Support l Park'N Fly
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reservation.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32,24],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":5341,"question":"What forms of payment are accepted?","answer":"<p><strong>Valet<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Credit cards<\/li>\n<li>Debit<\/li>\n<li>Cash<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><strong>Express A and Express B<br \/>\n<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Credit cards and debit only. No cash.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><strong>Park’N Fly App<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Park\u2019N Fly\u2019s mobile app accepts all major credit cards.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","location":[26],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4268,"question":"What forms of payment are accepted?","answer":"<p><strong>Valet<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Credit cards<\/li>\n<li>Debit<\/li>\n<li>Cash<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><strong>Self Park<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Credit cards and debit only. No cash.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><strong>Park’N Fly App<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Park\u2019N Fly\u2019s mobile app accepts all major credit cards.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","location":[32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4260,"question":"What forms of payment are accepted?","answer":"<p><strong>Valet<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Credit cards<\/li>\n<li>Debit<\/li>\n<li>Cash<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><strong>Park’N Fly App<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Park\u2019N Fly\u2019s mobile app accepts all major credit cards.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":3998,"question":"What forms of payment are accepted?","answer":"<p><strong>Valet<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Credit cards<\/li>\n<li>Debit<\/li>\n<li>Cash<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><strong>Self Park and Economy<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Credit cards and debit only. No cash.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><strong>Park’N Fly App<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Park\u2019N Fly\u2019s mobile app accepts all major credit cards.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","location":[20],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":3994,"question":"What forms of payment are accepted?","answer":"<p>We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, debit and cash.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Park’N Fly App<\/strong><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Park\u2019N Fly\u2019s mobile app accepts all major credit cards.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","location":[24,28,22],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4037,"question":"I forgot to show my CAA card\/discount coupon when I paid. How do I get a refund?","answer":"<p>Discounts or credits cannot be applied after you have checked out of the facility. The CAA card or discount code needs to be presented or swiped at the time of check out to obtain the associated discount.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":14989,"question":"How can I apply my discount code to my reservation? ","answer":"<p>To apply a discount code, you must provide the code when you are making your reservation. Enter your discount code in the \u2018Discount field\u2019 when you are entering your date and time of drop off and pick up.<\/p>\n","location":["all"],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":14978,"question":"How can I apply my discount code to my reservation? ","answer":"<p>To apply a discount code, you must provide the code when you are making your reservation. Enter your discount code oin the \u2018optional field\u2019 when you are entering your date and time of drop off and pick up.<\/p>\n","location":[26],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":9885,"question":"How can I apply my discount code\/ CAA card discount to my website reservation? ","answer":"<p>To apply a discount code or CAA discount to your website reservation, you must provide the code or CAA Card number when you are making your reservation. Enter your discount code or CAA Card number in the \u2018optional field\u2019 when you are entering your date and time of drop off and pick up.\u00a0CAA Member numbers can also be added when making a reservation using the Park\u2019N Fly mobile app. To obtain your CAA discount, enter your CAA Member number in the \u2018CAA discount field\u2019 when you are making your reservation in the Park\u2019N Fly app.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4032,"question":"I forgot to show my CAA card\/discount coupon when I paid. How do I get a refund?","answer":"<p>Discounts or credits cannot be applied after you have checked out of the facility. The CAA card or discount code needs to be presented or swiped at the time of check out to obtain the associated discount.<\/p>\n","location":[22],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4030,"question":"I forgot to show my CAA card\/discount coupon when I paid. How do I get a refund?","answer":"<p>Discounts or credits cannot be applied after you have checked out of the facility. The CAA card or discount code needs to be presented or swiped at the time of check out to obtain the associated discount.<\/p>\n","location":[28],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4028,"question":"I forgot to show my CAA card\/discount coupon when I paid. How do I get a refund?","answer":"<p>Discounts or credits cannot be applied after you have checked out of the facility. The CAA card or discount code needs to be presented or swiped at the time of check out to obtain the associated discount.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4025,"question":"I forgot to show my discount coupon when I paid. How do I get a refund?","answer":"<p>Discounts or credits cannot be applied after you have checked out of the facility. The CAA card or discount code needs to be presented or swiped at the time of check out to obtain the associated discount.<\/p>\n","location":[26],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4023,"question":"I forgot to show my CAA card\/discount coupon when I paid. How do I get a refund?","answer":"<p>Discounts or credits cannot be applied after you have checked out of the facility. The CAA card or discount code needs to be presented or swiped at the time of check out to obtain the associated discount.<\/p>\n","location":[20],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4019,"question":"I forgot to show my CAA card\/discount coupon when I paid. How do I get a refund?","answer":"<p>Discounts or credits cannot be applied after you have checked out of the facility. The CAA card or discount code needs to be presented or swiped at the time of check out to obtain the associated discount.<\/p>\n","location":[32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4017,"question":"Do you offer discounts for BCAA cardholders?","answer":"<p>Yes, we do. We also offer discounts for CAA cardholders, and AAA cardholders for those outside of the province, and from the United States.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4012,"question":"Do you offer discounts for CAA cardholders?","answer":"<p>Yes, we do. We also offer discounts for CAA cardholders, and AAA cardholders for those outside of the province, and from the United States.<\/p>\n","location":[24,30,20,28,22,32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4002,"question":"Where can I get Park'N Fly discount codes? ","answer":"<p>You don\u2019t need a discount code to take advantage of the latest Park\u2019N Fly promotions. Simply visit our <a href=\"http:\/\/\">homepage<\/a>, and enter the information required to obtain the latest available discounts.<\/p>\n","location":[28,22,24,26,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":1007,"question":"Do I need a discount code to save on Park\u2019N Fly rates?","answer":"<p>You can still save on your next parking stay without a discount code. Simply enter your travel dates on the <u>home page<\/u> and you will receive our special discounted web rates. Your reservation confirmation confirms the rate and associated savings.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":true,"category":"481"},{"ID":4010,"question":"How many discounts can I use per stay?","answer":"<p>You can only use one discount against each stay (transaction) with us.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4006,"question":"How can I get a corporate discount?","answer":"<p>For all questions about corporate discounts, contact our corporate sales support team at <a href=\"\"><\/a><\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4008,"question":"Can you explain my receipt?","answer":"<p>When reading your receipt remember that one day is considered 24 hours and that a week is considered seven consecutive 24-hour periods. If you\u2019ve used a voucher or discount, you will see the regular rate followed by the \u201cCoupon Discount\u201d which shows your savings. For example, if you stay with Park\u2019N Fly for eight days and have a voucher, you will see one standard weekly rate and one standard daily rate followed by the discount.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":3992,"question":"When do I pay?","answer":"<p>You can pay for your stay once you have returned from your trip. If you are paying by credit card, our Self Park lots (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), are equipped with Self Serve paystations at the exits. Simply scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance, and be on your way. For Valet location, simply proceed to the automated pay station at the Valet facility, scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance and be on your way.<\/p>\n<p>Park’N Fly app users can save their payment information at the time of reservation allowing for a safe, touchless scanning into and out of the parking lot. Payment details are saved for one transaction only and credit card will only be charged at the time of vehicle pick up.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":5411,"question":"When do I pay?","answer":"<p>You can pay for your stay once you have returned from your trip. If you are paying by credit card, our Self Park lots (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), are equipped with Self Serve paystations at the exits. Simply scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance, and be on your way. For Valet location, simply proceed to the automated pay station at the Valet facility, scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance and be on your way.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":5408,"question":"When do I pay?","answer":"<p>You can pay for your stay once you have returned from your trip. If you are paying by credit card, our Self Park lots (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), are equipped with Self Serve paystations at the exits. Simply scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance, and be on your way. For Valet location, simply proceed to the automated pay station at the Valet facility, scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance and be on your way.<\/p>\n<p>Park’N Fly app users can save their payment information at the time of reservation allowing for a safe, touchless scanning into and out of the parking lot. Payment details are saved for one transaction only and credit card will only be charged at the time of vehicle pick up.<\/p>\n","location":[20,26],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":5405,"question":"When do I pay?","answer":"<p>You can pay for your stay once you have returned from your trip. If you are paying by credit card, our Self Park lots (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), are equipped with Self Serve paystations at the exits. Simply scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance, and be on your way. For Valet location, simply proceed to the automated pay station at the Valet facility, scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance and be on your way.<\/p>\n<p>Park’N Fly app users can save their payment information at the time of reservation allowing for a safe, touchless scanning into and out of the parking lot. Payment details are saved for one transaction only and credit card will only be charged at the time of vehicle pick up.<\/p>\n","location":[32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":5403,"question":"When do I pay?","answer":"<p>You can pay for your stay once you have returned from your trip. If you are paying by credit card, our Self Park lots (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), are equipped with Self Serve paystations at the exits. Simply scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance, and be on your way. For Valet location, simply proceed to the automated pay station at the Valet facility, scan your ticket or reservation, pay the balance and be on your way.<\/p>\n<p>Park’N Fly app users can save their payment information at the time of reservation allowing for a safe, touchless scanning into and out of the parking lot. Payment details are saved for one transaction only and credit card will only be charged at the time of vehicle pick up.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4021,"question":"Are your prices shown in Canadian dollars?","answer":"<p>Yes, all our prices are shown in Canadian dollars.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4004,"question":"What is your exchange rate on U.S. currency?","answer":"<p>The exchange rate on U.S. currency is based on the Bank of Canada\u2019s posted exchange rate and may fluctuate.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"481"},{"ID":4014,"question":"Do you apply a fuel surcharge?","answer":"<p>Yes, we do. There is a charge of $1.96 on each stay with us that helps offset the fuel costs of our shuttle buses.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"481"}],"482":[{"ID":999,"question":"How frequently do the shuttle buses run to and from the airport?","answer":"<p>The Park\u2019N Fly shuttles operate 24\/7, taking you from the lot and dropping you off curbside at the terminal. The shuttles are also available to take you back to your parking lot as well. <a href=\"\/\">See our individual location pages<\/a> for more detailed shuttle schedules.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"482"},{"ID":4257,"question":"How long does the shuttle service take to get to the airport? (Vancouver)","answer":"<p>The average time to get to the airport is between 5 to 10 minutes for Valet.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"482"},{"ID":1001,"question":"How long does the shuttle service take to get to the airport?","answer":"<p>The average time to get to the airport is between 10 to 15 minutes for Self Park.