About Bandcamp
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15.026-4.519-3.19 9.945-26.686 6.914-27.956-2.978-1.248-11.917 24.882-17.285 23.763C49.293 27.196 53.31-.618 50.167.01z" fill-rule="evenodd" /> <path id="chladni-mark-11" d="M99.976 63.744c-.77 2.546-30.372-10.164-33.443-5.082-3.071 5.082 18.902 28.765 16.38 30.492-2.522 1.727-20.816-25.41-26.276-23.716-5.46 1.694-3.19 34.99-5.801 34.558-2.612-.432 0-33.219-4.437-35.252-4.436-2.033-23.039 26.654-25.594 25.427C18.25 88.943 38.95 62.784 35.82 58.662c-3.128-4.122-32.61 9.272-33.784 6.776-1.172-2.495 29.007-12.535 29.007-16.94 0-4.404-30.235-11.354-29.007-14.23 1.23-2.875 30.713 7.793 33.784 3.05 3.072-4.743-17.762-28.834-15.015-30.153 2.747-1.32 20.134 26.087 25.594 25.07 5.46-1.016 2.19-35.406 4.778-35.234 2.587.17 1.024 34.218 5.46 35.912 4.436 1.694 21.342-28.196 23.546-26.765C82.387 7.58 61.414 33.591 65.51 38.673c4.095 5.082 33.453-9.887 34.467-7.454 1.014 2.434-30.372 12.197-30.372 17.28 0 5.081 31.141 12.7 30.372 15.245z" fill-rule="evenodd"/> </defs> </svg> <header class="about 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1.93.84 1.93 2.4v7.3h2.43V9.05c0-1.9.7-3.03 2.33-3.03 1.9 0 2 1.25 2 3.06v6.63h2.42V7.88c0-2.77-1.36-3.83-3.67-3.83-1.6 0-2.64.73-3.44 1.9zm-16.15 8.11c-.85 0-2.24-.33-2.24-1.45 0-1.32.94-1.71 1.98-1.89 1.06-.2 2.23-.17 2.98-.68v1.87c0 1.58-1.66 2.15-2.72 2.15z" id="am"/> <path d="M118.04 4.36V5.9h.04c.68-1.3 2-1.85 3.4-1.85 3.46 0 5.14 2.73 5.14 6.05 0 3.05-1.48 5.93-4.74 5.93-1.4 0-2.9-.53-3.67-1.78h-.05v5.67h-2.42V4.36h2.3zm.04 5.7c0 2.28 1.13 4 3.08 4 2.21 0 3.04-2.03 3.04-4 0-2.07-1.04-4.03-3.04-4.03-2.04 0-3.08 1.6-3.08 4.02z" id="p"/> <path id="rhomboid" fill="var(--menubar-rhomboid-color)" d="M0 15.63L8.47 0H26.6l-8.47 15.63z"/> </g> <g id="bc-logo-color-bcaqua"> <path d="M25.0001463,0 L27.2264825,0 L27.2264825,5.4391865 L27.2658491,5.4391865 C27.8712755,4.40922749 29.1406662,3.7702977 30.2735175,3.7702977 C33.4565065,3.7702977 35,6.32601687 35,9.43753482 C35,12.3007044 33.6329977,15 30.644354,15 C29.2772054,15 27.8124451,14.6504617 27.1481883,13.2490249 L27.1095534,13.2490249 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Easy access to your customers’ data, real-time stats, music chart reporting, and more. <a href="">learn more</a></p> </li> <li class="label"> <div class="icon"><img src=""></div> <div class="signup"><a href="">Sign up as a label</a></div> <p>Unified accounting and stats across all your artists, a single fulfillment interface for all your merch, direct payments on a per-release basis, and a whole lot more. <a href="">learn more</a></p> </li> </ul> </template> </nav> </header> <main class="" data-img-base=""> <section id="intro"> <div class="mark-cluster"> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-01"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-02"></use></svg> <div></div> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-03"></use></svg> <div></div> <div style="height: 100px;"></div> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-04"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-06"></use></svg> </div> <div class="corp-text section-title"> <h1 class="small-heading">About us</h1> <p class="large-body">Bandcamp is an online record store and music community where passionate fans discover, connect with, and <em>directly support</em> the artists they love.</p> </div> </section> <section id="mission"> <div class="left corp-text"> <h2 class="small-heading">Our mission</h2> <figure> <img src="" alt="Kalashnikov Collective" width="1220" height="1220"> <figcaption><a href="">Kalashnikov Collective</a></figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="right corp-text"> <div class="mark-cluster"> <div></div> <div></div> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-05"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-09"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-07"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-01"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-04"></use></svg> <div></div> <div></div> </div> <p class="medium-body">Early in the development of his autobiography, Prince told his co-writer:</p> <p class="medium-body quote-container"><q><strong>Music is healing. Write that down first.</strong></q></p> <p>He said he wanted this to be the book’s guiding principle, and that same principle guides and motivates our work at Bandcamp. Because if music heals, then clearly a system should exist that helps the broadest possible range of artists share that power with the world. So we built Bandcamp to directly connect artists and their fans, and make it easy for fans to support artists equitably so that they can <em>keep making music.</em></p> <p class="medium-body"><strong>Bandcamp’s mission is to help spread the healing power of music by building a community where artists thrive through the direct support of their fans, and where fans gather to explore the amazing musical universe that their direct support helps create.</strong></p> </div> </section> <section id="how-bandcamp-works"> <div class="left corp-text"> <p id="fees-diagram"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="820" height="854" alt="A pie chart showing that 82% goes to the artist/label share, about 12% goes to Bandcamp’s share, and a small sliver goes to payment fees." > <span>payment fees</span> <span>Bandcamp’s share</span> <span>artist/label share</span> </p> </div> <div class="right corp-text"> <h2 class="large-body">How Bandcamp works</h2> <p class="medium-body">When a fan buys something on Bandcamp, <em>an average of 82%</em> of the money goes to the artist or their label — typically in 24-48 hours — and the remainder covers our <a href="">revenue share</a> and payment processor fees.</p> <p> Since we only make money when artists make a lot more money, our interests remain aligned with those of our community. It’s a straightforward, artists-first approach, and one we’re happy to say works well. <strong>Fans have paid artists and their labels $1.41 billion using Bandcamp.</strong> In the past year alone, they’ve spent $193 million on <span>13.5 million digital albums,</span> <span>11.1 million tracks,</span> <span>1.6 million vinyl records,</span> <span>750,000 CDs,</span> <span>300,000 cassettes,</span> and <span>50,000 t-shirts.</span> </p> <p> Here’s what they’re picking up right now: </p> </div> </section> <section id="sales-feed" data-initial-feed="{"start_date":1732831320,"end_date":1732831862,"data_delay_sec":120,"events":[{"event_type":"sale","utc_date":1732831840.859391,"items":[{"utc_date":1732831840.5844104,"artist_name":"Shawn Smith","item_type":"t","item_description":"30 We All Live Forever (unfinished demo)","album_title":null,"slug_type":"t","track_album_slug_text":null,"currency":"USD","amount_paid":2.0,"item_price":2.0,"amount_paid_usd":2.0,"country":"United 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100"><use href="#chladni-mark-05"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-04"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-07"></use></svg> <div></div> <div></div> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-03"></use></svg> </div> <h2 class="large-body">Further unsolicited approbation that’s more than 280 characters:</h2> </div> <div class="press-item grid first-item the-guardian"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for The Guardian"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>Good vibrations: how Bandcamp became the heroes of streaming</h3> <p><q>Bandcamp is all about interaction – fans are invited to leave reviews, share their collections and send and receive messages from artists they follow. ‘People feel like their money is going somewhere, and not getting lost in this big black box of royalty nightmares.’</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid latimes"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for The Los Angeles Times"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>The anti-Spotify: How online music company Bandcamp became the toast of the COVID age</h3> <p><q>With its artist-first business model, [Bandcamp] has become a player in the music streaming wars by celebrating niche communities while promising a radically transparent approach to royalties.</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for The New Yorker"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>A Moment to Rethink How We Support Music</h3> <p><q>[Bandcamp] has brought back the gratification of picking up an album from a merch table or calling to order a book from a locally owned bookstore. The feeling has less to do with the fuzzy values of physical media versus digital goods but, instead, the relationship that these exchanges cultivate.</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for Resident Advisor"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>Anti-Algorithmic Music: How Bandcamp Is Helping Artists Beat The Odds</h3> <p><q>[Bandcamp] is a place where you can buy an artist some groceries or a beer or some time to make new art. It’s a messy online record store where you can stumble around and, in a roundabout way, find what you like, not what AI guesses you’ll be interested in. And now, it’s served a role for unprecedented activism on behalf of…musicians and fans.</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for Pitchfork"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>This Is How Much More Money Artists Earn From Bandcamp Compared to Streaming Services</h3> <p><q>Greg Anderson, guitarist for Los Angeles drone-metal band Sunn O)))) and co-founder of the label Southern Lord, says his band and label each usually make more per month through Bandcamp than from all streaming services combined.</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for NPR"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>A Tale Of Two Ecosystems: On Bandcamp, Spotify And The Wide-Open Future</h3> <p><q>It is possible to build a different kind of environment for music online, one that subcultures can recognize as their own and maybe even use to thrive.</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for JazzTimes"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>Chops: The Power of Bandcamp in Jazz</h3> <p><q>If you can go to a platform where editorial sits right beside the people that are buying your music and represents the people that are making the music — there’s nowhere that exists like that,” Tinku Bhattacharyya tells JazzTimes. “It’s almost like a nirvana for jazz artists.</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid financial-times"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for The Financial Times"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>How online music retailer Bandcamp became an artist and fan favourite</h3> <p><q>For many of its users, [Bandcamp] has become more than an online record shop — it has become an ethical choice.