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New Jersey Turnpike and spurs (in green) |map_alt = Map of New Jersey with a long red line running from the southwest corner of the state to the northeast corner of the state signifying the mainline, three short red lines signifying the spur routes |length_mi = 117.20 |length_ref = <ref name="sld 1" /><ref name="sld 0">{{cite web |author = New Jersey Department of Transportation |url = |title = Route&nbsp;700 Straight Line Diagram |access-date = March 17, 2020 |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = March 4, 2016 |df = mdy-all |author-link = New Jersey Department of Transportation }}</ref><!--equation is 76.78+52.17-6.55=122.4--> |length_notes = (Mainline) {{plainlist| * {{cvt|11.03|mi|km}}—Western Spur<ref name="sld 2">{{cite web |author = New Jersey Department of Transportation |url = |title = Route&nbsp;95W Straight Line Diagram |access-date = March 17, 2020 |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = January 13, 2016 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> * {{cvt|6.55|mi|km}}—Pennsylvania Extension<ref name="sld 1">{{cite web |author = New Jersey Department of Transportation |url = |title = Route&nbsp;95 Straight Line Diagram |access-date = March 17, 2020 |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = March 4, 2016 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> * {{cvt|8.17|mi|km}}—Newark Bay Extension<ref name="sld 3">{{cite web |author = New Jersey Department of Transportation |url = |title = Route&nbsp;78 Straight Line Diagram |access-date = March 17, 2020 |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = March 4, 2016 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> * {{cvt|5.20|mi|km}}—I-95 Extension<ref name="sld 1" /> * {{cvt|148.18|mi|km}}—Total length of Turnpike including extensions }} |established = 1951 |history= Completed 1952 |allocation = * {{Jct|state=NJ|Route|700|nolink=yes|noshield1=yes}} (unsigned) from [[Pennsville Township, New Jersey|Pennsville]] to [[Mansfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey|Mansfield Township]] * {{jct|state=NJ|I|95}} from Mansfield Township to [[Ridgefield Park, New Jersey|Ridgefield Park]] * {{jct|state=NJ|I|78}} Newark Bay Extension from [[Newark, New Jersey|Newark]] to [[Jersey City, New Jersey|Jersey City]] |restrictions = Commercial vehicles must use outer roadways between exits 6 and 14-14C |direction_a = South |direction_b = North |terminus_a = {{jct|state=NJ|I|295|US|40}} in Pennsville |junction = * {{jct|state=NJ|I|295|US|130|NJ|49}} in Pennsville * {{jct|state=NJ|NJ|73}} in [[Mount Laurel, New Jersey|Mount Laurel]] * {{jct|state=NJ|I|95|PAEX|nolink2=yes}} in Mansfield Township * {{jct|state=NJ|I|195}} in [[Robbinsville Township, New Jersey|Robbinsville]] * {{jct|state=NJ|I|287|NJ|440}} in [[Edison, New Jersey|Edison]] * {{jct|state=NJ|GSP}} in [[Woodbridge Township, New Jersey|Woodbridge]] * {{jct|state=NJ|I|278}} in [[Elizabeth, New Jersey|Elizabeth]] * {{jct|state=NJ|I|78|NBEX||US|1-9|nolink2=yes}} in Newark * {{jct|state=NJ|I|280}} in [[Kearny, New Jersey|Kearny]] * {{jct|state=NJ|NJ|3|NJ|495}} in [[Secaucus, New Jersey|Secaucus]] * {{jct|state=NJ|I|80}} in [[Teaneck, New Jersey|Teaneck]] |terminus_b = {{jct|state=NJ|I|95|US|1-9|US|46|US|9W|NJ|4}} in Fort Lee near the [[George Washington Bridge]] |counties = [[Salem County, New Jersey|Salem]], [[Gloucester County, New Jersey|Gloucester]], [[Camden County, New Jersey|Camden]], [[Burlington County, New Jersey|Burlington]], [[Mercer County, New Jersey|Mercer]], [[Middlesex County, New Jersey|Middlesex]], [[Union County, New Jersey|Union]], [[Essex County, New Jersey|Essex]], [[Hudson County, New Jersey|Hudson]], [[Bergen County, New Jersey|Bergen]] |previous_type = I |previous_route = 695 |browse_route = Route&nbsp;700 |next_type = I |next_route = 895 |browse = {{nj browse|previous_type=I|previous_route=95|route=Route&nbsp;100|next_type=NJ-old|next_route=101 }}{{nj browse|previous_type=I|previous_route=295|route=Route&nbsp;300|next_type=NJ|next_route=303}} }} The '''New Jersey Turnpike''' ('''NJTP''') is a system of [[controlled-access highway]]s in the U.S. state of [[New Jersey]]. The turnpike is maintained by the [[New Jersey Turnpike Authority]].<ref group=lower-alpha>The [[Garden State Parkway]], although maintained by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, is not considered part of the turnpike.</ref> The {{convert|117.2|mi|km|adj=mid}} mainline's southern terminus is at the [[Delaware Memorial Bridge]] on [[Interstate 295 (Delaware–Pennsylvania)|I-295]] in [[Pennsville Township, New Jersey|Pennsville]]. Its northern terminus is at an interchange with [[Interstate 80 in New Jersey|I-80]] and [[U.S. Route 46|US&nbsp;46]] in [[Ridgefield Park, New Jersey|Ridgefield Park]]. Construction of the mainline, from concept to completion, took a total of 22&nbsp;months between 1950 and 1951. It was opened to traffic on November 5, 1951, between its southern terminus and exit&nbsp;10.<ref>{{cite news |last = Blackwell |first = Jon |title = 1949: Highway of dreams |url = |work = [[The Trentonian]] |access-date = November 19, 2011 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = October 15, 2011 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> The turnpike is a major thoroughfare providing access to various localities in New Jersey,<ref name=Stars /> and the [[toll road]] provides a direct bypass southeast of [[Philadelphia]] for long-distance travelers between [[New York City]] and [[Washington, D.C.]] According to the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association, the turnpike is the nation's sixth-busiest toll road, and one of the most heavily traveled highways in the nation.<ref>{{cite news |first = Dennis |last = Cauchon |url = |title = Drivers to see major toll hikes |access-date = June 2, 2009 |date = January 27, 2008 |work = USA Today |archive-url = |archive-date = May 28, 2010 |url-status = dead |df = mdy-all }}</ref> The northern part of the mainline turnpike, along with the entirety of its extensions and [[Spur route|spurs]], is a part of the [[Interstate Highway System]] designated as [[Interstate 95 in New Jersey|I-95]] between exit&nbsp;6 in [[Mansfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey|Mansfield Township]], and its northern end near New York City. South of exit&nbsp;6, it has the [[unsigned highway|unsigned]] '''Route&nbsp;700''' designation. There are three extensions and two spurs, including the '''Newark Bay Extension''' at exit&nbsp;14, which carries [[Interstate 78 in New Jersey|I-78]]; the '''Pennsylvania Turnpike Extension''', officially known as the '''Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension''', at exit&nbsp;6, which carries I-95 off the mainline turnpike; the '''Eastern Spur''' and the '''Western Spur''', which split traffic between [[Newark, New Jersey|Newark]] and [[Ridgefield, New Jersey|Ridgefield]]; and the '''I-95 Extension''', which continues the mainline to the [[George Washington Bridge]] in [[Fort Lee, New Jersey|Fort Lee]]. All segments (excluding the I-95 Extension) are toll roads. The route is divided into four roadways between exit&nbsp;6 and exit&nbsp;14. The inner lanes are generally restricted to cars, while the outer lanes are open to cars, trucks, and buses. The turnpike has {{convert|12|ft|m|adj=mid|-wide}} lanes, {{convert|10|ft|m|adj=mid|-wide}} shoulders, and 13&nbsp;of the highway's [[rest area|service area]]s are named after notable New Jersey residents. The Interstate Highway System took some of its design guidelines from those of the turnpike.<ref name=SBrunswick>{{cite web |author = South Brunswick Township |title = 1940s–1950s Moving and Building |url = |publisher = South Brunswick Township |access-date = October 16, 2011 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = March 16, 2012 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> The turnpike has been referenced many times in [[New Jersey Turnpike#In popular culture|music, film, and television]]. == Route description == [[File:New Jersey Turnpike time-lapse.webm|thumb|left|upright=1|Time-lapse video of a southbound trip on the New Jersey Turnpike in 2014]] [[File:NewJerseyTurnpike.jpg|thumb|upright=1|Map of the New Jersey Turnpike, including interchange locations and other highways in New Jersey]] The mainline of the New Jersey Turnpike splits from [[Interstate 295 (Delaware–Pennsylvania)|I-295]] in Pennsville Township and runs along a north-northeast route to [[Interstate 80 in New Jersey|I-80]] and [[U.S. Route 46|US 46]] in [[Ridgefield Park, New Jersey|Ridgefield Park]], where it continues north as [[Interstate 95 in New Jersey|I-95]]. It is designated Route&nbsp;700, an [[Unsigned highway|unsigned route]], from exit&nbsp;1 (Delaware Memorial Bridge) to exit&nbsp;6, and as I-95 from exit&nbsp;6 (Mansfield Township) to exit&nbsp;18 ([[Secaucus, New Jersey|Secaucus]]–[[Carlstadt, New Jersey|Carlstadt]]). The number of lanes ranges from four lanes south of exit&nbsp;4 ([[Mount Laurel, New Jersey|Mount Laurel]]), six lanes between exit&nbsp;4 and exit&nbsp;6 (Mansfield Township), 12&nbsp;lanes between exit&nbsp;6 and exit&nbsp;11 ([[Woodbridge Township, New Jersey|Woodbridge Township]]), and 14&nbsp;lanes between exit&nbsp;11 and exit&nbsp;14 ([[Newark, New Jersey|Newark]]).<ref name=":1">{{google maps |url =,-75.4942539/I-95,+Ridgefield+Park,+NJ+07660/@40.2625487,-75.3156474,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c2f76fc9aadd43:0x838c7fbc33096b1e!2m2!1d-74.0161079!2d40.8493598!3e0 |title = Overview Map of New Jersey Turnpike |access-date = March 28, 2019 }}</ref> The default speed limit is {{convert|65|mph|km/h}} between the southern terminus and milepost&nbsp;97, and {{convert|55|mph|km/h}} from there to the northern terminus.<ref name="sld 1" /><ref name="sld 0" /> The Newark Bay Extension carries a {{convert|50|mph|km/h|adj=on}} limit.<ref name="sld 3" /> The turnpike has variable speed limit signs allowing for the limit to be lowered temporarily during unusual road conditions.<ref name="VMS" /> Before the advent of the Interstate Highway System, the entire Turnpike was designated by the [[New Jersey Department of Transportation]] (NJDOT) as Route&nbsp;700. The Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension was Route&nbsp;700P, and the Newark Bay Extension was Route&nbsp;700N. None of these state highway designations have been signed. The entire length of the New Jersey Turnpike is part of the [[National Highway System (United States)|National Highway System]],<ref>{{cite web |title = National Highway System: New Jersey |url = |access-date = August 29, 2019 }}</ref> a network of roads important to the country's economy, defense, and mobility.<ref name=NHS>{{cite web |first1 = Stefan |last1 = Natzke |first2 = Mike |last2 = Neathery |first3 = Kevin |last3 = Adderly |url = |title = What is the National Highway System? |work = National Highway System |publisher = [[Federal Highway Administration]] |date = June 20, 2012 |access-date = July 1, 2012 |archive-url = |archive-date = September 24, 2012 |url-status = live |name-list-style = amp }}</ref> === Pennsville Township to Springfield Township === [[File:2020-07-09 14 56 00 View north along Interstate 295 and east along U.S. Route 40 at the exit for the New Jersey Turnpike NORTH and U.S. Route 40 EAST (Atlantic City) in Pennsville Township, Salem County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|left|upright=1|Signage at the turnpike's split with I-295 in Pennsville Township]] The turnpike's southern terminus lies at the [[Delaware Memorial Bridge]] in Pennsville Township, running [[concurrency (road)|concurrently]] with [[Interstate 295 (Delaware–Pennsylvania)|I-295]] and [[U.S. Route 40 in New Jersey|US 40]]. Immediately after an interchange that provides access to [[New Jersey Route 49|Route&nbsp;49]] and [[U.S. Route 130|US&nbsp;130]], US 40 and the turnpike split from I-295. A short distance later, in [[Carneys Point Township, New Jersey|Carneys Point Township]], the turnpike enters an interchange with [[New Jersey Route 140|Route&nbsp;140]] and [[County Route 540 (New Jersey)|County Route&nbsp;540]] (CR&nbsp;540). Through this section, the turnpike has three northbound lanes and two southbound lanes. The turnpike loses its third northbound lane, and continues on with two lanes in each direction and a {{convert|65|mph|km/h|abbr=on}} speed limit. After crossing over Game Creek, the turnpike reaches the exit&nbsp;1 toll plaza, where northbound drivers must obtain a ticket, and southbound drivers must surrender their ticket and pay the proper toll. Two Express [[E-ZPass]] lanes are provided in each direction. Paralleling I-295, the turnpike continues east-northeast through rural [[Salem County, New Jersey|Salem County]] with two lanes in each direction. After passing under [[New Jersey Route 48|Route&nbsp;48]], the turnpike enters [[Oldmans Township, New Jersey|Oldmans Township]], where it has the John Fenwick Service Area northbound and the Clara Barton Service Area southbound. The turnpike then briefly enters [[Pilesgrove Township, New Jersey|Pilesgrove Township]] before crossing the Oldmans Creek into [[Woolwich Township, New Jersey|Woolwich Township]].<ref name="sld 0" /><ref name=":1" /> [[File:2021-05-21 12 55 28 View south along New Jersey State Route 700 (New Jersey Turnpike) from the overpass for Gloucester County Route 673 (Cedar Road) in East Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|upright=1|View south along the New Jersey Turnpike in East Greenwich Township]] Continuing northeast, the turnpike crosses the [[SMS Rail Lines]]' [[Salem Branch]] before passing to the south of [[Swedesboro, New Jersey|Swedesboro]]. After crossing the [[Raccoon Creek (New Jersey)|Raccoon Creek]], the highway reaches an interchange for [[U.S. Route 322 in New Jersey|US&nbsp;322]]. A maintenance yard is present on the northbound side of the turnpike immediately north of the interchange into [[Harrison Township, New Jersey|Harrison Township]]. The route heads northeast into [[East Greenwich Township, New Jersey|East Greenwich Township]] past farmland before crossing Edwards Creek. Here, the turnpike passes by residential developments and soon crosses the [[Mantua Creek]] into [[West Deptford Township, New Jersey|West Deptford Township]], where it passes through parkland before development near the route increases substantially. After passing under Mantua Pike ([[New Jersey Route 45|Route&nbsp;45]]), the turnpike enters [[Woodbury Heights, New Jersey|Woodbury Heights]], where it passes by homes before crossing [[Conrail Shared Assets Operations]]' (CSAO) [[Vineland Secondary]] and entering [[Deptford Township, New Jersey|Deptford Township]]. Here, the turnpike passes under [[New Jersey Route 47|Route&nbsp;47]] before crossing the [[Big Timber Creek]]. Immediately northeast of this point, the turnpike passes under the [[New Jersey Route 42|Route&nbsp;42]] freeway and enters the Camden County borough of [[Bellmawr, New Jersey|Bellmawr]]. After passing to the south of an industrial park, the turnpike enters [[Runnemede, New Jersey|Runnemede]] and comes to an exit for [[Black Horse Pike]] ([[New Jersey Route 168|Route&nbsp;168]]), serving the city of [[Camden, New Jersey|Camden]] to the north and providing access to the [[Atlantic City Expressway]] to the south. Immediately after the interchange, the turnpike crosses back into Bellmawr before entering [[Barrington, New Jersey|Barrington]], where it passes under [[New Jersey Route 41|Route&nbsp;41]]/[[New Jersey Route 41|CR&nbsp;573]]. The turnpike then passes near packaging plants before entering [[Lawnside, New Jersey|Lawnside]] and crossing over White Horse Pike ([[U.S. Route 30 in New Jersey|US&nbsp;30]]).<ref name="sld 0" /><ref name=":1" /> Still two lanes in each direction, the turnpike continues northeast past a warehouse and eventually comes within yards of I-295. Upon entering [[Cherry Hill, New Jersey|Cherry Hill]], the turnpike passes over tracks carrying the [[PATCO Speedline]] and [[NJ Transit]]'s [[Atlantic City Line]] before reaching the Walt Whitman Service Area along the southbound lanes. Continuing northeast, the turnpike passes under [[New Jersey Route 70|Route&nbsp;70]] before crossing the [[Pennsauken Creek]] into [[Mount Laurel, New Jersey|Mount Laurel]], Burlington County, where it has an exit for [[New Jersey Route 73|Route&nbsp;73]]. North of this point, the turnpike has three lanes in each direction. Still running within close proximity of I-295, the turnpike comes to a [[New Jersey State Police]] station and passes under [[New Jersey Route 38|Route&nbsp;38]] before crossing CSAO's Pemberton Industrial Track. After the northbound James Fenimore Cooper Service Area, the road crosses over [[Rancocas Creek]] and passes to the northwest of [[Rancocas State Park]]. Now in [[Westampton, New Jersey|Westampton Township]], the distance between I-295 and the turnpike increases, and the turnpike reaches an exit for Burlington-Mount Holly Road ([[County Route 541 (New Jersey)|CR&nbsp;541]]). Northeast of this point, the turnpike continues as a six-lane highway into [[Burlington Township, New Jersey|Burlington Township]], where it passes by houses and the Burlington Country Club before entering [[Springfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey|Springfield Township]]. Here, the turnpike passes by agricultural areas before crossing [[Assiscunk Creek]].