Imaggeo - About
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Imaggeo - About</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link rel="icon" href="" type="image/svg+xml"> <link rel="icon" href="" sizes="32x32"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href=""> <link rel="manifest" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body id="top"> <div id="wrapper"> <header> <div id="header"> <div id="auth" class="hidden-xs"> <a href="/login/?next=/about/"> Log in </a> </div> <div id="egu-logo" class="hidden-xs"> <a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" alt="EGU Logo" width="35" height="28"></a> </div> <div id="egu-logo-text" class="visible-lg"> The geosciences image and video repository<br> of the <a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer">European Geosciences Union</a> </div> <div id="menu" class="btn-navbar visible-xs"> <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".nav-collapse"><i class="fas fa-bars"></i></a> </div> <div id="search"> <a href="/search/" title="Search"><i class="fas fa-magnifying-glass"></i></a> </div> <a id="logo" href="/"><img src="" alt="Imaggeo Logo" width="114" height="26"></a> <nav id="nav" class="hidden-xs hl"> <ul> <li><a href="/category/" title="Categories">Categories</a></li> <li><a href="/region/" title="Regions">Regions</a></li> <li><a href="/map/" title="Map">Map</a></li> <li><a href="/tag/" title="Tags">Tags</a></li> <li><a href="/videos/" title="Videos">Videos</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="visible-xs"> <div id="collapse" class="nav-collapse collapse"> <ul class="nav pull-right"> <li class="active"><a href="/about/">About</a></li> <li ><a href="/copyright/">Copyright</a></li> <li><a href="">Imprint</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy policy</a></li> <li ><a href="/login/?next=/about/">Login</a></li> </ul> <ul class="nav"> <li ><a href="/category/" title="Categories">Categories</a></li> <li ><a href="/region/" title="Regions">Regions</a></li> <li ><a href="/map/" title="Map">Map</a></li> <li ><a href="/tag/" title="Tags">Tags</a></li> <li ><a href="/videos/" title="Videos">Videos</a></li> <li ><a href="/photo-competition/">Photo contest</a></li> </ul> <p> Follow EGU on: <a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i><span class="hidden-xs">Instagram</span></a> <a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-facebook"></i><span class="hidden-xs">Facebook</span></a> <a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-wordpress"></i><span class="hidden-xs">Blog</span></a> </p> </div> </div> </header> <main id="main"> <ul id="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="/">Home</a> <span class="divider">/</span></li> <li><a href="/about/">About</a></li> <li class="pull-right"></li> </ul> <div id="content"> <article> <h1>About Imaggeo</h1> <section> <p> Imaggeo is the online geosciences image and video repository of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Every geoscientist who is an amateur photographer (but also other people) can submit their images to this repository. Being open access, it can be used by scientists for their presentations or publications, as well as by members of the public. If you submit your images to imaggeo, you retain full rights of use, since they are licensed and distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons licence. </p> <p> EGU does not accept images or videos that have been either wholly or partially generated by Artificial Intelligence - this includes the use of generative fill or generative enhancement. In examples where the image has been produced via data processing, for example a graph, map, remote image or other similar product, the processes used in creating the image from the data must be explained in the caption. If you have questions about the validity of your image or video, please contact <a href=""></a>. </p> <p> All the material in this database is copyrighted under a Creative Commons Attribution licence, which means that Imaggeo content is owned by the individual creators and that they must always be credited when their content is used. People interested in submitting material to Imaggeo can also choose a more restrictive licence, such as Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike licence. For more information please check the <a href="/copyright/">Copyright</a> page. </p> </section> <section> <h3>About EGU</h3> <p> The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space science research in Europe. With our partner organisations worldwide, we foster fundamental geoscience research, alongside applied research that addresses key societal and environmental challenges. Our vision is to realise a sustainable and just future for humanity and for the planet. </p> <p> It is a non-profit international union of scientists with about 19,500 members from all over the world. Membership is open to individuals who are professionally engaged in or associated with geosciences and planetary and space sciences and related studies, including students and retired seniors. </p> <p> The EGU publishes a number of diverse scientific journals, which use an innovative open access format, and organises topical meetings, and education and outreach activities. It also honours scientists with a number of awards and medals. The annual EGU General Assembly is the largest and most prominent European geosciences event, attracting over 21,000 scientists from all over the world in the year 2024. The meeting’s sessions cover a wide range of topics, including volcanology, planetary exploration, the Earth’s internal structure and atmosphere, climate, as well as energy and resources. </p> <p> The EGU was established in September 2002 as a merger of the European Geophysical Society (EGS) and the European Union of Geosciences (EUG), and has headquarters in Munich, Germany. </p> <p>Find out more about the EGU on:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer">EGU Website</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer">GeoLog – EGU official blog</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer">LinkedIn</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer">Instagram</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer">YouTube</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer">Facebook</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mastodon</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bluesky</a></li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3>Acknowledgments</h3> <p> The EGU would like to thank Konstantinos Kourtidis for coming up with the idea for Imaggeo and for designing and coordinating the database from 2007–2013. We also thank André Roquette for re-designing the Imaggeo website and Robert Barsch for implementing it. </p> </section> <section> <h3>Contact</h3> <p> EGU - European Geosciences Union<br> Kastenbauerstr. 2<br> 81677 Munich<br> Germany </p> <p> Phone: +49-89-2050-76300<br> Fax: +49-89-2050-76399<br> Email: <a href=""></a> </p> </section> </article> </div> </main> <footer id="footer" class="hl hidden-xs"> <ul> <li><a href="/about/">About</a></li> <li><a href="/copyright/">Copyright</a></li> <li><a href="">Imprint</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacy policy</a></li> <li><a href="/photo-competition/">Photo competition</a></li> <li>|</li> <li>Follow EGU on:</li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i><span class="hidden-sm">LinkedIn</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i><span class="hidden-sm">Instagram</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-youtube"></i><span class="hidden-sm">YouTube</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-facebook"></i><span class="hidden-sm">Facebook</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i><span class="hidden-sm">Mastodon</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-bluesky"></i><span class="hidden-sm">Bluesky</span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_tab" rel="noopener noreferrer"><i class="fab fa-wordpress"></i><span class="hidden-sm">EGU blogs</span></a></li> </ul> </footer> </div> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <noscript><p><img src="" style="border:0" alt="" /></p></noscript> </body> </html>