PAYONE Documentation Platform | Channel-Frontend

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The basic requirements to be eligible with SAQ A Please refer to PCI DSS Security Standards listed in SAQ A V3 on are: <ul style="list-style: disc inside;"> <li>Your company accepts only card-not-present (e-commerce or mail/telephone-order) transactions;</li> <li>All payment acceptance and processing are entirely outsourced to PCI DSS validated third-party service providers;</li> <li>our company has no direct control of the manner in which cardholder data is captured, processed, transmitted, or stored;</li> <li>Your company does not electronically store, process, or transmit any cardholder data on your systems or premises, but relies entirely on a third party(s) to handle all these functions;</li> <li>Your company has confirmed that all third party(s) handling acceptance, storage, processing, and/or transmission of cardholder data are PCI DSS compliant; and</li> <li>Your company retains only paper reports or receipts with cardholder data, and these documents are not received electronically.</li> <li>The entirety of all payment pages delivered to the consumer's browser originates directly from a third-party PCI DSS validated service provider(s).</li> </ul> <p></p> PAYONE provides now the PAYONE Frontend hosted iFrame for input of sensible credit card data which is fully PCI DSS 3.1 SAQ A compliant. Therefore a new URL has to be used: For security reasons the new PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame <ul style="list-style: inside disc;"> <li>does not populate credit card details with given data.</li> <li>must not be used with option "autosubmit=yes" and credit card data.</li> <li>has to be hosted on new domain and URL</li> </ul> </div> <div class="payone-white-content-section"> <h4 id="Migration">Migration to PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame</h4> <p>The PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame is configured in the same way as the existing Frontend solution. You can configure the Frontend design via PMI, payment portals, extended configuration. You will now find two tabs named "Classic Frontend (" and "Frontend PCI DSS SAQ A (". For both frontend configuration the HTML header and footer can be specified and the design of the frontend can be customized. PAYONE already copied your existing frontend configuration into the configuration for PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame. However, the display of the PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame may differ from the existing Frontend as the size of an input field and an input iframe may differ. So please verify that the design of the PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame meets your expectations. After setup the new PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame you will simply have to replace the URL in your shop:</p> <p><strong>old URL to Frontend:</strong></p> <p>-&gt; HTML footer/header in PMI-Tab "Classic Frontend ("</p> <p> <strong>new URL to PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame:</strong></p> <p>-&gt; HTML footer/header in PMI-Tab "Frontend PCI DSS SAQ A ("</p> <div class="alertbox" style="background-position-y: 15px;"> <p><strong>Important notes:</strong><br>The HTML footer and header for "PAYONE Frontend" and "PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame" can be and have to be configured separately.<br>It is recommended to disable the usage of the Frontend classic once the PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame has been setup and tested. Otherwise it may be possible that an offender may change the new URL after calling the PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame to the old URL.<br>Feature "auto-submit" must not be used with PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame and credit card data.</p> </div> <h4>Customization of hosted-iFrames</h4> <p>You may customize the HTML-type and HTML-CSS for the PAYONE hosted-iFrames. Therefore you may put a script-block named "config" into your HTML Header Code within the PMI-Portal configuration in tab "Frontend PCI DSS SAQ A (".<br>This block may look like this (example):</p> <div class="samplebox responsesDIV"> <div class="sampleboxheader sbflex-big"><span class="sampleboxhtext has-text-white">Example</span></div> <button type="button" class="payone-copy-text button payone-is-tiny btn-primary sbflex"> <span class="icon-text"> <span class="icon payone-is-tiny"> <i class="payone-copy-outline"></i> </span> <span>Copy</span> </span> </button> <button class="btn-primary button payone-is-tiny sbflex" aria-expanded="false"> <svg class="svg-Up svg2" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 24 24" x="0" xmlns="" y="0" aria-hidden="true" style="fill: currentColor;"> <polygon points="17.3 8.3 12 13.6 6.7 8.3 5.3 9.7 12 16.4 18.7 9.7 "></polygon> </svg><span>expand</span> <!--<span class="sc-jcwpoC DVwyR"></span> --></button> <table class="samplecodebox sbflex-full"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 179px;"> <td> <pre class="language-javascript"><code>&lt;script&gt; config = { fields:{ cardpan: { type: "&lt;span class="sp-highlight-term underline sp-cursor-pointer" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"&gt;tel&lt;/span&gt;", size: "21", maxlength: "21" }, cardexpiremonth: { type: "select", size: "2", maxlength: "2" }, cardexpireyear: { type: "select", size: "4", maxlength: "4" }, cardcvc2: { type: "password", size: "4", maxlength: "4", style: "font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px; width: 60px;" } }, defaultStyle: { input: " font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px; width: 220px", select: "font-size: 10px;", iframe: { height: "27px", width: "98%" } } }; &lt;/script&gt;</code></pre> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p></p> <p>Please pay attention to separate the elements by "," – but not the last element of a list.<br>Please find a list of supported elements in the next chapter.</p> </div> <div class="payone-white-content-section"> <h4 id="config atributes">Table of Config Atributes:</h4> <p>These attributes and values are allowed in object "config.fields":</p> <div> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 56.1368%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 6.96176%;">card-type</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 6.50646%;">card-pan</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 5.6433%;">card-cvc2</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 10.4991%;">card-expire-month</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 9.01005%;">card-expire-year</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 0.917657%;">attribute</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 60.4119%;">value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.96176%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.50646%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 5.6433%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 10.4991%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 9.01005%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 0.917657%;">cardtypes</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 60.4119%;"> <p>define possible cardtypes for selection in PAYONE iFrame, e.g. ["V", "M", "A"]</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.96176%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.50646%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 5.6433%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 10.4991%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 9.01005%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 0.917657%;">size</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 60.4119%;">size of input field in characters, e.g. "20"</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.96176%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.50646%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 5.6433%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 10.4991%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 9.01005%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 0.917657%;">maxlength</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 60.4119%;">maximum length of accepted input, e.g. "20"</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.96176%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.50646%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 5.6433%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 10.4991%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 9.01005%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 0.917657%;">length</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 60.4119%;">Array of exact length of accepted input per CC-type<br>e.g.: length: { "A": 4, "V": 3, "M": 3, "J": 0 }</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.96176%; text-align: center;"> <p> </p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.50646%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 5.6433%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 10.4991%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 9.01005%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 0.917657%;">type</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 60.4119%;">define type of input field:<br> <div class="table-wrap"> <table class="payone-simpleTable"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh">type</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh">Comments</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd">"text"</td> <td class="confluenceTd"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd">tel</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd">input is visible, simple keyboard is displayed on mobile devices</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd">"password"</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd">input is masked</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd">"select"</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd">display selection/drop-down with possible values (only valid for month and year)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.96176%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.50646%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 5.6433%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 10.4991%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 9.01005%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 0.917657%;">style</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 60.4119%;"> <p>CSS style properties, e.g. "font-size: 1em; border: 1px solid #000; background: white; color: red; width: 145px; height: 70px; font-family: 'Courier'; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 2px;"</p> <br> <p>Remark: if "url" is used the style will be ignored as PCI DSS does not allow external ressources.