Press Releases - American Federation for Aging Research
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3.11,0.28 4.27,0.85 1.16,0.57 2.1,1.33 2.82,2.32 0.72,0.98 1.24,2.13 1.56,3.45 0.32,1.32 0.47,2.74 0.47,4.25 v 15.08 h -6.33 v -14.34 c 0,-0.77 -0.07,-1.52 -0.21,-2.24 -0.14,-0.72 -0.39,-1.35 -0.74,-1.9 -0.35,-0.55 -0.83,-0.97 -1.42,-1.29 -0.6,-0.32 -1.37,-0.48 -2.32,-0.48 -0.98,0 -1.82,0.18 -2.5,0.55 -0.68,0.37 -1.25,0.86 -1.69,1.48 -0.44,0.62 -0.76,1.32 -0.95,2.11 -0.19,0.79 -0.29,1.59 -0.29,2.4 v 13.71 h -6.33 v -15.08 c 0,-1.58 -0.33,-2.84 -1,-3.77 -0.67,-0.93 -1.77,-1.4 -3.32,-1.4 -1.06,0 -1.94,0.18 -2.66,0.53 -0.72,0.35 -1.32,0.83 -1.79,1.42 -0.47,0.6 -0.82,1.28 -1.03,2.06 -0.21,0.78 -0.32,1.58 -0.32,2.43 v 13.82 h -6.33 v -25.33 z" id="path18" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 239.22,576.12 c 0.21,1.9 0.95,3.37 2.22,4.43 1.26,1.06 2.79,1.58 4.59,1.58 1.58,0 2.91,-0.33 3.98,-0.98 1.07,-0.65 2.01,-1.46 2.82,-2.45 l 4.54,3.43 c -1.48,1.83 -3.13,3.13 -4.96,3.9 -1.83,0.77 -3.74,1.16 -5.75,1.16 -1.9,0 -3.69,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 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0.34,2.45 0.03,0.79 0.05,1.49 0.05,2.09 v 14.55 h -5.7 v -3.47 z m -0.36,-7.86 h -1.32 c -0.88,0 -1.86,0.03 -2.96,0.11 -1.09,0.07 -2.12,0.24 -3.08,0.5 -0.97,0.27 -1.79,0.65 -2.45,1.16 -0.67,0.51 -1,1.22 -1,2.13 0,0.6 0.13,1.1 0.39,1.51 0.26,0.4 0.61,0.75 1.03,1.03 0.42,0.28 0.9,0.49 1.42,0.61 0.53,0.12 1.05,0.18 1.58,0.18 2.18,0 3.79,-0.52 4.83,-1.56 1.04,-1.03 1.56,-2.45 1.56,-4.24 z" id="path28" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 352.4,561.25 h 6.01 v 4.06 h 0.11 c 0.6,-1.27 1.51,-2.36 2.74,-3.3 1.23,-0.93 2.9,-1.4 5.01,-1.4 1.69,0 3.12,0.28 4.3,0.85 1.18,0.56 2.14,1.3 2.87,2.21 0.74,0.91 1.27,1.97 1.58,3.16 0.32,1.2 0.47,2.45 0.47,3.75 v 15.98 h -6.33 v -12.82 c 0,-0.7 -0.03,-1.49 -0.11,-2.35 -0.07,-0.86 -0.26,-1.67 -0.55,-2.43 -0.3,-0.76 -0.76,-1.39 -1.4,-1.9 -0.63,-0.51 -1.5,-0.77 -2.58,-0.77 -1.06,0 -1.94,0.18 -2.66,0.53 -0.72,0.35 -1.32,0.83 -1.79,1.42 -0.47,0.6 -0.82,1.28 -1.03,2.06 -0.21,0.78 -0.32,1.58 -0.32,2.43 v 13.82 h -6.33 v -25.3 z" id="path30" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 403.19,566.63 h -5.22 v -5.38 h 5.22 v -3.59 c 0,-1.76 0.12,-3.35 0.37,-4.77 0.24,-1.42 0.71,-2.64 1.4,-3.67 0.69,-1.02 1.64,-1.8 2.88,-2.35 1.23,-0.55 2.83,-0.82 4.8,-0.82 1.44,0 2.78,0.12 4.01,0.37 l -0.42,5.38 c -0.46,-0.1 -0.9,-0.19 -1.32,-0.26 -0.42,-0.07 -0.86,-0.11 -1.32,-0.11 -0.88,0 -1.58,0.14 -2.11,0.42 -0.53,0.28 -0.94,0.66 -1.24,1.14 -0.3,0.47 -0.49,1.03 -0.58,1.66 -0.09,0.63 -0.13,1.3 -0.13,2 v 4.59 h 5.85 v 5.38 h -5.85 v 19.94 h -6.33 v -19.93 z" id="path32" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 424.55,576.12 c 0.21,1.9 0.95,3.37 2.22,4.43 1.26,1.06 2.79,1.58 4.59,1.58 1.58,0 2.91,-0.33 3.98,-0.98 1.07,-0.65 2.01,-1.46 2.82,-2.45 l 4.54,3.43 c -1.48,1.83 -3.13,3.13 -4.96,3.9 -1.83,0.77 -3.74,1.16 -5.75,1.16 -1.9,0 -3.69,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.64 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 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0.91,0.42 1.95,0.63 3.11,0.63 1.16,0 2.2,-0.21 3.11,-0.63 0.91,-0.42 1.7,-0.98 2.35,-1.69 0.65,-0.7 1.14,-1.51 1.48,-2.43 0.33,-0.91 0.5,-1.86 0.5,-2.85 0,-0.98 -0.17,-1.94 -0.5,-2.85 -0.33,-0.91 -0.83,-1.72 -1.48,-2.42 -0.65,-0.7 -1.43,-1.27 -2.35,-1.69 -0.91,-0.42 -1.95,-0.64 -3.11,-0.64 -1.16,0 -2.2,0.21 -3.11,0.64 -0.91,0.42 -1.7,0.98 -2.35,1.69 -0.65,0.7 -1.14,1.51 -1.47,2.42 -0.34,0.91 -0.5,1.86 -0.5,2.85 z" id="path36" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 488.05,576.12 c 0.21,1.9 0.95,3.37 2.21,4.43 1.26,1.06 2.79,1.58 4.59,1.58 1.58,0 2.91,-0.33 3.98,-0.98 1.07,-0.65 2.01,-1.46 2.82,-2.45 l 4.54,3.43 c -1.48,1.83 -3.13,3.13 -4.96,3.9 -1.83,0.77 -3.74,1.16 -5.75,1.16 -1.9,0 -3.7,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.64 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 4.38,-2.69 1.69,-0.63 3.48,-0.95 5.38,-0.95 1.76,0 3.36,0.31 4.82,0.92 1.46,0.62 2.71,1.51 3.74,2.67 1.04,1.16 1.85,2.59 2.43,4.3 0.58,1.71 0.87,3.67 0.87,5.88 v 1.74 z m 12.98,-4.75 c -0.03,-1.86 -0.62,-3.33 -1.74,-4.4 -1.12,-1.07 -2.69,-1.61 -4.69,-1.61 -1.9,0 -3.4,0.55 -4.51,1.64 -1.11,1.09 -1.79,2.55 -2.03,4.38 h 12.97 z" id="path38" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 513.26,561.25 h 6.33 v 4.01 h 0.1 c 0.7,-1.48 1.71,-2.62 3.01,-3.43 1.3,-0.81 2.79,-1.21 4.48,-1.21 0.39,0 0.77,0.04 1.14,0.11 0.37,0.07 0.75,0.16 1.13,0.26 v 6.12 c -0.53,-0.14 -1.05,-0.26 -1.56,-0.34 -0.51,-0.09 -1.01,-0.13 -1.5,-0.13 -1.48,0 -2.66,0.27 -3.56,0.82 -0.9,0.55 -1.58,1.17 -2.06,1.87 -0.47,0.7 -0.79,1.41 -0.95,2.11 -0.16,0.7 -0.24,1.23 -0.24,1.58 v 13.55 h -6.33 v -25.32 z" id="path40" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 549.6,583.08 h -0.16 c -0.91,1.44 -2.08,2.49 -3.48,3.14 -1.41,0.65 -2.95,0.97 -4.64,0.97 -1.16,0 -2.3,-0.15 -3.4,-0.47 -1.11,-0.32 -2.09,-0.79 -2.95,-1.42 -0.86,-0.63 -1.56,-1.42 -2.09,-2.37 -0.52,-0.95 -0.79,-2.06 -0.79,-3.32 0,-1.37 0.24,-2.54 0.74,-3.51 0.49,-0.97 1.15,-1.78 1.98,-2.43 0.82,-0.65 1.79,-1.17 2.88,-1.56 1.09,-0.39 2.22,-0.68 3.4,-0.87 1.18,-0.19 2.36,-0.31 3.56,-0.37 1.19,-0.05 2.32,-0.08 3.37,-0.08 h 1.58 v -0.69 c 0,-1.58 -0.55,-2.77 -1.64,-3.56 -1.09,-0.79 -2.48,-1.19 -4.17,-1.19 -1.33,0 -2.58,0.24 -3.74,0.71 -1.16,0.48 -2.16,1.12 -3.01,1.93 l -3.32,-3.33 c 1.41,-1.44 3.05,-2.48 4.93,-3.11 1.88,-0.63 3.82,-0.95 5.83,-0.95 1.79,0 3.3,0.21 4.54,0.61 1.23,0.4 2.25,0.92 3.06,1.55 0.81,0.64 1.43,1.36 1.87,2.19 0.44,0.83 0.76,1.66 0.95,2.51 0.19,0.84 0.3,1.66 0.34,2.45 0.03,0.79 0.05,1.49 0.05,2.09 v 14.55 h -5.7 v -3.47 z m -0.37,-7.86 h -1.32 c -0.88,0 -1.87,0.03 -2.96,0.11 -1.09,0.07 -2.12,0.24 -3.08,0.5 -0.97,0.27 -1.79,0.65 -2.46,1.16 -0.67,0.51 -1,1.22 -1,2.13 0,0.6 0.13,1.1 0.39,1.51 0.26,0.4 0.61,0.75 1.03,1.03 0.42,0.28 0.9,0.49 1.42,0.61 0.53,0.12 1.06,0.18 1.58,0.18 2.18,0 3.79,-0.52 4.82,-1.56 1.04,-1.03 1.56,-2.45 1.56,-4.24 v -1.43 z" id="path42" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 559.15,566.63 v -5.38 h 5.22 v -7.33 h 6.33 v 7.33 h 6.96 v 5.38 h -6.96 v 11.08 c 0,1.27 0.24,2.27 0.71,3 0.47,0.74 1.41,1.11 2.82,1.11 0.56,0 1.18,-0.06 1.85,-0.18 0.67,-0.12 1.2,-0.33 1.58,-0.61 v 5.33 c -0.67,0.32 -1.49,0.54 -2.46,0.66 -0.97,0.12 -1.82,0.18 -2.56,0.18 -1.69,0 -3.06,-0.18 -4.14,-0.55 -1.07,-0.37 -1.92,-0.93 -2.53,-1.69 -0.61,-0.76 -1.04,-1.7 -1.27,-2.82 -0.23,-1.12 -0.34,-2.42 -0.34,-3.91 v -11.6 z" id="path44" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 581.88,552.65 c 0,-1.02 0.37,-1.91 1.13,-2.67 0.76,-0.76 1.71,-1.13 2.87,-1.13 1.16,0 2.14,0.36 2.93,1.08 0.79,0.72 1.19,1.63 1.19,2.72 0,1.09 -0.39,2 -1.19,2.72 -0.79,0.72 -1.76,1.08 -2.93,1.08 -1.16,0 -2.12,-0.38 -2.87,-1.14 -0.76,-0.75 -1.13,-1.64 -1.13,-2.66 z m 0.89,8.6 h 6.33 v 25.31 h -6.33 z" id="path46" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 595.11,573.91 c 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 4.38,-2.69 1.69,-0.63 3.48,-0.95 5.38,-0.95 1.9,0 3.69,0.32 5.38,0.95 1.69,0.64 3.15,1.53 4.38,2.69 1.23,1.16 2.21,2.56 2.93,4.19 0.72,1.64 1.08,3.46 1.08,5.46 0,2 -0.36,3.82 -1.08,5.46 -0.72,1.64 -1.7,3.03 -2.93,4.19 -1.23,1.16 -2.69,2.06 -4.38,2.69 -1.69,0.64 -3.48,0.95 -5.38,0.95 -1.9,0 -3.69,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.63 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 z m 6.33,0 c 0,0.98 0.17,1.94 0.5,2.85 0.33,0.92 0.83,1.73 1.48,2.43 0.65,0.7 1.43,1.27 2.35,1.69 0.91,0.42 1.95,0.63 3.11,0.63 1.16,0 2.2,-0.21 3.11,-0.63 0.91,-0.42 1.7,-0.98 2.35,-1.69 0.65,-0.7 1.14,-1.51 1.48,-2.43 0.33,-0.91 0.5,-1.86 0.5,-2.85 0,-0.98 -0.17,-1.94 -0.5,-2.85 -0.33,-0.91 -0.83,-1.72 -1.48,-2.42 -0.65,-0.7 -1.43,-1.27 -2.35,-1.69 -0.91,-0.42 -1.95,-0.64 -3.11,-0.64 -1.16,0 -2.2,0.21 -3.11,0.64 -0.91,0.42 -1.7,0.98 -2.35,1.69 -0.65,0.7 -1.14,1.51 -1.48,2.42 -0.34,0.91 -0.5,1.86 -0.5,2.85 z" id="path48" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 628.55,561.25 h 6.01 v 4.06 h 0.11 c 0.6,-1.27 1.51,-2.36 2.74,-3.3 1.23,-0.93 2.9,-1.4 5.01,-1.4 1.69,0 3.12,0.28 4.3,0.85 1.18,0.56 2.13,1.3 2.87,2.21 0.74,0.91 1.27,1.97 1.58,3.16 0.32,1.2 0.47,2.45 0.47,3.75 v 15.98 h -6.33 v -12.82 c 0,-0.7 -0.03,-1.49 -0.11,-2.35 -0.07,-0.86 -0.25,-1.67 -0.55,-2.43 -0.3,-0.76 -0.76,-1.39 -1.39,-1.9 -0.64,-0.51 -1.5,-0.77 -2.58,-0.77 -1.06,0 -1.94,0.18 -2.67,0.53 -0.72,0.35 -1.32,0.83 -1.79,1.42 -0.47,0.6 -0.82,1.28 -1.03,2.06 -0.21,0.78 -0.32,1.58 -0.32,2.43 v 13.82 h -6.33 v -25.3 z" id="path50" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 679.34,566.63 h -5.22 v -5.38 h 5.22 v -3.59 c 0,-1.76 0.12,-3.35 0.37,-4.77 0.24,-1.42 0.71,-2.64 1.4,-3.67 0.69,-1.02 1.64,-1.8 2.88,-2.35 1.23,-0.55 2.83,-0.82 4.8,-0.82 1.44,0 2.78,0.12 4.01,0.37 l -0.42,5.38 c -0.45,-0.1 -0.9,-0.19 -1.32,-0.26 -0.42,-0.07 -0.86,-0.11 -1.32,-0.11 -0.88,0 -1.58,0.14 -2.11,0.42 -0.52,0.28 -0.94,0.66 -1.24,1.14 -0.3,0.47 -0.49,1.03 -0.58,1.66 -0.09,0.63 -0.13,1.3 -0.13,2 v 4.59 h 5.85 v 5.38 h -5.85 v 19.94 h -6.33 v -19.93 z" id="path52" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 694.37,573.91 c 0,-2 0.36,-3.82 1.08,-5.46 0.72,-1.64 1.7,-3.03 2.93,-4.19 1.23,-1.16 2.69,-2.06 4.38,-2.69 1.69,-0.63 3.48,-0.95 5.38,-0.95 1.9,0 3.69,0.32 5.38,0.95 1.69,0.64 3.15,1.53 4.38,2.69 1.23,1.16 2.21,2.56 2.93,4.19 0.72,1.63 1.08,3.46 1.08,5.46 0,2 -0.36,3.82 -1.08,5.46 -0.72,1.64 -1.7,3.03 -2.93,4.19 -1.23,1.16 -2.69,2.06 -4.38,2.69 -1.69,0.64 -3.48,0.95 -5.38,0.95 -1.9,0 -3.7,-0.31 -5.38,-0.95 -1.69,-0.63 -3.15,-1.53 -4.38,-2.69 -1.23,-1.16 -2.21,-2.56 -2.93,-4.19 -0.72,-1.63 -1.08,-3.46 -1.08,-5.46 z m 6.33,0 c 0,0.98 0.17,1.94 0.5,2.85 0.33,0.92 0.82,1.73 1.48,2.43 0.65,0.7 1.43,1.27 2.35,1.69 0.91,0.42 1.95,0.63 3.11,0.63 1.16,0 2.19,-0.21 3.11,-0.63 0.91,-0.42 1.7,-0.98 2.34,-1.69 0.65,-0.7 1.15,-1.51 1.48,-2.43 0.33,-0.91 0.5,-1.86 0.5,-2.85 0,-0.98 -0.17,-1.94 -0.5,-2.85 -0.33,-0.91 -0.82,-1.72 -1.48,-2.42 -0.65,-0.7 -1.43,-1.27 -2.34,-1.69 -0.92,-0.42 -1.95,-0.64 -3.11,-0.64 -1.16,0 -2.2,0.21 -3.11,0.64 -0.92,0.42 -1.7,0.98 -2.35,1.69 -0.65,0.7 -1.15,1.51 -1.48,2.42 -0.33,0.91 -0.5,1.86 -0.5,2.85 z" id="path54" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 727.81,561.25 h 6.33 v 4.01 h 0.11 c 0.7,-1.48 1.7,-2.62 3,-3.43 1.3,-0.81 2.8,-1.21 4.49,-1.21 0.39,0 0.76,0.04 1.13,0.11 0.37,0.07 0.75,0.16 1.13,0.26 v 6.12 c -0.53,-0.14 -1.05,-0.26 -1.55,-0.34 -0.51,-0.09 -1.01,-0.13 -1.5,-0.13 -1.48,0 -2.67,0.27 -3.56,0.82 -0.9,0.55 -1.58,1.17 -2.06,1.87 -0.48,0.7 -0.79,1.41 -0.95,2.11 -0.16,0.7 -0.24,1.23 -0.24,1.58 v 13.55 h -6.33 z" id="path56" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 176.68,619 h 7.18 l 20.11,46.68 h -9.49 L 190.13,655 h -20.24 l -4.22,10.68 h -9.3 z m 10.54,28.87 -7.19,-18.99 -7.32,18.99 z" id="path58" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 250.64,662.24 c -5.76,3.08 -12.2,4.61 -19.32,4.61 -3.61,0 -6.91,-0.58 -9.92,-1.75 -3.01,-1.16 -5.6,-2.81 -7.78,-4.94 -2.17,-2.13 -3.88,-4.69 -5.11,-7.68 -1.23,-2.99 -1.85,-6.3 -1.85,-9.95 