St Augustine's Catholic College - College Day

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Each day will consist of five lessons, each of one hour&rsquo;s duration, with a short mid-morning break and a lunch break.</p> <p>Copies of individual timetables will be given out on the first day of term.</p> <p>On Monday mornings, form tutor time is replaced by a spiritual assembly for Year 7 in the main hall led by the Head of Year 7 or a member of the Senior Management Team.</p> <h3>College Day</h3> <p><strong>AM registration</strong><br /> 08:50</p> <p><strong>Period 1</strong><br /> 09:15 - 10:15</p> <p><strong>Period 2</strong><br /> 10:15 - 11:15</p> <p><strong>Morning break</strong><br /> 11:15 - 11:35</p> <p><strong>Period 3</strong><br /> 11:35 - 12:35</p> <p><strong>Period 4</strong><br /> 12:35 - 13:35</p> <p><strong>Lunch break</strong><br /> 13:35 - 14:15</p> <p><strong>Period 5</strong><br /> 14:15 - 15:15</p> <h3></h3> </div> </div><!--wrapper-inside--> </div> </div> <!-- blackout background --> <div id="modal-wrap"></div> <!-- Footer --> <footer> <!-- put database code like diary and news items in here --> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="flex"> <div class="left"> <h2 class="footer-heading">St Augustine鈥檚 Catholic College</h2> <p class="address">Wingfield Road, Trowbridge, BA14 9EN<br></p> <p class="telephone">01225 350001 | <a href=""></a></p> <p>Company Registration No. 07736524 (England and Wales)</p> </div> <div class="right"> <p id="copyright">&copy; 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