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fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path18" d="m 650.754,452.16 c 0,11.383 -0.559,28.883 0.836,41.66 0.551,3.887 1.941,5.832 8.887,5.832 h 2.773 c 1.113,0 1.668,0.832 1.668,1.942 v 5.84 c 0,1.664 -0.555,2.218 -1.941,2.218 -1.946,0 -11.668,-0.836 -17.497,-0.836 -8.89,0 -20.835,0.836 -22.777,0.836 -1.387,0 -1.949,-0.554 -1.949,-1.386 v -6.672 c 0,-1.379 0.562,-1.942 1.949,-1.942 h 4.727 c 4.715,0 8.886,-1.668 10.273,-4.996 1.387,-3.336 2.215,-19.441 2.215,-26.109 0.559,-8.891 0.84,-17.5 0.84,-33.332 v -18.332 h -1.113 c -3.329,3.613 -29.165,36.109 -34.165,41.941 -5.832,6.942 -37.773,47.219 -38.609,48.328 -1.109,1.664 -2.773,2.227 -6.664,2.227 -3.332,0 -9.164,-0.563 -13.609,-0.563 -3.055,0 -7.5,0.282 -11.11,0.563 -3.613,0 -6.664,0.273 -7.218,0.273 -1.114,0 -1.672,-0.836 -1.672,-1.668 v -6.668 c 0,-1.101 0.558,-1.664 1.672,-1.664 h 2.492 c 7.785,0 14.726,-4.718 14.726,-14.718 V 455.77 c 0,-31.387 -0.554,-51.11 -0.832,-54.438 C 543.82,394.945 539.383,393 536.602,393 h -6.391 c -0.828,0 -1.113,-0.277 -1.113,-0.84 v -7.222 c 0,-1.379 0.285,-1.942 0.836,-1.942 2.222,0 14.722,0.84 18.613,0.84 8.051,0 19.16,-0.84 21.101,-0.84 1.395,0 1.395,0.563 1.395,1.672 v 6.664 c 0,1.113 0,1.668 -1.395,1.668 h -5.828 c -2.773,0 -5.84,3.059 -6.672,9.438 -0.55,2.507 -1.66,30.281 -1.66,46.941 v 38.055 h 0.547 c 4.449,-5 26.945,-35 33.621,-42.774 3.051,-3.605 14.992,-17.777 27.766,-33.055 11.387,-13.605 20.832,-24.996 22.773,-26.937 1.114,-0.832 3.887,-2.781 6.395,-2.781 3.332,0 4.164,2.781 4.164,5.281 v 64.992" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path19" d="m 716.707,454.934 c 0,1.945 0.277,35 0.277,37.773 0.274,5.836 2.774,6.949 10.274,6.949 h 4.726 c 1.387,0 1.668,0.836 1.668,1.942 v 6.664 c 0,0.832 -0.558,1.394 -1.668,1.394 -2.226,0 -16.39,-0.836 -24.445,-0.836 -13.055,-0.277 -30.273,0.836 -31.941,0.836 -1.106,0 -1.664,-0.562 -1.664,-1.672 v -6.386 c 0,-1.106 0.277,-1.942 1.664,-1.942 h 5 c 11.664,0 14.168,-2.777 14.168,-5.84 0,-3.882 0.554,-31.66 0.554,-36.109 v -12.211 c 0,-9.441 -0.281,-44.723 -0.554,-47.219 -0.555,-5 -5.004,-5.277 -11.946,-5.277 h -6.109 c -1.113,0 -1.664,-0.832 -1.664,-1.664 v -6.117 c 0,-1.383 0.551,-2.219 1.664,-2.219 1.66,0 17.773,0.836 27.223,0.836 12.492,0 26.937,-0.836 29.16,-0.836 1.39,0 1.664,0.836 1.664,1.945 v 6.664 c 0,0.829 -0.274,1.391 -1.664,1.391 h -4.172 c -8.047,0 -11.383,3.887 -11.938,10.273 -0.277,4.172 -0.277,36.106 -0.277,37.774 v 13.887" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path20" d="m 1019.4,494.656 c 0,5 4.17,6.106 8.33,6.106 11.11,0 18.88,-2.496 26.38,-7.215 5,-3.332 9.17,-10.832 9.17,-19.168 0,-7.223 -4.72,-28.895 -35.55,-28.895 -3.61,0 -6.4,0.286 -8.33,0.563 z M 998.281,447.16 c -0.273,-16.941 0,-33.328 -0.273,-46.937 0,-6.114 -3.328,-7.223 -9.988,-7.223 h -3.34 c -1.114,0 -1.672,-0.555 -1.672,-1.391 v -6.386 c 0,-1.391 0.558,-2.223 1.672,-2.223 1.937,0 16.1,0.832 23.05,0.832 9.17,0 24.16,-0.832 26.11,-0.832 1.67,0 2.23,0.555 2.23,1.945 v 6.664 c 0,0.836 -0.56,1.391 -1.68,1.391 h -7.22 c -5.55,0 -7.22,3.055 -7.77,6.938 v 30 6.667 c 1.93,0.555 4.44,0.555 7.22,0.555 11.66,0 15.83,-6.113 25.83,-23.328 2.49,-4.172 14.72,-26.664 20,-30.555 4.72,0.278 11.38,0.555 17.78,0.555 2.77,0 6.1,-0.277 8.6,-0.277 2.78,-0.278 5,-0.555 5.56,-0.555 1.1,0 1.67,0.832 1.67,1.945 v 5.551 c 0,1.672 -0.28,2.504 -1.4,2.504 -5,0 -8.6,0.277 -12.49,3.055 -5.28,3.883 -11.67,12.218 -15.56,17.777 -11.38,16.106 -16.94,24.715 -23.33,26.102 v 0.562 c 21.94,7.774 32.77,18.887 32.77,38.047 0,6.387 -3.61,14.441 -9.72,20.273 -6.93,6.118 -19.43,10.84 -36.11,10.84 -3.6,0 -27.77,-0.836 -31.1,-0.836 -5,0 -22.218,0.836 -23.612,0.836 -1.106,0 -1.66,-0.562 -1.66,-1.394 v -6.664 c 0,-1.114 0.273,-1.942 1.105,-1.942 h 2.781 c 7.782,0 10.274,-3.058 10.547,-8.613 V 464.379 447.16" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path21" d="m 1153.09,380.5 c 25.27,0 38.6,17.777 38.6,38.605 0,13.891 -3.33,20.833 -8.88,26.665 -6.94,7.222 -17.22,10.277 -30,15 -5.27,1.949 -15.28,6.109 -19.44,11.386 -3.06,3.614 -4.44,9.442 -4.44,13.61 