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.96176%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.50646%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 5.6433%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 10.4991%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 9.01005%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 0.917657%;">iframe.height</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 60.4119%;">size</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.96176%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 6.50646%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 5.6433%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 10.4991%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 9.01005%; text-align: center;">x</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 0.917657%;">iframe.width</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 60.4119%;">size, e.g.:<br>iframe: {<br>height: "25px", <br>width: "250px" <br>}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p>These attributes and values are allowed in object "config.defaultStyle":</p> <div> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 56.9909%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 8.32492%;">attribute</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 91.6751%;">value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 8.32492%;">input</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 91.6751%;"> <p>CSS style properties for input fields, e.g. "font-size: 1em; border: 1px solid #000; width: 175px;"</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 8.32492%;">select</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 91.6751%;"> <p>CSS style properties for select fields, e.g. "font-size: 1em; border: 1px solid #000;"</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 8.32492%;">iframe.height</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 91.6751%;"> <p>size in pixel</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 8.32492%;">iframe.width</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 91.6751%;"> <p>size in pixel, e.g.:<br>iframe: {<br>height: "25px",<br>width: "250px"<br>}</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="payone-white-content-section"> <h4 id="endpoints">Frontend API Endpoints</h4> <p>Request URL to PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame: <a href=""></a></p> <p>The Endpoint  to Frontend Classic: should not be used for new implementations; existing implementations should be migrated</p> <h4>POST Request to PAYONE Frontend</h4> <p>You can create a Frontend-Page by sending a POST Request to our Frontend Endpoint with your desired parameters:</p> <div class="samplebox responsesDIV"> <div class="sampleboxheader sbflex-big"><span class="sampleboxhtext has-text-white">Example</span></div> <button type="button" class="payone-copy-text button payone-is-tiny btn-primary sbflex"> <span class="icon-text"> <span class="icon payone-is-tiny"> <i class="payone-copy-outline"></i> </span> <span>Copy</span> </span> </button> <button class="btn-primary button payone-is-tiny sbflex" aria-expanded="false"> <svg class="svg-Up svg2" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 24 24" x="0" xmlns="" y="0" aria-hidden="true" style="fill: currentColor;"> <polygon points="17.3 8.3 12 13.6 6.7 8.3 5.3 9.7 12 16.4 18.7 9.7 "></polygon> </svg><span>expand</span> <!--<span class="sc-jcwpoC DVwyR"></span> --></button> <table class="samplecodebox sbflex-full"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 179px;"> <td> <pre class="language-markup"><code>&lt;form action="" method=POST&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="portalid" value="2000000"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="aid" value="10000"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="mode" value="test"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="request" value="authorization"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="clearingtype" value="elv"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="reference" value="1234567"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="amount" value="1499"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="currency" value="EUR"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="id[1]" value="1"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="pr[1]" value="1499"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="no[1]" value="1"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="de[1]" value="Jurassic Park"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="va[1]" value="19"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="hash" value="70eaec2a33fa1b4674c0b112f6982966"&gt; &lt;input type=submit value="Buy now!"&gt; &lt;/form&gt;</code></pre> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p></p> <h4>GET Request to PAYONE Frontend</h4> <p>Alternatively, you can also pass the values via URL (as GET request). The example above would look like this:</p> <div class="samplebox responsesDIV"> <div class="sampleboxheader sbflex-big"><span class="sampleboxhtext has-text-white">Example</span></div> <button type="button" class="payone-copy-text button payone-is-tiny btn-primary sbflex"> <span class="icon-text"> <span class="icon payone-is-tiny"> <i class="payone-copy-outline"></i> </span> <span>Copy</span> </span> </button> <button class="btn-primary button payone-is-tiny sbflex" aria-expanded="false"> <svg class="svg-Up svg2" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 24 24" x="0" xmlns="" y="0" aria-hidden="true" style="fill: currentColor;"> <polygon points="17.3 8.3 12 13.6 6.7 8.3 5.3 9.7 12 16.4 18.7 9.7 "></polygon> </svg><span>expand</span> <!--<span class="sc-jcwpoC DVwyR"></span> --></button> <table class="samplecodebox sbflex-full"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 179px;"> <td> <pre class="language-markup"><code>;amount=1499&amp;clearingtype= elv&amp;currency=EUR&amp;de[1]=Jurassic%20Park&amp;id[1]= 1&amp;mode=test&amp;no[1]=1&amp;portalid=2000000&amp;pr[1]=1499&amp;reference=1234567&amp;request=authorization&amp;va[1]= 19&amp;hash=70eaec2a33fa1b4674c0b112f6982966</code></pre> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p> </div> <p></p> <p>The calculation of the hash value can be found here: FE - Calculation of the HASH value.</p> <div class="tryoutbox">Billing several items using the „Shop" version: Any number of items to be billed can be transferred. If the Invoicing module has been ordered, these are listed on the invoice. "n" is the location of the item. Start with n=1. Accordingly id[2],pr[2],no[2],de[2],va[2] are the parameters of item 2 etc.</div> <div> <h5 class="h5Header">Creating a link for the payment portal „Access" version</h5> <p>In the „Access" version all offers (accesses or subscriptions) you want to bill have first to be created (see 2.1.2). The payment window is opened using this offer ID.</p> </div> <div> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 41.5121%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 21.4286%;">Account</th> <td class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 78.5714%;">Here you select the account (sub-account) for which the bookings are to be listed in the statistics.</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 21.4286%;">Offer</th> <td class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 78.5714%;">Select the desired offer<br> </td> </tr> </thead> </table> <p></p> </div> <div class="samplebox responsesDIV"> <div class="sampleboxheader sbflex-big"><span class="sampleboxhtext has-text-white">Example</span></div> <button type="button" class="payone-copy-text button payone-is-tiny btn-primary sbflex"> <span class="icon-text"> <span class="icon payone-is-tiny"> <i class="payone-copy-outline"></i> </span> <span>Copy</span> </span> </button> <button class="btn-primary button payone-is-tiny sbflex" aria-expanded="false"> <svg class="svg-Up svg2" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 24 24" x="0" xmlns="" y="0" aria-hidden="true" style="fill: currentColor;"> <polygon points="17.3 8.3 12 13.6 6.7 8.3 5.3 9.7 12 16.4 18.7 9.7 "></polygon> </svg><span>expand</span> <!--<span class="sc-jcwpoC DVwyR"></span> --></button> <table class="samplecodebox sbflex-full"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 179px;"> <td> <pre class="language-markup"><code>&lt;form action="" method="POST"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="portalid" value="2000000"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="aid" value="10000"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="mode" value="test"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="request" value="createaccess"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="clearingtype" value="elv"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="reference" value="1234567"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="productid" value="1234"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="hash" value="70eaec2a33fa1b4674c0b112f6982966"&gt; &lt;input type="submit" value="Buy now!"&gt; &lt;/form&gt;</code></pre> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p></p> Please use either: <ul style="list-style: disc inside;"> <li> URL to PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame: <a href=""></a></li> <li> or URL to Frontend Classic:</li> </ul> <p>Alternatively, you can also pass the values via URL (via GET request). The calculation of the hash value can be found here: Calculation of the HASH value.</p> <div class="alertbox">To be SAQ A compliant PAYONE recommends implementation of the PAYONE hosted-iFrame-solution when processing the full original creditcard number (PAN).