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You’ll read about our new, expanded Emergency Department, additional private patient rooms and the impressive Epstein Center for Behavioral Health, which represents our deep commitment to addressing mental health conditions that impact so many families we know. You’ll also read about our new outpatient facility in Lynn, designed to make it easy for residents in that community to access the care they use most, including urgent care, primary care, imaging and other services.&nbsp;</span></p> <br /> <a class="jump-link" href="/cmslibrary/nsmc/pdf/HealthyLife Fall pages not spreads 2019.pdf" target="_blank">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="news-items-list"> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href="/cmsLibrary/nsmc/pdf/HealthLife SpringSummer 2018_Final.pdf"> The Healthy Life Spring/Summer 2018 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This issue chronicles the dramatic rescue of a Danvers dog trainer treated at NSMC Salem Hospital and details the world-class care delivered by NSMC’s Vascular Center. The issue also features stories about the multimillion-dollar support that is bringing a behavioral health center and robotic surgery to NSMC, and the pediatrician who is taking the “ouch” out of emergency care. </span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href="/cmsLibrary/nsmc/pdf/HealthyLifeWinter2017.pdf"> The Healthy Life Winter 2017 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This issue features a Lynn man's highly successful weight loss through bariatric surgery he received at NSMC's Weight Management Program. It also includes a story about a North Reading mother of two who was successfully treated for breast cancer at the Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center, and how a lung cancer screening led to early detection and a positive outcome for a Marblehead resident.&nbsp;</span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href="/cmsLibrary/nsmc/pdf/HealthyLife SpringSummer16.pdf"> The Healthy Life Spring 2016 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This issue features a cover story on Dawn Cobak, an endurance athlete from Topsfield, who overcame severe muscle pain in her right calf thanks to trigger point injections. Other features include a story on a Peabody man who benefited from advanced fracture care at NSMC and a Danvers woman who has lost more than 100 pounds after having gastric sleeve surgery. Coverage of the North Shore Cancer WALK and other events are also included.</span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href=""> The Healthy Life Fall 2015 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This issue features a cover story on eight-year-old Haylei Lapointe of Salem who suffers from a rare neurological development disorder and has been able to build strength and mobility thanks to expert physical therapy at NSMC. Also included is a story on a Gloucester man who has benefited from Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at the Advanced Wound Center; an overview of NSMC’s plan to reconfigure services; and photos from the 25th anniversary North Shore Cancer WALK.</span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href=""> The Healthy Life Spring/Summer 2015 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This issue features a cover story on the 25th anniversary of the North Shore Cancer WALK, the largest single-day fundraising event on the North Shore. Also included is a feature on a Lynn general contractor who had hip replacement surgery at NSMC Union Hospital; a story about a Beverly father who has lost more than 70 pounds thanks to gastric sleeve surgery; photos from the annual Gourmet Gala fundraising event; and the annual leadership giving lists.</span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href=""> The Healthy Life Winter 2015 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This issue features a cover story on an Ipswich woman who discovered a lump in her breast during a self-exam and was successfully treated at the Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center. Also included is a feature on a Lynn patient treated at the NSMC Heart Center, an update on the recently renovated Special Care Nursery and a story on a teen who learned valuable life skills working with NSMC pediatricians and adolescent psychiatrists.</span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href="/cmsLibrary/nsmc/pdf/HealthyLifeFall2014a.pdf"> The Healthy Life Fall 2014 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This is the first combined issue of The Healthy Life and NSMC Giving. We have integrated these publications to better share our news about health and giving with a broader audience. This issue features a cover story on a Marblehead couple with deep roots at Salem Hospital who recently had their first child in the NSMC Birthplace. Also included are features on spinal lumbar surgery, low-dose CT lung cancer screenings and the Merry Mixers charitable organization.</span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href="/cmsLibrary/nsmc/pressroom/pressreleases/Giving Spring 2014.pdf"> nsmc Giving June 2014 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">In this issue, read about 2014 Cancer WALK co-chair Karen Krag, M.D., an oncologist at the Mass General/North Shore Center for Outpatient Care, who was treated for a malignant brain tumor in 2012. Also, a story on NSMC’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program for adults, children and teens. Other features include photos from the Gourmet Gala and an honor roll of donors.</span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href="/cmsLibrary/nsmc/pressroom/pressreleases/HealthyLifeSpring2014.pdf"> The Healthy Life Spring 2014 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This issue features a cover story on NSMC’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program, which has sessions for adults, teens and children. Also included is a story on a Marblehead woman who got a jump on her breast cancer diagnosis thanks to new 3-D tomosynthesis mammography, and a story on NSMC orthopedic surgeon Doug Peterson, M.D., who recently led a military medical unit in Afghanistan.</span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href=""> The Healthy Life Fall 2013 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This issue features a cover story on the recent announcement by NSMC and Partners HealthCare to improve care and coordination across a wide spectrum of health services north of Boston. Also included is a feature on North Shore Urgent Care, which opened in Danvers this past October, and a story about Nicole Smith, a Lynn mother who had a life-changing cardiac ablation procedure performed in the NSMC Heart Center.</span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href="/cmsLibrary/nsmc/pressroom/pressreleases/HealthyLife-Spring-2013.pdf"> The Healthy Life Spring 2013 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc"><span lang="EN">This issue features a cover story on a couple who, together, have lost more than 180 pounds thanks to </span><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)">sleeve gastrectomy surgery performed at NSMC</span><span lang="EN">. Also included is a story on twins who spent the first weeks of their lives receiving exceptional care in the NSMC Special Care Nursery and a story on a great grandmother who had successful valve replacement surgery in the .</span></span> </div> </div> <div class="press-item"> <div class="press-item-title3"> <a target="_blank" class="press-item-link3" href="/cmsLibrary/nsmc/pressroom/pressreleases/HealthyLife Winter 2013.pdf"> The Healthy Life Winter 2013 </a> <span> - </span><span class="press-item-short-desc">This issue features a cover story on a Marblehead teacher whose life has been restored by hip revision surgery. Also included are articles on the MDVIP program, a new approach to primary care medicine offered by North Shore Physicians Group, and shared medical appointments for diabetes patients. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- Right column --> <div class="content-right"> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- MAIN CONTENT AREA END --> <!-- MAIN CONTENT AREA END --> <!-- END PAGE CONTENT --> <!-- START MASTERPAGE FOOTER--> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <!-- #page-content --> <!-- FOOTER AREA --> <footer role="contentinfo"> <!-- footer notice banner --> <div id="footerModal" class="footer__notice modal" aria-controls="footerNoticeClose"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <table> <tr> <td><p><span id="cookieNotice"></span>We use cookies and other tools to enhance your experience on our website and to analyze our web traffic. 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