0,5 4.44,16.941 19.71,16.941 8.06,0 14.17,-2.777 18.34,-7.492 5.83,-6.672 8.06,-16.391 9.72,-19.723 0.27,-0.836 0.83,-1.394 1.66,-1.113 l 5.01,1.113 c 0.82,0.278 1.1,0.828 1.1,1.664 -0.28,3.891 -2.77,21.942 -2.77,31.11 0,1.39 -0.28,2.496 -2.5,2.496 -2.23,0 -3.05,0 -3.61,-0.832 l -1.11,-1.946 c -0.56,-1.386 -1.95,-1.113 -4.73,0.559 -3.33,1.664 -9.16,3.609 -19.71,3.609 -10,0 -18.9,-2.496 -26.12,-8.332 -6.11,-5.273 -11.94,-13.886 -11.94,-23.328 0,-13.613 3.34,-22.5 9.73,-28.609 8.32,-7.504 21.66,-12.5 27.21,-14.445 14.72,-5.555 25.56,-12.493 25.56,-28.329 0,-11.941 -13.33,-18.89 -22.23,-18.89 -10.27,0 -19.43,5.554 -23.6,13.89 -5,9.164 -5,14.996 -5,18.887 0,1.109 -1.11,1.664 -2.22,1.949 l -5,0.551 c -1.11,0 -1.66,-0.836 -1.95,-1.941 -0.27,-4.45 -2.22,-26.668 -3.05,-34.442 -0.28,-1.39 0.55,-2.504 2.22,-3.054 2.22,-0.559 3.61,0 4.16,1.386 l 0.84,2.223 c 0.56,2.219 2.23,1.941 4.17,0.551 6.39,-5 16.1,-9.719 30.27,-9.719" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path22" d="m 1238.75,454.934 c 0,1.945 0.27,35 0.27,37.773 0.28,5.836 2.78,6.949 10.27,6.949 h 4.73 c 1.39,0 1.67,0.836 1.67,1.942 v 6.664 c 0,0.832 -0.56,1.394 -1.67,1.394 -2.22,0 -16.38,-0.836 -24.44,-0.836 -13.05,-0.277 -30.28,0.836 -31.94,0.836 -1.11,0 -1.68,-0.562 -1.68,-1.672 v -6.386 c 0,-1.106 0.29,-1.942 1.68,-1.942 h 4.99 c 11.67,0 14.17,-2.777 14.17,-5.84 0,-3.882 0.56,-31.66 0.56,-36.109 v -12.211 c 0,-9.441 -0.28,-44.723 -0.56,-47.219 -0.55,-5 -4.99,-5.277 -11.94,-5.277 h -6.1 c -1.12,0 -1.67,-0.832 -1.67,-1.664 v -6.117 c 0,-1.383 0.55,-2.219 1.67,-2.219 1.66,0 17.77,0.836 27.21,0.836 12.5,0 26.94,-0.836 29.16,-0.836 1.39,0 1.66,0.836 1.66,1.945 v 6.664 c 0,0.829 -0.27,1.391 -1.66,1.391 h -4.16 c -8.06,0 -11.39,3.887 -11.95,10.273 -0.27,4.172 -0.27,36.106 -0.27,37.774 v 13.887" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path23" d="m 491.418,303.246 c -4.219,0 -8.082,3.34 -8.082,8.965 0,8.262 4.219,18.984 10.191,28.477 8.789,14.238 18.106,20.917 25.489,20.917 5.8,0 8.964,-4.406 8.785,-9.843 0,-11.602 -18.102,-48.516 -36.383,-48.516 m 2.637,-8.43 c 25.488,0 40.781,34.973 40.781,54.309 0,11.945 -7.035,20.559 -18.809,20.559 -23.379,0 -40.078,-30.051 -40.078,-52.2 0,-13.359 8.438,-22.668 18.106,-22.668" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path24" d="m 783.602,290.344 c 0,1.953 0.277,35 0.277,37.785 0.277,5.82 2.777,6.934 10.277,6.934 h 4.723 c 1.391,0 1.668,0.839 1.668,1.941 v 6.68 c 0,0.82 -0.559,1.386 -1.668,1.386 -2.227,0 -16.391,-0.84 -24.445,-0.84 -13.051,-0.273 -30.274,0.84 -31.942,0.84 -1.105,0 -1.66,-0.566 -1.66,-1.668 v -6.398 c 0,-1.102 0.277,-1.941 1.66,-1.941 h 5 c 11.668,0 14.168,-2.774 14.168,-5.821 0,-3.898 0.555,-31.672 0.555,-36.113 v -12.227 c 0,-9.433 -0.281,-44.707 -0.555,-47.207 -0.555,-5 -5.008,-5.285 -11.945,-5.285 h -6.102 c -1.121,0 -1.672,-0.828 -1.672,-1.668 v -6.105 c 0,-1.387 0.551,-2.227 1.672,-2.227 1.66,0 17.77,0.84 27.215,0.84 12.492,0 26.945,-0.84 29.16,-0.84 1.391,0 1.664,0.84 1.664,1.953 v 6.66 c 0,0.832 -0.273,1.387 -1.664,1.387 h -4.172 c -8.046,0 -11.382,3.899 -11.937,10.285 -0.277,4.16 -0.277,36.102 -0.277,37.762 v 13.887" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path25" d="m 846.699,330.063 c 0,5 4.168,6.113 8.336,6.113 11.106,0 18.883,-2.5 26.383,-7.219 4.996,-3.328 9.164,-10.828 9.164,-19.168 0,-7.219 -4.727,-28.887 -35.547,-28.887 -3.617,0 -6.394,0.282 -8.336,0.555 z M 823.996,282.57 c -0.277,-16.941 0,-33.32 -0.277,-46.933 0,-6.114 -3.34,-7.227 -10.008,-7.227 h -3.332 c -1.106,0 -1.66,-0.547 -1.66,-1.387 v -6.386 c 0,-1.395 0.554,-2.227 1.66,-2.227 1.945,0 16.105,0.832 23.051,0.832 9.175,0 24.168,-0.832 26.113,-0.832 1.66,0 2.227,0.559 2.227,1.945 v 6.668 c 0,0.84 -0.567,1.387 -1.665,1.387 h -7.222 c -5.563,0 -7.223,3.059 -7.785,6.945 v 30 6.668 c 1.945,0.547 4.445,0.547 7.222,0.547 11.66,0 15.825,-6.101 25.832,-23.32 2.5,-4.168 14.715,-26.68 20,-30.566 4.727,0.285 11.391,0.558 17.774,0.558 2.777,0 6.105,-0.273 8.613,-0.273 2.777,-0.285 4.988,-0.559 5.555,-0.559 1.113,0 1.664,0.832 1.664,1.945 v 5.555 c 0,1.672 -0.274,2.5 -1.387,2.5 -5,0 -8.617,0.285 -12.504,3.059 -5.273,3.886 -11.664,12.215 -15.551,17.781 -11.386,16.105 -16.945,24.707 -23.332,26.105 v 0.555 c 21.942,7.774 32.774,18.887 32.774,38.047 0,6.387 -3.613,14.445 -9.727,20.273 -6.937,6.125 -19.437,10.84 -36.097,10.84 -3.614,0 -27.774,-0.84 -31.11,-0.84 -5,0 -22.219,0.84 -23.613,0.84 -1.113,0 -1.66,-0.566 -1.66,-1.394 v -6.66 c 0,-1.114 0.281,-1.953 1.109,-1.953 h 2.778 c 7.781,0 10.281,-3.047 10.558,-8.606 v -26.66 -17.227" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path26" d="m 1035.77,257.023 c 0,4.719 5.27,5.832 8.05,5.832 h 4.73 c 0.83,0 1.38,0.84 1.38,1.668 v 6.661 c 0,0.839 -0.55,1.386 -1.68,1.386 -1.1,0 -13.6,-0.547 -23.87,-0.547 -15,0 -28.61,0.547 -30.271,0.547 -1.121,0 -1.398,-0.547 -1.398,-1.386 v -6.661 c 0,-0.828 0.277,-1.394 1.398,-1.394 h 6.661 c 7.22,0 13.61,-1.934 13.61,-8.332 v -10.274 c 0,-5.554 -0.56,-9.168 -4.17,-11.941 -4.45,-3.605 -13.327,-6.113 -23.046,-6.113 -7.781,0 -18.887,4.168 -26.664,12.5 -10.836,11.386 -16.949,27.215 -16.949,48.601 0,12.5 6.113,27.219 14.445,36.387 10.281,11.113 21.113,14.172 29.719,14.172 12.775,0 20.555,-5.559 28.055,-13.332 6.67,-6.668 11.38,-15.281 13.33,-19.727 0.84,-2.226 1.38,-2.5 2.22,-2.226 l 5.28,1.679 c 0.83,0.266 1.11,0.821 1.11,2.207 -0.55,5 -4.17,30.833 -4.17,32.227 0,1.945 -0.55,3.059 -3.06,3.059 -2.21,0 -3.05,-0.84 -3.6,-1.946 l -1.39,-2.507 c -0.56,-0.821 -1.67,-0.821 -3.89,1.113 -5.28,3.887 -18.33,8.894 -31.662,8.894 -19.723,0 -36.661,-5.84 -49.711,-16.953 -13.336,-11.66 -20.559,-28.601 -20.559,-45.547 0,-21.66 5.555,-36.66 16.672,-48.875 13.043,-14.445 35.269,-20.285 49.711,-20.285 17.769,0 32.769,3.887 47.489,11.113 1.95,0.84 3.06,1.672 3.06,3.047 0,1.399 -0.83,3.059 -0.83,5.567 v 21.386" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path27" d="m 1086.69,290.344 c 0,1.953 0.28,35 0.28,37.785 0.28,5.82 2.77,6.934 10.27,6.934 h 4.73 c 1.38,0 1.66,0.839 1.66,1.941 v 6.68 c 0,0.82 -0.56,1.386 -1.66,1.386 -2.23,0 -16.39,-0.84 -24.44,-0.84 -13.06,-0.273 -30.28,0.84 -31.95,0.84 -1.1,0 -1.67,-0.566 -1.67,-1.668 v -6.398 c 0,-1.102 0.29,-1.941 1.67,-1.941 h 5 c 11.67,0 14.17,-2.774 14.17,-5.821 0,-3.898 0.55,-31.672 0.55,-36.113 v -12.227 c 0,-9.433 -0.27,-44.707 -0.55,-47.207 -0.56,-5 -4.99,-5.285 -11.95,-5.285 h -6.11 c -1.11,0 -1.66,-0.828 -1.66,-1.668 v -6.105 c 0,-1.387 0.55,-2.227 1.66,-2.227 1.68,0 17.78,0.84 27.23,0.84 12.5,0 26.94,-0.84 29.15,-0.84 1.39,0 1.67,0.84 1.67,1.953 v 6.66 c 0,0.832 -0.28,1.387 -1.67,1.387 h -4.15 c -8.06,0 -11.39,3.899 -11.95,10.285 -0.28,4.16 -0.28,36.102 -0.28,37.762 v 13.887" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path28" d="m 1236.8,287.57 c 0,11.387 -0.55,28.887 0.84,41.672 0.55,3.887 1.94,5.828 8.88,5.828 h 2.78 c 1.11,0 1.67,0.832 1.67,1.934 v 5.84 c 0,1.672 -0.56,2.219 -1.95,2.219 -1.94,0 -11.66,-0.833 -17.5,-0.833 -8.89,0 -20.83,0.833 -22.77,0.833 -1.39,0 -1.95,-0.547 -1.95,-1.379 v -6.68 c 0,-1.387 0.56,-1.934 1.95,-1.934 h 4.72 c 4.72,0 8.88,-1.679 10.28,-5 1.39,-3.34 2.22,-19.441 2.22,-26.101 0.55,-8.899 0.83,-17.5 0.83,-33.34 v -18.332 h -1.11 c -3.34,3.613 -29.16,36.113 -34.16,41.945 -5.84,6.934 -37.77,47.215 -38.61,48.328 -1.12,1.66 -2.78,2.219 -6.66,2.219 -3.34,0 -9.16,-0.559 -13.62,-0.559 -3.05,0 -7.5,0.286 -11.11,0.559 -3.6,0 -6.67,0.274 -7.22,0.274 -1.11,0 -1.67,-0.833 -1.67,-1.661 v -6.672 c 0,-1.113 0.56,-1.66 1.67,-1.66 h 2.5 c 7.78,0 14.72,-4.726 14.72,-14.726 v -29.16 c 0,-31.387 -0.55,-51.114 -0.83,-54.442 -0.83,-6.387 -5.28,-8.32 -8.05,-8.32 h -6.39 c -0.83,0 -1.11,-0.285 -1.11,-0.84 v -7.227 c 0,-1.386 0.28,-1.945 0.84,-1.945 2.21,0 14.71,0.832 18.6,0.832 8.05,0 19.17,-0.832 21.11,-0.832 1.39,0 1.39,0.559 1.39,1.672 v 6.66 c 0,1.113 0,1.68 -1.39,1.68 h -5.84 c -2.77,0 -5.83,3.047 -6.66,9.433 -0.56,2.5 -1.68,30.282 -1.68,46.942 v 38.047 h 0.57 c 4.44,-5 26.93,-35 33.6,-42.774 3.06,-3.613 15,-17.773 27.78,-33.047 11.39,-13.613 20.83,-25 22.78,-26.941 1.1,-0.84 3.88,-2.785 6.38,-2.785 3.33,0 4.17,2.785 4.17,5.285 v 64.988" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: evenodd; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path29" d="m 554.449,360.199 h -15.648 c -0.879,0 -1.305,0.864 -0.957,2.09 l 0.707,2.992 c 0.351,1.227 1.566,4.043 2.969,4.043 h 15.293 c 5.273,15.117 10.386,27.418 19.703,37.793 4.922,5.621 14.593,11.949 26.015,11.949 10.196,0 15.821,-6.16 15.821,-10.378 0,-5.442 -3.516,-8.079 -7.032,-8.079 -5.625,0 -7.207,3.168 -7.73,7.032 -0.18,1.757 -1.938,5.097 -7.211,5.097 -16.348,0 -19.883,-23.218 -25.676,-42.91 0,0 24.426,-0.648 44.363,-0.648 21.477,0 32.981,0.765 35.282,0.765 2.3,0 2.558,-0.765 2.558,-1.789 v -5.886 c 0,-1.278 -0.258,-2.297 -2.047,-2.297 h -12.277 c -7.156,0 -10.73,-2.305 -10.73,-6.649 0,-2.043 0.253,-5.109 1.015,-8.683 1.539,-9.207 10.996,-39.629 15.602,-53.946 3.066,-9.715 17.89,-53.679 23.773,-69.277 5.875,12.012 25.817,64.668 27.863,70.559 2.559,6.902 12.274,36.296 16.102,47.539 2.043,6.394 3.586,10.996 3.586,14.578 0,3.066 -1.789,5.879 -8.184,5.879 h -6.644 c -1.027,0 -1.277,0.765 -1.277,2.297 v 5.886 c 0,1.274 0.25,1.789 1.531,1.789 2.293,0 14.062,-0.765 30.164,-0.765 18.664,0 25.055,0.765 27.347,0.765 1.54,0 1.797,-0.515 1.797,-1.789 v -6.39 c 0,-1.028 -0.257,-1.793 -1.797,-1.793 h -6.894 c -8.438,0 -13.293,-4.09 -18.148,-9.969 -6.649,-8.184 -27.098,-60.586 -31.446,-71.328 -3.07,-8.438 -36.043,-89.727 -37.324,-92.278 -1.023,-2.05 -2.301,-3.328 -3.574,-3.328 -2.051,0 -3.071,2.559 -4.356,5.879 -8.172,23.524 -28.883,81.805 -32.207,91.004 l -2.554,8.692 c -6.137,18.156 -18.149,55.226 -21.473,62.89 -2.555,5.891 -5.113,8.438 -10.484,8.438 l -23.774,0.226 c -4.566,-14.238 -12.656,-44.316 -21.441,-66.816 -10.723,-27.414 -23.2,-46.934 -42.012,-46.934 -7.027,0 -12.656,4.754 -12.656,10.379 0,4.043 2.992,7.559 7.558,7.559 5.098,0 7.735,-4.922 8.262,-7.918 0.352,-1.75 1.586,-2.981 2.988,-2.981 8.442,0 17.93,14.766 27.422,47.278 l 17.832,59.433" style="fill: #232b47; 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fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path31" d="m 1302.76,290.344 v -13.887 c 0,-1.66 0,-33.602 0.27,-37.762 0.56,-6.386 3.89,-10.285 11.94,-10.285 h 3.21 c 4.72,0 9.17,2.785 11.39,5.832 1.94,2.227 16.11,35.555 22.77,49.434 1.95,3.894 18.33,41.668 20,46.387 0.55,1.679 2.23,4.726 0.27,5.566 -0.55,0.547 -1.38,1.941 -1.11,2.773 -0.27,0.555 0.28,1.387 2.78,1.942 5.28,0.832 13.07,5.84 15.56,8.058 0.56,1.114 1.66,1.942 3.33,1.942 1.67,0 2.22,-1.114 2.78,-3.047 3.89,-11.121 18.06,-50.84 21.66,-61.942 4.17,-13.886 16.11,-46.66 18.06,-49.433 3.6,-5.012 8.33,-7.512 13.05,-7.512 h 5.28 c 1.11,0 1.39,-0.828 1.39,-1.668 v -5.832 c 0,-0.828 -0.28,-2.5 -1.95,-2.5 -3.33,0 -18.05,0.84 -24.44,0.84 -5.28,0 -21.66,-0.84 -25.27,-0.84 -1.95,0 -2.22,1.387 -2.22,2.5 v 5.832 c 0,0.84 0.27,1.668 1.38,1.668 h 4.45 c 3.33,0 4.44,2.5 4.44,4.719 -1.11,5.566 -8.61,27.781 -10.83,34.168 h -44.72 c -1.11,-3.328 -10,-26.387 -11.12,-29.715 -1.66,-5.559 -0.82,-9.172 5.01,-9.172 h 6.95 c 1.66,0 1.94,-0.828 1.94,-1.941 v -6.106 c 0,-1.113 -0.28,-1.953 -1.67,-1.953 -2.22,0 -16.94,0.84 -21.39,0.84 h -45.97 c -9.45,0 -25.55,-0.84 -27.22,-0.84 -1.11,0 -1.66,0.84 -1.66,2.227 v 6.105 c 0,0.84 0.55,1.668 1.66,1.668 h 6.11 c 6.95,0 11.38,0.285 11.94,5.285 0.28,2.5 0.56,37.774 0.56,47.207 v 12.227 c 0,4.441 -0.56,32.215 -0.56,36.113 0,3.047 -2.5,5.821 -14.17,5.821 h -4.99 c -1.39,0 -1.67,0.839 -1.67,1.941 v 6.398 c 0,1.102 0.55,1.668 1.67,1.668 1.67,0 18.88,-1.113 31.94,-0.84 8.05,0 22.22,0.84 24.44,0.84 1.11,0 1.66,-0.566 1.66,-1.386 v -6.68 c 0,-1.102 -0.28,-1.941 -1.66,-1.941 h -4.73 c -7.49,0 -9.99,-1.114 -10.27,-6.934 0,-2.785 -0.27,-35.832 -0.27,-37.785 m 57.64,-14.16 h 37.78 c -1.12,3.886 -14.18,45.546 -14.73,47.773 -0.56,1.672 -0.83,2.773 -1.66,2.773 -0.84,0 -1.39,-0.828 -2.23,-3.054 -0.84,-2.219 -17.77,-44.707 -19.16,-47.492" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path32" d="m 795.715,507.707 v -6.391 c 0,-1.101 -0.844,-1.664 -1.945,-1.664 h -6.395 c -3.605,0 -7.77,-0.554 -7.77,-4.168 0,-6.39 4.719,-17.218 12.219,-40.55 2.227,-6.938 12.504,-39.161 14.164,-43.61 h 0.836 c 1.66,5.836 15.274,40.281 16.664,44.446 10.547,30.828 14.164,38.324 14.164,41.109 0,1.387 -1.109,2.773 -5.828,2.773 h -3.058 c -1.114,0 -1.676,0.563 -1.676,1.942 v 6.39 