Questions : evolution package : Ubuntu

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lang="en" dir="ltr" title="When I view an encrypted mail, which was sent and encrypt with the public from recipient, then evolution show the message: S/MIME-message could not analyzed: Cannot decrypt: you are not a recipient, or matching certificate and private key not found. (-8147) - Decoding process failed In the pa..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">708662</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/708662">Can't decrypt sent mail in evolution</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2023-12-08 13:54:09 UTC</span> <time title="2023-12-08 13:54:09 UTC" datetime="2023-12-08T13:54:09.405895+00:00">2023-12-08</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Sven Dörflinger</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I have an MBOX file and I want to know the solution to open an MBOX file in Evolution Mail. "> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">708616</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/708616">How to Open MBOX file in Evolution Mail?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2023-12-04 07:12:00 UTC</span> <time title="2023-12-04 07:12:00 UTC" datetime="2023-12-04T07:12:00.746351+00:00">2023-12-04</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">parkerpetar</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I cannot install evolution-indicator after running sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y evolution-indicator I get Unable to locate package evolution-indicator"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">702068</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/702068">Ubuntu 22.04 cannot install evolution-indicator</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2022-06-05 07:48:21 UTC</span> <time title="2022-06-05 07:48:21 UTC" datetime="2022-06-05T07:48:21.597551+00:00">2022-06-05</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">vastourl</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="When using a dark theme in Jammy (22.04) beta, Evolution will display a dark background with black text for HTML emails in the message preview. Previously in Impish, the background was white with dark text. This only occurs when using a dark theme, If you use a light theme, the background of th..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">701367</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/701367">Evolution dark background in HTML message (Jammy 22.04)</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2022-04-15 22:19:53 UTC</span> <time title="2022-04-15 22:19:53 UTC" datetime="2022-04-15T22:19:53.198891+00:00">2022-04-15</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Gavin Graham</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title=" The current version (focal) 3.36.5 claims that it uses the wrong Google APIs &lt;&lt; Failed to connect address book “Google : &lt;email address hidden&gt;” Invalid request URI or header, or unsupported nonstandard parameter: Contacts API is being deprecated. Migrate to People API to retain programmatic a..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">699002</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/699002">Current Evolution Mail version starts to complain about outdated Google APIs</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2021-10-07 15:01:03 UTC</span> <time title="2021-10-07 15:01:03 UTC" datetime="2021-10-07T15:01:03.837054+00:00">2021-10-07</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Thomas R</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Hi all, I have an older iMac that I want to completly convert into an Ubuntu computer * format the disk * install Ubuntu I only found description about installing a parallel OS. I want to erase Mac OS run run only Ubuntu ... Can anyone help? Thanks a lot in advance cheers"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">694213</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/694213">convert complete iMAC into ubuntu OS</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2020-11-27 11:40:31 UTC</span> <time title="2020-11-27 11:40:31 UTC" datetime="2020-11-27T11:40:31.988406+00:00">2020-11-27</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Kalle Hoening</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="THERE ARE 120 PEOPLE WHO THIS IS SENT TO AND NOT ONE OF YOU CAN HELP? JEEZ, WHAT A WASTE. THANKS A*S-HOLES. I now have 21 e-mails that are not being sent for a multiple of reasons (though the send tp addresses ARE valid, I've used them on another computer). There is now a long list of unsent m..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">665761</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/665761">What folder in File System (Mate 16.4) is the unsent mail held in? It's now up to 21 unsent</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2018-03-17 11:27:03 UTC</span> <time title="2018-03-17 11:27:03 UTC" datetime="2018-03-17T11:27:03.300723+00:00">2018-03-17</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">ernie menzies</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Where is the certificate store located in evolution 3.22.1 /Ubuntu 16.10 ? Whenever I try to import my S/MIME certificate to Evolotion it asks me for a password for the &quot;NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services&quot; I guess the certificate store is not initialised. But have no idea how o do it."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">404502</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/404502">Evolution Certificate Store</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2016-11-29 16:56:59 UTC</span> <time title="2016-11-29 16:56:59 UTC" datetime="2016-11-29T16:56:59.619640+00:00">2016-11-29</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Markus Gonaus</a></td> <td> <a href="" class="sprite person-inactive">Rahmadani bayu aji</a> </td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I want to upgrade Evolution client from to 3.20.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial. How can I do that. The launchpad has only Appreciate your help, ... Dario"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">320061</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/320061">Evolution from to 3.20.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2016-08-03 19:48:50 UTC</span> <time title="2016-08-03 19:48:50 UTC" datetime="2016-08-03T19:48:50.818617+00:00">2016-08-03</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">XMLDeveloper</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I have created an account on GMAIL IMAP evolution and I have met with two inbox, the normal inbox of evolution and within a [GMAIL] folder a subfolder called &quot;ALL&quot; where all emails arrive. Until last Saturday I came all the default inbox of evolution, and that [GMAIL] folder does not exist. Yest..