</div> <h5 class="h5Header">Auto-Submit</h5> <p>PAYONE Platform Frontend supports the automatic triggering of a payment without the customer having to re-confirm the payment on the Frontend. This can be useful in payment methods where you already have obtained all relevant customer data (e.g. prepayment, invoice). This function also allows you to ask for the payment data already on your site and then simply transfer them to the Frontend. In this case the Frontend executes the payment automatically. If the payment was successful the customer is forwarded directly. In case of an error the customer is shown the Frontend and given the option to correct his data.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong></p> <p>Payment data should not come into contact with your system. This is very important with credit card data. Certification according to the PCI standard is not necessary only if the card data does not come into contact with your systems. To prevent your systems from coming into contact with sensitive payment data, the payment data from your form should be sent directly to the Frontend and not be forwarded through your systems (see below). Any other data can be queried in preceding steps.</p> <div class="alertbox">To be PCI DSS SAQ A compliant feature "autosubmit" must not be used with PAYONE Frontend and credit card payments.</div> <div>To utilise this function you must use the hash method in this documentation (2.x). The hash method from the documentation of version 1.x is not permitted.</div> <div> <div class="samplebox responsesDIV"> <div class="sampleboxheader sbflex-big"><span class="sampleboxhtext has-text-white">Example</span></div> <button type="button" class="payone-copy-text button payone-is-tiny btn-primary sbflex"> <span class="icon-text"> <span class="icon payone-is-tiny"> <i class="payone-copy-outline"></i> </span> <span>Copy</span> </span> </button> <button class="btn-primary button payone-is-tiny sbflex" aria-expanded="false"> <svg class="svg-Up svg2" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 24 24" x="0" xmlns="" y="0" aria-hidden="true" style="fill: currentColor;"> <polygon points="17.3 8.3 12 13.6 6.7 8.3 5.3 9.7 12 16.4 18.7 9.7 "></polygon> </svg><span>expand</span> <!--<span class="sc-jcwpoC DVwyR"></span> --></button> <table class="samplecodebox sbflex-full"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 179px;"> <td> <pre class="language-markup"><code>&lt;form action="" method="POST"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="portalid" value="2000000"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="aid" value="10000"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="mode" value="test"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="request" value="createaccess"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="clearingtype" value="elv"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="reference" value="1234567"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="productid" value="1234"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="autosubmit" value="yes"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="hash" value="70eaec2a33fa1b4674c0b1ge5e982966"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="bankcountry" value="DE"&gt; &lt;table&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Kontonummer&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;input type="text" name="bankaccount"&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;BLZ&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td&gt;&lt;input type="text" name="bankcode"&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/table&gt; &lt;input type="submit" value="Buy now!"&gt; &lt;/form&gt;</code></pre> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p></p> Please use either: <ul style="list-style: disc inside;"> <li>URL to PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame: <a href=""></a></li> <li>or URL to Frontend Classic:</li> </ul> <div class="alertbox">To be SAQ A compliant PAYONE recommends implementation of the PAYONE hosted-iFrame-solution when processing the full original creditcard number (PAN) as the feature "auto-submit" must not be used with credit card data.</div> <h5 class="h5Header">One-Click Checkout</h5> <p>The PAYONE Platform supports the automatic storage of your customers' master and payment data. The PAYONE Platform Frontend can use these data to accelerate the payment process for the customer. If the customer is already known to the PAYONE Platform, it is possible for these data not having to be requested again during the payment process via the Frontend. The data are only displayed to the customer for checking. If the customer does not wish to change the data, he can complete the payment process with a single click.</p> <p>To use the One-Click Checkout function you have to have it activated by the PAYONE Merchant Service. It is also technically necessary to transmit the customer ID („customerid") of your customer with every request. This is necessary for the unique identification of the customer. In addition, you must use the hash method in this documentation (2.x). The hash method from the documentation of version 1.x is not permitted.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong></p> <p>The PAYONE Platform supports the automatic storage of your customers' master and payment data. The PAYONE Platform Frontend can use these data to accelerate the payment process for the customer. If the customer is already known to the PAYONE Platform, it is possible for these data not having to be requested again during the payment process via the Frontend. The data are only displayed to the customer for checking. If the customer does not wish to change the data, he can complete the payment process with a single click.</p> <p>This method requires a certain level of security on behalf of the merchant. It must be ensured that the user is indeed the correct customer. This must be ensured using correspondingly secure login mechanisms. Otherwise it might be possible that a customer misuses the payment data of a third party.</p> <h5 class="h5Header">Calculation of the HASH value</h5> <p>To prevent changes to the request to PAYONE, we need to incorporate a checksum of the used parameters to the PAYONE platform. For this, we use the parameter hash.</p> <p>The hash value is calculated from the request parameters and a secret key using the hash function hash("md5" , $data) or hash("sha384", $data). Any parameter values to be protected are concatenated in alphabetical order. Finally, the key will be attached to the string and the hash value is calculated.</p> <p>Parameters are sorted alphabetically by their name. It does not matter in which order they are used in the request URL. The parameters to be protected can be found in FE - Parameters in the request URL. They have been identified with a "usedinhash" in the hash column.</p> <div class="samplebox responsesDIV"> <div class="sampleboxheader sbflex-big"><span class="sampleboxhtext has-text-white">Example </span></div> <button type="button" class="payone-copy-text button payone-is-tiny btn-primary sbflex"> <span class="icon-text"> <span class="icon payone-is-tiny"> <i class="payone-copy-outline"></i> </span> <span>Copy</span> </span> </button> <button class="btn-primary button payone-is-tiny sbflex" aria-expanded="false"> <svg class="svg-Up svg2" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 24 24" x="0" xmlns="" y="0" aria-hidden="true" style="fill: currentColor;"> <polygon points="17.3 8.3 12 13.6 6.7 8.3 5.3 9.7 12 16.4 18.7 9.7 "></polygon> </svg><span>expand</span> <!--<span class="sc-jcwpoC DVwyR"></span> --></button> <table class="samplecodebox sbflex-full"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 179px;"> <td> <pre class="language-markup"><code>// Important notes: // // * Intention of this sample is to show the concept of HASH-calculation // It’s not a fully valid payment request // // * Please add further parameters as needed: // clearingtype / subtype // mode (“live” or “test”) // further as needed - depending on clearingtype, subtype, ... // // * Please refer to the table in and add values to // HASH-calculation as indicated by column “Hash” // $request="authorization"; // Request $portalid=2000001; // Portal ID $aid=10002; // Sub Account ID $key="geheim"; // Key (configurable in the payment portal) $id[1]="123-345"; // Your item no. $pr[1]=5900; // Price in Cent $no[1]=1; // Quantity $de[1]="Puma Outdoor"; // Item description $va[1]=19; // VAT (optional) $amount=round($pr[1]*$no[1]);// Total amount $currency="EUR"; // Currency $reference="73464354"; // Merchant reference no. $customerid="123456"; // Merchant customer ID (option) // usage of md5-hash // select “md5” in PMI-portal-settings // $hash=md5($aid . $amount . $currency . $customerid . // $de[1] . $id[1] . $no[1] . $portalid . $pr[1] . // $reference . $request . $va[1] . // $key); // Parameters in sorted order + key // usage of sha2-384-hash // select “sha2-384” in PMI-portal-settings $hash=hash_hmac(“sha384”, $aid . $amount . $currency . $customerid . $de[1] . $id[1] . $no[1] . $portalid . $pr[1] . $reference . $request . $va[1], // !! Parameters in sorted order $key); // !! $key is an individual parameter ! $url="" . $request . "&amp;aid=" . $aid . "&amp;portalid=" . $portalid . "&amp;customerid=" . $customerid . "&amp;currency=" . $currency . "&amp;amount=" . $amount . "&amp;reference=" . $reference . "&amp;id[1]=" . $id[1] . "&amp;pr[1]=" . $pr[1] . "&amp;no[1]=" . $no[1] . "&amp;de[1]=" . $de[1] . "&amp;va[1]=" . $va[1] . "&amp;hash=" . $hash;</code></pre> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p></p> <h5 class="h5Header">CSS style</h5> <p>You can adjust the look and feel of the Frontend using templates. The template consists of an HTML header and an HTML footer. In the HTML header you must define a stylesheet (CSS) amongst other things. Ideally use the "Default CSS" and adapt it as desired.</p> <div class="samplebox responsesDIV"> <div class="sampleboxheader sbflex-big"><span class="sampleboxhtext has-text-white">Default CSS: </span></div> <button type="button" class="payone-copy-text button payone-is-tiny btn-primary sbflex"> <span class="icon-text"> <span class="icon payone-is-tiny"> <i class="payone-copy-outline"></i> </span> <span>Copy</span> </span> </button> <button class="btn-primary button payone-is-tiny sbflex" aria-expanded="false"> <svg class="svg-Up svg2" version="1.1" viewbox="0 0 24 24" x="0" xmlns="" y="0" aria-hidden="true" style="fill: currentColor;"> <polygon points="17.3 8.3 12 13.6 6.7 8.3 5.3 9.7 12 16.4 18.7 9.7 "></polygon> </svg><span>expand</span> <!