<ref name="sld 0" /><ref name=":1" /> ===Mansfield Township to Newark=== [[File:2020-07-07 15 41 56 View north along Interstate 95 (New Jersey Turnpike) at Exit 7A (Interstate 195, Trenton, Shore Points) in Robbinsville Township, Mercer County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|upright=1|New Jersey Turnpike (I-95) northbound at I-195 exit in Robbinsville Township]] Now in Mansfield Township, the turnpike splits into a "dual-dual" configuration similar to a [[local-express lanes|local-express]] configuration. The outer lanes are open to all vehicles and the inner lanes are limited to cars only, unless signed otherwise because of unusual conditions. The turnpike now has a total of 12&nbsp;lanes, six in each direction (3-3-3-3). Just north of the split is an interchange with the Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension, where the turnpike mainline becomes [[Concurrency (road)|concurrent]] with I-95.<ref name="sld 0" /><ref name=":1" /> North of this point, the turnpike enters [[Bordentown Township, New Jersey|Bordentown Township]] and has an exit for [[U.S. Route 206|US&nbsp;206]]. Continuing northeast, the turnpike passes by a mix of residential neighborhoods and farmland and enters [[Chesterfield Township, New Jersey|Chesterfield Township]] before passing over [[Crosswicks Creek]] and entering [[Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey|Hamilton Township]] in Mercer County. The highway then reaches the Woodrow Wilson and Richard Stockton service areas on the southbound and northbound sides, respectively. After the service areas, the turnpike enters [[Robbinsville Township, New Jersey|Robbinsville Township]] and reaches an exit for [[Interstate 195 (New Jersey)|I-195]], an east–west freeway connecting the state capital of [[Trenton, New Jersey|Trenton]] with the [[Jersey Shore]]. North of I-195, the turnpike passes to the west of several warehouses and traverses numerous parks and wooded areas. After crossing [[Assunpink Creek]], the turnpike enters [[East Windsor Township, New Jersey|East Windsor Township]], where the road changes its course to a slightly more northerly path. Near [[Hightstown, New Jersey|Hightstown]] is an exit for [[New Jersey Route 133|Route&nbsp;133]], which connects the turnpike with and provides a bypass for [[New Jersey Route 33|Route&nbsp;33]] in the area. North of here, the turnpike crosses the [[Millstone River]] into [[Cranbury Township, New Jersey|Cranbury Township]], Middlesex County, and passes more warehouses on both sides of the road in addition to the southbound Molly Pitcher Service Area. After entering [[Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey|Monroe Township]], the turnpike has a modified [[trumpet interchange]] with [[New Jersey Route 32|Route&nbsp;32]] serving [[Jamesburg, New Jersey|Jamesburg]]. The interchange has a ramp for traffic seeking Route 32 eastbound forming an "S" shape, taking traffic to Cranbury South River Road. Upon crossing into [[South Brunswick, New Jersey|South Brunswick]], the turnpike crosses CSAO's [[Amboy Secondary]] and passes by more industrial parks. The highway then enters [[East Brunswick, New Jersey|East Brunswick]], where suburban development along the corridor greatly increases, indicating the entrance to the built-up portion of the [[New York metropolitan area]]. Continuing north, the turnpike passes to the east of a golf course and has the northbound Joyce Kilmer Service Area. The route briefly enters [[Milltown, New Jersey|Milltown]] before crossing back into East Brunswick, where it passes by many homes before reaching an exit for [[New Jersey Route 18|Route&nbsp;18]] serving the county seat of [[New Brunswick, New Jersey|New Brunswick]]. After Route&nbsp;18, the turnpike enters New Brunswick and crosses over the [[Raritan River]] on the [[Basilone Memorial Bridge]] into [[Edison, New Jersey|Edison]].<ref name="sld 1" /><ref name=":1" /> The structure honors [[John Basilone]], a [[Raritan, New Jersey|Raritan]] resident who is the only United States Marine to be honored with the Medal of Honor, the Navy Cross and the Purple Heart. He died in the [[Battle of Iwo Jima]] in 1945.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Raritan to honor its fallen son with 33rd Annual John Basilone Memorial Parade |website = |access-date = October 24, 2018 |archive-url = |archive-date = October 24, 2018 |url-status = dead |date = September 16, 2014 }}</ref> [[File:2014-05-07 16 27 05 View of the New Jersey Turnpike mainline from an airplane heading for Newark Airport-cropped.JPG|thumb|left|View south along the turnpike from a plane landing at Newark Liberty International Airport]] After crossing the Raritan River, the turnpike passes by several warehouses and industrial parks before crossing CSAO's Bonhamtown Industrial Track line and reaching an exit serving [[Interstate 287|I-287]] and [[New Jersey Route 440|Route&nbsp;440]]. Soon afterwards, the turnpike passes over the [[Middlesex Greenway (New Jersey)|Middlesex Greenway]] and enters [[Woodbridge Township, New Jersey|Woodbridge Township]], where it reaches an exit serving the [[Garden State Parkway]] and [[U.S. Route 9 in New Jersey|US&nbsp;9]]. North of this interchange is the headquarters of the NJTA. From Woodbridge Township to Newark, [[high-occupancy vehicle lane]]s (HOV lanes) exist on the outer roadway (truck lanes), thereby making it seven lanes in each direction (4-3-3-4). The HOV restrictions are in effect on weekdays, from 6:00&nbsp;a.m. to 9:00&nbsp;a.m. northbound, and 4:00&nbsp;p.m. to 7:00&nbsp;p.m. southbound (at times, the NJTA might suspend the HOV restrictions entirely during peak hours in case of unusual conditions).<ref>{{cite press release |title = Hybrid vehicle use in N.J. Turnpike High Occupancy Vehicle lanes to take effect Monday |url = |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |access-date = November 19, 2011 |date = May 14, 2006 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = June 3, 2013 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> Continuing northeast, the turnpike passes under Amboy Avenue ([[New Jersey Route 35|Route&nbsp;35]]) and crosses NJ Transit's [[North Jersey Coast Line]]. Past this point, the turnpike crosses the [[Woodbridge River]] and reaches the Grover Cleveland Service Area northbound and the Thomas Edison Service Area southbound. After passing over CSAO's [[Port Reading Secondary]] line, the turnpike enters [[Carteret, New Jersey|Carteret]] and begins to run parallel to CSAO's [[Chemical Coast Secondary]] line, which is located east of the turnpike. In Carteret, the highway comes to an interchange serving the borough in addition to [[Rahway, New Jersey|Rahway]]. Immediately north of the interchange, the Wallberg-Lovely Memorial Bridge carries the turnpike over the [[Rahway River]]. The bridge is dedicated to Private Martin Wallberg from Westfield, and Private Luke Lovely from, South Amboy, the first soldiers from New Jersey to die in World War I.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Wallberg-Lovely Memorial Bridge |website = |access-date = October 24, 2018 |archive-url = |archive-date = October 24, 2018 |url-status = dead }}</ref> In [[Linden, New Jersey|Linden]], the turnpike passes to the east of a large industrial park before reaching an exit for [[Interstate 278|I-278]], which traverses the nearby [[Goethals Bridge]]. North of this point, the speed limit drops to {{convert|55|mph|km/h|abbr=on}}, and the turnpike crosses the [[Elizabeth River (New Jersey)|Elizabeth River]] into the city of [[Elizabeth, New Jersey|Elizabeth]]. After bisecting residential areas, the route comes to an exit for the [[New Jersey Route 81|Route&nbsp;81]] freeway, providing access to [[Newark Liberty International Airport]]. While passing to the east of the airport and Brewster Road, the turnpike also passes to the west of the [[Elizabeth Center]] big-box center and the [[Port Newark–Elizabeth Marine Terminal]] upon entering [[Newark, New Jersey|Newark]].<ref name="sld 1" /><ref name=":1" /> A section of the turnpike and the surrounding land in Elizabeth and Newark has been called "the most dangerous two miles in America" by New Jersey Homeland Security officials due to the high volume of traffic and the density of potential terrorist targets in the surrounding area.<ref>{{cite news |url = |title = The most dangerous two miles in America |access-date = March 27, 2007 |last = Cooper |first = Anderson |author-link = Anderson Cooper |date = August 15, 2006 |publisher = CNN |archive-url = |archive-date = June 27, 2011 |url-status = dead |df = mdy-all }}</ref> === Newark to Ridgefield Park === [[File:2020-07-14 08 35 13 View south along Interstate 95W (New Jersey Turnpike Western Spur) at Exit 14 (Interstate 78, U.S. Route 1, U.S. Route 9, Newark Airport, Holland Tunnel) in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|left|upright=1|New Jersey Turnpike (I-95) southbound approaching the I-78/US&nbsp;1–9 interchange in Newark]] After reaching the north end of the airport, the HOV lanes end, and the turnpike comes to an interchange with [[Interstate 78 in New Jersey|I-78]], which is also the Newark Bay Extension of the turnpike east of the mainline. North of I-78, the turnpike passes over CSAO's Chemical Coast Secondary, Greenville Running Track, and [[National Docks Branch]] at the [[Oak Island Yard]]. At this point, the car-truck lane configuration ends, and the turnpike splits into two spurs: the Eastern Spur (the original roadway) and the Western Spur (opened in 1970). Both are signed as I-95. The Western Spur is posted for through traffic on I-95 seeking [[Interstate 280 (New Jersey)|I-280]] and the [[George Washington Bridge]], while traffic seeking [[U.S. Route 46|US&nbsp;46]], [[Interstate 80 in New Jersey|I-80]], and the [[Lincoln Tunnel]] is routed via the Eastern Spur. NJDOT, which calls every class of highway "Route", calls the Western Spur "Route&nbsp;95W". The NJTA refers to the complex series of roadways and ramps linking the car–truck lanes, the two spurs, as well as traffic heading to and from I-78 as the "[[Southern Mixing Bowl]]".<ref>{{cite web |title = Manual for Traffic Control in Work Zones |url = |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |access-date = June 11, 2012 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = June 3, 2013 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> Both spurs have an exit for [[U.S. Route 1/9 Truck|US&nbsp;1/9 Truck]] and pass under the [[Pulaski Skyway]] ([[U.S. Route 1/9|US&nbsp;1/9]]) at this point before crossing over CSAO's [[Passaic and Harsimus Line]],<ref name="sld 1" /><ref name=":1" /> and will meet up at US&nbsp;46 and I-80 to continue to the George Washington Bridge where the Turnpike will eventually end. ====Eastern Spur==== [[File:2020-07-07 16 48 17 View north along Interstate 95 (New Jersey Turnpike) the split between the New Jersey Turnpike Eastern Spur and New Jersey Turnpike Western Spur in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|upright=1|New Jersey Turnpike (I-95) northbound approaching split into Western Spur and Eastern Spur in Newark]] The Eastern Spur crosses the [[Passaic River]] on the [[Chaplain Washington Bridge]], which honors Rev. [[John P. Washington]] who gave up his life jacket and died as the ''SS Dorchester'' sank on February 3, 1943.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = The Four Chaplins |website = |access-date = October 24, 2018 |archive-url = |archive-date = September 1, 2018 |url-status = dead }}</ref> After crossing over tracks carrying [[PATH (rail system)|PATH]]'s [[Newark–World Trade Center]] line, NJ Transit's [[Morris & Essex Lines]], and [[Amtrak]]'s [[Northeast Corridor]], the spur surfaces into [[Kearny, New Jersey|Kearny]], Hudson County, as a six-lane highway, and has a partial interchange with [[Interstate 280 (New Jersey)|I-280]], containing only a southbound exit and northbound entrance. Past this point, the spur passes over [[New Jersey Route 7|Route&nbsp;7]] and crosses the [[Hackensack River]] on the Lewandowski Hackensack River Bridge. The bridge was named in honor of the three Lewandowski brothers, Army Private Alexander, Marine Sergeant Walter and Air Force Lieutenant William, who were killed in action during World War II within 18 months of each other.<ref name="HNJ" /> The turnpike then enters [[Secaucus, New Jersey|Secaucus]] and crosses the railroad right-of-way of the future [[Essex-Hudson Greenway]] and runs along the east side of [[Snake Hill]]. It then passes over NJ Transit's [[Main Line (NJ Transit)|Main Line]] at [[Secaucus Junction]] station, which serves NJ Transit trains running along the Northeast Corridor and the Main Line. After the southbound lanes have the Alexander Hamilton Service Area, the turnpike reaches the exit&nbsp;18E toll plaza, serving as the northern end of the ticket system. Immediately afterwards is an interchange with [[New Jersey Route 495|Route&nbsp;495]] and [[New Jersey Route 3|Route&nbsp;3]], providing access to the [[Lincoln Tunnel]]. After passing through swampland in the [[New Jersey Meadowlands|Meadowlands]], the spur crosses into [[Ridgefield, New Jersey|Ridgefield]], [[Bergen County, New Jersey|Bergen County]]. Here, the Eastern Spur comes to the northernmost service area on the turnpike, the Vince Lombardi Service Area. After passing over the [[New York, Susquehanna and Western Railway]]'s New Jersey Subdivision line and [[CSX]]'s [[River Subdivision (CSX Transportation)|River Subdivision]] line, the highway merges back together with the Western Spur as it passes east of [[PSE&G]]'s [[Bergen Generating Station]] and crosses [[Overpeck Creek]] into [[Ridgefield Park, New Jersey|Ridgefield Park]], where the turnpike comes to its original northern terminus at [[U.S. Route 46|US&nbsp;46]].<ref name="095sld">{{cite web |author = New Jersey Department of Transportation |url = |title = Interstate 95 straight line diagram |location = Trenton |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |access-date = November 17, 2017 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = March 4, 2016 |df = mdy-all }}</ref><ref name="sld 1" /><ref name=":1" /> ====Western Spur==== The [[Harry Laderman Bridge]], named after the first turnpike employee killed on the job,<ref name="HNJ">{{cite web |url = |title = Hidden New Jersey |website = |access-date = October 24, 2018 |archive-url = |archive-date = September 23, 2017 |url-status = dead }}</ref> carries the Western Spur over the Passaic River and then tracks carrying PATH's Newark–World Trade Center line, NJ Transit's Morris & Essex Lines, and Amtrak's Northeast Corridor. Running north with six lanes, the Western Spur has a full interchange with I-280 before crossing over Route&nbsp;7 and the former Boonton Line. The spur then enters [[Lyndhurst, New Jersey|Lyndhurst]] and crosses NJ Transit's Main Line and Berrys Creek before passing over NJ Transit's [[Bergen County Line]] and entering [[East Rutherford, New Jersey|East Rutherford]]. Here, the Western Spur has a junction with Route&nbsp;3, where it loses a lane in each direction. The highway reaches the exit&nbsp;18W toll plaza before passing by the [[Meadowlands Sports Complex]] and the [[American Dream Meadowlands|American Dream]] shopping and entertainment complex, which are served by a southbound exit and northbound entrance with connections to [[New Jersey Route 120|Route&nbsp;120]] and [[County Route 503 (New Jersey)|CR&nbsp;503]] via Route&nbsp;3. After crossing the Hackensack River, the Western Spur has access to the Vince Lombardi Service Area before crossing the New York, Susquehanna and Western Railway's New Jersey Subdivision line and CSX's River Subdivision line and merging with the Eastern Spur.<ref name="sld 2" /><ref name=":WSmap">{{google maps |url =,-74.1329902/I-95,+Ridgefield,+NJ+07657/@40.7665393,-74.0658706,18909m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c2f78365701f9f:0xe9c31ac5e755b518!2m2!1d-74.0202814!2d40.8351157!3e0 |title = Overview Map of Western Spur of New Jersey Turnpike |access-date = December 22, 2019 |link = no }}</ref> === Extensions === {{Main|Interstate 78 in New Jersey|Interstate 95 in New Jersey}} [[File:2020-07-12 09 37 27 View south along Interstate 95 (New Jersey Turnpike Pennsylvania Extension) at the exit for U.S. Route 130 (Florence, Burlington) in Florence Township, Burlington County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|upright=1|View south along the Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension (I-95) at US&nbsp;130 in Florence]] [[File:2020-07-12 07 55 46 View south along Interstate 95-U.S. Route 1-U.S. Route 9 and west along U.S. Route 46 (Bergen-Passaic Expressway) at Exit 72B (U.S. Route 1 and U.S. Route 9 SOUTH TO U.S. Route 46, Palisades Park) in Fort Lee, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|upright=1|I-95 southbound at the north end of NJTA jurisdiction in Fort Lee]] [[File: Welcome to New Jersey Turnpike Southbound Edgewood Road Bridge 2023.jpg|thumb|upright=1|Sign welcoming drivers to the New Jersey Turnpike under the [[Edgewood Road Bridge]]]] The turnpike has three extensions; the first, the {{convert|8.2|mi|km|adj=on}}-long Newark Bay Extension, opened in 1956,<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = 'World's most expensive road' opened in N.J. in 1956 |date = April 24, 2017 |website = |access-date = May 2, 2018 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = September 19, 2017 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> and is part of [[Interstate 78]]. It connects Newark with [[Lower Manhattan]] via the [[Holland Tunnel]] in [[Jersey City, New Jersey|Jersey City]] and intersects the mainline near Newark Liberty International Airport. This extension has three exits (exits&nbsp;14A, 14B, and 14C), and due to its design (four lanes with a shoulderless [[Jersey barrier]] divider), has a {{convert|50|mi/h|km/h|adj=on}} speed limit. The extension traverses the [[Newark Bay Bridge]] (officially the Vincent R. Casciano Memorial Bridge), which is a steel cantilever bridge spanning [[Newark Bay]] and connecting Newark and [[Bayonne, New Jersey|Bayonne]]. Dubbed the "world's most expensive road" by ''[[The Jersey Journal]]'', it was completed April 4, 1956. Casciano was a state assemblyman and a lifetime resident of Bayonne.