General FAQs | Health 2.0 Conference
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In addition to networking sessions, the conference will also feature engaging keynotes and panel discussions focusing on the current healthcare practices.", "startDate": "2025-03-04", "endDate": "2025-03-06", "eventAttendanceMode": "OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "eventStatus": "EventScheduled", "performer": { "@type": "PerformingGroup", "name": "Health 2.0 Conference USA 2025" }, "image": [ "", "", "" ], "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Luxor Hotel & Casino", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "Luxor Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas", "addressLocality": "Las Vegas", "addressRegion": "NV", "postalCode": "89119", "addressCountry": "USA" } }, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "name": "Conference Attendance Pass", "price": "3000", "priceCurrency": "USD", "validFrom": "2025-02-15", "url": "", "availability": "" }, "organizer": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Health 2.0 Conference", "url": "" } ] } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "name": "Health 2.0 Conference Singapore 2026", "description": "With a unique confluence of healthcare experts, investors, researchers, and policymakers, the three-day global conference will shine a light on key trends and developments shaping the global healthcare sector. In addition to networking sessions, the conference will also feature engaging keynotes and panel discussions focusing on the current healthcare practices.", "startDate": "2026-01-26", "endDate": "2026-01-28", "eventAttendanceMode": "OfflineEventAttendanceMode", "eventStatus": "EventScheduled", "performer": { "@type": "PerformingGroup", "name": "Health 2.0 Conference Singapore 2026" }, "image": [ "", "", "" ], "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Singapore", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "Singapore", "addressLocality": "Singapore", "addressRegion": "Singapore", "postalCode": "00000", "addressCountry": "Singapore" } }, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "name": "Conference Attendance Pass", "price": "2500", "priceCurrency": "USD", "validFrom": "2025-01-25", "url": "", "availability": "" }, "organizer": [ { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Health 2.0 Conference", "url": "" } ] } </script> <!-- FAQ Schema Start --> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "When is Health 2.0 Conference taking place?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The Health 2.0 Conference will return in 2024: the Spring Edition will take place May 1–3 at the InterContinental, Dubai Festival City, UAE, and the Summer Edition will take place July 10–12 at the Caesars Forum in Las Vegas, USA. Visit this page to gain a better grasp of the location and the schedule." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the Health 2.0 Conference?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Health 2.0 Conference is an acclaimed global healthcare conference that takes place at least twice a year. In 2024, the three-day healthcare event is going to take place in Dubai & Las Vegas in the months of May and July, respectively. The aim of the conference is to rethink the healthcare industry by bringing together some of the most renowned professionals from a variety of specializations. If you are interested in knowing about the most recent advancements in the healthcare and wellness industries while encouraging networking and the sharing of ideas between forward-thinking people and businesses, then this smart healthcare event can be your go-to stop!" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can I pre-register for the conference? What is the cost of buying an Attendee Pass?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Indeed, to get our all-inclusive Attendee Passes and visit our 2024 healthcare conferences in Las Vegas & Dubai, you are required to pre-register. Visit this page to acquire all the information you need to know more about the registration charge. Additionally, you can get in touch with us by calling the provided number: (302) 772-4240 if you have any questions or concerns." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How long do I need to wait for the confirmation of my registration? What's included in my pass?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Within 24-48 hours of the registration process completion, you will receive login information from our end. We will also send you a payment confirmation email after validating your details. That’s all! You get direct access to your selected edition’s panel discussions, keynote addresses, Q&A sessions, and fireside chats. The registration fee also covers meals, coffee breaks, conference deliverables, and access to networking events for three days." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What does the Health 2.0 Conference have in store for me?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The Health 2.0 Conference will host healthcare events in 2024 that will feature a unique depth and breadth of knowledge in the conception and implementation of traditional and digital healthcare marketing strategies. The conference will cover all of the hot topics over the course of three days this year, including but not limited to healthcare trends, developments in pharma, R&D, cybersecurity breaches in the healthcare industry, fraud, scams, and frequently occurring spam in the HealthTech sector, digital therapies, and much more. All of it will be covered at the Health 2.0 Conference in sessions that have been carefully selected, including keynoteS, panel discussions, and fireside chats with some of the most well-known professionals in the field. A number of speakers and panels from all around the world will present their reviews, research, studies, and experiences at the Health 2.0 Conference's global platform." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Do I have to pay for all the three days separately?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "No. You don’t have to pay for all the three days or for each session, for that matter, separately. Our all-inclusive Attendee Pass gives you access to all the sessions (keynotes, panel discussions, fireside chats, live Q&As, and networking sessions) and for all the conferences taking place in our capacity." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can I get a refund if I cancel my registration?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The Attendee Passes are non-refundable; every refund and cancellation request will be evaluated individually, and we have the right to refuse refunds in exceptional cases. Having mentioned that, it has been brought to our attention that scam and fraud perpetrators are using Health 2.0 Conference’s name to rip you off your money. If you receive a call claiming a completely refundable pass on behalf of the Health 2.0 Conference, do get in touch with us right away. You can also send us your requests by filling out this form." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the Recognition Session of your healthcare events about?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Health 2.0 Conference is of the opinion that if it weren't for several notable figures who made significant efforts to bring about positive change in the field, the healthcare industry wouldn't have been the same. By highlighting the diligence and work that numerous industry-leading experts have put in, we hope to encourage others to follow in their footsteps through our Recognition Session. Do you know someone whose work merits worldwide acclaim? Feel free to share with us here." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "I want to be a speaker at your healthcare conference. How do I apply for that?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "We would be more than happy if you graced our three-day healthcare and wellness conference as a speaker or panelist. The procedure for registering your interest in speaking at our conference is quite simple; you need to fill out this form, register your interest with us and wait for someone from our end to contact you to give and take all the information you need. However, if you face any confusion while deciding to register to become our next speaker or panelist, you can contact our team using this number: (302) 772-4240" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can I become your upcoming healthcare events' Sponsor? ", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Yes. We are still accepting sponsorship requests. Submit your request here." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are your sponsorship packages?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "We offer Platinum, Diamond, and Gold Sponsor packages depending on your choice and suitability. Need more information on the packages? You can find all the information by visiting this page or contacting our team of experts to guide you through the sponsorship procedure and packages." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "I would like to book an exhibition booth at your Spring Edition. Is it possible?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "We still have a few exhibition booths left; so yes, you still have time to register your exhibition interest with us. But for your information, we are receiving overwhelming responses from other delegates who are willing to showcase their products and services at the Health 2.0 Conference's exhibition floor." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is included in the Health 2.0 Conference sponsorship package in 2024?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "If you are interested in event sponsorship for healthcare, you must know that we have several perks and advantages that we are willing to offer to our Sponsors. Learn about our past sponsors on this page. If you wish to request a brochure, fill out this form, or you can send your request to" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Before I register to be an exhibitor, I would like to know about the Health 2.0 exhibition opportunities and the booth dimensions offered.", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Our committed team of professionals can answer all your questions regarding exhibitions and provide you with the precise information you need. You can contact them by sending your questions, concerns, or confusions to" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Does the Attendee Pass include hotel accommodations and travel expenses?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "No, your Attendee Passes do not cover lodging and travel expenses. However, if you book via our hotel partners, you get to enjoy amazing discounts on the booking." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Why should I attend this conference?