Joseph-Israël Tarte | The Canadian Encyclopedia
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Mackenzie King \/ Library and Archives Canada \/ C-005599","creator":"William Lyon Mackenzie King \/ Library and Archives Canada \/ C-005599","caption":"Sir Wilfrid Laurier, campaigning."},{"filename":"32e9394e-1246-4181-ad97-7fdb4f6367c4","title":"Sir Hector-Louis Langevin","alt":"Sir Hector-Louis Langevin","source":"(courtesy Library and Archives Canada, PA-026409)","creator":"","caption":"Sir Hector-Louis Langevin, Minister of Parliament for Dorchester, Qu\u00e9bec, and Minister of Public Works, Ottawa, July 1873."},{"filename":"494ff0bc-a447-4703-911a-decb1993e1b8","title":"Joseph-Isra\u00ebl Tarte (1848-1907)","alt":"Joseph-Isra\u00ebl Tarte (1848-1907)","source":"Credit: William James Topley\/Library and Archives Canada\/PA-013027","creator":"","caption":""},{"filename":"51793878-7bd4-4bd7-b84c-47efc98261b8","title":"Portrait of Joseph Israel Tarte","alt":"Portrait of Joseph Israel Tarte","source":"By Henri Julien, Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1984-164-15 Source: Mr. Laurent Allard, Laval, Qu\u00e9bec","creator":"","caption":""},{"filename":"87b5ef13-ea71-49d3-9220-0318313d9d31","title":"Honor\u00e9 Mercier","alt":"Honor\u00e9 Mercier","source":"(photo by Jules-Ernest Livernois [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons","creator":"","caption":""},{"filename":"b986c81a-40a2-47a7-b7a1-4665377e2f5f","title":"Sir Wilfrid Laurier Campaigning","alt":"Sir Wilfrid Laurier Campaigning","source":"(courtesy Library and Archives Canada\/C-5598)","creator":"","caption":"Laurier ran successful campaigns for prime minister in 1896, 1900, 1904 and 1908."},{"filename":"53d34b2e-01bc-41b9-9770-72b430fceec7","title":"Sir Clifford Sifton, politician","alt":"Sir Clifford Sifton, politician","source":"(courtesy Library and Archives Canada\/PA-27943)","creator":null,"caption":"One of the ablest politicians of his time, Sifton is best known for his aggressive promotion of immigration to settle the West."},{"filename":"91f88706-78ec-4915-9656-9b34cb02140c","title":"Sir Wilfrid Laurier","alt":"Sir Wilfrid Laurier","source":"(Courtesy Library and Archives Canada, C-001971)","creator":"","caption":"A clever and eloquent politician, a true legend in his own time, Laurier has been judged in a variety of ways."},{"filename":"0cc9a1f3-c859-4ec3-b5cd-512aa2d420b2","title":"Henri Bourassa, 1917","alt":"Henri Bourassa, 1917","source":"(courtesy Library and Archives Canada\/C-009092)","creator":"","caption":""},{"filename":"91f88706-78ec-4915-9656-9b34cb02140c","title":"Wilfrid Laurier","alt":"Wilfrid Laurier","source":null,"creator":null,"caption":""}]"> <main class="main-grid"> <article class="article main-grid__content"> <input type="hidden" id="isUserLogin" name="loginuser" value=""> <aside id="articlewidgets" class="article-widgets"> <input type="checkbox" class="menu-open" name="menu-open" id="menu-open"/> <label class="widget-open-button" for="menu-open"> <span class="dot--1"></span> 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"Joseph-Israël Tarte". <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>, 15 September 2016, <em>Historica Canada</em>. Accessed 12 December 2024."> <li class="title">MLA 8TH EDITION</li> <li class="description">Laurendeau, Paul and Richard Jones. "Joseph-Israël Tarte". <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>, 15 September 2016, <em>Historica Canada</em>. Accessed 12 December 2024.</li> <li class="link"><a data-text="Laurendeau, Paul and Richard Jones. "Joseph-Israël Tarte". <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>, 15 September 2016, <em>Historica Canada</em>. Accessed 12 December 2024." href="#" class="js-copy-clipboard b b-md b-invert b-modal-copy">Copy</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul class="citation-reference"> <input id="copy2" type="text" value="APA 6TH EDITION | Laurendeau, P., & Jones, R. (2016). Joseph-Israël Tarte. In <em>The Canadian Encyclopedia</em>. Retrieved from"> <li class="title">APA 6TH EDITION</li> <li class="description">Laurendeau, P., & Jones, R. (2016). Joseph-Israël Tarte. 