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = 'World's most expensive road' opened in N.J. in 1956 |website = |access-date = October 24, 2018 |archive-url = |archive-date = July 23, 2018 |url-status = dead |date = April 24, 2017 }}</ref> The second extension, known as the Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension (or Pennsylvania Turnpike Connector), carries I-95 off the mainline of the New Jersey Turnpike at exit&nbsp;6 and connects to the [[Pennsylvania Turnpike]] via the [[Delaware River–Turnpike Toll Bridge]], a continuous truss bridge spanning the Delaware River. This extension, and the Delaware River Bridge, were opened to traffic on May 25, 1956.<ref name="Bridge Will Link Turnpikes Today">{{cite news |title = Bridge Will Link Turnpikes Today |url = |access-date = January 15, 2022 |work = the New York Times |page = 25 |date = May 25, 1956 }}</ref> A {{convert|6|mi|km|adj=mid|-long|spell=in}}, six-lane highway, it has an exit, designated as 6A, to [[U.S. Route 130|US&nbsp;130]] near [[Florence, New Jersey|Florence]]. The extension was formerly designated as Route&nbsp;700P, but was officially designated as I-95 after the [[Somerset Freeway]] was cancelled, and was signed as such when the first components of the [[Pennsylvania Turnpike/Interstate 95 Interchange Project]] were completed on September 22, 2018.<ref>{{cite web |title = PA Turnpike / I-95 Interchange Project |url = |publisher = Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission |access-date = May 1, 2012 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = April 15, 2012 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> The third extension, the {{convert|4|mi|km|adj=on|spell=in}} stretch of I-95 north of US&nbsp;46 came under NJTA jurisdiction in 1992, as NJDOT sold the road to balance the state budget, and it is not tolled. This section of the road – known as the I-95 Extension – extends the mainline to travel past the interchange for [[Interstate 80 in New Jersey|I-80]] in [[Teaneck, New Jersey|Teaneck]] where the original terminus was, and through a cut in the Hudson Palisades to the [[George Washington Bridge Plaza]] in [[Fort Lee, New Jersey|Fort Lee]]. The NJDOT originally built a "missing link" in between U.S. 46 and I-80, then a connector highway from I-80 to the [[George Washington Bridge]], prior to being sold to the NJTA. Even though it was not constructed when the Turnpike first opened, the I-95 Extension is still considered to be a part of the mainline, not just a spur like the Newark Bay or Pennsylvania Turnpike extensions are, despite it not being tolled. It also passes under the [[Edgewood Road Bridge]] in [[Leonia, New Jersey|Leonia]], a high overpass known for its scenery for long-distance travelers entering New Jersey.<ref>{{Cite web |title = New Jersey Roads - I-95 (Northern) NB |url = |access-date = August 24, 2023 |website = }}{{self-published inline|certain=yes|date=July 2024}}</ref> The turnpike terminates at [[U.S. Route 9W|US&nbsp;9W]] (exit&nbsp;72), with the final approaches to the George Washington Bridge along I-95 maintained by the [[Port Authority of New York and New Jersey]]. Signs saying "Turnpike Entrance" southbound past I-80 mean entering the tolled parts of the Turnpike. Exit numbers along this section follow the mile markers I-95 would have had if the Somerset Freeway was built.<ref name="095sld" /> {{clear left}} == Services == ===Service areas===<!-- This section is linked from [[Clara Barton]] --> [[File:Molly Pitcher Service Area; Main Restaurants.JPG|thumb|upright=1|Molly Pitcher Service Area]] [[File:John Fenwick Service Area.jpg|thumb|upright=1|John Fenwick Service Area]] [[File:2020-07-07 16 05 08 View north along Interstate 95 (New Jersey Turnpike) at the Joyce Kilmer Service Area in East Brunswick Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|upright=1|Signage for the Joyce Kilmer Service Area]] [[File:Grover Cleveland Service Area, NJTP, Woodbridge Township, NJ.jpg|thumb|Grover Cleveland Service Area]] Along with the Garden State Parkway, the New Jersey Turnpike is noted for naming its [[rest area|service area]]s after notable New Jersey residents.<ref>{{cite news |work = The New York Times |url = |title = Soapbox: The Rest (Stop) Is History |last = Knackmuhs |first = Ginny |date = February 22, 2004 |access-date = November 26, 2018 }}</ref> {|class="wikitable plainrowheaders" |+ Service areas, south to north ! scope="col" |Service area ! scope="col" |Direction ! scope="col" |{{abbr|mi|Mile}} ! scope="col" |{{abbr|km|Kilometer}} ! scope="col" |Nearest exits ! scope="col" |Location ! scope="col" |Notes |- ! scope="row" |[[Clara Barton]] |Southbound |{{convert|5.4|mi|km|disp=table}} |1, 2 |[[Oldmans Township, New Jersey|Oldmans Township]] | |- ! scope="row" |[[John Fenwick (Quaker)|John Fenwick]] |Northbound |{{convert|5.4|mi|km|disp=table}} |1, 2 |[[Oldmans Township, New Jersey|Oldmans Township]] | |- ! scope="row" |[[Walt Whitman]] |Southbound |{{convert|30.2|mi|km|disp=table}} |3, 4 |[[Cherry Hill, New Jersey|Cherry Hill]] | |- ! scope="row" |[[James Fenimore Cooper]] |Northbound |{{convert|39.4|mi|km|disp=table}} |4, 5 |[[Mount Laurel, New Jersey|Mount Laurel]] | |- ! scope="row" |[[Richard Stockton (Continental Congressman)|Richard Stockton]] |Southbound |{{convert|58.7|mi|km|disp=table}} |7, 7A |[[Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey|Hamilton Township]] | |- ! scope="row" |[[Woodrow Wilson]] |Northbound |{{convert|58.7|mi|km|disp=table}} |7, 7A |[[Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey|Hamilton Township]] | |- ! scope="row" |[[Molly Pitcher]] |Southbound |{{convert|71.7|mi|km|disp=table}} |8, 8A |[[Cranbury, New Jersey|Cranbury]] | |- ! scope="row" |[[Joyce Kilmer]] |Northbound |{{convert|78.7|mi|km|disp=table}} |8A, 9 |[[East Brunswick, New Jersey|East Brunswick]] | |- ! scope="row" |[[Grover Cleveland]] |Northbound |{{convert|92.9|mi|km|disp=table}} |11, 12 |[[Woodbridge Township, New Jersey|Woodbridge Township]] |Damaged by [[Hurricane Sandy]] in 2012; reopened in 2015 |- ! scope="row" |[[Thomas Edison]] |Southbound |{{convert|92.9|mi|km|disp=table}} |11, 12 |[[Woodbridge Township, New Jersey|Woodbridge Township]] | |- ! scope="row" |[[Alexander Hamilton]] |Southbound |{{convert|111.6|mi|km|disp=table}} |15X, 16E |[[Secaucus, New Jersey|Secaucus]] |Eastern spur only |- ! scope="row" |[[Vince Lombardi Park & Ride|Vince Lombardi]] |Both |{{convert|116.0|mi|km|disp=table}} |17/19W, 68 |[[Ridgefield, New Jersey|Ridgefield]] |Eastern and western spurs; [[Vince Lombardi Park & Ride]] located at service area |} [[File:Vincent Lombardi Service Area Electric Charging Station.jpg|thumb|upright=1|Electric vehicle charging machines at Vince Lombardi Service Area]] Turnpike service areas consist mostly of [[fast-food restaurant]]s operated by Iris Buyer LLC ([[Applegreen]]). Each rest area also includes restrooms, water fountains, a [[Sunoco]] gas station with a small convenience store, with gas price signs posted about half a mile (0.8&nbsp;km) before reaching the rest area, and a separate parking area for cars and trucks. Some have a dedicated bus parking area, Wi-Fi, and a gift shop as well.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = New Jersey Rest Areas and Service Plazas |website = |date = March 30, 2015 |access-date = October 24, 2018 |archive-url = |archive-date = October 25, 2018 |url-status = live }}</ref> Before 1982, there was a service area on the northbound side named for [[William Halsey, Jr.|Admiral William Halsey]].<ref>{{cite news |url = |title = Jersey: How to Get More Mileage Out of Name Recognition |date = December 7, 1997 |work = The New York Times |access-date = December 12, 2014 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = December 16, 2014 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> However, in 1982, exit&nbsp;13A was created, which caused the obscuring of the rest area, as they both overlapped with each other. Anyone who wanted to get to the service area missed exiting at exit&nbsp;13A, and (northbound) drivers who took that exit missed that service area. The service area closed permanently on June 4, 1994.<ref name="halsey">{{cite news |title = Part of Ark Road to Be Closed for Repairs |url = |access-date = September 14, 2017 |work = Courier-Post |date = May 8, 1994 |page = 27 |via = [[]] |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = September 15, 2017 |df = mdy-all }} {{open access}}</ref> Today, it can be seen by motorists when exiting 13A from the northbound car lanes, where a temporary concrete barrier obstructs an open asphalt lot.<ref>{{google maps |url =,-74.17999&sll=40.508897,-74.373019&sspn=0.733399,0.951949&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&z=17 |title = Interstate&nbsp;95 and New Jersey Route&nbsp;81 |access-date = October 16, 2011 |link = no }}</ref> Two service areas were located on the Newark Bay Extension (one eastbound and one westbound) located west of exit&nbsp;14B. These were closed in the early 1970s. The eastbound service area was named for [[John Stevens (New Jersey politician)|John Stevens]], the westbound service area for [[Peter Stuyvesant]].<ref name="njtpaform">{{cite book |author = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |title = Lane Closure Request Form |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority }}</ref> In late March 2010, it was revealed that the state Transportation Commissioner was considering selling the naming rights of the rest areas to help address a budget shortfall.<ref>{{cite news |url = |title = New Jersey transportation commissioner considers selling naming rights to NJ Turnpike rest stops |work = [[Daily News (New York)|Daily News]] |location = New York |agency = Associated Press |date = March 28, 2010 |access-date = July 7, 2011 |archive-url = |archive-date = August 15, 2011 |url-status = dead |df = mdy-all }}</ref> The Grover Cleveland Service Area in [[Woodbridge Township, New Jersey|Woodbridge]] was temporarily closed because of storm damage from [[Hurricane Sandy]] in October 2012, with only fuel available. It was rebuilt and fully reopened on November 23, 2015.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Travel Resources: Interchanges, Service Areas & Commuter Lots |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |access-date = March 21, 2015 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = December 13, 2007 |df = mdy-all }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title = Turnpike service area in Woodbridge reopens |agency = Associated Press |website = |date = November 23, 2015 |url = |access-date = November 23, 2015 }}</ref> In 2015, the NJTA installed [[Tesla Supercharger]] stations in the Molly Pitcher and Joyce Kilmer service areas to allow Tesla car owners to charge their vehicles. A proposal to offer charging stations for non-Tesla vehicles is also under consideration.<ref>{{cite news |title = Tesla charging stations to be installed on N.J. Turnpike starting next week |agency = Advance Media |work = |date = February 18, 2015 |url = |access-date = August 2, 2016 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = July 29, 2016 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> === Emergency assistance === The NJTA offers {{convert|12|ft|m|adj=mid|-wide}} shoulders wherever possible, and disabled vehicle service may be obtained by dialing #95 on a cellular phone. Towing and roadside assistance are provided from authorized garages. The [[New Jersey State Police]] is the primary police agency that handles calls for service on the turnpike.<ref name=":0"/> New Jersey State Police Troop D serves the New Jersey Turnpike, with stations in [[Cranbury, New Jersey|Cranbury]], [[Moorestown, New Jersey|Moorestown]], and [[Newark, New Jersey|Newark]].<ref>{{cite web |title = Troop D Road Stations |publisher = New Jersey State Police |url = |access-date = May 20, 2024 }}</ref> Other emergency services such as fire and first aid are usually handled by the jurisdictions in which that section of the turnpike passes.<ref name=":0">{{cite web |title = Roadside Assistance |url = |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority }}</ref> ==History== [[File:New Jersey Turnpike Construction 1951 LOC.jpg|thumb|left|upright=1|Hackensack Run bridge under construction in 1951]] === Precursors and planning === {{Infobox road small |state=NJ |type=NJ 1926 |county= |route=100 |location= [[New Brunswick, New Jersey|New Brunswick]]&ndash;[[Fort Lee, New Jersey|Fort Lee]] |length_mi= |length_round= |length_ref= |formed=1938 |deleted=1953 }} {{Infobox road small |state=NJ |type=NJ 1926 |county= |route=300 |location= [[Deepwater, New Jersey|Deepwater]]&ndash;[[New Brunswick, New Jersey|New Brunswick]] |length_mi= |length_round= |length_ref= |formed=1938 |deleted=1953 }} Route&nbsp;100 and Route&nbsp;300 were two state highways proposed in the 1930s by the [[New Jersey State Highway Department]] as precursors to the New Jersey Turnpike. The road that is now the New Jersey Turnpike was first planned by the State Highway Department as two freeways in 1938. Route&nbsp;100 was the route from New Brunswick to the George Washington Bridge, plus a spur to the [[Holland Tunnel]], now the Newark Bay Extension of the Turnpike. Route&nbsp;300 was the southern part of the turnpike from the Delaware Memorial Bridge to New Brunswick. However, the State Highway Department did not have the funds to complete the two freeways, and very little of the road was built under its auspices.<ref name=njdot100>{{cite web |url = |title = Model of Route&nbsp;100 |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |access-date = September 23, 2009 }}{{dead link|date=February 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref><ref name=njdot1002>{{cite web |url = |title = Route&nbsp;100 under construction |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |access-date = September 22, 2009 }}{{dead link|date=February 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> Instead, in 1948, the NJTA was created to build the road, and the two freeways were built as a single toll road. [[New Jersey Route S100|Route&nbsp;S100]] was a proposed spur of Route&nbsp;100 in Elizabeth. It was never built, although [[New Jersey Route 81|Route&nbsp;81]] follows a similar alignment. [[File:America's Highways 1776–1976 - page 167.jpg|thumb|right|Construction of the New Jersey Turnpike]] According to a letter to the editor written by Kathleen Troast Pitney, the daughter of [[Paul L. Troast]], the first chairman of the NJTA: {{blockquote|Governor Driscoll appointed three men to the turnpike authority in the late 1940s—Maxwell Lester, George Smith and Paul Troast, my father, as chairman. They had no enabling legislation and no funding. They were able to open more than two-thirds of the road in 11 months, completing the whole (project) in less than two years ... When the commissioners broached the subject of landscaping the road ... the governor told them he wanted a road to take the interstate traffic ... off New Jersey's existing roads. Since 85 percent of the traffic at that time was estimated to be from out of state, why spend additional funds on landscaping?<ref>{{cite news |url = |title = Love/hate letters |format = Letter to the Editor |first = Kathleen |last = Troast Pitney |work = [[The Star-Ledger]] |location = Newark, New Jersey |date = November 2, 2001 |access-date = July 7, 2011 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = March 3, 2016 }}</ref>}} A brochure ''Interesting Facts about the New Jersey Turnpike'', dating from soon after the road's opening, says that when the turnpike's bonds are paid off, "the law provides that the turnpike be turned over to the state for inclusion in the public highway system". Due to new construction, and the expectation that the turnpike pays for policing and maintenance, this has never come to pass. ===Construction=== [[File:2021-05-26 11 13 59 View north along Interstate 95 (New Jersey Turnpike) from the overpass for Union County Route 617 (Tremley Point Road) in Linden, Union County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|upright=1|New Jersey Turnpike (I-95) northbound in Linden]] The project of building the turnpike had its challenges. One major problem was the construction in the city of Elizabeth, where either 450&nbsp;homes or 32&nbsp;businesses would be destroyed, depending on the chosen route. The engineers decided to go through the residential area, since they considered it the grittiest{{citation needed|date=April 2023}} and the closest route to both Newark Airport and the [[Port Newark–Elizabeth Marine Terminal]] seaport. When construction finally got to Newark, there was the new challenge of deciding to build either over or under the [[Pulaski Skyway]]. If construction went above the skyway, the costs would be much higher. If they went under, the costs would be lower, but the roadway would be very close to the Passaic River, making it harder for ships to pass through. The turnpike was ultimately built to pass under.