--<span class="sc-jcwpoC DVwyR"></span> --></button> <table class="samplecodebox sbflex-full"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 179px;"> <td> <pre class="language-markup"><code>table { padding: 0px; border-width: 0px; outline-width: 0px; } img { border-width: 0px; outline-width: 0px; } td { font-size: 11px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, SunSans-Regular line-height: 14px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; } input.long { font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px; width: 98%; border: solid 1px #999; } input.short { font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px; width: 47%; border: solid 1px #999; } input.submit { color: #fff; font-size: 11px; background-color: #666; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; cursor: pointer; } input.submit[disabled] { color: gray; cursor: wait; } form { display: inline; } select.long { font-size: 10px; width: 100%; } select.short { font-size: 10px; width: 47%; } a { color: #000; } a:hover { color: #666; } .fullbox { background-color: #e6e6e6; width: 320px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; } .headbox { color: white; background-color: #666; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px; width: 100%; height: 20px; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .formbox { width: 100%; } .infobox { width: 100%; border-color: #666666; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; } .footer { width: 320px; height: 30px; } .stripline { border-top: 1px solid #999; } .errortext { color: #c00; }</code></pre> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <h3 id="integration">Integration</h3> <div class="payone-white-content-section"> <h4 id="api-endpoints">Frontend API Endpoints</h4> <p>Request URL to PAYONE Frontend hosted-iFrame:</p> <div class="infobox"> <p>The Endpoint  to Frontend Classic: should not be used for new implementations; existing implementations should be migrated.</p> </div> <div class="columns api-content"> <div class="column is-two-thirds middleAC"> <h4>Request Parameters</h4> <div class="infobox"> <p>The <span style="color: #e03e2d;">UsedInHash</span>-column defines whether the parameter value has to be included in your hash.<br>The parameters with "usedinhash" must be included in the calculation of the hash value to prevent changes by the customer.</p> </div> <h5 class="h5Param">Account Parameters</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" title="request"><span class="sLborder"></span>request <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 28.7781%; height: 216px;"> <thead> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">Request tpyes</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">Preauthorization</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">Authorization</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">Capture</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">Debit</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">Refund</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%;">...</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>mid <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(5..6)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Merchant ID, defined by PAYONE</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" title="subaccountId"><span class="sLborder"></span>aid <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(5..6)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Sub-Account ID, defined by PAYONE</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" title="portalId"><span class="sLborder"></span>portalId <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Portal ID, defined by PAYONE</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" title="portalId"><span class="sLborder"></span>api_version<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 90.1939%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 19.697%;">api_version</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 27.54%;">Comment</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 102.763%;">Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 19.697%;">3.8</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 27.54%;"> <p>Current API-version (Default if not present)</p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 102.763%;"> <p></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 19.697%;">3.9</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 27.54%;"> <p>New API-version<br>from 2015-01-05</p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 102.763%;"> <p>New response “pending” added for “preauthorization” / “authorization”</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 19.697%;">3.10</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 27.54%;"> <p>New API-version<br>from 2016-06-01</p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 102.763%;"> <p>Response for “customermessage” can be more specific in case of error by containing detailed error messages from external payment gateways (e.g. Ratepay, …)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 19.697%;">3.11</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 27.54%;"> <p>New API-version<br>from 2018-02-01</p> </td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 102.763%;"> <p>Request “capture” with response “pending”</p> <p>Announcement for upcoming request “refund” / response “pending”<br>Announcement for upcoming request “createaccess” / response “pending”</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="wfptf"> <p>New parameter api_version should be added to current implementations as it will be mandatory in future.</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" title="portalId"><span class="sLborder"></span>mode<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 58.5215%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 22.1713%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 77.8287%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 22.1713%;">live</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 77.8287%;"> <p>Transaction should be performed in live mode.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 22.1713%;">test</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 77.8287%;"> <p>Transaction should be simulated</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Mode for transactions, either ‘live’ or ‘test’</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" title="portalId"><span class="sLborder"></span>encoding<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 51.586%; height: 116px;"> <thead> <tr style="height: 37px;"> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 32.866%; height: 37px;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 67.134%; height: 37px;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr style="height: 60px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 32.866%; height: 60px;">ISO-8859-1</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 67.134%; height: 60px;"> <p>Default if not specified</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 19px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 32.866%; height: 19px;">UTF-8</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 67.134%; height: 19px;"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="wfptf"> <p>The type of character encoding used in the request.</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>key <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">your key value, alpha-numeric</span></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="h5Param">Common Parameters</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>clearingtype <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 51.1676%; height: 361px;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 24.8746%; height: 36px;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 75.1254%; height: 36px;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 24.8746%; height: 37px;">elv</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 75.1254%; height: 37px;"> <p>Debit payment</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 24.8746%; height: 36px;">cc</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 75.1254%; height: 36px;"> <p>Credit card</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 24.8746%; height: 36px;">rec</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 75.1254%; height: 36px;"> <p>Invoice</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="height: 36px; width: 24.8746%;">cod</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="height: 36px; width: 75.1254%;"> <p>Cash on delivery</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="height: 36px; width: 24.8746%;">vor</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="height: 36px; width: 75.1254%;"> <p>Prepayment</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 24.8746%; height: 36px;">sb</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 75.1254%; height: 36px;"> <p>Online Bank Transfer</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 24.8746%; height: 36px;">wlt</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 75.1254%; height: 36px;"> <p>e-wallet</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 24.8746%; height: 36px;">fnc</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 75.1254%; height: 36px;"> <p>Financing</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 24.8746%; height: 36px;">csh</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 75.1254%; height: 36px;"> <p>Cash or Hybrid Payments </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>reference<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..20)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9, a-z, A-Z, .,-,_,/]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Merchant reference number for the payment process (case insensitive)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>customerid<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..20)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9, a-z, A-Z, .,-,_,/]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Merchant's customer ID, defined by you / merchant to refer to the customer record. "customerid" can be used to identify a customer record.</p> <p>If "customerid" is used then stored customer data are loaded automatically.