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Shoichet, CNN</strong></p> <p><strong>Buenos Aires (CNN)</strong> - Less than an hour after he sent Catholic Church leaders in Argentina a letter in 2010 criticizing the way they were handling the debate over same-sex marriage, Marcelo Marquez says his phone rang.</p> <p>He was surprised to hear the voice on the other end of the line. It was Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then the archbishop of Buenos Aires, and now the pope.</p> <p>What Bergoglio said at a meeting they scheduled soon afterward was even more surprising, after months of public criticisms from church officials of a push to legalize same-sex marriage in the South American country.</p> <p>&#034;He told me. ... &#039;I&#039;m in favor of gay rights and in any case, I also favor civil unions for homosexuals, but I believe that Argentina is not yet ready for a gay marriage law,&#039;&#034; said Marquez, a gay rights activist, a self-described devout Catholic and a former theology professor at a Catholic seminary.</p> <p>As archbishop of Buenos Aires, Bergoglio was one of the leaders of the Catholic Church&#039;s public charge against legalizing same-sex marriage in Argentina. He engaged in a notorious war of words with the government of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, which supported the measure.</p> <a class="cnn_full_story_link" href="">FULL STORY</a> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy"></span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" title="Posts by The Editors" rel="author">The Editors</a> - CNN Belief Blog</span><br> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Americas" rel="category tag">Americas</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Argentina" rel="category tag">Argentina</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Catholic Church" rel="category tag">Catholic Church</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Christianity" rel="category tag">Christianity</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope Francis" rel="category tag">Pope Francis</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <hr class="cnn-post-separator"/> <!-- /blog post 39611 --> <!-- blog post 39586 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div id="cnn-video-1363868839-1" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> <script type="text/javascript">cnnLoadPLayer('world/2013/03/19/sot-pope-inaugural-mass-protectors.cnn', 'cnn-video-1363868839-1', '640x406_stop_embed_onsite', {}, '' );</script> </div> <div class="post-39586 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-catholic-church category-pope-francis category-vatican cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 19th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">06:06 AM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare39586" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare39586');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Thousands pack St. Peter's Square for Pope Francis' inauguration on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Thousands pack St. Peter's Square for Pope Francis' inauguration on Twitter" href=";text=Thousands%20pack%20St.%20Peter's%20Square%20for%20Pope%20Francis'%20inauguration&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Thousands pack St. Peter's Square for Pope Francis' inauguration on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Thousands pack St. Peter's Square for Pope Francis' inauguration on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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- will be short in keeping with the spirit of simplicity embraced by the new Holy Father, the Vatican has said, lasting about two hours.</p> <p>Francis has already made an impression as a pope of the people, who is concerned about the welfare of the poor. But he inherits a church wracked by a decades-old sexual abuse scandal and claims of corruption in the clergy.</p> <a class="cnn_full_story_link" href="">FULL STORY</a> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy"></span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" title="Posts by The Editors" rel="author">The Editors</a> - CNN Belief Blog</span><br> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Catholic Church" rel="category tag">Catholic Church</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope Francis" rel="category tag">Pope Francis</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Vatican" rel="category tag">Vatican</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <hr class="cnn-post-separator"/> <!-- /blog post 39586 --> <!-- blog post 39581 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <a href=""><img src="" width="640" height="360" title="CNN Poll: American Catholics approve of new pope" alt="CNN Poll: American Catholics approve of new pope"/></a> </div> <div class="post-39581 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-belief category-catholic-church category-pope-francis tag-cardinal-jorge-bergoglio tag-politics-2 tag-religion cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 19th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">05:55 AM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare39581" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare39581');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share CNN Poll: American Catholics approve of new pope on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share CNN Poll: American Catholics approve of new pope on Twitter" href=";text=CNN%20Poll:%20American%20Catholics%20approve%20of%20new%20pope&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share CNN Poll: American Catholics approve of new pope on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share CNN Poll: American Catholics approve of new pope on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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Shoichet</strong>, CNN</p> <p><strong>Buenos Aires (CNN)</strong> - Maria Elena Bergoglio was in her home west of Buenos Aires last week when she heard the shocking news: Jorge Mario Bergoglio - her brother - was the new pope.