<ref>{{cite news |url = |title = City Linked to Super-Highway |last = Schwab |first = Armand Jr. |work = The New York Times |date = January 20, 1952 |page = X17 |access-date = September 25, 2010 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = October 1, 2012 |url-access = subscription }}</ref><ref>[[#Hart|Hart]], pp. 173–174.{{full citation needed|date=August 2018}}</ref> As part of a 2005 [[seismic retrofit]] project, the NJTA lowered its roadway to increase vertical clearance and allow for full-width shoulders, which had been constrained by the location of the skyway supports.<ref>{{cite web |author = [[American Council of Engineering Companies]] of New Jersey |publisher = American Council of Engineering Companies of New Jersey |url = |title = 35th Annual Engineering Excellence Awards Dinner program |date = March 6, 2006 |access-date = October 27, 2007 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = March 4, 2009 }}</ref> Engineers replaced the bearings and lowered the bridge by {{convert|4|ft|m|spell=in}}, without shutting down traffic. The work was carried out by [[Skanska|Koch Skanska]] in 2004, under a $35&nbsp;million contract (equivalent to ${{Inflation|index=US|value=35|start_year=2004}} million in {{Inflation year|index=US}}). The project's engineers were from a joint venture of Dewberry Goodkind Inc. and HNTB Corp. Temporary towers supported the bridge while bearings were removed from the 150&nbsp;piers and the concrete replaced on the pier tops. The lowering process for an {{convert|800|ft|m|adj=on}} section of the bridge was done over 56&nbsp;increments, during five weeks of work.<ref name=ENR_lowering>{{cite news |last = Cho |first = Aileen |title = Busy New Jersey Span Gets New Bearings, and Shorter Too <!-- |access-date = April 26, 2013 --> |newspaper = Engineering News-Record |date = November 29, 2004 }}</ref> [[File:2020-07-12 09 14 56 View south along Interstate 95 (New Jersey Turnpike) at Exit 8 (New Jersey State Route 33, New Jersey State Route 133, Hightstown, Freehold) in East Windsor Township, Mercer County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|left|New Jersey Turnpike (I-95) southbound at the Route&nbsp;33/Route&nbsp;133 interchange in East Windsor Township]] While continuing up to the [[New Jersey Meadowlands|Meadowlands]], the crossings were harder because of the fertile marsh land of silt and mud. Near the shallow mud, the mud was filled with crushed stone, and the roadway was built above the water table. In the deeper mud, caissons were sunk down to a firm stratum and filled with sand, then both the caissons and the surrounding areas were covered with blankets of sand. Gradually, the water was brought up, and drained into adjacent meadows. Then, construction of the two major bridges over the Passaic and Hackensack Rivers was completed. The bridges were built to give motorists a clear view of the New York City skyline, but with high retaining walls to create the illusion of not being on a river crossing.<ref name=anderson /> The {{convert|6955|ft|m|abbr=on}} Passaic River (Chaplain Washington) Bridge cost $13.7 million to build; the {{convert|5623|ft|m|abbr=on}} Hackensack River Bridge cost $9.5 million. The entire {{convert|118|mi|km|adj=on}} length of the New Jersey Turnpike took 25 months to construct, at a total cost of $255 million. The first {{convert|44|mi|km|adj=mid|-long}} stretch, from exit 1 in Carneys Point Township north to exit 5 in Westampton Township, opened on November 5, 1951. A second {{convert|49|mi|km|adj=mid|-long}} stretch from exit 5 north to exit 11 in Woodbridge opened on November 30, 1951, followed by a third {{convert|16|mi|km|adj=mid|-long}} stretch from exit 11 north to exit 15E in Newark on December 20, 1951. The fourth and final {{convert|9|mi|km|adj=mid|-long|spell=in}} stretch, from exit 15E north to exit 18 in Ridgefield, opened on January 15, 1952, completing the turnpike.<ref name="anderson">{{cite web |url = |title = New Jersey Turnpike (I-95) |first = Steve |last = Anderson |work = Eastern Roads |access-date = July 7, 2011 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = July 9, 2011 }}{{self-published inline|certain=yes|date=August 2024}}</ref> After the turnpike was completed in 1952, the NJTA and the [[New York State Thruway Authority]] (NYSTA) proposed a {{convert|13|mi|km|adj=on}} extension of the New Jersey Turnpike that would run from its end (at US&nbsp;46 in [[Ridgefield Park, New Jersey|Ridgefield Park]] at the time) up to [[West Nyack, New York]], at [[Interstate 87 (New York)|I-87]] ([[New York State Thruway]]). The section through New Jersey was to be constructed and maintained by the NJTA, while the section in New York was to be built and maintained by the NYSTA. The purpose of this extension was to give motorists a "more direct bypass of the New York City area" to [[New England]], by using the [[Tappan Zee Bridge (1955–2017)|Tappan Zee Bridge]]. The extension was to parallel [[New York State Route&nbsp;303]] (NY&nbsp;303) and the present-day CSX [[River Subdivision (CSX Transportation)|River Subdivision]], and have limited interchanges. It was to have an interchange with the [[Palisades Interstate Parkway]] and at I-87 (New York State Thruway) in West Nyack. This project did not survive; by 1970, it became too expensive to buy right-of-way access, and community opposition was fierce. Therefore, the NJTA and the NYSTA canceled the project.<ref name="anderson" /> NJDOT did construct a small segment of this extension, the portion between US&nbsp;46 and I-80, as part of the I-95 Extension. This segment was later transferred to the NJTA. ===1950s to 1980s=== [[File:New Jersey Turnpike Exit 11 Tollbooth at night, 1992.jpg|thumb|upright=1|Approaching the exit 11 tollbooths at night in 1992, prior to the installation of [[E-ZPass]]]] [[File:2020-09-24 10 42 17 View south along New Jersey State Route 168 (Black Horse Pike) at the exit for the New Jersey Turnpike in Bellmawr, Camden County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|upright=1|Old format of the sign which had been typical at non-freeway entrances to the turnpike; this one is at exit&nbsp;3. This sign was replaced by a generic entry sign in 2024.]] With the turnpike completed, traffic increased beyond expectations, which prompted planning for two widenings in 1955. the first of these would widen the segment of roadway and from four lanes to an eight-lane, dual-dual setup (2-2-2-2, two express carriageways and two local carriageways in each direction) between exit&nbsp;10 and exit&nbsp;14. The second widening would add one lane in each direction from exit&nbsp;4 and exit&nbsp;10, making for a total of six lanes combined. On April 4, 1956, the widening between exit&nbsp;10 and exit&nbsp;14 was completed, also as part of this project, exit&nbsp;14 was rebuilt from a standard exit that served US 1-9 into the {{convert|8.2|mi|km|adj=mid|-long}} Newark Bay Extension, though only the stretch between exit&nbsp;14 on the mainline and exit&nbsp;14A.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = 'World's most expensive road' opened in N.J. in 1956 |date = April 24, 2017 |website = |access-date = May 2, 2018 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = September 19, 2017 }}</ref> On May 25 of that year, the widening between exit&nbsp;4 and exit&nbsp;10 was completed, along with this came the {{convert|6|mi|km|adj=on|spell=in}} Pearl Harbor Memorial extension and its interchange with the mainline.<ref name="Bridge Will Link Turnpikes Today"/> In 1958, a part of the turnpike was designated as I-95. In addition, a short part of the southern segment was signed as I-295, and the Newark Bay Extension was signed as I-78.<ref>State of New Jersey, Laws of 1927, Chapter 319.{{full citation needed|date=July 2024}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |last1 = Williams |first1 = Jimmy |last2 = Williams |first2 = Sharon |name-list-style = amp |url = |title = 1927 New Jersey Road Map |work = 1920s New Jersey Highways |access-date = October 8, 2008 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = October 31, 2007 }}</ref> On May 15, 1962, the authority opened a new trumpet interchange at exit&nbsp;12. The ramps, which replaced the nonstandard half diamond interchange at the location, cost $3,500,000 (equivalent to ${{formatprice|{{inflation|US-GDP|3500000|1962}}}} in {{inflation-year|US-GDP}}{{inflation-fn|US-GDP}}) to construct, and unlike the old ramps, contained a southbound exit and northbound entrance.<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Interchange 12, May 16, 1962 |newspaper=The Daily Register |date=May 16, 1962 |page=15 }}</ref> On August 7, 1962, the NJTA announced a major project to replace exits&nbsp;17 and 18, in addition to expanding exits&nbsp;16's toll plaza. This work was being done in preparation for the [[1964 New York World's Fair|1964 World's Fair]]. It would involve moving the northern end of the ticket system from Ridgefield to Secaucus, as well as replacing the partially at-grade exits&nbsp;17 with a new grade separated exits&nbsp;17 in order to reduce congestion and upgrade said road to [[Interstate Highway standards]] It would also involve replacement of the exits&nbsp;16 with a new 24 lane wide structure, and relocating exit&nbsp;18 to be at the new northern end of the ticket system near exits&nbsp;16.<ref>{{Cite news |last = Haff |first = Joseph O. |date = August 8, 1962 |title = Jersey Turnpike Starts Elimination Of 3 Interchanges |url = |access-date = July 22, 2024 |work = The New York Times |language = en-US |issn = 0362-4331 }}</ref> Construction on the new exit&nbsp;17 began immediately. The original exit&nbsp;17 had its northbound ramps permanently closed on June 16, 1963, to allow construction of the replacement exits&nbsp;16 toll plaza to proceed.<ref>{{Cite news |date = June 20, 1963 |title = Rt. 3 Turnpike Exit to Close |url = |access-date = January 25, 2024 |work = The Herald-News |pages = 1 }}</ref> On September 19, at 3:30 Pm, the new exit&nbsp;17 was completed, it contained a wider toll booth, was fully grade separated, was located slightly father to the north, and operated on a coin drop system rather tan the ticket system like the rest of the road, with trucks, buses, and trailers charged based on their weight. It was at this point that the original exit&nbsp;18 toll plaza located in Ridgefield was demolished.<ref>{{cite web | url= | title=Exit 17-18, September 18, 1963 | date=September 18, 1963 }}</ref> The new exit&nbsp;18, which had more collection lanes than the original and was located in Secaucus, began charging tolls on February 25, 1964, concurrent with opening of the new exit&nbsp;16 toll plaza. Another improvement made was the introduction of automatic ticket dispensers with the new exit&nbsp;18 and exit&nbsp;16, these were also later installed at exit&nbsp;14, 14A, and 14C, as well as the exit&nbsp;6 toll barrier.<ref>1964 annual report{{full citation needed|date=July 2024}}</ref> On May 29, the entrance ramps from Route&nbsp;3 were opened, completing the two-year long project.<ref>{{Cite news |date = May 29, 1964 |title = Holiday Exodus Starts; Traffic Jam on Route 3 |url = |access-date = January 25, 2024 |work = The Herald-News |pages = 1 }}</ref> In 1965, construction began on a entirely new interchange with the under-construction Route&nbsp;32 between exits&nbsp;8 and 7.<ref name= "NJ 32">{{cite web | url= | title=NJ 32, November 5, 1966 | date=November 5, 1966 }}</ref> On February 14, 1966, this interchange, numbered as exit&nbsp;8A was opened to traffic, though only partially;<ref>{{Cite news |date = February 15, 1966 |title = Exit 8A, February 15, 1966 |url = |access-date = July 22, 2024 |work = The Central New Jersey Home News |pages = 19 }}</ref> the connection to Route&nbsp;32 westbound opened on November 5 at noon.<ref name= "NJ 32"/> In November 1966, NJTA announced plans to widen the turnpike between exits&nbsp;10 and 14 from eight to twelve lanes.<ref>{{Cite news |date = November 16, 1966 |title = Program Starts To Widen Pike |url = |access-date = July 22, 2024 |work = The Morning Call |pages = 6 }}</ref> This abolished the express-local roadway system and established a new system, with the outer roadway for all vehicles and inner roadway for cars only. Other aspects of the plan included constructing a new exit&nbsp;10 in Edison Township, closeting the old exits&nbsp;10 and rebuilding exits&nbsp;11 to provide access to the Garden State parkway in Woodbridge, reverseing the trumpet at exit&nbsp;12 in Carteret, and relocating exit&nbsp;13 in Elizebeth to provide direct access to the [[Goethals Bridge (1928–2017)|Goethals Bridge]] and [[Interstate 278|I-278]] instead of Trenton Road.<ref>{{Cite news |date = November 16, 1966 |title = Program Starts To Widen Pike |url = |access-date = January 16, 2024 |work = The Morning Call |pages = 6 }}</ref> On July 27, 1968, it was announced that the replacement exit&nbsp;13 would open on July 31.<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=New Exit 13, July 27, 1968 |newspaper=Courier-Post |date=July 27, 1968 |page=10 }}</ref> The interchange was opened as planned, and the old exit, which was a split interchange with Trenton Avenue, was closed permanently and slated for reverse engineering, this was completed by October.<ref>1968 annual report{{full citation needed|date=August 2024}}</ref> The new exit&nbsp;11 was completed on September 18, 1969,<ref>{{cite news |date = September 18, 1969 |title = Pike Linked To Parkway |url = |access-date = January 24, 2024 |work = The Courier-News |pages = 15 |via = }}</ref> at which point the original exit&nbsp;10 was closed. The new exit&nbsp;10 was opened on January 13, 1970,<ref>{{Cite news |date = January 13, 1970 |title = Edison Interchange Opens |url = |access-date = January 16, 2024 |work = The Central New Jersey Home News |pages = 1 }}</ref> with new dual-dual setup opened the next day on January 14.<ref>{{Cite news |date = January 14, 1970 |title = Pike's Outer Lanes Finally Opened |url = |access-date = January 16, 2024 |work = The Central New Jersey Home News |pages = 1 }}</ref> The Western spur, a new extension of the turnpike meant to let through traffic bypass Secaucus, was opened on September 3, 1970.<ref>{{Cite news |date = September 4, 1970 |title = Pike Opens Meadowlands Section |url = |access-date = January 16, 2024 |work = The Central New Jersey Home News |pages = 20 }}</ref> With this, multiple changes were made to the existing roadway. It was officially named the Eastern Spur, new unnumbered interchanges connecting it with the Western Spur were built, as well as a major renumbering to make it consistent with the new spur scheme, exit&nbsp;15 was renumber exit&nbsp;15E, exit&nbsp;16 as exit&nbsp;16E, and exit&nbsp;18 as exit&nbsp;18E. They also built exit&nbsp;15W's connection with the original road, and rebuilt exit&nbsp;15E to provide access to Western Spur traffic.{{Citation needed|date=September 2024}} With the [[Bergen-Passaic Expressway]] being built on the north side of Ridgefild park in 1964, this left a mile long gap between the turnpike and expressway approaches onto the [[George Washington Bridge]]. This gap was closed on October 20, 1971, when an expanded interchange with US 46 was opened, which connected to the Bergen-Passaic expressway and replaced the trumpet interchange that only served US 46.<ref>{{Cite news |date = October 20, 1971 |title = TurnpikesLink to I-80 Open Today |url = |access-date = January 16, 2024 |work = The Jersey Journal |pages = 44 }}</ref> [[File:2024-08-12 09 58 16 View southwest towards the Interstate 95 (New Jersey Turnpike Eastern Spur) bridge over the Hackensack River from the summit of Laurel Hill in Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|left|The Hackensack River Bridge on the Eastern Spur, viewed from [[Snake Hill]]]] The [[New Jersey Turnpike smog accident]] occurred in the town of [[Kearny, New Jersey|Kearny]], on October 23 and 24, 1973. The first collision occurred at 11:20&nbsp;p.m. EDT on the 23rd. Further accidents continued to occur until 2:45&nbsp;a.m. the next day as cars plowed into the unseen accident ahead of them. Sixty-six vehicles were involved, and nine people died as a result. Thirty-nine suffered non-fatal injuries. The primary cause of the accident was related to a fire consisting of burning garbage, aggravated by foggy conditions.<ref name="SafetyBoard1975">{{cite book |title = Highway Accident Report: Series of Multivehicle Collisions and Fires under Limited Visibility Conditions: New Jersey Turnpike, Gate 15 and U.S. Route 46, Oct. 23 and 24, 1973 |url = |access-date = April 11, 2011 |year = 1975 |publisher = [[National Transportation Safety Board]] |quote = The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this series of multivehicle collisions was the penetration of vehicles into areas of severely reduced visibility due to fog and smoke, the latter occasioned by fires adjacent to the turnpike which had not been promptly extinguished. The delay in closing the affected roadways by the New Jersey State Police contributed to the number of accidents. }}</ref> This produced an area of extremely poor visibility. In 1971, the authority announced plans to extend the dual-dual setup from exit&nbsp;10 in Woodbridge to exit&nbsp;9 in [[East Brunswick, New Jersey|East Brunswick]].