The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Decisions

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We use a large-scale survey and field experiment to evaluate a policy that provided information about college- and major-specific earnings and cost outcomes to college applicants in Chile. The intervention was administered by the Chilean government and reached 30% of student loan applicants. We show that the low-income and low-achieving students who apply to low-earning college degree programs overestimate earnings for past graduates by over 100%, while beliefs for high-achieving students are correctly centered. Treatment causes low-income students to reduce their demand for low-return degrees by 4.6%, and increases the likelihood they remain in college for at least four years. To understand the mechanisms driving the effect of disclosure policies we estimate a model of college demand. We find that disclosure changes college choice by reducing uncertainty about earnings outcomes, but that its impact is limited by strong student preferences for non-pecuniary degree attributes."> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="jel_code" CONTENT="H0; H52; I22; I23; I24; I26; J3"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Justine Hastings & Christopher A. Neilson & Seth D. Zimmerman"> <META NAME="author_shortid" CONTENT="pha804; pne96; pzi155"> <META NAME="title" CONTENT="The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Decisions"> <META NAME="download" CONTENT="1"> <META NAME="freedownload" CONTENT="1"> <META NAME="date" CONTENT="2015-02-02"> <META NAME="citation_publication_date" CONTENT="2015/06"> <META NAME="citation_authors" content="Justine Hastings; Christopher A. Neilson; Seth D. Zimmerman"> <META NAME="citation_title" content="The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Decisions"> <META NAME="citation_abstract" content="We use a large-scale survey and field experiment to evaluate a policy that provided information about college- and major-specific earnings and cost outcomes to college applicants in Chile. The intervention was administered by the Chilean government and reached 30% of student loan applicants. We show that the low-income and low-achieving students who apply to low-earning college degree programs overestimate earnings for past graduates by over 100%, while beliefs for high-achieving students are correctly centered. Treatment causes low-income students to reduce their demand for low-return degrees by 4.6%, and increases the likelihood they remain in college for at least four years. To understand the mechanisms driving the effect of disclosure policies we estimate a model of college demand. We find that disclosure changes college choice by reducing uncertainty about earnings outcomes, but that its impact is limited by strong student preferences for non-pecuniary degree attributes."> <META NAME="citation_publisher" content="National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc"> <META NAME="citation_journal_title" content="NBER Working Papers"> <META NAME="citation_keywords" content=""> <META NAME="citation_abstract_html_url" content=""> <META NAME="citation_abstract_pdf_url" content=""> <META NAME="redif-type" content="paper"> <META NAME="citation_type" content="redif-paper"> <META NAME="citation_technical_report_number" content="21300"> <META NAME="citation_year" content="2015"> <META NAME="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <META NAME="twitter:site" content="@repec_org"> <META NAME="twitter:title" content="The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Decisions, by"> <META NAME="twitter:description" content="We use a large-scale survey and field experiment to evaluate a policy that provided information about college- and major-specific earnings and cost outcomes to college applicants in Chile. The interve"> <META NAME="twitter:image" content=""> <META PROPERTY="og:type" content="article"> <META PROPERTY="og:title" content="The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Dec"> <META PROPERTY="og:description" content="We use a large-scale survey and field experiment to evaluate a policy that provided information about college- and major-specific earnings and cost outcomes to college applicants in Chile. The interve"> <META PROPERTY="og:url" content=""> <META PROPERTY="og:image" content=""> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@graph": [ { "@id": "#periodical", "@type": "Periodical", "name": "NBER Working