0,-3.74 0.61,-7.13 1.85,-10.18 1.23,-3.06 2.93,-5.66 5.11,-7.82 2.18,-2.15 4.77,-3.81 7.78,-4.97 3.01,-1.17 6.32,-1.75 9.92,-1.75 3.56,0 6.9,0.42 10.02,1.28 3.12,0.86 5.91,2.39 8.37,4.58 l -6.13,6.2 c -1.5,-1.45 -3.31,-2.58 -5.44,-3.36 -2.13,-0.78 -4.38,-1.18 -6.76,-1.18 -2.42,0 -4.61,0.43 -6.56,1.28 -1.96,0.86 -3.64,2.04 -5.04,3.56 -1.41,1.52 -2.5,3.28 -3.26,5.3 -0.76,2.02 -1.15,4.2 -1.15,6.53 0,2.5 0.38,4.81 1.15,6.92 0.77,2.11 1.86,3.93 3.26,5.47 1.41,1.54 3.09,2.75 5.04,3.63 1.96,0.88 4.14,1.32 6.56,1.32 2.11,0 4.1,-0.2 5.97,-0.59 1.87,-0.39 3.53,-1.01 4.98,-1.85 v -11 h -9.56 v -7.52 h 17.87 z" id="path60" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 260.27,619 h 8.31 v 46.68 h -8.31 z" id="path62" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 278.79,619 h 11.01 l 22.61,34.68 h 0.13 V 619 h 8.31 v 46.68 H 310.3 l -23.07,-35.8 h -0.13 v 35.8 h -8.31 z" id="path64" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 372.74,662.24 c -5.76,3.08 -12.2,4.61 -19.32,4.61 -3.61,0 -6.91,-0.58 -9.92,-1.75 -3.01,-1.16 -5.6,-2.81 -7.78,-4.94 -2.17,-2.13 -3.88,-4.69 -5.11,-7.68 -1.23,-2.99 -1.85,-6.3 -1.85,-9.95 0,-3.74 0.61,-7.13 1.85,-10.18 1.23,-3.06 2.93,-5.66 5.11,-7.82 2.18,-2.15 4.77,-3.81 7.78,-4.97 3.01,-1.17 6.32,-1.75 9.92,-1.75 3.56,0 6.9,0.42 10.02,1.28 3.12,0.86 5.91,2.39 8.37,4.58 l -6.13,6.2 c -1.5,-1.45 -3.31,-2.58 -5.44,-3.36 -2.13,-0.79 -4.38,-1.18 -6.76,-1.18 -2.42,0 -4.61,0.43 -6.56,1.28 -1.96,0.86 -3.64,2.04 -5.04,3.56 -1.41,1.52 -2.5,3.28 -3.26,5.3 -0.76,2.02 -1.15,4.2 -1.15,6.53 0,2.5 0.38,4.81 1.15,6.92 0.77,2.11 1.86,3.93 3.26,5.47 1.41,1.54 3.09,2.75 5.04,3.63 1.96,0.88 4.14,1.32 6.56,1.32 2.11,0 4.1,-0.2 5.97,-0.59 1.87,-0.39 3.53,-1.01 4.98,-1.85 v -11 h -9.56 v -7.52 h 17.87 z" id="path66" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 406.88,619 h 16.22 c 2.24,0 4.41,0.21 6.49,0.63 2.09,0.42 3.94,1.13 5.57,2.14 1.62,1.01 2.92,2.37 3.89,4.09 0.97,1.71 1.45,3.89 1.45,6.52 0,3.39 -0.93,6.22 -2.8,8.51 -1.87,2.28 -4.54,3.67 -8.01,4.15 l 12.39,20.64 H 432.06 L 421.25,645.9 h -6.06 v 19.78 h -8.31 z m 14.76,19.78 c 1.19,0 2.37,-0.06 3.56,-0.16 1.19,-0.11 2.27,-0.37 3.26,-0.79 0.99,-0.42 1.79,-1.05 2.41,-1.91 0.62,-0.86 0.92,-2.06 0.92,-3.59 0,-1.36 -0.29,-2.46 -0.86,-3.3 -0.57,-0.84 -1.32,-1.46 -2.24,-1.88 -0.92,-0.42 -1.94,-0.69 -3.06,-0.82 -1.12,-0.13 -2.21,-0.2 -3.26,-0.2 h -7.18 v 12.66 h 6.45 z" id="path68" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 448.41,619 h 30.92 v 7.52 h -22.61 v 11.47 h 21.43 v 7.52 h -21.43 v 12.66 h 23.8 v 7.52 h -32.11 z" id="path70" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 511.56,629.02 c -0.88,-1.27 -2.06,-2.21 -3.53,-2.8 -1.47,-0.59 -3.02,-0.89 -4.65,-0.89 -0.97,0 -1.9,0.11 -2.8,0.33 -0.9,0.22 -1.72,0.58 -2.44,1.06 -0.73,0.49 -1.3,1.11 -1.75,1.88 -0.44,0.77 -0.66,1.68 -0.66,2.73 0,1.58 0.55,2.79 1.65,3.63 1.1,0.84 2.46,1.56 4.09,2.18 1.63,0.62 3.4,1.21 5.34,1.78 1.94,0.57 3.71,1.36 5.34,2.37 1.63,1.01 2.99,2.35 4.09,4.02 1.1,1.67 1.65,3.89 1.65,6.66 0,2.51 -0.46,4.69 -1.39,6.56 -0.92,1.87 -2.16,3.42 -3.73,4.65 -1.56,1.23 -3.37,2.15 -5.44,2.77 -2.06,0.62 -4.24,0.92 -6.53,0.92 -2.9,0 -5.69,-0.48 -8.37,-1.45 -2.68,-0.97 -4.99,-2.6 -6.92,-4.88 l 6.26,-6.06 c 1.01,1.54 2.34,2.73 3.99,3.59 1.65,0.86 3.39,1.28 5.24,1.28 0.97,0 1.93,-0.13 2.9,-0.39 0.97,-0.26 1.85,-0.66 2.64,-1.18 0.79,-0.53 1.42,-1.2 1.91,-2.01 0.48,-0.81 0.73,-1.75 0.73,-2.8 0,-1.72 -0.55,-3.03 -1.65,-3.96 -1.1,-0.93 -2.46,-1.7 -4.09,-2.34 -1.63,-0.64 -3.41,-1.24 -5.34,-1.82 -1.94,-0.57 -3.72,-1.35 -5.34,-2.34 -1.63,-0.99 -2.99,-2.31 -4.09,-3.96 -1.1,-1.65 -1.65,-3.85 -1.65,-6.62 0,-2.42 0.49,-4.51 1.49,-6.27 0.99,-1.76 2.28,-3.22 3.89,-4.38 1.61,-1.16 3.44,-2.03 5.51,-2.61 2.06,-0.57 4.17,-0.85 6.33,-0.85 2.46,0 4.85,0.37 7.15,1.12 2.3,0.75 4.38,1.98 6.23,3.69 z" id="path72" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 526.53,619 h 30.92 v 7.52 h -22.61 v 11.47 h 21.43 v 7.52 h -21.43 v 12.66 h 23.8 v 7.52 h -32.1 V 619 Z" id="path74" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 581.91,619 h 7.18 l 20.11,46.68 h -9.49 L 595.36,655 h -20.24 l -4.22,10.68 h -9.3 z m 10.55,28.87 -7.19,-18.99 -7.31,18.99 z" id="path76" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 614.41,619 h 16.22 c 2.24,0 4.4,0.21 6.49,0.63 2.09,0.42 3.94,1.13 5.57,2.14 1.62,1.01 2.92,2.37 3.89,4.09 0.97,1.71 1.45,3.89 1.45,6.52 0,3.39 -0.94,6.22 -2.8,8.51 -1.87,2.28 -4.54,3.67 -8.01,4.15 l 12.39,20.64 H 639.59 L 628.78,645.9 h -6.06 v 19.78 h -8.31 z m 14.77,19.78 c 1.18,0 2.37,-0.06 3.56,-0.16 1.19,-0.11 2.27,-0.37 3.27,-0.79 0.99,-0.42 1.79,-1.05 2.4,-1.91 0.62,-0.86 0.92,-2.06 0.92,-3.59 0,-1.36 -0.28,-2.46 -0.85,-3.3 -0.58,-0.84 -1.32,-1.46 -2.24,-1.88 -0.92,-0.42 -1.94,-0.69 -3.06,-0.82 -1.12,-0.13 -2.21,-0.2 -3.26,-0.2 h -7.18 v 12.66 h 6.44 z" id="path78" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 687.98,629.94 c -1.72,-1.85 -3.37,-3.08 -4.98,-3.69 -1.61,-0.62 -3.22,-0.92 -4.85,-0.92 -2.42,0 -4.61,0.43 -6.56,1.28 -1.96,0.86 -3.64,2.04 -5.04,3.56 -1.41,1.52 -2.5,3.28 -3.27,5.3 -0.77,2.02 -1.15,4.2 -1.15,6.53 0,2.5 0.38,4.81 1.15,6.92 0.77,2.11 1.86,3.93 3.27,5.47 1.4,1.54 3.09,2.75 5.04,3.63 1.95,0.88 4.14,1.32 6.56,1.32 1.89,0 3.73,-0.45 5.51,-1.35 1.78,-0.9 3.44,-2.34 4.97,-4.32 l 6.86,4.88 c -2.11,2.9 -4.68,5.01 -7.71,6.33 -3.03,1.32 -6.27,1.97 -9.69,1.97 -3.61,0 -6.91,-0.58 -9.92,-1.75 -3.01,-1.16 -5.61,-2.81 -7.78,-4.94 -2.17,-2.13 -3.88,-4.69 -5.11,-7.68 -1.23,-2.99 -1.85,-6.3 -1.85,-9.95 0,-3.74 0.61,-7.13 1.85,-10.18 1.23,-3.06 2.94,-5.66 5.11,-7.82 2.18,-2.15 4.77,-3.81 7.78,-4.97 3.01,-1.17 6.32,-1.75 9.92,-1.75 3.16,0 6.09,0.56 8.8,1.68 2.71,1.12 5.22,3.02 7.55,5.7 z" id="path80" fill="#8d837f"/><path class="st1" d="m 701.1,619 h 8.31 v 18.59 h 21.82 V 619 h 8.31 v 46.68 h -8.31 v -20.57 h -21.82 v 20.57 h -8.31 z" id="path82" fill="#8d837f"/></g></g></svg> </span> </a> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.header__logo --> <div class="header__logo hidden-md hidden-lg"> <a href="" class="logo bg-white"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="251.44443" height="43.603954" viewBox="0 0 251.44443 43.603954"><path d="m 1647.86,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.96,-161.89 -171.38,-161.89 -55.45,0 -100.77,31.59 -106.21,80.019 -0.36,3.211 -0.55,6.532 -0.55,9.879 0,6.481 0.52,12.75 1.59,18.883 10.15,59.078 69.3,102.535 171.82,130.359 l 104.73,28.528 z m 459.41,382.73 c -53.43,-3.07 -101.09,-15.07 -141.97,-40.36 l -2.59,45.99 h -0.01 l -171.79,-11.31 v -45.78 l 37.79,-1.16 c 23.05,-1.16 37.37,-6.98 42.96,-17.38 5.55,-10.44 8.92,-29.37 10.05,-56.78 l 1.74,-41.14 0.42,-15.239 c -0.12,-2.953 -0.24,-5.863 -0.24,-8.86 l 0.44,-5.597 V 753.148 c 0,-79.238 -12.1,-126.339 -65.16,-126.339 -55.56,0 -70.43,42.101 -70.43,126.339 h -0.13 l -0.02,0.582 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.95,185.101 -226.35,185.101 h -0.02 c -89.37,0 -163.83,-38.98 -201.61,-86.75 -1.73,-2.16 -3.37,-4.34 -4.93,-6.53 -3.13,-4.41 -5.96,-8.9 -8.43,-13.4 -1.25,-2.25 -2.41,-4.51 -3.5,-6.82 -2.16,-4.51 -3.98,-9.07 -5.45,-13.62 -2.95,-9.18 -4.5,-18.33 -4.5,-27.31 0,-41.265 27.51,-71.909 66.64,-71.909 2.71,0 5.4,0.148 8,0.363 39.09,3.59 66.08,33.336 66.08,63.086 0,27.75 -24.19,43.43 -27.22,61.86 -0.21,1.23 -0.3,2.47 -0.3,3.75 0,1.61 0.19,3.31 0.55,5.01 5.44,25.48 50.66,55.25 106.21,55.25 104.72,0 135.39,-88.86 135.39,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.51,-44.425 -189.35,-84.652 C 1334,854.707 1282.01,815.305 1265.25,764.41 c -4.65,-14.219 -6.59,-29.371 -6.59,-45.57 0,-8.649 0.82,-16.852 2.4,-24.68 2.07,-10.359 5.47,-20.07 9.99,-29.012 4.48,-8.988 10.06,-17.238 16.56,-24.75 34.02,-39.457 92.46,-59.066 144.52,-59.066 h 0.01 c 110.98,0 177.43,53.938 220.81,89.918 l 0.55,-0.09 -0.43,-0.5 c 0,0 55.58,-90.058 163.22,-90.058 3.78,0 7.53,-0.391 11.24,-0.09 4.7,0.437 9.36,1.039 13.98,1.777 1.83,0.281 3.67,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.29,0.34 4.55,0.84 6.8,1.301 27.62,6.089 53.79,18.531 78.22,39.328 29.28,24.922 42.5,60.57 48.01,83.972 0.19,1.5 0.44,3.008 0.61,4.411 1.75,8.546 2.32,13.918 2.32,13.918 l 0.22,11.128 c 0.14,1.973 0.29,3.864 0.38,5.563 v 12.848 l 0.15,7.171 0.23,52.372 0.02,2.753 -0.4,-0.378 v 170.316 c 4.13,67.587 28.47,142.437 136.76,151.367 42.58,3.49 90.04,-15.32 90.04,-41.77 0,-20.1 -27.5,-35.98 -27.5,-65.57 0,-31.74 30.69,-63.472 74.04,-63.472 39.14,0 66.65,30.644 66.65,71.922 0,71.95 -96.14,143.07 -216.23,136.19" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="m 816.395,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.95,-161.89 -171.36,-161.89 -59.219,0 -106.836,35.961 -106.836,89.898 0,68.821 60.313,118.539 173.489,149.242 l 104.707,28.528 z m 463.105,692.04 c -5.43,-0.08 -10.8,0.1 -16.17,-0.29 -111.29,-4.53 -210.83,-59.02 -210.83,-185.37 v -123.68 h -91.293 v -53.86 H 1052.5 V 753.73 c 0,-89.839 -14.46,-127.601 -68.383,-126.921 -52.375,0.64 -67.207,38.113 -67.207,126.921 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.957,185.101 -226.367,185.101 -130.129,0 -228.508,-82.51 -228.508,-154.43 0,-41.265 27.516,-71.909 66.656,-71.909 43.36,0 74.039,31.727 74.039,63.449 0,29.61 -27.515,45.48 -27.515,65.61 0,26.41 47.613,60.26 106.851,60.26 104.715,0 135.383,-88.86 135.383,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.515,-44.425 -189.34,-84.652 C 467.305,844.746 427.148,792.93 427.148,718.84 c 0,-92.02 94.145,-137.508 173.477,-137.508 111.063,0 176.898,53.938 220.281,89.918 0,0 56.035,-91.289 163.836,-91.289 3.774,0 7.492,0.25 11.219,0.551 4.709,0.437 9.369,1.039 13.989,1.777 1.82,0.32 3.66,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.27,0.34 4.53,0.84 6.78,1.301 27.63,6.089 53.8,17.929 78.22,38.711 29.31,24.949 42.52,61.796 48.01,85.187 0.22,1.512 0.44,3.012 0.64,4.441 1.74,8.52 2.31,13.899 2.31,13.899 l 0.22,11.121 c 0.14,1.98 0.28,3.859 0.38,5.582 v 12.867 l 0.15,7.09 -0.15,52.75 v 306.531 h 111.15 v 53.86 h -111.15 v 113.12 c 0,16.19 1.6,33.58 5.28,50.7 13.82,55.83 42.27,103.21 130.7,108.49 37.73,2.24 88.73,-9.28 90.06,-39.95 0.87,-20.09 -27.52,-35.97 -27.52,-65.61 0,-31.69 30.69,-63.44 74.07,-63.44 39.03,0 66.54,30.68 66.54,71.92 0,71.95 -93.15,135.58 -211.58,134.11" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="M2904.16 1015h-7.69c-5.13 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-17.99-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.41-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.89-2.97-5.85-7.118-5.85-12.454 0-3.484.78-6.402 2.32-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.08 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.15-45.805h-.92c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.21-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.07-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.82 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.2 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.43 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.71 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.82 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.75 