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>invoiceid<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..20)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Merchant's invoice number</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>invoice_deliverydate<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format DATE(8), YYYYMMDD</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Delivery date (YYYYMMDD)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>invoice_deliveryenddate<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format DATE(8), YYYYMMDD</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Delivery end date (YYYYMMDD)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>invoiceappendix<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..255)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Dynamic text on the invoice</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>param<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..255)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Individual parameter (per payment process)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span><span class="property-name">narrative_text</span> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO optUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..81)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Dynamic text element on account statements <br>(3 lines with 27 characters each) and credit card statements.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>display_name<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 65.8583%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 16.0934%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 83.9066%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 16.0934%;">yes</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 83.9066%;"> <p>Name will be queried (default)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 16.0934%;">no</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 83.9066%;"> <p>name/company will not be queried if all necessary data were already transferred and are correct.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies whether the customer name / company should be queried - instead of providing them in the Frontend request URL.</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>display_address<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 67.4764%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 16.1871%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 83.8129%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 16.1871%;">yes</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 83.8129%;"> <p>Name will be queried (default)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 16.1871%;">no</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 83.8129%;"> <p>name/company will not be queried if all necessary data were already transferred and are correct</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies whether the customer address should be queried - instead of providing them in the Frontend request URL.</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>display_change_order<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn"></div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 60.5184%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 18.4492%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 81.5508%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 18.4492%;">no</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 81.5508%;"> <p>Unchanged order (default)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 18.4492%;">yes</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 81.5508%;"> <p>Changed order: Payment details are listed after the payment information.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies whether payment details or payment information should be displayed first.</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>autosubmit<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 72.978%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 18.8725%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 81.1275%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 18.8725%;">no</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 81.1275%;"> <p>No auto-submit (default)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 18.8725%;">yes</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 81.1275%;"> <p>Payment is executed immediately without customer interaction. If the payment was successful the customer is forwarded directly to the „successurl“.</p> <p>All payment data must be transmitted in this version.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies whether payment details should be queried with customer interaction or with payment details provided in Frontend request URL.</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>successurl <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..255)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis"><br>Scheme &lt;scheme&gt;://&lt;host&gt;/&lt;path&gt;<br>       &lt;scheme&gt;://&lt;host&gt;/&lt;path&gt;?&lt;query&gt;<br>       </span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">scheme-pattern: [a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,9}</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>URL for "payment successful"</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>backurl<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..255)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis"><br>Scheme &lt;scheme&gt;://&lt;host&gt;/&lt;path&gt;<br>       &lt;scheme&gt;://&lt;host&gt;/&lt;path&gt;?&lt;query&gt;<br>       </span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">scheme-pattern: [a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,9}</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>URL for "Back" or "Cancel"</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>targetwindow<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 15.7429%; height: 105px;"> <thead> <tr style="height: 33px;"> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 100%; height: 33px;">Value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">window</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">opener</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">top</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">parent</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">blank</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 100%; height: 36px;">self</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies target window for Frontend form.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>hash<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..96) lowercase</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9,a-z]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>The hash code is used to prevent that a customer changes any relevant value (like payment type, your MID or the amount).</p> <p>SHA2-384 hash code.</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="h5Param">path Parameters</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>amount <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> <div></div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(1..10) <br>Permitted values max. +/- 19 999 999 99 </span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies the total gross amount of a payment transaction.</p> <p>Value is given in smallest currency unit, e.g. Cent of Euro.</p> <p>The amount must be less than or equal to the amount of the corresponding booking.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>currency <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted values ISO 4217 (currencies) 3-letter-codes</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Samples</span></div> <p>EUR</p> <p>USD</p> <p>GBP</p> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies currency for this transaction</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>it[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 64.8078%; height: 112px;"> <thead> <tr style="height: 37px;"> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 50%; height: 37px;">it[n]</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 50%; height: 37px;">Comments</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr style="height: 37px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 50%; height: 37px;">goods</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 50%; height: 37px;"> <p>Goods</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 50%; height: 38px;">shipment</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 50%; height: 38px;"> <p>Shipping charges</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Parameter it[n] specifies the item type of a shopping cart item.</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>id[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..32)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z][a-z][()[]{} +-_#/:]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Product number, SKU, etc. of this item</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>pr[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(10) max. 19 999 999 99</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400] </span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Unit gross price of the item in smallest unit! e.g. cent</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>no[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(6)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400] </span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Quantity of this item</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>de[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..255)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400] </span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>de[1]=Product 1</p> <p>de[2]=Product 2</p> <p>de[3]=Product 3</p> <p>...</p> <p>de[400]=Product 400</p> </div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Description of this item. Will be printed on documents to customer.