Question #272466 “evolution 3.18 not in 15.10” : Questions : evolution package : Ubuntu
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The changes between the two versions are many. We are far behind. Is there any solution to have a more updated version but I continue to update the ubuntu channel. Or I have to wait for the 16.04 ?? Thank you." /> <meta property="og:description" content="Why notWhy is frozen in version 3.16.5 when it is as stable 3.18.1. The changes between the two versions are many. We are far behind. Is there any solution to have a more updated version but I continue to update the ubuntu channel. Or I have to wait for the 16.04 ?? Thank you." /> <meta property="og:title" content="Question #272466 “evolution 3.18 not in 15.10” : Questions : evolution package : Ubuntu" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:image" content="/@@/launchpad-og-image.png" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Launchpad" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var LP = { cache: {}, links: {} }; </script> <script type="text/javascript">var cookie_scope = '; Path=/; Secure;';</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/+combo/revaa29ae0fff49e4e804b39147c9f259d2fb023199/?yui/yui/yui-min.js&lp/meta.js&yui/loader/loader-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var raw = null; if (LP.devmode) { raw = 'raw'; } YUI.GlobalConfig = { combine: true, comboBase: '/+combo/revaa29ae0fff49e4e804b39147c9f259d2fb023199/?', root: 'yui/', filter: raw, debug: false, fetchCSS: false, maxURLLength: 2000, groups: { lp: { combine: true, base: '/+combo/revaa29ae0fff49e4e804b39147c9f259d2fb023199/?lp/', comboBase: '/+combo/revaa29ae0fff49e4e804b39147c9f259d2fb023199/?', root: 'lp/', // comes from including lp/meta.js modules: LP_MODULES, fetchCSS: false } } }</script> <script type="text/javascript"> // we need this to create a single YUI instance all events and code // talks across. 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The changes between the two versions are many. We are far behind. Is there any solution to have a more updated version but I continue to update the ubuntu channel. Or I have to wait for the 16.04 ??</p> <p>Thank you.</p></div> <div class="portlet"> <h2>Question information</h2> <div class="yui-g"> <div class="yui-u first"> <div id="portlet-details" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <div class="two-column-list"> <dl id="question-lang"> <dt>Language:</dt> <dd> English <a class="menu-link-edit sprite edit action-icon" href="">Edit question</a> </dd> </dl> <dl id="question-status"> <dt>Status:</dt> <dd> <span class="questionstatusSOLVED">Solved</span> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>For:</dt> <dd> <a href="" class="bg-image" style="background-image: url(">Ubuntu</a> <a href="/ubuntu/+source/evolution">evolution</a> <a class="menu-link-edit sprite edit action-icon" href="">Edit question</a> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Assignee:</dt> <dd> No assignee <a class="menu-link-edit sprite edit action-icon" href="">Edit question</a> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Solved by:</dt> <dd> <a href="" class="sprite person">Manfred Hampl</a> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Solved:</dt> <dd> <time title="2015-10-16 10:27:13 UTC" datetime="2015-10-16T10:27:13.787734+00:00">2015-10-16</time> </dd> </dl> <dl style="clear: both;"> <dt>Last query:</dt> <dd> <time title="2015-10-16 10:27:13 UTC" datetime="2015-10-16T10:27:13.787734+00:00">2015-10-16</time> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Last reply:</dt> <dd> <time title="2015-10-16 10:21:27 UTC" datetime="2015-10-16T10:21:27.855899+00:00">2015-10-16</time> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="yui-u"> <div id="related-bugs"> <h3>Related bugs</h3> <ul> <li> <a class="sprite bug" href="">Bug #1506532: Update to stable release 3.18.1</a> </li> </ul> </div> <ul class="horizontal"> <li><a class="menu-link-linkbug sprite add" href="">Link existing bug</a></li> <li><a class="menu-link-unlinkbug sprite modify remove" href="">Remove bug link</a></li> </ul> <div id="related-faq" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <h3>Related FAQ:</h3> <p> None <a class="menu-link-linkfaq sprite add action-icon" href="" title="Link this question to a FAQ.">Link to a FAQ</a> </p> </div> <div id="portlet-reopenings"> <h2>This question was reopened</h2> <ul> <li> <time title="2015-10-16 07:27:04 UTC" datetime="2015-10-16T07:27:04.099569+00:00">2015-10-16</time> by <a href="" class="sprite person">Javier Antonio Nisa Avila</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/272466/messages/1" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-0"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2015-10-15T14:29:14.448553+00:00" title="2015-10-15 14:29:14 UTC">on 2015-10-15</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #1</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>I suggest you report a bug.