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">273280</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/273280">GMAIL all mail folders - Two inbox?? 3.16.5</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-10-28 07:53:27 UTC</span> <time title="2015-10-28 07:53:27 UTC" datetime="2015-10-28T07:53:27.038949+00:00">2015-10-28</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Javier Antonio Nisa Avila</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Why notWhy is frozen in version 3.16.5 when it is as stable 3.18.1. The changes between the two versions are many. We are far behind. Is there any solution to have a more updated version but I continue to update the ubuntu channel. Or I have to wait for the 16.04 ?? Thank you."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">272466</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/272466">evolution 3.18 not in 15.10</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-10-15 14:04:51 UTC</span> <time title="2015-10-15 14:04:51 UTC" datetime="2015-10-15T14:04:51.228706+00:00">2015-10-15</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Javier Antonio Nisa Avila</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="It has been a long time since I used UBUNTU and I am loading the 15.04 system for a dear friend on a new computer. Seems my learning curve wraps around distant planets but anyway. I need to convert an Outlook pst file to the mbox format so I can transfer it to the UBUNTU system - but I am easily..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">270591</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/270591">I screwed up choice of email app</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-08-20 14:46:37 UTC</span> <time title="2015-08-20 14:46:37 UTC" datetime="2015-08-20T14:46:37.743307+00:00">2015-08-20</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">MIKE</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Comcast/Xfinity is pushing us to go to IMAP instead of POP, so trying to do this. Keep getting a message from evolution about disconnecting on a ping. Want to know if this indicates a real problem or is just an artifact of incompatibility between ubuntu evolution and comcast/xf..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">268423</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/268423">evolution imap with comcast</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-06-22 12:26:30 UTC</span> <time title="2015-06-22 12:26:30 UTC" datetime="2015-06-22T12:26:30.567506+00:00">2015-06-22</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Phil Norisez</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I upgrade to 15.04 and Evolution disapeared from my system. I have tried to install it again, with the following result. Grateful for any help. nigel@nigel-Galago-UltraPro:~$ sudo apt-get install evolution Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">266139</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/266139">Cannot install Evolution after 15.04 Upgrade</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-04-30 02:46:03 UTC</span> <time title="2015-04-30 02:46:03 UTC" datetime="2015-04-30T02:46:03.046484+00:00">2015-04-30</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Merlinpilot</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I have a workstation that has several User Accounts, each with their own Outlook/email account. I tried using &quot;Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders Backup tool&quot; to back up pst files for each user but it works only for one user. When I log in as another user I cant use the tool. How do I configur..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">265467</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/265467">How to configure "Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders Backup tool" for XP Pro Multi User Accounts with seperate Outlook/email accounts ?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-04-19 13:28:23 UTC</span> <time title="2015-04-19 13:28:23 UTC" datetime="2015-04-19T13:28:23.503140+00:00">2015-04-19</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">RogerPar</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I am attempting to set up a localhost only system. The email is formated by Evolution and sent to a file on my computer - it is not actually sent to the internet by Evolution. My Sending Email properties are: Server Type: SMTP Server : localhost ..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">265020</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/265020">cannot send mail- could not connect to localhost</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-04-11 22:07:02 UTC</span> <time title="2015-04-11 22:07:02 UTC" datetime="2015-04-11T22:07:02.472985+00:00">2015-04-11</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">gcsjr</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I think it'd be useful to search a single email (received and writing one) for text which then gets highlighted and you can jump between the single matching parts of the text like in a text editor."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">264218</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/264218">Search Text in Emails</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-03-27 01:37:09 UTC</span> <time title="2015-03-27 01:37:09 UTC" datetime="2015-03-27T01:37:09.753793+00:00">2015-03-27</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Christoph Michelbach</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I should like to include some hidden text in an HTML email, with a &quot;Click to show&quot; link to reveal it. I have tried various things (generally involving Javascript) gleaned from the internet, using the HTML docment editor in LibreOffice and then inserting the HTML file into the mail I am composing..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">263910</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/263910">"Click to show" text</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-03-20 12:22:27 UTC</span> <time title="2015-03-20 12:22:27 UTC" datetime="2015-03-20T12:22:27.402694+00:00">2015-03-20</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">DavidS</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I'm trying to set up a GMail-hosted IMAP account in Evolution 3.2.3 where I already have a working iCloud IMAP account. When I try to open the folders list, Evo spins for a bit and then tells me &quot;You must be working online to complete this operation.