Critics at Large | The New Yorker

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Every Thursday, the staff writers Vinson Cunningham, Naomi Fry, and Alexandra Schwartz discuss current obsessions, classic texts they’re revisiting with fresh eyes, and trends that are emerging across books, television, film, and"> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@ChartableDotCom"> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Critics at Large | The New Yorker"> <meta name="twitter:description" content=" &lt;p&gt;Critics at Large is a weekly culture podcast from The New Yorker. Every Thursday, the staff writers Vinson Cunningham, Naomi Fry, and Alexandra Schwartz discuss current obsessions, classic texts they’re revisiting with fresh eyes, and trends that are emerging across books, television, film, and more. The show runs the gamut of the arts and pop culture, with lively, surprising conversations about everything from Salman Rushdie to “The Real Housewives.” Through rigorous analysis and behind-the-scenes insights into The New Yorker’s reporting, the magazine’s critics help listeners make sense of our moment—and how we got here.&lt;/p&gt; "> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/assets/chartable-favicon-147fa2a780e77ea3bc97719e343e8d733b2e8487f7c8a78b3d496aae5555dd05.png" /> <meta name="csrf-param" content="authenticity_token" /> <meta name="csrf-token" content="SvyPGyhq0cNQAKooa4p72VJhenHANDwcX/mYYLa/a+mDgmK7tnDrl97uLVRvLiw9tUslWp9jBejk+x+FHqC5zg==" /> <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/assets/application-e6e1be4b0c45d8370f449baa0ce082ab5ebb54dca77b6f98a462fff73a0e4037.css" /> <link href='' rel='preconnect'> <script src="/assets/application-e14f81bc94951128bb2d2dc4f233fd48cdc83e337ef2a6de694aeb11401a7c70.js"></script> <link href='//' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href='|Open+Sans&amp;display=swap' rel='stylesheet'><link href=';600;700&amp;display=swap' rel='stylesheet'><script src=''></script> </head> <body style='background: #FFFFFF'> <div class='w-100 flex justify-center' style='background: #FFFFFF'> <div class='content-container inline-flex w7' style='gap: 2rem;'> <div> <img class="br4 cover-art" src="" /> <div class='tc h2 mb2 current-episode-title ph2 mt4 f3 b' style='color: #333333; 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font-family: Inter, sans-serif;'> <span class='description'> Critics at Large is a weekly culture podcast from The New Yorker. Every Thursday, the staff writers Vinson Cunningham, Naomi Fry, and Alexandra Schwartz discuss current obsessions, classic texts they’re revisiting with fresh eyes, and trends that are emerging across books, television, film, and more. The show runs the gamut of the arts and pop culture, with lively, surprising conversations about everything from Salman Rushdie to “The Real Housewives.” Through rigorous analysis and behind-the-scenes insights into The New Yorker’s reporting, the magazine’s critics help listeners make sense of our moment—and how we got here. </span> <span class='link pointer dn no-underline text-button o-70' style='color: #333333'>Show more</span> <div class='mt5 f6 fw-700 o-80 lh-title tl-ns ttu tracked link-header web' style='color: #333333; font-family: Inter'>Episodes</div> <div class='episode-feed-container web' style='color: #333333'></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='f7 tc w-100 o-70 mt5 out-links pb5' style='color: #333333'> <div class='pb4'> Powered by <a class="link underline" style="color: inherit" href="">Chartable SmartLinks</a> &middot; <a class="link" style="color: inherit" href="">Privacy &amp; Terms</a> </div> </div> <div class='w-100 fixed bottom-0 mobile-player'> <div class='maximized-content' style='display: none;'> <div class='w-100 flex justify-center pt2 pointer minimize-button' style='height: 60px'> <div class='bg-moon-gray w2 br3' style='width: 40px; 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Screen recordings of the kids’ social-media use reveal how these platforms have reshaped their experience of the world in alarming ways. On this episode of Critics at Large, Vinson Cunningham, Naomi Fry, and Alexandra Schwartz discuss how the show paints a vivid, empathetic portrait of modern adolescence while also tapping into the long tradition of fretting about what the youths of the day are up to. The hosts consider moral panics throughout history, from the 1971 book “Go Ask Alice,” which was first marketed as the true story of a drug-addicted girl’s downfall in a bid to scare kids straight, to the hand-wringing that surrounded trends like rock and roll and the postwar comic-book craze. Anxieties around social-media use, by contrast, are warranted. Mounting