</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid how-i-built-this"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for How I Built This"></a></div> <div class="right"> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="640" height="360" alt="Thumbnail for YouTube video interview from How I Built This with Guy Raz"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for SFWeekly"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>‘Bandcamp Fridays’ a Lifeline for Musicians</h3> <p><q>[B]uying an album on Bandcamp will put more money in the artist’s pocket than listening to their music on any other major platform.</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div class="press-item grid paper"> <div class="left"><a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Logo for Paper, the publication"></a></div> <div class="right"> <svg viewBox="0 0 40 40"><use href="#small-quote-mark"></use></svg> <a href="" class="corp-text"> <h3>Want to Help Out Indie Artists? Shop at Bandcamp</h3> <p><q>Bandcamp — known for its human-not-algorithm-generated new music recommendations and providing break-out opportunities for the likes of Frankie Cosmos and Carseat Headrest — has always served as a kind of “fair trade” alternative to the sleek, profit-hungry machine of [streaming services].</q></p> </a> </div> </div> <div id="press-inquiries" class="grid inquiries press-item"> <div class="right corp-text"> <h3>Please direct press inquiries to <a href=""></a></h3> <small>General support messages sent to this address will not receive a response – if you’re an artist, label, or fan and have a question about the site, please visit our <a href="">Help Center</a>.</small> </div> </div> </section> <section id="footer-image" class="no-grid"> <div class="grid"> <figure class="overflow"> <picture> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 1001px)"> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg" media="(min-width: 741px)"> <source srcset="" type="image/jpeg"> <img src="" alt="SOL Development" width="3300" height="2200"> </picture> <figcaption class="caption-right"><a href="">SOL Development</a><em> // Salihah Saadiq</em></figcaption> </figure> </div> </section> <section id="about-footer"> <div class="mark-cluster"> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="100" height="100"><use href="#chladni-mark-05"></use></svg> <div></div> <div></div> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-04"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-01"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-05"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-11"></use></svg> <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><use href="#chladni-mark-03"></use></svg> <div></div> </div> <div class="corp-text section-title"> <p class="medium-body">Still have questions? 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That’s a great feeling!"],["1621738483621724160","jamesjbernard","People who buy your complete discography on Bandcamp Friday are special humans who deserve all the love and beauty that life can bring."],["1621121841225162753","MATSUDARKNESS","bandcampの海を泳ぐの楽しすぎる"],["1620701757377757184","vikingstid","Bandcamp-kirjaston kuunteleminen shufflella on villi kokemus jossa joku mielipuoli on kasannut playlistin videopelipiipityksiä kahden eri Ranskan vallankumouksesta kertovan black metal-biisin väliin ja kaiken aikaa tiedostaa että se mielipuoli olen minä"],["1620539787227848704","bondo_radio","Not putting your music on Bandcamp is silly. Don’t be silly."],["1618257452381896705","sankofafw","I can’t even keep up with all the stuff I buy off dope people on bandcamp, let alone the craziness I’m not even aware of yet."],["1618174946408288257","mazuidesu_yo","好きなアーティストをBandcampで直接サポートした時にしか得られない快感がある"],["1617998691784327169","nelli_ltd","Bandcamp radio is wildly good"],["1617365864923144192","treeecitybeats","starting the year by compulsively buying music off bandcamp to fill the yawning pit of anxiety in my soul"],["1615867730023809031","Kazisound","Bandcamp has once again ransacked my wallet."],["1615776723806703616","kayleighhaskins","Had a shit day so going to cheer myself up by spending £50 on bandcamp"],["1612656035864670209","n04hz_ark","Bandcamp is seriously the best music service"],["1610723979819614208","Labrador_tunes","It’s so funny how much of a headache it is to get all of your streaming platform profiles set up, have releases end up in the right places, etc when none of it will ever pay you out as much as simply having a righteous Bandcamp page."]],"2022":[["1603268796373815296","aceofheartsfox","Literally sobbing from emotional relief after a rough few weeks, when a perfectly timed email just popped into my inbox, saying someone on Bandcamp bought my band’s EP for what is clearly an amount to show support in a tough time. Independent music fans really are the best. ❤️🦊"],["1600915336827576320","newmusicAF","I have made more money on Bandcamp in one release than I’ve made in 10 years from streaming revenue."],["1600695630883885056","SWT_songsss","Man, it helps so much when people buy my music, financially and for moral support. Super gratifying when a total stranger rolls through your bandcamp and buys every release. Fans probably have no idea how much that means."],["1599797270723325954","spushii","I USED to use my discover weekly all the time but got very bored of it because it only ever shows me things that are relatively popular.... i am however addicted to the emails bandcamp sends me every week about new releases in genres i follow ❤"],["1599044077861097472","rosebuddshawty","I would have needed thousands of streams to equal how much I made through Bandcamp yesterday. That’s crazy."],["1598939374783430656","AntTC1","Bandcamp gives underground labels stability long term. I genuinely think most of us wouldn’t still be doing what we do had they not come along and run their platform in the way they do. Ever thankful🙏 @Bandcamp"],["1597975338956431360","jacko_hooper","Who doesn’t love @Bandcamp? They’re archive of music is incredible and the money goes directly to the artist! Wonderful start to proceedings… 👏 You can stream, buy physicals and get artists merch all in one place."],["1597612085877559301","seawndofbattery","The only music algorithm I need is the one where I stalk your bandcamp fan page and add it to my wishlist"],["1597338575401816064","BobbySignal","Bandcamp is best for artists. Period."],["1593234931542818818","DinaariAudio","bandcamp is goated for the reason that you can just like be a gremlin that makes fucked up music for 200 people and be able to actually buy equipment/travel with the money you get from merch/album sales"],["1592890433775886337","JD_Benefield","The main thing I really like about Bandcamp is finding some artist and album I never heard of before, checking them out, and finding something my very soul was craving but never knew it desired"],["1589389913283497985","TheDieMustFall","Bandcamp is the best music platform for artists. And for fans who want to know how wide and deep the music industry is today."],["1589201459069227008","GaryShowbizz","Bandcamp weekly is fucking excellent"],["1588122630347018240","VallanV","Sounds like a daft thing to say, but @Bandcamp adding a ‘shuffle all’ button to their app player has pretty much negated the need for me to use any other streamers. Hooray!!"],["1587907324664061957","cursoryapplause","The Bandcamp new music roundups are AWESOME"],["1586859503236313088","silkehartung","If you’re an indie artist and you don’t have a Bandcamp going, you’re totally silly. I know I say this a lot, but OMG, some people WANT to give you money. Allow me to, please!"],["1585679694833254424","escherbug","Everybody shut the fuck up the Bandcamp app now has a shuffle function"],["1584859911028375555","Daedelus","Whatever you are into there is some corner of Bandcamp absolutely overflowing with the best of it. Dig!"],["1584135953790083072","teenytinycrash","I DONT KNOW WHO FINALLY PUT THAT SHUFFLE ALL BUTTON ON @Bandcamp BUT I HAVE BEEN WAITING THIS WHOOOOOOLE TIME OMFGGGGG"],["1583797452704215040","GodfreyYouth","@Bandcamp “shuffle all” button is the greatest thing to happen to the internet in years."],["1582334509122727937","WudRecords","Please remember you don't need to wait until #BandcampFriday to support your favourite artists.💡 @Bandcamp do a fantastic job supporting #independentmusic 365 days/year. 🤩 We're happy to share some revenue we make in partnership with their platform. 😎"],["1582319856359129088","NikNakdjmusic","The fact that people are supporting and buying my music truly means a lot to me. Whenever I get a notification from bandcamp saying “Woohoo” or when someone buys a physical copy of my music .... that feeling is truly indescribable. Thank you so much!!!!"],["1581707846638788608","Zennistrad","The best thing about buying indie albums off of Bandcamp is that every now and then one of the band members will e-mail you to say thank you for supporting them I just think that's really cool"],["1580302936671866880","mike_eagle","somebody bought my new tape on @Bandcamp for 1000 dollars and I just want you all to know that I support this type of behavior"],["1578807548332736512","HavenWoods333","yesterday I was out eating expensive lunch and felt like I was wasting money until I looked at my phone and saw someone just purchased my entire discography on bandcamp.... thank you for the assist on my overpriced meal yesterday you sexy stranger"],["1578796835107639296","Bandit_Raccoon","The RTs mean a lot, so do the replies because this has a great effect on our reach. I’ve had days where someone bought something off my Bandcamp and that one sale alone covered gas going to work, or taking the edge off some bills, or my next meal. It means the world to us."],["1578719085214388224","mikeyriotphoto","When you wake up in the morning to a @bandcamp sales report and literally cry... I’m privileged to know some wonderful people."],["1574823564288704512","cabtastic","The Bandcamp highlights and my friends recommendations have brought on more discoveries than years of Spotify browsing. It’s still a convenient service but... buying music is so much more satisfying."],["1569046149050388480","PsalmOne","If you’re a DJ and you’re not buying tracks off @bandcamp to add to your arsenal then idk what to tell you. There’s so much stuff on there you can’t get anywhere else 🤷🏾♀️…"],["1565194664805801984","Siphr0dias","In love. her name is @bandcamp"],["1561853947505102848","leissMusic","If you want to support indie musicians, the best way to do that is to buy their stuff on Bandcamp. This boosts their discoverability, which helps them find new fans."],["1560192587561988097","djsmilezau","Bandcamp really paying my bills lately 🫡"],["1559191008436518912","2xtwofold","Bandcamp is the move fr... I want to see and purchase all your music in one place and so do a lot of other people!!!!"],["1559187106546782208","jonah_srg","I’ve recently fallen in love with Bandcamp. I’ve known about it for as long as I can remember, but I’ve only now started using it and my life is changed. It's so good!"],["1558660486249455617","willycrooks","ppl who pay for music on bandcamp go to heaven"],["1547588975556120577","myrobotfriend","This may be obvious, but Bandcamp’s own curation is fantastic! Just go to the homepage and check out the “Bandcamp Daily” or “New and Notable” lists."],["1546906020181643265","Nappy_Nina","I