<ref>1971 annual report{{full citation needed|date=August 2024}}</ref> This project was completed northbound on November 14, 1973,<ref>{{Cite news |date = November 15, 1973 |title = 3 northbound lanes open on New Jersey Turnpike |url = |access-date = January 16, 2024 |work = The Herald-News |pages = 5 }}</ref> and southbound on January 13, 1974,<ref>{{Cite news |date = January 13, 1974 |title = Turnpike 12-Lane Strip at E. Brunswick Opens |url = |access-date = January 16, 2024 |work = The Sunday News |pages = 63 }}</ref> and involved a major reconstruction of exit&nbsp;9, replacing the underpass with a overpass and building a wider toll plaza to replace the existing one.<ref name="renamed_from_1973_on_20240902014729">1973 annual report{{full citation needed|date=August 2024}}</ref> On May 30, 1974, exit&nbsp;7A was opened to traffic.<ref>1974 annual report{{full citation needed|date=July 2024}}</ref> The interchange, which had been planned for since 1973,<ref name="renamed_from_1973_on_20240902014729"/> connected to I-195, was in part constructed to serve the nearby [[Great Adventure]], which opened later that year. Additionally, in June, a widening of exit&nbsp;15E's toll plaza was completed, with an expansion of exit&nbsp;14A's following in August.<ref name="renamed_from_1973_on_20240902014729"/> With the completion of I-78 to the Newark Bay Extension on May 27, 1977,<ref>{{Cite news |date=1977-05-29 |title=New Access Road Opens to Airport |url= |access-date=2024-01-21 |work=Asbury Park Press |pages=2}}</ref> the interchanges toll plaza was replaced with a wider one and ramps replaced, with none of the original 1951 configuration remaining. In 1971, the NJTA proposed building the [[Driscoll Expressway|Alfred E. Driscoll Expressway]]. It was to start at the Garden State Parkway south of exit&nbsp;80 in Dover Township (now [[Toms River, New Jersey|Toms River]]) and end at the turnpike approximately {{convert|3|mi|km|spell=in}} north of exit&nbsp;8A in [[South Brunswick, New Jersey|South Brunswick]]. As a proposed part of the turnpike system, its seven interchanges would have included toll plazas except at the northern end of the turnpike. By 1972, the proposed road met fierce opposition from [[Ocean County, New Jersey|Ocean]], [[Monmouth County, New Jersey|Monmouth]], and [[Middlesex County, New Jersey|Middlesex]] counties with quality of life being the main concern. The NJTA proceeded anyway and began selling bonds. But by December 1973, Governor-elect [[Brendan Byrne]] decided to stop the project altogether. Despite this, the authority continued with its plan. It was not until February 1977 that the authority abandoned its plan to build the road.<ref>{{cite news |url = |title = Turnpike Drops Cross-State Road |first = Ronald |last = Sullivan |date = February 20, 1977 |page = 341 |work = The New York Times |access-date = March 4, 2013 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = February 3, 2014 |url-access = subscription }}</ref> The rights-of-way were sold in 1979, shelving the project indefinitely.<ref>{{cite news |last = Bennett |first = Don |title = Driscoll Expressway ended up the Road to Nowhere |url = |work = Lacey Patch |access-date = November 19, 2011 |date = January 22, 2011 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = April 25, 2012 }}</ref> In 1973, the NJTA began planning for exit&nbsp;13A. The interchange would be constructed in order to provide direct connections to the nearby [[Newark Liberty International Airport]], which had previously having required taking convoluted routes via exit&nbsp;13 or 14.<ref name="renamed_from_1973_on_20240902014729"/> On June 10, 1982,this exit was opened to traffic.<ref>{{Cite news |date = June 11, 1982 |title = New turnpike interchange, highway open |url = |access-date = July 22, 2024 |work = Courier-Post |pages = 17 }}</ref> In the 1987, the authority announced a plan a to rebuild the Western Spur. If this were ever to be completed, it would have added truck lanes, In addition, a new exit&nbsp;15 W-A would be constructed, which would have served a extension of [[New Jersey Route 17]], and exit&nbsp;16W would have its ramps connecting to the turnpike be entirely replaced by a new ramp containing a wider toll plaza. However, this project was never carried out,<ref name="anderson"/> in part due to the cancelation of the New Jersey Route 17 Extension. ===1990s to present=== In July 1988, a project to reconstruct exit&nbsp;7 in order to accommodate an increasing number of truck traffic was announced.<ref>{{Cite news |last = Salgado |first = Robert J. |date = July 3, 1988 |title = Turnpike to Expand Interchange 7 |url = |access-date = July 22, 2024 |work = The New York Times |language = en-US |issn = 0362-4331 }}</ref> As part of this, a new 12 lane toll plaza and trumpet interchange located {{convert|1⁄2|mi|km}} away from the original ramps were to be constructed, and the existing toll plaza was demolished,<ref name="anderson"/> though the old overpass would be left intact as a U-turn ramp. <!--This was intentional, said source does not claim this--> Construction began almost immediately, and was completed in 1990, costing $30 million.<ref name="anderson"/> In 1985, the authority announced plans to extend the dual dual roadway to exit&nbsp;8A in [[Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey|Monroe Township]].<ref>1985 annual report{{full citation needed|date=July 2024}}</ref> However, this created some problems in the East Brunswick area. Analysis of noise <ref>Shadely, 1973{{full citation needed|date=October 2018}}</ref> and air quality impacts were made in a lawsuit decided in New Jersey Superior Court. This case, in the early 1970s, was one of the early examples of [[environmental scientist]]s playing a role in the design of a major highway in the US. The computer models allowed the court to understand the effects of roadway geometry, in this case width, vehicle speeds, proposed [[noise barrier]]s, residential setback and pavement types. The outcome was a compromise that involved substantial mitigation of noise pollution and air pollution impacts. Groundbreaking for this project began on June 23, 1987.<ref>{{cite book |type = Report |author = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |year = 1987 |title = New Jersey Turnpike 1987 Annual Report |url = |location = New Brunswick |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority }}{{page needed|date=July 2024}}</ref> Construction of the dual-dual roadway setup was completed on October 22, 1990,<ref>{{Cite news |date = October 23, 1990 |title = Turnpike opens renovated lanes |url = |access-date = January 16, 2024 |work = The Record |pages = 4 }}</ref> the rebuling of Exit 8A from a trumpet into T-intersection to a dual trumpet interchange was completed in May 1991.<ref>{{cite web | url= | title=NJ Turnpike Interchange 8A, Contract #W-4503 }}</ref> In January 1992, the turnpike was extended by {{convert|4|mi|km|spell=in}} from I-95 exits&nbsp;68 to 72B, NJDOT had sold this segment of roadway to balance the state budget.<ref>{{cite news |last = Gray |first = Jerry |url = |title = Fight Over Florio Budget Plan Heating Up in Hostile Trenton |work = The New York Times |date = January 27, 1992 |access-date = January 29, 2010 }}</ref> In 1996, an HOV lane was opened between exits&nbsp;11 and exits&nbsp;14 on the truck lanes. The cost of this project was $361 million. It is reserved for use only during peak hours. By 1997, various improvements had also been made to the {{convert|1.5|mi|km|adj=on}} stretch between exits&nbsp;14 and exits&nbsp;15E in Newark. This part of the project cost $148 million.<ref name="anderson"/> On September 24 of that year, the Pennsylvania connector was officially renamed the Pearl Harbor Memorial extension, this was done in remembrance of the Americans who died during the [[Attack on Pearl Harbor]].<ref name=renameing>1997 annual report{{full citation needed|date=August 2024}}</ref> In May 1998, the speed limit was increased from {{convert|55|to|65|mph|km/h}} between exits&nbsp;1 and exits&nbsp;13. Despite this, no other segment north of it had its speed limit raised.<ref name="anderson"/> In the late 1990s, a project to improve exit&nbsp;13A in Elizabeth was started. It was completed in 1999, at the cost of $140 million. It was funded by the developers of [[Jersey Gardens]], its construction was why the upgrade was carried out.<ref name="nyt-1999-08-29">{{Cite news |last = Holusha |first = John |date = August 29, 1999 |title = Commercial Property/Jersey Gardens: Outlet Mall Near Newark Airport Prepares to Open |language = en-US |work = The New York Times |url = |access-date = November 26, 2022 |issn = 0362-4331 }}</ref> Later that year, a bill to rename the mainline road as the '''New Jersey Veterans Turnpike'' was proposed by the [[New Jersey General Assembly]]. Proposed by [[Jack Collins (politician)|Jack Collins]], this memorial would have resulted in $500,000 worth of signage replacement. Despite passing the assembly, it was never signed into law.<ref name="anderson"/> [[File:NJ TPK NB from Gordon Road overpass.jpeg|thumb|right|New Jersey Turnpike (I-95) northbound in Robbinsville Township]] In October 1997, groundbreaking was held on a project to reconstruct the Pearl Harbor Memorial Extension.<ref name=renameing/> As part of this project, a new interchange with US 130 was built that was completed on December 17, 1999, replacing the old slip ramp in the area that fead onto local streets with many potholes.<ref>{{cite web |title = New Jersey Turnpike—Pennsylvania Extension |url = |work = Philly Roads |access-date = August 10, 2024 }}{{self-published inline|certain=yes|date=August 2024}}</ref> in addition, the toll plaza was replaced with a new wider one that contained EZ-Pass lanes, this part of the project was completed in February 2000.<ref>2000 annual report{{full citation needed|date=August 2024}}</ref> On September 30 of that year, NJTA began using [[E-ZPass]] for electronic toll collection on the mainline.<ref>{{Cite news |date = October 1, 2000 |title = E-ZPass Unveiled on New Jersey Turnpike |language = en-US |work = The New York Times |url = |access-date = July 9, 2021 |issn = 0362-4331 }}</ref> A replacement exit 1 toll barrier was completed in July 2004. Planned since the 1990s, the new plaza features 23 lanes, a walkway to allow for the toll collectors to avoid crossing traffic, and four high-speed E-ZPass lanes (two in each direction). Construction of the plaza had started in early 2001, and had cost $44 million to construct. The plaza was located approximately {{convert|1.2|mi|km}} north of the original toll gate.<ref name="anderson" /> In 2003, the E-ZPass system was extensively overhauled when the turnpike's E-ZPass transitioned to ACS State and local solutions. Also in 2002, the authority proposed adding express lanes to the eastern and western spurs.<ref>{{cite book |author = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |year = 2003 |title = First Consolidated Toll Road Annual Report 2003 |url = |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |access-date = August 10, 2024 |via = New Jersey State Library}}{{page needed|date=August 2024}}</ref> In January 2004, the authority opened the new 18W express gantries in Carlstadt; these allowed for two {{convert|45|mph|km/h|abbr=on}} lanes in each direction, though were restricted to EZ-Pass users only.<ref name="anderson" /> On December 1, 2005,<ref name="anderson" /> the authority opened exit&nbsp;15X. They did this to allow turnpike traffic to easily access the [[Secaucus Junction]].<ref>{{cite news |last = Mansnerus |first = Laura |title = A Billion-Dollar Bet |url = |work = The New York Times |access-date = November 22, 2011 |date = February 5, 2006 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = March 30, 2016 }}</ref> In order to address chronic congestion, the authority opened a new two lane ramp at exit&nbsp;8A to carry traffic onto the newly extended [[County Route 535 (New Jersey)|CR&nbsp;535]] in February 2006. The ramp that allowed traffic onto [[New Jersey Route 32|Route&nbsp;32]] westbound was then closed off permanently (though not demolished); despite redundancy, the eastbound ramp was left intact.<ref name="canceled">{{cite news |title = Route&nbsp;92-turnpike connection project off the table—for now: Official says expansion of turnpike between exits 6 and 9 is the top priority |date = December 2, 2006 |work = Daily Record |location = Morristown, New Jersey }}</ref> In May 2006, hybrid vehicles were permitted to use the HOV lanes during peak periods.<ref name="anderson" /> The authority planned to build [[New Jersey Route 92|Route&nbsp;92]], an east–west spur from [[U.S. Route 1 in New Jersey|US&nbsp;1]] and Ridge Road in the township of South Brunswick to the mainline of the turnpike at exit&nbsp;8A in Monroe Township. This proposition was canceled on December 1, 2006.<ref name="canceled"/> The year also saw the completion of a project to expand exits&nbsp;16E and 18E. <ref></ref> [[File:NJ TPK NB from NJ 73 overpass.jpeg|thumb|left|New Jersey Turnpike northbound approaching the Route&nbsp;73 interchange in Mount Laurel]] In 2005, The authority began to lower the Eastern Spur (between mileposts 107.3 and 107.5) in Newark.<ref name="anderson" /> This project, completed in 2008, made it so that the spur consisted of a minimum {{convert|15|ft|m|adj=on}} vertical clearance and {{convert|12|ft|m|adj=on}} horizontal clearance on the shoulders underneath the Pulaski Skyway ([[U.S. Route 1/9|US&nbsp;1/9]]). In March 2010, The authority completed a project that rebuilt exit&nbsp;16W in [[East Rutherford, New Jersey|East Rutherford]]. Several new ramps were built, and old ones were demolished. One major modification was demolishing the old ramp from the tollgate to Route&nbsp;3 west and constructing a new elevated ramp that swings swing around in the opposite direction to merge with Route&nbsp;3 west, thereby completing the double trumpet-like interchange and reducing weaving on Route&nbsp;3.<ref>{{cite web |url = |publisher = US Army Corps of Engineers |date = March 5, 2009 |title = Public Notice: NAN-2006-3095-WCA |access-date = July 7, 2011 |first = Richard L. |last = Tomer |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = July 22, 2011 }}</ref> In April, the NJTA completed a project that rebuilt exit&nbsp;12 in the Borough of Carteret. The project, carried out in order to reduce truck traffic, involved constructing new elevated ramps from Roosevelt Avenue east to the toll gate, replacing what was previously a fully an at-grade interchange with a unidirectional one. In addition, the seven-lane toll booth was demolished, and a new 17-lane one was constructed in its place. While it initially planned to be completed in November or December 2009, though was delayed five to six months behind schedule.<ref>{{cite news |first = Leo D. |last = Rommel |date = May 17, 2009 |url = |title = Construction on Turnpike Exit 12 nearly complete |work = MyCentralJersey |publisher = [[Gannett]] |access-date = July 7, 2011 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = July 19, 2011 }}</ref> The NJTA began accepting E-ZPass on all toll lanes on March 5, 2011, previously only marked lanes allowed for such.<ref>{{cite press release |url = |title = E-ZPass soon to be accepted at all lanes on New Jersey Turnpike |date = March 11, 2011 |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |access-date = July 7, 2011 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = June 28, 2011 }}</ref> In the middle of that year, the authority also reconstructed the [[New Jersey Route 495|Route&nbsp;495]] westbound overpass across the turnpike at exit&nbsp;16E in Secaucus in order to add a third lane to said ramp.<ref>{{cite web |year = 2009 |title = New Jersey Turnpike Authority Construction Contract Awards |url = |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = October 19, 2012 |access-date = July 7, 2011 |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority }}</ref> In late 2012, the authority completed a project that made many Safety improvements to exit&nbsp;2 in [[Woolwich Township, New Jersey|Woolwich Township]]. A traffic signal at the T-intersection with [[U.S. Route 322 in New Jersey|US&nbsp;322]], and turn lanes were added, in addition, a fourth access point was also constructed.<ref>{{cite press release |url = |title = New traffic signal activated at Route&nbsp;322 intersection with NJ Turnpike Interchange 2 toll plaza in Woolwich |date = July 24, 2012 |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |access-date = October 7, 2012 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = August 31, 2012 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |author = McCormick Taylor, Inc. |title = Final Design and Environmental Permitting for Improvements at Interchange 2 |url = |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = February 1, 2012 |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority }}</ref> {{multiple image|perrow = 1|total_width=250 |image1 = New Jersey Turnpike widening Robbinsville.JPG |image2 = New Jersey Turnpike widening Robbinsville Nov 2014.jpg |footer = Widening from 6 to 12 lanes in Robbinsville. Top, July 2012. Bottom, November 2014. }} [[File:NJTP (I 95) IC 8 options.jpg|thumb|upright=1|Three proposals for new Exit&nbsp;8 in East Windsor. Alternative 1 was chosen (with a few changes)]] In November 2004, Governor [[Richard Codey]] advocated a plan to widen the turnpike by extending the dual-dual configuration {{convert|20.1|mi|km}} south from exit&nbsp;8A in Monroe Township to exit&nbsp;6 in Mansfield Township. This was to be completed by 2014 when Pennsylvania was supposed to finish an interchange, that would connect its turnpike to the existing I-95 in [[Bristol Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania|Bristol Township, Pennsylvania]]. Finances were to be supplied by rerouting money from the planned [[New Jersey Route 92|Route&nbsp;92]] Turnpike extension.