The Global Cleantech 100 | Cleantech Group
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style="background-image: url("> <div class="contained"> <div class="hero-title "> <span class="pre">2024</span><br> <h1><span class="brand">Global Cleantech</span> <span class="num">100</span></h1> <h2>Get your new report</h2> <p>Who are the leading companies in cleantech today? Meet our list of innovators with the technologies and determination to take us from commitments to actions in the sprint to net-zero, and discover the market trends that give us hope of a sustainable future.</p> <p>The <em>Global Cleantech 100</em> is a comprehensive showcase of the most promising private companies in the cleantech ecosystem. The report will introduce you to the innovators with outstanding technologies, original business models, and bold plans that can enable us to act on the ever-increasing climate and environmental crisis.</p> <p>The <em>Global Cleantech 100 </em>taps into our <a href="">expert panelists</a> whose proficiency helps to evaluate, synthesize, and tabulate the many hundreds of company nominations. This is combined with in-depth analysis from the Cleantech Group research team.</p> </div> <div class="form"> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script> hbspt.forms.create({ region: "na1", portalId: "21242328", formId: "125b25a8-f090-4162-9989-963490394437" }); </script> </div> </div> </section> <section class="ct-100-nominate"> <div class="contained"> <p> <a href="" target="" class="nominate-link">Click Here to Nominate for the List</a> </p> </div> </section><section class="ct-100-report-stats" style="background-image: url("> <div class="contained "> <div class="page-title left content"> <span class="pre">Statistics</span> <h2>The Numbers Behind the Companies</h2> <div class="title-separator"></div> <p>How interested are investors in the 2024 Global Cleantech 100 companies?</p> <div class="statistics"> <div class="stat"> <span class="main"> <!-- <span>$</span>5.9<span>Bn</span> --> $8.8 billion </span> <span class="descriptor">Raised by Global Cleantech 100 companies since their founding</span> </div> <div class="stat"> <span class="main"> <!-- <span>$</span>5.9<span>Bn</span> --> $2.8 billion </span> <span class="descriptor">Total raised by Global Cleantech 100 companies in 2023</span> </div> <div class="stat"> <span class="main"> <!-- <span>$</span>5.9<span>Bn</span> --> $380 million </span> <span class="descriptor">Largest round in 2023, Electric Hydrogen</span> </div> <div class="stat"> <span class="main"> <!-- <span>$</span>5.9<span>Bn</span> --> $21 million </span> <span class="descriptor">Average equity round in 2023</span> </div> <div class="stat"> <span class="main"> <!-- <span>$</span>5.9<span>Bn</span> --> 21 </span> <span class="descriptor">Countries represented in the 2024 Global Cleantech 100 Companies</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section><section class="ct-100-i3-team bg-white" id="panel"> <div class="contained"> <div class="page-title intro left"> <h2>Expert Panel</h2> <div class="title-separator"></div> <p>The expert panel plays an important role in shaping the final list. Their knowledge of, and insights into, the companies adds weight to the evaluation process. The panel is comprised of pioneers, leaders, veterans and new entrants in cleantech and is broadly representative of the global cleantech community.</p> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="i3-team-panel"> <div class="about-team team-bottom" style="margin-top: -15px;"> <div class="tm-container"> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 202)" data-id="202"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Christian Hernandez" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Christian Hernandez</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner & Co-Founder</p> <p class="tm-title">2150</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-202">Christian is a technologist and experienced venture capitalist. Prior to co-founding 2150, Christian launched White Star Capital, a venture capital fund with over $250m in assets under management and a global presence. Previously, Christian held leadership roles through the scale-up phase of some of the world’s largest technology companies, notably as head of international business development at Facebook and head of new markets at Google. Christian holds a BA in economics from Duke University, an MBA from The Wharton School and is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. His personal commitment to sustainability in 2022 is to limit his meat intake to once a week.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 228)" data-id="228"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Lynn Murray" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Lynn Murray</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Climate Tech Consultant</p> <p class="tm-title">3M</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-228">Lynn is a technology scouting consultant and the founder of LMM Innovation Group based in Atlanta, Georgia. She leverages a multi-disciplinary engineering background and a team of analysts to build knowledge quickly in emerging markets and to identify technology gaps preventing commercialization. Current LMM Innovation Group research is heavily focused on energy transition technologies and markets with particular interest in carbon capture, hydrogen production, and mobility electrification.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 225)" data-id="225"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Nigel Carr" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Nigel Carr</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Investment Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Acario Innovation (Tokyo Gas)</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-225">Nigel is the Director of Investments at Acario, the venture capital and open innovation division of The Tokyo Gas Group, Japan’s largest gas company and an integrated electric utility. Prior to Acario, Nigel assisted legacy sector corporations in investing in and incubating next generation energy and smart city technologies at ADL Ventures. He also managed sector specific energy accelerators on behalf of US DOE and helped create multiple spinouts including FieldNav (PG&E), Trellisense (KES) and The EV Button (XL Fleet). Nigel is an angel investor and advisor to companies such as Jetti Resources, Liatris and General Radar. Earlier in his career, Nigel was a co-founder of multiple companies focused on sustainable supply chains and clean energy generation, where he specialized in product development, marketing and operations. Nigel received a BA from Amherst College and studied fuel cells and photovoltaics at the Smith College Picker Engineering Program. He is a member of the inaugural class of Echoing Green Climate Fellows and his work has been featured in publications like Forbes, National Geographic and Wired. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 115)" data-id="115"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Paul Jordan" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Paul Jordan</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Activate Capital Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-115">Paul leads Activates investment strategies around transportation & logistics, also focusing on AI, data, and the space economy. Prior to Activate, Paul was an investor at Element Partners, a private equity firm with $850m of AUM focused on renewable energy and other sustainable industrial technologies. Paul began his career at Piper Jaffray (PIPR), where he advised diversified industrial and applied technology companies on M&A. Paul holds degrees in Public Policy and Economics from Duke University. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 7)" data-id="7"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Greg Fleming" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Greg Fleming</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Investment Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Air Liquide Venture Capital - ALIAD</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-7">Greg Fleming is an Investment Director within the Air Liquide corporate venture capital team, ALIAD (Air Liquide Investissements d’Avenir et de Démonstration), a strategic corporate investor focused on climate tech, health tech and industrial innovation. Greg has been a member of the Air Liquide ALIAD team since 2012 and has managed a wide range of investment topics in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Prior to ALIAD, Greg was Director of the Air Liquide Innovation activity in Paris. He also served as Associate Director at the Air Liquide research center in Delaware where he was responsible for building and managing a number of technology teams. Greg holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas in Austin. </p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 240)" data-id="240"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Charlie Clark" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Charlie Clark</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Senior Investment Manager</p> <p class="tm-title">AP Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-240">Charlie is a Senior Investment Manager and has been with AP Ventures for over five years. He is responsible for deal origination, structuring and execution, as well managing deals post-investment. He has also led on helping to define attractive investment areas for the Fund, and now leads the research workstream. He also manages the investor relationship with a large LP where he works with the executive team to help them maximise their investment into the Fund. Charlie has led, and now manages, five of the investments in Fund II. These are Hystar, Fairbrics, EH Group, Fabrum and ZeroAvia. He sits as a Board Director for Fairbrics and Hystar, and as a Board Observer for Fabrum and ZeroAvia. Charlie has a background in climate change, natural resources and finance. Prior to starting at AP Ventures he worked for two years in an investment bank, and for four years at EY Advisory. Charlie holds an BSC in Natural Sciences from Durham University and an MSc in Metals and Energy Finance from Imperial College London. He is deeply knowledgeable on different decarbonisation technologies and understanding the impact on existing business models and on the natural environment.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 241)" data-id="241"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Jiten Manglani" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Jiten Manglani</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner and CIO</p> <p class="tm-title">Aqualateral</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-241">As Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer, Jiten leads investment sourcing, execution and portfolio management for Aqualateral. Jiten brings more than a decade of investment experience across infrastructure, impact and sustainability. Previously, he led Impact Investing at Pershing Square Foundation, where he served as the Director of Social Investment and Portfolio Manager of an impact investment portfolio consisting of early-stage social ventures and impact funds. Prior to Pershing Square, Jiten spent eight years at Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners (MSIP), a global private equity fund investing in and managing infrastructure assets in the transportation and utilities sectors. During his time at MSIP, Jiten was involved in multiple transactions and public-private partnerships in a variety of infrastructure sub-sectors such as parking meters, electricity transmission and distribution, power generation, container terminals and toll bridges. He also served on the Board of Directors for multiple MSIP portfolio companies. Prior to joining Aqualateral, Jiten worked as a consultant at Sidewalk Labs, and as an adviser to impact investment funds and early-stage businesses on their financial, investment, impact measurement, and fundraising strategies. Jiten holds an M.B.A. from Columbia Business School and a B.S. from Boston University. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 203)" data-id="203"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Cory Steffek" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Cory Steffek</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Ara Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-203">Cory Steffek joined Ara in 2018 as Managing Director, and is a member of the firm’s Investment Committee. He brings 25 years of experience launching new products and investing in the advanced materials and energy space. Cory has dedicated his career to working with talented entrepreneurs and executives who are focused on developing game-changing technologies that advance sustainability and lower carbon footprints. He currently serves on the board of directors for several Ara portfolio companies. Prior to Ara, Cory was the founding Managing Director of Aramco Energy Ventures in North America. At Aramco Ventures, he led investments in companies involved in renewable energy, low carbon chemicals and fuels, advanced materials, and energy efficiency through digital automation and robotics. This included leading the investment and acquisition of Novomer Polyols, the first company to commercially develop a catalyst incorporating carbon dioxide into traditional hydrocarbons, dramatically lowering the carbon footprint for a variety of products. Before joining Aramco Ventures, Cory was Director of Corporate Development and Strategy at First Solar, responsible for strategic investments and acquisitions, with an emphasis on new technologies and products. Preceding First Solar, he led sustainability investments in a broad range of energy technology companies at the Altira Group. In addition, he held several management roles in product development and engineering at PPG Industries, where he oversaw the launch of several new products and was responsible for 18 awarded patents. Cory holds a PhD in materials chemistry from the University of Michigan and a Master of Business Administration from The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. In his free time, Cory enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters, particularly on family bicycle tours. He also loves going on long hikes with his dog, exploring rarely seen areas of the golf course to find his ball, and the endless pursuit of perfecting the small batch craft gin.