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Medical and healthcare conferences are the backbone of progress in the industry. There are several benefits of attending our upcoming events in Dubai & Las Vegas: Our medical conference for healthcare professionals helps disseminate information about the most recent case studies and medical research discoveries. These sessions have already helped and will continue to help improve the global healthcare standard. Team up with some of the most vibrating personalities in the healthcare industry over a cup of coffee or a freshly served meal. From C-level executives and pharma and life sciences professionals to potential investors and innovators, we have lined up an interesting pool of delegates who will share their life and work experiences on our global platform. Most importantly, you let the world know about your brand and amplify its vision and mission before attendees who might be unaware of your product and services." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "My query is not listed on this page. What should I do?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Do not worry if your confusion, query, or concern is not sorted yet. We are just a call or email away; use this page and receive the best assistance from the Health 2.0 Conference organizing team." } }] } </script> <!-- FAQ Schema End --> <!-- Facebook Pixel Code --> <script> !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', ''); fbq('init', '1516988178639132'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); </script> <noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="" alt="img" /></noscript> <!-- End Facebook Pixel Code --> <!-- --> <!-- --> <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= 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Which currencies do you accept? </strong> <p>We only accept payments in USD ($).</p> <strong>3. What methods of payment are accepted? </strong> <p>We accept several payment methods prior to the conference, including VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, Discover, Bank Transfer, and PayPal. For your convenience, we also have an interest-free installment plan in place. Please contact the team for more information.</p> <strong>4. What does the pass cover? </strong> <ul style="margin: 0px 28px;list-style: disc;"><li>Access to all keynotes, panel discussions, and concurrent 2.0 Conferences, as well as networking and exhibit areas for the entire duration of the conference.</li> <li>F&B coverage (breakfast, lunch, evening snacks, and high teas) across three days.</li> <li>Hotel discount coupons (subject to room availability).</li> </ul><strong>5. Do I need to pre-register for the conference? </strong> <p>Yes, you need to register before attending our conference. To get our all-inclusive Attendee Pass, visit this link - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <strong>6. How long do I need to wait for the confirmation of my registration? </strong> <p>As soon as you complete the registration process, you'll receive a confirmation email from us. We will also send you your login details within 24-48 business hours after we have successfully validated your details.</p> <strong>7. Do I have to pay for all three days separately? </strong> <p>No, you don’t have to pay for each session or day separately. Our all-inclusive Attendee Pass gives you access to all 3 days at the event.</p> <strong>8. What is your refund policy? </strong> <p>Our refund policy is clearly defined: you are eligible for a full refund if you cancel your registration within 14 calendar days from the registration date. To request a refund, simply contact us and we will process it promptly.</p> <p>Beyond this 14-day window, all payments are considered non-refundable. However, in exceptional circumstances that are beyond your control, we may make exceptions to this policy. If you find yourself in such a situation, you must provide comprehensive, verifiable documentation to support your request. Please be aware that submitting a request does not automatically guarantee a refund. All decisions regarding refunds are made at our exclusive discretion on a case-by-case basis and are final.</p> <strong>9. What can I do during my keynote? Are there guidelines? </strong> <p>Keynotes can be a presentation, an activity, or a business interaction with the decision-makers in the audience. They often focus on an important theme, message, or idea that the Speaker wants to communicate to the audience. Keynotes may include information about new trends in the industry, and advice or ideas that can help the audience achieve their goals.</p> <p>Ultimately, keynotes are a great way to captivate and inform the audience and are an integral part of our events. And yes, our AV team will help you every step of the way running your presentation over the stage!</p> <strong>10. What is the selection process for Speakers and agenda topics? </strong> <p>There is a multi-step process that includes the following:</p> <ul style="list-style: symbols;margin: 0px 28px;" type="1"><li> <p>Research on topical areas that impact the performance and profitability of businesses and organizations in any given industry.</p> </li> <li> <p>Identification of individuals who are knowledgeable in the proposed topic and joint discussions to define content at a high level.</p> </li> <li> <p>Before the event, a QA check is conducted to ensure that the material to be presented is not self-promotional and adds value to the attendees.