</p> <p>In the past, she had prayed that the cardinals wouldn&#039;t pick him.</p> <p>&#034;During the previous conclave, I was praying for him not to be elected ... because I didn&#039;t want my brother to leave,&#034; she told CNN en Español on Monday. &#034;It&#039;s a position that was a little selfish.&#034;</p> <p>But this time around, Bergoglio said she changed her tone.</p> <p>&#034;I prayed that the Holy Spirit would intervene and not listen to me. And it didn&#039;t listen to me,&#034; she said, laughing. &#034;It did what it wanted.&#034;</p> <p>Last week, soon after the white smoke billowed out from the Sistine Chapel chimney, she heard her brother&#039;s voice crackling through the telephone line.</p> <p>&#034;I almost died,&#034; she said. &#034;The telephone rang and my son answered. I heard him say, &#039;ooooh, God.&#039; I couldn&#039;t believe it.&#034;</p> <a class="cnn_full_story_link" href="">FULL STORY</a> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy"></span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" title="Posts by The Editors" rel="author">The Editors</a> - CNN Belief Blog</span><br> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Belief" rel="category tag">Belief</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Catholic Church" rel="category tag">Catholic Church</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope Francis" rel="category tag">Pope Francis</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <hr class="cnn-post-separator"/> <!-- /blog post 39576 --> <!-- blog post 39566 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div id="cnn-video-1363868839-2" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> <script type="text/javascript">cnnLoadPLayer('world/2013/03/18/tsr-pkg-todd-pope-security.cnn', 'cnn-video-1363868839-2', '640x406_stop_embed_onsite', {}, '' );</script> </div> <div class="post-39566 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-catholic-church category-pope-francis cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 18th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">06:54 PM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare39566" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare39566');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Pope's openness to keep guards on their toes on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Pope's openness to keep guards on their toes on Twitter" href=";text=Pope's%20openness%20to%20keep%20guards%20on%20their%20toes&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Pope's openness to keep guards on their toes on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Pope's openness to keep guards on their toes on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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said Bingham, who covers religion for the Daily Telegraph in the UK. &#034;I think we saw the car moved five times, just as they desperately tried to work out what he was thinking, what he was going to do.&#034;</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">FULL POST</a></p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy"></span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" title="Posts by The Editors" rel="author">The Editors</a> - CNN Belief Blog</span><br> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Catholic Church" rel="category tag">Catholic Church</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope Francis" rel="category tag">Pope Francis</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <hr class="cnn-post-separator"/> <!-- /blog post 39566 --> <!-- blog post 39531 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <div id="cnn-video-1363868839-3" class="cnn_video cnn_video_large"><a href="">Click to watch video</a></div> <script type="text/javascript">cnnLoadPLayer('bestoftv/2013/03/18/exp-early-wedeman-pope-energize.cnn', 'cnn-video-1363868839-3', '640x406_stop_embed_onsite', {}, '' );</script> </div> <div class="post-39531 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-belief category-catholic-church category-pope-francis category-vatican tag-ben-wedeman tag-cnn-cnn tag-current-events tag-human-rights tag-politics-2 tag-religion cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 18th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">10:39 AM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare39531" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare39531');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Pope Francis energizes world's Catholics on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Pope Francis energizes world's Catholics on Twitter" href=";text=Pope%20Francis%20energizes%20world's%20Catholics&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Pope Francis energizes world's Catholics on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Pope Francis energizes world's Catholics on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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padding-right:0px;" title="Comment on The pope's four biggest challenges">663 comments</a>)</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cnnRightPost"> <h2 class="cnnBlogContentTitle"><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link:The pope's four biggest challenges">The pope&#039;s four biggest challenges</a></h2> <div class="cnnBlogContentPost"> <p class="cnn_first">By <strong>John L. Allen, Jr., CNN</strong></p> <p><em><strong>Editor&#039;s note</strong>: John L. Allen Jr. is CNN’s senior Vatican analyst and a senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter.</em></p> <p><strong>Rome (CNN)</strong> - Every new leader gets a honeymoon period, and Pope Francis is smack dab in the middle of his. His gestures of simplicity and humility, set against the traditional grandeur of the papacy, have captured the imagination of the world.