The Effect of Labor Market Information on Community College Students’ Major Choice
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An important goal of community colleges is to prepare students for the labor market. But are students aware of the labor market outcomes in different majors? And how much do students weigh labor market outcomes when choosing a major? In this study we find that less than 40% of a sample of community college students in California rank broad categories of majors accurately in terms of labor market outcomes. However, students believe that salaries are 13 percent higher than they actually are, on average, and students underestimate the probability of being employed by almost 25 percent. We find that the main determinants of major choice are beliefs about course enjoyment and grades, but expected labor market outcomes also matter. Experimental estimates of the impact of expected labor market outcomes are larger than OLS estimates and show that a 1% increase in salary is associated with a 1.4 to 1.8% increase in the probability of choosing a specific category of majors."> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="jel_code" CONTENT="I0; I21; I23; J01; J18; J30"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Rachel Baker & Eric Bettinger & Brian Jacob & Ioana Marinescu"> <META NAME="author_shortid" CONTENT="pbe413; pma336"> <META NAME="title" CONTENT="The Effect of Labor Market Information on Community College Students’ Major Choice"> <META NAME="download" CONTENT="1"> <META NAME="freedownload" CONTENT="1"> <META NAME="date" CONTENT="2017-02-02"> <META NAME="citation_publication_date" CONTENT="2017/04"> <META NAME="citation_authors" content="Rachel Baker; Eric Bettinger; Brian Jacob; Ioana Marinescu"> <META NAME="citation_title" content="The Effect of Labor Market Information on Community College Students’ Major Choice"> <META NAME="citation_abstract" content="An important goal of community colleges is to prepare students for the labor market. But are students aware of the labor market outcomes in different majors? And how much do students weigh labor market outcomes when choosing a major? In this study we find that less than 40% of a sample of community college students in California rank broad categories of majors accurately in terms of labor market outcomes. However, students believe that salaries are 13 percent higher than they actually are, on average, and students underestimate the probability of being employed by almost 25 percent. We find that the main determinants of major choice are beliefs about course enjoyment and grades, but expected labor market outcomes also matter. Experimental estimates of the impact of expected labor market outcomes are larger than OLS estimates and show that a 1% increase in salary is associated with a 1.4 to 1.8% increase in the probability of choosing a specific category of majors."> <META NAME="citation_publisher" content="National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc"> <META NAME="citation_journal_title" content="NBER Working Papers"> <META NAME="citation_keywords" content=""> <META NAME="citation_abstract_html_url" content=""> <META NAME="citation_abstract_pdf_url" content=""> <META NAME="redif-type" content="paper"> <META NAME="citation_type" content="redif-paper"> <META NAME="citation_technical_report_number" content="23333"> <META NAME="citation_year" content="2017"> <META NAME="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <META NAME="twitter:site" content="@repec_org"> <META NAME="twitter:title" content="The Effect of Labor Market Information on Community College Students’ "> <META NAME="twitter:description" content="An important goal of community colleges is to prepare students for the labor market. But are students aware of the labor market outcomes in different majors? And how much do students weigh labor marke"> <META NAME="twitter:image" content=""> <META PROPERTY="og:type" content="article"> <META PROPERTY="og:title" content="The Effect of Labor Market Information on Community College "> <META PROPERTY="og:description" content="An important goal of community colleges is to prepare students for the labor market. But are students aware of the labor market outcomes in different majors? And how much do students weigh labor marke"> <META PROPERTY="og:url" content=""> <META PROPERTY="og:image" content=""> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@graph": [ { "@id": "#periodical", "@type": "Periodical", "name": "NBER Working Papers", "publisher": "National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc", "url": "", "requiresSubscription": "false" }, { "@id": "#number", "@type": "PublicationIssue", "datePublished": "2017-04", "issueNumber": "23333" }, { "@id": "#article", "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", "name": "The Effect of Labor Market Information on Community College Students’ Major Choice", "url": "", "description": "An important goal of community colleges is to prepare students for the labor market. But are students aware of the labor market outcomes in different majors? And how much do students weigh labor market outcomes when choosing a major? In this study we find that less than 40% of a sample of community college students in California rank broad categories of majors accurately in terms of labor market outcomes. However, students believe that salaries are 13 percent higher than they actually are, on average, and students underestimate the probability of being employed by almost 25 percent. We find that the main determinants of major choice are beliefs about course enjoyment and grades, but expected labor market outcomes also matter. Experimental estimates of the impact of expected labor market outcomes are larger than OLS estimates and show that a 1% increase in salary is associated with a 1.4 to 1.8% increase in the probability of choosing a specific category of majors.", "keywords": "", "author": "Rachel Baker & Eric Bettinger & Brian Jacob & Ioana Marinescu", "isPartOf": [ { "@id": "#periodical" }, { "@id": "#number" } ] } ] } </script> </HEAD><BODY><!