IR Iran's Ghoddos looking forward to Vietnam challenge
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Saman Ghoddos says Team Melli are looking forward to locking horns with Vietnam in an AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 Group D tie on Saturday."> <meta property="twitter:site" content="@afc"> <meta property="twitter:creator" content="@afc"> <meta property="twitter:domain" content=""> <meta property="og:title" content="IR Iran's Ghoddos looking forward to Vietnam challenge"> <meta property="og:description" content="Abu Dhabi: With the first match jitters safely overcome, Islamic Republic of Iran's Saman Ghoddos says Team Melli are looking forward to locking horns with Vietnam in an AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 Group D tie on Saturday."> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:url" content="/en/national/afc_asian_cup/news/ir_irans_ghoddos_looking_forward_to_vietnam_challenge.html"> <meta property="og:site_name" content="the-AFC"> <meta property="og:locale" content="en-GB"> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1600"> <meta 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Republic of Iran's Saman Ghoddos says Team Melli are looking forward to locking horns with Vietnam in an AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 Group D tie on Saturday.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>The three-time champions opened their campaign on a high note, defeating Yemen 5-0 on Monday, but Ghoddos admitted Iran had gone into the match nervous.</p> <p>"It’s not easy to play the first game in a tournament. It’s always stressful and nervous and you’re trying to do your best so sometimes the play can be a bit stiff, but we showed a good result by scoring five goals and keeping a clean sheet.</p> <p>"So that’s very important and we have big confidence in the team now," said the midfielder, who plays for Amiens SC in the French Ligue One.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "IR Iran's Ghoddos looking forward to Vietnam challenge", "articleBody": "<p>The three-time champions opened their campaign on a high note, defeating Yemen 5-0 on Monday, but Ghoddos admitted Iran had gone into the match nervous.</p>\n<p>\"It\u2019s not easy to play the first game in a tournament. It\u2019s always stressful and nervous and you\u2019re trying to do your best so sometimes the play can be a bit stiff, but we showed a good result by scoring five goals and keeping a clean sheet.</p>\n<p>\"So that\u2019s very important and we have big confidence in the team now,\" said the midfielder, who plays for Amiens SC in the French Ligue One.</p>", "headline": "IR Iran's Ghoddos looking forward to Vietnam challenge", "description": "Abu Dhabi: With the first match jitters safely overcome, Islamic Republic of Iran's Saman Ghoddos says Team Melli are looking forward to locking horns with Vietnam in an AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 Group D tie on Saturday.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-12", "url": "" }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null }</script> <p class="seo-footer"><a href=""></a></p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null, "image": "" }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Thing", "name": null }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Taremi wants more of the same from IR Iran</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Taremi wants more of the same from IR Iran</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Abu Dhabi: Islamic Republic of Iran forward Mehdi Taremi is hoping that his side’s 5-0 win over Yemen in their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 opening encounter is just the start of things to come.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>The 26-year-old Al Gharafa favourite scored twice on a night when the three-time Asian champions were rarely troubled by opponents making their debut in the competition as a unified nation.</p> <p>Iran’s impressive victory saw them assume pole position in Group D, a flying start that Taremi believes will stand his side in good stead going forward.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Taremi wants more of the same from IR Iran", "articleBody": "<p>The 26-year-old Al Gharafa favourite scored twice on a night when the three-time Asian champions were rarely troubled by opponents making their debut in the competition as a unified nation.</p>\n<p>Iran\u2019s impressive victory saw them assume pole position in Group D, a flying start that Taremi believes will stand his side in good stead going forward.</p>", "headline": "Taremi wants more of the same from IR Iran", "description": "Abu Dhabi: Islamic Republic of Iran forward Mehdi Taremi is hoping that his side\u2019s 5-0 win over Yemen in their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 opening encounter is just the start of things to come.