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Indeed, the university’s <a href="" target="_blank">Principles of Community</a> include respect, richness of diversity, and freedom from discrimination. Consequently, ISU is committed to assuring that its educational programs and activities and employment terms and conditions are free from unlawful discrimination and harassment on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and protected U.S. veteran status.</p><p>This policy and the accompanying procedures, applications, and guidance document (collectively referred to hereafter as the “policy”) defines discrimination, harassment, and other important terms; sets forth the services and resources available to individuals impacted by discrimination and harassment and/or involved in a complaint filed pursuant to this policy; and explains the internal administrative procedures the university uses to respond to reports of discrimination and harassment. As detailed in the policy, the university provides prompt, fair, and impartial resolution processes for complaints filed under this policy and, where appropriate, administers reasonable interim remedial measures. Individuals found responsible for violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including removal from the university. <a href="#top">top</a></p><h2><a id="polstmt" name="polstmt"></a>Policy Statement</h2><p>In accordance with federal and state law, Iowa State University (“ISU” or the “university”) does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and protected U.S. veteran status (collectively referred to as “Protected Status”) in its programs, activities, or employment.</p><p>This policy prohibits all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment based on Protected Status. In addition, this policy prohibits purposefully assisting in an act that violates this policy (i.e., complicity) and prohibits retaliation against any individual who in good faith participates in protected activity pursuant to this policy. This policy also provides for the prompt and equitable resolution of reports of discrimination, harassment, complicity, and retaliation. The university’s <a href="" target="_blank">Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)</a> is responsible for administering this policy on behalf of the university.</p><p>All ISU administration, supervisors, faculty, staff, and students are responsible for successfully completing the university’s annual non-discrimination, anti-harassment, and anti-retaliation training program. The training program is specifically designed for its target audience (e.g., students, staff, faculty, supervisors, etc.) and is intended to assist university community members in understanding this policy. </p><p>The university has a separate policy that governs concerns of Title IX sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. These concerns are governed by the university’s <a href="" target="_blank">Title IX Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking Policy</a>. Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to conflict, contradict, or supersede the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy with respect to conduct governed by that policy. The university also has a separate <a href="" target="_blank">Non-Retaliation Policy</a> that prohibits prohibited retaliation against persons who engage in protected activity. <a href="#top">top</a></p><h3><a id="scope" name="scope"></a>Scope of Policy</h3><p>This policy applies to all individuals affiliated with the university, including students, staff, faculty, applicants for admission to or employment with the university, and individuals participating or seeking to participate in university programs or activities. Vendors, independent contractors, visitors, and others who conduct business with the university or on university property are also governed by this policy, although the university’s ability to address conduct by third-parties may be more limited. In addition, recognized student and campus organizations are governed by this policy in accordance with the <a href="" target="_blank">Student Code of Conduct</a>. This policy applies to discrimination, harassment, complicity, and retaliation that occurs on-campus; during or at official university programs or activities (regardless of location); and off-campus conduct when the conduct unreasonably impacts a person’s employment or education with the university or ability to participate in or benefit from the university’s programs or activities. Even when the reported perpetrator of prohibited conduct is not within the university’s control, the university can provide reasonable resources and support to impacted parties, and where appropriate, refer complaints to other entities.</p><p>To promote timely and effective review and response to reports of prohibited conduct, the university strongly encourages individuals to come forward as soon as possible with their inquiries, reports, and complaints and to seek assistance from the university. Delays in reporting may impact the university’s ability to respond fully to the matter, including pursuing disciplinary action. Consistent with federal and state regulations governing the filing of complaints, the university may decline to investigate claims in which none of the alleged discrimination or harassing conduct occurred within the preceding 300 calendar days. <a href="#top">top</a></p><h3><a id="rro" name="rro"></a>Resources and Reporting Options</h3><p><strong class="policy-lib-strong">In an emergency call 911.</strong></p><p>The university offers a range of resources to students, staff, faculty, and third-parties dealing with incidents of discrimination and harassment. Individuals have options, including contacting and making a report with the <a href="" target="_blank">Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)</a>, contacting and making a report with an external governmental agency, and/or seeking assistance, services, and support from campus resources. These resources are detailed below and are identified as either campus reporting resources, confidential or campus confidential resources, or external reporting resources. </p><p>With respect to the university’s processes and resources related to reports of discrimination and harassment, it is important to consider the related issues of privacy and confidentiality. While these terms sound similar, they are distinct concepts. It is also important to understand the different reporting responsibilities that university employees and resources have. While all employees and resources are committed to respecting the privacy of all individuals involved in reports of possible policy violations, only