ACFPE 2025 | 2025年第四届电力和能源前沿亚洲会议
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margin-top:-60px"> 2025 4th Asian Conference on Frontiers of Power and Energy (ACFPE 2025)</h1> <p class="slide-desc" style="font-size:20px; margin-top:-20px">Oct. 24-26, 2025 / Chengdu, China</p> <p class="slide-desc" style="font-size:18px; margin-top:-20px"><em>"AI-Empowered Technologies Innovation for Future Smart Grid"</em></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section></div> <div class="banm"><img src="static/picture/Banner.jpg" width="100%"alt=""/></div> <section class="about about-1" id="about-1"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-5"> <div class="about-img"> <div class="about-img-holder bg-overlay"> <div class="bg-section"><img src="static/picture/reservation.jpg" alt="about Image" /></div> </div> <div></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-7"> <div class="heading heading-1"> <h3 class="heading-title">Welcome to ACFPE 2025</h3> </div> <div class="about-block"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-12"> <div class="block-left"> <p align="justify" class="paragraph"><strong>2025 4th Asian Conference on Frontiers of Power and Energy(ACFPE 2025) </strong>will be hosted in <strong>Chengdu, China</strong> from <strong>Oct. 24 to 26, 2025</strong>, which is co-organized by <font color="#5C3317">Sichuan University and Sichuan Society for Electrical Engineering</font>, technically sponsored by <font color="#5C3317">IEEE Chengdu Section</font>, supported by <font color="#5C3317"> Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers(HKSME) and <i>Global Energy Interconnection</i></font>, media supported by <i>Proceedings of the CSEE, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems(CSEE JPES), Automation of Electric Power Systems, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE), Power System Technology, Journal of Electrical Engineering, New Type Power Systems, High Voltage Engineering, High Voltage, Electric Power Information, Communication Technology, Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, Power Generation Technology, Electrical Power Engineering Technology, Electric Machines, Control Applications, Sichuan Electric Power Technology, electronics, Southern Power Grid Technology, Neimenggu Dianli Jianshe, Nanfang Nengyuan jishu and Smart Power & Energy Security</i>. <font color="#5C3317">The theme of ACFPE 2025 is "AI-Empowered Technologies Innovation for Future Smart Grid"</font>.</p> <p align="justify" class="paragraph">ACFPE 2025 is a conference which aims at bringing together participants from academia, industry, engineering, and administrative organizations around the world to exchange novel ideas, discuss innovative designs, explore enabling technologies and open problems, and share field trial experiences in power and energy areas. We warmly welcome prospective authors to submit your research papers to ACFPE 2025, and share your latest research results and valuable experiences with other top-scientists, engineers and scholars from all over the world.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="features features-1 bg-overlay bg-overlay-theme2" id="features-1"> <div class="bg-section"></div> <div class="container"> <div class="heading heading-2 heading-light heading-light2"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-12"> <!--<p>ACFPE 2023 is listed on the conference list of IEEE. 本次会议已进入IEEE 会议列表。(<a href="">Click Here</a>)</p>--> <!---<h2 class="heading-title">ACFPE 2023 Speakers</h2> <table width="1200" border="0"> <tr> <td width="300"><img src="static/images/S/Prof.Junyong Liu.jpg" width="150" height="180"></td> <td width="300"><img src="static/images/S/Prof.Fushuan Wen.jpg" width="144" height="190"></td> <td width="300"><img src="static/images/S/cq5dam.web.1280.720.jpeg" width="144" height="190"></td> <td width="300"><img src="static/images/S/Prof. Eric Cheng.jpg" width="144" height="190"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><span class="STYLE1"><strong class="btn-success">Prof. Junyong Liu</strong><br> (Plenary Speaker) </span></p> <p class="STYLE1">Sichuan University, China</p> <p class="STYLE1"> </p></td> <td><p><span class="STYLE1"><strong class="btn-success">Prof. Fushuan Wen</strong><br> (Plenary Speaker) </span></p> <p