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<h3 class='ipsDataItem_title'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width='370' data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard&amp;' title="Go to knsbond58's profile" class="ipsType_break">knsbond58</a></h3> <p class='ipsDataItem_meta ipsType_light'><time datetime='2024-11-24T06:24:35Z' title='11/24/2024 06:24 AM' data-short='1 dy'>Yesterday at 06:24 AM</time></p> </div> </li> <li class='ipsDataItem'> <div class='ipsType_center ipsDataItem_icon'> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_tiny" title="Go to glacroute's profile"> <img src='data:image/svg+xml,' alt='glacroute' loading="lazy"> </a> </div> <div class='ipsDataItem_main'> <h3 class='ipsDataItem_title'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width='370' data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard&amp;' title="Go to glacroute's profile" class="ipsType_break">glacroute</a></h3> <p class='ipsDataItem_meta ipsType_light'><time datetime='2024-11-23T09:22:04Z' title='11/23/2024 09:22 AM' data-short='2 dy'>Saturday at 09:22 AM</time></p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_fluid'> <div class='ipsWidget ipsBox ipsMargin_bottom'> <h2 class='ipsWidget_title ipsType_reset ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:between'> <span> Dominic Smith's Achievements </span> </h2> <div class='ipsWidget_inner ipsPadding_horizontal ipsPadding_vertical:half ipsType_center cProfileAchievements'> <a href="" data-action="badgeLog" title="Dominic Smith's Badges" class='ipsPadding_vertical:half ipsRadius'> <ul class="ipsCaterpillar ipsFlex-jc:center"> <li class='ipsCaterpillar__item'> <span class='ipsPos_relative'> <img src='' loading="lazy" alt="Very Popular" class='ipsOutline ipsDimension:4' data-ipsTooltip title='Very Popular'> <span class='ipsBadge ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_rare'>Rare</span> </span> </li> <li class='ipsCaterpillar__item'> <span 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class='ipsPadding_vertical:half'> <p class='ipsType_reset cProfileRepScore cProfileRepScore_positive ipsRadius:full ipsDimension_height:4 ipsDimension_minWidth:4 ipsPadding_horizontal:half ipsType_large ipsFlex-inline ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:center' data-ipsTooltip title="Exceptional">3.8k</p> <h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsType_unbold ipsType_medium ipsType_light ipsMargin_top:half'> Reputation </h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class='ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull'> <div class='ipsTabs ipsTabs_stretch ipsClearfix' id='elProfileTabs' data-ipsTabBar data-ipsTabBar-contentArea='#elProfileTabs_content'> <a href='#elProfileTabs' data-action='expandTabs'><i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i></a> <ul role="tablist"> <li> <a href=';tab=activity' id='elProfileTab_activity' class='ipsTabs_item ipsType_center ipsTabs_activeItem' role="tab" aria-selected="true">Activity</a> </li> <li> <a href=';tab=clubs' id='elProfileTab_clubs' class='ipsTabs_item ipsType_center ' role="tab" 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class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2806423' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Share Your Top Add-Ons and Moments of 2024</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 24th November - What's New in the World of X-Plane Did you know that every download you grab, every forum post you read, and every Weekly Digest we publish depends on your support? The Org isn’t powered by magic, it’s powered by people like YOU. If you enjoy what the Org offers, now’s the time to ask yourself: What can I do to keep it going? We’re here to provide you with the best X-Plane content, but we can’t do it alone. Your comments, posts, and participation fuel this community. Without them, the Digest and everything else you love could disappear, perhaps sooner than you might think. So, let’s make it happen! Share your thoughts, post in the forums, comment on files shared by other members, or tell us what you love about X-Plane. Together, we can keep the Org as the home for X-Plane fans, because that’s what it is. Your home! X-Plane 12 News The above image was taken from one of our featured downloads... Payware Releases V-22 Osprey XP12 KSAV - Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport KLAX - Los Angeles International v4.0 Freeware Developer News Freeware SSJ-100-95 Deanarica Simulations Airbus A220;do=findComment&amp;comment=2802391 EDCS &amp; EDBF Scenery Gateway USAAF Little Staughton - Advanced Air Depot 127 of the 1st Bomb Wing??? For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 EDLE Essen-Muelheim XP-12.1 CC 1.0 MX MMTL - Tulum Felipe Carrilo Puerto Intl (2024) 1.0 LIRQ Firenze Peretola 1.0.1 Aircraft X-Plane 12 Virtavia B-47E 12.0 Virtavia Handley Page Hampden XP12 acf 1.0 Virtavia Short Stirling XP12 acf. 1.0 If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Scenery Review: VSKYLABS Airbases: Base-8 By our very own Dennis Powell Airport of the Week As much as we both enjoy doing the Airport of the Week, Nicolas and I have decided that its future will depend on you, the community. Unless members share their favourite X-Plane add-ons, news items, or highlights from this year, we may not continue running the Airport of the Week. X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos Microsoft Flight Sim 2024 is a legit pile of dog ######! NEVER BUY THIS!!!;ab_channel=JayzTwoCents B-47 Stratojet | Six Engined Nuclear Capable Strategic Bomber | Upscaled Documentary;ab_channel=DroneScapes See you next week __________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g7c963cadfd72dd0069afe1cada23f2fc'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g7c963cadfd72dd0069afe1cada23f2fc'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2806423' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-22T18:02:50Z' title='11/22/2024 06:02 PM' data-short='2 dy'>Friday at 06:02 PM</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2806423' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 17 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 19 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1732104864'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='File Review'><i class='fa fa-download'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findReview&amp;review=130191' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Virtavia B-47E</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> reviewed <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to danhopgood1's profile" class="ipsType_break">danhopgood1</a>'s file in <a href=''>Military Aircraft XP12</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsColumns ipsColumns_collapsePhone ipsColumns_noSpacing'> <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_narrow' data-ipsLazyLoad> <a href=''> <span data-background-src='' class=' ipsThumb ipsThumb_medium ipsThumb_bg'> <img src='' alt='More information about &quot;&quot;' loading="lazy"> </span> </a> </div> <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_fluid'> <div class='ipsStream_comment ipsPad'> <div class='ipsClearfix ipsRating ipsRating_medium'> <ul class='ipsRating_collective'> <li class='ipsRating_on'> <i class='fa fa-star'></i> </li> <li class='ipsRating_on'> <i class='fa fa-star'></i> </li> <li class='ipsRating_on'> <i class='fa fa-star'></i> </li> <li class='ipsRating_on'> <i class='fa fa-star'></i> </li> <li class='ipsRating_on'> <i class='fa fa-star'></i> </li> </ul> </div> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsType_break ipsType_medium' data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Well done, guys! A solid five cookies to share amongst you! Brings back fond memories of Strategic Air Command. This is what X-Plane is all about. Cheers Dom </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findReview&amp;review=130191' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-20T12:14:24Z' title='11/20/2024 12:14 PM' data-short='5 dy'>Wednesday at 