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.86 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.74 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.18 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.28 6.92-7.79 0-15.07-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.79 14.45 28.75 18.14 10.97 3.69 22.29 5.53 33.97 5.53 10.46 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.12-5.38 17.84-9.07 4.71-3.68 8.34-7.94 10.91-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.54-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.78-9.69 1.99-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M2977.63 1096.48h35.05v-23.07h.61c3.27 6.97 8.56 13.17 15.83 18.6 7.28 5.43 17.07 8.15 29.37 8.15 23.16 0 38.51-9.11 46.11-27.36 5.33 9.42 11.99 16.34 20 20.75 7.98 4.4 17.52 6.61 28.59 6.61 9.83 0 18.13-1.64 24.89-4.92 6.76-3.28 12.24-7.79 16.46-13.53 4.19-5.74 7.21-12.45 9.06-20.13 1.85-7.69 2.78-15.94 2.78-24.75v-87.928h-36.92v83.618c0 4.51-.41 8.87-1.22 13.07-.83 4.2-2.25 7.89-4.3 11.07-2.04 3.18-4.82 5.68-8.31 7.52-3.48 1.86-7.99 2.78-13.51 2.78-5.74 0-10.63-1.08-14.61-3.23-3.99-2.15-7.29-5.02-9.83-8.61-2.58-3.59-4.44-7.68-5.56-12.3-1.11-4.61-1.68-9.27-1.68-13.98v-79.938h-36.9v87.928c0 9.22-1.94 16.55-5.83 21.98-3.9 5.43-10.35 8.15-19.37 8.15-6.15 0-11.33-1.03-15.53-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.75-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.85-9.22-1.85-14.14v-80.548h-36.89v147.578M3351.79 1037.44c-.22 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.55 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.37 9.38-11.06 0-19.83-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.3-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.25 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.45 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.06 0-21.52 1.859-31.37 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.33 8.926-25.5 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.31 20.143-6.31 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.31 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.17 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.5 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.31 5.53 31.37 5.53 10.26 0 19.63-1.8 28.14-5.38 8.49-3.59 15.77-8.76 21.81-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.77-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.08-21.37 5.08-34.28v-10.15h-112.53M3423.1 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.61c4.1 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.58 4.72 16.29 7.07 26.14 7.07 2.25 0 4.45-.21 6.6-.62 2.17-.41 4.36-.92 6.62-1.53v-35.67c-3.08.82-6.1 1.49-9.07 2-2.97.52-5.89.77-8.76.77-8.61 0-15.52-1.59-20.75-4.77-5.24-3.18-9.23-6.8-12-10.91-2.76-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.91-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M3543.31 1096.48h36.89V948.902h-36.89zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.62 15.53 4.4 4.41 9.98 6.61 16.76 6.61 6.75 0 12.44-2.1 17.05-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.93-9.49 6.93-15.84 0-6.35-2.31-11.63-6.93-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.3-6.31-17.05-6.31-6.78 0-12.36 2.21-16.76 6.61-4.42 4.41-6.62 9.59-6.62 15.53M3723.47 1052.2c-4.31 4.51-8.81 8.1-13.53 10.76-4.72 2.66-9.53 4-14.45 4-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.67-8.82-8.61-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6 0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.94-5.33 4.81-10.043 8.61-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 5.73 0 11.07 1.172 15.99 3.527 4.91 2.368 9.12 5.801 12.6 10.305l24.59-26.441c-3.68-3.68-7.95-6.864-12.75-9.52-4.82-2.68-9.69-4.824-14.61-6.461-4.92-1.64-9.63-2.82-14.13-3.539-4.52-.719-8.41-1.074-11.69-1.074-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.85 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.08 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.9 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 9.43 0 18.9-1.8 28.44-5.38 9.54-3.59 17.89-9.28 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13.11-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.72-3.68 8.35-7.94 10.92-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.8-9.69 2-14.3.19-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M3935.91 1096.48h35.05v-23.68h.61c3.49 7.38 8.81 13.78 15.99 19.21 7.17 5.43 16.91 8.15 29.21 8.15 9.83 0 18.19-1.64 25.06-4.92 6.85-3.28 12.45-7.58 16.74-12.91 4.31-5.34 7.39-11.48 9.24-18.44 1.83-6.98 2.76-14.26 2.76-21.84v-93.148h-36.89v74.708c0 4.09-.21 8.65-.61 13.68-.41 5.02-1.5 9.73-3.24 14.15-1.73 4.4-4.46 8.09-8.15 11.06-3.68 2.96-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.16 0-11.33-1.03-15.54-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.74-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.84-9.22-1.84-14.14v-80.548h-36.9v147.578M4216.59 1065.11h-30.44v31.37h30.44v20.9c0 10.24.73 19.51 2.17 27.82 1.43 8.3 4.14 15.43 8.13 21.36 4 5.95 9.58 10.51 16.76 13.69 7.17 3.18 16.51 4.77 27.98 4.77 8.4 0 16.18-.73 23.36-2.16l-2.45-31.36c-2.67.62-5.24 1.13-7.69 1.54-2.47.41-5.04.62-7.69.62-5.13 0-9.22-.82-12.3-2.46-3.06-1.65-5.48-3.84-7.21-6.61-1.76-2.77-2.87-6-3.38-9.69-.53-3.69-.77-7.58-.77-11.68v-26.74h34.12v-31.37H4253.5V948.902h-36.91v116.208M4416.74 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.6 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.68 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.29-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.4-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.23-11.063 5.54-19.668 12.92-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.28-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.21 0 16.94 1.89 23.2 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.26-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.07 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.85 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.29 5.53 31.36 5.53 10.25 0 19.62-1.8 28.12-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.78-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.78-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.38-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15H4341.1M4517.57 1022.69c0-5.75.97-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.95-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.61-14.149 3.8-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.68-9.847 5.33-2.453 11.39-3.68 18.15-3.68 6.77 0 12.79 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.31 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.66 9.847 3.81 4.106 6.66 8.819 8.62 14.149 1.95 5.32 2.93 10.85 2.93 16.6 0 5.73-.98 11.27-2.93 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.62 14.14-3.78 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.66 9.84-5.35 2.46-11.37 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.15-3.69-5.33-2.47-9.88-5.74-13.68-9.84-3.79-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.61-14.14-1.95-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm87.31-51.655h-.6c-5.35-9.019-12.52-15.582-21.53-19.68-9.03-4.097-18.76-6.144-29.21-6.144-11.48 0-21.66 2-30.58 6.004-8.92 3.996-16.55 9.473-22.9 16.43-6.37 6.98-11.18 15.175-14.47 24.601-3.27 9.434-4.9 19.574-4.9 30.444 0 10.86 1.72 21 5.22 30.44 3.48 9.42 8.35 17.62 14.61 24.58 6.24 6.97 13.78 12.46 22.59 16.45 8.8 4 18.45 6 28.9 6 6.95 0 13.12-.72 18.45-2.15 5.32-1.44 10.03-3.28 14.13-5.53 4.09-2.26 7.58-4.67 10.47-7.23 2.85-2.57 5.21-5.07 7.06-7.54h.93v103.61h36.88V948.902h-35.05v22.133M4786.89 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.46-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.63-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.37-6.148 16.29-9.218 26.74-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.44-19.976c-8.61-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.9-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.5-6.758-11.08 0-21.53 1.859-31.38 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.05 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.05 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.69 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.3 5.53 31.38 5.53 10.24 0 19.61-1.8 28.11-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.79-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.76-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15h-112.52M4858.21 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.6c4.09 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.59 4.72 16.3 7.07 26.15 7.07 2.24 0 4.45-.21 6.61-.62 2.15-.41 4.35-.92 6.6-1.53v-35.67c-3.07.82-6.11 1.49-9.06 2-2.97.52-5.9.77-8.76.77-8.62 0-15.54-1.59-20.76-4.77-5.23-3.18-9.22-6.8-11.99-10.91-2.77-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.92-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M5067.88 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.37-.41-12.35-1.39-18-2.93-5.62-1.53-10.4-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.87-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.77-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.47-1.64 5.23-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.09 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.06-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.83 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.21 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.41 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.8 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.98 3.95 19.83 5.07 6.88 1.13 13.79 1.85 20.76 2.16 6.98.31 13.52.