CINXE.COM Skillet, "Revolution" Review

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<br></center></div> <div class="w3-container w3-twothird w3-margin-bottom"> <font class="maintxt"> <font class="xltxt"><b>Skillet</b></font><br> <em>Revolution</em><br><br> <img src="/images/stars/2stars.png" class="reviewrating"><br><br> <font class="maintxt"><b>Artist Info:</b> <a href="/artists/Skillet.asp">Discography</a></font><br> <font class="maintxt"><b>Genre(s):</b> Rock / Alternative</font><br> <font class="maintxt"><b>Album length:</b> 10 tracks: 35 minutes, 3 seconds</font><br> <font class="maintxt"><b>Street Date:</b> November 1, 2024</font><br> <br><br> </div> </div><div align=left><table><tr><td><div class="fb-like" data-href=" SkilletRevolution.asp" data-send="true" data-width="450" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-size="large" data-share="true"></td></tr></table></div><div align="right" class="maintxt"><b>READER RATING:</b> &nbsp;&nbsp;<div class="rw-ui-container" data-urid="SkilletRevolution"></div></div> <br><br> <div class="w3-container w3-white w3-margin w3-row-padding w3-padding"> <div class="w3-left"> <p> <strong>Skillet</strong> is an artist that needs no introduction. Soon to be hitting the three-decade mark as a band (in various membership combinations, but always with the distinct vision and voice of lead singer and lyricist John Cooper at the helm), the group has managed to surf the changing tides of the music industry and remain relevant and consistent with their musical and live output from day one. </p> <p> Alas, their new album <em>Revolution</em> finds the group treading water musically and thematically at best and pandering to an unknown demographic at worst with a few questionable theological lyrics and pseudo-political ramblings that (at times) sound just generic enough to be considered revolutionary by any side that wants to claim them. </p> <p> And it all starts right away. The album kicks off with "Showtime," a typically blistering opening track from this band that, taken at face value, has troubling theological overtones: "<em>Make my mark, no apologies / A day in the life, a revolutionary / Here we go, here we go, here we go / My life, high life / King over my empire / Nothing's gonna stop me / It's show (Show) time (Time) / One chance, one shot / Talk is cheap, so what you got? / World is gonna watch me / It's show (Show) time (Time)</em>." To be fair, there are perhaps some directions that Cooper meant these lyrics to be heard in (perhaps an encouragement to not simply be a victim or have a passive attitude in life), but this potential perspective is largely lost in the "<em>my life</em>," "<em>king over my empire</em>" sloganeering that is the antithesis of the gospel message of surrendering one's own kingdom to Jesus and His call on our life to lay it down. This is a long way from Cooper's lyrics in "Gasoline," from the band's first album released 28 years ago, "<em>You want to, you want to / Soak my heart in gasoline / Light a match and consume me / Soak my pride in gasoline / all of you and none of me</em>." Skillet has been drifting into questionable messaging for a number of albums now, and opening <em>Revolution</em> with this track is a statement of purpose that should ring alarm bells. Nuance matters; context matters. And shouting a message that may feel good but has troubling undertones matters. </p> <p> First single "Unpopular" features another bit of bravado that fits in the classic youth group methodology of encouraging the listener to value taking up unpopular opinions and viewpoints, but lacks any sort of lyrical foundation as to what those opinions and viewpoints may be: "<em>Unpopular, unpopular / Call me out, clasp down / Can't supplement true facts / Have you heard? I'm a commoner / Got my family, sanity, everything I need / If freedom is disease, who would ever wanna be popular? / For what it's worth, I think today's a good day to be unpopular.</em>" This sort of well-meaning advice is actually problematic if divorced from context, because someone could hold all sorts of troubling viewpoints and cling to the would-be-virtue of "I must be right about this if it's an unpopular opinion." Again, context matters here. The idea of standing up for what is right no matter what the crowd may say is a noble and biblical idea. This advice, shouted against heavy metal guitars without a shred of nuance in a politically divided time is suspect and irresponsible. The headlines of our times are filled with those who have taken troubling viewpoints on critical, nuanced issues and have remained inflexible and contrarian to reason and common sense in the name of being "unpopular." This type of bumper sticker logic in the guise of a three-minute rock song is just lacking. </p> <p> This hackneyed, quasi-political nonsense finds its nadir in "All That Matters," an inoffensive set of conservative dog whistles that drags out the tired "family, faith, freedom" alliteration (three noble concepts indeed) and tries to polish them up with a tuneless song that sounds as if it was written by ChatGPT to appeal to a conservative demographic without being too overt: "<em>My faith, my family, my freedom / That's what's backin' me / Gives me a reason for living / I gotta fight for what I believe in, believe it / Love loyalty / I pledge fidelity / In this land of liberty, it's everything / My faith, my family, my freedom's / All that matters to me.