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class='ipsWidget_inner ipsPad'> <div class='ipsType_center ipsPad_half'><img src='' alt=''></div> <ul class='ipsDataList ipsDataList_reducedSpacing cProfileFields'> <li class='ipsDataItem'> <span class='ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size3 ipsType_break'><strong>Birthday</strong></span> <span class='ipsDataItem_generic'>12/10/1974</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class='ipsWidget ipsWidget_vertical cProfileSidebarBlock ipsBox ipsBox--child ipsSpacer_bottom' data-location='customFields'> <h2 class='ipsWidget_title ipsType_reset'>Profile Information</h2> <div class='ipsWidget_inner ipsPad'> <ul class='ipsDataList ipsDataList_reducedSpacing cProfileFields'> <li class='ipsDataItem ipsType_break'> <span class='ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size3 ipsType_break'><strong>Gender</strong></span> <div class='ipsDataItem_generic'><div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'>Male</div></div> </li> <li class='ipsDataItem ipsType_break'> <span class='ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size3 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datetime='2025-02-18T21:30:52Z' title='02/18/2025 09:30 PM' data-short='1 dy'>Yesterday at 09:30 PM</time></p> </div> </li> <li class='ipsDataItem'> <div class='ipsType_center ipsDataItem_icon'> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_tiny" title="Go to mikhailjoy's profile"> <img src='data:image/svg+xml,' alt='mikhailjoy' loading="lazy"> </a> </div> <div class='ipsDataItem_main'> <h3 class='ipsDataItem_title'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width='370' data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to mikhailjoy's profile" class="ipsType_break">mikhailjoy</a></h3> <p class='ipsDataItem_meta ipsType_light'><time datetime='2025-02-17T20:41:20Z' title='02/17/2025 08:41 PM' data-short='2 dy'>Monday at 08:41 PM</time></p> </div> </li> <li class='ipsDataItem'> <div class='ipsType_center ipsDataItem_icon'> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target="" 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ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Post'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> RedEyes - Antonov AN-2</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> replied to <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to vi66sopot's profile" class="ipsType_break">vi66sopot</a>'s topic in <a href=''> <span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_pill" style="background-color: #fffb91; color: #000000;" >XP12 Compatibility List: Aircraft</span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Post and link removed due to possible copyright violation. </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-02-19T11:33:36Z' title='02/19/2025 11:33 AM' data-short='10 hr'>10 hours ago</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 34 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 1 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1739913687'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Post'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 16th February - What's New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> replied to <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a>'s topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Keep trying! But if you can’t find it, don’t worry, all will be revealed this Friday. Just remember not to post any spoilers in the comments...we want to keep it fair for everyone. </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-02-18T21:21:27Z' title='02/18/2025 09:21 PM' data-short='1 dy'>Yesterday at 09:21 PM</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 9 replies </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1739625966'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 16th February - What's New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 16th February - What's New in the World of X-Plane Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane. Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). The above image was taken from one of our featured downloads... Laminar Research releases v12.1.4 RC1 Payware Releases PA-28-181 Piper Archer III / LX / DX package for XP12 Detroit XP 12/11 Southport Airport Canada Mango Studios A320neo Sound Pack Payware Developer News Boeing 314 Under Development Freeware Developer News Boeing 777-9x (Produced by L.A.R.S) Grumman Cougar GA-7 Project For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 ACA designs EGKK Gatwick International Airport Ultimate (XP12 and XP11) KJPX - East Hampton Town Airport V2.1 EGHE St Marys XP12 If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Aircraft Review: Tecnam P2002 JF Sierra XP12 by Dmax3D By Stephen Dutton Airport of the Week This week’s clue and images are courtesy of Skycycle, so can you guess the name of the airport below? If so, why not attach a screenshot (no real photographs or additional clues) in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) Clue: Located in an - intimate - relationship with the town it serves, this airport is a general-aviation destination for those seeking sun, sand, reef diving and sea turtle migrations on an "Isla Bonita." It is named for the engineer who created it, dreaming of easier tourist access to his adopted home. Well done to J.K., Milo_Mindbender, thelofiboy, Gason71, ayryq, Echo-Tango-Juliet, jh350, and Dennis Powell, who all correctly guessed, Macmillan Pass Airport (CFC4). Developer Spotlight Dan Klaue (Thranda Design) If you’ve somehow missed our latest Developer Spotlight with Dan Klaue from Thranda Design, I highly recommend checking it out! X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos X-Plane 12 Performance Boost | 2025 Ultimate Settings Guide The Best Night Light Mod for X-Plane 12 | Freeware Upgrading from 10600K to 13600K X-Plane 12 Royal Air Force Film THE FAVOURITES 1960s See you next week __________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gac4e74bc5322106bb87f8196f1bf4411'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gac4e74bc5322106bb87f8196f1bf4411'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gac4e74bc5322106bb87f8196f1bf4411'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-02-15T13:26:06Z' title='02/15/2025 01:26 PM' data-short='4 dy'>Saturday at 01:26 PM</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 9 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 15 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1739390250'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Developer Spotlight: Dan Klaue (Thranda Design)</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Interviews - Developer Spotlight</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Developer Spotlight: Dan Klaue (Thranda Design) Conducted by Dominic Smith Introduction If you’ve spent any time in the X-Plane world, chances are you’ve flown something Dan Klaue has had a hand in. From his early days making tutorials to working with Carenado and Just Flight, and now running Thranda Design, Dan has played a huge role in shaping third-party aircraft development for X-Plane. But how did he get started, and what drives his approach to aircraft design? I had the chance to chat with Dan about his journey, his thoughts on the sim, and what’s next for Thranda. Background and Early Days Let’s start with a bit about you, Dan. How did you first get into flight simulation, and what eventually led you to X-Plane development? I grew up in South America, with little access to computers. I had a classmate who had Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0 on it… I think that was my first experience with flight simulation, as a teenager. Then I had a friend who had a Mac, and he had the F/A 18 Hornet sim by Graphic Simulations on it. It wouldn’t be until I went to university a few years later that I was able to get my own (used) Mac (a Performa 6400 with 1 MB of VRAM and 16 MB of RAM), which I bought to learn about multi-track music production. I found the F/A18 sim for it, but also found X-Plane, and was immediately in love with it, because I discovered Plane Maker! I could BUILD planes! I had spent my younger years building balsa and styrofoam planes, and started getting into RC planes, but never had enough money to really go all-out, so X-Plane was just the most amazing discovery for me! If I crashed a model plane in real life, I had to fix or re-build it, which I sunk a lot of time and money into, whereas in X-Plane, I could just reload the plane and keep going! In fact, for the first few years I only used the free demo version of X-Plane, which allowed you to fly inside the demo area for 10 minutes at a time. That was enough to test my builds. I was just into building more than into flying. Do you have any real-life aviation experience? If so, could you share a bit about it? In Ecuador, where I spent a big part of my childhood, missionary aviation was big, and I got rides in MAF planes a few times as a kid. I was especially inspired by the jungle pilots, as I heard many of their stories and adventures growing up, such as the story of Jim Elliott, Nate Saint, and their buddies, who ended up getting speared to death in the ‘50s by the Waorani on the banks of the Curaray River. The movie “End of the Spear” recounts this internationally impactful ordeal, although a fair bit of artistic license was taken to make the film. I also had several classmates whose dads were bush pilots. My dream was to become a bush pilot as well, but I had health issues that prevented me from seriously pursuing it. I ended up taking a few flight lessons, but knew fairly early on that it wouldn’t really work for me, due to my health. X-Plane opened up a new world for me… I was able to vicariously experience flight through this miracle of simulation! This also drove me to learn a lot of things I had always found very interesting: 3D design, physics, programming, sound design, animation, texture art/Photoshop, innovation, etc. It started out with a passion for flight, but X-Plane introduced me to a lot of things that I’ve ended up growing passionate about, and have been very fortunate to turn into a successful business. I’d be doing this all day anyway, as a hobby, if I hadn’t found a way to earn a living doing this. When I worked full-time in radio and TV production, X-Plane and learning the related disciplines occupied all my free time for 10 years. You’ve been a big part of X-Plane development for a number of years now, working with Carenado, Just Flight, and now under your own brand, Thranda. What’s been the most rewarding part of that journey? I think around 2009/2010 I started realizing that this could be more than a hobby for me. I used to design a lot of wacky and crazy flying contraptions, and I always thought, “How