper. Oliver appears in the final six episodes of season five, which proved to be the final season, as ABC cancelled the series in 1974. The addition of the character has been cited as the moment the series "[[Jumping the shark|jumped the shark]]".{{sfn|Schwartz|Schwartz|2010|page=201}} The term "Cousin Oliver" has been used to describe the addition of a young character as an attempt to save a series from cancellation.&lt;ref>{{cite book |last1=Ariano |first1=Tara |title=Television Without Pity: 752 Things We Love to Hate (And Hate to Love) About TV |last2=Bunting |first2=Sarah D. |publisher=Quirk Books |year=2006 |isbn=1-59474-117-4 |page=63}}&lt;/ref> ===Notable guest stars=== * [[Herbert Anderson]] as Dr. Cameron, a doctor who comes to treat the boys' measles in "Is There a Doctor in the House?" (season one). * [[Melissa Sue Anderson]] played Millicent, a girl who gives Bobby his first kiss ("Never Too Young", season five). * [[Desi Arnaz Jr.]] meets Marcia, who wrote about him in her diary in "The Possible Dream" (season one). * [[Jim Backus]] appears three times in the series, twice in two of the three Grand Canyon episodes, "Ghost Town U.S.A." and "Grand Canyon or Bust", playing Zaccariah T. Brown, who mistakenly thinks the Bradys are jumping his gold claim and locks them in a ghost-town jail; and in "The Hustler" (season five) playing Mike's second boss, Mr. Harry Matthews. * [[Ken Berry]] played Ken Kelly, the Bradys' new neighbor who is the adoptive father of three diverse boys (black, white, and Asian) in the season five episode "Kelly's Kids". Sherwood Schwartz was attempting to sell a [[spin-off (media)|spin-off]] series called ''Kelly's Kids'' featuring Berry, but the show idea failed to interest ABC. * [[Imogene Coca]] plays the Brady girls' great-aunt Jenny, whom Jan fears she will grow up to resemble after seeing a childhood photo of her in "Jan's Aunt Jenny" (season three). * [[Jackie Coogan]] plays Harry Duggan, a man who tries to get money out of Carol Brady by faking an injury after a minor parking lot fender-bender. * [[Don Drysdale]] tries to inject reality into Greg's dreams of being a professional [[baseball]] player in "The Dropout" (season two). * [[Nicholas Hammond]] as Doug Simpson, the popular school hunk Marcia was dating in "The Subject Was Noses". (season four) * [[Don Ho]] meets Cindy and Bobby and serenades Cindy in [[Honolulu]] in "Hawaii Bound" (part one of a three-part season-four episode), filmed on location in Hawaii. * [[Davy Jones (musician)|Davy Jones]] (of [[The Monkees]]) performs at a music studio and then takes Marcia to her school dance in "Getting Davy Jones" (season three). Decades later, Jones satirized his cameo in ''[[The Brady Bunch Movie]]''. * [[Deacon Jones]] encourages Peter's singing in "The Drummer Boy" (season two). * [[Kym Karath]] as Kerry Hathaway, a girl Peter woos in "Cyrano de Brady" (season four). * [[Bartell LaRue|Bart La Rue]] plays a football coach in "The Drummer Boy" (season two) and "Click" (season three). * [[E. G. Marshall]] is J.P. Randolph, Marcia's school principal, in "The Slumber Caper" (season two). * [[James McDivitt|Brigadier General James McDivitt]] ([[NASA]] astronaut) signs autographs for Peter and Bobby after appearing on a talk show in "Out of This World" (season five). * [[Burt Mustin]] plays Jethroe Collins, the son of a victim of [[Jesse James]], invited over by Mike Brady to help Bobby understand the truth about Jesse James. * [[Joe Namath]] visits Bobby after Cindy contacts him saying Bobby has a terminal illness in "Mail Order Hero" (season five). * [[Denise Nickerson]] as Pamela Phillips, niece of Mike Brady's boss, Ed Phillips, whom Peter dates at Mike's request in "Two Petes in a Pod" (season five). * [[Wes Parker]] meets Mike and Greg in Greg's math classroom, thus curing Greg of the crush he had on his teacher Miss Linda O'Hara (played by [[Gigi Perreau]]), Parker's fiancée in "The Undergraduate" (season one). * [[Vincent Price]] appears twice in the series in two of the three Hawaii episodes, "Pass the Tabu", and "The Tiki Caves" from season four, playing the villainous Professor Hubert Whitehead, who holds the Brady boys hostage. * [[Marion Ross]] appears as Dr. Porter, a doctor who comes to treat the girls' measles in "Is There a Doctor in the House?" (season one). * [[Natalie Schafer]] is Mike's fussy client, Penelope Fletcher, who is charmed by Cindy's impromptu '[[Shirley Temple]]' routine in "The Snooperstar" (season five). * [[Hal Smith (actor)|Hal Smith]] appears as Santa Claus in "The Voice of Christmas" (season one), and as Kartoon King in "The Winner" (season two). * [[Marcia Wallace]] plays a salesclerk in "Would the Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up" (season two) and Mrs. Robbins in "Getting Davy Jones" (season three). * [[Rita Wilson]] began her career with a guest appearance in "Greg's Triangle" (season four) where she plays one of the candidates running against Marcia for head cheerleader. * [[Paul Winchell]] appears as Skip Farnum, the TV commercial director in "And Now a Word From Our Sponsor" (season three). ==Production== ===Development=== In 1966, following the success of his TV series ''[[Gilligan's Island]]'', Sherwood Schwartz conceived the idea for ''The Brady Bunch'' after reading in the ''[[Los Angeles Times]]'' that "30% of marriages [in the United States] have a child or children from a previous marriage". He set to work on a [[television pilot|pilot]] script for a series tentatively titled ''Mine and Yours''.&lt;ref name="Brady">{{cite book |last1=Edelstein |first1=Andrew J. |title=The Brady Bunch Book |last2=Lovece |first2=Frank |url= |publisher=Warner Books |date=September 1, 1990 |isbn=978-0-4463-9137-5 |location=New York |pages=5–9 |author-link2=Frank Lovece}}&lt;/ref> Schwartz then developed the script to include three children for each parent. While Mike Brady is depicted as being a widower, Schwartz originally wanted the character of Carol Brady to have been a divorcée, but the network objected to this. A compromise was reached whereby Carol's marital status (whether she was divorced or widowed) was never directly revealed. Schwartz shopped the series to the "big three" television networks of the era. [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]], [[CBS]], and [[NBC]] all liked the script, but each network wanted changes before they would commit to filming, so Schwartz shelved the project.&lt;ref>[[The Biography Channel]] documentary titled "''The Brady Bunch''", retrieved on June 16, 2008.&lt;/ref> Although similarities exist between the series and two 1968 theatrical release films, United Artists' ''[[Yours, Mine and Ours (1968 film)|Yours, Mine and Ours]]'' (starring [[Henry Fonda]] and [[Lucille Ball]]) and [[National General Pictures|CBS]]'s ''[[With Six You Get Eggroll]]'' (starring [[Brian Keith]] and [[Doris Day]]), the original script for ''The Brady Bunch'' predated the scripts for both of these films. Nonetheless, the outstanding success of ''Yours, Mine and Ours'' ([[1968 in film|the 11th-highest-grossing film of 1968]]) was a factor in ABC's decision to order episodes for the series.&lt;ref name=Brady /> After receiving a commitment for 13 weeks of television shows from ABC in 1968, Schwartz hired film and television director [[John Rich (director)|John Rich]] to direct the pilot, then called "The Brady Brood", cast the six children from 264 interviews during that summer, and hired the actors to play the mother, father, and housekeeper roles.