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 244)" data-id="244"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Bruce Niven" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Bruce Niven</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Executive Managing Director of Strategic Venturing</p> <p class="tm-title">Aramco Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-244">Bruce has over 20 years’ experience in corporate venture investing working for two of the world’s largest corporations – Aramco and Itochu Corporation. He joined Aramco in 2011 and as Head of Strategic Venturing and has the responsibility for a global corporate venturing program focused on technology and energy investing with $2B assets under management. He also played a leading role in the establishment of OGCI Climate Investments, a $1B fund investing in climate related technologies on behalf of 12 of the world’s leading oil & gas companies. Early in his career he was founder of a start-up developing early smartphone applications and worked in the wireless telecoms industry, consulting on new product development and global market strategies. He has a Master’s degree in Engineering, Economics and Management from the University of Oxford, where he was Casbard scholar in Engineering and winner of the Pilkington Prize in Management Science. He has held the Chartered Financial Analyst designation since 2007. He has a highly international background having lived in 9 countries on 4 continents. In 2013 he was named to Global Corporate Venturing’s ‘PowerList 100’. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 193)" data-id="193"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Hendrik Van Asbroeck" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Hendrik Van Asbroeck</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Astanor</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-193">Hendrik joined Astanor as a Managing Partner in 2020, bringing to the team two decades of business and board management in the energy sector where he has held multiple line management roles. He has extensive investment experience from his time at Engie New Ventures, a corporate venture capital fund that he founded in 2014 to invest globally in cleantech start-ups. Having worked since 2000 on clean energy that has disrupted the traditional energy sector, Hendrik believes that it is now time to enable a new era for the food and agricultural sector, which has an even bigger impact on our climate and local environment than the energy sector.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 9)" data-id="9"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Fabio Lancellotti" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Fabio Lancellotti</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Aster Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-9">Fabio Lancellotti is Partner at Aster, a Venture Capital fund based in Paris, with offices in London, San Francisco and Tel Aviv. Fabio focuses on startups aiming at the transformation of large traditional sectors through software, digital and deeptech. Since joining Aster in 2010 he has worked with many entrepreneurs in several geographies and across multiple stages. He is based in Paris but travels frequently in Europe and US. He sits as board member or observer for multiple portfolio companies including, Iceotope, Opendatasoft, Swiftly and DCBrain. Prior to joining Aster he worked at Bain & Company, helping large Corporates create new businesses and deal more efficiently with innovative companies. As well as the professional experience above, Fabio likes mentoring and advising young entrepreneurs and he is an occasional business angel. Fabio has an MSc in Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and an MBA from IESE and London Business School. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 11)" data-id="11"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Susan Rohac" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Susan Rohac</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner, Climate Tech Fund</p> <p class="tm-title">BDC Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-11">Susan Rohac is the Managing Partner of the Climate Tech fund at BDC Capital. In this role, Susan leads a pan-Canadian team of investment professionals and has over $1B of assets under management including a second $500M fund launched in 2022 which focuses on investing in Canada’s most promising cleantech companies. To date, the team has invested in over 65 Canadian cleantech companies across a wide spectrum of sectors including; CCUS, hydrogen, energy storage/battery, mobility, agri/food and advanced materials. Susan was recognized in 2024 by the Clean50 and was a Clean16 Honouree. With 30 years’ experience in the financial services, banking and venture capital sectors, Susan provides support and guidance to a team of dedicated professionals serving the Cleantech sector in Canada. An involved leader, she strives to ensure that BDC provides not only capital but genuine value in terms of insight, counsel and ongoing business guidance. Susan holds honour degrees in both Science and Finance and an executive MBA. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 148)" data-id="148"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Rhea Hamilton" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Rhea Hamilton</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Beyond Net Zero</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-148">Ms. Rhea Hamilton is a Managing Director for BeyondNetZero, a climate solution fund of the leading growth equity firm, General Atlantic. She has some 20 years of investment experience in private equity and venture capital, focused in the areas of energy, climate and sustainability. Previously Ms. Hamilton was a Managing Director for Climate Investments, where she headed up the venture and growth equity investments globally. She has also held other senior positions including Managing Director for a large European family office, and Investment Director at RobecoSAM Private Equity, a pioneer in sustainability investing. Ms. Hamilton holds a Geological Engineering degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada, and an MBA from IESE in Spain. She is a Fellow with the Energy Institute and holds a diploma from the Institute of Directors. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 173)" data-id="173"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Ernst Sack" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Ernst Sack</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Blue Bear Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-173">Ernst is a Partner of Blue Bear and helps manage the firm’s investment activities. Ernst has participated on the Boards of Directors of over twenty conventional and renewable energy companies, and is currently an observer or director on the boards of Blue Bear portfolio companies Shoreline, Omnidian, Element Analytics, Everactive, and Raptor Maps. Before Blue Bear, Ernst spent nine years at Riverstone, a leading energy specialist private equity firm with over $35 billion in assets under management covering over 120 companies. He is also a Mentor in the Techstars Energy Accelerator. Since 2012 Ernst has been an active independent investor in technology-enabled businesses disrupting traditional industries. Previously, he worked in the Mergers & Acquisitions team at Citigroup covering the oil and gas, renewable energy, and transportation sectors. Ernst graduated with honors from Georgetown University with a degree in Science, Technology & International Affairs. He received his M.B.A. from Columbia Business School and London Business School through a joint degree program.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 15)" data-id="15"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Shaun Healey" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Shaun Healey</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Investment Director</p> <p class="tm-title">BP Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-15">Shaun is an Investment Director for the bp Ventures team where he leads investment and portfolio management of early and growth stage technology companies. Specific areas of investment focus include EV charging & convenience, hydrogen, renewables & power. Shaun brings over 20 years’ experience in technology development and commercialization within the energy and industrial biotechnology sectors. Shaun sits on the boards of FreeWire, IoTecha, Satelytics, PartsTech, and Freebee. Prior to joining bp Ventures in 2015, Shaun served as Technology Portfolio Manager for bp’s biofuel business, where he led option development of technology packages for commercial deployment to lignocellulosic ethanol assets, working closely with internal R&D teams, start-up companies, global corporates, and universities on technology identification and access. Prior to joining bp, Shaun held several scientist roles with private and public biotechnology firms in the San Diego area. He holds a B.S. in Biochemistry-Molecular Biology from University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and an MBA from University of California, San Diego (UCSD).</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 231)" data-id="231"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Steve Kloos" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Steve Kloos</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Burnt Island Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-231">Steve Kloos is a Partner at Burnt Island Ventures, a water specialist venture capital firm. Steve is an experienced investor and company leader with a deep background in water, energy, hydrogen, chemicals & fuels, and climate. He started his career as a membrane chemist at Osmonics and was acquired into GE Water, where he first led Membrane Technology globally before being sent on a 3.5 year global assignment to start GE’s water R&D efforts in Shanghai and in Singapore. After returning to the US in 2009, Steve served in the newly created Advanced Technology Leader role, overseeing longer range innovation efforts including internal programs as well as engaging with start-ups and innovators globally and was a member of GE's venture capital team. Steve joined True North Venture Partners in late 2011, leading new investment sourcing as a Partner, and served in two stints leading True North portfolio companies before joining Burnt Island in late 2023. Steve is the founding board chair of Current Water, a water non-profit based in Chicago, and is a longtime advisor to ImagineH2O. Steve has a PhD in chemistry from North Dakota State University and lives just outside Boulder, Colorado.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 18)" data-id="18"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Ludwig Goris" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Ludwig Goris</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Capricorn Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-18">Ludwig Goris is Partner at Capricorn since 2023. He started his career in private venture capital +10 years ago at Capricorn Partners as an advisor to the Cleantech Fund, where he was responsible for scouting, analytics and portfolio support. After consecutive analyst and manager roles at the firm, he is now active as Investment Director at Capricorn’s Cleantech investment practice, which today focuses on disruptive enterprises that enable the energy, materials and food transition. He has guided several investments from deal initiation to exit in various deep tech sectors such as semiconductors, energy and chemistry. His interests and expertise cover human/animal health & nutrition, chemicals and composites and processing technologies. In his capacity as active investor and board member, he supports the portfolio companies in business development, corporate finance and market access. Ludwig Goris obtained a Master in Chemistry from Ghent University and a Ph.D. in Physics at Hasselt University. After completion of his doctorate, he started as a post-doctoral scholar at Stanford University’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, a position he held for three years. He earned an Executive Master’s degree in Corporate Finance from Vlerick Business School. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 218)" data-id="218"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Alfred Lam" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Alfred Lam</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Chrysalix Venture Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-218">Alfred is an innovator, company builder and investor. He has over a decade of R&D experience; Co-founded Mangrove Lithium, a venture backed start-up and has been with Chrysalix Venture Capital since 2012. He is currently focused on investments that enable circularity, electrification and decarbonization of large industries in transition.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 226)" data-id="226"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Arjune Shukla" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Arjune Shukla</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Senior Investment Associate</p> <p class="tm-title">Circularity Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-226">Arjune has spent his entire career within sustainability investing, with experience across venture capital, growth equity and later stage private equity investment roles – all exclusively investing for environmental impact. He currently sits on the investment team at Circularity Capital, with a mandate to invest £10-20m in growth stage circular economy businesses. Prior to joining Circularity Capital, he spent five years at a venture capital fund in London focused exclusively on sustainability technology. Arjune holds an honours BA and MSc from Johns Hopkins University, and an MPhil from the University of Cambridge; all of his three degrees focused on the intersection of environment, mathematics and policy.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 23)" data-id="23"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Richard Youngman" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Richard Youngman</span></p> <p class="tm-title">CEO</p> <p class="tm-title">Cleantech Group</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-23">Since January 2016, Richard Youngman has been CEO of San-Francisco based Cleantech Group. This followed seven years of driving the growth of Cleantech Group’s activities outside North America, especially in Europe and Israel, and Asia, based in Cleantech Group’s office in London. Richard has more than 15 years experience researching cleantech innovation, venture capital markets, and start-ups across Europe and globally. He is a regular keynote speaker at major cleantech events and is the driving force behind the annual Global Cleantech 100, a list of the world’s most promising private cleantech companies. Before Cleantech Group, he ran the Research team at Library House, which discovered and collected the information about high-growth companies that underpinned that company’s data, analytical, and event services. This followed nine years building a broad-based finance and research background with leading financial institutions such as ABN AMRO, Barclays Capital and BZW in the City of London.