Food experiences with local chefs and hosts in your city or abroad
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in":"Log in","Login":"Login","Password":"Password","Enter your email address and we will immediately send you a link to reset your password.":"Enter your email address below and we’ll send you a link to create a new one.","Forgot your password?":"Forgot your password?","Forgotten password":"Forgot your password?","Invalid email or password":"Invalid email or password","Log in with Facebook":"Log in with Facebook","Log in with Google":"Log in with Google","Payout preferences":"Payout preferences","Reset password":"Let's get cooking!","Security":"Password \u0026 Email","Change your password":"Create your password","Confirm password":"Confirm password","Go to the home page":"Go to the home page","Something wrong occurred, we could not send you an email to reset your password":"Something wrong occurred, we could not send you an email to reset your password","Submit password":"Save my password","Thank you!":"Thank you!","You entered two different passwords":"You entered two different passwords","You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. We are looking forward to seeing you!":"You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!","Your password has been reset!":"Your password has been reset!","Your password has not been updated":"Your password has not been updated","ForgotPassword":{"By resetting your password, please note that you are also accepting the {{EatwithTermsAndConditions}}.":"By resetting your password, please note that you are also accepting the {{EatwithTermsAndConditions}}.","Eatwith Terms \u0026 Conditions":"Eatwith Terms \u0026 Conditions","By resetting your password, please note that you are also accepting the \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eEatwith Terms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e.":"By resetting your password, please note that you are also accepting the \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eEatwith Terms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e."},"You're nearly done, all you need to do is choose your password and you'll be all set!":"You're nearly done, all you need to do is choose your password and you'll be all set!","Don't have an account?":"Don't have an account?","Please enter your email":"Please enter your email","Please enter your password":"Please enter your password","Sign up now!":"Sign up now!","Welcome back!":"Welcome back!","Your email":"Your email","Payment methods":"Payment methods","PaymentMethods":{"Accepted methods":"Accepted methods","Add a new payment method":"Add a new payment method","Add a payment method":"Add a payment method","Your payment methods":"Your payment methods"},"Remember me":"Remember me"},"Booking":{"Cancel booking":"Cancel booking","Post a review":"Post a review","Chat with your host":"Chat with your host","Apply code":"Apply code","Pay":"Pay","{{count}} guests":"{{count}} guests","Guest":{"Share event":"Share event"},"1 guest":"1 guest","Change currency":"Change currency","Hosted by {{host}} in {{location}}":"Hosted by {{host}} in {{location}}","Please enter your phone number":"Please enter your phone number","Please select an occasion for the event":"Please select an occasion for the event","ReservationCard":{"Directions":"Directions","Food requirements":"Food requirements","with {{host}}":"with {{host}}","Who is coming?":"Who is coming?","You":"You","Free cancellation until: {{cancelationDeadline}}":"Free cancellation before: {{cancelationDeadline}}","Reference code":"Reference code"},"guest":"guest","guests":"guests","ReferralBanner":{"Refer a friend and get {{price}}":"Refer a friend and get {{price}}","Share the {{emphasized}}love{{endEmphasized}}":"Share the {{emphasized}}love{{endEmphasized}}","Share the \u003cspan\u003elove\u003c/span\u003e":"Share the \u003cspan\u003elove\u003c/span\u003e"}," - {{price}} coupon":" - {{price}} coupon","Enter your coupon code":"Enter your coupon code","Cancel request":"Cancel request","CreditCard":{"Card Number":"Card Number","Exp Date":"Valid thru"},"Add more guests":"Add more guests","Coupon code":"Coupon code","Confirm the number of guests":"Confirm the number of guests","Dietary restrictions sent to {{hostName}}":"Dietary requirements sent to {{hostName}}","Eatwith and your host will be able to contact you if there are any important updates to your booking.":"Eatwith and your host will be able to contact you if there are any important updates to your booking.","Getting hungry?":"You're almost there...","Hosts usually accept requests within 72 hours.":"Hosts usually accept requests within 72 hours.","I have a gift card or coupon code!":"I have a gift card or coupon code!","If you have any dietary requirements or comments, you can send the host a message on the next page.":"If you have any dietary requirements or comments, you can send the host a message on the next page.","Introduce yourself to {{hostName}}":"Introduce yourself to {{hostName}}","Is this information correct?":"Is this information correct?","Keep in mind":"Keep in mind","Message sent to {{hostName}}":"Message sent to {{hostName}}","Payment details":"Payment details","RegisterStep":{"How do we reach you?":"Create an account","Review and payment":"Continue to review and payment","Sign up":"Sign up","You'll need an account to receive details about your Eatwith experience and to chat with your host!":"You'll need an account to receive details about your Eatwith experience and to chat with your host!"},"Send dietary restrictions":"Send dietary requirements","Send message":"Send message","We just need to confirm a few details so your host can accept your request!":"We just need to confirm a few details so your host can accept your request.","We’ll send you a confirmation email with the recap of your experience. Check your inbox!":"We'll send you a confirmation email with a recap of your upcoming experience. Check your inbox!","You're almost there - the host now needs to accept your request before your booking is confirmed.":"Don't forget - the host now needs to accept your request before your booking is confirmed.","Your booking will be instantly confirmed":"Your booking will be instantly confirmed","A confirmation email has been sent to {{emailAddress}}.":"A confirmation email has been sent to {{emailAddress}}.","A recap email has been sent to {{emailAddress}}.":"A recap email has been sent to {{emailAddress}}.","Add a guest":"Add a guest","Before you go":"Before you go","Continue to your reservations":"See your reservations","Invite your favorite people to attend the event with you!":"Invite your favorite people to attend the event with you!","It's official, you're going to {{hostName}}'s experience!.":"Feeling hungry? Good! You're going to {{hostName}}'s experience!","Send invite":"Send confirmation email","Share the details of the experience with your friends.":"Share the details of the experience with your friends.","Thank you, your booking is confirmed!":"Thank you, your booking is confirmed!","Thank you, your host has been notified of your request":"Thank you, your host has been notified of your booking request.","We're emailing you the directions and contact information for your event":"We're emailing you the directions and contact information for your upcoming event","Who will be joining the table?":"Who will be joining you?","You will get a reply from {{hostName}} within 72 hours.":"You will get a reply from {{hostName}} within 72 hours.","You will receive directions and contact information.":"Once the host accepts your request and your booking is confirmed, you will receive directions and contact information.","Your reservation is pending.":"Your booking is pending.","Partner":{"Booking Reference":"Booking Reference","Client Details":"Client Details","Enter the name or number you would like to use to monitor and track this booking":"Enter the name or number you would like to use to monitor and track this booking","Last name":"Last name","Please enter your client email address":"Please enter your client email address","Please enter your client first name":"Please enter your client first name","Please enter your client last name":"Please enter your client last name","Please enter your client phone number":"Please enter your client phone number","Please provide your client's phone number in case their host needs to reach them. This number will only be used in case of emergency, all other communication will take place through your messages.":"Please provide your client's phone number in case their host needs to reach them. This number will only be used in case of emergency, all other communication will take place through your messages.","You must enter a valid phone number for your client":"You must enter a valid phone number for your client"},"Free cancellation up to {{deadline}} before the event.":"Free cancellation up to {{deadline}} before the event.","You will not be eligible for a refund if you cancel your booking.":"You will not be eligible for a refund if you cancel your booking.","Introduce your clients to {{hostName}}":"Introduce your clients to {{hostName}}","Credit card":"Payment card","Express checkout":"One click payment","You must enter a valid phone number":"You must enter a valid phone number","Trust \u0026 Safety":"Trust \u0026 Safety","Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. {{learnMore}} about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events.":"Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. {{learnMore}} about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events.","Learn more":"Learn more","Please select a date":"Please select a date","Please select a number of seats":"Please select a number of seats","{{count}} guests_plural":"{{count}} guests","Remove code":"Remove code","Donate to share the meal":"Donate to Share the Meal","Together, we can be the generation that ends hunger.":"Together, we can be the generation that ends hunger.","With the click of a button, you can donate even the smallest amount and \"share a meal\" with a child in need. Join us in supporting the United Nations' World Food Program today":"With the click of a button, you can donate even the smallest amount and \"share a meal\" with a child in need. Join us in supporting the United Nations' World Food Program today","A confirmation email has been sent to \u003cspan\u003e{{emailAddress}}\u003c/span\u003e.":"A confirmation email has been sent to \u003cspan\u003e{{emailAddress}}\u003c/span\u003e.","A recap email has been sent to \u003cspan\u003e{{emailAddress}}\u003c/span\u003e.":"A recap email has been sent to \u003cspan\u003e{{emailAddress}}\u003c/span\u003e.","Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. \u003clearnMoreURL\u003eLearn more\u003c/learnMoreURL\u003e about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events.":"Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. \u003clearnMoreURL\u003eLearn more\u003c/learnMoreURL\u003e about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events.","Hosted by \u003cem\u003e{{host}}\u003c/em\u003e in \u003cem\u003e{{locality}}\u003c/em\u003e, {{country}}":"Hosted by \u003cem\u003e{{host}}\u003c/em\u003e in \u003cem\u003e{{locality}}\u003c/em\u003e, {{country}}","Hosted by \u003cem\u003e{{host}}\u003c/em\u003e in \u003cspan\u003e\u003cem\u003e{{locality}}\u003c/em\u003e, {{country}}\u003c/span\u003e":"Hosted by \u003cem\u003e{{host}}\u003c/em\u003e in \u003cspan\u003e\u003cem\u003e{{locality}}\u003c/em\u003e, {{country}}\u003c/span\u003e","CheckoutStep":{"BookingModeSelector":{"{{count}} more seat left to enable private group booking":"{{count}} more seat left to enable private group booking","{{count}} more seat left to enable private group booking_plural":"{{count}} more seats left to enable private group booking","{{hostName}} can accomodate private groups of {{minSeats}} or more guests":"{{hostName}} can accomodate private groups of {{minSeats}} or more guests","Book for you and your private group only":"Book for you and your private group only","Join an open table":"Book my seats","Share an Eatwith experience with your friends, other guests may join as well.":"Share an Eatwith experience with your friends, other guests may join as well.","{{count}} more seat left to enable private group booking_one":"{{count}} more seat left to enable private group booking","{{count}} more seat left to enable private group booking_other":"{{count}} more seats left to enable private group booking"}},"{{count}} guests_one":"{{count}} guest","{{count}} guests_other":"{{count}} guests","{{count}} guest \u003cspan\u003ex {{price}}\u003c/span\u003e":"{{count}} guest \u003cspan\u003ex {{price}}\u003c/span\u003e","{{count}} guests \u003cspan\u003ex {{price}}\u003c/span\u003e":"{{count}} guests \u003cspan\u003ex {{price}}\u003c/span\u003e","If you privatize the event, free cancellation up to {{deadline}} before the event.":"If you privatize the event, free cancellation up to {{deadline}} before the event.","If you privatize the event, you will not be eligible for a refund.":"If you privatize the event, you will not be eligible for a refund.","{{count}} guest_one":"{{count}} guest","{{count}} guest_other":"{{count}} guests"},"Common":{"Barcelona":"Barcelona","Berlin":"Berlin","Bologna":"Bologna","Boston":"Boston","Brussels":"Brussels","Florence":"Florence","Go back to our home page":"Go back to the home page","Haifa":"Haifa","London":"London","Lyon":"Lyon","Manchester":"Manchester","Marrakech":"Marrakech","Marseille":"Marseille","Milano":"Milan","Most popular destinations":"Most popular destinations","New-Delhi":"New-Delhi","New-York":"New-York","Nice":"Nice","Paris":"Paris","Rome":"Rome","We could not find what you were looking for":"We cannot find your destination","Amsterdam":"Amsterdam","Athens":"Athens","Bordeaux":"Bordeaux","Budapest":"Budapest","Copenhagen":"Copenhagen","Dublin":"Dublin","Dubrovnik":"Dubrovnik","Edinburgh":"Edinburgh","Lisbon":"Lisbon","Oslo":"Oslo","Prague":"Prague","Reykjavik":"Reykjavik","Seville":"Seville","Stockholm":"Stockholm","Vienna":"Vienna","New Delhi":"New Delhi","New York":"New York","Malaga":"Malaga","Naples":"Naples","Istanbul":"Istanbul","Madrid":"Madrid","Venice":"Venice","Aix-en-Provence":"Aix-en-Provence","Bangkok":"Bangkok","Bilbao":"Bilbao","Boulogne-Billancourt":"Boulogne-Billancourt","Buenos Aires":"Buenos Aires","Cannes":"Cannes","Cape Town":"Cape Town","Catania":"Catania","Ciudad de Mexico":"Ciudad de Mexico","Cordoba":"Cordoba","Genova":"Genova","Granada":"Granada","Havana":"Havana","Hong Kong":"Hong Kong","Levallois-Perret":"Levallois-Perret","Lille":"Lille","Lucca":"Lucca","Malta":"Malta","Milan":"Milan","Montreal":"Montreal","Mumbai":"Mumbai","Munich":"Munich","Palermo":"Palermo","Porto":"Porto","Sao Paulo":"Sao Paulo","Singapore":"Singapore","Tokyo":"Tokyo","Toulouse":"Toulouse","Turin":"Turin","Valencia":"Valencia"},"Conversations":{"All conversations":"All conversations","Conversations with your guests":"Conversations with your guests","Conversations with your hosts":"Conversations with your hosts","Expired":"Expired","Or {{searchLink}} directly your destination":"Or {{searchLink}} directly your destination","Past":"Past","Rejected by guest":"Canceled by the guest","Rejected by host":"Declined by the host","Rejected by us":"Cancelled","Validated":"Approved","Wait validation":"Pending approval\n","You can go back to the {{homePage}} to see the most popular destinations":"Return to {{homePage}} to see our most popular destinations","You don't have any conversation":"You don't have any conversations","home page":"Home page","search":"search","Something wrong happened, we could not find your conversations":"Something wrong happened, we could not find your conversations","Date request":"Pending request","Request approved":"Request approved","Payment declined":"Payment declined","1 seat":"1 seat","Action":{"You attended {{hostname}}'s event":"You attended {{hostname}}'s event","You canceled your booking":"You canceled your booking","You have approved {{guestname}}'s booking!":"You have approved {{guestname}}'s booking!","You have approved {{guestname}}'s request!":"Waiting for {{guestname}}'s payment and confirmation","You have canceled your request":"You have canceled your request","You have declined {{guestname}}'s booking":"You have declined {{guestname}}'s booking","You have declined {{guestname}}'s request":"You have declined {{guestname}}'s request","Your booking has been approved. You're going to Eatwith {{hostname}}!":"Your booking has been approved. You're going to Eatwith {{hostname}}!","Your booking has been canceled":"Your booking has been canceled","Your booking has been declined":"Your booking has been declined","Your booking has expired":"Your booking has expired","Your booking is waiting for {{hostname}}'s approval":"Your booking is waiting for {{hostname}}'s approval","Your date request is currently pending":"Your request is pending {{hostname}}'s approval","Your payment has been declined":"Your payment has been declined","Your request has been approved! Please proceed to payment":"{{hostname}} is available! To confirm the booking, please proceed to payment","Your request has expired":"Your request has expired","{{guestname}} attended your event":"{{guestname}} attended your event","{{guestname}} has canceled their booking":"{{guestname}} has canceled their booking","{{guestname}} has canceled their request":"{{guestname}} has canceled their request","{{guestname}} is waiting for your approval - please confirm!":"{{guestname}} is waiting for your approval - please confirm!","{{guestname}}'s booking has been canceled":"{{guestname}}'s booking has been canceled","{{guestname}}'s booking has expired":"{{guestname}}'s booking has expired","{{guestname}}'s payment has been declined":"{{guestname}}'s payment has been declined. If this persists, please contact","{{guestname}}'s request has expired":"{{guestname}}'s request has expired","{{guestname}}'s request is pending - please approve or decline!":"{{guestname}}'s request is pending - please approve or decline!","{{hostname}} has declined your request":"{{hostname}} has declined your request"},"{{count}} seats":"{{count}} seats"},"Event":{"Sorry, we could not find the event you are looking for":"Sorry, we could not find the event you are looking for","Private Event":"Private Event","Hosted by {{hostName}}":"Hosted by {{hostName}}","Hosted by \u003chostURL\u003e{{hostName}}\u003c/hostURL\u003e":"Hosted by \u003chostURL\u003e{{hostName}}\u003c/hostURL\u003e","Sorry, we could not find the user you are looking for":"Sorry, we could not find the user you are looking for","Hosted by \u003chostURL\u003e{{hostName}}\u003c/hostURL\u003e \u003clocality\u003ein {{locality}}\u003c/locality\u003e":"Hosted by \u003chostURL\u003e{{hostName}}\u003c/hostURL\u003e \u003clocality\u003ein {{locality}}\u003c/locality\u003e","Hosted by \u003chostURL\u003e{{hostName}}\u003c/hostURL\u003e in \u003clocality\u003e{{locality}}\u003c/locality\u003e":"Hosted by \u003chostURL\u003e{{hostName}}\u003c/hostURL\u003e in \u003clocality\u003e{{locality}}\u003c/locality\u003e"},"Header":{"Dashboard":"Dashboard","Edit my profile":"Edit my profile","Log in":"Log in","Logout":"Logout","Sign up":"Sign up","I'm guest":"My Reservations","My Meals":"My Experiences","Become a host":"Become a host","Planning":"Calendar","Wishlist":{"My favorite events":"My Wishlists"},"Gift cards":"Gift Cards","Private Events":"Private Events","Refer a friend":"Refer a friend","(Credit : {{ credit }})":"(Credit : {{ credit }})","My Account":"My Account","Payment History":"Payment History","Payment history":"Payment history","Currency":"Currency","Language":"Language","Travel Agent":"Travel Agent","Sign up and get {{price}} off":"Sign up to Eatwith","Resume application":"Resume application","Sign up to Eatwith":"Sign up to Eatwith","Booking Widget":"Booking Widget","Online Experiences":"Online Experiences","MasterChef online":"MasterChef","Experiences":"Experiences","Inbox":"Inbox","\u003ccredit\u003e(Credit : {{ credit }})\u003c/credit\u003e":"\u003ccredit\u003e(Credit : {{ credit }})\u003c/credit\u003e","\u003cmasterchefIcon /\u003e MasterChef online":"\u003cmasterchefIcon /\u003e MasterChef online","Contact us":"Contact us","FAQ":"FAQ","How it works":"How it works"},"Payment":{"An error occurred while processing the card.":"An error occurred while processing the payment.","CVC":"CVC","Card Number":"Card Number","Expiration MM/YY":"Expiration MM/YY","The card has expired.":"The card has expired.","The card number is incorrect.":"The card number is incorrect.","The card number is not a valid credit card number.":"The card number is not a valid.","The card was declined.":"The card was declined.","The card's expiration month is invalid.":"The card's expiration month is invalid.","The card's expiration year is invalid.":"The card's expiration year is invalid.","The card's security code is incorrect.":"The card's security code is incorrect.","The card's security code is invalid.":"The card's security code is invalid.","The card's zip code failed validation.":"The card's number hasn't been validated.","There is no card on a customer that is being charged.":"Payment with this card is currently being processed.","Write something to your host. The message must be at least 50 characters":"Introduce yourself to your host: your message must be at least 50 characters long","Card Holder":"Card Holder Name","The CVC is the last 3 digits after your signature on the back of your credit card":"The CVC is the last 3 digits after your signature on the back of your credit card","Write your message":"Write your message","Add new payment option":"Add a new payment option","Phone number":"Phone number","Pay with:":"Pay with:","This event is free, so we don't need your payment details.":"This event is free, so we don't need your payment details.","Request to Book":"Request to Book","Book now":"Book now","Occasion":{"Bachelorette":"Bachelorette","Birthday":"Birthday","Business dinner":"Business dinner","Delegation":"Delegation","Off-site":"Off-site","Other":"Other","Seminar":"Seminar","Shabbat dinner":"Shabbat dinner","Workshop":"Workshop"},"Diet preferences and allergies":"Dietary requirements and allergies","Save my payment information":"Save my payment information","Partner":{"Main's client phone number":"Main client's phone number","You will receive an invoice by the end of the month.":"You will receive an invoice by the end of the month."},"For example: Hi {{hostName}}, I‘m {{TAFirstName}} from {{TAOrganization}} and I‘m booking for {{eventTitle}}":"For example: Hi {{hostName}}, I‘m {{TAFirstName}}, a Travel Agent and I‘m booking for {{eventTitle}}","Book for my private group":"Book for my private group","Request to book for my private group":"Request to book for my private group"},"Review":{"Cancel":"Cancel","How was your meal at {{firstname}}'s?":"How was the event at {{firstname}}'s?","Post a review":"Post a review","Rating-atmosphere":"Atmosphere","Rating-communication":"Communication","Rating-conviviality":"Conviviality","Rating-food":"Food","Rating-value_for_money":"Value for money","Reviews about you":"Reviews about you","Reviews you wrote":"Reviews by you","Send":"Send","Tell us about {{firstname}}...":"Tell us about {{firstname}}...","Write a review after a VizEat meal. Reviews you've received will be visible both here and on your public profile":"Write a review after a Eatwith experience. Reviews you've received will be visible both here and on your public profile","Write a review after a VizEat meal. Reviews you've written will be visible both here and on their public profile":"Write a review after a Eatwith experience. Reviews you've written will be visible both here and on their public profile","If you would like to tell the world about your experience, copy your review and share it on the host’s TripAdvisor page!":"If you would like to tell the world about your experience, copy your review and share it on the host’s TripAdvisor page!","Leave a 5 star review on TripAdvisor":"Leave a 5 star review on TripAdvisor","Thank you for your review!":"Thank you for your review!","We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed your experience with {{hostName}}":"We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed your experience with {{hostName}}","Cleanliness":"Cleanliness"},"SubHeader":{"Account":"Account Settings","Conversations":"Inbox","I'm guest":"My Reservations","My Meals":"My Experiences","Profile":"Profile","Planning":"Calendar","Refer a friend":"Refer a friend","Payment History":"Payment History","Booking Widget":"Booking Widget"},"CreateEditEvent":{"Alcohols":"Drinks","At what time do you host this meal?":"When is your event?","Dietary restrictions":"Special diets","From":"Start\n","Hi there! This is the first step of creating your meal! Now it’s your turn to share all your meal details with your future Guests. You may highlight the ingredients you’ll be cooking with or the drinks that will be served during the event. And remember: your meal will only be published once you’ve completed the 4 steps.":"Hi there! This is where you share all the delicious details of the Eatwith moment you offer. Give your future guests a taste of what they can expect by booking your experience! Remember that your Eatwith experience will be published only after you’ve added all the info, uploaded photos and completed your profile details.","Max guests":"Max guests","Meal description":"Tell us about your experience","Meal title":"Title","Meal type":"Experience","Menu details":"Your Experience","Min guests":"Min guests","Price":"Price","Price per guest":"Host payment per seat","Save \u0026 Continue":"Save \u0026 Continue","Save as draft":"Save as draft","Select the price per guest for your meal. To calculate the final price, add up your grocery expenses plus the amount you'd like for your hospitality. You will receive 100% of that amount":"Select the price per guest. You will receive 100% of this amount. On the website, we will add our 20% fee (incl. VAT, and insurance). For example, if your experience is 20€, we will display it as 24€ on our website.","Select...":"Select...","Something wrong occurred, your meal has not been saved":"Something went wrong, your meal has not been saved","To":"End\n","Type of cuisine":"Cuisine","Unpublish":"Unpublish","What will you cook? Is it your grandma recipe? What ingredients will you use?":"What makes it special? Why should guests book your event? Please keep it as short as possible (up to 5 sentences).","Where will you host this event?":"Where will you host this event?","You must enter a description":"You must enter a description","You must enter a meal type":"You must enter a experience type","You must enter a price":"You must enter a price","You must enter