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-G63YGSJVZ7'); </script> <div class="container"> <div id="header" class="row"> <nav class="navbar navbar-collapse navbar-expand-md" role="navigation"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="/"> <img width="125" src="/ideas4.jpg" border="0" alt="IDEAS home"> </a> <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#mobilesearch" 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P. Bettinger </A></li> <li><a href="/f/pma336.html">Ioana Elena Marinescu </A> <i class="fa fa-twitter fa-lg" style="color:#3cf"></i> <img src="/images/bluesky.svg" height="15"></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <h2 style="clear:left">Abstract</h2><div id="abstract-body">An important goal of community colleges is to prepare students for the labor market. But are students aware of the labor market outcomes in different majors? And how much do students weigh labor market outcomes when choosing a major? In this study we find that less than 40% of a sample of community college students in California rank broad categories of majors accurately in terms of labor market outcomes. However, students believe that salaries are 13 percent higher than they actually are, on average, and students underestimate the probability of being employed by almost 25 percent. We find that the main determinants of major choice are beliefs about course enjoyment and grades, but expected labor market outcomes also matter. Experimental estimates of the impact of expected labor market outcomes are larger than OLS estimates and show that a 1% increase in salary is associated with a 1.4 to 1.8% increase in the probability of choosing a specific category of majors.</div> <h2>Suggested Citation</h2> <div id="biblio-body"> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Rachel Baker & Eric Bettinger & Brian Jacob & Ioana Marinescu, 2017. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/23333.html">The Effect of Labor Market Information on Community College Students’ Major Choice</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 23333, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. </li> Handle: <i style="word-break:break-all">RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23333</i> <br>Note: CH ED LS PE <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/refs.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="refs" class="form-inline" role="form" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23333"> <div class="pull-left" style="padding-right: 2px;"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default fa" name="ref" value="Export reference "> as </div> <div class="col-xs-8" style="padding-left: 0;"> <select name="output" size="1"> <option value="0">HTML</option> <option value="0.5">HTML with abstract</option> <option value="1">plain text</option> <option value="1.5">plain text with abstract</option> <option value="2">BibTeX</option> <option value="3">RIS (EndNote, RefMan, ProCite)</option> <option value="4">ReDIF</option> <option value="6">JSON</option> </select> </div> </form></div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="download" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="download-tab"> <h2>Download full text from publisher</h2><p></p> <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="/cgi-bin/" target="_blank"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="urn" VALUE="RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23333"><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="url" VALUE="" checked><B>File URL:</B> <span style="word-break:break-all"></span><BR><B>Download Restriction:</B> no<BR> <font size="+2" color="red">---><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" class="btn fa" VALUE="Download the selected file " style="color:white;background-color:#2d4e8b;"><---</font></FORM><P><h2>Other versions of this item:</h2> <div class="publishedas"><UL><LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Baker, Rachel & Bettinger, Eric & Jacob, Brian & Marinescu, Ioana, 2018. "<B><A HREF="">The Effect of Labor Market Information on Community College Students’ Major Choice</A></B>," <A HREF="">Economics of Education Review</A>, Elsevier, vol. 65(C), pages 18-30. </UL></div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="refs" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="refs-tab"><h2>References listed on IDEAS</h2><form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/refs.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="refs" class="form-inline" role="form" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="repec:uwp:jhriss:v:31:y:1996:i:1:p:27-56#repec:spr:reihed:v:59:y:2018:i:2:d:10.1007_s11162-017-9463-1#repec:nbr:nberwo:21330#repec:oup:qjecon:v:125:y:2010:i:2:p:515-548.