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A brilliant, caustic and often impulsive polemicist, Tarte was the owner and editor-in-chief of several newspapers throughout his career, including Le Canadien, L’Événement, La Patrie and the Quebec Daily Mercury, which he used to support various political factions and causes. </div> <div class="article-content-body"> <div id="article-content-def"> <div class="slider"><div class="bxslider"><div><img src='' title='Portrait of Joseph Israel Tarte' alt='Portrait of Joseph Israel Tarte' /></div><div><img src='' title='Joseph-Israël Tarte (1848-1907)' alt='Joseph-Israël Tarte (1848-1907)' /></div></div><div class='bxslider-controls'><a href='#' class='bx-prev'>Previous</a><a href='#' class='bx-next'>Next</a></div></div> <p> <span style="background-color: initial;">Tarte switched allegiances so often over the course of his career as a politician and journalist that his political rivals often referred to him by the unmistakable nickname of Judas Iscariot</span><em style="background-color: initial;">.</em><span style="background-color: initial;"> That being said, his numerous and often abrupt political shifts were not opportunistic or cynical, but rather a political and intellectual response to an ever-changing era of tense, complex, and polarized social struggles.</span> </p> <h3><strong>Youth and Education </strong><strong></strong></h3> <p> Tarte did his early schooling in Saint-Joseph-de-Lanoraie. He then continued his studies at the Collège de L’Assomption in 1860, but left after completing rhetoric and only half of his first year of philosophy (<em>see</em> <a href="">Collège classique</a>). He went on to apprentice as a notary clerk under Louis Archambeault and was admitted as a <a href="">notary</a> in 1871. He first worked in <a href="">L’Assomption</a>, and later for a few years in Saint-Lin des Laurentides. In 1872, he became the owner of the newspaper <em>Les Laurentides </em>and a contributor at <em>La Gazette de Joliette. </em>In October 1874, he became an associate editor at <a href=""><i>Le Canadien</i></a><em>, </em>which he bought a few months later, in June 1875, becoming partners with Louis-Georges Desjardins—the influential French Canadian newspaper’s editor-in-chief and a leading figure in the Québec Conservative Party. </p> <h3><strong>Liberal-Conservative </strong><strong></strong></h3> <p> As a Liberal-Conservative in the early 1870s, Tarte was opposed to the Catholic platform. His thinking was in line with moderate Conservative <a href="">George-Étienne Cartier</a>’s ideology, which was in favour of respecting the Church’s spiritual jurisdiction while limiting its involvement in politics. Cartier’s death in 1873 coincided with Tarte’s emergence as a political journalist, at a time when three social doctrines—liberalism, moderate conservatism, and conservative <a href="">ultramontanism</a>—were all up against each other. Tarte worked as an organizer to help solidify <a href="">Hector-Louis Langevin</a>’s newly acquired leadership of the Québec wing of the <a href="">Conservative Party</a>. He fought the Liberals to his left by painting them as anticlerical (particularly during the <a href="">Guibord Affair</a>), while fighting the ultramontanists to his right by undermining their platform with his nationalist editorials. His sharp mind and polemic passion made him the most respected journalist of his generation. </p> <p> <strong></strong> </p> <div class="slider"><div class="bxslider"><div><img src='' title='Sir Hector-Louis Langevin' alt='Sir Hector-Louis Langevin' /><figcaption>Sir Hector-Louis Langevin, Minister of Parliament for Dorchester, Québec, and Minister of Public Works, Ottawa, July 1873 (courtesy Library and Archives Canada, PA-026409).</figcaption></div><div><img src='' title='Honoré Mercier' alt='Honoré Mercier' /></div></div><div class='bxslider-controls'><a href='#' class='bx-prev'>Previous</a><a href='#' class='bx-next'>Next</a></div></div> <h3><strong>Ultramontane Shift </strong><strong></strong></h3> <p> In the spring of 1875, Tarte suddenly began to lean toward ultramontanism and became one of its champions. From 1877 to 1881, he sat on the Conservative bench in the Québec <a href="">National Assembly</a>. During this time, he drew closer to <a href="">Honoré Mercier</a>’s <a href="">Parti national</a>—a coalition of Liberals and Conservatives who were also seeking the clergy’s support. To explain his sudden ideological shift, Tarte invoked his religious beliefs as well as the need to win over Québec voters (an approach that would be used again by the <a href="">Castors</a> in 1882). Knowing that a vote could go either way, Tarte began to consider that the Catholic Church should contribute its insights in politics. The Québec episcopate agreed with him, until the Vatican reestablished order through Pope Leo XIII’s 1885 encyclical, <em>Immortale Dei</em>, which called for the separation of duties between Church and State. </p> <h3><strong>Liberal