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lg:grid-cols-4"> <a href="/cases/living-lab/grundfos-and-aarhus-vand-gather-user-experiences-with-intelligent-software/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/lw3ixjxg/gua-og-frank.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133758898660030000" alt="GUA Og Frank" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Grundfos and Aarhus Vand gather important user experiences with intelligent software</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">For the past 1&#xBD; years, Grundfos has been testing a software product in Aarhus Vand&#x27;s innovation environment, Water Living Lab. Hands-on experience has great value for Grundfos&#x27; own dialogue with customers, and Aarhus Vand has gained knowledge about intelligent software.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">12. Nov 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/living-lab/water-living-lab-an-interdisciplinary-knowledge-and-innovation-environment/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/zjtgluyv/vand_jordklode_textvisual.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133153134650530000" alt="Vand Jordklode Textvisual" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Water Living Lab - an interdisciplinary knowledge and innovation environment</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">14 business partners have joined together in an EU project to create &quot;Water Living Lab&quot; - an interdisciplinary knowledge and innovation environment that provides the opportunity to develop, test and demonstrate water technology solutions that support a sustainable and resource-conscious supply.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">23. Oct 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/groundwater-protection/rector-from-ghana-water-institute-was-trained-in-finding-leaks-on-the-leak-detection-field/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/ofqbj3e1/laekage-video.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133711363798300000" alt="L&#xE6;kage Video" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Rector from Ghana Water Institute was trained in finding leaks on the leak detection field</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">The rector and a group of educators from Ghana Water Institute received instructions in pipe and leakage detection on Aarhus Vand&#x27;s new leak detection field. They became more adept at using equipment which they can use to proactively search for leaks and thus reduce water loss.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">18. Sep 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/joint-ventures/heypipe/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/ir3fb1ty/heypipe-3d-illustration.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133709633976700000" alt="Heypipe 3D Illustration" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">HeyPipe provides a detailed insight into critical underground infrastructure</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">HeyPipe&#x2122; is a new digital platform that across all supply types gives unique 3D documentation of the underground infrastructure. Aarhus Vand has founded the company in order to receive better and more valid data.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">05. Sep 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/energy-optimization/ares/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/dcdfxrjm/egaa-renseanlaeg-l.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133667985815630000" alt="Eg&#xE5; Renseanl&#xE6;g L" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">ARES - Active Reduction of Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">An important step towards a CO2 neutral water sector is to gain more knowledge about how we measure and reduce greenhouse gases. Supported by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the ARES project, aims to uncover new knowledge about the two greenhouse gases methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in sewer systems and at wastewater treatment plants.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">13. Aug 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/climate-adaption/waterun/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/zkpbkau3/waterun_risvangen_vejbed.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133674005944970000" alt="WATERUN Risvangen Vejbed" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">WATERUN - Sustainable urban water management</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">Aarhus Vand has joined the Horizon Europe project, WATERUN, to improve the knowledge on stormwater quality in Aarhus and the cleansing effect of green infrastructures. With more than 10 years of experience in establishing and operating blue/green infrastructure, we look forward to becoming wiser on the cleansing effect of open storm water solutions.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">09. Aug 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/ssc/south-africa-pump-tests-of-boreholes/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/zwjp1o3x/sydafrika-vandboring.png?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133639469018800000" alt="Sydafrika Vandboring" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Pump test of boreholes in South Africa showed good results</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">A group of drinking water experts from Aarhus Vand performed pump tests of existing boreholes in the city of Tshwane in South Africa. Several of the boreholes showed high performance and they seem to have more capacity which could potentially reduce the city&#x2019;s import of drinking water. </div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">27. Jun 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/leak-detection-field/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/fuynqwbq/laekagebane-med-model.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133598171415770000" alt="L&#xE6;kagebane Med Model" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Leak detection field</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">Aarhus Vand has established a leak detection field. Water operators can train and become educated in finding leaks in water pipes. The field also works as a test and demonstration of Danish water technology. </div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">04. Jun 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/ssc/tema-ghana/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/nw0k53uf/drikkevand_ghana_tema.