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.19 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.36 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.82-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.19 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.76 18.14 10.95 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.45 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.13-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.73-3.68 8.36-7.94 10.93-12.75 2.55-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.79-9.69 2-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M5125.67 1065.11v31.37h30.44v42.72h36.9v-42.72h40.57v-31.37h-40.57v-64.57c0-7.364 1.37-13.204 4.16-17.517 2.75-4.296 8.24-6.453 16.43-6.453 3.28 0 6.86.36 10.77 1.075 3.89.718 6.97 1.902 9.21 3.523v-31.039c-3.89-1.852-8.66-3.125-14.29-3.844-5.64-.719-10.62-1.074-14.91-1.074-9.83 0-17.89 1.074-24.13 3.227-6.26 2.152-11.18 5.429-14.76 9.839-3.59 4.403-6.05 9.875-7.38 16.45-1.33 6.558-2 14.14-2 22.753v67.63h-30.44M5263.11 1096.48h36.88V948.902h-36.88zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.61 15.53 4.41 4.41 9.99 6.61 16.75 6.61 6.77 0 12.45-2.1 17.06-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.92-9.49 6.92-15.84 0-6.35-2.3-11.63-6.92-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.29-6.31-17.06-6.31-6.76 0-12.34 2.21-16.75 6.61-4.41 4.41-6.61 9.59-6.61 15.53M5371.93 1022.69c0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.96-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.62-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 6.76 0 12.8 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.32 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.67 9.847 3.8 4.106 6.65 8.819 8.61 14.149 1.96 5.32 2.92 10.85 2.92 16.6 0 5.73-.96 11.27-2.92 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.61 14.14-3.79 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.67 9.84-5.34 2.46-11.38 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.62-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm-36.88 0c0 11.68 2.1 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.68 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 11.07 0 21.52-1.84 31.36-5.53 9.84-3.69 18.33-8.92 25.52-15.68 7.17-6.76 12.86-14.91 17.05-24.45 4.2-9.52 6.3-20.13 6.3-31.81 0-11.68-2.1-22.3-6.3-31.823-4.19-9.527-9.88-17.668-17.05-24.429-7.19-6.77-15.68-12.004-25.52-15.696-9.84-3.672-20.29-5.531-31.36-5.531-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.84 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.87 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.2 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823M5518.6 1096.34h34.98v-23.63h.63c3.47 7.37 8.8 13.76 15.97 19.18 7.15 5.42 16.87 8.15 29.16 8.15 9.81 0 18.14-1.66 25.01-4.92 6.84-3.28 12.43-7.58 16.72-12.9 4.3-5.32 7.38-11.46 9.22-18.41 1.83-6.95 2.76-14.23 2.76-21.8v-93.006h-36.84v74.586c0 4.1-.21 8.65-.6 13.67-.42 5.01-1.49 9.72-3.24 14.11-1.74 4.4-4.44 8.08-8.12 11.05-3.7 2.97-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.14 0-11.3-1.02-15.51-3.07-4.2-2.05-7.66-4.81-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.47-5.99-11.97-1.23-4.5-1.84-9.21-1.84-14.12v-80.426h-36.84v147.336M2822.35 769.5h-30.38v31.313h30.38v20.867c0 10.234.71 19.492 2.15 27.785 1.43 8.289 4.14 15.398 8.14 21.328 3.99 5.937 9.56 10.484 16.73 13.672 7.16 3.164 16.46 4.746 27.92 4.746 8.4 0 16.17-.715 23.34-2.16l-2.46-31.289c-2.66.605-5.22 1.113-7.68 1.523-2.45.41-5.01.613-7.66.613-5.12 0-9.21-.82-12.28-2.46-3.08-1.629-5.48-3.829-7.22-6.598-1.74-2.754-2.87-5.988-3.37-9.66-.52-3.684-.77-7.586-.77-11.668v-26.699h34.07V769.5h-34.07V653.469h-36.84V769.5M2946.67 727.141c0-5.743.97-11.262 2.91-16.582 1.94-5.309 4.81-10.02 8.59-14.11 3.79-4.097 8.34-7.371 13.66-9.828 5.32-2.461 11.36-3.68 18.11-3.68 6.76 0 12.79 1.219 18.11 3.68 5.32 2.457 9.87 5.731 13.67 9.828 3.78 4.09 6.65 8.801 8.59 14.11 1.95 5.32 2.92 10.839 2.92 16.582 0 5.73-.97 11.257-2.92 16.57-1.94 5.328-4.81 10.027-8.59 14.117-3.8 4.094-8.35 7.371-13.67 9.832-5.32 2.461-11.35 3.68-18.11 3.68-6.75 0-12.79-1.219-18.11-3.68-5.32-2.461-9.87-5.738-13.66-9.832-3.78-4.09-6.65-8.789-8.59-14.117-1.94-5.313-2.91-10.84-2.91-16.57zm-36.85 0c0 11.66 2.11 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.87 17.649 17.04 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.3 5.531 11.06 0 21.5-1.847 31.31-5.531 9.83-3.68 18.32-8.902 25.48-15.641 7.17-6.761 12.84-14.89 17.04-24.41 4.19-9.519 6.28-20.109 6.28-31.769 0-11.661-2.09-22.25-6.28-31.77-4.2-9.512-9.87-17.66-17.04-24.402-7.16-6.758-15.65-11.981-25.48-15.66-9.81-3.668-20.25-5.528-31.31-5.528-11.05 0-21.48 1.86-31.3 5.528-9.82 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.04 24.402-4.19 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77M3104.42 800.813h36.85v-23.344h.61c4.09 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.56 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.08 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.6-1.543v-35.598c-3.06.821-6.1 1.473-9.06 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.51-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.99-10.91-2.76-4.09-4.59-8.192-5.51-12.281-.93-4.09-1.38-7.161-1.38-9.2v-78.89h-36.85v147.344M3404.63 719.469h-7.69c-5.1 0-10.84-.199-17.17-.617-6.34-.403-12.34-1.372-17.97-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.38-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.88-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.3-8.75 1.55-2.359 3.54-4.34 5.99-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.22-2.809 8.29-3.532 3.08-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.69 0 22.06 3.012 28.09 9.051 6.02 6.039 9.06 14.277 9.06 24.719zm2.14-45.731h-.91c-5.33-8.398-12.08-14.488-20.26-18.269-8.19-3.778-17.19-5.688-27.02-5.688-6.74 0-13.35.918-19.79 2.778-6.46 1.832-12.19 4.613-17.18 8.281-5.04 3.68-9.07 8.281-12.14 13.808-3.06 5.532-4.61 11.973-4.61 19.34 0 7.973 1.44 14.782 4.3 20.41 2.86 5.633 6.71 10.34 11.52 14.122 4.8 3.781 10.38 6.8 16.72 9.062 6.34 2.238 12.94 3.93 19.8 5.066 6.85 1.114 13.76 1.84 20.73 2.141 6.95.313 13.5.449 19.63.449h9.21v4c0 9.223-3.18 16.121-9.5 20.723-6.36 4.609-14.43 6.91-24.26 6.91-7.78 0-15.04-1.391-21.8-4.16-6.76-2.75-12.59-6.492-17.5-11.191l-19.33 19.332c8.18 8.386 17.75 14.429 28.71 18.109 10.93 3.684 22.25 5.531 33.91 5.531 10.44 0 19.23-1.179 26.4-3.535 7.16-2.355 13.09-5.367 17.81-9.047 4.69-3.691 8.33-7.941 10.89-12.738 2.56-4.813 4.39-9.672 5.52-14.594 1.12-4.906 1.78-9.656 2-14.269.2-4.61.29-8.649.29-12.118v-84.722h-33.14v20.269M3552.59 771.34c-6.56 0-12.49-1.078-17.81-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.89-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.8-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.15-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.08-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.15-9.609 9.05-13.512 3.89-3.879 8.49-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.3-2.238 11.04-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.74 0 12.83 1.121 18.25 3.359 5.42 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.76 13.652 2.04 5.309 3.05 11.039 3.05 17.199 0 12.891-3.88 23.321-11.66 31.301-7.79 7.969-18.41 11.969-31.91 11.969zm78.56 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.64-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.27-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.48-13.242-25.92-17.34-10.44-4.082-22.83-6.14-37.15-6.14-13.7 0-26.7 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.28 3.469-23.64 9.801-34.07 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.37-6.75 15.04-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.21-5.527 27.65-5.527 8.78 0 16.2 1.219 22.24 3.668 6.03 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.43 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.67 15.5 1.54 6.039 2.31 12.73 2.31 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.8-3.566-17.81-5.347-27.01-5.347-11.05 0-21.08 1.988-30.08 5.968-9 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.17 16.129-6.46 6.742-11.42 14.723-14.9 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.2 19.031-5.2 29.461 0 10.839 1.63 20.98 4.9 30.39 3.27 9.41 8.08 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.35 6.961 13.97 12.442 22.88 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.08 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.15-2.058 29.15-6.152 9.01-4.078 16.16-10.629 21.5-19.629h.6v22.102h34.99M3673.51 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3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.16-9.609 9.04-13.512 3.9-3.879 8.51-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.32-2.238 11.05-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.75 0 12.83 1.121 18.26 3.359 5.41 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.74 13.652 2.05 5.309 3.08 11.039 3.08 17.199 0 12.891-3.9 23.321-11.67 31.301-7.78 7.969-18.42 11.969-31.92 11.969zm78.58 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.65-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.28-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.49-13.242-25.94-17.34-10.42-4.082-22.81-6.14-37.14-6.14-13.7 0-26.71 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.29 3.469-23.63 9.801-34.06 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.35-6.75 15.02-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.2-5.527 27.63-5.527 8.79 0 16.21 1.219 22.26 3.668 6.01 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.42 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.68 15.5 1.53 6.039 2.3 12.73 2.3 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.79-3.566-17.81-5.347-27-5.347-11.06 0-21.08 1.988-30.09 5.968-9.01 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.18 16.129-6.44 6.742-11.41 14.723-14.89 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.21 19.031-5.21 29.461 0 10.839 1.62 20.98 4.92 30.39 3.26 9.41 8.07 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.34 6.961 13.96 12.442 22.87 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.07 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.14-2.058 29.16-6.152 8.99-4.078 16.15-10.629 21.49-19.629h.61v22.102h34.99M4195.95 800.813h36.83v-23.344h.61c4.1 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.57 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.09 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.61-1.543v-35.598c-3.08.821-6.11 1.473-9.07 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.5-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.98-10.91-2.77-4.09-4.6-8.192-5.52-12.281-.93-4.09-1.39-7.161-1.39-9.2v-78.89h-36.83v147.344M4420.33 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.58 19.383-10.12 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.67 9.359-27.33 9.359-11.04 0-19.8-3.18-26.24-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.39-14.828-11.82-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.23-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.36-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.7-9.199 9.2 0 16.93 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.24 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.41 14.281l26.39-19.949c-8.58-10.653-18.19-18.223-28.84-22.731-10.64-4.492-21.79-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.05 0-21.49 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.81 3.679-18.31 8.902-25.47 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77 0 11.66 2.1 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.18 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.47 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.26 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.6-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.81-15.5 6.03-6.75 10.74-15.082 14.11-25.031 3.38-9.918 5.07-21.309 5.07-34.219V714.25h-112.35M4560.92 759.98c-7.17 10.02-16.79 15.059-28.86 15.059-4.91 0-9.73-1.238-14.43-3.699-4.71-2.449-7.06-6.449-7.06-11.969 0-4.512 1.94-7.781 5.85-9.82 3.86-2.051 8.78-3.789 14.72-5.231 5.94-1.422 12.33-2.898 19.18-4.441 6.86-1.527 13.25-3.891 19.19-7.059 5.93-3.172 10.84-7.519 14.73-13.039 3.89-5.531 5.83-13.101 5.83-22.73 0-8.789-1.9-16.211-5.68-22.25-3.78-6.031-8.69-10.879-14.73-14.571-6.04-3.699-12.83-6.359-20.41-7.98-7.58-1.641-15.15-2.469-22.72-2.469-11.46 