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 210)" data-id="210"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Felicity O'Kelly" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Felicity O'Kelly</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Principal, Investments</p> <p class="tm-title">Climate Investment</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-210">Felicity O’Kelly is a Principal in the Investment Team where she focuses on deal origination, evaluation, execution and post-investment support of venture capital stage companies. Felicity joined Climate Investment in 2019 and is a Board Director at CI portfolio companies Fero Labs and Clarke Valve, and an Observer at Boston Metal, Andium, and Cyclic Materials. Prior to joining Climate Investment, Felicity co-founded a cleantech start-up focused on urban air pollution. Felicity holds an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College and is a Fellow at Zinc VC and the Newton Venture Programme. Felicity is based in London.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 221)" data-id="221"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Aly Bryan" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Aly Bryan</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Ventures Investor</p> <p class="tm-title">Closed Loop Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-221">Ventures Investor at Closed Loop Partners investing in seed and pre-seed companies focused on accelerating circularity globally. Deep focus in critical minerals, e-waste, and metals processing, supply chain logistics, modularity, and business model transformations keeping materials in circulation for longer. Ex-McKinsey Sustainability and Energy practices. Previous work in renewables generation and cutting-edge technologies supporting circular business models in textiles, building products, consumer goods, and advanced manufacturing. Extensive experience supporting companies ranging from early- and growth-stage start-ups with nearly commercialized solutions to Fortune 50 enterprises with a focus on investment decisions and top-of-house strategy.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 242)" data-id="242"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Tanuj Dutta" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Tanuj Dutta</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Congruent Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-242">Tanuj Dutta is a Partner at Congruent Ventures. He most recently helped set up and grow CPP Investments' Innovation, Technology and Services strategy that was focused on making late-stage venture and growth equity investments in companies impacting the energy transition. Tanuj has extensive experience investing in, helping grow and managing companies across various asset classes and stages (late-stage venture, growth, project finance, private equity and debt). Tanuj works on both new deals as well as supporting existing Congruent Portfolio Companies that are reaching a growth inflection point, but is primarily focused on working with Congruent's later stage portfolio companies. He is on the board of Fervo Energy and Heartee, and is actively involved with Bellwether, Halcyon, AMP Sortation, Hippo Harvest, Meati, Omnidian, and Span.IO. Tanuj holds a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Western Ontario and a Honours Business Administration degree from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario. Tanuj enjoys hiking, golfing, skiing, tennis, and mapping out the local food scene.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 181)" data-id="181"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Shounok Sinha" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Shounok Sinha</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Constellation Technology Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-181">Shounok serves as the Managing Director of Constellation Technology Ventures (CTV), the venture investing arm of Constellation. In this capacity, he oversees all facets of venture investing, including origination, structuring, portfolio management, and fostering growth within the CTV portfolio. Since joining in CTV 2019, Shounok has spearheaded investments in multiple companies spanning various technologies and industries. Before joining CTV, Shounok led the Investment team for Constellation’s Distributed & Renewable Energy business. He drove new product development, commercial structuring, and M&A initiatives for infrastructure solutions focused on clean, resilient, and agile energy generation, including solar, battery storage, and fuel cells. Shounok led investments exceeding a billion dollars in emerging distributed and renewable energy assets. Key achievements include developing a solar portfolio that was sold to Brookfield Renewables, establishing a joint venture with Bloom Energy, and spearheading multi-million-dollar infrastructure developments for major commercial and industrial clients. Shounok's career at Constellation began in Project Financing in 2012, where he facilitated novel non-recourse debt offerings on utility-scale renewable and gas generation assets totaling over $1.5 billion. Earlier, he worked as a software application developer globally, aiding clients worldwide in product development and enterprise IT modernization. Shounok holds a Bachelor of Science in Instrumentation Engineering and a Master of Business Administration. He resides in Baltimore, Maryland, with his family. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 26)" data-id="26"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Andrée-Lise Méthot" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Andrée-Lise Méthot</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Founder and Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Cycle Capital Management</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-26">Andrée-Lise Méthot has for over 30 years developed and structured a financial ecosystem dedicated to delivering innovative and implementable engineering solutions for a more sustainable world. Visionary and pragmatic she’s known for her rigor and the coherence of her undertakings and actions. Founder and Managing Partner of Cycle Capital Management since 2007, Andrée-Lise has launched, operated and developed an innovation and impact investments platform with Six North American funds, as well as an international impact circular economy fund based in North America, Europe, one Asian fund as well as an accelerator named Cycle Momentum and a seed fund named Ecofuel. She rose and managed over $900M of which $700M is actually under management through Cycle Capital regrouping institutional corporate Family Offices and endowment funds. She sits on different boards and several committees, such as the audit and governance, of many Cycle Capital portfolio companies and she is an active board member for different organisations. She co-chaired a Task Force for the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and for the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Andrée-Lise has been named Officière de l’Ordre du Québec (2018) and received numerous honors, such as the 2019 Grand Prix d’excellence from the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, Trailblazer Honouree at the 2023 Woman’s Private Capital Summit Canada, the “Summa Carrière” prize from the Laval University Faculty of Science and Engineering (2021) She was also recognized as one of the 16 Canadian personalities of Clean16 and among the Top 20 cleantech investors by CleanTechnica. </p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 27)" data-id="27"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Nancy Pfund" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Nancy Pfund</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Founder & Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">DBL Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-27">As a pioneer and leading player in impact investing, DBL has helped to reveal the power of venture capital to promote social change and environmental improvement. In this context, Nancy writes and speaks frequently on the field of impact investing, sustainable agriculture and nature-based solutions to climate change. She currently sponsors or sits on the board of directors of several companies, including: Farmer’s Business Network (FBN), Bellwether Coffee, Spatial, Wynd, DroneSeed and, prior to their public offerings, Tesla Motors, SolarCity and Pandora. She also served on SolarCity’s audit and compensation committees as well as the chair of the corporate governance committee, from 2008 through its IPO in 2012 and acquisition by Tesla in December 2016. Prior to founding DBL, Nancy was a Managing Director in Venture Capital at JPMorgan, having started her investment career at Hambrecht & Quist in 1984. Previously, Nancy worked at Intel Corporation, the State of California, Stanford University, and the Sierra Club. Nancy was recognized by Forbes as one of 50 Over 50 in 2023, by the San Francisco Business Times as one of the Bay Area’s 100 Most Influential Business Leaders in 2023, and by the Financial Women of San Francisco as the Financial Woman of the Year in 2022. Nancy was previously named to the Forbes 2020 Impact 50 List of the most notable impact investors. She was also a recipient of The Commonwealth Club 2018 Distinguished Citizen Award and the Earth Day Network 2018 Climate Visionary Award. She was featured #17 in the 2014 FORTUNE Inaugural World’s Top 25 Eco-Innovators and appeared on Fast Company’s 2016 List of Most Creative People in Business. Nancy serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Geographic Society. She is a member and former Chapter Chair of the Silicon Valley Women Corporate Directors Foundation. She is a member and former chair of the Advisory Council of the Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford University; an advisor to the UC Davis Center for Energy Efficiency; and co-chairs the Yale School of Management Program on Entrepreneurship. She has been a lecturer in management at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the Yale School of Management and is a past member of the C3E Ambassador to the U.S. Clean Energy Education and Empowerment Program, led by the U.S. Department of Energy. From 2001–2019, she was also a founding officer and director of ABC2, a foundation aimed at accelerating a cure for brain cancer. She was also a founding member of the California Clean Energy Fund from 2005 to 2012. She served as an Advisory Board member of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and Cyclotron Road, its Clean Energy Incubator from 2014 to 2019. Nancy received her BA and MA in anthropology from Stanford University, and her MBA from the Yale School of Management. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 235)" data-id="235"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Earl Jones" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Earl Jones</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Operating Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">DCVC</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-235">Earl is a recognized thought leader in the fields of water and environmental services who specializes in growing technology-based organizations. At DCVC, he focuses on investing in solutions that can transform the availability, quality, and affordability of water resources around the world. Earl previously served as CEO of Heartland Water Technology, where he developed innovative solutions for decontaminating and cleansing the world’s most difficult-to-treat industrial wastewaters. He also worked as Global Commercial Leader at GE Water and as a partner at Liberation Capital, a private equity fund focused on project finance for water, renewable energy, and resource recovery. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the US Naval Academy, a master’s degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a master’s degree in technology management from the University of Maryland, and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Earl co-founded and is Chairman Emeritus of the Northeast Water Innovation Network (NEWIN), which brings together stakeholders from industry, finance, academia and government to solve water resource challenges globally. Earl is proud to have served as an officer in the U.S. Navy’s Submarine Force. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 219)" data-id="219"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Scott Himmelberger" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Scott Himmelberger</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Decarbonization Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-219">Scott Himmelberger is a Director at Decarbonization Partners, a JV between BlackRock and Temasek focused on early growth equity investments into companies driving decarbonization globally. Prior to joining Decarb Partners, Scott was a growth equity investor at Princeville Capital, helping to lead their climate tech fund. He has previously worked at BCG as well as at ARPA-E within the US Department of Energy. Scott holds a BS in Chemical Engineering as well as a MS and PhD in Materials Science from Stanford.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 213)" data-id="213"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Olivier Bordelanne" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Olivier Bordelanne</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Demeter</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-213">Olivier joined DEMETER early 2014. He is Partner within the Ventures team, and he is involved in the technological files related to the domains of energy, environment, smart-city, green mobility and more recently sustainable winetech. Before joining DEMETER, Olivier worked about 15 years in the energy and environment sectors in France and abroad (USA & Scotland) into functions in connection with Innovation and Business Development, whether as entrepreneur/co-founder of technological start-ups (Alterg, ITI Energy) or within large industrial groups (Atofina Inc. (Total), ENGIE). Olivier holds a PhD in Materials Physical-Chemistry and a MSc from the University of Bordeaux and a post-graduate diploma in physics and physical chemistry of the University of Metz. He is the author of several scientific papers and patents. Olivier is/was DEMETER’s permanent representative to the Boards of Directors of: Deepki, Kemiwatt, eLichens, Sweetch Energy, BeFC, plan A, Géoflex, ZE-Energy, Lixo, Antofénol, Axioma, My Bacchus, APIX Analytics, Nexdot & Ergosup.