a title":"You must enter a title","You must enter a type of cuisine":"You must enter a type of cuisine","PricePlaceholder":{"20.5":"20"},"You can change your profile currency {{link}}":"You can change your profile currency {{link}}","here":"here","1. Profile":"1. Profile","I agree that the VizEat team will review and edit my profile and experience if need be before displaying them online":"I agree that the Eatwith team will review and edit my profile and experience if need be before displaying them online","Submit for review":"Submit for review","Your meal has been submitted for review! Thanks!":"Your meal has been submitted for review! Thanks!","Description":{"Select a language":"Select a language","Add description in":"Add description in","Add title in":"Add title in","Create description in":"Create description in","Create title in":"Create title in"},"Menu":{"+ Add a dish to this course":"+ Add a new dish to this course","+ New course":"+ Add a course","OK":"OK","Select a language":"Select a language","You wrote in {{language}}: \"{{translatedTitle}}\"":"You wrote in {{language}}: \"{{translatedTitle}}\"","placeholder":{"Appetizer, Starter, etc.":"Appetizer, Starter, etc.","Dish details: Vegetable lasagnas with eggplant, butternut and cheddar, bechamel on top with grilled cheese...":"Describe your dish: Chicken suprêmes with roast chesnuts, butternut and pine nuts","Dish name: Vegetable lasagnas":"Dish name: Chicken suprêmes with winter vegetables"},"Create your menu course by course, if you don't find your language use English":"You can create your menu course by course, if you can't find your language, just use English","Menu":"Menu"},"Save":"Save","Select an existing address or create a new one":"Select an existing address or create a new one","You must select a place to host the event":"You must select a place to host the event","You have not yet set up your payout preferences, which are required to be paid for Eatwith events. Your event has been put into draft. Please go to your {{link}} and update your payment details before re-submitting this event for review.":"You have not yet set up your payout preferences, which are required to be paid for Eatwith events. Your event has been put into draft. Please go to your {{link}} and update your payment details before re-submitting this event for review.","account settings":"account settings","Title length should be less than 50 characters":"Title length should be less than 50 characters","You must enter a description in all selected languages":"You must enter a description in all selected languages","You must enter a title in all selected languages":"You must enter a title in all selected languages","This experience is published on our partner's network, as a result you are not able to modify certain fields. If you have any concerns or need to make a modification please address them to {{supportEmail}}.":"This experience is published on our partner's network, as a result you are not able to modify certain fields. If you have any concerns or need to make a modification please address them to {{supportEmail}}.","Booking deadline":"Booking deadline","Select how long prior to the event you would like guests to be able to book. After this time has expired, the event can no longer be booked.":"Choose how long guests can book your event prior to the start time. Once this deadline has passed, the event can no longer be booked.","Instant Booking":"Instant Booking","Instant booking allows guests to book seats for an experience on a specific date instantly, without having to wait for approval or confirmation by the host! This means less work for you (the host) and less work for your guest.":"Instant booking allows guests to book seats for an experience on a specific date instantly, without having to wait for approval or confirmation by the host! This means less work for you (the host) and less work for your guest.","Instant booking is enabled":"Instant booking is enabled","Add photos to your experience":"Add photos to your experience","Already selected":"Already selected","And last but not least, we want to see you! Upload a photo of yourself, as well as a few shots of previous experiences so guests can get a feel of what to expect at your experience. {{examplesLink}}":"And last but not least, we want to see you! Upload a photo of yourself, as well as a few shots of previous experiences so guests can get a feel of what to expect at your experience. {{examplesLink}}","Avoid selfies or suprise shots":"Avoid selfies or surprise shots","Click to upload or drag and drop a new file":"Click to upload or drag and drop a new file","Continue":"Continue","Cover photo":"Cover photo","Delete permanently":"Delete permanently","Don't be afraid to smile at the camera":"Don't be afraid to smile at the camera","Don't go overboard with filters #nofilter":"Don't go overboard with filters #nofilter","Don't upload photos you don't own":"Don't upload photos you don't own","Edit gallery":"Edit gallery","Examples of great food photography":"Examples of great food photography","Examples of great host \u0026 atmosphere photography":"Examples of great host \u0026 atmosphere photography","Examples of great venue photography":"Examples of great venue photography","Focus! Blurry photos are a big no-no":"Focus! Blurry photos are a big no-no","Food photos":"Food photos","Host and atmosphere photos":"Host and atmosphere photos","Natural daylight is the best light!":"Natural daylight is the best light!","No":"No","No photos that feature drugs, nudity or children":"No photos that feature drugs, nudity or children","PhotoExamples":{"A natural source of daylight produces smooth shadows and a dreamy effect. Slightly overexposing your photo is fine, the keyword being \"slightly\".":"A natural source of daylight produces smooth shadows and a dreamy effect. Slightly overexposing your photo is fine, the keyword being \"slightly\".","Act natural! A few posed photos are fine, but we love candid shots where people are enjoying the moment together.":"Act natural! A few posed photos are fine, but we love candid shots where people are enjoying the moment together.","Action shots (pouring, stirring, dusting etc) always works well on camera. Adjust your shutter speed to really capture the movement.":"Action shots (pouring, stirring, dusting etc) always works well on camera. Adjust your shutter speed to really capture the movement.","Do you have a unique venue? Show off your space's best side, whether it's an amazing view, unusual furniture or cool neighborhood.":"Do you have a unique venue? Show off your space's best side, whether it's an amazing view, unusual furniture or cool neighborhood.","Feel free to take a photo of your beautiful table before guests arrive. An empty table can be just as inviting.":"Feel free to take a photo of your beautiful table before guests arrive. An empty table can be just as inviting.","Flat lay photos are easy and fun to style. Simply lay out everything on the table and take a photo from above.":"Flat lay photos are easy and fun to style. Simply lay out everything on the table and take a photo from above.","Highlight the small details and colors in your cooking. Fill up your photos with several plates to really make the mouth water!":"Highlight the small details and colors in your cooking. Fill up your photos with several plates to really make the mouth water!","Make sure you snap a photo of your group - your guests will also love to have a souvenir of your experience!":"Make sure you snap a photo of your group - your guests will also love to have a souvenir of your experience!","Outdoor photos need lots of light sources - use props like fairy lights to give it a warm and welcoming feel.":"Outdoor photos need lots of light sources - use props like fairy lights to give it a warm and welcoming feel.","Say cheese! Try to take photos with your Eatwith accessories when possible.":"Say cheese! Try to take photos with your Eatwith accessories when possible.","Take some candid snaps of your group as they're enjoying your experience all together.":"Take some candid snaps of your group as they're enjoying your experience all together.","Use props like your hands, utensils or table accessories to make your photo stand out. Focus on the dish and blur the background.":"Use props like your hands, utensils or table accessories to make your photo stand out. Focus on the dish and blur the background.","We love getting a peek behind the scenes! Show us what's going on in your kitchen with lots of fun food prep shots!":"We love getting a peek behind the scenes! Show us what's going on in your kitchen with lots of fun food prep shots!","You can add people or other props to give your venue context.":"You can add people or other props to give your venue context.","Zoom in on small details like cutlery, place settings, plates and glasses.":"Zoom in on small details like cutlery, place settings, plates and glasses."},"See examples here.":"See examples here.","See our photography guidelines here.":"See our photography guidelines here.","Select":"Select","Select from uploaded photos":"Select from uploaded photos","Select photos":"Select photos","Select photos to delete":"Select photos to delete","Selected photos may be used on other experiences. Are you sure you want to delete them?":"Selected photos may be used on other experiences. Are you sure you want to delete them?","Show us where you're hosting! Give people a virtual tour of your space - try to include other guests and your table setting if possible. {{examplesLink}}":"Show us where you're hosting! Give people a virtual tour of your space - try to include other guests and your table setting if possible. {{examplesLink}}","These photos will be displayed at the top of your experience and will be the first thing guests will see. Make sure they stand out and show how great your experience is! {{tutorialLink}}":"These photos will be displayed at the top of your experience and will be the first thing guests will see. Make sure they stand out and show how great your experience is! {{tutorialLink}}","Tick all photos you want to include in your event.":"Tick all photos you want to include in your experience.","Ticked photos will be permanently deleted.":"Ticked photos will be permanently deleted.","Tips for taking delicious photos":"Tips for taking delicious photos","Upload high resolution photos (min 100px wide)":"Upload high resolution photos (min 1000px * 600px)","User your best photo as the cover photo. It will appear on the search page and it will be the first image on your experience page so make sure it's an accurate representation of your event.":"Use your best photo as the cover photo. It will appear on the search page and it will be the first image on your experience page so make sure it's an accurate representation of your event.","Venue photos":"Venue photos","We love seeing your incredible food! We recommend uploading high resolution photos of at least 3 different dishes guests will enjoy at your experience. Get creating and play with perspective, zoom and styling. {{examplesLink}}":"We love seeing your incredible food! We recommend uploading high resolution photos of at least 3 different dishes guests will enjoy at your experience. Get creating and play with perspective, zoom and styling. {{examplesLink}}","Yes, delete":"Yes, delete","You must upload a cover photo":"You must upload a cover photo","You must upload at least 3 food images, 2 venue images, and 2 host \u0026 atmosphere photos of your experience":"You must upload at least 3 food images, 2 venue images, and 2 host \u0026 atmosphere photos of your experience","{{x}} minimum, {{y}} maximum":"{{x}} minimum, {{y}} maximum","Cancellation policy":"Cancellation policy","Event deadlines":"Event deadlines","For private events, guests can book up to":"For private events, guests can book up to","For private events, guests can cancel up to":"For private events, guests can cancel up to","For public events, guests can book up to":"For public events, guests can book up to","For public events, guests can cancel up to":"For public events, guests can cancel up to","Select how long prior to the event your guests will be able to cancel. After this time, they will not be refunded if they cancel your event.":"Choose how long guests can cancel their booking prior to the event start time. Once this deadline has passed, they will not receive a refund if they cancel their booking.","If a booking is made through our partners’ platforms, you will receive an email and an inbox message detailing their cancellation policy. The partner’s cancellation policy will not be able to be edited and will apply for that booking.":"If a booking is made through our partners’ platforms, you will receive an email and an inbox message detailing their cancellation policy. The partner’s cancellation policy will not be able to be edited and will apply for that booking.","Click on 'Edit Address' to add details about the amentities available at your location.":"Click on 'Edit Address' to add details about the amentities available at your location.","2. Payout preferences":"2. Payout preferences","3. Description":"3. Description","4. Photos":"4. Photos","5. Place \u0026 Amenities":"5. Place \u0026 Amenities","Publish and schedule dates now":"Publish and schedule dates now","Your experience is almost ready to go live! You can now see all the details you provided in your demo experience, as well as add in extra missing information. Make sure you review your experience before you publish. Let's go! 🚀":"Your experience is almost ready to go live! You can now see all the details you provided in your demo experience, as well as add in extra missing information. Make sure you review your experience before you publish. Let's go! 🚀","ConfirmationChange":{"Begins at: {{begins_at}}":"Begins at: {{begins_at}}","Booking deadline: {{booking_deadline}}":"Booking deadline: {{booking_deadline}}","Cancellation deadline: {{cancellation_deadline}}":"Cancellation deadline: {{cancellation_deadline}}","Cancellation deadline: {{pe_cancellation_deadline}}":"Cancellation deadline: {{pe_cancellation_deadline}}","Do you want to apply these changes to your scheduled events with no bookings?":"Do you want to apply these changes to your scheduled events with no bookings?","Ends at: {{ends_at}}":"Ends at: {{ends_at}}","Max seats: {{max_seats}}":"Max seats: {{max_seats}}","Min seats: {{min_seats}}":"Min seats: {{min_seats}}","No, don't apply":"No, don't apply","Price: {{price}}":"Price: {{price}}","Private event booking deadline: {{pe_booking_deadline}}":"Private event booking deadline: {{pe_booking_deadline}}","Yes, apply":"Yes, apply","You're about to change some details about your experience.":"You're about to change some details about your experience.","Your events that already have bookings will not be changed.":"Your events that already have bookings will not be changed."},"Find your photos in your gallery":"Find your photos in your gallery"},"EditProfile":{"About you":"About you","Address":"Address","Be sure to fill in your complete address so that your meal shows up in search results.":"Be sure to fill in your complete address so that your experiences show up in search results. It won't be displayed and will only be shared with your future guests.","Birth date DD MM YYYY":"Your birth date","Change profile picture":"Change profile picture","Cuisines I like to cook":"The cuisines you like to cook","Describe some of your favorite travel destinations, cuisines and cooking styles so other VizEaters can get a taste of the experience you will share together.":"Tell us about your favorite travel destinations, cuisines and cooking styles so that future guests can get a taste what you will share with them.","Describe yourself":"Tell us about yourself","Dietary restrictions":"Special diets ","Don't forget a smile is the best way to attract VizEaters to your table.":"Don't forget a smile is the best way to introduce yourself to others.","Email":"Email","First name":"First name","Food and travel preferences":"Food and travel preferences","Food preferences":"Food preferences","Guilty pleasures":"Guilty pleasures","Last name":"Last name","Mr":"Mr","Mrs":"Mrs","My favourite cuisines":"My favourite cuisines","Other":"Other","Personal informations":"Personal information","Profession":"Profession","Profile picture":"Profile picture","Raviolis, gnocchis, club sandwich, pizza, chocolate cake...":"Ex: Chocolate, chocolate and chocolate ;)","Save":"Save","Something wrong happened while updating your profile":"Oops, something went wrong while updating your profile","Spoken languages":"Languages","VizEaters would love to know more about you! Practice yoga every morning? Love cooking with fresh market products? Always host to the sound of Jazz? Let other VizEaters know about it!":"Future guests would love to know more about you! Do you ... practice yoga every morning? Love cooking with fresh market produce? Always host to the sound of Jazz? Let them know who you are and what you love here!","Vizeat is all about relationships! Help others VizEaters get to know you. Tell them about the things you like: your food preferences, favorite travel destination, etc..":"Eatwith is all about people! Help future guests get to know you. Tell them about the things you like: your food preferences, favorite travel destination, etc..","You must enter an email":"You must enter an email","You must enter you last name":"You must enter you last name","You must enter your first name":"You must enter your first name","Your name":"Your name","Your profile has been updated":"Your profile has been updated","Phone number":"Phone number","Providing a phone number allows hosts and guests to communicate before (or event after) a meal. Don't worry, it will only be shared after your booking is confirmed.":"Providing a phone number allows hosts and guests to communicate before an experience. Don't worry, it will only be shared after your booking is confirmed.","VizEat is all about relationships! Help other VizEaters get to know you. Tell them about the things you like: your food preferences, favourite travel destinations, etc...":"Eatwith is all about people! Help future guests get to know you. Tell them about the things you like: your food preferences, favorite travel destination, etc..","":"","Chef, alpinist, superhero...":"Chef, alpinist, superhero...","Currency":"Currency","Select...":"Select...","You must enter your address":"You must enter your address","You must enter a valid phone number":"You must enter a valid phone number"},"EmailAndPasswordForm":{"Change my email address":"Change my email address","Change my password":"Change my password","Confirm password":"Confirm password","Email":"Email","Email cannot be empty":"Email cannot be empty","Password":"Password","Password cannot be empty":"Password cannot be empty","Update":"Update","You entered two different passwords":"You entered two different passwords","You must validate your email address before publishing a meal.":"You must validate your email address before publishing an experience. Please check your inbox.","":""},"Profile":{"Personal information":"Personal information","Reviews":"Reviews"},"SignUp":{"By signing up, I agree to VizEat's {{termsAndConditionsLink}}, {{trustLink}} and {{privacyPolicyLink}}":"By signing up, I agree to Eatwith's {{termsAndConditionsLink}}, {{trustLink}} and {{privacyPolicyLink}}","Email address":"Email address","First name":"First name","Last name":"Last name","Password":"Password","Privacy Policy":"Privacy Policy","Sign up with Facebook":"Sign up with Facebook","Sign up with Google":"Sign up with Google","Terms \u0026 Conditions":"Terms \u0026 Conditions","Trust":"Trust","Your city":"Your city","Continue":"CONTINUE","Get €10 Off Your First Immersive Food Experience!":"Sign up and discover unique culinary experiences at tables around the world!","Privacy":{"The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd in order to process your account creation, manage your bookings, personalize your online experience and for marketing purposes should you have given your consent. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection and the Eatwith Privacy Policy, you have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to {{emailAddress}}.":"The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd in order to process your account creation, manage your bookings, personalize your online experience and for marketing purposes should you have given your consent. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection and the Eatwith Privacy Policy, you have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to {{emailAddress}}.","The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd in order to process your account creation, manage your bookings, personalize your online experience and for marketing purposes should you have given your consent. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection and the Eatwith Privacy Policy, you have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to \u003cprivacyURL\u003e{{emailAddress}}\u003c/privacyURL\u003e.":"The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd in order to process your account creation, manage your bookings, personalize your online experience and for marketing purposes should you have given your consent. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection and the Eatwith Privacy Policy, you have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to \u003cprivacyURL\u003e{{emailAddress}}\u003c/privacyURL\u003e."},"Birthday":"Birthday","Already have an account?":"Already have an account?","Create your account":"Create your account","Log in now":"Log in now","Sign me up!":"Let's go!","Yes! I want to receive exclusive Eatwith offers, travel inspo and all of the food {{smileEmoji}}":"Yes! I want to receive exclusive Eatwith offers, travel inspo and all the food in my inbox {{smileEmoji}}","Create your account and sign up to the Eatwith newsletter to get {{price}} off your first booking. Who will you Eatwith first?":"Start booking your favorite experiences and get free Eatwith credit for referring friends.","or":"or","Create your travel agent account to start booking incredible culinary experiences for your clients today!":"Create your travel agent account to start booking incredible culinary experiences for your clients today!","Join Eatwith \u0026 get {{price}} off":"Join Eatwith \u0026 get {{price}} off","Start booking your favorite experiences and get free Eatwith credit for referring friends.":"Start booking your favorite experiences and get free Eatwith credit for referring friends.","Birthday (in order to sign up you must be at least {{age}} years old.)":"Birthday (in order to sign up you must be at least {{age}} years old.)","Something wrong occurred, your account could has not been created":"Something wrong occurred, your account could has not been created","Sorry, but you must be at least {{age}} to join the platform":"Sorry, but you must be at least {{age}} to join the platform","By signing up, I agree to VizEat's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eTerms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e, \u003ctrustURL\u003eTrust\u003c/trustURL\u003e and \u003cprivacyPolicyURL\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/privacyPolicyURL\u003e":"By signing up, I agree to Eatwith's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eTerms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e, \u003ctrustURL\u003eTrust\u003c/trustURL\u003e and \u003cprivacyPolicyURL\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/privacyPolicyURL\u003e","By signing up, I agree to VizEat's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003e\u003cboldText\u003eTerms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/boldText\u003e\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e, \u003ctrustURL\u003e\u003cboldText\u003eTrust\u003c/boldText\u003e\u003c/trustURL\u003e and \u003cprivacyPolicyURL\u003e\u003cboldText\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/boldText\u003e\u003c/privacyPolicyURL\u003e":"By signing up, I agree to Eatwith's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003e\u003cboldText\u003eTerms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/boldText\u003e\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e, \u003ctrustURL\u003e\u003cboldText\u003eTrust\u003c/boldText\u003e\u003c/trustURL\u003e and \u003cprivacyPolicyURL\u003e\u003cboldText\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/boldText\u003e\u003c/privacyPolicyURL\u003e"},"Your profile has been updated":"Your profile has been updated","BankDetailsForm":{"Account Number":"Account Number","Account currency":"Account currency","Bank account holder's name":"Bank account holder's name","Bank name":"Bank name","IBAN":"IBAN","Routing Number":"Routing Number","Select...":"Select...","Submit":"Submit","You must accept Stripe terms of service":"You must accept Stripe terms of service","e.g. Barclays":"e.g. Barclays","e.g. Luke Skywalker":"e.g. John Smith","BSB Number":"BSB Number","Bank Code":"Bank Code","Bank Number":"Bank Number","Branch Code":"Branch Code","Branch Number":"Branch Number","Branch name":"Branch name","CLABE":"CLABE","EUR-denominated UK bank accounts and some countries that support UK-based GBP accounts may need to provide IBAN information instead of an account number.":"EUR-denominated UK bank accounts and some countries that support UK-based GBP accounts may need to provide IBAN information instead of an account number.","Extra informations:":"Extra information:","Institution Number":"Institution Number","Sort Code":"Sort Code","Transit Number":"Transit Number","4 characters, with 1 optional check digit":"4 characters, with 1 optional check digit","5-6 characters, a dash, 1-3 characters":"5-6 characters, a dash, 1-3 characters","Enter here all informations that seems useful to process your payout":"Enter here any information that may be useful to process your payout","Format varies by bank":"Format varies by bank","{{count}} characters":"{{count}} characters","By checking this box, I confirm that I accept the terms and conditions of {{linkStripe}}":"By checking this box, I confirm that I accept the terms and conditions of {{linkStripe}}","3 characters, a dash, 3 characters":"3 characters, a dash, 3 characters","4 characters, a dash, 3 characters":"4 characters, a dash, 3 characters","{{count}} characters_plural":"{{count}} characters","{{count}} characters_one":"{{count}} character","{{count}} characters_other":"{{count}} characters"},"BillingAddressForm":{"Birth date (DD MM YYYY)":"Birth date","You must enter a birth date":"You must enter a birth date"},"PayoutPreferences":{"Thank you for being part of our host community and thank you for your trust!":"Thank you for