<\/p>\n","location":[22],"popular":false,"category":"482"},{"ID":4275,"question":"How long does the shuttle service take to get to the airport?","answer":"<p>The average time to get to the airport is between 5 to 8 minutes for Self Park.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"482"},{"ID":4255,"question":"How much time do I need to allow for parking?","answer":"<p>In general, we recommend arriving at our lot 30 to 45 minutes before the recommended check-in time for your flight. Please <a href=\"\/\">see your nearest location<\/a> for more details.<\/p>\n","location":[30,22,24,26,28,20,32],"popular":false,"category":"482"},{"ID":3979,"question":"How often do the shuttles run?","answer":"<p>For your convenience, the Park\u2019N Fly shuttle operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will come by the lot every 8 minutes, or less. Please wait at your vehicle to be picked up.<\/p>\n","location":[28],"popular":false,"category":"482"},{"ID":2169,"question":"What is the schedule for the shuttle?","answer":"<p>Our shuttle service runs approximately every 8-15 minutes for Valet and 15-20 minutes for Self Park, depending on the lot. However, we ask all customers to allow 45 minutes to park and get the terminal at the time recommended by your airline. Please see your Park’N Fly location page for more information on shuttle schedules.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,32],"popular":false,"category":"482"},{"ID":5433,"question":"What is the schedule for the shuttle?","answer":"<p>Our shuttle service runs every 5-10 minutes. However, we ask all customers to allow 45 minutes to park and get the terminal at the time recommended by your airline.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"482"},{"ID":4233,"question":"What happens when I get to the Park\u2019N Fly lot?","answer":"<p>We are here to help get you to the terminal quickly! Upon entering the lot, simply proceed to the designated parking area. Park and secure your vehicle, and a shuttle will pick you up at your vehicle and drop you off curbside at the terminal. If you have any questions please see the attendant at the location or shuttle bus driver. <a href=\"\/\">See location details on our home page<\/a> for further details.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28],"popular":false,"category":"482"},{"ID":995,"question":"What happens when I get to the Park\u2019N Fly lot?","answer":"<p>We are here to help get you to the terminal quickly! <a href=\"\/\">See location details on the home page<\/a> for details on what to do when you arrive and where to pick up the shuttle.<\/p>\n","location":[24,26,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"482"}],"483":[{"ID":16594,"question":"What is the difference between Self Park and Self Park B?","answer":"<p>Self Park B is the newest addition to Park\u2019N Fly Toronto\u2019s suite of airport parking options. While the facility offers the same service and experience as the Self Park lot, Self Park B features new hardware, gates and asphalt. The addition of the Self Park B facility expands the available capacity by offering more parking spots to travellers departing from Toronto Pearson International Airport.<\/p>\n","location":[20],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":14661,"question":"What hours does Park'N Fly operate?","answer":"<p>To ensure that you can always find the perfect parking spot regardless of when your flight leaves, Park’N Fly is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our shuttle times remain consistent regardless of whether you\u2019re travelling during the day, at night, on weekdays, weekends, or holidays.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":true,"category":"483"},{"ID":983,"question":"What does it cost to park at Park'N Fly?","answer":"<p>Park\u2019N Fly offers a variety of different parking services depending on your needs. To view the latest rates, simply enter the information required on the home page and click \u2018view rates\u2019 to secure the discounted rate you\u2019ll need to make a reservation.<\/p>\n","location":[28,22,24,26,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":965,"question":"How do I get to Park'N Fly?","answer":"<p>View the Park\u2019N Fly <a href=\"https:\/\/\/support\/locations\/\">location and direction section<\/a> for maps and directions.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32,24],"popular":true,"category":"483"},{"ID":967,"question":"What hours does Park'N Fly operate?","answer":"<p>To ensure that you can always find the perfect parking spot regardless of when your flight leaves, Park\u2019N Fly is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our shuttle times remain consistent regardless of whether you\u2019re travelling during the day, at night, on weekdays, weekends, or holidays.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":true,"category":"483"},{"ID":4265,"question":"How does the Valet service work?","answer":"<p>Valet offers you a higher level of service. When you arrive at the entrance, the gates open when your vehicle approaches. Proceed inside the Valet building Leave your car inside in one of the lanes in the designated arrival area. Proceed with your luggage and have your license plate number handy so that you can be checked in.<\/p>\n<p>For <strong>Park’N Fly app users<\/strong>, scan your reservation at the kiosk and complete the drop-off process for your reservation in the app and proceed to the next step below<\/p>\n<p>For <strong>non Park’N Fly app users: <\/strong>Enter the building with your luggage and have your license plate number handy along with your return flight information so that you can be checked in.<\/p>\n<p>Proceed to the shuttle bus which will take you to the airport while a valet attendant parks your vehicle. Upon your return, you can catch a shuttle on the arrivals level in the designated area. Payment is made at the counter in the Valet building or directly on the Park’N Fly app with your reservation.\u00a0\u00a0Your car will be ready for your return inside the building.<\/p>\n<p>To exit the facility, scan your reservation and exit the lot. If you saved your payment information when you made your reservation using the mobile app, payment will be processed at this time and you will receive an email receipt.<\/p>\n<p>The Valet building is heated in the winter and air-conditioned in the summer. Washrooms and cold beverage dispensers are available on-site.<\/p>\n","location":[32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1837,"question":"How does the Valet service work?","answer":"<p>Valet offers you a higher level of service. When you arrive at the entrance, the gates open when your vehicle approaches. Leave your car in one of the lanes in the designated drop off areas.<\/p>\n<p>For <strong>Park’N Fly app users<\/strong>, scan your reservation at the kiosk and complete the drop-off process for your reservation in the app and proceed to the next step below<\/p>\n<p>For <strong>non Park’N Fly app users: <\/strong>Enter the building with your luggage and have your license plate number handy along with your return flight information so that you can be checked in.<\/p>\n<p>Proceed to the shuttle bus which will take you to the airport while a valet attendant parks your vehicle. Upon your return, you can catch a shuttle on the arrivals level in the designated area. Payment is made at the counter in the Valet building or directly on the Park’N Fly app with your reservation. Your car will have been cleared of snow, if necessary, and will be parked in our pick-up area close to our building.<\/p>\n<p>To exit the facility, scan your reservation and exit the lot. If you saved your payment information when you made your reservation using the mobile app, payment will be processed at this time and you will receive an email receipt.<\/p>\n<p>The Valet building is heated in the winter and air-conditioned in the summer. Washrooms are available on-site.<\/p>\n","location":[30,20,26],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1847,"question":"Why don't you offer Self-Parking like other locations?","answer":"<p>Each Park\u2019N Fly location has slightly different parking options depending on the needs of that location. In Vancouver, we are pleased to offer a full-service Valet experience.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1835,"question":"How does the Self Park lot work?","answer":"<p>Simply enter the lot and the attendant will tell you where to park and where you can catch the shuttle bus for a ride to the terminal. When your return flight arrives, you can catch the shuttle bus in the appointed spot outside the arrivals area. The shuttle bus will drop you off at your car, and you can pay at the paystation on your way out.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1733,"question":"How does the Self Park lot work?","answer":"<p>Simply enter the lot and proceed to the designated area that’s available to park. Proceed to the bus shelters where a shuttle bus will pick you up and drop you off at the terminal. When your return flight arrives, you can catch the shuttle bus in the appointed spot outside the arrivals area. The shuttle bus will drop you off at the bus shelter close to your parked vehicle. You can pay at the paystation on your way out.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Park’N Fly App Users <\/strong><\/p>\n<p>For Park’N Fly app users, scan your reservation at the entry gate and proceed to the bus shelters where a shuttle bus will pick you up and drop you off at the terminal. When you return and have collected your luggage at the airport, start the pick-up process in the mobile app by selecting \u2018Pick Up\u2019 in your reservation. Then you can catch the shuttle bus in the appointed spot outside the arrivals area. The shuttle bus will drop you off at the bus shelter close to your parked vehicle. To exit the facility, scan your reservation and exit the lot. If you saved your payment information when you made your reservation using the mobile app, payment will be processed at this time and you will receive an email receipt.<\/p>\n","location":[20,26],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1749,"question":"How does the Self-Park lot work?","answer":"<p>At the Self-Park location, you park and keep the keys. Our shuttle bus will pick you up at your vehicle and bring you to the terminal. Upon your return, simply take the shuttle back to your vehicle and pay at the paystation on your way out.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Park’N Fly App Users <\/strong><\/p>\n<p>For Park’N Fly app users, scan your reservation at the entry gate and our shuttle bus will pick you up at your vehicle and bring you to the terminal. When you return and have collected your luggage at the airport, start the pick-up process in the mobile app by selecting \u2018Pick Up\u2019 in your reservation. Then you can catch the shuttle bus in the appointed spot outside the arrivals area. The shuttle bus will drop you off at your parked vehicle. To exit the facility, scan your reservation and exit the lot. If you saved your payment information when you made your reservation using the mobile app, payment will be processed at this time and you will receive an email receipt.<\/p>\n","location":[22,32,28],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1003,"question":"What steps do I take when I return from my trip?","answer":"<p>We make it easy and quick to return to your parking spot. Follow the instructions provided on the lot locator you received when dropping off your vehicle. If you have any further questions, simply ask our customer care agents or bus drivers who will be there to assist you with any questions. Alternatively, visit the location details pages for detailed instructions on what to do when you return and where to pick up the shuttle.<\/p>\n<p>If you have a mobile reservation, please start the pick-up process directly through the Park\u2019N Fly app<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":971,"question":"Why should I choose Valet over Self Park?","answer":"<p>With Valet, we do the parking and you do the flying! It\u2019s easy and affordable. When you arrive at our valet facility, simply leave the keys in your vehicle, check-in and hop on the shuttle for a short, comfortable ride to the terminal. Self-Park is an even more economical way to start your journey. Simply park your vehicle in our secure lot and our shuttle bus will drop you off curbside at the terminal, 24\/7.<\/p>\n","location":[20,32,26],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1839,"question":"Does Valet mean that you'll bring my car to the airport for me?","answer":"<p>With Valet, you simply pull-up, check-in and catch a ride to the terminal in our shuttle bus. When you return from your trip, call to let us know you have landed and we will have your car waiting for you when you get back.<\/p>\n","location":[30,20,32,26],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1843,"question":"When using Park\u2019N Fly Winnipeg Indoor Valet, where is my vehicle parked?","answer":"<p>Your vehicle will be parked at the indoor Valet facility. During peak periods, your vehicle may be temporarily moved to one of our outdoor parking spots located in our secured, gated and monitored facility. Of course, we still guarantee that your car will be warm, clean of snow, and parked inside our warm facility for your pick up.<\/p>\n","location":[32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1851,"question":"Are your lots secured?","answer":"<p>Absolutely! Not only are all our lots secured, but they are also monitored, well lit, and fenced in compounds.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1849,"question":"Are your lots covered?","answer":"<p>All our lots are outdoor, uncovered lots.<\/p>\n","location":[30,22,20,28,26,24],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1888,"question":"Can I park my over-sized vehicle?","answer":"<p>We accommodate standard-sized vehicles and light- to medium-duty pickup trucks. We are not able to accommodate over-sized vehicles, trailers, campers or motor homes.<\/p>\n","location":[24,26,20,32,30],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1886,"question":"Can I park my over-sized vehicle?","answer":"<p>We are happy to accommodate over-sized vehicles, trucks and RVs. Just let us know in advance when you will be staying so that we can make arrangements.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1884,"question":"Can I plug-in my vehicle in the winter?","answer":"<p>Yes, we have a plug-in service that will cycle every 30 minutes when the temperature is below -6c. Don\u2019t forget to bring your own power cord!<\/p>\n","location":[22],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1882,"question":"Do you have charging stations for plug-in electric vehicles?","answer":"<p>Yes, we do. Please request this service at time of check in, and your electric vehicle will be charged for pick up.