Make a Donation - La Fondation de l'H魀ital de Montr閍l pour enfants
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} body.DF1900.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1900 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1900.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1901.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1901.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1901 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1901.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat centert fixed; } /* END ID 1900-1901: Dejeun'aide (desktop) */ /* ID 1921: Mailing LC Kristof (desktop) */ body.DF1921.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1921.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1921 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1921.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2722.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2722.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2722 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2722.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2721.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2721.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2721 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2721.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2720.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2720.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2720 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2720.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } /* END ID 1921: Mailing LC Kristof (desktop) */ /* ID 1920-1922: Mailings LC et CAP Daniel (desktop) */ body.DF1920.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1920.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1920 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1920.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1922.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1922.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1922 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1922.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat centert fixed; } /* END ID 1920-1922: Mailings LC et CAP Daniel (desktop) */ /* ID 1980-1981: Mailing ANN Kristof (desktop) */ body.DF1980.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1980.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1980 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1980.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1981.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1981.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1981 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF1981.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } /* END ID 1980-81: Mailing ANN Kristof (desktop) */ /* ID 2161-2162: Andy Collins for kids (desktop) */ body.DF2161.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2161.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2161 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2161.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2162.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2162.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2162 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2162.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat centert fixed; } /* END ID 2161-2162: Andy Collins for kids (desktop) */ /* ID 2320-2321: Bal des tannants 2023 (desktop) */ body.DF2320.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2320.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2320 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2321.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2321.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2321.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2321 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2321.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat centert fixed; } /* END ID 2320-2321: Bal des tannants 2023 (desktop) */ /* ID 2440 and 2442: Valentine's Day (desktop) */ body.DF2440.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2440.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2440 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2440.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2442.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2442.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2442 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2442.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } /* END ID 2440 and 2442: Valentine's Day (desktop) */ /* ID 2480 and 2481 : Stefano (desktop) */ body.DF2480.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2480.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2480 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2480.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2481.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2481.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2481 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2481.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2503.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2503.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2503 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2503.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2502.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2502.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2502 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2502.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2500.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2500.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2500 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2500.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2501.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2501.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2501 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2501.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2645.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2645.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2645 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2645.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2642.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2642.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2642 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2642.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2641.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2641.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2641 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2641.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2644.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2644.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2644 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2644.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2643.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2643.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2643 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2643.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2640.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2640.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2640 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2640.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } /* END ID 2480 and 2481 : Stefano (desktop) */ /* ID 2460 and 2462 : Relance 19 mars (desktop) */ body.DF2460.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2460.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2460 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2460.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2462.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2462.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2462 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2462.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2463.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2463.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2463 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2463.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2464.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2464.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2464 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2464.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } /* END ID 1561: Relance 19 mars (desktop) */ /* ID 2580, 2581, 2582, 3583 : Naila LC 2024-04 (desktop) */ body.DF2580.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2580.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2580 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2580.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2581.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2581.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2581 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2581.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2582.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2582.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2582 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2582.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2583.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2583.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2583 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2583.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } /* END ID 2580, 2581, 2582, 3583 : Naila LC 2024-04 (desktop) */ /* ID 2560, 2561: F?te des m?res 2024 (desktop) */ body.DF2560.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2560.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2560 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2560.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2561.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2561.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2561 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2561.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } /* END ID 2560, 2561: F?te des m?res 2024 (desktop) */ /* ID 2600, 2601: SHP (desktop) */ body.DF2600.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2600.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2600 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2600.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2601.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2601.df-completed.fr_CA .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2601 .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } body.DF2601.df-completed .bg-wrapper { background: #FFF url('') no-repeat center fixed; } /* END ID 2601, 2601: SHP (desktop) */ } @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1199px) { header .d-flex{ border-bottom: 2px solid #62B5E5; margin-bottom: 15px; } /* Update tablet images */ /* Default tablet image */ header .mobile-banner { background-image: url(''); background-size: cover !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 300px; } body.fr_CA header .mobile-banner { background-image: url(''); background-size: cover !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 300px; } /* Other donation forms tablet image */ /* .DF1620 header { background-image: url('../images/content/pagebuilder/df_tablet_bg.jpg'); } .DF1620.df-completed header { background-image: url('../images/content/pagebuilder/bcchf-tablet-ty.jpg'); } */ /* ID 1561: Champion (tablet) */ body.DF1561 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1561.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1561: Champion (tablet) */ /* ID 2800: Sante to life 2025 (tablet) */ body.DF2920 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2920.