Papers", "publisher": "National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc", "url": "", "requiresSubscription": "false" }, { "@id": "#number", "@type": "PublicationIssue", "datePublished": "2015-06", "issueNumber": "21300" }, { "@id": "#article", "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", "name": "The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Decisions", "url": "", "description": "We use a large-scale survey and field experiment to evaluate a policy that provided information about college- and major-specific earnings and cost outcomes to college applicants in Chile. The intervention was administered by the Chilean government and reached 30% of student loan applicants. We show that the low-income and low-achieving students who apply to low-earning college degree programs overestimate earnings for past graduates by over 100%, while beliefs for high-achieving students are correctly centered. Treatment causes low-income students to reduce their demand for low-return degrees by 4.6%, and increases the likelihood they remain in college for at least four years. To understand the mechanisms driving the effect of disclosure policies we estimate a model of college demand. We find that disclosure changes college choice by reducing uncertainty about earnings outcomes, but that its impact is limited by strong student preferences for non-pecuniary degree attributes.", "keywords": "", "author": "Justine Hastings & Christopher A. Neilson & Seth D. 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Neilson</li> <li class="authorname">Seth D. Zimmerman</li> </ul></div><div id="registered-authors"> <a href="">Registered:</a> <ul id="authorregistered"><li><a href="/f/pha804.html">Justine S. Hastings </A></li> <li><a href="/e/pne96.html">Christopher Neilson </A> <i class="fa fa-twitter fa-lg" style="color:#3cf"></i></li> <li><a href="/e/pzi155.html">Seth D. Zimmerman </A></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <h2 style="clear:left">Abstract</h2><div id="abstract-body">We use a large-scale survey and field experiment to evaluate a policy that provided information about college- and major-specific earnings and cost outcomes to college applicants in Chile. The intervention was administered by the Chilean government and reached 30% of student loan applicants. We show that the low-income and low-achieving students who apply to low-earning college degree programs overestimate earnings for past graduates by over 100%, while beliefs for high-achieving students are correctly centered. Treatment causes low-income students to reduce their demand for low-return degrees by 4.6%, and increases the likelihood they remain in college for at least four years. To understand the mechanisms driving the effect of disclosure policies we estimate a model of college demand. We find that disclosure changes college choice by reducing uncertainty about earnings outcomes, but that its impact is limited by strong student preferences for non-pecuniary degree attributes.</div> <h2>Suggested Citation</h2> <div id="biblio-body"> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Justine Hastings & Christopher A. Neilson & Seth D. Zimmerman, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/21300.html">The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Decisions</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 21300, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. </li> Handle: <i style="word-break:break-all">RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21300</i> <br>Note: DEV ED LS PE <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/refs.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="refs" class="form-inline" role="form" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21300"> <div class="pull-left" style="padding-right: 2px;"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default fa" name="ref" value="Export reference &#xf08e;"> as </div> <div class="col-xs-8" style="padding-left: 0;"> <select name="output" size="1"> <option value="0">HTML</option> <option value="0.5">HTML with abstract</option> <option value="1">plain text</option> <option value="1.5">plain text with abstract</option> <option value="2">BibTeX</option> <option value="3">RIS (EndNote, RefMan, ProCite)</option> <option value="4">ReDIF</option> <option value="6">JSON</option> </select> </div> </form></div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="download" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="download-tab"> <h2>Download