balled out on bandcamp today. Bought a whole bunch of shit I’ve been meaning to cop and it’s not even a Friday. Look at that."],["1544139233874661379","themelodeathgod","Bandcamp is the greatest thing to ever be invented"],["1544014286099517442","NexFlax","i really strongly believe every artist should have their music on bandcamp. id rather buy an album individually directly from the artist than stream it and not have any real money going to the artist from my listen"],["1537048035351486466","djphantasy","I have to say, the @Bandcamp community are the best. I got onto BC late but so glad to be on there now with such great music lovers 🙏"],["1535125617821200386","switzonthegreat","Bandcamp launching the livestream streaming service was a smart move and is one of the best things for music artists this year in 2022."],["1535097188325371904","ConeyAllen","Addicted to buying albums on Bandcamp plz send help"],["1533240843380830209","dontsleepbass","If your music isn’t on Bandcamp - i’m fully not interested - is that weird? I feel like.. if it’s good, it would be on @Bandcamp"],["1533069013844099073","_adoptahighway","I missed @Bandcamp Friday. Dang. Good thing today is @Bandcamp Saturday, and then there’s another @Bandcamp Sunday tomorrow. Hey, then it’s @Bandcamp (Insert Any Segment Of Measured Time)! At any given moment it’s the best way to support your favorite musicians online. Let’s!"],["1532389639683710977","soylucasmarti","Gracias @Bandcamp por existir!"],["1531430577156460544","juanny_depp","great thing about selling my music on bandcamp is it gives me money i can spend on other peoples’ music on bandcamp"],["1531421596212113408","silkehartung","Every musician should use Bandcamp. BC gives me a decent sized cover, an idea of your genre, who worked on your record, lyrics, merch etc etc! I can spend money on you to support you right there - AND I DO! Doesn’t cost a sub fee, so do it, get one now."],["1529394029691121665","alessioanesi","Bandcamp’s editorials are the best! A true goldmine of knowledge."],["1526401233493250048","mrmikegurrieri","this is where tastemakers & enthusiasts go to find new music"],["1522863779410808834","RANDALLLLLLLLLL","TFW you left everything in the cart & forgot to check out on Bandcamp Friday because weed"],["1522744225984569346","JacobWakeUp","I made more money from my music today on @bandcamp than I’ve made in 3 years on Spotify. #BandcampFriday"],["1522334789184991232","alphachromeyayo","I think it’s always a good time to check out ANY music on Bandcamp. Offering real world tangible support to the musicians you like is a tremendous and powerful thing tbh, and I think you rule for doin’ it"],["1522321772368089089","GaryRuschman","Just like flipping through the discs at the store--#bandcamp gives you a ton to discover and the power to boost the careers of artists through DIRECT support."],["1516473984178601993","hanpeel","Just an appreciation to how good @Bandcamp is when finding new music. Not just the financial positives but to read all the credits and background to the record too. It’s invaluable for all those involved when making … and then listening… and then writing about music 🎶"],["1514082089460662274","ReptilianHybrid","When u buy my album on bandcamp I become more powerful and my frozen heart thaws"],["1510984322874060800","riverrpds","bro i just wanna vibe w a hottie who has the bandcamp app on their phone"],["1507751706658062340","theafterstories","this might be obvious but the bandcamp app for mobile is kinda clean. why did i sleep on this."],["1504082382474735622","AngelicGamer19","I really love listening to independent artists on Bandcamp, it’s so refreshing. And you can support them by directly buying their albums on there, it’s great."],["1504070326816329738","sneakybutcha","@Bandcamp big thanks to your app dev team. Been waiting for a life time to have a queue feature as I buy lots of singles. This has helped tonnes with long journeys 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻"],["1498053056335863814","sweatyhabibti","bandcamp’s streaming app is lowkey gonna save music if apple will ever let people purchase albums on the damn app"],["1497698945362890755","jr_svg","Bandcamp album queuing > web3"],["1496612525328277505","shredorbedead","Bandcamp is the shit. People that use bandcamp are even cooler. Sustaining your fav artists directly? Ur the sickest"],["1496420390075310082","CultureasaDare","Bandcamp doesn’t have adverts, because as it turns out selling music alongside streaming it and writing interesting articles about it is a workable business."],["1494215449080381444","GastahUK","Just wanna say a massive thank you to everyone who buys my music, and @Bandcamp for being such a great platform for artists. ✨🤍"],["1492921860614508554","killrockstars","God I love @Bandcamp "],["1492173861252734978","IanLovdahl","Big ups to @Bandcamp for adding queues to the app. Best listening experience on your cellular device!"],["1492009232652251154","Stelhaarvoor","Look at this oh so awesome new @bandcamp queuing feature, and just in time for bandcamp Friday. Totally in love all over again. Thanks bandcamp for improved my listening experience over 💯"],["1491924676792172547","darrensangita","@Bandcamp 10,000% behind you since 2008. Best online music store on the interwebs who truly work for artists. Keep it up, there are billions more music lovers who need your services to support the artists whose music they love. Change is coming."],["1491439700233842688","KuriKohiYa","BANDCAMP APP ADDED A QUEUE HOLY FUCKING SHIT"],["1490495477695008775","GhostCultBeard","As wonderful as @Bandcamp is for discovering new music (and it’s really good at that), what can’t be overlooked is its impressive and insightful journalism. "],["1489710833428942849","skettlepunk","Shout out @Bandcamp for giving artists all of their money and making it easy to sample and discover cool shit all the time. I LOVE BANDCAMP"],["1489660924562714629","notquitereal","i’ve seen a few people wondering what the best streaming service is if they want to support artists. i'm going to be frank. if you buy an album on bandcamp for $7.99 you will be sending the artist more money than you will EVER give them on the most “ethical” streaming site"],["1489645342320574468","glaswegians_van","thank you @Bandcamp for continuing to be the best site ever created for music distribution."],["1489325887048884230","mozsab","Just switched to Bandcamp and love it"],["1488808376033234944","atswimmusic","@Bandcamp weekly show is awesome. This side of the site doesn’t get enough props IMO. Proper good listen for deep muso heads (you know who you are..)"],["1488588472474611713","swilliamswhite","You’ve got to love @bandcamp a brilliant simple platform that really does support the artistic community. It’s all about what it should be about, the music."],["1487456063917936641","wdwayland","@Bandcamp is only music platform that matters."],["1487263048352120835","natechinen","You know who else isn’t on Spotify? A whole mess of cool-ass artists you should know. This has been an unpaid endorsement for @Bandcamp"],["1487190793714642950","post_trash_","just went to look up the menu to a restaurant and typed the restaurant’s name before I realized what i was doing. @bandcamp forever."],["1487152967572770825","Brothertiger","It’s inspiring to see the recent amount of people ditching certain platforms for others (wink wink). That being said, @Bandcamp has always been 100% looking out for artists."],["1486722811460685826","Myndfuneral","Thank you @Bandcamp, and above all, thank you for all you do to nurture artists."],["1485431249971863557","subjecttogo","Open the closet door called bandcamp, new music falls out like ping pong balls"],["1485410494345363456","ReisengRath","the fact that if you have multiple bandcamp tabs open but the player somehow is synced across them (playing a song in a different tab stops the currently playing one) is coding wizardry"],["1484598580258115584","luckykatmeowsic","BANDCAMP > spotify. Bandcamp supports up & coming artists & gives them infinitely more $$ than spotify. Support music, support Bandcamp ✊"],["1484589438265008131","balladsmusic","honestly so thankful people be buying my music on bandcamp on the daily. legit pay for my meals every day."],["1481263720206643200","lopsidedmammal","Just been checking my DistroKid account to see how much I’ve made in streaming over the last year and all I can say is thank fuck Bandcamp exists!"],["1478643917302108166","PeterandElla","we started our bandcamp page in January and this year have made more money in sales than we have on Spotify in 6 years"]],"2021":[["1468579627689918465","shit_rock","and also a huge, epoch-straddling shoutout to @bandcamp for being the principle reason for my financial survival in the last year and a half x"],["1461738137504428039","thrilljockey","Every day can be Bandcamp Friday if you want it to be."],["1460985148116197377","jkellyfinwriter","Look at me buying stuff on bandcamp and it’s not even Friday."],["1457466048840704009","FuzzyGroundhog","I like Bandcamp because they list a “minimum price”, meaning you can pay more if you want. The pandemic has taught me the true value of music to me and I always pay more."],["1455729974653046784","Ejay2287","Bandcamp is dangerous for my financial future 💸🔥"],["1455685824461291520","emrattlesbones","I want more money solely to support more musicians on Bandcamp"],["1455104119606325248","paolomaldinitd","just go on bandcamp you fucking idiots"],["1455097596196925449","arcadeglitch_","Supporting artists on Bandcamp is a great thing to do. Put a cherry on top by leaving a review, because social proof goes a long way in helping artists grow."],["1455006321242214412","murrzbow","if you like an artist buy their shit on bandcamp"],["1454981664820670468","btelg","when i find out that an artist isn’t on @Bandcamp, i’m just like... why not?"],["1454016398808817665","ajaynemusic","Gosh - so many great releases on Bandcamp! How can I possibly keep up?!"],["1453453010261078018","cutsnake","Bandcamp is where it’s at! No charts no nonsense just good honest digging. 🎵"],["1453446435710590976","Kil889","I’ve been letting folk know to buy our albums off bandcamp vs just streaming it or buying it off apple because we see more money from bandcamp "],["1451520444532723714","AbstractTruth","It’s not Bandcamp Friday but you can still buy shit from your favorite musicians. FYI."],["1451165439690743815","ToshPunker","My bandcamp is paying for my crippling coffee addiction 😭😭😭"],["1448969353198772237","LeelaCorman","Every once in a while someone expresses surprise that I refuse to use Spotify. This is why. It's not hard to pay fairly for music we love (hello @Bandcamp ♥️) and artists are not dancing monkeys in a cage."],["1447870335701901318","17markwilliams1","@Bandcamp is my preferred option. 1000x more artist friendly than the streaming giants and real people making daily, weekly, and monthly suggestions. No algorithm needed. 