Group C: Kyrgyz Republic 0-1 Korea Republic
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Kyrgyz Republic to win 1-0 at Al Ain鈥檚 Hazza bin Zayed Stadium on Friday evening and secure their place in the Round of 16 of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019."> <meta property="twitter:site" content="@afc"> <meta property="twitter:creator" content="@afc"> <meta property="twitter:domain" content=""> <meta property="og:title" content="Group C: Kyrgyz Republic 0-1 Korea Republic"> <meta property="og:description" content="Al Ain: Kim Min-jae scored the only goal of the game as Korea Republic saw off a gallant Kyrgyz Republic to win 1-0 at Al Ain鈥檚 Hazza bin Zayed Stadium on Friday evening and secure their place in the Round of 16 of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019."> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:url" content="/en/more/news/group_c_kyrgyz_republic_0-1_korea_republic.html"> <meta property="og:site_name" content="the-AFC"> <meta property="og:locale" content="en-GB"> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1600"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="900"> <meta property="og:image:type" content="jpg"> <title>Group C: Kyrgyz Republic 0-1 Korea Republic</title> <meta name="description" content="Al Ain: Kim Min-jae scored the only goal of the game as Korea Republic saw off a gallant Kyrgyz Republic to win 1-0 at Al Ain鈥檚 Hazza bin Zayed Stadium on Friday evening and secure their place in the Round of 16 of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019."> <meta name="robots" content="all"> </head><body><div id="app"></div><img class='pixel' src='/pixel/en/more/news/group_c_kyrgyz_republic_0-1_korea_republic.html.png'/> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Group C: Kyrgyz Republic 0-1 Korea Republic</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Group C: Kyrgyz Republic 0-1 Korea Republic</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Al Ain: Kim Min-jae scored the only goal of the game as Korea Republic saw off a gallant Kyrgyz Republic to win 1-0 at Al Ain鈥檚 Hazza bin Zayed Stadium on Friday evening and secure their place in the Round of 16 of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>Kim Min-jae headed home four minutes before the half-time break to give Paulo Bento鈥檚 side a second straight single-goal win at the tournament and ensure they join China PR in qualifying for the Round of 16 from Group C.</p> <p>The two nations face off to determine who will finish in pole position in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday while Kyrgyz Republic meet the Philippines with both sides looking for their first points of the tournament to keep their slim hopes of progressing alive.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Group C: Kyrgyz Republic 0-1 Korea Republic", "articleBody": "<p>Kim Min-jae headed home four minutes before the half-time break to give Paulo Bento\u2019s side a second straight single-goal win at the tournament and ensure they join China PR in qualifying for the Round of 16 from Group C.</p>\n<p>The two nations face off to determine who will finish in pole position in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday while Kyrgyz Republic meet the Philippines with both sides looking for their first points of the tournament to keep their slim hopes of progressing alive.</p>", "headline": "Group C: Kyrgyz Republic 0-1 Korea Republic", "description": "Al Ain: Kim Min-jae scored the only goal of the game as Korea Republic saw off a gallant Kyrgyz Republic to win 1-0 at Al Ain\u2019s Hazza bin Zayed Stadium on Friday evening and secure their place in the Round of 16 of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-12", "url": "" }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null }</script> <p class="seo-footer"><a href=""></a></p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null, "image": "" }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null }</script> <p class="seo-footer"><a href=""></a></p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null, "image": "" }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null }</script> <p class="seo-footer"><a href="聽.html">聽.html</a></p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null, "image": "" }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null }</script> <p class="seo-footer"><a href=""></a></p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null, "image": "" }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Group C: Philippines 0-3 China PR</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Group C: Philippines 0-3 China PR</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Abu Dhabi: China PR qualified for the knockout phase of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 on Friday as they overcame a resilient Philippines to secure a vital 3-0 win.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>Two goals from the ever-impressive Wu Lei and a late strike from Yu Dabao saw the East Asians maintain their position at the top of Group C, as the result - coupled with Korea Republic's subsequent defeat of Kyrgyz Republic - ensured that Marcello Lippi鈥檚 charges cannot finish any lower than second.