class="STYLE1">Zhejiang University, China</p></td> <td><p><span class="STYLE1"><strong class="btn-success">Prof. Qing-Long Han</strong><br> (Plenary Speaker) </span></p> <p class="STYLE1">Swinburne University of Technology, Australia</p></td> <td><p><span class="STYLE1"><strong class="btn-success">Prof. Eric Cheng</strong><br> (Keynote Speaker) </span></p> <p class="STYLE1">The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKSAR, China</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p> </p> <p><img src="static/images/S/Prof.Yang Han.jpg" width="144" height="190"></p></td> <td><p> </p> <p><img src="static/images/S/Zhifang_Yang.jpg" width="144" height="190"></p></td> <td><p> </p> <p><img src="static/images/S/Prof. Zhao Bo.jpg" width="144" height="190"></p></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><span class="STYLE1"><strong class="btn-success">Prof. Yang Han</strong><br> (Invited Speaker) </span></p> <p class="STYLE1">University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China</p></td> <td><p><span class="STYLE1"><strong class="btn-success">Prof. Zhifang Yang</strong><br> (Invited Speaker) </span></p> <p class="STYLE1">Chongqing University, China</p> <p class="STYLE1"> </p></td> <td><p><span class="STYLE1"><strong class="btn-success">Dr. Bo Zhao</strong><br> (Invited Speaker) </span></p> <p class="STYLE1">Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, China</p></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> <h2 class="heading-title"> </h2> <h2 class="heading-title">Special Session</h2> <p class="STYLE2"><span class="STYLE4">Special Session I:</span> Operation and control of grid-following and grid-forming renewable power generation clusters</p> <p class="STYLE1"> </p> <p class="STYLE2"><span class="STYLE4">Special Session II:</span> Dynamics and Stability Control in Power Systems with High Penetration of Power Electronic Devices</p> <p class="STYLE1">Session Chair: <em>Yang Wang</em>, Sichuan University, China</p> <p class="STYLE1"> <em>Lei Chen</em>, Wuhan University, China</p> <p class="STYLE1"> </p> <p class="STYLE2"><span class="STYLE4">Special Session III:</span> Power System Optimization Toward Economics Improvement</p> <p class="STYLE1">Session Chair: <em>Zhifang Yang</em>, Chongqing University, China</p> <p class="STYLE1"> </p> <p class="STYLE2"><span class="STYLE4">Special Session IV:</span> Modeling and Control of Large-scale Renewable Generation and Energy Storage</p> <p class="STYLE1">Session Chair: <em>Jianbo Yi</em>, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China</p> <p class="STYLE1"> </p>--> <h3 class="heading-title">Publication information</h3> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc">All the registered and presented papers will be submitted to the publisher for review, and papers that meet the requirements will be published. Selected papers with high quality, which are presented on conference, will be recommended to publish in the international journals.</p> <!--<p align="justify" class="heading-desc">* All the accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into <span class="btn-warning">IEEE Xplore</span> subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. The publisher will submit articles to <span class="btn-warning">Engineering Village, Scopus, Web of Science</span> and other databases for review and indexing after publication.</p> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc">*Selected papers(accepted and presented) with great extension will be recommended to publish in Special Issue of <span class="btn-warning">electronics</span> (ISSN 2079-9292): "Advances in Power System Dynamics, Stability, Control and Dispatch with Large-Scale Renewable Energy Penetrated" after conference. </p> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc"><img src="static/images/1.gif">*Selected papers(accepted and presented) with great extension will be recommended to publish in Special Issue of IET Electric Power Applications (Online ISSN:1751-8679): "<span class="btn-warning"><i>Advances in Power System Dynamics, Stability, Control and Dispatch with Large-Scale Renewable Energy Penetrated</i></span>" after conference.The publisher will submit articles to SCIE, Scopus and other databases for review and indexing after publication.