great is this? I can be my own Burt Rutan, and try out pretty much any idea that comes to mind!” I always spent more time in Plane Maker, Photoshop, and Blender, than actually flying. It was so rewarding for me to just be innovative, and see my creations fly. I was so excited about some of the things I was learning that I decided to start a tutorial series on YouTube. I started getting a lot of encouragement from the community, and people seemed to show interest in purchasing the plane I had been building as an object lesson. It took me a while to get used to the idea, but when I tallied up all the hours I had spent on that, I thought, it might make sense… here I was, showing people how they could do this for free (which might cost them 2000+ hours), or they could pay me $25 for the plane, where I went through the time, effort, and learning curve for them. Their choice. And it seemed justified to me. Before this, many people, including myself, couldn’t really understand why one would have to pay for an add-on… after all, it was “just” software. But all the time and learning and expertise and discipline and risk that went into each plane ended up organically pointing at there being some intrinsic value in it. At that time, reached out to me and encouraged me to finish the plane and put it on the payware market. That was where it began to become a viable business. I never saw myself as much of a businessman or salesman, but it turns out that my tutorial series appears to have been a really effective advertisement for the product, and that’s when I gained a whole new perspective on business. Whereas before, I thought I was no good at convincing people to buy stuff they don’t really need, I now felt that if you offered something that was in demand, that was good quality, and that helped place people’s dreams within reach, and you were able to make a living doing so, maybe there was something there! That has been extremely rewarding. People would often tell me I was nuts for “giving away my trade secrets”. I never saw it that way. There was a story I was told, about a farmer that always won all the vegetable growing competitions. He had the largest squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, turnips, etc., and after the fair, he’d always spend some time freely handing out the seeds from his crops. People thought he was crazy, and asked him, why he didn’t keep those seeds for himself. He said, “Well, all these guys here are my neighbours. Their vegetable fields are all within reach of the pollinating bees that also come to my field to pollinate my plants. If they all have scrawny vegetables, due to bad genes, my plants will be negatively affected.” Thus, effectively, though he came out on top, many others benefitted as well. It’s always been rewarding for me to blaze a new trail, and then share my experience with others, to de-mystify and help lower the bar to entry on creative pursuits. Carenado said they found me through my tutorials, and Just Flight approached Thranda after they’d been searching for a way to take their MSFS projects to X-Plane, and saw that it seemed to work out pretty good with Carenado. Your aircraft are known for their unique features, particularly the dynamic liveries and interactive elements. How did these ideas come about, and what drives your approach to aircraft design? I noticed that many people that had YouTube or Twitch streaming channels spent a fair amount of time of their stream just sitting on the Tarmac, exploring the aircraft. They’d spend time clicking and scrolling and looking around, and whenever they found something interactive, it seemed as though that lit up the “Delight” annunciator light. We once put a click spot and animation on a pen that was inside one of those metal spring pen holders under the glare shield. It had no further function, except that you could grab it and let it go, after which it was spring-loaded to re-center itself, kind of like one of those door stoppers. Doinoinoing! People loved playing with it! It was such a simple and pointless thing, but it got me thinking, that there’s a market for this. Since planes in real life often span many decades of use, and during this time, they receive many customizations, especially to the panel, I started to notice that it would be interesting to offer more variations in the avionics. This also seemed to be a common request our clients had: “My grandpa had this plane, and it was equipped with an Aspen EFD1000… can you make a version of the plane with this configuration?” It was a fun challenge, and I thought, as long as it doesn’t kill FPS, we should try it. It ended up also providing a different perspective to the development process and helped us streamline production. For liveries, I started noticing that over time, the UV unwraps of planes were more and more unfriendly towards people that wanted to create custom liveries. The newer authoring methods and PBR painting techniques favoured UV unwraps that had more consistent texel density, a more optimized use of the texture real-estate, and non-overlapping UVs over “Photoshop-friendly” repaint kits. This made painting liveries by hand, without the source files, almost impossible. People kept asking for paint kits… but somehow it seemed as if that wouldn’t really help much, also because over time, developers went from painting flat textures to painting liveries in 3D. What livery painters are increasingly asking for is, to have access to the 3D mesh, which is very understandable. But since that’s an asset we spend a lot of time, money, and effort on, it is not something we would too willingly give up… we’ve encountered plenty of abuses and plagiarism as it is. So, we explored the possibility of applying different materials and colours to pre-designed templates, resulting in our dynamic livery creation tool, that allows for a great deal of variety in how the plane looks, without that the end-user has to use any external software. We are hoping to continue building on this concept, to simplify, optimize, and expand the capabilities of dynamic liveries even more, maybe even make it easier to save these as a new (static) livery starting point. Dirt/scratches layers, that can be dynamically faded in and out, also provide a lot more variation to the look and feel of the aircraft. Thranda’s lineup includes a mix of GA aircraft, bush planes, and turboprops. How do you decide which aircraft to develop next? Does community feedback play a role in that process? Community feedback definitely plays a role, although it often takes a while to get around to creating the planes people ask for. Having collaborated in the release of over 90 planes, we have gotten a pretty good sense for what works and what doesn’t work, and sometimes that means rejecting certain suggestions from users because we know that when we did that particular model (or a very similar one), it didn’t do so well. A lot of what we decide to publish is based on that. What is requested on the forums is one thing, but many times, the actual market is a completely different beast. Another determining factor is the availability of the source material. If there is a plane we have relatively easy access to, if we can talk to pilots and mechanics, and are free to take pictures and get our hands on the POH and Manuals, that definitely has an impact on what we decide to build next. Even if it may not be that popular, and doesn’t sell so well, sometimes that is offset by the fact that it’s not such a complex project to build. There are definitely planes we have built that have not sold enough to recoup our initial investment on it. Once the organization grows to the point of having to pay consistent salaries, it becomes important to take these things into consideration, as every project becomes a risk. Some planes fit better into the paradigm we are developing than others. The PC12 had a lot of instruments and systems that had to be custom-made, which took quite a long time. We are looking at focusing our next few projects on planes that make better use of the infrastructure we have built up so far, and we are working on optimizing the “assembly line”, as well as the upgradability of our fleet. As our product line grows, it is becoming evident that we need to think more about how we want to go about improving, retrofitting, adapting, optimizing, and upgrading every plane, without that it costs us so much. This requires some creative meta-solutions and innovations. One thing that stands out in your work is your attention to detail, not just in the visuals, but in how your aircraft feel to fly. How do you strike the right balance between realism and usability in X-Plane? For visuals, we are using 8k textures now, because XP12 allows for this. I think in the X-Plane 7, 8, and 9 days, the texture sizes were really small: max. 1024x1024. Video cards had very limited VRAM back then… 32 MB or so. If you were REALLY well off, you could afford a 64 MB video card. As time went on, these numbers generally started to double. With each doubling, you could afford lots more texture detail, with room to spare. So, if you went from 64 to 128 MB of VRAM, the sim and its add-ons were not really such that they’d use up 100% of that new amount of VRAM… it’d take a while for a sim upgrade to come out, that would increase world details, weather, textures, etc., causing developers to follow suit with more detailed texture sets, even putting developers at an advantage, because they got all this new headroom that they could use to add more detail to their planes. If you have a low-end card, say, 2 GB VRAM, X-Plane 12’s MINIMUM system requirements might be met, but that’s it… no room for add-ons with more details. If you upgrade nowadays, you are most likely to jump from 2 GB to something more like 8 - 16 GB of VRAM, which suddenly gives you a HUGE amount of headroom, which allows you to comfortably fly a plane that uses up 3 GB of VRAM… something you couldn’t do with your previous hardware. And such a plane (like the PC-12) may be using four 8k textures for exterior visuals alone! That is orders of magnitude more texel density than what we got back 10-20 years ago! (One 8k texture holds the same amount of information as 64 1024x1024 textures!) So we try to “surf this wave”, and perhaps push the boundaries just a tad, because we know that eventually people will upgrade their hardware, and we don’t want our planes to immediately lose relevance. X-Plane 12 also runs more efficiently than previous versions of X-Plane, so you can afford to use a higher texel density due to that. But X-Plane also features new techniques, that allow authors to add more detail where it matters, without costing extra VRAM. And it seems to me that if you’re already able to simulate “orange peel” or “eggshell” texture surfaces using 8k normal maps, and new techniques are available to