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 243)" data-id="243"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Kathleen Jurman" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Kathleen Jurman</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Technology Scout Corporate Ventures</p> <p class="tm-title">Dow Ventures and New Business Development</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-243"></p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 32)" data-id="32"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Dr. Paul-Josef Patt" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Dr. Paul-Josef Patt</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner & CEO</p> <p class="tm-title">eCAPITAL Entrepreneurial Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-32">Dr. Paul-Josef Patt is CEO of eCAPITAL ENTREPRENEURIAL PARTNERS AG, a German venture capital company driven by entrepreneurs. He started his career as project manager at Roland Berger & Partner, the leading German strategy consultancy. By management buy-in he became the executive partner of a highly expansive retail company with lastly more than 700 branches. After his successful exit he invested as business angel until engaging as thriving Venture Capitalist. He has a very successful track record in financing and developing high-growth companies (12 exits). Past investments include Novaled (sold to Samsung in 2013), sonnen (sold to Shell in 2019), Jedox (sold to Insight Partners in 2021), 1KOMMA5°, Heliatek or Open-Xchange. He serves as a Board member of NRW.BANK, the state bank of North Rhine-Westphalia and Chairman of the board of University Society Muenster e.V. In addition he holds numerous seats in other advisory and supervisory boards (e.g. Heliatek GmbH, Open-Xchange AG, Jedox). He studied business administration in Tübingen, Paris and Münster.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 232)" data-id="232"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Frederico Gonçalves" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Frederico Gonçalves</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner & Managing Director</p> <p class="tm-title">EDP Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-232">Partner & Managing Director at EDP Ventures, venture capital arm of EDP Group, since January 2022. Investment Director and Principal @EDP Ventures between 2010-2022. Board member and observer on several portfolio companies. Previously worked 5 years, as Investment Manager, @ M&A/Corporate Development of EDP Group. Also worked previously in management consulting @ Roland Berger and Diamond Cluster in Portugal, Belgium and Brazil. Frederico has a degree in Economics from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, MBA from IE Business School in Madrid and an Executive Course in PE/VC from Harvard Business School in Boston. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 73)" data-id="73"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Sasha Brown" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Sasha Brown</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">EIF</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-73">Sasha Brown is a Partner at the Ecosystem Integrity Fund. Her responsibilities include investment due diligence, strategy development, process management, deal sourcing, and portfolio company support. She assists with system and sector analysis, firm operations, and financial structuring. Sasha serves as a board director at iyris, Claros Technologies, Ambient Photonics, Trashie, and Upflex. Prior to joining EIF, Sasha was a Principal at NewWorld Capital Group, where she co-led investments of more than $100M into growth-oriented companies in residential solar, diesel pollution reduction, and power electronics. Her deals included SolarEdge Technologies, which had a successful IPO in 2015, and Astrum Solar, which was sold to Direct Energy. Drawing on her industry background, Sasha has developed specialized expertise with respect to residential solar, the built environment, HVAC, environmental consulting and engineering, green chemistry, and the circular economy. Before joining NewWorld, Sasha worked in J.P. Morgan’s Natural Resources Group, and previously for Environmental Capital Partners, a private equity firm investing in middle-market companies in the environmental industry. Prior to Environmental Capital Partners, Sasha worked at Atelier Ten, an environmental design firm providing consulting services to the building industry. At Atelier Ten, she focused on building energy models to optimize the energy cost and consumption patterns of buildings. Sasha received a BSc in Environmental Engineering from Yale University and holds an MBA from the Yale School of Management. While at Yale, she Co-Chaired the university’s Private Equity Conference and completed a research thesis evaluating sustainability metric systems for the built environment. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 38)" data-id="38"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Gina Domanig" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Gina Domanig</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Emerald</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-38">Gina Domanig is the Managing Partner of Emerald Technology Ventures. In 2000, she founded the business as the first independent cleantech venture capital fund in Europe. Now, Emerald is a globally recognized venture capital firm that manages and advises assets of over €1 billion from its offices in Zurich, Toronto and Singapore. The firm invests in start-ups that tackle big challenges in climate change and sustainability, with four current funds, hundreds of venture transactions and five third-party investment mandates, including loan guarantees to over 100 start-ups. Gina currently serves on the boards of the following portfolio companies: - Actnano Inc, a nano-technology semi-conductor coatings company - GeoDigital International Inc, a geo-spatial intelligence provider for electric utilities - Urgently Inc, a digital platform for roadside assistance In addition to Emerald activities, Gina holds the following positions: - Board member of Die Mobiliar Genossenschaft (one of the largest insurance companies in Switzerland); - Chairman of the Board of BASE (Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy), a Swiss foundation and Specialized Partner of the United Nations Environment (UNEP); - Executive Co-chair Innovation Insights, World Energy Council; - Member of the Global Future Council on the Future of Food and Water Security (World Economic Forum); - Member of the International Advisory Board Danish Innovation Fund; and - Advisory Board member, Prime Impact Fund Gina has over 35 years of international business experience including M&A, strategy development, and venture capital. Prior to starting Emerald, she was senior vice president at Sulzer, a Swiss multinational, responsible for strategic planning and M&A. Gina holds MBA degrees from Thunderbird in Arizona and ESADE in Barcelona and is fluent in English, German and Spanish. She grew up in the USA, is a citizen of both Switzerland and France and lives in Zurich, Switzerland. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 124)" data-id="124"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Glenn Bijvoets" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Glenn Bijvoets</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Innovation Lead</p> <p class="tm-title">Eneco</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-124">Since the 1st of April 2008, Glenn has been working at Eneco. He is an Innovation leader in the strategy team, and he is responsible for setting up startup collaborations across the organization on energy technology and building an ecosystem with partners such as corporates, investors, accelerators, incubators. Before Glenn Bijvoets joined Eneco, he worked at Rabobank, Robeco and the TU Delft, where he was active in the fields of strategy, marketing, innovation, and valorisation. He holds a bachelor’s in economics and studied change management at the University of Groningen. Glenn Bijvoets is involved with technical and social innovation programs for sustainable energy generation.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 224)" data-id="224"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Kei Morita" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Kei Morita</span></p> <p class="tm-title">General Manager</p> <p class="tm-title">ENEOS</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-224">Kei Morita is the General Manager of ENEOS Americas Inc. ENEOS is the largest energy and materials company in Japan. He joined ENEOS in 2010 and has mainly worked in research and development, as well as business operations in the electricity sector. Currently, he is responsible for startup investments and business development in North America, focusing on climate tech. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 217)" data-id="217"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Matthias Dill" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Matthias Dill</span></p> <p class="tm-title">CEO & Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Energy Impact Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-217">Matthias is CEO and Managing Partner for EIP’s European operations. He oversees investment activity and EIP’s collaboration with its strategic partners. Matthias believes in the superpower of combining technology, entrepreneurship and capital and he applies this superpower to decarbonize industries. He is an experienced VC investor and board-member and has dedicated his career to supporting the best entrepreneurs in climate-tech. Prior to building EIP’s European operations he was the founder and managing director of Statkraft Ventures, a fund focused on the energy transition (investments include: Tado, Limejump, Skyspecs, Deepki, Zolar). Previously he was a senior investment manager at High-Tech Gründerfonds, the leading German early-stage investor, backed by the largest industrial companies and financial investors. Matthias was trained in mechanical engineering and business administrations at Technical University of Braunschweig and University of Rhode Island. Additionally, he earned a Ph.D. from Technical University of Braunschweig with a thesis on private equity financing of SMEs. He lives in Germany with his wife and two sons spends his time between EIPs offices in Cologne, London and Oslo. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 40)" data-id="40"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Wally Hunter" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Wally Hunter</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">EnerTech Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-40">Wally has been investing in Energy Technology for over 25 years. He runs EnerTech's Canadian operations from Toronto. Prior to EnerTech, Wally was a Managing Director with RBC Capital Partners ($1.2 Billion Fund) where he was responsible for the bank's Venture Capital fund (Energy Technology and Advanced Technology Fund) which was part of RBC's Investment Banking Division (RBC Capital Markets). He has an extensive background in the Venture Capital business which includes a series of successful IPO’s, M&A and turnaround transactions throughout his 35 year career in the finance business. In addition to Wally’s extensive finance background, he previously produced and hosted the weekly financial television show "Money Week" which featured over 200 guest interviews from Canadian and U.S. money managers over a 14 year period. He was also involved in politics and sat as a local Councilor in the Town of Milton (three terms) and sat on the Board of the Ontario College of Pharmacists (Chair of finance). Wally has been very active in the Canadian Venture Capital market and previously sat on the board of the Canadian Venture Capital Association (CVCA), Sustainable Development Technology Canada Member Council (SDTC) and the Cleantech Group Advisory Board. He currently sits on the board of the Venture Capital Association of Alberta (VCAA). Wally also sits on the boards of EnerTech portfolio companies Powerside and Aperia Technologies (Observer). Wally was previously on the Board of several successfully exited portfolio companies including Distech Controls (sold to Acuity Brands for $318 Million), HPC Energy Services ( sold to TriWest in 2018), Sofdesk (Sold to EnPhase in 2020) and IPKeys Power partners (Sold to Parsons Corp in 2023). In 2017 Wally was appointed to the NHL Coaches Association Advisory Board. In 2018, Wally was appointed to the Advisory Board at Cornell University/Tech's Program in Infrastructure Policy (CPIP). Wally received a BA from the University of Western Ontario and has completed a number of securities-related courses and programs including the Canadian Securities Institute (CSC program) and Canadian Investment Finance (CIF I, II &III). </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 160)" data-id="160"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Johann Boukhors" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Johann Boukhors</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Director</p> <p class="tm-title">ENGIE New Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-160">Johann Boukhors is Managing Director of Engie New Ventures S.A.S., the Corporate Venture Capital fund of ENGIE. Johann has over 20 years of professional experience, in the energy sector within the ENGIE Group. He’s previously held a number of responsibilities such as Director New Business Development, Supply, Marketing & Sales in Mexico, Branch Director Energy sales in Belgium & Luxemburg, Group Business Development Oversight, Strategic Purchasing Infrastructures, and key Account Management. Johann is French, and graduated as an Engineer (Arts & Métiers ParisTech) and holds as well an Executive MBA (ESCP Europe).