Sustainable Development Goals & climate smart achievements
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Jan 2023 </div> <h1 class="hyphenate text-46 font-bold text-blue-dark mb-48">Sustainable Development Goals & climate smart achievements</h1> <figure class="mb-48"> <picture> <source srcset="/media/scpdjgez/fns-verdensmaal-aarhus.png?width=608&height=342&quality=90&rnd=133154018783400000 480w, /media/scpdjgez/fns-verdensmaal-aarhus.png?width=736&height=414&quality=90&rnd=133154018783400000 640w, /media/scpdjgez/fns-verdensmaal-aarhus.png?width=992&height=558&quality=90&rnd=133154018783400000 768w, /media/scpdjgez/fns-verdensmaal-aarhus.png?width=1146&height=645&quality=90&rnd=133154018783400000 1024w" /> <img src="/media/scpdjgez/fns-verdensmaal-aarhus.png?width=448&height=252&quality=90&rnd=133154018783400000" alt="Fns Verdensmål Aarhus" class="rounded aspect-16/9 object-cover" width="448" height="252" /> </picture> </figure> <p class="max-w-block-lg text-24 font-medium text-blue-dark">Social responsibility and sustainability are deeply rooted in our corporate culture and business. That is why we work to perceive the Sustainability Development Goals (SDG). Along with this we have been recognized as a Climate Smart Utility.</p> <!-- Component area --> <div class="component-area"> <div class="rich-text rich-text--simple"> <div class="content-rte"> <h2>Striving for the SDG's is part of our DNA</h2> <p>Our ambition with clean water for people and the planet requires intense focus on sustainability throughout the company and the entire production chain. We strive to perceive the UN’s Goals for a sustainable development. </p> <p>Aarhus Vand in particular focus on the following SDG's: </p> <ul> <li>6 Clean water and sanitation</li> <li>11 Sustainable cities and communities</li> <li>13 Climate action</li> <li>17 Partnerships for the goals.</li> </ul> <p class="teaser-text ">We work with these Sustainable Development Goals as it is part of our DNA.</p> </div> </div> <div class="rich-text rich-text--simple"> <h2><span>Recognized as a Climate Smart Utility in 2023</span></h2> <p>Aarhus Vand was recognized as a Climate Smart Utility<span> April 2023 by the International Water Association (IWA).</span></p> <p>A Climate Smart Utility defined by IWA is “water, wastewater, or urban drainage utilities that are improving their climate resilience while contributing to significant and sustainable reduction of carbon emissions. These utilities are public, private, or mixed companies that advocate for climate action.”</p> <p>Aarhus Vand receives this recognition for both own actions and international engagement.</p> </div> <figure class="max-w-block-lg"> <picture> <source srcset="/media/l5jfjnvv/climate-smart-utility-with-water.png?width=608&height=342&quality=90&rnd=133319019993770000 480w, /media/l5jfjnvv/climate-smart-utility-with-water.png?width=755&height=425&quality=90&rnd=133319019993770000 640w" /> <img src="/media/l5jfjnvv/climate-smart-utility-with-water.png?width=448&height=252&quality=90&rnd=133319019993770000" alt="Climate Smart Utility With Water" class="rounded aspect-16/9 object-cover" loading="lazy" width="448" height="252" /> </picture> </figure> <div class="rich-text rich-text--simple"> <h2>Our work with the SDG's</h2> <p>Marselisborg Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) - owned and operated by Aarhus Vand - is among the world's most sustainable wastewater treatment plants. Once a huge energy guzzler, the plant is now producing twice as much energy as is required to clean the wastewater from the city of Aarhus. This energy is returned to the consumers as green electricity and heating.</p> <p>Aarhus Vand also extracts phosphorus from the wastewater, which is sold and used as a recycled fertiliser. In addition to producing drinking water and handling wastewater, the water company also focusses on groundwater protection, improvement of the aquatic environment and a wide range of climate adaptation projects in the municipality. Sustainability and circular economy play a major role in everything we do, and the company has an ambition to be completely energy and CO<sup>2</sup>-neutral by 2030.</p> <h3><strong>Aarhus ReWater</strong></h3> <p>Aarhus ReWater (currently Marselisborg WWTP) will become the world’s most resource efficient wastewater treatment plant. And set new standards both nationally and internationally using state-of-the-art technology to enhance its performance. Read more about the entire process <a href="/sustainable-water-cycles/aarhus-rewater/" title="Aarhus ReWater">here</a>.