&quot; When I try to &quot;Receive&quot; on the GMail account,..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">262169</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/262169">Can't log in to GMail IMAP; insists I'm offline</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-02-15 20:47:17 UTC</span> <time title="2015-02-15 20:47:17 UTC" datetime="2015-02-15T20:47:17.311278+00:00">2015-02-15</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Dave Corbett</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="How do I install the stable version of 3.12 on ubuntu 14.04? I deleted my evolution install by this sudo -apt-get remove evolution when i do this install command it automatically installs evolution 3.13.7 - but i only need the stable version of 3.12 sudo -apt-get install evolution gives me 3.1..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">260322</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/260322">install evolution 3.12 on ubuntu 14.04</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2015-01-08 06:20:57 UTC</span> <time title="2015-01-08 06:20:57 UTC" datetime="2015-01-08T06:20:57.863227+00:00">2015-01-08</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Anbu</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I'm very new to ubuntu - never used it before. I'm trying to update my current evolution email from 3.10 to the newest stable release of 3.12.7. From the website I've downloaded the tar.xz file and how do I install this on my laptop? Read a lot on the internet without much success. Any help wo..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">259545</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/259545">Install evolution on Ubuntu</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-12-23 19:50:24 UTC</span> <time title="2014-12-23 19:50:24 UTC" datetime="2014-12-23T19:50:24.687932+00:00">2014-12-23</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Anbu</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I use evolution in Ubuntu to handle all my mail/calendar/tasks/contacts. really pleased with this application. My allowed storage on my e-mail host is now getting near to the limit. There's a lot of e-mails with embedded photos in. I want to keep the emails themselves but delete the images. ..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">258907</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/258907">Can I detach embedded images in evolution e-mails</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-12-10 21:50:10 UTC</span> <time title="2014-12-10 21:50:10 UTC" datetime="2014-12-10T21:50:10.180108+00:00">2014-12-10</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Chris Rogers</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Hi, I recently installed evolution 3.13.2, when I opened the program I was advised via a message to rather install 3.12 as 3.13 still had a few bugs and issues. can someone please post the terminal commands i need to install Evolution 3.12 on Trust 14.04 Thanks Glen"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">255751</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/255751">Evolution 3.12</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-10-15 09:02:05 UTC</span> <time title="2014-10-15 09:02:05 UTC" datetime="2014-10-15T09:02:05.484576+00:00">2014-10-15</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Glen Wienand</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Will the Trusty Tahr repository ever get an Evolution update to 3.12.4-0ubuntu1 (or higher), or will it be stuck on 3.10.4-0ubuntu1?"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">252042</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/252042">Trusty Tahr repository - Evolution upgrade?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-07-22 23:49:25 UTC</span> <time title="2014-07-22 23:49:25 UTC" datetime="2014-07-22T23:49:25.484870+00:00">2014-07-22</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Aang</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Hi, using evolution 3.2.3 on Ubuntu 12.04 long time without problems. Since about 3 weeks ago, almost every time I start evolution it hangs under &quot;Retrieving POP message X&quot; alt. &quot;Fetching mail&quot; and I can't stop the retrieving/fetching (Cancel) or even shut down/quit evolution. How can I get info..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">251478</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/251478">Retrieving POP message X, and hangs...</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-07-10 17:13:11 UTC</span> <time title="2014-07-10 17:13:11 UTC" datetime="2014-07-10T17:13:11.029389+00:00">2014-07-10</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Ernst J.</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="i want to migrate some account from outlook but i cant find any option in evolution than can let me share my calendar with other users"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">250344</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/250344">evolution share calendar exchance</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-06-17 01:53:39 UTC</span> <time title="2014-06-17 01:53:39 UTC" datetime="2014-06-17T01:53:39.573359+00:00">2014-06-17</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">juan carlos bello</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I cannot receive any emails, nor open any existing emails. Every time I open Evolution it says 'generating message list' and 'checking folder consistency', nothing comes up and no old emails show in the inbox. This then times out and I get &quot;Error whilst generating message list&quot; and 'disk l/o erro..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">248834</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/248834">Email frozen</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-05-18 03:25:20 UTC</span> <time title="2014-05-18 03:25:20 UTC" datetime="2014-05-18T03:25:20.334379+00:00">2014-05-18</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">sally-ann barbera</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I noted since my upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 when using evolution that faces/avatars/images started showing up from some mailing list senders in the header summary. I did some investigating which led me to the face plugin, which as I understand implements the face/xface header. As per https:/..