</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 220)" data-id="220"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Naynika Chaubey" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Naynika Chaubey</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Evok Innovations</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-220">An experienced energy project finance, private equity, and venture capital professional, with cross-sector expertise in early and late stage hardtech companies, Naynika most recently managed a portfolio of deep tech VC investments at a private family office. Previously, Naynika helped manage a portfolio of clean power and infrastructure investments at US Renewables Group. She is also a proven company builder and was on the founding team of two startups in the energy project development and finance space: SoCore Energy, a solar project developer acquired by Edison International in 2013, and Common Assets, a renewable energy bond platform acquired by SolarCity in 2014. Naynika is currently on the board of Evok portfolio company Summit Nanotech and has actively served on boards of companies in the power generation, advanced materials, telecom, AI hardware, biotech, energy storage and biofuels spaces, helping advance several toward private and public exits. Naynika earned an A.B. in Physics from Princeton University.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 45)" data-id="45"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Dirk De Boever" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Dirk De Boever</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Head of Investments</p> <p class="tm-title">Finindus</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-45">Dirk is a seasoned investor in and company builder of early stage and growth companies with an industrial DNA. He embarked on this journey at Finindus in 2006 and is heading up Finindus' investment activities since 2013. Dirk is passionate about entrepreneurship, collaborative negotiation and introducing new technologies in complex B2B environments. Dirk started his career in 1994 in the new sales organization of the flat carbon steel division ArcelorMittal providing support to senior management as “corporate plumber” dealing with market intelligence, business planning, investment studies and M&A. In 2002, he ventured into a marketing and business intelligence boutique as managing partner, serving customers mainly in telecom, energy and industry. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 207)" data-id="207"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Patrick Elftmann" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Patrick Elftmann</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Future Energy Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-207">Patrick is Managing Partner at Future Energy Ventures. Future Energy Ventures is a venture capital firm who partners with exceptional entrepreneurs to accelerate our transition towards a decarbonized future. The firm invest globally in breakthrough climate technology start-ups that can significantly reduce GHG emissions and fulfil the sustainability-objective of SFDR1 Article 9. Future Energy Ventures has recently been ranked #1 early-stage Climate Tech VC in Europe and #5 globally by Climate 50. The investment strategy is centered around three main topics: future energy, future cities, and future technologies.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 71)" data-id="71"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Martin Kröner" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Martin Kröner</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">GET Fund</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-71">Martin Kröner is Partner at the GET Fund, the cleantech venture capital specialist based in Munich. Martin was co-founder and CEO of agnion Energy Inc., a supplier of distributed energy plants to convert woody biomass into electrical power and natural gas. Prior to agnion, Martin worked at Linde Engineering, and built up an engineering services company. Martin holds a M.Sc. in mechanical engineering and a Ph.D. in combustion engineering from the Technical University in Munich. Martin is board member of Electrochaea. He was also responsible for the investments of GET Fund’s predecessor fund MVP in sonnen, Luxexcel, COBI, GreenCom Networks, and Kebony .</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 239)" data-id="239"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Victoria Beasley" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Victoria Beasley</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Gigascale Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-239">Victoria is a Partner at Gigascale Capital and brings over 15 years of experience working at the forefront of climate solutions as an investor, founder, and operator. Previously, as General Partner at Prelude Ventures, Victoria invested in clean energy, mobility, food & agriculture, materials circularity and carbon markets. She previously founded an agriculture supply chain company, led finance in the energy sector and developed climate change strategies at BCG. Victoria holds an MBA and MS in environment and resources from Stanford, and a BS in biology from the University of North Carolina.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 162)" data-id="162"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Stefon Crawford" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Stefon Crawford</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">GM Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-162">Stefon started his career with GM Ventures (GMV) in April, 2016 as an Investment Analyst and has been promoted multiple times throughout his tenure with the fund. Stefon was named a Partner effective in February 2023. Stefon has lead and supported investments for GMV equaling more than $200M USD in numerous areas of strategic interest for GM. Mobility, FinTech, InsurTech, Electrification and Autonomous innovation have been his primary verticals of focus. Prior to GMV Stefon spent five years in financial services at Rocket Mortgage. Stefon holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Eastern Michigan University as well as Executive Certificates in Negotiation and Venture Capital from Harvard Business School, Wharton Business School, and HAAS School of Business, University of Berkeley California. </p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 52)" data-id="52"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Eric Wang" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Eric Wang</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">GRC SinoGreen Fund</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-52">Dr. Eric Wang is a Managing Partner at GRC SinoGreen Fund, a venture capital fund manager focusses on the green technologies in China. With over 20 years of experience in venture capital investment, investment banking, and equity research. He specializes in identifying technology or value chain discontinuities and cultivates initiatives for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Dr. Wang served as a director on the board of CNano Technology (688116.SS), Rancher Lab (now SUSE), and LedEngin (now Osram), and a board observer of Cepton (NASDAQ: CPTN). He played a key role in the investments of Googol Technology (301510.SZ), Voltronic Power (6409.TT), S2C (now SMIT), and PHABuilder. Dr. Wang holds a Ph.D. in Engineering-Economic Systems and Operations Research from Stanford University. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 53)" data-id="53"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Jamie James" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Jamie James</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Greensoil Proptech Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-53">As a Managing Partner at Greensoil, Jamie participates in investment lead generation, deal structuring and investment decisions – focusing on young cleantech companies addressing the challenge of decarbonizing the built environment. He is the past and present board member of a number of cleantech start-ups covering a range of building related solutions, including: smart windows (Miru); automated mass timber construction systems (Intelligent City, Carbontech Capital); energy recovery (dPoint, Oxygen8); wireless HVAC controls and lighting (SensorSuite, Amatis); building dehumidification (Evercloak); ESG reporting software (Goby); low voltage digital power (; low carbon concrete (CarbonCure); and master systems integration services (OTI). As a Managing Partner at Greensoil, Jamie participates in investment lead generation, deal structuring and investment decisions – focusing on young cleantech companies addressing the challenge of decarbonizing the built environment. As a sustainability professional over three decades, Jamie has been lead green building advisor to Tridel, one of Canada’s largest vertically integrated, family-owned high-rise devleopers, and a partner at the Windmill Development Group during the six years when the firm successfully developed the first LEED-Platinum mixed use developments across Canada. He started his career as a VC when he launched 350 Capital, one of the first sustainable proptech funds in 2009 out of the Tridel family office and from which he managed successful investments in dPoint Technologies, (energy recovery technology), and CarbonCure (low carbon concrete), among others. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 145)" data-id="145"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Robert Liu" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Robert Liu</span></p> <p class="tm-title">CEO</p> <p class="tm-title">Huaneng Invesco Private Equity Investment Management Limited</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-145">Robert Liu is the CEO of Huaneng Invesco WLR (“HIW”), a joint venture investment fund company between Huaneng Capital (financial services arm of Huaneng Power, leading power generation company in China), and Invesco, a US asset management company. Robert has 25 years of experience in investment and investment banking. Leveraging the strengths of HIW’s shareholders, he and his team in HIW have focused on the renewable energy / cleantech space, including wind and solar power, energy storage, sustainable transport, and energy efficiency, with investment targets in China, US and other countries. Prior to his current role, he had worked with Temasek’s infrastructure investment arm, and prior to that he held senior investment banking positions with JP Morgan and ICBC where he helped leading Chinese companies in power, toll roads, telecom and banking in their IPO’s and M&A activities. Robert holds an MBA degree from University of Utah.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 182)" data-id="182"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Sukhwan Yun" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Sukhwan Yun</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Head of Hyundai CRADLE Berlin</p> <p class="tm-title">Hyundai Motor Company</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-182">As a head of Hyundai CRADLE Berlin, Dr. Sukhwan Yun spearheads Hyundai Motor’s open innovation initiatives across Europe. He earned B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. His doctoral research focused on polymer electrolyte membranes for energy conversion in fuel cell and battery applications. In 2014. He started his career at Hyundai as a Senior Research Engineer in Hydrogen Fuel Cell R&D Center, and was in charge of developing fuel cell electric vehicles (Tucson ix35 and NEXO), then contribute to sourcing and executing high-potential investments at Corporate Venture Capital Team of Hyundai Motor Company. He focused on automotive and ancillary industries, especially including energy fields. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 59)" data-id="59"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Diego Díaz Pilas" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Diego Díaz Pilas</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Global Head of Ventures & Technology</p> <p class="tm-title">Iberdrola</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-59">Mr. Diaz leads Iberdrola´s venture capital program – Iberdrola Ventures -PERSEO, that invests in the most promising smart energy start-ups worldwide, and he also leads the Technology Prospective Analysis unit in charge of assessing the potential of key technologies for the future of the energy sector. He joined Iberdrola in 2008 and since then he has contributed to the launch and management of the Iberdrola´s venture program, leading a team of investment professionals. Currently, he is member of the Board in Wallbox Chargers (NYSE:WBX) and Atten2 advanced monitoring technologies and Board Observer in Balantia and Innowatts. On the technology prospects area, since 2016, Mr. Diaz leads a team of analysts that build the company´s internal models for cost and competitiveness of key technologies for decarbonization of electricity (wind, solar, storage) and electrification of demand (electric vehicles, electrification of heat, batteries,…). Prior to joining Iberdrola, he developed his career in several roles related to engineering, technology development, innovation and entrepreneurship both in the Telco (Telefonica from Aug 2007 to Aug 2008 and Eir, from Aug 2005 to Aug 2007) and Energy sectors (Iberdrola Engineering from Mar 2004 to Aug 2005). </p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 234)" data-id="234"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Kei Honda" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Kei Honda</span></p> <p class="tm-title">General Manager of Business Development</p> <p class="tm-title">Idemitsu Americas Holdings</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-234">Kei Honda is the General Manager of Business Development at Idemitsu Americas Holdings. With his 20 years of extensive experiences in energy industry, he leads open innovation and corporate venturing activities for Idemitsu Group focusing on investment and business engagement with startups, investors, and corporates in the United States. The key focus areas are energy transition, circular economy, and carbon offset solutions. He holds a Bachelor’s in Social Relations from Rikkyo University and an MBA from the University of California, Irvine.