&lt;ref>{{cite book |last1=Schwartz |first1=Sherwood |title=Brady, Brady, Brady: The Complete Story of The Brady Bunch as Told by the Father/Son Team who Really Know |last2=Schwartz |first2=Lloyd J. |url= |publisher=Running Press |date=2010 |isbn=978-0-7624-4164-8 |pages=52–53 |url-access=registration}}&lt;/ref> For the part of the father, Schwartz originally cast [[Bob Holiday]], who was well known for portraying [[Superman]] in a [[It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's Superman|Broadway musical]], but since Holiday had little on-camera experience, network executives overrode Schwartz's decision and gave the role to TV veteran [[Robert Reed]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Shoulda! Woulda! Coulda! The Brady Bunch Edition: How Bob Holiday almost became a household name! |last= |first= |date= |website=Superman Bob Holiday |publisher=Toni Collins |access-date=2022-12-28 |quote=Sherwood Schwartz, the show's producer, told me that I had the lead role of the Father. Several actresses auditioned for the part of my "wife", and after much discussion, Florence Henderson was chosen. At the eleventh hour, Sherwood called me, practically in tears. He said the executives at ABC had overridden his decision to cast me. They had chosen Robert Reed for the part. He had been on a show called ''The Defenders'', and was a "known" TV actor.}}&lt;/ref> As the sets were built on [[Paramount Television]] stage 5, adjacent to the stage where ''[[H.R. Pufnstuf]]'' was filmed by [[Sid and Marty Krofft]], who later produced ''The Brady Bunch Hour'',&lt;ref>{{cite book |last1=Nichelson |first1=Ted |last2=Olsen |first2=Susan |last3=Sutton |first3= Lisa |title=Love to love you Bradys: the bizarre story of the Brady Bunch Variety Hour |year=2009 |publisher=ECW Press |isbn=978-0-7624-4164-8 |location=Toronto}}&lt;/ref> the production crew prepared the backyard of a home in [[Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles]], as the exterior location for the chaotic backyard wedding scene. Filming of the pilot began on Friday, October 4, 1968, and lasted eight days. ===Theme song and credits sequence=== The theme song, written by Schwartz and [[Frank De Vol]], and originally arranged, sung, and performed by Paul Parrish, Lois Fletcher, and John Beland under the name the [[Peppermint Trolley Company]], quickly communicated to audiences that the Bradys were a blended family.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=The Biography of the Peppermint Trolley Company |url= |website=Danny Faragher}}&lt;/ref> As described above, the Brady family is shown in a three-by-three grid, tic-tac-toe board-style graphic with Carol in the top center, Alice in the middle block, and Mike in the bottom center. To the right are three blocks with the boys from the oldest on top to the youngest. To the left are three blocks with the girls from the oldest to the youngest. In season two, the Brady kids took over singing the theme song. In season three, the boys sing the first verse, girls sing the second verse, and all sing together for the third and last verse. In season four, a new version is recorded with the same structure as the season three version, but in season five, the season three version returns. Utilizing [[Christopher Chapman|Christopher Chapman's]] "[[multi-dynamic image technique]]", a version of which had famously appeared in the 1968 film ''[[The Thomas Crown Affair (1968 film)|The Thomas Crown Affair]]'', the sequence was created and filmed by [[Howard A. Anderson Jr.]], a visual effects pioneer who worked on the title sequences for many popular television series.&lt;ref name="archive">{{Cite web |title=Howard Anderson, Jr. Interview |url= |access-date=2015-10-30 |publisher=Academy of Television Arts &amp; Sciences' Archive of American Television}}&lt;/ref> The use of this innovation here became so familiar through the sitcom's popularity that it was referred to in the press as the "Brady Bunch effect".&lt;ref name=""/>&lt;ref name=etan/> The end credits feature an instrumental version of the theme song's third verse. In season one, it was recorded by the Peppermint Trolley Company. From season two on, the theme was recorded in-house by Paramount musicians. ===The Brady house=== The house built in 1959, by [[Harry M. Londelius Jr.]], and used in exterior shots, is located in [[Studio City, Los Angeles|Studio City]], within the city limits of Los Angeles. It originally bore little relation to the interior of the Bradys' on-screen home, but was gutted and renovated in 2018 to match the layout of the soundstage sets.&lt;!-- Please do not insert the address of the house, to respect to the current owners' privacy.--> According to a 1994 article in the ''Los Angeles Times'', the [[San Fernando Valley]] house was built in 1959 and selected as the Brady residence because series creator Schwartz felt it looked like a home where an architect would live.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Here's the story of the Brady Bunch house |url= |access-date=August 11, 2010 |}}&lt;/ref> A false window was attached to the front's [[A-frame house|A-frame]] section to give the illusion that it had two full stories (the 2018/19 renovation installed a real window where the false one was in the TV show footage).&lt;ref>{{cite book |last=Alleman |first=Richard |title=Hollywood: The Movie Lover's Guide: The Ultimate Insider Tour of Movie L.A. |url=;q=brady+bunch |publisher=Broadway Books |location=New York |date=March 6, 2013 |isbn=978-0-8041-3777-5 |pages=427–428 |url-access=subscription}}&lt;/ref> Contemporary establishing shots of the house were filmed with the owner's permission for the 1990 TV series ''[[The Bradys]]''. The owner refused to allow Paramount to restore the property to its 1969 look for ''[[The Brady Bunch Movie]]'' in 1995, so a [[facade]] resembling the original home was built around an existing house.{{citation needed|date=July 2018}} The house was put up for sale, for the first time since 1973, in the summer of 2018 with an asking price of $1.885 million.&lt;ref>{{cite news |last=O'Kane |first=Caitlin |date=July 19, 2018 |title=Iconic "Brady Bunch" house for sale after nearly 50 years |work=[[CBS News]] |url= |access-date=July 19, 2018}}&lt;/ref> Cable network [[HGTV]] outbid seven others for it, including [[NSYNC]]'s [[Lance Bass]].&lt;ref>{{Cite news |last=Rao |first=Sonia |date=August 7, 2018 |title=It turns out HGTV outbid Lance Bass for the 'Brady Bunch' house |newspaper=[[The Washington Post]] |url= |access-date=August 8, 2018}}&lt;/ref> HGTV has expanded the home for its original series ''[[A Very Brady Renovation]]'', with the goal of recreating each of the interior rooms used in the TV series (which had only existed as a Paramount Studios set) while maintaining the original exterior look from the street, and to make it fully habitable (unlike the sets made on Paramount soundstage #5). The six actors who played the TV children, and who also actively participated in the 2018/19 renovation, posed for a photo in front on November 1 the same year.&lt;ref>{{cite news |date=November 1, 2018 |title='Brady Bunch' cast members reunite at TV family home |newspaper=[[Winston-Salem Journal]] |agency=[[Associated Press]] |url= |url-status=dead |access-date=September 10, 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=November 2, 2018}}&lt;/ref> In May 2023, it was announced that HGTV was selling the house for $5.5 million.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=You Can Live in HGTV's 'Very Brady' House — for $5.5 Million|publisher=[[HGTV]]|date=May 24, 2023|access-date=May 26, 2023}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|last1=O'Connell|first1=Mikey|url=|title=HGTV Flips 'Brady Bunch' House, Lists It for $5.5M (Exclusive)|publisher=[[The Hollywood Reporter]]|date=May 24, 2023|access-date=May 26, 2023}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|last1=Fine|first1=Camille|url=|title=The 'Brady Bunch' house is listed for sale and resembles the sitcom after HGTV renovation|publisher=[[USA Today]]|date=May 25, 2023|access-date=May 26, 2023}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|last1=Valdez|first1=Jonah|url=|title=The 'Brady Bunch' house is renovated and restored, and HGTV has it on sale for $5.5 million|work=[[Los Angeles Times]]|date=May 26, 2023|access-date=May 26, 2023}}&lt;/ref> The house was bought on September 11, 2023 by media executive Tina Trahan, the wife of former [[HBO]] chief executive [[Chris Albrecht]] and a longtime fan of the show, for $3.2 million. She said she will leave the house as is and not renovate nor update it, and no one will be living in the house, and plans to use it for charity events and fundraisers.