Shift </strong><strong></strong></h3> <p> Once the Vatican settled the issue of the clergy’s interference in politics, Tarte returned to a more moderate platform. His finest hour arguably came between 1890 and 1891, when he exposed the McGreevy-Langevin scandal, first in <a href=""><i>Le Canadien</i></a>,and then in the <a href="">House of Commons</a>, to which he was elected in 1891. The scandal forced his former political mentor Hector-Louis Langevin to resign from <a href="">Cabinet</a> and caused the Conservative Party to lose credibility—leaving Tarte sitting on the Liberal bench. The <a href="">Manitoba schools question</a> solidified his alliance with the Liberal Party, and Tarte’s success as a campaign manager contributed greatly to <a href="">Wilfrid Laurier</a>’s triumph in Québec in the <a href="">election of 1896</a>. Laurier immediately sent Tarte, a seasoned political defector, and <a href="">Henri Bourassa</a>, a young and successful ultramontane, to negotiate the status of Manitoba Catholic schools with <a href="">Manitoba premier</a><a href="">Thomas Greenway</a> and Justice Minister <a href="">Clifford Sifton</a>. Tarte and Bourassa would become two of the founders of the Laurier-Greenway compromise regarding the Manitoba schools question. </p> <p> <strong></strong> </p> <div class="slider"><div class="bxslider"><div><img src='' title='Sir Wilfrid Laurier' alt='Sir Wilfrid Laurier' /><figcaption>A clever and eloquent politician, a true legend in his own time, Laurier has been judged in a variety of ways.</figcaption></div><div><img src='' title='Sir Wilfrid Laurier Campaigning' alt='Sir Wilfrid Laurier Campaigning' /><figcaption>Laurier ran successful campaigns for prime minister in 1896, 1900, 1904 and 1908.</figcaption></div><div><img src='' title='Sir Wilfrid Laurier' alt='Sir Wilfrid Laurier' /><figcaption>Sir Wilfrid Laurier, campaigning.</figcaption></div><div><img src='' title='Henri Bourassa, 1917' alt='Henri Bourassa, 1917' /></div><div><img src='' title='Sir Clifford Sifton, politician' alt='Sir Clifford Sifton, politician' /><figcaption>One of the ablest politicians of his time, Sifton is best known for his aggressive promotion of immigration to settle the West (courtesy Library and Archives Canada/PA-27943).</figcaption></div></div><div class='bxslider-controls'><a href='#' class='bx-prev'>Previous</a><a href='#' class='bx-next'>Next</a></div></div> <p> As minister of Public Works in Laurier’s government, Tarte sped up the redevelopment of the <a href="">St. Lawrence Seaway</a> in order to transport <a href="">wheat</a> from Western Canada to Europe. He oversaw the construction of the Soulanges Canal (a 23.5 km waterway connecting Lac Saint-François in the west to Lac Saint-Louis in the east) in order to replace the Beauharnois Canal, which was no longer deep enough to accommodate the size of modern ships. He committed resources to repair and widen ports, particularly the port of <a href="">Montréal</a>, and established a major Eastern Canadian shipyard in <a href="">Sorel</a>. He also launched public works in the <a href="">Maritime provinces</a> and in <a href="">British Columbia</a>. Tarte worked toward building a high-speed rail service between <a href="">Liverpool</a>, Nova Scotia, and Montréal, and built a railway through <a href="">Drummondville</a>, connecting the <a href="">Intercolonial Railway</a> to the <a href="">Grand Trunk Railway</a>. </p> <p> Tarte’s position as minister of Public Works also fuelled his electioneering tendencies. He played favourites, strengthened relationships between the Liberals and the Montréal business community, and worked to bring about Laurier’s political progress in Québec. His opinions on controversial subjects were notorious and often contradictory, yet he was outspoken in his defence of them. He was a fierce supporter of British <a href="">Imperialism</a>, yet he strongly opposed the involvement of Canadian troops in the <a href="">South African War</a> in 1899. In 1900, he was severely criticized by the conservative press in <a href="">Ontario</a> for his remarks about Canadian independence. As a man of conviction rather than partisan obedience, who focused more on specific matters than broad political orientations, Tarte made an increasing number of enemies on both sides of the House of Commons. </p> <h3><strong>Return to Conservatism </strong><strong></strong></h3> <p> Finally, in 1902, Tarte’s campaign in favour of imperial economic unity and increased tariff protection lead Laurier to dismiss him, informing him that his new