</em>" This type of t-shirt tagline writing is beneath an artist who's been in the business as long as Skillet has. The use of "war imagery" here is troubling, too. For people of faith to blithely use fighting rhetoric like this in a heated time, politically speaking, is irresponsible at best and reckless at worst. (And Skillet releasing this album a few days before a contentious election seems to be further indication that they would like the album to be associated with the current political context.) Closing track "Death Defier" is not as egregiously troublesome in its lyrics as some songs here, but still promotes an unhealthy, triumphant viewpoint that is devoid of any gospel awareness at all. </p> <p> There are a few moments where genuine sentiment breaks through all the propaganda. The sincerely heartfelt "Happy Wedding Day (Alex's Song)" is a wonderful reflection on the Coopers' daughter's wedding and finds John Cooper at his lyrical best: "<em>Leave the dishes out and we'd put you to bed / Say no to one more story that I wish I'd of read / I didn't know then it'd come to an end / And I want it back now / We started out with dreams and love and nothing more / We ate from paper bags and we slept on the floor / Sometimes we weren't sure 'bout this adventure / But you made us so proud / I blinked, it went faster than a freight train / Happy wedding day</em>." Any father would be proud to write such a tear-jerking song, and the little details, like "<em>eating from a paper bag</em>," make for a well-rounded picture of life on the road with a family in tow. And "Defector" is a nice throwback to the worship-adjacent tunes of past albums like <em>Hey You, I love Your Soul</em> and <em>Alien Youth</em>. </p> <p> But despite those good moments, the theological and ideological red flags on <em>Revolution</em> are too many to overlook. Bumper sticker lyrics may say something in a sharp and clever way, but they rarely promote introspection, conversation, or a healthy contemplation of complex subjects. Skillet is capable of much more and, given the massive platform they have rightfully earned through years of earnest hard work, has a responsibility to sing about so much more and raise the conversation for their listeners in a constructive and meaningful way. With <em>Revolution</em>, the band manages through their intense inoffensiveness and lack of a viewpoint to say nothing, and to say it very loudly. </p> - Review date: 11/3/24, written by <a href="/staff/TincanCaldwell.asp">Alex Caldwell</a> of </div></div> <div class="w3-hide-large w3-hide-medium"> <br><br> <hr> <div align="center">(JFH Sponsor Spot)</div><br> <a href="" target=_blank><img src="/images/topsidebarlloydbook.jpg" width=100% alt="Check out JFH's Lloyd in his first-ever childrens book!" border="0"></a> <br> <hr> </div><p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="w3-lgcontainer w3-padding w3-black"> <h4>JFH Staff's Second Opinion</h4> </div> <div class="w3-container w3-light-grey w3-margin w3-row-padding w3-padding"> <div class="w3-left"><br><img src="/images/stars/2half.png" class="reviewratingsm"><br> <font class=maintxt> <strong>Skillet</strong> remains one of the most popular bands in Christian music's history. That's undeniable. Critics have been less enthusiastic since <em>Comatose</em>, and you can count this one among them. However, they have earned the right to a fair shake, and I'm always rooting for them. Unfortunately, this is a step back from their last two offerings. After five listens, <em>Revolution</em> is my least favorite Skillet album yet. Musically, we get more of the same, and that's not bad per se. The drums pound, the guitars shred, the vocals soar. There are a few standouts musically like the title track, opener "Showtime" with its electronic flourishes and guitar solo, "Not Afraid" with its chugging defiance, and the best lyrical track, "Fire Inside of Me," all shine. Additionally, it was nice to see the sentimental side of John in his song for his daughter, "Happy Wedding Day." <br> <br> One of the more minor criticisms, that's more a preference, was the lack of Ledger on vocals. Her clarion call voice is a nice balance to John's throaty roar, and this album needed more of her presence. All in all though, the biggest letdown is lyrical. Cooper and company have never been world-class lyricists, but <em>Revolution</em> treads close to cliche more than it doesn't. The biggest blemish is the try at playfulness on "Unpopular." They aren't known for levity, so to try it on at this point makes it destined to be misunderstood. I just want Cooper to dig a little deeper, and share a little more of himself, something specific. A few adrenaline-juicing jams are fine, but how about more heartfelt sentiments like "Happy Wedding Day?" What of John's struggles and victories in marriage or parenting? Or perhaps a story of a fan told through song (like "The Last Night")? Ultimately, this longtime listener likes roughly half the album. I will playlist a handful of songs from <em>Revolution</em>, but don't see myself returning to spin the whole thing very often. - Review date: 11/3/24, <a href="/staff/JoshBalogh.asp">Josh Balogh</a> of </div> </div><p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="w3-lgcontainer w3-padding w3-dark-grey"> <h4>JFH Staff's Additional 2 Cents</h4> </div> <!