full text from publisher</h2><p></p> <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="/cgi-bin/" target="_blank"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="urn" VALUE="RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21300"><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="url" VALUE="" checked><B>File URL:</B> <span style="word-break:break-all"></span><BR><B>Download Restriction:</B> no<BR> <font size="+2" color="red">---><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" class="btn fa" VALUE="Download the selected file &#xf08e;" style="color:white;background-color:#2d4e8b;"><---</font></FORM><P><h2>Other versions of this item:</h2> <div class="otherversion"><UL><LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Justine Hastings & Christopher A. Neilson & Seth D. Zimmerman, 2015. "<B><A HREF="">The Effects of Earnings Disclosure on College Enrollment Decisions</A></B>," <A HREF="">Working Papers</A> 2015-1, Princeton University. Economics Department.. </UL></div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="refs" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="refs-tab"><h2>References listed on IDEAS</h2><form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/refs.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="refs" class="form-inline" role="form" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="repec:ecl:stabus:3323#repec:anr:reveco:v:4:y:2012:p:185-223#repec:eee:pubeco:v:157:y:2018:i:c:p:184-211#repec:nbr:nberwo:21330#repec:fip:fednsr:739#repec:hka:wpaper:2017-059#repec:oup:qjecon:v:125:y:2010:i:2:p:515-548.#repec:pri:rpdevs:gamespaper.pdf#repec:feb:natura:00206#repec:feb:natura:00337#repec:nbr:nberwo:18586#repec:aea:aecrev:v:105:y:2015:i:8:p:2449-2500#repec:aea:aecrev:v:96:y:2006:i:3:p:756-784#repec:wbk:wbrwps:7020#repec:nbr:nberwo:19423#repec:ucp:jpolec:v:112:y:2004:i:s1:p:s164-s187#repec:eee:econom:v:166:y:2012:i:1:p:3-16#repec:cpr:ceprdp:8375#repec:udc:wpaper:wp390#repec:fip:fednsr:364#repec:iza:izadps:dp9372#repec:nbr:nberwo:17811#repec:aea:aecrev:v:100:y:2010:i:2:p:495-500#repec:pri:rpdevs:karlan_using_experimental_economics_to_measure_social_capital_aer.pdf#repec:nbr:nberwo:19286#repec:mpr:mprres:4bafb729911e486baf90b34c9ca2b9c5#repec:oup:qjecon:v:117:y:2002:i:4:p:1491-1527.#repec:nbr:nberwo:4936#repec:ucp:jhucap:doi:10.1086/689551#repec:uwp:jhriss:v:31:y:1996:i:1:p:1-26#repec:hhs:uunewp:2013_012#repec:nbr:nberwo:23618#repec:ysm:wpaper:amz2519#repec:aea:aecrev:v:95:y:2005:i:5:p:1688-1699#repec:aea:aecrev:v:110:y:2020:i:5:p:1274-1315#repec:wpa:wuwpem:9411002#repec:eee:educhp:v:5:y:2016:i:c:p:305-396#repec:nbr:nberwo:19424#repec:anr:reveco:v:6:y:2014:p:391-419#repec:nbr:nberwo:20609#repec:nbr:nberwo:19165#repec:nbr:nberwo:11554#repec:uwp:jhriss:v:48:y:2013:iii:1:p:545-595#repec:aea:aecrev:v:100:y:2010:i:5:p:2383-2413#repec:egc:wpaper:909#repec:oup:qjecon:v:127:y:2012:i:3:p:1205-1242#repec:eee:labeco:v:66:y:2020:i:c:s0927537120300920#repec:iza:izadps:dp9445#repec:uwp:jhriss:v:49:y:2014:ii:1:p:323-358#repec:egc:wpaper:917#repec:eee:ecoedu:v:52:y:2016:i:c:p:1-18#repec:udc:wpaper:wp335#repec:pri:indrel:612#repec:aea:aecrev:v:97:y:2007:i:1:p:298-317#repec:nbr:nberch:10104#repec:pri:indrel:409#repec:eee:ecoedu:v:29:y:2010:i:4:p:504-516#repec:oup:qjecon:v:121:y:2006:i:2:p:635-672.#repec:nbr:nberwo:18881#repec:tpr:restat:v:93:y:2011:i:3:p:748-763#repec:wop:wispod:1049-94#repec:oxf:wpaper:185#repec:bin:bpeajo:v:46:y:2013:i:2013-01:p:1-65#repec:mpr:mprres:7375#repec:ucp:jlabec:doi:10.1086/658091#repec:tpr:restat:v:91:y:2009:i:4:p:717-724#repec:rje:randje:v:36:y:2005:1:p:93-112#repec:nbr:nberwo:25096#repec:ags:yaleeg:28429#repec:hrv:faseco:30749606#repec:aea:aecrev:v:102:y:2012:i:7:p:3249-76#repec:cep:ceedps:0139#repec:nbr:nberwo:7322#repec:pri:cepsud:216#repec:aea:aecrev:v:104:y:2014:i:9:p:2593-2632#repec:pri:econom:2014-5#repec:nbr:nberwo:17410#repec:nbr:nberwo:23213#repec:iza:izadps:dp8549#repec:nbr:nberwo:13247#repec:oup:qjecon:v:127:y:2012:i:1:p:199-235#repec:ucp:jlawec:v:43:y:2000:i:2:p:651-77#repec:nbr:nberwo:19241#repec:nbr:nberwo:14607#repec:ags:yaleeg:28411#repec:nbr:nberwo:18582#repec:aea:aecrev:v:104:y:2014:i:5:p:406-11#repec:oup:qjecon:v:130:y:2015:i:3:p:1011-1066.#repec:bin:bpeajo:v:46:y:2015:i:2015-02:p:1-89#repec:hrv:faseco:30749073#repec:ucp:jlabec:doi:10.1086/676661#repec:oup:qjecon:v:118:y:2003:i:2:p:409-451.