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>va[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(4)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400] </span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>VAT rate (% or bp)</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="h5Param">Parameter (createaccess)</h5> <table class="ac-isParent" style="width: 103.025%; height: 2815px;"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 86px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 86px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>productid<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 86px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..7)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>ID for the offer</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 81px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 81px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>accessname<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 81px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..32)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Customer's user name</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 81px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 64px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>accesscode<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 64px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..32)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Customer's password</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 91px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 91px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>frontend_description<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 91px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..10000)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Confirmation text for the end customer after creating access. The transfer of HTML elements is permitted. At 10,000 characters this parameter is truncated.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 136px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 136px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>amount_trail<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 136px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(1..8), max. value 999 999 99</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Total gross amount for initial term</p> <p>Must equal the sum (quantity x price) of all items for the initial term.</p> <p>Required when item is submitted.</p> <p>Amount can be "0" (e.g. for test period).</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 192px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 148px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>amount_recurring<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 148px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(1..8), max. value 999 999 99</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Total gross amount of all items of one period during the subsequent term</p> <p>Must equal the sum (quantity x price) of all items during the subsequent term.</p> <p>Required when item is submitted.</p> <p>Amount must not be "0".</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 318px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 318px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>period_unit_trail<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 318px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 46.7236%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 21.8101%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 78.1899%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 21.8101%;">Y</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 78.1899%;"> <p>Value “length” is in years</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 21.8101%;">M</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 78.1899%;"> <p>Value “length” is in months</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 21.8101%;">D</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 78.1899%;"> <p>Value “length” is in days</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Time unit for initial term</p> <p>Do not use with “access_expiretime”.</p> <p>Do not exceed 5 years / 60 months.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 135px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 135px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>period_length_trail<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 135px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(1..4)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Duration of the initial term. Can only be used in combination with period_unit_trail.</p> <p>Required when period_unit_trail is submitted.</p> <p>Do not use with “access_expiretime”</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 293px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 293px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>period_unit_recurring<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 293px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 57.3507%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 23.4441%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 76.5559%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 23.4441%;">Y</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 76.5559%;"> <p>Value “length” is in years</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 23.4441%;">M</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 76.5559%;"> <p>Value “length” is in months</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 23.4441%;">D</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 76.5559%;"> <p>Value “length” is in days</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 23.4441%;">N</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 76.5559%;"> <p>No subsequent term given</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Time unit for subsequent term</p> <p>Do not exceed 5 years / 60 months.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 114px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 114px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>period_length_recurring<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 114px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(1..4)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Duration of the subsequent term. Can only be used in combination with period_unit_recurring.</p> <p>Required when period_length_recurring is submitted.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 149px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 99px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>id_trail[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 99px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..32)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z][a-z][()[]{} +-_#/:]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Product number, order number, etc. of this item (initial term)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 96px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 96px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>no_trail[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 96px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(8) max. 999 999 99</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z][a-z][()[]{} +-_#/:]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Quantity of this item (initial term)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 128px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 75px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>pr_trail[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 75px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(8) max. 999 999 99</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Unit gross price of the item (initial term) in smallest unit.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 210px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 210px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>de_trail[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 210px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..255)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>de[1]=Product 1</p> <p>de[2]=Product 2</p> <p>de[3]=Product 3</p> <p>...</p> <p>de[100]=Product 100</p> </div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Description of this item (initial term)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 128px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 84px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>ti_trail[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 84px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..100)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <p>Title (initial term)</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 128px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 107px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>va_trail[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 107px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(4)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div></div> <p>VAT rate (% or bp) (first term)</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 171px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 132px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>id_recurring[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 132px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..32)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z][a-z][()[]{} +-_#/:]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Product number, order number, etc. of this item (subsequent term)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 107px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 91px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>no_recurring[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 91px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(5)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Quantity of this item (subsequent term)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 150px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 72px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>pr_recurring[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 72px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(8) max. 999 999 99</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div></div> <p>Unit gross price of the item (subsequent term) in smallest unit.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 228px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 201px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>de_recurring[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 201px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..255)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>de[1]=Product 1</p> <p>de[2]=Product 2</p> <p>de[3]=Product 3</p> <p>...