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133361313687500000" alt="Drikkevand Ghana Tema" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Ghana reduces water losses through cooperation with Aarhus Vand</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">In 2019, together with Aarhus Municipality, we initiated a project to create improvements in the water area in the Ghanaian port city of Tema. The cooperation aims to ensure better handling of wastewater and reduction of water losses for the benefit of health and the environment.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">31. May 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/ssc/udaipur-india/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/kqmfa1c4/udaipurindien.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133154972133130000" alt="Udaipurindien" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Udaipur, India</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">In 2016, we entered into a Strategic Sector Cooperation with Aarhus Municipality and the city of Udaipur in India about development on the infrastructure of their water sector. The three Strategic Sector Cooperations have recently been renewed for four more years with a new grant of 56 million DKK.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">31. May 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/ssc/tshwane-south-africa/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/z1jad4w5/m-aeldre.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133437467508970000" alt="Procestr&#xE6;ningsydafrika" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">South Africa gains knowledge on wastewater treatment processes and reduction of water loss</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">In Denmark, we use approx. 100 liters of water per inhabitant per day &#x2013; in South Africa the figure is 270 liters. Water loss is the explanation for the large water consumption. Since 2017, Aarhus has cooperated with the city of Tshwane in South Africa transferring knowledge on drinking water and wastewater management. </div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">08. Feb 2024</div> </a> <a href="/cases/smart-cities/wastewater-challenges-in-south-africa/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/urkfalg5/wwchallenges_videohero.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133464310498300000" alt="Wwchallenges Videohero" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Aarhus takes on wastewater challenges in South Africa to reduce water pollution</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">Poor wastewater management is causing both environmental damage and health risks for the people of South Africa. To help optimize the wastewater management, Aarhus Vand and Aarhus Municipality have joined forces with City of Tshwane in a Strategic Sector Cooperation for a more water resilient city.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">11. Dec 2023</div> </a> <a href="/cases/smart-cities/water-loss-reduced-by-8-in-tema-city-in-ghana/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/nw0k53uf/drikkevand_ghana_tema.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133361313687500000" alt="Drikkevand Ghana Tema" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Water loss reduced by 8% in Tema city in Ghana</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">Ghana Water has reduced their water loss by 8% in the city of Tema. Technology and knowledge of leak detection has been transferred from Aarhus Vand to Tema. The gains are that employees working with water in Tema are able to actively detect and repair leaks now.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">10. Aug 2023</div> </a> <a href="/cases/ssc/digitalization-of-sewage-plan-tema-ghana/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/gk5ayldp/buckman-ghana-gis-case.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133325122126530000" alt="Buckman Ghana GIS Case" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Digitalization of sewage plan benefits the environment in Tema city in Ghana</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">Managing the sewage system in the city of Tema in Ghana previously relied on a plan on physical paper. Through the cooperation with Aarhus Vand a digitalized plan in the shape of an app has been developed enabling quick updates on data.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">29. Jun 2023</div> </a> <a href="/cases/joint-ventures/utilizero/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/envpauyz/marselisborg-renseanlaeg.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133299951371070000" alt="Marselisborg Renseanl&#xE6;g" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Utilizero - reducing carbon emissions and energy usage</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">The new company Utilizero is a partnership between Aarhus Vand and DHI. It has been established to help utilities reduce carbon emissions and energy usage at wastewater treatment facilities from the solid experiences and solutions for automated process management, we have here in Denmark.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">31. May 2023</div> </a> <a href="/cases/groundwater-protection/high-quality-drinking-water-requies-protection/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/eebbwywi/sproejtefri-kampagne-large.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133166220644930000" alt="Spr&#xF8;jtefri Kampagne Large" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">High-quality drinking water requies protection</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">Aarhus Vand supplies drinking water of the best quality merely by filtering and aerating the water on its way to the citizens&#x2019; taps. However, we can only do this because we think ahead and always take the groundwater into consideration.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">17. Feb 2023</div> </a> <a href="/cases/climate-adaption/climate-adaptation-and-rainwater-management/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/qwepy1tu/regnvandbed_risskov_large_aarhusvand.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133152464309670000" alt="Regnvandbed Risskov Large Aarhusvand" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Climate adaptation and rainwater management</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">Increasing rainfall means that pipe capacity is too small in many places, with excess water &#x2013; a hazardous mixture of wastewater and rainwater &#x2013; flowing into lakes, streams or sea untreated. The excess water also causes flooding of cellars, roads and green areas. In other words, we lack space in our sewer system, and Aarhus Vand is doing something about this by seeing surface water as a valuable resource.