</p> </li> </ul><strong>11. I may need help with printing additional marketing materials.Can you help? </strong> <p>Send us the design and we shall get you a great quote from our vendor and have them printed for you. After all, we print a whole lot ourselves.</p> <strong>12. Do honorees also have to pay to attend the conference? </strong> <p>In order to maintain the quality and exclusivity of the conference, all participants, including honorees pay to attend, admittedly at different levels.</p> <strong>13. Do you provide translators at your event? </strong> <p>Unfortunately, we do not provide translators at our event. However, we are more than willing to help connect you with professional and reliable translators, if needed.</p> <strong>14. Does the Pass include hotel accommodations and travel expenses? </strong> <p>While Attendee Passes do not include lodging and travel expenses, we have a special offer for you. When you book through our hospitality partners, you'll have access to incredible discounts on accommodations. Feel free to explore the discounts available for hotels in <a href="" target="_blank">Dubai</a> and the <a href="" target="_blank">USA</a> for our upcoming events.</p> <strong>15. What's the guest capacity for your special hotel room discounts? </strong> <p>Our special room discounts are intended for two adults and one child under 12. Note that usual hotel pricing will be in effect for children aged 12 and older. These occupancy guidelines are provided by our hotel partners and could vary, so checking the latest hotel terms is advised.</p> <strong>16. How do your panel discussions work? Are they scripted or impromptu discussions among the Panelists? </strong> <p>Panel discussions are not at all scripted; instead, we encourage free speech and open conversation among the Panelists. However, in order to maintain coherence, we introduce all the Panelists to each other 15-30 days prior to the conference to discuss pointers and ideas around the panel discussion.</p> <strong>17. Will my entire team be able to avail hotel stay offers? </strong> <p>As an Exhibitor/Sponsor or group pass holder, you and a pre-defined number of your team members can enjoy special offers on your hotel accommodations (subject to availability). You can easily make arrangements for booking multiple rooms for those on your team who are attending the event.</p> <strong>18. What do I do if I require a visa? </strong> <p>Please check with the UAE/US Embassy whether you require a visa to enter the UAE/United States. Note that only registered attendees will be provided a Visa Invitation Letter.</p> <strong>19. Why is there a spam listing about your conference on the web? </strong> <p style="word-wrap: break-word;">Please know that the allegations contained therein are completely unfounded. Our team has worked diligently since 2018 to create a platform of valuable information and exceptional integrity. If you're looking to learn more, please take a moment to view our YouTube page <a href="" target="_blank">(</a>, where we have uploaded several videos from past events. Additionally, if you'd like to get feedback from our past attendees, we'd be happy to provide you with their reviews.</p> <strong>20. My query is not listed here. What should I do? </strong> <p>Do not worry if your confusion, query, or concern is not sorted yet. We are just an email away; reach out to <a href=""></a> to get the best assistance from the Health 2.0 Conference’s Organizing Team.</p> <h3 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Exhibitor FAQs</strong></h3> <strong>21. I would like to book an exhibit booth space. How do I do it?</strong> <p>We would be delighted to have your organization on the Exhibitors’ floor! However, we usually receive a high volume of interest and spaces fill up quickly. To book your exhibit booth space, please email <a href=""></a> with your information. We look forward to having you on board.</p> <strong>22. Can I set up a shell booth or an enclosed space with equipment on the exhibit floor? </strong> <p>Sure, you can set up a personalized booth/shell at the conference. You can bring your booth setup/equipment to the event venue and our team will be there to help you.</p> <strong>23. I do not have a shell booth but would like one. Can you help me with one? </strong> <p>We offer assistance from a wide range of vendors who can provide you with personalized shells at competitive rates. Reach out to us and we will get you in touch with them.</p> <strong>24. What are the sizes offered? What does it include? </strong> <p>Exhibit booth sizes include [6 ft. x 4 ft.], [7 ft. x 5 ft.], and [12 ft. x 6 ft.]. This includes a dedicated space in the common Exhibitors’ floor as well as a table provided by us.</p> <strong>25. How do I choose my spot on the Exhibitors’ floor? </strong> <p>Spot preferences are provided to our Elite Exhibitors [12 ft. x 6 ft.] and you can choose your spot after going over the Floor Plan. Also, you can arrive a day or two prior to the event to finalize your exact spot and let us know the setup. Exhibitor FAQs</p> <strong>26. Is there audiovisual equipment we can rent if needed? </strong> <p>Yes, absolutely. We will be happy to connect you with third-party vendors for special equipment requests and audiovisual equipment rentals. However, you will need to get this done at least two weeks prior to the event.