certain specifically identified resources are able to discuss concerns of discrimination and harassment confidentially (i.e., without notifying the Office of Equal Opportunity). Additional information regarding privacy and confidentiality may be found in the online <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Procedures, Applications, and Guidelines document</a></strong>. <a href="#top">top</a></p><h4><a id="crr" name="crr"></a>Campus Reporting Resources </h4><p>Individuals who wish to put the university on notice of potential violations of this policy should contact ISU’s <a href="" target="_blank">Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)</a>. The university encourages all individuals to report potential incidents of discrimination and harassment to OEO. <strong>Supervisory employees</strong> (i.e., any ISU staff or faculty member who supervises another employee) are <em><strong>required</strong></em> to contact OEO when they become aware of potential violations of this policy. In addition, all ISU <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Responsible Employees</a></strong> are responsible for contacting OEO when they become aware of potential violations of this policy. </p><p>Individuals can make a report and/or seek guidance from OEO in person, by telephone, or by email at:</p><p class="rteindent1"><strong>Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)</strong><br />Coordinates the university’s comprehensive response to reports of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on the basis of Protected Status<br />3410 Beardshear Hall<br />Telephone: 515-294-7612<br />Hotline: 515-294-1222<br />Email: <br />Website: </p><p>Individuals wishing to remain anonymous can make a report through OEO’s hotline at 515-294-1222, or through an anonymous email account to, or by submitting a report through the university’s Compliance and Ethics Online Hotline. It is important to note that electing to remain anonymous may greatly limit the university’s ability to stop the reported conduct, collect evidence, and take effective remedial action against individuals or organizations accused of violating this policy.  <a href="#top">top</a></p><h4><a id="cssr" name="cssr"></a>Campus Support and Services Resources</h4><p>The <a href="" target="_blank">Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)</a> has primary responsibility for administering this policy and overseeing the response, investigation, and resolution of reports of discrimination and harassment. As such, reports and concerns of discrimination and harassment should be directed to OEO. The campus resources listed below are available to provide assistance and support to individuals potentially impacted by discrimination and harassment. </p><h5 class="rteindent1"><em><strong>Confidential and Campus Confidential Resources</strong></em></h5><p class="rteindent1">Confidential resources are identified as “confidential” or “campus confidential” below. Confidential and campus confidential resources enable individuals to learn more about the process and/or seek assistance without initiating a formal or informal complaint. Confidential and campus confidential resources are not required to notify OEO of reports of discrimination or harassment that they receive. Importantly, speaking with a confidential or campus confidential resource does not initiate an investigation and will not, without additional action by the reporting party, result in intervention or corrective action. However, upon written request from the reporting party, confidential resources may notify OEO and/or assist the reporting party in notifying OEO.  <a href="#top">top</a></p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Employee Assistance Program</strong> (confidential resource)<br /><em>EAP counselors are available to discuss any life situation that causes university employees concern, with the goal of aiding personal and professional growth</em><br />505 Fifth Avenue, Suite 600<br />Des Moines, IA 50309<br />Tel. 800-327-4692 or 877-542-6488 (TTY); Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Ombuds Office</strong> (confidential resource <em>except</em> for sexual harassment related concerns)<br /><em>Assists faculty and staff (including graduate student employees) with work-related, academic, and/or administrative concerns, including interpersonal conflicts</em><br />Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />Tel. 617-895-4026</p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Student Counseling Services</strong> (confidential resource)<br /><em>Provides counseling and mental health services to ISU students free of charge </em><br />Student Services Building, Third Floor<br />Tel. 515-294-5056; Website: </p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Student Legal Services</strong> (confidential resource)<br />Provides legal advice and assistance to students in a variety of areas. Not able to represent students in controversies involving the university or other ISU students, but may help students connect to other resources<br />Memorial Union, Office 0367<br />Tel. 515-294-0978; Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Thielen Student Health Center </strong>(confidential resource)<br /><em>Provides general medical treatment and psychiatry services to ISU students</em><br />2647 Union Drive, Iowa State University <br />Tel. 515-294-5801; Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Center for LGBTQIA+ Student Success </strong>(campus confidential resource)<br /><em>Provides programs, services, referrals and resources focused on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression for ISU students</em><br />Student Services Building, Office 1064<br />Tel. 515-294-5433; Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Margaret Sloss Center for Women and Gender Equity</strong> (campus confidential resource)<br /><em>Provides support and information through educational outreach, appropriate referral services, and a safe space for the university community </em><br />Sloss House on the ISU Campus<br />Tel. 515-294-4154; Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><h5 class="rteindent1"><em><strong>Non-Confidential Resources </strong></em></h5><p class="rteindent1">Information about or assistance with discrimination and harassment issues may be obtained from a variety of university resources. Prior to or concurrent with initiating a complaint, individuals may find it helpful to seek assistance from these resources. The following offices can provide advice and support to individuals who believe they are experiencing discrimination or harassment. The resources listed below will respect an individual’s privacy but are not confidential