</p> <p>Frankly, a whole team of PR wizards couldn’t have scripted a better start to his papacy.</p> <p>At some point, however, charm alone won’t be enough, because Francis will have to turn to the heavy lifting of actually governing the world’s largest and most centrally organized religious body. Taking stock of where Catholicism stands today, he’s got his work cut out for him.</p> <p>Four challenges loom especially large for the new pope.</p> <p>First, two-thirds of the 1.2 billion Catholics on the planet today live in the Southern Hemisphere, a share projected to reach three-quarters by mid-century. If Catholicism was once a Western faith, associated with institutional power and privilege, its center of gravity is now in the developing world and its membership is strongest among the poor.</p> <p>As the first pope from Latin America, and the first pope from outside Europe in more than 1,000 years, Francis carries the aspirations and expectations of all those non-Western Catholics with him into the papacy. They will expect him to be a tribune for their concerns: the inequities of a globalized economy, the carnage of war and violence, environmental degradation, and the perception that international affairs are stacked against the interests of smaller and poorer nations.</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">FULL POST</a></p> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy"></span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" title="Posts by The Editors" rel="author">The Editors</a> - CNN Belief Blog</span><br> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Catholic Church" rel="category tag">Catholic Church</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope Francis" rel="category tag">Pope Francis</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Vatican" rel="category tag">Vatican</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <hr class="cnn-post-separator"/> <!-- /blog post 39523 --> <!-- blog post 39517 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <a href=""><img src="" width="640" height="360" title="Humble pope has complicated past" alt="Humble pope has complicated past"/></a><div class="cnn_spotlight_caption">Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio draws the cross on the forehead of a parishioner on Ash Wednesday in Buenos Aires.</div> </div> <div class="post-39517 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-argentina-americas category-catholic-church category-pope category-pope-francis category-vatican cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 15th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">11:50 AM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare39517" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare39517');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Humble pope has complicated past on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Humble pope has complicated past on Twitter" href=";text=Humble%20pope%20has%20complicated%20past&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Humble pope has complicated past on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Humble pope has complicated past on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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The gay marriage issue came to the forefront during Francis&#039; political fight with Argentina&#039;s president.</p> <p>The conservative pontiff may hold firm on some issues, experts say, but he may be flexible on others.</p> <p>&#034;If you think that (Francis) isn&#039;t going to change anything, you&#039;re wrong,&#034; said Gustavo Girard, a retired doctor who knew Francis during his early years in the priesthood. &#034;But is he going to approve of gay marriage tomorrow? No.&#034;</p> <a class="cnn_full_story_link" href="">FULL STORY</a> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy"></span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" title="Posts by The Editors" rel="author">The Editors</a> - CNN Belief Blog</span><br> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Argentina" rel="category tag">Argentina</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Catholic Church" rel="category tag">Catholic Church</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope" rel="category tag">Pope</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope Francis" rel="category tag">Pope Francis</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Vatican" rel="category tag">Vatican</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <hr class="cnn-post-separator"/> <!-- /blog post 39517 --> <!-- blog post 39514 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <a href=""><img src="" width="640" height="360" title="Vatican denies claim that Pope Francis failed to protect Argentina priests" alt="Vatican denies claim that Pope Francis failed to protect Argentina priests"/></a> </div> <div class="post-39514 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-catholic-church category-pope category-pope-francis category-vatican cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 15th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">11:41 AM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare39514" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare39514');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Vatican denies claim that Pope Francis failed to protect Argentina priests on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Vatican denies claim that Pope Francis failed to protect Argentina priests on Twitter" href=";text=Vatican%20denies%20claim%20that%20Pope%20Francis%20failed%20to%20protect%20Argentina%20priests&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Vatican denies claim that Pope Francis failed to protect Argentina priests on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Vatican denies claim that Pope Francis failed to protect Argentina priests on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman, dismissed the claims - which date back to Argentina&#039;s so-called Dirty War from 1976 to 1983 - as false and defamatory.