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1880,"question":"Do you have charging stations for plug-in electric vehicles?","answer":"<p>Yes, we do. There are a number of complimentary charging stations. Please request this service at time of check in, and your electric vehicle will be charged for pick up.<\/p>\n","location":[20],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1878,"question":"Do you have charging stations for plug-in electric vehicles?","answer":"<p>No, we do not offer charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles.<\/p>\n","location":[22],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1864,"question":"Is there someone to help me at the lot?","answer":"<p>Yes, our office is staffed 24 hours a day, so there\u2019s always someone to help when you need it.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1862,"question":"Can I take my pet on the shuttle bus?","answer":"<p>Yes, you can. All pets must be kept in their crates, except for service dogs.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1860,"question":"Are child seats needed for the shuttle ride?","answer":"<p>No, child seats are not needed for the shuttle ride.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1857,"question":"Can we bring car seats on the shuttle?","answer":"<p>Yes, child seats are welcome on the shuttle.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,24,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1855,"question":"How do you accommodate customers with disabilities?","answer":"<p>Parking services for persons with disabilities will be provided through our self park location. The AODA service allows us to transport customers who require mobility devices to be taken to the airport in their own vehicle. Please request this service when checking in at our location.<\/p>\n","location":[28],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1853,"question":"How do you accommodate customers with disabilities?","answer":"<p>Parking services for persons with disabilities will be provided through our valet location at 5815 Airport Road. Customers who wish to park at Economy or Self Park that require AODA service will be upgraded to Valet at no extra charge. The AODA service allows us to transport customers who require mobility devices to be taken to the airport in their own vehicle. Please request this service when checking in at our Valet location. All self-park locations and web site communications have signs and\/or other wording to direct persons with disabilities to the Valet location.<\/p>\n","location":[20],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1841,"question":"Where are my keys kept?","answer":"<p>Keys are kept safely in our valet office once your vehicle has been parked.<\/p>\n","location":[30,32,20,26],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":977,"question":"Is my car going to be safe while I\u2019m away?","answer":"<p>Absolutely. When you leave your vehicle with Park\u2019N Fly, you can feel at ease knowing that all our lots across Canada are secure, well lit, gated and monitored. Enjoy your trip with one less worry on your mind.<\/p>\n","location":["all"],"popular":true,"category":"483"},{"ID":1731,"question":"How do I get to your location from the border crossing (Washington)?","answer":"<p>Take Hwy 99 and follow all signs that say Vancouver International Airport. Exit at SW Marine Drive and cross over the Arthur Laing Bridge. Take a left on Templeton St, and a right on Miller Road, and you\u2019re there!<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":973,"question":"What other services do you offer?","answer":"<p>Customers who choose Park’N Fly\u2019s Valet service have the option of requesting additional services including oil changes, wash and detailing services. Order these services when checking in and come home to a shiny, happy vehicle! We also offer electric charging stations at our Valet locations.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":969,"question":"How much time should I allow to check-in at Park'N Fly and get to the airport?","answer":"<p>We recommend that you give yourself 30 to 45 minutes to check-in at Park\u2019N Fly and get to the airport before the airline\u2019s suggested check-in time. Keep in mind traffic and weather can also affect the amount of time required. Please plan ahead and give yourself sufficient time.<\/p>\n","location":[22,30,24,26,28,20,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1896,"question":"Do you stop at the Perimeter Air Hanger for remote destinations?","answer":"<p>There are a number of hotels that our shuttle busses accommodate. For information on hotel drop off locations, please contact our facility directly.<\/p>\n","location":[32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1894,"question":"Do your shuttles drop off at local hotels?","answer":"<p>Yes, we go to the Perimeter Air Hanger when necessary. Be sure to leave yourself extra time, as this is the last stop made after Valet and Self-Park customers are taken to and from the main airport terminal.<\/p>\n","location":[32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":963,"question":"What does Park'N Fly offer?","answer":"<p>The Park\u2019N Fly experience is driven by our \u201cPark Happy\u201d promise. We are committed to a fast, easy and delightful experience, from choosing your stay to checking out.<\/p>\n<p>As Canada\u2019s largest off-airport parking provider, we have been serving happy travellers for over 45 years. We operate in seven locations across Canada: Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Halifax. We are proud to offer unparalleled parking options including Valet and Self-Park locations, several rewards options (Park\u2019N Fly Rewards, Aeroplan\u00ae points and CAA Dollars at selected locations), and a wide range of value-added services and features including recharging, exterior washes, interior detailing, and oil changes at selected locations.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,20],"popular":true,"category":"483"},{"ID":1901,"question":"Do you drop off and pick up at Northern terminals?","answer":"<p>Yes, we pick up at Terminals 1, 3, and 4, Shell 1 and 2, and North Cariboo.<\/p>\n","location":[22],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1898,"question":"Do you drop off at other locations, such as hotels?","answer":"<p>No, we do not. In an effort to keep the travel time to a minimum, we only drop off at our lots.<\/p>\n","location":[20,26],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1892,"question":"Can I get a ride to a hotel?","answer":"<p>Yes, you can be dropped off at a local hotel within a 3 km radius of the airport. Simply advise your shuttle driver when you are picked up, or upon return.<\/p>\n","location":[22],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":1890,"question":"Do you offer motorcycle parking?","answer":"<p>Yes, we accommodate motorcycles.<\/p>\n","location":[22],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":17090,"question":"Where can I find Park\u2019N Fly\u2019s privacy policy?","answer":"<p>To learn about Park’N Fly’s privacy policy and terms of use, please visit the page below.<\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/terms-of-use\/\">Terms of Use<\/a> <a href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy-policy\/\">Privacy Policy<\/a><\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":16594,"question":"What is the difference between Self Park and Self Park B?","answer":"<p>Self Park B is the newest addition to Park\u2019N Fly Toronto\u2019s suite of airport parking options. While the facility offers the same service and experience as the Self Park lot, Self Park B features new hardware, gates and asphalt. The addition of the Self Park B facility expands the available capacity by offering more parking spots to travellers departing from Toronto Pearson International Airport.<\/p>\n","location":[20],"popular":false,"category":"483"},{"ID":983,"question":"What does it cost to park at Park'N Fly?","answer":"<p>Park\u2019N Fly offers a variety of different parking services depending on your needs. To view the latest rates, simply enter the information required on the home page and click \u2018view rates\u2019 to secure the discounted rate you\u2019ll need to make a reservation.<\/p>\n","location":[28,22,24,26,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"483"}],"484":[{"ID":16881,"question":"How do I ensure that I have the latest version of the Park\u2019N Fly app?","answer":"<p>To ensure that you have the latest version of the Park\u2019N Fly app, use one of the links below to update. Updating your Park\u2019N Fly app will allow you to have the latest features and fixes.<\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/ca\/app\/parkn-fly-canada\/id1399548398\">iOS<\/a><\/p>\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.parknfly.parknfly&hl=en_CA&gl=US\">Android<\/a><\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":true,"category":"484"},{"ID":23589,"question":"How do i change my password on the website or app?","answer":"<p>Park’N Fly Rewards members can change their password by logging into their Park’N Fly Rewards account. This will need to be done by logging in on the Park’N Fly website at<a href=\"http:\/\/\"><\/a>. Once logged in:<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>click on your member card on the top right side of the page<\/li>\n<li>then click ‘My Profile’<\/li>\n<li>click ‘Change Password’<\/li>\n<li>enter your current password<\/li>\n<li>enter the new password and then confirm<\/li>\n<li>when finished, click the ‘Change Your Password’ button<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n","location":["all"],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":22249,"question":"Why was a double charged?","answer":"<p>When you add pre-payment details to your app booking, a preauthorized amount is held on your credit card until you have exited the lot, and your parking has been paid. The preauthorized amount will be removed from your credit card. \u00a0For some financial institutions, it could take up to 5 business days for the preauthorization to be removed.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32,24],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":22177,"question":"My reservation barcode disappeared from the app at time of pick up. What do I do?","answer":"<p>If you are unable to access your app reservation at time of pick up, please ensure that you have your cellular data turned on, that airplane mode is off. You should also have a copy of your reservation confirmation in your email inbox, be sure to check your spam and junk folders to locate your barcode.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28,20,30,32,26],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":21771,"question":"Issue validating phone number and receiving your SMS verification code","answer":"<p>If you are encountering an issue validating your phone number and receiving your SMS verification code, please review the following:<\/p>\n<p>– Check if your device is set to Do Not Disturb or Focus mode, and if it is, turn it off or add the Park\u2019N Fly Canada app to the list of apps allowed to send notifications<\/p>\n<p>– Turn off any anti-spam features in your device message settings and ensure Park’N Fly code 28849 is removed from the blocked list of verification code senders<\/p>\n<p>– Ensure that you have the most recent version of the Park\u2019N Fly app (you can check this in the Apple or Google Play store)<\/p>\n<p>– Enter your 10-digit cell phone number without the country code (1) or any spaces or dashes. Enter your cell phone number in this format \u2013 5555555555<\/p>\n<p>– Please check that your mobile data plan supports receiving SMS messages and review your device settings enable receiving SMS message<\/p>\n<p>– If you are currently outside of North America you will not be able to complete the verification process. Please try again when you return.<\/p>\n<p>If you have completed the above steps, you have waited 10 minutes since requesting your code, you are still not receiving the SMS message, please email your cell phone number, along with the date and time of the last verification attempt to <a href=\"\"><\/a> so our team can check the logs and provide a status update.<\/p>\n<p>If you are outside of Canada while attempting to verify your phone number to access the Park\u2019N Fly app, you will be required to access SMS messages on your mobile device. Roaming charges may apply, please contact your carrier for rates and information. Alternatively, once back in Canada, you will be able to complete the verification process and access all of the features in the Park\u2019N Fly app.<\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":21529,"question":"My phone is stuck on the \u2018validation of cell phone\u2019 step. I enter the number, click on \u2018send code\u2019 and nothing happens.","answer":"<p>To help diagnose the issue, please confirm that your data is enabled on your mobile device.<\/p>\n<p>If you are still encountering issues, please email <a href=\"\"><\/a> and include the information below:<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>if this the first time you\u2019ve downloaded the app<\/li>\n<li>what time\/date did you try this validation<\/li>\n<li>cell phone number<\/li>\n<li>email address<\/li>\n<li>member name<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":21525,"question":"I don\u2019t have data. Can you supply free Wi-Fi at the lot\/gate?","answer":"<p>Unfortunately, Wi-Fi is not available at Park\u2019N Fly locations. Park\u2019N Fly Rewards members will require access to cellular data to access the member account and reservation in the Park\u2019N Fly app.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":21330,"question":"I made a reservation online and redeemed points. How can I cancel the reservation and get my points back?","answer":"<p>To cancel an existing reservation, sign in to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account in the Park\u2019N Fly app or online at <a href=\"http:\/\/\"><\/a>. Once signed in, navigate to the reservation on the home screen of the app or via the My Rewards section of your member profile. When you open the reservation, you will have the option to cancel. Once the cancellation has been confirmed, the Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points that were redeemed for that stay will be automatically recredited to the member account.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":21321,"question":"I don\u2019t have a cell phone. How can I use your loyalty program services without it?","answer":"<p>A cell phone with access to cellular data is required to transact with Park\u2019N Fly Rewards and take advantage of the benefits associated with each status level.<\/p>\n<p>Customers without a cell phone are invited to reserve their next stay as a guest (non-Park\u2019N Fly Rewards member) on the Park\u2019N Fly website<\/p>\n","location":[22,28,20,30,32,26],"popular":true,"category":"484"},{"ID":20678,"question":"I am not receiving the SMS code to verify my phone number and activate the app.","answer":"<p>If you are outside of Canada while attempting to verify your phone number to access the Park’N Fly app, you will be required to access SMS messages on your mobile device. Roaming charges may apply, please contact your carrier for rates and information. Alternatively, once back in Canada, you will be able to complete the verification process and access all of the features in the Park’N Fly app.