🤘"],["1445302414337269764","pipeandmusic","Any day is a great day to support awesome musicians on bandcamp you’ll be helping them out a lot more than you think."],["1444653350822326273","AaronSmith377","“You’ve got money from Bandcamp,” says my email. A good way to start Sunday morning!"],["1444556301564973058","eebydeeb_y","buying albums on bandcamp is so much fun like yes i own this album it is mine now i will hoard it and protect it <3"],["1444333950290300933","tabsout","Parents: Are your kids using drug slang such as “Bandcamp Friday” they could be high right now"],["1443947969598922756","OmniaSolArt","Bandcamp Friday is so conceptually cool. Like not just obviously artists all getting paid more for their work but the fact that all your friends and favorite smaller artists are all putting out projects on the same day. Such a beautiful display of art, creativity, and solidarity"],["1442860784233504771","hecticzeniths","Always so much cool modern soul/jazz/traditonal music stuff on Bandcamp Radio I would never think to listen to otherwise"],["1442855449838170114","Ozymanbootis","I have 10k streams on Spotify = 45$ in my pockets over the same period 7900 streams on Bandcamp generated 1100$ in sales That’s 30X the money/stream, even though BC doesn’t payout royalties on streaming. Like, it’s just that much better."],["1442502634389131266","alphachromeyayo","Hoking through other people’s @Bandcamp collections is amazing. Like a digital version of leafing through your mate’s records."],["1441427298272563206","TCroydon","Ever sit and watch the Bandcamp homepage? The ‘recently purchased’ feed ticking by is amazing - could never explore even a tiny percentage of all that’s to be heard"],["1440314571818823695","noodlebakemusic","Use bandcamp. As musicians, far more money can be made there as opposed to streaming. With listeners having the ability to pay more than required, there’s an added level of gain too. I make things available everywhere to stream but point the most promo towards the bandcamp."],["1440271104279408640","harrisondunkley","Bandcamp is an essential tool. It doesn’t cost anything to add your music and it provides income! Our first couple of days on Bandcamp pay the cost of the release."],["1440189461216710672","elsonida","@Bandcamp is the best. It’s the only place that I make $. Money goes mostly to the artist, so it’s also where I make most of my purchases."],["1438612947396268051","balladsmusic","ngl i’m hella thankful to be able to buy food from my bandcamp sales."],["1438253278115115014","turntablereport","Sometimes I watch the @Bandcamp “selling right now” feed for a few minutes and zone out so I can be reminded that there are people out there who still give a shit about supporting musicians, labels, and building communities."],["1438170723877535755","_noncompliant_","Bandcamp is my new favorite place. And while I might spend more money than I did paying once a month for streaming, I know where that money is going. Because if we don’t value the work of artists now, who will provide this musical joy for us later?"],["1437674123082321921","messytunes","whoever bought my song on bandcamp, THANK YOU you bought me lunch :)"],["1437465905785565186","evanmacdonald","I used to look forward to @Spotify’s Discover Weekly because they played stuff I’d not heard before. Lately it’s 90% familiar tunes. Thank goodness I have the @Bandcamp Weekly each Tuesday. Algorithm-free music discovery can’t be beat."],["1436034693451898881","disappunto","Pulitzer 2021 a Bandcamp Daily"],["1435926338452471815","gurningchimp","Bandcamp all the way wherever possible! CD/Vinyl and a download I can revisit whenever I need to, more money to creatives and can download/play lossless format. Streaming is fine, but if you really love music you pay for it."],["1435721092920918016","NotAMusicTakeB1","I love when bands finally post old albums on bandcamp it’s like “Thank you, finally, I’ve been ~trying~ to give you my money for a while now”"],["1435270259439591426","Algamer","All these streaming services exist, and I just keep going back to @Bandcamp because I actually want to own my music and support artists in the process."],["1434274531963719680","alphachromeyayo","I consider Bandcamp reviews equally treasured as ‘mainstream’ press and I’m continually blown away by the quality, kindness and inventiveness of the writing 💖"],["1434259360063107074","karaslamb","a publicist asked if i post bandcamp items exclusively. the answer is no, but keep sending me your bandcamp links. i like to see artists getting paid. people are feeding their families on bandcamp. so many artists thriving in that space should let the industry know wassup."],["1434172219677085698","ijustsartred666","Thank you everyone who made my bandcamp friday so great. I just have been crying for 24 hours straight. I genuinely am out of words and only have emotions now. Thank you again and again and again for believing in me more than I have myself for a very long time."],["1433991725836476424","MelloMusicGroup",".@Bandcamp really has done incredible things for musicians and music access, thank you."],["1433948172888514564","anotherocean_","It warms my heart to see people supporting musicians and actually buying stuff on services like bandcamp ❤️"],["1433814982597152796","Drunken_Prayer","Bandcamp continues to be a little bright star in an otherwise pitch black sky. As we find ourselves again wondering how to navigate through a murky landscape, Bandcamp offers a beacon to the DIY musician and the fans that support them."],["1427952008313688069","AquietroomL","@bandcamp rekindled my love for music and gave me back my drive for making more songs. "],["1427663957662343171","IAmBrinson","@BandCamp > Spotify/Apple Music 1. Higher % payout for artist. 2. Same week payout for artist. (Versus a 3 month wait period) 3. Direct artist to supporter communication. 4. New music notifications direct to fans. 5. Read #2 again."],["1424543252758237185","_sandrider_","In a single weekend on @Bandcamp we made more money from our own music than we have in our entire band’s lifetime from Apple, Spotify, and Amazon streaming “royalties.”"],["1423689011231662081","nickellis_music","@Bandcamp will be the winners in the long-haul, on-line, digital/sales platform horse race. They’ve helped many a musician to cover their rent and not have to move back in with their parents."],["1417952781676208132","jabrilyousef","in this increasingly exploitative environment, @bandcamp has continued to be a beacon of light, regularly waiving their revenue share during the pandemic in order to better support us as artists."],["1417158097060122632","djdemuir","I can assure you the 22K+ plays I get on my @Bandcamp are substantially more profitable than a million Spotify streams. If it doesn’t put money in your pocket why do you continue to do it? "],["1417093054633324548","univ_soundscape","I think @Bandcamp’s a superb platform for musicians and fans alike and it’s continually developing new functionality for the benefit of all users."],["1415587786841858048","solobasssteve","@Bandcamp kept a whole lot of artists and indie labels afloat during the pandemic, but have been playing that role for over a decade. Genuinely life changing."],["1412855300026253313","Sleepless_Matt","Holy shit, I just noticed that legendary artist Uboa purchased my album on Bandcamp. The thought of one of my favorite musicians possibly having heard my own noise track is fucking amazing."],["1412432323593842688","jourdannf","like even if bandcamp friday isn’t happening artists still make a ton more money from one purchase on bandcamp compared to streaming a couple of times on spotify and it REALLY goes a long way"],["1412430607842430978","jourdannf","this is a good time to remember that bandcamp, an independent way to distribute music, exists and it’s a great way to pay artists for their work"],["1410621305662185474","CakeyDrakey","I will always fuck with bandcamp harder than Spotify. Bandcamp is the streaming platform of the people"],["1408416681144336385","Steffi27405969","@Bandcamp I wanted to ask if I could ask my employer to transfer my salary directly to you. It all ends up at Bandcamp anyway, I had to find out. 👉👈🥺"],["1408074252645933058","ApparentlyShane","I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: Bandcamp > literally everything else."],["1407712486640467972","MykeATL","I know @Bandcamp got a lot of deserved props for helping musicians with their BC Fridays (myself included), but I don’t know if they get nearly the amount of praise they deserve for the sheer diversity and depth of their writing. Extremely hip shit y’all"],["1405551940877103110","grimalkinmusic","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO just got an email that if you download the latest @Bandcamp app you can now listen to your collection while offline! THAT IS RAD!!! TYSM BANDCAMP!"],["1405533202635100160","anotherKyleL","bandcamp remains the 🐐"],["1405444793031966720","rjharman","The Bandcamp app now allows for offline storage of music and I really think this should be highlighted as a BIG DEAL"],["1405416783415156738","tgmn__","the understated nature of bandcamp’s comms to its users never ceases to amaze me: “hey folks just wanted to let you know we added a great feature to the application we made for you that you can use for free okay thanks please keep enjoying the music love you bye”"],["1405399790838444034","ElezD_Music","I’ve made more today in music sales via bandcamp than I’ve made in streaming since 2015. Idk why I’m barely hopping on this bandcamp wagon now…"],["1402700766142468097","TheAgeofTruth","I am a @Bandcamp evangelist. Best platform out there to sell and be heard. They pay you almost immediately, provide a service for a reasonable fee and the platform is intuitive and easy to personalize. Everything else pales in comparison."],["1396813676838113285","markmcguinness","I’m at around 250 subscribers and that pays our rent for the year. So our housing is effectively free because of the music. The same amount I’ve made on @Bandcamp would’ve required 12-15 million streams on Spotify."],["1393761544354242560","cinchel","The cdc says that fully vaccinated people can buy music on Bandcamp any day of the week"],["1390587437970305028","solobasssteve","More than that, @bandcamp don’t pocket the money for a few months before paying it out in bigger chunks. The artist gets it the next day. So sales today = groceries and/or rent payments tomorrow. It’s not ‘like it was in the old days’ - for artists, it’s WAY better than"],["1384546273886232583","e_naaaaaaaaaa","Food $200 Rent $800 Bandcamp Fridays $3,600 Utility $150 Someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. My family is dying..."],["1378096822019883015","Tawobi","@Bandcamp This helped me pay rent last March when I lost my job cuz the pandemic. Really appreciate y’all ✌🏽✨"],["1374695757400453123","rastronaut","I’m releasing a NFT (New Fucking Track) on @bandcamp next week"],["1372621759334264833","jamesthomson69","@Bandcamp Just discovered your incredible website. I can virtually choose any music genre/combination I personally like. And I can make purchases. Just a brilliant site."],["1367949834469044225","Kemikziel","#BandcampFriday is just one example of all the ways Bandcamp makes life easier as an indie musician. ✌️ Stay heckin’ awesome @Bandcamp 💜"],["1367909444621901832","Polyvinyl","WOW