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">248695</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/248695">evolution face plugin</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-05-15 00:47:29 UTC</span> <time title="2014-05-15 00:47:29 UTC" datetime="2014-05-15T00:47:29.604970+00:00">2014-05-15</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">bobloblian</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Evolution sends mail ok but gives an error report: &quot;Failed to append to mbox:///home/nnn/.local/share/evolution/mail/local#Sent: Invalid folder URI 'mbox:///home/nnn/.local/share/evolution/mail/local#Sent' What does this mean and what should I do about it please?"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">246684</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/246684">Evolution error report ""Failed to append to mbox:///home ....etc"</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-04-08 10:07:37 UTC</span> <time title="2014-04-08 10:07:37 UTC" datetime="2014-04-08T10:07:37.824274+00:00">2014-04-08</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Nic Knox</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Dear Help. Ubuntu 9.10, Evolution, Re-occuring MBOX- Problem, Bin does not empty itself anylonger. Deletebox and Inbox somehow clodged, I can send mails but cannot receive mails, error report says: mbox error: various boxes aren't compatible anylonger Trying to empty waste bin, (full ..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">242130</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/242130">Ubuntu Evolution error on mbox, inbox frozen, waste bin doesn't empty, sendbox okay</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2014-01-13 08:44:18 UTC</span> <time title="2014-01-13 08:44:18 UTC" datetime="2014-01-13T08:44:18.759007+00:00">2014-01-13</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">rolf gutenberger</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Hi, Im unable to install evolution via your ppa :( Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed: bogofilter bogofilter-bdb bogofilter-common evolution-common evolution-data-server evolution-data..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">239889</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/239889">Unable to install evolution on ubuntu, mint etc..</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-11-27 05:56:14 UTC</span> <time title="2013-11-27 05:56:14 UTC" datetime="2013-11-27T05:56:14.953367+00:00">2013-11-27</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Martin Masar</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="While working in Evolution I get frequent pop-ups asking for my e-mail password. I have checked the settings with Frontier and set them to their specs. This has only started in the last few days, but I think I had it happen before. In other help locations there were instructions to select &quot;tool..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">238988</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/238988">Evolution 3.2.3 onUbuntu 12.4 asks for password frequently</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-11-10 17:23:11 UTC</span> <time title="2013-11-10 17:23:11 UTC" datetime="2013-11-10T17:23:11.202969+00:00">2013-11-10</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Jud Ruhl</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Evolution 3.2.3. (BTW: I am not an advanced user and somewhat a noob to Ubuntu, but I like it). I am attempting to set up a connection to a POP3 server with my employer and get this error every time: &quot;Failed to connect to POP server in secure ..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">238588</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/238588">Evolution connection to POP3</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-11-04 02:36:28 UTC</span> <time title="2013-11-04 02:36:28 UTC" datetime="2013-11-04T02:36:28.922706+00:00">2013-11-04</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Tony Maritato</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="With saucy 13.10, why is bogofilter no longer allowed under your build of evolution (leaving spamassassin as the only option)? "> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">238466</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/238466">Evolution and bogofilter</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-11-01 10:43:06 UTC</span> <time title="2013-11-01 10:43:06 UTC" datetime="2013-11-01T10:43:06.892569+00:00">2013-11-01</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">jim warner</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="With Life Cam plug in. Computer need one minute more to start up. No problem with kernel 3.8 "> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">237867</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/237867">Slow start with USB lifecam.</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-10-23 01:30:12 UTC</span> <time title="2013-10-23 01:30:12 UTC" datetime="2013-10-23T01:30:12.065068+00:00">2013-10-23</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Jacques</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Hi, why's no actual Version of Evolution in the offical repository? regards"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">237317</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/237317">update</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-10-14 09:59:33 UTC</span> <time title="2013-10-14 09:59:33 UTC" datetime="2013-10-14T09:59:33.667592+00:00">2013-10-14</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">ML</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="occaisionlly when retrieving emails I get the following eror message: Error while Fetching Mail connection reset by peer. Please advise. Alan"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">236957</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/236957">email error message:</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-10-07 09:42:33 UTC</span> <time title="2013-10-07 09:42:33 UTC" datetime="2013-10-07T09:42:33.304018+00:00">2013-10-07</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">alan hanson</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I use Ubuntu 12.04 and evolution 3.2.3 . If I start to day evolution all my emails lost. No more files to see. What can I do. Thanks for help."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">235096</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/235096">Evolution 3.2.3 lost all e-mails</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-09-03 14:02:29 UTC</span> <time title="2013-09-03 14:02:29 UTC" datetime="2013-09-03T14:02:29.945255+00:00">2013-09-03</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">steinerdieter</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="sometimes (not always) the string of the setting functions in the top right of the monitor (where are the icons of shutdown and timetable's setting) doesn't pops up.Sometimes this string doesn't appears: why?"