<br> Submission deadline: <b>Tuesday, 31 December 2024</b><br> Expected Publication Month: <b>May 2025</b></p>--> <!--<p align="justify" class="heading-desc">* All the accepted and presented papers will be published into <span class="btn-warning">The Conference Proceeding of ACFPE 2024</span>. The publisher will submit articles to <span class="btn-warning">Ei Compendex, Scopus, Web of Science</span> and other databases for review and indexing after publication.<br> </p> <p> #ACFPE 2024 is listed on IEEE conference list.</p> <p><img src="static/images/ACFPE 2024IEEE.png" width="600"></p>--> <p> </p> <p><em>#The Conference Proceedings of ACFPE 2024 was published by IEEE (<a href="">Link</a>)<!--, and indexed by Ei compendex-->.</em><br> <img src="static/images/Cover ACFPE 2024.jpg" alt="" width="350"/> <!--<img src="static/images/2023-EI.png" width="550" alt=""/>--></p> <br> <p><em>#The Conference Proceedings of ACFPE 2023 was published by IEEE (<a href="">Link</a>), and indexed by Ei compendex.</em><br> <img src="static/images/Cover-ACFPE 2023.jpg" alt="" width="350"/> <img src="static/images/2023 EI.jpg" width="550" alt=""/></p> <br> <p><em>#The Conference Proceedings of ACFPE 2022 was published by IEEE (<a href="">Link</a>), and indexed by Ei compendex.</em><br> <img src="static/images/2022 Cover.png"> <img src="static/images/2022 EI.jpg"></p> </div> <div class="col-12 col-lg-12"> <!--<p align="justify" class="heading-desc">* Selected papers with high quality will be recommended to publish in the following journals: </p> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc"><a href="">Global Energy Interconnection</a>(ISSN 2096-5117), 《<a href="">全球能源互联网</a>》(ISSN 2096-5125), <a href="">Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems</a> (ISSN 2367-2617), <a href="">Power System Protection and Control</a> (ISSN 1674-3415), <a href="">Sichuan Electric Power Technology</a> (ISSN 1003-6954)</p> <style>.inimg img{margin-bottom:15px}</style> <p class="inimg"><img src="static/images/journal_pic.jpg" width="170" height="68"> <img src="static/images/journal_pi.jpg" width="170" height="68"> <img src="static/images/PCMP.jpg" width="170" height="68"> <img src="static/images/PSPC.jpg" width="170" height="68"> <img src="static/images/SCDL.jpg" width="170" height="68"></p>--> <p> </p> <!--<h3 class="heading-title">ACFPE 2024 Special Sessions</h3> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc"><font color="#8E6B23">Special Session 1: Operation and control of grid-following and grid-forming renewable power generation clusters (专题1:跟网/构网型新能源集群运行与控制 )</font><br> Session Chair:<img src="static/images/Session/S1-Lei Chen.png" width="50" alt=""/> Lei Chen, Wuhan University, China </p> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc"><font color="#8E6B23">Special Session 2: Low-Carbon Coordinated Optimization of Interdependent Power and Transportation Networks(专题2:电力-交通融合网络低碳协同优化)</font><br> Session Chair:<img src="static/images/Session/S2-Sheng Chen.png" width="50" alt=""/> Sheng Chen, Hohai University, China <br> Vice Session Chair:<img src="static/images/Session/S2-Si Lv.png" width="50" alt=""/> Si Lv, Hohai University. China</p> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc"><font color="#8E6B23">Special Session 3: Grid integartion of renewable energy (专题3: 新能源并网控制)</font><br> Session Chair:<img src="static/images/Session/S3-Jiebei Zhu.png" width="50" alt=""/> Jiebei Zhu, Tianjin University, China <br> Vice Session Chair:<img src="static/images/Session/S3-Lujie Yu.png" width="50" alt=""/> Lujie Yu,Tianjin University, China</p> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc"><font color="#8E6B23">Special Session 4: Advanced Modeling, Control, Operation, and Planning of AC/DC Microgrids (专题4:交直流微电网的高级建模、控制、运行和规划)</font><br> Session Chair:<img src="static/images/Session/S4-Yang Han.png" width="50" alt=""/> Yang Han, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China</p> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc"><font color="#8E6B23">Special Session 5: Electricity Market with High Renewables (专题5: 高比例新能源电力市场)</font><br> Session Chair:<img src="static/images/Session/S5-Mingxu Xiang.png" width="50" alt=""/> Mingxu Xiang, Chongqing University, China <br> Vice Session Chair:<img src="static/images/Session/S5-Zhifang Yang.png" width="50" alt=""/> Zhifang Yang, Chongqing University, China</p> <p align="justify" class="heading-desc"><font color="#8E6B23">Special Session 6: Demand Side Resource Coordination and Interaction Mechanism in Sustainable Energy Systems (专题6: 可持续能源系统中需求侧资源的协同与互动机理)</font><br> Session Chair:<img src="static/images/Session/S6-Bochao Zhao.png" width="50" alt=""/> Bochao Zhao, Tianjin University, China </p> <!