</p> <p>Wily is still not stable and not ready.</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">I suggest you report a bug. Wily is still not stable and not ready.</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/272466/messages/2" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-1"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Javier Antonio Nisa Avila (javiernisa)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2015-10-15T14:36:14.420551+00:00" title="2015-10-15 14:36:14 UTC">on 2015-10-15</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #2</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>Thanks actionparsnip, that solved my question.</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">Thanks actionparsnip, that solved my question.</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/272466/messages/3" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-2"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Javier Antonio Nisa Avila (javiernisa)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2015-10-16T07:27:04.099569+00:00" title="2015-10-16 07:27:04 UTC">on 2015-10-16</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #3</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>I put it as a bug, but nobody answers me, I think a more advanced and stable version is required to adopt ubuntu. It is tested to spare the community and solves many of the more than 400 existing errors. Please acualicen to 3.18.1</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">I put it as a bug, but nobody answers me, I think a more advanced and stable version is required to adopt ubuntu. It is tested to spare the community and solves many of the more than 400 existing errors. Please acualicen to 3.18.1</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/272466/messages/4" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-3"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Manfred Hampl (m-hampl)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2015-10-16T09:05:59.120139+00:00" title="2015-10-16 09:05:59 UTC">on 2015-10-16</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #4</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>You have to understand the Ubuntu release policy.</p> <p>Ubuntu is no rolling release, and packages normally are not upgraded to higher versions when an Ubuntu release has been published. Only the next Ubuntu release might include the updated package. Furthermore Ubuntu is taking over several packages from Debian to avoid duplication of the packaging work.</p> <p>see <a rel="nofollow" href="">https:/<wbr />/wiki.ubuntu.<wbr />com/WilyWerewol<wbr />f/ReleaseSchedu<wbr />le</a> for the timing of Ubuntu Wily, especially with respect to the freeze dates.</p> <p>You will find most of the packages in Ubuntu Wily in the version that was the current one in Debian stable (eventually Debian unstable or testing) in August 2015.<br /> As far as I can see, Debian does not have 3.18.1 in any of its versions yet.</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">You have to understand the Ubuntu release policy. Ubuntu is no rolling release, and packages normally are not upgraded to higher versions when an Ubuntu release has been published. Only the next Ubuntu release might include the updated package. Furthermore Ubuntu is taking over several packages from Debian to avoid duplication of the packaging work. see for the timing of Ubuntu Wily, especially with respect to the freeze dates. You will find most of the packages in Ubuntu Wily in the version that was the current one in Debian stable (eventually Debian unstable or testing) in August 2015. As far as I can see, Debian does not have 3.18.1 in any of its versions yet.</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/272466/messages/5" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-4"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Javier Antonio Nisa Avila (javiernisa)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2015-10-16T09:52:12.655566+00:00" title="2015-10-16 09:52:12 UTC">on 2015-10-16</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #5</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>Okay, you're right; according to schedule that was the last stable release on 20 August 3.16.5 - the first stable version 3.18.0 was following the 21 September.</p> <p>So as I understand it; that version 3.18 or higher will be updated to the 16.04 ??</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">Okay, you're right; according to schedule that was the last stable release on 20 August 3.16.5 - the first stable version 3.18.0 was following the 21 September. So as I understand it; that version 3.18 or higher will be updated to the 16.04 ??