#repec:wly:quante:v:5:y:2014:i:3:p:583-630#repec:aea:aecrev:v:101:y:2011:i:4:p:1180-1210#repec:ehl:lserod:68896#repec:feb:natura:00240#repec:nbr:nberwo:18551#repec:aea:aejmic:v:5:y:2013:i:4:p:1-30#repec:feb:artefa:00074#repec:nbr:nberwo:17985#repec:nbr:nberwo:18710#repec:wly:emetrp:v:85:y:2017:i:6:p:1723-1761#repec:tpr:restat:v:96:y:2014:i:2:p:244-257#repec:uwo:hcuwoc:20134#repec:fip:fednsr:378#repec:oup:qjecon:v:123:y:2008:i:4:p:1373-1414.#repec:mpr:mprres:b5b408501b0147b89b7d124e831011e5#repec:nbr:nberwo:19920#repec:nbr:nberwo:16007#repec:aea:aecrev:v:104:y:2014:i:9:p:2633-79#repec:iza:izadps:dp8853#repec:nbr:nberwo:18817#repec:nbr:nberwo:14315#repec:ucp:jpolec:doi:10.1086/690829#repec:duk:dukeec:10-30#repec:aea:aecrev:v:105:y:2015:i:5:p:508-13#repec:nbr:nberwo:15729#repec:nbr:nberwo:20626#repec:bin:bpeajo:v:44:y:2013:i:2013-01:p:1-65#repec:oup:restud:v:81:y:2014:i:1:p:426-472#repec:cpr:ceprdp:11881#repec:boc:bocoec:799#repec:nbr:nberwo:19803#repec:iza:izadps:dp4738#repec:nbr:nberwo:13623#repec:igi:igierp:362#repec:eee:ecoedu:v:51:y:2016:i:c:p:136-151#repec:pri:rpdevs:gamespaper#repec:bla:scandj:v:115:y:2013:i:1:p:3-26#repec:zur:iewwpx:125"> <div class="pull-left" style="padding-right: 2px;"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default fa" name="ref" value="Export references &#xf08e;"> as </div> <div class="col-xs-8" style="padding-left: 0;"> <select name="output" size="1"> <option value="0">HTML</option> <option value="0.5">HTML with abstract</option> <option value="1">plain text</option> <option value="1.5">plain text with abstract</option> <option value="2">BibTeX</option> <option value="3">RIS (EndNote, RefMan, ProCite)</option> <option value="4">ReDIF</option> <option value="6">JSON</option> </select> </div> </form> <ol class="list-group"><LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Justine S. 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"<B><A HREF="/a/eee/ecoedu/v51y2016icp136-151.html">(Un)informed college and major choice: Evidence from linked survey and administrative data</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/ecoedu.html">Economics of Education Review</A>, Elsevier, vol. 51(C), pages 136-151. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Justine S. Hastings & Christopher A. Neilson & Anely Ramirez & Seth D. Zimmerman, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/21330.html">(Un)Informed College and Major Choice: Evidence from Linked Survey and Administrative Data</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 21330, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Raj Chetty & John N. Friedman & Emmanuel Saez & Nicholas Turner & Danny Yagan, 2017. 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Conditional counterfactuals and the outcomes of work-study participation</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/ecoedu.html">Economics of Education Review</A>, Elsevier, vol. 52(C), pages 1-18. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> George Loewenstein & Cass R. Sunstein & Russell Golman, 2014. "<B><A HREF="/a/anr/reveco/v6y2014p391-419.html">Disclosure: Psychology Changes Everything</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/anr/reveco.html">Annual Review of Economics</A>, Annual Reviews, vol. 6(1), pages 391-419, August. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Justine Hastings & Ali Hortaçsu & Chad Syverson, 2017. "<B><A HREF="/a/wly/emetrp/v85y2017i6p1723-1761.html">Sales Force and Competition in Financial Product Markets: The Case of Mexico's Social Security Privatization</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/wly/emetrp.html">Econometrica</A>, Econometric Society, vol. 85(6), pages 1723-1761, November. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Justine S. Hastings & Ali Hortaçsu & Chad Syverson, 2013. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/18881.html">Sales Force and Competition in Financial Product Markets: The Case Of Mexico’s Social Security Privatization</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 18881, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Basit Zafar, 2013. "<B><A HREF="/a/uwp/jhriss/v48y2013iii1p545-595.html">College Major Choice and the Gender Gap</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/uwp/jhriss.html">Journal of Human Resources</A>, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 48(3), pages 545-595. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Basit Zafar, 2009. "<B><A HREF="/p/fip/fednsr/364.html">College major choice and the gender gap</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/fip/fednsr.html">Staff Reports</A> 364, Federal Reserve Bank of New York. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Duflo, Esther, 2017. "<B><A HREF="/p/cpr/ceprdp/11881.html">The Economist as Plumber</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/cpr/ceprdp.html">CEPR Discussion Papers</A> 11881, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers. <LI class="list-group-item downnone"> Ginger Zhe Jin, 2005. "<B><A HREF="/a/rje/randje/v36y20051p93-112.html">Competition and Disclosure Incentives: An Empirical Study of HMOs</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/rje/randje.html">RAND Journal of Economics</A>, The RAND Corporation, vol. 36(1), pages 93-112, Spring. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Judith Scott-Clayton, 2012. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/17811.html">Information Constraints and Financial Aid Policy</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 17811, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Loreto Reyes & Jorge Rodríguez & Sergio S. Urzúa, 2013. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/18817.html">Heterogeneous Economic Returns to Postsecondary Degrees: Evidence from Chile</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 18817, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Karthik Muralidharan & Venkatesh Sundararaman, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/a/oup/qjecon/v130y2015i3p1011-1066..html">Editor's Choice The Aggregate Effect of School Choice: Evidence from a Two-Stage Experiment in India</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/oup/qjecon.html">The Quarterly Journal of Economics</A>, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 130(3), pages 1011-1066. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Susan Dynarski & Judith Scott-Clayton, 2013. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/18710.html">Financial Aid Policy: Lessons from Research</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 18710, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Eleanor Wiske Dillon & Jeffrey Andrew Smith, 2013. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/19286.html">The Determinants of Mismatch Between Students and Colleges</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 19286, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Mark Hoekstra, 2009. "<B><A HREF="/a/tpr/restat/v91y2009i4p717-724.html">The Effect of Attending the Flagship State University on Earnings: A Discontinuity-Based Approach</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/tpr/restat.html">The Review of Economics and Statistics</A>, MIT Press, vol. 91(4), pages 717-724, November. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Sumit Agarwal & Gene Amromin & Itzhak Ben-David & Souphala Chomsisengphet & Douglas D. Evanoff, 2010. "<B><A HREF="/a/aea/aecrev/v100y2010i2p495-500.html">Learning to Cope: Voluntary Financial Education and Loan Performance during a Housing Crisis</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/aea/aecrev.html">American Economic Review</A>, American Economic Association, vol. 100(2), pages 495-500, May. <LI class="list-group-item">repec:pri:rpdevs:gamespaper is not listed on IDEAS <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Robert Jensen, 2010. "<B><A HREF="/a/oup/qjecon/v125y2010i2p515-548..html">The (Perceived) Returns to Education and the Demand for Schooling</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/oup/qjecon.html">The Quarterly Journal of Economics</A>, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 125(2), pages 515-548. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Eric P. Bettinger & Bridget Terry Long & Philip Oreopoulos & Lisa Sanbonmatsu, 2012. "<B><A HREF="/a/oup/qjecon/v127y2012i3p1205-1242.html">The Role of Application Assistance and Information in College Decisions: Results from the H&R Block Fafsa Experiment</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/oup/qjecon.html">The Quarterly Journal of Economics</A>, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 127(3), pages 1205-1242. </ol> <A TARGET="_blank" HREF=""><B>Full references</B> <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></A> (including those not matched with items on IDEAS)<P> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="mrel" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="mrel-tab"> <h2>Most related items</H2> These are the items that most often cite the same works as this one and are cited by the same works as this one. <ol class="list-group"><LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Hastings, Justine S. & Neilson, Christopher A. & Ramirez, Anely & Zimmerman, Seth D., 2016. 