c 0,0.832 0.562,1.668 1.676,1.668 1.664,0 16.109,-0.836 22.5,-0.836 h 42.457 l 62.203,0.282 c 2.785,0 6.394,0.554 7.5,0.554 0.566,0 1.117,-0.554 1.679,-3.886 0.551,-2.504 8.333,-26.387 8.887,-28.332 0.274,-1.114 0.274,-1.668 -0.281,-1.942 l -4.441,-1.945 c -0.563,-0.277 -1.676,-0.277 -2.504,1.105 -0.547,0.84 -13.895,16.395 -18.61,20.832 -3.324,3.059 -7.773,4.168 -10.547,4.168 l -29.453,0.563 v -47.223 c 1.676,0 18.063,0.832 20.274,1.387 7.222,1.941 10.004,5.836 10.004,14.441 0,1.114 0.273,1.395 1.386,1.395 l 6.11,-0.281 c 1.113,0 1.953,-0.555 1.675,-1.664 -0.562,-2.5 -0.562,-17.223 -0.562,-19.723 0,-6.113 0.84,-14.723 1.113,-18.328 0,-1.114 -0.551,-1.395 -1.386,-1.395 l -5.836,-0.551 c -0.836,0 -1.387,0 -1.664,1.11 -1.387,6.941 -3.059,11.39 -10.278,13.051 -8.336,1.949 -18.054,1.949 -20.836,1.949 v -9.449 c 0,-9.715 0.563,-25.825 0.563,-29.438 0,-13.051 8.051,-13.887 19.992,-13.887 12.223,0 20,0.274 29.449,7.774 2.211,1.664 11.938,14.164 14.719,18.613 1.387,1.942 2.773,2.223 3.601,1.664 l 4.454,-2.5 c 0.546,-0.277 1.105,-1.105 0.824,-1.941 l -9.992,-29.446 c -0.555,-1.386 -1.946,-2.777 -3.059,-2.777 -1.941,0 -16.656,0.836 -74.984,0.836 -5.012,0 -20.278,-0.836 -23.618,-0.836 -1.386,0 -1.667,0.836 -1.667,1.942 v 6.394 c 0,1.113 0.566,1.664 1.945,1.664 h 2.504 c 13.051,0 13.886,1.113 13.886,5.004 v 41.934 17.226 c 0,14.719 -0.273,32.774 -0.554,35.547 -0.832,5.836 -2.496,6.945 -13.61,6.945 h -2.183 -0.59 -3.859 c -5.274,0 -9.161,-1.668 -11.661,-4.168 -5.277,-5.277 -20.281,-41.66 -23.054,-48.879 -2.496,-5.832 -25.274,-60.273 -27.492,-63.886 -0.832,-1.387 -2.231,-2.219 -4.454,-2.219 -2.211,0 -3.601,1.945 -4.445,4.16 -6.101,16.387 -20.828,56.664 -23.043,62.774 l -1.949,6.113 c -4.715,12.777 -13.051,38.051 -14.996,40.824 -2.227,3.059 -4.445,5.281 -8.055,5.281 h -2.773 c -1.114,0 -1.387,0.832 -1.387,1.664 v 6.95 c 0,0.832 0.547,1.386 1.664,1.386 1.383,0 16.66,-0.836 23.887,-0.836 6.672,0 23.605,0.836 25.269,0.836 1.676,0 2.227,-0.554 2.227,-1.945" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path33" d="m 2069.09,312.668 c 0.63,-0.625 0.63,-1.25 0.63,-3.133 -1.25,-1.875 -13.78,-53.859 -15.66,-62.305 -8.14,0.313 -98.32,0.938 -130.26,0.938 -28.17,0 -39.45,-0.938 -43.21,-0.938 -2.5,0 -2.5,0.625 -2.5,2.813 v 7.207 c 0,1.875 0,2.5 1.87,2.5 h 12.53 c 11.27,0 13.16,4.383 13.16,8.457 0,5.633 1.25,83.914 1.25,102.703 v 17.535 c 0,20.039 -0.63,53.235 -1.25,58.555 -0.64,8.145 -1.89,11.273 -10.02,11.273 h -13.16 c -1.88,0 -2.51,1.879 -2.51,2.821 v 7.199 c 0,1.883 0.63,2.508 2.51,2.508 3.13,0 14.41,-0.942 43.21,-0.942 33.81,0 46.98,0.942 49.48,0.942 2.5,0 3.12,-1.258 3.12,-2.821 v -7.203 c 0,-1.254 -0.62,-2.504 -3.12,-2.504 h -16.92 c -9.39,0 -10.64,-3.128 -10.64,-11.585 0,-4.383 -1.25,-51.352 -1.25,-73.27 v -26.93 c 0,-5.636 0,-73.273 1.25,-86.738 h 17.54 c 17.54,0 40.08,0 52.61,1.563 17.52,2.507 37.56,40.085 41.95,51.98 1.25,1.262 1.87,1.887 3.76,1.262 l 5.63,-1.887" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path34" d="m 2149.1,349.621 c 0,-3.133 0.64,-75.156 0.64,-78.601 0,-10.02 5.01,-11.27 12.52,-11.27 h 13.15 c 1.25,0 2.5,-0.625 2.5,-2.187 v -7.833 c 0,-1.875 -1.25,-2.5 -3.12,-2.5 -3.76,0 -16.29,0.938 -45.73,0.938 -31.3,0 -45.08,-0.938 -48.22,-0.938 -1.87,0 -2.5,0.625 -2.5,2.188 v 8.457 c 0,1.25 0.63,1.875 2.5,1.875 h 12.53 c 6.26,0 13.15,0.625 14.4,9.082 0.63,4.383 1.25,72.02 1.25,88.926 v 21.922 c 0,7.515 -0.62,63.879 -0.93,67.949 -0.94,7.516 -4.07,10.644 -12.83,10.644 h -16.29 c -1.88,0 -2.5,0.625 -2.5,2.196 v 8.136 c 0,1.571 0.62,2.196 1.87,2.196 3.76,0 20.04,-0.942 50.72,-0.942 30.07,0 40.09,0.942 44.48,0.942 1.87,0 2.5,-1.258 2.5,-2.821 v -7.203 c 0,-1.879 -1.25,-2.504 -2.5,-2.504 h -11.91 c -6.88,0 -11.89,-2.503 -11.89,-8.457 0,-3.128 -0.64,-72.015 -0.64,-75.769 v -24.426" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path35" d="m 2298.42,257.25 c 24.42,0 46.96,11.582 46.96,49.785 0,25.672 -12.52,41.953 -30.06,48.848 -11.89,5.008 -25.05,5.633 -35.69,5.633 h -8.14 v -62.625 c 0,-29.434 6.89,-41.641 26.93,-41.641 z m -26.93,114.285 c 5.01,-0.312 9.39,-0.312 14.4,-0.312 13.78,0 26.31,3.449 33.19,9.082 