</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/272466/messages/6" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-5"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <img src="/@@/favourite-yes" style="float:right;" alt="Best" title="Marked as best answer" /> <a href="" class="sprite person">Manfred Hampl (m-hampl)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2015-10-16T10:21:27.855899+00:00" title="2015-10-16 10:21:27 UTC">on 2015-10-16</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #6</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody highlighted editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>There are good chances to have evolution 3.18.* (or higher) in Ubuntu 16.04<br /> (As long as Ubuntu 15.10 hasn't been published, you should not expect to get any information about the planning of its successor.)</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">There are good chances to have evolution 3.18.* (or higher) in Ubuntu 16.04 (As long as Ubuntu 15.10 hasn't been published, you should not expect to get any information about the planning of its successor.)</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div itemscope="" itemtype="" class="boardComment editable-message" data-baseurl="/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+question/272466/messages/7" data-i-can-edit="False" id="comment-6"> <div class="boardCommentDetails"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="message-revision-container"> <div class="message-revision-container-header"> <span>Revision history for this message</span> <img src="/+icing/build/overlay/assets/skins/sam/images/close.gif" class="message-revision-close" /> </div> <script type="text/template"> <div class='message-revision-item'> <div class='message-revision-title'> <a class="sprite remove action-icon message-revision-del-btn"> Remove </a> <a class="js-action"> Revision #{revision}, created at {date_created_display} </a> </div> <div class='message-revision-body'>{content}</div> </div> </script> <div class="message-revision-list"></div> </div> <a href="" class="sprite person">Javier Antonio Nisa Avila (javiernisa)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2015-10-16T10:27:09.632567+00:00" title="2015-10-16 10:27:09 UTC">on 2015-10-16</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #7</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>Thank you, speak in a few months.</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">Thank you, speak in a few months.</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" 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href="" class="sprite person">Javier Antonio Nisa Avila (javiernisa)</a> said <time itemprop="commentTime" datetime="2015-10-16T10:27:13.787734+00:00" title="2015-10-16 10:27:13 UTC">on 2015-10-16</time><span class="editable-message-last-edit-date">: </span> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="bug-comment-index"> <a> #8</a> </td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> <div class="editable-message-body"> <div class="boardCommentBody editable-message-text" itemprop="commentText"><p>Thanks Manfred Hampl, that solved my question.</p></div> </div> <div class="editable-message-form" style="display: none"> <textarea style="width: 100%" rows="10">Thanks Manfred Hampl, that solved my question.</textarea> <input type="button" value="Update" class="editable-message-update-btn" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" class="editable-message-cancel-btn" /> </div> </div> <div id="question" dir="en" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <div class="yui-g"> <ul class="horizontal" id="horizontal-menu"> <li><a 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The changes between the two versions are many. We are far behind. Is there any solution to have a more updated version but I continue to update the ubuntu channel. Or I have to wait for the 16.04 ??\n\nThank you.", "status": "Solved", "language_link": "", "owner_link": "", "assignee_link": null, "answerer_link": "", "answer_link": "", "date_created": "2015-10-15T14:04:51.228706+00:00", "date_due": null, "date_last_query": "2015-10-16T10:27:13.787734+00:00", "date_last_response": "2015-10-16T10:21:27.855899+00:00", "date_solved": "2015-10-16T10:27:13.787734+00:00", "target_link": "", "messages_collection_link": "", "http_etag": "\"455e5c4bae0412e5ecfa2db8b806479163b01927-a7fb36c37b55a3b314bb54b74e5bc555c8ce85cf\""}};</script> </body> <!-- Facet name: answers Page type: main_side Has global search: True Has application tabs: True Has side portlets: True At least 89 queries/external actions issued in 0.76 seconds Features: {'profiling.enabled': None, 'hard_timeout': '5000', 'js.yui_version': None, 'app.mainsite_only.canonical_url': None, 'app.maintenance_message': None, 'baselayout.careers_link.disabled': None, 'visible_render_time': None} raa29ae0 --> </html>