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |date=2023-09-11 |title=The new owner of the ‘Brady Bunch’ house reveals her plans: ‘Nobody is going to live in it’ |url= |access-date=2024-11-03 | |language=en}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=HGTV Sells ‘Brady Bunch’ House to Superfan Who Called it the ‘Worst Investment Ever’ |url= |access-date=2024-11-03 | |language=en}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=New 'Brady Bunch' house owner says 'none of the appliances work' |url= |access-date=2024-11-03 | |language=en}}&lt;/ref> In the series, the address of the house was given as 4222 Clinton Way (as read aloud by Carol from an arriving package in the first-season episode entitled "Lost Locket, Found Locket", and "Clinton Way" is clearly legible on Marcia's driver permit in the fifth-season episode "The Driver's Seat").&lt;ref>{{cite book |last=McHugh |first=Erin |title=Where? |publisher=Sterling Publishing |url=;q=brady+bunch |year=2005 |isbn=978-1-4027-2572-2 |page=54}}&lt;/ref> Although no city was ever specified, it was presumed from references to the [[Los Angeles Dodgers]], the [[Los Angeles Rams]], and a [[Hollywood, Los Angeles|Hollywood]] film studio, among many others, that the Bradys lived in [[Southern California]], most likely Los Angeles or one of its suburbs.&lt;ref>{{cite book |last=Mansour |first=David |title=From Abba to Zoom: A Pop Culture Encyclopedia of the Late 20th Century |publisher=Andrews McMeel |page=54 |url=;q=brady+bunch |date=June 1, 2011 |isbn=978-0-7407-9307-3}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite book |last=Terrace |first=Vincent |title=Encyclopedia of Television: Series, Pilots and Specials 1974–1984 |publisher=VNR AG |year=1985 |isbn=978-0-9184-3261-2 |url=;q=brady&amp;pg=PA3 |volume=2 |page=63}}&lt;/ref> The interior sets of the Brady house were used at least three times for other Paramount TV shows while ''The Brady Bunch'' was still in production: twice for ''[[Mannix]]'' and once for ''[[Mission: Impossible (1966 TV series)|Mission: Impossible]]''. In the case of ''Mission: Impossible'', the Brady furniture was also used.&lt;ref>Mannix – season three, episode 19 – "Who is Sylvia?"&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Mannix – season four, episode two – "One for the Lady"&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>Mission: Impossible – season six, episode 20 – "Double Dead"&lt;/ref> A re-creation of the Brady house was constructed for the ''[[The X-Files|X-Files]]'' episode "[[Sunshine Days]]", which also revolved around ''The Brady Bunch''. ==Broadcast and syndication== Since its first syndicated airing in September 1975, an episode of the show has been broadcast somewhere in the United States and abroad every day of the year.&lt;ref>{{cite book |title=Popular Culture in Counseling, Psychotherapy, and Play-based Interventions |publisher=Springer Publishing |date=May 12, 2008 |url=;q=brady |isbn=978-0-8261-0119-8 |editor-last=Rubin |editor-first=Lawrence C. |page=248}}&lt;/ref>{{Obsolete source|reason=A book from a decade and a half ago is not a reasonable source for an ongoing claim like this|date=July 2024}} Episodes were also shown on [[ABC Daytime]] from July 9, 1973, to April 18, 1975, and from June 30 to August 29, 1975, at 11:30&amp;nbsp;a.m. EST/10:30 CST. The show aired on [[TBS (American TV channel)|TBS]] starting in the 1980s until 1997, [[Nickelodeon]] (as part of the [[Nick at Nite]] block in 1995 for a special event, and again from 1998 to 2003 and briefly during the spring of 2012), [[Noggin (brand)|Noggin]] (as part of [[The N]] block from March to April 2004), [[TV Land]] from 2002 to 2015, [[Nick Jr. Channel]] (as part of the [[NickMom]] block from 2012 to 2013), and [[Hallmark Channel]] from January to June 2013 and again starting September 5–30, 2016. ===Current airings=== '''U.S.''' Since its national launch in 2010, the [[Weigel Broadcasting]]–owned classic-TV network [[MeTV]] has aired a weekly block of the show every Sunday morning promoted as the "Brady Bunch Brunch".&lt;ref>[ MeTV National Schedule first quarter 2023 Eff. 1-7-23 - Me TV]&lt;/ref> MeTV's sister network [[Catchy Comedy]] airs the show weekday mornings. '''International''' In [[West Germany]], the show premiered on ZDF under the name ''Drei Mädchen und drei Jungen'' ("Three Girls and Three Boys") on August 8, 1971, with episode six "A Clubhouse Is Not a Home", and was shown on Sunday afternoons until halfway through Season 4, culminating with episode 77 "Cyrano De Brady" on October 5, 1974.&lt;ref>{{Citation |last=KG |first=imfernsehen GmbH &amp; Co |title=Drei Mädchen und drei Jungen: Sendetermine ZDF |date=October 5, 1974 |url= |language=de |access-date=2022-12-02}}&lt;/ref> Some episodes were omitted. From 1984 to 1998, reruns would sporadically occur on [[Sat.1]]. The later reunion show, "The Brady Girls Get Married/The Brady Brides" would be broadcast on ZDF as ''Eine Reizende Familie'' ("A Lovely Family") from October 18, 1984, to January 10, 1985.&lt;ref>{{Citation |last=KG |first=imfernsehen GmbH &amp; Co |title=Eine reizende Familie: Sendetermine ZDF |date=January 10, 1985 |url= |language=de |access-date=2022-12-02}}&lt;/ref> The second half of Season 4, Season 5 and the omitted episodes would not premiere before 1997 on Comedy &amp; Co.&lt;ref>{{Citation |last=KG |first=imfernsehen GmbH &amp; Co |title=Drei Mädchen und drei Jungen: Sendetermine Comedy |date=October 31, 1997 |url= |language=de |access-date=2022-12-02}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Citation |last=KG |first=imfernsehen GmbH &amp; Co |title=Drei Mädchen und drei Jungen: Episodenguide |url= |language=de |access-date=2022-12-02}}&lt;/ref> In Italy, under a RAI-Paramount deal, eight episodes were broadcast on Programma Nazionale (today RAI 1) from April 27 to June 15, 1973 under the name ''Album di famiglia''.&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=ERI - Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana |url= |title=Radiocorriere 1973 17 |date=1973-04-21}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=ERI - Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana |url= |title=Radiocorriere 1973 24 |date=1973-06-09}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=ERI - Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana |url= |title=Radiocorriere 1975 49 |date=1975-11-29}}&lt;/ref> In the late-70s, it would be shown again in Italian dub on Swiss and Istrian networks.&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=ERI - Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana |url= |title=Radiocorriere 1976 03 |date=1976-01-17}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=ERI - Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana |url= |title=Radiocorriere 1978 35 |date=1978-08-26}}&lt;/ref> Years later, RAI bought the distribution rights again, and the show began airing on Rai 1 and later Rai 3 under the name ''[[:it:La famiglia Brady|La famiglia Brady]]'' (''The Brady Family'') starting on March 11, 1987.&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=ERI - Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana |url= |title=Radiocorriere 1987 10 |date=1987-03-07}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=Nuova Eri - Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana |url= |title=Radiocorriere 1987 40 |date=1987-10-03}}&lt;/ref> It was later bought by Fininvest, that aired it on Italia 1 from July 9, 1990 and on Canale 5 from January 5, 1991.&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=Nuova Eri - Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana |url= |title=Radiocorriere 1990 27 |date=1990-07-07}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite book |last=Nuova Eri - Edizioni RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana |url= |title=Radiocorriere 1990 52 |date=1990-12-29}}&lt;/ref> [[ITV (TV network)|ITV]] broadcast the show in a number of United Kingdom regions, including [[Thames Television|Thames]], [[Granada Television|Granada]], [[Tyne Tees Television|Tyne Tees]], [[Grampian Television|Grampian]] and [[Ulster Television|Ulster]] from 1975 to 1982.