--<p align="justify" class="heading-desc"><font color="#8E6B23">Special Session 7: Promoting power system operation flexibility: demand-side flexible resource aggregation, control and market mechanism (专题7: 提升电力系统运行灵活性: 用户侧灵活资源聚合调控与市场化机制)</font><br> Session Chair 7: Fushuan Wen, Zhejiang University, China </p>--> </div> </div> </div> <div class="carousel owl-carousel carousel-dots" data-slide="4" data-space="25"> <div > <div class="feature-panel-holder" data-hover=""> <div class="feature-panel in01"> <div class="feature-icon"><i class="flaticon-024-energy"></i></div> <div class="feature-content"> <h4>Peer Review Policy</h4> <p align="justify">All the papers will be peer reviewed by 2-3 experts. If the paper needs revising, it should be resubmitted for peer review again. Manuscript requirements:<br> 1. Manuscripts must be written in English;<br> 2. The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template;<br> 3. The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics;<br> 4. Plagiarism and duplicate submission are prohibited; <br> 5. Innovation and scientific value is a must.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="feature-panel-holder" data-hover=""> <div class="feature-panel in01"> <div class="feature-icon"><i class="flaticon-028-greenhouse"></i></div> <div class="feature-content"> <h4>Paper Template</h4> <p align="justify">Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously. Authors must adhere to the conference written paper format. Submitted papers should be written in complete English. Please choose from the templates listed as follow based on your own request:</p> <p><a class="btn btn--secondary" href="abstract template(oral).docx">Abstract Template</a></p> <p><a class="btn btn--secondary" href="IEEE-conference-template-letter.doc">Full Paper Template (Microsoft Word)</a></p> <p><a class="btn btn--secondary" href="">Full Paper Template (LaTeX)</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="feature-panel-holder" data-hover=""> <div class="feature-panel in01"> <div class="feature-icon"><i class="flaticon-026-world"></i></div> <div class="feature-content"> <h4>Submission Methods</h4> <p align="justify">Authors can submit manuscripts through CMT system. Please click following link:</p> <p><a class="btn btn--secondary" href="">Electronic Submission System</a></p> <p align="justify">First-time users should register a account firstly, and then upload your paper to the system. If your paper need to be updated after you receive the submission confirmation, please send the updated paper to conference email:<font color="#5C3317"><i> </i></font>directly. Please don’t update in System.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="feature-panel-holder" data-hover=""> <div class="feature-panel in01"> <div class="feature-icon"><i class="flaticon-008-plant"></i></div> <div class="feature-content"> <h4>Registration Guide</h4> <p align="justify">The detailed registration procedure for authors and presenters can be found in the notification letter. For listeners, please contact the conference secretary by email. When you submit the registration materials, the conference secretary will contact you within 2 or 3 workdays to confirm your registration. Registration of paper must be done by one of author(s) of paper and only registered paper can be included into the conference proceedings.