0-21.99 1.649-31.61 4.918-9.62 3.281-18.22 9.223-25.78 17.813l24.54 23.019c4.72-5.332 9.78-9.672 15.21-13.062 5.42-3.36 12.02-5.059 19.79-5.059 2.67 0 5.42.301 8.29.93 2.87.609 5.53 1.621 7.98 3.07 2.45 1.418 4.44 3.219 5.99 5.371 1.53 2.149 2.3 4.66 2.3 7.508 0 5.109-1.95 8.91-5.84 11.359-3.88 2.461-8.8 4.454-14.72 5.981-5.94 1.543-12.34 2.973-19.19 4.301-6.86 1.34-13.26 3.48-19.18 6.449-5.93 2.961-10.85 7.101-14.74 12.43-3.9 5.332-5.83 12.691-5.83 22.101 0 8.192 1.69 15.301 5.06 21.34 3.38 6.039 7.83 10.988 13.35 14.891 5.53 3.879 11.86 6.738 19.04 8.597 7.16 1.825 14.43 2.754 21.8 2.754 9.82 0 19.54-1.687 29.15-5.062 9.62-3.391 17.38-9.168 23.32-17.352l-24.54-22.098M4723.6 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.59 19.383-10.14 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.65 9.359-27.31 9.359-11.05 0-19.79-3.18-26.25-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.37-14.828-11.81-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.22-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.35-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.69-9.199 9.2 0 16.94 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.25 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.42 14.281l26.4-19.949c-8.59-10.653-18.22-18.223-28.85-22.731-10.65-4.492-21.8-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.06 0-21.48 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.83 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.84 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Press Releases</strong></p><p><a href="">$1.5 Million Support from Glenn Foundation for Medical Research for 2024 Grants for Junior Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellowships boosts Vital Funding for Early Career Investigators in Aging</a><br /></p><p><a href="">Announcing 2024 AFAR Grants for Junior Faculty</a><strong><br /></strong></p><p><a href="">Jeremy D. Walston, MD, of Johns Hopkins University to receive AFAR 2024 Irving S. Wright Award of Distinction</a></p><p><a href="">Steven N. Austad, PhD, to receive AFAR's inaugural George M. Martin Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award</a></p><p><a href="">Megan Huisingh-Scheetz, MD, MPH (University of Chicago) recognized with AFAR’s 2024 Terrie Fox Wetle Rising Star Award in Health Services and Aging Research</a><br /></p><p><a href="">Media Alert / October 22 2024 Webinar / How Realistic is a 100-Year Life Expectancy and Why Does it Matter?</a></p><p><a href="">Announcing the 2024 Glenn Foundation Discovery Awards</a><br /></p><p><a href="">Announcing the 2024 Sagol Network GerOmic Award for Junior Faculty</a></p><p><a href="">AFAR receives $450,000 grant from Hearst Foundations to support Grants for Junior Faculty</a><a href=""><br /></a></p><p><a href=""></a><a href="">AFAR receives 3-year, $4,626,500 funding for three-year renewal of McKnight Brain Research Foundation Innovator Awards in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss</a><br /></p><p><a href="">Media Alert / June 18 2024 Webinar / AI for Longevity Drug Discovery: Breakthroughs and Challenges</a></p><p><a href="">Bérénice Benayoun (USC) receives 2024 AFAR Vincent Cristofalo Rising Star Award in Aging Research</a></p><p><a href="">Announcing the Second Cohort of the Hevolution/AFAR New Investigators Awards in Aging Biology and Geroscience Research</a></p><p><a href="">Thomas A. Rando, MD, PhD, elected President of AFAR Board of Directors</a></p><p><a href="">Laura M. Barzilai, JD, LLM elected Chair of AFAR Board of Directors<br /></a><br /></p><p>2023 Press Releases</p><p><a href="">Announcing 2023 Sagol Network GerOmic Award for Junior Faculty</a></p><p><a href="">Announcing the the 2023 McKnight Brain Research Foundation Innovator Awards in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss</a></p><p><a href="">New Investigator Awards in Aging Biology and Geroscience Research Expanded with $16 Million Commitment from Hevolution Foundation</a></p><p><a href="">Announcing the ten 2023 Glenn Foundation for Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellowships in Aging Research</a></p><p><a href="">2023 Scientific Awards Lectures at GSA Annual Meeting, Tampa, on November 10</a></p><p><a href="">Announcing the 2023 Glenn Foundation for Medical Research and AFAR Research Grants for Junior Faculty<br /></a><br /><a href="">Ya-Chieh Hsu, PhD (Harvard) and Xuebing Wu, PhD (Columbia) receive inaugural Glenn Foundation Discovery Awards</a></p><p><a href="">NIH researcher Rafael de Cabo, PhD receives AFAR 2023 Irving S. Wright Award</a></p><p><a href="">Ming Xu, PhD (UConn) receives AFAR 2023 Rising Star Award in Aging Research</a></p><p><a href="">Claire K. Ankuda, MD, MPH (Mount Sinai Health System) recognized with AFAR 2023 Rising Star Award in Health Services and Aging Research</a><br /></p><p><a href="">Announcing inaugural Hevolution/AFAR New Investigator Awards in Aging Biology and Geroscience Research</a></p><h3>2022 Press Releases<a href=""></a><a href=""><br /></a></h3><p><a href="">Announcing 2022 Sagol Network GerOmic Award for Junior Faculty</a></p><p><a href="">Glenn Foundation Discovery Award Launched, Junior Faculty Grants and Postdoctoral Fellows Funding Also Increased</a></p><p><a href="">2022 McKnight Brain Research Foundation Innovator Awards in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss</a><br /></p><p><a href="">What Underpins Exceptional Longevity? Unprecedented SuperAgers Family Study Launches Today</a></p><p><a href="">Announcing the 2022 Glenn Foundation for Medical Research and AFAR Grants for Junior Faculty Recipients</a></p><p><a href="">Announcing the 2022 Glenn Foundation for Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellows in Aging Research Recipients</a><br /></p><p><a href="">Announcing the 2022 Glenn Foundation for Medical Research Breakthroughs in Gerontology (BIG) Awards: EDWARD CHOUCHANI, PHD (DANA-FARBER) AND ÖMER YILMAZ, MD, PHD (MIT)</a><br /></p><p><a href="">US $8.5 million to drive global aging science, supporting junior investigators conducting multi-year research to extend healthy lifespan</a><br /></p><p><a href="">American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) to Recruit 10,000 People 95+ for Groundbreaking SuperAgers Initiative</a></p><p><a href="">2022 AFAR Terrie Fox Wetle Rising Star Award in Health Services and Aging Research Announced: Benjamin Han, MD, MPH.</a><br /></p><p><a href="">2022 AFAR Scientific Awards of Distinction Announced: Thomas M. Gill, MD, receives Irving S. Wright Award of Distinction and Jamie N. Justice, PhD, receives Vincent Cristofalo Rising Star Award in Aging Research</a></p><p><a href="">Inaugural Winners Selected for the 2021 McKnight Brain Research Foundation Innovator Awards in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss</a></p><h3><br />2021 Press Releases</h3><p><a href="">Applying Systems Biology to Aging Research: AFAR recognizes Junyue Cao of Rockefeller University with 2021 Sagol Network GerOmic Award for Junior Faculty </a><br /></p><p><a href="">$2.26 Million in Grants will support Biomedical Research on Aging: American Federation for Aging Research and Glenn Foundation for Medical Research announce 2021 Grant Recipients</a><a href=""><br /><br /></a><a href="">AFAR Scientific Awards of Distinction Lectures at GSA Annual Meeting on November 12, 2021</a><br /></p><p><a href="">Media Alert: Pfizer, NIH, and Aging Research Experts to speak on Nov 3 at AFAR online symposium, Science is Vital</a></p><p><a href="">NIA awards up to $5 million to Wake Forest University and AFAR to continue leading the Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN)</a></p><p><a href="">Andrea Gilmore-Bykovskyi, PhD, RN (UW Center for Health Disparities Research and UW School of Nursing)recognized with Rising Star Award in Health Services and Aging Research</a><br /></p><p><a href="">Malene Hansen, PhD (Buck Institute / Sanford Burnham Prebys) and Morgan Levine, PhD (Yale School of Medicine) recognized for their outstanding contributions to aging research</a><br /></p><p><a href="">AFAR and the McKnight Brain Research Foundationlaunch new grant program in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss</a></p><p><a href="">Simone Sidoli and Oscar Vivas receive inaugural Sagol Network GerOmic Awards for Junior Faculty</a></p><h3>2020 Press Releases</h3><p><a href="">$2 Million in Grants will support Biomedical Research on Aging; Glenn Foundation for Medical Research’s investment supports Three Major Research Initiatives in partnership with AFAR for 2020</a><br /></p><p><a href="">NIA awards up to $2 million to AFAR to Continue Coordinating the Nathan Shock Centers of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging</a> </p><p><a href="">Long-time AFAR collaborator and support Paul F. Glenn Dies at 89, Leaves Perpetual Legacy to Foundation</a></p><p><a href="">Nir Barzilai, MD, publishes new book, Age Later: Healthspan, Lifespan, and the New Science of Longevity, through St. Martin's Press</a></p><p> <a href="">James L. Kirkland, MD, PhD, and Sean Curran, PhD, to receive 2020 Irving S. Wright Award and Vincent Cristafolo Rising Star Award in Aging Research</a><br /></p><p><a href="">Kali Thomas, MA, PhD, to receive inaugural Terrie Fox Wetle Rising Star Award in Health Services and Aging Research</a></p><p><a href="">Experts: Geroscience Approach May Lessen Severity of COVID-19, Bolster Older Patients’ Response to Diseases</a></p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad"> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--xs"> <div class="grid__inner"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--full"> <div class="component "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h3>2019 Press Releases:</h3><p> <a href="/imported/docs/AFARPressRelease_2019_BIG_Awards_Approved.pdf">URSULA JAKOB, PHD AND NORBERT PERRIMON, PHD RECEIVE 2019 BREAKTHROUGHS IN GERONTOLOGY (BIG) AWARDS FROM THE GLENN FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH AND AFAR</a></p><p> <a href="/imported/docs/AFARPressRelease_2019ResearchGrantsJuniorFaculty_Approved.pdf">FIFTEEN EARLY CAREER SCIENTISTS RECEIVE PRESTIGIOUS GRANTS FROM AFAR AND THE GLENN FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH TO ADVANCE RESEARCH ON AGING</a></p><p> <a href="/imported/docs/AFARPressRelease_2019GlennPostDocs_Approved.pdf">TEN POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS IN AGING RESEARCH AWARDED BY THE GLENN FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH AND AFAR</a></p><p> <a href="/imported/docs/AFAR_PressRelease_2019DiamondPostDocs_Approved.pdf">AFAR AND THE IRENE DIAMOND FUND PROVIDING $840,000 TO SUPPORT POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS STUDYING AGING</a></p><p> <a href="/imported/docs/Press_Release___2019_AFAR_Scientific_Awards_to_honor_Pinchas_Cohen_and_Nathan_LeBrasseur.pdf">AFAR honors Pichas Cohen with Irving S. Wright Award and Nathan LeBrasseur with Vincent Cristofalo Rising Star Award in Aging Research at 2019 GSA Annual Meeting</a></p><p> <a href="/imported/docs/PressRelease_AFAR_Nov_7_Awards_Dinner_honors_Alan_Alda_and_Howard_P_Milstein.pdf">AFAR honors Geroscience Philanthropist Howard P. Milstein and Science Advocate Alan Alda</a></p><p><a href="/imported/docs/Press_Release_AFAR_GCOA_Nov_7_Symposium_on_Adult_Vaccinations.pdf">AFAR and Global Coalition on Aging host symposium on Adult Vaccinations</a></p><p> <a href="/imported/docs/AFAR_PressRelease_Clin-STAR_10.08.19.pdf">AFAR selected to help lead national Coordinating Center for NIA Clin-STAR program</a></p><p> <a href="/imported/docs/AFAR_Press_Release_IMMEDIATE_RELEASE_Presidential_Candidates_White_Paper_FINAL._docx.pdf">When Considering Presidential Candidates, Age Is Just a Number: New White Paper authored by AFAR Board Member S. Jay Olshansky, PhD</a></p><p> <a href="/imported/docs/AFARPressRelease_Geroscience_China.pdf">International Conference Series on Geroscience Launched in Shenzhen, China</a></p><p> <a href="/imported/docs/AFAR_Press_Release_May29thWomeninScienceandTech_Approved.pdf">Celebrating Women in Science and Tech: AFAR to honor Katy Fike of Aging2.0 and Prachi J. Vakharia of WOMANIUM </a><br /></p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> <div class="section section--padxs-top section--padxs-bottom "> <div class="section__bg section__bg--clr"></div><!