Frequently asked questions — How do I transfer a domain from one holder to another?
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Fill in the contact info for the new holder and submit the order.</li> <li>When both the new and the old holder have confirmed the holder change, the domain will be transferred to the new holder. Both parties will receive a receipt by email when the holder change is complete, and the new administrator of the domain may then log into the control panel and verify that all contact information is correct. It is of particular importance to verify that the billing address is correct after the holder change has been completed. </li> </ol> <b>NB!</b> Holder change for .no, .dk, and .be domains will incur a charge equal to one yearly fee. For .no and .be domains, the new expiry date of the domain will be one year after the holder change has completed. Holder change for .se/.fi/.eu/.de/.fr/.it/.at/.ch/.li domains is free of charge, and will not affect the expiry date of the domain. </p> <A NAME="uk"></A> <H2>.uk</H2> <p> For <b>.uk</b> domains, please use the following procedure to change holder: </p> <ol> <li>Log in to "My account" at <a href="/login" target="_blank"></a>, select the domain from the list under "My domains", and click on "Edit contact info". Write down the email address for the current registrant of the domain.</li> <li>Log in at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. If you do not know your username and password with Nominet, click on "Forgotten password?" and then ""RE-ESTABLISH YOUR IDENTITY"" at the bottom of the page.</li> <li>Order a change of holder in Nominet's system. This is done by checking the checkbox next to the domain to be transferred in your domain list and then clicking on "Transfer domain" at the bottom of the page. Follow the instructions step by step.</li> <li>When the holder change has completed, you will see in WHOIS that the domain has been transferred, and you may then <a href="faq?id=165">change the billing contact</a> for the domain if necessary.</li> <li>If the domain is to be managed by another user after the transfer is completed, go to "Move domain to another account" and enter the email address of the new administrator.</li> </ol> </p> <a name="is"></a> <h2>.is</h2> <p> For <b>.is</b> domains, please use the following procedure to change holder: </p> <ol> <li>Look up the domain in WHOIS on <a href="/whois" target="_blank"></a> and make a note of the username (NIC-handle) that follows after "registrant:". This is on the form XXXX-IS.</li> <li>Log in at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> with the username from WHOIS and the corresponding password (click on "Lost password" if necessary).</li> <li>Under "My domains", select the appropriate domain and click on "Registrant Transfer". Follow the instructions. If the new holder already has a NIC-handle with ISNIC you can use this. If not, then you must first create a new handle on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </li> <li>When both new and old holder have confirmed the change, you will see in WHOIS that the domain has been transfered, and you may then <a href="faq?id=165">change blilling contact</a> for the domain if necessary.</li> <li>If the domain is to be managed by another user after the transfer is completed, go to "Move domain to another account" and enter the email address of the new administrator.</li> </ol> </p> <A NAME="es"></A> <H2>.es</H2> <p> For <b>.es</b> domains, please use the following procedure to change holder: </p> <ol> <li>Log in to "My account" at <a href="/login" target="_blank"></a>, select the domain from the list under "My domains" and click on "Edit contact info". Make a note of the username to the right of " handle:". This should be on the form XXXXXX-ESNIC-XX.</li> <li>Log in at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> with your handle and follow the instructions there. Use the lost password function if necessary to reset the password.</li> <li>Notify us that you have ordered a holder change, so that we can confirm the change to When the holder change has completed, you will see in WHOIS that the domain has been transfered, and you may then <a href="faq?id=165">change blilling contact</a> for the domain if necessary.</li> <li>If the domain is to be managed by another user after the transfer is completed, go to "Move domain to another account" and enter the email address of the new administrator.</li> </ol> </p> <A NAME="pt"></A> <H2>.pt</H2> <p> For <b>.pt</b> domains, please use the following procedure to change holder: </p> <ol> <li>Log in to "My account" at <a href="/login" target="_blank"></a>, select the domain from the list under "My domains" and click on "Edit contact info". Make a note of the username to the right of " handle:". This should be on the form XXXX-DDDDDD-ADNS.</li> <li>Log in at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> with your handle and follow the instructions there. Use the lost password function if necessary to reset the password.