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=BBC - Comedy Guide - The Brady Bunch|date=December 9, 2004|access-date=July 29, 2023|archive-date=December 9, 2004|archive-url=|url-status=bot: unknown}}&lt;/ref> '''Streaming''' ''The Brady Bunch'' is also available through [[video-on-demand]] services [[Hulu]] and [[Paramount+]], although neither streamer offers the complete collection of episodes in its entirety. It was shown dubbed in Argentina under the name “La tribu Brady”. ==Home media== [[Paramount Home Entertainment]] released all five seasons on DVD in [[DVD region code#1|Region 1]] from 2005 to 2006, before [[CBS Home Entertainment]] took over DVD rights to the [[Paramount Television]] library (though CBS DVD releases are still distributed by Paramount). Paramount/CBS has released the series on DVD in other countries as well. In April 2007, CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Entertainment released the complete series [[box set]], which includes the TV films ''A Very Brady Christmas'' and "The Brady 500" (an episode of ''The Bradys''), as well as two episodes of ''The Brady Kids'' animated series. The box art for this set features green [[Shag (fabric)|shag carpeting]] and 1970s-style wood paneling. 8 years later on April 7, 2015, CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Entertainment re-released the complete series box set, a repackaged version at a lower price, but it does not include the bonus disc that was part of the original complete series release.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Paramount to Re-Release a 20-DVD Set of 'The Complete Series' |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=January 22, 2015 |website=[[]] |df=mdy-all}}&lt;/ref> The TV film ''A Very Brady Christmas'' was released as a stand-alone DVD in Region 1 on October 10, 2017.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=The Brady Bunch - Ho! Ho! Ho! It's 'A Very Brady Christmas' on DVD! |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2017-07-27 |access-date=2017-07-25 |}}&lt;/ref> In conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the original series, CBS/Paramount released ''The Brady-est Brady Bunch TV &amp; Movie Collection'' in Region 1 on June 4, 2019.&lt;ref>{{Cite book |title=The Brady Bunch: 50th Anniversary TV &amp; Movie Collection |asin=6317790140}}&lt;/ref> The collection contains every episode of ''The Brady Bunch'', ''The Brady Kids'', ''The Brady Brides'', and ''The Bradys'', as well as the films ''A Very Brady Christmas'', ''The Brady Bunch Movie'', ''A Very Brady Sequel'', ''The Brady Bunch in the White House'', and ''Growing Up Brady''. The first two seasons are also available on Region 2 DVD for the UK, with audio in English and subtitle choices in [[Norwegian language|Norwegian]], [[Swedish language|Swedish]], [[Danish language|Danish]], or [[Finnish language|Finnish]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=The Brady Bunch – Sesong 1 (Television 1969, Serie på 4 plater) |url=;jsessionid=4CA8DC6688423258E4B3F9AB12D83808 |access-date=August 11, 2010 |}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=The Brady Bunch – Sesong 2 (Television 1970, Serie på 4 plater) |url= |access-date=August 11, 2010 |}}&lt;/ref> The series has also been released on [[VHS]]. {| class="wikitable" |- ! rowspan="2"|DVD name ! rowspan="2"|Episodes ! colspan="3"|Release dates ! colspan="3"| |- ! Region 1 ! Region 2 ! Region 4 ! DVD Special Features |- | The Complete First Season | style="text-align:center;"|25 | March 1, 2005 | August 27, 2007 | September 19, 2007 | Audio Commentary on 4 Selected Episodes.&lt;br/>15 min Behind the scenes Feature&lt;br/>Special features are on the Region 1 release only |- | The Complete Second Season | style="text-align:center;"|24 | July 26, 2005 | March 24, 2008 | March 6, 2008 | None |- | The Complete Third Season | style="text-align:center;"|23 | September 13, 2005 | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | September 4, 2008 | None |- | The Complete Fourth Season | style="text-align:center;"|23 | November 1, 2005 | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | April 2, 2009 | None |- | The Complete Final Season | style="text-align:center;"|22 | March 7, 2006 | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | June 18, 2009 | None |- | The Complete Series | style="text-align:center;"|117 (with extras) | April 3, 2007&lt;br />April 7, 2015 (re-release) | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | Audio Commentary on 4 Selected (Season One) Episodes.&lt;br/>15 min Behind the scenes Feature (Season One)&lt;br/>''A Very Brady Christmas''&lt;br/>"The Brady 500"&lt;br/>Two episodes of ''The Brady Kids'' |- | The Brady Kids: The Complete Series | style="text-align:center;"|22 | February 16, 2016 | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | August 6, 2016 | Episode Promos |- | A Very Brady Christmas | style="text-align:center;"|Film | October 10, 2017 | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | None |- | The Brady-est Brady Bunch TV &amp; Movie Collection | style="text-align:center;"|50th Anniversary Collection | June 4, 2019 | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | {{TableTBA|N/A}} | ''The Brady Bunch: The Complete Series''&lt;br/>''The Brady Kids: The Complete Series''&lt;br/>''The Brady Brides: The Complete Series''&lt;br/>''A Very Brady Christmas''&lt;br/>''The Bradys: The Complete Series''&lt;br/>''The Brady Bunch Movie''&lt;br/>''A Very Brady Sequel''&lt;br/>''The Brady Bunch in the White House''&lt;br/>''Growing Up Brady'' |} ==Reception== ===U.S. television ratings=== &lt;onlyinclude>{{Series overview | infoA = Rank ([[Nielsen ratings]]) | infoB = Rating | color1 = #3bb9ff | link1 = List of The Brady Bunch episodes#Season 1 (1969–70) | episodes1 = 25 | start1 = {{Start date|1969|09|26}} | end1 = {{End date|1970|3|20}} | infoA1 = 56 | infoB1 = 14.9&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=1969-70 Top 30 TV Ratings |url= |website=The TV Ratings Guide}}&lt;/ref> | color2 = #851ac8 | link2 = List of The Brady Bunch episodes#Season 2 (1970–71) | episodes2 = 24 | start2 = {{Start date|1970|9|25}} | end2 = {{End date|1971|3|19}} | infoA2 = {{TableTBA|N/A}} | infoB2 = {{TableTBA|N/A}} | color3 = #32cd32 | link3 = List of The Brady Bunch episodes#Season 3 (1971–72) | episodes3 = 23 | start3 = {{Start date|1971|9|17}} | end3 = {{End date|1972|3|10}} | infoA3 = 31 | infoB3 = 19.3&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=1971-72 Ratings History |url= |website=The TV Ratings Guide}}&lt;/ref>{{refn|Tied with ''[[Mission: Impossible (1966 TV series)|Mission: Impossible]]''.|group=lower-alpha}} | color4 = #ff5f5f | link4 = List of The Brady Bunch episodes#Season 4 (1972–73) | episodes4 = 23 | start4 = {{Start date|1972|9|22}} | end4 = {{End date|1973|3|23}} | infoA4 = 45 | infoB4 = 17.8 | color5 = #e9ab17 | link5 = List of The Brady Bunch episodes#Season 5 (1973–74) | episodes5 = 22 | start5 = {{Start date|1973|9|14}} | end5 = {{End date|1974|3|8}} | infoA5 = 54 | infoB5 = 16.1&lt;ref name="auto">{{cite web |title=1973-74 Ratings History |url= |website=The TV Ratings Guide}}&lt;/ref>{{refn|Tied with ''[[Chase (1973 TV series)|Chase]]''.|group=lower-alpha}} }}&lt;/onlyinclude> {{notelist}} Ratings data prior to 1972 is scarce for shows that did not place in the Top 30. Beginning in 2017, The TV Ratings Guide began publishing vintage television ratings as they became readily available from old newspaper publishings. Season 4 ratings came from [[Variety (magazine)|''Variety'']] year-end rankings dated May 30, 1973.&lt;ref name="auto"/> ''The Brady Bunch'' earned steady ratings during its primetime run (but never placed in the top 30 during the five years it aired) and was cancelled in 1974 after five seasons and 117 episodes; it was cancelled shortly after the series crossed the [[100 episodes|minimum threshold]] for [[broadcast syndication|syndication]]. At that point in the storyline, Greg graduated from high school and was about to enroll in college.