<ref>{{cite news |url = |title = New Jersey Set to Expand Turnpike |work = The New York Times |first = Ronald |last = Smothers |date = December 1, 2004 |access-date = July 7, 2011 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = April 24, 2009 }}</ref> On January 1, 2007, the NJTA released its plan for exit&nbsp;8 in East Windsor Township. The old interchange, located west of the turnpike, would be demolished and replaced with a new one located to the east of the turnpike.<ref name="exit 8">{{cite news |last = Mease |first = Alyssa |title = Part of New NJ Turnpike toll plaza opens at Interchange 8 in East Windsor |url = |work = The Times of Trenton |access-date = March 6, 2013 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = January 26, 2013 }}</ref> Other interchanges were also to be upgraded with this widening project. exit&nbsp;6 in Mansfield Township would have its dual two laned ramps replaced by multiple pairs of single lane ramps, exit&nbsp;7 in [[Bordentown Township, New Jersey|Bordentown Township]] would have new depressed ramps added, exit&nbsp;7A in [[Robbinsville Township, New Jersey|Robbinsville Township]] would have three extra collection lanes added to its gate, and exit&nbsp;8A in Monroe Township would have a new ramp added.<ref>{{cite news |last = Giambusso |first = David |title = $2.7B N.J. Turnpike widening project begins |url = |work = The Star-Ledger |location = Newark, New Jersey |access-date = March 31, 2012 |date = July 2, 2009 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = August 16, 2011 }}</ref> The NJTA would also add a third truck lane between exit&nbsp;9 in East Brunswick Township and exit&nbsp;8A in Monroe Township. No overpass replacement was needed since overpasses were already designed with future expansion in mind. Only final preparation and paving of an outer lane in the outer roadways were required to accommodate the extra lane. New signage and lighting was installed as part of the widening project. It was thought that some transmission towers that ran near the turnpike would have to be replaced to make room for the newly constructed roadways. However, this idea was dismissed because it would have been cost prohibitive, and the towers, in fact, did not need to be.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Executive Order No. 215 Environmental Impact Statement |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = August 24, 2009 |access-date = January 16, 2012 }}</ref> The widened turnpike features six lanes in each direction (3-3-3-3), double the previous capacity.<ref>{{cite press release |url = |title = Turnpike authority to hold public information centers regarding widening project |date = November 20, 2006 |archive-url = |archive-date = March 27, 2009 |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |access-date = July 7, 2011 }}</ref><ref>{{cite press release |url = |title = Gov. Christie, NJDOT Commissioner FoxPraise $2.3 Billion NJ Turnpike Infrastructure Investment Project |archive-url = |archive-date = November 3, 2014 |publisher = [[New Jersey Turnpike Authority]] |access-date = November 3, 2014 |quote = The Widening Program created a three-lane Outer Roadway in each direction over the 25 miles between Interchange 6 in Mansfield Township, Burlington County, and Interchange 8A in Monroe Township, Middlesex County. }}</ref> The new exit&nbsp;8 opened in January 2013, featuring a new toll plaza consisting of 10&nbsp;lanes, with direct access to [[New Jersey Route 133|Route&nbsp;133]] (Hightstown Bypass) without going through any traffic lights, as well as to Route&nbsp;33 by using a grade-separated interchange.<ref name="exit 8"/>Construction of a realigned Milford Road, near the interchange, was open to traffic in October 2011.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Construction Updates: NJ Turnpike Interchange 6 to 9 Widening Program |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |access-date = March 31, 2012 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = February 27, 2012 }}</ref> Milford Road was converted into an overpass crossing over the new interchange&nbsp;8 ramp. The junction with the realigned Milford Road, Route&nbsp;33 and Monmouth Street was also modified.<ref>{{cite news |last1 = Persico |first1 = Joyce J. |last2 = Kitchenman |first2 = Andrew |url = |title = Pike plan raises concern |work = The Trenton Times |date = January 1, 2007 |archive-url = |archive-date = January 3, 2007 |access-date = July 7, 2011 |url-status = dead }}</ref> On July 2, 2009, a ceremonial groundbreaking took place near exit&nbsp;8 to initiate the widening of the turnpike.<ref>{{cite news |first = Erin |last = Duffy |url = |title = $2.7 billion Turnpike Widening Under Way |work = [[The Trenton Times]] |date = July 2, 2009 |access-date = July 7, 2011 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = June 5, 2011 }}</ref> On January 28, 2014, the last two of the project's 31 construction contracts was awarded.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Proceedings of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |date = January 29, 2014 |access-date = November 15, 2014 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = November 29, 2014 }}</ref> On May 17–18, 2014, the NJTA switched traffic from the inner roadway for the new outer roadway to do repairs and resurfacing of the inner roadway.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Timeline Photos |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |via = Facebook |access-date = October 4, 2014 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = May 2, 2018 }}</ref> The rehabilitated northbound lanes opened on October 26, 2014, while the southbound lanes opened a week later on November 3, 2014. The final cost reported to be $2.3 billion.<ref>{{cite news |last = Schaefer |first = Mari A. |title = Expanded lanes open on New Jersey Turnpike |work = The Philadelphia Inquirer |date = October 27, 2014 |url = |access-date = November 3, 2014 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = March 4, 2016 }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last = Higgs |first = Larry |title = New southbound Turnpike lanes open |work = The Star-Ledger |location = Newark, New Jersey |date = November 3, 2014 |url = |access-date = November 3, 2014 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = November 6, 2014 }}</ref> The project employed 1,000 workers a day, and at one point was the largest active road construction project in the Western Hemisphere.<ref>{{cite web |title = Interchange 6 to 9 Widening Program Website |url = |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = July 8, 2007 |access-date = January 16, 2012 }}</ref> [[File:New Jersey Turnpike Reduce Speed sign.jpg|thumb|left|upright=1|A 1970s [[variable-message sign]] displaying a warning about construction ahead. These signs have since been replaced.]] [[File:2013-12-28 15 01 10 New variable message sign on northbound Interstate 95 (New Jersey Turnpike) just north of Exit 7A (Interstate 195, Trenton, Shore Points) in Robbinsville Township, Mercer County, New Jersey.jpg|thumb|upright=1|A modern variable message sign displaying a warning about congestion ahead]] All of the turnpike's original [[variable-message sign]]s (VMS) were replaced from 2010 to 2015, and many new signs were also added. The replacement signs, which feature full graphic color matrix technology, are more up-to-date and feature travel times to major routes when not otherwise in use.<ref name="VMS">{{cite web |title = New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway to get new VMS |url = |access-date = October 16, 2011 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = April 1, 2012 }}</ref> In late October 2015, the southbound inner roadway exit ramp at exit&nbsp;7A was closed to make repairs to the overpass crossing over the truck lanes. Steel plates beneath the deck of the exit ramp overpass "were not built to specification" when it was originally constructed, and to avoid premature replacement in the future, the ramps were repaired. These repairs were completed in late November 2015.<ref>{{cite press release |title = NJTA to Close Exit from Southbound Turnpike Car Lanes to Interchange 7A for Bridge Repairs |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |date = October 15, 2015 |url = |access-date = October 24, 2015 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = November 6, 2015 }}</ref> To reduce congestion, the NJTA has widened [[New Jersey Route 18|Route&nbsp;18]] and reconstructed all the associated ramps at exit&nbsp;9 (except the ramp to Route&nbsp;18 north) in East Brunswick Township. Construction began in late 2012 and was completed in mid-2016.<ref>{{cite web |last1 = Higgs |first1 = Larry |title = What project is backing up Route&nbsp;18? Ask @CommutingLarry |url = |publisher = |access-date = July 21, 2018 |archive-url = |archive-date = July 21, 2018 |url-status = dead |date = October 15, 2015 }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url = |title = Turnpike Authority to Widen Route&nbsp;18 at Exit&nbsp;9 |first = John |last = Saccenti |date = March 18, 2011 |work = East Brunswick Patch |access-date = July 7, 2011 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = June 2, 2011 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Interchange 9 Improvement Project |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |access-date = January 15, 2012 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = February 1, 2012 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Two road projects to address traffic woes on Route&nbsp;18 in East Brunswick |first = Susan |last = Loyer |publisher = |date = February 24, 2014 |access-date = October 9, 2014 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = October 15, 2014 }}</ref> The authority planned to reconstruct exit&nbsp;14A in Jersey City and its connectors in Bayonne because the interchange was in "poor condition" and suffered from chronic congestion. This was part of a bigger project to address future traffic volume along [[New Jersey Route 440|Route&nbsp;440]]. Official groundbreaking occurred on March 11, 2015, with an expanded toll plaza and connector bridge targeted for completion in late 2018 with a $310 million budget.<ref>{{cite web |author = Gannett Fleming, Inc. |url = |title = Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Studies For Improvements at Interchange 14A: Public Hearing Report |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |date = November 2012 |access-date = March 12, 2015 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = September 16, 2013 }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url = |title = Hudson County pols, Turnpike Authority break ground on Exit 14A project |first = Jonathan |last = Lin |newspaper = The Jersey Journal |date = March 11, 2015 |access-date = March 12, 2015 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = March 15, 2015 }}</ref> The newly expanded exit&nbsp;14A reopened in May 2018 ahead of its anticipated opening later in the year.<ref>{{cite news |url = |title = 14A toll plaza in Bayonne reopens after $286M makeover |newspaper = The Jersey Journal |date = May 21, 2018 |access-date = May 30, 2018 |archive-url = |archive-date = May 28, 2018 |url-status = dead }}</ref> Signage for I-95 was extended from [[Interstate 195 (New Jersey)|I-195]] in [[Robbinsville Township, New Jersey|Robbinsville Township]] to exit&nbsp;6 in September 2018, the Pearl Harbor Memorial Extension was also signed.<ref name="new295">{{cite press release |first = Steve |last = Schapiro |url = |title = I-95 to be redesignated as I-295 in Mercer County starting in 2018 |date = December 21, 2017 |access-date = December 21, 2017 |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |archive-url = |archive-date = December 22, 2017 }}</ref> In conjunction with the [[Port Authority of New York and New Jersey]]'s replacement of the [[Goethals Bridge]], improvements were being studied at exit&nbsp;13 in Elizabeth and Linden.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Goethals Bridge Modernization Project |access-date = May 3, 2010 |publisher = United States Coast Guard and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey |last1 = Louis Berger Group |last2 = Parsons Brinckerhoff |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = January 24, 2013 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> However, the interchange was ultimately left as is, with no improvements being made. On March&nbsp;24, 2020, the New Jersey Turnpike Authority temporarily suspended cash toll collection due to the [[COVID-19 pandemic]]. Drivers without E-ZPass transponders had their license plates photographed at the toll plazas and were sent bills in the mail. Cash collection resumed on May&nbsp;19 of that year.<ref name="abc7ny1">{{cite news |date = May 16, 2020 |title = Coronavirus News: Cash Tolls Returning to NJ Turnpike and Garden State Parkway |agency = WABC |url = |url-status = dead |access-date = December 21, 2020 |archive-url = |archive-date = January 14, 2021 }}</ref> In January 2020, the NJTA announced plans to construct E-ZPass express lanes at exit&nbsp;18E.<ref name="Higgs 2020">{{cite web |last = Higgs |first = Larry |date = January 28, 2020 |title = One of the Turnpike's busiest toll plazas is getting express lanes |url = |access-date = November 26, 2022 |website = }}</ref> This project was completed in November 2021.<ref name="Twitter2021">{{cite tweet |number = 1462756312148762625 |user = njturnpike |title = The new express E-ZPass lanes at Interchange 18E are open to traffic |author = New Jersey Turnpike |date = November 21, 2021 |access-date = November 26, 2022 }}</ref> Additionally, they also widened the express lanes at exit&nbsp;6 in order to add a single collection lane in each direction, as the original configuration had become obsolete.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = New Jersey Turnpike Interchange 6 E-ZPass Improvements: Busy Toll Plaza Adds Express Lanes for Growth and Safety |publisher = Gannett Fleming }}</ref> From late April to May 2022, the ramps onto US 206 at exit&nbsp;7 to the turnpike were temporarily closed so the overpass could be demolished.<ref>{{cite press release |first1 = Jim |last1 = Barry |first2 = Steve |last2 = Schapiro |date = April 29, 2022 |title = Route 206 southbound to be closed this weekend for repairs to New Jersey Turnpike ramp in Bordentown: New Jersey Turnpike ramp to Route 206 southbound to remain closed |url = |publisher = New Jersey Department of Transportation |access-date = August 10, 2024 }}</ref> On June&nbsp;9, 2023, the [[American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials]] approved redesignating the Eastern Spur as I-695 and officially designating the Western Spur as I-95.<ref name=aashto1992a>{{AASHTO minutes |year=2023S |access-date=October 22, 2023 }}</ref> ==Future projects== ===Tremley Point Road Connector=== The authority is planning a {{convert|1.1|mi|km|adj=on}} roadway called the "Tremley Point Road Connector" from Industrial Highway in the Borough of Carteret to Tremley Point Road in the [[Linden, New Jersey|City of Linden]]. The purpose of this extension is to increase truck access to the Tremley Point industrial area in Linden while moving trucks off local streets in residential neighborhoods. The authority chose this access road rather than a full interchange with Tremley Point Road from the turnpike mainline because of its proximity to both exits&nbsp;12 and 13.<ref>{{cite book |author = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |chapter-url = |chapter = 1.0 Summary of the Project (TPRC) |url = |title = Tremley Point Connector Road Project Environmental Assessment |date = January 24, 2009 |archive-url = |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |archive-date = January 14, 2009 |access-date = July 7, 2011 }}</ref> The estimated completion date of the connector has yet to be determined,<ref>{{cite web |author = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |url = |title = Tremley Point Connector Road Project |date = January 24, 2009 |archive-url = |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |archive-date = January 14, 2009 |access-date = July 7, 2011 }}</ref> but as of October 2019, a construction contract has been awarded.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = AGENDA Board Meeting |page = 5 |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |date = October 22, 2019 }}</ref> ===Exits 1 to 4 widening=== The NJTA plans to widen the segment of roadway between exits&nbsp;1 through 4 to six lanes, thus eliminating the final four lane stretch of mainline roadway. Construction is planned to begin in 2025 and be completed in 2032.<ref name="improvement projects">{{cite web |url = |title = Capital Projects |publisher = NJTA |date = |access-date = August 21, 2022 }}</ref> The widening, which has been in the planning stage since 1992, will also involve the replacement or rehabilitation of 55 overpasses, as well as improvements to exits 1 through 4. In addition to this, residents, and congressmen, are lobbying for the authority and [[New Jersey Department of Transportation|NJDOT]] to construct a long-anticipated interchange between the turnpike with [[New Jersey Route 42|Route&nbsp;42]]. This interchange would relieve tractor trailer traffic on exit 3 ([[New Jersey Route 168|Route&nbsp;168]]), which creates massive backups as it is the only exit to Camden, Philadelphia, and southward. This proposed interchange will finally have a direct connection to the Atlantic City Expressway, I-76, and I-676. It would remove the requirement to travel through long suburban avenues with many traffic signals.