I JUST REALLY LOVE @Bandcamp!!!!! THAT’S IT. THAT’S THE TWEET."],["1366446216494612480","BenSeretan","I am absolutely and irrevocably addicted to the feeling of getting “Cha-Ching!” subject line emails from @Bandcamp"],["1364260110944641031","jeremybastard","I would not even be able to support a pet turtle with what i make on Spotify they’re only out to exploit artists. @Bandcamp, on the other hand, has been amazing. i regularly use my bandcamp money to buy groceries."],["1357863250512080896","deepseadiverbnd","It’s hard to keep from getting emotional and sentimental on @Bandcamp days... because it’s just so remarkable how supported we continue to be by our fans. When touring isn’t an option this is keeps us afloat. And we are so grateful."],["1357761789728071682","GoodEyeRecords","The @Bandcamp Cha-Ching push notification > drugs."],["1357751957662883847","a2im","This is a huge milestone, reflecting an indescribable impact on independent music. Thank you for continuing #BandcampFriday into 2021, @bandcamp."],["1357493016395739138","TheSaxsquatch","Bandcamp is I think the only pure thing in the music industry. Hail Satan"],["1354838954944548864","kungfusquirrel","Bands on @Bandcamp: “Pay what you want!” Me: “Haha, you absolute fools!” *pays a minimum of $5 for a single track, or $25-30 for an EP* “Now you must accept all this money!”"],["1354548114871508993","NashvilleSES","I love when I order something through @Bandcamp and when it arrives it’s obvious that it came directly from the artist, not just a record label. Often with a handwritten note. Those are things I will treasure a lot more than CDs from Amazon."],["1354509289134690314","itsdjdelish","@bandcamp is lowkey the goat. lowkey, highkey."]],"2020":[["1340020848548335619","hoodinternet","BANDCAMP APPRECIATION TWEET thanks for establishing @bandcamp fridays. thanks for employing a great editorial dept. thanks for a thoughtful outlook on unranking lists of albums. thanks for supporting independent artists in the most direct way possible."],["1339645918631620613","hotelneonmusic","Despite not releasing anything other than a single in April and an album this week, neither one on a BC Friday, we had one of our best years just from the traffic these days created. 1000 people who bought from us on BC provided 5 times the payout of our 300,000 Spotify streams."],["1339186616062054400","MarkErelli","Most corporations can’t be bothered, but it is entirely possible to be both a successful company AND not shifty & exploitative towards artists."],["1339042552784285703","PatchFrasr","A model that has long worked, a company that used 2020 to outdo itself in standing up for indie artists. 👏 #BandcampFriday"],["1338942103720701952","coreyfloodphl","the story of hanukkah is that we thought we only had a few months of bandcamp friday left but instead it lasted through 2021"],["1338924201630167041","oakkmusic","😍😍😍 thx for helping pay for my rent and groceries ✌️✌️✌️"],["1338908293167722496","camp_swim","bandcamp continues to fuck relentlessly"],["1338906120518176768","ed_and_thestone","Bandcamp is the best part of this shit year"],["1337596675003736065","TheSakuraKid","The beauty of bandcamp is that there’s literally all kinds of music for you to listen to and enjoy. The cliche statement of “they don’t make music like this anymore” meets a crushing defeat when it comes to that platform."],["1337458331863179264","marnieofficial","Someone bought my digital album on @bandcamp for £10 and they gifted me an extra £90 on top of that. I cannot express what gestures like this mean to artists. This made my heart sing."],["1336727282090700801","BandofNOTHING","Just a simple thank you to @Bandcamp for relieving some pressure during a year that’s trying to make independent musicians extinct."],["1335029622459617281","deepseadiverbnd","I would be willing to go so far as to say, @Bandcamp days are keeping musicians afloat during this time."],["1329508969446981632","TheEDMNetwork","Is it me or has @Bandcamp been absolutely crushing 2020?"],["1328873527144017920","bjaudette","I keep waiting for Bandcamp to implode due to some greedy exec’s mishandling or sell out to some media conglomerate and completely change like every other seemingly progressive business venture I’ve ever liked on the internet and instead they keep being awesome."],["1328849368728952834","jasperhoiby","Come on Bandcamp are nailing it to the ground!! Here’s a company that gets how bad music creators have been hurt during this pandemic. Just an example of what you can do if you have empathy, moral integrity and a clear understanding of who actually makes your business go around💚"],["1328805507549769728","mintgreenmusic","um. can someone check in on @Bandcamp ? i just KNOW their back is hurting from carrying the music industry this year"],["1328799417936334853","kwuchu","Bandcamp deserves much more love and respect for everything they’ve done for musicians this year. From Bandcamp Fridays and now this, they are really operating in a way that empowers musicians rather than stealing from them (like Spotify does)."],["1328797784548499456","JODIE_RAYGUN","bandcamp remains goated"],["1328786968705044480","MegaRan","Bandcamp the 🐐"],["1328780514967379970","DaveRodriguezz","Bandcamp is so fucking dope."],["1328777159989661696","danideahl","Covid-era Bandcamp is that kid who does 99% of the work for a group project"],["1328743135615266818","BoneyDiego","Hey look @Bandcamp continues to do better than 99% of the music industry."],["1328736437441728512","BATHSmusic","would love to see a single other corporation in music come through for artists like @bandcamp continues to do"],["1324792273767419905","Elaquent","Shouts out to @Bandcamp. Been the greatest ally to independent music for a hot minute. Hope they expand Bandcamp Friday into 2021, but even if they don’t, they deserve all the flowers."],["1324372913324089346","sad13","last bandcamp day he got covid on tomorrow’s bandcamp day will he lose the presidency 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰"],["1314676852858920960","tankcrimes","Hey @Bandcamp I love the email you sent me “Tankcrimes September on Bandcamp” thank you, I’ll look forward to these. Love, Tankcrimes (the first label on Bandcamp) xoxo"],["1302143634767310848","BinauralSpace","I am in awe, happy and extremely grateful to all of you who have bought it so far, all of you who shared it and all of you who support emerging artists – it is the coolest thing to do. You’re the heroes of Bandcamp Fridays together with @Bandcamp itself. Thank you so much. 🙏❤️"],["1302080901279436800","MelloMusicGroup","Shout to @Bandcamp and all the writers, musicians, and staff. True music lovers."],["1302027992135118848","MIRRORS_IN","I have said it before but it feels amazing when someone purchases my music from bandcamp. even if it’s 1$.. it’s really the greatest feeling. thank you @bandcamp for doing these artist fridays ♥️♥️ so much love xoxoxo ♥️♥️"],["1298281202336411648","s00j","As a musician, I’m glad Spotify exists & that my songs are there. But I have a RELATIONSHIP with Bandcamp- a good one. For me, Spotify’s an app; @Bandcamp is community. My Spotify presence=determined by digital distro. My Bandcamp presence=actually me."],["1298040051755110400","Weswill216","There were some nights @Bandcamp money helped me eat. Thanks y’all 😭😭"],["1285647168439758848","DonTyler47","@Bandcamp, what can I say, even their customer service is a pleasure."],["1279441361482264583","CurbsideJones","Thanks for all the support on @Bandcamp yesterday! Yall showed out for real! I appreciate you. You’re helping me fund more music stuff. Like new equipment and beats"],["1279407839723823104","surrealsessions","Our Bandcamp revenue from yesterday equalled the streaming revenue that we made in our whole music careers up until now and that’s the problem with streaming services."],["1275856020053594112","GreatWhiteLies","This company actually seems to give a fuck about musicians. Purchase your music from @Bandcamp and you’re supporting artists the world over. "],["1275843345831596034","JahHills","How dare this company behave in a way that continually demonstrates they care about the artists that stock their shelves?!"],["1274473226542997504","ProjBlackMusic","Thank you for all your purchases. As a result of your generosity we have just donated $475.19 to @NAACP Legal Defense Fund and £400 + Gift Aid to The @RunnymedeTrust. Kudos to Bandcamp for planting the seed. #BlackLivesMatter"],["1274434401921667073","Innerviews","Every time you buy music from an artist on @Bandcamp, you are making a micro-investment in their career and ability to put food on the table and keep a roof over their head. It is that simple."],["1274367896135667712","idie_youdie","With your help, the single day total for donations to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund via folks picking up the Telekompilation yesterday is over $1800. With Bandcamp kicking in their end the total is well over $2000."],["1274063203232817152","gilliamwibson","@Bandcamp has emerged as the most progressive, honest, equitable, rich music platform on the web. It’s became the closest thing for me to buying directly from the artist. Sometimes i exchange messages with the artist. It’s a great feeling. thank you."],["1273803143147589633","wtjuradio","Bandcamp. It’s like Spotify and iTunes store had a baby that was raised by Ben & Jerry. ❤️"],["1270033342566711301","bourgwick","a small but real thing i love about @Bandcamp: when the music’s over, there’s no thirsty algorithm automatically playing the next track/artist/album it’s determined that i need to hear."],["1269389139532800002","solobasssteve","@bandcamp’s revenue share is way more than fair. I’m totally happy for them to get their percentage, given what an incredible service they provide. Don’t save all your shopping for one day a month ♥️ Now you’ve discovered Bandcamp, make it your home :)"],["1269329750612496389","Elaquent","Bandcamp Appreciation Tweet. Let’s normalize buying music instead of relying purely on streaming y’all"],["1269304820613050375","SMARTBOMBOAK","We love y’all. Yesterday on bandcamp Friday we raised almost $1500 for peoplesbreakfastoakland & @EOakCollective...We can’t begin to thank everyone enough for supporting and purchasing these projects thus far"],["1268910437879308288","anthonymiccio","Finally signed up for Bandcamp and within minutes felt like a putz for not having done it earlier. Site is way more intuitive than I expected and I was immediately excited to explore."],["1268896873324126217","pitchfork","After a recent @Bandcamp Day, D.C. punk vet Chad Clark says his label sent him “the most I’ve been paid for recorded music in one payment ever in my life”"],["1262788027773882368","_tlr_","Friendship [never existed] with streaming companies. @Bandcamp is my only friend now"],["1261383931473080320","SharkConnor","Every time a reasonably established band joins @Bandcamp an angel gets its wings"],["1260332756627668993","superscarysnake","I’d given up on making anything on music, but I just checked my bandcamp dashboard for the first time... and wow? Holy, wow, ok, I'm going to keep doing this, then. Thank you to everyone who supports working artists!"],["1260319154428686336","firescenes","You know what, owning physical media like vinyl or cassette has always been super, super important to me, but I get the same joy holding my new whatever as I get scrolling my bandcamp library, just looking at my virtual collection"],["1258451586029883393","greggyonline","The whole Spot*fy tip jar thing is so wrongheaded because it treats music like it’s some charitable cause as opposed to a material craft with expenses, budgets, et cetera. Once again, shoutout to bandcamp for normalizing buying music."],["1257426928568610817","waj1","At this point in time and space, I’m pretty comfortable turning over pandemic response duties to @Bandcamp"],["1257401194298912769","iammattsmiley","@Bandcamp I made 100x more on May 1st via bandcamp than the last 5+ years on Spotify. "],["1257371079519145985","hissgldnmssr","You really set the standard for how a music service can and should operate. Thank you, @bandcamp."],["1257362352560898055","schlarb","I made more money from @Bandcamp on May 1st, 2020 than I have from Spotify in their entire existence."],["1256627892303396864","Citizen_BoySA","I was able to pay for my flat levies even though I paid late but I still managed to pay and I was able to pay for my car tracker and insurance, and I’m about to buy some groceries. Bandcamp day was a blessing it was awesome😅"],["1256531701209186305","RajiRags",".