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">234161</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/234161">where is gone start up menu (ubu 12.04 LTS 64bit)?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-08-16 23:58:41 UTC</span> <time title="2013-08-16 23:58:41 UTC" datetime="2013-08-16T23:58:41.228462+00:00">2013-08-16</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Roberto Piccinini</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I have upgradted from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS, but could not find the Preference editing for the Evolution. In the Prefernce editing one should be able to set up the mail box prefreneces. Am I missing something?"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">234110</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/234110">evolution in 12.04 LTS - where did the preference editing go?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-08-15 21:23:47 UTC</span> <time title="2013-08-15 21:23:47 UTC" datetime="2013-08-15T21:23:47.527589+00:00">2013-08-15</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Moly Guinea</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I frequently receive the following message: &quot;Error while Pinging IMAP server Server unexpectedly disconnected: Connection timed out&quot; Additionally, I receive a similar message when Evolution is 'storing' to the inbox associated with ''. Both messages can be dismissed..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">233857</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/233857">connection timing out</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-08-11 12:45:11 UTC</span> <time title="2013-08-11 12:45:11 UTC" datetime="2013-08-11T12:45:11.672504+00:00">2013-08-11</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">David Danforth</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="i have ubuntu 10.10 in my computer. But last 3 and 4 months i have problem evolution suddenly quit between working. pls sir help me about this.... thanks and regards moazzam raza "> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">232722</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/232722">Evolution problem</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-07-19 06:07:55 UTC</span> <time title="2013-07-19 06:07:55 UTC" datetime="2013-07-19T06:07:55.266867+00:00">2013-07-19</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">razamumtaz</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="When I do a &quot;send/receive&quot;, I get the email but also the notes at the bottom Error while Storing folder 'inbox'. Error while Fetching Mail. but I can read the messages, but must close the site and re-open it to be able to delete any messages, and the error messages go away."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">231423</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/231423">Storing/Fetching Errors when receiving emails</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-06-26 20:00:31 UTC</span> <time title="2013-06-26 20:00:31 UTC" datetime="2013-06-26T20:00:31.722598+00:00">2013-06-26</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">grhaus</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I had update ubuntu 12.04 LTS and wi-fi stopped working. I was not getting option to update to 12.10 or 13.04 so I reloaded new ubuntu 12.10. The new evolution mail was installed too. However evolution is not restoring the backup of earlier version. I am also not getting option to install older v..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">230356</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/230356">How to install older version backup evolution file in new evolution version</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-06-07 03:42:55 UTC</span> <time title="2013-06-07 03:42:55 UTC" datetime="2013-06-07T03:42:55.719033+00:00">2013-06-07</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Manuj</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I cannot send mail using Evolution 3.2.3 in ubuntu 12.04 lts. I have checked the Comcast sites for the correct settings and I seem to be using the right one's. Here is the error message and the settings. Can anyone give me advice as to what the problem might be? Thanks in advance. Bob. I tho..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">229217</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/229217">can't send mail to Comcast in v3.2.3 using Ubuntu 12.04l lts</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-05-19 18:00:07 UTC</span> <time title="2013-05-19 18:00:07 UTC" datetime="2013-05-19T18:00:07.828836+00:00">2013-05-19</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Bob</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I was creating an email and didn't want to send it so I saved it to drafts.......when I did this all the information under &quot;On this Computer&quot; disappeared (I had several folders created there).....this was also using my Roadrunner email account (which was set has my default)......when I look under..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">228657</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/228657">Evolution - On this Computer</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-05-11 14:19:00 UTC</span> <time title="2013-05-11 14:19:00 UTC" datetime="2013-05-11T14:19:00.736577+00:00">2013-05-11</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Shirley Clark</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Could not connect to No route to host"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">228505</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/228505">Connect</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-05-09 11:07:05 UTC</span> <time title="2013-05-09 11:07:05 UTC" datetime="2013-05-09T11:07:05.794519+00:00">2013-05-09</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Kerstin Hammar</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I am using Evolution 3.6.2 for Email with Ubuntu 12.10 with all the latest updates and HP Laser Jet 1020 as the Printer. When Emails received are printed only the Address Fields get printed and the body of the email does not appear in the print out. When the reply is printed the Address Fields..