being part of the Eatwith community!","Your account has not been updated":"Your account has not been updated","Your information has been successfully been saved. You will now receive the payment within 7 days after hosting a meal.":"Your information has been successfully been saved. You will now receive the payment within 7 days after hosting a meal.","Add account":"Add account","Bank Details":"Bank Details","Billing Address":"Billing Address","Cancel":"Cancel","Change":"Change","Current Bank Account/s:":"Current Bank Account/s:","Default":"Default","Delete":"Delete","Payment Details":"Payment Details","Personal Details":"Personal Information","Please confirm your birth date:":"Please confirm your birth date:","Please enter a billing country":"Please enter a billing country","Please fill out the following form to ensure you get paid for hosting Eatwith events":"Please fill out the following information to ensure you get paid for hosting Eatwith events.","Please set your billing country":"Please set your billing country","Set":"Set","Sorry, we could not update your billing country":"Sorry, we could not update your billing country","Switch to Stripe":"Switch to Stripe","Warning, you can only choose one currency for this bank account, and will not be able to change it afterwards. Changing this currency will also update your event currency, so you may need to update your event prices accordingly.":"Please note: You can only choose one currency for this bank account. Once set, it can not be changed. The currency set here will be reflected as the currency on your experiences.","We could not verify your billing address. Please try again":"We could not verify your billing address. Please try again","We recommend only saving one bank account per currency, so that we can pay you correctly.":"We recommend only saving one bank account per currency, so that we can pay you correctly.","Your account currency ({{userCurrency}}) does not match the currencies supported by Stripe for your billing country. By switching to Stripe, we will update your account currency to {{stripeCurrency}}. This will also update your event currency, so you may need to update your event prices accordingly.":"Your account currency ({{userCurrency}}) does not match the currencies supported by Stripe for your billing country. By switching to Stripe, we will update your account currency to {{stripeCurrency}}. This will also update your event currency, so you may need to update your event prices accordingly.","Your billing country is currently set to: {{country}}. If this is incorrect, please {{link}}":"Your billing country is currently set to: {{country}}. If this is incorrect, please {{link}}","change it here":"change it here","Default (from Stripe)":"Default (from Stripe)","Please update your details":"Please update your details","support team":"support team","{{bankName}} in {{currency}}, ending with {{bankLast4}}":"{{bankName}} in {{currency}}, ending with {{bankLast4}}","LinkToStripeTerms":{"Stripe":"Stripe"},"The transfers will be made via our payment system {{link}}.":"The transfers will be made via our payment system {{link}}.","There are fields are missing from your Stripe account which will block payouts. Please verify them and submit again.":"There are fields that are missing from your Stripe account which will block payouts. Please verify them and submit again.","Set personal payout details":"Set personal payout details","There was an issue setting your personal payout details":"There was an issue setting your personal payout details","Update personal payout details":"Update personal payout details","Verify personal payout details":"Verify personal payout details","Your personal payout details have been set! If you have changes to make, you can update them via the button below.":"Your personal payout details have been set! If you have changes to make, you can update them via the button below.","Submit":"Submit"},"Search":{"Accommodation":"Accommodation","Cuisine Type":"Cuisine Type","Event Type":"Event Type","Guests":"Guests","Hide filters":"Hide filters","Host Language":"Host Language","Show all filters":"Show all filters","Special Diet":"Special Diet","Apply":"Apply","Event":"Event","Host":"Host","More filters":"More filters","Make sure you didn't set too many filters, or try to zoom out on the map to see close-by experiences":"Make sure you didn't set too many filters, and zoom out on the map to see experiences nearby","Reset your filters":"Expand your search","Show the map":"Show the map","Search by map":"Search by map","Try to zoom out on the map to see close-by experiences":"Zoom out on the map below to see experiences nearby","DatesFilter":{"Placeholder":{"From - To":"Dates"}},"Filters":{"Clear filters":"Clear filters","Experience":"Experience"},"{{count}} guests":"{{count}} guests","Browse delicious culinary experiences with our hand-selected local":"Delicious, intimate events curated by our team","Looking to customize your private party?":"Want to organize a Private Event?","Open":{"Upcoming events in {{locality}}":"Upcoming events"},"Requestable":{"Events available by request":"Events available by request","These events are available by request. Choose your favorite event below, and ask the host to schedule an event on a date that works for you!":"Choose an event and ask the host to schedule an event on a date that works for you!","Can't find exactly what you're looking for?":"Can't find exactly what you're looking for?","Show experiences available by request":"Show experiences available by request"},"merchandise":{"Choose a menu and date, select the number of guests in your party, and meet other locals and travelers at your table.":"Choose an event, select the number of guests in your party, and experience the magic of Eatwith."},"privatizable":{"Book a whole table":"Check out these hidden gems by hand-selected hosts","From birthday parties to team offsites, we’re making it easier to organize events for groups. Choose your favorite experience below.":"Whether your party is made up of 2 or 10 people, we'll privatize the event for you and your loved ones."},"Be the first host in {{localityOrCountry}}":"Be the first host in {{localityOrCountry}}","Become a host in {{localityOrCountry}}":"Become a host in {{localityOrCountry}}","Looks like no one is hosting in {{localityOrCountry}}... {{italic}}yet!{{italic_end}}, Be the first host here and welcome people from around the world to your food experience":"Looks like no one is hosting in {{localityOrCountry}}... {{italic}}yet!{{italic_end}}, Be the first host here and welcome people from around the world to your food experience","We could not find any host in {{localityOrCountry}}":"We could not find any hosts in {{localityOrCountry}}","SeasonFilterLabel":{"All seasons":"All seasons","Season {{n}}":"Season {{n}}"},"Merchandise":{"Book now before they sell out!":"From lively supper clubs to cosy private dinners, we’ve got the perfect experience for you."},"Instant Booking":"Instant Booking","See privatizable events":"See privatizable events","List":"List","Map":"Map","{{count}} guests_plural":"{{count}} guests","All types of experiences":"All types of experiences","Experiences":"Experiences","Online Experiences":"Online Experiences","{{count}} guests_one":"{{count}} guest","{{count}} guests_other":"{{count}} guests","Show privatizable events only":"Show privatizable events only","CobrandedBanner":{"Dinners, food tours, cooking classes, wine tastings: choose your activity and your local host and get ready for an authentic experience!":"Dinners, food tours, cooking classes, wine tastings: choose your activity and your local host and get ready for an authentic experience!","Welcome to Eatwith, the largest social dining platform!":"Welcome to Eatwith, the largest social dining platform!"},"Looks like no one is hosting in {{localityOrCountry}}... \u003cem\u003eyet!\u003c/em\u003e, Be the first host here and welcome people from around the world to your food experience":"Looks like no one is hosting in {{localityOrCountry}}... \u003cem\u003eyet!\u003c/em\u003e, Be the first host here and welcome people from around the world to your food experience","Ambiance":"Ambiance","Collection":"Collection","Discoverability":{"A private space only for eatwith ":"A private space only for eatwith","An eatwith table in a public venue":"An eatwith table in a public venue","Casual dinner":"Casual dinner","Chef's table":"Chef's table","Communal table":"Communal table","Cultural immersion":"Cultural immersion","Dinner party":"Dinner party","Home cook":"Home cook","Individual tables":"Individual tables","Outdoors":"Outdoors","Private house ":"Private house","Professional chef":"Professional chef","The host will share the table with you":"The host will share the table with you","A private space only for eatwith":"A private space only for eatwith","Private house":"Private house"},"Food Type":"Food Type","Host Experience":"Host Experience","InstantBooking":"Instant Booking","Only private events":"Only private events","Optional":"Optional","Price":"Price","Private event":"Private event","Public and private events":"Public and private events","Public event":"Public event","Setting":"Setting","sort":{"price_asc":"Price (lowest first)","price_desc":"Price (highest first)","ratings":"Top Rated","relevance":"Relevance","Sort by":"Sort by"},"Type of event":"Type of event","Type of experience":"Type of experience","View full map":"View full map","View less map":"View less map","We could not find any host":"We could not find any host","Venue":"Venue","{{count}} experience_one":"{{count}} experience","{{count}} experience_other":"{{count}} experiences","FoodType {{title}}":"{{title}} food","{{count}} experience near {{locality}}_one":"{{count}} experience near {{locality}}","{{count}} experience near {{locality}}_other":"{{count}} experiences near {{locality}}","Other experiences are located nearby":"Other experiences are located nearby"},"Footer":{"About us":"about us","Contact us":"contact us","Email: {{link}}":"Email: {{link}}","FAQ":"faq","Jobs":"jobs","Press":"press","Privacy Policy":"Privacy Policy","Terms and Conditions":"Terms and Conditions","Trust":"trust","Private Events":"private events","How it works":"how it works","Become a host":"become a host","Blog":"blog","Refer a friend":"refer a friend","Company":"company","Eatwith":"eatwith","Eatwith - Copyright":"Eatwith - Copyright","Help \u0026 Support":"help \u0026 support","Israel":{"Sun-Thu 10AM-7PM":"Sun-Thu 10AM-7PM","Mon-Fri 11AM-5PM {{timezone}}":"mon-fri | 11am-5pm {{timezone}}"},"Media":"Media","Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM CET":"Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM CET","Most popular destinations":"most popular destinations","SEO":{"Amsterdam":"amsterdam","Barcelona":"barcelona","Chicago":"chicago","London":"london","New York":"new York","Paris":"paris","Rome":"rome","Canal house dining in Amsterdam":"canal house dining in amsterdam","Cooking classes in Paris":"cooking classes in paris","Food tours in Rome":"food tours in rome","Pasta-making classes in Rome":"pasta-making classes in rome","Rooftop brunches in New York":"rooftop brunches in new york","Supper clubs in London":"supper clubs in london","Lisbon":"lisbon","San Francisco":"san francisco"},"Sat 9AM-1PM CET":"Sat 9AM-1PM CET","We’re here on":"We’re here on","Travel Agents":"travel agents","Most searched experiences":"most searched experiences","Mon-Fri 10AM-4PM {{timezone}}":"mon-fri | 10am-4pm {{timezone}}","Online Experiences":"online experiences","Experiences":"experiences","Email: \u003csupportURL\u003e{{suppportEmail}}\u003c/supportURL\u003e":"Email: \u003csupportURL\u003e{{suppportEmail}}\u003c/supportURL\u003e","Follow us":"follow us","When contact us":"when to contact us","when to contact us?":"when to contact us?","Become an affiliate":"become an affiliate"},"Translation":{"Powered by":"Powered by ","loading":"Loading","showOriginal":"Show original text","translate":"Translate"},"Home":{"Enjoy immersive experiences in 100 countries":"Unique online cooking classes \u0026 workshops with passionate hosts, live from their kitchen.","Taste the city with locals":"Explore the world with online experiences","HiglightedEvents":{"Book with our top hosts of the moment":"Discover delicious experiences with hand-selected hosts, no matter where you are","Best-selling online experiences":"Best-selling online experiences","Online experiences starting soon":"Best-selling online experiences"},"MasterChef":{"© 2018 Shine Television, LLC. MasterChef and the MasterChef logo are trademarks of Shine TV Limited and its related entities, and are used under license. All Rights Reserved. FOX™ Fox and its related entities. All Rights Reserved.":"© 2019 Shine Television, LLC. MASTERCHEF and the MASTERCHEF logo are trademarks of Shine TV Limited and its related entities, and are used under license. All rights reserved. FOX™ is a trademark of Fox Media LLC. All rights reserved.","Discover all the Eatwith MasterChefs":"Discover all the Eatwith MasterChefs","Eatwith your favorite contestants in a US city near you!":"Eatwith your favorite contestants in a U.S. city near you!"},"Press":{"A unique way to exchange with people and discover new cultures around food.":"A unique way to exchange with people and discover new cultures around food.","Eatwith is revolutionizing the way we think about breaking bread.":"Eatwith is revolutionizing the way we think about breaking bread.","Eatwith provides the ability to bring destinations to life through food.":"Eatwith provides the ability to bring destinations to life through food.","If you love food and travel, you need this app.":"If you love food and travel, you need this app.","The sharing table experience – and a gorgeous local meal – whatever city you’re in.":"The sharing table experience – and a gorgeous local meal – whatever city you’re in."},"Newsletter":{"Receive updates on our food experiences, promotions and more!":"Sign up to receive the latest on culinary experiences near you, exclusive offers and more mouthwatering goodness right to your inbox.","Subscribe now":"Sign me up!","Subscribe to our newsletter":"join our table","Your email address":"Your email address","By signing up, I agree to VizEat's {{termsAndConditionsLink}}, {{trustLink}} and {{privacyPolicyLink}}":"By signing up, I agree to Eatwith's {{termsAndConditionsLink}}, {{trustLink}} and {{privacyPolicyLink}}","Privacy Policy":"Privacy Policy","Terms \u0026 Conditions":"Terms \u0026 Conditions","Trust":"Trust","By signing up, I agree to VizEat's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eTerms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e, \u003ctrustURL/\u003eTrust\u003ctrustURL\u003e and \u003cprivacyPolicyURL\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/privacyPolicyURL\u003e":"by signing up, I agree to Eatwith's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eTerms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e, \u003ctrustURL\u003eTrust\u003c/trustURL\u003e and \u003cprivacyPolicyURL\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/privacyPolicyURL\u003e","By signing up, I agree to VizEat's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eTerms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e, \u003ctrustURL\u003eTrust\u003c/trustURL\u003e and \u003cprivacyPolicyURL\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/privacyPolicyURL\u003e":"by signing up, I agree to Eatwith's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eTerms \u0026 Conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e, \u003ctrustURL\u003eTrust\u003c/trustURL\u003e and \u003cprivacyPolicyURL\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/privacyPolicyURL\u003e"},"About":{"Book authentic dinners, lunches, brunches, tastings, rooftop parties and more":"A dining experience or a cooking class - book the whole table for you and your crew.","Cooking classes":"Custom Private Events","Dining experiences":"Culinary Experiences","Discover a city's sights, shops and markets with a friendly local guide":"Bring the world into your kitchen with Eatwith Live online cooking classes \u0026 workshops.","Explore Eatwith":"Explore with Eatwith","Food tours":"Online Experiences","Learn to make local specialties and traditional dishes in hands-on cooking workshops":"Whatever the occasion, we'll take the hassle out of planning your perfect event.","View More":"View More","A dining experience or a cooking class - book the whole table for you and your crew.":"A dining experience or a cooking class - book the whole table for you and your crew.","Bring the world into your kitchen with Eatwith Live online cooking classes \u0026 workshops.":"Bring the world into your kitchen with Eatwith Live online cooking classes \u0026 workshops.","Culinary Experiences":"Culinary Experiences","Custom Private Events":"Custom Private Events","Online Experiences":"Online Experiences","Whatever the occasion, we'll take the hassle out of planning your perfect event.":"Whatever the occasion, we'll take the hassle out of planning your perfect event.","Eatwith gift cards are an unforgettable present for the special people in your life!":"Eatwith gift cards are an unforgettable present for the special people in your life!","Gift Cards":"Gift Cards","Give a gift card":"Give a gift card","Cook recipes with local hosts":"Cook recipes with local hosts","Discover culinary traditions and century-old customs with live online workshops.":"Discover live culinary activities for kids, couples, friends and teams led by passionate chefs and local hosts.","First time here?":"First time here?","Get started with these fun online experiences hand-selected by our team.":"Get started with these fun online experiences hand-selected by our team.","Immerse yourself in local culture":"Join delicious live activities","Join live online classes to learn flavorsome, fun recipes with local hosts around the world.":"Join live online classes to learn flavorsome, fun recipes with local chefs and hosts around the world."},"Spotlight":{"Eatwith gift cards are the perfect present for the food or travel lover in your life!":"Eatwith gift cards are an unforgettable present for the special people in your life!","Give the gift of experiences":"Give the gift of experiences","Let us do the hard work":"Let's get started","Looking for a private event?":"Looking for a private event?","Offer an Eatwith gift card":"Give a gift card","Whether it's for a celebration or coporate event, we take the hassle out of planning":"Whether it's for a celebration or corporate event, we take the hassle out of planning.","A dining experience or a cooking class - book the whole table for you and your crew.":"A dining experience or a cooking class - book the whole table for you and your crew.","Culinary Experiences":"Culinary Experiences","View More":"View More"},"SocialSection":{"Bookmark the Eatwith blog":"Bookmark the Eatwith blog","Eatwith Stories":"Eatwith Stories","Get to know our incredible hosts and stock up on insider tips, recipes and travel inspo":"Get to know our incredible hosts and stock up on insider tips, recipes and travel inspo","Read our blog":"Read our blog","Tag us with #eatwith and double tap away!":"Tag us with #eatwith and double tap away!","Follow @eatwith on Instagram":"Follow @eatwith on Instagram","Head to for the latest food and travel news":"Head to for the latest food and travel news"},"Reassuring":{"All necessary measures have been taken so you can attend experiences with total peace of mind. {{learnMore}}":"All necessary measures have been taken so you can attend experiences with total peace of mind. {{learnMore}}","Check out our health \u0026 safety guidelines":"Click here to find out more.","Committed to your well-being":"Committed to your well-being","Eatwith experiences created with you in mind":"Eatwith experiences created with you in mind","Events are private \u0026 personal":"Events are private \u0026 personal","Hand-selected hosts":"Hand-selected hosts","Our team hand-picks each host to ensure you have the best experience possible.":"Our team hand-picks each host to ensure you have the best experience possible.","Whether your party is made up of 2 or more, you can privatize the experience for just you and your loved ones.":"Whether your party is made up of 2 or more, you can privatize the experience for just you and your loved ones.","Experiences hosted by friendly hosts":"Experiences hosted by friendly hosts","Get together online":"Get together online","Immerse yourself in local food culture and discover delicious recipes from the comfort of home.":"Immerse yourself in local food culture and discover delicious recipes from the comfort of home.","Invite your group to reconnect online with fun cooking classes and exciting workshops.":"Invite your group to reconnect online with fun cooking classes and exciting workshops.","Join one-of-a-kind hosts from around the world for unforgettable live experiences.":"Join one-of-a-kind hosts from around the world for unforgettable live experiences.","Live online experiences led by incredible hosts":"Live online experiences led by incredible hosts","Travel the world from home":"Travel the world from home","Get a sneak peek!":"Get a sneak peek!","Watch now":"Watch now"},"MasterchefOnlineBanner":{"Browse events":"Browse events","Cook with MasterChef contestants online!":"Eatwith your favorite MasterChef contestants!"},"BottomCallToAction":{"Discovery starts online":"Find an online experience"},"HeroSection":{"Discovery starts online":"Start browsing","Explore the world with online experiences":"Explore the world with online experiences","Unique online cooking classes \u0026 workshops with passionate hosts, live from their kitchen.":"Unique online cooking classes \u0026 workshops with passionate hosts, live from their kitchen."},"get our offers":"get our offers"},"MealType":{"Aperitif":"Aperitif","Breakfast":"Breakfast","Brunch":"Brunch","Cooking classes":"Cooking class","Dinner":"Dinner","Food walk":"Food tour","Lunch":"Lunch","Picnic":"Picnic","Tea time":"Tea time","Tasting":"Tasting","${type}":"${type}"},"ValidateAccount":{"Error: {{error}}":"Error: {{error}}","Validating your account":"Validating your account","Your account has been validated! Congrats":"Congratulations! Your account is now up and running, so you can start browsing our delicious experiences as soon as you're ready. Remember that if your need any help, you can chat with us at anytime or send us an email at","An unexpected error occured, sorry for the inconveniance":"An unexpected error occured, we're sorry for the inconvenience"},"Meta":{"Description":{"Default":{"Book immersive food events and meal sharing experiences at one of our local hosts’ in more than 110 countries. Taste the city with locals.":"Join local hosts near you or abroad for intimate dinner parties, hands-on cooking classes, and interactive workshops."},"Home":{"Book immersive food events and meal sharing experiences at one of our local hosts’ in more than 110 countries. Taste the city with locals.":"Join local hosts near you or abroad for intimate dinner parties, hands-on cooking classes, and interactive workshops."},"Search":{"Be part of immersive food events in {{locality}}. Unique meal sharing experiences with local hosts in more than 110 countries. Taste the city with locals":"Enjoy dinner parties, cooking classes and more in beautiful homes and exclusive venues."}},"Title":{"Default":{"VizEat: Immersive Food Experiences":"Food experiences with local chefs and hosts in your city or abroad"},"Home":{"VizEat: Immersive Food Experiences":"Food experiences with local chefs and hosts in your city or abroad"},"Event":{"{{eventTitle}} - {{eventType}} in {{locality}}":"{{eventTitle}} - {{eventType}} in {{locality}}","{{eventTitle}} - Eatwith":"{{eventTitle}} - Eatwith"},"Search":{"Top 20 immersive food events in {{locality}} : cooking classes, food tours, dinners, brunch, private parties...":"Explore immersive food experiences in {{locality}} "},"Host":{"Eatwith {{host}} in {{locality}}":"Eatwith {{host}} in {{locality}}"},"Partners":{"Eatwith - Travel Agents":"Eatwith - Travel Agents"}}},"BecomeAHostButton":{"Become a host now":"Become a host"},"LP":{"BecomeHost":{"Become a VizEat Host":"Host your own food experience ","Become a host now":"Become a host","Becoming a VizEat host opens up a world of delicious possibilities":"Becoming a Eatwith host opens up a world of delicious possibilities","Contact the support team":"Contact the support team","Create delicious culinary experiences (dinner, cooking class, food tours...) to share with guests from all over the world. Get creative with your event!":"Set your price, the number of guests you can host, and schedule your dates.","Earn extra income hosting culinary experiences, and accept guests requests, all on your own schedule and terms.":"Launch your brand, amplify your existing business, or create a side hustle.","Earn income doing what you love":"Earn money sharing your passion for food","Every time I host a VizEat event I get butterflies thinking about who I will meet and whether they will like my food. By the time dessert is served, I feel like i’ve known them for years. It’s such an honour to cook for people.":"Every time I host a Eatwith event I get butterflies thinking about who I will meet and whether they will like my food. By the time dessert is served, I feel like i’ve known them for years. It’s such an honour to cook for people.","Happy stories from our hosts":"Let the unforgettable memories begin","Host in Da Nang":"Host in Da Nang","Host in Paris":"Host in Paris","Host with peace of mind":"With our support, you can focus on what matters most—food and people.","Hosts in Barcelona":"Hosts in Barcelona","I became a VizEat host to share my passion for food with people from all over the world and earn some extra income while doing something I love.":"\"I became an Eatwith host to share my passion for food with people from all over the world and earn some extra income while doing something I love.