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":17252,"question":"How does the Park'N Fly app work?","answer":"<p>The Park’N Fly app is not available for Halifax customers.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":16453,"question":"Can I apply a CAA discount to a reservation made on the mobile app?","answer":"<p>CAA Member numbers can be added when making a reservation using the Park\u2019N Fly mobile app. To obtain your CAA discount, ensure you are not logged in as a Park’N Fly Rewards member. As a guest user, enter your CAA Member number in the \u2018CAA discount field\u2019 when you are making your reservation in the Park’N Fly app.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28,20,30,32],"popular":true,"category":"484"},{"ID":15160,"question":"I have a question about the Park'N Fly app, who can I ask?","answer":"<p>Please direct any technical or PCI related inquiries to <a href=\"\"><\/a><\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":15147,"question":"How does the Park'N Fly app work for Self-Park and Economy?","answer":"<p>Once you\u2019ve arrived at the location, scan your bar code at the entrance. Park your vehicle, bring your keys with you and board the shuttle bus for curbside drop off at the terminal.<\/p>\n<p>When you return from your trip, click Pick Up once you have retrieved your luggage, and head over to the designated pickup area where the shuttle will bring you back to the self-park facility. Proceed to your vehicle and drive to the exit gate and scan your reservation to exit the lot. A copy of your receipt will be sent to you via email.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":15145,"question":"How does the Park'N Fly app work for Valet parking?","answer":"<p>When dropping off your vehicle using the Park’N Fly app, there\u2019s no need to check in at the counter. Upon entering the lot, simply scan the bar code at the self-serve kiosk, confirm the vehicle details and travel dates, and confirm. Leave your keys inside your vehicle and board the shuttle bus for curbside drop off at the terminal.<\/p>\n<p>When you return from your trip click \u2018Pick Up\u2019 on your reservation, after you have retrieved your luggage, then head over to the designated pickup area where the shuttle will bring you back to the Valet building. Proceed to your waiting vehicle and proceed to the exit gate and scan your reservation to exit the lot. A copy of your receipt will be sent to you via email.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":1060,"question":"Who do I contact for further questions?","answer":"<p>For questions regarding your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account, please email <a href=\"\"><\/a><\/p>\n<p>For further questions about mobile app, contact <a href=\"\"><\/a><\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":1058,"question":"I was making a reservation and the app kept timing out.","answer":"<p>Please contact <a href=\"\"><\/a> with the following information, and we will work on solving this issue for you.<\/p>\n<p>1. The issue that you\u2019re having today with the app<br \/>\n2. The make and model of your mobile device<br \/>\n3. Your mobile operating system and version<br \/>\n4. Whether you have downloaded the latest version of the app (the latest release was deployed on June 19, 2019)<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":1054,"question":"When I log in, my username and password show up and then the app crashes.","answer":"<p>Please contact <a href=\"\"><\/a> with the following information, and we will work on solving this issue for you.<\/p>\n<p>1. The issue that you\u2019re having today with the app<br \/>\n2. The make and model of your mobile device<br \/>\n3. Your mobile operating system and version<br \/>\n4. Whether you have downloaded the latest version of the app (the latest release was deployed on June 19, 2019)<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":1052,"question":"Why can\u2019t I select drop off\/pick up when I\u2019m in the lot?","answer":"<p>In order to use the drop off\/pick up function, make sure that location services on your phone is set to \u201calways\u201d.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":1042,"question":"How does the app work for Valet parking?","answer":"<p>When dropping off your vehicle using the mobile app, there\u2019s no need to check-in at the counter. Upon entering the lot, simply click the green Drop Off button, review the drop off instructions, and confirm. Leave your keys inside your vehicle and board the shuttle bus for curbside drop off at the terminal.<\/p>\n<p>When you return from your trip, click Pick Up, and head over to the designated pickup area where the shuttle will bring you back to the Valet building. Proceed to the building where you will scan your bar code on the mobile device at the automated pay stations. Proceed to follow the payment instructions.<\/p>\n","location":[26],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":1037,"question":"How does the app work for Self-Park and Economy?","answer":"<p>Once you\u2019ve arrived at the location, simply click the green Drop Off button, review the drop off instructions, and confirm. Park your vehicle, bring your keys with you, and board the shuttle bus for curbside drop off at the terminal. If the Drop Off button isn\u2019t highlighted in green, either your location services haven\u2019t been enabled, or you are not within the drop off radius of the lot.<\/p>\n<p>When you return from your trip, click Pick Up, and head over to the designated pickup area where the shuttle will bring you back to the lot that you parked in. Proceed to the exit and insert the ticket you received at check in and when prompted for a discount scan the bar code on your mobile device, proceed to follow the prompts and pay using the automated pay station.<\/p>\n","location":[26],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":21525,"question":"I don\u2019t have data. Can you supply free Wi-Fi at the lot\/gate?","answer":"<p>Unfortunately, Wi-Fi is not available at Park\u2019N Fly locations. Park\u2019N Fly Rewards members will require access to cellular data to access the member account and reservation in the Park\u2019N Fly app.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":23589,"question":"How do i change my password on the website or app?","answer":"<p>Park’N Fly Rewards members can change their password by logging into their Park’N Fly Rewards account. This will need to be done by logging in on the Park’N Fly website at<a href=\"http:\/\/\"><\/a>. Once logged in:<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>click on your member card on the top right side of the page<\/li>\n<li>then click ‘My Profile’<\/li>\n<li>click ‘Change Password’<\/li>\n<li>enter your current password<\/li>\n<li>enter the new password and then confirm<\/li>\n<li>when finished, click the ‘Change Your Password’ button<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n","location":["all"],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":21330,"question":"I made a reservation online and redeemed points. How can I cancel the reservation and get my points back?","answer":"<p>To cancel an existing reservation, sign in to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account in the Park\u2019N Fly app or online at <a href=\"http:\/\/\"><\/a>. Once signed in, navigate to the reservation on the home screen of the app or via the My Rewards section of your member profile. When you open the reservation, you will have the option to cancel. Once the cancellation has been confirmed, the Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points that were redeemed for that stay will be automatically recredited to the member account.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"484"},{"ID":21321,"question":"I don\u2019t have a cell phone. How can I use your loyalty program services without it?","answer":"<p>A cell phone with access to cellular data is required to transact with Park\u2019N Fly Rewards and take advantage of the benefits associated with each status level.<\/p>\n<p>Customers without a cell phone are invited to reserve their next stay as a guest (non-Park\u2019N Fly Rewards member) on the Park\u2019N Fly website<\/p>\n","location":[22,28,20,30,32,26],"popular":true,"category":"484"},{"ID":22249,"question":"Why was a double charged?","answer":"<p>When you add pre-payment details to your app booking, a preauthorized amount is held on your credit card until you have exited the lot, and your parking has been paid. The preauthorized amount will be removed from your credit card. \u00a0For some financial institutions, it could take up to 5 business days for the preauthorization to be removed.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32,24],"popular":false,"category":"484"}],"485":[{"ID":21502,"question":"My wife\/family member and I share our car(s), but don\u2019t always travel together. ","answer":"<p>The Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program is an individual program. Each account holder may save the same vehicle details in their Park\u2019N Fly Rewards profile and link that vehicle to their individual reservation.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21453,"question":"I have 2 accounts \u2013 can I merge them and change my status to a higher tier?","answer":"<p>No, accounts cannot be merged as they are considered individual accounts and are linked to one unique cell phone number.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21462,"question":"Will my existing rewards points carry over to the new program?","answer":"<p>Eligible legacy <u>points earned prior to December 31, 2023<\/u> that are transferred to a new member account will be available for redemption throughout 2024. Members must successfully complete the transition process to access points earned in the old program.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21468,"question":"What happens to existing reservations after the changeover? Will I still be able to use the reservation I made before the changeover?","answer":"<p>If you have a reservation that was made prior to December 31, 2023, it will still be valid and can be used for the stay.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21472,"question":"What happens if I don\u2019t transition my account?","answer":"<p>Member accounts that are not successfully transitioned to the new Park\u2019N Fly Rewards will be closed after December 31, 2024.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21476,"question":"Will I earn the same number of points after the changeover (will points have the same value)?","answer":"<p>The value required to redeem Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points has not changed since the transition. See page 2 for the summary of point values. Redemption values are subject to change.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21482,"question":"Why is the Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program only rewarding status level based on transactions and not days stayed? ","answer":"<p>Like other travel loyalty programs, status is based on the number of completed stays.\u00a0 Customers who have long-term stays can also take advantage of the instant savings available and can also earn valuable Aeroplan points on eligible stays.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21486,"question":"I do not collect Aeroplan points. What other benefits will I see?","answer":"<p>Depending on your status level, there are a variety of rewards and perks available to Park\u2019N Fly Rewards members.<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Green members \u2013 enjoy an instant 5% discount on the online rate with every reservation, plus save 25% on Plaza Premium airport lounge access<\/li>\n<li>Gold members access the same perks as Green members, plus they earn Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points<\/li>\n<li>Platinum members earn even more Park\u2019N Fly Rewards, plus they can save 30% on Plaza Premium lounge access<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21490,"question":"If I put in the discount code my travel agent gave me, or a corporate discount code, will the cheaper of the two options be applied to the reservation?","answer":"<p>The 5% off the online rate will be applied automatically when you log in to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account and make a reservation. If you have a \u00a0travel agent, corporate, or association discount, enter the valid code in the appropriate discount field when reserving. That discount will trump the 5% loyalty discount offering you additional savings.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21494,"question":"How can I use my CAA card and earn Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points as well?","answer":"<p>Ensure you are logged in to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards member account and then enter your CAA membership number in the optional discount field on the website or in the CAA discount field in the app during the reservation process. You\u2019ll receive the CAA discount (10% off the online reservation rate) instead of the standard Park\u2019N Fly Rewards 5% loyalty discount and can also take advantage of the benefits and perks available in your status level.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21498,"question":"Can I have multiple cars under the same Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account? If so, what is the maximum?","answer":"<p>There is no limit to the number of vehicles you can save in your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards member profile.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21457,"question":"I can\u2019t log in to my account to complete the transition.","answer":"<p>If you are having difficulty logging in to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account, be sure to enter the email address associated with their account and then click \u2018forgot password\u2019 on the login screen and follow the prompts.<\/p>\n<p>If no password reset email is received, you most likely used a different email address to log into your existing account. Please be sure to revalidate the email address associated with the account to ensure it is correct.<\/p>\n<p>If further assistance is required, please email your member account number and existing email address\/and or alternate email address to <a href=\"\"><\/a><\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21506,"question":"Can I have the same Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account as a family member on different phones? ","answer":"<p>The Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program is an individual program. Each account holder may save the same vehicle details in their Park\u2019N Fly Rewards profile and link that vehicle to their individual reservation.