Astronomy Picture of the Day

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Astronomy Picture of the Day </title> <!-- gsfc meta tags --> <meta name="orgcode" content="661"> <meta name="rno" content="amber.n.straughn"> <meta name="content-owner" content="Jerry.T.Bonnell.1"> <meta name="webmaster" content="Stephen.F.Fantasia.1"> <meta name="description" content="A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation."> <!-- --> <meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="keywords" content="solar eclipse, Sun, Moon"> <!-- --> <script id="_fed_an_ua_tag" src="//"> </script> </head> <body BGCOLOR="#F4F4FF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#7F0F9F" alink="#FF0000"> <center> <h1> Astronomy Picture of the Day </h1> <p> <a href="archivepix.html">Discover the cosmos!</a> Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. <p> 2025 March 30 <br> <a href="image/2504/PartialSolar_Gorecka_3453.jpg"> <IMG SRC="image/2504/PartialSolar_Gorecka_960.jpg" alt="A a cloudy sky appears with an overall pink - red hue. The Sun appears partially eclipsed over a slanting hill. A person on the hill has their arms raised and appears to be holding up the partially eclipsed Sun. Please see the explanation for more detailed information." style="max-width:100%"></a> </center> <center> <b> A Partial Solar Eclipse over Iceland </b> <br> <b> Image Credit & Copyright: </b> <a href="">Wioleta Gorecka</a> </center> <p> <b> Explanation: </b> What if the Sun and Moon rose together? That <a href="" >happened yesterday</a> over some northern parts of <a href="">planet Earth</a> as a <a href="" >partial solar eclipse</a> occurred shortly after sunrise. Regions that experienced the Moon blocking part of the <a href="">Sun</a> included northeastern parts of <a href="" >North America</a> and northwestern parts of <a href="">Europe</a>, <a href="">Asia</a>, and <a href="">Africa</a>. The featured image was captured yesterday over the <a href="">Gr谩br贸k</a> volcanic crater in <a href="">Iceland</a> where much of the Sun became momentarily hidden behind the Moon. The image was taken through a cloudy sky but <a href="" >so well planned</a> that the photographer's friend appeared to be pulling the Sun out from behind the Moon. No part of the Earth experienced a <a href="ap240310.html">total solar eclipse</a> this time. In the distant past, some of humanity was so surprised when an eclipse occurred that ongoing <a href="" >battles suddenly stopped</a>. Today, eclipses are not a surprise and are <a href="" >predicted with an accuracy</a> of seconds. <p> <center> <b> Growing Gallery: </b> <a href="" >Partial Solar Eclipse of 2025 March</a> <br> <b> Tomorrow's picture: </b>inside out solar system <p> <hr> <a href="ap250329.html">&lt;</a> | <a href="archivepix.html">Archive</a> | <a href="lib/apsubmit2015.html">Submissions</a> | <a href="lib/aptree.html">Index</a> | <a href="">Search</a> | <a href="calendar/allyears.html">Calendar</a> | <a href="">RSS</a> | <a href="lib/edlinks.html">Education</a> | <a href="lib/about_apod.html">About APOD</a> | <a href= "">Discuss</a> | <a href="ap250331.html">&gt;</a> <hr><p> <b> Authors & editors: </b> <a href="">Robert Nemiroff</a> (<a href="">MTU</a>) & <a href="" >Jerry Bonnell</a> (<a href="">UMCP</a>)<br> <b>NASA Official: </b> Amber Straughn <a href="lib/about_apod.html#srapply">Specific rights apply</a>.<br> <a href="">NASA Web Privacy</a>, <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">Notices</a>; <br> <b>A service of:</b> <a href="">ASD</a> at <a href="">NASA</a> / <a href="">GSFC</a>, <br> <a href="">NASA Science Activation</a> <br><b>&</b> <a href="">Michigan Tech. U.</a><br> </center> </body> </html>

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