</p> <a class="cnn_full_story_link" href="">FULL STORY</a> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy"></span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" title="Posts by The Editors" rel="author">The Editors</a> - CNN Belief Blog</span><br> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Catholic Church" rel="category tag">Catholic Church</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope" rel="category tag">Pope</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope Francis" rel="category tag">Pope Francis</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Vatican" rel="category tag">Vatican</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <hr class="cnn-post-separator"/> <!-- /blog post 39514 --> <!-- blog post 39512 --> <div class="cnnPostWrap cnn_wh1600_post_separator"> <div class="cnnWideImage"> <a href=""><img src="" width="640" height="360" title="Papal diplomacy is not just pomp and circumstance" alt="Papal diplomacy is not just pomp and circumstance"/></a> </div> <div class="post-39512 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-catholic-church category-pope category-pope-francis category-vatican cnn_ie7_background_fix"> <div class="cnnLeftPost"> <div class="cnnFcIcon"></div> <div class="cnnBlogContentDateHead"> March 14th, 2013 </div> <div class="cnnGryTmeStmp">09:42 PM ET</div> <div class="cnn_share_links"> <div class="cnnOverlayMenuContainer"> <div id="cnnShare39512" class="cnnOverlayMenu"> <div class="cnnShareThisBox"> <div class="cnnShareBoxHeader"><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTL"></div><div class="cnnShareBoxHeaderTR"></div></div> <div class="cnnShareBoxContent"> <div class="cnnShareContent"> <div class="cnn_share_this_content"> <div class="cnnShareThisTitle"> <a href="javascript:cnnHideOverlay('cnnShare39512');"><img src="" alt="Close" title="Close" width="12" height="12"/></a><span>Share this on:</span> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareFacebook" title="Share Papal diplomacy is not just pomp and circumstance on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareTwitter" title="Share Papal diplomacy is not just pomp and circumstance on Twitter" href=";text=Papal%20diplomacy%20is%20not%20just%20pomp%20and%20circumstance&amp;hashtags=cnn" target="_blank">Twitter</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDigg" title="Share Papal diplomacy is not just pomp and circumstance on Digg" href=";" target="_blank">Digg</a> </div> <div class="cnnShareThisItem"> <a class="cnnShareDelicious" title="Share Papal diplomacy is not just pomp and circumstance on" href="" onclick="';partner=cnn&amp;noui&amp;jump=close&amp;','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); 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But there is more to the job than what meets the eye.</p> <p>&#034;It&#039;s really in a unique position to engage with the world&#039;s largest faith-based organization,&#034; Miguel Diaz, the most recent U.S. envoy to the Holy See, told CNN. President Barack Obama has yet to nominate a successor to Diaz, who stepped down in November.</p> <a class="cnn_full_story_link" href="">FULL STORY</a> </div> <div class="cnnPostFooter"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="cnn_mugshot"> </div> </td> <td valign="top" class="cnn_padb20 cnn_author_info"> <span class="cnnBlogFiledBy"></span> <span class="cnn_author"><a href="" title="Posts by Dan Merica" rel="author">Dan Merica</a> - Dan Merica</span><br> <br/><span class="cnnBlogFiledBy cnn_categories">Filed under: <a href="" title="View all posts in Catholic Church" rel="category tag">Catholic Church</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope" rel="category tag">Pope</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Pope Francis" rel="category tag">Pope Francis</a>&nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp;<a href="" title="View all posts in Vatican" rel="category tag">Vatican</a></span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="cnn_clear"></div> <div class="cnn-large-embed "></div></div><!-- IE7 background fix --> </div> <hr class="cnn-post-separator"/> <!-- /blog post 39512 --> <div class="cnnPostNavigation cnn_post_navigation cnn_post_navigation_home"> <a href="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;older posts &#187;</a> <div class="cnn_clear"><img src="" alt=""/></div> </div> </div> <!-- /cnnBlogContentArea --> </td> <td class="cnnRRStruct cnnWireLtgBox-rightside" valign="top" width="337" align="left"> <!-- right rail --> <div id="cnnRightCol" class="cnn_right_col"> <div class="cnnRRBox"><div class="cnnRRBoxHeader"><img src="" width="4" height="4" alt=""></div><div class="cnnRRBoxContent"><div class="cnn_pksz_tp_hck"></div> <!-- ad --> <!-- ADSPACE: opinion/belief_blog/blog/rgt.336x280 --> <!-- CALLOUT||CALLOUT --> <div id="ad-156506" align="center" style="padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0;"></div><script>cnnad_createAd("156506","","280","336");cnnad_registerSpace(156506,336,280);</script> <div class="cnn_adtitle"><img height="5" width="58" alt="Advertisement" src=""></div> <!-- /ad --> <!-- about --> <div class="cnnWireLtgBox"> <div class="cnnBoxHeader"><div></div></div> <div class="cnnBoxContent"> <div class="cnnTvBullBox cnnAboutbox"> <div class="cnnTopModRRHeader cnnBlogHeader"> <div>About this blog</div> </div> <div class="cnnBBStories"> <p class="cnn_first">The <a href="">CNN Belief Blog</a> covers the faith angles of the day&#039;s biggest stories, from breaking news to politics to entertainment, fostering a global conversation about the role of religion and belief in readers&#039; lives. 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