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 128)" data-id="128"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Matias Torrellas" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Matias Torrellas</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Head of Portfolio Management</p> <p class="tm-title">InnoEnergy</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-128">Matias is Head of Portfolio Management of InnoEnergy, responsible for supervising its overall equity portfolio. He has been with InnoEnergy since February 2015. Prior to that, he was Investment Director at CX Capital, a Barcelona-based private equity firm, managing a portfolio of over 200M€ of private equity positions and listed securities. Before that he had an extensive career in banking, holding positions at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers in London and New York, and in asset management with AXA Rosenberg Investment Management in San Francisco. He holds an MBA from the University of Chicago, the CFA certification, and an Engineering degree from UPC (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain). </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 104)" data-id="104"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Ivo Němejc" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Ivo Němejc</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Investment Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Inven Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-104">Ivo is Investment Director and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at Inven Capital, a VC fund backed by CEZ Group, the largest utility in Central and Eastern Europe, and the European Investment Bank. Inven investment focus is in the smart energy, looking for innovative and fast growing European and Israeli startups, with scalable business models proven by sales. Ivo represents the fund on the boards of several portfolio companies. Prior to joining Inven in 2014, Ivo gained over 15 years of experience in corporate finance and banking, working in various management positions at international banks and investment companies. Ivo holds a master’s degree in accounting, corporate financial management and business law from the University of Economics in Prague.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 196)" data-id="196"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Ali Sharifi" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Ali Sharifi</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Kerogen Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-196">Ali is a Managing Director at Kerogen Capital, a private equity fund manager specializing in international energy with over $2 billion of assets under management. Based in San Francisco, Ali focuses on energy transition, conventional & renewables energy, climate tech and industrial software & digital transformation solutions, and serves on the boards of a few private high-growth companies. Ali has over 20 years of experience across multiple geographies. He previously worked in the investment team of Kenda Capital, manager of Shell Technology Ventures Fund 1, an energy venture capital firm investing in step-change energy technologies. Prior to Kenda, Ali worked as an Engagement Manager for the global energy and chemicals practice of Arthur D. Little focusing on business strategy and operation optimization projects in the U.S., Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia. He also worked at Grant Prideco and Schlumberger in market analysis, technical sales, and engineering optimization roles based in the U.S., Oman, and Malaysia. Ali holds an MBA focusing on strategy and finance from Yale University and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 223)" data-id="223"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Ben Murphy" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Ben Murphy</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Investment Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Kiko Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-223">Ben is an Investment Director within Kiko Ventures, based in Stockholm. He has worked with our portfolio boards across CCS, smart home products, ag tech, semiconductor design and novel wind energy technologies. He is the Kiko representative on Cleantech for Europe, working with a partnership of leading cleantech venture funds in Europe to progress best practice across the continent. He has been working in cleantech for fourteen years, including work for Google screening renewable venture investments; being a scientific researcher for the European Commission; working in the Carbon Trust to shape multi-£bn funding schemes for energy efficiency and low carbon innovation. Ben has a first class degree in physics and mathematics as well as a masters in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London. As well as working in Stockholm, he has also worked in the UK, Italy, Spain and Germany.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 179)" data-id="179"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Bastien Gambini" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Bastien Gambini</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Klima / Alantra </p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-179">Bastien Gambini has more than 19 years of experience investing across Europe and North America in both venture and private equity. Former Managing Director for Europe at Equinor Ventures, he previously led the Spanish team at Demeter Partners as Partner and worked for Société Générale and Caisse des Dépôts. He has led deals in the renewable, power grid, waste management, artificial intelligence and energy industries. Bastien has been a board member to more than 12 companies. Bastien holds two post graduate degrees in Finance from Paris University Panthéon-Assas and an MBA from INSEAD.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 209)" data-id="209"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Ricky Sakai" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Ricky Sakai</span></p> <p class="tm-title">SVP, New Business Development</p> <p class="tm-title">Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-209">Ryosuke “Ricky” Saki is Senior Vice President of New Business Development at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America(MHIA), where he focuses on decarbonization of the energy sector. Ricky is currently leading MHIA's corporate venturing investment initiative for climate technology start-up sector such as clean energy (like Hydrogen , Ammonia and Sustainable Fuel), energy storage, carbon management and so on. More than 10 portfolio start-up companies and its partnership have been built since the investment initiative had started in 2020.Since joining MHI Japan in 2006, Ricky has held a number of roles across MHI and one of its Group Companies, Mitsubishi Power, including as a project engineer and as a leader on the Oil & Gas business development team. Ricky graduated from Kyoto University with a degree in urban environmental engineering and from Rice University’s Jones Graduate School of Business with a Master of Business Administration.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 236)" data-id="236"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Jesse Teichman" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Jesse Teichman</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">MKB Growth Equity</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-236">Jesse Teichman joined the firm as Partner in 2022. Jesse has worked to enable energy innovation for over 20 years, both as an investor and in senior commercial roles with start-ups and global companies, including GE and Chevron. With Chevron Technology Ventures, he was a founding member of Chevron’s climate-tech focused Future Energy Funds – $100 million Fund I and $300 million Fund II – and led over a dozen investments during his tenure. Jesse’s community engagement centers around inclusive access to youth soccer and mentorship of clean energy leaders and early career professionals. He earned a U.S. Soccer Federation National- C coaching license and is a past board member of Westbury Soccer Club in Houston. Jesse holds a B.S. in Marine Engineering from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin. He served 11 years in the U.S. Naval Reserve, completing his service at the rank of Lieutenant Commander. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 147)" data-id="147"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Gert Wrigge" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Gert Wrigge</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Next47</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-147">Gert Wrigge is a Partner with Next47’s investment team and based in Munich. His investment focus is in areas such as energy, IoT, e-mobility and smart cities. Before joining Next47, Gert was VP at Asia Climate Partners in Hong Kong, investing in environmental industry sectors in Emerging Market Asia. Previously, he was with RobecoSAM Private Equity, a sustainability investment specialist in Zurich, Switzerland. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 184)" data-id="184"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Chris Erickson" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Chris Erickson</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Pangaea Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-184">Chris is the founding partner of Pangaea Ventures and has been investing in climate and sustainability start-up companies for over 20 years. Chris is based in Phoenix and sits on the boards of several portfolio companies. Chris has also been on the board of the Canadian Venture Capital Association and several non-profits. Chris has a Juris Doctorate from the University of Toronto and a B.Comm from the University of Calgary. Chris is an avid runner and skier and an average golfer. </p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 227)" data-id="227"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Jake Simon" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Jake Simon</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Investor</p> <p class="tm-title">Porsche Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-227">Jake is an Investor at Porsche Ventures in search of early-stage technology across critical industries, science and beyond. He partners with visionary entrepreneurs who challenge limits to bring about innovation, address intricate problems, and foster a sustainable future. Prior to his leap into strategic venture, Jake was at Fontinalis Partners investing in early-stage startups boldly reshaping the future of mobility. He remains active throughout the venture ecosystem, including serving as a Principal Venture Partner at GoingVC Partners. Areas of interest include manufacturing and engineering, the energy transition, future compute, and frontier technologies that reimagine consumer, supply chain and mobility industries. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 75)" data-id="75"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Gabriel Kra" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Gabriel Kra</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Prelude Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-75">Gabriel Kra co-founded Prelude Ventures in 2013 after almost 25 years as an investor, entrepreneur, scientist, and activist. Prelude invests in climate across sectors including the built environment, carbon management, compute, energy, food and agriculture, manufacturing and industrials, and mobility. He currently sits on the Board of Directors for Brightband, Electric Hydrogen, Ebb Carbon, Form Energy, Latitude Media, Lightship, Meridian Clean Energy, Mill, Redoxblox, Renew Financial, Ripple Foods, Sense, and Trove. Gabriel also serves on the Board of Directors of The CREO Syndicate. Gabriel is an avid skier and recovering climber, proud father, and loving husband. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 186)" data-id="186"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Eric Kosmowski" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Eric Kosmowski</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Princeville Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-186">Eric is a Managing Partner based in San Francisco, CA. Eric has spent his career at the crossroads of technology and global markets and has developed over a decade of ESG investment experience. Eric began his career in management consulting at Deloitte and helped to grow the Central and Eastern European strategy and operations practice, living in Ljubljana and working out of the Prague office. After graduate school, Eric worked in the corporate venture group at NextSet Ventures and later was a founding team member and Managing Director at Cartica Capital, a global ESG investment fund. Eric was also a Principal at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in their Washington, DC office focused on digital strategy for global clients. Eric has deep operating experience with portfolio companies including as CEO of a global satellite equipment manufacturer and as President and COO of a technology startup in the 4th party logistics (4PL) field. Eric lives with his wife and two children in San Francisco, CA and is an avid sailor, skier, and private pilot. Eric is also a member of the Provost Advisory Committee for the University of Michigan. Eric holds a B.S.E. in Aerospace Engineering and a B.S. in Economics from the University of Michigan, and an M.B.A. from INSEAD.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 212)" data-id="212"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Michael Claes" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Michael Claes</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Director Technology</p> <p class="tm-title">SABIC Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-212">Michael brings 20 years of industrial experience among which 15 years in start-up ecosystem, notably acting as Chief Technology Officer and Global Head of Business Development. His field of expertise covers a large spectrum of technology areas and business segments such as polymers, additives, chemicals, (bio)feedstocks, (renewable) energy, automotive, semicon and E&E. He studied polymer chemistry at University of Liège with complementary business education from Solvay Brussels School of Executive Management. As Director Technology Ventures, he is currently leading SABIC Ventures global technology team in identifying and acquiring access to unproven technologies to ensure SABIC’s future business growth.