or campus confidential, meaning they are required to notify OEO of reports of discrimination and harassment that they receive. <a href="#top">top</a></p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>ISU Police Department</strong> (respects privacy but not confidential)<br /><em>Assistance in emergency situations, help in investigating criminal charges, and assistance in navigating the criminal process </em><br />Armory Building, Room 55<br />Emergencies: 911<br />Tel. 515-294-4428; Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Office of Student Assistance</strong> (respects privacy but not confidential)<br /><em>Provides assistance in navigating processes and procedures at the university, and helps administer support and resources to students</em> <br />1010 Student Services Building, First Floor<br />Tel. 515-294-1020<br />Email: <a href=" "> </a><br />Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Office of Student Conduct</strong> (respects privacy but not confidential)<br /><em>Provides information on the student code of conduct and adjudication processes, and information regarding restricted contact notices </em><br />1010 Student Services Building, First Floor<br />Tel. 515-294-1020; Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>Student Accessibility Services</strong> (respects privacy but not confidential)<br /><em>Supports students with disabilities and promotes equal access to education and university life. Administers the university’s procedures for providing reasonable academic accommodation for qualified students with disabilities </em><br />1076 Student Services Building, First Floor<br />Tel. 515-294-7220<br />Email: <a href=""></a>; Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </p><p class="rteindent2"><strong>University Human Resources </strong>(respects privacy but not confidential)<br /><em>Assists employees and units with questions, conflicts, and issues that arise in the workplace. Administers the university’s procedures for providing reasonable workplace accommodation for qualified individuals with disabilities </em><br />3810 Beardshear Hall<br />Tel. 515-294-4800 or 877-477-7485; E-mail: <a href=""></a></p><h4><a id="external" name="external"></a>External Resources</h4><p>External anti-discrimination and anti-harassment resources are also available. These external agencies include:</p><p class="rteindent1"><strong>Iowa Civil Rights Commission (ICRC)</strong><br /><em>Enforces the Iowa Civil Rights Act which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, age, creed, national origin, color, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability or religion</em><br />400 E. 14th Street, Grimes Building<br />Des Moines, Iowa 50319<br />Tel. (515) 281-4121, 1-800-457-4416<br />Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p class="rteindent1"><strong>Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)</strong><br /><em>Enforces federal laws that prohibit discrimination against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information</em><br />500 West Madison St., Suite 2000<br />Chicago, Illinois 60662<br />Tel. 1-800-669-4000 or 312-869-8001 (TDD)<br />Website: <a href=""></a><br />Email: <a href=""></a></p><p class="rteindent1"><strong>Office for Civil Rights – U.S. Department of Education (OCR)</strong><br /><em>Enforces federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education</em><br />500 West Madison St., Suite 1475<br />Chicago, Illinois 60661<br />Tel. 312-730-1560 or 1-800-877-8339 (TDD)<br />Email: <a href=""></a> </p><h3><a id="proc" name="proc"></a>Procedures, Applications, and Guidance</h3><p>For important guidelines and procedures on the application of the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, see the online <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Procedures, Applications, and Guidance document</a></strong>.<a id="resources" name="resources"></a> <a href="#top">top</a></p> <h2>Resources</h2> <div class="item-list"><h3>Links</h3><ul><li class="first"><a href="" target="_blank">Discrimination and Harassment website</a></li> <li><a href=",students%2C%20faculty%2C%20and%20staff." target="_blank">Religious Accommodation Statement</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Student Accessibility Services (SAS) - Accommodations</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Title IX Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Student Code of Conduct, §5 Prohibited Conduct</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Conduct Policy - Faculty (FHB 7)</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">University Catalog - Appeal of Academic Grievances</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Grievance Procedures, Faculty (FHB 9)</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Grievance Policy, Undergraduate Student-Employees</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Non-Retaliation Policy </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Dean of Students Office </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Student Counseling Service </a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Office of Equal Opportunity</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Employee and Family Resources; Employee Assistance Program</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">University Human Resources [UHR] </a></li> <li class="last"><a href="" target="_blank">Women's Center </a></li> </ul></div> <div class="item-list"><h3>Files</h3><ul><li class="first"><a href="" target="_blank">Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment [Policy in PDF]</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Procedures, Applications, and Guidance: Non-Discrimination Policy 2024-02-17 [PDF]</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="" target="_blank">Discrimination and Harassment PRIOR VERSION 2019-10-15 [PDF]</a></li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wd-l-Footer"> <div class="wd-l-Footer-inner"> <div class="wd-l-PageFooter" id="footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="wd-l-PageFooter-inner"> <div class="wd-Grid wd-Grid--fitToFill wd-Grid--noGutter"> <div class="wd-Grid-cell wd-Grid-cell--1"> <div class="wd-l-PageFooter-nameplate"> <a class="wd-Nameplate" href="/"> <img alt="Iowa State University" src="/sites/all/themes/iastate_theme/img/sprite.png"/> </a> </div> </div> <div class="wd-Grid-cell wd-Grid-cell--2"> <div class="wd-l-PageFooter-content"> <div class="region region-footer"> <div id="block-block-1" class="block block-block"> <div class="content"> <p>Copyright © 1995-2024, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. 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