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="services services-1 bg-grey" id="services-1"> <div class="container"> <div class="carousel owl-carousel carousel-dots dots-side" data-space="30" > <div> <div class="service-panel in02"> <div class="service-icon"><i class="flaticon-013-hydro-power"></i></div> <div class="service-content"> <h4>CFPS</h4> <p align="justify">Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:</p> <ul class="list-unstyled advantages-list"> <p align="justify">Track 1: Advanced Energy Conversion</p> <p align="justify">Track 2: AI and Data-driven Applications in Smart Grid</p> <p align="justify">Track 3: DER Based Grid-edge Awareness and Control</p> <p align="justify">Track 4: Energy Storage Applications and Hydrogen</p> <p align="justify">Track 5: Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration</p> <p align="justify">Track 6: Low-carbon Technologies on Power Systems</p> <p align="justify">Track 7: Multi-energy Systems Operation and Planning </p> <p align="justify">Track 8: Power Market and Economy</p> <p align="justify">Track 9: Smart Grid Operation and Control</p> </ul> <!--<h4>ACFPE 2025 Awards</h4> <p align="justify">The conference will set up 7 Awards:</p> <ul class="list-unstyled advantages-list"> <p align="justify">The Best Oral Presentation Award (最佳口头报告奖)</p> <p align="justify">The Best Poster Award (最佳海报奖)</p> <p align="justify">The Best-Student-Paper Award (最佳学生论文奖)</p> <p align="justify">The Best Paper Award (最佳论文奖)</p> <p align="justify">The Best Contribution Award of Committee(组委会最佳贡献奖)</p> <p align="justify">The Outstanding Reviewer Award (优秀审稿人奖)</p> <p align="justify">The Outstanding Volunteer Award(优秀志愿者奖) </p> </ul> <p align="justify">If you are interested in being reviewer of ACFPE, please send your CV to : <b></b> before July 30, 2025. </p>--> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="service-panel in02"> <div class="service-icon"><i class="flaticon-004-solar-panel"></i></div> <div class="service-content"> <h4>Important Dates</h4> <p>*There are totally 2 rounds important dates.</p> <p><b>The First Round</b></p> <!--<ul class="list-unstyled advantages-list">--> <p>Paper Submission Deadline: Apr. 15, 2025<br> Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2025<br> Registration Deadline: Jun. 15, 2025</p> </ul> <p> </p> <p><b>The Second Round</b></p> <!--<ul class="list-unstyled advantages-list">--> <p>Full paper Submission Deadline: Jun. 20, 2025<!--</strike>, extended to Sept. 20, 2024--><br> Notification of Acceptance: Jul. 20, 2025<!--</strike>, extended to Sept. 30, 2024--><br> Registration Deadline: Aug. 20, 2025<!--</strike>, extended to Oct. 15, 2024--></p> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="service-panel in02"> <div class="service-icon"><i class="flaticon-039-wind-mill"></i></div> <div class="service-content"> <h4>Program Overview</h4> <p>This is a tentative program for reference only, program is subject to final confirmation.</p> <ul class="list-unstyled advantages-list"> <li>Day 1- Oct. 24, 2025</li> <p>Registration + Industrial Forum</p> <li>Day 2- Oct. 25, 2025</li> <p>Opening Remark+ Keynote Session + Special Sessions+Technical Sessions</p> <li>Day 3- Oct. 26, 2025</li> <p>Special Sessions+ Technical Sessions +Techninal Tour+Award Ceremony</p> </ul><h4>Conference Venue</h4> <p>Chengdu, China<br> <img src="static/picture/chengdu.png"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer class="footer footer-1"> <div class="footer-top"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"> <div class="footer-widget"> <div class="footer-widget-title"> <h5>Latest News</h5> </div> <div class="widget-content"> <p align="justify"><img src="static/images/1.gif"> ACFPE 2025 will be held in Chengdu, China during Oct. 24-26, 2025.</p> <p align="justify"><img src="static/images/1.gif">ACFPE 2024 was held successfully in Chengdu, China during Oct. 25-27, 2024. </p> <p align="justify"><img src="static/images/1.gif"> The Conference Proceedings of ACFPE 2023 was published by IEEE and indexed by Ei. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"> <div class="footer-widget"> <div class="footer-widget-title"> <h5>Contact Us</h5> </div> <div class="widget-content"> <p align="justify">If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the conference, please feel free to contact our conference specialist.</p> <p><strong>Ms. Kitty Liu</strong></p> <p>Tel: +852-30506862(English) \ +86 19150956004(Chinese)<br> E-mail:<br> WeChat: 19102818126</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4"> <div class="footer-widget"> <div class="footer-widget-title"> <h5>Follow Us</h5> </div> <div class="widget-content"> <p><table width="100%" height="140" border="0"> <tr> <td><div align="center"><img 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