&lt;ref name="History"/> ===Awards and honors=== {{More citations needed|section|date=June 2020}} ''The Brady Bunch'' was not an award-winning show at the time of its original broadcast in the 1970s. The series and its cast and crew were not nominated for an award until 1989, when [[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]] was honored with the [[Young Artist Former Child Star Lifetime Achievement Award|Former Child Star Lifetime Achievement Award]] at the [[10th Youth in Film Awards]].&lt;ref name="Young Artist Awards 10">{{cite web |title=10th Annual Youth in Film Awards |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2015-07-16 |access-date=2011-03-31 |}}&lt;/ref> All other awards and nominations for the series have come from the [[TV Land Awards]]: {| class="wikitable" |+ TV Land Awards |- ! Year ! Category ! Recipient ! Result |- | rowspan=5| 2003 | Hippest Fashion Plate – Male | Barry Williams | {{nom}} |- | Favorite Dual-Role Character | Christopher Knight (as Peter Brady and Arthur) | {{nom}} |- | Funniest Food Fight | The Brady Pie Fight on the Paramount Lot | {{nom}} |- | Favorite Guest Performance by a Musician on a TV Show | Davy Jones | {{won}} |- | {{nowrap|Most Memorable Male Guest Star in a Comedy as Himself}} | Joe Namath | {{won}} |- | rowspan=3| 2004 | Favorite Fashion Plate – Male | Barry Williams | {{nom}} |- | Most Memorable Mane | Susan Olsen | {{nom}} |- | Favorite Made-for-TV Maid | Ann B. Davis | {{won}} |- | rowspan=4| 2005 | Theme Song You Just Cannot Get out of Your Head | ''The Brady Bunch'' theme | {{nom}} |- | Best Dream Sequence&lt;br />&lt;small>&lt;/small> | Episode: "Love and the Older Man", in which Marcia has a crush on her dentist. | {{nom}} |- | Favorite Two-Parter/Cliffhanger | For the Greg Brady surfboard accident. | {{nom}} |- | Favorite Singing Siblings | Williams, McCormick, Knight, Plumb, Lookinland, Olsen | {{nom}} |- | rowspan=3| 2006 | Best Dream Sequence | Episode: "Love and the Older Man", in which Marcia has a crush on her dentist. | {{nom}} |- | Favorite Made-for-TV Maid | Ann B. Davis | {{won}} |- | Favorite TV Food | Pork chops and applesauce. | {{won}} |- | rowspan=2| 2007 | Most Beautiful Braces | Maureen McCormick | {{nom}} |- | Pop Culture Award | Williams, McCormick, Knight, Plumb, Lookinland, Olsen, Davis, Henderson, Lloyd J. Schwartz (producer) | {{won}} |} ==Discography== During the series' original run, the six Brady kids recorded several albums on Paramount's record label, all credited to "The Brady Bunch". Note that Florence Henderson and Robert Reed did not participate in these recordings, and are not pictured on the album sleeves. While [[session musician]]s provided backing, the actors from the series provided their own singing voices (which was not always the case for early 1970s television crossover acts). In addition, Chris Knight &amp; Maureen McCormick issued a duet LP in 1973, and five of the six Brady kids also released solo singles between 1970 and 1974; only Susan Olsen did not. None of the singles from The Brady Bunch, or any single or album from the assorted spin-off acts, ever became hits on any national music [[Billboard charts|charts]]. The group's 1972 album ''Meet The Brady Bunch'' was their only charting release, hitting #108 on Billboard's album charts. ===Studio albums=== {| class="wikitable plainrowheaders" style="text-align:center;" |+List of studio albums, with selected chart positions ! rowspan="2" style="width:22em;" | Title ! rowspan="2" style="width:18em;" | Details ! colspan="3"| Peak chart&lt;br/>positions |- ! scope="col" style="width:2.5em;font-size:90%;"| [[Billboard 200|US]]&lt;br/>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Brady Bunch Chart History (Billboard 200) |url= |magazine=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]] |access-date=February 7, 2022}}&lt;/ref> ! scope="col" style="width:2.5em;font-size:90%;"| [[Cashbox (magazine)|US&lt;br/>Cashbox]]&lt;br/>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Cashbox Top 100 Albums |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=2022-10-09 |url-status=live |website=World Radio History |publisher=Cashbox |access-date=February 10, 2022 |page=33 |date=July 15, 1972}}&lt;/ref> ! scope="col" style="width:2.5em;font-size:90%;"| [[Record World|US&lt;br/>RW]]&lt;br/>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=The Album Chart: 101-150 |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=2022-10-09 |url-status=live |website=World Radio History |access-date=February 15, 2022 |page=29 |date=July 29, 1972}}&lt;/ref> |- ! scope="row" | ''[[Merry Christmas from the Brady Bunch]]'' | * Released: November 2, 1970 * Label: Paramount * Format: [[LP record|LP]], [[8-track tape|8-track]], [[Cassette tape|cassette]] | — | — | — |- ! scope="row" | ''[[Meet the Brady Bunch]]'' | * Released: April 17, 1972 * Label: Paramount * Format: LP, 8-track, cassette | 108 | 66 | 107 |- ! scope="row" | ''[[The Kids from the Brady Bunch]]'' | * Released: December 4, 1972 * Label: Paramount * Format: LP, 8-track | — | — | — |- ! scope="row" | ''[[The Brady Bunch Phonographic Album]]'' | * Released: June 18, 1973 * Label: Paramount * Format: LP, 8-track | — | — | — |- ! scope="row" | ''Chris Knight &amp; Maureen McCormick''&lt;br />{{small|([[Christopher Knight (actor)|Chris Knight]] and [[Maureen McCormick]] duet album)}} | * Released: September 14, 1973&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Famous Bows New Policy on Releases |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=2022-10-09 |url-status=live |website=World Radio History |access-date=February 15, 2022 |page=10 |date=September 29, 1973}}&lt;/ref> * Label: Paramount * Format: LP | — | — | — |- | colspan="5" style="font-size:90%"| "—" denotes a recording that did not chart or was not released in that territory. |- |} ===Compilation albums=== {| class="wikitable plainrowheaders" style="text-align:center;" |+ List of albums, showing relevant details ! scope="col" style="width:22em;"| Title ! scope="col" style="width:18em;"| Album details |- ! scope="row" | ''[[It's a Sunshine Day: The Best of the Brady Bunch]]'' | * Released: March 2, 1993 * Label: MCA {{small|(MCA 10764)}} * Format: CD |- |} ===Singles=== Also includes solo singles as indicated. {| class="wikitable plainrowheaders" style=text-align:center; |- ! scope="col" rowspan="1"| Title ! scope="col" rowspan="1"|Year ! scope="col" rowspan="1"|Album |- !scope = "row"|"[[Frosty the Snowman]]" | rowspan = "2" | 1970 |''Merry Christmas from the Brady Bunch'' |- !scope = "row"|"How Will It Be?" {{small|([[Eve Plumb]])}} | rowspan = "2" {{N/A|Non-album single}} |- !scope = "row"|"Sweet Sweetheart" {{small|([[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]])}} | 1971 |- !scope = "row"|"[[Time to Change]]" |rowspan="4"|1972 | rowspan = "2" | ''Meet the Brady Bunch'' |- !scope = "row"|"We'll Always Be Friends" |- !scope = "row"|"Over and Over" {{small|([[Christopher Knight (actor)|Chris Knight]])}} |{{N/A|Non-album single}} |- !scope = "row"|"Candy (Sugar Shoppe)" |''The Kids from the Brady Bunch'' |- !scope = "row"|[[Charlotte's Web (1973 film)#Music|"Zuckerman's Famous Pig]]" |rowspan="4"|1973 |''The Brady Bunch Phonographic Album'' |- !scope = "row"|"Truckin' Back to You" {{small|([[Maureen McCormick]])}} |{{N/A|Non-album single}} |- !scope = "row"|"Everything I Do" |''The Brady Bunch Phonographic Album'' |- !scope = "row"|"Little Bird (Sing Your Song)" {{small|(Maureen McCormick)}} | ''Chris Knight &amp; Maureen McCormick'' |- !scope = "row"|"Love's in the Roses" {{small|(Maureen McCormick)}} |rowspan="2"|1974 | rowspan = "2" {{N/A|Non-album single}} |- !scope = "row"|"Love Doesn't Care Who's in It" {{small|([[Mike Lookinland]])}} |- |} ==Spin-offs, sequels, and reunions== Several [[Spin-off (media)|spin-off]]s, and [[sequel]]s, and reality series to the original series have been made, featuring all or most of the original cast. These include another sitcom, an animated series, a variety show, television films, a dramatic series, a stage play, theatrical films, and a reality series. ===''Kelly's Kids'' / ''Together We Stand'' / ''Nothing Is Easy''=== A final-season ''Brady Bunch'' episode, "Kelly's Kids", was intended as a pilot for a prospective spin-off series of the same name. [[Ken Berry]] starred as Ken Kelly, a friend and neighbor of the Bradys, who with his wife Kathy ([[Brooke Bundy]]) adopted three orphaned boys of different racial backgrounds. One of the adopted sons was played by Todd Lookinland, the younger brother of Mike Lookinland. While ''Kelly's Kids'' was not subsequently picked up as a full series, producer Sherwood Schwartz reworked the basic premise for the short-lived 1980s sitcom ''[[Together We Stand]]'' starring [[Elliott Gould]] and [[Dee Wallace]].