12:14 PM</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findReview&amp;review=130191' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 23 comments </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 5 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1731692708'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2802149' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Share Your Top Add-Ons and Moments of 2024</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane! - 2024 Favourites: Share Your Top Add-Ons and Moments! This week, we’ve got all the latest highlights from the X-Plane world: freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, and reviews from XPlaneReviews. The Org is your community website, and its success depends on you! Last week, we noticed fewer of our regulars joining the discussion, likely because we’ve temporarily paused the Airport of the Week. But the Weekly Digest is still here to keep you connected, and we need your participation to keep it thriving! How can you help? It’s simple: share your thoughts, tell us about your favourite add-ons, or reflect on 2024’s highlights. Every post, comment, and discussion add value to the Org and keeps our community alive and growing. If you enjoy the Weekly Digest, don’t just read it, get involved. Together, we can make the Org even stronger and ensure it remains the go-to place for all things X-Plane. Not a member yet? Register now and become part of the X-Plane community. X-Plane 12 News The above image was taken from one of our featured downloads... Laminar Research releases v12.1.3 beta 1 Payware Releases LFNC - Mont-Dauphin Saint-Crépin, Franceépin-France-_p_1965.html Balearic Islands AIRTaxi Scenery Package B 747-8 Series Anniversary Edition (update) Payware Developer News Concorde FXP Video Tutorials;do=findComment&amp;comment=2801970 VSKYLABS 'Test-Pilot': F-19 SF v1.4 Released Freeware Developer News Deanarica Simulations Airbus A220;do=findComment&amp;comment=2801169 For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 NLWF-Point Vele WALLIS-ET-FUTUNA version XP11 and 12 1.0 NLWW- Hihifo Airport version XP11 and 12 1.0 Great to see you back Cami RAF Little Staughton 1.0 Little Staughton WW2 Airfield Review for X-Plane 12 Written by Alpeggio Aircraft X-Plane 12 Tieman.'s Waco YMF-5 XP12 V1.0 &amp; VR V2.0 Kuras - a fictional 1970s delta trainer (work in progress) 1.0 TBM850 V.1.2 1.2;tab=comments#comment-402772 If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Aircraft Review: Gulfstream 650/650ER by AKD Studios By Stephen Dutton X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos X-Plane 12 | Toliss A330-900 | First Look | EGCC-LFPG Balearic Islands AIRTaxi Scenery Package How the Lancaster Bomber Turned the Tide of WW2 for Britain Keep in mind, the Org thrives on your input. Don’t leave it to others. Get involved and help ensure this community continues to grow and flourish. See you next week! __________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g6f2153e7e0e7a9d8432935c594514570'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2802149' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-15T17:45:08Z' title='11/15/2024 05:45 PM' data-short='Nov 15'>November 15</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2802149' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 10 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 13 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1731504817'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2800977' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Developer Spotlight: Antoni Rybka, AKD Studio</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Interviews - Developer Spotlight</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Developer Spotlight: Antoni Rybka, AKD Studio Conducted by Dominic Smith In this edition of our Developer Spotlight, I had the pleasure of speaking with Antoni Rybka, the 20-year-old founder of AKD Studio. Based in Poland, Antoni has quickly made a name for himself in the X-Plane community, known for his dedication to developing aircraft that simmers truly enjoy. From discovering aviation during a family holiday to turning his passion into a full-time job, Antoni’s journey is a testament to his hard work and love of aviation. Join me as we explore his story, his inspirations, and the process behind bringing his creations to life. Personal Background Can you tell us a bit about yourself? How did you first get interested in flight simulation and development? Hello everyone! Let me start by introducing myself to readers who are unfamiliar with me. I’m Antoni Rybka. I'm 20 years old now and I'm the owner of AKD Studio. I live in Poland and am interested in a lot of things, for example: trains, video creation (mostly video editing and the technical aspects of video production for films and television programs), new technology, and, of course, aviation. My biggest dream is to become an airline pilot one day. My journey with aviation and X-Plane started in the summer of 2018 during a family vacation. While on the flight, I became curious about what landing looked like from the cockpit. After we landed, I watched a video from the cockpit of an Airbus A320 by a Polish pilot (Turbulencja), where I learned so much about aviation. That’s where it all started. Soon after, I discovered I could fly a well-rendered plane on my computer, and that’s when I started flying in the X-Plane simulator. What’s your situation outside of X-Plane? I finished high school this May, and for now, AKD Studio is my full-time job. Do you have any hobbies outside of X-Plane? Yes! Here are a few: Rail transport – I love traveling by train. In 2023, my friends and I travelled over 2,000 km by train in just three days. That was an amazing time Video creation – Mostly video editing and the technical side of creating films and television programs. Sometimes, when I watch movies, I wonder how certain shots were created. Traveling – I love visiting new places! At such a young age you’ve achieved a lot with AKD Studio. What was the journey like, and what inspired you to dive into X-Plane development? This is an interesting story. It was 2020, and as we know, a difficult time due to the pandemic. I was 15 years old then, in my first year of high school. We switched to online learning in March 2020. The first month was quite good as I was happy to have more time for flying X-Plane 11 back then 😂. But after a while, I started to get bored, and I began thinking about doing something fun and educational. I started by making custom liveries for X-Plane, but I still wanted to try something more ambitious. Then I thought about making an aircraft for X-Plane. I found a YouTube tutorial series by ghansen and slowly became obsessed with building airplanes for X-Plane. It was hard at first, learning so many things, especially when the results weren’t always satisfying. Finally, after two years of hard work, on October 28, 2022, I released my first plane. Do you have any real-world aviation experience, or is it mostly through simulation? For now, I don’t have any real-world aviation experience, but I hope to change that in 2025 and start my flying career to become an airline pilot. Development What was your first experience with X-Plane like, and what drew you to develop specifically for this platform? I started flying in X-Plane because aviation became my hobby. I was amazed at how well-made these planes are and how they practically simulate everything found in a real aircraft. But why did I decide to create planes specifically for X-Plane? Back then, when I started in June 2020, it was the only platform where the creation of add-ons was fully described and explained. There was a large resource of helpful materials for creating planes in X-Plane. Now I have a lot of resources and knowledge about how to create add-ons for X-Plane, and I don’t have any plans to leave this platform 🙂 Do you have any experience with other flight simulators? Yes, I also have MSFS, but I mostly fly in X-Plane. Did you have any mentors or people in the simulation