-- 2 Cents --> <div class="w3-container w3-light-grey w3-margin w3-row-padding w3-padding"> <div class="w3-left"><img src="/images/stars/2half.png" class="reviewratingsm"><br> &nbsp; &nbsp; The last handful of <strong>Skillet</strong> albums have been a little bumpy; between uneven writing and an overreliance on recycled soundscapes, there has been as much to critique as to celebrate. Unfortunately, <em>Revolution</em> is no different and is somewhat marred by bookending "Showtime" and "Death Defier," the two most braggadocious and theologically messy tracks. I take no overt issue with most of Cooper's political messaging and theme, and even though a little cheesy, tracks such as "All That Matters" can be refreshing.<br> <br> Thankfully, there are also some highlights sprinkled throughout, both in songs ("Ash in the Wind," "Happy Wedding Day") and lyrics ("<em>I wanna change the world, I wanna save the world / but I can't even save myself / Is it too late to ask for help? / My soul's asleep, light the fire inside of me</em>," "<em>The highlight of the night was to hear you laugh / Guess we made it, but it's a little quiet now / Planes, trains, buses they were all you knew / Companions, best friends, survivors too</em>").<br> <br> Ultimately, <em>Revolution</em> is a mixed effort, and listeners should exercise discernment when listening in order to divine and glean the worthwhile content. - 11/2/24 <a href="/staff/DavidCraft.asp">David Craft</a> <br> <br> <img src="/images/stars/2half.png" class="reviewratingsm"><br> &nbsp; &nbsp; As an original Panhead with the band's self-titled debut in 1996, I found <strong>Skillet</strong> a tour de force to watch as they grew from their raw grunge days as a trio to the more electronic-infused rock days that followed, and into their symphonic rock phase that began with <em>Collide</em>. But with the monster success of 2006's <em>Comatose</em>, Skillet became a mainstream hero with their follow-up <em>Awake</em>, bringing their bold faith-filled message to the masses. But after such a serious turn taken with the fantastic 2003 rocker <em>Collide</em>, the band has only continued to get more extravagant and bombastic with each succeeding album. 2024's <em>Revolution</em> is no different, with the aforementioned boldness coming off more abrasive than inspiring (whereas, the songs of <em>Collide</em> continue to inspire over 20 years later). However, the track that shines the brightest on the band's latest effort is the extremely personal and emotional ballad written for the Coopers' daughter Alex's wedding day, which easily pulls at the heartstrings of any parent seeing their child growing into an adult and forging their own path. But, with each new album since the late 2000's, the maturity the band once showed seems to be nothing more than a distant memory. Anyone who's been enjoying the last couple raucous albums from Skillet should be thrilled to hoist their flag and join their latest <em>Revolution</em>, but to anyone hoping to see the band return to more gritty roots may have to keep waiting, should that time ever come. - 11/2/24 <a href="/staff/John.asp">John DiBiase</a> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </center> <img src="/images/db.gif" width=10 height=9 alt=".">&nbsp;<b>Record Label:</b> Hear It Loud Records (independent) <br><img src="/images/db.gif" width=10 height=9 alt=".">&nbsp;<b>Album length:</b> 10 tracks: 35 minutes, 3 seconds <br><img src="/images/db.gif" width=10 height=9 alt=".">&nbsp;<b>Street Date:</b> November 1, 2024 <br><img src="/images/db.gif" width=10 height=9 alt=".">&nbsp;<b>Buy It:</b> <a href="" target=_blank>Apple Music</a> <br><img src="/images/db.gif" width=10 height=9 alt=".">&nbsp;<b>Buy It:</b> <a href="" target=_blank></a> (CD) <br><img src="/images/db.gif" width=10 height=9 alt=".">&nbsp;<b>Buy It:</b> <a href="" target=_blank></a> (Vinyl) <br><img src="/images/db.gif" width=10 height=9 alt=".">&nbsp;<b>Buy It:</b> <a href="" target=_blank>Amazon Music</a> (MP3) <p> <ol> <li>Showtime (3:33) <li>Unpopular (3:06) <li>All That Matters (3:28) <li>Not Afraid (3:14) <li>Revolution (3:06) <li>Ash In The Wind (3:52) <li>Fire Inside of Me (3:53) <li>Defector (3:20) <li>Happy Wedding Day (Alex's Song) (3:58) <li>Death Defier (3:37) </ol> </font> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <iframe src="" width="100%" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div align="center"> <div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons"></div> <br> <br> <div class="w3-container w3-black" align="left"> <h4>Leave a Comment</h4> </div> <div class="fb-comments" align="left" data-href="" data-width="100%" data-numposts="5"></div> </div></center> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="w3-center flex"> <div> <a href="default.asp"><img src="/images/Return-to-Main-Review.jpg" class="w3-hover-opacity" alt="go to main Album review page" border="0"></a> </div> <div> <a href="archive.asp"><img src="/images/Full-Review-Index.jpg" class="w3-hover-opacity" alt="go to Album review archive" border="0"></a> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div align="center"> <!