{{sfn|Stoddard |1996|pages=151–152}} ===''The Brady Kids''=== {{Main|The Brady Kids}} A 22-episode animated [[Saturday morning cartoon]] series, produced by [[Filmation]] and airing on ABC from September 1972 to August 1974, is about the Brady kids having various adventures.&lt;ref>{{cite book |last=Erickson |first=Hal |title=Television Cartoon Shows: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, 1949 Through 1993 |year=1995 |publisher=McFarland |url= |isbn=978-0-7864-0029-4 |page=111}}&lt;/ref> The family's adults were never seen or mentioned, and the "home" scenes were in a very large, well-appointed tree house. Several animals were regular characters, including two non-English-speaking pandas (Ping and Pong), a talking bird (Merlin) which could do magic, and an ordinary pet dog (Mop Top). The first 17 episodes featured the voices of all six of the original child actors from the show, but Barry Williams, Maureen McCormick, and Christopher Knight were replaced for the last five episodes due to a contract dispute. ===''The Brady Bunch Variety Hour''=== {{Main|The Brady Bunch Hour}} On November 28, 1976, a one-hour [[television special]] entitled ''The Brady Bunch Variety Hour'' aired on ABC. [[Eve Plumb]] was the only regular cast member from the original show who declined to be in the series and the role of Jan was recast with [[Geri Reischl]].&lt;ref name=stoddard>{{cite book |last=Stoddard |first=Sylvia |title=The Brady Bunch: An Outrageously Funny, Far-Out Guide To America's Favorite TV Family |url=;q=brady+bunch+hour |publisher=Macmillan |date=December 15, 1996 |isbn=978-0-3129-6053-7 |page=197}}&lt;/ref> Produced by [[Sid and Marty Krofft]], the sibling team behind ''[[H.R. Pufnstuf]]'', ''[[Donny &amp; Marie (1976 TV series)|Donny and Marie]]'', and other variety shows and children's series of the era, the show was intended to air every fifth week in the same slot as ''[[The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries]]'', but ended up being scheduled sporadically throughout the season, leading to inconsistent ratings and its inevitable cancellation. In 2009, ''Brady Bunch'' cast member Susan Olsen, with Lisa Sutton, published a book, ''[[Love to Love You Bradys]]'', which dissects and celebrates the ''Variety Hour'' as a cult classic.&lt;ref>{{cite web |date=August 31, 2009 |title='Love to You Bradys' exposes troubled set |url= |access-date=April 29, 2013 |work=[[Today (American TV program)|Today]]}}&lt;/ref> ===''The Brady Girls Get Married'' / ''The Brady Brides''=== {{Infobox television | alt_name = The Brady Brides | image = The Brady Brides.jpg | caption = | genre = [[Sitcom]] | creator = [[Sherwood Schwartz]]&lt;br />[[Lloyd J. Schwartz]] | writer = | director = [[Peter Baldwin (director)|Peter Baldwin]] | starring = [[Maureen McCormick]]&lt;br />[[Eve Plumb]]&lt;br />[[Jerry Houser]]&lt;br />Ron Kuhlman&lt;br />[[Florence Henderson]]&lt;br />[[Ann B. Davis]]&lt;br />Keland Love | theme_music_composer = [[Frank De Vol]] | opentheme = | endtheme = | composer = | executive_producer = [[Sherwood Schwartz]]&lt;br />[[Lloyd J. Schwartz]] | producer = John Thomas Lenox | editor = | location = [[Paramount Studios]], Hollywood, Los Angeles, California | cinematography = [[Lester Shorr]] | country = United States | language = English | num_seasons = 1 | num_episodes = 10 | camera = | runtime = 25 minutes | company = Redwood Productions&lt;br />[[Paramount Television]] | network = [[NBC]]&lt;ref>"The Brady Brides (NBC) (1981)". CTVA.;/ref>&lt;ref name="History">{{cite web |last=Winans |first=Wendy |year=2005 |title=History of The Brady Bunch |url= |website=Brady World}}&lt;/ref> | first_aired = {{Start date|1981|2|6}} | last_aired = {{End date|1981|4|17}} | related = ''[[The Brady Bunch Hour]]''&lt;br/>''[[A Very Brady Christmas]]''&lt;br/>''The Brady Bunch'' }} A TV reunion film called ''The Brady Girls Get Married'' was produced in 1981. Although scheduled to be shown in its original full-length film format, NBC decided at the last minute to divide it into half-hour segments and show one part a week for three weeks. The fourth week debuted a spin-off sitcom titled ''The Brady Brides'', which carried on from where the reunion film left off. The film featured the entire original cast; this proved to be the only time the entire cast worked together on a single project following the cancellation of the original series (the complete surviving cast also appeared in these official projects together: ''Brady Bunch Home Movies'' from 1995, ''[[The Brady Bunch 35th Anniversary Reunion Special: Still Brady After All These Years]]'' from 2004, as well as various reunion programs in 2019 for the 50th anniversary). The film's opening credits featured the season-one "Grid" and theme song, with the addition of ''The Brady Girls Get Married'' title.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Brady World – Episode Guide |url= |access-date=August 11, 2010 |}}&lt;/ref> The film shows what the characters had been doing since the original series ended: Mike is still an architect, Carol is a real-estate agent, Greg is a doctor, Marcia is a fashion designer, Peter is in the Air Force, Jan is also an architect, Bobby and Cindy are in college, and Alice has married Sam. Eventually, they all reunite for Marcia and Jan's double wedding. ''The Brady Brides'' features [[Maureen McCormick]] and [[Eve Plumb]] reprising their respective roles as Marcia and Jan Brady. The series begins with Marcia and Jan and their new husbands buying a house and living together. The clashes between Jan's uptight and conservative husband, Philip Covington III (a college professor in science who is several years older than Jan, played by Ron Kuhlman) and Marcia's tousled and more [[Bohemianism|bohemian]] husband, Wally Logan (a fun-loving salesman for a large toy company, played by [[Jerry Houser]]), were the pivot on which many of the stories were based, not unlike ''[[The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)|The Odd Couple]]''. [[Florence Henderson]] and [[Ann B. Davis]] also appeared regularly. Ten episodes were aired before the sitcom was cancelled. This was the only Brady show in sitcom form to be filmed in front of a live studio audience. [[Bob Eubanks]] guest-starred as himself in an episode where the two couples appear on ''[[The Newlywed Game]]''. Throughout the late 1980s and 1990s, ''The Brady Girls Get Married'' was rerun on various networks in its original full-length film format. In 2019, the series was released on DVD for the first time as a part of ''The Brady-est Brady Bunch TV &amp; Movie Collection''. ====Episodes (1981)==== {{Episode table |total_width= |background=#F8E900 |overall= |title= |airdate= |episodes= {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 1 | Title = The Brady Girls Get Married (Part 1) | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|1981|2|6}} | ShortSummary = Marcia and Jan announce that they are both getting married and plans soon begin for a double wedding. Note: This was the final time that the original cast of The Brady Bunch was all together. | LineColor = f8e900 }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 2 | Title = The Brady Girls Get Married (Part 2) | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|1981|2|13}} | ShortSummary = Jan and Philip want a traditional wedding, and Marcia and Wally want a modern wedding. | LineColor = f8e900 }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 