allow for even more detail, at some point, it’ll become silly to simulate microscopic details; even THAT, with PBR materials, the “roughness” value of the painted material corresponds to a microscopic-level simulation of how light would behave on rough surfaces, which has an effect on your perception of the material, although you never really have to zoom in to the level where you would be able to discern the actual microscopic detail that causes this effect. So I do believe at some point we won’t go past a certain texture size… which is nice, because working with large textures can be unwieldy. Newer hardware also simulates stuff like ray tracing, (reflections, caustics, refraction, etc) to draw scenarios many times per second today, which took hours, or even days to render in dedicated 3D software like Blender back in the day. It’s amazing that we get this (not ray-tracing… yet) in a gaming engine now, that runs at 60+ FPS, and we get access to these great real-time effects. But this sort of detail is something that seems to be worked out more in the realm of the hardware and the sim developers, rather than being on add-on dev’s shoulders. We just get to tap into it. Flight dynamics are somewhat similar. X-Plane uses a simplified version of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), called “Blade Element Theory”. What is interesting here is, if you go back in history, this physics engine always had to keep real-time performance in mind… CFD historically, was way too intense to be used in a real-time gaming engine, often taking hours or days to compute certain fluid dynamics scenarios. The much simplified Blade Element Theory – based physics engine in X-Plane used to be a lot more imprecise back in the early days of X-Plane. You couldn’t even do a proper loop. Ground effect wasn’t taken into consideration, neither was propwash, P-factor, the turbulence effect from extended flaps on horizontal stabilizers, wake turbulence, etc. With every version of X-Plane, more detail is added to the flight model and more scenarios are accounted for, and we just sort of piggy-back on that with our add-ons. In the past, we tried to introduce improvements on a per-plane level, but have since opted out, preferring to let Laminar handle those types of things. One notorious example was, that for many years, X-Plane’s prop torque effect was twice as strong as what would have been realistic. After years of complaints, we tried to mitigate that ourselves, through a plugin override. But then, one day, an end-user discovered (and PROVED to Austin) that the torque was not just calculated on the propeller, but also on the engine shaft, effectively providing evidence that X-Plane’s engine was exaggerating the torque effect. When Laminar came out with a fix for this, most of our planes were affected, some even displaying the opposite torque effect of what they should have. Since then, we are more likely to wait for Laminar to come out with improvements… although we DO sometimes see opportunities to improve on the realism currently provided by the sim, and act on it, if we deem it is a simple enough thing to disable, if Laminar ends up implementing the improvement we worked on. There are several cases where we implemented things that were not yet available in X-Plane, which Laminar then chose to develop and include by default in the aircraft. For example, the G1000, fairly early on, and later, in 2019, we published a plane that had a start lock system, a procedure where you had to take the props out of feather mode after starting the engines. Without this feature, the checklist could not be followed. Not long after we published this plane, Laminar developed and included this system in the sim by default. We don’t have a hard rule about when we add details, but sometimes, if you can’t go through the checklist, or if the system is fairly easy to implement, we’ll just do it; although, in general, we prefer to wait for Laminar, especially after the experiences we’ve made in this regard. Having said all this, we are happy to not go into as much detail as others, who brand themselves as “Study Level”, since we have also developed a certain synergistic relationship with other developers, such as SimCoders, who take our core products, and take them to a deeper level. I think this is positive on several fronts: our products are more accessible to a broader audience, they are easier to maintain and upgrade, it allows us to move at a more rapid development pace (which is important, since the community moves on from one product after a few months, and starts looking for the next shiny new toy), and it makes for a bit more granularity. Some people might not care that much about systems depth, and are happy to have access to a more affordable product. Others can’t wait for the Reality Expansion Pack to come out, and are more than willing to pay for it. It also allows another developer to set up shop on this platform, with a compelling, creative product. It’s a win-win-win! Given your deep experience with X-Plane’s flight model, have there been any unexpected challenges or surprises when translating real-world aircraft behaviour into the sim? Has there ever been a moment where you thought, I wish the sim had this, or I wish the sim didn’t have this? Right now, there is something interesting coming up that seems related, which our team is currently working on. X-Plane’s prop controls behave as though they’re always in an ideal world. The max prop RPM is reached quite consistently, with minimal overshoot or seeking. In real life, the oil’s temperature and viscosity would have an effect on how quickly the prop settles into its commanded RPM. This is something we are currently working on, and we are trying to make this logic module in such a manner that it is easily retrofittable into other planes. Here, we also have to think about cleanly overriding X-Plane’s default behaviour, and ensuring that disabling this module will result in the plane functioning the way X-Plane’s default systems would dictate. It is not certain if this might potentially be a feature where Laminar goes, “Oh! Great idea! We should implement this sim-wide by default!” It’s happened a lot to us before… and in the past, often it would “break” our planes. We are learning how to make our overrides and changes less intrusive, and end-user configurable, in case Laminar comes up with their own solution to this. I wish the sim had a more optimized developer mode. Working on planes usually means, you’re REALLY honing in on one TINY aspect of the whole, like some texture detail or a bit of autopilot logic that you want to tweak and get tuned just right… but every time you make a change, you have to restart the entire plane, which, on a plane with 8k textures can take a long time. I wish we had more control over, for instance, refreshing only certain objects or textures, or reloading only individual plugin sub-modules. I often find that as you wait for your plane to reload, you quickly check your email or social media, you want to load up a YouTube playlist or something, and end up getting distracted. By the time you’re back, you’ve wasted a lot of time. It’d be really neat to have a mode, where it would refresh the specific thing you’re working on within milliseconds. Or an auto-update mode, perhaps something you can enable or disable in an X-Plane preference. Of course, this would most likely come at the expense of performance. From a development perspective, what would you say is the biggest change going from X-Plane 11 to 12? What kind of impact has it had? Honestly, I largely missed that transition, and I probably don’t have a very well informed or nuanced take on it. I was less active in Thranda over the last 3 years. We published about a dozen planes or updates during that time, but I largely delegated much of that work to Erick and NoJoe. Coming back now to XP12, I am delighted to see the improved visuals, the lighting engine, seasons, faster load times, more optimized rendering engine, improved usability, and the markedly accelerated pace of development by Laminar. I’m also keeping an eye on the usage statistics, and they look encouraging as well. No real drastic growth, but slow and steady. It took a while to get going, but now I feel it has some serious momentum, and I’m looking forward to what it will allow us to do in the future. With the way MSFS2020 was clobbering us, there were moments where I thought X-Plane was a lost cause. It was becoming very difficult to even stay afloat, but that might have also partially been because of my 3-year distraction. With Microsoft Flight Simulator’s rise in popularity, do you see a shift in the market, or do you think X-Plane still has a strong niche? You know what? I actually think this might largely depend on what developers and end-users choose to do. I have felt a LOT of support from our customers. People have written to me privately, asking how they can help… people who noticed my absence on the forums have jumped in on the forums, and have helped fellow simmers on a volunteer basis! People have offered to work for free, and even donate to Thranda. People talk about starting a GoFundMe campaign, in order to see a beloved plane brought back to life. There was a real sense that people on value the community, the developers that stick around, and the passion and camaraderie we feel in the forums, and I really think it’s very valuable to many people. And I believe this is something generally lacking in the MSFS world. I dipped my toes into the development process of MSFS and actually got somewhere… it seemed possible to develop for MSFS as well. BUT there were a few things that ended up causing what I perceived to be severe friction. One was the very different, unoverviewable development style that I’m not used to. The other was, that MSFS doesn’t seem shy to implement sweeping changes that affect and potentially break products. Another is, that I just can’t seem to befriend the new “streaming” platform. Then there’s the community… or lack thereof. And, of course, the other thing that always sits in the back of my mind is, how MS tends to just shut down a project if they deem that it’s not financially worthwhile. MS Flight was one of those things that isn’t too trust-inspiring. Observing the Steam stats, it seems that MSFS2024 is falling, and is dragging MSFS2020 down with it. If this trajectory continues, it would seem as though the option to pull the plug on it might become increasingly likely… but nobody knows where that threshold is, or if they’d even pull the plug this time around. It seems that MSFS is a single big shiny billboard for a lot of Microsoft’s latest and greatest technologies. If that is indeed MSFS’s role, I could speculate that Microsoft would be more likely to keep it alive, even if they incur losses, because of the way in which it