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21510,"question":"Can I pool my Park\u2019N Fly Rewards with someone else (like family sharing on Aeroplan)?","answer":"<p>Unfortunately, Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points cannot be pooled with other members.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21521,"question":"What happens if I change my phone number?","answer":"<p>If your cell phone number has changed, you can change the cell number associated with your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account by logging into your profile at <a href=\"http:\/\/\"><\/a>). Once logged in, navigate to your profile, select edit profile, enter the new mobile number in the cell phone field, complete the validation process, and then click Update Profile. The new number will be the your new account number associated with the account.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21540,"question":"I need technical assistance related to my Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account.","answer":"<p>For technical assistance relating to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account, please email the details of the technical issue including screen shots of the error, device operating system (Apple or Android), and your loyalty account number to <a href=\"\"><\/a>.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21695,"question":"Is the Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program compliant with legislation regarding loyalty points?","answer":"<p>Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program expiration policy is compliant with provincial legislation. If there is no activity of a completed parking transaction in your account during the prior 12 month period, then all Reward Points in your account will expire.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21981,"question":"I am missing Park'N Fly Rewards points from a recent stay.","answer":"<p>Customers are eligible to receive missing points up to 60 days from the date of the transaction.\u00a0 In order to receive a credit for missing Park’N Fly Rewards points, customers must submit a transactional receipt along with their Park’N Fly Rewards account number to <a href=\"\"><\/a>.\u00a0 Requests that are submitted 61 days or more after the date of transaction will not qualify for the missing points.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":22660,"question":"Do I have to pay sales tax when I redeem Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points?","answer":"<p>Applicable federal and provincial sales tax will be applied to free days redeemed from an eligible members Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account. Taxes are calculated based off of the regular retail rate of the parking days.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32,24],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21444,"question":"I\u2019m an existing member. What do I need to do to access the new Park\u2019N Fly Rewards benefits?","answer":"<p>Existing members can log into your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account using your existing login credentials on the app or website. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be directed to your member profile page, where validation of your profile information is necessary. Additionally, you must enter your cell number and complete the phone number validation process. The cell phone number you provide will become your new Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account number once the transition is successfully completed. Now, you can log in to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account to access your account, view your status level, and reserve your next stay.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21438,"question":"Can I still drive up to the gate and park without a reservation?","answer":"<p>Scan your digital Park\u2019N Fly Rewards member card which can be found in the Park\u2019N Fly app at check-in. The rate charged for drive up stays (no reservation) will be the regular rack rate and will not qualify for the instant 5% member discount which is only available to Park\u2019N Fly Rewards members with a reservation.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21430,"question":"Do you save my credit card information on my profile? ","answer":"<p><span class=\"ui-provider a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ab ac ae af ag ah ai aj ak\" dir=\"ltr\">Your credit card information is only saved on your reservation. Your credit card information is not saved to your rewards profile. For your digital safety, we do not keep your credit card associated with you, and you will need to add your credit card information for each reservation.<\/span><\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21425,"question":"How are Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points earned?","answer":"<p>Status equals more rewards. Become a Gold Member and on your third stay and start earning Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points on each eligible stay redeemable for free parking days. Plus, take advantage of other valuable rewards such as Aeroplan\u00ae points, airport lounge discounts, and more.<\/p>\n<p>Platinum Members earn even more rewards and savings with every Park\u2019N Fly stay. \u00a0The more times you stay with Park\u2019N Fly, the more rewards you can earn.<\/p>\n","location":["all"],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21421,"question":"Why am I missing my Aeroplan Points from a recent stay?","answer":"<p>Customers are eligible to receive missing points up to 6 months from the date of the transaction.\u00a0 In order to receive a credit for missing Aeroplan points, customers must submit \u00a0a transactional receipt along with their Aeroplan account number to <a href=\"\"><\/a>.\u00a0 Requests that are submitted 6 months after the date of transaction will not qualify for the missing points.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21326,"question":"What happens if I don\u2019t accept your new terms and conditions?","answer":"<p>Park\u2019N Fly Rewards members are required to accept the terms and conditions of the program. Members who opt out of accepting the terms and conditions can reserve as a guest (non-Park\u2019N Fly Rewards member) on the Park\u2019N Fly app or website.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21449,"question":"What status level am I?","answer":"<p>Existing Park\u2019N Fly Rewards members who enrolled prior to December 31, 2023 received an email on January 9, 2024 notifying them of the status level they have achieved. A member\u2019s status is determined by the number of completed parking transactions between January 1 and\u00a0 December 31<sup>, <\/sup>2023.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1009,"question":"Why am I missing my Aeroplan Points from a recent stay?","answer":"<p>Customers are eligible to receive missing points up to 6 months from the date of the transaction.\u00a0 In order to receive a credit for missing Aeroplan points, customers must submit \u00a0a transactional receipt along with their Aeroplan account number to <a href=\"\"><\/a>.\u00a0 Requests that are submitted 6 months after the date of transaction will not qualify for the missing points.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1026,"question":"Will my points expire?","answer":"<p>Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points standard expiration period of points is 12 months of account inactivity. If there is no activity of a completed parking transaction in your account during the prior 12 month period, then all Reward Points in your account will expire. See Section 12 of Park\u2019N Fly Rewards Rules and Conditions to learn more.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1056,"question":"I cancelled a reservation and didn\u2019t get my points back. How do I reinstate my points?","answer":"<p>Please send an email to <a href=\"\"><\/a>, providing your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards number, and our Rewards Program Leader will reinstate the points in your account.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21748,"question":"What is the Park'N Fly Rewards Program?","answer":"<p>The Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program is not available at our Halifax location. Aeroplan points can be earned on eligible stays. Learn more at <a href=\"http:\/\/\/aeroplan\">\/aeroplan<\/a>.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1013,"question":"What is the Park'N Fly Rewards Program?","answer":"<p>Park\u2019N Fly Rewards members enjoy immediate discounts when you make a reservation, plus eligible members redeem your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points for free parking days when you reserve in the Park\u2019N Fly app or online at <a href=\"http:\/\/\"><\/a>.<\/p>\n<p>Park\u2019N Fly Rewards offers three status levels \u2013 Green, Gold, and Platinum \u2013 which will be determined based on the number of completed parking transactions through the Park\u2019N Fly app in each calendar year (Jan-Dec) as follows:<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Green Status – <\/strong>0-2 completed parking transactions<\/li>\n<li><strong>Gold Status – <\/strong>3-7\u00a0 completed parking transactions<\/li>\n<li><strong>Platinum Status – <\/strong>8+ completed parking transactions<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>Park\u2019N Fly app is required to access your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards benefits and savings.<\/p>\n<p>There\u2019s no cost to join the Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program, and it is easy to sign up.<\/p>\n<p>Note: The Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program and app are not available at our Halifax location.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1018,"question":"How do I enroll in Park'N Fly Rewards?","answer":"<p>Join the Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program in a few easy steps on the Park\u2019N Fly app or online at <a href=\"http:\/\/\/rewards\">\/rewards<\/a>. You\u2019ll need to provide a valid cell phone number and complete a quick validation to enroll. There\u2019s no cost to join the Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program, and it is easy to sign up.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1050,"question":"How do I know how many points\/FREE days I have?","answer":"<p>The amount of earned points\/ FREE days is displayed on the home screen. If the points accumulated aren\u2019t enough to cover your entire stay, you\u2019ll be shown the amount that remains owing (paid at check out) once you\u2019ve created your voucher.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1022,"question":"How are Park'N Fly Rewards points earned?","answer":"<p>Status equals more rewards! Become a Gold Member and on your third stay and start earning Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points on each eligible stay redeemable for free parking days. Plus, take advantage of other valuable rewards such as Aeroplan\u00ae points, airport lounge discounts, and more.<\/p>\n<p>Platinum Members earn even more rewards and savings with every Park\u2019N Fly stay. \u00a0The more times you stay with Park\u2019N Fly, the more rewards you can earn.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1044,"question":"How do I edit my personal settings?","answer":"<p>To edit your personal settings, open your profile in the drop-down menu and click Edit. To change your email address, you must log into your Park’N Fly rewards account at Click \u201cMy Account\u201d then \u201cEdit Profile\u201d.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":4044,"question":"Where do I find how many points I have?","answer":"<p>To view your status level and see how many points you have (depending on status level), simply log into your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account in the Park\u2019N Fly app or online at <a href=\"http:\/\/\"><\/a> and choose \u201cMy Account\u201d, then \u201cRewards Activity.\u201d<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1016,"question":"Who can participate in the program?","answer":"<p>The Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program is free to join and is available to individuals who are of the age of majority in the province in which they reside. This program is an individual one; there are no family or group accounts. The Park’N Fly Rewards program is not available at our Halifax location.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1024,"question":"How do I redeem my Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points?","answer":"<p><strong>Redeeming points on website:<\/strong><\/p>\n<ol>\n<li>Go to <a href=\"http:\/\/\"><\/a><\/li>\n<li>Sign in to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account<\/li>\n<li>Select your city, drop off and pick up dates<\/li>\n<li>Select view rates<\/li>\n<li>Select the type of parking you wish to use (depending on location there is Valet or Self Park)<\/li>\n<li>Once you have chosen your parking, at the top of the page\u00a0there is a plus sign. Select the number of free days to redeem (If available)<\/li>\n<li>Select apply<\/li>\n<li>Click on Reserve<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n<p>You will be prompted to download the app, log in to retrieve your reservation<\/p>\n<p><strong>Redeeming points on app:<\/strong><\/p>\n<ol>\n<li>Open the Park\u2019N Fly app<\/li>\n<li>Sign in to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account<\/li>\n<li>Select New Reservation<\/li>\n<li>Enter your drop off and pick up dates, select done<\/li>\n<li>Select Reserve Now<\/li>\n<li>Select the parking option\/rate you wish to use<\/li>\n<li>Select Reserve Now<\/li>\n<li>Select the number of days to redeem (if available) and then select Apply<\/li>\n<li>Complete reservation process and return to home screen<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":21740,"question":"How do I earn Aeroplan points?","answer":"<p>Earn valuable Aeroplan points at participating Park\u2019N Fly locations* by adding your Aeroplan member number to your next Park\u2019N Fly reservation or present your Aeroplan card at time of checkout.<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Earn 50 Aeroplan points for every qualifying stay at Park\u2019N Fly self-park facilities in Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto, and Halifax.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>*Montreal does not award Aeroplan points. Park\u2019N Fly Rewards and app not available in Halifax. Conditions apply.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"485"},{"ID":1011,"question":"How do I earn Aeroplan points?","answer":"<p>Earn valuable Aeroplan points at participating Park\u2019N Fly locations* by adding your Aeroplan member number to your next Park\u2019N Fly reservation or present your Aeroplan card at time of checkout.