11.91,9.394 16.28,23.175 16.28,36.949 0,11.898 -3.75,24.426 -13.77,31.937 -11.28,8.145 -26.31,10.961 -35.7,10.961 -3.12,0 -6.88,0 -9.39,-0.629 -1.88,-0.625 -3.75,-2.5 -4.07,-5.003 -0.31,-5.954 -0.94,-32.883 -0.94,-59.184 z m -38.21,13.156 c 0,11.274 -0.62,49.473 -0.93,54.793 -0.94,18.164 -5.95,18.789 -17.85,18.789 h -10.02 c -1.88,0 -2.51,0.625 -2.51,2.504 v 7.203 c 0,1.879 0.63,2.821 2.51,2.821 4.39,0 19.42,-1.258 45.72,-0.942 10.02,0 28.81,0.942 45.71,0.942 23.8,0 43.85,-2.196 55.12,-8.457 17.54,-9.399 23.8,-23.797 23.8,-42.586 0,-25.047 -13.16,-40.078 -42.59,-51.039 v -1.563 c 35.69,-9.398 56.36,-28.187 56.36,-61.371 0,-16.914 -9.4,-39.453 -24.43,-47.597 -13.14,-7.52 -33.18,-10.958 -68.26,-10.958 -12.52,0 -33.18,0.938 -45.71,0.938 -24.43,0 -37.58,-0.938 -44.15,-0.938 -1.25,0 -2.2,0.938 -2.2,2.5 v 7.833 c 0,1.562 0.95,2.187 2.2,2.187 h 13.46 c 9.4,0 11.59,3.758 12.52,13.465 0.63,7.512 1.25,48.848 1.25,74.523 v 36.953" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path36" d="m 2688.91,346.801 c 2.19,7.207 30.36,84.23 31.62,88.304 0.94,2.817 2.19,4.067 4.06,4.067 1.26,0 1.89,-1.879 3.14,-5.641 1.88,-6.258 23.17,-77.648 26.3,-86.73 z m -199.9,10.332 c -3.76,0 -7.52,0.625 -11.91,1.254 l 0.64,90.179 c 0,3.754 1.25,7.516 3.75,9.082 2.5,1.563 6.26,1.875 11.28,1.875 15.65,0 30.05,-3.441 41.32,-13.46 7.84,-7.204 13.77,-20.665 13.77,-35.075 0,-14.398 -10.01,-53.855 -58.85,-53.855 z m 360.85,-97.383 h -10.03 c -6.26,0 -14.41,3.758 -20.04,14.402 -4.39,8.457 -24.43,66.7 -31.95,91.125 -5.63,20.039 -30.06,90.18 -35.68,109.594 -0.64,1.879 -1.89,5.637 -3.77,5.637 -1.56,0 -2.81,-1.258 -4.7,-3.133 -3.75,-3.758 -20.97,-13.148 -30.99,-15.656 -2.5,-0.625 -3.13,-1.883 -3.13,-3.133 0,-0.938 0.94,-2.816 1.88,-3.754 1.88,-1.887 0,-7.516 -0.63,-10.644 l -30.69,-82.047 c -9.39,-26.297 -31.94,-82.664 -35.07,-88.301 -5.63,-9.707 -14.91,-14.11 -24.6,-14.11 -9.69,0 -14.85,3.211 -18.42,5.34 -3.57,2.141 -24.73,32.571 -26.61,35.703 -2.51,3.762 -21.92,33.196 -25.67,38.196 -4.4,5.644 -10.03,11.277 -18.79,14.402 v 1.262 c 34.43,5.633 58.24,21.918 58.24,61.371 0,11.898 -5.64,25.051 -16.91,35.066 -12.53,11.274 -31.95,19.731 -57,19.731 -9.39,0 -38.2,-0.942 -55.73,-0.942 -30.68,0 -40.71,0.942 -42.9,0.942 -1.56,0 -2.19,-0.625 -2.19,-2.196 v -8.453 c 0,-1.254 0.63,-1.879 2.19,-1.879 h 12.22 c 5.63,0 10.01,-5.007 10.01,-15.66 v -82.347 c 0,-29.434 0,-58.868 -0.63,-90.184 0,-8.457 -5,-10.332 -11.89,-10.332 h -10.65 c -1.25,0 -1.87,-0.937 -1.87,-2.5 v -7.207 c 0,-1.875 0.62,-2.813 2.5,-2.813 3.12,0 10.64,0.938 41.33,0.938 32.57,0 38.83,-0.938 42.9,-0.938 2.5,0 3.44,0.625 3.44,2.813 v 7.52 c 0,1.25 -0.63,2.187 -2.51,2.187 h -15.65 c -5.01,0 -7.2,5.633 -8.13,11.895 -0.64,4.707 -1.26,39.773 -1.26,58.562 v 16.906 c 3.44,0.313 8.77,0.625 10.02,0.625 13.15,0 20.35,-8.457 28.18,-19.414 5.01,-6.886 13.77,-21.289 16.91,-26.926 2.82,-5.007 15.02,-27.558 20.67,-36.328 4.07,-6.57 10.02,-15.027 13.77,-17.84 6.89,0.313 18.79,0.938 27.57,0.938 h 56.48 c 21.91,0 35.06,-0.938 39.45,-0.938 1.88,0 2.5,1.25 2.5,3.125 v 7.833 c 0,0.937 -0.62,1.562 -3.12,1.562 h -13.16 c -6.26,0 -11.28,3.445 -11.28,7.52 0,1.562 0,4.062 0.63,6.57 1.56,8.457 16.91,53.234 19.41,60.441 h 72.65 c 3.76,-11.593 16.29,-51.672 18.79,-62.949 1.88,-8.449 -0.63,-11.582 -9.4,-11.582 h -8.13 c -1.89,0 -2.51,-0.625 -2.51,-2.5 v -6.27 c 0,-1.875 0.62,-3.75 3.13,-3.75 6.89,0 17.53,0.938 43.83,0.938 34.46,0 40.72,-0.938 46.36,-0.938 2.5,0 3.13,1.875 3.13,3.75 v 6.583 c 0,1.562 -0.63,2.187 -2.5,2.187" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path37" d="m 2926.42,358.387 c 4.37,-0.629 8.13,-1.254 11.9,-1.254 48.84,0 58.86,39.457 58.86,53.855 0,14.41 -5.95,27.871 -13.77,35.075 -11.28,10.019 -25.67,13.46 -41.34,13.46 -5.02,0 -8.77,-0.312 -11.28,-1.875 -2.5,-1.566 -3.75,-5.328 -3.75,-9.082 z m -0.63,-28.18 c 0,-18.789 0.63,-53.855 1.25,-58.562 0.94,-6.262 3.13,-11.895 8.14,-11.895 h 15.65 c 1.89,0 2.51,-0.937 2.51,-2.187 v -7.52 c 0,-2.188 -0.94,-2.813 -3.45,-2.813 -4.06,0 -10.32,0.938 -42.89,0.938 -30.69,0 -38.2,-0.938 -41.33,-0.938 -1.88,0 -2.5,0.938 -2.5,2.813 v 7.207 c 0,1.563 0.62,2.5 1.87,2.5 