</p> <strong>27. With whom can I coordinate event logistics such as shipment address, show hours (setup and breakdown), access to the internet, etc.? </strong> <p>Our team will be in constant contact with you for all the details and will be at the venue a week prior to the event. You can arrive a day or two before the event and we would have the booth setup done!</p> <strong>28. Will the conference be live-streamed, and is there a platform for us to use to stream our exhibits? </strong> <p>The complete conference will go live on our verified YouTube channel. However, Advanced & Elite Exhibitors will be featured separately by virtue of the ‘at booth interview’ with our conference emcee/host which shall be posted on our YouTube channel.</p> <strong>29. What are the Exhibitors’ floor hours? </strong> <p>09:00 AM–06:00 PM on all the three days of the conference.</p> <strong>30. Can I conduct a survey or poll within my booth? </strong> <p>Absolutely. For this, you will need to upgrade your Exhibitor Package to a Sponsorship level. This package will provide you with the booth you need plus more. You can then conduct surveys to learn more about your target audience, give away prizes through lucky draws, or even hosts private luncheons with up to seven delegates.</p> <strong>31. Will my booth come with power supply and Wi-Fi access? </strong> <p>Our team will put you in touch with the hotel's Exhibitor Team so that you can raise your requirements for F&B, electricity, internet, etc., well in advance.</p> <strong>32. Are there restrictions on items that I can bring to the booth? </strong> <p>We will adhere to the local regulations and rules set by our official venue partners when it comes to items that may be brought to the booth. Therefore, we encourage you to check and ensure that any items you plan to bring comply with the local regulations.</p> <strong>33. Can I leave materials and products at the booth overnight? </strong> <p>Although our venues are monitored and have security staff at entry and exit points, we cannot be held liable for any damages or losses that occur overnight. For your peace of mind, we suggest carrying any and all valuables like laptops/hard drives, etc., back to the hotel along with you for safekeeping.</p> <strong>34. What is the maximum capacity for my booth? </strong> <p>4 team members are allowed with the Elite Exhibitor plan. You can add additional members with discounted Attendee Passes.</p> <strong>35. How many people do you anticipate visiting the Exhibitor's area? </strong> <p>87% of our attendee companies interact with the Exhibitors. With an expected attendance of 2,000+ combining all six conferences, we are expecting 1,500+ decision-makers to be present at all times.</p> <strong>36. Will my booth space be insured against damages during the event? </strong> <p>No, we do not provide insurance for booth spaces. However, we have implemented several safety protocols and additional safety measures to help protect your booth and its contents from any potential damages or losses.</p> <strong>37. Can I bring an emotional support/service animal to the Exhibitors' floor? </strong> <p>The venue can best provide you with a definitive answer regarding this question. We suggest contacting the event venue directly for more information.</p> <strong>38. Is the Exhibitors’ floor wheelchair-friendly?</strong> <p>The Exhibitors’ floor at the hotel is designed to be accessible. Should you have any special needs or questions related to your mobility requirements, please do not hesitate to ask the hotel for further assistance.</p> <strong>39. Can I record visitor interactions at the conference to share later? </strong> <p>Recording visitor interactions at the conference is certainly possible. However, it is important to always obtain consent from visitors before capturing any of their interactions. This will help ensure that the conference attendees are comfortable and feel respected while they are attending.</p> <strong>40. Is it possible to upgrade our booth space? </strong> <p>Sure. You can upgrade your booth space prior to or even at the event (subject to availability).</p> <strong>41. Will I be able to ship materials to the event venue directly? </strong> <p>Yes, you are welcome to ship materials directly to the event venue. For any details or instructions, please contact <a href=""></a>.</p> <strong>42. What safety protocols should I follow while setting up and breaking down my booth? </strong> <p>When setting up and breaking down your booth, it is important to adhere to safety protocols. First, check to make sure all of the equipment is properly installed and secure.Be mindful of the surrounding environment, and avoid placing items too close to the edges or edges of stairs and balconies.</p> <p>When breaking down your booth, you should always double-check to ensure that all electrical equipment is unplugged and no cords are dangling from your display. Additionally, when packing up, use secure materials, such as straps and bubble wrap, to avoid damage to your items during transit.</p> <strong>43. Is there storage available for materials during the conference? </strong> <p>Yes, we have prep rooms and a registration desk which can be used to store your items. However, we do not assume any responsibility for theft or loss of materials. For your own safety, it is strongly recommended to keep your valuables such as wallets, laptops, and hard drives with you at all times.</p> <strong>44. How early may I begin to set up my booth?