\"","Join our global host community":"Connect with locals and travelers worldwide","Learn more about {{vizeat}} trust":"Learn more about {{vizeat}} trust policy","Located in 110 countries, our diverse community is passionate about food and meeting new people.":"More than half a million people visit Eatwith in search for food experiences every month.","Our support team is available 7 days a week. Contact us for any questions or problems.":"Our support team is available 7 days a week. Contact us for any questions or with any problems you may be encountering.","Secured payments":"Secure payments","Share your passion":"Host and schedule events on your own terms","Sounds good? Create your first event now!":"Create your own food experience","Trust \u0026 Guarantee":"Trust \u0026 Safety","We are here for you":"We're here to help","We get so excited thinking about how to share the magic of food with our guests - from dinner parties to cooking classes to food tours, we give everyone a taste of our city.":"We get so excited thinking about how to share the magic of food with our guests - from dinner parties to cooking classes to food tours, we give everyone a taste of our city.","You and your guests are covered up to 300.000€ with the VizEat guarantee, in all countries offering VizEat experiences.":"Hosts and guests are covered by our worldwide insurance plan in all countries offering Eatwith experiences.","You are covered":"You are covered","Your data is protected by our secure online transactions system. You receive your payment 48 hours day after your event.":"Eatwith transactions are secured and processed by Stripe. Hosts receive payment 48 hours following their events.","Host your own food experience":"Host dining experiences, cooking classes, food tours, and much more"},"A market tour in Barcelona, a cooking class in Rome, a dinner in Paris… Choose the experience that whets your appetite!":"A cooking class in Rome, a supper club in London, a tasting menu in New York... Browse culinary events with seasoned hosts around the world","Book":"Book","Discover":"Discover","Enjoy":"Enjoy","Explore":"Explore","How it works":"How it works","Once you’ve made your choice, simply book online. You’ll be able to chat with your local host directly.":"Select your favorite food experience and book a date that works for you. You’ll be able to chat with your host directly","You are just 3 steps away from traveling like a local":"You are just 3 steps away from traveling like a local","Your host is waiting for you! It's time to immerse yourself in an authentic and unique experience around local food... Enjoy!":"Discover delicious food, meet passionate people \u0026 experience the magic of Eatwith","GoMobile":{"MainTitle":{"Taste the city with locals":"Taste the world with locals"},"PageTitle":{"VizEat Mobile Apps":"Eatwith Mobile Apps"},"SubTitle":{"Enjoy immersive food experiences with locals in 110 countries":"Discover authentic food experiences in 130+ countries. "}}},"HeadTitle":{"Dashboard":"Dashboard"},"NotFound":{"PageTitle":{"Not found!":"Not found!"},"Not found":"Not found"},"AboutUsPage":{"+20 000 hosts and 100 000 VizEaters":"25,000 hosts and 265,000 guests","5 000 culinary experiences available":"5,000 culinary experiences available","AND YOU?":"AND YOU?","About us":"Social eating with Eatwith","FROM THE BEGINNING, A STORY ABOUT TRAVEL AND SHARING":"The Eatwith magic recipe","In 110 countries":"In 130+ countries","LET'S TALK ABOUT NUMBERS":"Eatwith around the world","On a trip to Peru Jean-Michel decided to dine with the locals. He shared an Indian meal during his visit to the Amantani Island, on Lake Titicaca. Enjoying the spicy and unusual flavors with the villagers made him realize that the table is a place of sharing and fun.":"During a trip to Peru, Jean-Michel befriended a local family who invited him to their home for dinner. Meanwhile, Camille was living in Asia, exploring China and learning about the local cuisine and culture. After crossing paths and sharing travel stories, they realized their common passions for authentic food and immersive tourism. In 2014, they embarked on a journey to change the way people travel, one food experience at a time. \n\nToday, our team is a mix of product thinkers, community builders, creatives and foodies working across offices in Paris, London, Barcelona, Tel Aviv, San Francisco, the Netherlands and Berlin. We believe there is nothing more special than breaking bread with new friends, and we love spreading the magic of social dining with our growing community.","THE VIZEATERS TEAM":"Meet the team","You think you can be the icing on the cake? Send us your application!":"You think you can be the icing on the cake? Send us your application!"," Eatwith is the world’s largest community for authentic food experiences with locals, in over 130 countries. From a dinner party in an elegant Paris home, to an Italian feast with a Roman family, to a cooking class in Tokyo, we connect hand-selected local hosts with travelers seeking unique, immersive experiences. Whether they’re home-cooks, food-lovers, MasterChefs, or Michelin-starred chefs, our hosts all share one special ingredient: a passion for bringing people together through food.":"Eatwith is the world's largest community for authentic culinary experiences with locals, available in over 130 countries. We connect people who are seeking unique and immersive experiences with our hand-selected local hosts, in private homes and exclusive venues. With Eatwith, you're invited to pull up a seat at dinner party in an elegant Paris home, enjoy an Italian feast with a Roman family, take a cooking class in Tokyo, or marvel at the Manhattan skyline over a rooftop brunch. From home-cooks and food lovers to MasterChefs and Michelin-starred chefs, our hosts all share one special ingredient: a passion for bringing people together through food.","Food experiences in 130+ countries":"Bringing people together through food","Culinary experiences can be full of magic, joy, laughter, exhilaration, authenticity, and learning. We want you to be amazed by the food you \u003chighlight\u003eeat\u003c/highlight\u003e, and enriched by the people you eat \u003chighlight\u003ewith\u003c/highlight\u003e!":"Culinary experiences can be full of magic, joy, laughter, exhilaration, authenticity, and learning. We want you to be amazed by the food you \u003chighlight\u003eeat\u003c/highlight\u003e, and enriched by the people you eat \u003chighlight\u003ewith\u003c/highlight\u003e!","Our mission is to encourage people to engage in meaningful moments - self-reflection, immersion in nature, cultural discovery, celebrations with family and friends - because we believe that connecting to the world is more precious now than ever.":"Our mission is to encourage people to engage in meaningful moments - self-reflection, immersion in nature, cultural discovery, celebrations with family and friends - because we believe that connecting to the world is more precious now than ever.","We are the first global community for shared food experiences, bringing people together around dining tables and food activities wherever they go. Harnessing the relationship between food, people, cities, and the world - we want to spread happiness through the power of sharing food, in your everyday life and travels.":"We are the first global community for shared food experiences, bringing people together around dining tables and food activities wherever they go. Harnessing the relationship between food, people, cities, and the world - we want to spread happiness through the power of sharing food, in your everyday life and travels.","experience unique culinary adventures":"experience unique culinary adventures","savor food with joy, people and the world":"savor food with joy, people and the world"},"AddressAndMapInput":{"Additional information":"Additional information","Digicode, floor, public transport directions, etc.":"Digicode, floor, public transport directions, etc.","i.e.: code: 1234A, 5th floor. Take exit 5 of metro Bastille":"i.e.: code: 1234A, 5th floor. Take exit 5 at the metro station."},"Embedded":{"HowItWorks":{"Click here for more information regarding payment":"Click here for more information regarding payment","Click here to know more about our trust policy":"Click here to know more about our trust policy","Discover":"Discover","Embedded":{"HowItWorks":{"Discover \u0026 enjoy social dining":"Discover \u0026 Enjoy Social Eating"}},"How it works":"How it works","How to post an event":"How To Post Food Events","Manage":"Manage","Offer":"Offer","Share":"Share","Welcome":"Welcome","Afterwards, we encourage you to share the experience on social media with #vizeat so more people can enjoy this dining revolution.":"Afterwards, we encourage you to share the experience on social media with #Eatwith so more people can discover their own local food events too!","At VizEat, we are looking for passionate home cooks and amateur chefs to join our VizEat host community. You simply need to {{link}}Become a host{{link_end}} sharing with us your food story, the menu you would be willing to offer, the price you want to charge and a few other details! Then set your calendar and in no time you’ll be cooking for interesting travelers from around the world.":"We're looking for passionate home cooks and amateur chefs to join our Eatwith host community. You simply need to {{link}}Become a host{{link_end}}. To do so, please tell us a bit more about yourself, the menu you would like to serve your guests, the price you want to charge and a few other details! ","Be assured: you will receive your payment the day after.":"You will receive full payment the day following your culinary experience.","Book":"Book","Cooking Classes":"Cooking Class","Experience a homemade meal with a VizEat host and discover the city like a local! Our host will welcome you into their home and share with you their food, their stories, their culture and of course their best tips to explore the city!":"Experience a homemade meal with a Eatwith host and discover the world like a local! Our host will welcome you into their home and share with you their food, their stories, their culture and of course their best tips to explore the world! Discover local social eating at its best!","Explore thousands of amazing VizEat experiences around the world. After choosing which city you then need to select an experience that whets your appetite. Need some inspiration? How about a cheese and wine tasting in a beautiful Parisian home, learning how to make homemade pasta with a local Roman, or enjoying a feast of tapas with a local on a Barcelona rooftop? We’re sure you’ll find the perfect food experience on VizEat and will be back for seconds!":"Explore thousands of delicious food experiences around the world. Once you have chosen your destination, find the social eating experience that is right for you. Need some inspiration? How about a cheese and wine tasting dinner in a beautiful Parisian home, learning to make homemade pasta with a local in Rome, a supper club in a magical garden in London, or enjoying a feast of tapas on a Barcelona rooftop? We’re sure you’ll find the perfect food experience and that you'll will be back for seconds!","Food Tour":"Food Tours","It’s time to enjoy your VizEat experience! Your selected host is waiting to meet you and share their food story with you. Discover a new culture from the inside and enjoy an authentic experience… Made even better with great company and delicious food.":"It’s time to enjoy your Eatwith experience! Your selected host is waiting to meet you and share their food story with you. Discover a new culture from the inside and enjoy an authentic experience… Made even better with great company and delicious food.","Join a tour of your hosts favorite foodie hotspots which might include gourmet shops, local markets, artisanal stalls and other special places your host will share with you. You will have the opportunity to chat with shopkeepers and taste local specialities as well as getting to know your passionate VizEat host":"Join a tour of your hosts favorite foodie hotspots which might include gourmet shops, local markets, artisanal stalls and other special places your host will share with you. You will have the opportunity to chat with shopkeepers, eat local, and sample local specialities as well as getting to know your passionate Eatwith host","Look forward to a 2-3 hours culinary experience where you will learn how to prepare typical dishes and get all the secret tips from your VizEat host. After all the hard work, you will enjoy the meal with your host and have a chance to learn a little bit more about the host themselves and their local food culture!":"Look forward to a 2-3 hours culinary experience where you will learn how to prepare typical dishes with local foods and get all the secret tips from your Eatwith host. After all the hard work, you will enjoy the meal with your host and have a chance to learn a little bit more about them and their local food culture!","Lunch/ Brunch/ Dinner/ Aperitif/ Picnic/ Tea Time":"Lunch/ Brunch/ Dinner/ Aperitif/ Picnic/ Tea Time","Meals":"Meals","Once you start hosting, it’s easy to manage requests and confirm reservations with guests from around the world. You have control over who joins you for the experience and we always encourage hosts to connect with guests online before the event and make sure they get excited about the special menu you will be creating.":"Once you start hosting, it’s easy to manage requests and confirm reservations with guests from around the world. You have control over who joins you for the experience and we always encourage hosts to connect with guests online before the food events to make sure they get excited about the special menu you will be creating.","Once you’ve made your choice, you simply need to select the dates you are available and click “Request to book”. Your host will receive a notification and get back to you as soon as possible. Don’t worry, you won’t be charged until your host accepts the request and you can cancel the request at any time.":"Once you’ve made your choice, you simply need to select the dates you are available and click “Request to book”. Your host will receive a notification and get back to you as soon as possible. Don’t worry, you won’t be charged until your host accepts the request and you can cancel the request at any time.","Our food experiences":"Our food experiences","The big moment is finally here! It’s time to share your food and passion with your guests. We guarantee you’ll enjoy meeting new travelers as much as cooking for them. It’s like throwing a dinner party for future friends!":"The big moment is finally here! It’s time to share your food and passion with your guests. We guarantee you’ll enjoy meeting new travelers as much as cooking for them. It’s like throwing a dinner party or supper club for future friends!\n","The duration of the tour varies depending on the host and experience they propose and everything included will be clearly stated in the event description.":"The duration of the tour varies depending on the host and experience they propose and everything included will be clearly stated in the event description.","Want to share your passion for food with people from all over the world? Well you’ve come to the right place!":"Want to share your passion for food with people from all over the world? Well you’ve come to the right place!","At VizEat, we are looking for passionate home cooks and amateur chefs to join our VizEat host community. You simply need to \u003cbecomeHostURL\u003eBecome a host\u003c/becomeHostURL\u003e sharing with us your food story, the menu you would be willing to offer, the price you want to charge and a few other details! Then set your calendar and in no time you’ll be cooking for interesting travelers from around the world.":"We're looking for passionate home cooks and amateur chefs to join our Eatwith host community. You simply need to \u003cbecomeHostURL\u003eBecome a host\u003c/becomeHostURL\u003e. To do so, please tell us a bit more about yourself, the menu you would like to serve your guests, the price you want to charge and a few other details!","Discover \u0026 enjoy social dining":"Discover \u0026 enjoy social dining","Find How Our Food Experiences Works at Eatwith":"Find how our food experiences works at Eatwith"},"Top":"Top","Trust":{"Enjoy VizEat care-free!{{endOfLine}}Trust is at the core of the VizEat experience.":"Enjoy Eatwith care-free!{{endOfLine}}Trust is at the core of the Eatwith experience.","Secure Transactions":"Secure Transactions","Trust":"Trust","What Countries are covered by VizEat Guarantee?":"What Countries are covered by Eatwith Insurance?","Who do I contact in case of a problem?":"Who do I contact in case of a problem?","All of your online transactions are secure and your data is protected. Our hosts receive the payment directly to their bank account the day after the event takes place.":"All of your online transactions are secure and your data is protected. Our hosts receive the payment directly to their bank account two days after the event takes place.","Detailed and Verified Profiles":"Detailed and Verified Profiles","Every host should still maintain their own personal civil liability insurance. If you have any questions regarding VizEat guarantee, feel free to contact our insurance broker at {{insuranceEmail}}.":"Every host should still maintain their own personal civil liability insurance. If you have any questions regarding Eatwith insurance, feel free to contact our insurance broker at {{insuranceEmail}}.","In the event of a problem, you’re welcome to send us an email at {{supportEmail}} and we will get back to you as quickly as possible!":"In the event of a problem, you’re welcome to send us an email at {{supportEmail}} and we will get back to you as quickly as possible!","The VizEat Insurance Guarantee covers all countries where there are VizEat experiences.":"The Eatwith Insurance Guarantee covers all countries where there are Eatwith experiences.","VizEat is all about real people and we make sure every host has a story to tell. You can learn more about them, the type of food they cook, and who else has enjoyed an experience with them by checking their profiles.":"Eatwith is all about bringing people together and building connections through food. Hosts must complete a highly-selective application process in order to be listed on our site. Take a tour of our host’s profiles to learn more about their personal stories or to read reviews from other guests from around the world. ","We are underwritten by Lloyd’s of London, a reputable authority in global insurance. At VizEat you will always have professional assistance available to you for all your queries. For assistance, please send us an email at {{supportEmail}}.":"We are underwritten by Lloyd’s of London, a reputable authority in global insurance. At Eatwith you will always have professional assistance available to you for all your queries. For assistance, please send us an email at {{supportEmail}}.","What’s covered by the VizEat guarantee?":"What’s covered by the Eatwith guarantee?","You are covered by our 1,000,000 GBP guarantee":"You are covered by our 2,000,000 USD guarantee","Your peace of mind is our priority. You are covered, free of charge, for up to 1,000,000 pounds with the VizEat Guarantee.":"Your peace of mind is our priority.","As part of our commitment to you, Eatwith insures you – at zero cost – for each and every experience you enjoy with us. There is no substitute for peace of mind – that is why all of our guests and hosts are covered by our comprehensive insurance policy.":"As part of our commitment to you, Eatwith insures you – at zero cost – for each and every experience you enjoy with us. There is no substitute for peace of mind – that is why all of our guests and hosts are covered by our comprehensive insurance policy.","In the case you’ll need it, the Eatwith guarantee covers all cases where guest or host liability is called into question so you can have peace of mind attending a Eatwith event.":"In the case you’ll need it, the Eatwith guarantee covers all cases where guest or host liability is called into question so you can have peace of mind attending a Eatwith event.","Enjoy VizEat care-free!":"Enjoy Eatwith care-free!","Every host should still maintain their own personal civil liability insurance. If you have any questions regarding VizEat guarantee, feel free to contact our insurance broker at \u003cinsuranceURL\u003e{{insuranceEmail}}\u003c/insuranceURL\u003e.":"Every host should still maintain their own personal civil liability insurance. If you have any questions regarding Eatwith insurance, feel free to contact our insurance broker at \u003cinsuranceURL\u003e{{insuranceEmail}}\u003c/insuranceURL\u003e.","In the event of a problem, you’re welcome to send us an email at \u003csupportURL\u003e{{supportEmail}}\u003c/supportURL\u003e and we will get back to you as quickly as possible!":"In the event of a problem, you’re welcome to send us an email at \u003csupportURL\u003e{{supportEmail}}\u003c/supportURL\u003e and we will get back to you as quickly as possible!","Trust is at the core of the VizEat experience.":"Trust is at the core of the Eatwith experience.","We are underwritten by Lloyd’s of London, a reputable authority in global insurance. At VizEat you will always have professional assistance available to you for all your queries. For assistance, please send us an email at \u003csupportURL\u003e{{supportEmail}}\u003c/supportURL\u003e.":"We are underwritten by Lloyd’s of London, a reputable authority in global insurance. At Eatwith you will always have professional assistance available to you for all your queries. For assistance, please send us an email at \u003csupportURL\u003e{{supportEmail}}\u003c/supportURL\u003e.","Eatwith's trust policy: enjoy our experiences care-free":"Eatwith's trust policy: enjoy our experiences care-free","Eatwith's trust policy: enjoy our experiences care-free - Eatwith":"Eatwith's trust policy: enjoy our experiences care-free - Eatwith"}},"Press":{"Press":"Press","Eatwith in the press":"Eatwith in the press","Discover Eatwith in the press around the world":"Discover Eatwith in the press around the world","Discover Eatwith in the press around the world - Eatwith":"Discover Eatwith in the press around the world - Eatwith"},"Dashboard":{"Planning":{"Edit":{"OK":"OK","Back":"Back","Close":"Close","Close events":"Close dates","Dates in range: {{start}} - {{end}}":"Dates in range: {{start}} - {{end}}","Dates to edit":"Dates to edit","Event to edit":"Event to edit","Next":"Next","Oops!":"Oops!","Schedule":"Schedule","Schedule events":"Schedule events","Select dates":"Select dates","Select dates to close for {{eventTitle}}":"Select dates to close for {{eventTitle}}","Select dates to schedule for {{eventTitle}}":"Select dates to schedule for {{eventTitle}}","Which experience would you like to close?":"Which experience would you like to close?","Which experience would you like to schedule?":"Which experience would you like to schedule?","You selected dates with bookings and or pending requests, which cannot be closed. To close the event on that date, please cancel the booking(s) / decline the request(s) first.":"You selected dates with bookings and or pending requests, which cannot be closed. To close the event on that date, please cancel the booking(s) / decline the request(s) first.","all experiences":"all experiences","{{title}} on {{date}}":"{{title}} on {{date}}","Confirm":"Confirm"},"ClosedEventsPanel":{"Closed events for the {{date}}":"Closed events for {{date}}","Events with Instant Booking for the {{date}}":"Events with Instant Booking on {{date}}"},"DayPanel":{"EventDetails":{"You could earn":"You could earn","You could have earned":"You could have earned","You earned":"You earned","You will earn":"You will earn","Disable Instant Booking for this event on {{date}}":"Disable Instant Booking for this event on {{date}}","Enable Instant Booking for this event on {{date}}":"Enable Instant Booking for this event on {{date}}","Instant Booking":"Instant Booking","Guests":"Guests","Occasion":"Occasion","Request summary":"Request summary","Review this request":"Review this request","Send message to all guests":"Send message to all guests","Time":"Time","{{count}} pending booking(s)":"{{count}} pending booking(s)","{{count}} pending request(s)":"{{count}} pending request(s)","Cancel all pending booking(s)":"Cancel all pending booking(s)","Cancel all pending request(s)":"Cancel all pending request(s)","Cancel event":"Cancel the event","Edit event details":"Edit event details","Event details":"Event details","Event visibility":"Event visibility","Price per seat":"Price per seat","Private":"Private","Public":"Public","Notes":"Notes","{{count}} confirmed booking(s)":"{{count}} confirmed booking(s)","Booking deadline":"Booking deadline","Cancellation deadline":"Cancellation deadline","Instant booking is enabled, your bookings will be automatically confirmed.":"Instant booking is enabled, your bookings will be automatically confirmed.","{{count}} confirmed booking(s)_plural":"{{count}} confirmed bookings","{{count}} pending booking(s)_plural":"{{count}} pending bookings","{{count}} pending request(s)_plural":"{{count}} pending requests","{{count}} confirmed booking(s)_one":"{{count}} confirmed booking","{{count}} confirmed booking(s)_other":"{{count}} confirmed bookings","{{count}} pending booking(s)_one":"{{count}} pending booking","{{count}} pending booking(s)_other":"{{count}} pending bookings","{{count}} pending request(s)_one":"{{count}} pending request","{{count}} pending request(s)_other":"{{count}} pending requests"},"BookingCard":{"{{seats}} seats":"{{seats}} seats","Cancel booking":"Cancel booking","Chat with your guest":"Chat with your guest(s)","Dietary restrictions":"Special diet","See request details":"See request details","Decline request":"Decline request","Waiting payment":"Waiting payment","Review Request":"Review request","Accept booking":"Accept booking","Decline booking":"Decline booking","Approve request":"Approve request","Cancel request":"Cancel request","Cancellation deadling according to partner":"Cancellation deadline according to partner"},"Cancel":"Cancel","Confirm":"Confirm","The events that won't be affected: {{eventsList}}":"Events that will not be affected: {{eventsList}}","You’re about to edit dates for {{x}} events. Events with bookings or pending requests will not be affected:":"You’re about to edit dates for {{x}} events. Events with bookings or pending requests will not be affected.","{{count}} Closed events":"{{count}} events closed","{{count}} Requestable events":"{{count}} events available by request","Your events":"My Events","Download guest list":"Download guests list","{{count}} Closed events_plural":"{{count}} Closed events","{{count}} Requestable events_plural":"{{count}} Requestable events","{{count}} Closed events_one":"{{count}} Closed event","{{count}} Closed events_other":"{{count}} Closed events","{{count}} Requestable events_one":"{{count}} Requestable event","{{count}} Requestable events_other":"{{count}} Requestable events"},"SelectEvent":{"All my experiences":"All my experiences"},"/{{count}} available seats":"/{{count}} available seats","/{{count}} seats":"/{{count}} seats","{{count}} confirmed":"{{count}} confirmed","{{count}} pending":"{{count}} pending","Cancel":"Cancel","EventCard":{"Close":"Close","Open":"Schedule"},"Date: {{date}}":"Date: {{date}}","DayCell":{"EventCardList":{"See more":"See more"}},"Instant booking":"Instant booking","Make requestable":"Make requestable","Share":"Share","Unschedule":"Unschedule","{{count}} requested":"{{count}} requested","Close all":"Close all","Close events":"Close events","Schedule events":"Schedule events","Edited":"Edited","Save \u0026 schedule":"Save \u0026 schedule","Save changes":"Save changes","Delete Note":"Delete note","Edit Note":"Edit note","Edit Note: {{date}}":"Write or edit your notes for {{date}}","Note":"Note","Personal Note":"Personal note","Save Note":"Save note","Your Note Instructions":"Write here anything you want to remember regarding your guests or events. NB: Your notes are private and your guests will not be able to see what you write here.","Complete my experience":"Complete my experience","Complete your experience so guests can start booking your event.":"Complete your experience so guests can start booking your event.","Congratulations, you've been approved as an Eatwith host!":"Congratulations, you've been approved as an Eatwith host!","DatePicker":{"Clear":"Clear"},"{{count}} confirmed_plural":"{{count}} confirmed","{{count}} pending_plural":"{{count}} pending","{{count}} requested_plural":"{{count}} requested","/{{count}} available seats_plural":"/{{count}} available seats","/{{count}} seats_plural":"/{{count}} seats","{{count}} confirmed_one":"{{count}} confirmed","{{count}} confirmed_other":"{{count}} confirmed","{{count}} pending_one":"{{count}} pending","{{count}} pending_other":"{{count}} pending","{{count}} requested_one":"{{count}} requested","{{count}} requested_other":"{{count}} requested","/{{count}} available seats_one":"/{{count}} available seat","/{{count}} available seats_other":"/{{count}} available seats","/{{count}} seats_one":"/{{count}} seat","/{{count}} seats_other":"/{{count}} seats"},"Wishlist":{"Add a new list":"Add a new list","Explore":"Explore","Explore our experiences!":"Explore our experiences!","Find experiences you like and save them to your wishlists":"Find experiences you like and save them to your wishlists","Modal":{"Create a new list of favorite events":"Create a new list of favorite events","My wishlist":"My wishlist","Title of your list":"Title of your list"},"Share this list":"Share this list","You don't have any wishlist yet!":"You don't have any wishlist yet!","deleteModal":{"Are you sure about deleting {{wishlistTitle}}?":"Are you sure about deleting {{wishlistTitle}}?","Cancel":"Cancel","OK":"OK"},"{{count}} events":"{{count}} events","Placeholder":{"Search for cities, hosts or experiences":"Search for cities, hosts or experiences"},"{{count}} events_plural":"{{count}} events","{{count}} events_one":"{{count}} event","{{count}} events_other":"{{count}} events"},"MyEventsPage":{"Create a new experience":"Create a new experience","Edit":"Edit","Update calendar":"Update calendar","Create and manage your experiences":"Create and manage your experiences","Share":"Share","StatusFilters":{"All":"All","Draft":"Draft","In review":"In review","Published":"Published"},"Linking to a private experience?":"Linking to a private experience?","Share this experience":"Share this experience","Spread the word about your tasty experience by sharing this link on your website, your social media, etc...":"Spread the word about your tasty experience by sharing this link on your website, your social media, etc...","Frozen":"Frozen","Unpublish":"Unpublish","Download menu":"Download menu","Are you sure you want to draft this event?":"Are you sure you want to draft this event?","Cancel":"Cancel","Confirm":"Confirm","My experiences":"My Experiences","Partners":"Partners","This experience is displayed on one partner's platform or more.":"This experience is displayed on one partner's platform or more."