-- /.section__bg --> <div class="section__inner section__pad"> <div class="shell"> <div class="grid grid--xs"> <div class="grid__inner"> <div class="grid-item grid-item--full"> <div class="component component--inset component--bgclr color-purple "> <div class="inlay"> <div class="shadow"></div><!-- /.shadow --> <div class="inlay__bg inlay__bg--clr component__bgclr"></div><!-- /.inlay__bg --> <div class="inlay__inner"> <div class="article color-blue"> <div class="article__inner component__cols"> <div class="article__main" data-aos="fade-up"> <h2>Press Release Archive</h2><p><a href="">2018</a></p><p><a href="">2015-2017</a></p><p><a href="">2008-2014</a></p> </div><!-- /.article__main --> </div><!-- /.article__inner --> </div><!-- /.article --> </div><!-- /.inlay__inner --> </div><!-- /.inlay --> </div><!-- /.component --> </div><!-- /.grid-item --> </div><!-- /.grid__inner --> </div><!-- /.grid --> </div><!-- /.shell --> </div><!-- /.section__inner --> </div><!-- /.section --> </div> <footer class="footer bg-darkgray color-white"> <div class="shell"> <div class="footer__inner"> <div class="footer__cols"> <div class="footer__col footer__col--big"> <div class="footer__contact"> <a href="#" class="logo"> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="251.44443" height="43.603954" viewBox="0 0 251.44443 43.603954"><path d="m 1647.86,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.96,-161.89 -171.38,-161.89 -55.45,0 -100.77,31.59 -106.21,80.019 -0.36,3.211 -0.55,6.532 -0.55,9.879 0,6.481 0.52,12.75 1.59,18.883 10.15,59.078 69.3,102.535 171.82,130.359 l 104.73,28.528 z m 459.41,382.73 c -53.43,-3.07 -101.09,-15.07 -141.97,-40.36 l -2.59,45.99 h -0.01 l -171.79,-11.31 v -45.78 l 37.79,-1.16 c 23.05,-1.16 37.37,-6.98 42.96,-17.38 5.55,-10.44 8.92,-29.37 10.05,-56.78 l 1.74,-41.14 0.42,-15.239 c -0.12,-2.953 -0.24,-5.863 -0.24,-8.86 l 0.44,-5.597 V 753.148 c 0,-79.238 -12.1,-126.339 -65.16,-126.339 -55.56,0 -70.43,42.101 -70.43,126.339 h -0.13 l -0.02,0.582 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.95,185.101 -226.35,185.101 h -0.02 c -89.37,0 -163.83,-38.98 -201.61,-86.75 -1.73,-2.16 -3.37,-4.34 -4.93,-6.53 -3.13,-4.41 -5.96,-8.9 -8.43,-13.4 -1.25,-2.25 -2.41,-4.51 -3.5,-6.82 -2.16,-4.51 -3.98,-9.07 -5.45,-13.62 -2.95,-9.18 -4.5,-18.33 -4.5,-27.31 0,-41.265 27.51,-71.909 66.64,-71.909 2.71,0 5.4,0.148 8,0.363 39.09,3.59 66.08,33.336 66.08,63.086 0,27.75 -24.19,43.43 -27.22,61.86 -0.21,1.23 -0.3,2.47 -0.3,3.75 0,1.61 0.19,3.31 0.55,5.01 5.44,25.48 50.66,55.25 106.21,55.25 104.72,0 135.39,-88.86 135.39,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.51,-44.425 -189.35,-84.652 C 1334,854.707 1282.01,815.305 1265.25,764.41 c -4.65,-14.219 -6.59,-29.371 -6.59,-45.57 0,-8.649 0.82,-16.852 2.4,-24.68 2.07,-10.359 5.47,-20.07 9.99,-29.012 4.48,-8.988 10.06,-17.238 16.56,-24.75 34.02,-39.457 92.46,-59.066 144.52,-59.066 h 0.01 c 110.98,0 177.43,53.938 220.81,89.918 l 0.55,-0.09 -0.43,-0.5 c 0,0 55.58,-90.058 163.22,-90.058 3.78,0 7.53,-0.391 11.24,-0.09 4.7,0.437 9.36,1.039 13.98,1.777 1.83,0.281 3.67,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.29,0.34 4.55,0.84 6.8,1.301 27.62,6.089 53.79,18.531 78.22,39.328 29.28,24.922 42.5,60.57 48.01,83.972 0.19,1.5 0.44,3.008 0.61,4.411 1.75,8.546 2.32,13.918 2.32,13.918 l 0.22,11.128 c 0.14,1.973 0.29,3.864 0.38,5.563 v 12.848 l 0.15,7.171 0.23,52.372 0.02,2.753 -0.4,-0.378 v 170.316 c 4.13,67.587 28.47,142.437 136.76,151.367 42.58,3.49 90.04,-15.32 90.04,-41.77 0,-20.1 -27.5,-35.98 -27.5,-65.57 0,-31.74 30.69,-63.472 74.04,-63.472 39.14,0 66.65,30.644 66.65,71.922 0,71.95 -96.14,143.07 -216.23,136.19" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="m 816.395,793.98 c 0,-113.21 -90.95,-161.89 -171.36,-161.89 -59.219,0 -106.836,35.961 -106.836,89.898 0,68.821 60.313,118.539 173.489,149.242 l 104.707,28.528 z m 463.105,692.04 c -5.43,-0.08 -10.8,0.1 -16.17,-0.29 -111.29,-4.53 -210.83,-59.02 -210.83,-185.37 v -123.68 h -91.293 v -53.86 H 1052.5 V 753.73 c 0,-89.839 -14.46,-127.601 -68.383,-126.921 -52.375,0.64 -67.207,38.113 -67.207,126.921 v 231.719 c 0,132.241 -108.957,185.101 -226.367,185.101 -130.129,0 -228.508,-82.51 -228.508,-154.43 0,-41.265 27.516,-71.909 66.656,-71.909 43.36,0 74.039,31.727 74.039,63.449 0,29.61 -27.515,45.48 -27.515,65.61 0,26.41 47.613,60.26 106.851,60.26 104.715,0 135.383,-88.86 135.383,-158.675 0,-40.207 -46.515,-44.425 -189.34,-84.652 C 467.305,844.746 427.148,792.93 427.148,718.84 c 0,-92.02 94.145,-137.508 173.477,-137.508 111.063,0 176.898,53.938 220.281,89.918 0,0 56.035,-91.289 163.836,-91.289 3.774,0 7.492,0.25 11.219,0.551 4.709,0.437 9.369,1.039 13.989,1.777 1.82,0.32 3.66,0.633 5.44,1.051 2.27,0.34 4.53,0.84 6.78,1.301 27.63,6.089 53.8,17.929 78.22,38.711 29.31,24.949 42.52,61.796 48.01,85.187 0.22,1.512 0.44,3.012 0.64,4.441 1.74,8.52 2.31,13.899 2.31,13.899 l 0.22,11.121 c 0.14,1.98 0.28,3.859 0.38,5.582 v 12.867 l 0.15,7.09 -0.15,52.75 v 306.531 h 111.15 v 53.86 h -111.15 v 113.12 c 0,16.19 1.6,33.58 5.28,50.7 13.82,55.83 42.27,103.21 130.7,108.49 37.73,2.24 88.73,-9.28 90.06,-39.95 0.87,-20.09 -27.52,-35.97 -27.52,-65.61 0,-31.69 30.69,-63.44 74.07,-63.44 39.03,0 66.54,30.68 66.54,71.92 0,71.95 -93.15,135.58 -211.58,134.11" fill="#f4a00f" transform="matrix(.04812 0 0 -.04812 -20.552239 71.501094)"/><path d="M2904.16 1015h-7.69c-5.13 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-17.99-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.41-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.89-2.97-5.85-7.118-5.85-12.454 0-3.484.78-6.402 2.32-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.08 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.15-45.805h-.92c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.21-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.07-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.82 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.2 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.43 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.71 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.82 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.75 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.86 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.74 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.18 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.28 6.92-7.79 0-15.07-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.79 14.45 28.75 18.14 10.97 3.69 22.29 5.53 33.97 5.53 10.46 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.12-5.38 17.84-9.07 4.71-3.68 8.34-7.94 10.91-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.54-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.78-9.69 1.99-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M2977.63 1096.48h35.05v-23.07h.61c3.27 6.97 8.56 13.17 15.83 18.6 7.28 5.43 17.07 8.15 29.37 8.15 23.16 0 38.51-9.11 46.11-27.36 5.33 9.42 11.99 16.34 20 20.75 7.98 4.4 17.52 6.61 28.59 6.61 9.83 0 18.13-1.64 24.89-4.92 6.76-3.28 12.24-7.79 16.46-13.53 4.19-5.74 7.21-12.45 9.06-20.13 1.85-7.69 2.78-15.94 2.78-24.75v-87.928h-36.92v83.618c0 4.51-.41 8.87-1.22 13.07-.83 4.2-2.25 7.89-4.3 11.07-2.04 3.18-4.82 5.68-8.31 7.52-3.48 1.86-7.99 2.78-13.51 2.78-5.74 0-10.63-1.08-14.61-3.23-3.99-2.15-7.29-5.02-9.83-8.61-2.58-3.59-4.44-7.68-5.56-12.3-1.11-4.61-1.68-9.27-1.68-13.98v-79.938h-36.9v87.928c0 9.22-1.94 16.55-5.83 21.98-3.9 5.43-10.35 8.15-19.37 8.15-6.15 0-11.33-1.03-15.53-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.75-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.85-9.22-1.85-14.14v-80.548h-36.89v147.578M3351.79 1037.44c-.22 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.55 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.37 9.38-11.06 0-19.83-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.3-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.25 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.45 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.06 0-21.52 1.859-31.37 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.33 8.926-25.5 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.31 20.143-6.31 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.31 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.17 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.5 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.31 5.53 31.37 5.53 10.26 0 19.63-1.8 28.14-5.38 8.49-3.59 15.77-8.76 21.81-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.77-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.08-21.37 5.08-34.28v-10.15h-112.53M3423.1 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.61c4.1 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.58 4.72 16.29 7.07 26.14 7.07 2.25 0 4.45-.21 6.6-.62 2.17-.41 4.36-.92 6.62-1.53v-35.67c-3.08.82-6.1 1.49-9.07 2-2.97.52-5.89.77-8.76.77-8.61 0-15.52-1.59-20.75-4.77-5.24-3.18-9.23-6.8-12-10.91-2.76-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.91-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M3543.31 1096.48h36.89V948.902h-36.89zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.62 15.53 4.4 4.41 9.98 6.61 16.76 6.61 6.75 0 12.44-2.1 17.05-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.93-9.49 6.93-15.84 0-6.35-2.31-11.63-6.93-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.3-6.31-17.05-6.31-6.78 0-12.36 2.21-16.76 6.61-4.42 4.41-6.62 9.59-6.62 15.53M3723.47 1052.2c-4.31 4.51-8.81 8.1-13.53 10.76-4.72 2.66-9.53 4-14.45 4-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.67-8.82-8.61-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6 