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">26. Jan 2023</div> </a> <a href="/cases/groundwater-protection/urban-water-loss-down-to-6/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/ivrbbtix/pumpestation_drikkevant_art_large.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133152591105730000" alt="Pumpestation Drikkevant ART Large" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Urban water loss is down to 6 %</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">The United Nations expect that the world will use up to 40 percent more water in 2025 than in 2015. At Aarhus Vand we use asset management to reduce water loss.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">14. Sep 2022</div> </a> <a href="/cases/energy-optimization/marselisborg-wwtp/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/1s3n4gux/mars_lystbaadhavn_large.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133152591109470000" alt="Mars Lystb&#xE5;dhavn Large" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Marselisborg WWTP - turning wastewater into green energy</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">At traditional wastewater treatment plants, the energy produced is nowhere near enough to cover the operation of the plant. In Aarhus it is. Marselisborg WWTP has an energy self-sufficient far above 100 percent and the plant is in fact a power station, a bio refinery where energy is produced from wastewater.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">18. Jun 2022</div> </a> <a href="/cases/joint-ventures/dryp/" class="group group relative grid h-[338px] overflow-hidden rounded shadow"> <picture class="absolute inset-0"> <img src="/media/1n1jrehu/drypsensor.jpg?width=264&amp;height=338&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133362089912230000" alt="Dryp Sensor" class="rounded object-cover" loading="lazy" width="264" height="338"> </picture> <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 group-hover:to-black/80"></div> <div class="relative top-[138px] flex flex-col p-16 text-white transition-all group-hover:top-0"> <div class="mb-16"> <div class="inline-flex rounded bg-gray-3 py-4 px-8 text-14 text-blue-dark">Case</div> </div> <div class="mb-8 text-18 font-bold"> <h3 class="line-clamp-4">Dryp - monitoring water infrastructure in real-time</h3> </div> <div class="relative h-0 text-14 opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:h-full group-hover:opacity-100"> <div class="line-clamp-6">At Aarhus Vand we are very engaged in business creation and how to improve areas within the field of water supply. Therefore, we created the company DRYP together with MONTEM.</div> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-16"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute bottom-16 left-16 text-12 text-white">04. May 2022</div> </a> </div> <div class="flex justify-center"> <nav class="flex items-center gap-16"> <a href="" class="invisible flex items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-white p-12 text-blue-dark shadow-lg"> <span class="sr-only">[Pagination - Previous]</span> <svg class="h-16 w-16"> <use class="" xlink:href="#chevron-left" /> </svg> </a> <div class="text-gray-dark2 font-extralight hidden gap-16 text-16 md:flex"> <a href="" class="inline-flex items-center text-blue-dark underline" aria-current="page">1</a> <a href="" class="inline-flex items-center hover:underline">2</a> </div> <a href="" class=" flex items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-white p-12 text-blue-dark shadow-lg"> <span class="sr-only">[Pagination - Next]</span> <svg class="h-16 w-16"> <use class="" xlink:href="#chevron-right" /> </svg> </a> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Component area --> <div> </div> </div> <footer class="text-white bg-gradient-radial"> <!-- Top section --> <div class="wrapper-content pt-32 pb-48"> <div class="svg-wrapper svg-wrapper--use-current-color mt-[36px] mb-32 h-[50px] w-[166px]"> <svg preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid"><use xlink:href="#logo" /></svg> </div> <div class="flex flex-col gap-32 md:flex-row md:gap-24"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-24 md:w-3/4 md:flex-row md:gap-16"> <div class="md:w-1/3"> <div class="font-medium mb-8">About Aarhus Vand</div> <div class="text-14 space-y-8"> <div class=""> <a href="/about-us/" class="hover:underline">About us</a> </div> <div class=""> <a href="/publications/" class="hover:underline">Publications</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/3"> <div class="font-medium mb-8">Cases</div> <div class="text-14 space-y-8"> <div class=""> <a href="/cases/" class="hover:underline">Cases</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/3"> <div class="font-medium mb-8">Other</div> <div class="text-14 space-y-8"> <div class=""> <a href="/visit-us/" class="hover:underline">Visit us</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/4"> <div class="space-y-24"> <div> <div class="font-medium mb-4">Opening Hours</div> <div class="text-14">Monday - friday 08:00-15:00</div> </div> <div> <div class="font-medium mb-4">Support</div> <div class="text-14"> Phone number &#x2B;45 89 47 10 00<br> <a href="" class="underline"></a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="font-medium mb-4">24/7 Support</div> <div class="text-14"> Phone number &#x2B;45 89 47 10 00<br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Bottom section --> <div class="bg-blue-dark py-24"> <div class="wrapper-content flex flex-col justify-between gap-16 text-14 md:items-center lg:flex-row"> <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-y-8 gap-x-32"> <div class=""> <a href="/about-us/privacy-policy/" class="underline transition hover:text-white/70"> Privacy Policy </a> </div> </div> <div class="font-medium">Hasselager All&#xE9; 29, 8260 Viby J, Denmark</div> <ul class="flex gap-16"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="linkedin" class="transition hover:text-white/70"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#linkedin" /> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="youtube" class="transition hover:text-white/70"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#youtube" /> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </footer> <avds-newsletter-signup list-id="76a584d7f3c4d052ef8e598fceb08284" terms-url="/about-us/privacy-policy/" label-title="International newsletter" label-description="Sign up for our newsletter and get the latest news within managing the entire water cycle 2-3 times per year." label-name="Name" label-email="E-mail" label-terms="I agree to be emailed" label-terms-link="Privacy Policy" label-submit="Sign up" label-close="Close" label-success-message="Thank you for signing up to our international newsletter! 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