@Bandcamp is for life, not just for ‘Bandcamp Day.’ ♥️"],["1256361038364184576","_clocolan","Were it not for @Bandcamp’s backbone and its foresight in creating a living gallery for music makers and music listeners, music might look a little different today."],["1256357783869497344","jetfury","Congratulations & massive thanks to @Bandcamp today So strange in these times to feel like a music delivery company is on the same side as you!! You’ve made it actually possible for people to pay their rent today Especially brilliant in this mental time Thanks 🙏"],["1256335867850850316","beaunoise","okay, three more things I love about @Bandcamp : -IT WAITS FOR YOU TO CLICK TO START PLAYING MUSIC. absolutely no autoplay garbage. -when a record is done, it doesn’t start playing some random-ass garbage you don’t want to hear -NO FUCKING ADS ANYWHERE, EVER"],["1256323889715507200","SpecialSpecies_","And lo, on the first of the month the Bandcamp servers wept, as did many a wallet, but bountiful beautiful music spread across the land, and it was good."],["1256221196703629314","sophiefkemp","happy may day buy music on bandcamp or i will kill you"],["1256031638494068742","GeologyRecords","thanks again to @Bandcamp for so obviously loving and caring about what they do and the artists on their platform."],["1256029413357035521","kris_tba","So bandcamp pretty much set up a record store day that actually benefits artists very directly and immediately and also inspires them to share something new, old, forgotten, etc.? sweet"],["1255925254905573377","GrimeDisciple","I love Bandcamp so much, i could almost write Bandcamp fan-fic"],["1255863648754507777","signifyingwolf","I love the United States Postal Service and Bandcamp"],["1255608312512593920","solobasssteve","@Bandcamp pays our rent each year. To do the same through spotify, I’d need literally 100s of 1000s of people listening to me basically nonstop. Millions of streams. Instead, I have... 265 subscribers! Yup. That’s it. Them and the people who buy individual albums pay our"],["1255273343202332672","CreativeFuture","Bandcamp has detailed a plan to waive their revenue shares to help struggling artists during the #coronavirus pandemic. Thank you, @Bandcamp, for standing up for creators when it matters most! #StandCreative"],["1255234037339299844","rileymaaya","bandcamp, i love u never stop"],["1255096908705652737","nikostratis","Bandcamp continues to be the only space online for musicians that is actively working to support artists. Spotify and its “why don't you just donate more of your money” nonsense can go kick rocks."],["1255047689278013441","minniebirch","You know who should be thanking their stars it wouldn’t be appropriate to cuddle them right now? @Bandcamp that is who. Because I would just never let go! 💕"],["1255026585067020288","Stereocilia_","see @Spotify this is how you help artists, not with some shitty tip jar. Hats off to @Bandcamp as always, the best platform for musicians. ❤️❤️❤️"],["1254935764208513024","LizStringerAU","@Bandcamp, you are legends. Thank you for providing a platform for musicians that supports musicians 🙌"],["1254912502451671040","djprequel","Yo @Bandcamp is seriously the fucken best. Not only have they waived their fees previously during all this, and doing it Friday, they are ALSO doing it first fridays of June and July. I know a lot of people/labels who have been literally saved because of these gestures❤️❤️❤️❤️"],["1254895133386059778","GetBetterRecs",".@Bandcamp is by far the greatest platform for independent musicians, thank you so much for refusing to take advantage of us like everyone else 💙"],["1254884451080974340","lesleybarth","Gosh darn it, Bandcamp, you’re great."],["1254872219966222342","adhocfm","Continuously blown away by @Bandcamp’s support of independent artists 👌 They’re waiving their revenue share every first Friday of the month through July!! 😵"],["1254871998339014656","ToodlesBand","Bandcamp are saints"],["1254869260184072193","GuyForgetOPT","This is so cool of Bandcamp that it makes me want to buy a bunch of stuff when they *are* getting a cut, to reward them."],["1254867588472909830","warrenlain","@Bandcamp leading by example yet again by waiving their revenue share for the second time this Friday and every First Friday through July."],["1254861777059246081","dcwilliamsss",".@Bandcamp showing all other platforms how it’s done. AGAIN."],["1254855773256966145","jake_fields","how is bandcamp the only good website???"],["1254840323466866688","phoebesmolin",".@Bandcamp is my favorite superhero"],["1254826024459743233","z_long","Kind of wild that @Bandcamp is *still* the only major platform finding ways to divert more revenue to the artists that are the foundation of their business"],["1253068957793374208","CharmingDisastr","@Bandcamp really talks the talk when it comes to being pro-artist."],["1253064777984888839","sublimebombast","Bandcamp’s constant documentation of scenes the world over, particularly ones utterly unfamiliar to the average English speaking music fan, is one of my absolute favorite things they do."],["1253058914830049281","SBarrBrisebois","Love @Bandcamp. The variety of music available on it is incredible and the quality of the recordings is stunning. It offers newcomers and more obscure artists the chance to shine with their creativity."],["1253000516579110912","SkeeDotReed","Nah all jokes aside, I’ve become sexually attracted to the sound the Bandcamp artist app makes whenever you get a new sale"],["1252739014265798657","ItsProStatus","@Bandcamp in case you don’t hear this enough, the indie artist community appreciates you and all you do. ✌🏽"],["1252733032059990016","math_scotch","Bandcamp is really the best music platform out there, I just go through their recommendations for maybe 10 minutes a day and end up with a massive backlog of albums to explore"],["1252565320692314113","Big__Miz","Seen more cash off that bandcamp release than I have from all my previous releases combined. Bandcamp really is great innit."],["1252533873294159872","MartynAudio","great news from @Bandcamp this morning! So glad to be part of their community. For myself and so many others at the moment their support means a lot! Cheers Bandcamp! 🍻"],["1252529910104670208","djmk","Bandcamp is the way forward for us all."],["1252527654869315586","iamsomejerk","I have made more money selling music through Bandcamp in one month than I did an entire three years of digital distribution."],["1252523864736829440","djpicnic","it doesn’t make sense not to have your music on a platform that gives you the highest cut if people decide to purchase. @Bandcamp is literally incredible, and one of the only companies that is dedicated to supporting artists"],["1252514687436107777","Plastician","I’m not telling artists to take their music off other platforms. I would just say this. Send your fans and supporters to Bandcamp in your promo posts and tweets. Let everyone else discover it on streaming platforms."],["1252510816835964928","Plastician","Streaming services = put music thru a distributor, wait up to 3 weeks for release, release music, wait 3 months for them to account to your distributor and then up to 30 days for distro to account to you. Bandcamp = upload music, sell instantly, payment to paypal within hours."],["1252476145900982279","vinceneway","Bandcamp with the ♟ moves"],["1252393688472227840","BFFdotFM","@Bandcamp for president!"],["1252389730823532546","DanielFurino","we don’t deserve bandcamp [Yes you do --Ed.]"],["1252376149482541058","lazypinez","just buy music from bandcamp if you’re able to streaming is absolute shit"],["1252372900994154500","ELangfordMusic","Just @Bandcamp being absolute rides yet again 💙🤘"],["1252372695930421250","djprequel","We all need to buy @Bandcamp a bloody cold one when this is done 🍺"],["1245021727815610370","WitchProphet","Just did a 3 week long grocery run for my family after being inside for weeks! Thank god for everyone who purchased my music via @Bandcamp 🙏🏾 Thank you 🙏🏾"],["1240530249785491458","WakeInJune","How will I earn money on bandcamp if I also spend my money on it? That’s a damn paradox"],["1240033380399538176","mountain_goats","Bandcamp is so awesome and sometimes when I think “the modern age is trash” the first thing I think as I'm coming to my senses is “but hold up, Bandcamp”"],["1238562612859801602","agaerig","Bandcamp sedimentary rock layers: *What is bandcamp *Oh it’s digital *I get a free copy with the vinyl? *How else exactly would I even purchase this"],["1236017472161165313","Alan_TotR","One of my favorite things is discovering new music by album cover on the @Bandcamp “Selling right now” feed"],["1225766906101141504","Godfiend_","Setting a custom price of 6.66 in bandcamp highlights it and sets a little horns emoji, and I think this is really gonna carry me through 2020."],["1222236922812211200","netfuel","I spent $844.98 on @Bandcamp this year. Damn proud of it, I hope next year to spend more on music than coffee."],["1220041956593668096","thisbandfucks","bandcamp has made finding new bands so easy and is how i constantly post about bands you’ve never heard of that eventually blow up"]],"2019":[["1207718139158552577","bobafettyywap","I want someone to look at me the way I look at my @Bandcamp wishlist"],["1207592412689948673","Plastician","Big up @bandcamp for being a shining light in the age of digital music ❤️"],["1206290512354906112","djswisha_","Yo @Bandcamp really the undisputed champ for supporting artists... literally who else sends you payouts on a SUNDAY 😍"],["1205311644248821761","musicophiliamix","Been busy on @Bandcamp again this year. Seems like I hear something brilliant there daily. The exposure they give to truly brilliant less-known artists, and how they enable