0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.94-5.33 4.81-10.043 8.61-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 5.73 0 11.07 1.172 15.99 3.527 4.91 2.368 9.12 5.801 12.6 10.305l24.59-26.441c-3.68-3.68-7.95-6.864-12.75-9.52-4.82-2.68-9.69-4.824-14.61-6.461-4.92-1.64-9.63-2.82-14.13-3.539-4.52-.719-8.41-1.074-11.69-1.074-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.85 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.22 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.08 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.9 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 9.43 0 18.9-1.8 28.44-5.38 9.54-3.59 17.89-9.28 25.06-17.07l-25.52-25.51M3860.9 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.87-.2-17.21-.61-6.36-.41-12.36-1.39-18-2.93-5.64-1.53-10.39-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.88-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.76-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 6-5.996 2.45-1.64 5.22-2.812 8.29-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.23-1.078 12.7 0 22.08 3.031 28.13 9.066 6.03 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.09-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.05-5.684-6.77 0-13.38.934-19.84 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.22 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.06 8.289-12.12 13.828-3.09 5.539-4.62 11.981-4.62 19.364 0 8.003 1.42 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.86 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.81 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.36 2.25 12.97 3.95 19.84 5.07 6.87 1.13 13.77 1.85 20.75 2.16 6.97.31 13.53.46 19.67.46h9.24v3.99c0 9.22-3.2 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.35 4.62-14.44 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.83-4.15-6.77-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.36 19.36c8.2 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.75 18.14 10.96 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.47 0 19.28-1.18 26.46-3.54 7.16-2.36 13.11-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.72-3.68 8.35-7.94 10.92-12.75 2.56-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.8-9.69 2-14.3.19-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M3935.91 1096.48h35.05v-23.68h.61c3.49 7.38 8.81 13.78 15.99 19.21 7.17 5.43 16.91 8.15 29.21 8.15 9.83 0 18.19-1.64 25.06-4.92 6.85-3.28 12.45-7.58 16.74-12.91 4.31-5.34 7.39-11.48 9.24-18.44 1.83-6.98 2.76-14.26 2.76-21.84v-93.148h-36.89v74.708c0 4.09-.21 8.65-.61 13.68-.41 5.02-1.5 9.73-3.24 14.15-1.73 4.4-4.46 8.09-8.15 11.06-3.68 2.96-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.16 0-11.33-1.03-15.54-3.07-4.2-2.06-7.68-4.83-10.46-8.3-2.75-3.5-4.74-7.49-5.98-12-1.23-4.51-1.84-9.22-1.84-14.14v-80.548h-36.9v147.578M4216.59 1065.11h-30.44v31.37h30.44v20.9c0 10.24.73 19.51 2.17 27.82 1.43 8.3 4.14 15.43 8.13 21.36 4 5.95 9.58 10.51 16.76 13.69 7.17 3.18 16.51 4.77 27.98 4.77 8.4 0 16.18-.73 23.36-2.16l-2.45-31.36c-2.67.62-5.24 1.13-7.69 1.54-2.47.41-5.04.62-7.69.62-5.13 0-9.22-.82-12.3-2.46-3.06-1.65-5.48-3.84-7.21-6.61-1.76-2.77-2.87-6-3.38-9.69-.53-3.69-.77-7.58-.77-11.68v-26.74h34.12v-31.37H4253.5V948.902h-36.91v116.208M4416.74 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.6 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.68 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.29-9.53-6.45-6.35-10.4-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.64-27.67c1.23-11.063 5.54-19.668 12.92-25.825 7.38-6.148 16.28-9.218 26.75-9.218 9.21 0 16.94 1.89 23.2 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.45-19.976c-8.62-10.661-18.26-18.25-28.91-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.51-6.758-11.07 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.85 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.2 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.67 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.29 5.53 31.36 5.53 10.25 0 19.62-1.8 28.12-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.78-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.78-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.38-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15H4341.1M4517.57 1022.69c0-5.75.97-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.95-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.61-14.149 3.8-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.68-9.847 5.33-2.453 11.39-3.68 18.15-3.68 6.77 0 12.79 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.31 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.66 9.847 3.81 4.106 6.66 8.819 8.62 14.149 1.95 5.32 2.93 10.85 2.93 16.6 0 5.73-.98 11.27-2.93 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.62 14.14-3.78 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.66 9.84-5.35 2.46-11.37 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.15-3.69-5.33-2.47-9.88-5.74-13.68-9.84-3.79-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.61-14.14-1.95-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm87.31-51.655h-.6c-5.35-9.019-12.52-15.582-21.53-19.68-9.03-4.097-18.76-6.144-29.21-6.144-11.48 0-21.66 2-30.58 6.004-8.92 3.996-16.55 9.473-22.9 16.43-6.37 6.98-11.18 15.175-14.47 24.601-3.27 9.434-4.9 19.574-4.9 30.444 0 10.86 1.72 21 5.22 30.44 3.48 9.42 8.35 17.62 14.61 24.58 6.24 6.97 13.78 12.46 22.59 16.45 8.8 4 18.45 6 28.9 6 6.95 0 13.12-.72 18.45-2.15 5.32-1.44 10.03-3.28 14.13-5.53 4.09-2.26 7.58-4.67 10.47-7.23 2.85-2.57 5.21-5.07 7.06-7.54h.93v103.61h36.88V948.902h-35.05v22.133M4786.89 1037.44c-.21 10.86-3.59 19.42-10.15 25.67-6.56 6.25-15.69 9.38-27.36 9.38-11.07 0-19.84-3.18-26.28-9.53-6.46-6.35-10.41-14.86-11.84-25.52zm-75.63-27.67c1.22-11.063 5.53-19.668 12.91-25.825 7.37-6.148 16.29-9.218 26.74-9.218 9.22 0 16.95 1.89 23.21 5.687 6.26 3.785 11.73 8.555 16.46 14.289l26.44-19.976c-8.61-10.661-18.25-18.25-28.9-22.758-10.66-4.504-21.83-6.758-33.5-6.758-11.08 0-21.53 1.859-31.38 5.531-9.83 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.16 6.761-12.86 14.902-17.05 24.429-4.21 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823 0 11.68 2.09 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.05 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.69 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.85 3.69 20.3 5.53 31.38 5.53 10.24 0 19.61-1.8 28.11-5.38 8.51-3.59 15.79-8.76 21.83-15.53 6.05-6.76 10.76-15.11 14.15-25.05 3.39-9.94 5.07-21.37 5.07-34.28v-10.15h-112.52M4858.21 1096.48h36.9v-23.37h.6c4.09 8.6 9.93 15.26 17.52 19.98 7.59 4.72 16.3 7.07 26.15 7.07 2.24 0 4.45-.21 6.61-.62 2.15-.41 4.35-.92 6.6-1.53v-35.67c-3.07.82-6.11 1.49-9.06 2-2.97.52-5.9.77-8.76.77-8.62 0-15.54-1.59-20.76-4.77-5.23-3.18-9.22-6.8-11.99-10.91-2.77-4.1-4.62-8.2-5.53-12.3-.92-4.1-1.38-7.17-1.38-9.22v-79.008h-36.9v147.578M5067.88 1015h-7.69c-5.12 0-10.86-.2-17.21-.61-6.37-.41-12.35-1.39-18-2.93-5.62-1.53-10.4-3.8-14.3-6.76-3.87-2.97-5.83-7.118-5.83-12.454 0-3.484.77-6.402 2.31-8.766 1.53-2.359 3.52-4.347 5.99-5.996 2.47-1.64 5.23-2.812 8.3-3.531 3.08-.715 6.15-1.078 9.22-1.078 12.71 0 22.09 3.031 28.14 9.066 6.04 6.055 9.07 14.297 9.07 24.759zm2.16-45.805h-.93c-5.34-8.402-12.1-14.5-20.29-18.3-8.2-3.79-17.22-5.684-27.06-5.684-6.76 0-13.37.934-19.83 2.762-6.46 1.851-12.19 4.609-17.21 8.312-5.02 3.676-9.07 8.289-12.14 13.828-3.08 5.539-4.61 11.981-4.61 19.364 0 8.003 1.41 14.813 4.3 20.453 2.87 5.64 6.7 10.34 11.53 14.13 4.8 3.8 10.4 6.82 16.74 9.08 6.35 2.25 12.98 3.95 19.83 5.07 6.88 1.13 13.79 1.85 20.76 2.16 6.98.31 13.52.46 19.68.46h9.23v3.99c0 9.22-3.19 16.14-9.54 20.75-6.36 4.62-14.45 6.92-24.29 6.92-7.79 0-15.06-1.38-21.82-4.15-6.76-2.77-12.6-6.51-17.53-11.21l-19.37 19.36c8.19 8.4 17.77 14.45 28.76 18.14 10.95 3.69 22.28 5.53 33.96 5.53 10.45 0 19.27-1.18 26.44-3.54 7.17-2.36 13.13-5.38 17.82-9.07 4.73-3.68 8.36-7.94 10.93-12.75 2.55-4.82 4.4-9.69 5.53-14.6 1.12-4.93 1.79-9.69 2-14.3.2-4.61.31-8.66.31-12.15v-84.848h-33.2v20.293M5125.67 1065.11v31.37h30.44v42.72h36.9v-42.72h40.57v-31.37h-40.57v-64.57c0-7.364 1.37-13.204 4.16-17.517 2.75-4.296 8.24-6.453 16.43-6.453 3.28 0 6.86.36 10.77 1.075 3.89.718 6.97 1.902 9.21 3.523v-31.039c-3.89-1.852-8.66-3.125-14.29-3.844-5.64-.719-10.62-1.074-14.91-1.074-9.83 0-17.89 1.074-24.13 3.227-6.26 2.152-11.18 5.429-14.76 9.839-3.59 4.403-6.05 9.875-7.38 16.45-1.33 6.558-2 14.14-2 22.753v67.63h-30.44M5263.11 1096.48h36.88V948.902h-36.88zm-5.23 50.1c0 5.94 2.2 11.12 6.61 15.53 4.41 4.41 9.99 6.61 16.75 6.61 6.77 0 12.45-2.1 17.06-6.3 4.62-4.21 6.92-9.49 6.92-15.84 0-6.35-2.3-11.63-6.92-15.83-4.61-4.2-10.29-6.31-17.06-6.31-6.76 0-12.34 2.21-16.75 6.61-4.41 4.41-6.61 9.59-6.61 15.53M5371.93 1022.69c0-5.75.98-11.28 2.92-16.6 1.96-5.33 4.82-10.043 8.62-14.149 3.79-4.093 8.35-7.378 13.69-9.847 5.31-2.453 11.37-3.68 18.13-3.68 6.76 0 12.8 1.227 18.14 3.68 5.32 2.469 9.88 5.754 13.67 9.847 3.8 4.106 6.65 8.819 8.61 14.149 1.96 5.32 2.92 10.85 2.92 16.6 0 5.73-.96 11.27-2.92 16.6-1.96 5.32-4.81 10.03-8.61 14.14-3.79 4.1-8.35 7.37-13.67 9.84-5.34 2.46-11.38 3.69-18.14 3.69-6.76 0-12.82-1.23-18.13-3.69-5.34-2.47-9.9-5.74-13.69-9.84-3.8-4.11-6.66-8.82-8.62-14.14-1.94-5.33-2.92-10.87-2.92-16.6zm-36.88 0c0 11.68 2.1 22.29 6.3 31.81 4.19 9.54 9.89 17.69 17.06 24.45 7.18 6.76 15.68 11.99 25.52 15.68 9.84 3.69 20.28 5.53 31.36 5.53 11.07 0 21.52-1.84 31.36-5.53 9.84-3.69 18.33-8.92 25.52-15.68 7.17-6.76 12.86-14.91 17.05-24.45 4.2-9.52 6.3-20.13 6.3-31.81 0-11.68-2.1-22.3-6.3-31.823-4.19-9.527-9.88-17.668-17.05-24.429-7.19-6.77-15.68-12.004-25.52-15.696-9.84-3.672-20.29-5.531-31.36-5.531-11.08 0-21.52 1.859-31.36 5.531-9.84 3.692-18.34 8.926-25.52 15.696-7.17 6.761-12.87 14.902-17.06 24.429-4.2 9.523-6.3 20.143-6.3 31.823M5518.6 1096.34h34.98v-23.63h.63c3.47 7.37 8.8 13.76 15.97 19.18 7.15 5.42 16.87 8.15 29.16 8.15 9.81 0 18.14-1.66 25.01-4.92 6.84-3.28 12.43-7.58 16.72-12.9 4.3-5.32 7.38-11.46 9.22-18.41 1.83-6.95 2.76-14.23 2.76-21.8v-93.006h-36.84v74.586c0 4.1-.21 8.65-.6 13.67-.42 5.01-1.49 9.72-3.24 14.11-1.74 4.4-4.44 8.08-8.12 11.05-3.7 2.97-8.71 4.46-15.05 4.46-6.14 0-11.3-1.02-15.51-3.07-4.2-2.05-7.66-4.81-10.42-8.29-2.77-3.48-4.76-7.47-5.99-11.97-1.23-4.5-1.84-9.21-1.84-14.12v-80.426h-36.84v147.336M2822.35 769.5h-30.38v31.313h30.38v20.867c0 10.234.71 19.492 2.15 27.785 1.43 8.289 4.14 15.398 8.14 21.328 3.99 5.937 9.56 10.484 16.73 13.672 7.16 3.164 16.46 4.746 27.92 4.746 8.4 0 16.17-.715 23.34-2.16l-2.46-31.289c-2.66.605-5.22 1.113-7.68 1.523-2.45.41-5.01.613-7.66.613-5.12 0-9.21-.82-12.28-2.46-3.08-1.629-5.48-3.829-7.22-6.598-1.74-2.754-2.87-5.988-3.37-9.66-.52-3.684-.77-7.586-.77-11.668v-26.699h34.07V769.5h-34.07V653.469h-36.84V769.5M2946.67 727.141c0-5.743.97-11.262 2.91-16.582 1.94-5.309 4.81-10.02 8.59-14.11 3.79-4.097 8.34-7.371 13.66-9.828 5.32-2.461 11.36-3.68 18.11-3.68 6.76 0 12.79 1.219 18.11 3.68 5.32 2.457 9.87 5.731 13.67 9.828 3.78 4.09 6.65 8.801 8.59 14.11 1.95 5.32 2.92 10.839 2.92 16.582 