community who influenced your work? I received great support from Q8Pilot. I was afraid to send him my plane for over a year as I thought I would only embarrass myself. Then one day, I saw that he had bought my plane himself and was going to review it! I was really nervous about his opinion, but it turned out he liked my plane. He also pointed out things I could fix or improve over time, and of course, I took his feedback into account. I should also mention Marek from the YouTube channel Jetfighter (, who decided to do a live show with me and introduce my aircraft to the Polish community. Thanks, Marek! What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a developer? How did you overcome them? Looking back, I’d say the biggest challenge has been programming the custom MCDU and VNAV. I’m still working on improvements and adding new features to these systems. It’s something you can keep working on all the time AKD Design Process The GLF650 has been hugely popular. Can you walk us through the process of developing it? Yes! It all starts with searching for documentation and photos, then slowly modelling the plane. I also look for real pilots who have access to the plane. I spend time reading manuals and writing down what I want to reproduce in my model. Sometimes, if certain things aren’t clear to me, I ask the pilots for more details, and they describe everything so I can reproduce it accurately. After modelling, it’s time for textures and UV maps, which is quite a long process. But after this, the plane appears in X-Plane for the first time, and I can start checking everything. Then I begin animating the plane and writing system scripts. Writing systems is a challenging process because there are days when you can get a lot done, and other days when there’s no progress, and the work stands still. Then comes the process of testing and bug reporting by pilots and testers, which can take from 2 to 6 months depending on what bugs are found How do you choose the projects you work on? Is there something specific that inspires each new design? Not really, it was a bit of a coincidence that I ended up making these planes. In the beginning, it was mainly important to choose a plane that hadn’t been made for X-Plane yet. Do you work solo, or is there a team behind AKD Studio? AKD Studio is solo work done by me. Sometimes, it’s hard to work alone on something this big. That’s why I have about 14 beta testers who help me test on different platforms, systems, and locations. I also have real-life pilots testing my plane and suggesting improvements to make it even more advanced. Inspirations and Experience Are there developers or companies in the industry that inspire you? Yes! This is an interesting story. I discovered that Felis also works solo on his projects, and when I saw his 747-200 for the first time, I realized it’s possible to make such an amazing plane on your own. It was a huge inspiration for me. Thank you, Felis! What part of the development process do you find most rewarding? I think the most satisfying part is creating new aircraft systems or improving existing ones. But more than that, I love watching these systems work correctly in the aircraft. However, sometimes testing reveals problems or bugs that need fixing, and finding the cause isn’t always easy. Looking to the Future Do you see yourself working in flight simulation long-term? Are there areas of aviation or simulation you’d like to explore next? Hmmm, that’s a hard question at this point. I don't know what the future will look like. For now, I’m here, and I still want to work on new projects and keep updating existing ones. In the meantime, I also plan to slowly obtain further pilot licenses so that one day I’ll be able to sit in the cockpit of a real passenger plane as a pilot. And then what? We'll see… What do you think the future holds for X-Plane and the flight simulation community? I think that, despite the difficult times and the growing popularity of MSFS, X-Plane will still survive. There are still many people here who love flying in X-Plane. How do you see the flight sim market evolving, especially with MSFS as a competitor? I notice a lot of interest in this market. More and more people with no prior experience in aviation are becoming interested, and some even get into it just for the views. Do you have any interest in developing for MSFS? For now, no, because making planes for MSFS is completely different from making them for X-Plane. I’d have to start all over again, whereas with X-Plane, I already have some basics and experience that I don’t have in MSFS. The X-Plane Community How do you feel the community and platforms like can better support young developers like yourself? In my opinion, we have a large and very supportive community here that backs creators, and honestly, I don’t think there’s anything to improve. Is there anything specific you wish users understood about the development process? I think people should be a bit less critical of our products. It’s really hard to release a product without any bugs, especially in the beginning, and even more so when it involves thousands of lines of code. Plus, everyone has a different computer, flies to different airports, etc. The most important thing is to send me suggestions for changes or additions. Some things might not be possible, but it’s worth writing in, and I’m always happy to reply about whether something can be added or not. Thank you so much, Dominic, for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed here at X-Plane.Org! A big thank you to Antoni for sharing his journey with us. We’re excited to see how AKD Studio continues to grow and what exciting projects he brings to the X-Plane community next! Antoni's models are available for purchase at the Org Store. _______________________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g6b95b22dcb2cedae2d6834c17953ceb8'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g6b95b22dcb2cedae2d6834c17953ceb8'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g6b95b22dcb2cedae2d6834c17953ceb8'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g6b95b22dcb2cedae2d6834c17953ceb8'> <span 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data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g6b95b22dcb2cedae2d6834c17953ceb8'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g6b95b22dcb2cedae2d6834c17953ceb8'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2800977' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-13T13:33:37Z' title='11/13/2024 01:33 PM' data-short='Nov 13'>November 13</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2800977' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 12 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small 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href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2798894' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Share Your Top Add-Ons and Moments of 2024</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane! - 2024 Favourites: Share Your Top Add-Ons and Moments! Here, you’ll find a snapshot of this week’s major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, and reviews from the team at XPlaneReviews. Plus, as we wrap up the year, don’t miss the 2024 Favourites: Share Your Top Add-Ons and Moments! section, where we invite you to reflect on the year’s best moments in X-Plane. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). X-Plane 12 News The above image was taken from one of our featured products... **** 2024 Favourites: Share Your Top Add-Ons and Moments! **** Since we're approaching the end of the year, what were your favourite add-ons or news highlights of 2024? It could be anything related to X-Plane, from freeware to payware, or just something memorable that happened in the sim community. Looking forward to hearing what stood out for you! Payware Releases San Diego International Airport, KNZY Naval Air Station North Island and Naval Base San Diego Airport Zagreb XP Freeware Developer News ASW-28-15/E Development Update Bell XV-15 For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 Kasteli airport for X-Plane 12 (LGTL, Crete, Greece) Aircraft X-Plane 12 MiG-29-SMT t3.1.1 Aircam-Floats t3.0.6 P-180 Avanti: Analog and Glass Cockpit, VIP and Pax v1.2 If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Behind the Screen: October 2024 Airport of the Week Well done to J.K., MarcXP, Frank H, thelofiboy, Bob D., Tintifaxl, Dennis Powell, Albert Tanneberg, basmartin, and Lysan, who all correctly guessed last week’s airport, which was (Los Alamos Airport (KLAM). X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos X-Plane 12 | X-Crafts | The best E-Jets for Flight Simulation VSKYLABS Airbases: Base-8 / Coming Soon / X-Plane 12 WorldFlight 2024 (WF2401) | YSSY - YPAD | X-Plane 12 If you’d like to contribute to the newsletter or have ideas to make it even better, just send me a PM, I’d love to hear from you! See you next week __________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='geab0833fb91b5bab47297ca6fa0b775e'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src="\(18\).thumb.jpg.6dfeeab81c98b2e60d294762b10685ab.jpg"> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2798894' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-08T17:05:49Z' title='11/08/2024 05:05 PM' data-short='Nov 8'>November 8</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2798894' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 13 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 10 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1730740951'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Post'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2797388' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Which GPU should I buy ?</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> replied to <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to raphaël 777-300 ER's profile" class="ipsType_break">raphaël 777-300 ER</a>'s topic in <a href=''> <span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_pill" style="background-color: #fffb91; color: #000000;" >XP12: Rendering Options - FPS - Hardware Settings</span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> I use a 4070, which I’ve undervolted to lower power, with the knock-on effect that it runs nice and cool. Because of this, it’s quieter than normal and performs well at 1440p, so it fits my needs perfectly. I actually use it for all the screenshots in my articles. It’s not the absolute fastest card, but I find the balance between power, performance, and noise works well, especially since I prefer an ultra-quiet system. More than happy to sacrifice a bit of speed for that Oh, and I forgot to mention, I’m only running a 550W Gold Pro power supply. </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g8c72c31a9a5de34fe57d0b6ae543bffa'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g8c72c31a9a5de34fe57d0b6ae543bffa'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2797388' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-04T17:22:31Z' title='11/04/2024 05:22 PM' data-short='Nov 4'>November 4</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2797388' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 29 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 1 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <ul class='ipsTags ipsTags_inline ipsList_inline ipsGap:1 ipsGap_row:0'> <li > <a href=";tags=gpu" class='ipsTag' title="Find other content tagged with 'gpu'" rel="tag" data-tag-label="gpu"><span>gpu</span></a> </li> <li > <a href=";tags=graphic%20card" class='ipsTag' title="Find other content tagged with 'graphic card'" rel="tag" data-tag-label="graphic card"><span>graphic card</span></a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li data-controller='core.front.statuses.status' class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad' data-timestamp='1730607160' data-role='activityItem' data-statusid="31846"> <a id='status-31846'></a> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Status Update'><i class='fa fa-user'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to mhogan's profile"> <img src='' alt='mhogan' loading="lazy"> </a> <div> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsType_break'> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsList_noSpacing'> <li> <strong> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to mhogan's profile" class="ipsType_break">mhogan</a> </strong> </li> <li> &nbsp;<i class='fa fa-angle-right'></i>&nbsp; </li> <li> <strong> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> </strong> </li> </ul> </h2> </div> </div> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-size='10 lines' class='ipsStreamItem_snippet' > <div class='ipsType_richText ipsType_normal ipsContained' data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'><p> Hello Dominic, </p> <p>   </p> <p> I am attempting to upload a livery and the drop-down box won't let me select "aircraft skins-liveries".  Has the procedure changed?  I've uploaded numerous repaints over the past several years...hopefully I am not locked out? </p> <p> Thank you! </p> <p> Mike </p> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsFaded_withHover'> <li class='ipsType_medium'> <a href=';status=31846&amp;type=status' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><span class='ipsType_light'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-03T04:12:40Z' title='11/03/2024 04:12 AM' data-short='Nov 3'>November 3</time></span></a></li> </ul> <div class='ipsComment_feed ipsComment_subComments ipsType_medium'> <ol class="ipsList_reset" data-role='statusComments' data-currentPage='1'> </ol> </div> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1730558871'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Post'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2796547' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 3rd November - What&#039;s New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> replied to <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a>'s topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Ormoc Airport added to the freeware section of the Weekly Digest. </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2796547' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-02T14:47:51Z' title='11/02/2024 02:47 PM' data-short='Nov 2'>November 2</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2796547' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 14 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 1 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1730469798'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2796044' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 3rd November - What&#039;s New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 3rd November - What's New in the World of X-Plane Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane. Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). X-Plane 12 News The above image was taken from one of our featured products... Payware Releases Stinson 108 Package XP12 PA-28R Arrow III &amp; Turbo Arrow III/IV Bundle (X-Plane 12) PA-28R TURBO ARROW III / IV XP12 KXNA - Northwest Arkansas National Airport KSRQ - Sarasota Bradenton International Airport XP12 GLF650 - Ultimate Business Jet Aircraft by AKD Studio Mango Studios Toliss A330 sound pack Freeware Developer News DC-10 for X-Plane 12;do=findComment&amp;comment=2795338 The HondaJet Elite Project;do=findComment&amp;comment=2795491 Tupolev Tu-144D Conversion from FSX to X-Plane;do=findComment&amp;comment=2793523 ClearFly Boeing 737-100;do=findComment&amp;comment=2789378 Historic RCAF Jarvis BCATP Aerodrome For additional insights and updates, both payware and freeware, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 07FA Ocean Reef Club (Florida) 1.0 42CE Coyote Estate (California) 1.0 RPVO - Ormoc Airport for XP11 and XP12 1.1.2 Aircraft X-Plane 12 Convair F-106 Delta Dart V1.1 CH-53E Super Stallion 12.1 for XP12 - Military and Civil 1.0.15 Aero Vodochody Ae-145 V2.0 Tower Cab for VATSIM 1.0.1 Utilities Better Pushback for X-Plane 11/12 Better Pushback for