#repec:tpr:restat:v:94:y:2012:i:1:p:334-347#repec:oup:restud:v:82:y:2015:i:2:p:791-824#repec:ucd:wpaper:201221#repec:ucp:jlabec:doi:10.1086/675308#repec:eee:econom:v:166:y:2012:i:1:p:3-16#repec:fip:fednsr:364#repec:oup:qjecon:v:131:y:2016:i:3:p:1057-1111.#repec:cpr:ceprdp:7030#repec:aea:jecper:v:27:y:2013:i:2:p:153-72#repec:ucn:wpaper:201223#repec:uwo:hcuwoc:20135#repec:uwp:jhriss:v:48:y:2013:iii:1:p:545-595#repec:ucp:jpolec:v:70:y:1962:p:9#repec:oup:qjecon:v:127:y:2012:i:2:p:753-792#repec:eee:econom:v:125:y:2005:i:1-2:p:271-304#repec:nbr:nberwo:21137#repec:fip:fedhwp:wp-02-31#repec:nbr:nberch:13571#repec:taf:uhejxx:v:72:y:2001:i:1:p:63-100#repec:ucp:jlabec:doi:10.1086/658091#repec:ier:iecrev:v:51:y:2010:i:2:p:421-440#repec:eee:jfinec:v:119:y:2016:i:3:p:559-577#repec:eee:ecoedu:v:21:y:2002:i:4:p:299-321#repec:pri:econom:2015-1#repec:iza:izadps:dp4127#repec:fip:fednsr:500#repec:ucp:jhucap:doi:10.1086/681542#repec:uwp:jhriss:v:54:y:2019:i:4:p:986-1036#repec:crs:wpaper:2009-14#repec:iza:izadps:dp6902#repec:fip:fednsr:378#repec:nbr:nberwo:21300#repec:ucp:jlabec:doi:10.1086/671809#repec:duk:dukeec:10-30#repec:iza:izadps:dp1017#repec:ucn:oapubs:10197/5554#repec:nbr:nberwo:15729#repec:eee:jeborg:v:117:y:2015:i:c:p:10-25#repec:iza:izadps:dp4738#repec:nbr:nberwo:14451#repec:eee:ecoedu:v:51:y:2016:i:c:p:136-151#repec:nbr:nberwo:18945"> <div class="pull-left" style="padding-right: 2px;"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default fa" name="ref" value="Export references "> as </div> <div class="col-xs-8" style="padding-left: 0;"> <select name="output" size="1"> <option value="0">HTML</option> <option value="0.5">HTML with abstract</option> <option value="1">plain text</option> <option value="1.5">plain text with abstract</option> <option value="2">BibTeX</option> <option value="3">RIS (EndNote, RefMan, ProCite)</option> <option value="4">ReDIF</option> <option value="6">JSON</option> </select> </div> </form> <ol class="list-group"><LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Rachel Baker, 2018. "<B><A HREF="/a/spr/reihed/v59y2018i2d10.1007_s11162-017-9463-1.html">Understanding College Students’ Major Choices Using Social Network Analysis</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/spr/reihed.html">Research in Higher Education</A>, Springer;Association for Institutional Research, vol. 59(2), pages 198-225, March. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Lars J. Kirkeboen & Edwin Leuven & Magne Mogstad, 2016. "<B><A HREF="/a/oup/qjecon/v131y2016i3p1057-1111..html">Editor's Choice Field of Study, Earnings, and Self-Selection</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/oup/qjecon.html">The Quarterly Journal of Economics</A>, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 131(3), pages 1057-1111. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Arcidiacono, Peter & Hotz, V. Joseph & Kang, Songman, 2012. "<B><A HREF="/a/eee/econom/v166y2012i1p3-16.html">Modeling college major choices using elicited measures of expectations and counterfactuals</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/econom.html">Journal of Econometrics</A>, Elsevier, vol. 166(1), pages 3-16. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Arcidiacono, Peter & Hotz, V. Joseph & Kang, Songman, 2010. "<B><A HREF="/p/iza/izadps/dp4738.html">Modeling College Major Choices Using Elicited Measures of Expectations and Counterfactuals</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/iza/izadps.html">IZA Discussion Papers</A> 4738, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> V. Joseph Hotz & Peter Arcidiacono & Songman Kang, 2010. "<B><A HREF="/p/duk/dukeec/10-30.html">Modeling College Major Choices Using Elicited Measures of Expectations and Counterfactuals</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/duk/dukeec.html">Working Papers</A> 10-30, Duke University, Department of Economics. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Peter Arcidiacono & V. Joseph Hotz & Songman Kang, 2010. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/15729.html">Modeling College Major Choices using Elicited Measures of Expectations and Counterfactuals</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 15729, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Christopher Jepsen & Kenneth Troske & Paul Coomes, 2014. "<B><A HREF="/a/ucp/jlabec/doi10.1086-671809.html">The Labor-Market Returns to Community College Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/ucp/jlabec.html">Journal of Labor Economics</A>, University of Chicago Press, vol. 32(1), pages 95-121. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Christopher Jepsen & Kenneth Troske & Paul Coomes, 2012. "<B><A HREF="/p/ucn/wpaper/201223.html">The Labor-Market Returns to Community College Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/ucn/wpaper.html">Working Papers</A> 201223, School of Economics, University College Dublin. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Christopher Jepsen & Kenneth Troske & Paul Coomes, 2014. "<B><A HREF="/p/ucn/oapubs/10197-5554.html">The labor-market returns to community college degrees, diplomas, and certificates</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/ucn/oapubs.html">Open Access publications</A> 10197/5554, School of Economics, University College Dublin. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Christopher Jepsen & Kenneth Troske & Paul Coomes, 2012. "<B><A HREF="/p/ucd/wpaper/201221.html">The labor-market returns to community college degrees, diplomas and certificates</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/ucd/wpaper.html">Working Papers</A> 201221 Classification-JEL, Geary Institute, University College Dublin. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Jepsen, Christopher & Troske, Kenneth & Coomes, Paul A., 2012. "<B><A HREF="/p/iza/izadps/dp6902.html">The Labor-Market Returns to Community College Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/iza/izadps.html">IZA Discussion Papers</A> 6902, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Hastings, Justine S. & Neilson, Christopher A. & Ramirez, Anely & Zimmerman, Seth D., 2016. "<B><A HREF="/a/eee/ecoedu/v51y2016icp136-151.html">(Un)informed college and major choice: Evidence from linked survey and administrative data</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/ecoedu.html">Economics of Education Review</A>, Elsevier, vol. 51(C), pages 136-151. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Justine S. Hastings & Christopher A. Neilson & Anely Ramirez & Seth D. Zimmerman, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/21330.html">(Un)Informed College and Major Choice: Evidence from Linked Survey and Administrative Data</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 21330, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Jacobson, Louis & LaLonde, Robert & G. Sullivan, Daniel, 2005. "<B><A HREF="/a/eee/econom/v125y2005i1-2p271-304.html">Estimating the returns to community college schooling for displaced workers</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/econom.html">Journal of Econometrics</A>, Elsevier, vol. 125(1-2), pages 271-304. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Louis S. Jacobson & Robert J. LaLonde & Daniel G. Sullivan, 2002. 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"<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/18945.html">Academic Performance and College Dropout: Using Longitudinal Expectations Data to Estimate a Learning Model</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 18945, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Huntington-Klein, Nick, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/a/eee/jeborg/v117y2015icp10-25.html">Subjective and projected returns to education</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/jeborg.html">Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization</A>, Elsevier, vol. 117(C), pages 10-25. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Robert Jensen, 2012. "<B><A HREF="/a/oup/qjecon/v127y2012i2p753-792.html">Do Labor Market Opportunities Affect Young Women's Work and Family Decisions? Experimental Evidence from India</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/oup/qjecon.html">The Quarterly Journal of Economics</A>, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 127(2), pages 753-792. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Matthew Wiswall & Basit Zafar, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/a/ucp/jhucap/doi10.1086-681542.html">How Do College Students Respond to Public Information about Earnings?</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/ucp/jhucap.html">Journal of Human Capital</A>, University of Chicago Press, vol. 9(2), pages 117-169. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Matthew Wiswall & Basit Zafar, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/a/oup/restud/v82y2015i2p791-824.html">Determinants of College Major Choice: Identification using an Information Experiment</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/oup/restud.html">The Review of Economic Studies</A>, Review of Economic Studies Ltd, vol. 82(2), pages 791-824. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Matthew Wiswall & Basit Zafar, 2011. "<B><A HREF="/p/fip/fednsr/500.html">Determinants of college major choice: identification using an information experiment</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/fip/fednsr.html">Staff Reports</A> 500, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Justine Hastings & Christopher A. Neilson & Seth D. Zimmerman, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/21300.html">The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Decisions</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 21300, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Justine Hastings & Christopher A. Neilson & Seth D. Zimmerman, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/pri/econom/2015-1.html">The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Decisions</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/pri/econom.html">Working Papers</A> 2015-1, Princeton University. Economics Department.. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Basit Zafar, 2011. "<B><A HREF="/a/ucp/jlabec/doi10.1086-658091.html">How Do College Students Form Expectations?</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/ucp/jlabec.html">Journal of Labor Economics</A>, University of Chicago Press, vol. 29(2), pages 301-348. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Basit Zafar, 2009. "<B><A HREF="/p/fip/fednsr/378.html">How do college students form expectations?