</p> <p>While China sealed their progress, the Philippines, following their second successive group stage defeat, now need a win in their final match against Kyrgyz Republic to remain in contention for a place in the Round of 16 as one of the best third-placed finishers.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Group C: Philippines 0-3 China PR", "articleBody": "<p>Two goals from the ever-impressive Wu Lei and a late strike from Yu Dabao saw the East Asians maintain their position at the top of Group C, as the result - coupled with Korea Republic's subsequent defeat of Kyrgyz Republic - ensured that Marcello Lippi\u2019s charges cannot finish any lower than second.</p>\n<p>While China sealed their progress, the Philippines, following their second successive group stage defeat, now need a win in their final match against Kyrgyz Republic to remain in contention for a place in the Round of 16 as one of the best third-placed finishers.</p>", "headline": "Group C: Philippines 0-3 China PR", "description": "Abu Dhabi: China PR qualified for the knockout phase of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 on Friday as they overcame a resilient Philippines to secure a vital 3-0 win.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-12", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Group B: Palestine 0-3 Australia</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Group B: Palestine 0-3 Australia</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Dubai: Australia got their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 title defence up and running, earning three crucial points with a 3-0 win over Palestine in their Group B clash at Rashid Stadium on Friday.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>Sunday's defeat to Jordan seemed a distant memory when goals to Jamie Maclaren and Awer Mabil had the Socceroos 2-0 up within 20 minutes, before substitute Apostolos Giannou added a late third.</p> <p>The result sees Australia leapfrog Palestine and Syria into second place in the group, with Noureddine Ould Ali's side dropping to fourth with one Matchday remaining.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Group B: Palestine 0-3 Australia", "articleBody": "<p>Sunday's defeat to Jordan seemed a distant memory when goals to Jamie Maclaren and Awer Mabil had the Socceroos 2-0 up within 20 minutes, before substitute Apostolos Giannou added a late third.</p>\n<p>The result sees Australia leapfrog Palestine and Syria into second place in the group, with Noureddine Ould Ali's side dropping to fourth with one Matchday remaining.</p>", "headline": "Group B: Palestine 0-3 Australia", "description": "Dubai: Australia got their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 title defence up and running, earning three crucial points with a 3-0 win over Palestine in their Group B clash at Rashid Stadium on Friday.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-12", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Preview - Group D: Vietnam v IR Iran</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Preview - Group D: Vietnam v IR Iran</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Abu Dhabi: Park Hang-seo's Vietnam will face the Continent's top ranked team on Saturday in the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 and it is a Group D match the Southeast Asian side are relishing.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>The recently-crowned AFF Cup champions may have among the youngest squads in the AFC Asian Cup but that, promised Park, won't stop them from giving Carlos Queiroz's Iran a tough fight.</p> <p>And Iran, said Queiroz, expect that from a side the Team Melli head coach is highly impressed with.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Preview - Group D: Vietnam v IR Iran", "articleBody": "<p>The recently-crowned AFF Cup champions may have among the youngest squads in the AFC Asian Cup but that, promised Park, won't stop them from giving Carlos Queiroz's Iran a tough fight.</p>\n<p>And Iran, said Queiroz, expect that from a side the Team Melli head coach is highly impressed with.</p>", "headline": "Preview - Group D: Vietnam v IR Iran", "description": "Abu Dhabi: Park Hang-seo's Vietnam will face the Continent's top ranked team on Saturday in the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 and it is a Group D match the Southeast Asian side are relishing.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-12", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Preview - Group E: Lebanon v Saudi Arabia</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Preview - Group E: Lebanon v Saudi Arabia</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Dubai: Lebanon head into their match against Saudi Arabia at the Al Maktoum Stadium on Saturday needing a win to keep their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 hopes alive.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>In their group opener against Qatar on Wednesday, Lebanon held their opponents to a goalless first half, but were struck in the second half by goals from Bassam Al Rawi and Almoez Ali.