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">227348</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/227348">Evolution Email received - Printing Out </a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-04-24 07:37:51 UTC</span> <time title="2013-04-24 07:37:51 UTC" datetime="2013-04-24T07:37:51.777086+00:00">2013-04-24</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">srikumar</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="The Evolution is strong tool. But I think the one should be optimized. That's mail sorting by date and others. Here are some suggestions: First: by date. All the mail is ascending or descending by date. They are sorted by date and not by subject. Becuase I just make all the mails are sorted by d..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">224894</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/224894">E-mail software Evolution Mail Sorting</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-03-22 08:01:14 UTC</span> <time title="2013-03-22 08:01:14 UTC" datetime="2013-03-22T08:01:14.907164+00:00">2013-03-22</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">cheneychen</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="For years my inbox showed all files, now every time I use Evolution I must manualy expand the inbox file list to see if any mail has arived, what did I do or what changed and how can I fix it?"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">224871</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/224871">Evolution inbox now must be expanded each time used, why?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-03-21 23:05:18 UTC</span> <time title="2013-03-21 23:05:18 UTC" datetime="2013-03-21T23:05:18.851037+00:00">2013-03-21</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">RFgillette</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="when evolution version 3.6.4 will be suported on 12.04. Whether there is any plan to release update for evolution. 12.04 is Lts version then also we have to wait a lot for updates, but for 12.10 they are releasing updates ."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">223674</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/223674">evolution 3.6 for 12.04</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-03-07 15:58:29 UTC</span> <time title="2013-03-07 15:58:29 UTC" datetime="2013-03-07T15:58:29.992592+00:00">2013-03-07</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Shashank Singh</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I can't figure out how to get my e-mail to be delivered to the Evolution program. "> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">223049</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/223049">How do I get my yahoo mail, or any e-mail account, delivered to Evolution?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-02-28 08:05:41 UTC</span> <time title="2013-02-28 08:05:41 UTC" datetime="2013-02-28T08:05:41.411170+00:00">2013-02-28</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Mango Chutney</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I tried once before to save all my email data using &quot;File - Back Up Evolution Data&quot; onto a zip drive. When I came to try to restore this the file it had produced had nothing in it, so I ended up losing about a years worth of mail, with all the enclosures. I have now tried the backup procedure a..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">221584</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/221584">What is the safest way to test an evolution backup file?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-02-11 12:15:20 UTC</span> <time title="2013-02-11 12:15:20 UTC" datetime="2013-02-11T12:15:20.249924+00:00">2013-02-11</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Nick Praed</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I cannot manage to create a pay-free email box in Ubuntu. I am a novice in the field so I need a detailed description of the procedure. Please help me if it is no burden on you."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">221210</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/221210">create email box Ubuntu</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-02-06 17:18:51 UTC</span> <time title="2013-02-06 17:18:51 UTC" datetime="2013-02-06T17:18:51.276094+00:00">2013-02-06</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">anatoly volgin</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I am running Ubuntu 10.,04 with Evolution mail client and ATT DSL service. Recently (within the last month or two) I have been receiving SSL Certificate check messages when viewing certain emails, most notably those with graphics or pictures. Sometimes there are ten or more messages generated by ..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">220881</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/220881">SSL Certificate check message in Evolution</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-02-02 23:44:42 UTC</span> <time title="2013-02-02 23:44:42 UTC" datetime="2013-02-02T23:44:42.996023+00:00">2013-02-02</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Nick Crenshaw</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Hi All, Currently i am using ubuntu 12.10 with evolution 3.6.0. The user experience for evolution 3.6.0 was not good. Recently evolution 3.6.3 was released with following bug fixes https://bugzil..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">220336</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/220336">Looking for evolution 3.6.3 release</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-01-28 12:07:01 UTC</span> <time title="2013-01-28 12:07:01 UTC" datetime="2013-01-28T12:07:01.654446+00:00">2013-01-28</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Samarjit Adhikari</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I cannot download my AT&amp;T e-mail from the server to Evolution. I did not change any settings. The error message is &quot;File too large&quot; and it stops on message &quot;1&quot; or &quot;2 &quot; of 30. Yesterday when it did this there were indeed large files (but it never did this before) but today the largest file is o..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">220217</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/220217">AT&amp;T email will not download - says "file too large" but it is not</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-01-26 14:11:59 UTC</span> <time title="2013-01-26 14:11:59 UTC" datetime="2013-01-26T14:11:59.593948+00:00">2013-01-26</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Barbara McCord</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I use Evolutionm 3.2.3 quite happily on 12.04 with a few issues. (e.g cant get templates to work) I gather Evolution is now no longer supported in Ubuntu and hence no new versions are available on Software manager. Can I nevertheless upgrade it and how do I do that. I have downloaded the latest..