3 | Title = The Brady Girls Get Married (Part 3) | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|{{nowrap| February 20, 1981}}}} | ShortSummary = The weather spells disaster for an outdoor wedding, so they end up having the ceremony inside the Brady house. | LineColor = f8e900 }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 4 | Title = Living Together | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|1981|3|6}} | ShortSummary = After all the houses they see are too expensive, Marcia, Jan and their husbands decide to share a house. | LineColor = f8e900 }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 5 | Title = Gorilla of My Dreams | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|1981|3|13}} | ShortSummary = Marcia and Jan get some self-defense lessons from their mother, while a thief attempts to burglarize their home. | LineColor = f8e900 }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 6 | Title = The Newlywed Game | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|1981|3|20}} | ShortSummary = Game-show host [[Bob Eubanks]] asks Marcia and Jan to appear on ''[[The Newlywed Game]]'' with their new husbands. | LineColor = f8e900 }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 7 | Title = The Mom Who Came to Dinner | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|1981|3|27}} | ShortSummary = Carol temporarily moves in with her newly wedded daughters and their husbands while Mike is out of town. | LineColor = f8e900 }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 8 | Title = The Siege | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|1981|4|3}} | ShortSummary = Wally's guilt over parking tickets causes him to panic when a policeman visits the house, so he decides to impersonate Philip. | LineColor = f8e900 }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 9 | Title = Cool Hand Phil | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|1981|4|10}} | ShortSummary = Philip tries to change his image by dressing and acting "hip". | LineColor = f8e900 }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 10 | Title = A Pretty Boy is Like a Melody | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|1981|4|17}} | ShortSummary = Marcia is forced to use Wally and Philip in her fashion show after her models go on strike. | LineColor = f8e900 }} }} ===''A Very Brady Christmas''=== {{Main|A Very Brady Christmas}} A second TV reunion film, ''A Very Brady Christmas'', aired in December 1988 on CBS and features most of the regular cast (except [[Susan Olsen]], who was on her honeymoon at the time of filming; the role of Cindy was played by [[Jennifer Runyon]]), as well as three grandchildren, Peter's girlfriend, Valerie, and the spouses of Greg, Marcia, and Jan (Nora, Wally, and Phillip, respectively).&lt;ref>{{cite book |last=Owen |first=Rob |title=Gen X TV: The Brady Bunch to Melrose Place |url=;q=very+brady+christmas |publisher=Syracuse University Press |date=March 1, 1997 |isbn=978-0-8156-0443-3 |page=26}}&lt;/ref> The [[Nielsen ratings]] for ''A Very Brady Christmas'' were the highest of any television film that season for CBS.&lt;ref>{{cite book |last=Newcomb |first=Horace |title=Encyclopedia of television: A-C, Volume 1 |url=;q=brady+christmas&amp;pg=PA1661 |publisher=Routledge |year=2014 |isbn=978-1-1351-9479-6 |edition=2 |page=300}}&lt;/ref> ===''The Bradys''=== {{Main|The Bradys}} Due to the success of ''A Very Brady Christmas'', CBS asked ''Brady Bunch'' creator Sherwood Schwartz and son Lloyd to create a new series for the network. According to Lloyd Schwartz, he and his father initially balked at the idea because they felt a new series would harm the Brady franchise. They finally relented because CBS was "desperate for programming". A new series featuring the Brady clan was created entitled ''The Bradys''. All original ''Brady Bunch'' cast members returned for the series, except for [[Maureen McCormick]] (Marcia), who was replaced with [[Leah Ayres]]. As with ''A Very Brady Christmas'', ''The Bradys'' also balanced elements of comedy and drama and featured storylines of a more serious nature than the original series and subsequent spin-offs. Lloyd Schwartz later said he compared ''The Bradys'' to another dramedy of the time, ''[[thirtysomething]]''. The two-hour series premiere episode aired on February 9, 1990, at 9 pm on CBS and initially drew respectable ratings. Subsequent episodes were moved to 8 pm, where ratings quickly declined. Due to the decline, CBS cancelled the series after six episodes.&lt;ref>Schwartz 2010 p. 228&lt;/ref> ===''Day by Day'': "A Very Brady Episode"=== The ''[[Day by Day (American TV series)|Day by Day]]'' episode titled "A Very Brady Episode" (February 5, 1989), on NBC, reunited six of the original ''Brady Bunch'' cast members: [[Robert Reed]], [[Florence Henderson]], [[Ann B. Davis]], [[Christopher Knight (actor)|Christopher Knight]], [[Mike Lookinland]] and [[Maureen McCormick]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Day by Day Season 2 Episode 11 A Very Brady Episode |url= |access-date=October 23, 2014 |website=[[]] |archive-date=October 26, 2014 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Day by Day Episode Guide 1989 Season 2 - A Very Brady Episode, Episode 11 |url= |access-date=October 23, 2014 |website=TV Guide}}&lt;/ref> ===''Bradymania: A Very Brady Special''=== A one-hour TV special [[retrospective]] of ''The Brady Bunch'' hosted by [[Florence Henderson]] who introduces a montage of various episodes of the original series, and also examines the show's phenomenal after-life, illustrated by clips from spin-offs and other incarnations of the series. Also, cast members [[Christopher Knight (actor)|Christopher Knight]], [[Susan Olsen]], [[Mike Lookinland]], [[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]], [[Ann B. Davis]], and creator [[Sherwood Schwartz]] reflect on the impact of the show on their lives. Directed by [[Malcolm Leo]], the special was originally broadcast on [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] on May 19, 1993.&lt;ref name="Variety">{{cite magazine |last=Rosenbluth |first=Jean |date=May 19, 1993 |title=Bradymania: A Very Brady Special |url= |magazine=[[Variety (magazine)|Variety]] |access-date=2020-05-22}}&lt;/ref> ===''A Very Brady Renovation''=== {{Main|A Very Brady Renovation}} [[Christopher Knight (actor)|Christopher Knight]], [[Mike Lookinland]], [[Maureen McCormick]], [[Susan Olsen]], [[Eve Plumb]], and [[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]] reunited for the 2019 [[HGTV]] series ''[[A Very Brady Renovation]]'', which follows a full renovation (interior mostly) of the real house, used for the sitcom's exterior shots, into the fictional Brady house.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title='The Brady Bunch' Kids Reunite To Launch HGTV Series That Will Renovate Sitcom's House |url= |access-date=November 1, 2018 |website=[[Deadline Hollywood]] |date=November 1, 2018 |first=Erik |last=Pedersen}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite magazine |title=The Brady Bunch cast reunites at iconic house ahead of HGTV renovation series |url= |access-date=November 1, 2018 |magazine=[[Entertainment Weekly]]}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=How 'The Brady Bunch' Cast Remember Florence Henderson and Robert Reed in HGTV Renovation Series |first=Rosy |last=Cordero |url= |access-date=March 20, 2022 |website=[[Yahoo!]] Entertainment|date=September 7, 2019 }}&lt;/ref> ===''Chopped''=== In conjunction with the Renovation series, in the autumn of 2019, [[The Food Network]] aired two episodes of their program ''[[Chopped (TV series)|Chopped]]'' with the siblings as guest judges. Season 43, episode 3 - "Brady Bunch Bash" features Williams, Plumb, and Lookinland judging meals made from Hawaiian ingredients.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Chopped - Brady Bunch Bash |url= |access-date=October 22, 2019 |website=The Food Network}}&lt;/ref> Season 43, episode 4 - "A Very Brady Chopped" features McCormick, Knight, and Olsen judging meals from "groovy" ingredients of the '70s.