h 10.65 c 6.89,0 11.9,1.875 11.9,10.332 0.62,31.316 0.62,60.75 0.62,90.18 v 82.351 c 0,10.649 -4.38,15.66 -10.02,15.66 h -12.21 c -1.56,0 -2.19,0.625 -2.19,1.879 v 8.453 c 0,1.571 0.63,2.196 2.19,2.196 2.2,0 12.21,-0.942 42.9,-0.942 17.54,0 46.34,0.942 55.74,0.942 25.05,0 44.46,-8.457 56.99,-19.731 11.26,-10.015 16.91,-23.168 16.91,-35.066 0,-39.453 -23.81,-55.742 -58.25,-61.371 v -1.262 c 8.76,-3.125 14.4,-8.758 18.79,-14.402 3.76,-5 23.18,-34.434 25.68,-38.203 1.87,-3.125 21.91,-31.309 26.61,-35.696 5.95,-5.32 14.72,-5.945 22.24,-5.945 1.87,0 2.5,-0.937 2.5,-2.187 v -6.583 c 0,-2.187 -0.63,-3.125 -2.5,-3.125 -2.51,0 -10.65,0.938 -30.69,0.938 -8.78,0 -20.66,-0.625 -27.56,-0.938 -3.76,2.813 -9.7,11.27 -13.78,17.84 -5.63,8.77 -17.84,31.321 -20.66,36.328 -3.13,5.637 -11.9,20.04 -16.9,26.926 -7.85,10.957 -15.04,19.414 -28.2,19.414 -1.25,0 -6.57,-0.312 -10.01,-0.625 v -16.906" style="fill: #232b47; fill-opacity: 1; fill-rule: nonzero; stroke: none" transform="matrix(0.13333333,0,0,-0.13333333,0,98.52)" /> <path id="path38" d="m 3179.05,306.41 c 0,-11.906 0.63,-32.57 0.94,-36.015 0.94,-10.02 5.95,-10.645 12.21,-10.645 h 10.33 c 1.57,0 2.2,-0.937 2.2,-2.187 v -7.208 c 0,-2.187 -0.63,-3.125 -2.2,-3.125 -3.44,0 -15.97,0.938 -44.14,0.938 -30.69,0 -40.72,-0.938 -43.53,-0.938 -1.57,0 -2.2,1.25 -2.2,2.813 v 7.207 c 0,1.25 0.63,2.5 2.2,2.5 h 12.84 c 8.13,0 10.64,3.133 10.95,7.832 0.33,4.375 0.95,28.809 0.95,58.242 v 15.028 c -5.02,9.394 -55.74,99.57 -64.51,110.535 -3.76,4.383 -10.65,6.886 -15.65,6.886 h -5.65 c -1.87,0 -2.5,0.625 -2.5,2.196 v 8.449 c 0,1.258 0.63,1.883 2.5,1.883 2.51,0 17.54,-0.942 41.34,-0.942 31.94,0 43.21,0.942 46.35,0.942 1.87,0 2.5,-0.625 2.5,-2.196 v -7.203 c 0,-1.879 -0.63,-3.129 -2.5,-3.129 h -8.15 c -6.88,0 -9.39,-2.503 -8.77,-9.082 0.63,-5.632 38.21,-75.144 46.66,-92.683 10.65,17.539 51.04,82.664 51.67,90.492 0.63,5.637 -1.26,11.273 -10.65,11.273 h -8.14 c -1.88,0 -2.51,0.938 -2.51,2.504 v 7.828 c 0,1.571 0.63,2.196 1.89,2.196 3.12,0 16.28,-0.942 38.19,-0.942 20.05,0 26.94,0.942 30.06,0.942 1.88,0 2.51,-0.625 2.51,-2.196 v -7.203 c 0,-1.879 -0.63,-3.129 -2.51,-3.129 h -6.88 c -4.39,0 -11.91,-1.878 -16.92,-7.203 -5,-5.632 -56.98,-85.793 -68.88,-106.457 V 306.41" style="fill: #232b47; 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Users may view documentation, download raw data, and search a bibliography of data-related literature. <strong>You must create a personal ICPSR account with your email address in order to download data.</strong></span></li> <li><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva,sans-serif;"></span></span><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva,sans-serif;">NBER Working Papers </span></span></span></a></strong><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva,sans-serif;">National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) researchers initially report their findings in scientific papers aimed at other professional economists in this searchable database. Nearly 700 NBER Working Papers are published each year.</span></span></li> <li><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><a href=""><span style="color:#0000cd;">Scopus</span></a></strong> An abstract and citation database that indexes content from more than 25,000 active titles and 7,000 publishers—all rigorously vetted and selected by an independent review board.</span></li> <li><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><a href=""><span style="color:#0000cd;">Social Science Research Network (SSRN)</span></a><span style="color:#0000cd;"> </span></strong>Devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of preprints and research papers and composed of a number of specialized research networks.</span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;"></span></a></strong></span></span></li> <li><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">Social Science and Humanities Library</span></a><span style="color:#0000cd;"> </span></strong>The Social Science & Humanities Library provides online access to a broad range of journal content across 14 disciplines related to social sciences and humanities, including media and communication studies, library and information science, security and defense studies, business, management and economics, and education. Includes many journals published on behalf of associations, organizations, and societies related to these disciplines.