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">219856</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/219856">Evolution on 12.04</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-01-22 14:52:06 UTC</span> <time title="2013-01-22 14:52:06 UTC" datetime="2013-01-22T14:52:06.245127+00:00">2013-01-22</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Swaraj Jeyasingh</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Hi, I have been trying to get evolution to work but having some problems. I can recieve emails but I cannot send any. the following message pops up The reported error was &quot;RCPT TO &lt;email address hidden&gt; failed: &lt;[]&gt;: Client host rejected: Access denied&quot;. I h..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">219381</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/219381">I can recieve emails but i cant send. Error message The reported error was "RCPT TO &lt;; failed: &lt;[]&gt;: Client host rejected: Access denied".</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-01-17 00:45:59 UTC</span> <time title="2013-01-17 00:45:59 UTC" datetime="2013-01-17T00:45:59.596169+00:00">2013-01-17</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Phil Andrew</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="How to remove/delete scripts from signatures in Evolution? Do you have to remove/delete the signature or is there any other way. thank you srikumar "> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">218910</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/218910">Evolution - Signatures - Scripts</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2013-01-11 06:08:10 UTC</span> <time title="2013-01-11 06:08:10 UTC" datetime="2013-01-11T06:08:10.725227+00:00">2013-01-11</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">srikumar</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I am getting some of my messages that get filtered from inbox, instead of going to the desired folders as set in the filter rules, are going to the junk and trash folders. When I select the messages in junk or trash and press not junk button they don't get resorted but stay in the junk or trash f..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">217778</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/217778">Evolution 3.2.3 won't learn messages not junk</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-12-28 04:48:13 UTC</span> <time title="2012-12-28 04:48:13 UTC" datetime="2012-12-28T04:48:13.742236+00:00">2012-12-28</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Greg</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="How do I use my Ubuntu Evolution Contacts list to create mailing labels?"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">217666</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/217666">How to use evolution contacts for mailing labels?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-12-26 15:33:51 UTC</span> <time title="2012-12-26 15:33:51 UTC" datetime="2012-12-26T15:33:51.192016+00:00">2012-12-26</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Del Holz</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I am using Ubuntu 12.04 When importing my contacts list file contact.vcf into evolution, the program freezes and does not procedd any further. What need to be done. thank you srikumar "> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">217518</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/217518">importing the contacts list file .vcf into Evolution failed</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-12-24 05:43:16 UTC</span> <time title="2012-12-24 05:43:16 UTC" datetime="2012-12-24T05:43:16.857105+00:00">2012-12-24</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">srikumar</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="My mail server ( is configured to accept POP Before SMTP for authentication when sending mail. When I send a mail with Evolution 3.6.0 I get this error message and my mail didn't send: The reported error was &quot;POP Before SMTP authentication attempted with a CamelSmtpTransport service&quot;...."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">217106</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/217106">POP Before SMTP error ("authentication attempted with a CamelSmtpTransport service") </a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-12-18 19:07:03 UTC</span> <time title="2012-12-18 19:07:03 UTC" datetime="2012-12-18T19:07:03.421870+00:00">2012-12-18</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Fabrice Raymond</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Hi, I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and Evolution 3.2.3. Now I have a total of 2374 entries in the input folder and 685 in the sent folder. Presently there is no problem. I am just wondering how many mails that can be managed by Evolution, before I need to delete some of them. I am using an i3 laptop wi..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">216588</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/216588">I am just wondering about the capacity of Evolution</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-12-12 11:58:58 UTC</span> <time title="2012-12-12 11:58:58 UTC" datetime="2012-12-12T11:58:58.293734+00:00">2012-12-12</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Leif Ernstsen</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="my netbook has been problematic and I've not been able to get my mail in evolution from supanet. Can I clear my inbox from the command line?"> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">216227</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/216227">how can i clear my supanet accout which is 102% full </a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-12-07 21:40:25 UTC</span> <time title="2012-12-07 21:40:25 UTC" datetime="2012-12-07T21:40:25.448671+00:00">2012-12-07</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">alec</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Recently installed Evolution Mail in my 12.04 LTS system, and every time I send an email I get the following message: Your message was sent, but an error occurred during post-processing The reported error was &quot;Failed to append to mbox:///home/williepabon/.local/share/evolution/mail/local#Sent: I..