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 233)" data-id="233"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Markus Hökfelt" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Markus Hökfelt</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Investment Director</p> <p class="tm-title">SEB Greentech VC</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-233">Markus Hökfelt is the Investment Director at SEB Greentech VC, where he leads investments in companies with a strong potential for financial returns and a positive impact on Climate. With a robust background in both engineering and economics, Markus has a wealth of experience in the venture capital and green technology sectors. Prior to his role at SEB Greentech VC, Markus was the Fund Manager and CEO of Almi Invest’s GreenTech fund, where he successfully managed investments in cutting-edge environmental technology companies. Markus is also the co-founder of Unimi Solutions, a company specializing in innovative solutions for sustainable urban development. His extensive experience includes various leadership positions in the energy industry, where he has consistently driven innovation and growth. Additionally, Markus has served on the Board of Directors for several organizations, further showcasing his expertise in strategic and operative leadership. </p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 83)" data-id="83"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Wouter Jonk" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Wouter Jonk</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">SET Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-83">Wouter Jonk is co-founder and Managing Partner of SET Ventures. He co-founded SET in 2007 and helped to build it to Europe’s leading Energy VC, investing from its 4th Fund currently. Wouter’s previous experience includes M&A and venturing, both at independent VCs as well as in corporate and advisory roles. These include Philips Electronics CVC, both in Silicon Valley and Europe, where investments were directed towards the digital transition of some of Philips’ core industries. Earlier, M&A at Philips and Corporate Finance at Price Waterhouse Corporate Finance. Wouter started his career in Venture Capital three decades ago where he held positions at two Dutch VC’s. Wouter holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering & Management from the Technical University Twente, the Netherlands.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 155)" data-id="155"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Jermaine Saaltink" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Jermaine Saaltink</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Investment Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Shell Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-155">Jermaine Saaltink is an Investment Director at Shell Ventures (SV). Shell Ventures targets investing in startups and scaleups in the carbon mitigation, renewable energy, and mobility domain. It makes minority investments that help to develop new technologies or disruptive business models in areas of strategic interest to Shell’s businesses. Jermaine is Amsterdam based and responsible for identifying, structuring, and managing investments in various trailblazing companies in the power and mobility sectors. Currently, Jermaine serves on the Board of various companies including Instafreight, SolarNow, Soly and Kraftblock and is an investor and/or Board Observer in a couple more. Jermaine has been with Shell for over 15 years and has held various positions in The Netherlands and abroad. He holds a Master’s degree in finance (VU Amsterdam), a Master’s degree in International Law (University of Groningen) and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations (University of Groningen). Additionally, he has attended various executive courses, including M&A at INSEAD and is a Registered Controller in The Netherlands. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 167)" data-id="167"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Dan Baldi" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Dan Baldi</span></p> <p class="tm-title">National Head of Climate Tech & Sustainability</p> <p class="tm-title">Silicon Valley Bank</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-167">Dan is the head of the national Climate Technology and Sustainability practice. He and his team manage hundreds of client relationships in low carbon energy, food, agriculture and transportation technologies. He is experienced in many aspects of early stage, growth, middle market, corporate and project financing. Prior to joining SVB in 2007, Dan was focused on corporate and asset finance at commercial banks and non-bank finance companies. He has experience in structured debt, large ticket leasing, partnering, syndications and public accounting.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 25)" data-id="25"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Peter Kennedy" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Peter Kennedy</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Director</p> <p class="tm-title">Silverstrand</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-25">Global finance professional with over 30 years of experience in deal origination, investing, management, and governance of both private and public companies across Asia, US and Europe. Experienced Board Member serving on over 20 Boards, specializing in Tech and ESG with advanced certification from MIT in cybersecurity board governance. Thought leader in the impact/tech investing sector; established one of the early private equity impact funds and led more than 30 deals in this area since 2003. Strong sourcing and co-investment network with VC and private equity funds globally. Prior to entering the private equity sector, highly ranked equity analyst at Morgan Stanley, covering the telecom and data center sectors with 11 initial public offerings brought to market, raising over US$3B. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 150)" data-id="150"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Hee S. Jung" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Hee S. Jung</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Head of Innovation and Investment</p> <p class="tm-title">SK Discovery</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-150">Hee is a leader at SK Group with a strong entrepreneurial focus, having led global projects since joining in 2008. In 2017, he founded SK's venture arm to invest in clean tech, climate tech, property tech and support sustainability/circularity initiatives. As head of SK Discovery's CVC, he invests $1M to $50M in startups across sectors and he collaborates with SK affiliates to drive digital transformation and business growth. He also helps startups leverage SK’s international network for expansion and exit opportunities.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 211)" data-id="211"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Arindam Bhattacharya" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Arindam Bhattacharya</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Director</p> <p class="tm-title">SLB Ventures</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-211">Arindam has led business and technology innovation for SLB (formerly Schlumberger) in a global career spanning 28 years, with a solid track record in strategic leadership and strong, tactical execution. Past senior leadership impact include roles as Product Line President for Land Drilling Rigs, Region President for Mexico & Central America, global Corporate Vice-President for Strategy, Marketing & Technology and key leadership roles across Latin America. In his current role as the Managing Director of SLB Ventures, Arindam leads the incubation and development of new business ventures for the SLB New Energy (SNE) group and heads the Corporate Venture Capital investment portfolio for SLB. He presently sits on the board of GHGSat, EnerVenue, Energy Source Minerals and Celluforce. Arindam is passionate about constantly challenging the status quo in the energy industry. Recent areas of business impact include digital transformation of the oil and gas business, and technology and business disruption in the energy transition space. Arindam has a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, India, and a Masters degree in Petroleum Engineering from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, UK. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 88)" data-id="88"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Dr. Mark Bonnar" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Dr. Mark Bonnar</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Southern Cross Venture Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-88">Venture capital investor and fund manager based in Australia with international track record. Domain expert in energy transition and clean technology with a deep technical background in advanced materials and semiconductor device fabrication.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 89)" data-id="89"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Kurt Faulhaber" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Kurt Faulhaber</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Stafford Capital Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-89">Kurt has spent the last 25+ years focused on tackling the world’s biggest climate and sustainability challenges. He joined Stafford Capital Partners to launch their Global Private Equity and Venture Capital program, focused on investments in sustainable companies. Before Stafford, Kurt managed a platform of global sustainable private equity and venture capital funds at Macquarie. Previously, Kurt helped launch the first clean energy incubator in the U.S, focused on creating and growing innovative climate companies, and was an active board member of an alliance to extend this work across the country. In addition, he has had consulting engagements with various start-ups and DOE labs, as well as operational experience in the energy sector. Kurt has had numerous international speaking engagements on topics including: Sustainable PE and VC investing, aligning PE portfolios with the PRI Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), commercializing technologies, and launching climate start-up companies.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 238)" data-id="238"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Karthik Chandrasekar" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Karthik Chandrasekar</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Synapses</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-238">Karthik Chandrasekar is Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Synapses, a VC Fund focused on STEM-led innovations for climate change mitigation and adaptation Prior to Synapses, Karthik ran Sangam, an early-stage climate fund co-created with support from Shell Foundation and USAID to find a new model to provide early-stage support for climate change pioneers. He spends a lot of his time with the portfolio & within the clean technology innovation eco-system in India & globally. He led investments in eight clean technology start-ups bringing game-changing technologies and business models to the market. He is also the founder & director of AIC-Sangam, India’s first cleantech Incubator set up in partnership with AIM, NITI Aayog, Government of India. Karthik has also led clean-tech investments in India for Acumen and started his India investment journey with TVS Capital Funds, where he worked with the MD of the fund to develop an investment thesis for providing basic services in water, energy, and agriculture for inclusive growth. Prior to TVS, Karthik has also worked in IB at Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch across New York and London. Karthik holds an MBA from Chicago Booth, MS in Public Policy & Mgmt. from Carnegie Mellon University and a BTech from IIT Bombay Karthik is a morning person, enjoys the outdoors, cooking, and copious amounts of coffee</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 95)" data-id="95"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Astorre Modena" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Astorre Modena</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Managing Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Terra Venture Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-95">Astorre Modena is the Founder and Managing Partner of Terra Venture Partners, leading early-stage Climate and Impact VC in Israel. Before founding Terra, Astorre was a Principal at Israel Seed Partners and a consultant with McKinsey & Co., based in Paris, where he consulted to leading Italian, French and Israeli manufacturing and financial corporations. Astorre holds a B.Sc. in Physics and Outstanding Students Program (Amirim) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics from Imperial College in London</p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 222)" data-id="222"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Erik Scher" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Erik Scher</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Operating Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">True North Venture Partners</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-222">Erik is a venture investor, company operator, and serial entrepreneur with a history of successfully inventing, scaling, and commercializing new technologies in energy, materials, and chemicals. Erik has spent over two decades in industry, where he has served as a: partner, founder, board director, CEO, President, COO, and CCO. Erik has executed numerous technology licenses and commercial partnerships, and worked with and for multibillion dollar operating companies and technology licensors. Erik has served as an Operating Partner at True North Venture Partners for the last several years with a focus on executive and advisory roles to TNVP’s portfolio companies in the licensing, chemicals process technology, hydrogen production, and derivatives spaces. He also sits as an Independent Board Director and Chair for several venture backed companies. Erik recently started an executive role at Koloma leading their commercial efforts. He holds a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from Rice University and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 135)" data-id="135"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Qi Lu" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Qi Lu</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">Tsing Capital</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-135">Ms. Qi Lu is a Partner at Tsing Capital, one of the first venture capital firm dedicated to sustainability related investing. Qi heads several functions at Tsing Capital including