</p> <p>de[100]=Product 100</p> </div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Description of this item (subsequent term)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 101px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="width: 32.8343%; height: 101px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>ti_recurring[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="width: 66.8156%; height: 101px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..100)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Title (subsequent term)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 81px;"> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" style="height: 81px;"><span class="sLborder"></span>va_recurring[n]<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">usedinhash</div> </td> <td class="pTDb" style="height: 81px;"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(4)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Array elements [n] starting with [1]; serially numbered; max [400]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>VAT rate (% or bp) (subsequent term)</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="h5Param">Parameter (personal data)</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>businessrelation<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 84.5112%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 28.341%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 71.659%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 28.341%;">b2c</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 71.659%;"> <p>Indicates business to private customer</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 28.341%;">b2b</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 71.659%;"> <p>indicates business to business customer (company)</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Value specifies business relation between merchant and customer</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>firstname<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..50)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>First name of customer; optional if company is used, i.e.: you may use</p> <p>"company" or "lastname" or "firstname" plus "lastname"</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>lastname<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn"></div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..50)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Lastname of customer; optional if company is used, i.e.: you may use</p> <p>"company" or "lastname" or "firstname" plus "lastname"</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>company<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn"></div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..50)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Campany name of customer; optional if company is used, i.e.: you may use</p> <p>"company" or "lastname" or "firstname" plus "lastname"</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>street<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> <div class="reqUOO reqUn"></div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..50)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Street number and name (required: at least one character)</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>addressaddition<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..50)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Samples</span></div> <p>7th floor</p> <p>c/o Maier</p> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies an additional address line for the invoice address of the customer.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>zip<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..50)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols[0-9][A-Z][a-z][_.-/ ]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Postcode</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>city<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..50)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>City of customer.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>country<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted values ISO 3166 2-letter-codes</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies country of address for the customer</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>telephonenumber<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..30)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Phone number of customer</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>birthday<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format DATE(8), YYYYMMDD</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Samples</span></div> <p>20190101</p> <p>19991231</p> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Date of birth of customer</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>language<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted values ISO 639-1 (Language)2-letter-codes</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Language indicator (ISO 639) to specify the language that should be presented to the customer (e.g. for error messages, frontend display).</p> <p>If the language is not transferred, the browser language will be used. For a non-supported language English will be used.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>gender<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted values f, m, d</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Gender of customer (female / male / diverse* )</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>email<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(5..254)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis"><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols RFC 5322</span></span> <p></p> <p>Special Remark email validation:</p> <p>Max. length for email is 254 characters. Validation is set up in the following way:</p> <p>Username = Max. 63 characters<br>Domain Name = Max. 63 characters<br>Domain Suffixes = Max. 4 suffixes with max. 124 characters <br>Example: username[63]@domain_name[63].suffix[60].suffix[60].suffix[4]</p> <p><br>"@" and "." is counted as a character as well; in case of a total of three suffixes, this would allow a total of 254 characters.<br><span style="color: #666666; text-align: inherit; font-weight: 400;">email-address of customer</span></p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>personalid<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..32)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z][a-z][+-./()]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Person specific numbers or characters, e.g. number of passport / ID card</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="h5Param">Parameter (delivery data)</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>shipping_firstname<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..50)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>First name of delivery address</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>shipping_lastname<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..50)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Surname of delivery address</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>shipping_company<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..50)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Company Name of the delivery address</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>shipping_street<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..50)</span><span class="dmLkmF lVyis"></span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Street number and name of delivery address</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>shipping_zip<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..10)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z][a-z][_.-/ ]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Postcode of delivery address</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>shipping_city<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(2..50)</span><span class="dmLkmF lVyis"></span><span class="dmLkmF lVyis"></span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>City of delivery address</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>shipping_country<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted values ISO 3166 2-letter-codes</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Specifies country of delivery address for the customer</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="h5Param">Parameter („autosubmit“ - credit card)</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>cardholder<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..50)</span> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Cardholder of credit card.</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>cardpan<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(13..19)</span> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Primary account number of credit card</p> <div class="alertbox"><span>If your system handles "cardpan" directly you can not be PCI DSS SAQ A compliant. </span></div> <div class="alertbox"><span>For simple PCI DSS SAQ A compliance please use PAYONE hosted iFrames together with pseudocardpan.</span></div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>cardtype<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Card type of credit card</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>cardexpireyear<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(4), YYYY</span> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Credit card expiry year YYYY</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>cardexpiremonth<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(2), MM</span> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Credit card expiry month MM</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>cardcvc2<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(3..4)</span> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Credit card security number</p> <div class="alertbox"><span>For SAQ A compliance: PAYONE Frontend hosted iFrame must be used. This parameter must not be used. </span></div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="responsesDIV"> <h5 class="h5Param">Parameter („autosubmit“ - direct debit)</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>iban<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(10..34)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>IBAN to be used for payment or to be checked</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bic<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(8 or 11) Only capital letters and digits, no spaces</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Bank Identifier Code to be used for payment or to be checked<br>BIC is optional for all Bank transfers within SEPA. For Accounts from Banks outside of SEPA, BIC is still required.