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-09", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Quieroz praises IR Iran focus after flying start</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Quieroz praises IR Iran focus after flying start</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Abu Dhabi: Islamic Republic of Iran head coach Carlos Quieroz believes the impressive focus shown by his side played a major role in Monday’s 5-0 win over Yemen at the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>In a tournament that has already witnessed several surprise results – notably Jordan’s defeat of Australia – the Portuguese tactician was thankful that the three-time champions of Asia avoided any sort of upset at the start of their Group D campaign.</p> <p>Instead, Mehdi Taremi’s brace along with goals from Ashkan Dejagah, Sardar Azmoun and Saman Ghoddos helped seal a relativy straightforward victory and a provide a perfect start to Team Melli’s 14th AFC Asian Cup campaign.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Quieroz praises IR Iran focus after flying start", "articleBody": "<p>In a tournament that has already witnessed several surprise results \u2013 notably Jordan\u2019s defeat of Australia \u2013 the Portuguese tactician was thankful that the three-time champions of Asia avoided any sort of upset at the start of their Group D campaign.</p>\n<p>Instead, Mehdi Taremi\u2019s brace along with goals from Ashkan Dejagah, Sardar Azmoun and Saman Ghoddos helped seal a relativy straightforward victory and a provide a perfect start to Team Melli\u2019s 14th AFC Asian Cup campaign.</p>", "headline": "Quieroz praises IR Iran focus after flying start", "description": "Abu Dhabi: Islamic Republic of Iran head coach Carlos Quieroz believes the impressive focus shown by his side played a major role in Monday\u2019s 5-0 win over Yemen at the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-08", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Group D: IR Iran 5-0 Yemen</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Group D: IR Iran 5-0 Yemen</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Abu Dhabi: A scintillating display from start to finish saw the Islamic Republic of Iran beat Yemen 5-0 on Monday to begin their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 campaign in fine style. </strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>Mehdi Taremi scored twice as the three-time AFC Asian Cup champions, who reached the quarter-finals last time out in Australia, excelled throughout and underlined their title credentials in what is their 14th consecutive appearance at Asia’s premier competition.</p> <p>Iran’s success sees them go top of the Group D standings ahead of Tuesday’s encounter between fellow group hopefuls Iraq and Vietnam.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Group D: IR Iran 5-0 Yemen", "articleBody": "<p>Mehdi Taremi scored twice as the three-time AFC Asian Cup champions, who reached the quarter-finals last time out in Australia, excelled throughout and underlined their title credentials in what is their 14th consecutive appearance at Asia\u2019s premier competition.</p>\n<p>Iran\u2019s success sees them go top of the Group D standings ahead of Tuesday\u2019s encounter between fellow group hopefuls Iraq and Vietnam.</p>", "headline": "Group D: IR Iran 5-0 Yemen", "description": "Abu Dhabi: A scintillating display from start to finish saw the Islamic Republic of Iran beat Yemen 5-0 on Monday to begin their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 campaign in fine style.\u00a0", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-08", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Katanec hails Tareq impact following late win</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Katanec hails Tareq impact following late win</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Abu Dhabi: Head coach Srečko Katanec has revealed his delight after Humam Tareq came off the bench to help inspire Iraq to a vital 3-2 win over Vietnam in Group D of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 on Tuesday. </strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>Originally named as a substitute, the livewire Tareq was brought on in the 58th minute and duly netted a vital equaliser just two minutes later courtesy of a thunderous finish.</p> <p>With the Esteghlal star to the fore, Iraq pressed for a winner and their persistence paid handsome dividends when Ali Adnan converted a last gasp free-kick to seal all three points for the Lions of Mesopotamia.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Katanec hails Tareq impact following late win", "articleBody": "<p>Originally named as a substitute, the livewire Tareq was brought on in the 58th minute and duly netted a vital equaliser just two minutes later courtesy of a thunderous finish.