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">216055</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/216055">Send error in Evolution Mail</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-12-05 23:07:47 UTC</span> <time title="2012-12-05 23:07:47 UTC" datetime="2012-12-05T23:07:47.252981+00:00">2012-12-05</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">William Pabon</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="does not display images on incoming e-mail "> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">215086</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/215086">does not display images on incoming e-mail</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-11-23 21:53:28 UTC</span> <time title="2012-11-23 21:53:28 UTC" datetime="2012-11-23T21:53:28.772439+00:00">2012-11-23</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">matrox</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Hi! I'm using evolution since 5 years now and I'm very satisfied of it. I've just changed my old Pc for a Lenovo X230 tablet and I have a little problem in setting up evolution properly. When I switch to tablet mode, the screen rotate 90° degrees to the right, so I've a maximum width 768 pixel..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">214955</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/214955">Set the Main view Width</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-11-22 15:18:12 UTC</span> <time title="2012-11-22 15:18:12 UTC" datetime="2012-11-22T15:18:12.254615+00:00">2012-11-22</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Valde_91</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Im brand new to Ubuntu and ive started setting up lots of the apps but they dont seem to be working like I thought they did. Ones im struggling with so far Evolution - Set up both Yahoo accounts fine, set up gmail fine, but setting up hotmails have been an issue, 1- I have marked all the old ..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">214433</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/214433">New to Ubuntu, help setting up apps</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-11-17 11:28:47 UTC</span> <time title="2012-11-17 11:28:47 UTC" datetime="2012-11-17T11:28:47.417065+00:00">2012-11-17</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Andrew McKenna</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I want to upgrade my system from Natty to Ubuntu 11.10 and would like to backup all my emails in Evolution to a flash drive just in case something goes wrong. No option to do this comes up as it does with other files. As you can guess, I am not a Linux expert. Any help would be greatly appreci..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">214372</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/214372">How do I backup emails to a flash drive please?</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-11-16 14:24:34 UTC</span> <time title="2012-11-16 14:24:34 UTC" datetime="2012-11-16T14:24:34.915532+00:00">2012-11-16</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Alan Spencer</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="After I upgraded tot Ubuntu 11.10 I found nomore documents in my inbox, outbox or sent. My contacts where stil there. After reading question 174156 I checked home/youruser/.local/share/evolution/mail/local. But I found no folder inbox there. The folders out and sent were there, but empty. In evol..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">213452</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/213452">lost mail after upgrade to ubuntu 11.10</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-11-06 14:45:35 UTC</span> <time title="2012-11-06 14:45:35 UTC" datetime="2012-11-06T14:45:35.707243+00:00">2012-11-06</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Ad Doornbos</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Since I updated from 10.04LTS to 12.04LTS, when I enter a new appointment in the Evolution calendar it only allows 24hour time format. The 12hour time format is selected in Preferences and 12hour is what shows up on the calendar display after I've entered it in 24 hour format. I guess I could jus..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">213098</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/213098">Evolution appointment only allows 24 hour time format</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-11-02 15:30:26 UTC</span> <time title="2012-11-02 15:30:26 UTC" datetime="2012-11-02T15:30:26.864806+00:00">2012-11-02</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Tom Kastner</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="Maybe I'm doing something wrong, so I ask for help to clean up the bad evolution behaviour described here: I've been using evolution with address book quite long. When inserting adresses manually into the recipient field, entries are correctly recommended by evolution after typing the first lett..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Solved" title="Solved" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">212666</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/212666">Adressbook entries not visible after selecting "To:" email field</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-10-29 17:39:09 UTC</span> <time title="2012-10-29 17:39:09 UTC" datetime="2012-10-29T17:39:09.309312+00:00">2012-10-29</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">schollsky</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</td> </tr> <tr xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr" title="I can't set up evolution, my email is gmail and hotmail, I want yahoo mail on it if I can. It keeps saying password is not correct, but it is. I have too many email addies, I want to check them all at Evolution. I have gmail, yahoo and I imported som mail that is two years old, from Th..."> <td class="icon right"> <img alt="Answered" title="Answered" src="/@@/question" /> </td> <td class="amount">212651</td> <td class="questionTITLE"> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/212651">I can't set up evolution, my email is gmail and hotmail, I want yahoo mail on it if I can</a> </td> <td> <span class="sortkey">2012-10-29 15:26:24 UTC</span> <time title="2012-10-29 15:26:24 UTC" datetime="2012-10-29T15:26:24.921507+00:00">2012-10-29</time> </td> <td><a href="" class="sprite person">Preston Zee</a></td> <td> &mdash;</td> <td class="questionstatusANSWERED">Answered</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="results"><table style="width: 100%;" class="lower-batch-nav"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="white-space: nowrap" class="batch-navigation-index"> <strong>1</strong> &rarr; <strong>75</strong> of 1616 results </td> <td style="text-align: right; white-space: nowrap" class="batch-navigation-links"> <span class="first inactive">First</span> &bull; 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