X-Plane 11/12 - Utilities - X-Plane.Org Forum Autoortho for Mac If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Plugin Review: X-ATC Chatter v1.7.2 by Stick and Rudder Studios By Stephen Dutton Update Review: Cessna 152 by Just Flight - Thranda Design By DrishalMAC2 Airport of the Week This week’s clue and screenshots come courtesy of Skycycle. Can you guess the name of the airport below? If so, why not attach a screenshot (no real photographs or additional clues) in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) Clue: Located at 7100 feet up the slopes of a massive volcanic complex containing a 22km-wide crater, this small ridgetop airport is within short flying distance of numerous artists' communities and homes. Yet the small mountain town it serves directly once housed a community of Nobel-prize-winning (or future Nobel-prize-winning) scientists who developed one of the most momentous creations of physics the world has ever seen. Well done to J.K., royaloak, Kiwiflyer, MarcXP, Mike Kemp, Dennis Powell, thelofiboy, Lysan, and skycycle, who all correctly guessed last week’s airport, which was Glenorchy Airport (NZGY). X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos Default A330 Quick-Start Tutorial In X-Plane 12!! Default C90 King Air Quick-Start Tutorial In X-Plane 12!! Mango studios G650/G550 Trailer ___________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc53c398d8f587234ecd178f813391e6a'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc53c398d8f587234ecd178f813391e6a'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gc53c398d8f587234ecd178f813391e6a'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2796044' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-01T14:03:18Z' title='11/01/2024 02:03 PM' data-short='Nov 1'>November 1</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2796044' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 14 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 12 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1730469516'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Post'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2796043' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> scenery.ini</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> replied to <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to MaksEska's profile" class="ipsType_break">MaksEska</a>'s topic in <a href=''> <span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_pill" style="background-color: #fffb91; color: #000000;" >XP12 Scenery</span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Organising your scenery can be a bit tricky at first but check out the link below; it might make things easier. correct order of the scenery_packs.ini - XP11 Scenery - X-Plane.Org Forum </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2796043' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-11-01T13:58:36Z' title='11/01/2024 01:58 PM' data-short='Nov 1'>November 1</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2796043' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 3 replies </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1730306723'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2795256' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Developer Spotlight Feature: Rotate</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Interviews - Developer Spotlight</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Developer Spotlight Feature: Rotate Conducted by Dominic Smith In this edition of our Developer Spotlight, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ivan, a co-founder of Rotate, who leads a talented team behind X-Plane’s popular MD-80 and MD-11. With Juan, Alfredo, and Ivan all bringing their skills to the table, Rotate has carved out a special place in the X-Plane community, known for their dedication to crafting aircraft that are both detailed and challenging to fly. Their commitment to realism and ongoing improvements have earned them a loyal following among sim enthusiasts. Join me as we explore Ivan’s journey, the team’s inspirations, and what keeps them motivated to keep raising the bar in flight simulation. Background in Development How did your team first get involved in X-Plane development, and what inspired you to focus specifically on creating high-fidelity aircraft like the MD-80 and MD-11? We’re a small team of three: Juan Alcón, Alfredo Torrado, and myself, Iván Arroyo. Both Alfredo and Juan have been passionate about flight simulation from a young age. It’s a pretty typical story; we played MSFS when it first came out back in 1982 and picked it up again years later with MSFS 2002. Around 2009, Alfredo discovered X-Plane and started experimenting with Plane-Maker. He began by creating a freeware Fokker F27 for X-Plane 10, and he enlisted Juan’s help with 3D modelling and texturing. After releasing the F27, we decided to take on our first payware project, an ATR-72. The ATR-72 was a simple model with no plugins involved, but we did our best with it. For the next project, we knew we’d need a coder, so they brought me on board, and we started working on the MD-80. It took over three years to develop, and we continued to work on it even after the release. In fact, we still have plans to improve it further. The MD-80 became Rotate’s first official product. Right after releasing the MD-80, we started on the MD-11F project. Developing the MD-11 was a much bigger task, taking over five years, as it’s a more complex and modern aircraft than the MD-80. We significantly raised the level of simulation with this model. Just as with the MD-80, we have continued to add features and improvements post-release, not just fixing the inevitable bugs but also expanding the aircraft’s features. We’re still working on enhancements and adding more functionality to the MD-11, including both the freighter and passenger versions. Your MD-80 has been a long-standing favourite in the X-Plane community, and the release of the MD-11 further solidified Rotate’s reputation for high-quality, detailed aircraft. How did the development process for the MD-11 differ from that of the MD-80, and what unique challenges did you face with each aircraft? The MD-11 is a more complex aircraft than the MD-80, as it’s a more modern and automated design. When we started developing the MD-11, we wanted to raise the bar on simulation and aim for what’s known in the flight simulation community as a “study level” model. We achieved what we set out to do, although there is always room for improvement, and we continue working on that. The MD-11 is a unique aircraft. Many people see it as a mix between a Boeing and an Airbus, which we believe is quite accurate. However, it also has its own distinct frame, aside from being a tri-jet, which gives it very specific flight characteristics and handling. This is especially noticeable during landing as it’s a challenging plane to land, especially if you’re used to flying other airliners, and we believe our model captures that distinct handling quality. What aspect of aircraft development for X-Plane do you find the most rewarding? Is it the flight dynamics, modelling, or something else? The flight dynamics in X-Plane is certainly one of its greatest strengths. Laminar makes a real effort to stay connected with third-party developers and provide the tools that allow for integrating products with varying levels of simulation into their platform. This flexibility is very appealing to us as developers. To reach the level of simulation we aim for at Rotate, we need a lot of intervention and customization within the simulator itself, which would not be possible if X-Plane weren’t designed with this adaptability in mind. Inspirations &amp; Influences Are there any specific aircraft, pilots, or developers who have influenced the way you approach designing aircraft for X-Plane? We’ve been fortunate to have the help of some real MD-80 and MD-11 pilots during the development and testing of both models. In terms of developers, PMDG has always been a source of inspiration for us. We’ve also