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bankaccountholder<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..50)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Account holder</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bankcountry<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Account type/ country for use with BBAN (i.e. bankcode, bankaccount): DE</p> <p>DE: Mandatory with bankcode, bankaccount, optional with IBAN</p> <p>For other countries than DE please use IBAN or IBAN/BIC</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bankaccount<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(1..10)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Account number (BBAN)</p> <p>DE: bankcountry, bankcode and bankaccount may be used. Then IBAN will be generated by PAYONE platform and used for SEPA transactions.</p> <p>Not DE: Please use IBAN or IBAN / BIC.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bankcode<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(8)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Sort code (BBAN) (only in DE)</p> <p>DE: bankcountry, bankcode and bankaccount may be used. Then IBAN will be generated by PAYONE platform and used for SEPA transactions.</p> <p>Not DE: Please use IBAN or IBAN / BIC.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>mandate_identification<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(1..35)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [A-Z,a-z,0-9,+,-,.,(,)]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>A SEPA mandate can be created if a payment is initiated (amount &gt; 0). Can be used to enforce a merchant specific mandate identification. The mandate_identification has to be unique.</p> <p>If the mandate_identification is not set PAYONE will create an unique mandate identification (pattern: PO-nnnnnnnnnn).</p> <p>PPS (PAYONE Payment Service): This parameter must not be used! For PPS the PAYONE platform defines the mandate_identification</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="responsesDIV"> <h5 class="h5Param">Parameter („autosubmit“ - Online transfer)</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>onlinebanktransfertype<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 62.5356%; height: 194px;"> <thead> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 28.903%; height: 36px;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 71.097%; height: 36px;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr style="height: 57px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 28.903%; height: 10px;">EPS</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 71.097%; height: 10px;"> <p>eps – online transfer (AT)</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 28.903%; height: 36px;">IDL</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 71.097%; height: 36px;"> <p>iDEAL (NL)</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 36px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 28.903%; height: 36px;">P24</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 71.097%; height: 36px;"> <p>Przelewy24 (PL)</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 57px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 28.903%; height: 13px;">PFC</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 71.097%; height: 13px;"> <p>PostFinance Card (CH)</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 78px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 28.903%; height: 25px;">PFF</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 71.097%; height: 25px;"> <p>PostFinance E-Finance (CH)</p> </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 59px;"> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 28.903%; height: 38px;">PNT</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 71.097%; height: 38px;"> <p>SOFORT Überweisung</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bankcountry<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Account type/ country for use with BBAN (i.e. bankcode, bankaccount): DE</p> <p>DE: Mandatory with bankcode, bankaccount, optional with IBAN</p> <p>For other countries than DE please use IBAN or IBAN/BIC</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>iban<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(10..34)</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>IBAN to be used for payment or to be checked</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bic<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format CHAR(8 or 11) Only capital letters and digits, no spaces</span></div> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Permitted Symbols [0-9][A-Z]</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Bank Identifier Code to be used for payment or to be checked</p> <p>BIC is optional for all Bank transfers within SEPA. For Accounts from Banks outside of SEPA, BIC is still required. </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bankaccount<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(1..10)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Account number (BBAN)</p> <p>DE: bankcountry, bankcode and bankaccount may be used. Then IBAN will be generated by PAYONE platform and used for SEPA transactions.</p> <p>Not DE: Please use IBAN or IBAN / BIC.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bankcode<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format NUMERIC(8)</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Sort code (BBAN) (only in DE)</p> <p>DE: bankcountry, bankcode and bankaccount may be used. Then IBAN will be generated by PAYONE platform and used for SEPA transactions.</p> <p>Not DE: Please use IBAN or IBAN / BIC.</p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa"><span class="sLborder"></span>bankgrouptype<br> <div class="reqUOO optUn">optional</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST </span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Issuer of Online-Bank-Transfer used for iDEAL and EPS</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="responsesDIV"> <div class="responsesDIV"> <h5 class="h5Param">Parameter („autosubmit“ - e-wallet)</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" title="someuniquetitle"><span class="sLborder"></span>wallettype<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 32.3595%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 45.4286%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 54.5714%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 45.4286%;">ALP</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 54.5714%;"> <p>Alipay</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 45.4286%;">PDT</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 54.5714%;"> <p>Giropay</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 45.4286%;">PPE</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 54.5714%;"> <p>PayPal</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Used with "clearingtype=wlt" to identify wallet payment types</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="responsesDIV"> <div class="responsesDIV"> <h5 class="h5Param">Parameter („autosubmit“ - Financing)</h5> <table class="ac-isParent"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="ac-isParentTD pTDa" title="someuniquetitle"><span class="sLborder"></span>financingtype<br> <div class="reqUOO reqUn">required</div> </td> <td class="pTDb"> <div><span class="dmLkmF lVyis">Format LIST</span></div> <div class="wfptf"> <table class="payone-simpleTable" style="width: 52.9653%;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 31.0924%;">Value</th> <th class="payone-simpleTh" style="width: 68.9076%;">Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 31.0924%;">RPV</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 68.9076%;"> <p>Ratepay Open Invoice</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 31.0924%;">RPP</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 68.9076%;"> <p>Ratepay Prepayment</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 31.0924%;">RPD</td> <td class="payone-simpleTd" style="width: 68.9076%;"> <p>Ratepay Direct Debit</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="wfptf"> <p>Used with "clearingtype=fnc" to identify Financing type</p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column is-one-third code-samples-wrap"> <div class="payone-code-lane"><button class="csw-iONbtn mb-2"> <span type="post" class="SpanVerbHttp http-verb http-post"></span> <span class="SpanVerb">/post-gateway/ HTTP/1.1</span> </button></div> <div class="payloadbox codebox"> <pre class="has-text-white p-3 payone-code-background payone-w-100">Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded </pre> </div> <div class="payone-codeseperator"></div> <div class="divcopybtn payone-w-100"><button type="button" class="payone-copy-text button payone-is-tiny btn-primary"> <span class="icon-text"> <span class="icon payone-is-tiny"> <i class="fas fa-regular fa-copy"></i> </span> <span>Copy</span> </span> </button></div> <div class="payloadbox codebox"> <pre class="has-text-white p-3 payone-code-background payone-w-100"></pre> </div> <div class="payone-codeseperator"></div> <div class="divcopybtn payone-w-100"><button type="button" class="payone-copy-text button payone-is-tiny btn-primary"> <span class="icon-text"> <span class="icon payone-is-tiny"> <i class="fas fa-regular fa-copy"></i> </span> <span>Copy</span> </span> </button></div> <div class="payloadbox codebox"> <pre class="has-text-white p-3 payone-code-background payone-w-100"></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- Javascript --> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> hljs.initHighlighting(); 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