</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/fip/fednsr.html">Staff Reports</A> 378, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downnone"> Asher A. Blass & Saul Lach & Charles F. Manski, 2010. 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"<B><A HREF="/h/nbr/nberch/13571.html">Investment in Human Capital: A Theoretical Analysis</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberch.html">NBER Chapters</A>, in: <A HREF="/b/nbr/nberbk/univ62-3.html">Investment in Human Beings</A>, pages 9-49, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. <div class="publishedas"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Gary S. Becker, 1962. "<B><A HREF="/a/ucp/jpolec/v70y1962p9.html">Investment in Human Capital: A Theoretical Analysis</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/ucp/jpolec.html">Journal of Political Economy</A>, University of Chicago Press, vol. 70(5), pages 1-9. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> James E. Rosenbaum & Janet Rosenbaum, 2013. "<B><A HREF="/a/aea/jecper/v27y2013i2p153-72.html">Beyond BA Blinders: Lessons from Occupational Colleges and Certificate Programs for Nontraditional Students</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/aea/jecper.html">Journal of Economic Perspectives</A>, American Economic Association, vol. 27(2), pages 153-172, Spring. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Ann Huff Stevens & Michal Kurlaender & Michel Grosz, 2019. "<B><A HREF="/a/uwp/jhriss/v54y2019i4p986-1036.html">Career Technical Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from California Community Colleges</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/uwp/jhriss.html">Journal of Human Resources</A>, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 54(4), pages 986-1036. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Ann Huff Stevens & Michal Kurlaender & Michel Grosz, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/21137.html">Career Technical Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from California Community Colleges</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 21137, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Magali Beffy & Denis Fougère & Arnaud Maurel, 2012. "<B><A HREF="/a/tpr/restat/v94y2012i1p334-347.html">Choosing the Field of Study in Postsecondary Education: Do Expected Earnings Matter?</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/tpr/restat.html">The Review of Economics and Statistics</A>, MIT Press, vol. 94(1), pages 334-347, February. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Beffy, Magali & Fougère, Denis & Maurel, Arnaud, 2009. "<B><A HREF="/p/iza/izadps/dp4127.html">Choosing the Field of Study in Post-Secondary Education: Do Expected Earnings Matter?</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/iza/izadps.html">IZA Discussion Papers</A> 4127, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Magali BEFFY & Denis FOUGERE & Arnaud MAUREL, 2009. "<B><A HREF="/p/crs/wpaper/2009-14.html">Choosing the Field of Study in Post-Secondary Education : Do Expected Earnings Matter ?</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/crs/wpaper.html">Working Papers</A> 2009-14, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Dimmock, Stephen G. & Kouwenberg, Roy & Mitchell, Olivia S. & Peijnenburg, Kim, 2016. "<B><A HREF="/a/eee/jfinec/v119y2016i3p559-577.html">Ambiguity aversion and household portfolio choice puzzles: Empirical evidence</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/jfinec.html">Journal of Financial Economics</A>, Elsevier, vol. 119(3), pages 559-577. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Basit Zafar, 2013. "<B><A HREF="/a/uwp/jhriss/v48y2013iii1p545-595.html">College Major Choice and the Gender Gap</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/uwp/jhriss.html">Journal of Human Resources</A>, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 48(3), pages 545-595. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Basit Zafar, 2009. "<B><A HREF="/p/fip/fednsr/364.html">College major choice and the gender gap</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/fip/fednsr.html">Staff Reports</A> 364, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Jacqueline C. Simpson, 2001. "<B><A HREF="/a/taf/uhejxx/v72y2001i1p63-100.html">Segregated by Subject</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/taf/uhejxx.html">The Journal of Higher Education</A>, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 72(1), pages 63-100, January. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Robert Jensen, 2010. "<B><A HREF="/a/oup/qjecon/v125y2010i2p515-548..html">The (Perceived) Returns to Education and the Demand for Schooling</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/oup/qjecon.html">The Quarterly Journal of Economics</A>, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 125(2), pages 515-548. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Grubb, W. Norton, 2002. "<B><A HREF="/a/eee/ecoedu/v21y2002i4p299-321.html">Learning and earning in the middle, part I: national studies of pre-baccalaureate education</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/ecoedu.html">Economics of Education Review</A>, Elsevier, vol. 21(4), pages 299-321, August. </ol> <A TARGET="_blank" HREF=""><B>Full references</B> <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></A> (including those not matched with items on IDEAS)<P> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="mrel" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="mrel-tab"> <h2>Most related items</H2> These are the items that most often cite the same works as this one and are cited by the same works as this one. <ol class="list-group"><LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Nikoloz Kudashvili & Gega Todua, 2022. 