</p> <p>Sitting third in the group standings behind Qatar and Saudi Arabia, who have three points each, Lebanon head coach Miodrag Radulovic said his team must aim for a win on Saturday.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Preview - Group E: Lebanon v Saudi Arabia", "articleBody": "<p>In their group opener against Qatar on Wednesday, Lebanon held their opponents to a goalless first half, but were struck in the second half by goals from Bassam Al Rawi and Almoez Ali.</p>\n<p>Sitting third in the group standings behind Qatar and Saudi Arabia, who have three points each, Lebanon head coach Miodrag Radulovic said his team must aim for a win on Saturday.</p>", "headline": "Preview - Group E: Lebanon v Saudi Arabia", "description": "Dubai: Lebanon head into their match against Saudi Arabia at the Al Maktoum Stadium on Saturday needing a win to keep their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 hopes alive.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-12", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Preview - Group D: Yemen v Iraq</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Preview - Group D: Yemen v Iraq</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Sharjah: Iraq head coach Srecko Katanec is not taking anything for granted when the Lions of Mesopotamia face Yemen in Group D of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 at the Sharjah Stadium on Saturday.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>Iraq twice trailed in their opener against Vietnam, but produced a late fightback to collect three valuable points in a five-goal thriller at the Zayed Sports City Stadium on Tuesday.</p> <p>After the win against Vietnam, Katanec believes his team are well prepared to face Yemen.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Preview - Group D: Yemen v Iraq", "articleBody": "<p>Iraq twice trailed in their opener against Vietnam, but produced a late fightback to collect three valuable points in a five-goal thriller at the Zayed Sports City Stadium on Tuesday.</p>\n<p>After the win against Vietnam, Katanec believes his team are well prepared to face Yemen.</p>", "headline": "Preview - Group D: Yemen v Iraq", "description": "Sharjah: Iraq head coach Srecko Katanec is not taking anything for granted when the Lions of Mesopotamia face Yemen in Group D of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 at the Sharjah Stadium on Saturday.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-12", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">IR Iran's Ghoddos looking forward to Vietnam challenge</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">IR Iran's Ghoddos looking forward to Vietnam challenge</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Abu Dhabi: With the first match jitters safely overcome, Islamic Republic of Iran's Saman Ghoddos says Team Melli are looking forward to locking horns with Vietnam in an AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 Group D tie on Saturday.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>The three-time champions opened their campaign on a high note, defeating Yemen 5-0 on Monday, but Ghoddos admitted Iran had gone into the match nervous.</p> <p>"It鈥檚 not easy to play the first game in a tournament. It鈥檚 always stressful and nervous and you鈥檙e trying to do your best so sometimes the play can be a bit stiff, but we showed a good result by scoring five goals and keeping a clean sheet.</p> <p>"So that鈥檚 very important and we have big confidence in the team now," said the midfielder, who plays for Amiens SC in the French Ligue One.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "IR Iran's Ghoddos looking forward to Vietnam challenge", "articleBody": "<p>The three-time champions opened their campaign on a high note, defeating Yemen 5-0 on Monday, but Ghoddos admitted Iran had gone into the match nervous.</p>\n<p>\"It\u2019s not easy to play the first game in a tournament. It\u2019s always stressful and nervous and you\u2019re trying to do your best so sometimes the play can be a bit stiff, but we showed a good result by scoring five goals and keeping a clean sheet.</p>\n<p>\"So that\u2019s very important and we have big confidence in the team now,\" said the midfielder, who plays for Amiens SC in the French Ligue One.</p>", "headline": "IR Iran's Ghoddos looking forward to Vietnam challenge", "description": "Abu Dhabi: With the first match jitters safely overcome, Islamic Republic of Iran's Saman Ghoddos says Team Melli are looking forward to locking horns with Vietnam in an AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 Group D tie on Saturday.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-12", "url": "" }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "SiteNavigationElement", "name": "default", "url": "" }</script> <script type="text/javascript"> const elements = document.getElementsByClassName("seo-footer"); for(let element of elements) { = "none" } document.getElementsByClassName("pixel")[0].style.display = "none"; </script> </body></html>