spent many hours flying in the Leonardo MD-80. What drives you to create payware aircraft like the MD-80 and MD-11, and how far do you aim to take these models toward being "study-level" simulations? As a small team, it’s not always possible to reach the highest levels of accuracy and completeness in the first release. We approach our work as an ongoing process, aiming to deliver an experience that satisfies our audience from the start, while continuing to add what’s needed to make these models as solid and complete as possible. Keeping this approach sustainable is challenging and requires some compromise at times, but our goal remains clear: we are always committed to visual excellence, detailed systems simulation, and a realistic flight experience. Team Collaboration Can you share some insight into your team’s collaboration process? How do you work together to ensure each aircraft meets Rotate’s high standards? We’re all perfectionists, so meeting deadlines can be more of a challenge than maintaining high standards. Collaboration tends to come naturally to us. Sometimes we need to discuss certain details, and of course, there’s a lot of coordination involved, but overall, each of us focuses on our own part, and then we bring it all together. Have you ever collaborated with other developers or teams in the X-Plane community, and how did those experiences shape your projects? We stay in touch with other developers and occasionally coordinate with teams that create extensions for our products or work to make their products compatible with ours. However, we haven’t yet taken on any projects that require extensive collaboration. Personal Experience &amp; Hobbies Do any members of the Rotate team have real-life experience with the MD-80 or MD-11, or aviation in general? How has this experience influenced your approach to developing these aircraft for X-Plane? None of us have real aviation experience. Juan and Alfredo keep their feet on the ground as much as possible, and I do the same. In fact, some of us even have a fear of flying 🙂. Looking Ahead With the success of the MD-80 and MD-11, are there any new aircraft or features in development? Or are you focused on updates and improvements to your existing models? Right now, we are focused on maintaining and improving both the MD-80 and MD-11. We are listening to our audience, considering their requests and suggestions, and there is still more we want to do with these projects. We have also discussed future projects, but nothing is clear enough to announce just yet. Where do you see the future of flight simulation development heading, especially in relation to complex aircraft modelling for X-Plane? Have the frequent updates to X-Plane 12 helped or posed challenges to the development of your aircraft? Models are becoming more realistic all the time, both in terms of systems and visuals. Not long ago, it seemed like you couldn’t surpass what we call the “PMDG level,” but recently, new avenues have opened up to expand the experience even further. The most recent example is MSFS 2024, which will introduce features like a walking mode, career mode, and, of course, VR. When we first developed the MD-80, we didn’t consider including an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) because it wasn’t common at the time, but now it’s almost essential. So, we added that feature to both the MD-11 and MD-80 as well. We plan to keep adapting and responding to changes in the industry and the demands of our audience. Support &amp; Community What would you like the X-Plane community to know about how they can support Rotate and how much their support means to you? Buy our products, enjoy them, and give us feedback. Everything we do is for the community, for the people who buy and use our products. So far, we’ve received a lot of support and feedback from our customers about the features they want added, along with their expectations and priorities. We appreciate that tremendously, and we usually feel the same about adding features whenever possible. Their financial support has also enabled us to keep improving and building on our work, and we’re very grateful for that. We truly enjoy what we do and want to keep doing it. As long as this synergy continues, we’ll keep working hard to improve our products and hopefully add more to the lineup. A big thank you to Ivan and the team for sharing their journey with us. We look forward to seeing what they have in store next for the X-Plane community! Rotate's models are available for purchase at the Org Store. _______________________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span 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<a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg 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data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gca24e9737a76bf7aa8e17c5c71eeec5d'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2795256' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-10-30T16:45:23Z' title='10/30/2024 04:45 PM' data-short='Oct 30'>October 30</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2795256' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 13 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 32 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1729266875'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2788772' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 20th October - What&#039;s New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 20th October - What's New in the World of X-Plane Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane. Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). X-Plane 12 News The above image was taken from one of our featured articles and products... Payware Releases Airbus A330-900 neo by ToLiss by ToLiss_p_1952.html KCHS - Charleston International Airport ICON-A5 – VSKYLABS (update) Freeware Developer News Airbus A220-100 The team at Zombie Studios is still looking for modellers, texture artists, and coders. If you're able to help, you can find more details at the link below:;do=findComment&amp;comment=2788587 Boeing 737-500 for X-Plane 12 For updated instrument panel and glareshield dimensions, visit the following link:;do=findComment&amp;comment=2788310 RAF Little Staughton 1944/45 - Teaser Check out the latest animations and static vehicles added, with a possible release by Remembrance Day:;do=findComment&amp;comment=2785502 For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 UKOH Kherson 1.0 By simbambim LFEY Ile d'Yeu 1.0 By leroy29 Aircraft X-Plane 12 Blackburn Beverly CMK1 By MarcelleO Utilities Cloud Tweaks V2 1.0.7 By onureozcan If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. XPlaneReviews Don't forget to check out the latest articles from the guys at XPlaneReviews: Aircraft Review: Airbus A330-941 NEO by ToLiss By Stephen Dutton Airport of the Week Can you guess the name of the airport below? If so, why not attach a screenshot (no photographs please) in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) Clue: This airport lies beneath imposing mountains, a gateway for those bold enough to venture into the unknown. Named after a Scottish valley, it offers the perfect setting for a high fantasy journey. Here, a determined ranger might even declare his loyalty in the face of the greatest peril, so be careful where your path leads. Well done to J.K., Dennis Powell, Mike Kemp, thelofiboy, skycycle, and MarcXP, who all correctly guessed last week’s airport, which was Tri-Cities Airport (KTRI). X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos [XP12] The Toliss A330 is here! *PRE-RELEASE" | LFBO - LEAL | GCTS - LPMA | DrishalMAC2 Piloting AIRBUS A330 out of San Francisco | Cockpit Views If you enjoyed this week's digest, don't forget to give it a like. It means a lot and helps keep the momentum going! Stay safe and see you next week! Dominic ______________________________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g95d847be403c696cf3a5f6135397de37'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g95d847be403c696cf3a5f6135397de37'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g95d847be403c696cf3a5f6135397de37'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2788772' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-10-18T15:54:35Z' title='10/18/2024 03:54 PM' data-short='Oct 18'>October 18</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2788772' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 11 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 13 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1728659384'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2785073' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Sunday 13th October - What&#039;s New in the World of X-Plane</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Weekly Digest - X-Plane News</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Sunday 13th October - What's New in the World of X-Plane Welcome to our weekly roundup of everything X-Plane. Here you find a snippet of this week's major events, including standout freeware releases, X-Plane 12 news, developer updates, plus reviews from the guys and gals at XPlaneReviews. If you enjoy staying up to date with all things X-Plane, please consider following the Weekly Digest (remember you need to be registered). X-Plane 12 News The above image was taken from one of our featured downloads… Laminar Research Releases 12.1.2 as Final Payware Releases Mango Studios A340 Trent 556 Engine Mod LFRE- La Baule Escoublac (update) Citation C-560XL by AirSim3D XP12 (update) Gulfstream G550 Business Jet (update Diamond Katana DA20 C1 (update) Cessna 404 Titan Bellanca Aircruiser 66-75 Payware Developer News COWS - Introducing DA42-VI &amp; TDI Latest update on VNAV development, with progress on the VNV Profile, constraint handling, and more:;do=findComment&amp;comment=2783581 Freeware Developer News AH-64D Apache Longbow The fully animated main rotor is now complete, illustrating blade flex at rest and flap under load:;do=findComment&amp;comment=2784906 RFB X-114 Wing-in-Ground-Effect Craft More progress on the Lycoming IO-360 engine and 3D model:;do=findComment&amp;comment=2784177 For additional insights and updates, make sure to delve into the recent posts in the portal. Remember, the newsletter and portal work hand in hand to keep you informed. Bomber County Gateway Trust: "On Freedom's Wings" Sometimes, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of new aircraft or add-ons, but I’d like to take a moment to point you towards something a little different we published this week. Our latest article is all about the Lancaster bomber and the amazing people working to honour the pilots and crews who flew these iconic aircraft. It tells an important story. If it wasn't for those brave heroes and their sacrifices, our world might look very different today. So, if you’ve got a few minutes, give it a read. It's worth it. Freeware Files Scenery X-Plane 12 Bolshiye Shiraki 1.0 By DC-3 Pilot Aircraft X-Plane 12 Fairey Gannet AS1/ AS4/ COD4/ T5 By alpeggio If you’re a freeware developer working on a project and have some news you would like to share, please contact me via PM and I will cover it in the next update. Airport of the Week Can you guess the name of the airport below? If so, why not attach a screenshot (no photographs please) in the comments section...but DO NOT mention the name (gives others a chance) Clue: If you enjoy the taste of whisky and the sounds of country music, this airport might just be for you. Located near a crossroads connecting several cities, it sits close to a mountain range that stretches nearly the length of the eastern part of the country. Can you guess the airport? X-Plane 12 Tips This forum section provides tips for solving common and not-so-common X-Plane 12 problems. By Dave Britzius This week's X-Plane Videos Real 737 Pilot LIVE | Los Angeles to Hawaii in the Colimata Concorde v3.5 | X-Plane 12 WIP: VSKYLABS 'Test-Pilot': ICON A5 v4.0 for X-Plane 12! Coming Soon! "Cornfield Bomber" The Dambusters - Gibsons Attack Stay safe and see you next week! Dominic ______________________________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g33e0e45a65973ad4ae7f5d283cae3990'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g33e0e45a65973ad4ae7f5d283cae3990'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='g33e0e45a65973ad4ae7f5d283cae3990'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2785073' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-10-11T15:09:44Z' title='10/11/2024 03:09 PM' data-short='Oct 11'>October 11</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2785073' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 8 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 15 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1728566646'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Post'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container ipsStreamItem_titleSmall'> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2784414' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> What Plane Did You Fly Today? (Maximum 2 shots per post, one post per day please!)</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> replied to <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Viper's profile" class="ipsType_break">Viper</a>'s topic in <a href=''>ScreenShots And videos</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Soaring over the Middle East in the iconic Convair F-106 Delta Dart, by "alpeggio". </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gb80bc9eceaa782b979affe0ba2521b15'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gb80bc9eceaa782b979affe0ba2521b15'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsStreamItem_meta ipsGap:1'> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a rel="nofollow" href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2784414' class='ipsType_blendLinks'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> <time datetime='2024-10-10T13:24:06Z' title='10/10/2024 01:24 PM' data-short='Oct 10'>October 10</time></a> </li> <li class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2784414' class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-comment'></i> 96,566 replies </a> </li> <li> <div class='ipsReactOverview ipsReactOverview_small ipsType_light'> <ul> <li class='ipsReactOverview_repCount'> 22 </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Like"> <img src='' alt="Like"> </span> </li> <li> <span data-ipsTooltip title="Thanks"> <img src='' alt="Thanks"> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li class='ipsStreamItem ipsStreamItem_contentBlock ipsStreamItem_expanded ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad ' data-role='activityItem' data-timestamp='1728393067'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_container ipsClearfix'> <div class='ipsStreamItem_header ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_mini'> <span class='ipsStreamItem_contentType' data-ipsTooltip title='Topic'><i class='fa fa-comments'></i></span> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target=";do=hovercard" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_mini" title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile"> <img src='' alt='Dominic Smith' loading="lazy"> </a> <div class=''> <h2 class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_title ipsContained_container '> <span class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href=';do=findComment&amp;comment=2783538' data-linkType="link" data-searchable> Bomber County Gateway Trust: &quot;On Freedom&#039;s Wings&quot;</a> </span> </h2> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsStreamItem_status ipsType_blendLinks'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target=';do=hovercard' title="Go to Dominic Smith's profile" class="ipsType_break">Dominic Smith</a> posted a topic in <a href=''>Interviews - Developer Spotlight</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsStreamItem_snippet ipsType_break'> <div class='ipsType_richText ipsContained