</p> <h3><strong>Green solutions in urban areas</strong></h3> <p>Further, we are working with sewer separation projects, which are often conducted by establishing separate piping systems for rainwater and wastewater. In the neighbourhood of Risvangen and Vorrevangen in the city of Aarhus, however, no rainwater pipes are dug down. You can read more about this project <a href="/cases/climate-adaption/climate-adaptation-and-rainwater-management/" title="Climate adaptation and rainwater management">here</a>.</p> <h3><strong>Partnerships for innovation</strong></h3> <p>In Aarhus Vand we see partnerships as a very efficient way of creating both cheaper and better solutions. In our renewal of drainage system-partnership - we develop solutions - across the companies and competitors in our market. We think that’s the best way of achieving new innovative solutions. Read more about all our partnerships <a href="/partnerships/" title="Collaboration">here</a>.</p> </div> <div class="rich-text rich-text--simple"> <h2>Requires action and continuous follow-up</h2> <p>For each of these four global goals, Aarhus Vand has set a number of milestones, all of which require action and continuous follow-up. Norwegian Veritas has been trawling the length and breadth of the organisation in search of evidence that Aarhus Vand means business.</p> </div> <div class="max-w-block-lg"> <avds-video-embed video-id="787512095" video-provider="vimeo" video-title="Video" play-label="Spil" title="Spil: Video" class="hydrated"> </avds-video-embed> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="text-white bg-gradient-radial"> <!-- Top section --> <div class="wrapper-content pt-32 pb-48"> <div class="svg-wrapper svg-wrapper--use-current-color mt-[36px] mb-32 h-[50px] w-[166px]"> <svg preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid"><use xlink:href="#logo" /></svg> </div> <div class="flex flex-col gap-32 md:flex-row md:gap-24"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-24 md:w-3/4 md:flex-row md:gap-16"> <div class="md:w-1/3"> <div class="font-medium mb-8">About Aarhus Vand</div> <div class="text-14 space-y-8"> <div class=""> <a href="/about-us/" class="hover:underline">About us</a> </div> <div class=""> <a href="/publications/" class="hover:underline">Publications</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/3"> <div class="font-medium mb-8">Cases</div> <div class="text-14 space-y-8"> <div class=""> <a href="/cases/" class="hover:underline">Cases</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/3"> <div class="font-medium mb-8">Other</div> <div class="text-14 space-y-8"> <div class=""> <a href="/visit-us/" class="hover:underline">Visit us</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/4"> <div class="space-y-24"> <div> <div class="font-medium mb-4">Opening Hours</div> <div class="text-14">Monday - friday 08:00-15:00</div> </div> <div> <div class="font-medium mb-4">Support</div> <div class="text-14"> Phone number +45 89 47 10 00<br> <a href="" class="underline"></a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="font-medium mb-4">24/7 Support</div> <div class="text-14"> Phone number +45 89 47 10 00<br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Bottom section --> <div class="bg-blue-dark py-24"> <div class="wrapper-content flex flex-col justify-between gap-16 text-14 md:items-center lg:flex-row"> <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-y-8 gap-x-32"> <div class=""> <a href="/about-us/privacy-policy/" class="underline transition hover:text-white/70"> Privacy Policy </a> </div> </div> <div class="font-medium">Hasselager Allé 29, 8260 Viby J, Denmark</div> <ul class="flex gap-16"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="linkedin" class="transition hover:text-white/70"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#linkedin" /> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="youtube" class="transition hover:text-white/70"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#youtube" /> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </footer> <avds-newsletter-signup list-id="76a584d7f3c4d052ef8e598fceb08284" terms-url="/about-us/privacy-policy/" label-title="International newsletter" label-description="Sign up for our newsletter and get the latest news within managing the entire water cycle 2-3 times per year." label-name="Name" label-email="E-mail" label-terms="I agree to be emailed" label-terms-link="Privacy Policy" label-submit="Sign up" label-close="Close" label-success-message="Thank you for signing up to our international newsletter! 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