showcases their tech. Even so, I’d find it a bit unnerving to develop for that platform, given its history. Overall, I do believe X-Plane has a strong niche. I bet my business on X-Plane being the “Tinkerer’s sim of choice”. I tend to perceive X-Plane as being the sim with the more friendly, flexible, clean, organized development environment, allowing us dev’s to experiment, and passing these tinker-bits on to our clients. I love doing that. If I were to imagine establishing the Thranda brand in MSFS, I wouldn’t want to do it without this aspect of Thranda remaining intact… but the more I found out about MSFS, the more difficult this seems to be to pull off. Now, granted: X-Plane’s pool of users is around 1/10th of MSFS’s, and that’s not counting the Xbox crowd. But as long as people appreciate and purchase our products, we can continue on developing for X-Plane. And I believe that if we DO continue to develop for X-Plane, the sim will remain afloat, and possibly even grow. The more developers drop out, and the more users give up on the sim, the more likely it is to actually fail. It’s like a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” Why do you think the Org has remained the number one “go-to” site for X-Plane enthusiasts for so long? What makes it so special in your opinion? The Org is a special environment. It has gone through adversity, vicious and slanderous attacks, and all the while, was never wholeheartedly endorsed by Laminar, which I think is so weird, because without the Org, Laminar would not have nearly as vibrant and active a user base, which would probably really be bad for their business and brand. But Austin will Austin. There’s over a million users on the .org last time I checked, and as I mentioned before, it’s a community of people that come together and help one another, expressing true passion and love for the hobby, and even extend a helping hand to struggling developers. I went through a time where a (non-Org) competitor would sabotage and slander our products, sign in with half a dozen (or more) sock puppet accounts, and pretend to be a disgruntled client, trying to destroy my reputation. Somehow Thranda survived that… and I think it is a testament to the way in which the Org community came alongside us, stood up for us, and helped get to the bottom of this shady stuff. I’ve made my share of blunders and mistakes as well, but the community has been amazing at making it a pleasant environment, where toxic behaviour is not given a chance to grab much of a foothold, and overall, friendliness and helpfulness and professionalism is more common than not. How important is the link between the Org’s community and the models you create? Are you concerned about potential disruption caused by the X-Plane store? As far as I currently understand the situation, no, I’m not too concerned. The Org community hosts the website, manages the community, and the revenue from the .org store makes this possible. Our products will most likely not even be compatible with Laminar’s in-sim store copy-protection infrastructure, and as far as I can tell, the vast majority of developers are in the same boat. It IS possible that developers end up making products that can be purchased in-sim, but my guess is that the Org and its store will continue to be a strong ecosystem, not least because of its excellent support infrastructure and friendly community. We never felt the need to have our own dedicated support ticket system, because we saw the forums as being a place that had answers, where people would land if they googled stuff on the problems they may be experiencing, and would easily find solutions and be able to join in discussions about those issues, and would be welcomed into a group of helpful fellow enthusiasts. This entire community dynamic seems to be entirely lacking in Laminar’s push for an in-sim store. Also, nobody from Laminar ever asked us developers how we feel about it. There was a time where I was really wondering about all of this… I was asking myself if, given that MSFS has such massive advantages over X-Plane (with Azure, AI, Bing, DirectX, Asobo infrastructure, Xbox support, a MASSIVE development team, PLUS the in-sim store), what if the in-sim store idea might have looked like the “lowest-hanging fruit” from Laminar’s perspective? Personally, I’d prefer seeing Laminar concentrate on some of the other bottlenecks in the sim. MSFS is an amazing sim, and Laminar better do some pretty big stuff FAST to stay competitive. When you’re not busy developing new models for us to enjoy, what do you like to do in your spare time? And please don’t say you fly X-Plane! My wife and I travel a lot. We are always part of special community projects around here, like a film festival coming up, and we like keeping our eyes peeled for worthwhile opportunities to serve, be it overseas or closer to home. I just came back from a Men’s retreat, where I realized that Thranda has served as an excuse to mentor several young men into leadership positions. We also love supporting community projects (such as schools, radio stations, inner city youth projects, etc.) But actually, since working in simulation, I have grown very interested in philosophy as well… specifically, the simulation hypothesis, championed by Nick Bostrom, Werner Gitt, Michael Jones, and other philosophers and cosmologists. It’s a very interesting notion to consider the reality in which we live could possibly be an information construct, as opposed to a purely material existence. No matter where you look, information is at the core of everything… even the quantum world, black hole physics, biology, origin of life, Big Bang cosmology, points to there being information at the core. It’s fascinating. Finally, if you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice when you first started developing for X-Plane, what would it be? I don’t know if there’s really that much to say. The Dan that started this journey 15 years ago was definitely NOT very confident that this would work out the way it has been. I think “future Dan” talking to “past Dan” would have seemed unbelievably encouraging and positive to “past Dan”. Thranda has taken the trajectory it has taken, and it seems to me that only lately am I developing a clearer sense of where the bottlenecks really are, and how to address them. I might have told my younger self to concentrate more on infrastructure and on programming… but younger Dan might have just gone, “Huh?” But overall, I have learned so very much through this journey, and so many people came alongside me, which I am so thankful and appreciative of… I’ve gotten to know so many wonderful, talented, and generous people, and without them, there wouldn’t even be a Thranda today. One of the most important things is probably, I’ve learned to take more risks, and to be fine with it, if those risks don’t exactly pan out. You gain either way: if you don’t win, you gain experience, and that is worth something as well. A huge thank you to Dan for taking the time to share his journey with us. It’s been a fascinating insight into Thranda, X-Plane development, and the passion behind it all! Dan’s aircraft, including his latest Thranda designs, can be found at the Org Store. _______________________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g9a99d7c34eaa937a2de173ac00707a0d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g9a99d7c34eaa937a2de173ac00707a0d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g9a99d7c34eaa937a2de173ac00707a0d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src="\(1\).jpg.fea1d12b9d939bc13766b5b9a45e04b1.jpg"> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g9a99d7c34eaa937a2de173ac00707a0d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g9a99d7c34eaa937a2de173ac00707a0d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g9a99d7c34eaa937a2de173ac00707a0d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-02-12T19:57:30Z' title='02/12/2025 07:57 PM' data-short='Feb 12'>February 12</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 47 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 61 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1738960437'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 9th February - What's New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 9th February - What's New in the World of X-Plane Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane. Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). The above image was taken from one of our featured downloads... Payware Releases The Arctic Explorer Scenery Package AEA Explorer 750T NSFA - Faleolo Intl. Airport – Samoa Nimbus UH-1 XP12/11 Payware Developer News "KC" MV-22B N204TR Bell Flight Test Aircraft Freeware Developer News RFB X-114 Wing-in-Ground-Effect Craft B737-400 Bell XV-15 For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 Dirty Devil / Happy Canyon strips Utah Lukla VNLK Ortho4XP Patch XP12 1.0 DrishalMAC2 Light mod XP12 1.0 Aircraft X-Plane 12 Aerobask Robin DR401 CDI 155 XP12 XP12 Boeing Stearman – XP12 mod 1.0–-xp12-mod/ Grob G109B / Vigilant T1 XP12 acf 1.0 X-Plane 11 Airbus BelugaXL 2.0.2 If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Hardware Unboxing: Honeycomb Bravo Throttle By Stephen Dutton Airport of the Week Can you guess the name of the airport below? If so, why not attach a screenshot (no real photographs or additional clues) in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) Clue: Situated at the northern tip of the Continental Divide of the Americas, this remote airstrip provides access to Canada’s smallest territory. A well-known wartime road, built to support northern military operations, runs nearby, making it an ideal stop for bush pilots heading into the wild. Well done to, Gason71, J.K., MarcXP, ayryq, thelofiboy, Frank H, barvic, and Dennis Powell, who all correctly guessed, Klawock Airport (PAKW). X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos X-Plane 12 is Looking Fabulous | Toliss A320neo | Autoortho 0.7.2 VSKYLABS 902X-NOTAR / Real-Physics NOTAR simulation / Testing the NOTAR (Coming Soon). The Arctic Explorer Scenery Package | X-Plane 12 VOR Navigation Made Easy See you next week __________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gae0c4412a5f96883846943f7148da346'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gae0c4412a5f96883846943f7148da346'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gae0c4412a5f96883846943f7148da346'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-02-07T20:33:57Z' title='02/07/2025 08:33 PM' data-short='Feb 7'>February 7</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 13 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 22 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1738599636'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Post'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_positive" data-ipsTooltip title='Solved'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></span> Log in problems when I start X-Plane 12 since 2 febr. 2025</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> replied to <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to hberg47's profile" class="ipsType_break">hberg47</a>'s topic in <a href=''>X-Plane 12 Technical Support</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> As mentioned above, open a ticket. It was Laminar's decision to introduce this login system into X-Plane, so I’d contact them directly. </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-02-03T16:20:36Z' title='02/03/2025 04:20 PM' data-short='Feb 3'>February 3</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 11 replies </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1738358129'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 2nd February - What's New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 2nd February - What's New in the World of X-Plane Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane. Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). The above image was taken from one of our featured downloads... Laminar Research releases v12.1.4 Beta 2 Payware Releases LFNJ - Aspres-sur-Buech, France Payware Developer News Dassault Mirage 2000-5 Freeware Developer News ASW-28-15/E Development update Boeing 737-500 for X-Plane 12 AeroPedro hangar updates 2024-7 > For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 BR GO SSOM - Bela Vista de Goias (2025) UY SURV Rivera + UY UY07 La Lata Aeroclub (2025) MRTM Tamarindo Airport, Costa Rica. Aircraft X-Plane 12 Blackburn Buccaneer 1.1.0 FlyingIron Updates Alan (alpeggio) has updated several FlyingIron warbirds for X-Plane 12, including the P-38L, Spitfire Mk IX, Seafire Mk III, and P-47. You can find them all at the link below. Type 45 Frigate Player 1.0 If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Aircraft Review: Cessna 172NG Analog by Airfoillabs By DrishalMAC2 Scenery Review: LZTT – Poprad-Tatry Airport, Slovakia by Chudoba Designs and Flying Partners–-poprad-tatry-airport-slovakia-by-chudoba-designs-and-flying-partners/ By Stephen Dutton Airport of the Week Can you guess the name of the airport below? If so, why not attach a screenshot (no real photographs or additional clues) in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) Clue: This airport, located on an island where towering trees meet the sea, shares its home with one of the oldest native settlements in the region. The surrounding forest, one of the largest in the world, is a bush pilot's dream come true. In fact, if you're of a certain vintage, you may have explored this area before in X-Plane, thanks to the amazing work of Tom Curtis. Note: I’ve removed the runway numbers from the screenshots as I know how resourceful you lot are! Well done to MarcXP, TacanTom, Tadukass56, ayryq, and Milo_Mindbender, who all correctly guessed, Yuzhno-Kurilsk Mendeleyevo Airport (UHSM) X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos First Look | X-Plane 12.1.4 Physics Based Camera Song of the Clouds - Air Travel in 1956 | Shell Historical Film Archive See you next week __________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g619d93d6f322eceac3227924c2e4b9a5'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g619d93d6f322eceac3227924c2e4b9a5'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g619d93d6f322eceac3227924c2e4b9a5'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-01-31T21:15:29Z' title='01/31/2025 09:15 PM' data-short='Jan 31'>January 31</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 12 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 13 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1738085773'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> An Interview with Stephen Dutton: The Man Behind X-PlaneReviews</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Interviews - Developer Spotlight</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> An Interview with Stephen Dutton: The Man Behind X-PlaneReviews Conducted by Dominic Smith Introduction Stephen Dutton is the man behind X-PlaneReviews, one of the Org's most trusted review sites. Over the years, Stephen’s passion for X-Plane, combined with his eye for detail and extensive experience, has made him a key figure in the world of flight simulation. In this interview, we learn more about Stephen’s fascinating journey, the origins of X-PlaneReviews, and the challenges of running a review site. We also explore how his work, as part of the X-Plane.Org team, has contributed to the growth of the community and its developers. Stephen, to start, could you tell us about your history with aviation and your background in business? I was born about two miles from the now Airbus Hawarden complex outside Chester UK, so I’m Welsh, and most of my family have or are still working at Airbus, but back then it was Hawker Siddeley Aviation building the HS 125, so you were aware of the industry, and family were always talking about their work. I would have probably gone there, but my father had a serious accident, and we moved to Blackpool. My best friend at school was the first aviation nut I encountered, I visited his home and there was literally hundreds of model aircraft hanging from the ceiling and covering every space in the front living room, so we went spotting, Speke in Liverpool and Ringway at Manchester, watching turboprops (Viscounts, HS 748) and early jets (BAC one-eleven, Tridents). Martin wanted to go into the RAF, but was not accepted, and actually he later ended up working for Airbus at Hawarden! At the same time my father became a chef at Heathrow in the hotel off season, so I would spend the winter holidays at the London airport, this was the late sixties, early 70’s, the B747 services had just started and Concorde was doing service trials, but my eyes were always on the Vickers VC10’s, the most beautiful machine ever flown, but you still had the dozens of 707’s, DC-8’s, Caravelle’s, more Tridents, all trafficking around you, and you had a lot of airport access back then, until the Middle East high-jackings. But I was never going to be a pilot. I had a tonsil operation at six that went wrong by pulling a nerve in my neck, I was left deaf and slightly blind on the left side, so I would never pass a medical, certainly not back then, but maybe I would actually pass today. So, an aviation or Service career was never possible. My father then moved to Australia in the early seventies, so my career was riding the technological waves from the late 70’s to mid-2000’s. I never worked for anyone else, but ran businesses that started with renting Video Recorders, opening the first Video Store, Video Cameras, then went pro into AV (Audio Visual) in supplying conventions and tradeshows with video projectors and pro monitors stacked together. I then moved into the first computer Video editing work with the just opened Qld Film Studios at Coomera, then moved into creating and developing DVDs for distribution. This aspect required a lot of graphic work, so anything visual, imaginative was my forte, then streaming came along… so, I was then looking at Digital Signage (my email is still dirdigital when I registered it), or the big video display signage that are very common now, anyway my doctor told me that if I didn’t stop working 15-hour days I would be dead in a year, today it’s what you would call a career change. What was the first flight sim you used, and when did you start using it? Microsoft put out an Apple Mac version of Flight Simulator in eighty-six, so I suppose I used it around eighty-eight. I was confronted with VOR’s, ILS, NDB’s, Waypoints, it was 2d (or even 1d if you think back) just a horizon and sky, very basic but it taught me the basics with a little desktop joystick. Then later I tried Fly2 in the early 2000’s, which was far better, still got it somewhere. So, around 2008, I went to a RAAF Open day at Amberley, by Brisbane, and there was a group of Simulation pilots flying F16’s in frames with keyboards strapped to the top and bottom, joysticks and rudder pedals, it was totally brilliant, and I thought “Yeah I want to do that”. When was the first time you tried X-Plane, and what drew you to it? Again, it was because X-Plane was an Apple Mac Flight Simulator, I had never used Windows at that point in 2009, as I hated Bill Gates for stealing the idea from Steve Jobs (who stole it from Xerox). Being in graphics the Mac was always far superior for graphic manipulation and video editing, I went to study art and had to use the Windows in a classroom, hated it even more, usually took the assignments home and redid them in a fraction of the time on the Mac, they printed out better as well with a colour-laser printer. Now I use Windows as my main X-Plane computer, for one Windows 10 went towards the Apple graphic model, secondly Windows are far more easily updated internally and is essential for running plugins, but the site and graphic work is still completed on a Mac, connected to the Windows. So, I had a new Mac Mini at the time and X-Plane would run quite well on that in X-Plane 9, and it was a load of fun. And why did you choose X-Plane over MSFS or other flight simulators? I quickly realised that MSFS was not great at the aerodynamics, plus the old, dated code restrictions that came with it like with 3gb file sizes. Whereas as X-Plane felt and acted more like in what a real aircraft would fly (The famous blade element theory) as I am big on authenticity, I wasn’t interested in MSFS. What inspired you to start, and how has being part of the Org team helped you in running the site? Starting X-PlaneReviews wasn’t my idea. Like anything, when I do something I’m all in, and at the time around 2009 review sites were pretty average. I quickly became the third person in with Chip and Simon W at X+Sim+Reviews as it was the best one around at the time, mostly at first to clean it up graphic wise, make the site look more modern, then I was soon doing reviews. And I found I was very good at it, and learning fastIt was a crazy, mad place and a lot of fun. Then, life took its toll as Simon left and Chip faced significant challenges, and the site eventually fell apart. But it was a very good and entertaining site. I was then recruited by Aerosoft for their own new ASN Review Site, it was badly put together and badly run, very restricting creatively, not very innovative, so I left well before Aerosoft also gave up ASN and shut it down. I went on to what you would now call “Gardening Leave” for six months in the wilderness, but I really missed being part of that side of the X-Plane world, then I got an email from Nicolas Taureau, of the X-Plane.Org. He asked me if I wanted to run a review site and helped me set it up by allowing me access to the