<ref>{{cite web |last1=Matthews |first1=Mark |title=$2 Billion NJ Turnpike Widening for Exits 1-4, and Local Officials Want a Route 42 Connector |url= |website=42 Freeway |access-date=July 25, 2024 |date=January 26, 2023}}</ref> ===Other plans=== The NJTA plans to widen the Newark Bay Extension from four to six lanes. This would involve replacing 29 bridge structures, including the Newark Bay Bridge, as they are in poor condition, functionally obsolete, and not designed to be widened. Construction on the first phase of the project is expected to begin in 2026 and to be completed sometime between 2032 and 2034, with the other 3 phases currently undetermined.<ref name="improvement projects"/> There are also plans to widen the Western Spur from four lanes to six lanes, which would involve replacing many bridges, including the harry Laderman Bridge. Long term plans call to convert the road to an all electronic tolling system, where E-ZPass is supported and those who do not have it get a picture of the license plate snaped and charged a bill later. This would require demolishing conventional toll plazas in the process. They also plan to extend the HOV lane past exit&nbsp;13, as well as to replace a overpass carrying traffic at exit&nbsp;17, as it has deteriorated significantly <ref>{{cite web|title=Proposed 2020 Capital Improvement Program|publisher=New Jersey Turnpike Authority|url=|access-date=March 14, 2022}}</ref> There are also currently plans to replace the four lane wide Delaware River Bridge on the Pearl Harbor Memorial extension with new twin three lane twined [[Cable-stayed bridge]]s, with construction on this expected to begin sometime after 2030.<ref name="improvement projects"/> ==Tolls== [[File:New Jersey Turnpike ticket.jpg|thumb|upright=1|right|A toll ticket received at exit&nbsp;15W in 2008]] [[File:New Jersey Turnpike toll gate.jpg|thumb|left|upright=1|A New Jersey Turnpike tollgate for Exit 8A in Monroe Township]] The New Jersey Turnpike is a closed-system [[toll road]], using a system of long-distance [[Ticket system|tickets]], obtained once by the motorist upon entering and surrendered upon exiting at toll gates. The toll fee depends on the distance traveled—longer distances result in higher tolls. {{As of|2023|1|1|df=US}}, the automobile toll from exit&nbsp;1 to exit&nbsp;18 is $20.05 using cash and $20.01 using [[E-ZPass]] electronic toll collection.<ref>{{cite web |title = 2023 Toll Rates New Jersey Turnpike - Class 1 Passenger Cars (2 Axles) |url = |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |access-date = April 3, 2023 }}</ref> If the ticket is lost, the driver must pay the highest toll fee upon exiting. In September 2000, the turnpike introduced E-ZPass electronic toll collection.<ref>{{cite web |first1 = Kaan |last1 = Ozbay |first2 = Ozlem |last2 = Yanmaz |first3 = Jose |last3 = Holguin-Veras |title = The New Jersey Turnpike Road Pricing Initiative: Analysis Traffic Impact |work = PIARC Seminar on Road Pricing with Emphasis on Financing, Regulation and Equity |location = Cancun, Mexico |publisher = World Road Association (PIARC) |date = April 11–13, 2005 |url = |archive-url = |url-status = dead |archive-date = September 19, 2011 |access-date = July 6, 2011 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> Discounts were available to all users of the E-ZPass system until 2002. The cost to implement the E-ZPass system forced the NJTA to eliminate the discounts during peak hours and instead impose a $1 per month E-ZPass fee to account holders. E-ZPass customers with NJ accounts still receive a discount during off-peak hours,<ref>{{cite web |author = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |url = |title = Traffic Resources: Toll Rates |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |access-date = March 6, 2012 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = April 6, 2012 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> when the automobile toll from exit&nbsp;1 to exit&nbsp;18 is $14.15. Cash customers do not receive this discount.<ref>{{cite web |author = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike Authority |url = |title = NJTA- Toll Rate Calculator |access-date = October 22, 2007 |archive-url = |archive-date = October 20, 2007 }}</ref> Four toll plazas on the turnpike have Express E-ZPass lanes, allowing E-ZPass customers to travel through toll areas at highway speeds, thanks to the addition of E-ZPass sensors on an overhead gantry. These high-speed toll gates are located at the northern terminus of the road on both the Western Spur and the Eastern Spur, the southern terminus in [[Carneys Point Township, New Jersey|Carneys Point Township]], and on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Extension. At each location, traditional E-ZPass and cash lanes are also available.<ref name="New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway 2017">{{cite web |title = The New Jersey Turnpike Authority |publisher = New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway |date = March 26, 2017 |url = |access-date = April 11, 2023 }}</ref> Every toll lane on the turnpike accepts E-ZPass. The non-tolled [[Interstate 295 (Delaware–Pennsylvania)|I-295]], which parallels the turnpike for much of its southern length, is often used as an alternate route for [[shunpiking]] by locals and through travelers alike; before the replacement of the exit&nbsp;1 toll plaza, this route was promoted through signage and radio announcements from the [[New Jersey State Police]] as a bypass of summer congestion at the plaza.{{citation needed|date=July 2021}} On March&nbsp;24, 2020, the NJTA temporarily suspended cash toll collection because of the [[COVID-19 pandemic]]. Drivers without E-ZPass transponders had their license plates photographed at the toll plazas and were sent bills in the mail. Cash collection resumed on May&nbsp;19 of that year.<ref name="abc7ny1"/> The turnpike and the [[Garden State Parkway]] raised tolls in 2020 and 2021 and, in its 2023 budget, called for another toll increase of 7.4% in 2023. The NJTA said the increase was due to "pressures on discretionary travel and costs due to an inflation rate of 8.3%".<ref>{{Cite web |first = Larry |last = Higgs |date = October 25, 2022 |title = New Jersey Turnpike, Parkway tolls are going up for the 3rd year |url = |access-date = October 28, 2022 |website = pennlive |language = en }}</ref> {{clear left}} == Exit list == ===Mainline=== As it was planed for from the start, the Eastern Spur is considered part of the mainline. {{jcttop|exit|state=NJ|length_ref=<ref name="sld 1" /><ref name="sld 0" />}} {{NJint|exit |county=Salem |cspan=5 |location=Pennsville Township |lspan=3 |mile=0.00 |exit=– |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|295|US|40|dir1=south|dir2=west|name2=[[Delaware Memorial Bridge]]|location1=[[Delaware]]}} |notes=Southern terminus; southern end of the [[Concurrency (road)|concurrency]] with I-295/US 40 }} {{NJint|exit |mile=0.22 |mile2=0.44 |mspan=2 |exit=1A |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|49|dir1=east|location1=[[Pennsville Township, New Jersey|Pennsville]]|city2=Salem}} |notes=Signed as exit 1 southbound; western terminus of Route&nbsp;49 }} {{NJint|exit |type=concur |mile=none |exit=– |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|295|dir1=north|US|130|dir2=north|city1=Camden|city2=Trenton|city3=Penns Grove}} |notes=Northbound exit and southbound entrance; northern end of I-295 concurrency }} {{NJint|exit |type=concur |location=Carneys Point Township |lspan=2 |mile=1.12 |exit=– |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|40|dir1=east|city1=Atlantic City}}<br />{{jct|state=NJ|NJ|140|CR|540|city1=Penns Grove|city2=Deepwater}} |notes=Northern end of the concurrency with US&nbsp;40; signed for US 40 northbound, Route 140/CR 540 southbound; access to the [[Atlantic City Expressway]] }} {{NJint|exit |mile=2.40 |type=toll |place=Exit 1 Toll Plaza (southern end of ticket system) }} {{NJint|exit |county=Gloucester |location=Woolwich Township |mile=12.80 |exit=2 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|322|city1=Swedesboro|city2=Glassboro}} }} {{NJint|exit |county=Camden |location1=Runnemede |location2=Bellmawr |location_group=borough |mile=26.10 |exit=3 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|168|city1=Camden|location2=[[Atlantic City Expressway|Atlantic City Exp]]}} }} {{NJint|exit |county=Burlington |cspan=5 |location=Mount Laurel |mile=34.50 |exit=4 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|73|city1=Mount Laurel|city2=Camden}} }} {{NJint|exit |location=Westampton |mile=44.10 |exit=5 |type=toll |road=[[Burlington, New Jersey|Burlington]], [[Mount Holly, New Jersey|Mount Holly]] |notes=Access via [[County Route 541 (New Jersey)|CR&nbsp;541]] }} {{NJint|exit |location=Mansfield Township |ctdab=Burlington |lspan=2 |mile=48.70 |place=Southern terminus of the dual-roadway setup (inner roadway for cars only, outer roadway for cars, trucks, and buses) }} {{NJint|exit |mile=51.00 |mile2=51.60 |exit=6 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=PA|I-NJ|95|dir1=south|road|[[Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension|Pearl Harbor Extension]]|dir2=west|to3=to|I|276|dir3=west|PATP||dir4=west|city1=Philadelphia}} |notes=Eastern terminus of Pearl Harbor Extension; southern end of I-95 concurrency }} {{NJint|exit |location=Bordentown Township |mile=53.30 |exit=7 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|206|city1=Bordentown|city2=Trenton}} |notes= }} {{NJint|exit |county=Mercer |cspan=2 |location=Robbinsville Township |mile=60.50 |exit=7A |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|195|city1=Trenton|location2=[[Jersey Shore|Shore Points]]}} |notes=I-195 exit 6 }} {{NJint|exit |location=East Windsor Township |mile=67.50 |exit=8 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|33|NJ|133|dir2=west|city1=Hightstown|location2=[[Freehold Borough, New Jersey|Freehold]]}} |notes=Eastern terminus of Route&nbsp;133 }} {{NJint|exit |county=Middlesex |cspan=6 |township1=Monroe |township2=South Brunswick |ctdab=Middlesex |mile=73.90 |exit=8A |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|32|dir1=west|CR|612|county2=Middlesex|dir2=east|to3=yes|US|130|city1=Jamesburg|city2=Cranbury}} |notes=CR 612 not signed}} {{NJint|exit |location=East Brunswick Township |mile=83.40 |exit=9 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|18|name1=[[County Route&nbsp;527 (New Jersey)|CR&nbsp;527]]|US|1|to2=yes|city1=New Brunswick}} |notes= }} {{jctbridge|exit |location_special=[[Raritan River]] |mile=84.22 |line=yes |bridge=[[Basilone Memorial Bridge]] }} {{NJint|exit |location=Edison Township |mile=88.10 |exit=10 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|287|NJ|440|CR|514|dir1=north|dir2=north|city1=Metuchen|city2=Perth Amboy}} |notes=Southern termini of I-287 and Route&nbsp;440; CR 514 not signed; former exit&nbsp;9A<ref>{{cite news |title = Agree on Toms River Spur Connection with Turnpike |url = |access-date = October 15, 2019 |work = The Daily Home News |date = April 27, 1966 |location = New Brunswick, New Jersey |page = 9 |via = }}</ref> }} {{NJint|exit |location=Woodbridge Township |mile=91.00 |exit=11 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|GSP||US|9|to2=yes|city1=Woodbridge|location2=[[Jersey Shore|Shore Points]]}} |notes=Exit 129 on Garden State Parkway }} {{NJint|exit |location=Carteret |mile=95.90 |exit=12 |type=toll |road=[[Carteret, New Jersey|Carteret]], [[Rahway, New Jersey|Rahway]] |notes=Access via [[County Route 602 (Middlesex County, New Jersey)|CR&nbsp;602]] }} {{NJint|exit |county=Union |cspan=2 |location=Elizabeth |lspan=2 |mile=99.40 |exit=13 |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|278|city1=Elizabeth|location2=[[Staten Island]]}} |notes=Access to Elizabeth via [[New Jersey Route 439|Route 439]]; exit 3A on I-278 }} {{NJint|exit |mile=101.60 |exit=13A |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|extra=airport}} [[Newark Liberty International Airport|Newark Airport]], [[Elizabeth Seaport]] |notes=Access via [[New Jersey Route 81|Route 81]] }} {{NJint|exit |county=Essex |cspan=3 |location=Newark |lspan=3 |mile=104.70 |exit=14-14C |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|78|road|[[Newark Bay Extension]]|dir2=east|US|1-9|location1=[[Newark Liberty International Airport|Newark Airport]]|extra=airport|location2=[[Holland Tunnel]]}} |notes=Signed as exits 14 (west) and 14A-C (east); western terminus of Newark Bay Extension }} {{NJint|exit |mile=105.60 |exit=– |type=incomplete |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|95|dir1=north|NJTP||dir2=north|name2=Western Spur|nolink2=yes|I|280|dir3=west|NJ|3|to3=yes|location1=[[George Washington Bridge]]|location2=[[Meadowlands Sports Complex|Sports Complex]]}} |notes=Southern terminus of the Western Spur; northbound exit and southbound entrance }} {{NJint|exit |mile=106.90 |exit=15E |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|1-9|dir1=south|US-Truck|1-9|dir2=north|city1=Newark|city2=Jersey City}} |notes=Signed for US 1-9 southbound, US 1-9 Truck northbound }} {{NJint|exit |county=Hudson |cspan=5 |location=Kearny |mile=108.50 |mile2=108.80 |exit=15W |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|280|dir1=west|city1=Newark|city2=Kearny}} |notes=Southbound exit and northbound entrance; eastern terminus of I-280 }} {{NJint|exit |location=Secaucus |lspan=4 |mile=110.80 |exit=15X |type=toll |road=[[Secaucus, New Jersey|Secaucus]] |notes=To [[Secaucus Junction]] }} {{NJint|exit |mile=112.30 |mspan=2 |exit=16E |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|495|dir1=east|location1=[[Lincoln Tunnel]]}} |notes=Western terminus of Route 495; northbound exit and southbound entrance }} {{jctbridge|exit |type=toll |mile=none |bridge=Exit 18E Toll Plaza (northern end of ticket system) }} {{NJint|exit |mile=112.70 |type=toll |exit=17 |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|3|NJ|495|dir2=east|location1=[[Lincoln Tunnel]]|city2=Secaucus}} |notes=Tolled southbound exit; no northbound access to Route 495; exit number not signed northbound }} {{NJint|exit |county=Bergen |cspan=4 |location=Ridgefield |lspan=2 |type=incomplete |mile=116.80 |mspan=2 |exit=– |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|80|dir1=west|city1=Paterson}} |notes=Northbound exit and southbound entrance; eastern terminus and exit 68A on I-80 }} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |type=toll |exit=– |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|95|dir1=south|NJTP||dir2=south|name2=Western Spur|nolink2=yes|NJ|3|to3=yes|location1=[[Meadowlands Sports Complex|Sports Complex]]}} |notes=Northern terminus of the Western Spur; southbound exit and northbound entrance }} {{NJint|exit |location=Ridgefield Park |lspan=2 |mile=117.20 |mspan=2 |exit=68 |type=incomplete |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|46|CR|39|county2=Bergen|location1=[[The Ridgefields]]|city2=Palisades Park}} |notes=No northbound entrance; no northbound access to CR 39; CR 39 not signed; exit number not signed northbound }} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |exit=– |type=concur |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|95|dir1=north|location1=[[George Washington Bridge]]|location2=[[New York City]]}} |notes=Northern terminus; northern end of I-95 concurrency }} {{jctbtm|col=7|keys=concur,incomplete,toll}} === Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension === {{see also|#Extensions}} {{jcttop|exit|state=NJ|county=Burlington|length_ref=<ref name="sld 1" /><ref name="sld 0" />}} {{Jctint|exit |location_special=[[Delaware River]] |lspan=2 |mile=0.00 |mspan=2 |exit=– |type=concur |road={{jct|state=PA|I|95|dir1=south|name1=[[Pennsylvania Turnpike|Penna Turnpike]]|to2=to|I|276|dir2=west|city1=Philadelphia|city2=Harrisburg}} |notes=Continuation into [[Pennsylvania]] }} {{jctbridge|exit |mile=none |type=toll |bridge=[[Delaware River–Turnpike Toll Bridge]] (westbound toll in Pennsylvania)}} {{NJint|exit |location=Florence Township |lspan=2 |mile=2.60 |mspan=2 |exit=6A |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|130|city1=Florence|city2=Burlington}} |notes=Tolled westbound entrance; exit number not signed}} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |type=toll |place=Exit 6 Toll Plaza (western end of ticket system) }} {{NJint|exit |location=Mansfield Township |lspan=2 |ctdab=Burlington |exit=6 |mile=6.55 |mspan=2 |type=incomplete |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJTP||dir1=south|nolink1=yes|city1=Camden|location2=[[Wilmington, Delaware|Wilmington]]}} |notes=Eastbound exit and westbound entrance; exit number not signed }} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |type=concur |exit=– |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|95|dir1=north|NJTP||nolink2=yes|dir2=north|location1=[[New York City]]}} |notes=Eastern terminus; eastern end of I-95 concurrency }} {{jctbtm|keys=toll,concur}} === Newark Bay Extension === {{See also|#Extensions}} {{jcttop|exit|state=NJ|length_ref=<ref name="sld 1" /><ref name="sld 0" />}} {{NJint|exit |county=Essex |cspan=3 |location=Newark |lspan=3 |mile=0.00 |mspan=2 |exit=– |type=concur |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|78|US|1-9|US|22|dir1=west|dir3=west|to3=yes|city1=Newark|location2=[[Newark Liberty International Airport|Newark Airport]]|city3=Clinton|extra=airport}} |notes=Western terminus; western end of I-78 concurrency }} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |type=toll |place=Exit 14 Toll Plaza (western end of ticket system) }} {{NJint|exit |exit=– |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|95|NJTP||nolink2=yes|location1=[[New York City|New York]]|city2=Trenton}} |notes=Exit 14 on I-95&nbsp;/ Turnpike }} {{NJint|exit |county=Hudson |cspan=4 |location=Jersey City |lspan=4 |mile=3.50 |type=toll |exit=14A |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|440|city1=Bayonne|location2=[[Bayonne Bridge]]}} |notes= }} {{NJint|exit |mile=5.50 |type=toll |exit=14B |road=[[Jersey City, New Jersey|Jersey City]], [[Liberty State Park]] |notes=Access via Bayview Avenue }} {{NJint|exit |mile=5.90 |mspan=2 |type=toll |place=Exit 14C Toll Plaza (eastern end of ticket system) }} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |exit=– |type=concur |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|78|dir1=east|location1=[[Holland Tunnel]]|location2=[[Liberty Science Center]]|location3=[[Liberty State Park station|Light Rail Park-Ride]]}} |notes=Eastern terminus; eastern end of I-78 concurrency }} {{jctbtm|exit|keys=toll,concur}} === Western Spur === {{jcttop|exit|state=NJ|length_ref=<ref name="sld 1" /><ref name="sld 0" />}} {{NJint|exit |county=Essex |cspan=3 |location=Newark |lspan=3 |type=concur |mile=104.70 |mspan=2 |exit=– |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|95|dir1=south|nolink2=yes|NJTP||dir2=south|city1=Trenton}} |notes=Southern terminus of the Western Spur }} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |exit=14-14C |type=incomplete |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|78|road|[[Newark Bay Extension]]|dir2=east|US|1-9|location1=[[Newark Liberty International Airport|Newark Airport]]|extra=airport|location2=[[Holland Tunnel]]}} |notes=Southbound exit and northbound entrance; signed as exits 14 (west) and 14A-C (east); western terminus of Newark Bay Extension }} {{NJint|exit |mile=106.90 |exit=15E |type=toll |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|1-9|dir1=south|US-Truck|1-9|dir2=north|city1=Newark|city2=Jersey City}} |notes=Southbound exit and northbound entrance; US 1-9 Truck not signed }} {{NJint|exit |county=Hudson |location=Kearny |type=toll |mile=108.50 |mile2=108.80 |exit=15W |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|280|dir1=west|city1=Newark|city2=Kearny|location3=[[The Oranges]]}} |notes=Eastern terminus of I-280 }} {{NJint|exit |county=Bergen |cspan=5 |location=East Rutherford |type=toll |mile=112.70 |exit=16W |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|3|NJ|120|dir2=north|city1=Secaucus|city2=Rutherford}} |notes=Route 120 not signed }} {{jctbridge|exit|state=NJ |location=Carlstadt |lspan=2 |mile=113.80 |type=toll |bridge=Exit 18W Toll Plaza (northern end of ticket system) }} {{NJint|exit |mile=114.07 |mile2=114.55 |type=toll |exit=19W |road=[[Meadowlands Sports Complex|Meadowlands Complex]], [[American Dream Meadowlands|American Dream]] |notes=No northbound exit; [[E-ZPass]] only-toll on southbound exit and northbound entrance }} {{NJint|exit |location=Ridgefield |lspan=2 |mile=116.80 |mspan=2 |type=incomplete |exit=– |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|80|dir1=west|city1=Paterson}} |notes=Northbound exit and southbound entrance; eastern terminus and exit 68A on I-80 }} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |type=concur |exit=– |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|95|dir1=north|US|46|location1=[[George Washington Bridge]]|location2=[[New York City]]}} |notes=Northern terminus of the Western Spur }} {{jctbtm|exit|keys=incomplete,concur,toll}} === I-95 Extension === {{jcttop|exit|state=NJ|county=Bergen|length_ref=<ref name="sld 1" /><ref name="sld 0" />}} {{NJint|exit |location=Ridgefield Park |lspan=4 |mile=117.20 |mspan=2 |exit= |type= |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|95|dir1=south|NJTP||dir2=south|nolink2=yes|NJ|3|NJ|495|to3=yes|dir4=east|city1=Newark}} |notes=Southern terminus}} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |exit=68 |espan=2 |type=incomplete |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|46|location1=[[The Ridgefields]]|city2=Palisades Park}} |notes=No northbound entrance; exit number not signed northbound }} {{NJint |type=incomplete |mile=117.80 |road=Challenger Road |notes=Northbound exit only}} {{NJint|exit |mile= |place=Southern end of express (Upper Level) lanes and local (Lower Level) lanes}} {{NJint|exit |location=Teaneck Township |lspan=2 |mile=119.00 |exit=69 |type=incomplete |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|80|dir1=west|to2=to|GSP|city1=Hackensack|city2=Paterson}} |notes=Southbound exit and northbound entrance; eastern terminus and exit 68B on I-80}} {{NJint|exit |mile=119.40 |exit=70 |road=[[Leonia, New Jersey|Leonia]], [[Teaneck, New Jersey|Teaneck]] |notes=Signed as exits 70A (Leonia) and 70B (Teaneck) northbound; access via [[County Route 56 (Bergen County, New Jersey)|CR&nbsp;56]]}} {{NJint|exit |location=Englewood |mile=120.90 |exit=71 |type=incomplete |road=[[Englewood, New Jersey|Englewood]] |notes=Northbound exit and southbound entrance; access via Broad Avenue}} {{NJint|exit |location=Fort Lee |lspan=4 |mile=121.50 |mile2=122.40 |mspan=4 |exit=72 |type=incomplete |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|9W|NJ|4|to3=to|dir1=north|dir2=west|PIP||dir3=north|city1=Fort Lee}} |notes=No southbound exit; southern terminus of US&nbsp;9W; Route 4 not signed}} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |exit=72A |type=incomplete |road={{jct|state=NJ|NJ|4|dir1=west|city1=Paramus}} |notes=Southbound exit and northbound entrance; eastern terminus of Route&nbsp;4}} {{NJint|exit |type=incomplete |mile=none |exit=72B |road={{jct|state=NJ|US|1-9|dir1=south|US|46|dir2=west|city1=Palisades Park}} |notes=Southbound exit and northbound entrance}} {{NJint|exit |mile=none |exit=– |type= |road={{jct|state=NJ|I|95|dir1=north|US|1-9|dir2=north|name2=[[U.S. Route 46|US 46]] east|I|87|to3=yes|location1=[[George Washington Bridge]]|location2=[[New York City]]}} |notes=Northern terminus}} {{jctbtm|col=7|keys=incomplete}} ==In popular culture== {{trivia|date=July 2024}} ===21st century=== *[[Somerdale, New Jersey|Somerdale]]-based [[Flying Fish Brewing]] currently makes the "Exit Series" of beers, which are named in honor of various New Jersey Turnpike exits, with each beer intended to be reflective of the communities in or near where the relevant exit is located.<ref>{{cite web |title = Exit Series |url = |publisher = Flying Fish Brewing |access-date = March 9, 2016 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = March 7, 2016 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> *In 2015, lyrics on [[Passenger (singer)|Passenger]]'s song "Riding to New York" on the ''[[Whispers (Passenger album)|Whispers]]'' album describe a man riding a bike from [[Minnesota]] to [[New York City]]: "And fly through Pennsylvania and the Jersey Turnpike tolls."<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = Riding to New York |access-date = September 21, 2020 |work = }}</ref> *From 2009 to 2012, "Jersey Turnpike" was the name of a dance move created by [[Deena Nicole Cortese]] of ''[[Jersey Shore (TV series)|Jersey Shore]]'', which aired on [[MTV]].<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = What is the New Jersey Turnpike Dance? |access-date = March 21, 2020 |archive-url = |archive-date = March 21, 2020 |url-status = dead }}</ref> *From 1999 to 2007, the opening credits of every episode of ''[[The Sopranos]]'', which aired on [[HBO]], featured shots of the New Jersey Turnpike, including Exits&nbsp;12, 13, 14-14C, and 15W.<ref>{{cite news |last = Abdeljabbar |first = Falasten M. |title = Jersey loves 'The Sopranos' best |url = |work = The Jersey Journal |access-date = November 19, 2011 |date = August 16, 2001 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = October 23, 2013 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> *In 2011, the [[video game]] ''[[Need for Speed: The Run]]'', a racing event starts on the Newark Bay Extension at Exit&nbsp;14B before entering [[Jersey City, New Jersey|Jersey City]] and [[Liberty State Park]] and ending in the [[Holland Tunnel]] as the driver, who is the player of the game, is chased by police while driving into New York City.<ref>{{cite AV media |url= |title= Need for Speed The Run: Walkthrough Part 47 (Hard) Stage 10: New Jersey Turnpike |work= SwissGameGuides |publisher= YouTube |date= November 19, 2011 |access-date= November 5, 2013 |url-status= live |archive-url= |archive-date= July 7, 2015 |df= mdy-all }}</ref> *In 2001, the song "[[Where I Come From (Alan Jackson song)|Where I Come From]]" by country singer [[Alan Jackson]] begins with the lyrics: "Well I was rollin' wheels and shiftin' gears 'round that Jersey Turnpike." *In 2012, a prehistoric [[crocodylomorph]] ''[[Borealosuchus threeensis]]'' was named in a reference to Exit 3 of the New Jersey Turnpike, the closest highway exit to the fossil locality.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = New Jersey's Turnpike Croc |website = [[National Geographic]] |archive-url = |archive-date = January 30, 2023 |url-status = dead }}</ref> ===20th century=== *In 1999, on ''[[The West Wing]]'' episode "[[The State Dinner]]", character [[Leo McGarry]] responds to a truckers union representative who uses inappropriate language: "This is the [[White House]]. It's not the Jersey Turnpike."<ref>{{cite episode |first1 = Aaron |last1 = Sorkin |first2 = Paul |last2 = Redford |title = [[The State Dinner]] |series = [[The West Wing]] |date = November 10, 1999 |network = [[NBC]] |season = 1 |number = 7 |time = 8:40 }}</ref> *In 1999, in the film ''[[Being John Malkovich]]'', characters are transported into [[John Malkovich]]'s mind and then are suddenly dropped in a ditch beside the New Jersey Turnpike.<ref>{{cite web |last = Bernard |first = Jami |title = Batty, Brilliant 'John Malkovich' Kafka Meets N.J. Turnpike In The Ultimate Head Trip |url = |archive-url = |url-status = dead |archive-date = July 8, 2012 |work = The New York Times |date = October 29, 1999 |access-date = November 19, 2011 }}</ref> *In 1994, in the [[Seinfeld]] episode "[[The Big Salad]]", character [[Cosmo Kramer]] drives MLB player Steve Gendason, who he met while playing golf, along the New Jersey Turnpike, in a white Ford Bronco, in a low speed chase, with the police following behind. Kramer had angered Gendason in a golfing argument, which possibly caused him to commit murder. The scene satirizes the [[O.J. Simpson chase]]. *In 1988, one of the promotional taglines in the film [[Moving (1988 film)|''Moving'']] is: "On the New Jersey Turnpike, no one can hear you scream." *In 1986, [[The Dead Milkmen]]'s album ''[[Eat Your Paisley!]]'' includes the song "Vince Lombardi Service Center," the name of a New Jersey Turnpike service center in [[Ridgefield, New Jersey]], as a CD bonus track.<ref>{{cite web |url = |title = The Dead Milkmen; Eat Your Paisley |work = All Music Guide |access-date = October 22, 2013 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = December 1, 2013 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> *In 1982, the [[Bruce Springsteen]] song, "State Trooper" on the ''[[Nebraska (album)|Nebraska]]'' album, mentions the New Jersey Turnpike in its opening lyric: "New Jersey Turnpike, riding on a wet night. 'Neath the refinery's glow, out where the great [[Oil spill|black]] [[Water pollution|rivers]] flow."<ref>{{cite web |title = State Trooper by Bruce Springsteen |url = |publisher = |access-date = November 19, 2011 |url-status = dead |archive-url = |archive-date = November 27, 2011 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> *In 1981, the character "Paulie Herman" on ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'', played by [[Joe Piscopo]], was known for an ongoing show segment in which he says: "Are you from Jersey? I'm from Jersey. What exit?," referring to New Jersey Turnpike and [[Garden State Parkway]] exits.<ref>{{cite news |last = Santora |first = Marc |date = November 11, 2014 |url = |title = 'What Exit?' For Some in New Jersey, the Answer Has Changed |archive-url = |archive-date = January 31, 2018 |work = The New York Times }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last = Rose |first = Lisa |date = January 20, 2014 |url = |title = Joe Piscopo looks back on the origins of the immortal Jersey joke, 'What exit?' |archive-url = |archive-date = January 31, 2018 |work = [[Newark Star-Ledger]] }}</ref> *In 1975, the Bruce Springsteen song "[[Jungleland]]" on the ''[[Born to Run]]'' album mentions the New Jersey Turnpike in its lyrics: "Man, there's an opera out on the Turnpike. There's a ballet being fought out in the alley. Until the local cops, cherry tops, rips this holy night." *In 1968, [[Simon & Garfunkel]]'s song "[[America (Simon & Garfunkel song)|America]]" includes the lyric: "Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike."<ref name=Stars>{{cite news |last = Frassinelli |first = Mike |title = Making unexpected stops along the N.J. Turnpike |url = |work = The Star-Ledger |location = Newark, New Jersey |access-date = November 19, 2011 |date = October 2, 2011 |url-status = live |archive-url = |archive-date = November 12, 2011 |df = mdy-all }}</ref> *In 1966, the autobiographical [[The Mamas & the Papas|Mamas & Papas]] song "[[Creeque Alley]]" includes the lines: "Standing on the turnpike, thumb out to hitchhike/Take her to New York right away," referring to a broke [[Cass Elliot|Mama Cass Elliot]] hitching a ride from [[Maryland]] back to New York City via the New Jersey Turnpike. *In 1956, [[Chuck Berry]]'s song "[[You Can't Catch Me]]" includes the lyrics: "New Jersey Turnpike in the/wee wee hours I was/rolling slowly 'cause of/drizzlin' showers." == See also == * {{Portal-inline|U.S. Roads}} * {{Portal-inline|New Jersey}} == Notes == {{reflist|group=lower-alpha}} == References == {{reflist}} == Further reading == * {{cite book |last1 = Gillespie |first1 = Angus Kress |last2 = Rockland |first2 = Michael Aaron |title = Looking for America on the New Jersey Turnpike |publisher = Rutgers University Press |year = 1989 |isbn = 978-0-8135-1466-6 |url-access = registration |url = }} * {{cite book |first = John |last = Shadely |title = Acoustical Analysis of the New Jersey Turnpike Widening Project Between Raritan and East Brunswick |publisher = [[Bolt, Beranek and Newman]] |year = 1973 }} == External links == {{Commons category}} {{AttachedKML|display=title,inline}} * [ New Jersey Turnpike Authority (& Garden State Parkway) official website] * [ NJTP's official website for the Interchange 6 to 9 Widening Program] {{Webarchive|url= |date=July 8, 2007 }} * [ An expanded view of road jurisdiction near the confluence of US&nbsp;46, I-95 / NJ Turnpike, I-280, Route&nbsp;7 and CR&nbsp;508 in Kearny] * [ New Jersey Turnpike (I-95) (Greater New York Roads)] * [ New Jersey Turnpike (Route&nbsp;700) (Greater New York Roads)] * [ The New Jersey Turnpike Charles M. Noble The Chief Engineer New Jersey Turnpike Authority Trenton, N. J.] {{New Jersey Turnpike Authority}}{{Authority control}} [[Category:New Jersey Turnpike|New Jersey Turnpike]] [[Category:Interstate 78|Newark Bay Extension]] [[Category:Interstate 95]] [[Category:Limited-access roads in New Jersey]] [[Category:State highways in New Jersey]] [[Category:Toll roads in New Jersey]] [[Category:Tolled sections of Interstate Highways]] [[Category:Transportation in Bergen County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Transportation in Burlington County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Transportation in Camden County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Transportation in Essex County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Transportation in Gloucester County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Transportation in Hudson County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Transportation in Mercer County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Transportation in Middlesex County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Transportation in the Pine Barrens (New Jersey)]] [[Category:Transportation in Salem County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Transportation in Union County, New Jersey]] [[Category:Articles containing video clips]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" title="Help:Transclusion">help</a>)</span>:</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Template:AASHTO_minutes" class="mw-redirect" title="Template:AASHTO minutes">Template:AASHTO minutes</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:AASHTO_minutes&action=edit" class="mw-redirect" title="Template:AASHTO minutes">view source</a>) (semi-protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:Abbr" title="Template:Abbr">Template:Abbr</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Abbr&action=edit" title="Template:Abbr">view source</a>) (protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:About" title="Template:About">Template:About</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:About&action=edit" title="Template:About">view source</a>) 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