<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Earn 100 Aeroplan points for every stay at Park\u2019N Fly valet facilities in Toronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver.<\/li>\n<li>Earn 50 Aeroplan points for every qualifying stay at Park\u2019N Fly self-park facilities in Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto, and Halifax.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>Park\u2019N Fly Rewards members earn more Aeroplan points. The more you stay the more you can earn! Earn even more valuable Aeroplan points by simply saving your Aeroplan member number in your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards profile to automatically earn even more Aeroplan points in every eligible stay.<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Gold members with 3-7 parking stays in each calendar year will earn 150 Aeroplan points for every eligible valet stay, and for every eligible self park stay, Gold members earn 75 Aeroplan points<\/li>\n<li>Platinum members with 8 or more parking stays in each calendar year will earn 175 Aeroplan points for every eligible valet stay, and for every eligible self park stay, Platinum members earn 100 Aeroplan points.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>*Montreal does not award Aeroplan points. Park\u2019N Fly Rewards and app not available in Halifax. Aeroplan members who join the Park\u2019N Fly Rewards program must have their Aeroplan number linked to their Park\u2019N Fly Rewards profile to qualify to earn the base Aeroplan points or the incremental Aeroplan points. The number of points earned will be dependent on the current Park\u2019N Fly Rewards status level.\u00a0 Conditions apply.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"485"}],"486":[{"ID":15164,"question":"Valet: What steps do I take when I return from my trip?","answer":"<p>Valet users proceed to the vehicle in the pick-up area once at the Park\u2019N Fly location. Proceed to the exit gate and scan the reservation in the mobile app to exit the lot. A copy of your receipt will be sent to you via email.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"486"},{"ID":18894,"question":"Where will I pick up my vehicle when I return to Toronto Valet?","answer":"<p>Upon your return, you will pick up your waiting vehicle at Toronto\u2019s dedicated Pick Up center located minutes from the terminal. Upon your return, proceed to the Express Checkout kiosk or see a customer service representative to complete your checkout. Proceed to your vehicle and proceed to the exit gate. Scan your reservation barcode to exit the lot.<\/p>\n","location":[20],"popular":true,"category":"486"},{"ID":3985,"question":"Can someone else pick up my vehicle? ","answer":"<p>You can certainly have someone else pick up your vehicle. To have someone else pick up your vehicle at one of our Valet locations, please inform one of our customer service representatives at the counter and they will provide you with further details. At our Self Park locations (Self Park, Economy, Express A or Express B), please ensure that the person picking up your vehicle has a set of your keys along with your reservation. You will also need to inform them where in the lot you have parked your vehicle. Once they have located your vehicle, they must proceed to the self serve to check out the station and scan your reservation, make the payment and exit.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,30,32,22,24,28],"popular":false,"category":"486"},{"ID":9815,"question":"I forgot to check in with my reservation, what do I do now? ","answer":"<p>Web Reservation User:<\/p>\n<p>If you have parked in one of our Self Park locations (Self Park, Economy, Express A or Express B), please scan your reservation at the self-serve kiosk when checking out, to take advantage of the discounted reservation rate.<\/p>\n<p>If you have parked in one of our Valet locations, you will need to scan the reservation at check out. To do this please proceed to the self-serve kiosk and scan the ticket that you received at drop off, when you are prompted for a discount code, please scan your reservation. This ensures you receive the discounted reservation rate.<\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p>App Reservation User:<\/p>\n<p>Park’N Fly app users with payment details saved to a reservation: if the reservation was not scanned at the time of check-in, payment will not be automatically applied at check out. Proceed to a self-serve kiosk, scan your mobile app reservation, when prompted for the discount and proceed to provide payment details.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32,24],"popular":true,"category":"486"},{"ID":1005,"question":"Where can I find the shuttle once I\u2019m back?","answer":"<p>The shuttle pickup station is located near the arrivals area. <a href=\"\/\">See detailed instructions<\/a> for your location.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28,24],"popular":false,"category":"486"},{"ID":5444,"question":"What do I do if I\u2019m going to be coming back earlier\/later than originally planned?","answer":"<p>No need to worry. If you are going to be later than expected, there is no need to call. On your return simply proceed to the shuttle pick up area and we\u2019ll pick you up and drop you off at your car.<\/p>\n<p>For reservations completed in the Park\u2019N Fly app with payment information saved, charges will adjust automatically based on actual dates and times stayed.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28,24],"popular":false,"category":"486"},{"ID":3989,"question":"Valet: Why isn't my vehicle ready for pickup?","answer":"<p>We aim to have your vehicle ready and waiting when you arrive. You may experience delays picking up your vehicle if you don\u2019t call and let us know that you have landed.<\/p>\n","location":[20,30,26,32],"popular":false,"category":"486"},{"ID":3987,"question":"Valet: Why was my vehicle parked off site or have additional kilometres on it?","answer":"<p>As we offer both short-term and long-term parking, vehicles that are being parked longer may be parked off-site to accommodate all our customers.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,30],"popular":false,"category":"486"},{"ID":3983,"question":"Valet: What do I do if I\u2019m going to be coming back earlier\/later than originally planned?","answer":"<p>No need to worry. If you are going to be earlier or later than expected, there is no need to call. On your return, simply call once you\u2019ve landed so we know when to have your vehicle ready in our designated pick-up area. There will be no need to change your reservation. The cost of your stay will be adjusted based on the actual time of check out.<\/p>\n<p>For reservations completed in the Park\u2019N Fly app with payment information saved, charges will adjust automatically based on actual dates and times stayed.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"486"},{"ID":3981,"question":"Valet: Why do I have to call from the airport when my flight arrives?","answer":"<p>Because the arrival times of flights often change, we ask that you call once you\u2019ve landed so we know when to have your vehicle ready in our designated pickup area.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"486"},{"ID":5451,"question":"Self Park: What steps do I take when I return from my trip?","answer":"<p><strong>Website reservations<\/strong>: We make it easy and quick to return to your parking spot. Follow the instructions provided on the lot locator you received when dropping off your vehicle. If you have any further questions, simply ask our customer care agents or bus drivers who will be there to assist you with any questions. Alternatively, visit the location details pages for detailed instructions on what to do when you return and where to pick up the shuttle.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Park’N Fly app reservations<\/strong>: Proceed to your vehicle once at the Park\u2019N Fly location, then proceed to the exit gate and scan your reservation to exit the lot. A copy of your receipt will be sent to you via email.<\/p>\n","location":[22,32,26,20,28,24],"popular":false,"category":"486"}],"487":[{"ID":22673,"question":"Do I have to pay sales tax when I redeem Park\u2019N Fly Rewards points?","answer":"<p style=\"background: #D9D9D9;\"><span style=\"font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; color: black;\">Applicable federal and provincial sales tax will be applied to free days redeemed from an eligible members Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account. Taxes are calculated based off of the regular retail rate of the parking days.<\/span><\/p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif;\">\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n","location":["all"],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":15153,"question":"Is there a fee for cancelling my reservation? ","answer":"<p>There is no fee for cancelling your reservation. If you have saved your Credit card information on your reservation, it will not be charged if you cancel the reservation.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":15151,"question":"Will my credit card be charged if I cancel my reservation? ","answer":"<p>If you cancel your reservation your credit card will not be charged.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":15149,"question":"When will my credit card be charged?","answer":"<p>If you have saved your credit card information on your Park’N Fly app reservation, you will be charged for parking during the pick-up vehicle process. Before you are credit card is charged you will be asked to confirm the charges and the credit card information.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":16891,"question":"What personal information do I need to provide when I make a reservation on the website?","answer":"<p>When reserving online, you will be required to complete the mandatory fields in the reservation form including first name and last name, along with either a mobile phone number or valid email address. If you choose to provide a mobile phone number, you will be required to validate the number by entering the code that will be sent to the phone number via sms.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":9956,"question":"Why do I need to provide my phone number for my reservation? ","answer":"<p>When making a reservation on the Park\u2019N Fly website, you can choose to provide your mobile phone number or email address. \u00a0Once your reservation is confirmed, your reservation confirmation will be sent to the method of communication that you selected when making your reservation (email or sms). \u00a0In case you forgot or misplaced your reservation confirmation, your mobile phone number or email address will be your access to your reservation during your stay.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":11152,"question":"Can I pay for my reservation now? ","answer":"<p>For website reservations, we are not able to take prepayment at this time. You can complete your payment at check out.<\/p>\n<p>Park\u2019N Fly app users can save their payment information at the time of reservation or anytime before picking up your vehicle allowing for safe, touchless scanning into and out of the facility delivering a faster more dynamic experience. Payment details are saved for one transaction only and the credit card will only be charged at the time of vehicle pick up.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,30,32,22,24,28],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":9948,"question":"I made a reservation online, how can I get it on my mobile app? ","answer":"<p><u>Guest reservations:<\/u><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Website reservations made as a guest can be accessed by clicking on the reservation link you received via email or text.<\/li>\n<li>App reservations made as a guest can only be retrieved in the Park\u2019N Fly app<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p><u>App reservations:<\/u><\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Reservations made either on the Park\u2019N Fly website or mobile app can be retrieved once signed into your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account. For app users, reservations made by Park\u2019N Fly Rewards members can be found on the home screen. For web users, retrieve open reservations by logging in to your Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account and navigating to the Reservations section of your profile. Reservations can also be accessed by clicking on the reservation link you received via email or text.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>Park’N Fly app is not available for Halifax customers.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":9872,"question":"How do I edit my reservation? ","answer":"<p>Once a reservation has been completed, you will not be able to make any changes to it. If your date of travel is within 24 hours of the original date, please just proceed with your parking stay and scan your reservation at drop off and pick up. The discount from the reservation will be applied and the price of your parking stay will automatically adjust based on the actual time of drop off and pick up. If the dates vary beyond 24 hours, simply make a new reservation and discard the existing one.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":17236,"question":"How do I use my reservation?","answer":"<p>If you\u2019re parking at one of our Self Park Locations please just scan your reservation at check-in and proceed to park your vehicle.\u00a0 When you are picking up your vehicle scan your reservation at the self-serve kiosk, make your payment selection and proceed to exit.<\/p>\n<p>Park’N Fly app is not available for Halifax customers.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":9906,"question":"How do I use my reservation?","answer":"<p>If you are dropping off your vehicle at a Valet location, please proceed to a self-serve kiosk and scan your reservation, confirm your reservation details, and proceed to the shuttle pick-up zone for airport drop off. When you are picking up your vehicle, please proceed to the self-serve kiosk and scan your reservation, make your payment selection, and proceed to exit.<\/p>\n<p>If you\u2019re parking at one of our Self Park Locations (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), please just scan your reservation at check-in and proceed to park your vehicle.\u00a0 When you are picking up your vehicle scan your reservation at the self-serve kiosk, make your payment selection and proceed to exit.<\/p>\n<p>Park’N Fly app reservations:<\/p>\n<p>For Park’N Fly app users, scan your Valet reservation at the kiosk and complete the drop off process for your reservation in the app and proceed to the next step below.<\/p>\n<p>Proceed to the shuttle bus which will take you to the airport while a valet attendant parks your vehicle. Upon your return, you can catch a shuttle on the arrivals level in the designated area. Payment is made at the counter in the Valet building or directly on the Park’N Fly app with your reservation. Your car will have been cleared of snow, if necessary, and will be parked in our pick-up area close to our building.