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Evidence from College Admission Cutoffs in Chile</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/pri/econom.html">Working Papers</A> 2014-5, Princeton University. Economics Department.. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Lindsay C. Page & Judith Scott-Clayton, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/21781.html">Improving College Access in the United States: Barriers and Policy Responses</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 21781, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Christopher Neilson & Adam Altmejd & Andres Barrios-Fernandez & Marin Drlje & Dejan Kovac, 2019. "<B><A HREF="/p/pri/indrel/633.html">Siblings' Effects on College and Major Choices: Evidence from Chile, Croatia and Sweden</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/pri/indrel.html">Working Papers</A> 633, Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.. <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Andrews, Rodney J. & Imberman, Scott A. & Lovenheim, Michael F., 2020. 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"<B><A HREF="/p/iza/izadps/dp13343.html">Family Background and the Responses to Higher SAT Scores</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/iza/izadps.html">IZA Discussion Papers</A> 13343, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Graetz, Georg & Öckert, Björn & Nordström Skans, Oskar, 2020. "<B><A HREF="/p/hhs/ifauwp/2020_008.html">Family background and the responses to higher SAT scores</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/hhs/ifauwp.html">Working Paper Series</A> 2020:8, IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Eleanor Wiske Dillon & Jeffrey Andrew Smith, 2020. "<B><A HREF="/a/uwp/jhriss/v55y2020i3p767-808.html">The Consequences of Academic Match between Students and Colleges</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/uwp/jhriss.html">Journal of Human Resources</A>, University of Wisconsin Press, vol. 55(3), pages 767-808. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Dillon, Eleanor & Smith, Jeffrey A., 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/iza/izadps/dp9080.html">The Consequences of Academic Match between Students and Colleges</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/iza/izadps.html">IZA Discussion Papers</A> 9080, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Eleanor Wiske Dillon & Jeffrey A. Smith, 2018. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/25069.html">The Consequences of Academic Match between Students and Colleges</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 25069, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Eleanor Wiske Dillon & Jeffrey Andrew Smith, 2017. "<B><A HREF="/p/ces/ceswps/_6344.html">The Consequences of Academic Match between Students and Colleges</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/ces/ceswps.html">CESifo Working Paper Series</A> 6344, CESifo. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Dillon, Eleanor Wiske & Smith, Jeffrey A., 2016. "<B><A HREF="/p/zbw/clefwp/5.html">The consequences of academic match between students and colleges</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/zbw/clefwp.html">CLEF Working Paper Series</A> 5, Canadian Labour Economics Forum (CLEF), University of Waterloo. <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Eleanor Wiske Dillon & Jeffrey Smith, 2018. "<B><A HREF="/p/hka/wpaper/2018-060.html">The Consequences of Academic Match between Students and Colleges</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/hka/wpaper.html">Working Papers</A> 2018-060, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Peter Arcidiacono & Michael Lovenheim, 2016. "<B><A HREF="/a/aea/jeclit/v54y2016i1p3-51.html">Affirmative Action and the Quality-Fit Trade-Off</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/aea/jeclit.html">Journal of Economic Literature</A>, American Economic Association, vol. 54(1), pages 3-51, March. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Peter Arcidiacono & Michael Lovenheim, 2015. "<B><A HREF="/p/nbr/nberwo/20962.html">Affirmative Action and the Quality-Fit Tradeoff</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/nbr/nberwo.html">NBER Working Papers</A> 20962, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Busso, Matias & Dinkelman, Taryn & Claudia Martínez, A. & Romero, Dario, 2017. "<B><A HREF="/a/eee/labeco/v45y2017icp79-91.html">The effects of financial aid and returns information in selective and less selective schools: Experimental evidence from Chile</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/eee/labeco.html">Labour Economics</A>, Elsevier, vol. 45(C), pages 79-91. <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Busso, Matías & Dinkelman, Taryn & Martínez, Claudia & Romero, Dario, 2016. "<B><A HREF="/p/idb/brikps/7937.html">The Effects of Financial Aid and Returns Information in Selective and Less Selective Schools: Experimental Evidence from Chile</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/idb/brikps.html">IDB Publications (Working Papers)</A> 7937, Inter-American Development Bank. </UL></div> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Johannes S. Kunz & Kevin E. Staub, 2016. "<B><A HREF="/p/diw/diwsop/diw_sp878.html">Subjective Completion Beliefs and the Demand for Post-Secondary Education</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/diw/diwsop.html">SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research</A> 878, DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). <div class="otherversion"><UL> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Johannes S. Kunz & Kevin E. Staub, 2016. "<B><A HREF="/p/iso/educat/0120.html">Subjective completion beliefs and the demand for post-secondary education</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/iso/educat.html">Economics of Education Working Paper Series</A> 0120, University of Zurich, Department of Business Administration (IBW). <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Kunz, Johannes S. & Staub, Kevin E., 2016. "<B><A HREF="/p/iza/izadps/dp10344.html">Subjective Completion Beliefs and the Demand for Post-Secondary Education</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/iza/izadps.html">IZA Discussion Papers</A> 10344, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Johannes S. Kunz & Kevin E. Staub, 2016. "<B><A HREF="/p/zur/econwp/218.html">Subjective completion beliefs and the demand for post-secondary education</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/zur/econwp.html">ECON - Working Papers</A> 218, Department of Economics - University of Zurich. </UL></div> </ol> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="more" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="more-tab"> <H2> More about this item</H2><H3><A HREF="/j/">JEL</A> classification:</h3> <UL> <LI><A HREF="/j/H0.html"><B>H0</B></A> - Public Economics - - General</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/H52.html"><B>H52</B></A> - Public Economics - - National Government Expenditures and Related Policies - - - Government Expenditures and Education</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/I22.html"><B>I22</B></A> - Health, Education, and Welfare - - Education - - - Educational Finance; Financial Aid</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/I23.html"><B>I23</B></A> - Health, Education, and Welfare - - Education - - - Higher Education; Research Institutions</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/I24.html"><B>I24</B></A> - Health, Education, and Welfare - - Education - - - Education and Inequality</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/I26.html"><B>I26</B></A> - Health, Education, and Welfare - - Education - - - Returns to Education</LI> <LI><A HREF="/j/J3.html"><B>J3</B></A> - Labor and Demographic Economics - - Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs</LI> </UL><P> <h3>NEP fields</h3> This paper has been announced in the following <A HREF="">NEP Reports</A>: <UL><LI><A HREF="/n/nep-edu/2015-06-27.html">NEP-EDU-2015-06-27</A> (Education)</LI> <LI><A HREF="/n/nep-lma/2015-06-27.html">NEP-LMA-2015-06-27</A> (Labor Markets - Supply, Demand, and Wages)</LI> <LI><A HREF="/n/nep-pbe/2015-06-27.html">NEP-PBE-2015-06-27</A> (Public Economics)</LI> </UL> <h3>Statistics</h3> <A HREF="">Access and download statistics</A> </div> <!-- placeholder usernotes tab--> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="correct" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="correct-tab"> <h2>Corrections</H2> <P>All material on this site has been provided by the respective publishers and authors. 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