</span></span></li> </ul> <p> </p> <h4>Software</h4> <ul> <li><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">UVA Software Gateway</span></a></strong></span></span></li> <li><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">UVA Learning Tech</span></a></strong></span></span><span style="color:#0000cd;"></span></li> <li><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">UVA Zoom Home</span></a></strong></span></span></li> <li><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">Zotero</span></a></strong> (Citation Manager) </span></span></li> </ul> <p> </p> <h4>At the Library</h4> <p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">Library Locations & Hours</span></a></strong><span style="color:#0000cd;"> </span> | Before you visit, check the <strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">Status Dashboard</span></a></strong></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">Library Catalog</span></a></strong> (Virgo 4) | <strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">Off-Grounds Access</span></a></strong><span style="color:#0000cd;"> </span> | <strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;"></span><span style="color:#0000cd;">Journal Finder</span><span style="color:#0000cd;"> </span></a><span style="color:#000000;">|</span><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></a></strong></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;"></span></a></strong></span></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">Course Reserves</span></a></strong> | <span style="color:#0000cd;"> </span><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">Purchase Requests</span></a></strong> | <strong><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000cd;">COVID-19 Library FAQs</span></a></strong></span></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> <ul id="s-lg-page-prevnext" class="pager s-lib-hide"><li class="previous"></li><li class="next"><a href=""><strong>Next:</strong> Economics Literature >></a></li></ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="s-lib-footer-public" class="s-lib-footer footer container s-lib-side-borders"> <div id="s-lg-guide-header-meta" class="pad-top-sm pad-left-med clearfix"> <ul id="s-lg-guide-header-attributes" class=""> <li id="s-lg-guide-header-updated" class="s-lg-h-separator"> <span class="s-lg-guide-label">Last Updated:</span> <span class="s-lg-text-greyout">Sep 24, 2024 5:01 PM</span> </li> <li id="s-lg-guide-header-url" class="s-lg-h-separator"> <span class="s-lg-guide-label">URL:</span> <span class="s-lg-text-greyout"></span> </li> <li id="s-lg-guide-print-url"> <a href="javascript: window.print();"><i class="fa fa-print" aria-hidden="true" title="Print Page"></i> Print Page</a> </li> </ul> <div id="s-lib-footer-login-link" class="pull-right pad-right-med"> <a href="">Login to LibApps</a> </div> </div> <div class="pad-bottom-sm clearfix"> <div id="s-lib-footer-support-link" class="pull-right pad-right-med"> <a href="">Report a problem</a> </div> <div id="s-lg-guide-header-subjects" class="pad-top-sm pad-left-med pad-right-med pull-left"> <span class="s-lg-guide-label">Subjects: </span><span class="s-lg-small bold"><a href="">Economics</a></span> </div> <div id="s-lg-guide-header-tags" class="pad-top-sm pad-left-med"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- scroll_top.twig --> <div id="s-lib-scroll-top"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="jQuery('body').focus();" title="Back to Top" aria-label="Back to Top"> <span class="fa-stack fa-lg" aria-hidden="true"> <i class="fa fa-square-o fa-stack-2x"></i> <i class="fa fa-angle-double-up fa-stack-1x" style="position:relative; 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