--- <strong>World Premiere Video</strong> ---> <br>(JFH Sponsor Spot)<br> <br> <div class="video-container w3-hide-large"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <div class="w3-hide-small w3-hide-medium"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <!-- End CD Review Page Code --> </div> </div> <!-- END BLOG ENTRIES --> </div> <!-- -----------BEGIN RIGHT COLUMN--------------- --> <style> a:active,a:hover{outline-width:0;color:#f83333} </style> <div class="w3-col l4 w3-lgcontainer"> <!--- <div class="w3-colfrontpage news"> ---> <!-- Music News --> <div class="w3-white w3-margin"> <div class="w3-container w3-padding w3-jfhred"> <h4><a style="text-decoration:none;" a href="/news/default.asp">Music News Headlines</a></h4> </div> <div class="w3-container w3-light-grey"> <br><table><tr><td><img src=/dot.png border=0 alt=.><font class=headlinetxt><a href="" target=_top>Project 86 Frontman Andrew Schwab Announces Memoir, "I. 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Unplugged, Vol. 1</font> [indie tribe]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Josiah Queen</font> <font class=title>The Prodigal (Deluxe Edition)</font> (independent)<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>R.kitect</font> <font class=title>Vicious Circles - EP</font> (independent)<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Run51</font> <font class=title>Let's Celebrate - EP</font> [DREAM]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Since The Death</font> <font class=title>His Heart Hates - EP</font> [The Charon Collective]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Van Zant</font> <font class=title>Always Look Up</font> [Frontiers Music]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Various Artists</font> <font class=title>Sunshine Acres Benefit Compilation, Vol. 1</font> [Thumper Punk Records]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Various Artists</font> <font class=title>Sunshine Acres Benefit Compilation, Vol. 2</font> [Thumper Punk Records]<br /> <br> <font class=singlesrd>SINGLES</font><br> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>7eventh Time Down</font> <font class=title>I Speak Jesus - Single</font> [BEC]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>99 APEX</font> <font class=title>Find A Way Freestyle - Single</font> [Syntax]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Cory Asbury</font> <font class=title>You're Still The One - Single</font> [BEC]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Ashes Remain</font> <font class=title>Lost Light - Single</font> [BEC]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Paul Baloche</font> <font class=title>Angels We Have Heard On High/Glorious (feat. 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Moriah Christian) - Single</font> [BEC]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Scapegoat</font> <font class=title>Solace (feat. MajesticGhost) - Single</font> (independent)<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Seph Schlueter</font> <font class=title>Stay (Gonna Be Okay) - Single</font> [Provident]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Jordan Smith</font> <font class=title>How Great Thou Art - Single</font> [Gaither]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>TKE3</font> <font class=title>Found (feat. Leya) - Single</font> (independent)<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Vineyard Worship</font> <font class=title>Royal Son - Single</font> [Integrity]<br /> <br> <font class=vinylrd>VINYL</font><br> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>NEEDTOBREATHE</font> <font class=title>Acoustic Live Vol. 1 (Vinyl Reissue)</font> [Omnivore]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>NEEDTOBREATHE</font> <font class=title>Live From The Woods (Vinyl Reissue)</font> [Omnivore]<br /> <br> <font class=month>Next Thursday, November 28, 2024</font><br> <font class=vinylrd>VINYL</font><br> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Van Zant</font> <font class=title>Always Look Up</font> Vinyl [Girder]<br /> <br> <font class=month>Next Friday, November 29, 2024</font><br> <font class=albumsrd>ALBUMS</font><br> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Sixpence None the Richer</font> <font class=title>Dawn of Grace (Deluxe)</font> [Flatiron]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Thrive Worship</font> <font class=title>Christmas, Vol. 2 - EP</font> [Integrity]<br /> <br> <font class=singlesrd>SINGLES</font><br> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>ICF Worship</font> <font class=title>Light of the World - Single</font> [Integrity]<br /> <img src="/images/graydot.png" width="8" height="8"><font class=dates15>Selah</font> <font class=title>Glory Hallelujah (feat. 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