directly supporting those artists, has been revolutionary for me."],["1204950800562130944","timshiel","Thank you @bandcamp Daily writers & editors for pushing back against consensus and helping to TRULY champion the kind of creative, inspiring music that still often remains hidden from the mainstream. If you need proof that musicians are still dreamers.."],["1204589871752523776","illingsworth","one dope thing about the @bandcamp platform is the ability for listeners who purchase to leave comments/messages. i’ve been receiving lots of positive words as accompaniment to the much needed and appreciated resources. those messages help maintain the mental fortitude."],["1204083763862331392","fatherdaughter","Bandcamp is the best because they include listen + purchase links, follow buttons AND a list of the physical items for sale on their year end lists. They sure do know how to support artists <3"],["1202675472720650240","megans__law","@sad13 @TheLastLastOne in five years on spotify we made $249. in that same amount of time on bandcamp we made thousands, enough to repress records and actually be in a studio. wild."],["1198238701685551105","micro_chop","The new @Bandcamp Daily layout is outstanding. Easy to navigate, easy to dive deep into exceptional articles by great writers, easy to listen to music while reading. Standing ovation to the folks who made this happen. Please go visit the site and check it out."],["1197630768933027840","OdysseyEB","Hey, I wanna shout out @Bandcamp for being just as great a service now as it it was when I first joined it. It’s easily one of my favorite places to release music, if not my absolute fave. It’s as great for an artist as it is for a listener (and, hopefully, good to itself)."],["1197597656736030722","bayonetrecs","we love @Bandcamp even more than we love baby yoda"],["1197563650602602496","SupernovaLox","I love @bandcamp. Perfect website. Great community. They’ve been holding me down for a decade."],["1197555315253772288","futuremyth","New @Bandcamp Daily layout is looking so so nice. Congrats to their team on the re-design and grateful always for the tremendous music writing happening there. Bandcamp forever."],["1189250171693080576","_RAEDA_","I truly believe everyone that enjoys music should utilize @Bandcamp"],["1187445638113443843","MaxieGravy","@Bandcamp is for fans, it’s not for lean-back listeners. It’s for people who love artists and want to support them directly - that is not and will never be a mainstream attitude."],["1185183013925277696","keinobjekt","In like 100 years of using Bandcamp I can’t believe I only just clocked that those “New release from X” emails are actually worth checking. Filter them out of your inbox and into a separate folder and it’s like a personalised record store that only sells music you like. Mad"],["1165057494177243136","IGAMASOUNDS","Every penny I have earned in royalties and @Bandcamp sales have gone back to other artist on Bandcamp because ya’ll are the real heroes ❤"],["1164639257291608064","greggyonline","Having worked with two digital distributors now, shoutout to @bandcamp for being consistently easy breezy to work with, letting me release music on my own terms, never giving me nightmares for fear of having my release get bounced back cause of some arbitrary rules. Love y’all ❤️"],["1159835288870387712","TrillGunderson","Shout out to @Bandcamp for keeping maxi singles alive."],["1157369429111578626","D_avidFogel","@Bandcamp I love. My speakers love you. My headphones love you. My bank account flips you the bird :) big up!"],["1149328840705159168","TTE_Recs","Currently on the playground, letting customers know that their order is on the way. God bless the @Bandcamp app"],["1149031836766679043","braillesounds",".@Bandcamp is such an empowering, intimate platform for artists. The ability to communicate directly with passionate music fans without the din of twitter / fb / insta is priceless."],["1146473761404837889","GregSurmacz","Love to Bandcamp for building a great platform, lovingly and expertly curated, that treats artists fairly. 🙌"],["1136723444832329730","SuperKnovaMusic","Thank you @Bandcamp for all the amazing work ya’ll do to support independent and marginalized artists. Excited for the future of the platform. Keep up the great work! 👏👏👏💖"],["1131968297128419330","PayUsNoMind","The artists on @Bandcamp get it. Some of the artists I know there struggle to get 300 streams a month, but they’re earning more revenue than artists generating thousands of streams."],["1131305595947094016","nillefresh","hot damn! @Bandcamp is the only page I know where I actually like to read through the help center stuff! Good job!"],["1128767799961239552","sabsbanduk","Someone just came on our @Bandcamp and bought 1 of everything. 1ep, 1Album 1T-shirt... Honestly it’s not a money thing at all, it’s just we felt respected and that is.... goosebumps tbh."],["1123992927838060544","Sailclothsounds","Out of nowhere more people have been swinging by my @Bandcamp page, and they’re leaving super sweet comments and sending me really kind messages. I’ve gotten so used to the world of ‘🙏🏼’ reactions, and getting to chat with people has been such a relief. Thanks everybody ❤️"],["1118941177707991041","AlannaRoyale","give it up for @Bandcamp literally doing everything right - servicing artists, employee writers, and paaaaaying everyone WHAT THEY DESERVE. now they’re financing and fulfilling vinyl pressings? I LOVE Y’ALL! SPEND YOUR MONEY THERE!"],["1117760279075524610","CineMasai_","Bandcamp only takes 15% of every album sale and they still make millions every year. If you cop an album for $10, the artist still walks away with $8.50. Always ALWAYS bet on @Bandcamp giving artists what they deserve"],["1116067592274370563","evan_greer","I really love @bandcamp. They are one of the very few online music platforms out there that is designed to support and benefit ARTISTS, and that regularly amplifies marginalized voices. It was such an honor to see She/her/they/them highlighted as “Album of the Day” yesterday <3"],["1115687916213288960","3sixrecordings","Respect to Bandcamp for not succumbing to the trap of redesigning their website unnecessarily. So many other sites destroyed their community by changing things that didn’t need to. 10 years later, it’s still the cleanest, most direct design. Minimal aesthetics, max functionality"],["1114651948500832256","sammusmusic","If I have/adopt babies they are definitely getting a @bandcamp allowance"],["1113926477873958912","CasproMusic","Big thanks to the kind soul who just dropped $25 on my music on @Bandcamp. ❤️ I’ve had one of the worst weeks of my life, but this helps make it a little better. Thank you. 🙌"],["1111636934248534017","GetAlternative","idk how @Bandcamp’s writing staff finds so many artists that even we haven’t heard of, but I love it. So excited to listen through these and find some gems."],["1108810017203875840","focusandpresson","@bandcamp has been leading me down the most rewarding musical wormholes lately. 🙏"],["1107772911740440576","FlagDayRec","My drug of choice is the dopamine rush I get when @Bandcamp’s “cha-ching!” notification pops up on my phone."],["1106185612720308224","bobafettyywap","i don’t even remember how I found music before @Bandcamp anymore"],["1105713678853255168","zacksabrejr","A list of music I loved from last year that you can purchase on @bandcamp so musicians don’t need 300 million streams & the sale of a kidney to buy a sandwich."],["1105487759622324224","theMagdalenRose","All I’m saying is the @Bandcamp app is free and lets you listen to your collection with your phone closed while supporting indie music artists. 💅🏻"],["1104066514880159744","aJellyElectric","@Spotify @amazon @AOC @SenSanders @SenWarren @CoryBooker @KamalaHarris @amyklobuchar @SenGillibrand All hail @Bandcamp No one has ever tried to buy one of my songs for .003¢ on there."],["1103788698271993856","CcTarquin","literally buying my groceries with @Bandcamp money - if you’ve purchased music from my page, I thank you sincerely, because food is nice"],["1100251125364727808","classicaltrax","Bandcamp is more important to the growth of music then Spotify or any streaming platform, period!"],["1099047481860595717","imLeor","Bandcamp’s new layout for tags is cool and also it’s melting my brain"],["1085989352793096192","jonronson","I love bandcamp. I think we’re heading into a world where people will stop expecting to get whatever they want for nothing and artists will start getting paid again."]],"2018":[["1072426506696171520","salmonuniverse","Thanks everyone. You should check out my soundcloud. If I ever used it. Which I don’t. Coz I’m on MF @Bandcamp"],["1072261283519447040","salmonuniverse","The coolest people out there right now: people who pay more than the minimum required amount on @Bandcamp"],["1071409355294162944","darcyjamesargue","Thanks @Bandcamp for keeping the flame of a pro-artist music platform alive. And thanks to the listeners who know that if you love music you need to support the musicians who make it — not the monopolistic multi-billion dollar tech firms built off of exploiting artists."],["1070775958750212097","piesaac","Another way to look at it: 63,000 “fans” on spotify is apparently equivalent to 3 fans buying an album on bandcamp"],["1070741227497250816","imLeor","why stream anything on spotify when you can just use bandcamp thank you for coming to my ted talk"],["1070444558566215680","lizpelly","i know i am always shilling for bandcamp but i am v appreciative of the ability to listen through the music feed tab on the app (a mix of tracks recently purchased by friends/labels/folks i follow), has been a fun way of hearing new stuff in 2018. ty bandcamp"],["1070091259191017472","hansainallcaps","Now feels like a good time to give a shoutout to @Bandcamp for being the most artist-friendly platform in a vast ocean of garbage."],["1070090644071182337","mojosarmy","I think I just want @bandcamp gift cards and #beer for Christmas"],["1067105527908454401","morrisdusk","shout out @Bandcamp always paying out on time."],["1065677136412008449","DnlJW_shington","i have a theory that when i buy music from @Bandcamp i become more sexier. i have a theory that this works for everyone."],["1063130287821869057","LebaronsBand","Happiness is shipping your freshly pressed LP to new fans around the world. Thanks @Bandcamp for making it so easy!"],["1058023078142201856","martianarctic","id like to give a quick shout out to @Bandcamp and moreso all of the artists on it. I get almost 100% of my music from this site and it’s often artists who have less than 100 supporters. I know my $$$ isn’t much but IMO bc is the best venue for new artist discovery and support"],["1057326684817502213","ASpotontheHill","Happiness is seeing ‘complete listens’ in your @BandCamp stats."],["1057301498177175552","lenngren","Just discovered the “loading please wait...” animation in the @Bandcamp app. Ridiculously dope! Makes me wish my broadband connection was waaaay worse."],["1049682336789327872","blackswansband","Man, positive re-set button vibes when I open @Bandcamp page & see an order from a stranger that’s been buying my music direct for over 10 years. ❤️"],["1045358672229126145","jimshortsband","There is no sweeter email subject than “You’ve Got Money from @Bandcamp”"],["1044649261693112320","ninazbs",".