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Chopped - A Very Brady Chopped |url= |access-date=October 22, 2019 |website=The Food Network}}&lt;/ref> ===''A Very Brady Musical''=== In October 2020, during the global Covid-19 virus pandemic, [[Ogunquit Playhouse]] did a live stream broadcast of ''A Very Brady Musical'', a brand new musical adventure for the stage created by [[Lloyd J. Schwartz]] (son of Brady Bunch creator [[Sherwood Schwartz]]), Hope Juber (book/lyrics), and [[Laurence Juber]] (music/lyrics) and directed by Richard Israel. It was co-produced by Ogunquit Playhouse, Purple Mountain Productions, and Broadway and Beyond Theatricals. More in the vein of the Brady films, this PG-13 story follows the Brady kids’ misadventures when they come to the mistaken conclusion that Mike and Carol are headed for divorce. After consulting Alice, the kids raise money to pay for marriage counseling, learning valuable lessons along the way, as their respective well-intentioned ideas land them in outrageous trouble. [[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]] and [[Christopher Knight (actor)|Christopher Knight]] were on hand for a post-show question and answer session on all things Brady.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=A Very Brady Musical |url= |access-date=October 28, 2020 |website=[[Ogunquit Playhouse]]}}&lt;/ref> ===''Dragging the Classics: The Brady Bunch''=== On June 30, 2021, streaming service [[Paramount+]] celebrated Pride Month with the premiere of a [[Dragging the Classics: The Brady Bunch|crossover special]] combining ''The Brady Bunch'' and the reality television series ''[[RuPaul's Drag Race]]''. In the crossover event, original ''Brady'' cast members and former ''Drag Race'' competitors come together to recreate a ''Brady Bunch'' episode. [[Christopher Knight (actor)|Christopher Knight]] and [[Mike Lookinland]] reprise their roles of Peter and Bobby Brady, respectively, while the original Greg Brady, [[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]], switches parts to play family patriarch Mike; Greg Brady is portrayed by [[RuPaul's Drag Race season 6|''Drag Race'' Season 6]] and [[RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars season 3|''All Stars 3'']] competitor [[BenDeLaCreme]]. Season 6 winner [[Bianca Del Rio]] fills the role of mother Carol Brady, and daughters Marcia, Jan, and Cindy are portrayed by [[RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars season 5|''All Stars 5'']] winner [[Shea Couleé]], [[RuPaul's Drag Race season 2|season 2]] and [[RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars season 6|''All Stars 6'']] competitor [[Sonique (entertainer)|Kylie Sonique Love]], and [[RuPaul's Drag Race season 13|season 13]] runner-up [[Kandy Muse]], respectively. [[RuPaul's Drag Race season 11|Season 11]] Miss Congeniality [[Nina West]] appears as housekeeper Alice Nelson.&lt;ref name=daniel>{{cite news| url=| title='Dragging the Classics: The Brady Bunch' Delivers a Satisfying Twist on a Beloved Sitcom: TV Review| date=June 30, 2021| magazine=Variety| first=Daniel| last=D'Addario}}&lt;/ref> The special, which recreates the season two episode "Will the Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up?", also contains cameos by ''Drag Race'' judges [[RuPaul]] and [[Michelle Visage]], who appear as employees of a wig shop that Jan patronizes. The original Jan and Cindy Brady, [[Eve Plumb]] and [[Susan Olsen]], also appear as children who are guests at the birthday party.&lt;ref name=daniel/> ===''The Real Brady Bros: Podcast''=== In January 2022, Christopher Knight and Barry Williams published their new podcast The Real Brady Bros. The weekly podcast recaps episodes of ''The Brady Bunch''. Eve Plumb, Susan Olsen and Mike Lookinland have guested to discuss episodes in which they have featured. === Unmade revival === In October 2024, during a heated Presidential election cycle, [[Susan Olsen]] claimed on a political podcast that due to her right-wing political views, in 2022, a planned Brady Bunch revival, which would have picked up with the Brady Bunch children as adults, was cancelled.&lt;ref>{{Cite AV media |url= |title=How Wokeness Killed The Brady Bunch Reboot: An Exclusive Interview w/Susan Olsen (Parts 1 &amp; 2) |date=2024-10-02 |last=#WalkAway Campaign |access-date=2024-10-25 |via=YouTube}}&lt;/ref> Olsen alleged that Lloyd J. Schwartz questioned her about her political views, and due to her behavior, the project died in early stages and it was unclear whether even a script had been written. Reportedly, in the series, Cindy was going to be a libertarian podcaster. According to Olsen, the project was "dead in the water".&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Schneider |first=Zack |last2=Sharf |first2=Michael |date=2024-10-24 |title=CBS Studios Killed ‘Brady Bunch’ Revival Over Cindy Brady Actor’s Hate Speech; She Says Her Political Views Made Her ‘Too Dangerous’ |url= |access-date=2024-10-25 |website=Variety |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Murphy |first=Chris |date=2024-10-24 |title=Cindy Brady’s MAGA Views Apparently Killed a ‘Brady Bunch’ Revival |url= |access-date=2024-10-25 |website=Vanity Fair |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref> ==Film adaptations== Twenty years following the conclusion of the original series, a film adaptation, ''[[The Brady Bunch Movie]],'' went into production and was released in 1995 from [[Paramount Pictures]]. The film is set in the present day (1990s) and the Bradys, still living their lives as if it were the 1970s, are unfamiliar with their surroundings. It stars [[Gary Cole]] and [[Shelley Long]] as Mike and Carol Brady, with [[Christopher Daniel Barnes]] (Greg), [[Christine Taylor]] (Marcia), Paul Sutera (Peter), [[Jennifer Elise Cox]] (Jan), [[Jesse Soffer|Jesse Lee]] (Bobby), [[Olivia Hack]] (Cindy), [[Henriette Mantel]] (Alice), and cameo appearances from [[Ann B. Davis]] as a long-haul truck driver, [[Barry Williams (actor)|Barry Williams]] as a record label executive, [[Christopher Knight (actor)|Christopher Knight]] as a Westdale High gym teacher, [[RuPaul]] as a guidance counselor, and [[Florence Henderson]] as Carol's mother. [[Mike Lookinland]], [[Susan Olsen]] and [[Maureen McCormick]] appear in deleted scenes. A sequel, ''[[A Very Brady Sequel]]'', was released in 1996. The cast of the first film returned for the sequel. Another sequel, ''[[The Brady Bunch in the White House]]'', was made-for-television and aired on [[Fox Broadcasting Company|Fox]] in 2002. [[Gary Cole]] and [[Shelley Long]] returned for the third film, while the Brady kids and Alice were recast. The third episode of the [[Disney+]] miniseries ''[[WandaVision]]'', "[[Now in Color]]", pays homage to 1970s sitcoms, including ''The Brady Bunch'', and uses a similar intro for the virtual ''WandaVision'' in-show program.&lt;ref>{{cite web |date=January 22, 2021 |title=The Casual Marvel Fan's Guide to WandaVision Episode 3 |url= |website=[[Slate (magazine)|Slate]] |first1=Sam |last1=Adams |author2=Jonathan L. Fischer |author3=Karen Han |author4=Dan Kois |access-date=March 20, 2022}}&lt;/ref> ==See also== {{Portal|Television|United States|1960s}} * ''[[It's a Sunshine Day: The Best of The Brady Bunch]]'' * [[Tam Spiva]], a ''Brady Bunch'' script writer * ''[[Christmas with The Brady Bunch]]'', an album released by Paramount Records in 1970 ==References== {{Reflist}} ==External links== {{commons}} {{wikiquote}} * {{Official website}} * {{IMDb title|id=0063878|title=The Brady Bunch}} * [ "The Brady Bunch Cast: Where are they now?"] - ABC News, 2010 (includes some editorial errors) * {{The Interviews title|brady-bunch}} * [ The Real Brady Bros on Apple Podcasts] - The Real Brady Bros Podcast {{The Brady Bunch}} {{Sherwood Schwartz shows}} {{Authority control}} {{DEFAULTSORT:Brady Bunch, The}} [[Category:The Brady Bunch| ]] [[Category:1969 American television series debuts]] [[Category:1974 American television series endings]] [[Category:1960s American single-camera sitcoms]] [[Category:1970s 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