research shows how screen time correlates with spikes in depression, loneliness, and suicide among teens. It’s a problem that has come to define all our lives, not just those of the youth. “This whole crust of society—people joining trade unions and other kinds of things, lodges and guilds, having hobbies,” Cunningham says, “that layer of society is shrinking. And parallel to our crusade against the ills of social media is, how do we rebuild that sector of society?” \n\nRead, watch, and listen with the critics:\n\n“Social Studies” (2024)\n“Into the Phones of Teens,” by Naomi Fry (The New Yorker)\n“Generation Wealth” (2018)\nMarilyn Manson\n“Reviving Ophelia,” by Mary Pipher\n“Go Ask Alice,” by Beatrice Sparks\n“Forrest Gump” (1994)\n“The Rules of Attraction,” by Bret Easton Ellis\n“Less Than Zero,” by Bret Easton Ellis\n“The Sorrows of Young Werther,” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe\n“Seduction of the Innocent,” by Fredric Wertham\n“Has Social Media Fuelled a Teen-Suicide Crisis?,” by Andrew Solomon (The New Yorker)\n“The Anxious Generation,” by Jonathan Haidt\n“Bowling Alone,” by Robert D. Putnam\n\nNew episodes drop every Thursday. Follow Critics at Large wherever you get your podcasts.","url":"","published_at":"2024-11-21T11:00:00.000Z"}) !== JSON.stringify({})) { currentEpisode = {"cid":"d8203bd9-d95d-44cd-a1d2-57e4afdc308f","id":197766169,"title":"Will Kids Online, In Fact, Be All Right?","description":"In her new FX docuseries “Social Studies,” the artist and filmmaker Lauren Greenfield delves into the post-pandemic lives—and phones—of a group of L.A. teens. Screen recordings of the kids’ social-media use reveal how these platforms have reshaped their experience of the world in alarming ways. On this episode of Critics at Large, Vinson Cunningham, Naomi Fry, and Alexandra Schwartz discuss how the show paints a vivid, empathetic portrait of modern adolescence while also tapping into the long tradition of fretting about what the youths of the day are up to. The hosts consider moral panics throughout history, from the 1971 book “Go Ask Alice,” which was first marketed as the true story of a drug-addicted girl’s downfall in a bid to scare kids straight, to the hand-wringing that surrounded trends like rock and roll and the postwar comic-book craze. Anxieties around social-media use, by contrast, are warranted. Mounting research shows how screen time correlates with spikes in depression, loneliness, and suicide among teens. It’s a problem that has come to define all our lives, not just those of the youth. “This whole crust of society—people joining trade unions and other kinds of things, lodges and guilds, having hobbies,” Cunningham says, “that layer of society is shrinking. And parallel to our crusade against the ills of social media is, how do we rebuild that sector of society?” \n\nRead, watch, and listen with the critics:\n\n“Social Studies” (2024)\n“Into the Phones of Teens,” by Naomi Fry (The New Yorker)\n“Generation Wealth” (2018)\nMarilyn Manson\n“Reviving Ophelia,” by Mary Pipher\n“Go Ask Alice,” by Beatrice Sparks\n“Forrest Gump” (1994)\n“The Rules of Attraction,” by Bret Easton Ellis\n“Less Than Zero,” by Bret Easton Ellis\n“The Sorrows of Young Werther,” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe\n“Seduction of the Innocent,” by Fredric Wertham\n“Has Social Media Fuelled a Teen-Suicide Crisis?,” by Andrew Solomon (The New Yorker)\n“The Anxious Generation,” by Jonathan Haidt\n“Bowling Alone,” by Robert D. Putnam\n\nNew episodes drop every Thursday. Follow Critics at Large wherever you get your podcasts.","url":"","published_at":"2024-11-21T11:00:00.000Z"}; } let currentEpisodeTitleLabel = document.querySelector('.current-episode-title'); let currentEpisodeTitleLabel2 = document.querySelector('.current-episode-title-2'); let currentEpisodeTitleLabel3 = document.querySelector('.current-episode-title-3'); let currentEpisodeDescriptionLabel = document.querySelector('.current-episode-description'); let descriptionContainer = document.querySelector('.description-container'); function setEpisode(newEpisode) { if (newEpisode) { currentEpisodeTitleLabel.innerText = newEpisode.title; currentEpisodeTitleLabel2.innerText = newEpisode.title; currentEpisodeTitleLabel3.innerText = newEpisode.title; if (newEpisode.description) { = "block"; currentEpisodeDescriptionLabel.innerText = newEpisode.description; } else { = "none"; } player.src = encodeURI(newEpisode.url); currentEpisode = newEpisode; } } // MARK - Episode feed var loadMoreButton = document.createElement("div"); loadMoreButton.classList = `br2 pa2 f5 ba tc pointer dim mw4 mt4 center ${lightMode ? 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