<\/p>\n<p>To exit the facility, scan your reservation at the exit gates and exit the lot. If you saved your payment information when you made your reservation using the mobile app, payment will be processed at this time and you will receive an email receipt.<\/p>\n<p>Self-park users can simply scan their reservation at the entry gate and proceed to the bus shelters where a shuttle bus will pick you up and drop you off at the terminal. When you return and have collected your luggage at the airport, start the pick-up process in the Park’N Fly app by selecting Pick Up in your reservation. Then you can catch the shuttle bus in the appointed spot outside the arrivals area. The shuttle bus will drop you off at the bus shelter close to your parked vehicle. To exit the facility, scan your reservation and exit the lot. If you saved your payment information when you made your reservation using the Park’N Fly app, payment will be processed at this time and you will receive an email receipt.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":9801,"question":"How do I cancel my reservation? ","answer":"<p><strong>Guest User:\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>All guest reservations made on the Park\u2019N Fly website can now be canceled on the Park\u2019N Fly website by accessing the open reservation via the email link, or by opening the reservation immediately after the reservation has been confirmed, and then clicking the green Cancel button at the bottom of the reservation<\/p>\n<p><strong>Loyalty Members:<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>Reservations made by loyalty members on the app or website can now be retrieved and\/or canceled on the Park\u2019N Fly website by accessing the open reservation via the email or sms link, or by simply logging in to the Park\u2019N Fly Rewards account profile and navigating to \u201creservations\u201d to select a current reservation and then clicking the green Cancel button at the bottom of the reservation.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,26,28,20,30,32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":989,"question":"Do I need to make a reservation?","answer":"<p>A reservation is not mandatory, but we recommend that you make a parking reservation online as you will lock in your rate and help fast track your drop off process. Visit the <u>home page<\/u>, select your travel dates and times, and click on \u201cview rates\u2019 to complete your reservation. Please note, some lots may not be accepting reservations.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20,32],"popular":true,"category":"487"},{"ID":5227,"question":"Do I need to make a reservation?","answer":"<p>A reservation is not mandatory, but we recommend that you make a parking reservation online as you will lock in your rate and help fast track your drop off process. Visit the <u>home page<\/u>, select your travel dates and times, and click on \u201cview rates\u2019 to complete your reservation. Please note, some lots may not be accepting reservations.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28,24],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":5239,"question":"Do I need to make a reservation?","answer":"<p>A reservation is not mandatory, but we recommend that you make a parking reservation online as you will lock in your rate and help fast track your drop off process. Visit the <u>home page<\/u>, select your travel dates and times, and click on \u201cview rates\u2019 to complete your reservation. Please note, some lots may not be accepting reservations.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":9711,"question":"If I make a reservation, can I add or change the discount at check out?","answer":"<p>Once you create a reservation you will not be able to change the discount. The reservation locks in your discount and estimated charges.<\/p>\n","location":[30,22,24,26,28,20,32],"popular":true,"category":"487"},{"ID":1907,"question":"What is the parking tax for?","answer":"<p>The Parking tax is a Provincial Government Tax from Translink. <a href=\"https:\/\/\/-\/media\/translink\/documents\/about-translink\/taxes-and-charges\/translink_parking_tax_bulletin_105.pdf\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Visit Translink<\/a> for more information.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":5225,"question":"What payment methods does Park\u2019N Fly accept?","answer":"<p>We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, and cash. Please <a href=\"\/\">contact the location directly<\/a> if you have additional questions.<\/p>\n<p>Park\u2019N Fly\u2019s app accepts all major credit cards.<\/p>\n","location":[22,24,28],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":991,"question":"What payment methods does Park'N Fly accept?","answer":"<p>We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, and cash. Note: Cash payments only available at our Valet locations. Please contact the location directly if you have additional questions.<\/p>\n","location":[20,32,30],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":5247,"question":"What is an automated paystation?","answer":"<p>Automated paystations (also known as Self Serve stations) offer a quick and easy way to pay for your parking before you exit. Simply scan your reservation, pay the balance and you\u2019ll be on your way. In our Valet lots, the paystation is located in the lobby area. In our Self Park lots (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), automated paystations are located at the exit gates.<\/p>\n","location":[30],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":5229,"question":"What is an automated paystation?","answer":"<p>Automated paystations (also known as Self Serve stations) offer a quick and easy way to pay for your parking before you exit. Simply scan your reservation, pay the balance and you\u2019ll be on your way. In our Valet lot, the paystation is located in the payment centre. In our Self Park lot, automated paystations are located at the exit gates.<\/p>\n","location":[32],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":987,"question":"What is an automated paystation?","answer":"<p>Automated paystations (also known as Self Serve stations) offer a quick and easy way to pay for your parking before you exit. Simply scan your reservation, pay the balance and you\u2019ll be on your way. In our Valet lots, the paystation is located in the lobby area. In our Self Park lots (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), automated paystations are located at the exit gates.<\/p>\n","location":[26,20],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":5487,"question":"What is an automated paystation?","answer":"<p>Automated paystations (also known as Self Serve stations) offer a quick and easy way to pay for your parking before you exit. Simply scan your reservation, pay the balance and you\u2019ll be on your way. In our Valet lots, the paystation is located in the lobby area. In our Self Park lots (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), automated paystations are located at the exit gates.<\/p>\n","location":[24],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":5482,"question":"What is an automated paystation?","answer":"<p>Automated paystations (also known as Self Serve stations) offer a quick and easy way to pay for your parking before you exit. Simply scan your reservation, pay the balance and you\u2019ll be on your way. In our Valet lots, the paystation is located in the lobby area. In our Self Park lots (Self Park, Economy or Express A or B), automated paystations are located at the exit gates.<\/p>\n","location":[22,28],"popular":false,"category":"487"},{"ID":993,"question":"Does Park\u2019N Fly have a fuel surcharge?","answer":"<p>The escalating cost of fuel has created challenges for our business. To maintain our current service levels, a minor fuel surcharge has been added. This minor fuel surcharge became effective August 12, 2011 and appears as a separate charge on your receipt. Note: Our Halifax location does not have a fuel surcharge.<\/p>\n","location":[22,26,28,20,30,32,24],"popular":false,"category":"487"}]}; /** * the locations is unnecesarie, already exist the $locations_list * changed the name faqCategories to faqCategoriesList */ var locationsSupportList = [{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/edmonton-airport-parking\/","title":"Edmonton","city":"Edmonton","airport":"YEG","timezone":"MT","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (800) 663-7979","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":4594,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-edmonton\/","ID":22,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/halifax-airport-parking\/","title":"Halifax","city":"Halifax","airport":"YHZ","timezone":"AT","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (902) 873-4574","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions: <\/strong>Coupon must be scanned at check in and check out to receive this parking rate. Coupon can only be scanned once. Proceed to pay upon scanning the coupon.\u00a0 Discount shown is off regular rates. Parking charges are based on dates and times selected and vehicle must be dropped off within 25 hours of original drop off date and time for the coupon to be valid. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. 1 month rate is based on 28 consecutive days. Not valid with any other discount, coupon or promotion. Rates and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes. Parking rates subject to change without notice. Parking Contract: Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions: <\/strong>Coupon must be scanned at check in and check out to receive this parking rate. Coupon can only be scanned once. Proceed to pay upon scanning the coupon.\u00a0 Discount shown is off regular rates. Parking charges are based on dates and times selected and vehicle must be dropped off within 25 hours of original drop off date and time for the coupon to be valid. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. 1 month rate is based on 28 consecutive days. Not valid with any other discount, coupon or promotion. Rates and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes. Parking rates subject to change without notice. Parking Contract: Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":51,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-halifax\/","ID":24,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/montreal-airport-parking\/","title":"Montreal","city":"Montreal","airport":"YUL","timezone":"ET","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (514) 631-3359","aeroplan_offered":false,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p><strong>Scannez le code-barres de r\u00e9servation au kiosque libre-service ou pr\u00e9sentez-le \u00e0 l\u2019agent du service \u00e0 la client\u00e8le pour obtenir de l\u2019aide. Conservez ce code \u00e0 barres jusqu\u2019\u00e0 votre retour puisqu\u2019il doit \u00e9galement \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour \u00eatre scann\u00e9 au kiosque libre-service ou pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 au comptoir pour payer et quitter le stationnement. <\/strong>Ceci est votre confirmation de r\u00e9servation et un r\u00e9capitulatif des frais estim\u00e9s. Les frais finaux seront bas\u00e9s sur les dates et heures r\u00e9elles d\u2019arriv\u00e9e et de d\u00e9part. La r\u00e9servation doit \u00eatre scann\u00e9e pour recevoir le tarif de r\u00e9servation.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.\u00a0<\/strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Modalit\u00e9s De Stationnement:<\/strong> Cette r\u00e9servation doit \u00eatre scann\u00e9e \u00e0 l’arriv\u00e9e et au d\u00e9part. Les frais de stationnement sont bas\u00e9s sur l\u2019heure et la date que vous avez s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9 et sont payables au moment de quitter. Ils peuvent varier si les dates et les heures ne correspondent pas \u00e0 votre r\u00e9servation. Le rabais indiqu\u00e9 est appliqu\u00e9 sur le tarif r\u00e9gulier. Non valide avec tout autre rabais, coupon ou promotion.Les frais de stationnement commencent au moment de l\u2019enregistrement et sont bas\u00e9s sur une p\u00e9riode minimale de 24 heures. Une semaine \u00e9quivaut \u00e0 7 p\u00e9riodes cons\u00e9cutives de 24 heures. Les tarifs, la surcharge sur le carburant et les frais suppl\u00e9mentaires sont assujettis aux taxes applicables. Les tarifs de stationnement sont sujets \u00e0 changement sans pr\u00e9avis.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Contrat de Stationnement:<\/strong> Les frais couvrent l\u2019utilisation de l\u2019espace du stationnement seulement. La maison n\u2019est pas responsable de toute perte ou dommage au v\u00e9hicule ou \u00e0 son contenu quelle qu\u2019en soit la cause. En nous confiant votre v\u00e9hicule, vous nous autorisez \u00e0 le conduire au dit espace de stationnement ou \u00e0 le ramener sans engager notre responsabilit\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9gard de toute perte ou dommage au v\u00e9hicule ou \u00e0 son contenu quelle qu\u2019en soit la cause. A nos emplacements valet, nous pouvons stationner votre v\u00e9hicule \u00e0 n\u2019importe quel stationnement hors site.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p><strong>Scannez le code-barres de r\u00e9servation au kiosque libre-service ou pr\u00e9sentez-le \u00e0 l\u2019agent du service \u00e0 la client\u00e8le pour obtenir de l\u2019aide. Conservez ce code \u00e0 barres jusqu\u2019\u00e0 votre retour puisqu\u2019il doit \u00e9galement \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour \u00eatre scann\u00e9 au kiosque libre-service ou pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 au comptoir pour payer et quitter le stationnement. <\/strong>Ceci est votre confirmation de r\u00e9servation et un r\u00e9capitulatif des frais estim\u00e9s. Les frais finaux seront bas\u00e9s sur les dates et heures r\u00e9elles d\u2019arriv\u00e9e et de d\u00e9part. La r\u00e9servation doit \u00eatre scann\u00e9e pour recevoir le tarif de r\u00e9servation.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.\u00a0<\/strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Modalit\u00e9s De Stationnement:<\/strong> Cette r\u00e9servation doit \u00eatre scann\u00e9e \u00e0 l’arriv\u00e9e et au d\u00e9part. Les frais de stationnement sont bas\u00e9s sur l\u2019heure et la date que vous avez s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9 et sont payables au moment de quitter. Ils peuvent varier si les dates et les heures ne correspondent pas \u00e0 votre r\u00e9servation. Le rabais indiqu\u00e9 est appliqu\u00e9 sur le tarif r\u00e9gulier. Non valide avec tout autre rabais, coupon ou promotion.Les frais de stationnement commencent au moment de l\u2019enregistrement et sont bas\u00e9s sur une p\u00e9riode minimale de 24 heures. Une semaine \u00e9quivaut \u00e0 7 p\u00e9riodes cons\u00e9cutives de 24 heures. Les tarifs, la surcharge sur le carburant et les frais suppl\u00e9mentaires sont assujettis aux taxes applicables. Les tarifs de stationnement sont sujets \u00e0 changement sans pr\u00e9avis.