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2920: Sante to life 2025 (tablet) */ /* ID 2521 2522 Golf 2024 (tablet) */ body.DF2521 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2521.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2522 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2522.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2521 2522 Golf 2024 (tablet) */ /* ID 2180: Champion (tablet) */ body.DF2180 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2180.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2180: Champion (tablet) */ /* ID 1900-1901: Dejeun'aide (tablet) */ body.DF1900 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1900.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1901 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1901.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1900-1901: Dejeun'aide (tablet) */ /* ID 1921: Mailing LC Kristof (tablet) */ body.DF1921 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1921.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2721 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2721.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2722 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2722.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2720 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2720.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1921: Mailing LC Kristof (tablet) */ /* ID 1920-1922: Mailings LC et CAP Daniel (tablet) */ body.DF1920 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1920.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1922 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1922.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1920-1922: Mailings LC et CAP Daniel (tablet) */ /* ID 1980-81: Mailing ANN Kristof (tablet) */ body.DF1980 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1980.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1981 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1981.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1980-1981: Mailing ANN Kristof (tablet) */ /* ID 2161-2162: Andy Collins for kids (tablet) */ body.DF2161 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2161.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2162 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2162.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END 2161-2162: Andy Collins for kids (tablet) */ /* ID 2320-2321: Bal des tannants 2023 (tablet) */ body.DF2320 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2320.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2321 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2321.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2320-2321: Bal des tannants 2023 (tablet) */ /* ID 2440-2442: Valentine's Day (tablet) */ body.DF2440 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2440.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2442 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2442.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2480-2481: Valentine's Day (tablet) */ /* ID 2440-2442: Stefano (tablet) */ body.DF2480 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2480.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2481 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2481.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2500 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2500.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2501 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2501.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2502 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2502.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2503 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2503.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2640 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2640.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2643 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2643.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2644 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2644.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2641 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2641.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2642 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2642.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2645 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2645.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2480-2481: Stefano (tablet) */ /* ID 2460-2462: Relance 19 mars (tablet) */ body.DF2460 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2460.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2462 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2462.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2463 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2463.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2464 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2464.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2460-2462: Relance 19 mars (tablet) */ /* ID 2580, 2581, 2582, 2583 : Naila LC 2024-04 (tablet) */ body.DF2580 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2580.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2581 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2581.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2582 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2582.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2583 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2583.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2580, 2581, 2582, 2583 : Naila LC 2024-04 (tablet) */ /* ID 2560, 2561: F?te des M?res 2024 (tablet) */ body.DF2560 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2560.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2561 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2561.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2560, 2561: F?te des M?res 2024 (tablet) */ /* ID 2600, 2601: SHP (tablet) */ body.DF2600 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2600.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2601 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2601.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2600, 2601: SHP (tablet) */ } @media (max-width: 767px) { header .d-flex{ border-bottom: 2px solid #62B5E5; margin-bottom: 15px; } /* Update mobile images */ /* Default mobile image */ header .mobile-banner { background-image: url(''); background-size: cover !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 40vw; } body.fr_CA header .mobile-banner { background-image: url(''); background-size: cover !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; height: 40vw; } /* Other donation forms mobile image */ body.fr_CA.DF1620 header .mobile-banner { background-image: url(''); } /* .DF1620 header { background-image: url('../images/content/pagebuilder/df_mobile_bg.jpg'); } .DF1620.df-completed header { background-image: url('../images/content/pagebuilder/TY_image_-_mobile.jpg'); } */ /* ID 1561: Champion (mobile) */ body.DF1561 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1561.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1561: Champion (mobile) */ /* ID 2800: Sante to life 2025 (mobile) */ body.DF2920 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2920.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2800: Sante to life 2025 (mobile) */ /* ID 2180: Champion (mobile) */ body.DF2180 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2180.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2180: Champion (mobile) */ /* ID 1900-1901: Dejeun'aide (mobile) */ body.DF1900 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1900.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1901 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1901.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1900-1901: Dejeun'aide (mobile) */ /* ID 1921: Mailing LC Kristof (mobile) */ body.DF1921 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1921.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2722 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2722.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2721 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2721.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2720 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2720.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1921: Mailing LC Kristof (mobile) */ /* ID 1920-1922: Mailings LC et CAP Daniel (mobile) */ body.DF1920 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1920.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1922 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1922.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1920-1922: Mailings LC et CAP Daniel (mobile) */ /* ID 1980-81: Mailing ANN Kristof (mobile) */ body.DF1980 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1980.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1981 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF1981.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 1980-1981: Mailing ANN Kristof (mobile) */ /* ID 2161-2162: Andy Collins for kids (mobile) */ body.DF2161 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2161.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2162 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2162.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2161-2162: Andy Collins for kids (mobile) */ /* ID 2320-2321: Bal des tannants 2023 (mobile) */ body.DF2320 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2320.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2321 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2321.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2320-2321: Bal des tannants 2023 (mobile) */ /* ID 2440-2442: Valentine's Day (mobile) */ body.DF2440 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2440.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2442 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2442.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2440-2442: Valentine's Day (mobile) */ /* ID 2521 2522 Golf 2024 (mobile) */ body.DF2521 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2521.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2522 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2522.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2521 2522 Golf 2024 (mobile) */ /* ID 2480-2482: Stefano (mobile) */ body.DF2480 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2480.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2481 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2481.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2500 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); 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} body.DF2580.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2581 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2581.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2582 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2582.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2583 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2583.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2580, 2581, 2582, 2583 : Naila LC 2024-04 (mobile) */ /* ID 2560, 2561: F?te des M?res 2024 (mobile) */ body.DF2560 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2560.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2561 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } body.DF2561.df-completed header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); } /* END ID 2560, 2561: F?te des M?res 2024 (mobile) */ /* ID 2600, 2601: SHP (mobile) */ body.DF2600 header .mobile-banner{ background-image: url(''); 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