Org Store product and setting up the IPB site format, so basically X-PlaneReviews is his idea. Like everything, most X-Plane users don’t see the background work and the help the .Org does for the Simulator and in attracting new talent, but this massive support should be acknowledged in the history and growth of X-Plane, it also gave me a new career, and it’s nearly twelve years since that initial August start that X-PlaneReviews have been active. Running a review site sounds like a lot of work. What’s been the biggest challenge for you in keeping X-PlaneReviews going, and how has being part of the Org supported your efforts? If you want a successful site on the internet, then consistency is the most important aspect in achieving that goal, always being there and posting regularly is important, it can also mean a lot of work and effort, mostly time, and time is your enemy in reviewing. So, running a site is very demanding, it takes up a lot of your time, even personal time, and so you must be very careful in not to burn out. You’ve reviewed countless products over the years. What’s your process when putting a review together, and are there specific things you always look out for? The other issue is trying to keep content interesting, as in most cases you are in reality doing the same review over and over again. Thankfully a lot of the content has a new feature or highlights, say a new FMS system or something to focus the review on, or the feature list. Another point is to teach users on in how to use these complicated new features, so I combine the review with a tutorial as part of the process, again study and actually in mostly working it all out to simplify the transition for new users or even people not associated with aviation, in a format they can understand and can then easily use the technical information. This aspect is important, as when I started in X-Plane I found a lot of the systems confusing or finding it hard to find the information in on how to use it. I never forgot this aspect, so I see myself as a teacher as well as a reviewer. What’s something you wish more people knew about X-PlaneReviews or the Org team’s efforts in keeping the community engaged? It is the behind-the-scenes efforts. Feedback and testing of the new products, now more so as a lot of developers have dropped alpha testing, throwing betas out there, now the later fixing is the opposite of refining the product before it goes on sale. I tend to drive developers mad in finding things early, then, them saying “oh I don’t see that issue”, then three weeks after the release saying, “Okay I found that and fixed it”. The Org is a huge support system for developers, and that aspect is critically important, as the developers are at the heart of the Simulator, a lot of users contribute to X-Plane, but quality developers are the soul of the Simulator, they move it forward and keep us wanting the clever products they deliver. Again X-PlaneReviews I will note is the central balance, our aim is to deliver the best product for users and at a value price so the feedback going both ways is critical in achieving this. But it is very important that the developers are rewarded for the huge amount of work they put in, it is an important balance, if developers are found wanting in loss for their work, they will move on or leave to do something that rewards their skills better. As part of the Org team, how do you see the community’s role in helping platforms like ours continue to thrive, especially with the flight sim market becoming more competitive? The core and heart of X-Plane is the experimental aspect, and the Org is the engine room that allows users to say tinker, adjust, try ideas and create great tools for other users, it is a share environment, and a community project that we all do together, and we must continue to attract such people and their talents. Allow them to thrive in a good accommodating atmosphere, at the heart it is great community that I have been very proud to have been associated with as we all share the same spirit. Was there a particular moment in X-Plane’s history or development where you felt it picked up a gear? Maybe something that had a direct impact on how you saw the sim or how you approached writing your reviews? You basically react to the X-Plane Simulator itself, as it goes through its version changes. X-Plane 10 was the most significant release, it brought in big ground texture changes, 3d cockpits, FMS Systems and the most significant was the introduction of plugins to give aircraft developers freedom from the restricting Plane Maker system, X-Plane 11 built on that foundation, refining it, also bringing in the Vulkan/Metal changes. X-Plane 12 is certainly another huge breakthrough, but those original ground textures are now feeling their age. The flight sim world has changed a lot over the years. How do you think X-Plane has evolved, and what excites you most about where it’s headed? X-Plane has always been an innovator in Simulation, it is a very wide platform as well covering the Windows, Apple and Unix systems, so you are not restricted only to Windows, like with MSFS. That allows for a much wider scope and a vastly different user base. But it is in its consistent forward innovation that has been keeping the Simulator relevant, it is also very adaptable to new ideas, and can implement those ideas quicker, can adjust to those changes better. The Vulkan/Metal changes were extremely important to move X-Plane forward into the future, as everything new will be built on and supported by that APL platform. But it was a deep surgical operation to install it, one we can only now move on from, so I do expect X-Plane to move forward, as it lost a lot of its pace with that coding transformation, but you can now see that quicker forward building momentum returning. With Laminar Research starting their own store and forum, how do you think the X-Plane community can continue to thrive in the future? This is a tricky situation. As we have seen, the X-Plane.Org is a huge support network for users and developers, it also supports itself financially by the Org Store. I don’t think that on the surface Laminar Research has thought through the situation enough by just following the Microsoft model in using a built-in store. Even to damage a very successful central support hub could even be seen as even careless, I can understand it, and why, but X-Plane’s foundation is built on Laminar managing the Simulator’s technical side, and the Org supporting the big user base. That said, the one biggest challenge facing X-Plane at this point is growth. If anything, MSFS 2020 has shown that there is a very big user base out there that is interested in Simulation, and X-Plane will need to tap into that huge market to grow, as its user base has been flatlined for a few years. So, the future should all be about growth, building, even doubling that user base and welcoming new pilots to the platform, this aspect will benefit everyone and the Simulator itself. What advice would you give to new users looking to get more involved in the X-Plane.Org community and become a true part of it? I was like most new users when I started in X-Plane, I devoured hard drives and hard drives of free content, most of that content is still all loaded on platters in the cupboard, and I rarely use it. I was even blocked on my first day for over downloading, so the Org shut me down quick smart. What I found is there are two tiers of X-Plane, the what I call the “Low Res” X-Plane built on default aircraft and tons of free downloads, and “Hi Res”. This is a simpler X-Plane built on Quality Aircraft+Quality Scenery+ and a few clever Plugins. My X-Plane folder is a fraction of the size of what I used in the first two or so years of the Simulator. But my quality of Simulation is very high, I have invested to have the best and rarely now download free stuff unless required for a review. So yes, I invest a lot back into my Simulation, or as I see it in returning benefits to the developers in what they deliver in quality product. This aspect helps everyone. (note, reviewing aircraft is earning it, in testing and refining the product, so it is not actually free). When you’re not reviewing, what other hobbies or interests keep you busy? Most hobbies have usually turned into my main life’s work, X-Plane is a good example of that. I’m older now, so time off is usually resting, I have always loved Film, and the production of Film, and had the experience of being a part of that process for a few years, but I feel film as a medium is struggling, lost its narrative in Special Effects, so I rarely go to the cinema now, note I say Film not Movie, as it is now more an entertainment medium, not an ideas or creative medium anymore, but I do have a big DVD collection to watch none-streaming films. Travel of course, anything that will get me on a seat on an aircraft or a berth on a ship and I am happy, I’m also a trained Travel Consultant, so I am very good at building up travel arrangements and ideas. In my off time, I’m also still flying my Boeing 747’s from London to Singapore, but in vastly different conditions and circumstances than in X-Plane 9, the tools and detail you have available today in X-Plane 12 is sensational. Finally what advice would you give to someone looking to get more involved in the X-Plane.Org community and become a true part of it, and what do you think makes the Org community stand out in this often-crowded environment? The beauty of the X-Plane.Org community is that anyone, from a 10-year-old to a 90-year-old can be a part of it, help each other, and we all grow together as basically a big family. The advice is also there as Simulation is also very complex, the Community admin, and experienced users (old timers) will help you with your problems, and mostly sort out your issues, and the support base is massive as is the huge amount of content available. But overall, it is the respect we give each other, treat each other for the support of one another that has made it one of the best online communities, and one we are proud to say the one we are also committed to. Now you know the man behind the reviews and the incredible dedication he brings to the X-Plane community. Stephen, I know firsthand how busy you are, so thank you for taking the time to do this. ______________________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g4255124061c00200415adf3eb33de16e'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g4255124061c00200415adf3eb33de16e'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-01-28T17:36:13Z' title='01/28/2025 05:36 PM' data-short='Jan 28'>January 28</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 12 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 27 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1738080735'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> XB-1 First Supersonic Flight (live)</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Photos & Videos</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> XB-1 First Supersonic Flight Watch XB-1's supersonic test flight in real-time. See the XB-1 break the sound barrier from the viewpoint of our chase aircraft. Wiki info: </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-01-28T16:12:15Z' title='01/28/2025 04:12 PM' data-short='Jan 28'>January 28</time> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 4 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1737815409'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Post'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 26th January - What's New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> replied to <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a>'s topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Apologies Vlad, I've added your latest video </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-01-25T14:30:09Z' title='01/25/2025 02:30 PM' data-short='Jan 25'>January 25</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 8 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 1 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1737809538'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 26th January - What's New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 26th January - What's New in the World of X-Plane Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane. Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). The above image was taken from one of our featured products... Laminar Research releases v12.1.4 Beta 1 Payware Releases LFNJ - Aspres-sur-Buech, France MeshXP12 Alaska South East Melilla Airport, Spain Tecnam P2002 JF XP12 / XP11 Dolomites AIRTaxi Package Freeware Developer News ASW-28-15/E Development update Grumman Cougar GA-7 Project Tupolev Tu-144 Prototype, Tu-144S and Tu-144D for X-Plane For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 KPHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor International 1.5 (MisterX6) Update Hard Rock Stadium Heliport Miami Aircraft X-Plane 12 Custom Turboprop and Business Jet Aircraft X-Plane 11 Nemesis NXT 11.0.1 Schleicher ASW-28 Sailplane (work in progress) 1.0.6 If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Scenery Review: KSFB - Orlando Sanford Intl Airport, USA by Taimodels By Stephen Dutton Scenery Review: Stockholm Archipelago AIRTaxi by LagoFlightLabs lagoflightlabs/ By Colin Parker Airport of the Week Can you guess the name of the airport below? If so, why not attach a screenshot (no real photographs or additional clues) in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) Clue: Perhaps not as dramatic as last week but still worth exploring is this airport, situated on an island long disputed by two major powers. In Tolkien lore, it might possess its own ring of power, but closer to home, you’ll only find an abundance of wildlife Well done to airkibris001, mallesijmen, thelofiboy, thelofiboy, Bob D., avallillo, TheFlyingWolf, Albert Tanneberg, TacanTom, Echo-Tango-Juliet, skycycle, Dennis Powell, Iceair, royaloak, Havena, jh350, basmartin, and finally (phew), ayryq, who all correctly guessed, Ushuaia – Malvinas Argentinas International Airport (SAWH). X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos Felis 747-200 | One of The Best Aircraft for X-Plane 12 Diamond DA20 SV by Aerobask for X-Plane 12 | Review Flight FF 757 | AAL Bare Metal | Toncontin Approach | X-Plane 12 Soviet Flying Aircraft Carriers Were Ingenious See you next week __________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g2dc6ddaf0d10c15ce4f2d6a4abaf5c91'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g2dc6ddaf0d10c15ce4f2d6a4abaf5c91'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g2dc6ddaf0d10c15ce4f2d6a4abaf5c91'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-01-25T12:52:18Z' title='01/25/2025 12:52 PM' data-short='Jan 25'>January 25</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 8 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 13 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1737205695'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 19 January - What's New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 19 January - What's New in the World of X-Plane Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane. Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). X-Plane 12 News The above image was taken from one of our featured downloads... Payware Releases Mango Studios A321 Sound Pack Freeware Developer News Boeing 737-500 for X-Plane 12 Boeing 777-9x (Produced by L.A.R.S) Back-Port of PBV-2/PBY-4 Canso / Catalina to X-Plane 11 For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 LFTW Nimes Grande Provence Mediterranee Aircraft X-Plane 12 Blackburn Buccaneer 0.9 Phantom FG1 1.0.1a Type 45 Destroyer - HMS Dragon If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Scenery Review: KSFB - Orlando Sanford Intl Airport, USA by Taimodels By Stephen Dutton Airport of the Week Can you guess the name of the airport below? If so, why not attach a screenshot (no real photographs or additional clues) in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) Clue: This airport, at the southern tip of a great mountain range, sits on an island shared by two nations. The nearby waters, where two oceans meet, were once the terror of early explorers and their crews. Well done to J.K., Bob D., halldorp, Dennis Powell, Havena, Albert Tanneberg, MarcXP, TacanTom, Iceair, mallesijmen, skycycle, thelofiboy, and jh350, who all correctly guessed, Vestmannaeyjar Airport (BIVM). X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos [XP12] SFD KLAX V2 With Say Intentions! | KSFO - KLAX | DrishalMAC2 Is This the Best Airport in X Plane 12.1.3? Landing at Vestmannaeyjar (Airport of the Week) The Burning Me110 - A Battle of Britain Story See you next week __________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='ge4fae9c5f15d96eb0874d0ef303143a3'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='ge4fae9c5f15d96eb0874d0ef303143a3'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='ge4fae9c5f15d96eb0874d0ef303143a3'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-01-18T13:08:15Z' title='01/18/2025 01:08 PM' data-short='Jan 18'>January 18</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 19 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 17 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1737124639'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Post'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Developer Spotlight: Claudio Nicolotti, SimCoders</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> replied to <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a>'s topic in <a href=''>Interviews - Developer Spotlight</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Thanks again, Claudio, these interviews are so special because they give us the chance to put a face to the developers we admire and connect with the people behind the products we love. </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-01-17T14:37:19Z' title='01/17/2025 02:37 PM' data-short='Jan 17'>January 17</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 15 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 2 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1736883459'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Developer Spotlight: Claudio Nicolotti, SimCoders</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Interviews - Developer Spotlight</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Developer Spotlight: Claudio Nicolotti, SimCoders Conducted by Dominic Smith Introduction In our latest Developer Spotlight, we’re excited to feature Claudio Nicolotti, the founder of SimCoders. Claudio’s journey from computer engineering to flying the Embraer E195 is as impressive as the add-ons he’s created. Starting with his first add-on, HeadShake, Claudio has built SimCoders into a name well-known for its attention to detail and realism, and one that many X-Plane users will be familiar with. Read on to find out more about Claudio and SimCoders. Background to SimCoders Claudio, could you tell us a bit about yourself and your background in aviation and flight simulation? My aviation journey began at 18 when I earned my Private Pilot License (PPL). After completing a degree in computer engineering and spending about a decade working as an engineer, I decided to pursue my passion further and began training for a frozen ATPL. During the COVID period, I worked for a photogrammetry company, and now I’m fortunate to work as a First Officer for an Italian airline, flying the Embraer E195 out of the beautiful city of Florence. Our primary mission is feeding the hubs in Munich and Frankfurt from various airports across Europe, especially Italy, which means I get to fly over the Alps daily. My interest in flight simulation started with X-Plane 9, where I began experimenting with its SDK, curious about its potential. How did SimCoders come to be? Was there a specific moment or idea that came about? The journey toward creating SimCoders began with HeadShake, my first add-on. As a PPL pilot flying aircraft like the C172 and PA28, I often faced long winters without much flying, so I needed a tool to stay proficient with real-world procedures. This prompted me to start modifying Carenado aircraft, like the C210, making them more realistic based on my experience and the POH. Over time, these tweaks grew in complexity, so I began organizing the code and adding new features systematically. Eventually, this work evolved into a structured product, and I decided to release it to the community. That’s how SimCoders and the first Reality Expansion Pack (for the Carenado C210 on X-Plane 10) were born. Can you share the story behind the development of the first Reality Expansion Pack? What challenges did you face? The biggest challenges were mostly bureaucratic, as starting a business in Italy, especially 13 years ago, was not a simple task. However, my passion for aviation and simulation kept me focused and determined. Development Process What is your philosophy when it comes to creating REPs? How do you decide which aircraft to enhance? When creating Reality Expansion Packs (REPs), I choose aircraft based on several criteria: the quality of the 3D model and sounds, the ease of modifying the existing model and its functionality, the availability of documentation, images, and videos, and the willingness of the original author to collaborate on improvements (so far, everyone has been supportive). My personal experience with the aircraft or similar models, as well as how much I like the airplane in real life, also play a significant role. Can you walk us through the typical process of developing