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Contrat de Stationnement:<\/strong> Les frais couvrent l\u2019utilisation de l\u2019espace du stationnement seulement. La maison n\u2019est pas responsable de toute perte ou dommage au v\u00e9hicule ou \u00e0 son contenu quelle qu\u2019en soit la cause. En nous confiant votre v\u00e9hicule, vous nous autorisez \u00e0 le conduire au dit espace de stationnement ou \u00e0 le ramener sans engager notre responsabilit\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9gard de toute perte ou dommage au v\u00e9hicule ou \u00e0 son contenu quelle qu\u2019en soit la cause. A nos emplacements valet, nous pouvons stationner votre v\u00e9hicule \u00e0 n\u2019importe quel stationnement hors site.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":53,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-montreal\/","ID":26,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/ottawa-airport-parking\/","title":"Ottawa","city":"Ottawa","airport":"YOW","timezone":"ET","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (877) 507-3760","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":62,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-ottawa\/","ID":28,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/toronto-airport-parking\/","title":"Toronto","city":"Toronto","airport":"YYZ","timezone":"ET","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (905) 677-9143","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":true,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p><strong>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p><strong>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":35,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-toronto\/","ID":20,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/vancouver-airport-parking\/","title":"Vancouver","city":"Vancouver","airport":"YVR","timezone":"PT","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (604) 270-9476","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":65,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-vancouver\/","ID":30,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/winnipeg-airport-parking\/","title":"Winnipeg","city":"Winnipeg","airport":"YWG","timezone":"CT","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (204) 808-7883","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve stations or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions<\/strong>: This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve stations or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions<\/strong>: This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":68,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-winnipeg\/","ID":32,"active":false}]; // var locationsList = [{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/edmonton-airport-parking\/","title":"Edmonton","city":"Edmonton","airport":"YEG","timezone":"MT","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (800) 663-7979","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":4594,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-edmonton\/","ID":22,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/halifax-airport-parking\/","title":"Halifax","city":"Halifax","airport":"YHZ","timezone":"AT","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (902) 873-4574","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions: <\/strong>Coupon must be scanned at check in and check out to receive this parking rate. Coupon can only be scanned once. Proceed to pay upon scanning the coupon.\u00a0 Discount shown is off regular rates. Parking charges are based on dates and times selected and vehicle must be dropped off within 25 hours of original drop off date and time for the coupon to be valid. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. 1 month rate is based on 28 consecutive days. Not valid with any other discount, coupon or promotion. Rates and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes. Parking rates subject to change without notice. Parking Contract: Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions: <\/strong>Coupon must be scanned at check in and check out to receive this parking rate. Coupon can only be scanned once. Proceed to pay upon scanning the coupon.\u00a0 Discount shown is off regular rates. Parking charges are based on dates and times selected and vehicle must be dropped off within 25 hours of original drop off date and time for the coupon to be valid. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. 1 month rate is based on 28 consecutive days. Not valid with any other discount, coupon or promotion. Rates and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes. Parking rates subject to change without notice. Parking Contract: Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":51,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-halifax\/","ID":24,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/montreal-airport-parking\/","title":"Montreal","city":"Montreal","airport":"YUL","timezone":"ET","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (514) 631-3359","aeroplan_offered":false,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p><strong>Scannez le code-barres de r\u00e9servation au kiosque libre-service ou pr\u00e9sentez-le \u00e0 l\u2019agent du service \u00e0 la client\u00e8le pour obtenir de l\u2019aide. Conservez ce code \u00e0 barres jusqu\u2019\u00e0 votre retour puisqu\u2019il doit \u00e9galement \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour \u00eatre scann\u00e9 au kiosque libre-service ou pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 au comptoir pour payer et quitter le stationnement. <\/strong>Ceci est votre confirmation de r\u00e9servation et un r\u00e9capitulatif des frais estim\u00e9s. Les frais finaux seront bas\u00e9s sur les dates et heures r\u00e9elles d\u2019arriv\u00e9e et de d\u00e9part. La r\u00e9servation doit \u00eatre scann\u00e9e pour recevoir le tarif de r\u00e9servation.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.\u00a0<\/strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Modalit\u00e9s De Stationnement:<\/strong> Cette r\u00e9servation doit \u00eatre scann\u00e9e \u00e0 l’arriv\u00e9e et au d\u00e9part. Les frais de stationnement sont bas\u00e9s sur l\u2019heure et la date que vous avez s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9 et sont payables au moment de quitter. Ils peuvent varier si les dates et les heures ne correspondent pas \u00e0 votre r\u00e9servation. Le rabais indiqu\u00e9 est appliqu\u00e9 sur le tarif r\u00e9gulier. Non valide avec tout autre rabais, coupon ou promotion.Les frais de stationnement commencent au moment de l\u2019enregistrement et sont bas\u00e9s sur une p\u00e9riode minimale de 24 heures. Une semaine \u00e9quivaut \u00e0 7 p\u00e9riodes cons\u00e9cutives de 24 heures. Les tarifs, la surcharge sur le carburant et les frais suppl\u00e9mentaires sont assujettis aux taxes applicables. Les tarifs de stationnement sont sujets \u00e0 changement sans pr\u00e9avis.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Contrat de Stationnement:<\/strong> Les frais couvrent l\u2019utilisation de l\u2019espace du stationnement seulement. La maison n\u2019est pas responsable de toute perte ou dommage au v\u00e9hicule ou \u00e0 son contenu quelle qu\u2019en soit la cause. En nous confiant votre v\u00e9hicule, vous nous autorisez \u00e0 le conduire au dit espace de stationnement ou \u00e0 le ramener sans engager notre responsabilit\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9gard de toute perte ou dommage au v\u00e9hicule ou \u00e0 son contenu quelle qu\u2019en soit la cause. A nos emplacements valet, nous pouvons stationner votre v\u00e9hicule \u00e0 n\u2019importe quel stationnement hors site.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p><strong>Scannez le code-barres de r\u00e9servation au kiosque libre-service ou pr\u00e9sentez-le \u00e0 l\u2019agent du service \u00e0 la client\u00e8le pour obtenir de l\u2019aide. Conservez ce code \u00e0 barres jusqu\u2019\u00e0 votre retour puisqu\u2019il doit \u00e9galement \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour \u00eatre scann\u00e9 au kiosque libre-service ou pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 au comptoir pour payer et quitter le stationnement. <\/strong>Ceci est votre confirmation de r\u00e9servation et un r\u00e9capitulatif des frais estim\u00e9s. Les frais finaux seront bas\u00e9s sur les dates et heures r\u00e9elles d\u2019arriv\u00e9e et de d\u00e9part. La r\u00e9servation doit \u00eatre scann\u00e9e pour recevoir le tarif de r\u00e9servation.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.\u00a0<\/strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Modalit\u00e9s De Stationnement:<\/strong> Cette r\u00e9servation doit \u00eatre scann\u00e9e \u00e0 l’arriv\u00e9e et au d\u00e9part. Les frais de stationnement sont bas\u00e9s sur l\u2019heure et la date que vous avez s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9 et sont payables au moment de quitter. Ils peuvent varier si les dates et les heures ne correspondent pas \u00e0 votre r\u00e9servation. Le rabais indiqu\u00e9 est appliqu\u00e9 sur le tarif r\u00e9gulier. Non valide avec tout autre rabais, coupon ou promotion.Les frais de stationnement commencent au moment de l\u2019enregistrement et sont bas\u00e9s sur une p\u00e9riode minimale de 24 heures. Une semaine \u00e9quivaut \u00e0 7 p\u00e9riodes cons\u00e9cutives de 24 heures. Les tarifs, la surcharge sur le carburant et les frais suppl\u00e9mentaires sont assujettis aux taxes applicables. Les tarifs de stationnement sont sujets \u00e0 changement sans pr\u00e9avis.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Contrat de Stationnement:<\/strong> Les frais couvrent l\u2019utilisation de l\u2019espace du stationnement seulement. La maison n\u2019est pas responsable de toute perte ou dommage au v\u00e9hicule ou \u00e0 son contenu quelle qu\u2019en soit la cause. En nous confiant votre v\u00e9hicule, vous nous autorisez \u00e0 le conduire au dit espace de stationnement ou \u00e0 le ramener sans engager notre responsabilit\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9gard de toute perte ou dommage au v\u00e9hicule ou \u00e0 son contenu quelle qu\u2019en soit la cause. A nos emplacements valet, nous pouvons stationner votre v\u00e9hicule \u00e0 n\u2019importe quel stationnement hors site.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":53,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-montreal\/","ID":26,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/ottawa-airport-parking\/","title":"Ottawa","city":"Ottawa","airport":"YOW","timezone":"ET","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (877) 507-3760","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":62,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-ottawa\/","ID":28,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/toronto-airport-parking\/","title":"Toronto","city":"Toronto","airport":"YYZ","timezone":"ET","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (905) 677-9143","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":true,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p><strong>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p><strong>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":35,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-toronto\/","ID":20,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/vancouver-airport-parking\/","title":"Vancouver","city":"Vancouver","airport":"YVR","timezone":"PT","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (604) 270-9476","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve kiosk or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions:<\/strong> This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":65,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-vancouver\/","ID":30,"active":false},{"permalink":"https:\/\/\/location\/winnipeg-airport-parking\/","title":"Winnipeg","city":"Winnipeg","airport":"YWG","timezone":"CT","application_email":"","customer_service_number":"1 (204) 808-7883","aeroplan_offered":true,"has_ev_station":false,"confirmation_copy":[{"custom_confirmation_text":"","prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve stations or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions<\/strong>: This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}],"non-prepaid":[{"instructions":"<p>Scan reservation bar code at self-serve stations or present to customer service agent for assistance. Retain this bar code until your return since it also must be used to scan at the self-serve kiosk or presented at the counter to pay and exit the lot.<\/p>\n<p><strong>This is your reservation confirmation and summary of estimated charges. Final charges will be based on actual check-in and check-out dates and times. Reservation must be scanned to receive reservation rate.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><strong>\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","parking_conditions":"<p><strong>Parking Conditions<\/strong>: This reservation must be scanned at check in and check out. Prepaid parking charges are based on time and date you selected. Parking rates may change if dates and times do not correspond to your reservation. Any charges beyond the prepaid amount will be payable at check out. Parking charges begin at time of check in and are based on a minimum 24-hour period. One week equals 7 consecutive 24-hour periods. No other discounts, coupons or promotions can be applied to extra time charges. Extra time rates, fuel surcharge and surcharges are subject to applicable taxes.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Parking Contract:<\/strong> Charges are for the use of parking space only. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused. By leaving you vehicle with us you authorize this company to deliver the vehicle to and from the said parking space without responsibility to us for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents however caused.<\/p>\n"}]}],"language":"en","alternateID":68,"alternatePermalink":"https:\/\/\/fr\/emplacement\/stationnement-a-laeroport-winnipeg\/","ID":32,"active":false}]; var faqCategoriesList = [{"ID":481,"display_name":"Discounts & Coupons","icon":"icon-pnf-support-discounts"},{"ID":482,"display_name":"Dropping Off Your Vehicle","icon":"icon-pnf-valet"},{"ID":483,"display_name":"General Questions","icon":"icon-pnf-support-questions"},{"ID":484,"display_name":"Mobile App","icon":"icon-pnf-support-app"},{"ID":485,"display_name":"Park'N Fly Rewards","icon":"icon-pnf-rewards"},{"ID":486,"display_name":"Picking Up Your Vehicle","icon":"icon-pnf-support-pickup"},{"ID":487,"display_name":"Reservations & Payment","icon":"icon-pnf-support-payment"}]; delete faqQuestionList[""]; </script> <div id="support"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </main> <!--- Notes from tperezramirez. 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