portfolio management, research, and ESG, and is actively advising early to growth stage companies with sustainability missions on their business development, cross-border and fundraising strategies. Ms. Qi Lu has over 15 years’ experience working in energy, environment and sustainable development sectors. Her focus areas include renewable energy, electric vehicle, energy efficiency, power storage, etc. Prior to joining Tsing Capital, she worked for Carbon Trust and Azure International, two leading environmental and low carbon consulting firms, where she worked with Chinese national and local governments to give recommendations on sustainability-related policy making. She also advised many western Cleantech companies on their China-entry strategies. Qi also worked at Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Beijing and New York offices as a research assistant intern on power storage and U.S.’s voluntary carbon markets. Qi holds an M.S. Operations Research from Columbia University and a B.Eng. Industrial Engineering from Tsinghua University. She and Tsing Capital have been pioneers of impact investing in China, and the founding members of China Alliance of Social Value Investment (CASVI), and China Impact Investing Network (CIIN). </p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 100)" data-id="100"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Peter Auner" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Peter Auner</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">VNT Management</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-100">Since 2013, Peter Auner has been a partner of VNT Management Ltd., a venture capital company which focuses on clean technology. VNT was founded in 2002, and are among the first venture capital companies in Europe to focus on renewable and distributed power generation and energy-saving technology. Geographical investment focus is Northern and Central Europe, with a main focus being on the Nordics and German-speaking Europe. Before getting into venture capital Peter has worked for 23 years in the electrical industry, and has spent much time internationally, in countries such as the US, China, Japan, and Switzerland. For many years he was VP of a Global Business Unit at Schaltbau Group, and as head of R&D at Yamaichi Electronics. Peter began his career as a mechanical engineer as a Partner at an engineering firm for electromechanical components. Customers included the Bosch and Lapp cable Group.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 214)" data-id="214"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Craig Douglas" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Craig Douglas</span></p> <p class="tm-title">Partner</p> <p class="tm-title">World Fund</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-214">Craig Douglas is a Founding Partner at World Fund. Previously Craig worked at SET Ventures, one of Europe’s longest running climate funds, and has 10 years of experience in Venture investing in the climate space. Craig’s specialist areas of expertise are in: new energy business models; built environment; energy distribution and storage; Transportation. Craig is pioneer in ESG and Impact in the venture community having created an industry leading ESG framework in 2012 and co-designing how to link impact to fund performance and compensation in 2018 now used in 30+ funds. Craig actively advises funds on implementing their own ESG and impact activities.</p> </div> </div> <div class="tm-user" onclick="showMoreInfo(this, 237)" data-id="237"> <div id="ep-photo-container"> <img class="photo1" alt="Sivan Zamir" src="" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="general-info"> <p class="tm-name"><span>Sivan Zamir</span></p> <p class="tm-title">VP, Innovation & Venture</p> <p class="tm-title">Xylem</p> </div> <div class="additional-info" style="display:none;"> <p class="bio-info" id="bio-237">Sivan Zamir builds products, teams and companies, by the mantra “To go fast, go alone; to go far, go together.” A self-described creator of order from chaos, Sivan’s professional strength is bringing innovation and technology to conservative industrial markets. In 2021, she joined Xylem, a Fortune 500 global water technology and solutions company, as VP of Innovation and Venture. At Xylem, she launched the Xylem Innovation Labs innovation partnerships and venture investing team that works with entrepreneurs around the world to accelerate development and commercialization of innovations solving water scarcity, equity, and access. Before joining Xylem, Sivan spent over a decade years in Israel as a founding member of IoT and digital twin startup companies. Prior, she managed major commercial and infrastructure construction projects across California. Sivan holds a Bachelors and Masters in Civil Engineering from University of California Berkeley and Stanford University respectively. Outside of work, she can be found cheering in the stands while her husband coaches collegiate volleyball or hiking with her puppy Bamba Lulu. </p> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="more-info-block"> <span class="close" onclick="closeGeneralInfo(this)">X</span> <p class="bio info-line"></p> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <script> function swap(elem) { e = $(elem).find('img'), original = e.attr("src"), swapped = e.attr("data-fun-src"), swapped && (e.attr("src",swapped), e.attr("data-fun-src",original));; }; function swapBack(elem) { e = $(elem).find('img'), original = e.attr("src"), swapped = e.attr("data-fun-src"), swapped && (e.attr("src",swapped), e.attr("data-fun-src",original));; }; function showMoreInfo(elem, uid) { var e = $(elem); var bio = $('#bio-' + uid); var bio2 = $('#bio2-' + uid); var email = $('#email-' + uid); var blockInfo = e.nextAll('.more-info-block').first(); $('.general-info').removeClass('selected'); e.find('.general-info').addClass('selected'); $('.more-info-block').hide(); blockInfo.find(".bio").html(bio.html()); blockInfo.find(".bio2").html(bio2.html()); blockInfo.find(".email").html(email.html()); blockInfo.find(".email-link").attr("href", "mailto:" + email.html()); blockInfo.fadeIn(); }; function closeGeneralInfo(elem) { $('.more-info-block').fadeOut(); $('.more-info-block .info-line').html(""); }; </script><section class="ct-100-nominate"> <div class="contained"> <p> <a href="" target="" class="nominate-link">Download Past Reports</a> </p> </div> </section><section class="ct-100-sectors"> <div class="contained"> <div class="page-title"> <h2>The <span>Global</span> Cleantech 100 Industry Groups</h2> <div class="title-separator"></div> <div class="sub-title">What technologies and business models will deliver a net-zero future? </div> </div> <div class="sectors"> <div class="sector "> <div class="sector-image"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Agriculture & Food</h3> <p>What will drive the transformation of agriculture and food over the next decade? Alternative proteins, crop and soil science, and biological inputs are leading the way.</p> <a href="" target="">Get The Agriculture & Food Sector Report</a> </div> <div class="sector "> <div class="sector-image"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Energy & Power</h3> <p>Strong next generation renewable companies in hydrogen, heating and cooling and energy storage reflect a plea for meaningful decarbonization across grids, throughout industries and for consumers.</p> <a href="" target="">Get The Energy & Power Sector Report</a> </div> <div class="sector "> <div class="sector-image"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Materials & Chemicals</h3> <p>Hard-to-abate industries including steel production, cement and concrete, chemicals and plastics are gaining the attention of both investors and innovators. Industrial biotech and battery materials are also gaining traction.</p> <a href="" target="">Get The Materials & Chemicals Sector Report </a> </div> <div class="sector "> <div class="sector-image"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Resources & Environmental Management</h3> <p>High demand for critical materials is catalyzing investment in mining and refining innovation, while carbon offset markets respond to a transparency crisis.</p> <a href="" target="">Get The Resources & Environmental Management Sector Report</a> </div> <div class="sector "> <div class="sector-image"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Transportation & Logistics</h3> <p>Innovation is moving away from passenger cars to capture emerging opportunities in other transport sectors and infrastructure. We also see rising innovation in supply chain technology, ev batteries and other components, fleet management and advanced air mobility.</p> <a href="" target="">Get The Transportation & Logistics Sector Report</a> </div> <div class="sector "> <div class="sector-image"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <h3>Waste & Recycling</h3> <p>2023 saw a downturn in deal amount back to pre-2021 levels — whilst deal number remained relatively static. Most sectors experienced a downturn, especially in fashion as corporates have failed to support scaling innovators.</p> <a href="" target="">Get The Waste & Recycling Sector Report</a> </div> </div> </div> </section><section class="ct-100-nominate"> <div class="contained"> <p>Become a sponsor of the Global Cleantech 100 and champion the next generation of innovators. <a href="" target="" class="nominate-link">Email for more information.</a> </p> </div> </section><section class="ct-100-insights"> <div class="contained"> <div class="page-title left"> <h2>Latest Global Cleantech <span>Perspectives</span></h2> <div class="title-separator"></div> </div> <div class="posts"> <div class="posts-latest"> <img width="640" height="360" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 200w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" /> <div class="post-details"> <h4><a href="">Next-Gen Aviation: High-Efficiency Aircraft Design and Technologies</a></h4> <p class="post-intro"><p>Aviation emissions have doubled since 1990 (barring a sharp drop in emissions during the COVID pandemic) due to increased demand for both passenger…</p> </p> <div class="post-meta"> <span class="post-date"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 5 days ago</span> <span class="post-author"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> <a href="">Nicole Cerulli</a></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="posts-other"> <ul> <li> <a class="title" href="">Alternatives to PFAS in Textiles and Agriculture</a> <div class="post-meta"> <span class="post-date"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 1 week ago</span> <span class="post-author"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> <a href="">Parker Bovee</a></span> </div> </li> <li> <a class="title" href="">The Future of Food Traceability: Cleantech Innovations</a> <div class="post-meta"> <span class="post-date"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 2 weeks ago</span> <span class="post-author"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> <a href="">Sunena Gupta</a></span> </div> </li> <li> <a class="title" href="">Recent Deals – 19 November</a> <div class="post-meta"> <span class="post-date"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 2 weeks ago</span> <span class="post-author"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> <a href="">Arianna Bernas</a></span> </div> </li> <li> <a class="title" href="">Postcard Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region</a> <div class="post-meta"> <span class="post-date"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 2 weeks ago</span> <span class="post-author"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> <a href="">Richard Youngman</a></span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section><section class="ct-100-about-cleantech bg-light"> <div class="contained"> <div class="page-title intro left"> <h2><span>About</span> Cleantech Group</h2> <div class="title-separator"></div> <p>At Cleantech Group, we provide research, consulting and events to catalyze opportunities for sustainable growth powered by innovation. We bring clients access to the trends, companies and people shaping the future and the customized advice and support businesses need to engage external innovation.</p> <p>Industries are undergoing definitive transitions toward a more digitized, de-carbonized and resource-efficient industrial future. At every stage from initial strategy to final deals, our services bring corporate change makers, investors, governments and stakeholders from across the ecosystem, the support they need to thrive in this fast-arriving and uncertain future.</p> <p>The company was established in 2002 and is headquartered in San Francisco with people based in North America, Europe, and Asia.</p> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="cleantech-helps"> <img src="" alt="Cleantech Research"> <h4>Research</h4> <p>Our analysts deliver research and briefings on the themes central to your goals.</p> <a href="" target="">Learn more about our research</a> </div> <div class="cleantech-helps"> <img src="" alt="Cleantech Consulting"> <h4>Consulting</h4> <p>We’ll help you set priorities, and determine where and how to find the partners that take you forward.</p> <a href="" target="">Learn more about our consulting</a> </div> <div class="cleantech-helps"> <img src="" alt="Cleantech global events introduce sustainable innovation to investors"> <h4>Events</h4> <p>Meet corporate change makers, investors, entrepreneurs and stakeholders from the cleantech ecosystem.</p> <a href="" target="">Learn more about our next event</a> </div> <div class="cleantech-helps"> <img src="" alt=""> <h4>Advocacy</h4> <p>Hypercollaboration and collective action and are needed to bring together all key stakeholders for climate innovation to have a transformative impact.</p> <a href="" target="">Learn more about our advocacy</a> </div> </div> </div> </section><section class="ct-100-get-report"> <div class="contained"> <div class="brand-wrapper"> <div class="content"> <h3>Get the 2024 Cleantech 100 Report Today</h3> <p>Meet the most innovative companies in cleantech.</p> <p>Gain insights trends and technologies that will take us from commitments to actions in the global sprint to net zero.</p> <a class="button button-white" href="" target="">Get The Report</a> </div> <div class="display"> <img width="380" src="" alt=""> </div> </div> <p class="subtle"> </p> </div> </section> </div><!-- close .ctg-100-page-container --> </main><!-- #main --> </div><!-- #content --> <script> $("#i3Chart").highcharts({ chart: { height: 300 } }); 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