</strong> <p>The earliest you can begin setting up your booth is one day before the show starts. We suggest that you make your arrangements ahead of time for a smooth setup. Our Exhibitor Team will be available at the venue to answer any questions or provide assistance if needed.</p> <strong>45. What time do I need to have my booth taken down after the conference ends? </strong> <p>Your exhibit booth needs to be taken down after the Networking Hour on the third (and the final) day of the conference. This is typically when the event closes and all participants leave the premises. Please make sure that the booth is packed up and ready to be taken away at this time.</p> <strong>46. Will there be security personnel onsite to watch over the booths? </strong> <p>As we are using world-class hotels and facilities for the event, security staff will be present at all times. However, for the safety of your belongings, we advise you to take precautions with any equipment or materials associated with your booth.</p> <h3 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Sponsor FAQs</strong></h3> <strong>47. Can I become your upcoming healthcare event's Sponsor? </strong> <p>We are still accepting Sponsorship requests. Submit your request here - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <strong>48. What are your Sponsorship Packages? </strong> <p>We offer Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze Sponsorship Packages depending on your choice and suitability. Need more information on the packages? You can find all the information by filling up the form on <a href="" target="_blank">this page</a>.</p> <strong>49. Can I arrange meetings with prospects during the Health 2.0 Conference? </strong> <p>Absolutely. We provide assistance to schedule business meetings with potential clients with our Sponsorship Packages.</p> <strong>50. How do you schedule 1-1 business meetings with my desired prospects under the Sponsorship Program? </strong> <p>As an Event Sponsor, the complete list of event attendees shall be shared with you 15 days prior to the event. You can choose your desired prospects and we shall get you in touch with them. Also, at the event, we shall provide assistance in scheduling the meeting and a dedicated meeting area/room for you to have business meetings with your prospects, depending on your Sponsorship Package.</p> <strong>51. How far in advance do I need to make a commitment to sponsoring an event? </strong> <p>There are no time constraints per se. However, Sponsorships are subject to availability and are on a first-come-first-serve basis. Since they are limited in number, we would suggest you move forward at your earliest convenience. Another benefit would be that our team would get enough time to promote your organization on our social media handles.</p> <strong>52. Will my Sponsorship benefits be applicable to both the Dubai and Las Vegas events? </strong> <p>Both events have their own sets of Sponsors and associated benefits. However, the Platinum Sponsors enjoy leverage in both events.</p> <strong>53. How do I purchase additional Sponsorships if I'm already registered for other items and/or to exhibit? </strong> <p>If you've already registered as a Delegate or an Exhibitor, you can purchase additional Sponsorships by getting in touch with the dedicated team at<a href=""></a>. Once you have registered and completed the formalities, you will receive a confirmation email.</p> <strong>54. Are there any options available to stream the event online to my audience? </strong> <p>The complete conference will go live on our YouTube channel. You can ask for the live link from any of our team members on the ground or your connected representative. We will share the links on social media as well!</p> <strong>55. What social media channels will you use to share our content? </strong> <p>Content and promotional activities will be shared on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter & Facebook. Moreover, we tag you and the organization to provide you with the maximum traction through social media.</p> <strong>56. Is there a certain timeline for me to submit artwork or any other creative content for the conference? </strong> <p>We move into production 45 days prior to the conference. So, we suggest submitting artworks, advertisements, and other items about 45-60 days before the conference.</p> <strong>57. I would like to sign up as a Platinum Sponsor and would be available only for one day to deliver my keynote. Will you make that happen? </strong> <p>Absolutely, our team will go ahead and help you with a tailor-made solution as per your requirement(s).</p> <strong>58. Will Exhibitors and Sponsors get a hard copy of the conference's showguide? If yes, when will that happen? </strong> <p>Yes! Each Exhibitor and Sponsor and their team members as well will receive a copy of the conference showguide with their Welcome Registration Kit on Day 1 of the conference.</p> <strong>59. I have a specific question about your Sponsorship Packages but I cannot find it here. What do I do? </strong> <p>If your query is not listed here, please send your sponsorship inquiries to <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="footer main-footer"> <!-- --> <div> <div class="block" id="block-footer"> <div class="content"> <div><div class="container"> <div class="footer-wrapper"><a href="/"><img class="footer-logo" src="/sites/" /></a> <p>The Health 2.0 Conference deliberates on ways to boost the global healthcare ecosystem by bringing the brightest minds in healthcare and wellness under one roof. 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