NPS survey - Free CSAT template | Zoho Survey
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The answer to this question helps the company to get a better understanding of their position in the market and to plan out their next steps.</p><p class="mb20">NPS suggests that all your customers belong to one of three categories:</p> <span class="bold mb10">1. The Promoters</span><p class="mb20">Promoters rate you at a 9 or 10. These are the customers who are very happy with your service or product and are likely to remain loyal to you.</p> <span class="bold mb10">2. The Passives</span><p class="mb20">Passives rate you at 7 or 8. They are satisfied with you but are unlikely to go sing your praises to others.</p> <span class="bold mb10">3. The Detractors </span><p class="mb20"> Detractors rate you between 0-6. These are your unhappy customers.</p></div><div class="column-rt"><div class="right-side"> </div></div></div> </section> <section class="cntn-part"><div class="wrapper"><div class="column-lt"><div class="img-part to-animate"> <img alt="net promoter score survey" width="383" height="471" data-lazy data-src="//" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,"></div></div><div class="column-rt"><span class="cntn-title">How do you calculate NPS?</span><p>Net Promoter Score is the (# of promoters - # of detractors)/100 = % NPS. For example, if out of 100 responses to your NPS survey, 50 are promoters,20 are detractors, and 30 are passives. The NPS will be (50 - 20)/100 = 30% for that particular survey.</p><p>Your NPS can range from -100 to 100. A positive 100 is when all the respondents are promoters and a negative 100 is when all the respondents are detractors. Ideally, a positive NPS is what your company should be striving to achieve as it indicates that more of your customers will continue to use your product, and may even promote your brand.</p></div></div> </section> <section class="features"><div class="wrapper"><span class="cntn-title">Why do we use NPS?</span><div class="feature-section-container"><div class="feature-section-list"><div class="column-lt"><span>Simple to calculate</span></div><div class="column-ct"><span class="one">1</span></div><div class="column-rt"><p>No complicated formulas, no square roots, no regression. Just a basic subtraction and division to get the answer to one of the most important questions for your organization.</p></div></div><div class="seperate-line"> </div><div class="feature-section-list"><div class="column-lt"><span>Easy to understand</span></div><div class="column-ct"><span class="two">2</span></div><div class="column-rt"><p>There is no brain wracking T-Test and F-Test inferences to make when dealing with NPS. It is pretty straightforward; the closer you are to a positive 100, the better off you are.</p></div></div><div class="seperate-line"> </div><div class="feature-section-list"><div class="column-lt"><span>Universally-accepted measure</span></div><div class="column-ct"><span class="two">3</span></div><div class="column-rt"><p>It is a very popular measure for <a href="/survey/measure-customer-retention-loyalty.html">determining customer loyalty</a>, especially among prominent companies like Costco, Apple, Southwest Airlines, and GE.</p></div></div><div class="seperate-line"> </div><div class="feature-section-list"><div class="column-lt"><span>Helps decision-making process</span></div><div class="column-ct"><span class="two">4</span></div><div class="column-rt"><p>Based on your Net Promoter Score you can set a benchmark for your company. A low score is an eye-opener for an organization and they can take immediate action to remedy the situation by gathering feedback and suggestions from their detractors and implementing it. A positive score gives the company an indication that their current strategy is working for them.</p></div></div></div></div> </section> <section class="disadvantages"><div class="wrapper"><div class="column-ct"><span class="cntn-title">Disadvantages</span><p>While NPS can be useful in many ways, it also has its flaws.</p></div><div class="column-wrapper"><div class="column-lt"><span class="mb20">Lacks in-depth details</span><p>It does not answer why your customer has given you a particular score. It leaves you with more questions than what you started out with. An NPS may be able to tell you where you stand with respect to your customers. But these yes-or-no results fail to answer why it is that your customers are dissatisfied with your products.</p></div><div class="column-rt"><span class="mb20">Lacks consistency in rating</span><p>People have a different rating pattern or standards. People in some countries might be more generous with their scores when they consider something is good, others might consider a 9 or 10 as exceptional and would ideally place a good performance at an 8. Thus, the difference in the rating pattern might prove the results inaccurate.</p></div></div></div> </section> <section class="cntn-part using-customer"><div class="wrapper"><div class="column-lt"><span class="cntn-title">Zoho Survey and NPS A match made in heaven!</span><p>Calculating NPS may be simple but Zoho Survey makes it much easier for you. We literally take it out of your hands and calculate the whole thing for you. Simply select the NPS question type for your survey and leave the rest to us. We will record the responses and display them in your reports with real-time NPS calculations and responses. NPS indicates your current health, but if you really want to improve your product, you need to complement it with a more detailed <a href="/survey/templates/customer-satisfaction/"> customer satisfaction survey</a>.</p></div><div class="column-rt"><div class="img-part"> <img alt="net promoter score survey" width="340" height="414" data-lazy data-src="//" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,"></div></div></div> </section> <section class="footer-banner"><div class="survey-logo-bg"><a class="survey-logo" href="javascript:void(0);"> </a></div> <span class="zoho-survey">Zoho Survey</span><div class="lst-banner"><p class="lst-banner-small">How likely are you to be recommended?</p><div class="signup view-temp"><a class="signup-button view-temp-button access-survey hide" href="">Access Zoho survey</a> <a class="signup-button view-temp-button dis-inbl try-survey" href="javascript:void(0)">Find out</a></div></div> </section> <section class="footer"><div><a href=""> <img alt="Zoho logo" width="80" height="27" data-lazy data-src="//" class="zoho-logo" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,"> </a><p class="footer-text">漏 <span class="getyear"> </span>, Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. <a class="red-clr" href="/terms.html">Terms of Services</a></p></div> </section></div></div> </main> <footer><div class="zw-only-copyright"></div><div class="zw-promo-bottom"></div> </footer> <aside><div class="zw-other-info"></div> </aside><script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script><script src="//"></script></body></html>