a Reality Expansion Pack, from idea to final release? Development typically starts with setting up the basic framework in REP’s code, which acts as scaffolding for the features to come. I begin by implementing checklists and performance tables, which, along with the POH, serve as the foundation for coding and subsequent testing. REP’s codebase consists of modular components, each simulating a specific part of the engine, airframe, or systems. My task is to assemble and configure these modules, like LEGO pieces, to match the real aircraft’s parameters. Sometimes, entirely new components must be created, which is a rewarding process that allows me to dive deep into technical details and learn about aviation technologies. How do you research and implement the level of detail we see in your REPs, such as advanced systems and flight dynamics? Data points for configuring systems like engine power, fuel consumption, temperatures, flight dynamics, and more come from official documentation (POH, Maintenance Manuals, Engine Operator Manuals), video recordings of instruments, and feedback from pilots who fly the specific aircraft we are modelling. This approach has been especially detailed for planes like the C172, PA28 Arrow, and SF.260, as I’ve flown these models and gathered extensive real-world data on them. Community & Collaboration Engagement How do you engage with the community to gather feedback or decide on new features? I actively engage with the community by responding to every forum post and email, whether it’s feedback or support requests. I believe maintaining direct communication with users is essential as they should feel that there’s a dedicated team behind the product, motivated to improve it and attentive to their needs. This approach ensures members of the community never feel abandoned or unheard. Do you collaborate with other developers or companies in the X-Plane ecosystem? If so, can you share any insights into those partnerships? Collaborating with other developers in the X-Plane ecosystem is always a rewarding experience. For example, while working with Javier Rollon on the SF.260, we divided tasks as he handled the 3D modelling while I focused on onboard systems, flight dynamics, and sounds. Similarly, I’m collaborating with Mihir Panchal of PAE on the Beech Bonanza, with a similar division of responsibilities. Thranda presented a different approach; since their aircraft are sold separately from REP, they provided extensive access to their codebase, making it easier to ensure compatibility and enhance their planes without excessive effort. These partnerships allow us to combine expertise and deliver even better experiences to users. Products & Features Which REP are you most proud of, and why? Is there one that was particularly challenging to develop? There are several projects I’m particularly proud of. The SIAI-Marchetti SF.260 stands out because it’s used by some military flight schools in Europe for initial pilot training before transitioning to real SF.260s. These schools chose it for its precise simulation of onboard systems, especially the military version with its fuel transfer pumps and fuel-injected engine, as well as the accurate flight dynamics. When I started flying the Piper Super Cub for my tailwheel endorsement, I was amazed at how closely the real aircraft matched the experience in X-Plane using REP. The Carenado C210 is another one I’m proud of; it’s one I use most often for relaxing in X-Plane. While Carenado hasn’t released a new version for X-Plane 12, we’ve managed to update it via REP to keep it compatible, at least for now. Are there any new features or products in development that you’re excited to share with the Org community? Looking ahead, the upcoming version 5.0 of REP is focused on two main areas: first, replacing 2D windows with a fully VR-compatible 3D tablet and a new graphical interface; second, further improving internal systems, particularly the engine, to enhance the functionality of the entire system and make REP more platform-agnostic. I don’t have a specific release date planned yet, as I need to balance development with my duties as a pilot. Personal Perspective & Thoughts What’s your favourite aircraft to fly in X-Plane, and why? My favourite aircraft to fly in X-Plane is the SF.260 because it’s incredibly versatile. You can do everything with it, VFR and IFR cross-country flights, IFR training, aerobatics, it’s the perfect all-rounder. What do you think sets SimCoders apart in the world of flight simulation? What sets SimCoders apart in the flight simulation world, in my opinion, is the combination of product quality and our relationship with users. The connection with the community is at the heart of everything we do. For example, it’s common for us to exchange holiday greetings with long-time users, and we often give away licenses to loyal followers who have been with us since the X-Plane 10 days. This connection allows us to gather valuable feedback, especially from real pilots, which helps us continually improve. The Future How do you see flight simulation evolving in the coming years, and what role does SimCoders aim to play in that future? In my personal view, the world of flight simulation is evolving in two distinct directions. The first, which is more mainstream, focuses on "less realistic" but "more fun" experiences, think of a more arcade-like and casual approach. In this space, add-ons often feel "disposable," with users quickly moving on after a while. Every time a new add-on is released, it’s often touted as a “gamechanger,” when in reality, it might just be a rehash of old ideas. This path, while profitable, seems to be leading to a decline in the overall quality of content, with some notable exceptions. The second path is more niche, focusing on a realistic and more hardcore simulation. This is the direction I personally prefer, and it’s also the one X-Plane is currently following. My philosophy is that it’s better to have fewer features but do them well than to have many features, graphics, and content done poorly. Are there any plans to expand beyond X-Plane or into other areas of simulation? At the moment, we have no specific plans to expand to other platforms. I’ve tested REP on MSFS, but I’m not convinced it represents the future (or even part of it) for SimCoders. The constant changes from Microsoft/Asobo with every update would require us to redo the REP work each time, and since we have a small team, this would leave us with no time for anything else. Once REP 5.0 is ready, I might revisit the possibility of working on other sims like MSFS, but honestly, I’m not overly concerned or interested in MSFS. I believe X-Plane, although slowly, is moving in the right direction. What would you like the community to know most about SimCoders? What I’d like the community to know is that SimCoders is not just a business looking to make money to survive. What really drives us is the passion and inspiration behind what we do. We’re here because we genuinely enjoy creating and improving realistic flight experiences. If we make some money along the way, that’s great, but it’s not our primary goal. We’ve kept the price of REP the same for over 10 years (still $19.99, even for the latest packs) because our focus is on producing high-quality content and making a lasting impact on the simulation community. Our work is driven by a true love for the craft, and the satisfaction of seeing members of the community enjoy our creations is what keeps us motivated, not just financial gain. Thank you, Claudio, for sharing your journey and passion with the community. It’s been a pleasure learning about SimCoders, and we wish you all the very best with your future projects! Claudio’s Reality Expansion Packs are available for purchase at the Org Store _______________________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc45d1ccd0b75e6eb3138421076738a7c'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc45d1ccd0b75e6eb3138421076738a7c'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc45d1ccd0b75e6eb3138421076738a7c'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc45d1ccd0b75e6eb3138421076738a7c'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc45d1ccd0b75e6eb3138421076738a7c'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc45d1ccd0b75e6eb3138421076738a7c'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc45d1ccd0b75e6eb3138421076738a7c'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc45d1ccd0b75e6eb3138421076738a7c'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc45d1ccd0b75e6eb3138421076738a7c'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2025-01-14T19:37:39Z' title='01/14/2025 07:37 PM' data-short='Jan 14'>January 14</time> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href='' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 15 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 42 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1736531409'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 12th January - What's New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 12th January - What's New in the World of X-Plane Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane. Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). X-Plane 12 News The above image was taken from one of our featured products... Payware Releases LZTT – Poprad-Tatry Airport, Slovakia–-Poprad-Tatry-Airport-Slovakia_p_1981.html Diamond DA20 SV by Aerobask Extra 330- 350 SC Payware Developer News Boeing 314 Under Development Freeware Developer News Tupolev Tu-144 prototype and Tu-144D for X-Plane The HondaJet Elite Project Freeware DC-8 Series for X-Plane Bell XV-15 Type 45 Destroyer - HMS Dragon For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 EGHQ Newquay Updated Aircraft X-Plane 12 NASA LLTV - Lunar Landing Training Module If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Aircraft Review: Diamond DA20 SV by Aerobask Airport of the Week Can you guess the name of the airport below? If so, why not attach a screenshot (no photographs please) in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) Clue: This airport, situated on one of a series of small islands, lies off the coast of a larger island known for its volcanic eruptions and the divide between two tectonic plates. Named after a group of people taken captive long ago, it’s a gateway to a community shaped by the island’s volcanic past. Well done to, thelofiboy, MarcXP, TacanTom, J.K., Iceair, hi_nihaozaoan, Dennis Powell, Milo_Mindbender, Havena, TheFlyingWolf, who all correctly guessed, Apia Faleolo International Airport (NSFA). X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos Diamond DA20 SV by Aerobask | X-Plane 12 The Unique Sounds from the Russian SU-57 Felon Stealth Fighter (volume up) See you next week! 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