platform revealed a gap in the solidarity of the Liberal Party’s ministers. This marked the end of Tarte’s career in the <a href="">federal government</a>. He returned to his position as a Conservative campaign manager for a few <a href="">by-elections</a>. However, as a former Liberal minister, his paradoxical return to the Conservative bench caused controversy and he was quickly forced to give up politics altogether. He returned to <a href="">journalism</a> and, in a shocking turn of events, came out in support of Wilfrid Laurier’s stance on the <a href="">North-West schools question</a> in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Tarte died at age 59. </p> <h3><strong>Main Works </strong><strong></strong></h3> <p> <em>Le clergé, ses droits, nos devoirs</em> (1880) </p> <p> <em>La Prétendue Conférence: les périls de la souveraineté des provinces; l’autonomie canadienne est notre sauvegarde</em> (1889) </p> <p> <em>Procès Mercier : les causes qui l’ont provoqué, quelques faits pour l’histoire</em> (1892) </p> <p> <em style="background-color: initial;">Les États-Unis au XX<sup>e</sup> siècle</em><span style="background-color: initial;"> (1904)</span> </p> </div> </div> <div id="def" class="article-content-body hide"></div> </div> <div id="article-definitions"> <definitions route="" id="joseph-israel-tarte"></definitions> </div> <div class="article-widget widget-adsense"> <script async src="//"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:468px;height:60px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3964766461879185" data-ad-slot="1946780682"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div> </article> </main> <div id="modal-overlay" class="overlay"></div> <div id="article-image" class="article-img-modal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="article-modal-title"> <button class="article-img-modal__close" aria-label="close image modal"></button> <div id="js-article-modal-image" class="article-img-modal__container"> <div class="image-container"> <img class="article-img-modal__img" src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="text-container"> <span role="heading" aria-level="3" id="article-modal-title" class="article-img-modal__title"></span> <span class="article-img-modal__description"></span> <span class="article-img-modal__creator"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="main-grid article-related"> <div id="furtherreading" class="article-related-two-column main-grid__content--wide"> <h3 class="article-related-two-column__title">Further Reading</h3> <ul class="article-related-two-column__list"> <li class="article-related-two-column__list__item"><p> <span style="background-color: initial;">Michèle Brassard and Jean Hamelin, "</span><a href="" style="background-color: initial;">Tarte, Joseph-Israël</a>,<span style="background-color: initial;">" </span><em style="background-color: initial;">Dictionary of Canadian Biography.</em> </p></li> </ul> </div> <!-- Related Collections --> <!-- Related Articles --> <div class="callouts-layout main-grid__content--full"> <h3 id="recommended" class="callouts-layout__title">Recommended</h3> <div class="callouts-layout__grid"> <div class="callout-item"> <div class="callout-item__container"> <h6 class="callout-item__title"> <a class="callout-item__link" href="" > Pierre-Stanislas Bédard </a> </h6> <span class="callout-item__category">Article</span> </div> <div class="image-container"> <img src="" class="image-container__image" alt="Plaque de la Maison Pierre-Stanislas-et-Elzéar-Bédard" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="donation_banner" class="donation-banner"> <button id="donation-banner-expand-btn" class="donation-banner__expand-btn" aria-label="expand donation banner window"> </button> <div class="donation-banner__container"> <div class="text-container"> <h3 class="text-container__title">Flag Day Contest</h3> <div class="text-container__text"><p class="MsoNormal">Celebrate the 60th anniversary of the national flag by taking our Flag Day quiz and be entered into a draw for a chance to win a flag from the Peace Tower in Ottawa for your school!<span lang="EN-CA"></span><o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal"><o:p></o:p></p></div> </div> <a class="b-invert solid b-sm donation-banner__button" href="/en/article/flag-day-contest"> Take the quiz </a> </div> </div> <footer id="footer"> <div class="full-width footer-first-part"> <div class="wrap--narrow"> <div class="footer-information grid--col2"> <div class="divider"> <h6>Updates? 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