ipsType_medium'> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-type='remove' data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines' data-ipsTruncate-watch='false'> Bomber County Gateway Trust: "On Freedom's Wings" Memorial Project - Interview Conducted by Dominic Smith Lincolnshire, affectionately known as “Bomber County,” has a deep aviation history that remains close to many hearts. Now, a new project called “On Freedom’s Wings” is taking shape to honour that legacy, offering a tribute to the Lancaster bomber and the brave crews who flew them. I had the pleasure of speaking with Ken Sadler from the Bomber County Gateway Trust, the team behind this ambitious endeavour. In our interview, Ken discusses the inspiration for the landmark, the challenges they’ve faced, and the incredible support from the community and beyond. It’s a story of dedication, resilience, and a true passion for preserving history. Introduction Ken, can you begin by telling us a bit about the inspiration behind the "On Freedom’s Wings" project? What was the initial spark that led to the creation of this memorial? Officially it’s a landmark rather than a memorial but of course people are free to find a connection however they wish. The UK has some outstanding landmarks, and it was felt that Lincolnshire’s identity as Bomber County was ripe for further recognition. After a very long period of being maligned, the memorial in Green Park, London righted that wrong and the International Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln then became the main source of records for Bomber Command. We just wanted a gate guard to the county that is an immediate visual connection to that proud heritage. The Lancaster bomber holds a significant place in history. Why was it important for you to honour this particular aircraft and its crew? The landmark is representative of all aircraft associated with the county but for authenticity, there has to be the markings for a particular one. VN-N (R5689) happened to be the most photographed Lancaster during the period party because it featured prominently in a press day in the summer of 1942 when 50 Squadron received its first Lancasters at RAF Swinderby (around one mile away from the site). Research revealed that the same aircraft crashed close to the site in September 1942 with the loss of four of its seven crew. We even found small parts of the wreckage in the woodland, so the connection became inevitable. What challenges have you faced so far in bringing the memorial to life, and how have you overcome them? The project is entirely funded by public donations and the generosity of local businesses. We’ve reached out to the government and other authorities on numerous occasions but have received no tangible support. As a project, its cost would be at least £2million but we’ve progressed it so far with a fraction of that sum, having enjoyed donations of materials and labour from engineering and construction firms. All the trustees and the small fund-raising team have full-time jobs and have given everything for free to the project. The design and scale of the memorial sound incredible. Can you walk us through some of the key features and details that visitors can expect? It’s a full-size representation. We took a laser scan of Just Jane – the Lancaster forming part of the visitor centre at East Kirkby, Lincolnshire and engaged some very talented structural engineers and architects to produce the engineering drawings that reflect our vision. The structure will weigh around ninety-five tons, sitting atop a 25m high stanchion which itself is around twenty-six tons. We poured foundations containing 1300 tons of concrete – we want to prevent this Lancaster from actually taking off! At 30m tall it's 50% taller than the Angel of the North and, for around 34000 motorists per day, it will appear as if the Lancaster is flying close to the horizon on the nearby hilltop. What has the response been like from the local community and aviation enthusiasts so far? Has it met or exceeded your expectations? Without the overwhelming support of the public, locally, county-wide, nationally and even internationally, it would have been difficult to keep going at times. We knew it would be well received and there was even a media scrum at the District Planning Committee meeting when the application was unanimously approved. I think the planners even leaked it to the press beforehand! However, even we have been surprised by the emotion that it brings out in people. We have the most heart-wrenching letters on file from widows and other family-members telling us how their loved ones paid the ultimate price flying Lancasters, and cheques for sums that you suspect they can’t really afford – but it’s so important to them that future generations ask, “what is that and why is it there?”. The East Midlands is known for its rich aviation heritage. How do you see the "On Freedom's Wings" project fitting into or enhancing that history? The vast majority of Bomber Command, and indeed a large part of today’s RAF is based in the region. Lincolnshire has extensive heritage trails that draw visitors in, and we see this as the number one sign that visitors have arrived in the area. Are there any stories or moments from working on this project that have stood out to you personally? We were so honoured to have a dozen veterans break the ground for us at a large ceremony on site, including Dambuster, George “Johnny” Johnson. Johnny was guest speaker at our fundraising dinner which raised almost £30,000 on the night and he was such a gentleman and enthusiastic supporter. Sadly, hardly any of those veterans are with us anymore which is heart-breaking because we promised to have it finished for them to see. But we completed the structural frame only last week and displayed it at the yard of our fabrication partners, Timmins Engineering &amp; Construction, for friends and families of those involved to see. The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight provided a fly-over in “Thumper” which was very special. They even took a “recon” photo of us as they flew over and were very excited to discuss it all afterwards. For those who want to support the project, what ways can people get involved or contribute? We need to raise around £50,000 more to purchase the steel for the final stage, which is the application of the skin. If you’d like to support the project, there’s a donation button available on our website: Looking ahead, what are the next major steps for the project, and when can people expect to see it completed? The timescale has continually slipped because of Covid, other crises and the fact that we are building the landmark without any official funding. However, we are planning to erect at least part of the finished sections on site sometime next year, assuming that we are able to raise the funds going forward. Finally, what do you hope visitors and future generations take away from the experience of visiting the memorial? Personally, we’d like to think it provokes some pride in the area, what Britain can and has achieved when absolutely necessary and to halt the decline in our values. But others will have different hopes, personal to themselves and they’re probably more important. The 'On Freedom’s Wings' project is a remarkable tribute to those who served and sacrificed in the skies. As it comes together, it will not only honour the past but also keep the legacy of the Lancaster and its crews alive for future generations. _______________________________ </div> </div> <div class='ipsFlex ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller="core.front.core.lightboxedImages" data-ipsLazyLoad> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gf84885a565a3cb887460e78702974d10'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gf84885a565a3cb887460e78702974d10'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' data-ipsLightbox data-ipsLightbox-group='gf84885a565a3cb887460e78702974d10'> <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' data-background-src=""> <img src="//" data-src='' > </span> </a> </div> <div> <a href='' 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