@Bandcamp is an all around fantastic company. They’ve always been easy and fun to work with and they always answer emails… They make it look easy (it’s not)."],["1040306028825337856","sargenthouse","It’s nice to know genuine music lovers can still have a place to discover new and non mainstream music on @Bandcamp their editorial is so stellar - happy to see one place not just covering the same 15 artists all the other sites do. #supportartists"],["1039583976367697920","Foliage_Man","got email from @Bandcamp congratulating me on making over $2,250 from my page :-) So grateful for u all, can’t believe I get to do what I love for you. I love the fact that we are personally connected, i’m not just “your fav artist” or something like that. I’m glad we’re friends"],["1038118750149521409","samjulien","I am so late to the party here, but @Bandcamp is an incredible way to discover new music. I’ve been in such a Google Play rut lately."],["1034945433578160128","_NeverGrow","I’ve become so spoiled by bandcamp that I get annoyed if I have to pay big conglomerates like amazon for MP3 files, i know it just ain’t the same"],["1034945432563183616","_NeverGrow","although bless @Bandcamp for giving me a platform to get paid for my music and to directly pay artists and receive their music in the highest quality as they intended."],["1034808803898744832","tsq2","Let’s talk about @Bandcamp. bc has evolved over the past 18 months into a sales juggernaut for indie labels and artists. Plus, they have the best music editorial online - period. Their deep dive stories and daily picks could keep you engaged with music every day for hours."],["1033149228451803138","DESKPOPmusic","Bandcamp is like the farmer’s market of music"],["1033100726829035520","angelbbgrrl420","special thanks to bandcamp for really desiring to understand what i do. it’s fun to interpret music however you’d like but it’s also really nice to be asked how i’m interpreting my own work"],["1030466341847937025","kokayi","@Bandcamp “Cha-ching” emails & notifications are life."],["1030248533297750016","killrockstars","One of the cool things about this job is getting Bandcamp purchase notifications for overlooked albums from 10+ years ago."],["1029676034520690688","ChiuauaTeardrop","I think the thing that really separates @Bandcamp from other streaming platforms is literally everything they do"],["1028043587051646976","zanderyates","I mean this with all due respect to anyone in the entertainment business, but the @Bandcamp app is the best streaming service on Earth."],["1026930175026585600","richiealbum","@Bandcamp I feel like you guys are my friends"],["1023863422973345792","heidelbergheidi","Yeah yeah yeah Spotify is a corporate exploiter designed to funnel wealth from indies to major labels. Now let’s get on with celebrating the existence of @bandcamp whose editorials are awesome, who share fairly with artists and often donate their profits to charity #goodindustry"],["1023782299974782978","WoozlesMusic","when people i don’t know leave kind reviews of my music on @Bandcamp or send me messages about how much they like what i make it makes me feel so happy. like people i don’t know actually made time in their busy lives to listen to something i made?!? then say nice things?!"],["1022851621737381889","SkreeDiab","@bandcamp app still number 1 app at doing the lords work with keeping up with underground releases. Some talented people out here in all spectrums of music 🙌🏽"],["1022257428572688384","UNRQVTD","Can’t shoutout @Bandcamp enough for being such an unreal platform for underground artists to flourish. Don’t know where I’d be without it."],["1022203881361629184","Carlotto","Yo: No te lleves mi dinero @Bandcamp no me queda mucho. Bandcamp: Ltd Edition White Vinyl Bundle & T Shirt Yo: No, sí llévatelo."],["1021469028102082560","steeltippeddove","wish bandcamp could replace twitter"],["1019593909515759616","This_is_RichSon","@bandcamp has made a huge impact on new music for me. I did not go looking for new music for years. Now my son, a musician, is introducing me to all sorts of new music. Between him and @bandcamp, I am finding something new and awesome every day!"],["1016141573753581569","Elaquent","For a while, bandcamp single handedly kept my rent paid. Nothing but respect for my president"],["1016136289685389312","mute_speaker","Please don’t change @Bandcamp, you’re the only flicker of hope for independent artists these days. ☑️"],["1012744545988202497","checho_esteban","gracias a la vida ecsistes @bandcamp"],["1009124639849754624","WitchProphet","I love everything about @Bandcamp. One of the best streaming sites and places to read/learn about new music"],["1007282565299036163","siyablvx","The @Bandcamp app is the best thing that ever happened to me musically 🙏🏿"],["1005114437622263813","HeyElbows","Man, feels great to wake up to random purchases from around the world of this music I’ve worked so tirelessly on. Thank you to anyone supporting these two releases and to @Bandcamp for giving us this platform."],["994386920150110209","hotelneonmusic","The @Bandcamp discover tool rules. Just this week it’s led to purchases of new Vasudeva, Raf Irrisari, Stray Theories, Liminal, Clarice Jensen, THESIS, Moss Covered Technology..I could go on. We’re drowning in amazing music these days. BC makes it easy to support it all - do it!"],["993535818269474816","remonigiri","thank you for existing @Bandcamp 💕"],["991740873154019328","NobodiesHipHop","every dollar earned from this release will be invested back into other artists on @Bandcamp. Y’all have made me feel amazing and I want to pass it forward ❤"],["951098930166747137","adamaronson",".@bandcamp please don’t change. You’re perfect."]],"2017":[["945860562856087552","glorbis","I gave out $100 in @Bandcamp gift cards for gifts this year because I love that website too dang much"],["944373957884461057","jetpackjones","Shoutout to @Bandcamp for putting artists first. Preciate y’all 🙏🏾"],["942702373100769280","Hainbach101","This marks the first month I am able to pay rent on @Bandcamp sales alone. Thank you all so very much!"],["942172466360623111","the_EMA_","super honored to be on @Bandcamp top 20 of 2017. they’ve emerged as such a cool fresh voice that still feels like a great service to artists -- #bandcampdaily seems truly invested with helping ppl discover instead of trying to be some sort of brand for its own sake. luv it!"],["930598008957341697","IamSubstantial","I love you @Bandcamp. You are a true friend to indie artists. Stay classy."],["927975838045401089","cllctive",".@Bandcamp we are loving the Bandcamp for labels iOS app!!! Productivity on high! Thank you!"],["926449283263541248","ztapesrecords","I love how @Bandcamp is a better and better service each year. So excited for new things they will bring in the future."],["923436039989026816","poemproducer","bandcamp is such a miracle treasure trove"],["905921631830364160","Owain_Bowen","Just imagined my life without the @Bandcamp app for a second and it was horrible"],["886932188918317056","advaence","@Bandcamp Daily is like the National Geographic of music"]],"2016":[["734467775519952896","Ids_Habbeding","Casual reminder that #Bandcamp is the best thing for the music industry since the internet changed the game forever."]],"2015":[["608058185740644352","SPURZmusic","the beauty of Bandcamp is not NEEDING a label. I’ve made more independently on there than any other outlet"]],"2009":[["3612375626","ankariisme","In love with Bandcamp --best FAQ ever, ever. Where were you the rest of my life?"],["3541488183","couchsessions","I’m loving Bandcamp. Very clean and revolutionary. This might just be the next best way to distribute music."],["3261628726","km04","Seriously though, I don’t think I’ve ever seen another music store that gets it as well as Bandcamp does. The more I see the more I like."],["2678056723","JoshConstine"," is a sleek, powerful myspace-alternative for bands. May this bring an end to “6 video players at once”"],["2659328307","musicbygoat","This place is ILL for sharing music"],["2657089415","yellowgroove","we love bandcamp it’s genius"],["2529941434","lookatthisguy","holy shit i just fell in love with a new website (for REAL musicians, despite its name): so much better than the others."],["2507437554","SpfldILMusic","Can I just say that bandcamp is amazing??"],["2433572445","steinmann","bandcamp seems like the coolest thing ever for any band!"],["2230347657","gibbomeister","Early days yet but I think is going to a great thing for indie bands and muso’s selling digital downloads."],["1896020734","teelanovela","we’ve been there: myspace, facebook, reverbnation. but the cleanest way to publish music is really bandcamp. #cuttochase "],["1844339054","cactusfriend"," is so cool it’s going to make me start another band asap."],["1842634985","krismorris","i love bandcamp for hosting music - free, easy, nice and you can embed the player in wp."],["1380843598","benandjim"," One of the best band/music websites I’ve seen in years. Watch the video it explains all and it’s freakin’ awesome."],["1379494084","bpartridge","Wow, really impressed with Bandcamp. Clean, easy, free, song stats... Looks great for new bands!"],["1373708386","dos4gw","I think I’ma put all my crap up on bandcamp. Seems clean, easy to use, punter-friendly, etc. pay-what-you-like too, which is optimal."],["1368319250","ChrisPicton_","any muso’s out there on, its seriously cool, you should check it out...."],["1317757327","akisma","holy shit, i love this FLAC? I’m in!"],["1306202000","jclutch","bands looking for a place to host their music, check out it’s free, and very saucy."],["1296599865","ihatemornings","@bandcamp Wow. Your site is frigmothering genius, and I salute you. Bandcamp rocks. ;)"],["1285586948","waycooljnr","I freaking love how Bandcamp goes about their business. One of my favourite Music2.0 startups."],["1282883750","HannesJohnson","I just discovered the defender easter egg :) Could Bandcamp be any more awesome?"],["1282545885","_deru","To all the world: is awesome."],["1277746988","davenoodlez"," is dope."],["1277085890","kemetcoleman","Loving! They just got me VERY excited."],["1275783795","sydmusic","@bandcamp <-- now *there* is a music sharing/site tool I can get behind."],["1273424336","lhl","whoa, bandcamp is teh sex."],["1266265209","scottkellogg__","sold on"]]}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" crossorigin="anonymous" nonce="7hA1HVr4YAQUAB6mhqfizQ==" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" crossorigin="anonymous" nonce="7hA1HVr4YAQUAB6mhqfizQ==" data-pgload-sample-rate="5" data-subtype=""about_pgload""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" crossorigin="anonymous" nonce="7hA1HVr4YAQUAB6mhqfizQ==" data-siteroot="""" data-siteroot-img=""""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" crossorigin="anonymous" nonce="7hA1HVr4YAQUAB6mhqfizQ==" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="" crossorigin="anonymous" nonce="7hA1HVr4YAQUAB6mhqfizQ==" ></script> </body> </html>