},"Conversation":{"AnswerButton":{"Send Message":"Send message"},"AnswerInputPlaceholder":{"Write a message...":"Write message"},"PrivateEvent":{"{{hostname}} submitted a new proposal on {{date}}":"{{hostname}} submitted a new proposal on {{date}}"},"Request sent on {{date}}":"Request sent on {{date}}","Answer the Private Event Request":"Answer the Private Event Request","Answer this request":"Accept or Decline","See booking details":"See booking details","StaySafe":{"Guest":{"All Eatwith events are protected under our {{insurancePolicyLink}}. For your safety and protection, only communicate and pay through Eatwith. If you have questions please message us at {{supportAddress}}.":"All Eatwith events are protected under our {{insurancePolicyLink}}. For your safety and protection, only communicate and pay through Eatwith. If you have questions please message us at {{supportAddress}}.","insurance policy":"insurance policy"},"Host":{"All Eatwith events are protected under our {{insurancePolicyLink}}. For your safety and protection, only communicate and receive payment through Eatwith. If you have questions please message us at {{supportAddress}}.":"All Eatwith events are protected under our {{insurancePolicyLink}}. For your safety and protection, only communicate and receive payment through Eatwith. If you have questions please message us at {{supportAddress}}.","insurance policy":"insurance policy"}},"Unfortunately, this guest cannot receive messages through here. Please see the guest details above to get in touch with the guest.{{newline}}Need help? Email us at {{supportAddress}} and our team will be in touch!":"Unfortunately, this guest cannot receive messages through here. Please see the guest details above to get in touch with the guest.{{newline}}Need help? Email us at {{supportAddress}} and our team will be in touch!","Please note that this message will not be sent to any partner bookings. Please see the partner guest details in the inbox message to get in touch with the guest.{{newline}}Need help? Email us at {{supportAddress}} and our team will be in touch!":"Please note that this message will not be sent for any partner bookings. Please see the partner guest details in the inbox message to get in touch with the guest.{{newline}}Need help? Email us at {{supportAddress}} and our team will be in touch!","HealthSafety":{"Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. {{learnMore}} about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events.":"Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. {{learnMore}} about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events.","Learn more":"Learn more"}},"EditByDate":{"Event ends at":"Event ends at","Event starts at":"Event starts at","Guests will pay":"Guests will pay","Instant booking confirmation":"Instant booking confirmation","Instant booking is {{boldStart}}Disabled{{boldEnd}}":"Instant booking is {{boldStart}}Disabled{{boldEnd}}","Instant booking is {{boldStart}}Enabled{{boldEnd}}":"Instant booking is {{boldStart}}Enabled{{boldEnd}}","Maximum number of seats":"Maximum number of seats","Minimum number of seats":"Minimum number of seats","Price per guest ({{currency}})":"Price per guest ({{currency}})","Event visibility":"Event visibility","Your event is {{boldStart}}Private{{boldEnd}}":"Your event is {{boldStart}}Private{{boldEnd}}","Your event is {{boldStart}}Public{{boldEnd}}":"Your event is {{boldStart}}Public{{boldEnd}}","Booking deadline":"Booking deadline","Cancellation deadline":"Cancellation deadline","If a booking is made through our partners’ platforms, you will receive an email and an inbox message detailing their cancellation policy. The partner’s cancellation policy will not be able to be edited and will apply for that booking.":"If a booking is made through our partners’ platforms, you will receive an email and an inbox message detailing their cancellation policy. The partner’s cancellation policy will not be able to be edited and will apply for that booking.","Private event":"Private event","Public event":"Public event","This experience is displayed on one partner's platform or more.":"This experience is displayed on one partner's platform or more.","Instant booking is enabled, your bookings will be automatically confirmed.":"Instant booking is enabled, your bookings will be automatically confirmed."},"Reservations":{"Filters":{"Confirmed":"Confirmed","Filters":"Filters","Past - Canceled - Expired":"Past - Canceled - Expired","Pending requests":"Pending requests","Rejected":"Rejected","To review":"To review","Ready for payment":"Ready for payment"},"My Reservations":"My Reservations"}},"EventCard":{"1 seat left":"1 seat left","{{count}} seats left":"{{count}} seats left","1 seat already booked":"1 seat already booked","SOLD OUT":"SOLD OUT","{{count}} seats already booked":"{{count}} seats already booked"," in {{locality}}":" in {{locality}}","Hosted by":"Hosted by"},"Wishlist":{"Modal":{"Create a new list of favorite events":"Create a new list of favorite events","Create list":"Create list","Manage wishlists":"Manage wishlists","My wishlist":"My wishlist","Save {{eventTitle}}?":"Save {{eventTitle}}?","Title of your list":"Title of your list","Save to a wishlist":"Save to a wishlist","To add the event to a wishlist, simply click on its title":"To add the event to a wishlist, simply click on its title","Create your own wishlists and save events to check them out later":"Create your own wishlists and save events to check them out later"},"Share":{"Button":{"Share this list":"Share this list"},"ModalBody":{"Anyone with this link can see your list":"Anyone with this link can see your list"},"ModalTitle":{"Share {{wishlistTitle}} via a public link":"Share {{wishlistTitle}} via a public link"}}},"TextLengthIndicator":{"{{charCounter}} max":"{{charCounter}} max","{{charCounter}} min":"{{charCounter}} min"},"EGiftCardPage":{"FormSection":{"Payment is secured and processed by {{stripeIcon}}":"Payment is secured and processed by","Your Email address":"Your email address","Your name":"Your name","Add a personal message":"Add a personal message (150 characters or less)","This message is limited to 150 characters and cannot be edited once submitted.":"Type your message here","Your recipient's name":"Your recipient's name","Pay and receive your Gift Card":"Pay and receive your Gift Card","For full Gift Card terms and conditions, please click {{astart}}here{{aend}}":"For full Gift Card terms and conditions, please click {{astart}}here{{aend}}","DeliverToBuyer":{"Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)":"Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)","Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)_plural":"Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)","Send it to":"Send it to","The recipient's email":"The recipient's email","Your email":"Your email","Your name":"Your name","The recipient's name":"The recipient's name","Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)_one":"Add a personal message ({{count}} character max)","Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)_other":"Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)"},"DeliverToRecipient":{"Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)":"Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)","Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)_plural":"Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)","From":"From","Pick a date":"Pick a date","Send it to":"Send it to","Send on":"Send on","The recipient's email":"The recipient's email","The recipient's name":"The recipient's name","Your email":"Your email","Your name":"Your name","Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)_one":"Add a personal message ({{count}} character max)","Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)_other":"Add a personal message ({{count}} characters max)"},"It's for me":"It's for me","It's for someone else":"It's for someone else","Proceed to checkout":"Proceed to checkout","Who is it for":"Who is it for","For full Gift Card terms and conditions, please click \u003ctermsAndConditionURL\u003ehere\u003c/termsAndConditionURL\u003e":"For full Gift Card terms and conditions, please click \u003ctermsAndConditionURL\u003ehere\u003c/termsAndConditionURL\u003e","Payment is secured and processed by":"Payment is secured and processed by"},"CardSection":{"Custom amount":"Custom amount","Enter amount":"Enter amount"},"Pay only {{price}}":"Pay only {{price}}"},"EventPage":{"BasicInfo":{"Languages the host speaks":"The host speaks","Number of guests":"Number of guests","Special diets":"Special diets","Time of the event":"Time of the event","Type of the event":"Type of the event","{{minGuest}} to {{maxGuest}}":"{{minGuest}} to {{maxGuest}}","Show all":"Show all","The experience in a nutshell":"The experience in a nutshell","{{items}} \u0026 {{remainingItems}} more":"{{items}} \u0026 {{remainingItems}} more","{{hostname}} is in a different time zone than you!":"{{hostname}} is in a different time zone than you!","Live from {{locality}}: {{startTime}} ({{eventDuration}})":"Live from {{locality}}: {{startTime}} ({{eventDuration}})","Times are shown in the {{timezone}} time zone":"Times are shown in the {{timezone}} time zone.","There is a time difference of {{difference}} hours with your current time zone ({{userTimeZone}})":"There is a time difference of {{difference}} hours with your current time zone ({{userTimeZone}})","The experience is {{difference}} hours ahead of your current {{userTimeZone}} time zone.":"The experience is {{difference}} hours ahead of your current {{userTimeZone}} time zone.","The experience is {{difference}} hours behind of your current {{userTimeZone}} time zone.":"The experience is {{difference}} hours behind of your current {{userTimeZone}} time zone.","{{count}} guest_one":"{{count}} guest","{{count}} guest_other":"{{count}} guests","Maximum guests":"Maximum guests","Drinks \u0026 Beverages":"Drinks \u0026 Beverages","{{count}} guest maximum_one":"{{count}} guest maximum","{{count}} guest maximum_other":"{{count}} guests maximum"},"DesktopOnly":{"StickyForm":{"Questions? {{contactTheHost}}":"Questions? {{contactTheHost}}","{{questions?}}Contact the host":"{{questions?}}Contact the host"}},"FormCard":{"SelectDatesLabel":{"Dates":"Date","Date of event":"Date of event"},"SelectSeatsOptionText":{"{{count}} guests":"{{count}} guests","1 guest":"1 guest","{{count}} guest_one":"{{count}} guest","{{count}} guest_other":"{{count}} guests"},"{{price}} Price per guest (incl. fees)":"{{price}} Price per guest","A private experience, tailored only for you and your friends!":"A private experience just for your party. ","Book the whole table":"Book for a private group","Join an open table":"Book my seats","Looking to join an open table?":"Join other guests around a communal table","Organize your private event":"For you and your loved ones","You will be able to select the number of seats to book in the next step":"You will be able to select the number of seats to book in the next step","Book my seats":"Book my seats","Join other guests online":"Join other guests online","Just for me and my party":"Just for me and my party","You'll be the only ones at the live experience.":"You'll be the only ones at the live experience.","OnlineExp":{"Book for a private group":"Book for a private group"},"Price per guest (incl. fees)":"Price per guest","Next available dates":"Next available dates","\u003cspan\u003e\u003cbold\u003ePrivatize this event\u003c/bold\u003e for {{count}} guest or more\u003c/span\u003e":"\u003cspan\u003e\u003cbold\u003eYou can also privatize this event by selecting \u003c/bold\u003e {{count}} guest or more\u003c/span\u003e","\u003cspan\u003e\u003cbold\u003ePrivatize this event\u003c/bold\u003e for {{count}} guests or more\u003c/span\u003e":"\u003cspan\u003e\u003cbold\u003e You can also privatize this event by selecting \u003c/bold\u003e {{count}} guests or more\u003c/span\u003e","Book for a private group":"Book for a private group","You can also privatize this event by selecting {{count}} guest or more_one":"You can also privatize this event by selecting {{count}} guest or more","You can also privatize this event by selecting {{count}} guest or more_other":"You can also privatize this event by selecting {{count}} guests or more","You can also privatize this event by selecting {{count}} guest or more":"You can also privatize this event by selecting {{count}} guest or more","You can also privatize this event by selecting {{count}} guests or more":"You can also privatize this event by selecting {{count}} guests or more","Book":"Book","guest":"guest"},"HostCard":{"Meet {{hostname}}":"Meet {{hostname}}","Meet \u003chostURL\u003e{{hostname}}\u003c/hostURL\u003e":"Meet \u003chostURL\u003e{{hostname}}\u003c/hostURL\u003e"},"MobileOnly":{"FormModal":{"Request to book with {{hostname}}":"Request to book with {{hostname}}"},"Questions? {{contactTheHost}}":"Questions? {{contactTheHost}}","{{questions?}}Contact the host":"{{questions?}}Contact the host","BookButton":{"See dates":"See dates","Book my seats":"Book my seats","Book the whole table":"Book for a private group","\u003cem\u003e{{price}}\u003c/em\u003e Price per guest":"\u003cem\u003e{{price}}\u003c/em\u003e Price per guest"},"Book your event":"Book your event"},"PhotosAndVideosSection":{"See {{count}} pictures":"See {{count}} pictures","See {{count}} pictures_plural":"See {{count}} pictures","See {{count}} pictures_one":"See {{count}} picture","See {{count}} pictures_other":"See {{count}} pictures"},"SectionTitle":{"Photos \u0026 Videos":"Photos \u0026 Videos","The place {{grayerText}}\u0026 Amenities{{endGrayerText}}":"The place {{grayerText}}\u0026 Amenities{{endGrayerText}}","What to expect":"What to expect","Upcoming dates":"Upcoming dates","Also available on {{date}}":"Also available on {{date}}","Still hungry? Browse other Eatwith experiences in {{locality}}!":"Still hungry? Browse other Eatwith experiences in {{locality}}!","Still hungry? Browse other Online Eatwith experiences":"Still hungry? Browse other Online Eatwith experiences","The place \u0026 Amenities":"The place \u0026 Amenities","The place":"The place","Useful information":"Useful information"},"SelectDateWidget":{"WeekDayLabel":{"{{count}} seats left":"{{count}} seats left","{{count}} seats left_plural":"{{count}} seats left","{{count}} seats left_one":"{{count}} seat left","{{count}} seats left_other":"{{count}} seats left"},"Join {{count}} guest":"Join {{count}} guest","Join {{count}} guest_plural":"Join {{count}} guests","Join {{count}} guest_one":"Join {{count}} guest","Join {{count}} guest_other":"Join {{count}} guests"},"The actual address will be provided upon booking confirmation":"The full address will be provided once the booking is confirmed","WhosGoingButton":{"Who's going?":"Who's going?","Other guests are joining, check the guest list!":"Other guests are joining, check the guest list!","Will be there":"Will be there"},"WhosGoingModal":{"Add more guests":"Add more guests","Who's going to {{eventTitle}}":"Who's going to {{eventTitle}}","You? Book now!":"You? Book now!","{{hostname}} (Host)":"{{hostname}} (Host)"},"MenuSection":{"Drinks \u0026 Beverages":"Drinks \u0026 Beverages","Drinks \u0026 Beverages: {{alcoholsList}}":"Drinks \u0026 Beverages: {{alcoholsList}}","Menu":"Menu","See the menu":"See the menu"},"DateInput":{"Placeholder":{"Select a date":"Select a date"}},"A word about the experience":"A word about the experience","RequestPE":{"Food requirements":"Food requirements","Message to the host":"Tell the host a bit more about your request","Number of guests":"Number of guests","Occasion of the event":"Occasion of the event","Phone number":"Phone number","Request a Private Event":"Request a Private Event","Select an occasion":"Select an occasion","Select any food requirements for your event. (Vegan, dairy free, etc...)":"Select any food requirements for your event. (Vegan, dairy free, etc...)","Send booking request":"Send booking request","This will ensure seamless communication between you and your host.":"This will ensure seamless communication between you and your host.","Start time of the event":"Start time of the event","100% private: an exclusive experience for you and your loved ones":"100% private: an exclusive experience for you and your loved ones","Book it for your group:":"Book it for your group:","Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. {{learnMore}}.":"Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. {{learnMore}}.","Free cancellation up to 48 hours before the event":"Flexible cancellation policy before the event","Learn more":"Learn more","Pay once the host confirms your booking":"Pay once the host confirms your booking","All times are in the {{ timezone }} time zone":"All times are in the {{ timezone }} time zone.","This event will be live from another time zone than yours.":"This event will be live from another time zone than yours.","This event will take place on {{date}} at {{time}} in your time zone ({{userTimeZone}})":"This event will take place on {{date}} at {{time}} in your time zone ({{userTimeZone}})","Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. \u003clearnMoreURL\u003eLearn more\u003c/learnMoreURL\u003e.":"\nEatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. \u003clearnMoreURL\u003eLearn more\u003c/learnMoreURL\u003e.","This event will take place on \u003cb\u003e{{date}}\u003c/b\u003e at \u003cb\u003e{{time}}\u003c/b\u003e in your time zone ({{userTimeZone}})":"This event will take place on \u003cb\u003e{{date}}\u003c/b\u003e at \u003cb\u003e{{time}}\u003c/b\u003e in your time zone ({{userTimeZone}})","Choose an exclusive experience for you and your loved ones":"Choose an exclusive experience for you and your loved ones"},"ShareEvent":{"Check out this delicious Eatwith experience I've found in {{city}}: {{eventTitle}}. Let's Eatwith together!":"Check out this delicious Eatwith experience I've found in {{city}}: {{eventTitle}}. Let's Eatwith together!","Share":"Share","Share \"{{eventTitle}}\" with your friends!":"Share \"{{eventTitle}}\" with your friends!","Share this experience":"Share this experience"},"Share dates with friends":"Share dates with friends","Menu":"Menu","DateRequestModal":{"Ask {{hostName}} to schedule an event":"Ask {{hostName}} to schedule an event","Hi {{hostName}}, would you be available to host your event {{eventTitle}} for {{number}} people on this date: {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to your answer,{{endOfLine}}best regards":"Hi {{hostName}}, would you be available to host your event {{eventTitle}} for {{number}} people on this date: {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to your answer,{{endOfLine}}best regards","Please select a date":"Please select a date","Please select a number of seats":"Please select a number of seats","Please write a message to your host":"Please write a message to your host","Select the date you'd like {{hostName}} to schedule":"Select the date you'd like {{hostName}} to schedule","Select this date":"Select this date","Send inquiry":"Send inquiry","Interested in a private event for you and your group ?":"Interested in a private event for you and your group?","Message to the host":"Message to the host","Number of guests":"Number of guests","Send a request to {{hostName}}":"Send a request to {{hostName}}","Send booking request":"Send booking request","All Eatwith events are protected under our \u003cinsurancePolicyLink\u003einsurance policy\u003c/insurancePolicyLink\u003e. For your safety, never share any personal details, transfer money or communicate outside of the Eatwith website.":"All Eatwith events are protected under our \u003cinsurancePolicyLink\u003einsurance policy\u003c/insurancePolicyLink\u003e. For your safety, never share any personal details, transfer money or communicate outside of the Eatwith website.","Request to make this experience private":"Request to make this experience private"},"FomoTag":{"Don't miss out!":"Don't miss out!","Only {{seatsLeft}} seats left with {{hostname}} for {{date}}":"Only {{seatsLeft}} seats left with {{hostname}} for {{date}}","Rave reviews":"Rave reviews","Selling like hot cakes!":"Selling like hot cakes!","{{hostname}} is piling up 5 star reviews from guests!":"Guests can't stop talking about {{hostname}}!","{{hostname}}'s experience is usually fully booked":"{{hostname}}'s experience is usually fully booked"},"Other experiences by {{hostname}}":"Other experiences by {{hostname}}","OtherEvents":{"Cooking classes in {{locality}}":"Cooking classes in {{locality}}","Dinners in {{locality}}":"Dinners in {{locality}}","Food walks in {{locality}}":"Food tours in {{locality}}","Other cooking classes in {{locality}}":"Other cooking classes in {{locality}}","Other dinners in {{locality}}":"Other dining experiences in {{locality}}","Other food walks in {{locality}}":"Other food tours in {{locality}}"},"AboutSection":{"A guided tour around your host's favorite shops, markets and delis ":"A guided tour around your host's favorite shops, markets and delis","A hands-on workshop with expert hosts":"A hands-on workshop with expert hosts","A taste of the local culture from a real local!":"A taste of the local culture from a real local!","Access to magical homes and beautiful venues":"Unique access to magical homes and beautiful venues","An unforgettable moment around the table with other foodies":"An unforgettable moment around the table with other foodies","Delicious food you won't find anywhere else":"Delicious food you won't find anywhere else","Eatwith is the world's largest community of food and travel lovers who are revolutionising the way we eat":"Eatwith is the world's largest community of food and travel lovers who are revolutionising the way we eat","Small group classes for all levels and tastes":"Small group classes for all levels and tastes","The best way to improve your culinary skills in a few hours!":"The best way to improve your culinary skills in a few hours!","The best way to see a city and discover hidden foodie gems":"The best way to see a city and discover hidden foodie gems","The chance to meet and eat with talented chefs ":"The chance to meet and eat with talented chefs ","What is Eatwith?":"What is Eatwith?","What is an Eatwith cooking class?":"What is an Eatwith cooking class?","What is an Eatwith dining experience?":"What is an Eatwith dining experience?","What is an Eatwith food tour?":"What is an Eatwith food tour?","Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. {{learnMore}} about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events.":"Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community. {{learnMore}} about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events.","Trust \u0026 Safety":"Trust \u0026 Safety","Learn more":"Learn more","Covid 19 - Safety regulations":"Covid 19 - Safety regulations","Host Education":"Host Education","Learn more.":"Learn more.","To ensure the safety of our community, we’ve created health and safety guidelines and resources for our hosts based on the World Health Organization's recommendations. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of facial covering and gloves when preparing food.":"To ensure the safety of our community, we’ve created health and safety guidelines and resources for our hosts based on the World Health Organization's recommendations. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of facial covering and gloves when preparing food.","We ask all hosts and guests to confirm that they are free of COVID-19 symptoms before attending an Eatwith event. We also ask all participants to limit physical interactions including bypassing the customary welcome handshake.":"We ask all hosts and guests to confirm that they are free of COVID-19 symptoms before attending an Eatwith event. We also ask all participants to limit physical interactions including bypassing the customary welcome handshake.","Wellness Check":"Wellness Check","Everything about Eatwith online experiences":"Everything about Eatwith online experiences","Experience the world from the comfort of your home":"Experience the world from the comfort of your home","Fun, interactive online experiences with amazing hand-selected hosts":"Fun, interactive online experiences with amazing hand-selected hosts","Live from the world's most beautiful destinations":"Live from the world's most beautiful destinations","Meet friendly local hosts with a passion for sharing their culture \u0026 teaching their craft":"Meet friendly local hosts with a passion for sharing their culture \u0026 teaching their craft"},"ReviewSection":{"Show more reviews":"Show more reviews"},"Can't find a date?":"Can't find a date?","Date request":"Date request","Book your seats":"Book your seats","InviteOrganizerBanner":{"Join {{userName}}'s event on {{date}}":"Join {{userName}}'s event on {{date}}"},"HealthAndSafetySection":{"Covid-19 Information":"Covid-19 Information","Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community.":"Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community.\nAll Eatwith events comply with local health and safety guidelines, therefore a health pass with proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test must be presented to attend an event if required by the local Government regulations for indoor and outdoor dining.","Learn more about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events.":"Learn more about the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety at Eatwith events."},"DiscoverMoreSection":{"Cook delicious recipes with local hosts":"Cook delicious recipes with local hosts","Share fun online activities and workshops":"Share fun online activities and workshops","Experiences near me":"Experiences near me","I'm getting ready to travel":"I'm getting ready to travel"},"HostSection":{"Contact the host":"Contact the host","Hosted by \u003chostName\u003e{{hostname}}\u003c/hostName\u003e":"Hosted by \u003chostName\u003e{{hostname}}\u003c/hostName\u003e","Languages: \u003cb\u003e{{languages}}\u003c/b\u003e":"Languages: \u003cb\u003e{{languages}}\u003c/b\u003e","Verified host":"Verified host","{{hostname}} can customize this experience for you!":"{{hostname}} can organize a customized private event for you","Send your special request":"Send your request"},"HeroSection":{"See all {{imageCount}} photos":"See all {{imageCount}} photos"},"WeAreGoodToGoSection":{"Eatwith is committed to the safety and well-being of our community of hosts and guests.":"Eatwith is committed to the safety and well-being of our community of hosts and guests.","Learn more":"Learn more","We’re Good To Go is the official UK mark to signal that our Eatwith host community have taken all necessary measures and are operating in line with the Government guidelines \u0026 Public Health guidance.":"We’re Good To Go is the official UK mark to signal that our Eatwith host community have taken all necessary measures and are operating in line with the Government guidelines \u0026 Public Health guidance."},"Why we love this experience":"Why we love this experience","Easily share dates with them":"Easily share dates with them","Get organized with your friends!":"Click here to share with your friends","ReviewsSection":{"({{count}} review)_one":"({{count}} review)","({{count}} review)_other":"({{count}} reviews)","What to expect":"What to expect","{{count}} review_one":"{{count}} review","{{count}} review_other":"{{count}} reviews","Report":"Report","Report failed":"Report failed","Reported":"Reported","\u003cscore\u003e{{score}}\u003c/score\u003e out of \u003cmaxScore\u003e{{maxScore}}\u003c/maxScore\u003e":"\u003cscore\u003e{{score}}\u003c/score\u003e out of \u003cmaxScore\u003e{{maxScore}}\u003c/maxScore\u003e","MobileModal":{"{{count}} review_one":"{{count}} review","{{count}} review_other":"{{count}} reviews"},"Reviews":"Reviews","\u003cscore\u003e{{score}}\u003c/score\u003e \u003cmaxScore\u003eout of {{maxScore}}\u003c/maxScore\u003e":"\u003cscore\u003e{{score}}\u003c/score\u003e \u003cmaxScore\u003eout of {{maxScore}}\u003c/maxScore\u003e"},"ReservedUserList":{"Who's going to {{eventTitle}}":"Who's going to {{eventTitle}}","Will be there":"Will be there"},"CancellationPolicySection":{"Cancellation Policy":"Cancellation Policy"},"Other options":"Other options","OtherBookingOptions":{"Privatize and customize the event":"Privatize and customize the event","Privatize the event (from {count} guest)_one":"Privatize the event (from {{count}} guest)","Privatize the event (from {count} guest)_other":"Privatize the event (from {{count}} guests)","Your event is public, you can select an option to privatized or customized your event":"This event is public, so other guests will be joining you. Choose an option below to book this event privately for your group.","Privatize the event (from {{count}} guest)_one":"Privatize the event (from {{count}} guest)","Privatize the event (from {{count}} guest)_other":"Privatize the event (from {{count}} guests)","Book a private event":"Book a private event","Contact the host with specific requests for this event!":"Contact the host with specific requests for this event!","This event is public, so other guests will be sharing this experience with you. To make this event private for you and your group click on ‘Book a private event’":"This event is public, so other guests will be sharing this experience with you. To make this event private for you and your group click on ‘Book a private event’"},"Offer this experience!":"Gift this experience!","OfferGiftCard":{"{{amount}} for {{count}} guest_one":"{{amount}} for {{count}} guest","{{amount}} for {{count}} guest_other":"{{amount}} for {{count}} guests","Choose a custom amount":"Choose a custom amount","Choose the amount":"Choose the amount","I want to offer you {{title}}":"I want to offer you {{title}}","Offer this experience!":"Gift this experience!"}},"HomePage":{"SearchForm":{"Button":{"Search":"Search"},"CalendarMenuItem":{"Next week":"Next week","This week":"This week","This week end":"This week end"},"MobileOnly":{"DropdownLabel":{"When are you going?":"When are you going?"},"Select dates":"Select dates"},"Label":{"Search for cities, hosts or experiences":"Search city, host or experience","How many guests are going?":"How many guests are going?","What are you looking for?":"What are you looking for?","When are you available?":"When are you available?"},"1 guest":"1 guest","Guests":"Guests","{{count}} guests":"{{count}} guests","Select a date":"Select a date","{{count}} guests_plural":"{{count}} guests","{{count}} guests_one":"{{count}} guest","{{count}} guests_other":"{{count}} guests","{{count}} guest_one":"{{count}} guest","{{count}} guest_other":"{{count}} guests","Where ?":"Where ?"},"InPerson":{"About":{"Book a private dinner, lunch, or cooking class that's just for you and your group. Your host will take care of everything!":"Book a private dinner, lunch, or cooking class that's just for you and your group. Your host will take care of everything!","Customize a private event":"Customize a private event","Discover hidden culinary gems near you, from dinners to cooking classes to food tours and more!":"Discover hidden culinary gems near you, from dinners to cooking classes to food tours and more!","Experiences near me":"Experiences near me","Explore culinary experiences that will be the highlight of your next trip.":"Explore culinary experiences that will be the highlight of your next trip.","Go on an Eatwith adventure":"Go on an Eatwith adventure","I'm getting ready to travel":"I'm getting ready to travel","View More":"View more"},"BottomCallToAction":{"Find a dining experience":"Find a dining experience"},"HeroSection":{"From home or abroad, join intimate culinary experiences led by passionate hosts and chefs that will take your breath away.":"From home or abroad, join intimate culinary experiences led by passionate hosts and chefs that will take your breath away.","Unforgettable, immersive culinary experiences":"Unforgettable, immersive culinary experiences"},"HiglightedEvents":{"Experiences near me":"Experiences near me"},"Reassuring":{"All necessary precautions have been taken so that you can attend our events with total peace of mind. Click here to find out more.":"All necessary precautions have been taken so that you can attend our events with total peace of mind. Click here to find out more.","Eatwith events are always private \u0026 personal":"Eatwith events are always private \u0026 personal","Experiences designed with you in mind":"Experiences designed with you in mind","Hand-selected hosts":"Hand-selected hosts","If your group is made up of 2 or more, you can choose to privatize the experience for yourself and your loved ones.":"If your group is made up of 2 or more, you can choose to privatize the experience for yourself and your loved ones.","Our team hand-picks each host to ensure that you have the best possible experience.":"Our team hand-picks each host to ensure that you have the best possible experience.","We're committed to your well-being":"We're committed to your well-being","All necessary precautions have been taken so that you can attend our events with total peace of mind. Click \u003clearnMoreURL\u003ehere\u003c/learnMoreURL\u003e to find out more.":"All necessary precautions have been taken so that you can attend our events with total peace of mind. Click \u003clearnMoreURL\u003ehere\u003c/learnMoreURL\u003e to find out more."},"Spotlight":{"Discover live, interactive experiences led by local chefs and hosts from their homes around the world.":"Discover live, interactive experiences led by local chefs and hosts from their homes around the world.","Eatwith gift cards are an unforgettable present for anyone who's dear to you!":"Eatwith gift cards are an unforgettable present for anyone who's dear to you!","Give a gift card":"Give a gift card","Give the gift of an experience":"Give the gift of an experience","Join online experiences":"Join online experiences","Search online experiences":"Search online experiences"}},"Online":{"TestimonialsSection":{"Comment1":{"Wonderful experience! João was entertaining, kind and helped me get over my fear of making puff pastry. The end result was so delicious! Can't wait to make this again for other friends and families.":"Wonderful experience! João was entertaining, kind and helped me get over my fear of making puff pastry. The end result was so delicious! Can't wait to make this again for other friends and families."},"Comment2":{"Great fun- thank you! All reported a great meal! Lovely to meet Sandra and a very enjoyable experience- with a brief power cut only adding to the fun! Many thanks Sandra!":"Great fun- thank you! All reported a great meal! Lovely to meet Sandra and a very enjoyable experience- with a brief power cut only adding to the fun! Many thanks Sandra!"},"Comment3":{"We had a fabulous event with Monty and his wife Harshita. Monty is fun and friendly and expertly guided us through his delicious recipe. It was also interesting to learn some facts about Jaipur and Monty's travels along the way. A wonderful evening that I would highly recommend! thank you Monty and Harshita.":"We had a fabulous event with Monty and his wife Harshita. Monty is fun and friendly and expertly guided us through his delicious recipe. It was also interesting to learn some facts about Jaipur and Monty's travels along the way. A wonderful evening that I would highly recommend! thank you Monty and Harshita."},"Comment4":{"Everybody in my private group has been raving about Chef Rachael! We've all been positing photos of our dishes on Facebook, and everyone's so impressed because we were able to make such an amazing dish. Chef Rachael was so calm and clear in her instructions, and she was so kind and patient with all of us. Our group were pretty much all novices, but we made the most DELICOUS dish together! I devoured mine before I even cleaned my kitchen from class - it was THAT GOOD. I highly recommend Chef Rachel and this class!!":"Everybody in my private group has been raving about Chef Rachael! We've all been positing photos of our dishes on Facebook, and everyone's so impressed because we were able to make such an amazing dish. Chef Rachael was so calm and clear in her instructions, and she was so kind and patient with all of us. Our group were pretty much all novices, but we made the most DELICOUS dish together! I devoured mine before I even cleaned my kitchen from class - it was THAT GOOD. I highly recommend Chef Rachel and this class!!"},"Comment5":{"Debora is truly a kind soul and an amazing host! We could feel her hospitality and passion for Italian Cuisine even via Zoom. Would definitely recommend cooking with her :)":"Debora is truly a kind soul and an amazing host! We could feel her hospitality and passion for Italian Cuisine even via Zoom. Would definitely recommend cooking with her :)"},"SubText1":{"Amy, 19 Mar 2021":"Amy, 19 Mar 2021"},"SubText2":{"Dawn, 27 Mar 2021":"Dawn, 27 Mar 2021"},"SubText3":{"Caroline, 13 Mar 2021":"Caroline, 13 Mar 2021"},"SubText4":{"Danielle, 10 Mar 2021":"Danielle, 10 Mar 2021"},"SubText5":{"Clara, 25 Feb 2021":"Clara, 25 Feb 2021"}}}},"PublicProfilePage":{"MobileOnly":{"BookButton":{"Book this experience":"Book an experience"},"FormModal":{"Request to book with {{hostname}}":"Request to book with {{hostname}}"}},"SectionTitle":{"Where to find {{hostname}}":"Where to find {{hostname}}","What hosts are saying about {{hostname}}":"What hosts are saying about {{hostname}}","What to expect at {{hostname}}'s place":"What to expect at {{hostname}}'s place","{{hostname}}'s story":"{{hostname}}'s story"},"{{hostname}} 's experiences":"{{hostname}}'s experiences","FormCard":{"BookButton":{"Book this experience":"Book this experience","Book":"Book","Send a request":"Send request"},"ErrorMessage":{"Please select a date":"Please select a date","Please select number of guest":"Please select number of guest(s)"},"MobileOnly":{"When would you like to come?":"When would you like to come?"},"SelectSeatsLabel":{"Number of guests":"Number of guests","Request for which experience?":"For which experience is your request?","How many people will attend?":"How many people will attend?"},"SelectSeatsOptionText":{"{{count}} guests":"{{count}} guests","1 guest":"1 guest"},"PrivatizeButton":{"Privatize":"Book a Private Event"},"Available by request":"Available by request","Available events":"Available events","Choose an experience":"Choose an experience","{{seatsLeft}} seats available":"{{seatsLeft}} seats available"},"Book a food experience with {{hostname}} and be the first to leave a review here!":"Book a food experience with {{hostname}} and be the first to leave a review here!","{{grayerText}}{{hostname}} is a new host!{{endGrayerText}} Your review will appear here.":"{{grayerText}}{{hostname}} is a new host!{{endGrayerText}} Your review will appear here.","TripAdvisorReviews":{"ReviewList":{"title":"TripAdvisor Reviews:"},"ReviewListSummary":{"{{startIndex}}-{{lastIndex}} of {{total}} Reviews":"{{startIndex}}-{{lastIndex}} of {{total}} Reviews\n"},"Widget":{"From {{count}} reviews":"{{count}} reviews","TripAdvisor Traveller Rating":"TripAdvisor Traveler Rating","From {{count}} reviews_plural":"From {{count}} reviews","From {{count}} reviews_one":"From {{count}} review","From {{count}} reviews_other":"From {{count}} reviews","See more from {{count}} review_one":"See more from {{count}} review","See more from {{count}} review_other":"See more from {{count}} reviews"}},"ProfileHeader":{"Contact the host":"Contact the host"},"PrivateEvents":{"Book the whole table":"Book for a private group","Celebrate your special occasion":"Celebrate your special occasion","Celebrating a special occasion?":"Celebrating a special occasion?","Request a Private Event":"Request a Private Event"}},"LP_ChristmasOfficeParty":{"A rooftop party for your coworkers, a supper club experience for your friends, a homemade feast for your family...Browse private event options with our hand-selected hosts.":"A rooftop party for your coworkers, a supper club experience for your friends, a homemade feast for your family.","Book":"Book","Browse delicious culinary events in beautiful homes around the world.":"Browse delicious culinary events in beautiful homes in Europe","Discover":"Discover","Enjoy your experience":"Enjoy your experience","How it works":"How it works","Hungry for more? Wine and dine with locals in 130+ countries":"Hungry for more? Wine and dine with locals in 130+ countries","Select and customize your favorite food experience, then book a date that works for you. You’ll be able to chat with your host directly.":"Select and customize your favorite food experience, then book a date that works for you. You’ll be able to chat with your host directly.","Sit back, relax, and enjoy your private party. While you're wining and dining, your host will make sure your celebration is extra special.":"Sit back, relax, and enjoy your private party. While you're wining and dining, your host will make sure your celebration is extra special.","This season, our hand-selected hosts would love to help you give your friends, families, and coworkers the gift of a memorable experience.":"This season, our hand-selected hosts would love to help you give your friends, families, and coworkers the gift of a memorable experience.","This year, let someone else be the host!":"This year, let someone else be the host!","You are just 3 steps away from traveling like a local":"You are just 3 steps away from traveling like a local","Your most unique holiday celebration yet":"Your most unique holiday celebration yet","Our top culinary events with locals":"Our top culinary events with locals"},"FullAddressInputs":{"label":{"City":"City","Country":"Country","Department":"Department","Full address":"Full address","Number":"Street Number","State/Province/Region":"State/Province/Region","Street":"Street","ZIP/Postal Code":"ZIP/Postal Code"},"placholder":{"Type in a full address to autocomplete the fields below":"Type in a full address to autocomplete the fields below"}},"Modal":{"SendMessage":{"Placeholder":{"Write a message":"Write a message"},"Label":{"Message":"Contact the host"},"Send":"Send","Cancel":"Cancel","See my request":"See my message","Thanks for your request!":"Thanks for your message!","The host will get back to you within 48h":"The host will get back to you within 72h","After approval, to finalize your booking follow the ‘Book it now’ link you’ll receive in your inbox":"After approval, to finalize your booking follow the ‘Book it now’ link you’ll receive in your inbox","Thanks for your booking request":"Thanks for your booking request","The host will approve or decline your request within 72h":"The host will approve or decline your request within 72h"},"SendMultiMessage":{"Send a message to all guests":"Send a message to all your guests","Send":"Send"},"BookingSummary":{"Dietary restrictions":"Special diets","{{firstname}} - {{seats}} seats":"{{firstname}} - {{seats}} seats"},"ConfirmBooking":{"Cancel":"Cancel","Confirm booking":"Confirm booking","Confirm {{guest_firstname}}'s booking":"Confirm {{guest_firstname}}'s booking","Upon acceptance, your address and phone number will be communicated to the guests. You will receive their full name and phone number.":"Upon acceptance, your address and phone number will be communicated to the guest(s), and you will see their full name and phone number.","Note that if you accept this booking request, your maximum number of seats will be exceeded. You have {{seatsLeft}} seats left and you’re about to accept {{bookingSeats}} guests.":"Note that if you accept this booking request, your maximum number of seats will be exceeded. You have {{seatsLeft}} seats left and you’re about to accept {{bookingSeats}} guests."},"BatchConfirmRequest":{"Accept other request now":"Accept other requests now","Do you want to approve the other requests?":"Do you want to approve the other requests?","Not now":"Not now","You have other requests on this date. Do you want to approve them as well now?":"You have other requests on this date. Click on ‘Accept’ and all your guests will be able to pay \u0026 join your table together!","Note that if you approving these other requests, you will exceed the maximum number of seats for this event. The current maximum is {{maxSeats}}, but you are about to approve {{requestedSeats}} total seats. The maximum seats will be updated accordingly.":"Note that if you approving these other requests, you will exceed the maximum number of seats for this event. The current maximum is {{maxSeats}}, but you are about to approve {{requestedSeats}} total seats. The maximum seats will be updated accordingly."},"CancelEvent":{"Are you sure you want to cancel the event?":"Are you sure you want to cancel the event?","Cancel":"Cancel","Confirm":"Confirm","This will cancel all confirmed bookings and pending requests as well as closing the event for bookings on this date.":"This will cancel all confirmed bookings and pending requests as well as closing the event for bookings on this date."},"RegisterPartner":{"Close":"Close"},"ShareEventDates":{"Check out this great Eatwith experience I found in {{city}}!{{endOfLine}}{{experienceTitle}}{{endOfLine}}When should we go?{{endOfLine}}{{selectedDays}}{{endOfLine}}Let’s Eatwith together":"Check out this great Eatwith experience I found in {{city}}!{{endOfLine}}{{experienceTitle}}{{endOfLine}}When should we go?{{endOfLine}}{{selectedDays}}{{endOfLine}}Let’s Eatwith together!","Confirm selection {{datesCount}}":"Confirm selection {{datesCount}}","Copy message":"Copy message","Message":"Message","Select dates to share":"Select dates to share","Select your dates ({{datesCount}} selected)":"Select your dates ({{datesCount}} selected)","Share this experience":"Share this experience","Share {{experienceTitle}} with your friends! Select the dates you want to propose them.":"Share {{experienceTitle}} with your friends! Select the dates you'd like to go with them.","{{datesCount}} dates selected":"{{datesCount}} dates selected"},"SelectableDates":{"The event is scheduled on this date! You can request to book now!":"The event is scheduled on this date! You can request to book now!"}},"FamilyFriendlyTag":{"Family Friendly":"Family Friendly"},"Coupon":{"Banner":{"{{amount}} Off with code {{code}}":"{{amount}} off with code {{code}}"}},"ConversationPage":{"DateOfReply":{"You - {{dateAndTime}}":"You - {{dateAndTime}}"},"BookingSummary":{"Additional information":"Additional information","Booked seats":"Booked seats","Changes on the menu":"Menu changes","Date \u0026 time":"Date and time","Occasion":"Occasion","Request summary":"Booking summary","Proposed date":"Proposed date","Address":"Address","Host phone":"Host phone","Total price":"Total price","{{price}} per guest":"{{price}} per guest","Amount paid":"Amount paid","Amount refunded":"Amount refunded","Booking made on {{date}}":"Booking made on {{date}}","Number of seats requested":"Number of seats requested","Cancellation policy":"Cancellation policy","This booking has been made by one of our partners, whose contact information is displayed below.":"This booking has been made by one of our partners, whose contact information is displayed below.","According to partner":"According to partner","Guest phone":"Guest phone","Name of the Guest":"Name of the Guest","Name of the Partner":"Name of the Partner","Partner phone":"Partner phone","Learn more":"Learn more","Meet your host":"Meet your host","Free seats":"Free seats"}},"Inbox":{"Booking":{"Action":{"Choose a date":"Accept this booking","Cancel booking":"Cancel booking","Decline request":"Decline request"},"Add more guests":"Add more guests","Copied!":"Copied!","Copy link":"Copy link","Submit a review":"Submit a review","Host":{"Share event":"Share event"},"Book this experience":"Book this experience","Accept and proceed to payment":"Accept and proceed to payment"},"ApproveRequest":{"Approve request":"Approve request"},"CancelRequest":{"Cancel Request":"Cancel Request","Decline Request":"Decline Request"}},"Reviews":"Reviews","Went in{{endOfLine}}{{date}}":"\n Went in{{endOfLine}}{{date}}","ShareEventButton":{"Share event":"Share event"},"BookingPage":{"StepInfo":{"PrefilledMessageForPrivatizeEvent":{"Hi, I’m {{name}}, and I’d like to book your event {{eventTitle}} as a private event for {{number}} people on this date: {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to your answer,{{endOfLine}}best regards":"Hi, I’m {{name}}, and I’d like to book {{eventTitle}} as a private event for {{number}} people on {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to hearing from you! {{endOfLine}} "},"PrefilledMessageForPublicEvent":{"Hi, I’m {{name}}, and I’d like to book your event {{eventTitle}} on this date: {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to your answer,{{endOfLine}}best regards":"Hi, I’m {{name}}, and I’d like to book your event {{eventTitle}} on {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to hearing from you! {{endOfLine}}"},"PrefilledMessageForInvitedPrivateEvent":{"Hi, I’m {{name}}, and I’m joining the Private Event {{eventTitle}} on {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to meeting you!":"Hi, I’m {{name}}, and I’m joining the Private Event {{eventTitle}} on {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to meeting you!"},"PrefilledMessageForRequestableEvent":{"Hi, I’m confirming my booking for your event {{eventTitle}} for {{number}} people on {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to meeting you!":"Hi, I’m confirming my booking for your event {{eventTitle}} for {{number}} people on {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to meeting you!"},"PrefilledMessageForInstantBooking":{"Hi, I’m {{name}}, and have booked your event {{eventTitle}} on {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to this tasty experience!":"Hi, I’m {{name}}, and have booked your event {{eventTitle}} on {{date}}.