0 5.73-.97 11.257-2.92 16.57-1.94 5.328-4.81 10.027-8.59 14.117-3.8 4.094-8.35 7.371-13.67 9.832-5.32 2.461-11.35 3.68-18.11 3.68-6.75 0-12.79-1.219-18.11-3.68-5.32-2.461-9.87-5.738-13.66-9.832-3.78-4.09-6.65-8.789-8.59-14.117-1.94-5.313-2.91-10.84-2.91-16.57zm-36.85 0c0 11.66 2.11 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.87 17.649 17.04 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.3 5.531 11.06 0 21.5-1.847 31.31-5.531 9.83-3.68 18.32-8.902 25.48-15.641 7.17-6.761 12.84-14.89 17.04-24.41 4.19-9.519 6.28-20.109 6.28-31.769 0-11.661-2.09-22.25-6.28-31.77-4.2-9.512-9.87-17.66-17.04-24.402-7.16-6.758-15.65-11.981-25.48-15.66-9.81-3.668-20.25-5.528-31.31-5.528-11.05 0-21.48 1.86-31.3 5.528-9.82 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.04 24.402-4.19 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77M3104.42 800.813h36.85v-23.344h.61c4.09 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.56 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.08 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.6-1.543v-35.598c-3.06.821-6.1 1.473-9.06 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.51-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.99-10.91-2.76-4.09-4.59-8.192-5.51-12.281-.93-4.09-1.38-7.161-1.38-9.2v-78.89h-36.85v147.344M3404.63 719.469h-7.69c-5.1 0-10.84-.199-17.17-.617-6.34-.403-12.34-1.372-17.97-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.38-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.88-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.3-8.75 1.55-2.359 3.54-4.34 5.99-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.22-2.809 8.29-3.532 3.08-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.69 0 22.06 3.012 28.09 9.051 6.02 6.039 9.06 14.277 9.06 24.719zm2.14-45.731h-.91c-5.33-8.398-12.08-14.488-20.26-18.269-8.19-3.778-17.19-5.688-27.02-5.688-6.74 0-13.35.918-19.79 2.778-6.46 1.832-12.19 4.613-17.18 8.281-5.04 3.68-9.07 8.281-12.14 13.808-3.06 5.532-4.61 11.973-4.61 19.34 0 7.973 1.44 14.782 4.3 20.41 2.86 5.633 6.71 10.34 11.52 14.122 4.8 3.781 10.38 6.8 16.72 9.062 6.34 2.238 12.94 3.93 19.8 5.066 6.85 1.114 13.76 1.84 20.73 2.141 6.95.313 13.5.449 19.63.449h9.21v4c0 9.223-3.18 16.121-9.5 20.723-6.36 4.609-14.43 6.91-24.26 6.91-7.78 0-15.04-1.391-21.8-4.16-6.76-2.75-12.59-6.492-17.5-11.191l-19.33 19.332c8.18 8.386 17.75 14.429 28.71 18.109 10.93 3.684 22.25 5.531 33.91 5.531 10.44 0 19.23-1.179 26.4-3.535 7.16-2.355 13.09-5.367 17.81-9.047 4.69-3.691 8.33-7.941 10.89-12.738 2.56-4.813 4.39-9.672 5.52-14.594 1.12-4.906 1.78-9.656 2-14.269.2-4.61.29-8.649.29-12.118v-84.722h-33.14v20.269M3552.59 771.34c-6.56 0-12.49-1.078-17.81-3.219-5.33-2.152-9.89-5.109-13.66-8.902-3.8-3.797-6.75-8.399-8.9-13.809-2.15-5.43-3.23-11.43-3.23-17.969 0-5.929 1.08-11.461 3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.15-9.609 9.05-13.512 3.89-3.879 8.49-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.3-2.238 11.04-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.74 0 12.83 1.121 18.25 3.359 5.42 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.76 13.652 2.04 5.309 3.05 11.039 3.05 17.199 0 12.891-3.88 23.321-11.66 31.301-7.79 7.969-18.41 11.969-31.91 11.969zm78.56 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.64-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.27-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.48-13.242-25.92-17.34-10.44-4.082-22.83-6.14-37.15-6.14-13.7 0-26.7 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.28 3.469-23.64 9.801-34.07 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.37-6.75 15.04-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.21-5.527 27.65-5.527 8.78 0 16.2 1.219 22.24 3.668 6.03 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.43 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.67 15.5 1.54 6.039 2.31 12.73 2.31 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.8-3.566-17.81-5.347-27.01-5.347-11.05 0-21.08 1.988-30.08 5.968-9 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.17 16.129-6.46 6.742-11.42 14.723-14.9 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.2 19.031-5.2 29.461 0 10.839 1.63 20.98 4.9 30.39 3.27 9.41 8.08 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.35 6.961 13.97 12.442 22.88 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.08 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.15-2.058 29.15-6.152 9.01-4.078 16.16-10.629 21.5-19.629h.6v22.102h34.99M3673.51 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3.23-16.57 2.15-5.109 5.16-9.609 9.04-13.512 3.9-3.879 8.51-6.949 13.82-9.211 5.32-2.238 11.05-3.359 17.19-3.359 6.75 0 12.83 1.121 18.26 3.359 5.41 2.262 10.04 5.282 13.82 9.071 3.78 3.769 6.7 8.332 8.74 13.652 2.05 5.309 3.08 11.039 3.08 17.199 0 12.891-3.9 23.321-11.67 31.301-7.78 7.969-18.42 11.969-31.92 11.969zm78.58 29.473V666.672c0-13.301-1.65-25.313-4.9-36.063-3.28-10.757-8.34-19.847-15.21-27.328-6.85-7.461-15.49-13.242-25.94-17.34-10.42-4.082-22.81-6.14-37.14-6.14-13.7 0-26.71 1.738-38.98 5.23-12.29 3.469-23.63 9.801-34.06 19.02l22.1 30.078c7.35-6.75 15.02-11.969 23.01-15.641 7.99-3.687 17.2-5.527 27.63-5.527 8.79 0 16.21 1.219 22.26 3.668 6.01 2.461 10.84 5.851 14.42 10.141 3.57 4.289 6.13 9.468 7.68 15.5 1.53 6.039 2.3 12.73 2.3 20.089v10.762h-.62c-5.32-7.172-12.39-12.543-21.18-16.133-8.79-3.566-17.81-5.347-27-5.347-11.06 0-21.08 1.988-30.09 5.968-9.01 3.993-16.73 9.371-23.18 16.129-6.44 6.742-11.41 14.723-14.89 23.942-3.47 9.191-5.21 19.031-5.21 29.461 0 10.839 1.62 20.98 4.92 30.39 3.26 9.41 8.07 17.598 14.42 24.547 6.34 6.961 13.96 12.442 22.87 16.442 8.89 3.98 19.07 5.972 30.54 5.972 10.44 0 20.14-2.058 29.16-6.152 8.99-4.078 16.15-10.629 21.49-19.629h.61v22.102h34.99M4195.95 800.813h36.83v-23.344h.61c4.1 8.601 9.93 15.25 17.5 19.961 7.57 4.711 16.26 7.062 26.09 7.062 2.25 0 4.46-.195 6.61-.613 2.15-.41 4.35-.918 6.61-1.543v-35.598c-3.08.821-6.11 1.473-9.07 2-2.97.5-5.9.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.5-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.21-6.809-11.98-10.91-2.77-4.09-4.6-8.192-5.52-12.281-.93-4.09-1.39-7.161-1.39-9.2v-78.89h-36.83v147.344M4420.33 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.58 19.383-10.12 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.67 9.359-27.33 9.359-11.04 0-19.8-3.18-26.24-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.39-14.828-11.82-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.23-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.36-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.7-9.199 9.2 0 16.93 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.24 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.41 14.281l26.39-19.949c-8.58-10.653-18.19-18.223-28.84-22.731-10.64-4.492-21.79-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.05 0-21.49 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.81 3.679-18.31 8.902-25.47 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.85 14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.3 20.109-6.3 31.77 0 11.66 2.1 22.25 6.3 31.769 4.18 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.66 11.961 25.47 15.641 9.82 3.684 20.26 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.6-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.81-15.5 6.03-6.75 10.74-15.082 14.11-25.031 3.38-9.918 5.07-21.309 5.07-34.219V714.25h-112.35M4560.92 759.98c-7.17 10.02-16.79 15.059-28.86 15.059-4.91 0-9.73-1.238-14.43-3.699-4.71-2.449-7.06-6.449-7.06-11.969 0-4.512 1.94-7.781 5.85-9.82 3.86-2.051 8.78-3.789 14.72-5.231 5.94-1.422 12.33-2.898 19.18-4.441 6.86-1.527 13.25-3.891 19.19-7.059 5.93-3.172 10.84-7.519 14.73-13.039 3.89-5.531 5.83-13.101 5.83-22.73 0-8.789-1.9-16.211-5.68-22.25-3.78-6.031-8.69-10.879-14.73-14.571-6.04-3.699-12.83-6.359-20.41-7.98-7.58-1.641-15.15-2.469-22.72-2.469-11.46 0-21.99 1.649-31.61 4.918-9.62 3.281-18.22 9.223-25.78 17.813l24.54 23.019c4.72-5.332 9.78-9.672 15.21-13.062 5.42-3.36 12.02-5.059 19.79-5.059 2.67 0 5.42.301 8.29.93 2.87.609 5.53 1.621 7.98 3.07 2.45 1.418 4.44 3.219 5.99 5.371 1.53 2.149 2.3 4.66 2.3 7.508 0 5.109-1.95 8.91-5.84 11.359-3.88 2.461-8.8 4.454-14.72 5.981-5.94 1.543-12.34 2.973-19.19 4.301-6.86 1.34-13.26 3.48-19.18 6.449-5.93 2.961-10.85 7.101-14.74 12.43-3.9 5.332-5.83 12.691-5.83 22.101 0 8.192 1.69 15.301 5.06 21.34 3.38 6.039 7.83 10.988 13.35 14.891 5.53 3.879 11.86 6.738 19.04 8.597 7.16 1.825 14.43 2.754 21.8 2.754 9.82 0 19.54-1.687 29.15-5.062 9.62-3.391 17.38-9.168 23.32-17.352l-24.54-22.098M4723.6 741.879c-.2 10.84-3.59 19.383-10.14 25.633-6.55 6.226-15.65 9.359-27.31 9.359-11.05 0-19.79-3.18-26.25-9.531-6.44-6.328-10.37-14.828-11.81-25.461zm-75.51-27.629c1.22-11.051 5.52-19.641 12.9-25.789 7.35-6.129 16.26-9.199 26.69-9.199 9.2 0 16.94 1.886 23.18 5.668 6.25 3.781 11.71 8.55 16.42 14.281l26.4-19.949c-8.59-10.653-18.22-18.223-28.85-22.731-10.65-4.492-21.8-6.75-33.46-6.75-11.06 0-21.48 1.86-31.31 5.528-9.83 3.679-18.32 8.902-25.48 15.66-7.17 6.742-12.84 14.89-17.03 24.402-4.2 9.52-6.29 20.109-6.29 31.77 0 11.66 2.09 22.25 6.29 31.769 4.19 9.52 9.86 17.649 17.03 24.41 7.16 6.739 15.65 11.961 25.48 15.641 9.83 3.684 20.25 5.531 31.31 5.531 10.23 0 19.59-1.797 28.08-5.371 8.5-3.582 15.76-8.742 21.79-15.5 6.05-6.75 10.75-15.082 14.13-25.031 3.37-9.918 5.06-21.309 5.06-34.219V714.25h-112.34M4884.74 719.469h-7.68c-5.12 0-10.84-.199-17.18-.617-6.35-.403-12.33-1.372-17.96-2.922-5.63-1.532-10.39-3.782-14.27-6.739-3.9-2.972-5.84-7.113-5.84-12.441 0-3.488.78-6.391 2.31-8.75 1.53-2.359 3.53-4.34 5.97-5.98 2.46-1.649 5.23-2.809 8.3-3.532 3.07-.718 6.14-1.078 9.21-1.078 12.68 0 22.05 3.012 28.09 9.051 6.03 6.039 9.05 14.277 9.05 24.719zm2.14-45.731h-.9c-5.35-8.398-12.09-14.488-20.28-18.269-8.19-3.778-17.17-5.688-27-5.688-6.76 0-13.36.918-19.8 2.778-6.45 1.832-12.17 4.613-17.19 8.281-5.02 3.68-9.06 8.281-12.14 13.808-3.06 5.532-4.6 11.973-4.6 19.34 0 7.973 1.44 14.782 4.3 20.41 2.87 5.633 6.72 10.34 11.51 14.122 4.82 3.781 10.38 6.8 16.74 9.062 6.34 2.238 12.94 3.93 19.8 5.066 6.85 1.114 13.76 1.84 20.72 2.141 6.95.313 13.5.449 19.65.449h9.19v4c0 9.223-3.17 16.121-9.5 20.723-6.35 4.609-14.44 6.91-24.25 6.91-7.79 0-15.05-1.391-21.8-4.16-6.76-2.75-12.59-6.492-17.49-11.191l-19.35 19.332c8.2 8.386 17.75 14.429 28.7 18.109 10.94 3.684 22.27 5.531 33.93 5.531 10.43 0 19.22-1.179 26.39-3.535 7.15-2.355 13.1-5.367 17.81-9.047 4.7-3.691 8.33-7.941 10.89-12.738 2.55-4.813 4.4-9.672 5.52-14.594 1.13-4.906 1.79-9.656 2.01-14.269.19-4.61.3-8.649.3-12.118v-84.722h-33.16v20.269M4959.63 800.813h36.84v-23.344h.62c4.08 8.601 9.91 15.25 17.49 19.961 7.57 4.711 16.27 7.062 26.08 7.062 2.25 0 4.47-.195 6.62-.613 2.14-.41 4.34-.918 6.59-1.543v-35.598c-3.06.821-6.1 1.473-9.06 2-2.96.5-5.88.762-8.75.762-8.59 0-15.5-1.578-20.71-4.75-5.22-3.18-9.22-6.809-11.97-10.91-2.76-4.09-4.6-8.192-5.53-12.281-.93-4.09-1.38-7.161-1.38-9.2v-78.89h-36.84v147.344M5167.47 756.602c-4.32 4.5-8.82 8.089-13.51 10.738-4.71 2.66-9.52 4-14.43 4-6.75 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