</li> <li>Notify us that you have ordered a holder change, so that we can synchronize our database with When the holder change has completed, you will see in WHOIS that the domain has been transfered, and you may then <a href="faq?id=165">change blilling contact</a> for the domain if necessary.</li> <li>If the domain is to be managed by another user after the transfer is completed, go to "Move domain to another account" and enter the email address of the new administrator.</li> </ol> </p> <A NAME="us"></A> <H2>gTLD and .us domains</H2> <p> For <b>.us</b> domains and generic top-level domains (<b>.com/.org/.net</b>, etc.), please use the following procedure to change holder:</p> <ol> <li>Log in to "My account" on <a href="/login" target="_blank"></a>, select the domain from the list under "My domains" and click on "Edit contact info".</li> <li>Click on "Change owner" to the right on the page. Fill in the contact info for the new holder and submit the order.</li> <li>When both the new and the old holder have confirmed the change, the domain will be transferred to the new holder. Both parties will receive confirmation by email when the change is complete, and the new administrator may then log in to the control panel and verify that all the contact information for the domain is correct. It is of particular importance to verify that the billing address is correct after the holder change has been completed.</li> </ol> <b>NB!</b> If the email address for the old holder is no longer valid, the account administrator for the domain will be given the opportunity to confirm the holder change on behalf of the old holder, but not before 5 days have passed since the holder change was ordered. </p> <A NAME="other"></A> <H2>Other domain names</H2> <p> For other domains where the yearly renewal fee is paid through Domainnameshop, you may change the holder directly from "My account" at <a href="/login"></a>. Log in with your username and password, select the appropriate domain and then click on "Edit contact info". If the domain is to be managed by another user after the transfer is completed, go to "Move domain to another account" and enter the email address of the new administrator.</p></div> </div> <h2 id="seealso">See also:</h2> <div style="width: 1px; height: 10px; margin: 0; padding: 0; clear: both;"></div> <div class="FaqEntry"><a href="">How do I change the invoice recipient?</a><br> </div><div class="FaqEntry"><a href=""></a><br> </div><div style="width: 1px; height: 10px; margin: 0; padding: 0; clear: both;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="Push"></div> </div> <div class="BottomMenu"> <div style="max-width: 1024px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <div class="BottomMenuContainer"> <table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=8> <tr><td width=50% valign=top><big><a href="">Domain name</a></big><br> <a href="">Read more / order</a><br> <a href="">Transfer to us</a><br> <a href="">Change owner</a><br> <a href="">Expired domains</a><br> <a href="">Domain name watch</a><br> <a href="">Whois search</a></td><td width=50% valign=top><big><a href="">Email</a></big><br> <a href="">Read more / order</a><br> <a href="§ion=13">Email configuration</a><br> <a href="">Email FAQ</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Webmail</a></td></tr> </table> </div> <div class="BottomMenuContainer"> <table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=8> <tr><td width=50% valign=top><big><a href="">Web hosting</a></big><br> <a href="">Read more / order</a><br> <a href="">Get started</a><br> <a href="">Install Joomla</a><br> <a href="">Install WordPress</a><br> </td><td width=50% valign=top><big><a href="">Help</a></big><br> <a href="">Frequently asked questions</a><br> <a href="">Contact us</a><br> <a href="">Service announcements</a><br> <a href="">Sign up</a><br> <a href="">Price list</a></td></tr> </table> </div> <div class="BottomMenuFooter"><a href=""><div class="BottomMenuContactUs"><img src="/png/picts/mail-white.png" border=0 style="height: 30px; vertical-align: middle;"> support<span>@</span></div></a><a href=""><div class="BottomMenuContactUs"><img src="/png/picts/phone-white.png" border=0 style="height: 30px; vertical-align: middle;"> +47 2294 3333 (08-17)</div></a><div class="BottomMenuContactUs"><a href="/rss/en/news.rdf" target="_blank"><img src="/png/picts/rss-white.png" border=0 style="height: 30px; vertical-align: middle;"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/png/picts/facebook-white.png" border=0 style="height: 30px; vertical-align: middle;"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/png/picts/x-white.png" border=0 style="height: 30px; vertical-align: middle;"></a> </div></div><div class="BottomMenuFooter" style="width: 59%;">© 2024 Domeneshop AS · <a href="">About us</a> · <a href="">Terms</a> · <a href="">Privacy policy</a></div> <script src="/js/chat-en.js"></script> </div> </div> <script src="/ie/placeholder.js"></script> </body> </html>