{{endOfLine}}I’m looking forward to this tasty experience!"},"PrefilledMessageTravelAgent":{"Hi, I‘m {{name}} from {{organization}} and I have booked your event {{eventTitle}}. Here is my main‘s client contact informations:{{endOfLine}} - Name: {{clientName}}{{endOfLine}} - Phone: {{clientPhone}}{{endOfLine}} - Email: {{clientEmail}}{{endOfLine}} Best regards":"Hi, I‘m {{name}}, a Travel Agent, and I have booked your event {{eventTitle}}. Here is my main client's contact information:{{endOfLine}} - Name: {{clientName}}{{endOfLine}} - Phone: {{clientPhone}}{{endOfLine}} - Email: {{clientEmail}}{{endOfLine}} Best regards"}}},"Planning":{"EventCard":{"Time of the event: {{time}}":"Time: {{time}}"},"ShareEventModalMessage":{"Send this link to anyone you want to invite to {{eventTitle}} on this date: {{date}}.":"Spread the word about your tasty event {{eventTitle}} on {{date}} by sharing this link on your website, your social media, etc.."},"ButtonTooltip":{"Unschedule":"Unschedule"},"CloseEventsModal":{"DisabledEventTooltip":{"To close this event, you need to decline the bookings beforehand":"To close this event, you need to decline the bookings beforehand"},"Close":"Close"},"OpenEventsModal":{"Schedule":"Schedule"}},"CancelBooking":{"Confirmation":{"Are you sure you want to cancel this booking?":"Are you sure you want to cancel this booking?","Are you sure you want to cancel these bookings?":"Are you sure you want to cancel these bookings?","Are you sure you want to decline these requests?":"Are you sure you want to decline these requests?","Are you sure you want to decline this request?":"Are you sure you want to decline this request?","If you cancel this booking, you will not receive a refund according to our {{linkStart}}cancellation policy{{linkEnd}}.":"If you cancel this booking, you will not receive a refund according to our {{linkStart}}cancellation policy{{linkEnd}}."}},"ConfirmModal":{"Button":{"No":"No","Yes":"Yes","Cancel":"Cancel","Don’t cancel":"Don’t cancel"}},"OpenSearchInput":{"Experiences":"Experiences","Explore":"Explore","Hosts":"Hosts","NoResultsMessage":{"No results":"No results"},"1 guest":"1 guest","Recent searches":"Recent searches","{{count}} guests":"{{count}} guests","Find experiences near me":"Find experiences near me","(Clear)":"Clear","Allow localization":"Allow localization","MobileModal":{"Search by keywords":"Search by keywords"},"Search around me":"Search around me"},"SearchPage":{"Destination":{"SearchBarPlaceholder":{"Search for cities, hosts or experiences":"Search for cities, hosts or experiences"}}},"Price":{"Free":"Free"},"SidebarMenu":{"Welcome":"Welcome","Back":"Back"},"Contact {{hostname}}":"Contact {{hostname}}","Users":{"RequestInfo":{"1 guest":"1 guest","{{count}} guests":"{{count}} guests"}},"LandingMasterChefUS":{"AvatarListSubtitle":{"Discover culinary experiences from rising chefs who are bringing their mastery from the your screen to the communal dining table.":"Discover culinary experiences by rising chefs"},"AvatarListTitle":{"Welcome to eatwith, {{emphasize}}masterchef{{endEmphasize}} fans!":"Welcome to eatwith, {{emphasize}}masterchef{{endEmphasize}} fans!"},"EventListTitle":{"Available by request":"Available by request","Eatwith {{emphasized}}MasterChef{{endEmphasized}} exclusive events":"Eatwith {{emphasized}}MasterChef{{endEmphasized}} exclusive events","Upcoming events":"Upcoming events"},"FooterButton":{"Book a private event":"Book a private event"},"FooterCopyright":{"© 2018 Shine Television, LLC. MasterChef and the MasterChef logo are trademarks of Shine TV Limited and its related entities, and are used under license. All Rights Reserved. FOX™ Fox and its related entities. All Rights Reserved.":"© 2019 Shine Television, LLC. MASTERCHEF and the MASTERCHEF logo are trademarks of Shine TV Limited and its related entities, and are used under license. All rights reserved. FOX™ is a trademark of Fox Media LLC. All rights reserved."},"FooterTitle":{"Hire a {{emphasized}}masterchef{{endEmphasized}} as your very own private chef for an event or special occasion.":"Celebrate Your Next Special Occasion With A {{emphasized}}masterchef{{endEmphasized}} Host."},"NoResultMessage":{"We were unable to find any MasterChef events for you in {{localityAndCountry}}":"We were unable to find any MasterChef events for you in {{localityAndCountry}}","Here are some suggestions to get you started":"Here are some suggestions to get you started"},"OverlayGetNotified":{"Get notified":"Get notified","Get notified when your favorite contestants post a dinner party.":"Get notified when your favorite contestants post a dinner party.","New MasterChef events added daily.":"New MasterChef events added daily."},"SearchFilterSectionText":{"Filter:":"Filter:"},"SearchFiltersInputPlaceholder":{"City":"City"},"SelectMasterChefSeasonsPlaceholder":{"Masterchef Season":"Masterchef Season"},"StayInTheKnowInCarousel":{"Button":{"Stay in the know":"Stay in the know"},"More MasterChef events are coming soon":"More MasterChef events are coming soon","{{darker}}Receive immediate notification{{endDarker}} When your favorite contestants post a dinner party":"{{darker}}Receive immediate notification{{endDarker}} When your favorite contestants post a dinner party"},"Discover more US events near you":"Discover more US events near you","View experiences":"View experiences","Competition":{"*Offer ends on XX/XX/XXXX. Cannot be combined with any other ongoing offers or gift cards. Valid on the first booking only, on any experience.":"*Offer ends on 19/09/2019. Cannot be combined with any other ongoing offers or gift cards. Valid on the first booking only, on any experience.","Get 10% off":"Get 10% off","Sign me up!":"Sign me up!","Sign up to our newsletter for your chance to win, plus be the first to know about exclusive Eatwith Masterchef events. Stay tuned to your email, we'll be announcing winners all season long!":"Sign up to our newsletter for your chance to win, plus be the first to know about exclusive Eatwith Masterchef events. Stay tuned to your email, we'll be announcing winners all season long!","Thanks for signing up!":"Thanks for signing up!","Win XX seats to one of our Masterchef popups!":"Win 2 seats to one of our Masterchef popups!","You're in with a chance to win seats to a Masterchef pop-up so keep an eye on your inbox! In the meantime here's a special treat... take 10% off your first Eatwith with code MASTERCHEF10":"You're in with a chance to win seats to a Masterchef pop-up so keep an eye on your inbox! In the meantime here's a special treat... take 10% off your first Eatwith with code MASTERCHEF10","Your email address":"Your email address"},"PageTitle":{"Eatwith Masterchef Experiences":"Eatwith Masterchef Experiences"}},"PageSearchMasterchef":{"HeroTitle":{"Eatwith a{{masterchefLogo}}":"Eatwith{{masterchefLogo}}"}},"EventList":{"Load More":"View more experiences"},"Notifications":{"All notifications loaded":"All notifications loaded","Mark all as read":"Mark all as read","Notifications":"Notifications","Scroll to load more":"Scroll to load more","You have no notifications":"You don't have any notifications"},"See more suggestions":"See more suggestions","Eatwith and Marriott Moments present exclusive culinary experiences with locals around the world.":"Eatwith and Marriott Moments present exclusive culinary experiences with locals around the world.","UserPage":{"ModalRequestInfo":{"Are you contacting the host regarding a date?":"Are you contacting the host regarding a date?","Contact {{hostname}}":"Contact {{hostname}}","How many guest would come?":"How many guest would come?","Send a message to the host":"Tell the host a bit more about your request"},"ModalContact":{"Message to the host":"Tell the host a bit more about your request","Subject":"Subject"}},"PlaceList":{"Add a new address":"Add a new address","AddressCard":{"Edit address":"Edit address"},"Show more":"Show more"},"PlaceModal":{"1. Fill in the address":"1. Fill in the address","2. Is the marker in the right place?":"2. Is the marker in the right place?","3. Access and amenities":"3. Access and amenities","4. One last thing":"4. One last thing","Additional Info (optional)":"Additional Info (optional)","Back":"Back","Cancel":"Cancel","City":"City","Country":"Country","Digicode, floor, public transport directions, etc.":"Digicode, floor, public transport directions, etc.","Give a title to this address, only you will see it":"Give a title to this address, only you will see it","Give your future guests more information about the facilities available to reach either your place or the meeting point.":"Give your future guests more information about the facilities available to reach either your place or the meeting point.","Name of the address":"Name of the address","Next":"Next","Save this address":"Save this address","Street number and name":"Street number and name","Where will you host your event?":"Where will you host your event?","You can move \u0026 drop the marker to make sure that it is at the exact place of your event":"You can move \u0026 drop the marker to make sure that it is at the exact place of your event","Zip code":"Zip code","i.e.: code: 1234A, 5th floor. Take exit 5 of metro Bastille":"i.e.: code: 1234A, 5th floor. Take exit 5 of metro Bastille"},"CampaignCard":{"Click to copy":"Click to copy","Copied!":"Copied!","Coupon code":"Coupon code"},"CreateCampaignModal":{"Cancel":"Cancel","Create coupon":"Create my coupon","Generate coupons":"Create a new coupon","Not enough credit":"You don't have enough credit","Split your credit balance into coupons for your own usage.":"Use all or part of you referral credit to create a coupon that can be used at checkout.","The value will be deducted from your credit balance.":"The value will be deducted from your referral balance.","Value of your coupon":"Choose your coupon value"},"ReferralPage":{"Click to copy":"Click to copy","Copied!":"Copied!","Coupons are for your own usage only.":"Coupons are for personal use only.","Create a coupon":"Create a coupon","EATWITH":"EATWITH","Friends who used your referral code":"Referred friends","Give {{price}} \u0026 get {{price}} when your friend have attended their experience":"Receive {{price}} credit when your friends have attended their experience.","Here's your personal code to share":"Copy your personal code \u0026 share it:","How it works?":"How it works","Or":"Or","Refer a friend and get {{price}} off your next experience.":"Refer a friend and get {{price}} off your next experience","Share on:":"Refer a friend on:","Thanks to you, all of your friends below have enjoyed a {{price}} discount on their first Eatwith experience!":"You're awesome! Thanks to you, these friends all got {{price}} off their first Eatwith experience.","Use your referral credit on any Eatwith experience":"Use your referral credit on any Eatwith experience","You can use this credit at checkout, or you can generate coupons of a lesser value for your own usage.":"To use your referral credit, please create a coupon below. Once your coupon is ready, apply it at checkout when purchasing an Eatwith experience.","Your coupons":"Your available coupons","Your credit balance":"Your referral credit","Have you tried @Eatwith yet? Get {{discount}} off your first experience ({{minPriceLimit}} minimum) with my code {{code}} and browse culinary experiences with locals around the world.":"Have you tried @Eatwith yet? Get {{discount}} off your first experience ({{minPriceLimit}} minimum) with my code {{code}} and discover a world of unique culinary experiences.","Have you tried @Eatwith yet? Get {{discount}} off your first experience ({{minPriceLimit}} minimum) with my code {{code}} and browse culinary experiences with locals around the world.{{endOfLine}}Check out a selection of dinner parties, lunches, brunches and rooftop aperitivos with unforgettable company in unique spaces.":"Have you tried @Eatwith yet? Get {{discount}} off your first experience ({{minPriceLimit}} minimum) with my code {{code}} and discover a world of unique culinary experiences.{{endOfLine}}Check out a selection of dinner parties, lunches, brunches and rooftop aperitivos with unforgettable company in unique spaces.","Get {{price}}":"GET {{price}}","Share {{price}}":"SHARE {{price}}","Share your personal code by email or on social media ({{minPriceLimit}}) booking minimum)":"Share your personal code with your friends (with up to 10 friends a day, valid on a first booking over {{minPriceLimit}})","Spread the Eatwith love, and give your friends {{price}} off an unforgettable experience worth {{minPriceLimit}} or more. After they've attended their first event, you'll receive {{price}} to use as you please. Enjoy!":"Spread the Eatwith love, and give your friends {{price}} off an unforgettable experience worth {{minPriceLimit}} or more. After they've attended their first event, you'll receive {{price}} to use as you please. Enjoy!"},"ShareReferralCodeModal":{"Cancel":"Cancel","Emails list":"Email address(es):","Gift your friends with {{price}} off their first Eatwith experience":"Gift your friends with {{price}} off their first Eatwith experience","Message":"Message:","Send by email":"Send your code by email","Send message ({{emailsCount}})":"Send message ({{emailsCount}})"},"{{userName}} sent you {{price}} off your first Eatwith experience! Create your profile on Eatwith and use {{userName}}’s code {{referralCode}} at checkout to save {{price}} on your first Eatwith experience!":"{{userName}} sent you {{price}} off your first Eatwith experience! Create your profile on Eatwith and use {{userName}}’s code {{referralCode}} at checkout to save {{price}} on your first Eatwith experience!","ReferralWallet":{"(Credit : {{credit}})":"(Credit : {{ credit }})"},"CoguestForm":{"Email":"Email","Emails sent!":"Emails sent!","First Name":"First Name","Last Name":"Last Name","Please ensure all fields are filled out correctly":"Please ensure all fields are correctly filled out","There was a problem, please try again later.":"There was a problem, please try again later.","Your guests will receive a confirmation email once the host has accepted your booking request.":"Your guests will receive the confirmation email.","Guest {{index}}":"Guest {{index}}","FormField":{"Guest's email should be different from the booker's":"Guest's email should be different from the booker's"}},"ExitModal":{"Before you go, {{startEmphasis}}stay in the know{{endEmphasis}}":"Before you go, {{startEmphasis}}stay in the know{{endEmphasis}}","Sign me up!":"Sign me up!","The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd for marketing purposes. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection. You have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to {{emailAddress}}.":"The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd for marketing purposes. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection, you have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to {{emailAddress}}.","We’ll share special offers, new unforgettable culinary experiences \u0026 exciting updates you won’t want to miss!":"We’ll share special offers, new unforgettable culinary experiences \u0026 exciting updates you won’t want to miss!","Your email address":"Your email address","US":{"*Valid on your first Eatwith booking worth $105 or more":"*Valid on your first Eatwith booking worth $100 or more","Get notified when new unforgettable culinary experiences are added near you (including events from MasterChef!), exciting updates and much more!":"Get exciting updates and notifications when new, unforgettable culinary experiences open up near you - including MasterChef events!","Sign up \u0026 get 10% off*":"Sign up and get 10% off*","© 2018 Shine Television, LLC. MasterChef and the MasterChef logo are trademarks of Shine TV Limited and its related entities, and are used under license. All Rights Reserved. FOX™ Fox and its related entities. All Rights Reserved.":"© 2019 Shine Television, LLC. MASTERCHEF and the MASTERCHEF logo are trademarks of Shine TV Limited and its related entities, and are used under license. All rights reserved. FOX™ is a trademark of Fox Media LLC. All rights reserved."},"Before you go, stay in the know":"Before you go, stay in the know","The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd for marketing purposes. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection. You have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to \u003cprivacyURL\u003e{{privacyMail}}\u003c/privacyURL\u003e.":"The collected data is used by Eatwith for marketing purposes. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection. You have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to \u003cprivacyURL\u003e{{privacyMail}}\u003c/privacyURL\u003e."},"PaymentHistory":{"# seats":"# seats","Date of the event":"Date of the event","Event title":"Event title","Event total":"Event total","Guest name":"Guest name","Payment date":"Payment date","Status":"Status","Total paid":"Total paid","You don't have any booking":"You don't have any bookings","Payments can take up to 3 days to appear on your bank account":"Payments can take up to 3 days to appear in your bank account","failed":"failed","paid":"paid","pending":"pending","Payment History":"Payment History","Explanation":{"(missing id document, wrong name, error on the account number…)":"(missing id document, wrong name, error on the account number…)","Depending on your bank and your country, it can take few days to see it appeared in your account.":"Depending on your bank and your country, it can take few days to reach your bank account.","FAILED":"FAILED","Here is your Payout history from June 2018 to date for all the bookings that happened on Partners bookings may not be included.":"Here is your Payout history from June 2018 to date for all the bookings that happened on Partners bookings may not be included.","If something is missing or incorrect, please submit the form again with the new information and contact our support team at {{supportAddress}}":"If something is missing or incorrect, please submit the form again with the new information and contact our support team at {{supportAddress}}","If you want to review previous payouts, feel free to contact us.":"If you want to review previous payouts, feel free to contact us.","PAID":"PAID","PENDING":"PENDING","Please go to your “account settings” and check if the information is correct and complete.":"Please go to your “account settings” and check if the information is correct and complete.","Status":"Status","You’ll be able to see the payments of your bookings 24-48 h after the event, when we actually send the payment.":"The payments of your bookings will be displayed here 24-48 h after the event, when we actually send the payment.","a payment attempt was made to your account but it failed. The reasons could be various":"a payment attempt was made to your account but it failed. The reasons could be various","the payment is still waiting to be sent":"the payment is still waiting to be sent","the payment was successfully sent to your bank or Paypal account.":"the payment was successfully sent to your bank or Paypal account."},"(including {{freeSeats}} free seats)":"(including {{freeSeats}} free seats)","(including {{freeSeat}} free seat)":"(including {{freeSeat}} free seat)"},"Payments":{"Guest name":"Guest name","Add a requirement":"Add a requirement","Guest {{index}}":"Guest {{index}}","Please ensure all fields are filled out correctly":"Please ensure all fields are correctly filled out","There was a problem, please try again later.":"There was a problem, please try again later.","Add a guest":"Add a guest"},"PrivateEvent":{"Acceptance":{"Only 5% of hosts accepted!":"Only 5% of hosts accepted!","Only the best":"Only the best","Only the best hosts are allowed on the platform":"Only the best hosts are allowed on the platform","We look for the most talented hosts in your city":"We look for the most talented hosts in your city","We review all guest feedback":"We review all guest feedback","We review and create the best events for you":"We review and create the best events for you"},"HeroSection":{"Craft your exclusive event now":"Craft your exclusive event now","Private Events":"Book your Dream Event","Hand picked hosts for your exclusive events":"Gather your closest friends and family for an intimate private dining experience created just for you"},"HowItWorks":{"All dietary requirements are taken care off ":"All dietary requirements are taken care off ","Contact our team":"Contact our team","Event planning":"Event planning","Every single host, menu and venue has been personally tested by us":"Top rated hosts ready to take care of every detail.","Exclusive events hosted by passionated hosts":"Exclusive events hosted by passionate hosts","How does it work?":"How does it work?","Our Private Event Consultants are here to guide you":"Our Private Event Consultants are here to guide you","Our payment sharing tool helps you split the cost of the event ":"Our payment sharing tool helps you split the cost of the event ","We are the world's largest culinary platform for immersive dining":"We are the world's largest culinary platform for immersive dining","We take the stress out of your event planning":"We take the stress out of your event planning","Who we are":"Who we are","Ai, private event host in New York":"Ai, private event host in New York","Book it yourself or share the cost with your friends":"Seamless payment management - book it yourself or share the cost with your friends.","Browse our curated experiences or speak with one of our private events managers":"Great for any occasion - Birthday parties, bachelorette, corporate team building \u0026 more.","Pablo and Nina, private event hosts in Barcelona":"Rudi, private event host in Barcelona","Rande, private event host in London":"Tomer, private event host in Tel Aviv","Tell the host about your celebration or consult our private event team for recommendations.":"Customize to your taste - choose the menu, pick the host's place or a premium third party location.","Exclusive events hosted by talented chefs":"Exclusive events hosted by talented chefs","Speak with one of our private events managers":"Speak with one of our private events managers","Who are we?":"Who are we?","All dietary requirements are taken care of by the host":"All dietary requirements are taken care of by the host","Every host, menu and venue is tested by our team":"Every host, menu and venue is tested by our team","Our payment sharing tool helps you split the cost of the event with guests":"Our payment sharing tool helps you split the cost of the event with guests","Our private event consultants are here to guide you":"Our Private Event Consultants are here to guide you","How do Eatwith Private Events work?":"How do Eatwith Private Events work?","Yonatan, private event host in Tel-Aviv":"Yonatan, private event host in Tel-Aviv"},"LeadModal":{"Browse our offers in {{cityName}}":"Browse our offers in {{cityName}}","Budget per person":"Budget per person","Craft your perfect experience":"Craft your perfect experience","Email address":"Email address","Explore {{cityName}}":"Explore {{cityName}}","Just looking around ? {{link}}":"Just looking around ? {{link}}","Let us know about any additional information, diet restrictions or special requests.":"Let us know about any additional information, diet restrictions or special requests.","Looks like something big is cooking in {{cityName}}!":"Looks like something big is cooking in {{cityName}}!","Name":"Name","Number of guests":"Number of guests","Occasion":"Occasion","Our private event managers can help you designing the perfect culinary event in {{cityName}}!":"Our private event managers can help you designing the perfect culinary event in {{cityName}}!","Phone number (mandatory for over the phone recommandations)":"Phone number (mandatory for over the phone recommandations)","Potential dates":"Potential dates","Request a callback":"Request a callback","Request sent! Thank you!":"Request sent! Thank you!","Send me personalized recommandations":"Send me personalized recommendations","Send us a message":"Send us a message","Share your details and we'll put together a few recommendations just for you.":"Share your details and we'll put together a few recommendations just for you.","Submit my request":"Submit my request","Thank you for submitting your request":"Thank you for submitting your request","The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd in order to process your private event request and booking, and for marketing purposes should you have given your consent. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection and the Eatwith Privacy Policy, you have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to Read Eatwith's {{termsAndConditions}}.":"The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd in order to process your private event request and booking, and for marketing purposes should you have given your consent. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection and the Eatwith Privacy Policy, you have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to Read Eatwith's {{termsAndConditions}}.","We will get back to you with personalized recommandations within 24 hours. Don't forget to check your inbox!":"We will get back to you with personalized recommendations within 24 hours. Don't forget to check your inbox!","When":"When","You’re almost done! Provide me with your details so we can contact you back with customized offers.":"You’re almost done! Provide me with your details so we can contact you back with customized offers.","terms and conditions":"terms and conditions","{{numberOfGuests}} guest":"{{numberOfGuests}} guest","{{numberOfGuests}} guests":"{{numberOfGuests}} guests","In the meantime, feel free to browse our offers in {{cityName}} and let us know if any of them catch your eye!":"In the meantime, feel free to browse our offers in {{cityName}} and let us know if any of them catch your eye!","Email is a mandatory field":"Email is a mandatory field","Hi, I'm {{managerName}}, Eatwith's private event Manager. Provide me with the details of your event and I'll get back to you within 24 hours!":"Hi, I'm {{managerName}}, Eatwith's private event Manager. Provide me with the details of your event and I'll get back to you within 24 hours!","I'd like to receive Eatwith personalized recommendations, news and special offers in my inbox.":"I'd like to receive Eatwith personalized recommendations, news and special offers to my inbox.","Invalid budget":"Invalid budget","Invalid dates":"Invalid dates","Invalid number of guests":"Invalid number of guests","Invalid phone number":"Invalid phone number","Name is a mandatory field":"Name is a mandatory field","Please select an occasion":"Please select an occasion","Hi, I’m {{managerName}}, Eatwith’s private event Manager in {{city}}. Provide me with the details of your event and I’ll help you find the best options.":"Hi, I’m {{managerName}}, Eatwith’s private event Manager in {{city}}. Provide me with the details of your event and I’ll help you find the best options.","Select occasion":"Select occasion","You’re almost done! Please leave your contact details and I’ll get back to you with customized offers within 24h.":"You’re almost done! Please leave your contact details and I’ll get back to you with customized offers within 24h.","Please fill in your phone number if you'd like to request a callback":"Please fill in your phone number","Please select a date range for your private event":"Please select a date range for your private event","Start creating your private event now!":"Start creating your private event!","Your request has been sent, thank you!":"Your request has been sent, thank you!","Phone number (we'll need it to call you back)":"Phone number* (we'll use it to send super personalized recommendations)","Just looking around ? \u003ca\u003eBrowse our offers in {{cityName}}\u003c/a\u003e":"Just looking around ? \u003ca\u003eBrowse our offers in {{cityName}}\u003c/a\u003e","The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd in order to process your private event request and booking, and for marketing purposes should you have given your consent. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection and the Eatwith Privacy Policy, you have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to Read Eatwith's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eterms and conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e.":"The collected data is used by Vizeat Ltd in order to process your private event request and booking, and for marketing purposes should you have given your consent. In accordance with the General Data Protection Rules 2018 regarding personal data protection and the Eatwith Privacy Policy, you have the right to access, rectify or ask for the deletion of your data by writing to Read Eatwith's \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eterms and conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e."},"Review":{"Happy guests have reviewed Eatwith with 4 stars and above":"Happy guests have rated Eatwith experiences 4 stars or more","I booked Merav \u0026 Ziv's experience for a group of international visitors.Everything was perfect! Many of the participants rated this dinner event as the highlight of the whole tour.The food was great and the hosts and the location perfect! Thank you very much for hosting us!":"I booked Merav \u0026 Ziv's experience for a group of international visitors.Everything was perfect! Many of the participants rated this dinner event as the highlight of the whole tour.The food was great and the hosts and the location perfect! Thank you very much for hosting us!","Really wonderful tour and cooking class with Alberto! Went shopping at La Boqueria, learned a little about its history and about sustainable vendor sourcing in the region. It was our first time cleaning and cooking sardines and they were delicious. Seriously, beautiful menu and preparation / coaching by Alberto.":"Really wonderful tour and cooking class with Alberto! Went shopping at La Boqueria, learned a little about its history and about sustainable vendor sourcing in the region. It was our first time cleaning and cooking sardines and they were delicious. Seriously, beautiful menu and preparation / coaching by Alberto.","We wanted a work party that didn't feel like \"work\"! Eatwith made the process easy and stress - free.The food was impeccable, the venue was cool, and their Private Event Manager was so helpful. Most successful office party yet!":"We wanted a work party that didn't feel like \"work\"! Eatwith made the process easy and stress - free.The food was impeccable, the venue was cool, and their Private Event Manager was so helpful. Most successful office party yet!"},"SearchForm":{"Button":{"Search":"Search","Tooltip":{"You must enter at least a locality":"You must enter at least a locality"}},"DatePlaceholder":{"When":"When"},"DesktopOnly":{"Label":{"guest":"guest","guests":"guests"}},"Label":{"Budget per guest":"Budget per guest","When":"When","Search for a city or host":"Search for a city or host"},"MobileOnly":{"Label":{"How many will you be?":"How many will you be?"}}},"Team":{"Feel free to consult us!":"Feel free to consult us!","Our private events team is here to help you!":"Our private events team is here to help you!","Send us a message":"Send us a message","We are a passionate team that loves attending these events and testing them for you":"We are a passionate team that loves attending these events and testing them for you"},"Occasions":{"Any other exceptional event":"Any other exceptional event","Bachelorette":"Bachelorette","Birthday parties":"Birthday parties","Corporate dining":"Corporate dining","Discover the best activities in your city":"Discover the best activities in your city","Seminar":"Seminar","We are perfect for your next celebration":"We are perfect for your next celebration","Workshop":"Workshop"}},"Events":{"RequestInfo":{"Please write a message to your host":"Please write a message to your host"}},"EditNoteButton":{"Add Note":"Add note","Edit Note":"Edit note"},"CopyButton":{"Copied!":"Copied!","Copy":"Copy"},"ReservationCard":{"Price":{"per guest":"per guest"}},"Button":{"ApproveRequest":{"Approve \u0026 Schedule":"Approve \u0026 Schedule"}},"ShareEventModal":{"Share on:":"Share on:","SocialShare":{"Who's hungry? Grab your seat at my delicious experience: {{eventTitle}}. Let's Eatwith together!":"Who's hungry? Grab your seat at my delicious experience: {{eventTitle}}. Let's Eatwith together!","Who's hungry? I've just booked my seat at this delicious experience: {{eventTitle}}. Let's Eatwith together!":"Who's hungry? I've just booked my seat at this delicious experience: {{eventTitle}}. Let's Eatwith together!"},"Emails, separated by commas":"Emails, separated by commas","Personal message":"Personal message","Send link":"Send link","Sent!":"Sent!","Make sure you agree with your host before sending the link to anyone.":"Make sure you agree with your host before sending the link to anyone.","Share the link":"Share the link","Share the link via email":"Share the link via email"},"SearchMobile":{"Back":"Back"},"GlobalCampaignLandingPage":{"EventsGroupSection":{"Next available date:":"Next available date:","Price:":"Price:"},"SearchSection":{"Search":"Search"}},"BirthDate":{"Day":"Day","Month":"Month","Year":"Year"},"PartnerApplicants":{"RegisterModal":{"Agency name":"Agency name","Civility":"Civility","Continue":"Continue","Email address":"Email address","First name":"First name","ID Number (IATA / CLIA / ARC)":"ID Number (IATA / CLIA / ARC)","ID number":"ID number","Last name":"Last name","Mr":"Mr","Mrs":"Mrs","Other":"Other","Password":"Password","Phone number":"Phone number","I agree to the {{linkStart}}terms \u0026 conditions{{linkEnd}} for Eatwith travel agent":"I agree to the {{linkStart}}terms \u0026 conditions{{linkEnd}} for Eatwith travel agent","I agree to the \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eterms \u0026 conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e for Eatwith travel agent":"I agree to the \u003ctermsAndConditionsURL\u003eterms \u0026 conditions\u003c/termsAndConditionsURL\u003e for Eatwith travel agent"}},"Badge":{"Best seller":"Best seller","New experience":"New experience","Star chef":"Star chef","TripAdvisor":{"Top ranked":"Top ranked"},"Food Safety Certified":"Food Safety Certified","Eatwith live":"Eatwith live","Private Event":"Private event","EcoHero":"Eco Hero","Master chef":"Master chef"},"Masterchef":{"Season {{seasonNumber}}":"Season {{seasonNumber}}","Season {{ seasonNumber }}":"Season {{ seasonNumber }}"},"SearchEventCard":{"+ dates":"+ dates","Be one of the first people to try this experience and tell us what you think.":"Be one of the first people to try this experience and tell us what you think."},"WishList":{"Menu":{"Add to wishlist":"Add to wishlist","Remove from wishlist":"Remove from wishlist"}},"SignupBanner":{"Desktop":{"Sign up now":"Sign up now","Want {{price}} off your 1st booking? Just create your account \u0026 sign up to the newsletter":"Want {{price}} off your 1st booking? Just create your account \u0026 sign up to the newsletter"},"Mobile":{"Sign up":"Sign up","Sign up and get {{price}} off your first booking!":"Sign up and get {{price}} off your first booking!"}},"BestSeller":{"Indicator":{"One of our most popular experiences! Don't miss out - book your seat now.":"One of our most popular experiences! Don't miss out - book your seat now."}},"Partner":{"Error creating your account":"Error creating your account","RegisterModal":{"Get started":"Get started"}},"Partners":{"SuccessModal":{"How does it work?":"How does it work?","It’s as easy as pie: Search for your client’s destination, travel dates and number of guests, select your experience and finalize your booking. It’s really that simple!":"It’s as easy as pie: Search for your client’s destination, travel dates and number of guests, select your experience and finalize your booking. It’s really that simple!","Log in to my account":"Log in to my account","Log in to your account now to access the world's largest marketplace for culinary experiences with locals.":"Log in to your account now to access the world's largest marketplace for culinary experiences with locals."}},"StarChef":{"Indicator":{"This host is a professional chef. You'll love their fine dining dishes!":"This host is a professional chef. You'll love their fine dining dishes!"}},"Welcome to the Eatwith Travel Agent community!":"Welcome to the Eatwith Travel Agent community!","Onboading":{"Modal":{"All done!":"All done!"}},"Onboarding":{"Banner":{"Click right this way...":"Click right this way...","Want hand-picked recommendations just for you?":"Planning your next trip and want hand-picked recommendations?","I'm going to...":"I'm going to...","We hope you had an amazing time in {{destination}}, {{firstname}}! Where are you going next?":"We hope you had an amazing time in {{destination}}, {{firstname}}! Where are you going next?"},"Modal":{"Cooking classes":"Cooking classes","Dining experiences":"Dining experiences","Error":{"Please enter a destination":"Please enter a destination","Please enter a the date of your next trip":"Please enter a the date of your next trip","Uh oh! We can't send you recommendations if you're not signed up to the newsletter 👆":"Uh oh! We can't send you recommendations if you're not signed up to the newsletter 👆"},"Food tours":"Food tours","Oops, something went wrong":"Oops, something went wrong","What types of experience are you interested in?":"What types of experience are you interested in?","When are you going?":"When are you going?","Where are you traveling to next?":"Where are you traveling to next?","Yes! I want to receive recommendations for my upcoming trip and exclusive offers in my inbox 🌎":"Yes! I want to receive recommendations for my upcoming trip and exclusive offers in my inbox 🌎","Tell us about your next trip and we'll send you the most delicious, unforgettable, not-to-be-missed experiences before you take off ✈️ ":"Tell us about your next trip and we'll send you the most delicious, unforgettable, not-to-be-missed experiences before you take off ✈️","Hey {{firstname}}, going somewhere?":"Hey {{firstname}}, going somewhere?","This time I'm heading to...":"This time I'm heading to..."}},"FormField":{"Required field":"Required field","Too long value":"Too long value","Wrong format":"Wrong format","You must approve the contract":"You must approve the contract","You must select a value in the list":"You must select a value in the list","Please enter a valid phone number":"Please enter a valid phone number","Invalid date":"Invalid date"},"Form":{"Email address":"Email address","First name":"First name","Last name":"Last name","Mr":"Mr","Mrs":"Mrs","Other":"Other","Civility":"Civility"},"SelectDateWidget":{"Instant booking":"Instant booking","Sold out":"Sold out"},"GiftCard":{"Payment success":"Payment success","Your gift purchase has succeeded and it has been sent to your email":"Your gift purchase has succeeded and it has been sent to your email"},"HostApplicationBanner":{"Continue":"Continue","You've almost finished your host application. Just a few steps to go!":"You've almost finished your host application. Just a few steps to go!","Your host application is being reviewed by our team. We'll keep you updated by email 💌":"Your host application is being reviewed by our team. We'll keep you updated by email 💌","Complete my experience":"Complete my experience","Congratulations, you've been approved as an Eatwith host! Complete your experience so guests can start booking your event.":"Congratulations, you've been approved as an Eatwith host! Complete your experience so guests can start booking your event.","Schedule my first event":"Schedule my first event","You're almost there! To start receiving bookings, you'll need to schedule event dates on your host calendar.":"You're almost there! To start receiving bookings, you'll need to schedule event dates on your host calendar."},"ExpandableLayout":{"Read more":"Read more"},"FeaturedEventCard":{"Read more":"Read more"},"Deadlines":{"BookingDeadline":{"The time of the event":"The time of the event"},"CancellationDeadline":{"At the time of the event":"At the time of the event","Non refundable cancellation":"Non refundable cancellation"},"{{count}} day":"{{count}} day","{{count}} days":"{{count}} days","{{count}} hour":"{{count}} hour","{{count}} hours":"{{count}} hours","{{count}} minute":"{{count}} minute","{{count}} minutes":"{{count}} minutes","{{count}} month":"{{count}} month","{{count}} months":"{{count}} months","{{count}} week":"{{count}} week","{{count}} weeks":"{{count}} weeks","{{count}} year":"{{count}} year","{{count}} years":"{{count}} years","{{duration}} before the event":"{{duration}} before the event"},"Banner":{"TripAdvisorRanking":{"Top-rated on TripAdvisor":"Top-rated on TripAdvisor"}},"WidgetInstructions":{"All my experiences":"All my experiences","Attract more guests by making it easy to book experiences from your own website. Just be sure all information written about the experience matches what’s provided on Eatwith.":"You can now attract more guests by including the Eatwith booking widget tool on your own website, blog, Facebook page or Instagram account. Using this tool, guests can book your experience directly with you. ","Copy HTML":"Copy HTML","Copy and paste the following HTML into your website code:":"Copy and paste the following HTML into your website code:","Copy and paste the following link in any button":"Copy the link below and paste it on Facebook’s call to action button or on your Instagram’s bio","Copy link":"Copy link","Currency":"Currency","Customize the widget":"Customize the booking widget","Facebook \"Call to action\" button \u0026 Instagram bio":"Facebook \"call to action\" button \u0026 Instagram bio link integrations","Integrate Eatwith booking widget to your website for better conversion":"Receive bookings from your own website or social media page","Integration in your website":"Website/Blog integration","Language":"Language","Preview":"Preview","Select the experience(s) you want make visible via the widget":"Select the experience(s) you want to make visible on your widget","Selected experiences":"Selected experiences","We recommend the widget to be added to a page that describes your activity and puts it in context.":"Make sure to place the booking widget on a page that describes the experience(s) and place the booking tool near the top of your home page (or any page where you’re embedding the widget) to ensure visibility for potential guests.","You can also link the Calendar widget to your favorite social media. To follow these instructions you will need to have a Facebook page and create a \"Call to action\" button as in {{guideLink}} made by Facebook.":"You can easily insert the link below to your Facebook page's \"call to action\" button (see {{guideLink}} by Facebook) or in your Instagram account's bio.","this guide":"this guide","Click {{faqLink}} for FAQ about the booking widget":"Click {{faqLink}} for FAQ about the booking widget","One calendar for all experiences - by choosing this option all your published experiences with scheduled dates will be displayed and available for booking.":"One calendar for all experiences - by choosing this option all your published experiences will be displayed and available for booking.","Selected experiences - by choosing this option you will be able to decide which experience(s) you’d like to include and create multiple calendars for each experience.":"Selected experiences - by choosing this option you will be able to decide which experience(s) you’d like to include and create multiple calendars for each experience.","You have two options":"You have two options","here":"here"},"FoodSafetyCertification":{"Indicator":{"According to Eatwith's policy, this host owns a food safety certification delivered by official organisms.":"According to Eatwith's policy, this host owns a food safety certification delivered by official organizations."}},"EventBookingModal":{"Book now":"Book now","Book your seats":"Book your seats","Join other guests around a comunal table and share an unforgettable moment. {{policyLink}}":"{{policyLink}}","Read all about our safety guidelines":"Read about our updated health and safety guidelines before booking.","Request to book":"Request to book","All times are in the {{ timezone }} time zone":"All times are in the {{ timezone }} time zone.","This event will be live from another time zone than yours.":"This event will be live from another time zone than yours.","This event will take place on {{date}} at {{time}} in your time zone ({{userTimeZone}})":"This event will take place on {{date}} at {{time}} in your time zone ({{userTimeZone}})","Join other guests around a comunal table and share an unforgettable moment. \u003cpolicyURL\u003eRead all about our safety guidelines\u003c/policyURL\u003e":"\u003cpolicyURL\u003eRead all about our safety guidelines\u003c/policyURL\u003e","This event will take place on \u003cb\u003e{{date}}\u003c/b\u003e at \u003cb\u003e{{time}}\u003c/b\u003e in your time zone ({{userTimeZone}})":"This event will take place on \u003cb\u003e{{date}}\u003c/b\u003e at \u003cb\u003e{{time}}\u003c/b\u003e in your time zone ({{userTimeZone}})"},"HealthAndSafetyModal":{"Health and Safety Guidelines":"Health and Safety Guidelines","I have read and agree":"I agree to implement \u0026 follow the guidelines","Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our hosts and guest community. We are requiring all hosts to implement our new {{guidelinesLink}} at all Eatwith events worldwide.":"Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our hosts and guest community. We are requiring all hosts to implement our new {{guidelinesLink}} at all Eatwith events worldwide.","Health and Safety guidelines":"Health and Safety guidelines","I agree to implement and follow the Eatwith Health and Safety Guidelines alongside with local regulations at my events.":"I agree to implement and follow the Eatwith Health and Safety Guidelines alongside with local regulations at my events.","Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our hosts and guest community. We are requiring all hosts to implement our new \u003cguidelinesURL\u003eHealth and Safety guidelines\u003c/guidelinesURL\u003e at all Eatwith events worldwide.":"Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our hosts and guest community. We are requiring all hosts to implement our new \u003cguidelinesURL\u003eHealth and Safety guidelines\u003c/guidelinesURL\u003e at all Eatwith events worldwide.","I read and agreed to the health and safety guidelines":"I read and agreed to the health and safety guidelines","You must agree to the guidelines before proceeding":"You must agree to the guidelines before proceeding"},"description":"description","error":"error","i18nKey":"i18nKey","subtitle":"subtitle","text":"text","CardPricing":{"DateDetails":{"All times are in the {{ timezone }} time zone":"All times are in the {{ timezone }} time zone."}},"sanitizedDescriptionText":"sanitizedDescriptionText","sanitizedText":"sanitizedText","Cards":{"BasicEventCard":{"\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e":"\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e","\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e in {{locality}}":"\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e in {{locality}}"},"BookingEventCard":{"\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e":"\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e","\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e in {{locality}}":"\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e in {{locality}}"},"SearchEventCard":{"\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e":"\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e","\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e in {{locality}}":"\u003cmealType\u003e{{mealType}}\u003c/mealType\u003e in {{locality}}"}},"GiftCardPage":{"Eatwith Gift Card":"Eatwith Gift Card"},"EmailLead":{"Email":"Email","First Name":"First name","Last Name":"Last name","Your city":"Your city"},"MemberSubscriptionForm":{"You've successfully subscribed to our newsletter.":"You've successfully subscribed to our newsletter."},"ReviewCard":{"About the experience \u003cexperienceLink\u003e{{experienceTitle}}\u003c/experienceLink\u003e by {{hostName}}":"About the experience \u003cexperienceLink\u003e{{experienceTitle}}\u003c/experienceLink\u003e by {{hostName}}","About the experience \u003cexperienceLink\u003e{{experienceTitle}}\u003c/experienceLink\u003e":"About the experience \u003cexperienceLink\u003e{{experienceTitle}}\u003c/experienceLink\u003e"},"ReviewList":{"highest rated":"Highest rating","lowest rated":"Lowest rating","most recent":"Newest","oldest":"Oldest first","Sort reviews by":"Sort reviews by"},"AvatarList":{"More":"More"},"NewsletterSubscriptionModal":{"Sign up to our newsletter for the latest news from Eatwith":"Sign up to our newsletter for the latest news from Eatwith","We'll share special offers, unforgettable culinary experiences \u0026 exciting updates you won't want to miss!":"We'll share special offers, unforgettable culinary experiences \u0026 exciting updates you won't want to miss!"},"EcoHero":{"Indicator":{"This host is compliant with at least 70% of the sustainable practices based on a 12-section study. Eatwith eco-heroes are committed to promoting plant-based recipes, plastic, and waste avoidance, and fair trade.":"This host is compliant with at least 70% of the sustainable practices based on a 12-section study. Eatwith eco-heroes are committed to promoting plant-based recipes, plastic, and waste avoidance, and fair trade."}},"EventAndHostSections":{"The experience":"The experience","The host":"The host"},"Forms":{"Reset":"Reset"},"SearchForm":{"Guest":"Guest","When ?":"When ?","Where ?":"Where ?"},"{{count}} Search":{"Experience_one":"experience","Experience_other":"experiences"},"ExpandableList":{"see less":"See less","see more":"See more"},"Filters":"Filters","Search:Venue":"Venue","PlaylistEventsSection":{"All experiences":"All experiences"},"PrivateEvents":{"LeadForm":{"Budget per person":"Budget per person","Date of the event":"Date of the event","Enquiry sent! Our team will be in touch soon.":"Enquiry sent! Our team will be in touch soon.","ex: 50":"ex: 50","Let us organise your private event!":"let us organise your private event!","Number of guests *":"Number of guests *","Phone number":"Phone number","Please enter a valid phone number":"Please enter a valid phone number","Please try again - we didn’t manage to save your information.":"Please try again - we didn’t manage to save your information.","Send":"Send","Write us a message":"Write us a message","Your email":"Your email","Your name":"Your name"}},"CobrandedFooter":{"visit website":"visit website"},"SuggestExperiences":{"This experience has no availability yet. \u003csuggestedExperiences\u003eClick here to discover more delicious events!\u003c/suggestedExperiences\u003e":"This experience has no availability yet. \u003csuggestedExperiences\u003eClick here to discover more delicious events!\u003c/suggestedExperiences\u003e","Victim of its success.\u003cbr/\u003eThis experience has no more 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chefs and food connoisseurs around the world with adventurous travellers.":"Our mission is to connect the best local chefs and food connoisseurs around the world with adventurous travellers.","The best way to make new friends and learn the local culture first-hand when traveling.":"The best way to make new friends and learn the local culture first-hand when traveling.","Try one of our immersive dinners, lunches, brunches, tastings, food tours and cooking classes with local hosts.":"Try one of our immersive dinners, lunches, brunches, tastings, food tours and cooking classes with local hosts.","We are absolute food experts":"We are absolute food experts","We are the leaders in social dining":"We are the leaders in social dining","We offer unique food experiences":"We offer unique food experiences","why choose eatwith?":"why choose eatwith?"},"PopularDestinationsSection":{"Athens":"Athens","Barcelona":"Barcelona","Berlin":"Berlin","discover eatwith in 1,100 other destinations around the world!":"discover eatwith in 1,100 other destinations around the world!","Discover everything the city has to offer.":"Discover everything the city has to offer.","Discover the true foodie scene in Berlin.":"Discover the true foodie scene in Berlin.","Enjoy a traditional Italian feast with a local Roman family.":"Enjoy a traditional Italian feast with a local Roman family.","Experience the 'art de vivre' in the City of Lights.":"Experience the 'art de vivre' in the City of Lights.","Experience the City That Never Sleeps like a native New Yorker.":"Experience the City That Never Sleeps like a native New Yorker.","Find the best paella, tapas and sangria in town with our local hosts.":"Find the best paella, tapas and sangria in town with our local hosts.","Join unique pop-up events and supper clubs in this cool city.":"Join unique pop-up events and supper clubs in this cool city.","London":"London","Los Angeles":"Los Angeles","New York":"New York","Paris":"Paris","Rome":"Rome","The ancient city has got your every craving covered.":"The ancient city has got your every craving covered.","Say konichiwa to delicious Japanese food.":"Say konichiwa to delicious Japanese 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