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"<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/27645.html">College Majors</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 27645, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Matthew Wiswall & Basit Zafar, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/a/oup/restud/v82y2015i2p791-824.html">Determinants of College Major Choice: Identification using an Information Experiment</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/oup/restud.html">The Review of Economic Studies</A>, Review of Economic Studies Ltd, vol. 82(2), pages 791-824. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Matthew Wiswall & Basit Zafar, 2011. "<B><A HREF="/p/fip/fednsr/500.html">Determinants of college major choice: identification using an information experiment</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/fip/fednsr.html">Staff Reports</A> 500, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Matthew Wiswall & Basit Zafar, 2011. "<B><A HREF="/p/fip/fednsr/516.html">Belief updating among college students: evidence from experimental variation in information</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/fip/fednsr.html">Staff Reports</A> 516, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Delavande, Adeline & Del Bono, Emilia & Holford, Angus, 2022. "<B><A HREF="/a/eee/econom/v231y2022i1p74-97.html">Academic and non-academic investments at university: The role of expectations, preferences and constraints</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/econom.html">Journal of Econometrics</A>, Elsevier, vol. 231(1), pages 74-97. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Xia, Xiaoyu, 2016. "<B><A HREF="/a/eee/jeborg/v132y2016ipap176-196.html">Forming wage expectations through learning: Evidence from college major choices</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/jeborg.html">Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization</A>, Elsevier, vol. 132(PA), pages 176-196. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Pamela Giustinelli & Charles F. Manski, 2018. "<B><A HREF="/a/bla/ecinqu/v56y2018i1p81-99.html">Survey Measures Of Family Decision Processes For Econometric Analysis Of Schooling Decisions</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/bla/ecinqu.html">Economic Inquiry</A>, Western Economic Association International, vol. 56(1), pages 81-99, January. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Erica Blom & Brian C. Cadena & Benjamin J. Keys, 2021. "<B><A HREF="/a/ucp/jlabec/doi10.1086-712611.html">Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/ucp/jlabec.html">Journal of Labor Economics</A>, University of Chicago Press, vol. 39(4), pages 1043-1082. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Blom, Erica & Cadena, Brian C. & Keys, Benjamin J., 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/iza/izadps/dp9167.html">Investment over the Business Cycle: Insights from College Major Choice</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/iza/izadps.html">IZA Discussion Papers</A> 9167, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). </UL></div> </ol> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="more" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="more-tab"> <H2> More about this item</H2><H3><A HREF="/j/">JEL</A> classification:</h3> <UL> <LI><A HREF="/j/I0.html"><B>I0</B></A> - Health, Education, and Welfare - - General</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/I21.html"><B>I21</B></A> - Health, Education, and Welfare - - Education - - - Analysis of Education</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/I23.html"><B>I23</B></A> - Health, Education, and Welfare - - Education - - - Higher Education; Research Institutions</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/J01.html"><B>J01</B></A> - Labor and Demographic Economics - - General - - - Labor Economics: General</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/J18.html"><B>J18</B></A> - Labor and Demographic Economics - - Demographic Economics - - - Public Policy</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/J30.html"><B>J30</B></A> - Labor and Demographic Economics - - Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs - - - General</LI> </UL><P> <h3>NEP fields</h3> This paper has been announced in the following <A HREF="">NEP Reports</A>: <UL><LI><A HREF="/n/nep-edu/2017-05-07.html">NEP-EDU-2017-05-07</A> (Education)</LI> <LI><A HREF="/n/nep-lma/2017-05-07.html">NEP-LMA-2017-05-07</A> (Labor Markets - Supply, Demand, and Wages)</LI> </UL> <h3>Statistics</h3> <A HREF="">Access and download statistics</A> </div> <!-- placeholder usernotes tab--> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="correct" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="correct-tab"> <h2>Corrections</H2> <P>All material on this site has been provided by the respective publishers and authors. 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