</p>\n<p>With the Esteghlal star to the fore, Iraq pressed for a winner and their persistence paid handsome dividends when Ali Adnan converted a last gasp free-kick to seal all three points for the Lions of Mesopotamia.</p>", "headline": "Katanec hails Tareq impact following late win", "description": "Abu Dhabi: Head coach Sre\u010dko Katanec has revealed his delight after Humam Tareq came off the bench to help inspire Iraq to a vital 3-2 win over Vietnam in Group D of the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 on Tuesday.\r", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-09", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Group D: Iraq 3-2 Vietnam</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Group D: Iraq 3-2 Vietnam</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Abu Dhabi: Ali Adnan’s last gasp strike helped Iraq begin their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 campaign with a narrow 3-2 defeat of Vietnam on Tuesday.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>Champions in 2007, Iraq had been behind twice before Adnan’s sublime set-piece secured all three points for Srečko Katanec’s relieved charges against a highly rated Vietnam side at Abu Dhabi’s Zayed Sports City Stadium.</p> <p>At a competition where, so far at least, several of the region’s powerhouses have had things far from their own way, the victory saw Iraq go second in the Group D standings, behind the Islamic Republic of Iran who top the table following their 5-0 win over Yemen a day earlier.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Group D: Iraq 3-2 Vietnam", "articleBody": "<p>Champions in 2007, Iraq had been behind twice before Adnan\u2019s sublime set-piece secured all three points for Sre\u010dko Katanec\u2019s relieved charges against a highly rated Vietnam side at Abu Dhabi\u2019s Zayed Sports City Stadium.</p>\n<p>At a competition where, so far at least, several of the region\u2019s powerhouses have had things far from their own way, the victory saw Iraq go second in the Group D standings, behind the Islamic Republic of Iran who top the table following their 5-0 win over Yemen a day earlier.</p>", "headline": "Group D: Iraq 3-2 Vietnam", "description": "Abu Dhabi: Ali Adnan\u2019s last gasp strike helped Iraq begin their AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 campaign with a narrow 3-2 defeat of Vietnam on Tuesday.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-09", "url": "" }</script> <h1 class="seo-footer"><a href="">Zaccheroni hails much-improved UAE display</a></h1> <p class="seo-footer">Thu, 28 Oct, 2021</p> <p class="seo-footer"><img src=""></p> <h2 class="seo-footer">Zaccheroni hails much-improved UAE display</h2> <p class="seo-footer"><strong class="seo-footer">Abu Dhabi: United Arab Emirates head coach Alberto Zaccheroni was grateful to be able to put his side’s opening day woes well and truly behind the host nation following Thursday’s vital 2-0 win over India at the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019.</strong></p> <div class="seo-footer"><p>The 1996 runners-up were held to a 1-1 draw by Bahrain on Matchday One, a result which raised doubts as to the genuine title credentials of a side which also finished third at the last continental extravaganza in Australia.</p> <p>However, goals in either half from Khalfan Mubarak and Ali Mabkhout saw the Emiratis overcome a resilient India to go top of Group A and breathe new life into their bid to reach the tournament’s Round of 16.</p></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "Article", "name": "Zaccheroni hails much-improved UAE display", "articleBody": "<p>The 1996 runners-up were held to a 1-1 draw by Bahrain on Matchday One, a result which raised doubts as to the genuine title credentials of a side which also finished third at the last continental extravaganza in Australia.</p>\n<p>However, goals in either half from Khalfan Mubarak and Ali Mabkhout saw the Emiratis overcome a resilient India to go top of Group A and breathe new life into their bid to reach the tournament\u2019s Round of 16.</p>", "headline": "Zaccheroni hails much-improved UAE display", "description": "Abu Dhabi: United Arab Emirates head coach Alberto Zaccheroni was grateful to be able to put his side\u2019s opening day woes well and truly behind the host nation following Thursday\u2019s vital 2-0 win over India at the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019.", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "url": "", "name": "the AFC" }, "image": "", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "datePublished": "2019-01-11", "url": "" }</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "SiteNavigationElement", "name": "AFC Asian Cup", "url": "/en/national/afc_asian_cup.html" }</script> <script type="text/javascript"> const elements = document.getElementsByClassName("seo-footer"); for(let element of elements) { = "none" } document.getElementsByClassName("pixel")[0].style.display = "none"; </script> </body></html>